D?terminisme Naturel-1 free porn video

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D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la marche de la quatri?me ann?e soit r?solument hors de port?e de ses capacit?s. Marc souffla l?g?rement pour d?gager la m?che ch?tain sombre qui lui tombait devant les yeux, n'ayant aucune conscience du caract?re terriblement f?minin du geste qu'il venait de faire, suivi par un autre encore plus f?minin: se recoiffer gracieusement en passant une m?che derri?re son oreille. Il avait toujours eu l'habitude de porter les cheveux un peu longs, mais les ann?es de fac ?taient des ann?es de vache maigre. Aller chez le coiffeur ?tait un luxe qu'il ne pouvait se permettre chaque mois, et ses cheveux semblaient avoir une vigueur pour pousser rapidement qui lui manquait dans tout le reste de son corps. "Mais je n'y comprends vraiment rien, et encore ces maudites fonctions" maugr?a int?rieurement Marc. Il n'?tait pas idiot, mais il ?tait indiscutablement peu dou? intellectuellement. Son esprit lent ne comprenait les probl?mes les plus basiques qu'apr?s les avoir ressass?s plusieurs fois, et ses m?diocres capacit?s d'abstraction intellectuelle ne lui permettaient pas d'appr?hender les notions plus d?licates. Il se sentait de moins en moins ? sa place ? l'universit?. La sensation d'avoir p?niblement obtenu ses ann?es pr?c?dentes sur des malentendus le taraudait. Cependant il lui fallait bien quelque chose pour pr?parer son avenir professionnel, car son corps d'avorton mettait hors de port?e tout travail un tant soit peu physique. Menu et mince, Marc ?tait de constitution fragile et d?licate. Il n'avait jamais connu un seul muscle, ses bras fins et ses longues jambes fusel?es ne laissaient aucun doute quant ? sa faiblesse. Son cou gracile et sa nuque juv?nile accentuait l'ambigu?t? sexuelle de dos. De face ses traits doux et d?licatement dessin?s, ses grands yeux bleus d'un bleu vif, ses longs cils et ses joues poupines l'emp?chaient de pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?. Depuis tout petit il ?tait si habitu? qu'on le confonde avec une fille qu'il n'en ?tait nullement surpris quand c'?tait le cas, et cela arrivait tr?s souvent. La n?gation de sa masculinit? le frustrait, mais sage et docile il ne se rebellait jamais. Si Marc faisait des efforts pour ?viter tout v?tement qui aurait pu accentuer sa morphologie si peu "m?le", le fait qu'il ne mesura qu'1m57, ses ?paules fr?les, sa taille de 36 et ses tout petits pieds repr?sentaient un d?fi insurmontable pour passer pour un jeune homme comme les autres. Le peu d'orgueil qu'il avait lui faisait dire qu'il mesurait 1m60, et quant il essayait de prendre des postures qu'il croyait viriles et confiantes c'?tait peine perdue. Depuis toujours il ?tait une vraie fille manqu?e, qui jouait ? la poup?e et ? la d?nette avant de comprendre que les gar?ons ne jouaient pas ? ?a. Ses tentatives pour s'affirmer en tant qu'homme ?chouaient lamentablement, et malgr? la surveillance qu'il tentait de s'imposer il ?tait terriblement mani?r?, adoptant spontan?ment et une gestuelle f?minine tr?s naturelle qu'aucun gar?on n'aurait pu imiter sans para?tre grotesque. Sa nature de fille manqu?e l'avait amen? ? ne fr?quenter que des filles et ? ?tre m?pris? ou ignor? des gar?ons. Malheureusement pour lui Marc ?tait un c?ur d'artichaut et il tombait facilement amoureux des jolies filles qu'il fr?quentait et c?toyait. Les choses auraient ?taient bien plus simples pour lui s'il avait ?tait homosexuel mais voil?, le destin lui avait jou? le tour d'?tre purement h?t?rosexuel. Marc ne comptait pas le nombre de ses frustrations amoureuses qui se succ?daient ann?e apr?s ann?e. Les filles ne pouvaient voir en un gar?on si eff?min?, physiquement et psychologiquement, un petit ami potentiel. Par contre elles le trouvaient g?nial et pr?cieux comme copine, et sans se tracasser c'est comme copine que les filles le traitaient, que ce soit conscient ou