Transformacion De Adrian free porn video

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Hola a todas, les quiero comentar una aventura que pase hace algunas semanas, para iniciar les comento que soy Heterosexual, travesti de closet ya maduro, inicie con mi travestismo a los 11 a?os pero lo pude reprimir casi hasta los 20 a?os pues en mi ?poca el travestismo se pensaba como algo del demonio y yo, en ese entonces, me lamentaba de tener ese deseo de vestir de chica, como naci en los Estados Unidos, tengo la nacionalidad Norteamericana pero tengo padres Mexicanos asi que puedo estar en ambos pa?ses sin problema, ya recibido de mi carrera pase muchos a?os trabajando en Mexico en una empresa Gringa y aqu? me case y forme una familia con 2 hijos, en todo ese tiempo solo pod?a travestirme a escondidas y por poco tiempo asi que lo hacia una o dos veces al a?o, ya maduro mis deseos de travestirme crecieron enormemente asi que decidi investigar por internet y encontr? una casa de Transformaci?n en la Cd. De San Francisco, elabore de inmediato un plan que fui construyendo por 3 semanas, hasta que logre inventar un viaje a USA no sin antes contactar y hacer una cita con una empresa seria dedicada a la transformaci?n por lo que pude conseguir un costoso paquete de 2,450 dolares que incluia 4 dias de transformaci?n total, desde chones hasta u?as, fotos, paseos por la ciudad (San Francisco) cenas en restaurantes y salida a antros y tiendas para compras, asi que me fui y aqu? les comento toda mi experiencia que pase. Llegando al lugar nervios?simo, entre al establecimiento el dia y hora acordado, me recibi? una chica transexual bell?sima, se presento como Karla era una de las due?as, ella sabia mi nombre y de inmediato me pidi? una tarjeta de credito para pasarla en la maquinita bancaria, me dijo que lo primero seria tomar mis medidas, me saco todas las medidas (hombros, pecho, cabeza, cuello, cintura, piernas, altura, entrepiernas y medida de pies), despu?s me llevaron a un ba?o y me pidieron ba?arme en ba?o de burbujas aromatizado, fue agradable, me dieron instrucciones de c?mo usar la crema depiladora en mi cuerpo y un tratamiento humectante para despu?s del ba?o y la depilada, al terminar ya no ten?a rastro de pelo de mi cuello hasta abajo, Sal? de la tina y me dieron un rastrillo para rasurarme, no me dieron a escoger vestuario, la chica hab?a puesto en un taburete unas pantaletas beige para usarlas, me las puse y note que eran muy firmes del frente pues ocultaban perfectamente mi pene, despu?s me llevaron a una habitaci?n donde pegaron unos pechos de silicon en mi depilado cuerpo, pesados como de medio kilo c/u, un brasiere beige y unas pantimedias transparentes abiertas de los dedos, luego vino el maquillaje el cual me daban un curso al ponerlo en mi varias veces hasta hacerlo yo solita, luego vinieron las u?as postizas en pies y manos y unas enormes pesta?as falsas pero muy coquetas, una faja muy apretada me dio figura femenina, luego un fondo blanco que me llegaba a las rodillas, un vestido color vino ? de largo y completaron mi atuendo con peluca, aretes de clip, collar, pulseras y unas lindas zapatillas de tacon negras con punta abierta que dejaban ver mis hermosas u?as falsas. Ya vestida iniciaron las clases de c?mo caminar, sentarse y hablar, luego la sesi?n de fotos, esta la hacian dos chicas maduras pero bellas, me explicaron que diariamente probar?a dos atuendos distintos y dos sesiones de fotos, hab?a mas chic@s como yo, algunas muy j?venes y bellas y otras maduras como yo, por lo general las j?venes luc?an minifaldas super sexis pero elegantes y a l@s madur@s nos pon?an atuendos de acuerdo a nuestra edad, explicaban que es un principio b?sico del travestismo si quer?amos salir a la calle, ya en la sesi?n de fotos particip?bamos todas, nos daban bebidas con alcohol y eso ayudo much?simo a romper el hielo, era muy curioso ver a tantas mujeres super arregladas pero los sonidos de las