Transformacion De Adrian free porn video

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Hola a todas, les quiero comentar una aventura que pase hace algunas semanas, para iniciar les comento que soy Heterosexual, travesti de closet ya maduro, inicie con mi travestismo a los 11 a?os pero lo pude reprimir casi hasta los 20 a?os pues en mi ?poca el travestismo se pensaba como algo del demonio y yo, en ese entonces, me lamentaba de tener ese deseo de vestir de chica, como naci en los Estados Unidos, tengo la nacionalidad Norteamericana pero tengo padres Mexicanos asi que puedo estar en ambos pa?ses sin problema, ya recibido de mi carrera pase muchos a?os trabajando en Mexico en una empresa Gringa y aqu? me case y forme una familia con 2 hijos, en todo ese tiempo solo pod?a travestirme a escondidas y por poco tiempo asi que lo hacia una o dos veces al a?o, ya maduro mis deseos de travestirme crecieron enormemente asi que decidi investigar por internet y encontr? una casa de Transformaci?n en la Cd. De San Francisco, elabore de inmediato un plan que fui construyendo por 3 semanas, hasta que logre inventar un viaje a USA no sin antes contactar y hacer una cita con una empresa seria dedicada a la transformaci?n por lo que pude conseguir un costoso paquete de 2,450 dolares que incluia 4 dias de transformaci?n total, desde chones hasta u?as, fotos, paseos por la ciudad (San Francisco) cenas en restaurantes y salida a antros y tiendas para compras, asi que me fui y aqu? les comento toda mi experiencia que pase. Llegando al lugar nervios?simo, entre al establecimiento el dia y hora acordado, me recibi? una chica transexual bell?sima, se presento como Karla era una de las due?as, ella sabia mi nombre y de inmediato me pidi? una tarjeta de credito para pasarla en la maquinita bancaria, me dijo que lo primero seria tomar mis medidas, me saco todas las medidas (hombros, pecho, cabeza, cuello, cintura, piernas, altura, entrepiernas y medida de pies), despu?s me llevaron a un ba?o y me pidieron ba?arme en ba?o de burbujas aromatizado, fue agradable, me dieron instrucciones de c?mo usar la crema depiladora en mi cuerpo y un tratamiento humectante para despu?s del ba?o y la depilada, al terminar ya no ten?a rastro de pelo de mi cuello hasta abajo, Sal? de la tina y me dieron un rastrillo para rasurarme, no me dieron a escoger vestuario, la chica hab?a puesto en un taburete unas pantaletas beige para usarlas, me las puse y note que eran muy firmes del frente pues ocultaban perfectamente mi pene, despu?s me llevaron a una habitaci?n donde pegaron unos pechos de silicon en mi depilado cuerpo, pesados como de medio kilo c/u, un brasiere beige y unas pantimedias transparentes abiertas de los dedos, luego vino el maquillaje el cual me daban un curso al ponerlo en mi varias veces hasta hacerlo yo solita, luego vinieron las u?as postizas en pies y manos y unas enormes pesta?as falsas pero muy coquetas, una faja muy apretada me dio figura femenina, luego un fondo blanco que me llegaba a las rodillas, un vestido color vino ? de largo y completaron mi atuendo con peluca, aretes de clip, collar, pulseras y unas lindas zapatillas de tacon negras con punta abierta que dejaban ver mis hermosas u?as falsas. Ya vestida iniciaron las clases de c?mo caminar, sentarse y hablar, luego la sesi?n de fotos, esta la hacian dos chicas maduras pero bellas, me explicaron que diariamente probar?a dos atuendos distintos y dos sesiones de fotos, hab?a mas chic@s como yo, algunas muy j?venes y bellas y otras maduras como yo, por lo general las j?venes luc?an minifaldas super sexis pero elegantes y a l@s madur@s nos pon?an atuendos de acuerdo a nuestra edad, explicaban que es un principio b?sico del travestismo si quer?amos salir a la calle, ya en la sesi?n de fotos particip?bamos todas, nos daban bebidas con alcohol y eso ayudo much?simo a romper el hielo, era muy curioso ver a tantas mujeres super arregladas pero los sonidos de las