Epidemic Sissification free porn video

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Epidemic Sissification Puddles streamed across the floor. He was glad that they weren't worse. It had rained pretty hard the day before, and if it had continued he was pretty sure that there would have been a rather bad flood. But, David had been able to leave the house without his umbrella. That meant he could carry more groceries. The plastic dug into his fingers slightly, making him sigh with annoyance while he let them drift to a dryer part of the sidewalk. Rubbing his fingers, David took a deep breath. They had worn down, and he was sure that he could feel the first stings of sensation running into his hands. Sometimes he wished that he owned a car, but with traffic in the city it could be just as difficult to find a parking space. For short errands he could get away with walking. When he looked up he noticed someone staring at him. Her hair was rather short, and she was wearing what looked like an older school uniform. The edges of her skirt were plastered to her skin, and she seemed to be breathing in short little gasps. It had stopped raining fully an hour before, so he was sure that she wasn't wet from the rain. At least she shouldn't be. It didn't look like she'd fallen into a puddle. She moved slightly, unable to get closer. Little gasps filled her lungs, making David feel a little worried. Was she sick? That might explain the flushed face and heavy breathing. His mind didn't go directly into a porno movie in the least. He quickly picked up the groceries in order to run towards her quickly. It was a person in trouble, and he couldn't help wanting to get her some assistance. The worst that could happen was that he'd look inside the alley to find an ambush. That he was sure he was close enough to the main road to run from. A car passed by, giving him a little more security. "Are you alright?" he asked, looking at her. She wasn't busty, though that didn't matter. Her wide eyes were rather cute, and she'd used some lipstick to make her lips seem plumper. Her soft long fingers were trying to keep her skirt down, and she looked at him. Her voice came in barely a whisper. "N..no. I... I need help," she said in a confused tone; that made David feel a little strange while she looked him up and down. Slowly she sunk to the ground. He put the groceries down in order to help her. After all she was on her knees. Without any hesitation she took the moment to grab onto his pants. "What are you doing?" He said with surprise, her fingers moving his zipper downwards while her hands shook. Desperate motions moved his underwear slightly, revealing the little slit that he could slide his penis out of. Without any hesitation she slid his cock from the edges. He tried to resist, but found those soft fingers driving him forward. Or at least that's the excuse he told himself while her soft little painted lips gave the tip of his cock a little kiss. Her lips were so soft, gently nuzzling slightly against him. With little laps of her tongue, she spread his pee slit apart, tasting the moistness while his member slowly grew to erection. He looked around, happy to see no one was there. Right now her cute little lips were slowly engulfing around his red tip, feeling his penis harden to full erection, his balls plump inside of the thick cloth of his boxers while her mouth was forced apart by his spreading mushroom cap. She gulped slightly, forcing her mouth forward. It felt warm, her little tongue sticking and rubbing against his pee slit while she forced her mouth further down. He could feel her struggle slightly when she reached the middle of his member. It bumped against her throat, and despite her willingness she showed her inexperience by coughing. David gently ran his fingers through her hair, feeling her tense slightly. Her eyes looked straight at him, then smiled while she pulled back to gently run across the sides of his mushroom cap. "Thank you." She said, holding his member with her fingers before she slid her free hand downward to slide his balls from out the little slit. They fit easily into the palm of her hand. The girl's mouth returned, suckling against his tip while she delved her tongue even deeper, and then moving with ease to drive his cock into her throat. It was rather sweet, and with the shape of her mouth set into a cute little O, he could see her eyes close. It took a lot of concentration for her to force herself forward, her coughing ending when she went all the way to the base. It felt warm inside of her mouth, the upper side of her tongue rubbing against the underside of his dick. She moved quickly, fondling his balls with every stroke. Soon he could feel the pressure building inside the base of his penis. It travelled, swelling his balls while he thrust deeper into her throat. He could feel himself growing warmer and warmer despite a chill wind that travelled down the alleyway. A shudder ran down his spine when she gently separated his balls before thrusting herself all the way down. He gasped, David feeling his cock twitch deep inside of that warm throat. It spread apart slightly; his pee slit suddenly separating to spout a thick rope of semen down her cute little throat. He could see her throat bobbing while she swallowed each gush of his seed. It went deep inside of her stomach, and he could see this wistful look appear on her face. With a glazed expression she pulled herself back. A little trail of seed and spittle connected her mouth to his cock. She gave the tip a kiss, and he could see the trail end. David expected to go flaccid then, and yet he felt a renewed energy. It was like someone filled him with a fire of lust, and his cock grew even more rigid after his orgasm. It twitched, little droplets of cum passing by his tip. The girl looked happy her mouth curled into a cute little smile. "I am so glad I am pleasing you. I need it so bad," she said with that adorable little voice, it warbled slightly when she talked, but he wasn't concerned about that. Standing up, she stood only to about his chest. Her hips were jutted outwards, and she hooked her skirt upwards, pulling her panties down. Still her crotch was hidden from him, and she worked to unbutton her top. He was surprised at how flat she was. Her nipples were round, with a light pink color. They stood out in erect little nubs that went out into the air. And yet despite their little pert shape they were completely flat. She could have used a training bra at best. Yet he didn't seem to mind. She pulled up her skirt to reveal her genitals. They surprised him. Between her soft creamy thighs was a tiny little cock. It couldn't have been an inch long flaccid, and it had a tiny little set of balls beneath it. He'd have called them miniscule, and yet they didn't bother him. Those tiny little male members weren't what he wanted right now. The boi turned, revealing the smooth feminine expanse of his ass. It tingled, and he lifted his skirt to reveal that he'd already applied lubrication. It dripped down his soft thighs, and he was panting for air. "Please sir." He asked with desperation. David didn't think twice, gently massaging his erect member against that lovely sissy entrance. It tingled, feeling the warmth that emanated from it. A little pressure made the boy gasp, his hands gripping against the wall while David's fingers spread his ass apart. He could feel the tension on his anus, feeling its warmth while he pushed. The virgin hole started to open to his attempts, his tip slowly folding before it slid inside. His lover let out a girlish moan, his little cock growing erect. It hadn't grown, and the little erect cock made him think of it as just a big clitoris. "Please more." He begged, his breathing ragged, his hips trying to force the male's thickness inside of him. David obliged, pushing his hips forward so that he could feel the thickness of his shaft spreading the boi apart. With a soft moan the boi shuddered, taking in deep little breathes. Being totally inside reminded him how soft the sissy was. His ass pressed against his hips felt like it was made of the softest skin. He could feel every inch of smooth flawlessness underneath his fingers. David gripped the boi's thighs, feeling himself pull back before he felt each ridge inside massaging his shaft while it slid out. Slickness covered his member while he thrust right back in. Little grunts filled his throat while he stuffed him with his cock. It felt amazing, the warmth emanating from that little body making him moan deep in the back of his throat. He tried to reach the little erect member to massage it, but found that thrusting around the little bulge inside the boi did more good. He let out cute little moans, his tiny cock leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. His anus was clenching around his engorged member, and could feel each little mini-orgasm