Becoming The Gurl Of The House, Part 2 free porn video

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The story of me becoming a gurl in the house part 2 The next morning I was awaken by surprise when Pam was sliding into bed with me. I awoke and realized it wasn't a dream and that I actually was in Pam's house. She slide in bed not saying a word and was in a silky nightie and thigh highs which felt great. She wasn't talking and quickly started kissing me. After breaking off the kiss she started kissing my neck and soon was sliding down further. I started to ask her what she was doing but she only stopped and placed her finger over my mouth. I took her hint and shut my mouth and then she resumed her kissing on my neck as her hands rubbed my body and in no time at all had me very excited. Her hands found my erect cock and began stroking it as her lips moved to my nipples. You see I am very helpless to resist when my nipples are teased in such a way. She could tell as well as I began to accept her advance much more. I laid back and my legs started rubbing her legs as well. I found myself gripping the sheets of the bed as she took turns on each nipple. Then she started kissing and licking as she disappeared under the sheets. I felt her hold my cock as her warm mouth took hold of it. She started sucking me slowly and then faster. Working her mouth on me as I quickly felt myself about to explode. I felt her hand begin to tease my whole and then I exploded with one of the best releases I have had in a long time. She kept going drinking in every drop and then slide back up kissing me deeply. She shared with me some of my own juices as she did so. "OMG Jill that was amazing" she told me as she started to climb out of bed. She went on to explain that we really needed to get a move on so we would be ready for my big day. She told me she would help me but also needed to get dressed herself as Ms Karen would be here soon enough and would expect nothing less. She had me follow her into the other room and told me if I wanted a cup of coffee that I could take it to her room if I liked. I responded that I would also love a cigarette right now but coffee is also a normal thing first thing for me. As I was making me a cup of coffee she quickly responded to me in a very alarmed state. "About that nasty habit Jill, your going to have to quit that, the smoking that is. That really shocked me but she explained how they both disliked it and told me how bad it was for me and all. I didn't realize it but this was the first thing that I was going to have to change that would be hard to accept. She also informed me that she had already threw them out. She broke the talk about that and told me to bring my coffee with me. So I followed her to her room where she quickly started to undress and told me to do the same. She went into the bathroom and I followed her. She got out a big red bag and told me it was time to get cleaned up. Not knowing what she meant by that as she filled it with warm soapy water but soon enough found out it was meant for me. She had me sit on the toilet and approached with bag in hand. She handed me the nozzle and told me to insert it in my hole. I froze and she took it back telling me to lean forward. As I did so she quickly inserted it and pressed the bag filling my insides. I thought I was going to bust by the time she pulled the tip out and she told me I best not let go until told. That was something else I could tell right away I would be doing that I didn't care for. But then I guess she could also tell by the grimace on my face. "You will be expected to do this everyday and after every time you have a shit through out the day, as a gurl should always keep herself clean" as she turned on the shower. After a couple minutes she gave me the permission to expel the contents from my cramping stomach. I didn't hesitate with that as I exploded and instantly felt great relieve. After wiping myself she motioned for me to join her in the shower. I climbed in and she washed me all over, applied sweet smelling lotion and even made sure I was shaved very smooth all over. When she finished she turned off the water and handed me a towel. After drying myself of she had me get dressed in undies as she dressed in a sexy short mini skirt. Only after I was dressed in my panties, bra, panty hose with the seams perfectly straight, including a very slim dark blue skirt that came just above my knee did she attached an ankle bracelet and had me slip on some 3 inch heels. Then she had me sit down at her vanity table and applied my make up until satisfied and then a wig. Very happy with my look she told me to stand and put on my silky white blouse and look for myself in the full length mirror on the door. I was amazed and never looked so good. I sat there until she finished getting ready and then we headed for the kitchen again. We hurriedly clean the kitchen and then the living room when she told me a car pulled up and Ms Karen was here. She seemed very worried and run into her bedroom. Quickly she returned with a video camera telling me that she was told to have everything ready when she arrived and almost forgot the camera to film my big day. She was setting it up by the door as Ms Karen walked in. My mouth dropped when she entered the room as she was stunning in a very sexy dress and looking like a million dollars. From her hair all the way down to her spike heeled thigh high boots. Her dress stopped just short of her thigh highs and showed the lacy tops of them. She stood there looking me over when Pam stopped what she was doing and went to her and gave her a big deep kiss. After wards Ms Karen pushed her aside a bit as she come up closer to me. She told me for now on when she entered the room or I did where ever she was, I was to approach and curtsey before standing how I was taught. I quickly did so but felt that it was a bit late for her. She circled around me in silence and then asked if I was ready to commit to this fully and how damn sexy I looked. I quickly replied yes and she went on to tell me that right now I would be allowed to ask my questions if I had any. Because after this I would only be allowed to speak only when spoken to or addressed. That is in the beginning anyway until my training was complete. I had a bunch of things I wanted to ask but couldn't come up with what to ask first. Then I asked how long training would be and she quickly told