D?terminisme Naturel-1 free porn video

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D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la marche de la quatri?me ann?e soit r?solument hors de port?e de ses capacit?s. Marc souffla l?g?rement pour d?gager la m?che ch?tain sombre qui lui tombait devant les yeux, n'ayant aucune conscience du caract?re terriblement f?minin du geste qu'il venait de faire, suivi par un autre encore plus f?minin: se recoiffer gracieusement en passant une m?che derri?re son oreille. Il avait toujours eu l'habitude de porter les cheveux un peu longs, mais les ann?es de fac ?taient des ann?es de vache maigre. Aller chez le coiffeur ?tait un luxe qu'il ne pouvait se permettre chaque mois, et ses cheveux semblaient avoir une vigueur pour pousser rapidement qui lui manquait dans tout le reste de son corps. "Mais je n'y comprends vraiment rien, et encore ces maudites fonctions" maugr?a int?rieurement Marc. Il n'?tait pas idiot, mais il ?tait indiscutablement peu dou? intellectuellement. Son esprit lent ne comprenait les probl?mes les plus basiques qu'apr?s les avoir ressass?s plusieurs fois, et ses m?diocres capacit?s d'abstraction intellectuelle ne lui permettaient pas d'appr?hender les notions plus d?licates. Il se sentait de moins en moins ? sa place ? l'universit?. La sensation d'avoir p?niblement obtenu ses ann?es pr?c?dentes sur des malentendus le taraudait. Cependant il lui fallait bien quelque chose pour pr?parer son avenir professionnel, car son corps d'avorton mettait hors de port?e tout travail un tant soit peu physique. Menu et mince, Marc ?tait de constitution fragile et d?licate. Il n'avait jamais connu un seul muscle, ses bras fins et ses longues jambes fusel?es ne laissaient aucun doute quant ? sa faiblesse. Son cou gracile et sa nuque juv?nile accentuait l'ambigu?t? sexuelle de dos. De face ses traits doux et d?licatement dessin?s, ses grands yeux bleus d'un bleu vif, ses longs cils et ses joues poupines l'emp?chaient de pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?. Depuis tout petit il ?tait si habitu? qu'on le confonde avec une fille qu'il n'en ?tait nullement surpris quand c'?tait le cas, et cela arrivait tr?s souvent. La n?gation de sa masculinit? le frustrait, mais sage et docile il ne se rebellait jamais. Si Marc faisait des efforts pour ?viter tout v?tement qui aurait pu accentuer sa morphologie si peu "m?le", le fait qu'il ne mesura qu'1m57, ses ?paules fr?les, sa taille de 36 et ses tout petits pieds repr?sentaient un d?fi insurmontable pour passer pour un jeune homme comme les autres. Le peu d'orgueil qu'il avait lui faisait dire qu'il mesurait 1m60, et quant il essayait de prendre des postures qu'il croyait viriles et confiantes c'?tait peine perdue. Depuis toujours il ?tait une vraie fille manqu?e, qui jouait ? la poup?e et ? la d?nette avant de comprendre que les gar?ons ne jouaient pas ? ?a. Ses tentatives pour s'affirmer en tant qu'homme ?chouaient lamentablement, et malgr? la surveillance qu'il tentait de s'imposer il ?tait terriblement mani?r?, adoptant spontan?ment et une gestuelle f?minine tr?s naturelle qu'aucun gar?on n'aurait pu imiter sans para?tre grotesque. Sa nature de fille manqu?e l'avait amen? ? ne fr?quenter que des filles et ? ?tre m?pris? ou ignor? des gar?ons. Malheureusement pour lui Marc ?tait un c?ur d'artichaut et il tombait facilement amoureux des jolies filles qu'il fr?quentait et c?toyait. Les choses auraient ?taient bien plus simples pour lui s'il avait ?tait homosexuel mais voil?, le destin lui avait jou? le tour d'?tre purement h?t?rosexuel. Marc ne comptait pas le nombre de ses frustrations amoureuses qui se succ?daient ann?e apr?s ann?e. Les filles ne pouvaient voir en un gar?on si eff?min?, physiquement et psychologiquement, un petit ami potentiel. Par contre elles le trouvaient g?nial et pr?cieux comme copine, et sans se tracasser c'est comme copine que les filles le traitaient, que ce soit conscient