that wracked the young boi; the way that his hips flared out, his hands digging into the smooth flesh with every thrust. Despite having cum before, David felt his orgasm arriving quickly. The very need to cum had filled his mind with every thrust, and he tried to think of what to do. Maybe he should make the boy cum first, and yet he couldn?t keep himself back. Thick ropes of semen flooded into the boi?s body. His cock dribbled semen down his stomach, while his ass clenched around the invading member. Gasping for air they both leaned down against each other. He couldn?t imagine feeling this good. The boi squirmed underneath, his eyes losing that glazed expression. Now he could see a nervous panic fill the sissy?s eyes. What did that mean? ?You alright?? The boi tried to pull back. He gasped when the cock slid out of his ass. A little plop sounded in his ears, semen streaming out of his now non-virgin hole. His eyes were wide, staring at David?s still erect member. ?I?.I am alright,? he tried to say while his hands were shaking. ?I have to go.? He pulled his panties up, running away from David before he could say another word. That was annoying. Looking down he could see his erection still hadn?t gone down. In fact it pulsated even angrier than before, the tip leaking a steady stream of pre-cum onto his shirt. He carefully slid his boxers up, pulling his engorged member into them before he zipped back his pants. The groceries weren?t wet, thankfully, so he picked them up again before he walked home. David felt a slight little twitch beneath his pants. His face felt rather hot, a flush filling his cheeks. It was getting worse with each step. His boxers rubbed against his erection, a wet spot growing with every step. By the time he reached his home he could feel himself about to burst. Janet was inside getting the dishwasher ready. After all she was sure that they would be getting dinner prepared the instant David got home. When the door opened she kept her eyes firmly placed within the machine. ?Welcome home, did you find everything. David could barely think, putting the groceries on the kitchen counter. He could see the round apple of her ass staring right in front of him. The way her auburn hair was tied into a ponytail behind her head made his cock pulsate. ?Did you find everything?? she asked again a little louder. His hand reached to grab the softness of her ass. It made her jump, almost hitting her head. ?What in the world are you??? She didn?t even get to finish her sentence before he?d pressed his mouth against hers. Janet let out a little gasp, feeling him pressing her against him with great need. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, making him tingle all over while he cupped her ass cheeks against his hand. The pulsating of his member rubbed against her stomach, her face blushing. ?What in the world got you so worked up?? she demanded, David not answering while he lifted her up. Caught in his arms, she decided that she would go with this. After all he rarely came home so prepared. Moving her up the stairs with a new found strength that she had never thought possible before. He dumped her onto the bed, letting out a little grunt while his fingers worked to pull his shirt off. Pants and underwear slid off his form to reveal his engorged member. It was a dark color, seeming to fill with energy while he looked at her. Without any ceremony he pulled her skirt up to reveal her lily white panties. With a quick motion he yanked them off her hips before he spread her legs apart. It didn?t seem like he was concerned with much else, so Janet slid her hair out of the ponytail, hair cascading down her back. Janet didn?t know what to think, running her fingers through her hair while he looked at her little covered mound. The boi had a soft mound with no hair, and yet he could see the strange shape of his wife?s plump pussy. At first he felt a slight revulsion, something entirely new to him. And yet he felt the need to use his engorged member even more. It was driving him forward, his mouth sliding forward to cup her crotch underneath his waiting lips. Janet gasped, her pussy caught between his lips while his tongue slid out to part her labia. With each stroke she could feel herself growing warmer to his touch. She didn?t feel herself explode like he did, instead growing warmer with each stroke of his tongue. Lips plumped to the touch, moist wetness slowly trickling to meet his waiting tongue. He didn?t really want to make her cum with his tongue, her body glistening with sweat while he prepared her. Removing his mouth he groped his engorged member. It twitched within his grasp, a little trickle of pre-cum filling past his penile tip. His pee slit winked open with every droplet that dribbled onto the sheets. He moved forward, letting it dribble onto her waiting pussy. She wasn?t sure what drove him to this, but now she was feeling that strange warmth through her body as well. With long tapered fingers, she spread her vaginal lips apart. The pink center of her womanhood winked slightly before he pressed his cock against her entrance. Warm wetness greeted him, making him gasp in surprise at how cool it felt in contrast to his warm shaft. Her wiggling made him concentrate, her hands cupping her breasts. Why did he ignore them? That was strange for a man who loved the feel of her lovely cleavage. David didn?t care about them though while he pushed forward. The woman?s soft insides expanded around his shaft, her pussy tingling from the invasion of his hot member. Gasping for air he thrust inside of her with abandon. Once again he felt the need to penetrate inside of someone. Even then his mind was filled with that lovely boi?s ass. How it had felt around his shaft. It was similar to her pussy, and yet so different. Maybe the little cock had driven him forward, and yet he couldn?t describe why. She was grunting with him, her hips pushing up while she curled her toes. Janet wrapped her arms around his neck, her hips flared with every thrust of his hips. She gasped out loud when he rubbed upwards, his hips forcing her clit to rub against his groin. Even without his attempts to make her feel better, the pure lust that he was imparting upon her made her shudder. He kept thrusting, feeling that familiar pressure building deep within his balls. It was making him gasp in pleasure, David wanting to be even deeper. Angling upwards he could feel himself forcing her vagina deeper, his balls rubbing against the underside of her vulva. She was moaning, her insides clenching in mini-orgasmic bliss around his engorged member. He thrust faster, feeling his balls swing against her. To be honest she?d been really close. Janet could feel her entire body ready to explode when he came. Warmth spread inside of her belly, filling her pussy, and dribbling past his cock onto the sheets. David jerked about, his body tensing while he came again and again. It was more intense this time, and he could feel his entire body feeling drained from the experience. Janet groaned with annoyance when he slid out, semen dribbling out onto the sheets from her opening. While his cock wilted, she leaned down to gently massage her pussy. He?d become spent, and she had taken his warmth into her own. Turning away from him, she went to sliding her fingers into her moist opening; their mixed sexual fluids melding with her fingers inside of her. David turned around, knowing she was annoyed with him; though he felt like he was worn down. Where he?d felt boundless sexual energy before was no replaced with a strange soreness that spread out over his body. Janet was going to finger herself until she felt satisfied, and he knew that he would be in the way. The scent of their love making filled his nostrils while he stumbled towards the bathroom. His head was spinning while he turned on the cold water. It cascaded down with an icy sound that filled his mind. That chill was already inside of his body, so he slowly turned it into a luke warm temperature that made him feel a little better. He stripped the last of his clothing in order to slide into the shower. Getting his hair wet, he buried his head under the cascade of water. All of his body suddenly felt really sore, his eyes open while he gasped. The shower seemed to suddenly heave over him while he fell onto the floor. His mouth opened into a silent scream while his hips felt like they were on fire. He could almost imagine he could hear them cracking while they swelled outward. His spine cracked slightly while he felt the wave of revulsion run up his spine. It seemed to crack again, his arms and shoulders suddenly shriveling before his eyes. They slid upwards towards his form where they looked much too small for his body. Then he could see his body slowly shrinking to match, moving downwards while he gasped in surprise. His fingers were growing longer in relation to his hands, and