inconscient. Parfois Marc maudissait ses go?ts f?minins, de pleurer ? chaque fois devant "Titanic" ou d'?prouver une excitation d'adolescente devant "Dirty dancing", il n'avait cependant pas la volont? de se refuser ce qu'il consid?rait comme ses seuls plaisirs. La vie lui r?servait si peu de satisfactions et de plaisirs qu'il ne trouvait pas la force de se priver d'un seul ?pisode de "Plus belle la vie"! Marc commen?a enfin ? ?crire quelque chose, surtout histoire de remplir sa feuille. Au bout de quelques minutes il releva la t?te, repoussa d'un d?licat geste les m?ches qui lui tombaient ? nouveau sur les yeux, et se perdit dans la contemplation de la charg?e de TD qui surveillait l'examen, la sublime Amandine. Amandine, ? la liminuse chevelure blonde de princesse, repr?sentait le fantasme ultime de Marc. Elle ?tait d'une beaut? envo?tante et en effet il ?tait comme ensorcel? par sa personne. Sa beaut? f?erique captivait et troublait hommes et femmes. Une ?me faible comme celle de Marc se retrouvait, elle, totalement sous le son joug. Amandine n'?tait pas une vulgaire bimbo blonde; c'?tait une jeune femme au charme ravageur qui compl?tait un physique parfait. Nulle d'imperfection en effet. Ses longs cheveux lisses de couleur miel, ses yeux bleus saphir, sa peau au grain d?licat hal?e avec bienveillance par le moindre rayon de soleil, son m?tre 75 de mannequin, son sourire ? fondre la banquise, sa gr?ce et son ?l?gance naturelles, tout faisait d'elle une d?esse venue d'un ?ge d'or r?volu. Amandine d?bordait de bonne humeur et d'?nergie, et son corps, tout en ?tant la quintessence de la f?minit?, ?tait ?galement fait pour le sport et le d?passement de soi. Amandine incarnait autant l'id?al f?minin que Marc ?tait ?loign? de l'id?al masculin. Et pour parachever ce contraste si Marc ?tait d'une intelligence m?diocre, lente et laborieuse Amandine ?tait particuli?rement vive d'esprit, dou?e dans tous les domaines, et terminait juste avec les f?licitations du corps universitaire un cursus qui se soldait par une double th?se ?conomie et droit. Marc avait eu l'occasion de c?toyer plusieurs fois Amandine. Lors de sa seconde deuxi?me ann?e il avait ?t? mis sous tutorat de brillante jeune fille, qui elle attaquait tout juste deux masters. Le pauvre gar?on, tellement intimid? et ?mu par l'objet de tous ses d?sirs, ne retira pas grand chose de ce tutorat, si ce n'est que chaque parole et sourire d'Amandine alimentait ses r?ves les plus fous. Il ne pouvait s'emp?cher d'imaginer l'impossible, Amandine tombant follement amoureuse de lui, tous les deux partageant des nuits sensuelles et orgasmiques, d?lirant sur leur mariage et sur la belle famille qu'ils fonderaient ensemble... Et ce n'est pas de voir Amandine flirtait avec de bels Apollons, beaux, riches et ayant d?j? de belles situations, qui lui auraient fait renoncer et ses r?ves les plus fous. La gentillesse que lui montrait Amandine, le moindre compliment et taquinerie, et Marc sentait le feu enflammait ses joues, et il perdait tous ses moyens, bafouillant et gauche, d?contenanc? comme une gamine qui rencontrerait son idole. Amandine se plaisait ? lui faire des remarques sur son absence de virilit? et sur sa f?minit? si peu contenue, toujours avec de petits rires adorables, et Marc peu ? peu avait associ? ses petites humiliations innocentes au plaisir d'?tre en compagnie avec la fille de tous ses r?ves. Marc avait pu r?ver autant qu'il le souhaitait ? Amandine, ? une histoire d'amour entre eux digne d'une des s?ries t?l? dont il raffolait, ? une famille fond?e et des enfants qui respiraient le bonheur, il savait pertinemment qu'elle ?tait encore plus inaccessible pour lui qu'aucune autre femme. Et en effet, au sortir de cet insupportable examen, les jours qui suivirent finirent par enterrer ses pr?tentions de master, et ses r?ves si chers d'amour avec Amandine avec. Marc quitta la fac avec amertume, se sentant plus jamais nul, et pleurnichant ? l'id?e de ne plus pouvoir