me. "If I agree to accept her offer, we will sign a six month contract stating you are my property" as she said and waited for my next question or response. Now that answered one of my thoughts, the next one just blurted out. What about me living here with Pam I asked her and how would that workout. "I'm ready Mistress" Pam said as Ms Karen went on to say we both belong to her but she was my big sister sort of. Since it was her house she was hers longer, she was more her age and a bit older then me and she worked and all, that I would be under her sort of as well. I went ahead since that was answered to ask about my past relationship or should I say things. "Well you and your things will belong to me as my property lil one" she smirked. She said that they would get a storage unit for most of it, if I could get it, and decide what I could bring here. Good thing because I have a lot of clothes Jill can wear that have been collecting dust already I thought. And without a job and unable to buy many new things myself. She then showed me the contract I would sign and it stated all the above and some other rules as well. It was dated for today until six months for now. It stated that I was to do as told, dressed as told and accept whatever she thought was necessary to improve my skills, attitude and attention whenever and how ever she deemed fit. Then she placed it on the table in front of me and asked me if I was willing to give my all to her and become hers. "Yes Ma'am" I said very quickly and with that she told Pam we were ready. Pam quickly got behind the camera as Ms Karen stood before it. She went on to introduce herself to the camera. She also explained today I was going to give my gift of submission of my own free will to her. Then she stepped aside and the camera was focused on me, the gurl standing in the middle of the room. "Introduce yourself by looking into the camera Jill" she said calmly. And I quickly looked dead into the camera and said who I was. I also said that it was of my own free will to give to her. With that she stepped behind me and ushered me to my knees. She then placed a metal collar with a pink tag on it around my neck as I knelled there looking down. Only then when she finished attaching it securely with a hidden screw did I read what it said. The front of it read "SISSY JILL" and the back read "PROPERTY OF MS KAREN". She then slide the contract before me and handed me a pen. I was then told if I agreed to sign on the dotted line it would become official from this time on. I did so and handed her the pen back and she sealed my fate as hers with her signature. She then grabbed me by the hair pulling my head back and topped it off with a deep kiss. I was then ordered to stand up and pull my skirt all the way up exposing my panties. She produced a chastity device from her pocket and she lowered my panties and hose past to my thighs. She snatched hold of my balls and my erection quickly faded away. She then managed in no time to slip the ring over my balls and the cage over my cock. "For now on your clitty and clitty sack will only be set free with the key from me as I see fit" as she locked her lock in place. She then smoothed my panties and hose back up as well as turned me to face her as she held my shoulder. Applying pressure I knew to slowly follow her lead and drop to my knees. She told me I could lower my skirt and thank her properly now for accepting her as mine. I rolled it back down my thighs and placed my hands behind my back. Looking up into her eyes as I knelt before her. "Thank you Ms Karen for accepting me into your life as yours." I said softly as she stared back at me. She reached out lightly brushing my cheek and then pulling my head up to her body and her trapped cock in her dress. It was already very stiff and large as it made a bulge in the front. She told me to beg permission to suck her as she rubbed my face against her softly. I then asked her "May I please be allowed to suck her cock as a show of thanks for accepting me". She took a hold of my chin rather sternly and held it so I was fixed looking up to her. Her intense look down on me had my full attention. "Mine as well as Pam's are called clit's while your pathetic thing is called a clitty, is that clear?" she told me. Only letting go after I apologized and repeated my wish using the correct terms. Then she pulled my face back to her once again as she pulled up her dress. I saw right away she had no panties on as her clit sprung out to me. I quickly wrapped my fingers around it and trapped it between my lips at the same time. After just a few strokes with my mouth I was straining in my chastity cage as I quickly sucked her. I only got a couple me strokes on it before she snatched hold of my wig and hair pulling me off. I still had my hand gently wrapped around her as she held my head so I was staring at her. "Pam what is wrong with this picture?" she asked as she kept her gaze on me. Pam didn't answer and the silence was defensing for a few seconds. Ms Karen went on to say that she told her she wanted everything perfect for my big day and that I was far from it. Pam stood very quiet as she continued. She told me it was also my place to ensure that I was ready for inspection at all times. I wasn't sure what I did or what was wrong. That didn't last long as she told us, my nails had not been applied or painted. I held her clit until she pulled me up to my heels standing before her. "AND WHERE ARE HER TIT'S " she said rather loudly as she reached over and pinched my nipple in my bra. That hurt like hell but I dare not move. She held her grip until after twisting it even harder letting me know how wrong I was. She also turned me around by digging her nails into my shoulder and turning me to face Pam. I could see how worried she looked as I felt a hand rub the crack of my ass. Running it from between my legs up, she mentioned I wasn't wearing my plug as well. She seemed very upset as she demanded Pam to go get her cane. Pam didn't wait around long as she ran to her room. Still with her fingers dug into me, She turned me to face her once again. She explained that I was always to be properly ready at all times, no excuses. About that time Pam returned holding out a wooden cane before her. Ms Karen snatched it from her hands. "Now Jill you two must be punished" she said sending a fear wash over me. She stepped over to Pam and told her to kneel. She then