he could see his skin shedding hair before it reached a smooth silken tone. Running a finger across it made him jump. It had never been this smooth before, and he could feel each inch of his fingers. Itching began on his scalp, his hand moving to massage the thicker hair while it moved across his face. Annoying twitches moved across his face, making him rub against them. Compared to his head the pains on his face were worse. David gasped when he felt the hairs on his cheeks disappear, his five o clock shadow disappearing between his fingers. His jaw cracked slightly, becoming more rounded with every second. The edges of his nose shriveled while he could feel his features become more oval, the definitions of them changing. The water kept his ears full of strange noises that he could hear just under the water fall. David took a deep breath, turning to lift upwards. Water hit his chest, his nipples expanding upwards to meet them. Little bumps appeared below while his areola stretched outwards. There was a slight pink tinge to it, and soon he could feel the droplets of water with even more frequency. His gasps sounded higher, his hands moving around himself. His chest was smaller, and he could feel the strange hourglass shape that his hips were forming behind him. David?s ass expanded backwards, shaping around to form a bubble that reminded him of who he?d recently had sex with. The tingling of his anus made him gasp in surprise while he turned to look at the roundness of his ass. Moving a finger between the soft girlish cheeks, he felt the twitching of his anal passage. It tingled, his finger adding pressure. It felt different, and he could feel himself growing erect again. His erection looked the same, his heavy balls not matching the small girlish form. The finger slid inside, his girlish gasp making him turn away for a second. It slid inside, reaching a soft spot that made him jump when he touched it. David took deep gasps of air, trying to stop himself. But, he slowly slid another finger inside of himself. Pumping his fingers inside, he looked down to see his cock twitching. Every thrust grew worse, his cock tip seeming to shrivel, foreskin sliding over the tip. He watched in amazement while each inch of his cock was stolen from him. It seemed to be reversing over the years. His balls sucked tightly to his crotch, making him moan gently to himself while he pumped his fingers inside of his body. He knew that he had been infected by that boi, and that he was only an inch or so away from becoming one himself. His cock shriveled until it was a cute little prick. It twitched girlishly when he thrust his fingers in deeper; poking that special spot made him gasp. A little dribble of semen came from his tiny member. Instead, he felt a wave of pleasure rush up his spine. His toes curled, his anus clenching around that lovely fingers. His entire small form shuddered while he lay with his head against the wall of the shower. The pleasure forced him to take a moment to gain control of himself. Davie lifted himself up towards the water. Thankfully it was washing away his masturbation. For the first time Davie wondered if Janet would have any strange effects. Quietly he walked out of the shower. Water dripped down his back onto the floor while he moved his little hands across the mirror. A cute girl stared back at him. Her hips were wide, giving her a happy little apple of an ass. She didn?t have breasts, though her nipples were big enough for much larger chests. The little cock between his legs was all that told Davie he was male. The cute little face with that shaggy hair over it made him grin. He did make a cute sissy. He cracked the door open to see his wife sitting up on the bed. Janet?s eyes were wide in shock as she saw Davie walking out. After all you don?t expect to see your normal proportioned husband walk into a bathroom to see a young girlish boi leave. Her shock was rather complete; enough that she started to change without realizing it. The top of her dress grew too large for her, her body shrinking into them. They hung rather loosely around her shoulders. Sharp edges around her face softened so that she soon looked more girl than woman. Her hips stayed the same, though he could clearly see the clear fluid from her pussy dribble against her smooth thighs. Janet?s chest felt tight, so tight that she finally noticed. The two lumps appeared to shrink before her eyes. Deflating around her, the dress fell even further forward. A terrified gasp filled her lips when she could see her breasts shrink from their lovely size. Soon her nipples were all that remained of her precious chest. Her pussy plumped, her slit suddenly moving so that the two edges of her labia touched. The flesh melded together until her pussy had sealed below her clitoris. That swelled, growing thicker and larger while her lips expanded, dragging downwards. Janet moved, her legs spread so that she could see. Without her breasts it was much easier to see her pussy seal, the smooth skin crinkling somewhat while the scrotum developed. It filled with tiny little testicles, her clit expanding only a little while the pink skin changed to match her own. A throbbing little penis stared straight up at her while she turned to look at Davie. He smiled sweetly before he pressed himself against her. She wanted to say something, but her new boi body was craving someone?s touch. His soft lips touched her own, and she moaned deep while their tiny little cocks rubbed against each other. Little droplets of pre-cum formed around the tips, smearing against their round bellies. ?I love you? He said in that sweet little voice. Janet blushed, moving a little in order to slide out of her dress. She was slightly taller than he was, and her cock was two inches to his one. Other than that they were similar except for their hair. ?I love you to, though.? Her face turned even redder. ?You want to feel someone big inside don?t you?? He asked with a big smile that made him look even more perverted. ?Yeah..though?somewhere I didn?t want to before,? Janet admitted her desire to be taken from behind. Davie knew that sensation that he wanted to be taken there over and over again. And yet he was ready to go for it. ?I don?t know much, can you show me?? He asked her. What a shame that young sissy hadn?t had a former female to help; though they?d have to wear older clothing that hadn?t fit his wife before. ?Yes I can. Though can we have fun together first?? She kissed his lips gently, her little erection poking against him. He pushed forward, kissing her deeply. Both of them had instincts that were taking over the old ones. Davie had no desire to feel his cock in anything, teasing it against her lovely little nub was enough. Slowly she reached over to the nightstand. It took a little more stretching due to her new height, but she was able to slide it open. Earlier she?d thought of using her thick dildo, and knew they could both enjoy it. ?I suppose we have enough for lubrication.? Her fingers moved to the juices from their earlier coupling. With a little slide of her finger she flipped her husband onto his back. He blushed, turning his eyes. After all she knew more about being penetrated than him. His ass still tingled despite his earlier orgasm. They both wanted more, but this would satisfy right this second. Janet gently slid her finger inside of him, feeling his resistance disappear while she tried to see how tight he might be. Oh if only she?d grown a much bigger cock she could take him. But, her tiny little nub would have to hold. Besides, her own anus twitched. With a little easing she pulled her fingers out again. Her dildo was soon replacing her fingers, her hand moving around the tip of his little cock while she eased it. Davie gasped, closing his eyes while she added pressure. It didn?t take much for it to slide inside, her fingers collecting more of their earlier love making to pour over it so that it would slide inside. He gasped, feeling the thing fill him up inside. ?H..how are you going to be pleasured?? His voice warbled while he asked. ?Don?t worry about that darling,? she said with a little giggle while she slid her little body over his. Their boi forms were girlish, hers having changed less than his. But, her anus tingled in a way that she?d never desired before. Pulling the dildo up made him gasp, forcing his hips upwards. She gently moved her own tensing opening against the other end of the dildo. It pushed gently against her anus, forcing it apart while she plunged herself downward. ?Oh?so?good.? She moaned, her hips flush with energy while she tensed. Her ass was full of this lovely toy, and she could feel it rubbing against a new special spot. On her front, and he on his back, they started to thrust their asses forward. Both of them touched, their tiny balls rubbing against each other before each path. Neither of them was into the