voces eran de hombres, una de las administradoras nos puso un juego en donde deb?amos mencionar 3 nombres de mujer que nos gustaban y entre todas votaban para escoger el que mejor nos quedaba, yo puse Adriana, Marcela y Cristina, las chicas escogieron el que siempre uso Adriana y me gusto por la similitud de mi nombre masculino Adrian. Al terminar la sesi?n de fotos nos pidieron que arregl?ramos nuestro maquillaje ayudadas unas a otras para proceder con la salida a un restaurante, con mis u?as artificiales largas es toda una odisea, todas nos pusimos muy nerviosas pues casi ninguna hab?a salido del closet, excepto una jovencita llamada Candy que ya hab?a estado en el lugar anteriormente, eramos 11 chicas mas 2 acompa?antes, llego por nosotras 3 taxis y salimos al centro a comer, era un restaurante donde ya sab?an de nosotras pues la casa de transformaci?n lo usaba continuamente, no hubo en ning?n momento alguna se?al de discriminaci?n, es mas ning?n comensal volteaba a vernos con burla, solo con asombro y hasta coqueteaban un poco, en esta ciudad parece haber much?sima gente como nosotras pues en la calle ve?amos a chicas que eran obvios masculinos y viceversa, la experiencia fue muy divertida y maravillosa, salimos despu?s de compras, era el para?so, imag?nense estar comprando y probandote lo que quieras sin temor, uff yo me surti de lo lindo, deb?a comprar una maleta extra para mi regreso y asi lo hice, despu?s de comprar regresamos a la segunda sesi?n de fotos y de vestuario, esta vez era muy elegante y propio para salir a cenar y bailar, todas las chicas luc?amos maquillaje m?s pesado para la noche y no por nada pero ya ninguna pod?a ser catalogada como un hombre travestido, los manerismos, voces e imagen eran ya, en tan solo un dia, de mujeres. Por la noche sucedi? lo emocionante, salimos a bailar a un antro muy especial, tenia 3 pisos y en cada uno hab?a m?sica seg?n la generaci?n, abajo se escuchaba m?sica de los 70s y 80s , particularmente calmaditas para bailar, en el piso de en medio m?sica de 90s y actual pero con muchos lapsos calmaditos y en el piso superior solo rockeras y escandalosas pero era el piso mas lleno, yo conoci todo el lugar y prefer? junto con 3 compa?eras el primer piso, de por si no me gusta bailar asi que al menos escuchar?a m?sica de mi ?poca, de repente salieron 2 galanes que me pidieron a mi y a otra amiga que sali?ramos a la pista a bailar, yo le comente al galan que mejor sacara a mi otra amiga pero el insisti? y con una se?al trajo a otro amigo para que sali?ramos las tres al baile, no nos quedo mas remedio asi que salimos y bailamos m?sica muy cachondita, era mi primera vez que un hombre me tocaba estando yo vestida de mujer asi que mi nerviosismo era notorio, de inmediato mi galan se presento como Charly y me comento que me calmara, que sabia que eramos travestis y que la mayor?a de los del antro lo eran, que muchos chicos gustan de ni?as como nosotras y vienen a tratar de conquistar, le pregunte que cual era su intencion respecto a mi y sin dudarlo me dijo que quer?a sexo si yo tambi?n quer?a, me puse nervioso pues el chico era de buen ver, joven de unos 30 a?os y complexi?n delgada, solo le pedi que dejaramos eso para otro d?a y asi poder escapar, al menos de momento, el sigui? bailando, era mi primera vez que bailaba del lado opuesto osea como mujer pero pronto aprendi y me deje llevar, Carly me trato toda la noche como una dama y me encanto, con unas copas encima me calente y fui con Karla a platicarle mi aventura, ella me dijo que pod?a ir con mi amigo si quer?a, ella ya lo conoc?a pues ya hab?a "atendido" a otros travestis de su negocio, Karla me dijo que Charly me cobrar?a 200 dolares que era su trabajo y que me llevar?a a un hotel que yo deb?a pagar tambi?n y que el propio Charly al terminar me llevar?a a la casa de transformaci?n pues ah? ten?amos nuestras habitaciones solo para dormir. Me dio miedo y prefer? no hacerlo esa noche as? que nos