ou inconscient. Parfois Marc maudissait ses go?ts f?minins, de pleurer ? chaque fois devant "Titanic" ou d'?prouver une excitation d'adolescente devant "Dirty dancing", il n'avait cependant pas la volont? de se refuser ce qu'il consid?rait comme ses seuls plaisirs. La vie lui r?servait si peu de satisfactions et de plaisirs qu'il ne trouvait pas la force de se priver d'un seul ?pisode de "Plus belle la vie"! Marc commen?a enfin ? ?crire quelque chose, surtout histoire de remplir sa feuille. Au bout de quelques minutes il releva la t?te, repoussa d'un d?licat geste les m?ches qui lui tombaient ? nouveau sur les yeux, et se perdit dans la contemplation de la charg?e de TD qui surveillait l'examen, la sublime Amandine. Amandine, ? la liminuse chevelure blonde de princesse, repr?sentait le fantasme ultime de Marc. Elle ?tait d'une beaut? envo?tante et en effet il ?tait comme ensorcel? par sa personne. Sa beaut? f?erique captivait et troublait hommes et femmes. Une ?me faible comme celle de Marc se retrouvait, elle, totalement sous le son joug. Amandine n'?tait pas une vulgaire bimbo blonde; c'?tait une jeune femme au charme ravageur qui compl?tait un physique parfait. Nulle d'imperfection en effet. Ses longs cheveux lisses de couleur miel, ses yeux bleus saphir, sa peau au grain d?licat hal?e avec bienveillance par le moindre rayon de soleil, son m?tre 75 de mannequin, son sourire ? fondre la banquise, sa gr?ce et son ?l?gance naturelles, tout faisait d'elle une d?esse venue d'un ?ge d'or r?volu. Amandine d?bordait de bonne humeur et d'?nergie, et son corps, tout en ?tant la quintessence de la f?minit?, ?tait ?galement fait pour le sport et le d?passement de soi. Amandine incarnait autant l'id?al f?minin que Marc ?tait ?loign? de l'id?al masculin. Et pour parachever ce contraste si Marc ?tait d'une intelligence m?diocre, lente et laborieuse Amandine ?tait particuli?rement vive d'esprit, dou?e dans tous les domaines, et terminait juste avec les f?licitations du corps universitaire un cursus qui se soldait par une double th?se ?conomie et droit. Marc avait eu l'occasion de c?toyer plusieurs fois Amandine. Lors de sa seconde deuxi?me ann?e il avait ?t? mis sous tutorat de brillante jeune fille, qui elle attaquait tout juste deux masters. Le pauvre gar?on, tellement intimid? et ?mu par l'objet de tous ses d?sirs, ne retira pas grand chose de ce tutorat, si ce n'est que chaque parole et sourire d'Amandine alimentait ses r?ves les plus fous. Il ne pouvait s'emp?cher d'imaginer l'impossible, Amandine tombant follement amoureuse de lui, tous les deux partageant des nuits sensuelles et orgasmiques, d?lirant sur leur mariage et sur la belle famille qu'ils fonderaient ensemble... Et ce n'est pas de voir Amandine flirtait avec de bels Apollons, beaux, riches et ayant d?j? de belles situations, qui lui auraient fait renoncer et ses r?ves les plus fous. La gentillesse que lui montrait Amandine, le moindre compliment et taquinerie, et Marc sentait le feu enflammait ses joues, et il perdait tous ses moyens, bafouillant et gauche, d?contenanc? comme une gamine qui rencontrerait son idole. Amandine se plaisait ? lui faire des remarques sur son absence de virilit? et sur sa f?minit? si peu contenue, toujours avec de petits rires adorables, et Marc peu ? peu avait associ? ses petites humiliations innocentes au plaisir d'?tre en compagnie avec la fille de tous ses r?ves. Marc avait pu r?ver autant qu'il le souhaitait ? Amandine, ? une histoire d'amour entre eux digne d'une des s?ries t?l? dont il raffolait, ? une famille fond?e et des enfants qui respiraient le bonheur, il savait pertinemment qu'elle ?tait encore plus inaccessible pour lui qu'aucune autre femme. Et en effet, au sortir de cet insupportable examen, les jours qui suivirent finirent par enterrer ses pr?tentions de master, et ses r?ves si chers d'amour avec Amandine avec. Marc quitta la fac avec amertume, se sentant plus jamais nul, et pleurnichant ? l'id?e de ne