The Return Home, Wyoming/Ute IGT free porn video

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The Return Home Everyone was excited, the heads of Wyoming/Ute Trucking were putting together a second intergalactic convoy. This one would be bound back to Earth to return with more needed supplies, and to let those left behind see that loved ones were well. There was a truck status board in the joint dispatch terminal run by Coyote and Otter, who coordinated the loads between the two families of the joint company as well as those who had joined them in the original quest. But a second status board was located in the drivers section of the Brightfeather Sisters Diner. It was placed there to allow other drivers the opportunity to join one of the families convoys if they wished, for added safety. And to keep others updated on arrivals and departures. Ringneck sat watching it closely as the names of the trucks that would be in the convoy were displayed. It seemed like it was taking forever between each truck posting. The first three were posted at the same time. Crunch, Big Beast and Wolf Pack, those were the three assigned Blowers that would lead the convoy from the north pole down into the Seven Nations territories. The next posting ten minutes later adjusted the top names as a fourth was added. Crunch and Pouncer were designated as the Convoys Wreckers in case of any breakdowns. Off on the public side a new arrival sat watching the convoy postings as well. There weren't just postings for Wyoming/Ute. There were other convoys that would be passing through with their destinations listed. Pretty had arrived with a driver bound for Doucette Four. She had another name once, but she never used it anymore. She'd been out here star hiking since she was fourteen. The warm glass of fresh goats milk the waitress had served her did much to relax her. She'd intended to try to find a ride to one of the Academies that had been recently opened here after hearing that they had come from Earth. But seeing this diner, hearing all the banter going back and forth and seeing the convoy listings. Well she just had to know more. Her mind drifted to that afternoon when she'd filled a back pack with clothes and a few nutrition bars and cookies and went to sit beside the highway. It took her a bit to get up the nerve, but it was near dark before anyone stopped. She never heard the engine of the car that picked her up, she was happy to be getting a ride away from the abusive home she'd grown up in. Her first indication that she might have made a mistake was when the driver began speaking in a strange language just before the dashboard changed. Suddenly she understood everything as his words were translated. "Preparing to engage Star drive, please fasten your seatbelt before initial boost." It was a metallic voice, and it spoke in two languages at the same time. By then it was already too late to get out, as the car began transforming into a space ship. That had been five years ago to the best of her recollection, five very long years of trying to find her way home. There was a ding and she looked up as three more names were added to the list. Eagle, Hawk, and Night Flyer. Eagle was designated as the Convoy Diner. She thought, "What the hell?" she saw that Night Flyer was designated as the Lead Truck all the way to Saturn where Big Beast was to take the lead with Wolf Pack. Next a truck named Bulldog and one named Butterfly were added. Ten minutes later Bull Elk and Casanova, followed quickly by Clyde and Warrior. When a light at the top of the list showed Final, a young human slammed his fist into the table. "Son, your temper please," said an older woman across from him. "But Mother, I told them I wanted to go. This will be my last chance before school starts again, why can't I go along? Pheasant made it here with no trouble," he said, his face filled with hurt. "Son, your father only wants those with a co-driver on this one, plus we don't know for sure what to expect, what's really happening," said another woman joining the two at the table. "Do you have a co-driver?" "No Mother, you know that." His disappointment was evident. "Do not, 'No Mother' Me young man," said the second woman. "Fox he's upset," said the first woman placing her hand on the arm of the second one. "I'm sorry Mother Fox." He scooted his chair back to leave. "If you leave now son, you will miss your chance," advised the woman Fox. Just then two trucks pulled up outside, and she saw an Avian leap from the driver's door spreading her wings to glide gently to the ground. She skipped inside and looked up at the board as she made her way toward the Drivers section. "How's Mack running today? Ready for your run to L-249?" someone asked. Pretty looked up and saw that the convoy destined for L-249 only had four trucks. Big Dog, Jammer, Mack Attack and Mackenzie, but only three had a cargo designation. Hugging the first woman the Avian said, "Mom I thought you said Ringneck was going with the Earth Convoy." "He hasn't found anyone to ride along yet," said the one named Swallow. "She's here Swallow, but like our son she is too shy to ask," stated the woman Fox. Now even more curious Pretty listened even closer. She'd only seen one other Avian, and he kept to himself. But here this girl was driving a truck and acted as if she was part of this family. Someone spoke into her ear. "His name is Ringneck, Sweetie, and he needs a Co-driver." She turned to look at the speaker. The fur covered face with the large cat eyes smiled at her. "You better hurry little sister, we leave at day break." She heard a smack, then the Terrellian girl squalled in surprise, playfully swatting at the two men behind her. Suddenly she realized the Terrellian girl was pregnant, but who was the father? Just then another girl followed by an Avian girl and another human one joined the group in the drivers section. The two littlest girls rushed in her direction. Grabbing her hands they said, "Come, come, we introduce you Aunt Patty." As they pulled her to her feet. The older woman named Fox rose to her feet and kissed her cheek. "Welcome Patricia. You two have much to discuss," and like that she was abandoned to sit alone with the boy Ringneck. "Hi, he said shyly. I'm Ringneck, Ringneck Lightfeather." "P, Patricia, I don't remember my last name, but people just call me Pretty," she blushed. "You sure are." He blushed. Neither of them noticed when a new name was added to the convoy list, "Pheasant." Pretty never thought to ask how they had known her name, only to ask if she could ride with him. As he looked into her eyes she said, "Please, I, I'll pay my way. I don't have any money, but I could trade other things, favors," she trailed off. "Ringneck?" a waitress got his attention. "You two better hurry, they just stepped up the departure time." Looking he saw that the Convoy was now set to leave in three hours. "Ring, we are to pick up a load of power inverters when we reach Omega, and Chaser has just been added to the list," advised the truck. "Is that really my pretty new Co-Driver?" "God I hope so," blurted out Ringneck. "I, I mean I hope you want to go along." "I haven't seen home in five years, is it true what they are saying on the news?" she asked. They finished eating and he walked her the short distance past the service garage to the joint family terminal. As he stepped through the gate a truck pulled slowly out of a garage. She saw all the other trucks lined up in their designated convoys. He quickly introduced her to his truck as he helped her climb up the passenger's side. "I have to do my walk around, why don't you get to know Pheasant and store your gear?" As she was looking around at all the room inside Pheasant had completed his initial health scans. "Pretty? It's just the two of us here so I hope I'm not too forward." "Oh, umm what do you mean?" she asked. "My health scan shows that your Hormone levels are dropping below minimum. Would you like for me to add them into your personal dietary supplements?" "W, what do you mean?" "My scans show you to be transgendered, your hormone levels are dropping below that needed to maintain you as a healthy young woman." "You haven't told Ringneck have you?" the worry was evident in her voice. "No that is for you to do. But don't you think he should know before the three of us are cooped up in here on the road together?" advised Pheasant. "But he's so sweet, so shy and innocent. I, I don't want to hurt him. And he will get hurt when he finds out." 