despedimos y a las 2 de la ma?ana salimos todas juntas de regreso, excepto Candy que ya hab?a conseguido novio, yo quede exausta y cansad?sima de andar en tacones, es hermos?simo pero infringe mucho dolor a los que no estamos acostumbrados a caminar en ellos todo el dia.. Al llegar a nuestras habitaciones nos fuimos a dormir, dos chicas por habitaci?n, a mi me asignaron con July, una chica de unos 25 a?os hermosa, en nuestras camas nos estaban esperando unos bonitos Baby-Doll asi que nos desmaquillamos y a tratar de dormir, yo no pude pegar mis ojos en toda la noche, estaba muy excitado pero finalmente dorm? algo antes del amanecer. As? pasamos los siguientes dos d?as, era muy agradable vestir de mujer, depilarte, maquillarte caminar en tacones, posar para la c?mara fotogr?fica, sentir tus medias y el aire frio entre las piernas, el tintinear de tus aretes y andar en la calle sin inhibiciones, ir de compras y al sal?n de belleza era el para?so y llegue a pensar en quedarme en ese maravilloso lugar para siempre, era Domingo, mi ultimo d?a, as? que decid? en la tarde que mi vestuario seria m?s atrevido, le ped? a Karla me pusiera una blusita blanca, una minifalda negra y una peluca corta rubia, quer?a mostrarme lo mas femenina y sexy no me importaba que a mi edad quiz?s no fuera el mejor atuendo pero quer?a encontrar a Charly y que me viera atrevida y sensual, regresamos al antro donde conoc? a Charly, algo en mi quer?a realmente encontrarlo, lo busque afanosamente en los 3 pisos pero no estaba, platicando con otras chicas les comparti mis pensamientos, les dije que si Charly aparecia y me buscaba me hiba a ir con el a un hotel, mi fantas?a estaba desbordada y quer?a tener esa experiencia antes de partir, les comente que era virgen y nunca hab?a tenido experiencia de ning?n tipo con un hombre, ellas re?an como locas y me dec?an que era una putita, solo que "de closet" , de repente Charly apareci?, las muchachas me bromeaban y dec?an "anda salgan y h?ganse el Amor" luego una de ellas a la que le hab?a confesado mi secreto lo expuso a Charly y yo me sonroje, entonces Charly me tomo de la mano y con un gesto de caballerosidad dijo "con su permiso se?oritas pero debo hacer florecer toda su feminidad a esta bella dama", acto seguido me saco del lugar y fuimos a su auto, Charly noto mis nervios y me dijo, "no vamos a hacer nada que tu no desees as? que no te pongas nerviosa", llegamos a un hotel al parecer usado frecuentemente por Charly pues lo conoc?an bien, entramos a una habitaci?n que parec?a ser donde Charly viv?a pues hab?a ropa y muchas cosas que suelen estar en un cuarto habitado, entonces Charly me dijo abiertamente "No se si Karla te comento de mi tarifa, son 200 para mi y 100 del cuarto" yo le respondi que estaba de acuerdo y le entregue el dinero, entonces Charly me pidi? que me desvistiera y me insinu? hacer primero sexo oral pero me negu?, le explique que hasta ese dia era heterosexual y nunca hab?a estado con un hombre y que el tomar un pene en mi boca me parec?a repugnante, el entendi? y me dijo " No hay problema, pero si vamos a hacer el amor por tu trasero primero debes hacerte un lavado intestinal, me dijo que en el ba?o hab?a enemas desechables y condones que pasara a lavarme, asi lo hice, vi una bolsa de liquido transparente con una manguera larga que tenia en la punta un tubo largo de unos 15 cent?metros, lei las instrucciones que estaban inscritas en la bolsa que dec?a "Enema Anal" me lo meti cuidadosamente el tubo por mi colita, abri la llave y espere a que todo el liquido entrara, debi permanecer unos minutos con mas de un litro de liquido en mis intestinos, luego expulse el liquido en el inodoro, limpie mi colita y tome un condon y una crema que dec?a "Desensibilador anal" supuse que si me pon?a esa crema me doler?a menos cuando me la metieran asi que al terminar mi lavado me unte la crema en mi ano, era la primera vez que metia mis dedos en mi agujero pero sent? rico y