plus pouvoir apercevoir, ne serait ce au loin, l'?tre cher si aim?, ador?, convoit?. Aigri mais avec trop peu de caract?re pour qu'il en tire une force, son peu de virilit? amoindrie par ces derni?res ann?es d'amoureux secret, l'?nergie et l'envie manquaient cruellement ? Marc pour attaquer une vie de jeune adulte. De nos jours beaucoup d'?tudiants n'embrassent leur vie d'adulte qu'une fois la fac achev?e. C'?tait bien ?videmment le cas de Marc, qui d?barquait dans la jungle du vrai monde totalement d?sarm? et perdu. Il fut ?videmment incapable de se trouver un emploi par lui-m?me, et la conseill?re de p?le emploi ne savait que proposer devant un tel candidat si effac? et tellement attentiste. S'il n'avait ?t? aussi dipl?m? elle lui aurait volontiers propos? un boulot au mac do ou au supermarch? du coin. Marc se cru revenir en enfance, terriblement vuln?rable et d?sarm? pour affronter les dures r?alit?s de la vie adulte. A cela s'ajoutait une s?rie d'?v?nements qui finirent par l'isoler et le d?courager. Sa m?re, une fois tous ses enfants adultes, en eu assez de supporter son p?re, brutal et trop port? sur la boisson. Elle obtint rapidement un divorce et partit en Espagne refaire sa vie avec un amant rencontr? sur un site de rencontre. Son p?re avait fait du divorce une excuse suppl?mentaire pour boire encore plus et passer sa vie dans des bars minables. Il se retrouva oblig? de se trouver dans l'urgence un logement, et dans la pr?cipitation il ne trouva rien de mieux qu'une chambre chez une retrait?e. Solange avait d'abord h?sit? au t?l?phone ? lui proposer une visite, mais finalement une fois que Marc se retrouva devant elle Marc eu la surprise de la voir rapidement en confiance, presque soulag?, et de lui dire qu'il ?tait le bienvenu. L'appartement ?tait un vrai appartement de personne ?g?e, rempli de bibelots vieillots, de napperons et de broderies, d'odeurs de parfums ?c?urants et de produits de m?nage. Sa chambre, bien que sobre, ?tait indiscutablement d?cor?e aux go?ts d'une vielle fille. Malgr? le loyer tr?s modeste Marc du accepter de participer aux t?ches m?nag?res pour en payer une partie, de se voir attribuer tout le repassage (m?me celui de chemisiers et de robes aux plis compliqu?s), et d'adopter des horaires de vielle dame. Si on rajoute ? cela les repas tr?s frugaux et les programmes de t?l? pr?f?r?s de la retrait?e Marc eu l'impression d'?tre pass? directement de la case universit? ? celle de maison de retraite. Pourtant il n'avait pas assez de temp?rament pour se remuer et pendant les six premiers mois il prit l'habitude de papoter et jacasser avec Solange. Il se trouvait que la vielle dame ?tait comme lui une fan de "Plus belle la vie", et ce fut la graine ? partir de laquelle se d?veloppa leur complicit?. N?anmoins comme Marc n'avait pas une personnalit? forte c'est Solange qui s'affirmait, et bien malgr? lui il subit, lentement mais surement, l'influence de Solange en profondeur. Il n'avait d?j? pas la r?bellion, l'aventure et le dynamisme dans le sang, la vie avec la vielle dame laissa donc peu ? peu sur son identit? une empreinte ind?l?bile. Il avait d?j? du mal ? pr?tendre ? une quelconque virilit?, le fait de vivre comme une femme ?g?e repoussait sa masculinit? encore plus loin hors du domaine du possible. C'est au d?tour d'une rue que sa vie prit enfin un nouveau tournant, si ce n'est son vrai commencement. Revenant de l'?picerie o? il avait fait les courses pour Solange, Marc tomba nez ? nez avec Amandine, l'?tre qui occupait encore tous ses fantasmes, ses d?lires, ses pens?es et ses ambitions les plus folles. Pendant un battement de c?ur il h?sita, doutant si c'?tait bien elle ou pas. Amandine avait r?solument chang? de style. Elle avait abandonn? son look d'?tudiante ais?e pour devenir une vraie jeune femme BCBG, une adulte s?re d'elle et qui rayonnait de d?termination malgr? son jeune ?ge. Le changement le plus radical ?tait ses cheveux, coup?s et coiff?s en un long carr? lisse et blond terriblement s?duisant et ?l?gant. Elle portait un co?teux tailleur pantalon blanc, un haut bleu roi satin?, des escarpins blancs vernis du meilleur go?t, de discr?tes perles aux oreilles, une fine montre dor?e et un sac ? main de luxe; tout cela faisait d'elle la plus cr?dible et sexy business woman du monde. Marc restait sans voix devant la fille de ses r?ves devenue la plus magnifique jeune femme qu'il n'ait jamais vu. M?me son l?ger maquillage signifiait tout son talent inn? pour le moindre d?tail. Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade et lorsque Amandine lui adressa la parole il se sentit rougir comme toujours, plus que jamais vuln?rable face ? sa dulcin?e. -"Marc! Mais quelle surprise! Tu n'as pas chang?!" Marc se sentit cruellement humili?, ridicule dans son sweat trop large et son jean informe. Il pris conscience que lui n'avait pas ?volu? depuis la fac, restant avec son apparence d'adolescent attard? habill? n'importe comment. -"Tu as perdu ta langue? On t'a pas appris a ?tre poli et ? dire bonjour ? une ancienne amie" le taquina Amandine avec un petit rire ravageur. -"Excuse moi Amandine... Bon..bonjour Amandine..." Devant ce petit gar?on grond? Amandine rit de bon c?ur -"C'est mieux, alors qu'est ce que tu deviens? Moi je viens de fonder ma propre boite dans la pub. Je voulais pas ?tre une fille ? papa et je me suis lanc?e dans le grand bain sans l'aide de personne". Marc rougit encore plus, se sentant minable et ridicule. -"Je... je n'ai rien trouv? moi... La dame de P?le Emploi a dit qu'elle m'appellerait mais voil? je n'ai aucun appel. Je vis chez une retrait?e, je paye pas cher et en ?change d'une partie du loyer je lui fais du m?nage." Evidemment Marc savait que ce qu'il racontait ?tait tr?s loin de le mettre en valeur, bien au contraire, mais il ne savait mentir et avait ce d?faut de se sentir oblig? de dire en permanence la v?rit?, sans rien cacher ou att?nuer. Ses yeux se mouill?rent d'impuissance et de d?pit. Amandine parut touch?e et fit une petite moue attendrie "Mais ma puce faut pas se mettre dans de tels ?tats. Viens je t'offre un caf?, et on va discuter, j'ai une id?e qui pourrait te plaire." Amandine lui prit le bras, et bras dessus bras dessous ils se trouv?rent une terrasse pour commander. Marc se sentit tout de suite r?confort?, et il appr?cia ?tre chouchout? par Amandine, m?me s'il se dit qu'il aurait du agir en homme et en adulte. Amandine lui expliqua alors ses projets, et en quoi il pouvait en faire partie. "Voil? comme je t'ai expliqu? j'ai mont? ma boite, et j'ai refus? l'aide de mes parents. J'ai utilis? mes ?conomies et pris un cr?dit pour me lancer. Je veux ?tre totalement ind?pendante, n'avoir de compte ? rendre ? personne tu vois? Donc l? je viens de signer pour les bureaux, et je cherche une petite ?quipe de 4-5 personnes de confiance pour organiser tout ?a et commencer ? travailler. On se partagera les t?ches et le travail en fonction de ce que chacun peut apporter et aime faire. Alors si tu es d'accord pour cette aventure, et que ?a ne te d?range pas de gagner de petits salaires les premiers mois, le temps que ?a se mette en place, ?a te dit que je t'embauche?" Marc ?tait comme hypnotis? par Amandine, totalement sous l'emprise de sa personne et de ses mots. Il pensait qu'il n'?tait pas Dieu possible qu'autant de beaut? et de charisme soit r?unie en une seule personne. Les grands sourires de la jeune femme suffisaient ? eux seuls ? comprendre que sa proposition ne pouvait qu'?tre accept?e par Marc, et qu'elle savait d?j? qu'il ne lui refuserait rien. Et en effet elle n'attendit m?me pas la fin des b?gaiements timides de Marc pour lui donner les informations pratiques quant ? son tout nouvel emploi et aux bureaux de la toute jeune entreprise. Marc se sentait comme le plus heureux des hommes, et quand Amandine posa sa main sur la sienne dans un geste de domination, son petit p?nis dur battait avec tr?pidation au rythme de son c?ur.

