That Duck Was Pissed Parts 1 & 2 free porn video

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That Duck Was Pissed!
Part One

Wetzel, a popular high school friend of mine and me use to set together in class and although I had, had the boyhood exploration, experimental gay attraction encounters when I was in grade school, I was never! in lust with anyone like I was with Wetzel.
Wetzel was a comedian, very energetic and one hell of a looker. He had honey brown hair that he kept so clean that you could count every gleaming strand. His facial features were smooth and delicate and very! attractive---he had that innocent little boy look that I loved so much. He always smelled great like, he just got out of the shower. And he had a ass that was unbelievable!
Now, don’t get me wrong I had girlfriends; as a matter of fact I had all I could handle and we fucked on a regular basis---I loved pussy and I liked head from girls even more. I always picked the extremely attractive, petite girls; I loved that little ass and little titts---I loved that feeling that I was their protector because they were small and they looked up to me. I liked eating their wet, wild, young pussies.
Be that as it may, when I first met Wetzel, he in no way knew I was attracted to him sexually; at least that’s what I thought---no one else ever thought I was gay, I’d kick their ass and they knew it because, in high school I’d fight at the drop of a hat and I’d supply the hat.
Wetzel on the other hand, let people scare him. When a bully in school would pick on him, he would avoid that person at all cost. When I would ask him about it---he was so scared I just wanted to hold him. I had never met any one like him and I don’t to this day know why but, when he was scared like that----it gave me a raging hard on.
We never talked about it but, now that I look back on it maybe he was offering me a trade off in a way------you take care of me and make sure I don’t get hurt and I’ll take care of your needs, this is how it started with Wetzel and me.
Although, I didn’t realize it then it wasn’t long after I took up for him the first time he started letting me know “what the deal was.” One day I skipped school and a guy that was in another class than ours started some shit with Wetzel because he said, he looked so feminine; the next day when I came back Wetzel was setting where we always did looking like a lost puppy. “Hey, what’s wrong Wetzel,” I ask. as soon as I was seated beside him, he was about to cry. “Has someone been fucking with you,” I ask, shaking I was so pissed. Wetzel still didn’t answer, just hung his head like he was ashamed.
That’s when I noticed a few people that sat around us staring; I looked around the room like what the fuck? When, finally another of our friends Joe spoke up and told me what was going on and he wasn’t to happy to do so because no one! liked it when I got mad----I’d go nuts and they all new it. “one of them guys from Evendale was picking on him when you weren’t here yesterday,” Joe informed me. I winked at Joe and said, “Thanks man---thanks for telling me.” When, I looked back at Wetzel he was still looking scared and dejected. “That’s cool, that’s cool----THAT’S FUCKIN’ COOL---he’s fuckin’ dead!“ I yelled, and still setting in my seat I kicked three chairs and a table, at one time----twelve feet into the blackboard at the front of the room----no one looked at me---they were use to me fighting someone everyday and they knew Wetzel was my friend.
This is where it gets weird, try to follow me here okay? I knew that whoever had done this was already going to get there ass kicked in but, I also thought because I got mad, that Wetzel would be even more scared than he was which subconsciously that‘s probably what I was trying to do--which was fine with me because I knew no one was going to hurt him as long as I was around, not even me but, that was just the thing that gave me a hard on----and I liked! having a hard on, especially around Wetzel.
When I was done ranting and raving, I looked over at Wetzel to see his reaction; more like to see if he understood that whoever did this to him, was just as good as finished, I thought he’d be shaking in his seat. Quite the contrary, he looked relieved, smiling almost, happy it seemed. And no matter how much I loved it when he was scared or needed my protection, I was glad to see he was ok. For the first, time and almost immediately after I let him know he had nothing to worry about, that he was ok----he placed his hand on my inner thigh, his palm touching my cock and balls and squeezing gently, looked at me licking his tender lips and went “mmmmmuh!” Yes, Wetzel was a paradox, scared to death of a bully and yet! had the nerve and courage to grab one of the biggest rednecks in the schools cock!-----gotta love’im.