apercevoir, ne serait ce au loin, l'?tre cher si aim?, ador?, convoit?. Aigri mais avec trop peu de caract?re pour qu'il en tire une force, son peu de virilit? amoindrie par ces derni?res ann?es d'amoureux secret, l'?nergie et l'envie manquaient cruellement ? Marc pour attaquer une vie de jeune adulte. De nos jours beaucoup d'?tudiants n'embrassent leur vie d'adulte qu'une fois la fac achev?e. C'?tait bien ?videmment le cas de Marc, qui d?barquait dans la jungle du vrai monde totalement d?sarm? et perdu. Il fut ?videmment incapable de se trouver un emploi par lui-m?me, et la conseill?re de p?le emploi ne savait que proposer devant un tel candidat si effac? et tellement attentiste. S'il n'avait ?t? aussi dipl?m? elle lui aurait volontiers propos? un boulot au mac do ou au supermarch? du coin. Marc se cru revenir en enfance, terriblement vuln?rable et d?sarm? pour affronter les dures r?alit?s de la vie adulte. A cela s'ajoutait une s?rie d'?v?nements qui finirent par l'isoler et le d?courager. Sa m?re, une fois tous ses enfants adultes, en eu assez de supporter son p?re, brutal et trop port? sur la boisson. Elle obtint rapidement un divorce et partit en Espagne refaire sa vie avec un amant rencontr? sur un site de rencontre. Son p?re avait fait du divorce une excuse suppl?mentaire pour boire encore plus et passer sa vie dans des bars minables. Il se retrouva oblig? de se trouver dans l'urgence un logement, et dans la pr?cipitation il ne trouva rien de mieux qu'une chambre chez une retrait?e. Solange avait d'abord h?sit? au t?l?phone ? lui proposer une visite, mais finalement une fois que Marc se retrouva devant elle Marc eu la surprise de la voir rapidement en confiance, presque soulag?, et de lui dire qu'il ?tait le bienvenu. L'appartement ?tait un vrai appartement de personne ?g?e, rempli de bibelots vieillots, de napperons et de broderies, d'odeurs de parfums ?c?urants et de produits de m?nage. Sa chambre, bien que sobre, ?tait indiscutablement d?cor?e aux go?ts d'une vielle fille. Malgr? le loyer tr?s modeste Marc du accepter de participer aux t?ches m?nag?res pour en payer une partie, de se voir attribuer tout le repassage (m?me celui de chemisiers et de robes aux plis compliqu?s), et d'adopter des horaires de vielle dame. Si on rajoute ? cela les repas tr?s frugaux et les programmes de t?l? pr?f?r?s de la retrait?e Marc eu l'impression d'?tre pass? directement de la case universit? ? celle de maison de retraite. Pourtant il n'avait pas assez de temp?rament pour se remuer et pendant les six premiers mois il prit l'habitude de papoter et jacasser avec Solange. Il se trouvait que la vielle dame ?tait comme lui une fan de "Plus belle la vie", et ce fut la graine ? partir de laquelle se d?veloppa leur complicit?. N?anmoins comme Marc n'avait pas une personnalit? forte c'est Solange qui s'affirmait, et bien malgr? lui il subit, lentement mais surement, l'influence de Solange en profondeur. Il n'avait d?j? pas la r?bellion, l'aventure et le dynamisme dans le sang, la vie avec la vielle dame laissa donc peu ? peu sur son identit? une empreinte ind?l?bile. Il avait d?j? du mal ? pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?, le fait de vivre comme une femme ?g?e repoussait sa masculinit? encore plus loin hors du domaine du possible. C'est au d?tour d'une rue que sa vie prit enfin un nouveau tournant, si ce n'est son vrai commencement. Revenant de l'?picerie o? il avait fait les courses pour Solange, Marc tomba nez ? nez avec Amandine, l'?tre qui occupait encore tous ses fantasmes, ses d?lires, ses pens?es et ses ambitions les plus folles. Pendant un battement de c?ur il h?sita, doutant si c'?tait bien elle ou pas. Amandine avait r?solument chang? de style. Elle avait abandonn? son look d'?tudiante ais?e pour devenir une vraie jeune femme BCBG, une adulte s?re d'elle et qui rayonnait de d?termination malgr? son jeune ?ge. Le changement le plus radical ?tait ses cheveux, coup?s et coiff?s en un long carr? lisse et blond terriblement s?duisant et ?l?gant. Elle portait un co?teux tailleur pantalon blanc, un haut bleu roi satin?, des escarpins blancs vernis du meilleur go?t, de discr?tes perles aux oreilles, une fine montre dor?e et un sac ? main de luxe; tout cela faisait d'elle la plus cr?dible et sexy business woman du monde. Marc restait sans voix devant la fille de ses r?ves devenue la plus magnifique jeune femme qu'il n'ait jamais vu. M?me son l?ger maquillage signifiait tout son talent inn? pour le moindre d?tail. Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade et lorsque Amandine lui adressa la parole il se sentit rougir comme toujours, plus que jamais vuln?rable face ? sa dulcin?e. -"Marc! Mais quelle surprise! Tu n'as pas chang?!" Marc se sentit cruellement humili?, ridicule dans son sweat trop large et son jean informe. Il pris conscience que lui n'avait pas ?volu? depuis la fac, restant avec son apparence d'adolescent attard? habill? n'importe comment. -"Tu as perdu ta langue? On t'a pas appris a ?tre poli et ? dire bonjour ? une ancienne amie" le taquina Amandine avec un petit rire ravageur. -"Excuse moi Amandine... Bon..bonjour Amandine..." Devant ce petit gar?on grond? Amandine rit de bon c?ur -"C'est mieux, alors qu'est ce que tu deviens? Moi je viens de fonder ma propre boite dans la pub. Je voulais pas ?tre une fille ? papa et je me suis lanc?e dans le grand bain sans l'aide de personne". Marc rougit encore plus, se sentant minable et ridicule. -"Je... je n'ai rien trouv? moi... La dame de P?le Emploi a dit qu'elle m'appellerait mais voil? je n'ai aucun appel. Je vis chez une retrait?e, je paye pas cher et en ?change d'une partie du loyer je lui fais du m?nage." Evidemment Marc savait que ce qu'il racontait ?tait tr?s loin de le mettre en valeur, bien au contraire, mais il ne savait mentir et avait ce d?faut de se sentir oblig? de dire en permanence la v?rit?, sans rien cacher ou att?nuer. Ses yeux se mouill?rent d'impuissance et de d?pit. Amandine parut touch?e et fit une petite moue attendrie "Mais ma puce faut pas se mettre dans de tels ?tats. Viens je t'offre un caf?, et on va discuter, j'ai une id?e qui pourrait te plaire." Amandine lui prit le bras, et bras dessus bras dessous ils se trouv?rent une terrasse pour commander. Marc se sentit tout de suite r?confort?, et il appr?cia ?tre chouchout? par Amandine, m?me s'il se dit qu'il aurait du agir en homme et en adulte. Amandine lui expliqua alors ses projets, et en quoi il pouvait en faire partie. "Voil? comme je t'ai expliqu? j'ai mont? ma boite, et j'ai refus? l'aide de mes parents. J'ai utilis? mes ?conomies et pris un cr?dit pour me lancer. Je veux ?tre totalement ind?pendante, n'avoir de compte ? rendre ? personne tu vois? Donc l? je viens de signer pour les bureaux, et je cherche une petite ?quipe de 4-5 personnes de confiance pour organiser tout ?a et commencer ? travailler. On se partagera les t?ches et le travail en fonction de ce que chacun peut apporter et aime faire. Alors si tu es d'accord pour cette aventure, et que ?a ne te d?range pas de gagner de petits salaires les premiers mois, le temps que ?a se mette en place, ?a te dit que je t'embauche?" Marc ?tait comme hypnotis? par Amandine, totalement sous l'emprise de sa personne et de ses mots. Il pensait qu'il n'?tait pas Dieu possible qu'autant de beaut? et de charisme soit r?unie en une seule personne. Les grands sourires de la jeune femme suffisaient ? eux seuls ? comprendre que sa proposition ne pouvait qu'?tre accept?e par Marc, et qu'elle savait d?j? qu'il ne lui refuserait rien. Et en effet elle n'attendit m?me pas la fin des b?gaiements timides de Marc pour lui donner les informations pratiques quant ? son tout nouvel emploi et aux bureaux de la toute jeune entreprise. Marc se sentait comme le plus heureux des hommes, et quand Amandine posa sa main sur la sienne dans un geste de domination, son petit p?nis dur battait avec tr?pidation au rythme de son c?ur.

