Using Lace Pt 2 free porn video

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A cascade of smells assaulted her. Her stomach growled in protest. She hadn’t even realize she was hungry. The room was crowded with people talking and laughing while enjoying their dishes. She had never been here before but immediately recognized the Italian dishes. The hostess greeted them politely with a smile and led them to a dimly lit alcove where a small table sat alone. The table was beautifully adorned in rose cotton and white lace under a glass top. A single candle burned in the center with two crystal shakers beside it. Seating them she gave them each a menu and set the table with their utensils. He placed an order for a bottle of wine and she left to retrieve it.

“This…..everything is so beautiful. Why are you doing all this for me?” She had to ask. The corset, the dress and jewelry. Now this. What had she done to deserve all this. She was just a regular girl working regular hours trying to survive in a regular…well maybe slightly ran down apartment. When she was with him she felt like a queen. He always made her feel so special, important for a change.

“Am I not allowed to spoil my ladies. Your beautiful and should be treated as such. Just relax and enjoy your evening. Trust me its only just beginning.” Antonio’s devilish grin put her on edge. What was he planning? She was scared only for a fleeting second instantly replaced with excitement. She needed this. It was time to take her mind off work and everyday life. Letting him take control and completely letting go would give herself nice reprieve. If the time they shared in the limo was any indication of things to come she was in. Whole heartedly. She would let him do whatever he wanted. Glancing at him one more time she picked up the menu and started skimming the selection.

It started low. A faint fluttering distracted her from the menu. It felt good whatever it was. Looking around the room she tried to find the source. Nothing. What in the world? She went back to the menu but the sensation continued. After a few minutes it had increased enough that she again had to put the menu down and really concentrated at looking around the room. Where was that vibration coming from. It felt really good actually. She had just finally calmed her nerves from the limo ride. She was still very aroused from that gel he had put on her. Every movement she made sent tingles through her pussy. Shifting in her chair that’s when she felt it. The bullet!! She looked at Antonio with stark realization. “Not here. Please Sir not here” She whispered, pleading with him already knowing the plan was set in motion. It frightened her, it excited her. Glancing at the door she thought about leaving. How would she get home? She didn’t even know where she was at. Still he kept increasing the speed ever so slightly. She starting shifting in the chair trying to ease the building ache. That only fed the sensations flowing off her clit. The bullet kept on vibrating, the gel kept on tingling. He kept on looking at the menu as if nothing was going on. If she wasn’t such a lady she would reach across the table and slap that sinful expression off his face.

“Are you going to find something to order? We have somewhere else to go after this.” He asked so calmly so matter of factly. The smug look in his eyes and the mischievous smile tugging at the corner of his lips told her he knew exactly what he was doing to her.

“How the hell do you expect me to concentrate when you are doing this shit to me? Get me out of here or turn this damn thing off before I take it out. ” She said it even though she didn’t mean it. But it was out and she knew she was in trouble. Antonio put the menu down and leaned forward a dark menacing look in his expression. Oh no!! Just then the waitress appeared to take their order.

He spoke calmly. “ Well to start with I think we will get an order of the Calamari.” Looking at the menu again he added. “Ill have the Pastello Di Pesce with steamed broccoli. No salt on the broccoli and make sure the fish is cooked thoroughly. For desert I want the Timballo Di Pere, light on the cream sauce please.” He checked the menu one more time to be for sure. Still glaring at Lacey he spoke to the waitress. “I think that will be all for me. I do believe its time for this lovely lady to order!“ The waitress didn’t catch the undertow of warning in its depth but she did.

Taking a deep breath she started to place her order. “I’ll …Ohhh” He turned it up full blast. She jumped so hard she jarred the table. Holy shit it felt good. “Ummm..I..I think” More deep breaths, smiling as politely as she could at the shocked waitress. CONCENTRATE. “The same pleassse.” Reaching under the table she squeezed his knee hard., digging her nails deep for emphasis. He gently pulled her hand away and placed it higher in his lap. Feeling the bulge in his pants only made it worse. Looking at him she threatened him with her eyes. How could he be so nonchalant about this. He just sat there with that shit eating grin on his face. She was going to kill him later. If he didn’t kill her first. The lady looked confused by her weird change in mood but jotted down the order.