Soon after that someone pointed the guy out to me that fucked with Wetzel and I beat him down! in the hallway.
Now, that I knew how to get a sexual response out of Wetzel, I couldn’t wait for someone to fuck with him. They would fuck with him, I’d fuck with them and Wetzel would “fuck,” with me---almost, every ones happy.
Knowing what I know now, after that first time Wetzel grabbed my dick, I see that I should’ve taken him out and got him real horny and introduced him to my cock---head to head. I’m almost positive he would’ve went down on me if I had only ask him to. But, that was back in the day when things weren’t so open----that’s a shame, people need to do that when they’re young. No, I had to figure a way that not only was he playing with me but, I could make an advance on him and feel his wonderful body too.
One day, we were sitting in a lab class at one of those tables that hide your lower half and Wetzel wasn’t paying attention to me and I got pissed and I directed my anger at him, “what the fucks wrong with you Wetzel?’ I said, angrily. And, that was all it took to wake his ass up. “What do you mean?” Wetzel replied, wide eyed and scared. “Well, I’m sittin’ here talking to you and you’re acting like you’re a thousand miles away!” I said, more angry than before. Wetzel’s face and neck were turning red, he started getting nervous then, he laid his hand on my knee because he knew how to calm me down when I was mad at someone else----he knew that when I was mad all he had to do was touch me and look at me with that good looking face with that worried look and I’d calm right down----I was whooped.
Thing about it was, I had him going and I knew it and he had never saw me mad at him! I was going to parlay this situation right into----- “you owe me a good feel of your cock for not paying attention,” I thought. Then he would learn the lesson that when I’m mad-------he needed to put out; that he needed to submit! Yes, that’s what I wanted---I already had the best looking girls in the school sucking my dick----but, if I could make the best looking guy! do it! I’m the King.
My cock was rock hard and I think Wetzel knew it which belied my emotions of anger which he couldn’t quite figure out. I shoved his hand off my knee glaring at him “fuck you Wetzel,” I said, hoping to increase fear in him and his submissive nature even more. It worked like a charm. “Don’t be mad at me please,” he begged, his beautiful emerald eyes welling up with tears. “Damned,” I thought, maybe I went to far-------I wanted to just hug him right then and there and tell him “every things gonna be ok Wetzel, I’m not mad at you honey, don‘t cry I can‘t stand it when you cry” but, I couldn’t. This was one lesson I wanted to make sure he understood so that things could escalate from there---he was already touching me---now I wanted him to know, I would be touching him.
He tried putting his hand back again and I shoved it off “just fuck you man!” I said, staring at him because I knew that would increase the fear factor. He was truly crying now and trying not to let anyone see him doing it “Hey,” he whispered to me trying to get my attention but, I ignored him which really! made him cry “Hey---please,” he tried again and I turned and just stared at him; he stared back---tears rolling down his face. I turned my head away from him and I could see out of the corner of my eye Wetzel hanging his head, playing with his fingers, staring at his lap----crying.
Without, turning back to look at him I patted his knee closet to me several times, wrapped my hand around his leg in no uncertain terms----rubbed the inside of his thigh and let my hand come to rest directly on his cock. To my surprise, his dick was half hard! Hmmm, I get hard causing fear and he gets hard being scared----I think I love him. I could feel a massive amounts of heat from his groin as I played with his penis, the material covering his now stiff cock was getting moist and I could smell the cotton of his pants and underwear-----I could swear there was a faint smell of what must be his gorgeous cock.
Still not looking his way but, being able to see him, he had stopped crying, straightened up in his chair----moved closer to me and seemed to have come back to life. Finally, I turned looking at him and when he looked back I gave him a sideways grin and looked off again----Wetzel moved closer giving me better access to his cock so, much to my satisfaction-------it was on!