other at the moment, only thinking of that thing invading their bodies. Janet felt herself shaking, her little cock having its first little trickling orgasm while her anus clenching harshly around the toy. The little bit of semen trickled down her member; falling onto his while he thrust upwards into her. His earlier orgasm was making it a little difficult to cum immediately; though he found himself suddenly shaking while he dove deeper. Soon he couldn?t control himself either, cumming in little droplets while his anus clenched around the invading tool. Both of them gasped for air, looking into each other?s eyes. ?I love you. But?.that wasn?t enough. I need a real one,? Janet said with a little turn before she slid the thing out of herself. The lack of cum pouring into her was making her feel antsy, and she could feel that he was feeling the same below her. Quickly she made sure that they got cleaned up. After all she didn?t want them to smell too much like sex. Janet knew what to do, getting a few things together. She?d kept a few things from her youth in order to give herself goals when it came to weight. With a speed unknown to him she passed panties to him. Why she?d chosen thongs was clear when he felt that smoothness against his soft ass. It left only a tiny bulge in front to reveal what he was. Quickly she put on a matching pair. Her clothes were folded, not full of wrinkles like the boy that Davie had sex with. She made sure he had a nice little skirt with a small button up shirt that barely covered his cute little belly. Her clothes were more like her old uniform, with a little wiggle that made her ass jiggle when she moved. Both of them used a little bow to put up their hair. Using too much make-up would have taken too much time. So she made sure to use a little lip gloss for both of them with a little eyeliner to show the lovely curve of their eyes. Her smile made him blush, his little erection pushing against the soft material of his panties. With her purse, she made sure to grab her keys before they made their way outside. ?This is going to be great,? she said with a smile. Walking together they made their way to one of the local bars. There were sure to be men there. The sweet nectar of male lust filled his nose when he entered. His little cock twitched within the confines of his panties. Davie never thought he could feel this lustful about a male. And yet he knew why that boi had looked so disheveled. He wanted to spread his ass right now to take one of those thick bulges. Davie smiled at a few of the men, but Janet made sure to turn them away. Single men wouldn?t do for the moment. After all she wanted them to actually be taken together. Her eyes roamed, her mind working much better than his. Davie wanted to finger himself, having been infected longer meant that he was looking to be taken much sooner. He almost wanted to beg her to just pick two guys randomly when she smiled. It wasn?t too soon for Davie. Two rather large construction workers entered. Their scent was amazing, and she could see the virility within their pants. Janet hopped off to saunter over to them. Both looked at her, her smile rather enticing. Davie held back, seeing her hands move to theirs while she talked. Her eyes darted to him, her hands moving to rub what appeared to be growing bulges in their pants. With a twist of her head she motioned for him to follow them. Dragging both men behind her she moved towards the storage room. He walked in to see her almost push the man with her little arms towards a seat. He laughed at her attempts, sitting down while she almost yanked his jeans down. The thickness of his cock made Davie?s eyes cross. After all he?d never had one that big before, and it pulsated with an energy he could barely understand. The other man had a darker tan than his friend, and smiled at Davie. He didn?t feel as confident as his wife, and instead gently undid the button, sliding the zipper down. The erect cock almost smacked him in the face. Its twitching mass was even bigger than the other mans. For a second Davie wanted to run. That would break him. That only lasted for a second. The more that Davie looked at it, the more it filled him with lust. His mouth watered, and he gently kissed the tip. It had a strong taste that melted his inside. He could feel his anus twitching with need, his mouth sliding over the tip while he licked between his little pee slit. Janet was already forcing a majority of that thing down her throat. But, Davie wanted all that this had to offer inside of him. Tasting the salty pre-cum against his tongue drove him on; his saliva glistened around the thick member, feeling the weight of those balls against his hands. Davie tried to think about something else, and yet he couldn?t help himself; sliding his top over his head revealed his flat chest, and big nipples. That surprised the men, though they didn?t say anything. He spread his legs apart, wiggling the side of his thong to reveal his waiting anus. The male didn?t notice his cock, instead seeing the way that he rubbed his anus against the waiting member. It felt so thick, his mouth opening to lick across the male?s neck. Davie was lost in the moment, slowly feeling the tip add pressure. It hurt, making him gasp for a second. A tear shed across his eye while he added more pressure. Soon he felt it pop inside, that thick manhood was spreading him apart with just the tip. It wouldn?t do to not be bold, and slowly he slid another inch inside. The man thought it took too long; instead started to grip his hips. He felt pressure when the man slid himself downward. A loud little feminine gasp filled his lungs. That thing was spreading him apart everywhere. It smoothed his soft little prostate, and sent a wave of different sensations up his spine. He was being penetrated for the first time by a live dick, and after a few seconds he realized it felt wonderful. The man?s heavy balls suddenly swung, hitting his soft little ass while he thrust inside. Now on the other side of this relationship, he grunted. Davie could feel himself thrusting back, his little cock forgotten while he was filled from deep inside. With every thrust he felt any remains of masculine pride literally fucked away. His head turned, looking at his wife being taken by the other male. Her little cock was free, her panties around one of her ankles while he thrust inside. If he noticed the little member he didn?t make anything of it. With deep gasps she grunted, her hips thrusting back, burying his cock deep inside. He needed the thrusts of the other man, his insides churning. It didn?t take long for him to cum, his little cock dribbling semen into his panties while his anus tensed. His entire body felt like it was on fire, that he was getting just what he needed. Soon he felt himself cum again, his wife moaning from her own orgasms. The men had quite a bit of control over their bodies, and it took another time for them to finally cum. Warmth filled his belly, and he could feel that jerking member deep inside. It swooshed around his insides while the men relaxed. It was amazing, and with his little legs he made sure to keep them firmly inside. He nuzzled against the other male. Both of them wanted to feel the changes. It took an hour, the coupling leaving the warm seed inside of him feel slightly cool. The males let out a shocked expression, their bodies suddenly shrinking with them both on. Davie had to support himself on the box while the massive male shriveled. His clothes were now like tents on him. They were swearing about something when their voices rose into feminine timber. It was like two girls suddenly gossiping together. He could feel the pain they felt when their hips flared, their bodies growing soft. What amazed him most was that their thick cock was the last to go. The two little sissys were now feeling the shriveling of their massive members. Little tears streamed across their eyes while Davie felt each inch leave around his anus. It was probably 4 inches when it plopped out of his body. He giggled while he felt the little thing rub against his balls. ?Oh look we have partners. Horny little partners,? Janet teased while she slid off the young sissy who looked shocked. His face turned red when he felt the new desire to pass on their little viral condition. ?Wh.what has?.what is wrong with me?? the boi in front of him asked. The different between the muscular construction worker and this cute young sissy was amazing. And he grinned from ear to ear to think of what they were going to do. ?Well first we need to get you cleaned up. Then we are finding some of your friends and we?ll show you what fun this new form can give you.? Janet and Davie smiled, realizing they were probably going to change a lot of lives soon. Maybe he?d find that cute little sissy who changed his life. Well if he did, he?d make sure they had plenty of fun together.