voces eran de hombres, una de las administradoras nos puso un juego en donde deb?amos mencionar 3 nombres de mujer que nos gustaban y entre todas votaban para escoger el que mejor nos quedaba, yo puse Adriana, Marcela y Cristina, las chicas escogieron el que siempre uso Adriana y me gusto por la similitud de mi nombre masculino Adrian. Al terminar la sesi?n de fotos nos pidieron que arregl?ramos nuestro maquillaje ayudadas unas a otras para proceder con la salida a un restaurante, con mis u?as artificiales largas es toda una odisea, todas nos pusimos muy nerviosas pues casi ninguna hab?a salido del closet, excepto una jovencita llamada Candy que ya hab?a estado en el lugar anteriormente, eramos 11 chicas mas 2 acompa?antes, llego por nosotras 3 taxis y salimos al centro a comer, era un restaurante donde ya sab?an de nosotras pues la casa de transformaci?n lo usaba continuamente, no hubo en ning?n momento alguna se?al de discriminaci?n, es mas ning?n comensal volteaba a vernos con burla, solo con asombro y hasta coqueteaban un poco, en esta ciudad parece haber much?sima gente como nosotras pues en la calle ve?amos a chicas que eran obvios masculinos y viceversa, la experiencia fue muy divertida y maravillosa, salimos despu?s de compras, era el para?so, imag?nense estar comprando y probandote lo que quieras sin temor, uff yo me surti de lo lindo, deb?a comprar una maleta extra para mi regreso y asi lo hice, despu?s de comprar regresamos a la segunda sesi?n de fotos y de vestuario, esta vez era muy elegante y propio para salir a cenar y bailar, todas las chicas luc?amos maquillaje m?s pesado para la noche y no por nada pero ya ninguna pod?a ser catalogada como un hombre travestido, los manerismos, voces e imagen eran ya, en tan solo un dia, de mujeres. Por la noche sucedi? lo emocionante, salimos a bailar a un antro muy especial, tenia 3 pisos y en cada uno hab?a m?sica seg?n la generaci?n, abajo se escuchaba m?sica de los 70s y 80s , particularmente calmaditas para bailar, en el piso de en medio m?sica de 90s y actual pero con muchos lapsos calmaditos y en el piso superior solo rockeras y escandalosas pero era el piso mas lleno, yo conoci todo el lugar y prefer? junto con 3 compa?eras el primer piso, de por si no me gusta bailar asi que al menos escuchar?a m?sica de mi ?poca, de repente salieron 2 galanes que me pidieron a mi y a otra amiga que sali?ramos a la pista a bailar, yo le comente al galan que mejor sacara a mi otra amiga pero el insisti? y con una se?al trajo a otro amigo para que sali?ramos las tres al baile, no nos quedo mas remedio asi que salimos y bailamos m?sica muy cachondita, era mi primera vez que un hombre me tocaba estando yo vestida de mujer asi que mi nerviosismo era notorio, de inmediato mi galan se presento como Charly y me comento que me calmara, que sabia que eramos travestis y que la mayor?a de los del antro lo eran, que muchos chicos gustan de ni?as como nosotras y vienen a tratar de conquistar, le pregunte que cual era su intencion respecto a mi y sin dudarlo me dijo que quer?a sexo si yo tambi?n quer?a, me puse nervioso pues el chico era de buen ver, joven de unos 30 a?os y complexi?n delgada, solo le pedi que dejaramos eso para otro d?a y asi poder escapar, al menos de momento, el sigui? bailando, era mi primera vez que bailaba del lado opuesto osea como mujer pero pronto aprendi y me deje llevar, Carly me trato toda la noche como una dama y me encanto, con unas copas encima me calente y fui con Karla a platicarle mi aventura, ella me dijo que pod?a ir con mi amigo si quer?a, ella ya lo conoc?a pues ya hab?a "atendido" a otros travestis de su negocio, Karla me dijo que Charly me cobrar?a 200 dolares que era su trabajo y que me llevar?a a un hotel que yo deb?a pagar tambi?n y que el propio Charly al terminar me llevar?a a la casa de transformaci?n pues ah? ten?amos nuestras habitaciones solo para dormir. Me dio miedo y prefer? no hacerlo esa noche as? que nos