had her kiss the cane as she held the tip up to her. Then she ordered her to assume the position. Pam got up and keeled on the edge of the couch facing the back leaning over as she pulled her skirt up. She didn't look back and held a ridged position. "Since this is your first disciplinary action Jill, you will receive a spanking instead" she told me. Pam on the other hand was going to get the cane to show me what would be in store if I really screwed up in the future. She then lead me over behind the couch so I could watch and she said I best pay close attention. She made it clear I would get the same if not. With that she stepped behind Pam and swung it in the air a few times. It made a swishing sounds as it cut thru the air and had me scared to death. I held Pam's hands slightly as I feared for her a bit as Ms Karen took aim. "You know the drill, count each stroke and thank me after each one" she told her. Pam after agreeing asked how many strokes she would be getting. Ms Karen quickly replied 20 and the first one struck it's mark. To my surprise she didn't make a noise but thanked her and asked for another. After a brief pause came yet another blow. Then yet another with this repeating four, five six..... "Jill this is what happens when you disobey me and get lazy" she said as she rubbed the welts that grew across Pam's backside. Then stepped up and continued her demonstration at Pam's expense until they reached 20. Only then did she allow her to move and she got off the couch and knelt before her. After kissing the cane tip once again she was dismissed to go get her make up cleaned up from the tears she had shed. "Now it is your turn Jill" she said to me as she got a chair from the kitchen and placed it in the middle of the room. I was still froze in place when she motioned with her finger to stand besides her. I quickly approached her and stood in place next to her. She asked me "Are you ready to receive your spanking?" as I stood by her side. Then she pointed to her lap as she tugged on my arm slightly. 'Come on get across my lap" she told me as she didn't look like she was messing around. I laid across her and placed my hands on the floor. That left the toes of my heels barely touching the floor. And just as I settled in she hit me with three quick blows. Each time hitting each cheek one alternating blow between them. She wasn't playing I could tell from the first blow and I began to cry out in protest from the first one. "ooooooooowwwwwwww" I yelled out but that didn't faze her as she only gave me a second of a pause between sets of spankings. I started my upper body up just a bit as her hand kept making contact with my behind. Crying out after each round as I wanted her to take it easy on me. But yes my clitty strained in it's confined cage as well. Deep down this was what I fantasized about and craved, although my backside was stinging very much so. She didn't slow the pace either when I raised up to much for her, only used her hand on my back to push me back in place. Please was my cry now as she went on and I kicked my feet just a bit hoping for somehow it give me some relieve, but the stings from the swat's only stung more with each one. This went on for much longer then I liked already but also knew it was my place to accept my fate. My ass felt as though it was on fire after minutes now which seemed like hours of enduring this. My cries after each one had no effect on here when suddenly she stopped. "Stand up" she ordered and I quickly did so. I noticed Pam return at the same time. I thought that was something I best try and avoid in the future when she spoke again. "Oh we're not finished, skirt up"she barked at me. Stunned I looked down at her sitting there and begged her. My plead fell on deaf ears as she helped me pull my skirt up past my waist. Then she told me to hurry up and get back in place over her knee. I didn't hesitate seeing how bad my rear stung and remembering what Pam went thru. As soon as I Settled back in place I could feel her hand rub both cheeks and did they ever hurt. Suddenly she started with the same rhythm and intensity as before. My crying became louder this round and I knew I was her property now. Nothing but my hose and panties to cushion the blows as though the skirt provided much of a barrier anyway. "Please Ma'am, I'm sorry" I begged her to stop only to be told to hush as she continued. With each blow now I thought my ass cheeks would explode and when I thought I couldn't take another one, I slid my hand behind me. Doing my best to get her to stop or at least catch a break for a minute only to have her knock it away. I placed it back on the floor as she went on and I cried harder. With my right hand I gripped her ankle slightly for some type of mercy or relieve. But she didn't slow her rhythm at all. My sob's were starting to overtake me by now and after she had went on about four or five minutes this time I thought she was finished. "Stand up" I heard her say again and after slowly getting up she once again told me we were not done. My heart sank and I dip a bit in my stance as I rub both cheeks as she tugged at the tops of my hose and panties. "pleaseeee Ma'am no more" I cried out, not sure if I could take one more. "oh yes Jill we are going again, come on" she said as she lowered my undies a bit more. I began crying like I have never before begging Please Ma'am no more. "Lets go" she said as I looked down to her, but she didn't even look up at me. "How many more blows Ma'am is there" I blurted out trying my best to figure when this would end or at least stale some. "There is a difference between the cane and a spanking, get back in place, NOW" she said rather calmly. She helped me lower my hose and panties past my red and burning cheeks to my thighs. Then I took my place across her lap once again. She got right to work again and I began kicking and crying even harder this time. Feeling totally defeated I accepted each blow. I have never felt so owned or submissive as I did at this very moment. While she went on my cry's softened a bit as my body seemed to go numb somewhat. But that by no means meant I didn't feel each and every one. Unable to resist anymore I collapsed over her lap as she kept going, just the sobs from me being heard between the spankings. This went on a few more minutes when I heard her say get up and then I realized she had stopped. I was still sobbing as I stood up quickly at her