Alex To Alina - Chapter 3: The Morning After free porn video

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Chapter 3: The Morning After I passed back out for a few more hours, letting the bright sun through the window fall a little lower in the sky. I didn't have anywhere to be until work later that night anyway. As I lay through the painful part of the hangover, I tried to recall the silly events from the previous night, and wondered if they had actually happened. When my headache finally cleared up a little, I finally groaned and sat up -- noticing I wasn't wearing anything at all. I considered for just a second that maybe I had dreamt the whole situation until I spun on my bed and stuck my legs out from under the covers. I was instantly greeted by a pair of smooth, silky legs. Which did nothing to help calm down my morning wood. "Shit," I muttered to nobody. What did I do? I stood up, trying to ignore the odd feeling of a hairless body and looked around for the suitcase that had been the gateway to all this. It was neatly zipped up and tucked away, stacked on top of my dresser. I stretched and stood, wrapping the sheets around myself so I wouldn't be distracted by the sight and sat down at my computer. As it booted up I found myself laughing. I thought on the events of the night and decided to pass it off as a drunken story I might jokingly re- account to somebody some day. Sure, it was a strange night, but I warranted my feelings about the whole thing to too much beer and just a simple curiosity. I decided to not put much thought into it. Now that I was sober I was sure I looked awful in the lingerie, considering I had heavy beer goggles on while looking at myself last night. It was a little embarrassing, but it could have been worse. After all, losing my body hair wasn't the worst thing that had happened to me during any other night I had gotten black out drunk. At least I didn't mope around all night thinking about Felicia until I did something really stupid... Her name brought a pit to my stomach and I turned to the computer to distract myself. I paused. Resting on the desktop was an untitled folder that hadn't been there yesterday. I was tempted to just trash it and forget the whole thing, but curiosity, of course, got the best of me. I opened it, only to find what was apparently a bin of several dozen photos from my computers webcam. In the tiny preview images I could make out the silhouette of a body. I paused again. A chunk of the night rushed back: I remembered booting up the webcam, but more specifically recalled disconnecting the ethernet cable as a precaution in case the pics wanted to escape. I sighed and patted myself on the back. I stared at the tiny images of silhouettes for a while, scared to open it up and see how terrible I looked in the lingerie. But after hovering the folder over the trash for a bit I changed my mind and clicked to open an image. I felt my eyes widen... I didn't look terrible at all. There I was, dressed head to toe in sexy lingerie and totally owning it. And even worse, I was posing like any model would, how the hell had I even learned to pose like that? I thanked myself for having positioned the camera to hide my face. I started admiring the images, finding each post to be sexier than the last. This outfit looked incredible on Felicia, but even better on me. Even the push up bra had found a way to lift up my little titties into something respectable. I was hot! I got to about the 15th image before stopping and quickly closing the window. What the hell was going on with me? I wasn't drunk this time, why was I feeling this way? Why did me dressed like this make me so hot and bothered? I had never even considered this to be something that might turn me on. I looked down at my rising erection and shook my head. No way was I gonna let that happen. I stood and hurried to my dresser, deciding to throw on some pants and maybe get out of the apartment for a while to clear my head. I didn't notice until I had my hands on the dresser handles that I seemed to have found two more suitcases of Felicia's in the apartment last night and had collected them in one stack next to the dresser. Maybe I was going to burn them in effigy? I thought happily. But then I opened my top dresser drawer. I was nearly blinded by the bright colors and sexiness. I had filled the entire top drawer of my dresser with Felicia's lingerie last night. "God dammit!" I shouted and quickly threw the drawer shut. Drunk me was starting to piss me off. I opened the second drawer to find more of her clothing -- skirts, dresses, a couple pairs of booty shorts. "Come on Alex! What the hell man!" I slammed that drawer shut as well and went for the third and final. Shoes and heels, not many, but a few. I just sighed in defeat and closed the drawer. So where had I put my normal clothing? I looked around my spotless room for a second, then closed my eyes and tried to think back. Nothing much entered my mind outside of throwing everything in my dirty laundry basket.... It came back to me in a sad flash. I had removed the lingerie, and decided to put all her stuff in the dresser to make the dresser smell like her. When that didn't seem to work out, I had collected everything I owned and thrown it in the still full bathtub to pick up the soapy lavender smell she always seemed to have. I didn't ask myself why I had decided to separate her clothes into different drawers like that, but instead headed to the bathroom, where I quickly discovered all my clothing crammed sloppily into the bathtub and completely sopping wet. "You're a real interesting person when you drink buddy," I said to the walls of the tiny space. I reached down and dug through the clothes until I could reach the drain. I popped it up and heard the gurgle of a slow but steady escape of liquid. I headed back to my room, cursing myself for my stupidity. Still naked, hungover, and now depressed at my behavior last night, I didn't know what to do with myself. I found my eyes being drawn between my Xbox, and my dresser drawer. I decided it would be best to pull everything in the dresser out and prepare it for the piles of wet clothing to come. I approached the dresser cautiously and slid open the top drawer. Again I was blinded by the sexiness, but stuck it out and actually looked this time. Nearly a dozen bras and panties lined the top in multiple colors and styles. A couple pairs of stockings and garter belts in there as well. I just paused with my hand over everything, fearing to enter. I couldn't deny the lust I felt, and I had no idea where it was coming from. I had never felt like this in my 25 year existence. I quickly shut the drawer and headed back for me computer, quickly working to bring up a web browser. I started typing in a couple things quickly, to poor results: "why do I want to wear a bra?" "Why is lingerie a turn on?" "What did you do with your Ex's stuff after she moved out?" The last search brought me to a site where a lot of guys would burn their Ex's stuff in barrels or throw it off roofs. As far as I could see, none of them where putting it on! I groaned