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Lacey is a friend of mine, a very good friend. Actually, I wanted her to be more but she always avoided the subject. Right now, she was being a big pain in the ass. I had a rush job getting the data off a dead hard drive and suddenly she wanted to talk about us.

When I told her I was busy, she stomped out the door of my small shop and slammed it hard. I jumped at the sound and damned near dropped the hard drive. As it was, I cut my finger on a sharp edge of the case.

I sucked on the bloody finger as I turned and looked out the glass in the front door. I could see her standing at the curb with her back to me, her arms folded across her chest. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She was mad, mad as hell.

With a sigh, I turned my attention back to disassembling the hard drive. I had to get the disks out of it and transfer them to my old mule drive. From the mule drive, I would be able to copy the information on the disk, once I found the index key.

I had the drive torn down by the time I heard the front door open. I figured Lacey had calmed down and was coming back to work. She was my girl Friday at the shop. She handled the counter, the money, and the paperwork so I could get something done.

Removing the disks and transferring them was a tedious task. One slip, one scratch, and a lot of data could be lost. Lost data meant lost money and that was in short supply right now. The guy was paying big money and we needed it. I needed it to keep the shop open and she needed a paycheck.

I could hear Lacey moving around behind me as I slipped on a pair of latex gloves and swung my magnifying light over the broken hard drive. I glanced back to see her sitting on a stool by the register watching me. I smiled and nodded. She nodded back but did not smile.

With a soft sigh, I turned back to the work at hand. When I had the mule drive assembled, I would see what she had wanted earlier. Gingerly I lifted the top disk up and sat it on a holding spindle. I paused and took a deep breath, one down, and one to go.

I lifted the bottom disk and transferred it directly to the mule drive. I centered it on the drive spindle and secured it. I snapped the center read/write heads in place and reached for the top disk. This one was trickier, it had to fit where the alignment marks lined up with the lower disk.

It took two tries and a little tweaking to get it where it needed to be. I held my breath as I got the cutout top cover in place and secured. Once that was finished, I sat back and pulled the gloves off. It had gone better than most.

‘Are you done?’ I heard Lacey ask from behind me.

I nodded as I picked up the mule drive and studied it closely under the magnifying light. The disks looked parallel and the clearances on the four read/write heads looked good for their off states.

‘I’ll know more when I try a slow speed test,’ I told her.

From my right, she said, ‘Then look at me.’

I turned my head that way. My eyes bugged out, my mouth dropped open and I forgot all about hard drives, money, and breathing for that matter.

Lacey stood next to the wall facing me. She had her left hand on her hip and her right fingertips barely rested on the workbench. Her left foot was on its toes and slightly ahead of her right, her left leg bent slightly at the knee.

So, what was the problem? First off, she was completely, totally, and astonishingly naked. I had never seen her that way, in a skimpy bikini yes, but never naked. The second was the big grin on her face.

Her long wavy blonde hair framed her pixy face and hung down to brush the top of her pear shaped breasts. I noticed that one was larger than the other was and that the aureole on the larger was larger and puffier.

My eyes dropped on down across her ribs. She was not skinny but she was not fat, there was meat on her bones. Her belly had a soft rounded look instead of a flat muscular one. A shallow groove ran from just below her breasts down to end at the indent of her bellybutton.

There was a pendent of three diamond-looking stones clipped at the top of the opening of her navel. My eyes hung there for a second. The indent of her waist was high. It was up at the bottom of her ribs. Her hips were long curves from there to her upper thighs. It gave the appearance of narrow hips, but they were in balance with her wide shoulders, and full breasts.

The long narrow effect seemed amplified even more by the fact that she really did not have a mound above her sex and her sex sat low between her upper thighs. Her thighs were slender and added even further to her long lean look. Even her feet were long and narrow.

‘Look at me!’ Lacey said again.

‘I… Uh… I… I am!’ I stuttered.

‘Now that I have your complete attention, we can talk.’

‘Uh…. Yeah… Uh… Talk!’ I got out as my eyes wandered back up her luscious, beautiful body.