despedimos y a las 2 de la ma?ana salimos todas juntas de regreso, excepto Candy que ya hab?a conseguido novio, yo quede exausta y cansad?sima de andar en tacones, es hermos?simo pero infringe mucho dolor a los que no estamos acostumbrados a caminar en ellos todo el dia.. Al llegar a nuestras habitaciones nos fuimos a dormir, dos chicas por habitaci?n, a mi me asignaron con July, una chica de unos 25 a?os hermosa, en nuestras camas nos estaban esperando unos bonitos Baby-Doll asi que nos desmaquillamos y a tratar de dormir, yo no pude pegar mis ojos en toda la noche, estaba muy excitado pero finalmente dorm? algo antes del amanecer. As? pasamos los siguientes dos d?as, era muy agradable vestir de mujer, depilarte, maquillarte caminar en tacones, posar para la c?mara fotogr?fica, sentir tus medias y el aire frio entre las piernas, el tintinear de tus aretes y andar en la calle sin inhibiciones, ir de compras y al sal?n de belleza era el para?so y llegue a pensar en quedarme en ese maravilloso lugar para siempre, era Domingo, mi ultimo d?a, as? que decid? en la tarde que mi vestuario seria m?s atrevido, le ped? a Karla me pusiera una blusita blanca, una minifalda negra y una peluca corta rubia, quer?a mostrarme lo mas femenina y sexy no me importaba que a mi edad quiz?s no fuera el mejor atuendo pero quer?a encontrar a Charly y que me viera atrevida y sensual, regresamos al antro donde conoc? a Charly, algo en mi quer?a realmente encontrarlo, lo busque afanosamente en los 3 pisos pero no estaba, platicando con otras chicas les comparti mis pensamientos, les dije que si Charly aparecia y me buscaba me hiba a ir con el a un hotel, mi fantas?a estaba desbordada y quer?a tener esa experiencia antes de partir, les comente que era virgen y nunca hab?a tenido experiencia de ning?n tipo con un hombre, ellas re?an como locas y me dec?an que era una putita, solo que "de closet" , de repente Charly apareci?, las muchachas me bromeaban y dec?an "anda salgan y h?ganse el Amor" luego una de ellas a la que le hab?a confesado mi secreto lo expuso a Charly y yo me sonroje, entonces Charly me tomo de la mano y con un gesto de caballerosidad dijo "con su permiso se?oritas pero debo hacer florecer toda su feminidad a esta bella dama", acto seguido me saco del lugar y fuimos a su auto, Charly noto mis nervios y me dijo, "no vamos a hacer nada que tu no desees as? que no te pongas nerviosa", llegamos a un hotel al parecer usado frecuentemente por Charly pues lo conoc?an bien, entramos a una habitaci?n que parec?a ser donde Charly viv?a pues hab?a ropa y muchas cosas que suelen estar en un cuarto habitado, entonces Charly me dijo abiertamente "No se si Karla te comento de mi tarifa, son 200 para mi y 100 del cuarto" yo le respondi que estaba de acuerdo y le entregue el dinero, entonces Charly me pidi? que me desvistiera y me insinu? hacer primero sexo oral pero me negu?, le explique que hasta ese dia era heterosexual y nunca hab?a estado con un hombre y que el tomar un pene en mi boca me parec?a repugnante, el entendi? y me dijo " No hay problema, pero si vamos a hacer el amor por tu trasero primero debes hacerte un lavado intestinal, me dijo que en el ba?o hab?a enemas desechables y condones que pasara a lavarme, asi lo hice, vi una bolsa de liquido transparente con una manguera larga que tenia en la punta un tubo largo de unos 15 cent?metros, lei las instrucciones que estaban inscritas en la bolsa que dec?a "Enema Anal" me lo meti cuidadosamente el tubo por mi colita, abri la llave y espere a que todo el liquido entrara, debi permanecer unos minutos con mas de un litro de liquido en mis intestinos, luego expulse el liquido en el inodoro, limpie mi colita y tome un condon y una crema que dec?a "Desensibilador anal" supuse que si me pon?a esa crema me doler?a menos cuando me la metieran asi que al terminar mi lavado me unte la crema en mi ano, era la primera vez que metia mis dedos en mi agujero pero sent? rico y