Cherry 18 free porn video

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The lights were off in the bedroom I shared with my sister, Chey. A glimmer of light from our bathroom pierced the pitch black, it was kept on to help with my fear of the dark. It was late, we were both supposed to be sleeping as it was a school night. A soft sigh parted my tender mouth, sleep was beyond my grasp. I looked over to the other bed where Chey slept, peacefully. Her features are identical to my own even in repose.

Chey and I are twin sisters, identical twins, and as much as we look alike, our personalities are completely opposite. She is soft and sweet, loving and kind to everyone. She never has a bad word to say to anyone and when she smiles it lights up the room. I, on the other hand, am a hellion as my Daddy tells me all the time. Brash and sassy, full of energy, and always looking to explore new places and things. Rest assured, it gets me into more trouble than I can handle at times. I wondered at times if things would be different, had our Mother not left us, so long ago. Daddy has raised us, alone, since Chey and I were 4 years old.

I lay there watching her sleep, wishing I could be more like her at times. See, I got into trouble today and Daddy grounded me from everything that I consider fun. My jaw still throbbed where he had grabbed it and forced my gaze to his own, asking quietly, "When are you going to settle down, Tawney?" I wish I had the answer to that question but I don't. Daddy released his grip, shook his head and walked into the other room. His parting shot to me was, "You're grounded... from everything."

I tossed and turned, replaying it all in my mind now, still unsure that what I had done was so bad. The Head Master at the all girl's school we attended had called me into his office. Apparently, one of the times I uncrossed my legs, sister Carmen had seen my bare slit. "What was she doing looking?" I thought to myself. Just to be mean and nasty I purposely uncrossed my legs and showed Head Master my naked twat while he dialed my Daddy's office. I'm almost sure Mr. Finch took great pleasure in telling him that I had taken to not wearing panties under my short, plaid, uniform skirt.

Daddy was livid when I walked thru the door. My breath caught in my throat as soon as I saw his face, his eyes raking me from head to foot. One of his large hands whipped out and caught hold of the hem of my little skirt, yanking it up almost to my belly. I turned beet red as his gaze dropped to my shaven muff. "Daddy!!!!", I yelped, instinct making me jerk backwards away from him. He didn't let go though, instead he tugged me closer so that I had to stand on tippy toes. I could feel his breath on my face as he hissed, "Not only have you quit wearing panties to school but you shave your cunt now??" Hearing that word shocked me into silence... Daddy didn't talk like that to his baby girls. Chey stood next to me, crying big tears, begging Daddy not to whip me.

He dropped my skirt and lifted his hand to clench my jaw so hard, tears stung my eyes. That's when he asked me when I was going to settle down and told me I was grounded. So, here I lay, sleep far away while I thought about what I had done. More than that though, I was thinking about the rush of pleasure I had felt when my Daddy was staring at my young, shaven, pussy.

Just thinking about it was making me hot between my thighs. My hand stroked down to cup the bald mound, fingers wiggling in the slit until I whimpered. I looked over at Chey to make sure she had not heard the little lustful sound I had made. She was fast asleep so with a low groan of submission I continued exploring my soft cunt. My index finger was curling in circles around the tiny nub of my clit until it started to throb in time with my heartbeat. I had masturbated before but never while thinking of my Daddy's tongue flicking my clit like my fingers were doing right now. I let my hand drop down, so the pad of my middle finger was tracing the tight ring at the opening of my hole. A hot moan... "Dadddddy" tore from my lips just as I dipped the digit into my clutching pussy. Back arching high, hips grinding down into the pink, pastel sheets, I worked the finger to the first knuckle as the orgasm ripped thru my virgin pussy. A small squirt of juice sprayed over my hand, the walls of my cunt spasming again and again.

My body froze as I realized the covers in Chey's bed were stirring. Breath held within my shuddering chest, I waited to see if she was awake. My worst fears were confirmed when Chey crawled out of her bed and into mine. She pressed her head to mine and crooned softly into my ear. "You called out Daddy, Tawn.... were you dreaming that he was going to spank you for today?" I lay there, silent, still trying to catch my breath. My sister wrapped her arm over my belly and tugged me closer.