'They always do, and they always blame me,' she thought. "I suggest you study up on not just his family but the families of the other drivers around us. Night Flyers driver and Butterfly's driver are just like you are. And May Long Creek is Ringneck's younger sister." Pheasant let that soak in. Just then Ringneck completed his walk around and climbed into the driver's seat. Suddenly Night Flyer was calling for a driver check in. When it was their turn Pretty was urged to make the check in. "Pheasant ready to roll out," "How did I do Ring, was it like everyone else?" she asked. Suddenly realizing that she still had the microphone keyed. "It was quite professional, welcome to the convoy Pretty," announced Leola. And then everyone else had to bid her welcome as they began rolling out the gate, turning toward the big Portal. "First destination received and locked in from Night Flyer. Omega Three, travel time three days four hours." Announced the truck. It had been a few weeks since they'd been out on the road so Ringneck spent the first day doing a shakedown, going over everything, checking everything he knew to check and teaching Pretty as well. He had her behind the wheel getting used to the feel of the driver's seat even before the Kitchen was opened. It was in the diner that she was formally welcomed and made to feel like a real part of the group. She'd never really traveled with anyone that was part of a big convoy that could link together like these trucks could. "You're doing fine," he told her. "I'm going to go grab some shut eye." "But, what if something happens?" she was worried. "If anything happens, Pheasant will guide you through it or wake me up," he stated with confidence. And so the first leg of the journey passed with Pretty learning to monitor the systems, something no other driver had allowed her to do. She'd met everyone finally, and gotten to know them pretty good. She was surprised to learn that a lot of the humans were shifters. But happy to see how openly everyone accepted each other. After shooting the portal at Omega, Rhea called to wish everyone a happy journey. She was there to pick up three more of their cousins to work in Sunrise's garage. They couldn't believe how much business they were getting. Her sister Shantilly was taking her place and taking their first born child to meet Sunrise's parents who were still on earth. Rhea and Keena would make the next trip taking Hatchetman and Gladys home after their visit to Iridani. Ringneck had planned it out well that Pretty would be behind the wheel when the portal came up. Now having shot her first portal she felt more like part of the team. She was scared as Ringneck continued to have her drive after reaching Omega. She was actually having to 'Jam Gears' and with each shift, every turn, she began to grow more confidant in herself. Three trucks peeled off from the rest and she found herself following them to a little terminal marked 'Off World Exports'. The three in front pulled up then backed up their trailers to the loading dock. Now it seemed like everyone was out standing by watching as Ringneck talked her through the process of pulling forward then backing up as she lined up to the trailer at the dock. It only took her three tries to get it lined up right. Nervously she crept the truck backward until she felt the thump, followed by the loud click. "Hook up complete," announced Pheasant as everyone began to cheer. "Ok now you get to finish the task," he announced as he motioned for her to join him outside. Leading the way back to the hitch plate he said, "Reach in and give that lever a push. That's the double lock on the locking pin." He pointed to the different lines Electrical, Air, and Hydraulics. "What now?" she asked as she climbed back in and sat behind the wheel. They had been loaded in record time less than thirty minutes. "Now we rejoin the rest for a Ten hour layover before we make the run to Saturn where the blowers will take the lead to finish our run and lead us in over the North Pole and down through Northern Canada," stated Pheasant. A happy grin on his face Ringneck led Pretty into the diner. She was stunned to see the ribbons and festive decorations as they were led to a table. "Are we celebrating something?" she asked. Taking her hand Swallow urged her to stand up with her as the diner fell silent. "Family, Friends, I am happy and proud to present the Lightfeather's newest Driver, Pretty. My son Ringneck's Co-Driver and hopefully soon to be wife." Everyone cheered as she blushed happily. Then the second part sank in, she'd said 'Soon to be Wife'. After all the congratulations and welcomes she followed him back to the truck. "I'm sorry my Momma embarrassed you like that," he apologized. "Ring, I, I need to tell you something. I, I just hope you don't hate me afterwards," she was worried how he was going to react. "You have a husband waiting on Earth?" "No, oh god no, it's, well it's complicated." He took her hand and led her back into the sleeper area that was more of an efficiency apartment in size. He sat her on the edge of the bed and pulled out a chair to face her as he held onto her hands. "I know it can't be about your being a Blessed Spirit. You see how much you are welcomed and cherished just like Leola and my sister May." "You, you know? Did Pheasant tell you?" "No Pretty, he didn't have to. You are too Pretty to have been born a girl. You do everything with a style and flare, that I have only seen other Blessed spirits use. Natural girls take their womanhood for granted." He kissed her hand. "I, I just hope that you might find me acceptable one day to become your equal in life, and teach me to make love to you." now he was blushing beat red. She gently pulled him onto the bed with her. "Do you really mean that?" "Yes I do. I just hope I can satisfy you the way you deserve to be satisfied." "It's not really that different than doing it with a real girl," she said. Then saw the look in his eyes that told her he really didn't have any experience at all. "Can we take it in stages? Go slow so I can teach you the right way?" she finally asked. "I just want to make you happy," he answered as Pheasant dimmed the lights. Being more experienced she gently pushed him onto his back. "Let's start out slow and see where it goes, ok?" her fingers fumbled at his belt buckle while he watched in amazement. As she drew down his zipper she thought about all the times she'd done this just for a ride, or something to eat. She'd been with her share of men and women of several different races across the stars. And while she enjoyed being the top with another female, taking the male role with a male just wasn't her thing. She preferred to be treated like a woman, to be the submissive one. She hoped that Ringneck felt the same way as she saw his beautiful hard throbbing cock coming into view. Cupping it with her fingers she began slowly, kissing it's full length before working off his jeans. Then she sat up slowly stroking it in her hand as he carefully unbuttoned her blouse, his hands caressing her braless breasts. The thumbs rubbing small circles over the stiffened nipples as she caught her breath in short drawn out gasps. Oh how she wanted to feel him inside of her, but she was afraid to show him just how much she truly wanted it, needed his cock deep inside of her. Carefully she slid down to slowly nibbled the head before letting her lips close around it. He tensed fighting the urge to cum already as her tongue tickled the underside then smeared her spit around over the top. He was groaning, tense, gripping the edge of the mattress, fighting the urge to thrust up into her mouth. Suddenly he jerked hard as his cock began to spew forth his seed into her hungry slurping mouth. His eyes were squeezed shut as he continued to cum, the excess dribbling out down her chin onto her hand. She began using it as a lubricant as she started bobbing her mouth up and down taking him in deeper and deeper. She felt it start to go soft and then suddenly it was getting hard again as her fingernails caressed slowly over his balls. While it wasn't the biggest she'd ever had, it was still impressive as she started opening her throat swallowing it in and out until it was beginning to make her gag. Looking up into his face she saw his look of pure love and adoration as it slowly slipped into her tight throat. She guided his hands up to her head, spreading his fingers out in her hair, her own fingers gently curling his into a grip as she bobbed up and down forcing herself to go slow as she fucked his hard cock with her throat. Her spit running in torrents to coat his cock and balls as she massaged it into them with her free hand. Reaching up she pulled him to a sitting position as she continued her deep throat fucking. Finally she coaxed him to his feet as she knelt in the floor, one hand on his ass as she urged him to fuck her throat, almost afraid that he would get too rough like every other guy she'd ever met. But he stayed gentle, and slow until finally he began to cum hard, his body jerking as he collapsed back against the edge of the bed. his cum that she couldn't swallow fast enough had mixed with her spit had drooled out and covered her breasts. Now with shaking hands he pulled her to her feet hugging her, kissing her face all over. as he gently pulled her onto the bed with him he continued to kiss and lick her face and breasts clean. She'd never had a guy do that before and it was both frightening as well as exciting. She bit her lip as his hand caressed up her thigh to her own panty covered cock. It was tiny compared to his, but it was rock hard under his gentle fingers. She closed her eyes as he gently freed it before he began sucking on it. her soft moans spurred him on as he slowly sucked and savored it in his mouth before she started cumming. She expected him to pull away but he hadn't, he continued to suck until she was empty and soft. She thought he might be disappointed at is size, it wasn't long enough to even reach the back of his throat. But when she opened her eyes he was smiling at her before his mouth found hers and they began kissing. She let herself be held until he fell asleep, all the while wondering how she had gotten so lucky to find this wonderful man. After a bit she got up and began tidying up the living and driving compartments, getting things ready for the long drive ahead. She took out her dirty laundry from her pack intending to wash it in the little washing machine that he'd showed her how to use. But then she thought maybe she'd forgotten doing it earlier, it