la crema me dio una sensaci?n fresca, Sali del ba?o y Charly ya estaba desnudo, su pene estaba parado y me pidi? que le pusiera el cond?n, ya sab?a yo hacerlo en mi propio pene pero el de Charly era enorme y grueso asi que con mis enormes u?as postizas la tarea no fue sencilla, al cubrir parte del pene con el latex del condon corrobore que el largo del pene era descomunal, el condon solo cubria la mitad del mismo, despu?s Charly me subi? a la cama, me puso de rodillas con una almohada en mi estomago y mi cara de lado sobre la cama, entonces me vi en un enorme espejo que era las puertas del closet, estaba yo empinadita totalmente vestida de nena esperando ser penetrada por mi macho, Charly bajo mis pantimedias y mis pantaletas, yo estaba muy caliente y sent? como apuntaba su glande en mi hoyo, con movimientos muy tenues inicio la penetraci?n, sent? como mis nalgas se partian en dos, un dolor lleno toda mi cola pero solo pujaba y Charly me tranquilizaba diciendo "Lo hare sumamente despacio, te va a doler pero solo al principio, cuando la cabeza de mi pene pase de lleno por tu esfinger el dolor se convertir? en un gozo tan grande que ya no querras que te la saque nunca mas", y asi fue, un espantoso dolor se apodero de mi y de repente nada, un electrizante y sensual estimulo me invadi?, empece a gozar cada mil?metro de pene que estaba lentamente recorriendo mi intestino, no llevaba ni la mitad de pene dentro de mi cuando un enorme borbot?n de semen sali? de mi pene, nunca en mi vida hab?a expulsado tanto semen, era incre?ble pero lo mejor de todo apenas iniciaba, Charly se meti? en mi tan profundamente que las sensaciones de placer de inmediato regresaron, entonces sent? los test?culos de Charly tocar mi depilada colita, la penetraci?n era total, y vino lo mejor, Charly inicio su ritual con movimientos cadenciosos, sacaba su pene hasta dejar solo el glande inmerso en mi y lo volv?a a introducir r?pidamente, lo hizo por casi 10 minutos incrementando la velocidad, yo estaba en las nubes, exitada y caliente, quer?a mas, mucho mas y ayudaba un poco haciendo mis propios movimientos, jadeaba, gritaba y todo mi cuerpo estaba en extasis con calmbres finalmente todo termino como deb?a, charly arrojo su caliente esperma que a pesar del condon yo percibi, y al mismo tiempo eyacule yo por segunda vez, esta sincronizaci?n nunca la hab?a experimentado yo con ninguna chica ni siquiera con mi esposa, fue una experiencia indescriptible, al grado de que cuando terminamos yo misma le ofreci a Charly hacerle sexo oral, no se que me paso pero perd? el sentimiento de repugnancia que tenia antes, ahora lo quer?a tocar y chupar Charly me confeso que sabia que eso iba a pasar, me dijo "Una vez que un Travesti es pentrado por primera vez, su mente y alma se transforman en mujer, ya no puede dejar de pensar como una mujer y su mente estar? siempre deseando mas sexo y a un macho que se lo d?", esas palabras penetraron mi mente y tenia raz?n, en ese momento solo deseaba besar su pene mimarlo y tragarme su semen, cosa que desde luego sucedi?. Exaustos ambos nos qudamos en la cama, Charly se acerc? a mi y me beso en los labios, me sent? totalmente una mujer y le respondi con intensidad hasta sentir la lengua de Charly escudri?ar toda mi cavidad oral, luego repetimos el sexo una vez mas hasta quedar ambos dormidos. Por la ma?ana me angustie, deb?a haber dormido en la Casa de Transformaci?n y adem?s tenia mi vuelo de regreso a las 3:15 PM asi que levante a Charly y amablemente me llevo, fui recibido por Karla y de inmediato me llevaron al ba?o, ah? me quitaron todo vestigio de feminidad que tenia, me vesti nuevamente de Adrian y me fui al aeropuerto, asi termina mi historia, cr?anme que vali? la pena cada d?lar gastado, durante esos cuatro d?as Adriana fue la mujer mas feliz del mundo. Espero no se hayan aburrido y si les gusto pues escr?banme para compartirles mis pr?ximas aventuras que ya estoy planeando. Besitos a todas

