Clarity free porn video

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Clarity - by Jenny Masters "You know you've lost every bet you've ever made, right?" "Statistics say that I'm due, then." "Or that you make terrible bets." "Look, do we have a bet or not?" --- Alan wished there were a better rhyme or reason for what he was about to do. Maybe- maybe something contrived. Life could go in unexpected directions, after all. A crashed car in the backwoods of Tennessee, Tom there to pick him up, fire-forged friendship and a life-debt to pay far in the future- No. He could think in terms of contrivances like that, sure. That might make the bet a bit more palatable to other people with more fragile psyches. Alan always prided himself on his mental clarity. The truth, the cold hard truth, was he was going to lose the bet. He was going to lose the bet because he wanted to lose it. He knew it, Tom just might get it, and- Damn. Another touchdown. The Titans weren't supposed to be bad this year, but then again, they never were really good, either. Ten minutes to go and fourteen points up; he'd win convincingly. A grand was a lot of money for Alan and all grad students everywhere; a grand was far too much for the prideful country boy who'd just moved to the big city. A mechanic's pay just didn't stretch in the city like it did in the mountains. Alan had warned him of that repeatedly. Nobody could say he didn't. So, yeah, the bet. Another field goal. Tom glanced at the TV, staring at the center of his beer can. He'd stopped drinking in the second quarter. Stupid pride- stupid dude- would make him work like a demon to pay off that grand. "Look, man-" "Nah, you were right. You're due. I'm good for it. I'll pick up a second job." The seconds ticked down. Bing. Gone. The Titans were giants with feet of clay. Tom held his face in his hands. Damn. It would be so much easier- Alan picked up the remote and clicked off the TV. Things were going to get frustrating the next few days. He'd had the scenario all mapped out and now, goddammit, now the moment was gone. His roommate got up, stifled a belch, and went to his room. Alan clenched his hands. Clarity of mind, clarity of purpose. The fiction would've made it easier for Tom, he was sure of it. But maybe relief would fill the same void? Alan got up and knocked on the bedroom door, unwilling to let Tom sleep just yet. "Fuck off. I'll pay it off. Teaches me not to bet." "Look, it's not like that." "A man's got his pride." "Fuck your pride, man. Let me in." It felt like a few moments of hanging over a mountain cliff, just like the dreamed fiction. Alan clenched his fists until Tom cracked open the door. "Yeah, what." "Man, nobody cares about the Tennessee Titans anyway. To tell you the truth, I was trying to lose-" "I don't need your cash that bad!" The door slammed shut in Alan's face. "Dude! Goddammit, listen!" Clarity of mind, clarity of mind... deep breaths. "I wasn't going to pay you. Just, just fucking shut up and listen. I was going to pay it off another way." "Like what, giving me your junker? I can build better cars in the shop." "No. No. Um. Tom. Look. This is hard to explain- I can set you up with someone." The silence had become something alive, writhing in Alan's gut like eels or butterflies or- "Yeah, look, the stuff with Katey's put me off the dating game for a few years. I need to focus on my job." Goddamn, he was obtuse. Alan sighed. "You want to pay off the debt? You can pay me off another way. You're going to go on a blind date with someone. Two weeks. Got it?" "... OK, how ugly is she?" Alan winced. "She's pretty hot." "I hear a 'but'." "Either that or the grand." The "Fine, I'll do it" felt like it took five thousand years to come through the door. --- ?You've been in a pretty bad mood the last few days. What's up?? ?Problem with our plan. He lost.? ?Shit. That's no fun.? ?I know, right?? Alan leaned back on his computer chair, typing away to his old guildmate. They'd beaten the final boss of World of Warcraft together- the 'delete account' button- but he and Tanya hadn't stopped gaming together. ?Look, you're looking at this the wrong way.? ?Well, one of the legs of my fantasy just got cut out from underneath me.? ?So the fuck what. I mean, chances are pretty low he'd even go for that scenario. No plan survives first contact with the enemy.? ?Wasn't the point of this to make the whole thing easier? I mean-? Alan stopped typing and stared at the ceiling, ?