was already clean, just wrinkled. Tapping lightly on the door May asked if anyone was awake. "Oh, hi," she giggled sheepishly as she opened it for May and Swallow. "Ring is sleeping," she said. The two women sat with her as they talked. Then May said, "I noticed you always wear the same two outfits. How about you let us take you shopping?" "I couldn't ask you to do that," she protested quietly. Reaching out Swallow cupped her chin. "You are with my son, and you are part of the family now. So don't argue little one, just come along and enjoy. Pheasant will let him know where you are when he wakes up." She let the two lead her off toward the shopping mall, as other women from the convoy joined them. They were giggling about leaving their men to sleep off the after sex exhaustion. It wasn't Pretty's first time in the big Mall on Omega, but it was her first time being told not to worry about what she was spending. Her curiosity peeked however when May and Swallow urged her to look at Suede Leather fabric and colored beads. "What are these for?" she'd asked after having everything held up in front of her. "You will know when the time is right," Swallow had answered with a huge grin. On the way back she helped carry everything not realizing that she was carrying the material for her wedding dress. She'd just begun putting things away when Ringneck woke up and hugged her from behind. As she leaned back into him she twisted her head up and around to look at him. Suddenly he bent his head down kissing her lips. It was the second time in her life that anyone had ever kissed her with real passion born of love and it was as frightening as it was exhilarating. She felt herself melting into his embrace. "These are new," he grinned as he fingered the lace trimmed satin pantys in her hand. "I can't wait to see you in them." she blushed a bit at that image in her mind's eye. She knew he was serious about her, and she wanted to be serious about him too. But she also wanted him to know how she saw herself sexually in their relationship, and hoped he felt the same. His sucking her off had caught her by surprise, and she wanted him to know that while she had enjoyed it she was going to be very much the submissive female in the relationship. "Ring, can, can we talk about what happened earlier? About what we did together?" Now worried he sat down. "Oh course we can. I want us to always be honest with each other." "I, I enjoyed your mouth on my, on my-" "Clit?" he prompted with a smile. "I enjoyed it too." "I hope you don't get offended if, if I say that I want to always be the girl in our relationship." She could see his confusion and quickly explained what she meant. And about others wanting her to use her 'clit' to fuck them. And while she could do that with another girl, it just didn't seem right to her to do that with a man. Smiling he said, "I see nothing about you that makes me think of you in any way other than as the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. But does that mean I can't suck on your clit? A worthy husband should always be willing to return his wife's most intimate kisses." She was in his lap in a flash as he hugged her tightly. He could feel her shaking in his arms. "If anyone tries to say that you are not a girl, they'll have to deal with me." "You talk like we're already married. Like your whole family accepts me," she said. "Even your sister May and your mother Swallow, talked that way when we were looking at suede and beads. Like I was already part of the family." "Suede and beads? They took you to buy suede and beads? What color was the suede?" he asked with a hint of excitement. "Well it was white, but the beads were all different colors," she said. "Pheasant, where is my mother?" he asked the truck. "She is with the apprentice Spirit woman, your sister Silver," came the answer. "Ring, why don't you and Pretty come to dinner before we roll out? And then after we form up in the train I would like it if she could come to Bull Elk to meet with your sisters and I for a bit," said Swallow. "We need a few measurements for the dress," said Silver. "D, dress, what dress?" asked Pretty. With a giggle of excitement May answered, "Your Doe Skin Wedding Dress silly. You can never start planning too soon for these things." Pretty began to cry as she clung to Ringneck. She'd never been accepted as family before by anyone. Her own family had rejected her as a girl. And everyone else since then had only wanted to use her. Snuffing back her tears she said, "Pinch me Ringneck." "What? Why?" "This can't be real, I have to be dreaming again," "Owwww," she yelped. "Still think you're dreaming my love?" he asked after pinching her bottom. "But if this is real, why does it feel like a dream?" she asked him. With a grin he answered, "I don't know but I feel the same way. I've never loved anyone else before, not like this. But I know I love you." "I love you too, Pretty," said Pheasant. "I stay much cleaner since you came along. And you have had the most wonderful effect on Ringneck. But you two should hurry if you are going to eat before we leave here." Hand in hand the happy couple made their way to the diner where everyone welcomed her. She found herself led off to the side where all the women had to help take measurements as they started telling her of the traditions. But it was May who explained to her about being a Blessed spirit to the tribes, and what it meant. "So you see, no one is judging you, they are trying to determine if Ringneck is good enough for you." "But why would he not be worthy of me? I don't care about any of their opinions. It's our choice not theirs," she said. Caressing her cheek Silver asked, "Are you prepared to fight for him?" she nodded to where he sat talking to two of the young women who'd stopped in to visit the diner, were giggling and touching his arm. "I'll kick anyone's ass who tries to take him away from me," she answered. "If anyone tries to hurt him I'll make sure they hurt worse." Silver drew back grinning at the fire in her eyes. "Then you should go stake your claim don't you think?" Pretty whirled around and stalked toward the table. "Silver what are you playing at?" asked May. "You two need to go find someone who isn't spoken for yet," said Pretty as she wedged herself between them. "Obviously you aren't doing it for him Honey, otherwise he'd have already claimed you," said the older girl. "If I were you, I'd back away before you get hurt," growled Pretty. "Come on we don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers," said the younger of the two. "Pretty, what was that all about? We were just talking," said Ring. "Well if you don't know I can't tell you," she was near tears and started to turn around to run out of the diner. "Pretty you are being a jealous brat. And I love you for it," he was still holding onto her hand. "So I hope you understand what I'm about to do," he spun her around lifting her over his shoulder to loud cheers and hoots of encouragement. "R, Ring what are you doing?" "Let me down right now!" she kicked her feet. "Owwww," she squealed as his hand smacked her bottom. He set her on her feet and then pulled her across his lap before she could react. She threw her hands back trying to push her skirt back down, only to have him pin her hands out of the way before pulling her satin pantys down. "Pretty, you are my wife and I love you before anyone else," his hand came down on her upturned ass in a loud smack. "You will never be less than my First wife no matter what happens in the future," Smack. "Do you love me in return and accept me as your husband?" Smack. "Y, yes," Smack. "Then let me be yours forever and always," Smack. "Yes, yes Ring. Always and Forever," the tears flowed from her eyes as he pulled her pantys back up and smoothed her skirt back down. "Son, take this. It will help ease the sting," said Swallow. "Welcome to the family Pretty," she kissed her cheek. The happy couple was still recovering from their marathon sex as Pheasant shot the portal at the Saturn Interchange. They'd picked up three more trucks on Omega and one more when they stopped at the Star Drive on Saturn's Interchange moon, Titan. Now five days later they were wandering the shops holding hands when a group of Rikki's stepped in front of them. "Prrrrettttty, youuu belonngggg to meeee, noww commmm and nooo onnne elllsssssssssssss gets huuurt," said the leader. Ring pulled her back behind him. "She is my wife now go away before I get violent," he said. Reaching up the Rikki petted his own shoulder and a multi colored caterpillar about a foot long came into view. It was a Mirrwick, used by Rikki's to track their prey across the stars. Their use was outlawed on the skyway as the toll booths had no way of detecting them unless a mated pair was together and un-camouflaged. The Rikki started to raise a little stick and suddenly there were more from the convoy there. Another Rikki, this one a female, by her obvious beauty, was accompanied by Fox and Silver. "Tread, you were told to leave this one alone." the female held a little translator making it easier to understand the translated speech. "You know the laws, you are not to hunt unwilling prey. She was taken against her will, I set her free," there was a glare in her eyes. Then her lips spread in a wide grin. "You will find yourself on my Rack." She lifted the Mirrwick from his shoulder then handed it to Pretty. "She is yours, take her to her mate who has been with you too long to survive without you." Pretty backed away as more