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Naughty Things And Me

Hello readers……This is Siju with yet another story. Hope you remember my two stories “naughty things” and” naughty neighbor”.Well this time I am going to tell you about my experience I had with one of my friend whom I met in a train . So her name is Lachu from Kollam. Just 21 years old . chubby girl with size 36,32,38. She is studying for hospital management. And I am 27 now. Working in an MNC at Cochin. It was around 4.00pm I get into the train , I was going to bang lore for some meeting. Then...

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Lindas Homecoming

The blame is mine, at least for the affairs beginning, although I had nothing to do with its continuance and I'm still not sure how I feel about that. I need to start by saying that I have never wanted to see my wife with another man nor have I ever wanted her to have affairs. But life sometimes gives you a whole lot of what you do not want. It started with the death of my wife's Aunt Mildred. Linda had to fly back to Ohio for the funeral, but because of several extremely important projects...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 2 Midnight Caper

Judith tucked her hair up under the short black wig until no blonde strands could be seen. She positioned the black broad-brimmed hat on her head and fastened the cape neatly around her black bodystocking, its red silk lining adding the only color accent to her costume. The cape also served to cover the black shoulder bag that was slung behind her. Finally, she fastened her rapier to the belt. This was her third date with Wayne in two weeks—a kind of dating speed record in her experience....

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Adventures of DonnaPart 6 Baby throat

Adventures of Donna–Part 6 (Baby throat) Amanda released the large pole, which was hard and erect a good 15 or 16 inches. Donna smiled with pride as she smoothed Amanda’s beautiful hair out of her face. She leaned over and kissed the little girl hard on the mouth, their tongues tickling each other. Amanda got a little pre-occupied with her aunt and slid her mouth down to Donna’s little tittie mounds. She sucked hard on a nipple, loving the way it got big and hard. ‘Umm, that feels nice. Suck...

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I Get to Fuck my Two Hot Sisters in the Quarantine

The first months we all had plenty to keep us occupied and keep out of each other’s way, but one night Evelyn came into my room while I was sleeping and crawled into my bed and started to stroke my cock. I started to dream I was getting a hand job and when I opened my eyes I realized my dick was rock hard and it was being sucked and sucked well. I moaned, not paying much attention to who was blowing me. I rubbed the ass of the woman giving me head and she stopped sucking my cock and turned...

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A dirty night in

My boyfriend’s parents were going on holiday, this meant one thing for us, we would have the house to ourselves. This also meant we could have sex somewhere other than his small bedroom. Whilst he was out at work, I had a day free from university so I made the preparations. I cooked a romantic meal, shaved myself clean, put on some lacey underwear and covered the sitting room in candles. I found a porn dvd we had bought on a recent trip to Amsterdam and put it in the tv, then lay down some...

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Heather Panics But All Is Well In The End

When Heather saw the headlights of her husband, Tim’s, truck as it pulled into their carport, she went into a panic mode. She took her hands off of my cock, jumped off of her air mattress and seemed to figuratively run on the surface of the water of my swimming pool, as she rushed to get out, find and put on her robe and run through the gate of my privacy fence, to her house. When she got home, Tim looked at her and asked where she had been, dressed only in her robe and why did her body look...

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The Vacation Part 1

It was the summer of 1984. I had recently graduated from high school and I was sitting in the back seat of the family car en route to our traditional family vacation.My name is Laura. I grew up in a very conservative, Methodist family. My mother and her side of the family were particularly religious. My father’s side of the family was a bit more relaxed, but within my immediate family, my mother definitely called the shots.Every summer we took a week-long trip to a very large campground. We...

First Time
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deepest darkest descent part 3 husband is home

so im maria ive been turned into a slut for black cock whilst my husband is working away i eat black cum my pussy has been stretched so all i can ever have is black cock i eat black cum from annas pussy the other slut owned by tyrone since the night i was fuxxed by tyrone on the hood of my car and covered in 40 loads of nigger cum ive heard nothing from tyrone my husband is due home today and i havnt missed him one bit im sure he will want to fuck me but seriously his tiny cock is not going to...