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Unexpected LustPart 3

It was naptime at the McKinley house, and the mother of the three sleeping children and her sexy blonde nanny were naked together in the hot tub. They sat kissing sensuously, their bare breasts touching. "Phew, I know it's a hot tub, but is it getting uncomfortably hot in here, or is it just me?" Katelyn asked into Hayley's mouth. "Well, it is 90 degrees out and our passion is hiking up the mercury as well," Hayley replied, gently pinching Katelyn's nipples. "Why don't we get out?...

2 years ago
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The Amazon Hotel

The Amazon Hotel By Margaret Jeanette Harriet Tuchow was working as a clerk at the bank. One of her regular customers was there and he always told her a funny joke. It always made her day. Meanwhile her husband Thomas was explaining a report to the president of a five restaurant chain that he was bookkeeper for. The chain had made a record profit last quarter. More people were eating out and they were getting their share. The president praised his bookkeeping and told him to...

1 year ago
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Ruths Black Lover

I had told Ruth about my encounter with Cleavon and how it had stayed on my mind and she told me it was natural for a white woman to have a black cock. I passed it off until a few days later when Ruth stopped by as I was sitting on my lounge chair and before I could say or do anything, in behind her walked this really tall and nice looking black man. "Carmen this is Jessie" she introduced him "Don't tell Walt, but he's my lover" she added and I looked over this man. I couldn't believe that...

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CindyChapter 54

We were sitting down for dinner together when Cindy's phone rang. She looked at the display. "Susan!" Squeal! "Hi, Sis! Didja?" Pause. "Uh-huh!" Pause. "So when?" Squeal! "Absolutely! We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Pause. "Yeah! We're flyin' up this weekend. We'll be there Friday afternoon." Pause. "Dinner with your mom an' dad an ' you an' your sweetie? You betcha!" Cindy was in full glow. That was my little mate. Since we'd become a couple, she was usually happy...

3 years ago
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AFU Alternative Frs Universum

Guten Tag! Gestatten sie dass ich mich vorstelle. Ich bin ein Wissenschaftler. Ein Quantenwissenschaftler um genau zu sein. Doch im Gegensatz zu anderen meines Schlages sitze ich nicht in riesigen Hallen und vor gigantischen Supercomputern und bin nur einer von vielen. Nein! Ich ziehe es vor in meinen speziell für mich angefertigtem Kellerlabor zu arbeiten und an geheimen, von manchen als gefährlich angesehenen Experimenten zu arbeiten. So fallen Ruhm und Nutzen meiner Entdeckungen allein mir...

4 years ago
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Horny Age 8211 Maid Maintenance Continues

After Shruti aunty left with uncle to their new home and Durgalaxami to another city, I did not miss them as I had Lata our maid to satisfy me. It had now been three years since I was fucking her. She had always complained to my parents that one maid is not enough for such a big house and my parents also wanted a full time maid as lata was came only for the day to sweep, mop, watch utensils and clothes. Guess I never told you about my house; it is a 1 story bungalow with a big drawing room on...

3 years ago
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The Perils of Kimberly Williams

Kimberly stepped gingerly off the small transport boat. It had been over 15 hours of plane flights followed by this latest 3 hour boat ride to her final destination. She smiled as she felt the warm sun bathe her soft pale skin. Her husband quickly followed her off the boat carrying their two large suitcases. "Thank you dear." She said with a smile as her hand brushed his strong arm. He returned the smile and passed the two bags off to some dark skinned native boys who were working the docks...

4 years ago
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Stop the PressesChapter 4

(Femslash. Rory/Paris/Ms. Peters. Notes. This story takes place after my story "Detention". As far as I can determine Ms. Peters, the faculty advisor for "The Franklin" never had her first name given. Therefore I have chosen one for her. As always, the characters are not mine. They are the creation of Amy Sherman-Palladino and belong to the WB and the CW. These events take place however in the spring of the characters' final year at Chilton. Since Rory's birthday is October 8th and...

1 year ago
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Gratifying her ex

I'll be honest straight off here, I got the idea for this little endeavour from sex story I read a while back. The concept of it was one that got me very excited, but I never, ever expected I would be able to actually do it. But last weekend, I had the opportunity, and I grabbed it hard!As with my other entries, names have been altered for obvious reasons!So, I have been with my girlfriend "Phoebe" for a few years now and absolutely love that when she's in the mood to be, she can be very...

4 years ago
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Special Work Requirements

HOW YA DOING MISS CARLY? I've been out of work for two years now. Bummer! Down on Luck, bank account used up, no dates for a year (no money of course). I was feeding the pigeons in the park when I met an old flame. One of the ones who doesn't hate me. She told me of a job vacancy, which was right up my alley. It was overseas, good pay and benefits. She said they were looking for males because the turnover was so great, the office was out of statistical whack with too many females. They...