To be continued……..

That Duck Was Pissed!
Part Two

Now that Wetzel understood how he should act; I told him he was going fishing with me the next weekend. On this trip, I wanted to more than touch him----I wanted to suck his beautiful, tender dick while I held that firm, young ass in my hands, I wanted his churning balls in my mouth and to lick his shaft clean as wave after wave of youthful sperm spilled from his superb piss hole.
The pay lake we were going to was “Chief’s Lake,” that was a striking lake that sat on rolling property with old trees at either end and oftentimes, when the water was calm, it mirrored sunsets of the finest quality. Hues of reds, blues and purples were reflected in the wide, flat lake in the evening, doubling the pleasure of the coming dusk.
On our way to the lake I kept my hand between Wetzel’s left thigh and making sure I gave his balls and stiff cock a couple strokes every now and then. I could feel the heat of his groin building and the front of his boyish pants getting moist from perspiration from his cock and balls.
It was a couple hours before dark and Wetzel and I had already polished off four or five beers by the time we arrived at the Chief’s lake. Our conversation was fun and motivated----we were going to have a great time and I think we even brought a couple fishing poles.
Arriving in the parking lot we unloaded our equipment and headed to the opposite end of the lake which was Wetzel’s idea. It was nice, lots of trees, secluded and lots of flat clean bank that we could romp on. Once we got settled in I handed Wetzel a beer and grabbed one myself. “Hey, Wetzel come here a second,” I said, in a tone that was out of character for me and Wetzel noticed at once. He immediately, came over to me and I could see that he was starting to get that worried look, “What,” he said, “did I do something wrong---are you mad at me?” he said and gave me an impish grin. That’s when I knew he was playing with me and he knew I wasn’t mad. “Seriously, I want to talk to you for a second before we get started fishing and this isn’t going to be easy for me so listen okay?”
I had sat down on the bank and Wetzel set down beside me; he looked at me as I looked out over the sunset’s echo on the lake, probably the most beautiful ever----he did the same. The beers by now were hitting me and before I told Wetzel what I had to tell him, I wanted to clear my head. “Wetz,” I began, being very serious----- “I….I….don’t really know how to tell you this but……” I stopped and I could tell Wetzel was anxious to hear what I had to say but, you know…I knew, I would finish-----I just wanted it to be right! I leaned over toward him and started kissing him on the back and shoulder, “I love you,” I said. He dropped his head and exhaled smiling as if someone had just taken a hundred pounds off his back-----he put his hand on my leg, took a swig of his beer and said, “ I love you too.” It was a perfect thing, on a perfect day, on a perfect, sun drenched lake.
Wetzel and I fished for awhile until it was past midnight. We had some nice bites with one breaking my line---a cat fisherman I’m not! The beers flowed freely and we seemed more at ease now that our true feelings were in the open and trusting fully that it would remain between he and I. Our communication and touching became uncomplicated---we both felt better.
I was out beyond our campsite and tent looking for firewood and had found some over by a tree that had roots out in the water. With my arms piled high with firewood I carried it up to just beyond our campsite and dropped it there. As I was walking back into the light of the campfire I noticed Wetzel looked up quickly, taking a short quick breath; behind and beside me like he was startled and didn’t have time to say anything. I didn’t think and just reacted, putting my fist up with my knuckles facing backward just over my shoulder---I felt something impact my fist and when I turned to look-----it was a duck and she was pissed---“What the fuck?” Wetzel said, after he had regained his composure. “I think I took some wood from her nest while I was hunting firewood,” I told him. The duck waddled back off down the trail dazed and Wetzel and I laughed until we couldn’t hardly stand-----when we finally stopped, I had my arm around Wetzel and was holding him close. We gazed longingly, into each others eyes-----we kissed softly and ravenously. I took him by the hand and led him into the tent.
When we were inside I zipped the flaps shut then turned to Wetzel who was about to fall down from all the beers we drank----damned he was cute! I put my arm around his waist, kissed him on the lips, unbuckled his pants pushed them down to his ankles--- “hey! what’s this?” I ask, when I noticed he had on laced, white, thong cotton panties. Putting his hands up and locking his fingers together behind my neck, letting his arms hang loosely---he looked me in the eyes and said, “I just thought you might like them on me.” Holding him gently by the hips and kissing him again, “Well, you were wrong,” I said. “Wrong! You don’t like them?” he ask, his feelings hurt. “Hell no! I don’t like them,” I said, “I fucking love! them,” I teased.