"Why do you have to be so bad, s*s?" Chey sighed and then went on. "Daddy does the best he can and you keep pushing every limit, although, I do have to admit I wish I could be as fearless as you are." I remained silent, listening to my beloved sister bemoan my bahaviour for the hundredth time since we were old enough to talk. To my suprise Chey started giggling softly, whispering close to my ear, "I wish I could have seen Mr. Finch's face when you showed him your pussy though." My arms curled about her in a close hug, my laughter joining hers until we were both rolling on the bed. When the giggles subsided I was straddling her, tickling across her ribs. Our identical, amber orbs met and held in a long look and I whispered softly... "Chey, when I called out Daddy, I was awake, fingering my pussy while I imagined him licking my clit."

I watched as Chey's eyes rounded with shock, her soft, pliant mouth forming a cupie doll -O-. I waited for her to come to terms with what I had said but she suprised me when she responded, "Did you cum, Tawney?" I nodded slowly, never releasing her gaze. To show her, I writhed my hips across her bare tummy, leaving a slick trail of my cum around her belly button. A low groan of need gurgled in my sister's throat as her hand slipped down to brush over my soaked mound. It was my turn for the shocked look, my sister's finger sliding thru my swollen lips causing heat to torch every nerve.

My body dropped down over hers, our mouth's just a breath from the other's. I whispered at the corner of her lips, "Are you sure, Chey?" She smiled into my eyes and nodded. With that little show of admission, I lost control. My tongue snaked out, little pink tip tracing the outline of her mouth, parting it to be tongue-fucked. A hissssss of need escaped the second before my tongue plunged into her mouth, licking the sweet cavern to taste her. My sister's tongue curled about mine, coiling and slick as we dueled for Dominance. My hands threaded into her copper curls, tugging gently to lift her into the kiss. Soft sighs, whimpers of lust quaked from our young bodies, the smell of girlish lust filling the room as we started to grind our pussies together.

Chey pushed my head away from hers, voice ragged as she asked me to taste her cunt. I could not believe this was my meek and mild sister!! I reached out with my left hand to turn the bedside lamp on, knowing I needed to see her face as she came against my lips. I was going to drink every drop of her sticky, sweet cum within moments and I couldn't wait.

Ever so slowly, I slid my curvy body down hers, the shock jolting thru my core as our rigid nipples brushed across each other. My mouth found her jaw, nibbling over it until I reached her neck. Small, ivory teeth glittered as they sank into the translucent flesh of her neck, pearls of crimson flowing onto my tongue as I suckled hard. Chey was panting, little howls of pleasure-pain ricocheting around us, her hips slamming up against mine. Something deep inside whispered... "this is your sister" but I drowned out the thought with my a****listic sounds of rapture.

My mouth continued it's quest over Chey's ripe body, stopping to flick at each nipple that topped high, perky young tit's. I noted that even our nipples matched, a light, coral pink that deepened in colour to a dusky rose when aroused and swollen. My teeth nibbled the nubs then bit down to the edge of pain before soothing once more with long, slow circles around each.

"Ahhhh damnnn, Chey.. I need to suck your pussy." Her gaze locked onto mine as my mouth brushed over her wet mound. The downy soft, strawberry blonde curls tickled my nose until I laughed into her cunt. I grabbed a little fistful of the curls and tugged, "Someday soon, I'll shave this for you, s*s." I couldn't wait another second for a taste of my sister's virgin slit. My head tilted, tongue flicking out to lick from her tiny asshole to her clit. "Mmmmmmmmm sissy, your pussy is sweeet..." A groan of pain vibrated in my throat as Chey clenched fistfuls of my hair and yanked my face into the middle of her cunt.

Using my thumbs, I popped her clit from the sheath, baring it completely. I sucked the throbbing nub into my mouth, cheeks hollowing as I drew it in and out, over and over. I could smell her strawberry body spray mingle with the vanilla scent of mine, the smell of girl pussy juice... all of it so intoxicating to the senses. I became feral as my cheeks rubbed against her silky thighs. My tongue drove into her cunt, fucking hard and fast while my thumb frigged her clit. Her tender, young body, so like mine was ready for the awakening of exquisite pleasure.

