Lady Cast Part 2 free porn video

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The passage of time was difficult for Cas to measure as she seemed to float in an endless pool of twilight. She hurt...more than she had ever hurt in her entire life. She kept trying to bury the pain, to disconnect from the wild tempest of emotions that were consuming her...but she couldn't. She wanted to put it all into a big box, and bury it like she always had, but every attempt faltered and the memories washed over her. She hadn't felt so weak since she had helplessly watched her mother beaten to death, and instead of being able to shut down she was forced to acclimate to it all. She was frail and useless, and she despised herself more and more with every passing moment. The voices didn't hate her though. As her suffering bleed from her they didn't judge, they just...connected with her somehow. There was no pity in the twilight, just understanding. As she pulled back from the wounds of her broken heart, she could see visages. Silhouettes gazed at her with eyes of starlight, and she somehow knew they understood. They listened, and when they spoke they caused her mind to drift through the magics of this realm. She could see in their eyes that they knew her pain, perhaps knew far worse, and they didn't judge. They simply listened and she knew she wasn't alone. It...didn't stop the pain, but it helped somehow. The voices had always been the ones whispering the eldritch knowledge, burning the magics into her mind that she had used to survive. She could hear their words, but so much of it simply washed over her. She heard so much, but understood so little. Still they spoke, and still she listened. She would sometimes ask questions, and they would simply ask more. It was never an answer, always a question, and she was forced to think even when she didn't want to. Then the cadence would begin again, and the voices would guide her thoughts while her mind bled. The bleeding didn't stop, but perhaps for the first time she thought it might one day. Cas was disturbed from her 'dream' by the feeling of something brushing against her face. It was like a fly walking across her skin, and the feeling was startling. She struggled against the stillness, trying to pull herself back into the moment. "Awe, she's so pretty. Like a scared little kitten," a soft feminine voice said near Cas's ear. With a force of will she managed to open her eyes, and caught sight of the strangest vision. A beautiful young woman with gossamer white wings stood on her chin, gazing down her nose. She had flowing blonde hair, soft white skin, and wide emerald doe eyes. She grinned mischievously at Cas, and began to float upward as her butterfly like wings fluttered. "Hi hi!" the pixie exclaimed as she zipped around Cas, as the confused elf finally managed to pull herself into a sitting position. "Oh wow! You're super pretty, and I bet really smart. Are you smart? I bet you're smart, and pretty, and really nice," the pixie said as she zipped about. Cas looked at the pixie with confusion plain on her face. "Who..who the..." Cas said trying to utter some vague expletive at the vapid intruder, but as she tried to force the insult from her mouth, it died in her throat. "Da...aaaah," she said as she suddenly wanted to scream for the bitch to get away, but she just swallowed until the confusion passed. "Who are you? And how did you get here?" Cas finally managed to get out, her voice soft and musical. The pixie seemed to giggle at whatever struggle Cas was having, before she landed on Cas's shoulder. The pixie was perhaps six inches tall, and started walking along the slender, narrow line of her shoulder, before turning to gaze into Cas's eyes. "I'm Nissa, and I flew in of course," the pixie said tilting her head to the side, and giving Cas a blank look. Cas wanted to tell the bitch to get off, but nothing came out as she opened her mouth to speak. With a groan of frustration, Cas slowly brought herself up to a standing position beside the bed. Nissa seemed to flutter her wings a bit to adjust, but was otherwise unmoved as Cas moved across the room. Cas hadn't really had a chance to look at the room before, and as she looked around she realized she had perhaps missed quite a few details through the fog that been slowly lifting from her senses over... however long she had been trapped here. The room was large, and had a handful of archways leading to connecting rooms in a suite. The bedroom was decorated in warm golden woods, and where there was any metal, it seemed to be of the soft filigree