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Experience with sis

(This is a borrowed story )Hi, This is Abhi(24) from Hyd.Here I would like to share my experience with my elder sister priya(32). The story took place when i am 18 and my s*s is 26 years of age. My family consists of me,mom, dad, b*o and s*s. b*o is studying in Bits pilani now.He did most of his schoolingand inter in hostel only, so its me and s*s who will be at home.I am very reserved person from my c***dhood, as a result i didn't make many friends.I hardly have 2-3 friends.One day one of my...

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My Nieces Three Part 2 Fucking Rachel

Sharon and Karen were Rachel’s sisters and my sister’s other daughters. Sharon was a 14 year old cheerleader in junior high and would start high school that fall. Tall, with long, shapely legs, nice firm boobs, and an amazing tan, she could turn many an eye just by walking across a room. Karen was shorter, also a cheerleader and 13 years with small boobs but the best booty I think I’ve ever seen. Their younger brother Carl was the baby of the family at 12 and a scout with the local troop. The...

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Great ride

I had just gotten a new motorcycle and my wife and I decided to take a 2 day trip on it and just to get away. We have an average sex life and played the games a few times in the past but for the past few years it has become somewhat routine. We packed a couple sets of jeans, tee shirts hit the road. It was a typical summer week and the ride was wonderful. As the miles from home got more and more she would occasionally slide her hands up and down my back, tickle my neck, reach around for a...

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Mom Duaghter Go to the Beach III

Chapter 7 This story is continued from two earlier installments which can be found on my profile….hope you all enjoy!We all headed back to the beach. All of the guys were laughing and having a good time. Lisa had a smug smile on her face which probably matched my own. I had just sucked two wonderful cocks off and loved everything about it!When we hit the beach the guys headed off to do some boogie boarding while Lisa and I worked on our tans."It was sexy seeing you suck my brothers! I had never...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Son

Greg and Sarah Murphy pulled into their driveway after going to the store to retrieve a few last minute items for their cookout. The gathering was intended to celebrate a number of occasions from their 19th wedding anniversary to the return of Greg’s longtime friend, Edrick, from Kuwait. They grabbed the bags and walked inside the comfortable split-level home they had purchased seven years previously. Their marriage had been like any other – plenty of good times and a few bad ones as well. They...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 65

It was the biggest rivalry game of the football season and the stadium was packed. The stands were awash in the two teams colors. The beer was flowing and the crowd was really into the battle on the field. Two men from rival teams were standing in line to use the men’s room and being who they were they began to jaw back and forth. The insults were generally harmless. When they arrived at the urinals they were standing next to each other and, of course, they raced to see who could finish...

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Watching Daddy With My Sister The First Time

It was a special day; sis and I had been busy all day preparing a birthday meal for daddy, all his favorite things, steak, potatoes and green beans. He always had a few cocktails before eating, and I had gotten his bottle out, put ice in a pitcher and sat it beside his chair. He was going to be so surprised that we had gone to all this trouble for him.When he arrived, he complemented us on the wonderful smell of dinner cooking and seeing his cocktail mixings ready, he was ecstatic. He sat down,...

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Here Cums the Bride

I have been married to my beautiful and sexy wife Judy for five years Now and I love her more now than the day we married. To start this narrative I want to go back to my wedding day five years ago yesterday. That morning I drove out to the old resort hotel, where the wedding was to be held, about two hours early. I had worked at the hotel while I was in college and it's where Judy and I met. As I wandered around the grounds I remembered all the fun I had the three summers I spent working...

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Sister Does DogsChapter 10

All the rest of that Saturday, Gail fucked and sucked her brother and her dog. Late that night, the three lovers collapsed in a tangled, exhausted heap on Gail's bed and slept soundly until the next morning. While Scotty waited impatiently at home, Gail and Biff attended church services. They both had a difficult time concentrating on the minister's sermon, but when he began to preach against the evils of the flesh, they sat up and took notice. Gail and her brother exchanged excited...