Mindless with desire now, my nails raked over her tummy, leaving bright red scratches behind. My tongue thrust in and out of her hole, mimicing the motion of a stiff cock as I took her closer to climax. Chey writhed underneath my mouth, her fingers clutching at the sheets until they tore from the mattress. My tongue flattened to lap at her cunt like sweet cream, drinking every drop of my sister's juices. Her words incoherent, nothing more than a chant of bliss, she was begging to fly over the edge. I pressed two fingers close together, curling them just inside her sopping cunt to stroke over the g-spot, my teeth raked over her clit until she exploded in sobbing screams against my mouth. I couldn't remember tasting anything as delicious as my sister's cum as it flowed over my tongue. Little mew's of pleasure, being purrred from both our lips brought us back down, just a layer.

I felt Chey push me away long enough to switch positions, her head almost hanging off the bottom of the bed. I stood up, legs shaking with anticipation of what was to come... finally, to feel a mouth on my needy little hole. Crouching on my hands and knees, barely balanced on the bed's very edge, I lowered my dripping snatch to my sister's mouth. Always being the loud, wild one, a scream of unabated rapture tore from my mouth as her tongue corkscrewed into my tight asshole.

The overhead light snapped on, the glaring brightness stunning Chey and I. We blinked slowly, eyes glazed with lust, trying to figure out what was happening thru passion hazed minds. We didn't have long to wonder. Daddy's voice stung us both like the tip of a bullwhip. "What in the hell are you two doing?!?" I tried to scramble off Chey's mouth but Daddy stopped me. Three long strides has brought him to the end of my bed, his large palm splaying over the small of my back held me firmly in place. My entire body flushed pink as I felt the heat of his gaze run over my flesh. A low whimper of something close to fear parted my cum coated lips. Low sobs and hiccups were heard from between my thighs, Chey was crying in terror at being caught.

Almost in unison we both cried... "Daddy we can explain.." A halo of copper curls turned to an odd angle, amber orbs lifting to look over my shoulder into his. I needed to see him, see if he was angry with us. Daddy was naked, strong and firm, every muscle defined with tension. I couldn't help myself, honest I couldn't. My eyes dropped to his jutting cock. I could see every rigid inch, the veins seeming to pulse under smooth skin. His hairy balls were taut against his thighs, the head of his cock twitching and drooling pearls of precum and all I could think was how badly I needed to feel it in my mouth.

Daddy reached forward to take a fistful of my curls. I sobbed as pain shot thru my skull. "Tawney, I'm almost sure that you are the cause of this, you ache to be a little slut." I shook my head no, every movement of my head causing the pain to bite into my scalp. "Nooo I don't Daddy, I don't want to be a slut, pleassse no I swear!"

His arm raised high and then came swinging down, the palm landing on my bare ass with a booming "Smaaaaaaack!" The force of the blow sent my cunt landing against Chey's mouth and being the slut "she" is (Daddy would never believe that though) her tongue coiled around my clit. I screamed until I went hoarse, Daddy kept smacking my ass until it burned with fire and Chey just kept licking my dripping cunt. Ahhhh God! I needed to cummmm. Somewhere in those long moments of getting the spanking I knew I deserved for all the things I had done wrong that Daddy didn't even know about, the pain turned to pleasure, the pleasure to sheer erotica and erotica to submission.

I wiggled my ass back, tempting him to do his worst.. or.. his best. I wanted to cry with frustration when he answered my taunt with walking around the bed to slap his cock against my lips. His voice was silky smooth when he ordered Chey to keep licking and sucking my snatch and asshole. "Suck my cock, babygirl and suck it hard so I can fuck your cherry pussy..." Just hearing those words made me tremble. My head jerked up to look into the glowing amber that my twin and I had inherited from him. "Yes, Daddy" was my only response.

My tongue hung out of my mouth, near drooling as his cock pressed to my cheek. I nuzzled against it until he decided to have mercy, ass flexing as his cock pushed past my lips. My lips ran along the shaft, kissing softly, loving every inch of silken strength. Chey's tongue working over my cunt and the reality of Daddy's cock in my mouth turned me almost savage. I took him deeper into my mouth, the drooling head leaving a salty trail over my tongue. My lips were drawn wide now, nostrils flaring with every breath as he pumped his hips to force the head into my throat. Gag's sounded as he impaled my mouth, the tears flowing freely from the corners of my eyes. Daddy started long, slow strokes in and out of my mouth, his cock stopping on my trembling lips and then plunging back in until he fucked my throat. My hands curled around his body, cupping his muscular ass in small palms. I couldn't get enough of my Daddy's cock, I wanted to drink his cum.