“Salt on you broccoli maam?” Lacey could care less bout some damn salt right now. She wasn’t about to be rude to the waitress though.

“Ummm….I..I don’t care.” GO AWAY LADY. She screamed in her head. She was going to cum, right here right now. She shifted in her chair again, gyrating her hips to match the pulse between her legs. She didn’t care who was watching anymore. Her clit throbbed through the opening in the corset, the cool air brushed against her spread lips, tickling the jewelry attached to it. The intensity of the bullet was to much. The constant vibration was lashing at every cell in her body. Her pussy quivered tightly around it pumping hot fluid over the corset. Feeling it flow down the tight crevices and tickle her ass she couldn’t help moan a little. Her juices were beginning to make her legs sticky. Her nipples were covered in sweat, turning into hard hot little knots. Clenching her fist she tried to clear her blurring mind. She looked at him, headless of the poor girl next her and begged him. “Stop…please stop…ohhhh”

The waitress shifted her weight. Looking a little flushed she finished writing and left. The vibration ceased, she collapsed into the chair. Seconds later she was still barely able to sit up. Whispering not to draw attention. “ How dare you do that to me. There is no telling what that girl thinks of me now” She honestly didn’t care she was just trying to maintain a little dignity.

“You wont threaten me like that again Lace! I don’t give a damn what anyone in this room thanks.” His voice low and passionate under the hum of the restaurant.

Careful not to draw his attention she inched her hand beneath her dress. She had to touch, even if only to wipe the gel off. The vibration might have stopped but the ever constant tingling hadn’t and she was almost at wits end from it. Closer, closer.. She cautiously watched him as she started to spread her lips ever so slowly. Home stretch. Antonio looked up a warning in his eyes. She saw his thumb move just as the vibration hit full blast. She screamed and bit her lips. Drawing a few glances from the curious guests. He smiled reassuringly and they returned to their meals. Leaning forward he got right next to her ear and practically growled at her. “You try that again and it will remain on the entire time you are eating. Do not try my patience. You will regret it if you do.” Grabbing her roughly by the chin he forced her face up so their noses almost touched. Staring her straight in her eye with such unmoving intensity. “Do we have an understanding Lace?”

Trembling she nodded her head “Yes Sir” He kissed her soundly then. Right in front of everyone. Rough at first then gently. Savoring the taste of the wine on her lips. He ran his hands down her arm, down her back. Rubbing the tension out of her neck. She leaned into his touch savoring it while it lasted. Time stood still while he touched her. The noise faded away, the tingling stayed. The bullet lay calm now. Her heart did not. She was going to have endure this torture till he allowed her release. She hoped it would be soon. She needed him inside her. Deep and hard, thrusting savagely. Only he could sate this desire, so strong and passionate. She just hoped her treacherous pussy obeyed. So far she had kept herself in control. But how much longer could she endure?

The waitress arrived with the steaming appetizer. It looked and smelled delicious. She hung around a couple minutes chatting with the couple. Making over about the weather, business flow and the like. Lacey wasn’t all that interested in the topics but didn’t want to seem rude. She munched on the food, drowning the two of them out. Antonio’s warm rich laughter occasionally caught her gaze. Filling her like an elixir to her libido, keeping it alive and raging. The waitress finally walked away to place the remainder of their order.

It wasn’t to long before the main dishes arrived. Again the waitress lingered making conversation with Antonio. They must have known each other some how. They never directly revealed a connection. It was just a feeling she got. One of the waiters waved for her and she left. Over the next few minutes they ate in silence, enjoying their dinner. The bullet on its lowest setting didn’t give her much piece but she ate ravenously anyway. She could only wonder what was going to happen next.