la crema me dio una sensaci?n fresca, Sali del ba?o y Charly ya estaba desnudo, su pene estaba parado y me pidi? que le pusiera el cond?n, ya sab?a yo hacerlo en mi propio pene pero el de Charly era enorme y grueso asi que con mis enormes u?as postizas la tarea no fue sencilla, al cubrir parte del pene con el latex del condon corrobore que el largo del pene era descomunal, el condon solo cubria la mitad del mismo, despu?s Charly me subi? a la cama, me puso de rodillas con una almohada en mi estomago y mi cara de lado sobre la cama, entonces me vi en un enorme espejo que era las puertas del closet, estaba yo empinadita totalmente vestida de nena esperando ser penetrada por mi macho, Charly bajo mis pantimedias y mis pantaletas, yo estaba muy caliente y sent? como apuntaba su glande en mi hoyo, con movimientos muy tenues inicio la penetraci?n, sent? como mis nalgas se partian en dos, un dolor lleno toda mi cola pero solo pujaba y Charly me tranquilizaba diciendo "Lo hare sumamente despacio, te va a doler pero solo al principio, cuando la cabeza de mi pene pase de lleno por tu esfinger el dolor se convertir? en un gozo tan grande que ya no querras que te la saque nunca mas", y asi fue, un espantoso dolor se apodero de mi y de repente nada, un electrizante y sensual estimulo me invadi?, empece a gozar cada mil?metro de pene que estaba lentamente recorriendo mi intestino, no llevaba ni la mitad de pene dentro de mi cuando un enorme borbot?n de semen sali? de mi pene, nunca en mi vida hab?a expulsado tanto semen, era incre?ble pero lo mejor de todo apenas iniciaba, Charly se meti? en mi tan profundamente que las sensaciones de placer de inmediato regresaron, entonces sent? los test?culos de Charly tocar mi depilada colita, la penetraci?n era total, y vino lo mejor, Charly inicio su ritual con movimientos cadenciosos, sacaba su pene hasta dejar solo el glande inmerso en mi y lo volv?a a introducir r?pidamente, lo hizo por casi 10 minutos incrementando la velocidad, yo estaba en las nubes, exitada y caliente, quer?a mas, mucho mas y ayudaba un poco haciendo mis propios movimientos, jadeaba, gritaba y todo mi cuerpo estaba en extasis con calmbres finalmente todo termino como deb?a, charly arrojo su caliente esperma que a pesar del condon yo percibi, y al mismo tiempo eyacule yo por segunda vez, esta sincronizaci?n nunca la hab?a experimentado yo con ninguna chica ni siquiera con mi esposa, fue una experiencia indescriptible, al grado de que cuando terminamos yo misma le ofreci a Charly hacerle sexo oral, no se que me paso pero perd? el sentimiento de repugnancia que tenia antes, ahora lo quer?a tocar y chupar Charly me confeso que sabia que eso iba a pasar, me dijo "Una vez que un Travesti es pentrado por primera vez, su mente y alma se transforman en mujer, ya no puede dejar de pensar como una mujer y su mente estar? siempre deseando mas sexo y a un macho que se lo d?", esas palabras penetraron mi mente y tenia raz?n, en ese momento solo deseaba besar su pene mimarlo y tragarme su semen, cosa que desde luego sucedi?. Exaustos ambos nos qudamos en la cama, Charly se acerc? a mi y me beso en los labios, me sent? totalmente una mujer y le respondi con intensidad hasta sentir la lengua de Charly escudri?ar toda mi cavidad oral, luego repetimos el sexo una vez mas hasta quedar ambos dormidos. Por la ma?ana me angustie, deb?a haber dormido en la Casa de Transformaci?n y adem?s tenia mi vuelo de regreso a las 3:15 PM asi que levante a Charly y amablemente me llevo, fui recibido por Karla y de inmediato me llevaron al ba?o, ah? me quitaron todo vestigio de feminidad que tenia, me vesti nuevamente de Adrian y me fui al aeropuerto, asi termina mi historia, cr?anme que vali? la pena cada d?lar gastado, durante esos cuatro d?as Adriana fue la mujer mas feliz del mundo. Espero no se hayan aburrido y si les gusto pues escr?banme para compartirles mis pr?ximas aventuras que ya estoy planeando. Besitos a todas