His feet were bare and his ass looked perfect in his white panties. “Wetzel take your shirt off,” I told him and he obeyed right away. “Mmmm!” I murmured, rubbing his prominent Abs., and pecs with my left hand and cupping his left ass cheek with my right hand, pulling him close and kissing him again, “Mmmmmuh, ohhhhh, mmmm, yah, mmmmm-----mmmmmuh!” he moaned.
I turned the lantern on low, that was hanging in the middle of the tent so he could watch me do him and stripped down to my underwear. I kneeled down in front of Wetzel’s dick and placed my face in his groin my hands caressing the firmness of his boy ass----smelling his manhood, it was intoxicating. I could smell his pungent cock through the smell of the cotton panties and a faint smell of urine that made me horny as hell. I gathered his laced panties up in my hand by the leg holes which made his nice peter look like it was pulled up in a jock strap, his soft pubic hair coming out on both sides and I licked on both sides of it leaving trails of saliva on both sides of his cock and testicles.
I looked up at him and he was watching me intently stroking the back of my head softly. I kept my eyes on his exquisite, emerald eyes as I pulled his panties down to his knees. I took his tender, semi hard penis in my right hand and lifted it up where I could lick the under side of it------when I got to the head of his six and half inch cock, I let it rest on my tongue and his piss hole rested on the middle of my upper lip, while we continued eye contact.
As I slid my tongue back and forth on the underside of his penis, he closed his eyes and his knees buckled slightly. I licked and sucked his cock as I examined every square inch of it; I wanted to know it better than my own----it smelled so! good. It was completely hard-----so hard, that the purplish colored head of it was shinny, the rim of it was covered in my spit and the top of it from there to his pubic hair was long and smooth with barely visible bluish, green colored veins. A brownish ring that is actually a scar from where he was circumcised encircles his dick about one and a half inches from the head of it. The sides of it round symmetrically to a grooved area on either side underneath with a little hump in the middle that runs the length, back to his ball sack. On his left, side of it is a big vein that runs back to another one that “Y’s,” off and runs around to the other side of his cock and they both join going back to his nuts. There’s tiny stretch lines on his hard on, that let’s his peter expand as it gets hard, encircling it from the head to his pubes. His balls hang unevenly in his sack with the left one just a little lower than the right, their outline is not exactly round but, more egg shaped---from the top of his cock by his pubic area to the bottom of his sack is about four and a half inches. His nut sack is slightly browner in color than his fantastic cock.
Holding his balls carefully in the palm of my right hand, I began to deep throat his cock---the head of it pushing on the back of my throat expanding--------wiping off his pre cum there. My left hand cups the bottom half of his right butt cheek as my middle finger began to search for his dank, unexplored butt hole but when I got close, he always tightened his ass denying my finger access. As we make eye contact again Wetzel begins to moan holding the back of my head with both hands, as I lovingly lick and suck him. Removing his peter from my mouth I asked him if he wanted to lay down which he agreed to-----I finished pulling his pants and panties off and laid him down easily on one of the sleeping bags there. I took a long drink from a long neck Miller High Life and laid down beside Wetzel.
Wetzel spread his legs easily and I cupped his ass cheeks, one in each hand and buried my mouth back on his dick-----he moaned----I sucked harder…..he raised his butt in the air and began pumping his hips forcing his great cock down my throat. The tent was nice and cozy, crickets and nocturnal a****ls were out on the hunt, soft sounds of me sucking my best friends cock were the only sounds.
“oh, oh, shit! I’m fixn’ to cum,” he said , in a hushed tone pushing his hips up farther. “Oh! Suc, suc, suckkk! me,” he cried. I looked up his perfect little body as he spermed down my throat. his butt was up off the tent’s floor, his abdominal muscles were taunt and I could see the outline of each individual muscle as he clamped his thighs against the side of my head as I took him deep. Just, when I thought he was done cumming he raised his hips and shot another stream of sperm in my mouth------it was better than anything I had ever tasted and I knew it was because, it came from Wetzel’s cock.
..TO BE CONTINUED.... SWeathers [email protected]