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“Yes Leaks!” I exclaimed this morning as my morning handful of boner pills started to take hold. I’d blown my monthly porn budget gambling on the surging price of personal lubricant, so I was short on funds, but I was still in the mood for some high-end smut. Wouldn’t you know it? As soon as I checked my inbox, I had this link just sitting there waiting for me. I think that’s called luck, because now I’m swimming in smut and I didn’t even have to apply for another credit card.YesLeaks.com makes...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Cheerleader CampChapter 16 Our Family Grows Again

About a week later the weekend was upon us and I had five tickets to a ball game in the astrodome. We were in the front row where the view was tremendous. To this day I don't remember who was playing or what the score was since I was preoccupied with something more important. You see, I slipped away during the first part of the game and went to the media control room. A ham buddy of mine worked there and was director for this game. I handed him a CD and told him what I wanted him to do. He...

4 years ago
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TalentChapter the Eleventh Holidays End

Both girls, or now more correctly, women, were awake, up and dressed before I even managed to get my eyes open. They greeted me with a tray of breakfast and we sat on my bed just chatting. This was Saturday and the weekend paper was read in pieces. We shared the comics and checked out the TV magazine and they discussed the fashions in Lifestyles. Both remarked how much more grown-up they felt. Valerie joked that her insides felt bruised and when I offered to kiss her sore fanny, she wagged...

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Solo HMT Adventures 07

Oct 6, 2009 Heavy Metal Thunder Solo Adventers #7 Introducing the Blond. Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on October 2009 The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning! Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

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50 Golden Shades Chapter One

The two girls sat side by side in the Principal’s office, the room filled with a deathly silence. Their faces were like thunder, the one marked with a bloody scar where the fingernails of the other had connected during their skirmish in the grounds outside. The man they were waiting on sat behind the opposing desk. He was well built, sharply dressed and certainly not the person that had been expected as they had shuffled into the room, their burly shepherds departing at the door with their duty...

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Helens Wedding Ch 01

The wedding took place on a mid august evening back in 2000, as always the bride looked good, some say the bride always do. But it was the bridesmaid that I was looking at, Kathleen and I had been dating for about a year but we had drifted apart about 6 months earlier but we still each other now and then for a chat nothing else. As the night was getting on and food was done the dancing was just about to begin all the bridesmaid’s looked fantastic in their lovely gowns of bright red and all of...

4 years ago
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Sexy Teacher Seducing Her Hot Student

Hi, brothers and their sisters. I am a 23-year young guy staying in Mumbai. I have been reading here for quite some time now. But this is my first time sharing a story here. Without further ado, let’s get on with this story. Have fun! The heroine of the story is Riya madam, 39 years old. She was really hot with 36-34-38. She was married but her husband was working in Bangalore. She used to stay near the college, as it was the central government college which provided housing. I was sitting in...

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The Nazis BoyChapter 19

It was during the wee hours, Claus and I slept on either side of the colonel, when a huge deafening explosion went off somewhere outside the hotel jolting the three of us awake. We were suddenly very alert. The flash lit up the room brighter than day, followed by subsequent blasts near and far. I was so frightened that I peed the bed. The colonel scrambled from the bed snatching his gunbelt and bolted naked through the door shoving aside panic stricken soldiers entering from the...

3 years ago
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Chinese student hypnotizes her college lecturer. Her voice seems to link directly to my mind. Her words sound ridiculous, impossible, outrageous. I reply, ‘Yes, Cayla.’ I hear her fingers click. I feel like I’ve just woken up. I’m in the classroom. The hard floor tells me that I am kneeling. Looking down in horror, I see my manhood standing erect. I am naked! Standing before me, Cayla laughs cruelly. Her dark eyes fix me with a sadistically knowing stare. She knows something I don’t. ‘I...

2 years ago
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FullOfJOI Dava Foxx MILF Fantasies Fulfilled

In my seductive black lace lingerie, I want to be your MILF fantasy. And with my sexy librarian glasses and long, silky legs, how could I not be? I know exactly what you want, and I have everything you need. Just imagine what this MILF pussy would feel like wrapped around your hard cock. It gets so wet and it is all for you. Trust me, you have never had a woman like me rock your world before. I am one of a kind, and I want you to jerk it for me right now. Pull it out and stroke gently. Now...