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 59

Even though she was hurt by Cecilia's rejection, Laura was comforted by two things. One, she had been through this before, with Rina, with Yvette, with Jonelle. In each case, their desire had got the better of them, and they had ended up in Laura's bed. Two, she had seen in Cecilia's throbbing eyes the same sort of desire, fascination, dimly understood but genuine lust. She wants to, Laura thought, smiling. She just can't let herself. The next afternoon, at work, she got a call from...

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A Governess for RichardChapter 11

He waddled rather than walked towards the ornate French windows at the end of the conservatory. He felt absolutely naked and humiliated as he turned to walk back towards the young women. He instinctively covered his genitals with his hands, clutching his penis and testicles close to his body. "Come along, you can walk straighter than that." The doctor spoke firmly. "Hands by your side stand straight up and walk towards me." Richard blushed at the rebuke. He let his hands fall to his...

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 3 Trained to Serve

CHAPTER 3: Trained to Serve --- The maid learns how to serve Mistress Tate Each day, after Cecilia had finished practising his ladylike walking in the posture bar, Mistress Tate would teach him a new household skill. First she would sit him at the kitchen table and make him write down her detailed instructions in his Maid's Notebook. From then on, he had to perform his duties from memory. At the end of the day, they would review his work against the standard set out in the notebook....

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The Cheerleader Roast Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica wasent the only one to be sacrifised to the spit for the pack or ravenous football players, Its Staceys turn. The Cheerleader Roast Story: #9 Copyright 2005 Written: January 1 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 – The Entertainment Stacey is now just a memory to the 5 scared girls, lying in the dirt, waiting...

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You Can Look But You Cant Touch

Copyright© Richard nudged the door open with his knee, slowly shoving forward trying not to spill the gin and tonics he held. Once he was the other side his ass swung at the door, closing it. "Here look at this for a mouthful," he walked over to where his wife was sat at the computer, putting the two glass's down he lent over her shoulder, "And what mouthful of fuck fantasy are your little perverts telling you now?" Monica took the drink from him, "Look for yourself; read what he would...

5 years ago
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Caribbean VacationChapter 16

Ken couldn't sleep. He had to take a walk and think. Their suite in the Panama Victoria Hotel was very nice. If you wanted it even had hot and cold running maids. They hadn't been up to that. No, he just wanted to walk. Pedro snuck up behind the gringo and hit him on the back of the head. It was enough to knock him out. Others were taking him away. All he wanted was a little money for his effort. Emilio stuck his knife into the Panamanian and watched him die without a noise. He had done...

2 years ago
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Degrading Aunt And Family To Be My Sex Slaves Part 8211 2

This is the part 2 of degrading my aunt and family to be my sex slaves…. In the previous part, I drugged my aunt Reema and had sex with her in the sleep… Took a video and later blackmailed her to fuck me… And made her my slave…   Now that Reema aunty was my slave I thought of breaking her mind and make her addicted to sex and intern addicted to me… We had continuous sex sessions after I return from class. Some days I would fake becoming sick and fuck her all day long without any breaks… Her...

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Parallel Lives

Parallel lives: Housecleaning is a thankless task. Especially when you are clearing out an attic. Especially in the Texas Summer heat. Especially when it isn't your stuff, but the stuff left behind by previous tenants. Yet here I was, wasting a perfectly good Saturday in the attic instead of watching the Astros game. Ah the things we do when a woman asks, especially when you are unemployed and she is covering the bills. It wasn't that the attic was large, it was just very...

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Battle Scars

This story is fictional, and involves two characters that stand in for me now and then. I arrived at the airport at least an hour before the flight. Partly habit, but partly nerves, I have to admit. I didn’t really know how I was going to do with this, didn’t know what to say. All I knew is that I had to be there. Some weird logic told me that it was supposed to be me returned from far away, an injured warrior returning to a loving friend. Not her. I had made it through two tours in the...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 24 A Taste of University

“G’day Hannah, jump in,” I said to her as I pulled up at the bus stop. “Thank you again, Will, for driving me with you,” she replied as she settled into the passenger seat. “I’ll give you money for the petrol, too.” We had to be at the University by 8:30 for the first day of the vacation computer programming school. I had been looking forward to this ever since Mr King had told me that I have been selected for the five day course. I was surprised about Hannah; I hadn’t known she was...