covered mithril the elves seemed to favor. Besides the large for post bed, there were dressers, night stands, armoires, and a single set of shelves for books. To one side of the room there was a vanity set with open boxes of jewelry. Beside it a full length mithril mirror stood. As Cas looked into the mirror she suddenly froze. Cas had known with some vague understanding that she was in the body of the queen's daughter, but as she gazed into the mirror she was awestruck. The visage before her was heartbreaking in its beauty, her eyes a softly glowing purple iris with silver lines. Her long golden hair hung down in waves past her hips, seeming to glimmer in the light. Her slender curves were feminine, but delicate, the weight of her bosom held high and full. The soft white of her skin glowed with the aura of beauty she emanated, and as she gasped her slender arms came up to the slender graceful curve of her neck. She couldn't speak, and a tear began to roll down her cheek. Her movements were eerily graceful, and as she finally managed to move toward the mirror she looked as if she was floating. She knew somewhere in the back of her mind that these were aspects. Blessings of her nature. She also knew this was wrong. Nissa fluttered around Cas's head as she stood in front of the mirror. "See? You're really pretty!" the pixie said before landing on her head, and leaning of to look her in the eyes. "Hey hey! Are you hungry? I'm hungry. I bet you're hungry, aren't you," Nissa said before landing over on the vanity. The pixie began rifling through the pieces of jewelry, finally picking up a mithril and diamond encrusted tiara. The pixie placed it on Cas's head, while Cas just stared at herself. "No..." Cas whispered while Nissa fluttered around her. "What's that?" Nissa asked as she played with a golden ring, turning her gaze to see Cas going wide eyed. "How about this one?" Nissa asks holding up the ring, before Cas suddenly bolted from the room, the purple silk night gown swirling around her as she moved, hugging the curves of her body like a second skin where it touched. "Wait up!" Nissa yelled as she bolted from the vanity to follow Cas. Cas moved like a blur, the silk fluttering in waves, as she ran through the suite's lounge. Turning her gaze she saw a balcony over looking a winter landscape. White stone architecture was worked into walls of ice, surrounded by evergreen trees that towered higher than any tree Cas had ever seen. The sun shone over flowing waterways that glowed with soft blue and aquamarine light, which flowed beneath snowy white bridges. There were people wandering here or there beneath the morning sky, and Cas suddenly felt lost. "What're you doing? Were we getting food? I thought you wanted food," Nissa said with a confused gaze, while Cas turned to hear the sound of heavy approaching footsteps. She could feel the weight of armored men through the ground, see their silvery pikes cutting the air in her mind. Not able to put her thoughts into a coherent structure, she panicked. She tried to scream "shit" but the word died on her lips, only fueling more confusion. She bolted like a blur of light, across the room, over the balcony, and over the side in a swirl of motion. She didn't know what she was doing, but she had to get away. They were going to destroy her, she knew it. As the wind caught her, she could feel it through a layer of air magic, and a swirl of light extended behind her as purple gossamer wings caught the wind. Cas flew through the air while Nissa yelled something behind her, but Cas couldn't stop. In moments she was moving along the ground, her bare feet crushing the thin layer of snow between her and the stonework. As she picked up speed the sound of her footfalls muted, and the world seemed to slow. Her gaze fell upon the forms of assorted fey wandering the woods, mostly elegantly attired elves who seemed to be standing still. A light flickered as Cas's silken form passed through the snowy paths, trailing the purple of her nightgown like a comet. Her senses were positively burning with the sensation of life energy around her. Spirit magic suffused every tree, their energy hanging in the air like a harmonious melody. It called at her senses so strongly that she almost slammed straight into the form of a large elven man who appeared in her way. Cas crashed into the elven man at an incredible clip, and found herself floating backward to land gracefully on her feet. The gentleman in front of her just stared down at her with a wide grin, "Well, what have we here?" he asked, his arms behind his