My Former Succubus 2: A Holiday To RememberChapter 6: Making My Brother Happy free porn video

"Hey. I've got some bad news," I said to my brother.
"You talked to AM, right?" asked Dave
"She told you she wants to break up with me?"
"Yeah. She said that since you both are going to different colleges..."
"Her college being ten miles away from yours," he sneered. I didn't bother to respond.
"That's why you should end things now," I finished.
I responded, "Because she knows that you like somebody else ... somebody who'll be going to State with you."
"Monica Fennelli."
"Why would I want to be with that slut?"
"Because she's hot."
"Yeah, but she's one of the biggest ho-bags in my class. She's got a boyfriend, you know."
"True, but they are going to different colleges. AM told me she's really hot for you too."
"She's come on to me more times than I could even count. I can't believe she said that she wanted a real man for a boyfriend. I don't know why George is such a pussy about that bitch. I'd dump her in a heartbeat if I heard her say something like that about me."
"Maybe it's because she likes you, not him. So you should take her."
"I'm not a douche bag who'd take some other guy's girl," he looked at me and I guessed that his words had a purpose.
"Look, bro. I never meant to come between you and AM. A lot of shit has gone down with her and trust me, you were right to be worried. You should also know that some it was your fault."
"What the fuck could be my fault?!"
"Trust me Little Brother, you don't want to know," I glared back at him.
My brother was a slacker, but he was a smart guy. I am sure somewhere in the area of his brain that had been dedicated to worrying about AM, what actually happened to her was his worst case scenario. He had realized that there was a chance that AM could be or could have gotten pregnant after their sexual mishap of a couple months ago. The other thing is that for all of my brother's immaturity, he was not a bad guy at heart. He truly loved AM. The fact that he was going with AM showed that he appreciated brains in a girl. She was a very attractive girl, but he probably could have gone out with girls who were more classically beautiful or hotter than Ann Marie Lipke, but as the total package, the girl was beyond compare.
When I saw his eyes soften, I knew there would be no further resistance. "Is she OK?" he asked.
"Not completely, but she will be," I lied, knowing that AM was as happy as I was at the moment (and that was completely happy).
That night after we had dinner with my family, I walked into Clayton's with my entourage of women (Beth, AM and Reenee) and my brother. We were meeting up with Mike and Maira. My brother immediately peeled off to talk to some friends. I didn't take long for people to notice the three women that were huddled around me.
"Joshua, my dear, you certainly have a lovely group of admirers tonight," interjected Stephanie Van Allen.
"Shit, bro!" grinned my old friend Steve Carter. Steve went to State along with Stephanie, but I guess had not gotten back to town until today.
"Hey Steve!" I grinned, as I hugged my friend.
Steve was a fairly tall black guy. He, Mike and I considered ourselves "Three Amigos" (though admitted not as funny as Chase, Martin and Short, but hopefully cooler ... well at least Mike and Steve were). Mike and Steve had played Basketball in High School, but Mike was the real star and went on to get a scholarship at a "Division One University". Steve walked onto the team at State, but was concentrating more on his studies.
After breaking the clinch, Beth resumed her grasp on my arm. Steve smiled at me. "OK, I know your brother's gf and Mike's ex, but who is this stunning young woman on your arm?" I could tell that Steve was in "flirt mode". I don't think he was truly serious about putting the moves on my girl, but it was a well known fact that Steve's weakness was lovely women and he always got into "impress mode" when a new lovely woman came onto the scene.
"Hi. You must be Josh's friend, Steve. I'm his girlfriend Beth Andros," said my girlfriend, as she somehow shimmered and looked even more beautiful.
"Wow. I must say that I think you're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen," said my friend trying to be smooth. Of course Beth was not having any of it.
"You only think?" she asked.
"What?" asked Steve.
"You only 'think', I'm the most beautiful woman that you've ever seen?"
"Uh ... I mean..." stammered Steve.
Beth interrupted. "You see, what I love about Josh is that he KNOWS I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen."
I laughed. "I do," which earned a kiss.
"I know too!" laughed Stephanie.
"Me too," said Stephanie's sister, Jennifer. I was pretty sure at this point that the Van Allen sisters were solidly bisexual. I thought the fact that Steve was hanging out with them to be interesting. While Steve and Stephanie had been somewhat friendly in high school and were attending the same college. Steve always had the hots for Stephanie, but her family parents were pretty snobbish. My dad was a CFO for a medium sized local company, so Stephanie's family was happy that I escorted her to the Senior Prom. While they may not have been specifically racist, I'm sure that a young African-American man from the wrong side of the tracks was not the Van Allen's first choice as a suitor for their daughter. Stephanie knew where her bread was buttered and had always seemed to make a sport out of rebuffing Steve's advances.
"Why thank you, lovely ladies," laughed Beth. "Of course Doreen and Ann Marie are incredibly beautiful too," she said, breaking her clinch with me and pulling each to them into an embrace. "As you can see, Josh is a lucky guy."
I looked at the girls and they were smiling. I could almost see the pink glow emanating from their bodies and I felt my cock begin to rise. I was awoken from my thoughts by Steve's voice whispering in my ear
"Josh ... all three?! Ann Marie and the fucking Boobapocalypse?! Shit, bro! You da man!"