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Occasions of Sin6

I liked Lisa. I wanted to fool around with her more, and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. But I couldn’t love her like boyfriend-girlfriend. No, that’s not completely honest. I could love her, and I did, kind of ― OK, more than kind of ― but the truth is, as creepy as the thing with Father Ransom was, it also made me curious about penises. It freaked me out when he went off in my mouth, but I couldn’t get the sight of his hard cock out of my mind, or the feel of it off my tongue. I kept...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Mom Banged By My Roommate 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am Raj. My age is 20, and I am from Mumbai. I used to live with my hostelmates and I studied engineering. One of my hostel mates and close friends was Zakir. He was senior to me, must be 23-year old same college pass-out and into the job now. And he was a real pervert guy. Zakir used to spy and peek at almost every woman he met and he used to often go to prostitutes. I somehow started gelling up with him more and we used to often discuss our fantasies and other stuff. Once we...

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Married Stranger at a Business Conference

I’ve had sex with women I’d just met, several times. Some from online, some from bars and clubs and this one from a work conference. We were in a fairly large city on the east coast for a large sales conference with about one thousand sales reps from my region. On the last night, we all went out to party. I actually didn’t have much luck at some of the more fun clubs. I stopped in at a bar next to the hotel on the way back to my room and chatted with some VP’s with one of our vendors. They...

4 years ago
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Callboy Service To A Hot Lady In Gurgaon

Hi readers, I am back with yet another story of my life. Thank you for the response to my first story. Im sameer, delhi guy, a massuer and a call boy in my part time and a proud fucker. Ladies and girls from Delhi NCR are more than welcome to contact me for service. I dont claim to be brad bit or tom cruise, nor I say I have toned muscular body, but im fit healthy and in shape. I have had many satisfied clients so far. Coming to the story, this happened some months back when I received a text...

3 years ago
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Black Teen Neighbor and His Parents Cuckold White Couple

Our family has enjoyed the good life in our upscale, gated community in the Atlanta suburbs, since my husband, Sean, is a senior officer with a major company in the city. Our neighborhood is very exclusive, and very white, with the only black people in our area living right next to us. Sean and I met in college and got married right after graduation, starting a family right away. So now, at the relatively young age of forty-two, our son and daughter are both in college and out of the house.My...

2 years ago
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The Skate Park Yard Job

The Skate Park—The yard job Jamie and me show up at Mr. Wilson's about 9:00 AM. I had recuited him the day before to help me do his yard. I promised him a mouth full of jizz—lol cheap labor.It was a big yard, about 1 ½ acre. Lots of trees and bushes, and wood chips. This would be an all day gig, then the “bonus” afterwards for Mr. Wilson and his friend, Johnny.Took us about 2 hours to do the front. Mow, trim some bushes, and a few bags of mulch. By now we were both pretty pumped up, and...

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College Days Of Pune 8211 Part 2

I had 3 angels, like Charlie. But I had to tackle them in a different way. Ranjana and I reached the campus of a company, the watchman asked us about the purpose of the visit. He wanted me to get down and write our names on the register that was kept in the watchman’s tower. But he saw her hand is holding my dick and the scarf-dupatta is covering her hand and my dick. He smiled and brought the register to me so that I can fill it without standing away from my bike. While we were entering the...

3 years ago
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Planned For Good Experienced The Best

Hello everyone. This is Nikhil Joshi, a Maharashtrian born and brought up in Chennai. Here’s to all the horny men and women waiting to stroke their rock hard dicks and finger their wet pussies, I hope this story doesn’t disappoint you, people. Excepting the names which are changed to protect the respective individual’s privacy, all other details narrated in this story are real-life events. To tell you a little bit about myself, I was lucky enough; thanks to my dad who passed on his good look...

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Nasty Girl Massage

After the first girl-girl massage, Jeannie has been hot. She has stated in the bedroom, while super horny, she would love to repeat that, with a different woman. She said that one was pretty and sexy, but not her type. And, she would love to have another guy there, and have both guys watch and jerk off on her.So, aiming to please, I looked at the other two masseuses and one might fit the bill. She was blonde and looked quite sexy. I texted her and asked for a nude pic for Jeannie. She sent...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 57 Mickey

I reported back to Captain Foster and requested leave for a week, saying my wounds had been acting up. Real trouble was I could not stop thinking of Mercy and seeing her torn body in my dreams. He told me to stay away from Pamela and wrote me out a pass, reminding me that General Washington and a French general were expected soon. Neither Missy nor her daughter was overly happy to see me. Missy was entertaining a white-bearded gentleman in a long-tailed coat, old-fashioned wig and high boots...