Just when I thought I might get my most fervent wish, Daddy d**g his cock from my mouth. One finger reached out to stroke down my cheek, catching hold of a tear and whiping it away. He stepped around the bed until he was positioned behind my ass. Once more, I looked over my shoulder to watch him watching Chey, her tongue busy scooping up my cream. His mouth parted, features contorted into erotic pain... "Babygirl, I'm going to fuck you until you beg to cum..."

My thighs parted wider over my sister's head, cunt drooling slick juice into her face. Daddy grabbed two fistfuls of my ass cheeks to spread them apart. He whispered, almost to himself, "Someday soon, I'm going to suck your pussy." I shivered, his words scr****g every nerve raw. With no warning, his cock thrust into my tight, virgin hole, stretching it to mold to his cock. Screams wrenched from my throat, pain blinding me with it's intensity. "Daaaaaaaddddddy!!! Daddddddyyyyy!!! It hurts, please no no no it hurtsss!!!!" I was bucking and writhing, trying anything to get him away, get his cock out of me and stop the white hot burning in my cunt. His hands held me in place, riding out every one of my attempts to get free. Daddy leaned over me, mouth nuzzling my ear, to whisper, "Shhhhh, Tawney, babygirrll, shhhhh.. I promise it's going to get better."

My head dropped to rest against Chey's thigh, tears wetting her skin as I sobbed my pain. I could hear Chey underneath me, mirroring my sobs. A small spark of pleasure coiled under my belly button, Daddy was starting to stroke his cock in and out of my pussy. A gasp of sweet need shuddered from my lungs and without thought, my hips started to grind back to take more cock into my pulsing snatch. "Daddy's little girl is a needy little slut, isn't she?" I could only nod as he fucked into my tight hole. Chey had started sucking my clit down into her mouth, tugging it with her lips until it stretched away from the hood. I dropped my head, tongue snaking out to fuck Chey's pussy with the same slow, languid motions Daddy was using on my cunt. Her cry of pleasure was music to my ears, encouraging me to take her to climax once more.

Daddy pulled his cock from my hole with the promise that he had something special for Chey and I. He positioned our bodies so that she and I were laying on top of one another, mouth to mouth, breast to breast. He splayed our thighs apart until our mounds were pressed together. Slowly, gently he eased into Chey's tight cunt. After the head had gained entrance he plunged into her, taking her cherry the same as he had taken mine.. quick and hard. My mouth covered hers, muffling the scream of pain as Daddy held her still to adjust to the length and girth. I kissed her so soft and sweet, licking inside her mouth once more to taste the flavor of my cream. Tongue trailing over her cheeks, the salty tears a tang on my tongue, I crooned to her that it would be pleasure beyond comparison, soon. I felt Daddy begin to thrust into her pussy, slow and sure, and Chey's first whimper of heat was against my neck, where she nuzzled.

My lips parted on a soft hissss, "Dadddddy, ahhhh yess, more more." He had pulled out of Chey and fucked back up into my slit. Our pussies ground together, clits rubbing until we were both panting for climax while Daddy kept teasing us by switching back and forth between our cunts. Chey came first, her body curling into mine. Soft, timid moans floated over my skin, light as a feather as she sang her release. I started to French her mouth, licking the crevice, teasing with the tip of my tongue, wanting to prolong her first climax. I could hear Daddy groaning as her cunt sucked at his cock. I was selfish, hoping he would wait to make me cum too before he shot his load.

He slid out of Chey's dripping snatch and thrust back into mine with a grunt of desire. I plunged my hips back, corkscrewing down on his cock, a greedy slut needing the release he could give. His fingers started to dig into my ass cheeks, possessing me, his cock filling my twitching hole. I could only scream, "Dadddddddddddyyyyyyyy!!!" as the climax reached out, grabbed hold and tugged me into the waiting abyss. My toes were curling, hair tingling, every nerve alive and filled with bliss as he slammed into my spasming core, the walls milking at his shaft. I heard him groan, long and low, "Yessss, babygirrrl, nowwww.." just before his cock was yanked from my cunt. Long, hot ropes of cum shot across my lush ass, over my arched back, covering me in the milky spew. And ohhhhh how I loved the feel of that heat on my skin. Daddy collapsed on top of Chey and I, chest heaving as he moaned. My pouty mouth bowed, small whimpers and mew's of pleasure rippling thru my body with every aftershock.