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The Ballad of Zachery Carson Ch 01

I can’t seem to keep away from the western stories. Maybe I was a real cowboy in another life or maybe I long for the time when a man could decide his own destiny without interference from the government or some do gooder telling me how to speak and think. Who knows? Thank for taking the time to read and comment on my work. As usual constructive critiques, comments, and especially emails are welcome and appreciated. ******************** ‘You don’t have to leave Zach,’ Caleb said. Zachery...

3 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 19

Interlude: At another Mall, that same evening. For such a large and fearsome looking man, Mandy thought, the guy could be surprisingly gentle at times, and she allowed him to lift her leg without protest. She was lying on her side in his enormous bed, her eyes closed, her unaroused vulva completely exposed. She imagined his eyes inspecting her and she shuddered a bit, and then worked to keep herself under control. It was the same as last night. He started playing with her with the back of...

3 years ago
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All My Love

Your lips are so sweet and soft and succulent. Every time I see your face I want to kiss and hug and hold you. Why am I so addicted to your love? I don’t deserve you. You are too good to me. I give you so little and you give me so much. Am I a fool to love you so? Open your eyes and see me. I long for you. I need you. I can’t live without you. Can you feel my voracious appetite for your love? I have so little to offer yet I need so much from you. If only I had more for you. If only I could...

Love Stories
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Quarantine Boredom Gone Too Far Part 2

Waiting at the kitchen table was Christa fully showered and clothed. The turned around and said, morning sleeping head before turning back around. My mom Megan put down a plate of pancakes at the table for me. I sat down and reminded myself, act normal, don’t be weird. I responded to Christa, morning and thanked my mom for breakfast. I ate my food and then retreated to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. The first half of the day I had virtual classes, Christa was in her...

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Tinder Gets Me Laid

Hey guys and girls,, thanks for your responses. Although few were negative, but it’s fine!! Also, some guys ask contact nos. of my ex-partners which is not good. Guys, they are not whores.. but humans and they too have every right to enjoy sex. Now without wasting more time, let’s come to the indian sex story. The heroine of this story is Vidushi. She was not exactly a bombshell but was extremely fair. She originally belonged to Himachal may be that’s why. As you guys know, I always have tinder...

3 years ago
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A Trick Of The Light

It’s Friday evening and as I load the dishwasher I try notto think how weary I am feeling. Sam has had a busy daytoo, I’ve heard about it over dinner, his unreliable officestaff and how the majority are taking time off due to‘stress’.‘Stress!’ he exclaims, they’ve never done a day’s workin their lives, how can they have stress?’I turn the dial, it clicks and I hear the whoosh of waterbeginning to fill the dishwasher. It’s a signal to Sam; hewill appear in the doorway and wink at me. I know...

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I walk quietly into your bedroom early in the morning.You're still asleep, lying on your side with just a sheet covering you from the waist down. Your hair is partially hiding your face and I can hear you breathing.I study your shoulder so softly rounded. Your back smooth and beautiful. My eyes follow your spine down into the top of your tempting ass. God I love to look at your ass.I'm standing naked beside your bed, my erection hardening as I watch you sleeping.I look at your creamy breasts...

Straight Sex
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The Babysitter

My wife Erin and I don’t get to go out often but when we do we always try to make the most of it, whether that be to find some erotic play or just to go out dancing or dining. We’re into the swinging lifestyle and enjoy the odd get-together. The very odd time we’ll go out overnight and when we do we try to have a babysitter as our youngest is old enough to be home alone but we prefer him to have someone older here just in case something were to go wrong. Wasted money for the most part but peace...

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A Trip Full Of Surprises

After her fabulous Blowjob she took me now to bed, laying down on her back side I started licking her from her toes passing through her already Wet Pussy's Hole Fucking it with my tong tasting her sweet Juices while one of my fingers caressing in rounds and fingering her wet Anus made her start moaning after going more up making a stop by her Big Boobs squeezing them strongly and biting gentely her Big Rounded Brown Nipples meanwhile moving to the side her pantie's cordon sliding into her Wet...