in frustration, typed a couple more questions, then tried "men wearing bras?" Which brought up a link to Reddit about crossdressing. I had never been to reddit, only heard of friends who did and admitted to wasting way too much time on there. I had intentionally avoided it for as long as possible, my Xbox was enough of a time suck. But, this link might have relevant information and actual human opinions on what I might be feeling. So, despite my previous fears, I clicked on it. After looking at the odd layout of the site, and getting a quick understanding, I slowly realized maybe this wasn't the information I was looking for. This seemed to be a forum where pics of men crossdressing were simply just shared. I avoided the links and looked off to the side and quickly clicked on a couple recommended pages, to see if I could eventually find some answers. I eventually navigated to a subreddit called "GoneWildCD" and again realized maybe this was a bad idea. But before I shut the window a link caught my eye, stating: "Wearing my girlfriend's skirt" I paused, maybe I was wrong after all. Many people had commented and seemed to be answering this guy's questions. I quickly clicked on the link and was brought to an image site. I sighed, this was just a picture of a man wearing his girlfriend's skirt. This was of no help, but -- and even though I cursed myself for thinking it -- I thought, "I look better than that." I quickly went back a page and sighed in frustration. I clicked on the comments section in the final attempt for some answers and was surprised by the result. There was nothing but positive feedback, from admirers who appreciated the post -- some quite dirty, but generally all very encouraging. I stared at the comments for a while, and felt a little sad. All these people, complete strangers, were encouraging this person, and they were all saying either nicer or sexier things than had ever been said to me from Felicia. As low as I was feeling, I found myself wanting some of that encouragement and positivity, even if from a stranger. I felt a pit in my stomach form as I came to my next logically step. "Nope, no, no, no, no," I stated quickly, and stood up. "Don't do it." I decided to go back to the task at hand, which was probably the most counter productive thing I could have done in response to my "No". I reached into the drawer and pulled out a pair of black panties to toss into the nearest suitcase. But the material of them made me stop. This pair didn't look much different from my normal briefs. Maybe a little stretchier and with lace around the band, but there was nothing overly sexy about them. I made the decision. Hell, I couldn't be naked all day. Without thinking I slipped them on, trying to ignore the gentle caress as they formed around my ass. I tried my best but couldn't resist and took a peek in the mirror. They may not have looked sexy in my hand, but on me, was a different story. I felt a sad smile creep across my face as I remembered what Felicia had said, "I'm jealous. You have a better ass than I do baby." And realized that was probably the best compliment she ever gave me over the course of the relationship. I got riled up pretty quickly. Well I would show her, how sad if an entire thread of people agreed that I did have a better ass than her? How sad would that be? I rushed back to my computer and logged on, deciding to make a reddit account on a whim, typing in "Alina91" as my username, vaguely recalling and deciding the fake name I had given myself last night would do fine. Within a couple minutes I was uploading a couple images pulled from the untitled bin and adding an album to the reddit thread. I had just grabbed whatever was in there without a second thought. I shifted in my seat and looked down, I had almost forgotten I was wearing panties. I was kinda in blind auto pilot at this point so I thought nothing of it when I stood up and walked back over to the dresser, I felt my hips sway, once again, more than they probably should have. The feeling of wanting to be sexy was back, and that mixed with my horniness seemed to make me an unstoppable force when it came to my new fetish. I playfully kicked off the plain panties and dug my hands into the top drawer. I cooed a little as I ran my fingers through the soft material, it was all just so sexy! I pulled out a pair of sky blue boyshorts, and giggled at the irony. They were covered in silk and little bows. Felicia had worn them when she wanted me to get a little riled up, knowing blue was my favorite color. Well I was definitely riled up. I slipped them on and savored the feelling as they caressed my legs and clung up and over my hips. I felt the material sink up my ass crack a little and it made my quiver. Next I snatched up the matching blue bra. It was fairly heavily padded and was embellished with little crystals. I slipped it on, and realized it was a little longer in the band than the last one, and once fastened would stretch the length of my torso and would stop just above my navel. I spun my hands around and once again found that I could hook the bra with little to no issue, which was surprising because there were several more hooks this time. I snapped the last one into place and I quickly adjusted the straps and pulled them, lifting what little cleavage I had up. I absolutely adored this bra. It hugged me tightly and pushed everything right into place. I shouldn't have looked this good. At this point my little friend was no longer hiding in my panties, but was at full attention. I ignored it and moved on to drawer two. It didn't take me long to decide, as there wasn't a lot of choices. I snagged one of two dresses. A little black a-line dress she had worn to her birthday party last year. I unzipped it quickly and stepped in, finding it a little difficult to get it past my hips, but finding the fit much nicer once it did. Without a seconds pause I slipped my arms into the holes and reached behind my back, finding the little device she used to zip it up still attached. With one smooth motion I zipped up the back. It was heaven. The dress tightened in all sides and I could feel it form to my booty and what little breasts I had. It was all I could do to stop myself from rubbing my hands up and down my silk covered body. I unhooked the little zipper device and tossed it aside. I spun on the heels of my feet and stared into the mirror. I got a sick pleasure knowing I wore it better than Felicia. I padded back to the computer chair and sat down, making sure to cross my legs in the process. The feeling of my plump panty covered ass sliding onto the leather seat nearly killed me, so I finally hiked up my skirt and let myself have relief. I had never felt so satisfied during the process, and could feel my body squirming and sliding, as I bit my lip and groaned. I nearly passed out as I came to an end and felt my body go limp. I leaned back and exhaled slowly, closing my eyes to enjoy the pleasure. I had passed back out in a matter of minutes. Forgetting the album I had just posted to reddit...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 4 Wednesday