side. My hands folded in front of me as I stood at attention. She pointed to an empty corner and told me to go stand there. With my hose and panties rolled down just above my knees, I ran as fast as possible there. I buried my face in the corner and began rubbing my cheeks. My crying was still there and I couldn't stop it if I wanted too although it did quiet down a great deal. I then heard her tell Pam to get her a drink from behind me. I stood there wondering if this was the last time I would have to endure such a thing but really knew it probably wasn't. It got quiet as I stood there but could hear them chatting ever so often but couldn't make out what. My legs grew tired after awhile but I didn't move at all. I just buried my face in the corner and held my hands in front of me seeing how it hurt to touch my cheeks anymore. Then after about forty five minutes or so she told me to come to her. I quickly approached her standing before her and Pam on the couch. I gave a curtsey the best I could with my skirt still up and undies still down. "Take off that outfit Jill and hope you have learned a lesson today" she asked me. I quickly started to strip, first the blouse and then the skirt. "Yes Ma'am Ms Karen" as I took off each heel as quickly as I could. I kept going removing my hose and panties as they watched. But she stopped me before I could get to my bra. She handed Pam a set of silicone breast and told her to put them on me. She got up and applied some glue to each one before slipping them in my bra. "These will do until you grow your own and the glue will make sure they never come off." she smirked at me. After Pam handed me a silky pair of black panties and I had them on, after putting in my butt plug. She helped me get into my maid outfit from the night before and then had me sit next to her on the couch. Pam got down in front of me and picked up my foot in her lap as Ms Karen leaned over and kissed me. She was playing with my new tit's as Pam began to paint my toe nails a bright red. Not sure what to do I froze on the couch. Ms Karen went on playing with them as well as tugging at my chastity device while Pam finished the other foot. She then lets me sit up as Pam holds my hand and get my new nails laid out. "These also better always be up to inspection" I'm told by Ms Karen as Pam starts to work on my fingers. I agree with her as Pam continues my nails gluing them in place and painting them red to match my toes. Ms Karen gets up and goes into the bedroom as I watch in silence as Pam finishes my nails. 'Tonight we are going to dance and party" Ms Karen says coming back holding a tray. She sits back down and hands Pam the tray with some pot on it. Knowing I neither drink or par take in drugs, Pam rolls up a fat joint for the two of them. I made it clear in our conversations in the past that I use too but have been sober for a long time now. She told me that was no problem as long as I didn't mind she did and besides she wanted me focused at all times. It will be nice to have a designated driver and someone to get her things like drinks and such and more for her that way she told me. I told her that would not be a problem at all as long as she knew I wished to stay sober. 'Take a seat Jill" as she points to her side on the floor as she pours a couple glasses of wine. I quickly approach and kneel next to her, snuggled up close to her leg. She pats my head like a puppy as she sips her wine. "Here you go" Pam says as she hands her the joint. She holds it up and waits as Pam lights it for her as the two of them take turns smoking it. After they finished Ms Karen told me that she really liked a massage after smoking pot. Pam quickly got up but was told I was going to do it this time. She looked ok with it and Ms Karen told her to lay on the other couch as I would give her one as well. That made her look very happy as she started to undress. Ms Karen stood up and turned away from me waiting as I sat next to her. Looking up I was not sure what to do and sat staring up. "Go get me the leash" she told Pam as she looked back at me. I quickly got the hint and stood up as Pam reached in a drawer in the table, retrieving the leash and handing it to her. She quickly turned and attached it to my collar. "You are going to have to pay better attention Jill to my needs" she told me as she tugged on it pulling me closer. "Now undress me!" she said as she held the lead tight and turned once again. I quickly unzipped her dress and helped her slide it off. After placing it neatly on the back of the couch, she was already laying down on the couch as well. I knelt down again as I was pulled by my leash. Pam handed me some lotion and I was told to warm it in my hands before applying it to her. I unfasten her bra and do as told undoing the cap to the lotion. Then pouring a bit in my hand as I warm it before rubbing it all over her back. I do my best to rub it in as I give her the best massage I can. She seems to really enjoy it and after all the lotion is gone, I stop only to be told her whole body. I apply more lotion and work my way down her whole body. Finally finished she rolls over very pleased. I am wore out as she pulls me close for a deep kiss. Thinking I am done, she sits up and Pam is already waiting on the other couch for me. "Go on now and take care of her" Ms Karen tells me as I get up and bring the lotion with me. She goes on to say how that I did a great job and would be doing this often for now on. After 15 minutes already for Ms Karen, another 15 minutes on Pam seems like hours. Both really seem to enjoy it much more then I did doing it although it did feel nice rubbing them. Even if I was wore out and my arms were sore. She too is very pleased and rolls over when I finish and pulls my leash tight for a big kiss. "We need to get ready, I am taking my gurls out for lunch, shopping and some dancing tonight" I hear Ms Karen say. With that the Ladies get up and we all go to the bedroom. Pam finds me an outfit that looks very plain. As they get redressed in their outfits from before. I am to wear a black dress with my already black undies. I am very nervous about going out but excited all the same. I have mostly shopped online myself but was told she was going to get me some things to wear and I would be trying on all sorts of outfits to model for them. Then after lunch which would be very late, a night of showing her gurls off at their favorite spot.