- this isn't easy to admit. Or do.? ?Sure. But Mr. Self Aware, you forget that realizing a problem is different from fixing one. You've got a fantasy, you want to act on it, but you just can't take that final step. You're the one that wants to self-actualize and have a super awesome fun time. So go and do it.? ?You get off on it too.? ?Sure, and I'll be pissed if you don't send me a video. Pictures will only delay my wrath.? ?Ha ha. I'd have to ask his permission for that.? ?Do it right and he'll be wrapped around your little finger, so I'm not too worried. Look, you've been kinda craving this for years. Just bite the bullet and put out a craigslist if this doesn't work.? ?We've been through this.? ?Yeah, yeah, I know. Plus he's pretty cute. And muscular. I want him to pin me down and fuck me senseless too. But I am unhappily ten states away otherwise I'd be jumping your claim...? There was a pause; ?Look, I've sent you some ideas for the blind date. Any one of them.? ?A fucking Sailor Moon outfit? I don't think so.? ?If you pick it I'll personally pay for the best money can buy. If not, just pick one you little wuss. Keep me updated!? --- Alan stared at the accouterments on his bed. He'd thought about it for a while, and eventually with Tanya's advice had thought up a new plan. This time, he'd developed contingencies. He sincerely hoped that Plan Z wouldn't go into effect: packing his bags and moving to Antarctica. In the end, the blind date was just a stalling tactic. A restaurant would be a really, really bad idea; even dressed up Tom would recognize him. While he wouldn't make a scene it would put him on the defensive. It would be better to just meet him after work dressed up, explain it like it was, and hope that Tom wouldn't just pick up and leave the apartment immediately. While Tom was at work, Alan took a nice long bath. He went for a vanilla scented shampoo and lotion, a scent he knew his roommate couldn't resist. He wished he was like some of the girls he'd talked to at the specialty store, with fine blond body hair, but unlike them he had to work to look like he'd had a bikini wax. Razors and depilatory cream took a few hours out of his day, but he'd had practice. In the end Tanya had finally agreed that the Sailor Moon outfit would be just a bit too much for this first encounter. But she'd been adamant that he bust out the big guns; schoolgirl or french maid to really beat it into Tom's thick skull that Alan would be happy to beat him off. He'd gone french maid, which meant 5" black pumps, fishnet stockings, and a dress that only barely reached the top of the stockings. A few of the dresses came with flimsy v-shaped gloves; he preferred the much longer opera-style gloves. But first, the makeup. Alan wasn't exactly great at it. Living with Tom and his nervous disposition hadn't really given him the time to practice. Instead he'd paid a good hundred for an aspiring Sephora salesgirl to come on over and give him the works. Of course, he'd been kinda ripped off; she insisted he paid for the makeup she used as well. Looking in the mirror he decided it was ultimately worth it. He looked feminine but recognizable, with pouty velvet red lips and sultry smokey eyes. She'd given him dark blue and black wings at the corner of each eye with the eyeliner, making him look exotic and sultry and oh god he hoped it would stop Tom in his tracks. First the lacy black thong. Then the stockings. Then the dress and the high heels that made him feel like his ankles were about to break. Then the deep bra, the oversize breast forms, the dress, and finally that straight black wig- He looked like Alan Roberts, Halloween Drag Edition. Alan took a few moments to really look at himself. He wanted to pass only far enough to convince Tom to fuck him. He didn't want to actually be a woman. The breasts were... just too much, especially for the maid's outfit. They pulled the maid's dress in odd directions, a sure sign that it was made with a smaller breast size in mind. "Fuck it," Alan muttered. He took the breast forms off. The dress settled a lot more pleasantly against him, moreso when he filled the bra with some tissue paper, just enough to fill the cups. There. Better. He took a few pictures and forwarded them to Tanya. ?Not really totally passing, there. You're bigger than your average girl and you can tell- but hell, I think you look hot enough.? ?Thanks for the ringing endorsement.? ?Your face will get the most attention especially if you pout your lips. When's he come back?? ?30. Think I should try right after he gets out of the shower?? ?Good idea. Pics love! Pics!? --- Waiting was the worst part. Tom had come back in a bad mood and went right for the shower to wash off all the oil and sweat of the day in the shop. Alan waited in his room, waiting for the sound of water to start. That was his cue- saunter out into the living room in his heels, the sound of the shower drowning out any hint of sound from his heels on the carpet. Then he waited for the water to stop. When it did, Alan felt like his heart did as well. There were those fictions again- maybe if he lost his balance and Tom was stepping out he'd catch- No. Tom stepped out with a towel wrapped around his hairy, muscular frame. His eyes grew wide. Alan felt small, like a glass of water in a desert. He wished that Tom would just... drink him up, but his stomach began to sour when Tom started shaking his head. "Goddammit. Al, man. That's you, isn't it. You're the girl." "Yeah. It's me." "Why?" Alan stopped, frowning, pursed his lips and looked up at the man. "I could tell you a hundred reasons and most of those would be lying-" "Yeah, don't lie to me. Seriously." "The truth is I've always wanted to do this with someone but never had the guts. But you're... you're a good friend. I trust you. And you're pretty fucking good looking. So you were pretty much, uh-" "The go-to." "Yeah, that's about it." "Shit, man." Tom shook his head, "You know what they do to people like you where I'm