Beth — Before Class I got to school and joined the stripping at the school's side entrance, already in progress. Stephanie was poising naked for several guys — and a couple girls — who brought cameras. I noticed that one of them was Ronny. "That for the yearbook?" I asked. He looked startled, like he hadn't thought of that then nodded excitedly, "Yeah!" He started snapping pictures of everyone undressing — including Van Chi and Tiff, who had been staying toward the back of the...

2 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 9 Peter

Granddad closes his office door then sits behind his desk and looks at us. After a few minutes, he clears his throat, "Alright, then. I'll start. This afternoon, I gotta call from Coach Dutton sayin' he's puttin' Alex on uh medical suspension 'less-n I provide a written, notarized letter explainin' his alleged injury." He pauses, "Yo' turn." I look at Alex; he's looking hopefully at me. He's had that same unnerving puppy dog look since we woke up this morning. It scares the hell...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 5 Thursday

Alex — Second Period I was pretty hung over through most of my Lit class but Mr. Wilson took pity on me and let me vegetate through the rest of Measure for Measure. Alcohol = bad; lesson learned. My hang over had faded to a mild headache by the time I got to Home Economics. It was not my idea to take Home Ec. But my Dom hated cooking, so he told me to take it and that I'd damn well better pass with flying colors. Actually, truth be known, I was a pretty damn good cook. Especially with...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and BethChapter 3 Tuesday

Alex — Before School I was in the shower. A guy's supposed to have some damn privacy. Instead, my mother walked into the bathroom, "Alex, Honey? I'm not looking." She said, shielding her eyes. "Lizzie said that Beth told her you two were in the — OH MY GOD! What the hell did they do to you?" I looked up to see Mom looking at my reflection in the mirror. The shower curtain was see-thru but I couldn't tell what she was looking at. "Mom? What?" She pulled the curtain aside and turned...

3 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 23 Peter

I bought a ring for her. Alex and Beth went with me. Alex kept pushing for the big ones but Beth argued that Missy would want something simple. In the end, I went with a gold band with embedded green and yellow diamonds. It cost so much, I had to call Uncle George and get him to release the spending cap on my account for the purchase. "What the hell you buyin', boy?" he asked. "An engagement ring." I answered. He didn't ask anything else, just approved the release and called the...