Rikki's arrived to take the illegal hunting party into custody. "Take her or I will be forced to kill her, they mate for life," said the Rikki female. Slowly Ring reached out and the Mirrwick crawled onto his arm quickly blending into to his jacket and becoming invisible. "H, how will I care for them?" Handing Pretty the stick taken from Tread the female said, "This is the translator. Your truck can hear it's sounds and teach you to communicate." And then she was gone moving faster than any male Rikki could hope to toward a ship that had docked only moments before she arrived on the scene. "It's cute," said May as she stroked Ring's arm causing the Mirrwick to come back into view. "You should take it to its mate, it is illegal to possess one by itself outside the Riticulan system," stated a Fuel Jockey robot. "What do they eat?" asked Ringneck. "Dead skin, they live off the dead skin that flakes off your body," stated Pretty with a sudden realization. Her dirty clothes were in her back pack, but had always seemed to be less dirty whenever she started to put them into a cleaner. And even the sheets on the bed had seemed fresh. Caro stepped out of the Star Drive diner with Babsie where they'd been visiting with friends, then seeing it asked, "You know why the females keep them?" "They scour their bodies of dead skin, which keeps them beautiful. And they ummm, they also heighten sexual arousal," blushed Pretty. Pretty and Ringneck returned to the truck quickly and it didn't take long for her to discover where the male Mirrwick was. The young couple had grown excited as Earthlings usually do in the aftermath of an aggressive encounter. Pretty set the Female on the passenger seat as she dragged Ring toward the bed, her fingers already working at the front of his jeans. Dropping to her knees she had him out in her hand, slowly stroking his length as she looked up into his lust filled eyes. The male Mirrwick sensing its mate now became visible as it emerged from under the thin blanket on the bed as Pretty sat on her heels slowly taking her husband into her mouth. The female had quickly begun moving toward its long separated mate. Pretty giggled feeling the soft fuzz of the female as it started up over her knee. The Male beginning to crawl over her shoulder, pausing at her cheek to rub its head in a show affection. Had he not just learned a bit about them, Ring might have reacted protectively and killed the Mirrwick when he saw it. But now he watched as the pair joined together on pretty's shoulders. Slowly as she began to taking him in deeper the pair rolled off onto the mattress, their bodies wound around each other. Ring was so worked up by the previous encounter he didn't last long enough for her to take him into her throat before he was cumming. Her eyes sparkled with pride as she fought to swallow it but still some ran out and dribbled down her chin. She giggled as he lifted her up onto the bed, and she lay back her fingers twisting in his hair as he pulled her pantys to the side, kissing her stiffening clitty before sucking it into his mouth. Hearing her soft excited giggles he glanced up to see the pair of Mirrwicks as they began cleaning up his spunk where it had run down her chin and now down over her shoulders and neck. She started cumming her cream squirting into his hungry mouth as he drained her. reaching up his fingers pulled open her shirt. and with a grin he covered first on breast then the other, leaving behind a thin coating of her cream on her nipples before closed him mouth over hers sharing the rest with her as they kissed. When he finally pulled back to look deep into her eyes the Mirr wasted no time each taking a breast as they began cleaning away the residue. About half an hour later Ring asked, "What are we going to do with them?" Pretty giggled now as what she had learned about Mirrwick during her time as a Rikki captive before being freed came back to her. "We should keep them, they will." She hesitated a moment. Then petted the male. "He has formed a psychic bond with me over the last year." Then petting the female where she lay scouring Rings chest of drying sweat and unseen dead skin she giggled. "And this little lady is creating a Psychic bond with you now that they are together. They know that we are a mated pair just like they are." "Ring, do you wish me to register them in my logs? That will keep anything from happening if they are detected during a portal jump," stated Pheasant. He was still a bit upset that his previous scans had not detected the Mirrwick until it had made itself visible. "Yes please, I think they're harmless. They cannot help it that they were used," he said. "Thank you, Zuss and Fuss are now legally registered. They will come to no harm during a portal jump," stated the truck. He'd scanned the little stick and downloaded every bit of data it contained and now knew the names of the pair. When they finally made it to the diner they found the female Rikki waiting for them amid Swallow and Silver both sitting at a table with her. "Pretty, Leeki tells us that you were badly abused before she discovered you and set you free. And that she didn't know that Tread had already set the Mirrwick on you," began Swallow. "She wishes to offer restitution for your pain and suffering." "Just make sure that there aren't any others there being held against their will," said Pretty. "And, and thank you for helping me." "You are welcome. Might I inquire what you wish to do with the offspring when they are born. They will need to be someplace with a natural habitat or bonded with someone before they reach maturity," said the Rikki. "Oh, we hadn't thought about that," she admitted. With a smile now Leeki produced a document. "If you promise not to keep more than three pair, I have been authorized by her Royal Empress to give you this. It is a breeders license, authorizing you to have up to three non-sterilized pairs. Otherwise I have been instructed to make sure that your pair are rendered Sterile." "What would we do with the offspring?" asked Ringneck. Now with what could only be a grin Leeki answered. "You can take them to one of our off planet counselors, who will purchase them at the standard price." "You aren't worried that I might sell them to other humans?" asked Pretty. "Mirr only produce one pair every five standard years. your pair are only just now at the age to reproduce." "W, why didn't Fuss bond with Tread?" Pretty asked finally. "Because he was not bonded with you. A female Mirrwick will only bond with the mate of its own mate or with a Female who is bonded with its mate. A Male Mirrwick will only bond with a female such as yourself." "But," Pretty started to say. "You are a female, they sense your thoughts, which are those of a female of your species," she was informed. "I, I thank you." She was near tears now knowing that she was truly accepted as a girl by other races. She took the license with a smile, she wouldn't want to deny any creatures the ability to reproduce. Leeki caressed her face, "Enjoy your life, and your mate. I must leave now to return Tread to our justice system." And then she was gone without another word. Caro and Babsie came over to visit now that she was gone, they'd left the convoy four days before just as soon as we arrived. And we now sat looking at the pictures they'd brought back of his family. Trader had taken them in his little shuttle, and she was very excited having been allowed to ride the Ruuk that he'd grown up on. The entire family had flown in formation so that they could visit together, and his mother had expressed how happy she was to finally meet her in person. He'd been sad to learn that his grandmothers Ruuk had taken her Last Dive. But the highlight of their trip had been getting to watch as a newborn Ruuk, Keshena, bonded to one of his Nephews had been born. It had been touch and go for a bit as they were born in flight, and the new born had to crawl to the leading edge of its mothers wing to fill its Air sacks before it could fly. Those to bond with it then became a mated pair and formed a mental link to guide it while it learned to hunt and to help keep it safe. Still it was hard to imagine the sheer size of a newborn Ruuk, large enough to cover the parking area of the Star Pilot Truck stop. Estimates made from the pictures using the shuttle in the background showed that a full grown Ruuk's wing span was about the size of the I-5 community, approximately ten miles across. The feather Caro had given her had been just a pin feather, pictures taken while they were visiting on the Ruuk showed the base of fully grown feathers to be as thick as Babsie's waist. Then Swallow reached up and touched a pair of grey spots in the center of Babsie's forehead. "What is this child? Did you injure yourself?" Babsie blushed red, the grey spots on her forehead growing darker. Then Swallow looked from Babsie to the picture of one of Caro's sisters who was obviously pregnant. The Duruukian girl also had very prominent grey spots on her forehead. "Have you told your parents the news yet?" asked swallow. "What news?" asked Marline as she a Leola joined them. When the waitress, another Duruukian stepped up to the table she looked between Babsie and Caro then hurried away to return with a large plate heaped with bread sticks and a pot of something similar to honey. "For your growing children," she said, a sad look in her eyes. "Children?" choked Marline as she inhaled her coffee instead of drinking it. "Yes she has a Maternity spot for each child growing in her