back in some type of parade rest, long white hair hanging across his shoulders like a mane. He smirked, the whites of his eyes almost glowing. "I..." Cas tried to curse him for getting in her way, but again the words died on her lips. "Was just leaving," she finally managed to finish after taking a breath. "In a hurry it seems. I haven't seen anyone move that fast in quite a while," the man said, bringing a hand to rest on the lapel of his longboat. He was dressed...oddly in Cas's opinion, but she knew little of elven fashions. He wore black leather knee high boots, a set of tight blue pants, and a dark blue longcoat. There seemed to be mithril chain beneath the coat, and he held himself like what Cas imagined a soldier would, not that Cas had ever met any. "Fleeing through the woods in silks and..." the man stopped, reaching out to tap the tiara on her head. "Where in the world did you get that? A thief then?" he asked, his gaze becoming colder. Cas began to panic as she backed up, her senses telling her that people were approaching. She could feel the vibrations through the ground. "I...No. I didn't," she said, before reaching up to toss the tiara to the at the man in front of her. As he reached down to grab at the discarded jewelry, Cas bolted to the side. His hand whipped out in a blur, grasping at her as she moved, pulling her back. "Let go of me, you..." Cas tried again to curse at the man, her voice faltering as she pulled against his greater strength. "I said I didn't steal it," she said, as he lifted her up. "I will thank you to take your hands off of my daughter, Sir Aechon" the winter queen said, her voice causing everything to stop. A half dozen armed elven soldiers were behind her, watching stoically. "Your daughter...but I thought," Aechon, looking down at Cas with confusion and concern. Sir Aechon looked up at the queen and immediately held the tiara out to Cas. Cas just stared at it with disinterest, instead gazing around as if she were ready to bolt, and was only searching for a path. "My daughter has recently recovered from a long term ailment," the Queen said, her gaze cold, "and is currently disoriented. She was likely just lost," the Queen said, staring down at Cas. "Hey hey! Hold up!" Nissa exclaims, fluttering in from behind. "I can't fly that....Oops," the pixie says coming to a stop near Cas, and landing on her shoulder. "As you're new to my court, you are likely not familiar with my daughter, so I shall overlook this incident," the Queen said to Sir Aechon, who simply nodded in understanding. "Of course, my queen," Sir Aechon responded, before turning a warm gaze upon Cas. "My sincerest apologies Princess. I hope you can forgive my confusion," he says with a smile. "And if I might say, your daughter is a vision of beauty," he says, causing Cas's heart to quicken nervously. Queen Baineth nods as she reaches down to grasp Cas's hand, holding it close. "I'm afraid you must excuse us, we were about to attend breakfast. I had thought that I had sent a messenger to beckon her," the Queen said, looking down at Nissa, who just smiled sheepishly, "Sorry," the pixie said. ****** As Queen Baineth escorted her daughter back toward the palace, she noted to looks of interest from the fey of her court. Though Sir Aechon had not been familiar with her late daughter Aiva, he was new to the court; the result of a marriage to her marshal Lady Amathel. The lady had spent ten years bartering for the marriage, and it had been a grand enough affair. Unfortunately her husband was not a warrior by training, and had served as a junior scribe of the chamberlain Autumn court. Lady Amathel's marriage was followed quickly by the young scribe's knighting, and appointment as an officer under his wife's command. Baineth smiled at the memory, and the possessive look Lady Amathel had when she stared at Aechon. The queen would have simply appointed him as a scribe to her own chamberlain, but Loriston had little trust of foreign scribes in his employ. It was frankly easier to give him over to his wife for care. The queen had intended to wait before announcing the 'waking' of her daughter. Cas was in a fragile state, and in retrospect Baineth should have known she would attempt to flee, though there was no where for the girl to go. She had hoped assigning Nissa as Lady Cas's lady in waiting would give the child someone she could easily connect with. Things would be far more difficult for Cas than had she been born an elf. Though she was on the cusp of becoming a man in her human body, elves of Cas's age were barely out of the cradle. Luckily