The waitress walked over to pre bus the dirty dishes. Smiling innocently she continued on with the earlier topics. Lacey noticed for the first time the girls name was Madison. Pretty name. She wasn’t all that bad looking herself. Freckles dotted her pale skin that didn’t appear to have a trace of make up. Her carrot top hair barely touched her shoulders. Straight flat hair that wasn’t all that appealing. The uniform hugged her petite form. Slender hips and waist with perky little B cup tits. You could just barely see the tips of her nipples straining against the tight cotton. She averted her gaze before either of them noticed her staring. She sure liked to talk though. If she had known what was happening earlier she didn’t let on to it now. She was very friendly, almost to friendly to him. They almost acted like they knew each other the way the talked and flirted with each other. She walked away and he stood. “I’ll be right back” She watched him as he walked towards the restrooms. Hell even his back side was sexy. Madison came walking around the corner and stopped. What were they talking about. She was smiling a lot and kept looking over at Lacey. What were they talking about? Whatever it was made Madison seem really excited. She placed her hand out and he put something in it, raising it to his lips he kissed her fingertips. Smooth, like he could actually hide the fact he just gave her something. But what? He turned then and caught her looking. His features remained calm but she could sense a difference in him. He seemed more focused somehow. An air of pure male arrogance surrounded him. What was that all about?

Whatever…she shrugged and turned back around taking a sip of her wine. She wasn’t the jealous type. She knew she wasn’t the only woman in his life. She didn’t know much about him. What she did know was he had money, power and with that more then likely a horde of ladies. She couldn’t deny she had feelings for him. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t. But to fool herself into thinking she was his only conquest would be down right stupid on her part. She bit down her pride and allowed the open friendship to have its way with her.

Hearing his footsteps get closer she looked back. He was standing right next to her. Extending his hand he helped her stand up. “Go to the bathroom and freshen up. Do what you must but make it quick. I’ll walk you to it.” Antonio’s domineering presence beside her made her uneasy. Something was up but she didn’t know what. He had her a little nervous. At least she could wipe this blasted gel off her clit. But damn this corset. Its rough lace scratched her sensitive nipples. The opening in the crotch rubbed her tingling exposed clit. Walking was agony, was ecstasy at the same time.

Guiding her towards the back with his hand on her back they walked in silence. When they past the ladies room and continued down the hall she looked at him in confusion. They
. stopped at a door with an “Employee’s Only” sign on it. He opened it and ushered her in. It was a small sitting room. It wasn’t overly fancy or big. A table, water cooler, TV and couch were all that occupied it. A door opposite the room was open. The lights were out but she could clearly see the toilet and hand washing sink. She went in and closed the door. She didn’t need to use the bathroom but she did anyway. It didn’t take her but a second to wash the gel off. The tingling was finally fading away. Her nerves were walking a tight wire. It wouldn’t take much for her to cum at this point. She was so close even with the gel gone. Leaning back on the toilet she spread her legs. Through the opening of the corset she rubbed her puckered lips. Spreading them she gently touched her sensitive clit. It jumped under her touch and she moaned. She shouldn’t be doing this, she knew it and yet did it anyway. Gently she tugged on the jewelry, sparks scattered under her skin. Her legs shook and her tight pussy quivered tightly against the bullet. She wanted the damn thing out but knew better. She liked the torture she was getting. It was so exhilarating not knowing what was going to happen next.

She heard moaning coming from the other room, sitting up she adjusted her dress and walked to the door. Listening for a moment she heard it again. It sounded like a man, like him. She opened the door and stared in utter shock at the scene in front of her. Antonio was laid back on the couch with Madison between his legs. His shirt lay open exposing his bare chest, heaving for breath she was clearly sucking out of him. She watched as his cock disappeared in and out of her lips. Glistening with her spit and his pre cum. His head was resting on the pillows behind him with his eyes closed. Lacey leaned against the door jam and drank it in, running her hands along her body wanting to go lower. He looked at her through lust filled eyes and moaned “You can touch” then grabbed a fist full of Madison hair and shoved his cock in so far she gagged, fucking her mouth hard. Lacey hiked up her skirt and started to rub her swollen clit. He watched her as he fucked Madison’s mouth. Barely able to talk he moaned the words more then spoke them. “Come here” She did. She lay back on the couch and raised her skirt above her waist. He had turned the bullet on again. Slow and steady it vibrated inside her. As she played with her clit rubbing little circles around it he speed up the tempo. Madison was still sucking and pumping on his thick cock. He was thrusting in and out of her mouth, moaning and gasping for air.