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Alex and PeterChapter 3 Peter

At my house, my parents take like a million photos of me and my sister Beth. Her First High School Dance. Some geek and his parents show up with a corsage the size of Beth's head and a camera and a million more photos are taken of Beth's First Date. I gotta admit, Beth looks great. She looks like my Mom in high school with long dark hair, pined up for tonight and more of a figure than I thought she had. Mom was a cheerleader and - Dad has implied - not the hardest pants to get into. I watch...

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Alex and PeterChapter 5 Peter

It's a ten mile walk home. Alex has not said a word since we started. I call my mom when my alarm goes off to let her know we'll be late. My Dad drives by about half an hour later. "I am presuming that there is a damn good reason fo' this." he asks after we're in the car. He's pretty pissed. "It's at Trina's." "That is a location, not a reason. A reason is explanation that makes sense of an event an' I am still waitin' for a good one." He using his 'court room voice' -...

3 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...

1 year ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Once Carla and Alex were ready, he drove them to the movies and then went home because his dad agreed to pick them up when they were done so Justin could get to work on time. A couple weeks later, he had to take Carla over to Alex’s again, but this time Alex was waiting in the driveway to greet both of them. Carla jumped out of the car and ran inside to use the bathroom and that gave Justin and Alex their first bit of alone time. They were both very nervous and each of them was hesitant to...

1 year ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 19 Peter

I can't believe I overlooked Missy; all these years right there, like sunlight. But she perfect. Ok, maybe not the hottest girl I ever dated but she's smart and funny and on the swim team at the center so we already do damn near everything together. And for once, I think she feels for me how I feel for her. She even worked a charter cruise with me one Saturday when it was my turn to fill in. Mom likes her, Dad likes her, hell even Uncle Edward liked her on the boat. I'm keeping a B...

2 years ago
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Alex is 17Chapter 8

"I don't have time to come down this week, Alex." Peter sounded frustrated. "Can you hold off with this girl until next weekend?" "Peter, the dance is tomorrow night." "I know. I said I'm sorry." He sighed deeply. "Alex. No pain until meet this girl. You wanna screw her, fine. But no scars, no bruises, no scratches. Clear?" I have a number of things I want to say but all of them are likely to get me suspended. "Clear, Sir." I answer. The next day was a long one at school....

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Alex and PeterChapter 10 Alex

School's out for a week at Thanksgiving and Peter decided that this year we'd spend part of it helping at the Fishery. Three days spent doing the maintenance stuff that usually gets done like once a year. It sucks. But Peter said we're doin' it, so we're here. It's kinda funny 'cause over the last month, nothing has changed and yet everything has changed. We still go to school, an' hang out with the same people. We date the same girls. We still take 'em ta the river, too - although...

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Alex The Suffering Submissive

Alex - The Suffering Submissive(Crushing Lesbian Domination and Absolute Submission) by Lewis ChappelleContent FlowPrologue Chapter I  - Background Chapter II - Goddess and Mother Goddess Chapter III - The Slave’s New Life Chapter IV - Questions for the Slave Chapter V - Questions for the Owner Chapter VI - Snap Shots in Time Chapter VII - Vignettes Chapter VIII - The Future Epilogue __________________________________________                                                              ...

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Alex and Alexa chapter 1

Introduction: Alexa and Alex wake up disoriented only to find pictures of them fucking… drunk night gone wild. I sat there staring at my phone, I looked through last night pictures and placed a hand on my forehead. what the fuck did we do? I stared at my brother who was also staring at his phone. I have no idea Alexa, all I remember is a couple of drinks and Jamie laughing them nothing, he looked at me truthfully. I know Alex would never lie to me. But these pictures, were so confusing. I...

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Alex and PeterChapter 7 Peter

I'm still yelling at him. I started once I was reasonably sure that he would live. I'll stop soon, I'm sure - maybe when I stop shaking. "What was I 'posed ta tell yo' momma?" I think I'm repeating myself 'cause I'm pretty sure I said that already. "Hey Aunt Stacy - guess what Alex done today?" "Shudda le'me drown." He mutters. His speech has been getting clearer the whole car ride home, which has me almost convinced that he wasn't under long enough for any permanent...