Nissa had experience with small children. As they entered the entry hall to the palace, Baineth glanced once more at her daughter, and almost wanted to cry. She was more beautiful than ever, and though Aiva was gone, Cas was still every bit her daughter. When the child looked up to see Baineth staring at her, she pouted, causing Baineth to smile brightly. Lady Cas felt the eyes baring down on her as she was marched back into the palace by the queen and a half dozen armed guards. She held the tiara in her hands, feeling it and frowning. As Aechon's accusations ran through her mind, she wanted to be rid of it. Everything felt wrong; her body, her senses, the way people looked at her, and especially when she looked at herself. She tried to just go numb, but couldn't do it. Everything felt so alive now, and so present. She was consumed with emotions when all she wanted to do was not feel anything. As they reached some type of atrium, a few people stood beside a circular wooden table with a handful of chairs beside it. Winter blooming flowers hung everywhere, and filled the atrium with shades of purples, blues, whites, and dark reds. The Queen raised an eyebrow at the sight of the waiting men, and simply motioned for Cas to take a seat beside the table. Cas stared at it nervously for a few moments before taking a seat. "I hope you have some urgent purpose in disturbing my breakfast with my daughter, Master Loriston," the Queen asked. The three men were dressed similarly, in white robes with blue sashes. The man at the center had silver floral patterns worked into his sash, and gazed at the queen with pure white eyes. His hair was pulled into a ponytail, and bound with silver cloth. "Indeed, my queen," Loriston said as he stepped forward. "Though I would obviously like to express my joy at your daughter's recovery, I bring news of a received shipment from the court of stars. I would have waited until you were finished, but an immediate response is requested," he said, handing a scroll to the queen. Baineth glanced at it for a moment, before handing it back to him. "Tell them I will accept, and they may proceed," she said, as the chamberlain nodded politely and departed, taking the scribes with him. Cas simply stared at their leaving, and then at the table. She placed the tiara she had taken on the table, and pushed it toward the Queen. Cas remembered stories about the cost of stealing from the fey, and shivered inside. Mortals would often be captured, and tortured for thefts. Or have other foul sorceries worked upon them, at least as the children's stories told. "I'm sorry," she whispered, "I didn't mean to take it," she said a bit louder, looking down. Queen Baineth stared at Cas for a moment, before taking the tiara and placing it gently upon Cas's head. The girl looked up at Baineth with unbidden tears in her eyes, confusion plain on her face. The queen simply leaned in and hugged Cas tightly, causing Nyssa to flutter and land on a nearby tree branch. "You have nothing to feel sorry for Cas. Nothing in the world," she said squeezing. "But...Lesbeth," Cas says mournfully, while the Queen kisses her on the cheek. "Was not a deliberate act of malice. It was an accident child. If anyone is to blame, it is I," the Queen says holding Cas close. "I know it hurts child. I promise you I know, "she says stroking Cas's hair. Cas just stared over the Queen's shoulder with an empty gaze. "Her...I never buried her," Cas said with a frown, causing the Baineth to sigh. "Her body was lost in the waves as she fell onto the rocks below. Her death was likely quick, child. If you desire, when you are ready, we can say goodbye," Queen Baineth said brushing Cas's hair. "I loved the child as well, and I love you too," she said before separating to look at the glow of beauty radiating from her daughter even in this moment of sorrow. "Let us eat now, and then you may return to continue resting," she said before waving a hand. Food appeared in front of them, a mixture of fruits, vegetables, breads, and cheeses. As Cas stared at the food, someone poured something amber colored into a crystal glass beside her. Cas gazed at the food for a few more minutes, before she began to eat. The meal progressed in silence, with the Queen just sitting close to Cas, occasionally brushing her hair. The queen seemed content to just provide company as they ate. When the two finally finished, the Queen escorted her back to her room, and had Nyssa run off to prepare a bath. "You've been in bed for days, perhaps a warm bath is in order," the queen said, before standing.