Groaning she could only watch as he got devoured by that little bitch between his legs. She should be doing that, not that stranger. She inserted two of her fingers into her tight pussy. Her fingertip tapped the edge of the bullet. Curving her fingers just enough had the vibrating intruder nudging her G-spot. She moaned loudly and he gently pulled her fingers out of her pussy.

“I didn’t say you could cum yet” He told her with no remorse. Whining she reluctantly complied. He replaced her fingers with his own. Rolling the tight little bud between them. She arched her back and gyrated against the friction.

“Please Sir… I cant…take it… I got to….please Sir…let me cum” She gasped the words, cried the words. Begging and pleading. Enduring his torture while watching him being pleasured by another woman. Madison’s shirt was open now and her perky little tits bounced and heaved with her efforts. Sweat glistened along her creamy flesh. She lapped at his juices, licking the head and jacking with her hands. He moaned and clenched her hair, shoving his cock in over and over. Pulling Madison off his cock he led her around his knees, crawling on her hands and knees, to rest between Lacey’s. Both ladies looked at him confused. Before either could question the change of events he shoved Madison’s face into Lacey’s crotch. Lacey jolted at the soft touch. Fire raced through her veins. Thrusting her hips forward she forced Madison’s face to go deeper still. Without even requesting permission she reached over and started stroking Antonio’s cock in her hand. He allowed her, pinching and caressing her hard nipples. Making her squirm beneath his rough fingers. Madison licked and nibbled and sucked till Lacey’s juices covered her face, the couch. Lacey’s moans full throttle screams now. So close, so close. Just when the colors started to build behind her closed eyes Antonio pulled Madison away. “NO…” She screamed at him eyes raging with pure fire. “No no no, not again”

The bullet lay silent and she gasped for air. Madison just sat there on her knees, looking rather ruffled and really turned on. Antonio stood up, hard cock bouncing in the air, and helped Madison up. Guiding her to the couch he gently pulled her shorts down to her knees. She didn’t argue with him, just followed his lead. He helped her on the couch and had her sit on the back of it, leaning against the wall she spread her legs. Grabbing Lacey he had her kneel in front of him on the floor. The licking and sucking continued. Only this time Lacey was licking and sucking Antonio’s cock as he was eating Madison‘s pussy. Moans and fluids flowed. The musky smell of sex filled the room. Madison’s moaning and breathing picked up till she was bucking and arching her hips so much the couch was inching forward. Raking her claws down his back she screamed and flooded his mouth with her hot cum the same time he emptied his hot load in Lacey’s waiting mouth. Antonio and Madison collapsed on the couch, Lacey still so turned on and ready to cum sat there on the floor close to tears. Antonio helped her up and kissed away the moisture. When he kissed her on the lips she could still taste Madison’s sweet cum. Reaching between them he gently rubbed her throbbing clit. Holding her now, her knees to weak to support herself and whispered in her ear. “ Soon my toy. You will not suffer much longer”

And with that he reapplied the gel. The tingling started and she could only lay her head on his shoulders and shiver in anticipation.


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I probably never would have found out if it wasn't for me doing something that I had never done before. I came up out of the basement and went to the laundry room carrying several sets of dirty coveralls. Earlier in the week my wife Lacey had made the comment that I couldn't seem to do anything for myself and I'd be helpless without her being around to take care of me. It stung me. I thought that I was carrying my weight around the house. I maintained both cars, did all the lawn work, and...

2 years ago
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silk and lace

Being 18 I had just moved out from home into my own place along with two other girls, Sara and Andrea. They were both really good looking, Sara being 5,8 ish with light bronze skin, full and round C cups. Sara was really fit and sporty, always wearing cotton jog pants and tops, I always find my self staring at the high top of the thong, the black against her tan always made me hard. Andrea on the other hand was very much a girly girl, dresses, nylons … all of that type of thing, always...