womb," stated the waitress who herself had similar spots, before she ran off crying. "Caro, should we go after her?" asked Leola. Not much was known about pregnancies involving Duruukian women, so few ever left the planet. "Babsie, is this true?" asked Marline. "Yes but I wanted to tell Momma and our Daddies first," she pouted cursing herself for not checking to ensure her spots were covered with makeup. As they watched the Lycan twins Jarred a Jarrik who had joined them on Omega entered the diner looking for the waitress named Kia that they had talked about most of the way. They'd only recently finished getting their truck inspected to ensure that it would meet with the new Earth Standard Safety Regulations. The other trucks of the Earth convoy having either originated there or already been inspected hadn't had to go through it. They asked another waitress who pointed in their direction and they now hurried over. "We were told that you spoke to Kia before she left in tears? What did you say to her?" they demanded. "I think there has been a misunderstanding," said Caro. "Are you by chance the Fathers?" "Fathers?" they looked stunned. "Yes, Kia is with children," he said. "J, Jarred, Jarrik?" Kia rushed into their arms, tears streaming from her face. "I, I was so scared you weren't coming back." "We promised you that we would," said Jarred. "We had to make sure Ruuk was safety inspected for Earth, and then we had to get our Earth Regulation Certificates," added Jarrik. "We didn't realize it would take that long," they admitted as they cuddled her between them. As Duruukian's went Kia was an exception. She had been the only surviving twin at birth. When she turned sixteen she was given the choice Dive or Leave since there was not another single male for her to bond and mate with. As she dove from her family's Ruuk a hovering Prison Security ship had rescued her and taken her to Titan where she'd met the twins who had promised to return for her. Caro had been lucky that he was able to catch a passing Research ship, he'd flagged them down and gotten a ride to the Star Drive. The convoy would be leaving in the morning, and they were having a last night celebration in the diner. The wall in their room lit up as Caro and Babsie entered. She was already tearing at their clothes in her hormone driven state. Since becoming pregnant she'd become near insatiable and each time they were alone she could hardly wait to feel him inside her. "Babsie, why haven't you called us," began her mother. "Oh, Momma I, we umm, we wanted it to be a surprise," pouted Babsie, her lust suddenly forgotten. "Babs, what is wrong with your forehead?" began Jimmy Brightfeather. "Have you been working on the truck or something?" asked Jack her eldest brother. "Mom, Dads, everyone I'm, Caro and I are," she was fumbling for the words. "We are going to be parents," supplied Caro with a grin as he wrapped his arms around her to cover her naked breasts. Reaching over Patricia pushed her oldest sons mouth closed. "Yes Jack your little sister is all grown up," she said. "So? What are you two hoping for, a boy or girl?" "Uhh, Mom it's going to be twins. A boy and a girl," she said. They heard the cry as it rang out through the diner, taken up by the rest of their family who could hear it. suddenly not just their parents and brothers but cousins, aunts and uncles were there to congratulate them. "Babsie," Jimmy said. "I would really like it if you would stay here at home until after they are born. It would be a real treat for your mother. And then you and Caro can take one of the new trucks." "New trucks, Daddy?" she asked. "Yes we have been commissioned to provide more Diners like Eagle for the other Academies. Your cousins are learning to drive as well as run them." "Oh," interrupted Patricia. "Novena and Jerrick are here, they said Leola, Marline and Dax are on her way." She had a delighted grin on her face. Then in the background Babsie recognized the Terrellian Rig sitting in the lot in front of her parents diner. But sitting beside it were other alien Rigs as well. "We'll see you and your sisters in three days," said Jimmy Brightfeather as he blew her a kiss. She almost corrected him that it would be six days. They were still asleep when Eagle shot the portal headed for Earth. They giggled as they made love in the shower, then as they began waiting tables, no one said a word as they disappeared for brief periods. All anyone knew was that they had a pair of very happy wait staff. The trip to the first Earth portal went by almost too fast, catching Babsie a Caro off guard. "All passengers and Drivers please prepare to disengage Star Train," began the announcement. "Paula? How could we have reached the portal already?" asked Marline. "We have a clear window and the Convoy lead has the ability to reverse the spin of the portal," she chuckled as she caressed her four daughters cheeks. "Sienna, I believe it is your turn to ride with Daddy." "Thank you Momma," she hugged her and ran to the stairs leading up to the shuttle lock atop Eagle. "I'd better hurry, I'd hate for her to get ahead of me," Trader hugged Paula from behind, his hands covering her stomach as he nibbled her neck before hurrying after their daughter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Hurry Paula, Jimmy, the Toll Booths just activated," said Laura Brightfeather. "They're almost home." "Attention, incoming Convoy estimated time of arrival, five hours fourteen minutes at current velocity," announced the Convoy update board above the front counter. As the trucks exited the portal the names appeared on the board with their final destination. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Momma!" yelled Cold Winter as Big Beast and the other trucks began to appear on the Convoy Board. There were eighteen trucks in all but the staff and regular patrons of the Tomahawk Stop were only interested in the four with a final destination listed as 'Ranchester'. Only trucks that arrived from off world, or bound for an off world destination were listed on the Convoy boards. Standing with her arms around Hatchetman, Gladys had tears in her eyes. "I can't believe they're almost home." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In Chaser, Squirrel sat holding her grandson Shining Light, and her granddaughter Tassia. "Are you sure they will love my children?" Shantilly asked her mother inlaw. "What will they think of me?" "Tilly, they are going to love your children and they will love you too. Now stop being so nervous," said Barking Squirrel. "Our exit's coming up," called Red over the radio. "Water, your clothes are just fine. Now get up here and be ready to be greeted by your Mom and Dad." "Red, I can't wear this, they'll know." "You are not starting to show yet, there is no way that they will know," Red told Big Beast was nearing the end of the offramp, Wolf Pack was starting down it. looking across the interstate she could see the lot lined with trucks and cars. But the six spaces in front of the Diner were unoccupied, and she could see the crowds gathered to welcome them home. As Red began making his left turn at the stop sign, Frank Collins pulled Baby into the intersection to stop traffic and wave them all through. He recognized the two lead trucks right away and was waiting for Baby to supply the names of the other three, even as his eyes searched for the third one he already knew. Wolf Pack was bringing up the rear, following Ruuk to make sure they didn't miss the turn. then intended to catch the onramp and back track to Fullers Fuel and Rest Stop. She'd already talked to her uncle Bernie to let him know she was back on Earth. As she made the turn back onto the interstate she noticed the State Trooper falling in behind her. "Stacy, we have a Bear on our tail," giggled Wolf Pack. "You want me to call ahead and get us a room?" "Pack, why would you think I want to get a room?" she asked. "Because your Brainwaves indicate you are highly aroused and my sensors detect and increase of body temperature which in humans indicates a desire to engage in Sex," stated Wolf Pack bluntly. "Also scans of my driving logs and your personal credit account indicate a pattern of your Stopping to entertain Trooper Collins." "Who else knows about this, you haven't told anyone have you?" she demanded of her truck. "Baby has contacted me with a logistical dilemma." "Baby?" "Yes the Police Cruiser that is following us," answered the truck. "What's your Dilemma?" "After we stop to say hello to your Uncle Bernie, do I keep our currently reserved room or do I pull around back to park closer to Baby near the room that Officer Collins reserved the moment we cleared the portal?" "H, He did?" "Your Excitement levels are spiking again," giggled her truck. "Perhaps you would like for me to take over while you slip into that almost nonexistent lingerie that you purchased on Omega Seven but have not worn yet? That would give you reason to negotiate us out of a fine, Again." "Wolf Pack do you copy?" called the voice of Frank Collins over the radio. "Y, yes Frank?" she answered. "Pack take over please." she jumped out of the seat making her way into the sleeper. "Oh Baby says you just went on Auto Pilot, that's a violation of Intergalactic Traffic Law." "Yes I believe it is," she blushed answering him. "I just happen to have a Negotiation room available if you would like to discuss it." "What's the room number?" she asked as she finished stripping naked. "You know which room it is, or did you forget?" he asked as she pulled