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I launched Porn Dude Casting recently, but I’ve been holding off on reviewing it for ThePornDude. It’s kind of hard to be an impartial smut reviewer when you’re the one banging the babes, filming the action and uploading it to the web. I didn’t want to seem like too much of a big-dicked braggart, but then again, I ain’t a stranger to tooting my own horn, typically after dipping my hairy palms into this bucket of lube I keep here in the masturbation chamber.I usually spend these reviews talking...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Lady Canterlys Castle

Lady Isabo Canterly entered the castle walls of her new home with an excited skip to her step. Since her husband had died some months back, leaving her a widow at 22, she couldn't be happier. Her father arranged her marriage to the much older Lord Canterly. In exchange, his rather large gambling debt was forgotten. Her husband and Lord had introduced her to the world of sex by roughly shoving his aged cock into her womanhood four times before collapsing on her with a grunt. She had cried...

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Lost at SeaCast List

Author’s Note: Because this story takes place in a fantasy analogue of the Age of Sail, I am using the Imperial measurement system in all it’s outdated glory. For most of you, that will mean it’s hard to figure out what the weights mean. It’s a way to give a rough idea of how much someone weighs without being locked down to a particular number. The ambiguity is purposeful. As for the bust sizes, well, those are modern. You’ll just have to deal with the anachronism. Because this story is an...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2Cast

SPOILER ALERT: This list includes ages at the beginning of this part if they are significant or at the time the character is introduced. It also includes new cast members who join the story line over the seven years this part covers. This will include the formation of additional casa as well as births and adoptions. For the first time, the cast list includes years in the dates of birth and death dates. In general, you might want to just use it for reference rather than reading straight...

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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeCast of Characters

In a story as complex as this one, it is often difficult for some to follow the cast of characters as new ones are introduced. Since I don't want to ruin the surprise of new characters as they appear, many were not included in the original cast of characters. They would not have meant anything at that point anyway. Therefore, I have decided to periodically include an updated list of characters. This is the first of these. I hope it helps those who have a hard time following the many...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledCast

.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Somewhere in Time - A Road Less TraveledCastCopyright© 2010 by MattHHelm "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."R. Frost

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Woodman Casting X

WoodmanCastingX! Got wood, man? Sorry, I couldn’t resist the dad joke about this next porn site, maybe because it’s been around long enough to have influenced much of today’s current crop of new premium porn sites. WoodmanCastingX is the brainchild of Pierre Woodman, a French pervert who’s been making dirty movies for over 30 years now. He started doing the Castings X movies in 1997, and was established in 2004.Our freaky buddy Pierre really knows his shit. He’s been winning...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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African Casting is an awesome African porn site that features exclusively chocolate babes with the juiciest booties that are determined to prove to the world that you ain’t got to be white to make it in the adult industry. While it’s pretty much of a casting based on a false promise that the white dude is an agent on African Casting looking for black babes to be models, I can tell you that the scenes are nothing like the porn you have watched before.It's definitely pure bliss made even more...

Premium Black Porn Sites
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Ladyboys Moving to Thailand and my first Ladyboy

After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...

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Casting Sinnndy

I work out at least 5 times a week and look better than I did when I was a teen, and I looked pretty good back then. I didn't want to get too muscular, just nicely toned. I'm still not afraid to show off my body, after all, if you got it... The hardest part of being a mother of 4 is all of the sporting events. Almost every weekend and a bunch of weeknights are filled with being on fields and in gyms, but I love every moment win or lose, and we have made some good friends. I wrote a lot of...

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Casting Sinnndy

My name is Sindy, I am now 38, happily married and a mother of 4 k**s. Life is good; the k**s are healthy and happy as are Billy and I. Billy's business is booming, and my women's fitness gym is doing great. A good amount of my clients are wives of professional athletes, and I have a nice mix of friendly women clients from all walks of life.I work out at least 5 times a week and look better than I did when I was a teen, and I looked pretty good back then. I didn't want to get too muscular, just...