from?" "Yeah." "That's a hell of a risk." "I told you I trust you." Tom looked at Alan, really looked at him. Alan felt light-headed. "So let me get this straight. You wanted a date with me and you pick that as a get-up?" Tom started to smile and chuckle. Alan let out a sigh of relief, chuckling along with him. "You know, Tom, you're a dumbass." "So you keep on saying." "You're going to drag this out of me, aren't you? Fine. I want to suck your cock until your cum dribbles down my lips. Then I want to keep sucking you off until you're hard as a rock again and I want you to fuck me over the edge of the couch." Tom looked at Alan as his roommate shivered, a red blush peeking through the slutty makeup. Despite everything, he could feel himself harden. It'd been so damn long since he'd gotten head. Alan didn't have the typical hourglass figure but fantastic legs, and that face... and those damn lips. He could even smell vanilla. Alan had really thought this through. Tom turned to walk to his room, his shaft swelling against the towel. It was involuntary and he realized just how that would affect his roommate. "Shit. Sorry, I just- need a moment? To think?" "Don't think too long," Alan said in a faltering voice. --- Tom certainly wasn't thinking when he entered his room. At this point, he went on autopilot. Alan's blunt enthusiasm had counted for a lot. He wasn't quite sure about the whole gay sex thing, but head he could understand. It took him a minute to find an unexpired condom. Another minute passed by as the absurdity of it all hit him. Was he really about to let his friend of five years dress like a damn french maid and polish his knob? Yes. Was he going to fuck Alan over the couch? He stared at the condom. No, not over the couch. That shit was going to fall apart at any moment. "Fuck it, if any furniture's gonna get screwed up over it it's gonna be his." --- Alan was about to throw up from sheer nerves just before Tom stepped out, gloriously naked. Alan couldn't keep from letting out a moan of relief slip through his painted lips. Tom walked across the floor to him, standing a foot away. "So, let me get this straight. You're pretty much gonna pay me a thousand dollars for a fuck?" The two burst out laughing, only for it to get deadly serious again as Alan sank to his knees. His gloved hand trailed down Tom's stomach, brushing through the hair until he firmly grasped Tom by his rapidly hardening cock. Cut, like he'd always imagined. Tom's penis wasn't too long- only six inches, Alan guessed- but thick enough that he realized his teeth might be a problem. So he stroked his best friend's cock with his hand, licking his lips as his mind whirled. He was really doing it. He was going to- Enough thinking. Alan pushed the rock-hard cock up and leaned forward, breathing in Tom's scent just before he licked at the base of his friend's shaft. His tongue trailed up along the underside, slipping over the soft yet firm cock until it reached his pursed lips. He looked up and their eyes met. Tom put both hands on Alan's head and Alan just about melted; Tom was taking charge! It wasn't quite the narrative that had really gotten Alan started in the first place. He wasn't being forced to dress up for Tom, he wasn't being forced to deliberately jack off his roommate, he wasn't going to have to pretend that he didn't want to deep throat his best friend... but just a little initiative had been taken away from him, and he knew at that moment that it was just enough. His lips parted. He tucked his lips over his teeth, his jaw opening to try to take the monster in front of him. He tasted of soap and a bit of sweat and warm flesh. His lips closed around the young man, forming a tight seal as he bobbed his head like he'd always imagined. His tongue swirled over Tom's thick cockhead, drawing a groan of appreciation and pressure on the back of his wig. Alan obliged, letting more of the shaft slide into his hungry mouth. He wished he'd had a bit more practice trying to deepthroat. Later, he promised himself. For now, there was only Tom's cock poking against the back of his throat. He gagged as it poked a bit too far and Tom backed off a bit, only for Alan to aggressively bob downwards. His silk-gloved hand grasped the cock right in front of his lips, jacking off Tom as he enthusiastically moved his lips up and down the object of years of sleepless nights. He paused to pull a hair from his wig off of Tom's cock, and Alan looked up to see Tom's eyes were wide and sweat was dripping from his brow. But his focus had to remain on Tom's cock. He closed his eyes, his spare hand grabbing Tom by the back of the thigh- oh God, Tom's legs were quivering! Alan had almost no practical experience in the art of fellatio, so he was a bit surprised when Tom's cock pulsed and swelled in his mouth. He had only a few seconds before that thick, salty cum filled his mouth, escaping the tight seal of his lips. It dribbled down his bottom lip and covered the fingers of his gloves. Tom just about roared with pleasure; Alan took the opportunity to drive the man insane by slipping the thick cock as deep as he could into his mouth. He'd really done it. The first mouthful, the first mouthful that made him a greedy cocksucker, that