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Brainwashed by Mr and Mrs Bohner A Young Man

I didn't know if I should meet. Mr. and Mrs. Bohner were expecting me for my first visit and my inspection. I had been waiting for this day for a long time, but the seriousness of what I was getting myself into was only now hitting me. I had told Mrs. Bohner that I was willing to submit to her and her husband. I had made promise to be subject to their desires and to be trained to fulfill any need they may have in their family. Now as I stand at their door my heart is racing with thoughts about...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 9

The brains back at Auburn had finally doped out how to make an antigravity belt, and they built a couple of prototypes to test their theories. It turned out that the secret of the system was not all that exotic, after all. Given a few more years and Earth scientists would have come up with the principals, so they had little trouble modifying the design to fit human tastes and idiosyncrasies. All of the fighter-jockey types wanted a single-seater fighter where they could strut their stuff....

4 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 6

The Oolsans were welcomed into the new interstellar family that was forming. They did not have much more to contribute beyond the sample of Inklus' piss, since their body shape did not lend itself well to fitting into a spacetub. Nevertheless, they were given equal rights along with everybody else and were provided with replicators so that they could move into a more comfortable living standard. The invading Wasps had been easily eliminated, since they had just arrived and had not had time...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 6

A reconnaissance flyover toward Tallahassee produced a startling result. There was what appeared to be a new pyramidal spaceship under construction! Judging from its appearance in the recon photos, it was only about 10% complete. The wasps could be seen working on it oblivious to the presence of human soldiers less than 100 miles away. The question was immediately raised: should they try to stop construction on the pyramid or should they allow construction to continue in hope of capturing it...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 7

Capturing a Wasps' pyramid undamaged was too good an opportunity to miss, so Ann put all of her resources into the task. She left a holding force to occupy the territory already occupied, but moved all of her other forces into place near the Georgia pyramid. This took two days of nail-biting tension, because they didn't know what would happen if the troops were spotted by the Wasps. Very tight air cover was flown by tubs to keep any Wasp well away from the troop concentrations. The Wasps...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 7

A fleet of 2,000 space tubs could cover a width of 2,000 miles when they were lined up side by side. Their FLIR had no trouble covering a width of half a mile on either side, so they were able to sweep for hidden nests very effectively and very efficiently. Hadron IV was a small planet with very few mountains, so it was swept in only three days. A few nests were found, but they were easily destroyed and the question was now raised: "Now what?" Very little destruction was vented on the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 3

One of the rescued men was a licensed radio engineer who worked part time at the University radio station. He suggested that they use the radio station to broadcast for anybody who wanted to join them to show up at the dining hall. The station was still operable because he could hear the carrier. He said that they could make a tape which would loop back on itself and send a repeating message up to about one minute long. Bill agreed to make such a tape and he and the engineer left for the...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 8

The attack on Loki II started off the same as the attack on Loki IV, except that there were few SAM sites to deal with. Instead, they had spotted where the Wasp fighters had launched, and those places faced the full fury of the spacetubs' attack. Again, the destruction wrought by the kinetic warheads was awesome to behold! Massive craters were left whenever more than one of the rockets hit in the same place. The first rocket penetrated the ground, and that absorbed a significant portion of...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 9

There was no question in anybody's mind that Freya must continue scouring the galaxy for Wasps. Until they found otherwise, they had to assume that they were the only beings capable of halting the Wasp menace and cleaning up after them. That was the thought when the first of the unmanned spacetubs (very logically called USTs) was delivered to Freya. The USTs had the same capabilities as the regular spacetubs, except that they were flown by pilots who were located on Earth and were...