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Czech Casting

Oh yeah! Czech Casting porn! I've seen this casting site before but I never went deeper into the nuts and bolts of it until now. As soon as I entered the site, there they were, 1901 models all standing with their clothes on. As I hovered with my mouse over them, all of a sudden the clothes were gone and they were butt naked, staring at the camera with a smile on their faces, all 1901 of them. If you've never seen this site I strongly suggest that you check it out since when you have access to...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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The Casting Couch

Casting Couch: When a person of lower status must perform sexual favors for a superior in order to advance their career especially prevalent in the entertainment industry. Ricky was a long time casting director in Hollywood he had seen many women come to Hollywood with big dreams of making it big only to fall victim to the casting couch. Ricky had been working as a casting director for about ten years and it was the best job that he had ever had, he lucked into it after working at a studio for...

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How I Became a Porn Casting Imposter

How I Became a Porn Casting Imposter"Geez, I really need a job."That was what I kept mentally repeating to myself as I headed to my umpteenth job interview. This one in particular had a bit more gravity to it as it was not only at one of the more respectable companies, but because my time was running out with my roommate, Patrick. A former college friend of mine, I had really worn out my welcome as a roommate of his. Patrick was a successful producer in the media industry who had taken me in...

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Julia on the Casting Couch

It was supposed to be a final selection process for the supposed “soft” porn video. Julia was told by her often drunk agent, Billy Gallagher that all she had to do was show up and show them a few angles to see if she had what it takes to be a make-believe porn queen showing lots of skin, but not really doing anything during the take. The ass shots were easy because she had the thong to cover her anal private parts and her feminine folds were really far too deeply buried to be part of the shot...

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Unknowingly casting sisters

Chapter 1: Casting "Eliza! It is so good to see you, Pete Forrester said as I walked into the theater. He smiled brightly and then walked up and extended his hand. I took it. There were a few other people in the room and they turned to look at me. "Good to see you Pete," I said cheerfully, and it was. It was good to be back in New York and it was better to be working in theater again. Even if it was a little, off-Broadway production. "How was your flight?" he asked and I sort of made raspberry...

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Lady Penelopersquos Party

Lady Penelope sat in the voluptuously comfortable and cradling arms of the headmistress’s chair and gazed at the screen of the computer. It showed a CCTV image of the corridor outside the room. There was a line of chairs, stiff upright and uncushioned, lined up against a wall. Two of the chairs were occupied by a pair of nervous looking schoolgirls.“These are the two you’ve selected for tonight?”“Yes, your ladyship. I have been training them for several weeks. I am sure they are ready.”“They’d...

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Ladyboy DP for Thai Wife

I opened my eyes and lay still in bed, awake unusually early. I could feel the warm presence of Noi snuggled up in bed bedside me. She was sleeping face down with her little bottom next to my right hand. I reached out and touched the warm butt cheeks of Noi's tight and shaped ass. I gave them a fond little squeeze and felt my cock stirring with desire. Noi was your typical lovely pleasure loving Thai woman, very petite with a slender shaped body and girlish hips. She had lovely soft silky brown...

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Stacy Lancaster Saturday Night Schlock

It wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...

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Stacy Lancaster Saturday Night Schlock

It wasn't something Jared would readily admit but he was in love. No, his love for his wife wasn't the secret; he loved Stacy deeply and would shout his devotion from the rooftops if given half a chance. His secret love was reserved for something else.He loved his new TV. They'd had it for months now and he still thought it was just awesome.The sixty-inch flat-panel almost didn't fit properly in their cozy little house. He was virtually infatuated with it. So infatuated, in fact, that he had...

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Cast Adrift Book 02

CHAPTER FIVE It had been three weeks since the reception at St. James’ Palace, and Caroline still experienced a thrill every time she thought of it. And she couldn’t help but think of it often. Part of it, of course, was having people refer to her as ‘Lady Stanhope.’ Apparently, the Regent’s advisers had been at something of an impasse about how to reward a woman who had proved her valor in battle. There were no precedents for a direct honor, and the Regent was uncomfortable enough with his...