2 years ago
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losing my marbles

  I melt all over again as soon as you smile at me and those sparky eyes of yours tell me that tonight I’m going to enjoy you in ways I haven’t thought of yet. You grab my hand and pull me close to you, we don’t kiss but I lose my face in the warmth of your neck as you breathe in the scent if my perfume. Instantly I want to be naked with you, want the rest of the world to disappear for a few hours so we can take an exciting journey together.   You lead me by the hand to my bedroom and I...

1 year ago
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Moneys Not The Only Currency

There were just ten minutes before my next appointment, and I was rushing to finish a contract. My secretary was gone for the day, and I couldn't remember what my next client wanted to discuss. Just as I finished faxing the contract to be reviewed, a knock at the door and a soft "excuse me". I turned, and there stood an incredibly handsome young guy in his early twenties. "May I help you?" I stammered. "I'm Jerry Ryan. I have an appointment with Mr. Ober" he said. "Hi, come in. I'm Trevor Ober"...

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The Pool Party

Friday, May 26, 2000Heather had just finished her first year of teaching, and she was exhausted.  The everyday grind of a school year had taken its toll. As a student, she had never even come close to understanding just how much work was involved in teaching.  Working through lunch, staying at school past six o’clock in the evening, taking assignments home to grade, staying up into the wee hours of the morning just so she’d have something prepared for the next day—she’d done it all. On top of...

2 years ago
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Maa ki aankh

Hi,main bahut dino se tum randiyon aur bhadvon ki stories padh raha hoon.Kuch achhi lagi par 90% bakwaas thi.Aaj main jo kahaani sunane jaa raha hoon wo ek comedy story hai.Mujhe aasha he aap sab khubh hasenge. August ka mahina tha.Lalu ke school ki pehli exam khatam hui thi.Lalu ghar aaya aur bell bajai.Par darwaza kisine nahi khola.Lalu ke pita mar gaye the.Wo apni maa ke saath rahta tha.Bahut der tak darwaza na khulne par lalu sochne lag gaya,”are ye meri bhosdiki maa mar to nahi gayi...

3 years ago
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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 5

I went back to the hotel; packed what few things I had and checked out. I retrieved my truck from the hotel's garage and drove to the embassy. It would stay in the embassy garage until I was back in the States, and then embassy people could return it to the rental agency. I was to stay out of sight until we were ready to put our plan in motion. It would blow everything if I were spotted wandering around Georgia without Isidora. The same Marine who had driven Isidora to the airport was...

1 year ago
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The Old Dusty Road Part 2

My head is going in circles. What is this man doing to me. I'm no baby girl. I'm not submissive. Or am I? I go in my bedroom. I get a small bag out and start putting things together. But he said 'only personal items.' What about clothes? What is he planning? I get my personal stuff together. Again I stop. But what about clothes? I need clothes! So I get together a few things. Just enough for the weekend.I stop and put my bag on the couch. What am I thinking. I don't know this man.How can I just...

3 years ago
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GF Likes Bigger Cocks

My name is Jeff and my girlfriend is Jenn, we've been together for about 3 years now. I'm about 6 feet tall with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes, athletic build with a nicely above average package. Jenn is 5'4" with a petite build. She has a beautiful face with long wavy dark hair and the most amazing grey eyes. Her body is trim and chiseled like that of a professional dancer, not an ounce of fat anywhere and curves in all the right places. When she wears a skirt or dress and heels everyone...

4 years ago
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Goodbye Professor Gordon

“You and I need to tell them the truth.”“Must we?”“I'd rather they hear the whole story from us, instead of from strangers spreading rumors, exaggerating the nature of our....”“What is the truth? In your opinion.”“We're friends, Quigley. Friends who coincidentally see each other at the same monthly movie club.” “As well as today, in a booth at the back of this quaint diner.”“Approximately once every 30 days, we engage in cinematic conversations.”“In a congenial manner.”“And we watch the...

Love Stories
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Incident at a porn theater

Incident at a Porno Theaterby Mitzi36B©They pushed through the swinging door and stood at the back of the theater waiting for their eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness. The only light came from that reflected by the screen. It showed a long-haired, full-breasted girl on her knees between two guys. All three were naked, the men fully erect as the girl alternated sucking first one cock then the other while using her free hand to stroke the other.Typical porno scene, thought Sheila, glancing at...