the black lace thong panty into place. "Yes I remember Frank," her heart pounded as she began pulling the matching Camisole over her head. "Pack which would he like best, my super short Mini or my Booty Shorts," she asked unaware that she was in the midst of a live conversation and her image was displayed on the right half of Baby's windshield. "Why don't you ask Frank which he prefers?" She looked up toward the driving section and froze seeing Franks wide grin on the forward view screen of the windshield. She grabbed her top to cover herself, "Do you always peep at naked drivers?" "Stacy, I hadn't planned to do it this time but I'm happy your truck allowed the live connection. Besides I've already seen your wonderful charms." "W, well it isn't polite. Besides you've never staked your claim," she tried to huff up like she was mad. "Wolf Pack, I'm sorry but now I have to insist that you pull over right this minute," he said. "I'm not speeding and I have not broken any State regulations," she said suddenly upset and not understanding why. "No you may not be in violation any of the local laws but you are guilty of driving while sexy." "You can't sweet talk me Frank," she started to cry as her bottom dropped into the driving seat and she reached forward breaking the connection. "Are we pulling over Stacy?" "No, and we are not going to his room, and cancel our reservation. I'll sleep in here with you." Wolf began slowing down. "What are you doing, why are you stopping?" she demanded. "Because we have flashing lights behind us, or would you rather wait until he turns on his siren?" As soon as Wolf Pack was stopped Stacy climbed out to confront him. "You have no right to stop me Frank." Will you just listen to me Stacy?" "No, you had your shot," she spun around to climb back in and her grabbed her wrist. "Let go!" "Not until you listen to what I have to say." "Leave me alone," she pulled back as her tears began rolling down her cheeks. He spun her toward her truck, quickly pulling her hands behind her back and cuffing her. "What are you doing? You have no right to detain me, it's not like I'm your wife or anything." She said. "No not yet," she felt a ring of cold metal slipping over her finger behind her back moments before he lifted her over his shoulder. Passing traffic slowed down, people gawking at the scene as they passed. "Let me go Frank, you can't hold me against my will," she started kicking her legs struggling. "Fine, I'll let you go in a minute," he turned and sat on the first step built into Wolf Packs number one fuel tank. Then quickly pulled her across his knees, as he lifted her skirt. "You can't spank me like this Frank, I'm not, Owwwwwww," he smacked her ass. "I'm not your wi, Owwww" "You left me here all alone," he said. Smack. "Owwww," "You told me that you loved me Stacy," Smack" "I, I do love you Frank," smack. "Then consider this your very public Spanking Mrs Stacy Collins," Smack, smack, smack, At least one motorist had stopped and seeing what was happening began shooting a video. Within minutes it had been uploaded to the planetary network under the heading, "Wyoming State Trooper Spanks Speeding Truck Driver Beside Highway" it was then picked up by the news and broadcast over the televisions to the world. When the motorist saw that she was being released from the cuffs he decided he had best hurry along before he too ended up across the officers knee for creating a traffic hazard. As soon as her hands were freed she pushed herself up off his lap, smoothing out her skirt before wrapping her arms around his neck and driving her tongue down his throat. At every Truck Stop in the Seven Nations Territory cheers went up for the new couple. Minutes later the news broadcast the video over the view screens at Iridani's, Brightfeather's Diner and the joint office of Wyoming/Ute IGT. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Missy, we have a flash message from Coyote," Beauty informed her driver as they approached the portal on Lyconia Prime. "Yes Coyote, what is it? Did Long Shot remember something else they need," asked Missy with a hint of agitation toward the settlers who'd continued to add to the list of supplies they needed after the trailer had been reloaded several times to make more room. "It's Stacy," she didn't get a chance to finish. "Oh god, what happened? Was anyone else in the convoy hurt?" "Missy she's Married. Frank Married her, on the side of the freaking Interstate" "Frank and Stacy? How, I mean when did they become an item?" "Missy, they started hooking up right after we hired her. They just kept it on the down low," said Coyote. "On the Down Low?" "Yeah Momma," answered Flower following me in Kanuti Princess. "It means on the sly. You know sneaky? That's why she always had that room at that motel across from Simple Trucks." "Beauty get me Stacy?" I told my truck. "No wait until we're clear of the portal then send her a message for me." "Alright, I'm ready whenever you are," giggled my truck. "Congratulations you two, here's our wedding gift. Please let Coyote know so she doesn't schedule you while you two are supposed to be enjoying your time together." I pulled up Pandora Four on my screen, then typed in reservations at the luxury resort for their Honeymoon Package. Sure it would be expensive, but she was one of the family as was Frank. I calculated the driving time and added a week to be sure Coyote had time to readjust the load schedules. "Missy, thank you," said Tim. "I'm going to add here regular pay so she doesn't have to worry about not getting paid to run bobtail. And she can haul Baby with her. I wonder if Bernie knows he has a new Nephew yet?" "He will if he was watching the news. Did you see Frank slip the ring on her finger after he cuffed her like a naughty kitten?" said BJ. "If they're married you know she'll be wanting to stay close to home," pointed out Jill. "Yes and your point is?" asked Tim. "We sure could use a load coordinator, maybe even a Terminal. It would lighten the load on Coyote and Otter," said Jill as if she'd already thought it out. "Jill, how is she going to coordinate loads and run a terminal if she's driving?" I asked. "Give it to Lilly and Snow Fox. That will let them stay close to their families on Earth. Besides they both finished that Freight Logistics class offered by the Terrellian University, with flying colors I might add," said Jill. "Where are they now?" asked Tim. "Pie Bald is currently at Kanuti Station," stated Jumper. "Star Drive and Ravens Eye are in North Dakota, and Star Shine is heading north from Casper on I-25." Jumper see if you can reach Pie Bald please," requested Tim. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Elk, Tim is trying to reach you," Pie Bald notified Little Elk. "Go ahead Love," said Lilly. He kissed her swollen tummy. "I hope we aren't going to be sent someplace remote again, that last run to Empress Twelve was too far from home," pouted Snow fox. "At least until after these two are born. Both his wives were pregnant and due within a month of each other. They'd been spending so much time grabbing Earth loads and arranging with Stan for the Ice Runs that they didn't realize Coyote was purposely letting them stay on Earth knowing that the Wives missed their families. Climbing up into his truck Little Elk said, "Ok Pie put it through." "Elk a pleasant surprise," Tim began. "How are everyone's folks doing?" He saw Tim's eyes looking around as if expecting to see his wives. "Ok Tim, what's the haul, where do we pick it up and where in the universe does it have to go to?" "Actually we were hoping to talk with your wives," Missy cut in. "Woman in four days you are going to get a spanking," warned Tim. "Oh gods I hope so, but BJ's been just as naughty as I have," responded Missy with a grin. Lilly climbed in next to her husband. "I guess you're calling to tell us we need to get back on the Star Slab." "No I was wondering when you were going to be in Ranchester," Tim said. Lilly looked at the computer, "In three days. We are leaving her in the morning. Why?" "I have a job offer for you and Snow Fox," he said. "You're heading up the Ranchester Terminal and Dispatch office," Jill blurted out. "Ok Jumper schedule a joint stop as soon as possible. I have three wives that need spanked," said Tim. "A real terminal, Tim?" "Yes, I figure the lot across the highway from the Tomahawk should be big enough. Get with Coyote and Otter. You two will have the Main Earth Terminal. Maybe Ute Trucking can set up another terminal closer to the New Mexico Portal. That will give them an office closer to their Home for those who want to stop there." "And Little Elk, You have the Authority to hire Drivers for your local Quadrant runs," Tim told him. "So who all knows about this?" asked Lilly. "You are the first ones there to know about it. I figure you have a good driver base with the ones who are currently there." Tim said. "Yeah but you can't have Stacy until after her Honeymoon," BJ added. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Hatch, Hatch, come quick," called Carla one of the longtime waitresses. "What is it?" She was pointing to the Convoy status board. It had now changed again. There were two separate designations and the second was blank under the heading 'Wyoming/Ute IGT, Earth Terminal, Sol Quadrant'. "Red, Water, why didn't you tell us about this?" asked Hatchetman. "We didn't know about this Daddy," supplied Running Water. "Well then I suppose there is the other news you have for us?" prompted Gladys with huge grin.