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Soft Sissification

Welcome to the softest sissy story around, but first you need to choose your character. Would you like to play as the Sissy themself, Mike, soon to be known as Mia, a 5'8 man with dark brown skin and black hair, with equally dark brown eyes, and a slightly soft build? Or would you like to play as the Sissy's sweetheart, Kate? A woman of the height of 5'6, with tan skin dotted in freckles and long blonde hair usually in braids, being on the chubbier side but still having a body that Mike...

2 years ago
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Ashleys Sissification

This is the true (really, I'm not making this up) story about how Ashley became sissified. Go get your coffee cup, that's right, and let's sit down while I relate the true story of how I was turned into a sissy. The how come or why part, I'll leave up to you. Oooh, that's a pretty coffee cup you have! We met in a smoky bar, filled with loud music and even louder men and women. It was a hotel's bar; the hotel that had just hosted a technical conference where I had been a...

4 years ago
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Honeymoon Sissification

To be honest I was having real misgivings, my new wife Melody and I were on our honeymoon in the Caribbean, there was a nudist beach near by and she wanted to go. "Look Mel I really don't want to go, I know you say there's nothing wrong with me, but I'm not that well endowed, it will be really embarrassing", I begged in a desperate attempt to get Mel to change her mind, knowing I was only 4 inches when hard, and 1? inch when soft. "Nonsense you're just average, I'm sure there will be...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon sissification

To be honest I was having real misgivings, my new wife Melody and I were on our honeymoon in the Caribbean, there was a nudist beach near by and she wanted to go.?Look Mel I really don?t want to go, I know you say there?s nothing wrong with me, but I?m not that well endowed, it will be really embarrassing?, I begged in a desperate attempt to get Mel to change her mind, knowing I was only 4 inches when hard, and 1 ? inch when soft.?Nonsense your just average I?m sure there will be lots of...

1 year ago
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You and your family live in Selah, Washington, a backwater town you've come to know and love. It rains a lot, the Church is not too far from an Adult Toys and DVDs store for some reason, and the homeless people are friendly enough. Who knew that your hometown would go through an ordeal that would change the face of that town for however long this would happen. It started with just just a few, people who lived on the outskirts or went there with their own reason. Then people in the suburbs got...

3 years ago
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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 9 A Startling Development

The next morning, I printed out the scanned copy of our winning Powerball ticket, while Alicia was fixing breakfast. Alicia’s fertile period had passed, and the intensity of our lovemaking had also decreased. Last night, we made love at a relaxed and sedate pace. The frantic need to impregnate Alicia was gone. As I headed for the dining room table, I could smell the heavenly aroma of waffles and bacon. I love the crispy crunch of the bacon Alicia prepares; the flavor is outstanding. Her...

1 year ago
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Mom Sandwiched By Two Uncle

I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...

1 year ago
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He Fucked My Sissy Hole

It had been a couple of weeks since I last heard from the guy that I gave head to in the parking lot. But last Monday that changed. I got a text from him again around the same time, as I was about to leave happy hour at the bar, around 630ish. It said the same thing as last time, telling me he needed his cocked sucked again. I left the bar and he texted that he was in a different parking lot but not far at all from me. I drove straight there and saw his vehicle. I got in the back seat and he...

2 years ago
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DIANES STORY By DBARCLAY© It has been another hot day here in North Florida, as I arrive home the phone was ringing and to my pleasant surprise, it was Anita. A very attractive girl I had recently met and we had agreed to meet up sometime. She was making the invite. “Come over tomorrow Diane for lunch, and a few beers and even games. Are you busy?” “Great, I have nothing arranged at all, what time do you want me?” I replied “Anytime.” she said while laughing. “It will just be you me and...

2 years ago
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Thicker Than BloodChapter 4

1988 The knock on my door was becoming routine. I’d not seen my brother so often since we were kids. I mean four times in two weeks. I think his jealousy at my impending fatherhood was almost too much for him, heck for me too; and he kept coming over so damn early; well, he did have a business to run, a big business. And, my erstwhile wife encouraged him! Well, I was glad he was so into our good fortune; I did want him to be there for us after the baby came. And, it was more than clear that...

2 years ago
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Wet Dreams

They lay there exploring. relishing in the rediscovery of their bodies… till they both explode with an earth shattering orgasm… I slowly wake up… just laying there… next to him… remembering just a few hours ago… how awesome it was… My eyes open… there he is laying next to me. our bodies close… his arm draped across me… He looks so peaceful. as I watch him. studying every line. memorizing his face… like I would forget…...

4 years ago
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Flat sharing with my girlfriends sister

I’d been living with my girlfriend Ann for a couple of years. We had a nice two bed flat in a converted Victorian house in a trendy part of town near to the local university. Ann had a sister, two years younger aged 22 named Emma. Emma had been living with her parents but had just got a place at our university. Rather than rent a place or move into halls of residence, Ann suggested that Emma could stay with us in our spare room for the first year of her studies.I was fairly relaxed about the...

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The Hotel worker

I’d worked in the hotel for over a year and couldn’t believe what I was about to do. I had booked a room out and he was there waiting for me. The room was in darkness. I couldn’t see where he was so I walked to the window and stood looking out at the city lights. It was peaceful here at night. This hideaway. Tucked away from the world. I leaned my shoulder against the wall and closed my eyes to absorb the atmosphere and engrave this night in my mind. A soft noise behind me made me straighten...