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Date Trap 8211 Part 1 My Fantasies

I am discreet gay bottom from Hyderabad and through this story I am sharing one of my fantasies. My name is Ankit. ****************Story************* It was raining and I was very horny wanted something more than the usual logged into planet romeo and started chatting with guys. I came across a 29 year old guy decent looking and felt he meets my criteria. His name is Akhil. We both decided to meet, eat, drink and have fun. He said he will pick me up. I had an hour with me and I got ready. He...

Gay Male
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Wife shared me with a friend

Wife shared me with a friend!(True story! My wife at the time was 20 5’7”and 120lbs C-cups. Pat was 24 5’9” and 130lbs D-cups.)Early summer afternoon thinking about the weekend, quitting time at work. Jumped in the car and headed home, stopped on the way home got a case of beer. Windows rolled down heading down the highway. Finally got home put the case of beer in the fridge. The wife left a note on the counter she is over her girlfriend’s apartment. Opened a beer and went in the bedroom...

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Silliness At The Neighborhood Mall Sports Bar

I've come to realize that along with a wicked exhibitionist streak, I love being submissive in a mild sort of way. I think being told what to do, and therefore not being wholly responsible, takes away some of the guilt I sometimes feel. I owe this discovery to an ex-boyfriend, who had a certain way of getting me to do things. The way he'd whisper in my ear telling me how hot I looked and how every guy there wanted to fuck me, among other things, just sent me into a state of mind where I wanted...

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A Chance MeetingChapter 4 Our families merge

In the afternoon we lay there planning what she will be doing for me and when she could start to move in. I showed her the rooms she and Simon would occupy and one bedroom she planned would be turned into their own lounge. She was thrilled with the size of them and it would give more space for them than they had now. She couldn't wait to move in but I reminded her that we would have to explain things to both our children. We decided that it would be easier if she brought Simon here to see...

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Double TakeChapter 29

“Thus I reserve the right to be hypocritical on this particular topic.” —G.S. Jennsen, Requiem THE TRIP HOME from the party had its own surprises. I sat in the back seat on the way to Beca’s house. We were all saying goodnight and how much we had enjoyed the party. “Jacob, walk our date to the door,” Rachel said. “I’ll keep the car running and warm.” I hopped out of the car. Of course, that was the gentlemanly thing to do. I just hadn’t thought of it since I was in the back seat and had...

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Helping Bobby LearnChapter 4

When I called Su Li and asked her if she'd be willing to go out to dinner with me, all she said was "Yes." It was a little odd. There wasn't much chit chat. We agreed on a date and a time, and that was pretty much it. Courtney was happy with me and gave me a blow job because of it. I took Su Li to a Chinese Buffet place which I now realize was rampant racism. But it turned out she and her daughter rarely went to the place, so it was OK for her. She wasn't all that hard to please,...

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"John Doe, we have summoned you here to grant you powers beyond the realm of mortal men." A booming voice echoed. John looked around him to see what looked like giants dressed in togas. 'Okay, I obviously drank far too much last night....' he thought to himself. "No, John you are not drunk. What you are seeing is very much real." The giant with a flowing white beard and dressed in a white and yellow toga boomed. "We have brought you here for one reason: we will grant you any power you request."...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare ClusterfuckChapter 2

“Oh, fuck ... yes ... fuck me now, Frank!” Emily screamed my name loud enough that the others could hear it over their own moans and groans. This was our second wind, as it were, some forty-five to fifty minutes after we finished up the last bit of fun. The sexy Southern beauty certainly had my number, taking me deeper and harder for every stroke as I pounded her doggy-style, her sweet, freckled ass winking at me through her pucker. The more that I slapped her booty, too, the more she pushed...

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The Sinners CanonChapter 17

I was ready to fuck again pretty damn fast, of course, and sure enough, I began pounding Carmen’s mother from behind, her panties now down on the floor where they belonged. I knew, of course, that this was sure to give Carmen a baby brother or sister, but that was the plan all along. Demon seed never missed, after all. I was going to breed the fuck out of the women of that family, just as I warned earlier. By now, of course, Carmen’s undies were out of her mouth and on the floor as...