Daddy rolled off us to stand beside the bed. He leaned down, kissed each of us on the forehead and whispered... "Happy Birthday, Tawney and Chey... I love you, babygirls."

Chey and I looked at each other and started to laugh.. we had both forgotten, today was our 18th birthday and what a way to start out the year.

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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana bus driver manaiviyai oothu ulasamaaga iruntha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar chandru vayathu 20 aagugirathu. Naan theniyil vasithu varugiren, en veedu arugil oru ground irukum angu naan adikadi sendru vilaiyaduven. Antha ground arugil oru veedu irukum, antha veetil oru ilamiayaan thirumnama aana manaivi irunthaargal. Avargal veetil naan adikadi sendru akka kudika thani irunthaal kodungal endru...

1 year ago
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A Satyrs Revenge

Introduction: A Satyr seeks to settle the score on an insult A Satyrs Revenge Ancient Greece 841 C.E. You gave me your word that you wouldnt have sex with me! The young girl protested. I made no such promise, the Satyr smirked. But you said … she insisted. What I said the Satyr explained patiently, was I wouldnt take your virginity. And I wont, but you may soon regret my promise to you. Youre the Devil. She cried angrily. If only I were, he chuckled. We made an agreement. I honoured my side...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Ania Kinski Squirting MILF Torned Up

Being at home alone has many advantages, especially when the folks are not around. Josh is just a great boy and loyal son, also a great host, but how can react young stud like him when big breasted MILF Ania showed up in front of his doorstep? Polite like always, he is ready to give her a tour through the house. Sneaky Ania is the great negotiator, hot as hell, and her wet pierced pussy screams to be pounded hard, but is it Josh a good substitute for his father? This squirting MILF gives us an...

2 years ago
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My first time with another woman

I arrived at the condo complex and all 4 the guest parking slots were taken, so I parked up the hill on the street off of University. She met me up on the hill and she had on a simple black short-sleeved dress that stopped above her knees and she wore tan stockings and strappy hills. My thigh-hi’s were bothering me, so we stopped inside the restroom in the exercise room and took them off and shoved them in my purse.Without stockings on and walking down the very step hill down towards the...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Virgin Crush Ananya

Hi, this is Rahul (name changed) from Bangalore. I am 21 and doing my engineering. Let’s not waste time and get into the story straight away. As this is my first sex story, please spare me if there are any mistakes. We all have had crushes in school – the small ones and the huge ones (which stay for a long time). During 12th standard, I also had a crush on a girl named Ananya (name changed). She had fat at the right places and she was very hot! We were classmates and we used to talk sometimes...

1 year ago
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My Sister My Girl

My name is Bob. I have a sister. Her name is Hanna. I'm 19 and she's 18. We have a mom and dad. Her name is Mom and his name is Dad. We're into the summer months about three weeks. In the fall I'll be off for my second year of fighting the books and Hanna the Hyena will be off for her first year of fighting the books.H the H is out for the evening and mom and dad are just finishing up supper. I already ate pizza. I sit down and say, "I would like to talk about something."They both say, "Sure....

3 years ago
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Walk Like a ManChapter 17 And Now For My Next Number

Dad got back from his trip and almost immediately called a family meeting for that evening. The fact that there were just three of us was not lost on me. I remembered the only time we had a family meeting involved moving from Iowa to Oregon. Oh brother! Don’t tell me we’re moving again! Well, with my plans at Eastern Oregon, I wouldn’t be with them. I had a hard time digesting my dinner that night. I had no idea what Dad wanted to talk about. I noticed Mom didn’t seem particularly worried,...

1 year ago
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Sams YearChapter 23 Sydney

“I’ll see you’re checked in and go home,” Gordy said. “I’ll be back by six.” “Fine.” “Thank you.” When they we in their rooms, Tessa said, “It’s a lot better than the hotel in Marree.” “Yes, it is.” “I’ve been thinking about Marree.” “Oh?” “They did a history when the town was 100 years old. It’s got a lot of old photos and chapters where I found it hard to tell gossip from history. Anecdotes about Afghans. Stories of whole families dying between Farina and...