3 years ago
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My First Erotic Swapping

Hi guys this is Nisha, I am 27. Got married 2 years back. Me and my husband are quite open in sex. His friends are also quite open. One year after marriage we started feeling like we are missing some spark in our sex. We started watching different porn categories. One day we watched couple group sex. I was shocked to see that. My husband explained me about swapping. He also said that this couple will do to spice up their sex life. Next day my husband casually discussed with his friend regarding...

2 years ago
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Being a single mum my adventures continue

I knew that it was wrong being with my 16 year old fun and his friend but I think that made me just want it more, it had been a few days since we all had are fun together and my son was being more confident and out going, yes I know what your thinking having sex is not the best way to get your son to open up but hay everyone has their own parenting style.My son would sometimes bump into me as I was coming out of the shower giving me a quick squeeze and making my body tingle which lead to me...

3 years ago
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The second round

Introduction: This is the part two of the time I banged a hermaphrodite. Look for part one first After the first time at the office me and Stephanie had been going pretty steady. We werent dating, we were just fuck buddies. We would meet up once or twice a week at night or before school and have a little fun. During our time together we got to know each other a little better. Stephanie explained that she wasnt a shemale, that she was born a girl but with a penis, and how a large penis was...

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Charlotte Has a Gun

I write this story about my Aunt Charlotte with mixed emotions. In a certain sense, I guess it would be honest to tell you that I have always harbored some feelings for my Aunt Charlotte that were not of a familial nature. It seems like a long time ago but for some of us oldsters with hearts still ticking, the danger and excitement of a global war was the height of non-boredom. Charlotte, in retrospect, was probably the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever met in my entire life and she...

3 years ago
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Viral Changes Hell Cometh

Legends of the Sky Hurricane Viral Changes Part 2: Hell Cometh "A Soviet pessimist is someone who thinks things can't get any worse than they already are. A Soviet optimist believes that, yes, they can." March 2008 Los Angeles, CA Lights hurt her eyes. A lot of things hurt nowadays. Wires were strapped to her chest, arms, legs and genitals. Her joints hurt from being beaten by two-by-fours. She sat in her own filth; being strapped to a chair for weeks was torture in...

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Cartoon Damsels in distress

The general idea here is to to imagine a world where you can kidnap any girl from any cartoon/anime and do whatever you want to her. ideas for damsels include... Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo.. Kim Possible and the Middleton High Cheerleaders Ava Aayla aka White Tiger, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey and Felicia Hardy from Ultimate Spiderman Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars Rebels Catalina "Lioness" Leone, Liza Leone, Samantha "Magness" Payne from Alpha...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Everly Haze Gaping Anal Cum Swallower

Cute, young brunette Everly Haze caresses her natural tits with manicured fingers. She drenches a clear dildo in spit and shoves the slick toy up her ass. Everly opens her mouth widely to give pro stud Mark Wood a passionate blowjob. He fucks her pussy from behind, and Everly masturbates seductively. Mark slides his swollen hard-on up her tight asshole, and Everly buzzes her clit with a toy. He eats her twat, and her butthole gapes as Mark’s diamond-hard rod teases her sphincter! She...

4 years ago
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The Slut Life Begins

I was about to enter a stage in my life that I would enjoy tremendously. John was finally going to take charge of me and I am going to fucking love it. I would do anything and everything that he told me to do. John was about to get us both more actively involved with his aunt DeRonda and her swingers parties while making me his slut. I also told you that Gina, John’s cousin had returned from Italy. I had always enjoyed myself with Gina and the sex between us was always great. However, her...

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TxM6 Taxi Murders

TxM6– Taxi Murders Murder ‘Cross the Bridge Taxi man Henry Whitman drove the George Washington Memorial Bridge 20 times every day. West to east and return — the span creaked under him. He had predicted long ago that someday the bridge would fall down like ‘Humpty-Dumpy.’ He never tired of the span during early morning hours. Sometimes the sky was an almond green to yellow to brown to orange to scarlet. ‘Just chemicals in air’ he told any fare, and then he laughed silently, and his fist...

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Night at the video store

I was working at a video in Akron Ohio.  I was the Assistant manager.  I should probably introduce myself.  My name is Alex.  At the time I was 200 pounds, I had brown hair and hazel eyes.  I always worked on Monday nights and stayed at the store until I had all of the videos processed for sale and rental for opening on Tuesday mornings.I always worked with Megan.  She was about 150 pounds,  black hair, brown eyes, 32DD Bra, and very flirty.  We worked together at nights all the time. Megan was...

Office Sex
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 12

It was evening and Jake had prepared a stew from some canned vegetables and rabbit meat from his morning hunt. Béla was still excited about his morning hunt, as well, but not the food part. ‘Target’ was Béla’s favorite new game. She loved being shot at, stabbed or skewered with something. “You could throw knives at me!” she said, really serious about getting into another game. “Tell you what,” Jake said to her, gingerly favoring a very raw dick as he sat down at the table. “Let’s look...

4 years ago
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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 10 A MarriageAThon

We sat there, having our drinks. And we chatted. It was already 30 minutes. B4: “Bara koto chudchhe go tomar girlfriend k. Amra r pabo to?” (How long that bastard is going to fuck your girlfriend? Are we going to get any chance after this?) Arun: “O niye chap nei. Or prochur energy ache. Ki bolo Ujhyo?” (That is not a problem. She has a lot of energy. What do you say, Ujhyo?) I smiled. B4: “Baniyechho mairi maal ta k!” (You have made a slut out of her!) Me: “Dada maal bananoi thake. Khuje ber...

4 years ago
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Driver Ne Randi Banaya

Hi friends, mera naam neel h aur meri email id h , aur meri ye story meri ek friend ki h jo usne mujhe khud btayi….. Sidha story re aate h mera naam neha hai, main mere mama ke yha studies ke liye rhti hu aur ye tab ki baat h jab mama ne naya driver rakha tha , mama ke ghar main Mama, mami, aur unki ek beti hi thi jo ki meri hi tarah kafi sexy thi….chalo story continue krte hai main aur riya (mere mama ki beti) saath main via metro daily college jate the, uska station mere se phle aata tha aur...

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Ruksana Ki Chudai 8211 Part 3

Hello doston kaise hain main rakesh ap k sab k samne fir hajir hun.Ab tak to ap sab mujhko pahchanne lage hi honge fir bhi jo meri kahani pahli bar padh rahe unko main bata dun main ek jigolo hun or delhi me rahta hun pichle 2 sal se iss or dsk se juda hun or sex story reader ki har iccha ko puri karte aya hun mujhe pata hai hum mard kahin bhi ja k apni pyas bhuja sakte hain par humari bhabhiyan auntiyan kahan jaye or ladkiyan bhifirst time karwane se darti hain unhe lagta hai dard ho ga To ap...