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Twist of the knife ch 10 Part Deux

 Lori squeezed my arm and snuggled against my shoulder saying, “I love you, baby, and I got really turned-on thinking about how everything Eric and I did was affecting you.”I put my hand on her thigh and playfully pushed up her skirt, “Well, I have to admit, when Eric put your foot in his lap and played with your chain as you gave me that evil smile. I mean, damn, honey, my cock was bucking and throbbing as I watched his hand slip under your skirt, and when your body arched at the feel of his...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 13

The eastern sky was a red glow when Tom left town headed south. He wanted to ride out to the Crooms place to make sure all was well with the family that had caused his stay in Newton in the first place. Tom worried that Missus Croom would fall off the wagon and begin her drinking binge again. Millie and Danny were in the barn doing their morning chores when they heard the horse come into the yard. They knew before they reached the door in a dead run that it was Tom. They knew the sound of...

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“I love a good big ass on a woman. And I love having my nipples sucked.” “Some of my clients have sexual fetishes beyond imagination. Are you comfortable with that?” “Sounds fun, and I do like stretching the boundaries.” “Are you fine with a male and a female at the same time?” “Yes.” “Two women?” “Definitely yes.” “How about intercourse with a male?” “Sorry no.” “Or a blow job from a male?” “Yes, as long if there is a female watching.” “How long can you last? Can you get it up...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 7

The foursome gathered around me. I sat on the couch with Linda on one side and Sue on the other. Pat nestled in her husband's lap in the big chair facing us. I don't doubt that my eyes grew misty and far away. I wasn't seeing the room, but rather the soft rolling green hills and dales of Ireland. I knew that the faint traces that remained of my Irish accent grew stronger the longer I talked. I was born the eighth and final child to my parents, Michael and Mary O'Brien. Five brothers...

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My Two Wives Part 1 Carol

MY TWO WIVES PART I Chapter 1 JACKS NARATIVE I first met Carol when she was a virginal 16 and I 19. We got on well together and after dating for a couple of years got married when she reached 18. She was no stunner, but was very attractive, 5 feet 6 inches tall, slightly over weight but not fat, with a beautifully proportioned figure. In fact she had the best breasts I had ever seen, or felt – beautifully firm and shapely. She had always been a bit of a flirt, ever since we met. Even on our...

2 years ago
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Enjoyed My Friend8217s Sister Who Was A Hot Chick

Hello friends, This is my first story here.. I had a friend and I used to visit her house once in a while..her sister name Shreya ( name changed) used to see me.. I never spoken to her.. Once Shreya took my number from her elder sister and texted me and slowly started teasing me.. I tried much to find out but couldn’t guess who was it.. She played this way for quite long time and once I got anger and said tel your identity or stop playing this way.. Slowly she told she is shreya and sister of...

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MonstersOfCock Ameena Green Step Daughter Gets Monster Cocked

Jovan Jordan is taking care of one of his many step daughters on a Sunday and needs to take a shower before church. Ameena Green wants to get on her knees and worship his monster cock so she takes her sweet ass time in the shower until Jovan has no choice but to shower with her and show her the big dick he’s been giving her Mom. She sucks his dick to keep it warm and then finds herself sitting on it. Before she knows it she’s in her moms bed fucking her step dad and gets cum shot in...

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Along the FinkeChapter 3

Gordy I woke up with Weena literally all over me and an urgent need to rid myself of last night's beer. I looked at the clock. It was 7:10. Time to get up anyway. I eased myself out of bed — Weena mumbled something unintelligible. Once in the bathroom, I figured I might as well get ready, so I started to shower, too. About 90 seconds later, someone joined me. "Need help?" the voice asked. "O-o-o-h boy!" I responded. And turned around to hug and kiss my mate. After a few minutes, I...

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AnalOnly Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Stretches Her Hole

This cutie loves to see just how far she can stretch her asshole. There’s nothing about anal this girl doesn’t love! She shows off that hairy bush and shakes her ass before spreading it and bending over for ass eating. Once she’s done twerking on his face she deepthroats that cock as far as her throat opens! After her face fucking session she lays back for an anal pounding. Her greedy ass can’t get enough and she flips over for doggy and showing off her massive gapes. She even gets her gapes...

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Private Angie Lynx The Sexual Fantasies of Angie Lynx

Today on www.private.com, Angie Lynx has come to live out one of her ultimate sexual fantasies, mixing sex and food, and thanks to Potro del Bilbao and Alberto Blanco, it’s about to become true! Armed with her gorgeous tattoos and sexy lingerie, this hungry babe wastes no time satisfying her appetite as she gets to work on a starter of bananas and strawberries before moving on to the main course… a double deepthroat blowjob and a stunning threesome that includes a hot session of anal and DP and...


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