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Well this happened to me about 10 years ago i was still dressing when ever i could you know shaved body no hair anywhere i'd put on a waist cincher (tie-up corset) gave more hips and smaller waist also added to my tits with inserts and pushup bra with nude stockings, tong, micro mini skirt, with a loose silk blouse and 4 inch heels i was almost passable add make-up and you couldn't tell me from a tall girl anyway i went off to one of our many locations for gays, t/v, t/s, c/d and lesbian bars...

2 years ago
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That Gurl

That Gurl Monica was a little nervous as she rode the elevator up to the 45th floor. It was the Executive Floor, influential money makers. She worked in the interoffice mail room for the whole building and had never hand delivered to “45”. Monica checked herself out in the mirror like walls of the elevator. Hand brushing her hair, she was satisfied that her cowl neck sweater with her pleated skirt were OK. The elevator stopped on floor 20 and a tall lady stepped in. They exchanged glances...

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Would she be a gurl

I was spending my third night out of town, supporting a very bad stressing business trip. Worst of all, I was horny as hell, since I had not fucked my sensual Ana in those days.On the other hand, I was pretty sure that my sexy babe would be now in her Black Master’s bed, being fucked in a very wild way.That bastard nigger would also fuck her in that nice tight ass…After having some light meal for dinner, I went back to my hotel. I was really tired and just wanted a relaxing warm shower and some...

4 years ago
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I finally become a sissy gurl

When I travel for work, I have often fantasized about meeting another sissy or a daddy from the internet. But I am usually so busy that I don’t have the time or the nerve. Time can be worked around, but I worry that they may have an STD and don’t disclose it. You can get herpes from sucking cock. Some back story – For years I have been a sissy. I sucked the cocks of a core group of three friends in high school. I got really good at it. But none of them would ever agree to top me. Also, they let...

1 year ago
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Daddyrsquos favourite gurl 4

It was summer break and I was off school for six weeks. It was the second week already and as I lay in bed with Daddy’s cum dripping from my pussy I sighed satisfied at my life. The sun was shining from day of the holidays and I was getting a lovely tan. Daddy patted my bottom as he got up and went to shower as I lay thinking of the day ahead. Pawel and John were calling for breakfast. John had become a great friend with Daddy and Pawel and had started working with Pav at weekends on a building...

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Working Gurl

Working GurlMy name is Danielle and I’m a working gurl . I started working in 1991 at the age of 20, my first job as a hooker was working out of an Adult Book Store North of Ft. Worth, Texas on I-35W South of the airport My boss was an older tranny named Jannice she ran the book store. On nights when she would call me in she would set me up in a booth in the video room. I never knew who or how many would come in to my booth. I was to service all that came to see me. Was I doing this for the...

3 years ago
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BiBoy turned to SubGurl

When I was young, my friend & I started to play the "I dare you" game which quickly evolved from looking at each others privates, to touching, to licking, to sucking. We would take turns sitting in a swivel chair in the middle of the room while the other sucked our cock for one minute intervals. Surprisingly I enjoyed sucking his cock just as much & if not even more than having mine sucked! And I could tell he didn't because he was just doing it so I would do it back, plus I would go...