2 years ago
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My Lost Shaker of Salt

This story includes all sorts of sexual combinations between two men and two woman. If that's not your thing, move on. The characters don't use condoms but you should.IntroductionI had to get away. This stupid town was getting to me. Things were closing in, the walls of my apartment seemed like a c-clamp on my life. Things were getting weird. And as Hunter Thompson said, "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." The time had come to turn pro.However much I wanted to run, I found that I...

Group Sex
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Meri Pyasi Bhabhi 8211 Part 7

Raat ko 10 baj rahe the. Maine bhabhi ke boobs touch kiye to boli – Bhabhi: Dekh aaj tere baap ne meri chut faad di. Ab aur dum hai nahi, isliye mujhe sone do. Boobs choosne hai to choos lo. Nabhi choosni hai to choos le, lekin mujhe chup-chaap lete rehne de. Me: Bhabhi mere liye tum kewal chodne ki cheez thode hi ho. Main tumko pyar karta hu, isliye koi baat nahi tum kahogi tab hi chodunga. Bhabhi ne pyar se kiss kiya aur boli: Tu mera khayaal karta hai mujhe pata hai. Isliye apni iccha ko...

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The Subway

I looked up at the subway map and counted the stops.Ugh, twenty more stops to go…I started doing the math in my head as I twiddled with my black clutch that perfectly matched my black leather high heel boots.So like five min between each stop so like an hour to go…. Ugh…The clacking of the subway echoed through the incredibly cramped car. More and more people piling on at every stop while we passed under the centre of the city. The clashing smells of strong cologne and floral perfumes...

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TyballaChapter 5 Night Out With the Girls

Renee and I glided down the hall wearing robes, mine borrowed. When we arrived in the lavatory, we hung them on hooks outside the shower stalls. Beneath the robes, we'd been naked. "Tyballa, you're really amazing!" "Thanks. You're very lovely too." She was. She was tall and supple. When she bent down, I could see her leg muscles tense and her bottom become round and firm. When she turned to me, the hair between her legs was a well trimmed and puffed out. She caught me staring and...

2 years ago
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An Affair of Lifetime

Hi friends! My name is Anubhav. I am a regular reader of the stories from this site. I enjoy a lot reading the stories. So, without wasting any time, let me begin with my story. I am a 24 year good looking guy and this is a story when I was 18. I was in class 12th that time. My personal interest was in MILFs. My house is a big one in the colony and there are five houses neighboring our house. To my left lives Singh uncle with his mom, 6 years old daughter and the sexiest woman in the world his...

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The Widow Ch 26

Passion in James County XII: The Widow Chapter twenty-six Larry was nervous when he drove up in front of Fran’s house a few days later. He had been thinking about asking her to marry him for some time, and decided that tonight, when she was coming to his place for the first time, was the correct time to do it. He had no sense of how Joanne would respond to his proposal and was extremely nervous about how the evening would come out. Joanne greeted Larry at the door. He looked at her and his...

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My pinni

Let me say u the story.her name is Sunitha and she is a housewife and her husband is working as a software engineer.their house if few distance away from ours.she was married at the age of 19 now her age is 23 and she looks marvellous and her figure 26 34 28 makes everyone go crazy.i never had bad intentions on her until that day.she has a small kid and i used to visit her daily to play with her son.one day i as usually went to her house and saw her watching t.v and her son was playing with...

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What does it mean to be a sissy

Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire. Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.Sissies are...

4 years ago
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Long Weekend In London

After my disappointment with Fred, I took a week's leave from work. Visiting my parents was fine for a few days, but I needed a proper break. One afternoon, while visiting my Aunt, I bumped into Doreen, someone I'd known since school but not seen for ages. We went for a drink and chatted about old times and things in general. I was now half way through my eighteenth year, Doreen was two years older, had long dark hair; was tall, slim and very attractive. She had trained as a Nursery Nurse...

1 year ago
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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 4

The next morning while Jackie was dressing for work I went into the kitchen Jackie came into the kitchen dressed for work, or so I expected until I saw what she was wearing. She had on a sheer top with no bra. Her newly pierced nipples were sticking right through the thin material. The top came down just below her fine breast and she had a pair of tight, torn low cut jeans that came down so low that it barely covered her pussy. You could easily see the area where she had shaved her pubic...