4 years ago
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Kristys pregnant and the men line up to tak

That's one of the problem's when you're pregnant, it gives you an awkward gait, the hollow back look, as you involuntary arch upwards to counter your swollen belly, as you walk, flat footed and laboured.Another well known trait are our cravings, for strange foods, pickles, ice-cream and lemons, and in rare and extreme cases, sperm.'Got over the shock', well that's what this little story is about, that rare breed of pregnant females, who want a mouthful of others men's sperm.I know a lot of you...

3 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book By Its Cover and Other Lessons Learned 2nd in the Golden Series

When a second girl drank my piss I was a little less surprised than I was the first time around. There were a couple of reasons for this apart from the obvious of previously having an old girl friend drink my piss in as act of atonement. The second girl who ended up drinking my piss was actually the third one that I spoken to over the course of a few months who was willing to try. So when it happened I already had a sense that it was just a matter of time and circumstance, but still the build...

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Luna Meets A Bounty Hunter

The harsh chords of Motorhead’s Ace of Spades pierced the air as the lone occupant of the house sang along. A hard knocking somehow made it through Lemmy’s gravelly vocals and brought a halt to the single woman concert that had taken over the living room.“Hold on!” the occupant shouted while lowering the volume and shuffling over to the door wearing yellow ankle socks, pink booty shorts – white draw-strings tied in a bow at the front – and a wife-beater.She gazed through the peep-hole and...

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Barbies ? by: Jamisia On some nights, when you're on the town and walking around, it's better not to meet certain people. On some nights there could be a full moon and then there's no telling what goes on behind these people's faces. The usual friendly neighbour could very well all of a sudden be the guardian of a door to another, magical world. Most people do believe in different, magical worlds, but immediately let it accompany by the thought that these worlds must be better...

4 years ago
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LostChapter 5

After the Grand Sharing the Sisters bloomed. They went about their business with a spring in their step, their breasts bouncing and their hips swaying as they moved. Eyes sparkled, lips were fuller and redder, cheeks glowed. The Novices' bodies changed almost daily as Zebul's seed worked its mysterious magic. They metamorphosed from being attractive girls to stupendously beautiful women. The older sisters commented that these were the best set of Novices they had seen in a long time. Their...

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“Yes, a Terrible Tango routine,” I said. “Must find just the right music,” as I started rummaging through our music collection. “What about ‘Hernando’s Hideaway,’ Charles? We have practiced to it a couple of times?” Claire suggested. “No, Claire ... it’s a great song to Tango to, but I want something that works for only you and me ... so nobody else will dare dance to it, after we do.” “Aren’t we getting a little full of ourselves, Charles?” mom asked. “No Mom, the music is important;...

3 years ago
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Cum Blow My Horn

I play trumpet and was interested in joining the Armed Forces. I was in Year 11 at high school and decided to apply for Work Experience in the Army Band. I was accepted and within a month I was sitting amongst some of the most talented musicians that Australia has to offer. My Aunty had invited me to stay with her family during the two weeks that I would be there. During the first weekend I was hoping to do something out of the ordinary. My cousin, Shannon, had organized a party for the...

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The story begins with a character selection. From here on you have choices on what you can do, everything can change so good luck. From here on you can start by choosing your characters then you will be given free reign of what you can do. Adventure, go on missions and of course fuck any girls that you meet along the way. Welcome to YOUNG JUSTICE, state your character and begin your adventure.

2 years ago
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September Gurl

September Gurl Belladonna [Author's Note: With Apologies to Big Star for the Title] Davis Perry rubbed his fingers across his forehead before he looked down at his son and said, "Are you sure you can handle it?" "Mom's asking me to watch Susanna for a few days, not go to the moon," Peter retorted, shaking his head. Susanna was four years younger than him and just entering high school. Peter had graduated the June before, but he had decided to take a year off before going to...

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The Institute Body DoubleChapter 2

I graduated with a degree in Finance and scored a good job as an analyst at Maitland and Associates, a top-tier downtown investment brokerage. Brock Maitland, the founder/Managing Partner, was already a legend in the industry as well as our city. A football star and graduate of our university, he had, according to the urban legend, eschewed the NFL and started the firm with a loan from his father. He wasn’t a billionaire – yet – but he wouldn’t be clipping coupons anytime soon. His uncanny...

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First time sucking to cocks at the book store

I was standing in the video both at the adult book store. These booths have no doors just a walk way back to the booth area. As I was watching a girl get slammed in the ass on the screen a guy walked in. I was so hard and ready to suck cock I grabbed right for it. As my hand wrapped around it I could tell it was nice and thick. He was only half hard and pretty nervous so I couldn't tell how long he was yet. I was jacking him and he was jacking me for about 1min without him making a move. I got...

1 year ago
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My sister love

Note : This story is completely fictional! Tina had grown into a sexy young girl by then and I was surprised to see her turn into a sexy woman so soon.Afterall she had just turned 19.I had never expected her to turn out into such a sex-bomb so soon.Now that she was ready to be fucked ,I wanted to take her pussy before anyone else.So the very first time i got the chance to fuck her i took it.She was shy and hesitant and it seemed as if it would take some work to get to her but as you know all...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 16 Epilogue

Foreword Many readers requested that various subplots in the Making of a Gigolo series be addressed at the conclusion of the series. To have included all the data requested would have made the last story much too long, so this epilogue is provided to address some of those issues. My thanks go to Norm, for providing the idea for and the data concerning the PP of A. You'll understand when you get to that part. Epilogue If Bobby Dalton was a kind of earthquake in Granger, it should come as...

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continued to part 3

Chuck brought the enxstetion cord over and pulled out a large buck knife. He cut the cord into lengths and the said to the horse cocked man" help me flip her over." At that i felt slight less anxious and worried, he said "her". I almost helped them roll me over, my legs in the air, swollen cunt ready and waiting. I had little to nothing worth stealing anyways as Roman soon realized, walking around looking at what I had. "This little cum dump hasn't got anything worth takin'". And continued...

2 years ago
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Hartstein Ch 01

By Paris Waterman An X – Rated Novel Illustrated version available on request Paul Hartstein winced as the icy wind blew the swirling snow into his face and wished he’d thought to bring a scarf with him as he vainly tried to deflect some of the snow from his face and eyes. He bent his 6’4′ feverish frame into the stiff winter wind whipping down Danbury’s Main Street. It was the coldest January in forty-seven years and he never doubted it, but he did regret not having taken his car to the...