4 years ago
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Me dressed as a Gurl

this happened about 25 years ago when i could half way pass i went to this night club for crossdresser, transexuals and transvestites west of balboa park one thursday night it wasn't has busy has on a friday or week end but there was a nice crowd mustly crossdressers a few trannys it was not to late about 8:30pm the company was fine mainly playing pool and looking around some good conversation us gurls we in back the guys were in front at the bar checking us out i was dressed to kill had on...

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tgurlshemale at straight singles dancequo if u don't know, a t-gurl is what is commonly called a shemale.....but tgurl is preferred by us gurls. anyway, my true story revolves around a singles club in a city in ohio that gets together at the end of every month and they have about 300 people that show up, hang out, dance and socialize. well, three of us t-gurls decided we'd go and see what it was like. since we look pretty good nobody guessed who we were and so we just set about enjoying ourselves by having some drinks and...

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That Gurl 1

That Gurl #1 Monica watched as Ann sat 2 small containers on the counter top. She stuck a finger in each, removed a glob, mixed them then tasted it. Glancing at her, Ann said, “Hi cutie, come here”. Ann lifted Monica's skirt, peered at her pretty panties saying, “you won't need those today. Take them off and bend over”. Monica removed them, bent and felt Ann eating her ass hole saying “delicious”. A few seconds later, she felt 2 coated fingers ease into her anal canal. A tingling, warm...

3 years ago
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Helping a gurl out

Just to explain a few things, we live on an island in the irish sea between Britain and Ireland. T-gurls are rarely heard from, nevermind seen for fear of negative comments.Vikki was a t-gurl that my wife (K)and i met via a swinging site and had played with on a number of occasions. She would visit the island with work and when done for the day would indulge in meeting anyone who wanted to fuck her.Vikki arrived on the island on the Wed and we met her on the Saturday. As this was our 3rd meet...

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The New Cheer Gurl

The new cheer gurl By Debry White This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. It was the last year of high school for most of my so called "friends" but not for me. Even I am not in sports nor I am popular, I hang out with the football and cheer teams because I am the one that makes their...

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Fun with StephanieGurl at the Park

Fantasy Story: Fun with Stephanie-Gurl at the park.After weeks of chatting online I was able to convince Stephanie to meet me but she had one condition it has to be in public place. Now I am not one to hook up in public but I was dying to meet Stephanie and have a little fun. I knew of a park that was nearby that we could meet at late at night and she agreed to the location. That night I arrived at the parking lot of the park around 11 o’clock and waited in my car. Of course being the sexy...

4 years ago
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The Making of a Gloryhole Gurl Part 2

Making of a Gloryhole Gurl! Part 2By Kristy I wasn’t sure where she went, but I lost contact with her after a couple months. All the bars and all the prostitutes never seem to get me off the way Christina did. I would cruise the streets for hours hoping to find her and go home without doing anything. My life without this very special gurl was depressing and went on like this for years. Then a few years ago I heard about a local park where guys would cruise for sex. Wait a minute I’m not gay!...

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Daddyrsquos favourite gurl 6

I’ve always been attracted to older men, not hard to understand when your first lover is your own father. Here I was sat opposite a guy who Daddy had set me up with to seduce and get back to my bedroom so we could film him in bed with me and then show his wife, my mother! What a tangled web. I smiled to myself. This guy, Adam, was in reality, my step father. And i couldn’t wait to add him to my conquests. My mother had left my father for Adam and we wanted revenge. She had taken my early cross...

2 years ago
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White gurl

Well this is something I never expected. Here I am in a gay resort in the Canary Islands, can't remember what it's called, with a man, a black man.I am effectively his woman and my raison d'etre is to pleasure him. Well, he has paid to bring me here and bought me clothes to wear, not that he asked or that they were anything I would have chosen for myself but I seemed to have any choice.He is black, 6ft, muscled and hung, a good 8 inches I'd say. I am a 5'6" straight man not getting any luck...

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A Gurls Family

A Gurl's FamilyDick Girl, Transvestite, Straight Sex, Oral, Anal, Hand Jobs, Hand Balling, Flashing, Exposure. Older/Younger. Erotic, Kinky and ExtremeMillionaire Claude Barr swam in the surf off shore in Hawaii. He glanced their cottage as Judy his wife and Kara his daughter came out in matching multicolored native robes. He smiled as he saw them sit and Kara sat in her mother's lap. On shore paced Nelson, a Black former NFL tackle turned bodyguard, 24 hour Security. On a Jet Ski idling near...

3 years ago
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My gurl keeps trucking

While on this website I had the pleasure of meeting a really lovely gurl, we started off here texting each otherback and forth till I came to the conclusion that she wasn't a time waster so I sent her my number butnever heard a thing back. I was highly annoyed with myself, another useless cunt I thought to myself.I logged on a few day's later and I had received a message, when I opened it it was from (lets call her Cindy) not her real name. She sent me a lovely reply and at the end was her...