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

3 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

3 years ago
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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 10

He waited, then listened to a reply. "Right. Thank you. Please note that he is about to be arrested, so we don not want him leaving." He closed the call. "Thanks, Ruth, for reminding me. He will not be able to leave now. Now we just hav e to pick him up. Where will he be?" "This time of day? Probably heading out for his evening meal, either at home or in a restaurant. Do we know if he is married?" "The data we got for him does not mention any spouse, so presumably not," replied...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 6

It had been three months since that fateful encounter with the erotic truffle, which had afflicted village schoolteacher Trevor Defreitas, Annabel Montford, a former pupil of his on Earth, her two younger sisters Tracy and Dinah, and their tour guide, Amelia Cross. That accidental exposure, in a shared meal, led to a night of drug-fuelled sex between Trevor and all four girls. Afterwards, upon considerable reflection, the girls realised that apart from all three sisters losing their...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 10

George and Marina helped Georgina clear out her flat. Most of what she kept were pieces of inexpensive jewellery that she liked; her photograph albums; and mementos of Amelia’s childhood. George declared that it would be easy to copy the photos on to a digital file and keep them on a memorystick, as well as being available on her phone. They decided to deal with that on George’s computer at home. Georgina asked, “George, can we eliminate my late husband from some of the photos, when we put...