proved that he could drive a man wild with desire. Tom finally drew back and coughed to clear his throat. He leaned against a wall and looked at Alan. "God- damn-" He croaked. "I'm not done yet," Alan all but purred, wiping cum from his lip with his stained glove and licking it off. "I don't think I CAN go again anytime soon-" "You leave that to me. On the couch." "Let me get a water first." Tom staggered to the kitchen, getting out a glass. Then he changed his mind, taking a can of Coca-Cola from the fridge. "You need one?" "I've already gotten a drink." "Ha ha," Tom shook his head, his body still shivering. He downed the can, staring at Alan as the crossdressing maid posed seductively on the ground in front of him. Damn. He wished he had a Jack Daniels right now. When he walked back to the living room, Alan clambered up to meet him- only for Tom to pick him up and carry him to his own bedroom. --- Alan was right, Tom decided; Alan knew just what they both wanted. A few minutes of nibbling and licking and sucking and he was hard as a rock again. "Hey, mind if I take a picture or two?" Alan asked, gesturing to his computer as he jacked off Tom. "Uhhh-" "Pleaaaaaaase?" "Hey, videos and pictures are extra." Alan smirked- god, those lips!- and dragged the tip of his tongue across Tom's cockhead. "I'll pay. Another thousand?" "W-" "Just joking, baby." "F-fine." Tom stammered, "Hey, what about a condom-" "I'm clean. What about you?" "Not comfortable without one. No lie." "Fine. I saw you walk out with it earlier anyway." Alan got up to turn on the computer, pulling aside his thong as he set up the camera. Tom watched with equal parts appreciation and trepidation; here he was, your average country boy, about to plow his roommate's pert ass. But he'd already let Alan suck him off, so... at this point, who the fuck cared? When Alan returned, he of course put the condom on with his mouth. He'd not magically gotten deep-throating skills in the last half hour, so he had to finish rolling on the condom with his hands. That was Tom's cue. He threw Alan onto the side of the bed, ignoring the squeak of pleasure as he worked out the mechanics. He pulled apart Alan's ass- "I'm already lubed up," Alan interrupted him, impatience and a tiny note of dread in his voice. Tom positioned himself. Closed his eyes. He rolled his hips forward, his cock pressing against Alan's asshole. Alan whimpered, and Tom could feel Alan's ass opening a little. Tom didn't know much about anal sex but he knew it wouldn't exactly be easy... but they had used a lot of lube. And Alan had probably practiced... "Hurry up. Fuck me. Please." Alan said aloud, "Make me your little bitch." Tom swallowed and pushed forward, his shaft gradually opening the slutty boy-maid's ass. Finally his shaft slipped through and he gasped as Alan's ass tightened around his girth, then drew him in. "Oh... fuck..." Alan's mouth hung open, his ass spasming around the cock. He didn't have too long to get used to the invader before nature took its course- nature meaning Tom's indescribably urgent desire to fuck Alan senseless. The pain made his eyes tear up and his hands clench the sheets. The first few thrusts just about drove the breath from his lungs. His own cock was hard as a rock, and it was getting mashed against the mattress. He was finally doing it. He'd sucked off Tom, the taste of cum was still on his lips, and now his man was pinning him to the bed and plowing him hard against the sheets. His whimpers turned to squeaks, his squeaks to squeals. He wanted desperately to see the thick shaft stretching his hole and disappearing into his hot body. Instead he held on as best as he could as his best friend fucked the living hell out of him, fucked him hard enough that he couldn't stop from spurting his own cum all over his maid outfit. He knew the moment that Tom came into him that it wouldn't be enough. There wasn't 'just this one time'. This would happen again and again. When Tom rolled off of him ten minutes later, Alan couldn't get up to turn off the camera. "I hope you like the view, Tanya," he whispered under his breath, knowing that she'd get a good view of his abused asshole. He moaned as Tom pulled him closer, the two sharing panting breaths. "What'd you say, Al-" Tom trailed off, obviously unsure of what to call his friend. "Look, it's just Alan." "I'm not comfortable using that, ya know?" "Allie then, okay?" "Fine by me. Look, um... that video... it's not going to show up online anywhere right?" "Well, no..." "Uh huh." "I do have a friend who gave me some advice..." "Yeah, not comfortable with that either." Alan tried to sit up and failed. "You said they're extra. How much?" "So I'm a porno actor now?" "I mean it, Tom. How much do you want?" "Uh... you said a thousand? But I know you don't have the money..." "Whoever said anything about paying with money?" Alan leaned forward and kissed at Tom's neck. ----- Alright, thanks to anyone who reads this! This is my first attempt at, well, anything kinda like this. I'm sure I have a lot to work on but it's 5 AM. I may write more; Alan's got to get pinned down and fucked hard in the future, and I'd like to see Tom pimping him out at some point. I'm willing to take suggestions!