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At the beach with Grampa

I went to spend a month at my grandparents place in Naples,Florida.They lived in a beautiful apartment complex that was complete withswimming pool. An added plus was that it was only a few blocks fromthe beach and the Gulf of Mexico. My Grandfather and Grandmother weremy father's parents so I felt comfortable with them, although I hardlyknew them. The last time I had seen them was when they moved here.They had moved to Florida five years before. when he retired fromthe civil service. I had very...

1 year ago
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A Gift for Grampa

Note : This story is completely fictional! I called my grandfather in August, the last opportunity I would have before school started. I wanted to wish him a happy birthday. He was turning sixty one the following Sunday. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. His answer was short and what I would expect. "You," he said instantly. "Can you come down to celebrate an old man's birthday? I won't be having many more you know." I was instantly concerned. "Are you sick, grampa?" "No, nothing...

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Horny Safeway Coworkers Customers MILF amp

Seeing the naked 60 year old Grandma with her hand buried into her pussy was so 24 year old mind raced back and forth thinking of just how old she was. While she was very sexy, her body showed many signs of her age...I wondered if she had always been a nasty lady, perhaps she fucked many guys while she was in school, or maybe she was shy and reserved. GILF waved her free hand at me, motioning for me to come to her. I climbed off of the bed where the MILF was still laying and...

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Horny Safeway Coworkers Customers MILF amp

I arrived around 9:30 P.M., the driveway to the large house was dark, illuminated by just a row of small dark orange lamps that followed the path surrounding the well manicured front yard. The path lead me directly to the front door. As I reached out to knock on the expansive, heavy, molded French door, I realized my cock was hard and pressing against my jeans. Pushing my cock down so that it would rest against my leg and hopefully be held in-check until I knew for sure what these ladies had in...

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Found in the www The affair with Mrs Sims

The affair with Mrs. SimsMy wife and I separated and divorced when I turned 30. We didn't have any k**s yet, so I felt quite free. It was a big weight off of my chest! After the divorce was final, I decided to change jobs (And basically careers) and go from being a Network Administrator, to opening up my own PC Repair shop. I had some money saved up, and it didn't cost too much to get started. I had a bunch of used PC's, monitors, parts, and so on, and kept a nice selection on new processors,...

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The Wasps

??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? The Wasps Page 1. ??????????? Sometimes, a spectacular approach to torturing a woman just presents itself. All of a sudden the possibilities are there and it's all too enticing and fascinating to pass up.??????????? So it was with the wasps. Some call them hornets or yellow jackets. All I knew was, get them mad and they would sting like Hell.??????????? It didn't take long with the Internet to determine their behavior. Only...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 4

Coolie said that she would be more comfortable riding in the same van as Sue, so she joined that group for the rest of the trip. Coolie remembered Bill from her course work at Auburn, he was her favorite professor. Likewise, Bill had always been impressed by Coolie's work, so he was delighted that she would be joining him in the lab. Bill was already plotting how he could make her the prime chemist on the poison production job. They were doing well on the trip until they had almost reached...

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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 4

As soon as the first uninfected slugs were found, an effort was made to contact them. No matter what was tried, the slugs seemed to be totally nonreactive. Finally, somebody had a brilliant idea: the sensors that the AI had used were brought into play. There was definite activity with their brains in the range the AI considered to represent sentience, but no sensible contact could be made. Then there was another brilliant idea: maybe the cognitive rate for the slugs was too slow for humans or...