3 years ago
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My Life As A Feminine Sissy

Here are a few of the things men have said to me in the adult video preview booths:"Nice legs, fag.""MMMM! Fuckin' smooth! You shave your legs?" (Said while feeling up my bare legs just prior to fucking me.) "Those tits real?""Man that pussy is tight!""Get on you knees and tell me what you want, bitch.""You are the most feminine man I have ever seen,""You eat ass?"I have to admit that when I hear comments like this I am thrilled.I got a comment on my prison turnout post from someone who went...

3 years ago
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Love making with Brian

The next day, Sally was watching tv when I came from my room. I was dressed in my usual attire for work. Sally whistled at me, asked me to bend over so she could see my ass. I did bend over right next to her face. She was breathing heavy as she slipped a finger over my panty. I jumped a bit, but told her it felt nice. Sally then lifted my skirt a bit higher, pulled my panties to the side and licked my pussy. No fingering, just straight to the punch and licked me. It shocked me at first....

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A New Job

It is your new job at Working Enterprises Ltd., an accounting firm in the heart of the city. You are fresh from university and are ready for your first day. As you enter the marble doors, you become a little nervous, the boss who took your interview seemed nice enough. You remember when you walked into the interview room expected a middle aged bachelor to see a glamorous, busty blonde in stilettos and a very low cut dress welcoming you. You take a deep breath, and enter the lift up to level 27...

3 years ago
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night of the party

Mistress was very disappointed with me. despite the circumstances i knew i would be punished. Being allowed to serve at one of Mistresses bigger gatherings was a sign of how satisfied she was with my progress. so having been prepared along with Mistresses other female servant I was to bring drinks to her 12 female guests in an aroused state. walking naked & with aching erection & silver ball/cock ring on display I held drinks on a large silver tray. across the room Mistresses female...

1 year ago
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Doug and Loras First Time Bi Stories

I’ve been friends with Doug and Lora for about eight years and during that time, we’ve had quite a few very gratifying threesomes. I like them a lot. They are both easy going and mellow, uninhibited and imaginative, gentle and considerate, all of which suit my personality well. They like to hot tub. They like to get high on weed which is one of my most enjoyable weaknesses. Besides our excellent sex, we also have interesting conversations and intelligent discussions – art, music, politics, you...

2 years ago
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DominionChapter 10 Trapped

There were stories told about the world before the war, passed from generation to generation. They were used to help keep history alive, so that both the progress and mistakes of the past wouldn’t be forgotten, as well as a means of comparing each step of the reconstruction movement to the old world. One of the stories most commonly told was of the Internet, the almost magical net of information that supposedly covered the entire globe. All of human knowledge, culture, and entertainment at...

1 year ago
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Hiding in SchoolChapter 11

“Stevie I think I broke Kyla. Can you check on her?” Bree asked of her brother. Steven stood in front of me and had his hand near my cheek. I took that hand in mine and looked at him and said, “Sorry I was just picturing Bree with Erin. I’m fine now.” I was about to leave when Bree yelped in pain and different bells and whistles went off. A nurse came in and asked us to leave the room. It wasn’t long before that nurse came out and informed us that Bree was going to be just fine but she...

2 years ago
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Assignations 1

As the light of the dawn starts to show the colours within the darkened room, I begin to see you in more detail.  You sleep on, quietly. A half smile on your face, your eye-lids fluttering to some half remembered, half forgotten dream of rapture long ago. Or maybe you remember our passion of last night. The frenzy of our love-making, inspired by the prolonged sensuous build-up of our drawn out, saucy and risqué letters over the time we thought we would never get together. Our passion and the...

Straight Sex
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Confession of an exhibitionists Part 2

Angela certainly had fun masturbating herself to three complete strangers in the train last night. She had the best orgasm in months. What next, Angela? Angela talking to herself...Hope Jim doesn't find out...that gets her excited hiding this from her husband, Jim while she does naughty things with other men. She is an exhibitionist. It was a weekend, and she decided to go the shopping centre. Wore a low cut blouse, skirt and high heels. Again, did not wear bra and panties. Jim did not go as he...