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A Pussy Worth Millions First Masturbation

When you are poor, all you think about is how to survive. I was born in a poor village, and all I got during my childhood were hardships and struggles. Looking at my life now, I take all of that as positives, including my first masturbation. Working on crops, I always had a good physique. After puberty started hitting me, I was blessed with a huge pair of boobs. I am not so tall, just 5 feet three inches, but I have a body to die for. I need a 40D bra size. So you can imagine how big my tits...

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Hot Naked CousinChapter 10

Unable to bear anymore, Mike suddenly pulled Lani from Jessie's pussy. Her mouth dripped pussy-honey and her face wore a surprised look as her father quickly guided his thick cock toward her yawning, wet cunt, furred with moist, curling hairs. Half rising, her eyes opening, Lani smiled. "Oh, goody, it's you, Daddy. Fuck me hard, Daddy! Fuck meee!" she cried. Her wet cunt closed lewdly around the head of his cock with a hot, sexy snap. Mike stroked it in deep, feeling her entire body...

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It was because of Angela that my predilection for mature women was formed. Perhaps it was also due in part to the significance of the date, 18th of February 1982, my eighteenth birthday. After all losing your virginity to a woman twenty three years your senior is bound to have a profound and ever lasting affect. I was living in a fairly remote coastal town in Western Australia at that time; a builder’s laborer having just left high school with not much of an idea of what I wanted to do with...

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Friendship Grows Chapter 3

The coffee had just started to drip. Kelly passed by and went out the back door and just looked around the yard. She did indeed seem to be enjoying the privacy. Across a wide yard and lot beside mine was a small auto repair business. A handful of cars in some state of either repair or decay were parked at the rear of their lot. I told her it created a tiny bit of traffic during the day, but honestly, I hardly noticed it being there. We had both kicked our shoes off when we entered the house and...

Love Stories
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Alexs BDSM Adventures Pt 1

The door opened, and what Alexandra saw made her feel comfortable. There was a girl of similar size and stature, but with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing very little, just a pair of light blue tanga panties and a matching bra, as well as a leather collar with a ring on it. Her nose was pierced with a ring through one nostril as was her belly button. Alex was wearing similar clothing, but in pink, apparently her new host liked this kind of underwear. She was a very sexy woman,...

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Cuckold Fantasy

I surprise my husband with a weekend hotel getaway. When we stay at a hotel, he likes me to order room service and answer the door wearing a mostly unbuttoned white dress shirt, bra and my tiny red thong panties. He waits in the bathroom as I open the door and invite the waiter inside. I've done this for him several times and the waiter always enjoys the view as he takes his time rolling the cart and waiting for his tip.When we meet, I will call you instead of room service and when you arrive,...

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We were the cool guys in high school the ones everyone wanted to hang out with because to be seen with us was to be cool yourself… The leader of our merry band was named Spike he got that nickname because once when he was jumping a fence he slipped and fell on a piece of rebar it impaled his upper thigh just missing his main artery we all freaked out but not Connor he just said “Oh Shit!” and lifted himself off that bar with bl**d pouring out of his leg we put his belt around his leg to stop...

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My Cousins Visit on a Quiet Afternoon

(This is a recollection of a teen-aged escapade)I have an unfathomable desire to somehow create a hilarious situation where I will be naked with an erection in front of my cousin. I'm not sure exactly why the scene plays out in my mind, a surprise of some kind based on an improbable joke and the unbridled laughter that will accompany my standing nude with my excited cock pointing up in front of me.Maybe it's the Playboy magazines my friend Joey found in his grandfather's garage last week that...

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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 25

Believe it or not, but Ashlee spent the weekend with me. Her daughter came over with her boyfriend and we had a nice dinner then they all left. Sunday night when I went to bed alone in a room that had a very strong smell of sex. I enjoyed it very much and thoughts of Ashlee filled my head as I fell asleep. Monday morning, the first day of the week where I was going to retire from working and get my bucket list done. It was also the day that John and Krystal's house was going to get redone...

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Sex with Cousin Her Friend

This story has a prequel which I will post later. To tell you in short, this story starts on the next day of the day I Saw My Cousin Sonali Semi Nude. I took rest the whole day, but Sonali’s thoughts were not getting of my mind. I was thinking of how I can have A pleasure With Her. I was also feeling guilty of Sex with My Cousin Sis. At around 6.00 I decided to call Sonali. She picked up the phone and said, hello SAM, I was thinking of you all through the day. I was very pleased to hear that,...