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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 5

Now that John had worked out how the humans could use the antigravity belts and they had enough tubs and belts on hand, Bill wanted John to teach others how to pilot the ridiculous looking, but effective, craft. John reluctantly agreed to take time out from hunting Wasps to teach some new pilots, but he was in a hurry to get back to hunting down the enemy. Two men and one woman volunteered to be the first class of pilots, so John spent three days introducing each one to the controls and how...

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Stanly Bromly The Sydney Ducks 2Chapter 2

Stan was ruminating as he walked to his bootmaker's shop, "There is no way that a individual can defeat a gang as large and as entrenched as the Sydney Ducks. The most I can hope to do is slow down their attack on the good things of San Francisco. If the police were seriously interested in stopping that gang, then I would have a chance. Maybe there is some hope in the vigilance committee that is being talked about. If they would hurry and get organized, I would have some hope of success....

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Parents Got Pissed on in Times Square

“They were in Times Square, for New Year’s Eve.” “Never understood that, celebrating New Year’s with all those strangers, standing in the cold, in a place so fucking crowded.” “And how did it happen?” “I don’t know ... He just said his parents got pissed on by somebody.” “I assume it was a man.” “You never know.” “It was so clotted with people that the pisser probably couldn’t reach a bathroom, was stupid drunk, I’d guess.” “It was New Year’s Eve...” “I wonder how it went down. Did the...

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Moments in Time from my Life Chapter 3 The Campgrounds

Introduction: I meet a special person as well as finding out secerts Moments in Time from my Life: Chapter 3 The Campgrounds I finished crying over the fact that John was probably only being nice to me because of my aunt. I went into my bedroom where I got dressed. I then joined my aunt out in the kitchen. So how was your tour? Aunt Lisa asked. You should know as it was only because of the deal you made with John, I replied half-heartedly. What deal is that? Aunt Lisa asked. I have no idea...

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Rubber ducky

Lacy was horny and she needed sex sense there was o guy around she decided to try it herself , so she put on a short dress with no panties on she sat in a chair and spread he legs and put her finger in her pussy and went to town but it wasn't enough she wanted fun so she put on some high heels still wearing her cute dress and high heels she got some cold water put it in a huge glass ice in the water and a rubber ducky she sat in her chair and pored the cold ice water on her body her dress was...

Erotic Fiction
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Taking in gramps

My grandparents lived in a beautiful colonial home near downtown. My grandpa was an active senior, he went to the gym regularly and was active community Elks member. While my grandma was usually a stay at home, plant and play in her precious garden. One summer night a severe thunderstorm hit the downtown area. My grandpa was away with his Elks lodge planning for the upcoming Fall town fair, by the time he got home there were fire trucks surrounding the block. My grandparents house was struck by...

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The Vampiress

Note: I do not own Blade or any movies or characters affiliated with him, the geniuses at Marvel do. Also my first attempt at a TG story. Please be kind. The Vampiress "Yo, that's awesome!" My friend Tony said as we watched Blade kill a vampire. We were sitting on my couch watching Blade II. Tony was my best friend, and we loved action movies. "Yeah, Blade is one bad-ass." I replied to him. The credits rolled and I took out the DVD. I placed it in the case and handed it to Tony....

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Mirror Site Grampa

Here's a little story that bit me while I was working on a longer piece. I kind of think of such stories as gargoyles. When the stonecarvers working on the great gothic cathedrals needed a rest from making angels, they'd carve a gargoyle. These pieces, some of them, are a way of resting while I work on a real long story. Also, since I created the "Mirror Site" about a year ago for Halloween, I thought now was a good time to revisit it. Let me know how you like the story, and,...

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She was Pissed Off At Her Father

She was Pissed Off At Her Father Wendy was sixteen years old and ‘hot.’ All of my friends went gaa-gaa over her. She had always lived next door to me and we played together every day of our lives. We were the best of friends and we could tell each other anything. Likewise we could ask each other anything. One day Wendy told me that she was pissed off at her father. I tried to comfort her but that wasn’t what she wanted. Her father had accused her of fucking around. It really pissed...