2 years ago
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A hard day A harder dick

It had been one of those days. Everything had gone the wrong way. A crappy presentation. Coffee spilling over. A long lecture from the boss. It had been a hard long day. I was driving back home as the sun set when bam my car spun out of control. I pushed the brakes hard and eventually it stopped on the side of the road. Got out and voila! A flat tyre. Cursing loudly I pulled out of my phone and called my wife.'Hey honey I'm gonna be a bit late. Tyre blew out''Oh okay, how was your day?''Hard....

1 year ago
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The Wives of Uzumaki

"So. Naruto-kun. I suppose congratulations are in order." The Fifth Hokage's sultry voice purred out inside her office. After many twists and turns, the war had just been won. First Madara, Kabuto and Obito, and then, at last, Kaguya had been defeated. They had all paid a terrible price for it - right now, the Hokage's office was just about the only non-ruined building in all of the Leaf. And its owner was personally congratulating the hero of the war. Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, granddaughter...

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Mirror Site

This is an open-ended story, my Halloween gift to the TG World. The "House of Mystic Mirrors" is open for anyone to write and post a story about. The mechanics are as described in the four vignettes below. The magic of the maze makes it seem as if only one person - or group - is there at a time. Others kind of wait in a limbo, I think. The Barker is an ever-changing manifestation of the magic in the maze. The force that controls the change has a sense of justice - and a sense of...

2 years ago
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Adventure in St Louis

A NIGHT IN ST. LOUIS Work can really suck. At this moment I am sitting on an airplane wrapping up a three day business trip. Thank goodness I know how to make work fun. If someone gives you lemons, I say make lemon meringue pie, because lemonade is not good enough. What I am getting at is you have to make the most fun in your life, because life is too short. If you have a passion, make the most of it and enjoy your passion. My passion I have to keep hidden most of the time, but when I travel...

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Deli Girl 2

My name is Tom, I am 54, separated now about a year now, with the divorce becoming final soon, from an 8 year marriage that should have never happened, but oh well. I was married before too, that one lasted 24 years and two kids. She wanted to live a single life, one she really never got to experience because we married so young. I am 5’ 10, about 185 lbs, with salt and pepper hair. I guess I am of average looks, with a slight gut now. I work as a software specialist, and have been with...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 146

From a friend of J & G. A husband and wife were driving down a country lane on their way to visit some friends. They came to a muddy patch in the road and the car became bogged. After a few minutes of trying to get the car out by themselves, they saw a young farmer coming down the lane, driving some oxen before him. The farmer stopped when he saw the couple in trouble and offered to pull the car out of the mud for $50. The husband accepted and minutes later the car was free. The...

2 years ago
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Pandemic Roommates

Aside from daily walks and the occasional trip to get essentials like groceries we were pretty much stuck at home. We tended to not walk together to give each other as much space as possible. We both had large laptops and shared a TV in our tiny living room. Sometimes several times a day, one of us would take our respective laptop and head to our room to be alone for a while. It was never actually discussed but we both knew what the other was doing behind closed doors. After all, we were at...

4 years ago
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Carmen and Lauryn Part II

As I remove the handcuffs I can feel Carmen’s breath on my neck. Her lips softly kiss my neck and I tell her to bite my neck. The handcuffs are removed and she alternates between bites and kisses, my clit is throbbing and waiting for attention. Carmen licks my neck up to my ear...I can’t take it anymore and flip her over so she is on top of me. She takes the hint and pulls down my shorts and boxers at the same time. “Mmmm Lauryn, you’re so wet ima eat your pussy real good ‘til you cum in my...

3 years ago
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I Meet Christie For The First Time

What a boring day it has been. The second day of a three-day conference – been stuck in meetings and workshops all day. Even the lunch break was a working lunch, so not even a break then.So now it is 6 pm, meetings over for the day, and a little bit of free time to relax. A few of the delegates said they would be in the hotel bar for a drink a little later, and I thought I would get a head start on them, so am here in the bar an hour or so before they are expected.I am just sitting at the bar,...

Straight Sex
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Losing my anal virginity part 1

Another story that will get you in the right mood :) I'll tell you abouthow i actually got a thing for being assfucked and who helped me with that.A few years ago i met this red-headed chubby chick (chubby in the good way) that was pretty kinky. I knew had loads of gay friends and people claimed that she was was bi.She had her tongue pierced, a few tattoo's, double d breasts and a big round butt, even tho a little fat very popular with the guys and i felt very lucky being able to lick her pussy...

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