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Iron and lace

His bed was perfect for it – cast iron head and foot board: intricate, and strong. He thought I needed to get more in touch with my dominant side, and he wanted to just kick back and enjoy my explorations. Not thinking, not planning, just experiencing, and letting me use him. He wanted me to take control, to be the aggressor. So, with his encouragement, I tied him, spread eagle and naked, to his bed. When I was done I stood there, considering … still dressed in my black garter belt, black...

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Lacey is a friend of mine, a very good friend. Actually, I wanted her to be more but she always avoided the subject. Right now, she was being a big pain in the ass. I had a rush job getting the data off a dead hard drive and suddenly she wanted to talk about us. When I told her I was busy, she stomped out the door of my small shop and slammed it hard. I jumped at the sound and damned near dropped the hard drive. As it was, I cut my finger on a sharp edge of the case. I sucked on the bloody...

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Displacement By Danielle Krieger Chapter 1: Premonition It was a rather cool and windy afternoon. The alley between a brick and stonewalls of two local businesses was the best shield that Jack Diangelo could find for a few blocks. His rather long, unkempt dark brown hair whipped around his face as he lifted one side of his long trenchcoat to light a cigarette. After completing the task, he let the coat fall into place and grasped the cigarette with two fingers of his right...

1 year ago
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Nagarjun entered his birthplace

hi i am SMBhargav, from Karnataka , i thank all ISS readers for giving a great response to my own story” I saw my birthplace” . In this moment i am going to give you my friend Nagarjun’s experience as a story now. My friend Nagarjun actually told me about all incest stories and he was incest with his sister Sarvamangala. He has a desire to penetrate his mom at least onece his life. But he was afraid to ask her and also to do that. His father was a teriffic man and very angry man. He beats his...

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The Marketplace

The Marketplace The woman known only by the number on the door of her cement cell awoke in the early morning when her cell door was unlocked and creaked open.  The attendant in his usual brusque manner brought in a wash basin filled with warm water and soap plus a razor.  He informed her to shave and wash, that there was to be an auction at the market later in the day. The news of the auction later in the day stopped her in her place and she sat down on the side of her cot and contemplated the...

4 years ago
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The Marketplace

The MarketplaceThe woman known only by the number on the door of her cement cell awoke in the early morning when her cell door was unlocked and creaked open.  The attendant in his usual brusque manner brought in a wash basin filled with warm water and soap plus a razor.  He informed her to shave and wash, that there was to be an auction at the market later in the day.The news of the auction later in the day stopped her in her place and she sat down on the side of her cot and contemplated the...

2 years ago
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The Kink Palace

Chapter One-----------"So what are the risks of... you know. Of dying?" Kathryn asked."We take every precaution," the Japanese man across from her guaranteed. He was in his late forties - gaunt, stoic, the stereotypical Asian businessman in a sharp suit and thin glasses. He regarded her scrutinizingly, like a material resource perhaps, but not moreso than he would look as such upon any other clerk that worked for his organisation. "The Palace contracts the very best doctors in the country and...

1 year ago
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The Kink Palace

Introduction: In the near future, a young Irish girl fulfills her fantasy of becoming a prostitute at Japans most expensive brothel: the Kink Palace, a place where there are no limits… only price-tags. Chapter One ———– So what are the risks of… you know. Of dying? Kathryn asked. We take every precaution, the Japanese man across from her guaranteed. He was in his late forties – gaunt, stoic, the stereotypical Asian businessman in a sharp suit and thin glasses. He regarded her scrutinizingly,...

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The Kink Palace

----------- "So what are the risks of... you know. Of dying?" Kathryn asked. "We take every precaution," the Japanese man across from her guaranteed. He was in his late forties - gaunt, stoic, the stereotypical Asian businessman in a sharp suit and thin glasses. He regarded her scrutinizingly, like a material resource perhaps, but not moreso than he would look as such upon any other clerk that worked for his organisation. "The Palace contracts the very best doctors in the country and...