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Summer StormsChapter 1

When we returned from Aunt Susan’s, in late August of 1978, we arrived at a house that hadn’t been lived in for almost three months. Our neighbors checked on things for us and watered Mom’s plants, and we had a service to mow the lawn, but other than that, the house sat dormant. So Erin and I, Mom and Dad, engaged in several whirlwind days of cleaning, shopping, and dealing with mundane things. I suppose the routine was what I needed, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I missed Susan more in those...

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My God Mitchell Where Did You Get That

Introduction: Mitchell's older sister sees his massive cock & just has to try it My God Mitchell, Where Did You Get That! Panties, God I love that word. Panties, girls’ panties, teens’ panties, MILF panties, hell even grannies, I love them all. I’ll scrounge through laundry baskets, hampers; look under beds and behind chairs, wherever I can find them. Not clean, freshly laundered panties, I want the ones that have been worn with stained gussets and powerful odors, oh that’s heaven.When I...

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Caught with Drugs MFFF

Caught with Drugs M/FFF When I married my wife named Sue, I knew she had a wild side to her. In her college days, she had been caught for smoking marijuana, and was actually arrested for it. Sue had spent a few days in jail, but basically got off very easy. Before we got married, we discussed her past drug usage, and she promised me that she would never use illegal drugs again. This was especially important to us since we are planning for a family. I told Sue that if I ever caught her ...

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Petra Ch 02

Two weeks off! Wow! What will I do?’ Petra thought after her boss left. She looked around her small apartment and decided to clean. So not wasting a moment, she started cleaning. Not that she had much, but over the years she had acquired some things. Soon she had two piles. One pile was things for the dump, and the other were things she could donate to the local shelter. Taking her time, Petra carried several small boxes to the curb. No one offered to help and she finished putting things out...

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A Wrong Turn for Two White Girls

There's no hotter show for a teenaged girl this year than popstar heartthrob Jason Barker, and getting tickets to a one-night only performance in a major city requires serious effort, money or influence. Fortunately for Erika van Blakt, student at the prestigious Sutton Girls School and spoiled daughter of a multi-millionaire mining magnate from South Africa, her father's business connections give her access to all three. And so, returning from a morning jog around the grounds, the slim beauty...

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Sea Adventures II

Sea Adventurespart IIWith huge gratitude to bartybabe for his impeccable assistance The CoveAfter I came to my room around 6 o'clock, my mother decided not to let me out of her sight till the rest of vacation. For a few days we were going at the same time to the beach, which was on the other side of the village. Almost every morning we would bump into a nice, blue eyed guy with rockabilly haircut, not much older than me. He would look at me with his head lowered and smiled and I enjoyed those...

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BackroomCastingCouch Ashlynn 19 Years Old

Thick, sweet 19 year old barista Ashlynn is here to see if she has what it takes to make it to the big time.She’s got a real girl next door presence about her and arrives wearing a very pretty little sun dress which we get rid of pretty quickly. After getting her naked, she has fun playing with some toys and pops the butt plug right in. When it’s time to suck my cock she gets down to business really slurping and sucking on my rod. I fuck her all over the desk and have her ride me with that butt...

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Princess of Castile chapter 7

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 7: First Strike This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Elsa sat in the darkness of her private chambers, wondering what foolish plot her sister had planned now. She had received news that her sister had been captured and taken to the island province of Aragon...

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Dabai Main Hone Wali Sali Ki Chuda

Hi readers main apni ek sachi kahani batane ja raha hoon jo mari hone wali sali ke sath he ye kahani aaj se 5 saal purani he. Mera naam yasir he mari age abhi 27 saal he our mare loure ki size 7 inch bara and 3 inch mota he abhi main apni story pe aata hoon main dubai main ek achi company main kaam kerta hoon udhher mari hone wali sali apne husband ke sath rehti he. Main hamesh us ke ghar chuti ke din jata tha main jab bhi jata tha tow wo akser apne ghar ke kaam main lagi rehti thi magar mare...

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