4 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 5

Hoping that Rob still had the same one, Terry dials the number. "Speak" the deep raspy voice commanded "Rob its Tel, long time no speak" "Hello matey, bloody hell must be five years. What can I do you for?" Rob smiles cheerily "Got some work coming up and need a space filled, you interested?" "Does a bear shit in the woods?" "No details over the phone. Will explain when we meet" "Time and place?" "Nice, Sunday 7pm Curzon Club don't be late" Hanging...

1 year ago
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Lady Libertine Ch 02 The Ghostwriter

‘You just have to think of something, Jeanette,’ pleaded Angie. She lifted the glass of chardonnay to her lips, which signaled that it was my turn to reply. I studied the deep crimson cabernet as I swirled it, inhaled its scent, took a sip, and watched the light rainbow film cascaded down from the rim of my glass. The action always seemed to hone my thoughts as if looking into a gazing ball. Such reflection often reveals the sum total of a situation in an instant. Best friends since first...

2 years ago
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Union in CrisisChapter 23

They finally found a narrow land bridge that spanned the chasm, six days south of their original route. With Kat driving, and Bob walking ahead, scouting and guiding her, they were able to get the mule across to the other side though not without a puckered sphincter or two. Twelve days wasted. The rest of the trip was anti-climactic and they were able to find the mining town of Champlace only two days later. The town was much smaller than the Port. It had two primary streets that met in a...

2 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 36 School Days

I went into the station the next morning at 0730. I figured I would go in early and see the shift changes and roll calls for a bit to get a feel for things from the bottom up. After roll call, I headed back to my office, only to get stopped by Mindy Hollis. She dragged me back outside to the department parking lot and over to the corner it shared with the impound yard. “This is where we should build a storage annex,” she said. “Why here? In this corner?” “It’s the best choice. It’s inside...

1 year ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 15 Irsquom a Private Eye

Forgive me if I’m a little suspicious of private investigators. It’s what I do for a living. I’m not impressed. I’m feeling better, though I’m still pretty fuzzy about what happened Saturday night. I don’t even remember who I met. If I hadn’t written down all that drivel in the middle of the night, I’d have no idea. I almost deleted it when I read it because it didn’t make sense. I’m glad I didn’t. I wrote down what I needed to know. Quid pro quo I woke up this morning in the little bed...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Susie

Introduction: How I took my youg cousins cherry As I lie here, I can still hardly believe it all happened, what a crazy incredible day. I rewind my memory to where it all started with Christmas, Susie and a game of sardines. As usual my Aunt Rita, Uncle Pete and their daughters Susie and Annie came over to our place on Christmas afternoon to spend the day with us, exchange presents, eat, drink, eat some more Im sure you know the drill. I really had never noticed Susie in that way before, she...

1 year ago
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Taking care of a lady

I had know Lynn for a few years now. I met her when she worked at the Target where I shopped a lot. I had gotten use to her cute smile and her auburn hair cut short. I had heard that she was dating a guy but I did not know much more than that really. So when I saw her that evening at the check out line I did not think anything was wrong until she noticed me. Then her face went from the paste on smile for customers to sad. "I need to talk to you real bad Officer Duke" she said. She only called...

1 year ago
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sexy school girl

hey guys n girls if you like these feel free to come back every week for a new 1 :) if theres a typo im sorry,she was stood there in the morning awaiting to go to school, she was wearing her uniform, her hair in a ponytail, gorgeous face, her shirt so small and tight, cleavage hanging out from the top, she wears the shortest skirts, and stockings, she leans over the kitchen table to reach her school bag, the glow of her amazing ass so round and plump, she was wearing tight white nickers and...

3 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 54

“I am in short, a witch of the quantumverse.” —Philip Palmer, Artemis MONDAY AFTERNOON found the five of us at Joan’s house, waiting to hear that Beca was home. I swear we looked like a bunch of expectant fathers in a maternity waiting room. Except that every so often, someone would hug someone else and end up in a nice intense kiss for a while. Then we’d go back to mindlessly wandering around or pretending to pay attention to the TV. Joan’s phone chirped and she thumbed open a...

2 years ago
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Pignose Petunia From Lookout MountainChapter 2

I guess if you are reading this personal discourse about my family life with my first cousin Petunia and our five pig-nosed little ones, you must have liked my account of my sinful ways with my close blood relative on the down low. My own legal spouse, the hypocritical little bitch is probably down at the church on her knees taking care of the parson’s deprived parts rather than praying good and proper like a respectable female. I suspect with some deep reservations that the last of my...