2 years ago
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Sissy gurl meets Daddy Part 2

It was finally later that night when Samantha had a moment alone to open the envelope Daddy had left behind for her after their playtime earlier that day. She unfolded the note and begin reading by her computer. The note read…..Dear Sissy, You are probably reading this tonight, because you can’t stop thinking about serving your new Daddy. If this is true, than my plan is working exactly like I thought it would. I’m going to ask that on Friday morning you take a shower and get as smooth as...

4 years ago
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Making of a Gloryhole Gurl Part 2

Making of a Gloryhole Gurl! Part 2 By Kristy I wasn't sure where she went, but I lost contact with her after a couple months. All the bars and all the prostitutes never seem to get me off the way Christina did. I would cruise the streets for hours hoping to find her and go home without doing anything. My life without this very special gurl was depressing and went on like this for years. Then a few years ago I heard about a local park where guys would cruise for...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary ndash Neighbor BoyGurl BFF

Summer time just got out of the 7th grade in the back yard (our yard bordered the woods) playing with my dolls. I was wearing pink shorts (pink ruffed panties underneath), a pink bra and white top. Changing outfits on the dolls combing their hair, doing what girls do with their dolls. Hearing a sound, I turned to the path leading from the woods and saw a boy standing by a tree looking at me. Hi I said, He replied “Hi” in a meek voice as he looked down. I got up walking to him; he stepped back...

1 year ago
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Slut Bad Gurl on The Run

I checked into the motel with two suitcases, one for the traveling man and one for Victoria. Vicki likes to come out and play in strange cities where she can be herself in complete anonimity. She is a slutty, smoking sissy gurl!I run the bath and put in some girlie bubbles. As the hot water fills the tub I unpack my sexy clothes, black lace bra and panties, stockings, waist cincher, 6" black open-toe pumps, and lay them out on one bed. I unpack my make-up and jewelry.There's something so sexy...

2 years ago
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Wife had girls weekend so I had GURL weekend pt4

see parts 1 through 3 before reading this.SO it is now Saturday evening and I am trying to find someone to get into me tonight. I had several replies to decide on who to invite over. I wanted a black man that wanted to fuck my ass as well as get sucked. I picked a 35 year old man who said he lived in town and loved breaking in white gurls he said the fact I was married was even better. I have been fucked by black men before but what the hell let him think he is breaking me in.I decided on my...

3 years ago
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Playtime Stories Ch 10 Theater Play pt 2 GurlGu

10. Having sucked and fucked my way through the first hour or so of my membership at The Grande Theater, I sat resting and enjoyed watching a fiery redhead porn princess get double penetrated and then impossibly huge loads of cum on her face. My entire crotch was moist and slick with a nasty mix of lube, cum, and saliva and momentarily enjoyed a cool breeze through the theater. My cock was rigid and I knew I was ready for more. I pulled up my black satin panties and re-zipped my...

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How I became a GURL Part III Fulfilling the

Now that I was fully versed in being a gurl, I needed to know if I could turn a man on in person, not just looking through a glory hole. I wanted to have a man treat me totally like a woman, take me to a hotel and make love to me, completely as a woman.But where to find the guy?The answer was a chat line. I got an account as a girl -- I signed on as Jennifer, explained what I was and what I was looking for. As you can tell my voice is very fem (listen to my voice into or watch my vid it you...

2 years ago
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Frankie and His Gurl Part 4 Jock Tease

by julee [email protected] @)~%~;'~`~ I was staring in the window of a Victoria's Secret when I saw Billy Mills' reflection. He was approaching with a tall redheaded girl. They stopped and Billy laughed at me. "Shopping for your girlfriend, dude?" he said. I almost laughed but then he said, "Or your boyfriend?" He didn't know about my female life. I put on my best male voice and said, "At least I buy my dates something." "Think you're funny, little wiseass?"...

4 years ago
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He knew how to treat a Gurl

So, as all you cum sluts like me know when you are sucking a guy off and he is ready to cum they pull out tell you to open your mouth then jerk off and shoot their load mostly on your face (which is fine with me) as you try to get as much of it in your mouth to swallow. We work so hard sucking, licking, kissing a cock only to get some of what we worked so hard for. I could never understand it. Finally last night while I was trolling my favorite truck stop (looking so cute I must say) parked my...

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Daddyrsquos favourite gurl 3

I’d dressed in my black short leather skirt and white mohair top that just covered my new breasts and showed my slim tummy off. Daddy had paid for me to go private to Transform in Manchester and a gorgeous Italian surgeon had vetted me to make sure I was sure about the op. It took five minutes! I wore my little black dress and high heels and did my make up perfectly. I have a young girl Aimee come to the house once a week to do my hair and nails and am now happy to be a very convincing female....