4 years ago
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A Night Out With Teemu

It was mid November. Eighteen games into this year’s hockey season. Zoraya was glad to get the job with the Colorado Avalanche. Her life long dream of being a massage therapist for a hockey club was coming true. She did her job well, working on the likes of Kariya, Forsberg, Aebischer, Foote, and of course, one of her favorites, Teemu Selanne, the Finnish Flash. Everytime he entered the room, her heart skipped a beat. She knew she blushed every time her hands would touch him. This was her job...

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A Changing Life Chapter 6

A Changing Life Chapter 6 I put the phone to my ear, it was Donna "Leanne, about time too, what took you so long, I hope you were being a good girl? I take it that the carpet cleaner is still there with you?" "Yes Mistress," I lisped my hand shaking nervously listening to her. "I want to talk to him in a second, now concentrate, I've got two friends coming around for the BBQ tonight so make sure that you've made sufficient chopped salad. I want you to gently bake those salad...

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The Amulets of Power III the Kennedy Wars Part 2Chapter 2

Fields dropped me off at Ploenchit Road and continued back to the Team House, while I walked the few blocks to the Nana. I was soaked when I got there from Bangkok's heat and humidity. The air conditioning in the lobby felt really great. I went up to the room where I found Suenee talking to two of the women who worked at the hotel. The women left just after I arrived and Suenee took one look at me and said, "Shower." I knew better than to argue by now and collected my other clothes and...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 200 on the Road Again

After I said my goodbyes, I tried to hide out till the call came from the company's travel agent. I might have managed it, had Jen not called, "Are you really going to sell the apartments?" she demanded. "Yes I am. I didn't have nearly as much fun here as I expected." I replied. "Honey, I know Cheryl broke your heart, but trust me you will find someone, someday," Jen said reassuringly. "Yeah, but if I do, you will probably sleep with him," I said it with a laugh. "True, so you...

2 years ago
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The Doctor Owns Me Chapter 1

The Doctor Owns Me - Chapter 1Our story opens with Mike sitting in one of the Doctor’s Office exam rooms. Mike is very happy, at last he has found a doctor willing to perform his bilateral orchiectomy. The doctor was so helpful, even offering to supply the written justification, although false, so Mike’s insurance would cover the cost of surgery. Mike was really impressed by how the Doc. took the time to explain the operation, schedule the procedure in his office on a Saturday to guard Mike’s...

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Revenge of the NerdChapter 54

I left for Jeff's at noon. I said, "See you later," as I headed for the door. "Wait a second, Ashley," my mother called. "I know. I'm going there now," I said. My Father had an annoyed look on his face. Good. I wanted to spend time with the rest of the family. Pissing off my Father was just a bonus. Harri and Sam gushed over their trip. Sam was excited by what he learned about the cooking. Harri was amazed at the sense of community, the many similarities to living on their...

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Public Nudity Taboo but Legal

In June of this year, a mere two months ago, the United States Congress ruled in favor of a new amendment to the constitution. This amendment made it completely legal in all fifty states for people of all ages to be fully naked in public, anywhere in the country without any legal repercussions. This new right is strongly enforced and upheld, with it being just as illegal to force someone to put on clothes if they don’t want to as it is to force them to disrobe if they don't want to, even on...

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Sneaking in on my step daughter

The clock struck one in the morning, only one hour after Jack came home drunk and as I was wide awake. All I could do was let my fingers make me feel better with thoughts of Michelle right between my legs."Yes, sweetie, please make me cum all over your face again. I want to so badly that it hurts," I moaned, thrusting my fingers in and out of my slit. In no time at all, my cherry gave the blanket and sheet another dose of my lady juice. I exhaled and my head leaned back as I glared at the...

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Friend8217s Mom

Akashneel was my best friend in high school. He and I were both 19 when this story took place. I was always over his house and he mine. Unlike a lot of stories here, his mom was average looking. Not a striking beauty by any means, but to a 19 year old boy anybody with tits got your attention. Akashneel’s mom’s name is Mitali, but I always called her aunty. Well, she was about 5′ 6″ tall and thin. She was in her early to mid 40’s. She had small breasts, probably a b cup, but to me they looked...

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My Filipina niece

First, a disclaimer: all those websites with Filipina "schoolgirls" in short dresses are pure bullshit. The girls always wear dresses/skirts below the knee andthey graduate at 16, which is too young to be photographed nude. My niece, Kim, is s*****n, absolutely beautiful, tall for a Filipina at 5'6", and very trim -- 32B and XS panties. She is out of high school but with no job as most of the shops won't hire anyone until they are 18. When she was 14, she wanted a mobile phone and came to...

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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 04

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 04 - Life gets back to normal ------------------------------------------ And it did. It took a week or so and the first week back was not good. I felt so ashamed of my behaviour in London. So much so that I even wore clothes in our apartment. Ryan slowly pulled me round and it wasn’t that long before I was bouncing round our apartment totally naked. A couple of weeks later we looked for a place to get my...

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The Letter

I sat at my computer, opened a blank document and began to type my letter. I’d been meaning to get this down for years, but the timing never felt right and I think I’ve been a little nervous about writing it down.‘How do I tell this story without sounding crazy?’ I thought reading the Dear over and over. ‘I just need to type it all out and then take out the inappropriate parts.’I looked up and stared at the blank wall across from me then closed my eyes. The last Halloween that I didn’t...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Passed out sister

My older Sue is a hot looking babe with long blonde hair and a great body. She also happens to be a very heavy sleeper and shortly after going through puberty I started climbing into her bed and touching her as she sleeps. At first I would just hold her hand and then I started to kiss her. Once I realized she would not wake up, I started to have regular make out sessions with her. Sometimes I think to myself I should not be doing this but she is so beautiful and I am so horny I cannot control...

3 years ago
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Rubber Dicky I Love YouChapter 5

Chuck got home just as his daughter was turning down the stove to keep the food warm. He gazed at her, noticing that she had dressed up for him. "I'm home!" he announced. When she turned around to smile and hug him her breasts were prominent, the nipples pushing out through the T shirt. "You look delicious," he said, taking her into his arms. "Thank you Daddy," she said, kissing him. "Supper is ready and it's hot." "You're what's hot," he said. "I want you." "Now Daddy,...

1 year ago
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Traditional Mom8217s Sacrifice for Son8217s Education 8211 Part 3

Bad luck struck both of them as their intimate, passionate session ended with this disturbance. Vinita hurriedly came out of the shower room and replied from inside the bathroom corridor. Vinita: Yes. Vijay, I’m coming out. I was scrubbing the back of Akash. She wrapped her saree around her quickly and came out in no time as her heart raced madly. She was afraid of what the issue was. Vijay: The contractor boss just called. I will be going with them tonight to watch over the crops. The...

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