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Jacqui would only be visiting my family for the next four days, and would then return to her family in the west Texas plains. Some way, I had to experience her again before then. Since she had initiated our first rendevous last night, I was confident that she would be more than a willing participant again. That bathroom was across the hall from my room, and the urgency of my morning piss was impossible to ignore. The towel that Jacqui had so coyly teased me with the night before lay on...

3 years ago
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Jackie of All Trades

"If only you spent as much time taking care of yourself as you did studying! Then, you might even have a date for prom...," Marie trailed off as she looked at her own test score. "Haha, you're just upset that she didn't get a D- like you did! Besides, not everyone's daddy buys their daughters luxury shampoo," Lisa came to Jackie's defense. But Marie was already checking her makeup and hair with a pocket mirror. Lisa looked back to Jackie and rolled her eyes. "But damn girl, you really must have...

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The night I stayed in Nashville as a sissy

I was traveling to Florida from Missouri to see my k**s. I new always stay the night in Nashville, and sense I would be alone in the hotel I thought I would pack a few of my sissy things. The thought had me hot the whole trip so I had to pull over early and slip into a rest room in a truck stop to put on some things for the drive. I put on some pink panties and stay up stockings, also a little camisole under my shirt. Wearing these under my cloths had me excited the whole trip. By the time I...

3 years ago
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Rhode Island RedChapter 4

I awoke to bright sunshine and the tap, tap, tapping of a woodpecker. I sat up to look for Miles. He wasn't there. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair. I put on a cotton dress and ran downstairs. My husband wasn't in the house as I felt all sticky from his seed leaking out of me and down my thighs. I hurried outside to see Miles on a ladder pounding the roof of the outhouse. So it wasn't a pesky woodpecker after all, it was my spouse repairing the place we relieved ourselves. "Good...

2 years ago
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i don't say a word as i get 2 my knees in front of you. i reach out & gently caress your swollen cock. it lurches spasmodically under my touch. i am getting very hot caressing your thick stick. i lean 4ward & slurp the head of your thick penis in2 my mouth. your eyes roll back in2 your head as you lean back in2 the cushion of the sofa. your swollen cock lurches in my hungry mouth. i can only take a portion of your tool in2 my mouth. i cannot believe that i am actually doing this. i am...

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Dream mixes with real

These old feelings I have guarded for years have returned again. I find myself thinking of my student Vardhini, whom I teasingly call Bardhini in a sexual way. I know I am a better man than to think of her this way. She is so beautiful and so sexy with right nose pierced. I guess I will always wish we could have a sexual relationship. At the same time I want to be a respected law teacher for her life. In all these years, the closest I came to crossing the line as a law teacher was years ago....

1 year ago
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Four Generations One Roof

Feedback greatly appreciated Characters The Standish’s David - Me - 57 Bela - wife - 55 ish’s David - Me - 57 Bela - wife - 55 Isabel - Bela’s mom - 75 Stanley - Son - 32 Janeen - Stanley’s Wife - 40 Kate - Stanley’s daughter - 14 Carl - Isabel suitor #1 - Bi Jodi - 17yo daughter Randy - Yank Bartender Tanya & Pierce - neighbors Earl - Theatre owner We lived in a township about 20 miles northwest of London, called Rickmansworth. Neat little village, awesome pub called...