4 years ago
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How he learned his lesson Pt 1

It was the night of his fiance's bachelorette party. James had been sent away to his parents house, where he sat impatiently. Watching movies, playing video games: he did whatever he could to take his mind off of it. James could be a bit of a jealous man. Not that he could ever bring himself to confrontation, but he was not shy with voicing his feelings when he and Chelsea were alone. James imagined all the things they might be doing. Would they go to a strip club? Or have the stripper go to...

1 year ago
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Blind Obedience Chapter 8

The following weekend jewel came over looking visibly distraught. "Oh, Master I am so sorry! I was so looking forward to being with you today, but when I woke up this morning my once-a-month visitor had come to see me! I am sorry, but I had to wear panties today because I didn't want to make a mess!" she said."That's okay jewel, this happens. We will just work around it, that's all.""I tried to call and ask permission to wear panties, but I couldn't get you on the phone. Please forgive me,...

3 years ago
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Paying her bills with her pussy part 2

Hi if you want to find out the background to this story please read part 1 .Sandra Richards the 47 year old wife of a vicar had had a really bad week since she had payed off the first installment of her £3000 loan with her pussy .Sandra had never sucked a cock before she was forced to suck Alan Holmes cock she hated it the taste of his cum in her mouth was disgusting and the feeling of his cock in her pussy was revolting .Sandra laid in bed at night thinking how on earth did i get into this...

2 years ago
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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 4 The Teen Girls Take Things In Hand

Dawn Summers strutted down the hall of Sunnydale High. She had a contented smile on her face and licked at a large sucker. It made her think of her Master's cock, which made her giggle. She slid her glossy lips over it, moaning softly. Her fingers twirled her long platinum hair and she thought over the events of the day. The school had fallen into a frenzy of sex. Dawn couldn't be happier. Of course, she had not given in to the temptation of fucking any of the boys like her friends had...

2 years ago
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Sisters Initiation1

By Stifflittlepoints Before I begin, I want to be honest and share that I desperately want to be a part of my sister’s club. I know that term is dated, but I can’t think of any other term that would fit that group. I just started high school and the one thing I wanted was friends that could show me around the new school and teach me what I needed to do . . . to be accepted. I have to admit, I had been bugging my sister Leah all summer about this, and I had just about given up, but her horny...

3 years ago
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The Laptop Part Seven of Seven

Beth waited for Dax in her room, not being able to decide if she should just stay naked or put something on.  In the end, since she planned on just blowing him and jerking his dick, she chose her bathing suit.  That way, not only could she head out to the pool afterward, but if he made a mess on her it would be easy to wash off just by jumping in the water.Dax, not wanting to seem too eager, decided to take a medium length shower and really get clean.  He had also remembered reading an article...

4 years ago
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One Blissful Day and Night

The day is Thursday, June 21, 2001. I am sitting in class in the back row writing down notes at approximately 10:00 am while dreaming about how my sweetheart will be coming to visit me later that evening. I looked down at my watch and it said 10:05. There is no one else in the last few rows except for me since I like to sit in the back. At 10:10, the door opens and a girl steps into the classroom, looks around and sits down right next to me. She is dressed in high heels, a short leather mini...

1 year ago
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I find my love1 Shemale

100% fiction! Kiran and myself have been in relationship for the past 4 years. we make love almost everyday. I don't know if I have to use male pronoun, just love the feel she's fem-with-a-dick. Its awesome when she penetrates me. She's older than me by 7 years. She has two daughters with her wife Anjelica. I thnk by now you must have understood she's a hermaphrodite. The first time our bodies met was by accident but with lot of waiting and curiosity. I just can't forget any detail of it. My...

1 year ago
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Grandmas Old Ring

Ever had one of those days? I've been sitting on this for a couple of weeks because work has been in the way. Last night I finally managed to find some time to make another pass. Those who archive stories freely may do so, if you so wish. Just let me know where it's going to be. And don't make any changes in the text. Hope you all enjoy it. Bill [email protected] Grandma's Old Ring by Bill Hart "This is a load of crap," said Jake Harrison into the air, knowing...

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