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Awhile back I ran into a guy online in one of the dating sites that was a TG. I was always turned on by a gurl with a boner so I chatted with “her” for a bit. She was married to a bi man. I quickly offered to join them both in bed as that would have been great fun! She told me he doesn't like to share but she did get horny when he wasn't in the mood. We quickly made a date to meet at one of the local waterside parks. She described her car to me and I told her what I would be in. At the...

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Hotel Gurl

I had posted an ad on Backpage and received the standard amount of online responses from the mouth breathers or the spammers. One response was very nice that read “nice pic! I’ll be getting into Tampa on the night of the 14th, staying for a few days. MWM, 6’ 3”, 250 pounds, DDF, late 50s, safe, clean, discreet. I’ll be staying the Hilton downtown and would love to get together.” We started texting back and forth and he seemed pretty sincere. He told me his name was Alan and that he is in town...

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Meeting an Old Buddy After Becoming a Gurl

When I arrived at his house, he was waiting for me in the front yard. I was nice seeing Victor after all these years. His once huge afro is now gone, replaced with a glistening shaved head. His 6’6” frame is still in excellent shape plus a few pounds. Then I remembered how much I used to tease him because his was so dark, I called him “blue-black” but he looked good. Vic welcomed me in the house, and told me how embracing being a gurl suits me. Victor complimented me on my dress, my new...

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Meeting an Old Buddy After Becoming a Gurl

When I arrived at his house, he was waiting for me in the front yard. I was nice seeing Victor after all these years. His once huge afro is now gone, replaced with a glistening shaved head. His 6’6” frame is still in excellent shape plus a few pounds. Then I remembered how much I used to tease him because his was so dark, I called him “blue-black” but he looked good. Vic welcomed me in the house, and told me how embracing being a gurl suits me. Victor complimented me on my dress, my new...

2 years ago
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Making of a Gloryhole Gurl Part 1

Making of a Gloryhole Gurl! Part 1 By Kristy Cross Just Like in any marriage after fifteen years ours was getting pretty routine. Every three months I could have sex, in the missionary position, with her wearing flannel Pj's. Even in the summer she would wear long pants type pajamas and when I would buy her something sexy she would just say it's not my type and never even try it on! It was only six months after our marriage that she told me she doesn't like to have...

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Making of a Gloryhole Gurl Part 3

Making of a Gloryhole Gurl! Part 3 By Kristy I look back on some of the Pictures from my early days, going to the Adult Bookstores and the Park and can't believe how bad badly I was at putting my makeup on and some of the things I wore. Although I still like to dress slutty! I could sneak away for only so long before I had to change back and make it home without a trace. I made a major breakthrough soon and began going into the bookstores completely dressed and I was going more and...

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Gloryhole Gurl Part 1

Making of a Gloryhole Gurl! Part 1By KristyJust Like in any marriage after fifteen years ours was getting pretty routine. Every three months I could have sex, in the missionary position, with her wearing flannel Pj’s. Even in the summer she would wear long pants type pajamas and when I would buy her something sexy she would just say it’s not my type and never even try it on! It was only six months after our marriage that she told me she doesn’t like to have oral sex!Well like any red-blooded...

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September Gurl

September Gurl Belladonna [Author's Note: With Apologies to Big Star for the Title] Davis Perry rubbed his fingers across his forehead before he looked down at his son and said, "Are you sure you can handle it?" "Mom's asking me to watch Susanna for a few days, not go to the moon," Peter retorted, shaking his head. Susanna was four years younger than him and just entering high school. Peter had graduated the June before, but he had decided to take a year off before going to...

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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

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Love of Shemalersquos Trannyrsquos T Gurlrsquos and Traprsquos

To know how I got here, I first have to tell you how it started and that might take awhile. I was just a normal, average youngster. Playing sports and looking at girls. I can’t remember what my friend’s and I were doing that day, probably all just sitting around and talking. Then someone brought up the name “Maggie.” I didn’t know it yet, but “Maggie” would change my life forever. There had long been rumors about a lady that lived near us that used to be a man. Of course I didn’t, couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

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Becoming Anthea

My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...

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Periya Suuthu Vaithu Irukum Thevidiyavai Oothen

Ippozhuthu naan kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiren, enathu peyar kamal vayathu 23. Naan niraiya vibachaarigalai panam koduthu oothu irukiren. Aanal en vaazhvile sexyaaga thevidiyaavai eppadi oothen enbathai intha il ungalidam solla aasai padugiren. Naan chennaiyil oru thaniyaar kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Vibachaara pathumaigal endraal enaku miga pidikum, athilum sexyaaga irukum pathumaigalai ooka manam kenjum. En veetil konjam pana vasathi irupathaal maathathirku 4 muraiyaavathu...

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