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AngelicaChapter 47 Probing Questions

Several days after Coach Bills' funeral Martin was sitting alone in his office at the hardware store when Jordan paid him a visit. Martin had always admired Jordan a great deal, even before Frank and Jordan had become best friends. "What can I do for you Doc?" Martin asked when he glanced up to see Jordan standing the doorway of his office. "May I talk with you for a minute?" Jordan asked. Martin motioned for Jordan to come inside his office, "Sure come in." Jordan turned and closed...

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Pimped out wife

Having seen some stories here about women being pimped I thought I’d add my own account of how this happened to me not long before our wedding. My boyfriend and I shared a flat in a seaside town in the south of England. It was a tiny, two-room bedsit type place, old, crumbling and damp. We desperately wanted a home of our own. We had tried to save for a deposit on a house but were finding it difficult as the wedding itself was taking all our savings. My father was in poor health so I could...

3 years ago
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Late Night Sex

You lookin at me while im still eatin you cause you think its soo sexy.You can hear the effects of me tastin you,sounds like a straw bein sucked on when there’s no more drink in tha cup(you kno dat sound ; )…)I stopped and said “Baby stay right there”…..5 mins lata,I came back with sum ice in a bowl.Your face lookin like “O damn what daddy bout to do now?”I place the blow full of ice beside you oand looked at you with a smile.I grab one little ice cube and put it in your mouth,then i lean...

4 years ago
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The Honeymoon

First NightJessica and I walk into our hotel room laughing and chatting about the very long day we just finished. I threw my bag on the desk and she put hers in the bathroom. I am still feeling the champagne so I know she is more lit than me because of how much she drank and her size. Jessica is 5'nothing. Weighing around 110 lbs. She has short choppy blond hair and stunning blue eyes. I could see her little nipples pointing through her little blue dress that made her eyes standout even more....

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Pleasure Principle Supernatural Fic SamOC

Introduction: A series of smutty, sexy one-shots for the Sam Girls out there. Sam finally gets some and the girl *doesnt* die! Sam/OC Callies cell rings, nearly startling Sam right out of the bed. She snickers and reaches for the phone. Hello? she says sleepily. She straightens almost instantly. Where? … Are you sure? … Alright, Ill be there by nightfall. Whats going on? Sam asks as she scrambles from the bed and begins throwing on her clothes. I have to go, she says, stuffing her things in...

1 year ago
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Keeping Guard

I groaned as the sound of my whining alarm clock filled the room, my usual response to the dreaded noise. I didn’t have to look at the face to know it was just past four in the morning, a time when only an insane person would choose to leave a nice warm bed. My mental checklist of all the work ahead of me was no help either, but I managed to swing my legs over the side of my bed and drag myself into the bathroom for a hot shower. My morning routine was quick and easy: get up, make myself look...

1 year ago
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Filling in for Beth Part 5

Thank you for the kind reviews so far. These are the first stories I've ever revealed to anyone and the kind and helpful responses are what give me the confidence to continue. And thank you, thank you, thank you to Fictionmania as well for providing such a safe and encouraging place. I started this tale at the end so I would have a target to arm for. It turns out that convincing my characters to proceed toward that target in an orderly fashion is much more difficult than expected....

2 years ago
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Hood Winked Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood I met Conrad in a pub around the corner from work in the city. We exchanged a few glances and smiles then just hit it off. We never planed to meet, but he was always there when I popped in for a drink with the lads after work. He was an artist. I got to meet his friends and it wasn't long before he had my number and invited me to one of his art exhibitions. I was somewhat in awe. I admired his work, his style, his lifestyle and his friends. I hadn't a gay bone...

1 year ago
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Wearing a lungi

Hi readers, I am writing this real story after being a reader myself for so long. This happened when I was in my 10th standard. As my parents were leaving town, I was left at my aunt’s house to be taken care of. My aunt’s house was a small one with only one bedroom. Incidentally uncle was also out of town. I, aunt and her daughter were to stay for the next 10 days. I am a very shy type boy that time. I returned from school on Friday, went out, played and returned around 7.00pm. My aunt asked me...

4 years ago
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Quickie With A Stranger 8211 Part 1

It was 8 in the morning and I struggled to put up with fact that sun was shining up my ass. Such a lousy day ahead, I thought. There was something camping beneath my night dress, because there was a tent which was vividly observable by anyone. I turned aside and picked up my laptop which was on my bed. I looked for WiFi signal (Thank god my mother hadn’t turned it off). As usual, I opened up a gay porn site. I searched for another site, but then I had seen the whole gay Indian videos in that...