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Ms Americana The Palace

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS.   Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.   Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.                 MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall              Sugar...

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Dolcett Palace

I did not write this. I found it on the web.ALL DRESSED UP After shaving her pussy completely in the shower, Trine looked at her body in the full-view mirror in the bathroom. She was not very tall, but not too short either. She wore her dark-brown hair shoulder- long. Her s*******n years old body was delicious, with its ripe, C-cupped breasts and fine, round bottom. All in all, Trine was happy with her looks. And that was good, she thought, because not much of her would be hidden this evening....

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AHSOKA TANO PLEASES THE PALACE—by Jim Tonic Chapter 1: A Betrayal and Passing Jabba’s Guards Anakin Skywalker hated the sand. He always had. And here, on the surface on Tattoine, he saw something that caused him more anger than he’d ever felt before. Only his Jedi training was keeping his temper in check…barely. It wasn’t the face of the man standing before him that caused his blood to boil. It was all he represented. The lives he’d taken with that aura about him. That cold...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 13 The Emerald Palace

Passing beyond the garden they went down another short corridor and came to a small green door which opened as they approached it. Beyond they were in a large, airy room which seemed to be a smaller replica of the Throne Room of the Golden Palace. "This is your Throne Room," said the Emir, "We are now in the Emerald Palace." "But that doorway leads directly to your harem?" Elaheh was puzzled. "Yes, I had it made especially for you. There are guards on it and only you will be allowed...

1 year ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 7 The Ruby Palace

The Head of Protocol, Kamal Qumsiyeh, seemed very nervous at the Public Audience session a week or so later. He was obviously trying to decide whether to ask a major favour of the Emir; either that or he was trying to summon enough courage to raise something which he knew would annoy his master. "Come on, you old fraud," said the Emir in a fruitless attempt to jolly him along, "Out with it. I know you want to say something. What is it?" Faced with such a direct order, Kamal Qumsiyeh had...

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Housing A Dragon

Turbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...

1 year ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 2 Replacements

The Captain woke Tara and myself up by storming into my little room and throwing off the covers. We had slept little that night, and Tara had had several orgasms (and I even managed a couple myself) 'Come on Cabin Boy', she bellowed. 'Stop fucking my crew. We have work to do.' I came round quickly and she was holding out my razor and towel. 'Get showered, get dressed and get downstairs', she told me and have my naked rear a painful spank as I left the room. Tara quickly joined me in...

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Passion at the palace

Note : this story is completely fictional! It was a warm, tepid, windy evening in Saudi Arabia. The magic carpets were glistening in the moist dew, a moistness which was only to increase... Maramaramara, his thoughts abroad with the distant breeze was at the end of his had lasted 2 years and now it was nearly complete. the palace gold was nearly his. these two years had been ones of intrigue and inspiration as he encountered many different characters who thought him many different...

2 years ago
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Sex During Placement

Hi iss readers this is Rishi (name changed). I have been following iss for past 3 years now. Stories ere are quite erotic some times. I have always enjoyed reading stories out here. Today I am going to share my first sexperience which I had with my friend which I encountered during a off campus placement drive. First of all let me introduce myself, I am 6 ft tall a lil dark complexion but 7” dick which can satisfy desire of any girl. Now heroine of this plot she is 5’3 and slim figure girl. Her...

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Musings From

I remember when I first woke up and saw him – my Master. Awkward hands rubbed me. I was not sure what to do with these new feelings awakened by Master, but I quickly learned. I am not going to lie; he was a little rough at first, and rarely let me sleep.Now, I love his long strokes up and down me, and that mind-blowing release at the end is second to none. We have grown very close. He knows when I need his touches and when I need to rest for a while.Master becomes pretty demanding as the years...

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MUSINGS By Betty Noone I was an adult before I was told that until I was 10 year old my parents dressed me in hand-me-downs, because I was too pretty, and they feared that I could be prey to a molester. It was a joke in the family before I reached puberty that my father was probably the milkman as I didn't resemble any of my parents nor my two older siblings. I had fair skin, a pug nose and small chin. It was summertime and I was eleven years old,...