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Velvet Crushs Kinky Marriage

I squatted down, my back against a brick wall and my dress pulled up, exposing my bald, dripping pussy. Two slightly drunk men, whom my boyfriend, Anthony, had pulled from the club, were taking turns putting their stiff dicks into my mouth to suck as we were hidden behind my car. Including these two, I had sucked off a total of 5 different guys this night, as Anthony paraded me, Velvet Crush, his well-known, porn star, girlfriend, around the club, pimping me out for sex to guys he wanted to see...

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One for the BooksShare Holders Meeting part 2

The sun was shining brightly through the curtains of my room when I woke up late the next day, I came down stairs to find the cabin for the most part, quiet..I found David in the living room, cursing loudly at the soccer ball game he had playing on the big screen,“ Where is everybody?” I ask,“ The ladies have went shopping” he said with a smart ass tone, that did nothing to alleviate my fears that he had heard us all last night.I decided I was going to go for a trail run, I wanted to avoid any...

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DayDreaming----------Sitting at my desk staring blankly out the window into the yard, I barely heard the voices around me. People were chattering endlessly, asking questions, which no one cared if they were answered, making comments that I did not hear. Mechanically, I must have been responding as no one was complaining although I could not have told you what the response was or to what I had responded. Everything was a blur.In my mind's eye, I was naked and kneeling. The surroundings were...

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My first time with a milf job training true stor

it all begin when i graduate from high school,i was at home bored and had nothing to do,so i decide to go look for a job.when i got the job the next week i started training for the job, 23 of us started on the job...this was my first job and i was nervous so i wen and took a seat and and i saw this beautiful woman next to me sh look a little older about mid 30's i think 32 years old. we started talking and for that one month of training we became i remember it clearly it was the last...

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Mosi ko choda

Heello sab aunty ko mera salam mere naam sahil hai me gujrat ka hu meri ye pehli kahani hai is liye agar likhne me koi galti ho to mujhe maaf kare agr koi aunty ko mujse sex karna ho mujhe mail kare or apna contact no de mera mail id hai. to chalo ab kahani par chalte hai baat aaj se 1 sal pehle ki jab ham sab log darshan kar ke vapas aa rahethe ham sab log ek truck me the nicche gadde bichaye hue the rat ho chuki thi barsat ka mosam hone ki vajah se truck pura dhak diya tha me sab se picche...

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Audreys Funeral

Three months after Steve and I had double fucked Audrey and three weeks after she’d died her funeral was held, Grandma wanted to go and asked me if I’d take her, obviously I said I would. We attended the service and then was asked back to the wake at a local public house. After being there for twenty minutes or so Grandma had to go but I was asked if I wanted to stay. I took Grandma to her shop and then went back to the pub, getting myself a drink this lady came to talk to me. “Are you *****”...

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Oh God Please DontChapter 3 Learning to Love

We went to sleep in the same bed that night, Bill (for thus he told me to call him) having abandoned the cot for the comforts of a mattress and springs. I was still restrained although not as severely as I had been the previous night. He had simply handcuffed my hands around a post in the head board. When we awoke, the day went similar to the previous day. He shackled me and locked me in the bathroom to clean up. I checked the window over the tub, but he had added a padlock to it so I...

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The Show0

You raise a breast up to your mouth and start to lick and suck your nipple, all the while staring into my eyes. You do the same with your other breast and then slide your hands down your body. You turn around and slowly slide your pants down. I bite my lip as I stare your gorgeous ass. As you step out of your pants I get a brief glimpse of your pussy. You turn to face me and you slide your hand between your legs. Your eyes shut as you start rubbing your clit. With your other hand you...

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The Kingdom

The king was the ruler of his kingdom. He controlled everything there. He also loved to fuck. He would even fuck some of his soldiers wives anytime he wanted. He had a room with several rows of beds which he kept his whores. These were the women he bred to give him more sons. If they had daughters they were allowed to keep them but the sons he took for his kingdom. They were taken to the the milk women. These were the women with the big tits full of milk and they nursed these sons. They had...

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One Dead Cheerleader

Copyright© 2002 Kenny N Gamera Mr. Young, the van driver, stuck the shovel into the sand with finality and looked at the men standing around the lip of the shallow pit. Two stood to his left. One of the others stood to his right and front. He looked at each with a question in his eyes. It was the fourth man, the one behind him, who answered with a single gun shot. Mr. Young knocked over the shovel as he fell. The men walked over to the bound girls and woman. The men listened to the sobs...