Gay Male
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swingers party

When we arrived there were about a dozen people there, including Donna, and the feeling in the house was one of excitement with the expectation of sex in the air. Looking hot and sexy in her costume, Donna came over to colin and I. As she hugged me I pulled her to me and pressed my breasts against hers and at the same time pushed my pubic mound into hers .. she pushed back and right then I knew it was going to be a good night .. Donna, colin and I played with each other for a while and...

3 years ago
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Watching dryhump of dusky and porcelain lesbians

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for my stories. I am a story writer with About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...

1 year ago
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Young Lawyers in Love

Young Lawyers in Love By Kristina Evans Part I Discovery and Transformation Steve and I were knocking some beers back in our apartment after a rough week at work. We were both young fledgling lawyers trying to make it in the Big City. Living downtown is pricey so we decided to share a 2-bedroom apartment to share the rent until we could get some big bucks to get our own places. First jobs were usually not the best paying but are needed to...

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Camping with Mom

100% fiction! My name is Jim and me and three of my buddies were planning a weekend camping trip. My mom was going to drop us off at a lake in the mountains near our hometown where my friends dad had a small cabin. It was me, my best friend Ted and my friend Marcus who was bringing another black kid named James. We were running late as we loaded our gear in my moms car and Marcus's friend James kept talking about how fine my mom was. He was checking her out every time he saw her. Moms 45, short...

2 years ago
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The Audition

Early Spring 1980 Just minutes before, a rare thunderstorm had graced Los Angeles. Rain had poured in torrents, leaving puddles and causing reflective glare on the streets. The click of high heels on the wet sidewalk roused the attention of the guys standing outside the pool hall. They all turned to watch as a very attractive young blonde walked by. “Hey babe, wanna taste of big daddy tonight?” Laughing loudly the guys made a spectacle of themselves as they stepped off the pool hall steps...

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Woman Roller Skates Naked at the Beach

Prelude: A forty year old woman with a sexy slender body likes to keep fit by roller skating regularly at the beach. One sunny warm day at the beach, she decides to live out her fantasy of skating naked in public. The beach is crowded with people and that makes her fantasy adventure even more exciting. deleted

2 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 2 8211 Threesome Sex With Sister And Her Friend

Greetings everyone! Welcome back to the second part of the saga. I hope you liked the first part. Kindly comment your reviews in the comment box. So I bring to you the second part of the series. Enjoy and cum as much as possible! Avi had an awesome night fucking his arrogant sister Natasha. The sun rays fell on her naked body in the morning and Avi saw that he had a huge morning hard on. He slapped his sister’s naked butt and woke her up. “Hey you bimbo! Wake up! Mera lund bhi khada ho gaya!...

3 years ago
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Fucked my 8th Grade Teacher

It happened several years ago, but I can remember it like yesterday. You see when you get to suck and fuck your 8th grade teacher it’s something you can never forget. Her name was Amy Randouff, she stood about 5’'11"” tall, a perfect 38-25-26 build, blond hair, blue eyes and long legs and an ass you would die for. She spoke softly and was the kindest soul I have ever met. In class every time she walked by my desk my mind would envision bending her over and fucking her from behind. God she...

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The move back home

You had graduated college, you were able to find a job right away, had a wonderful partner, even talking about marriage. Until you found out they were fooling around with a co-worker behind your back. You moved out off the appartment. Spent the first month or so just sleeping on different freinds couches, drinking every night and trying to get into bed with anything that moved. After one long weekend of drinking and sexually debauchery. You barely made it into work on Monday morning, your boss...

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Keeping BrotherinLaw Close to Family

100% fiction! I am the middle sister of three girls that were raised in a respectable upper middle class family in the mid-west. My father worked hard to send us to the best schools and we all found hard working men that we eventually married. My older sister , Eliz, married an attorney, I , Jenn, married a banker and my youngest sister, Lynn, married a medical student. Other than my youngest sister, we all lived with in 50 miles from our parents and home. After Lynn's husband Drew graduated...

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Playing With Cousins 8211 Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is the second part of the series where the game with cousins gets hornier. Previously……. It was 10 PM and I had 3 virgin girls in one day and fucked their mouth, pussy and asshole. I had to be the luckiest person. We all slept well that night and I kissed and sucked Maya and Ritu’s boobs whenever I wanted during the night. The amazing day ended with sound sleep for all. Next………. Next day, I woke up around 5 AM. I found myself naked between Maya and...