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Musings Ken sat quietly one Saturday morning thinking about his wife, Barbara, as they both sat at the kitchen table talking to the neighbor’s daughter, Beth, who had just turned 19. Looking at the hunger Beth caused his thoughts to drift back to the beginning of his relationship with Barbara and how they developed into what it is today. He remembered when they first met. Barbara was a senior in high school and had just turned 17. He, on the other hand, was 22 and had a good paying job that...

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The Necklace

My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is without doubt the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from...

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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 6 Changing the guard at Kensington Palace

Visiting London en-route for France was the final piece of the plan. Normally the twins accompanied Mimi and me to Blanchards but I decided, in order to keep on the good side of the Duchess of Kent, I would accept her offer of the girls having an extended stay at Kensington Palace. We would then stay in London with them for a week or two before travelling on to Paris to support Jean-Woodrow before his exam for entrance to the Sorbonne “I know Vicky was not best pleased when I refused her...

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The Necklace

As I walked out of the shopping mall, I heard a crack of thunder. I looked toward the sky and saw the clouds building up. A storm was coming and it was coming fast. I had one more place to stop before I went home so with shopping bags in hand, I started to walk down the street. My feet were killing me as I was wearing black heels with my short black skirt. I spent almost the whole day shopping for a party tomorrow. I was going to the annual company party. It is a black tie event so I had to...

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The Necklace

Sarah locked the door to the law books reference section of Library West and set the keys into her pocketbook. She smiled, seeing the clock on the wall. There was still enough time for her to wander through the Plaza of the Americas and see the booths. It was the last day of the Arts Festival on campus. She had heard that there was a booth with beautiful jewelry and wanted to treat herself to a crystal necklace like Cindy told her about.She rode down the escalator from the second floor,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Fireplace

I walk into the room. I see you standing by the fireplace.You sit down by it and I join you.I bring my hand over towards yours brushing against it ever so gently.You reach out and brush yours back against mine, letting your manly hand linger for a few minutes. You then grab onto my hand and hold onto it bringing it down onto your cock.I turn my head noticing this. I start massaging your cock slowly with my hand. I hear you moan.You then turn towards me slightly. You bring your free hand over to...

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Thought placer

You wake up one morning with a headache. You've been grounded for weeks, your hot, redheaded girlfriend Hailey broke up with you, your grades are falling, basically, your life sucks. Your killer headache is just the last little bit that pushes you over the edge. "Nick! Breakfast is ready." Your mom says after opening your door. "Just shut the fuck up mom, I'll be down in a minute!" You lash out. "There is no place for language like that in this household! You know, I thought five weeks was...

Mind Control
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The Pickup Palace

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. Another note: I'm broadening out from just writing into media. I finished a 30-minute animated TG film a while back that is now generally available. Head over to: The Pickup Palace. It was pretty crowded when we got there. I traded nods and high fives with the regulars as we slid in through the normal crush of greasy little freshmen. Their faces all...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 10 The Palace

The trip to Bavindor was relatively uneventful. They made a long carriage train, which got longer when they picked up the Dwyer’s, their five wagons and a carriage, on the way. While it was common for thieves to attack the shipments, the local robbers gave them a wide berth due to their escort. The two older members of their Growers Society also joined them, citing safety in numbers. Ty and Willow had no problems including them, as they were, after all, members of their little society and...

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Jasons TaleChapter 30 Prince Alfredrsquos Palace

Vernon, Lord of North Harbor, stayed with us for a couple more days as the army crunched its way through Mountainside City and up the Royal Road towards Prince Alfred’s palace. He wanted ships and we certainly had more than we needed. However, he wasn’t willing to do what I demanded as payment. I wanted him to stand as Prince of the Isle and to renounce piracy. He was willing to rule Mountain Isle and promise me that he wouldn’t support piracy any more, but I wanted him to stand behind his...

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