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Moments in Time from my Life Chapter 3 The Campgrounds

I finished crying over the fact that John was probably only being nice to me because of my aunt. I went into my bedroom where I got dressed. I then joined my aunt out in the kitchen. “So how was your tour?” Aunt Lisa asked. “You should know as it was only because of the deal you made with John,” I replied half-heartedly. “What deal is that?” Aunt Lisa asked. “I have no idea what you are talking about Betsy,” Aunt Lisa added. “You told him something when you went down to his...

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The Amplifier

The Amplifier by Anonymous-002 1993 Jerry Gilman yawned and wiped his face with a towel. He stared blearily at his watch. Slowly, his eyes focused on the face. 2:30 A.M. He carefully put down the solderingJerry Gilman yawned and wiped his face with a towel. He stared blearily at his watch. Slowly, his eyes focused on the face. 2:30 A.M. He carefully put down the soldering iron and stared at the device on his bench.The Amplifier didn't look like much. A tangle of wiring and integrated...

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Daves Fairground The ducking Stool Game

The Ducking Stool Game The basic setup of this ride was very similar to the normal ducking stool you would see at fairgrounds and parties, there was a 5 feet tall tank of ice-cold water, although only shallow this was to ensure that the victims head after dropping into the tank would be out of the water to stop her drowning. Dave had managed to reverse engineer a swimming pool heater to cool the water rather than heat it up, this kept the water nice and chilled for the falling victim. The...

1 year ago
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Moments in Time from My Life Chapter One the Ugly Duckling

Introduction: My life the beginning. Moments in Time from My Life: Chapter One, the Ugly Duckling This is a story taken from moments in my life. My name is Betsy and I was inspired to write my life story after reading of the life of another. You know him as Sgt. J here, he is the author of The Swinging in the Neighborhood, series. His writing overwhelmed me as I read about the hardships he had faced through his life as well as over coming those hardships. His story touched my heart with each...

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Summer with Gramps

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was the summer before my senior year of high school. I went to spend the summer with my grandparents. We always had a great time together, but this year was different. We had a fun ride from the airport and was happy to see granny when we got to the house. Gramps was always a handsome man for his age of 62. And granny was a hot older woman too. The first nite was just visiting and talking about my life and what is going on with the family. Just as...

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A Woman In Full Sharons Journey Continues Part XI Ducks in a Row

A Woman In Full: Sharon's Journey Continues Part XI - Ducks in a Row In the early morning hours, especially after several days of almost continual work, her mind began to waver as the fog of exhaustion descended and worked its maddening tricks. Lines of text on the printed page jumped and swayed, and her eyes burned with fatigue. A deep yawn made the compelling case for sleep. I should stop, she thought. No, you're close, her mind rebelled. I've been saying that for days, she...

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Fucked Pissed And Slaved By Servant

Hi, I am Madhav (Name Changed), this is my story of me knowing the world of sex and getting fucked by my own servant. I am now a straight guy with a dick size of inches and white skin tone. Hight of about 6.1 inch and a fit gymnast body. But it was not the case when I was of that age. Back then I was a bit of a chubby kid. Had a nice boobs and a perfect ass. One of those who anyone would love to fuck like a mad man. Back when I was just 19 year old, we used to have a servant in our house. His...

Gay Male
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Moments in Time from My Life Chapter One the Ugly Duckling

This is a story taken from moments in my life. My name is Betsy and I was inspired to write my life story after reading of the life of another. You know him as Sgt. J here, he is the author of “The Swinging in the Neighborhood,” series. His writing overwhelmed me as I read about the hardships he had faced through his life as well as over coming those hardships. His story touched my heart with each chapter I read. If you get a chance check his story out, as I am sure, the emotions I felt...

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