2 years ago
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 11

"You may be right about us humans, but The Personalia have blossomed too. They have become more involved with Earth as time has gone on. They have adapted to capitalism with a vengeance. They own a number of business on Earth, and have almost entirely monopolised the audit sector of business: numbers are their forte, you see, and they have established a reputation for probity. I have heard rumours of them pursuing criminals and removing their stolen assets: much more effective than jailing...

4 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 11

Bob Kempe, the Governor of Rehome colony, was at his office when he received an unexpected call from the Personalia. “Governor, we have been analysing some of the statistical data that is compiled in major countries on Earth, and we have observed that there is a set of trends which may interest you. The statistics on crime contain data on assaults within families, and in recent months this has begun to decline, to an extent that indicates this to be a real effect and not a statistical...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 8

"That lady who escorted you here – Ruth I think you said her name was; can she sign an affidavit that there was no such intent?" "I expect so. There were a group of ladies involved in getting me and the girls together. They called themselves Malan mothers." Mrs Mboya's eyebrows lifted. "Ah. So that is who that lady is; one of the five Malan mothers? Derek – what is your surname, boy?" "Dearden, ma'am." "Mr Dearden, you have struck lucky. These ladies recently became famous in...

3 years ago
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Absinthe Dreams

‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...

2 years ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Und draußen schallte wieder Punkmusik aus dem Ghettoblaster – von der Eisenbahnunterführung bis zu seinem Haus! Punks und Skater hingen da ab. Das war diese Art von Jugendlichen, die ihren Eltern das Leben schwer macht , die von Arbeit nichts hielten, sich an keine Regeln hielten, ständig auf Party machten. Die soffen viel zu viel und kotzten dann in irgendeine Ecke. Denen bedeutete doch nichts und niemand etwas. Wahrscheinlich nahmen sie auch Drogen und trieben weiß-Gott-was mit...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 5

Annabel asked the Governor, "Do you mind if I do the phone call? I think I can handle them okay, I really do." "Perhaps, but what would you say to them on this call?" "Just that things happened here, nice things, and that we have decided to remain on Rehome for the time being." Bob glanced over at Ruth, and asked, "Ruth – are you fine with this line?" Ruth looked thoughtful, then said, "Yes, I do believe that might be effective, if Annabel keeps her call simple and to the...

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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Absinthe 2 The Absinthe of Malice

Absinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...

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I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers were absentmindedly stroking her little pink slit. She smiiled down at me before settling down on my face. The sweet perfume of her cunt overwhelmed me as she began to ride my face. I eagerly licked...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 3

Annabel, in her position as the Montford family head on Rehome, took the lead. “What do you mean, “think about what we do next”?” “There are several ways you might approach matters. One: if you feel that you have been raped by Trevor, you can have him tried by a jury here. I think you would have trouble convincing a jury, as you participated with considerable gusto, and he did not administer the drug either – I did, by pure mischance. So there is neither coercion nor intent provable...

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Blythes Machine Another WorldChapter 2 Return Home

Jack checked his watch again. it had been nearly three hours and nothing had been done, and then an officer and a plain clothed woman were at his door, "You're supposed to be DS Adams?" the woman asked. "I am where I come from, yes," Jack said sarcastically. He was beginning to get fed up with the waiting. "There have been some complications with your case. I'm now looking into this ... I am Detective Sergeant Jacquie Adams." The woman said, and now Jack could see his face in her...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 18

Fearn, if you would dispense the tea, and I pour the coffee, Nargo can assist with the milk jug. Right, girls?" Fearn and Nargo did a 'high five' and proceeded with their tasks, while the adults admired their dedication to these duties. As soon as the drinks were poured, Esme sent Nargo and Fearn to bring in the plates of scones, pancakes, and decorated cupcakes. Esme explained to her guests that while she had baked the scones last night, Fearn had done most of the pancakes and cupcakes...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 7

"Hello, is that Mrs Cross? Or should I say, the former Mrs Cross?" "It is. Who are you, and what do you want?" "Madam, I am merely the bearer of glad tidings about your daughter." "My daughter? You know where my daughter is?" "Indeed, madam. Allow me to introduce myself more formally: I am Robert Kempe, Governor of the human colony on the planet of Rehome." "Rehome? Oh, yes I have heard of it. Why are you phoning me? Is my daughter in your colony, then?" "You are quick on...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 17

"Oh, madam, I would never stoop to blackmail. I am not looking for any monetary benefit. I merely would appreciate some manly attention, at least for a while. Perhaps you could put in a good word for me, and encourage John in the matter, madam." Angelina thought for a moment, then responded, "Sylvia, If I were to suggest to John that I would not object to him paying some ... close ... attention to you, would that be acceptable? I will also say that your job is not in jeopardy, in case you...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 54

Helen was quick to spot a solution. "Let's refer it to the colony authorities. They have access to all the scientists on the planet, so they should be able to get the right people on the job. The results will be of interest to the Colony authorities, especially if we can identify potential woods for future use. The forests on Rehome are mostly protected, for whatever reason, and so most wood has to be imported. It mostly comes from Earth at the moment, but once New Eden gets access to the...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 69

"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 3

He got back to Ian and told him what he had found. They decided that Dearden should be interviewed, smartish. They asked colleagues at Coventry to start with a preliminary interview, if he could be found at the university. He was located there, so the local police went and pulled him out of his class, and invited him, with some pressure, to the station for a recorded interview. He looked more puzzled than worried, at the start, but they refused to speak to him about possible accusations...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 4

"I see. Then you should try Trevor Defreitas, CEO of Rehome Deliveries. He has recently become chairman of the Circle, so should know what's what, and where the bodies are buried." Taking that on board, Esme phoned Rehome Deliveries and asked for him, as Chair of Metropolis Business Circle. He was soon on the line. "What can we of the Business Circle do for you, Ma'am?" She said carefully, "We of the Bank of Rehome are considering a loan request from Mr Thomas Carson, a local...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 19

"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 14

Diane told him, "You don't want to know what my staff are up to. Suffice it to say that we are looking into a complaint passed to Mary, and I hope to be able to resolve it after tomorrow." Mary added, "And I had a frustrating day at work, so I am feeling in need of my husband's loving." Helen was feeling left out, so said, "I just love my man." Bob stood back and admired them. "Well, I see three whiteys. Where is my black woman? Ruth should have a say in this." Diane said to...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 18

Although he had been enjoying this very sociable wedding event, George Montford finally sidled over to John Frederickson to mutter, "I have to get back to the office, John. Someone has to hold the fort..." John grinned at him. "Thanks, George. I'll just concentrate on my wives, today. Tell your ladies they are welcome to stay on here for as long as they want." "They may appreciate that, John. I'll tell them." George got back to the company office, and found among his "IN"...

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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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