Reenee broke her clasp with Beth and hotly kissed me; making sure to rub her huge melons into my chest. Since Dave was breaking the news to his friends about him and AM breaking up, she was a little more circumspect out of respect for Dave, but that did not stop her from gazing at me adoringly.
"Where can a girl sign up to part of Josh's 'Posse of Pussy'," came Stephanie's voice.
I heard Beth's magical laugh. "I'm sorry, the 'posse' is not accepting new members at this time, but Josh will review your qualifications and we'll call you if there's an opening."
Luckily, I was still kissing Doreen and was somewhat distracted, otherwise, I might have laughed my ass off.
My cock was now rock hard because Reenee was now grinding her sexy, lower torso into 'little Josh-ee' and I was on the verge of cumming in my pants.
Somewhere in my lust hazed brain, I heard my friend's voice. "Dude, it's so uncool to hoard all of the pussy for yourself."
"Oh stop complaining. I already got you a girlfriend," snorted Stephanie.
"But she's a lesbian," griped Steve.
"Yeah, but she's in love with your cock, right?"
"I guess so."
I broke my clinch with Reenee before I got past the point of clean underwear. "OK, this I gotta hear," I laughed.
Stephanie and Steve then went into the story of how they had been frequently hooking up for sex up at State. Last term, Stephanie got a new roommate. Her name was Beatrice and she was a lovely, blond lipstick lesbian. "She of course fell head-over-heels in love with me," recounted Stephanie. "It got to the point that after a week of girl-on-girl, only with her, I was missing cock, so I gave lover boy here a booty call. I had already prepared Bea for the fact that while I would be licking her, Jethro here's long pud would be giving me the good fucking I needed."
"I think I fell in love with Bea at first sight," admitted Steve.
"You seem to fall in love with all of the girls at first sight," laughed Beth.
That shut Steve up, but Stephanie continued. "Yeah, I could tell that Steve was smitten with my roommate and while she had become fond of Steve, she fell in completely in love with his cock. I mean, it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. She was mesmerized watching it pump in and out of me. After we were done, she said it was beautiful and asked if she could touch it. Then she began to sniff it and lick my pussy juice off of it. It wasn't long before she was giving him her first actual BJ."
"Yeah, she didn't really know what she was doing, but I got so horny when she started to rub my cock all over her face, painting it with my pre-cum before sticking it back in her mouth again," relayed Steve.
"TMI," I cried and we all laughed.
"Anyway, on our third session, Bea asked for Steve to fuck her with his 'beautiful penis', as she called it. When I asked if she were on any birth control, she said 'no'. She then asked if Steve had a condom."
"I didn't have one because Stephanie was protected. Now here's the fucked up part. She said to fuck her anyway and she would get a 'morning after pill'."
"Bea was technically a virgin, but had had other things in her pussy, so she felt little pain, but she was cumming on his cock almost from the moment he put it in her."
Steve grinned at me. "Unfortunately, you never got to fuck Stephanie..."
"A problem I want to rectify soon," interrupted my prom date.
This caused Steve to glare at her, before he continued. He was clearly annoyed at his fuck buddy. "And Stephanie is a great lay," he added pointedly, "but Bea is the wildest ride I've ever had. At one point, we weren't even fucking. She had clasped her dancer legs ... Oh by the way, she's a dance major," he grinned. "Anyway she clasped her legs and heels around my butt and then we were fucking see-sawing as I tried to fuck in and out of her, but her legs wouldn't let me have any purchase. It did not really matter. I was so turned on and she was so tight that we were both cumming. In the afterglow, I wanted to kiss her, but instead she rolled us over on our sides, leaving me still deep in her, snuggled her face into my chest and we fell asleep that way."
"Yeah, dude! She fell in love with your cock; not you," laughed Stephanie.
Steve continued to get teased by Stephanie, Jennifer and a few girls from Jennifer's clique. As much as I wanted to hear more of my friend's tale of woe, I knew I had business to deal with involving my brother. The problem is that Steve would not be deterred. Having seen my newfound harem, I could tell that he wanted to question me about it. I saw him get futher pissed at Stephanie's antics when she turned the topic back to being part of my "pussy posse"; especially when she offered to sweeten the deal to become my lover.
"I'll let you fuck my sister," said Stephanie.
"Hey!" complained Jennifer.
Stephanie sneered, "Like you haven't thought of eating Beth's pussy, while Josh fucks you."
A far off look came over Jennifer's eyes. "Yeah ... that would be nice."
I looked at Beth and she waggled her eyebrows at me. "Please," I said sarcastically.
Beth gave me a look that told me that we were going to talk about this later. All of a sudden, I imagine Jennifer riding my cock, while Stephanie sat on my face. I knew if Reenee had still been kissing me, I would have been walking around with a wad in my pants. Then Steve caught my attention and pulled me to a corner table for a quiet conversation.
"Dude! You perfected your hypnosis project, didn't you?!" he accused.
"No, I didn't!" I technically spoke the truth.
"But you got something to work. There's no other explanation. Doreen may look like a porn star, but she never kissed Mike like she just kissed you. That chick Beth is a goddess. She's not only out of your league, but my league and perhaps the whole fucking human race's league. But she's willing to share you. I know Ann Marie has always liked you, but to dump your brother like this..."
"OK! Enough! There's some truth in what you say, but it's not the hypnosis that got me the girls. It's Beth."
"Yeah. Let's just say that for some reason, she's completely in love with me, but also completely bisexual. She's also persuasive as hell!"

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