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The Tangled WebChapter 3

This time the honeymoon lasted for almost three years. We did more together besides fuck, but we did plenty of that. Can a marriage last if it's based on lust? I guess we'd find out – even one as crazy as ours was. The fourth anniversary of our meeting came and went quietly. One summer Sunday, we met at the airport as usual. She was excited – no, anxious is more correct. Uncertain of me, for some reason. She had no luggage, and was almost dressed in her 'Baroness' costume: a dark blue...

2 years ago
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Princess and the Pauper 2

The Princess and the Pauper: Chapter 2 It had been less than two hours in the castle from being a street beggar and I have had to dress as a fancy boy, then next as a lady messenger. In addition, I still have not been feed anything. I followed the ladies like a good servant. They lead me back toward Princess Katherine's apartments. Once there I stopped at her door. I knew that it was not correct etiquette for a male to enter a female's apartment. My father had taught me...

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Life On The Road Part 2 Seattle

Every time I travel with my job, the opportunities are endless. Businesswomen at bars, wives stopping at Starbucks, stay-at-home moms shopping for husbands and family, the urges are everywhere. My problem is, I can’t just walk by without making myself known. I am a man. I can’t help it. The woman that you see at Starbucks is a woman on her way home from work. The woman that I see is a private fuck party waiting to meet someone that will make them lose all control of their inhibitions. The woman...

3 years ago
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Priestly PromiscuityChapter 22 Taming Tina

Christina was perhaps the most tormented of the hot-blooded young ladies in the convent now that Sister Lisa's torment had ended. She was a petite eighteen year old who had, for four years, watched the after-hours goings on in the dormitory. During her first three years she had been the frequent bedmate of one of the nuns, a very dominant woman who had seduced the tiny girl when she first arrived. At the same time as she was developing the fourteen year old girl's sexuality, she also...

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Keeping A Secret

Sandy stood in front of the large mirror in her room and examined herself. She was wearing one of her very short summer dresses. If she leaned forward a little, like now, you could see that she hadn't put on panties. Sandy straightened up again and stroked through her long blond hair. She sighed softly, wrapped in thought around Peter, her same-aged stepbrother. The damned guy had figured out something he should never have found out - something that no one in her family should ever find out...

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I had left home when I was 18. I got a good job when I left school and was to able to afford my own place. Life at home wasn’t so hot, my father was an alcoholic and my mother turned a blind eye to all his faults. I couldn’t wait to leave, and lived happily in my own place for 5 years. My only regret was leaving my little sister, Ankita, behind. Ankita and I had always been close. I hated leaving her in that house with my parents but she always seemed to be round at mine. I didn’t mind, as far...

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If Candy is Dandy and Liquor is Quicker

Timmy Haggerty was up before the sun even thought about showing up. As he slipped on his wet suit, he could hardly wait to see his uncle’s reaction. He hadn’t been working weekends for nothing. He’d saved every dime and bought his uncle an old, long board and wet suit. Timmy figured his uncle would be stoked to get back in the waves again…Help him forget about his divorce. Maybe even encourage him to stay in Orange County and take him on surfin’ safaris like...

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When I was a Dirty Girl touching my Pussy

Guys, again as with every story I write for you arousal, I still get men preferring to comment on some message to me, Please stop it, if you want to say thank Mariel, do so for others to see your appreciation of my work to please you, at the end of the story.Please enjoy, from the mind of a woman to the cock's of all men. Love Mariel. men like hearing a beautiful woman talk dirty, I know I do, especially when I am fucking, feeling a cock sliding in and out of...

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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

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Chrissys Journey to Become a Woman

Chrissy's Journey to Becoming a Woman By Scott Wilson I am lying down in the pre-surgical unit of the sexual reassignment clinic here in Southern California. Alongside my bed was my father David, my mother Karen, my sister Jennifer and my boyfriend Roger. They were all there to support me as I finish my journey to womanhood. My Dr. comes in, "How are you doing this morning Chrissy?" I said good but, nervous. She took a hold of my hand and said, "Everything will be okay, we talked...

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