3 years ago
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Trip To Delhi With Pooja

Hi it is Vishal again…today i will tell how i made my girlfriend super horny in the bed… Kindly response to my id My gf pooja is 25 year old..she is 5’5″ with super hot figure 36-26-36.. she is as fair as milk. Her boobs are v soft n good in shape with light brown nipples. Her waist flat with deep navel. We planned a trip of Delhi. She never wore hot dresses so delhi trip was going to Be our dream trip. We booked a room in 4 star hotel. Coming to main part of story. We did shopping for her....

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Me my mom and incest

Some of the events from my childhood which I can vividly remember would be for example how I slept in the same bed as my mother whenever I had nightmares or was not feeling well, it happened alot. This carried on until I was around 9 or 10. Another would be when I was around that age and taking a bath, my mom would walk over to me and ask if I had cleaned my penis properly, it was very innocent back then however it also felt great in a way I was unable to explain. She would kneel down next to...

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Lusting for Laura

She was so god damn cute I nearly ejaculated in my pants every time I saw her. Her apartment was close to mine where she lived with her husband, dammit! The thought of him between her legs made me jealous but he was her husband, after all. Her short red hair and cone shaped tits reminded me of an early love of mine that had been hot but ended abruptly when she found someone else. I was thirty years older than she so it was just a jack-off fantasy, albeit the best one that I had. I made every...

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Riding the Javelin

The best fun I had at school was when I got in with Jodi Malenger's gang. This was in England, way back, but Jodi wasn't English, he'd been born in Estonia or somewhere like that and his family had moved over when he was young. Anyway, wherever he was from, he was the toughest and cleverest kid I'd ever met and anybody lucky enough to hang out with him was guaranteed plenty of fun. Partly because his family was well off, but mainly because Jodi seemed to be able to get away with anything...

2 years ago
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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 35

Sarah hated the pain. She hated Sorry for giving it to her and for his beautiful smile of encouragement and Melissa's similar smile. She roared as her body worked to expel its cause. She sweated like a pig, most unbecoming of a negligee and swimsuit model, although she hadn't been one since Paris and New York in late summer six months before. She cursed every curse in the book, including in French and in Sorry's African language. Her vagina opened impossibly wide. Why didn't she choose...

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Progenitor 1 the Beginning

Unexpected Resurrection Once, I was a man. I lived, loved, laughed, and died. I had no complaints with my life; there were more good years than bad. And I honestly wasn't sure whether that white tunnel was taking me to heaven or hell. I was surprised when I woke up surrounded by large-headed slender gray beings. A voice in my head assured me that I wasn't going on to the afterlife just yet. I protested my resurrection; the cancerous mass in my chest was well beyond treatment, and I'd spent...

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Sun Sea and Sensimilla

The Friday night party celebrated the end of the school year, there were about 200 people in attendance. Lots of music, food and liquor, Rodney had brought along a ‘stick of illie’ or marijuana as a bonus, and we all took turns taking a drag. The moon was full or close to it, we felt its effects and were horny. Our little group or clique, about 20 of us were really close. The party drew to a close and someone suggested driving to Negril to go crabbing, we could camp out overnight on the beach...

2 years ago
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My Neighbors Sex Slave My Wife

I'm an average looking guy, about 5'10", 200 pounds, a little thin on top and, while not in great shape, I can walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing. I guess I'm what most people would consider a "regular guy", with a fairly conservative, suburban, mow-the-lawn on Saturday, see-a-movie-on-Saturday-night life.At one time I thought of myself as sexually adventurous, but in reality I consider eating my wife's pussy living on the edge. In a nutshell I'm the kind of guy you'd probably want for...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Cock

Sleeping Cock By TKTrucker3 (Tom K) John Maroney was one tired dude. He was hired as a carpenter to build an addition onto Sally Kendrick's home. Sally had been widowed about two years previously when her husband was killed in a freak accident at work, and she had been awarded a very substantial settlement. Her emotional wounds were healing, and she decided it was time to do a little remodeling. She and her husband had always planned on building on to their house, and so she decided that now...

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It was a very enjoyable and naughty evening

I was living in Phoenix, AZ and I was very horny one night. I liked to do a little POV action and would often pick up a sexy girl strolling the infamous Van Buren Street. Van Buren is one of used to be one of those streets with lots of hour rate motels and lot and lots of working girls. While driving about looking for the right girl to approach and get the hourly rates I pulled into the local Airport adult video store to watch some Porn in the Arcade. I went in and got change for twenty and...

She Males

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