4 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 12 Alex

We are sitting in the clinic midway to Richmond, me an' Dad. We'd been here an hour before Uncle Charles an' Peter got called into the back. Now, me an' Dad are just waitin'. I need a cig so bad I could spit. An' no one will answer me when I ask why we are here. Peter told me to shut up the second time I asked. "Dad..." I start again but he cuts me off. "There's a chance - not a big one, but a chance - that Peter isn't Charles' biological son." He says quietly. I open my mouth...

3 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 18 Alex

The bus left from the Center at four AM. Shit, God ain't even up yet. But it'a a four hour drive to the meet and I only get to go 'cause Uncle Charles is all but paying for the swim team this year. As we pull off, I notice that there are only like six swimmers on the bus. I poke Peter. "Hey, what gives? Where's the rest of the team?" "Only the top two in each event are going this time." I had wondered why Beth didn't show up. I lean the seat back and try to sleep. I hate bus...

2 years ago
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Alex at the Processing Center

Two men walked into the Processing Center, one tall — a little over 2 meters — one about average height. They walked up to the counter, and held a brief, quiet conversation. The tall one clapped the shorter one on the shoulder, they hugged, then the taller one left.  Alex rang the bell to get the receptionist's attention. When she looked up, he said, "Hi. Alex would like to register for execution, if it's not too much trouble.""Certainly, sir. Fill out this form. We accept most major debit...

1 year ago
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Alex and Alaina become more than just neighbors

Alaina is a sweet xx yo girl that is slim and just starting to become a woman. She has discovered her body and sex but is still a virgin. Being slim and 5’ 6” tall, and only weighing 105 lbs she has not filled out much, but the promise of things to come is there. Alex is good looking 18 yo still living at home and will be going to the local college and working at a local shop. Alaina was going to spend the day with a friend, so her parents dropped her off at the street and left. She had...

2 years ago
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ALEX By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Author's Note: None. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. RT TEMPTATION The suburbs. Summer. Friday afternoon, 12:20 p.m. to be precise. A hot day. Quiet streets. Air...

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Alex gets a surprise at the Museum

As Alex walked up the steps into the Uffizi museum in Florence, she waved goodbye to her husband Max. Earlier they had had agreed that she would spend several hours in the museum whilst he walked around the city.Most of the visitors to the museum were obviously tourists or students and as she purchased her ticket, Alex soon realised that she was probably the only unaccompanied woman in the Museum.Going through security, Alex handed her handbag to the handsome young security guard, and as he...

3 years ago
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Alex Morton

The plane carrying Alex Morton touched down in Capitol City just after 9pm. He was on the plane only because his sister had sent him the ticket. Actually people didn't send tickets to each other, they purchased them on line. Then they mysteriously ended up at the ticket counter of the airline. After that Alex just showed his driver's license to get a boarding pass. He used that boarding pass to fly almost home. Alex knew, from all the news stories, to pack light. He had two changes of...

2 years ago
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Alex Rider Bumfucker

…That was until he met Justin Desmond. It was strange, really, the way Alex thought of Justin. He would find himself sometimes staring at Justin during class (he had most of the same classes with him). Alex had to admit he was attractive, with raven-black hair that flowed from his head in a sort of messy way. They shared the same athletic build and he had noticed that they seemed to be the same height as each other. Alex knew he was an attractive young lad, and he also knew that girls wanted...

1 year ago
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Alex Mack Gets Raped

ALEX MACK GETS RAPED By Moxy Alex Mack was a young girl of 16 . She had a small pouty mouth, and an innocent schoolgirl face. She had mdeium sized breasts and was just ?getting her girlish curves. She was truly a stunning beauty. She had long blonde hair falling to the small of her back. Alex was shy but yet friendly. She was a tomboy and a virgin. She usually wore faded denim jeans and oversized clothes that hid the fact she was a female. Alex was embarassed by her body and didn't like...

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Alex Morton

The plane carrying Alex Morton touched down in Capitol City just after 9pm. He was on the plane only because his sister had sent him the ticket. Actually people didn’t send tickets to each other, they purchased them on line. Then they mysteriously ended up at the ticket counter of the airline. After that Alex just showed his driver’s license to get a boarding pass. He used that boarding pass to fly almost home. Alex knew, from all the news stories, to pack light. He had two changes of...

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Alexs Initiation

Alex’s Imitation By keithb1002 This story is pure fiction.  It was developed late one night when I got the idea for this story.  If you are under the age of 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live, please don’t read this.  If you like this story or have any comments or suggestions, you can contact me at [email protected] or Chat with me on Yahoo IM under the name keithb100272.Alexandra ?Alex? Palmer was on pins and needles all day in class.  The girl who had just turned 18was...

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