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A plea for racial harmony cast in the form of an incest story involving stepsibs

My dad had been a widower for five years when he remarried to Nadine. Some people in the family were shocked, because she’s black and we’re not, but she’s a nice lady and she makes the old man happy. Anyway, it’s the 90s and time to put that racist bullshit out to pasture. Of course, I must admit that I didn’t half mind the idea of having Nadine’s daughter Tanisha as my brand new stepsister. Tanisha is a total babe, with wavy black hair, creme de cacao...

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Jack in the Cast

The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. ‘Yeah, who’s there?’ From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, ‘Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?’ Sighing loudly, Jack answered, ‘Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.’ ‘I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day,’ she began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers, and a card. When her eyes came...

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Cast Away A Drabble

Cast Away A drabble by Gigi Cherie counted the marks, smiling, and thought: It's my three year anniversary on the island and tried on my sexy brown dress. Isn't that right, Wilson? Yes it is! We'll celebrate my new life! I'll scrape my 'Chuck beard' off with a sharp rock and do my legs too! You can even watch me, you little round devil. I know you want to! And then I'll paint my lips with some blood to look like lipstick! Let's drink coconut wine and watch the...

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Type Cast II

Type Cast II by mtoom Gauzy white drapes weakly filtered the morning light warming Michael's face. He turned away, hoping to drift back into his dream, but half-opened eyes revealed something that gave him the vague feeling that doing so might not be such a good idea. That dresser ... new. He moved his eyes. The mirror. The wall color and even the wall, for that matter. Confusion. His mind rummaged through his memories. Conference ... airport ... flight ... woman ... //Arnele//....

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Cast AdriftChapter 12

Caroline stirred sleepily in the luxurious sheets of her London home. Pushing her hips backward, she felt something between the two cheeks of her shapely rear end. "Mmmmm," she purred, grinding herself against it. Looking back over her shoulder, she realized that she would have to take care of herself this morning; he was sleeping like a log. That was fine, too, she thought to herself. She tugged on her nightgown until it was bunched above her waist. The man behind her was already naked...

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More Family SecretsCast of Characters

In reaction to several complaints that there were too many family members to keep track of, I've decided to incorporate this linear family tree that defines them in relation to the protagonist, and to each other in a more limited way. I will do this for the sequels as well, but each time I will limit myself to the relatives that are mentioned or actually appear in that specific story. As more information becomes available, more specifics will be mentioned, and the cast page will be updated...

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Monkey WrenchCast

Cast of Characters The Baxters: Dean - Our Narrator Zoë - His 11 Minutes Elder Twin Sister, brunette The Girls of Shipping Container ARK-OE-91 Andrea - Chinese, Not in any Boxmate’s classic Circle of Friends, Reputation as a Puck Bunny Connie - Black, Cheerleader Captain, School Queen Bee Hannah - Former Fat Goth Girl made Fit and Hot. Auburn Hair Kia Parker - The Girl Next Door. Tall, Slender, Blonde. Social Climber and Musician Marin - Artistic girl with real world feelings for Dean....

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Going GoneCast

Going, Gone cast of characters. Sponsors in bold. Bob Minter, sponsor, businessman, instigator of the extraction of virtually the entire town of Edgar, Washington. Has merged households with... Ellen Waters, M.D., sponsor, the town doctor, named the colony's Chief Medical officer. A victim of rape during college, never fully recovered. Offered sponsorship to Bob Minter and his family before his CAP score increased, then agreed to merge their households. Except for Bob's wife and daughter,...

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Bobs Great AdventureCast

Cast of Characters of Bob’s Great Adventure Bob’s Family and Characters from Earth: Bob Stevens 67, M, main character of story Karen Stevens 65, F, Bob’s wife who died of cancer 2 years before story Steve 42, M, Bob’s neighbor & Round Rock Cop James Stevens 46, M, Bob & Karen’s son – lives in Denver Susan Stevens 45, F, James’ wife and mother to Paul & Tom Sally Burton 44, F, Bob & Karen’s daughter – lives in California Jeff Burton 45, M, Sally’s husband Barbara 1,267, F,...

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