When my eyes finally returned to her face, she was still grinning. ‘Well, how was the tour? Did you like what you saw? Do you like what you see?’

I nodded and whispered, ‘I love it, uh, you.’

‘I love you! That is what I wanted to tell you. I have been thinking about us, about how you have been trying to talk to me about it, about how I would put you off. I must have been crazy,’ she said in a rush.

I continued to look at her, my eyes moving from one place to another randomly as I tried to take her all in at once but couldn’t get past the parts and pieces.

Lacey frowned and then grinned. ‘I think I have to much of your attention. Earth to Greg, Earth to Greg, my eyes are up here,’ she said with a giggle that turned into a laugh as I looked up at her face with a confused look.

‘Poor baby, I think I sprang too much on you at one time,’ she whispered as she moved closer to me.

I glanced toward the front of the shop and the display windows. I was suddenly worried about someone else seeing her. That’s when I realized she had closed the blinds on the door and flipped the closed sign over. I also realized why she was over by the wall. The counter and the display racks behind it hid her from the street.

She grabbed me by the knees and pulled me, stool and all, over toward the wall. The wheels on the stool squeaked as she did. I started to get up but she grinned and pushed me back into the seat. Quickly she stepped up on the footrest and straddled my lap.

My arms automatically went around her waist. She was so warm and soft to the touch. She leaned forward and kissed me softly and tenderly. I returned the kiss the same way. After a moment, we both moaned softly.

She broke the kiss and sat up straight. She blew out a long gentle breath and sighed. ‘I should have done something like this a long time ago,’ she whispered more to herself than to me.

I nodded as I ran my hands slowly up and down her back from her hips to her shoulders. She sighed and leaned back forward to rest her head on my shoulder. ‘Why do I have to be so pigheaded all the time?’ She asked softly.

That was a question without a correct answer so I hugged her tightly and kissed her shoulder and neck. She shivered in my arms and then squirmed on my lap. I suddenly felt awkward and shy for some reason.

‘I…. Uh… I….’ I stammered and then shut up. I really didn’t know what to say and I did not want to screw things up by saying the wrong thing.

‘Me too,’ Lacey whispered.

I was not sure what she meant so I kissed her neck and hugged her. She sighed deeply and then lifted her head to kiss me again. Only this time there was more passion in it and that grew as the kiss went on.

Finally, she broke the kiss and sat up straight, a grin once more on her face. ‘I should have taken your shorts off before I got up here. Talk about your poor planning.’

I wiggled forward on the seat, grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, and then stood up. Lacey laughed as sh
e wrapped her legs around my hips and her arms around my neck. I still had an ass cheek in each hand to help support her.

Using one hand at a time, I worked my shorts down onto my thighs far enough for them to slide to the floor. My hard dick had caught in the shorts and at one point it snapped loose and slipped up between Lacey’s parted thighs to slap wetly against her sex. We both moaned loudly. Her sex was excruciatingly hot on the topside of my shaft.

I felt Lacey shiver as I moved to sit back down on the stool. My dick moved slightly where it pressed against her hot opening. The stool rolled back and I followed it. My dick moved more and Lacey gave out with a soft whimpering moan.

When the stool rolled away from me again, I turned and sat Lacey on the padded edge of the workbench. The soft padding pressed my shaft even tighter to her opening. Lacey whimpered loudly as a shivering shake ran through her body. She relaxed her grip on my hips with her legs.

A few seconds later, she whispered, ‘I…. I… I’m a virgin.’

‘Huh?’ was my witty reply.

‘I’ve never done this before,’ she said breathily. ‘No one has even touched me before, down there, I mean.’

Now it was my turn to be flustered. ‘I…. Uh… I….’

Lacey was twenty-three and I was five years older. She had been to college and so had I. How could she still be a virgin? I knew how and probably why but huh? My mind was having trouble wrapping itself around this information.

I took a half step back and my dick slipped out from between her legs to slap wetly against my lower belly. Lacey giggled and looked down between us.

‘Is that thing spring loaded or something?’ She asked with a grin.

‘Uh, something like that.’

She wiggled and slipped off the edge of the bench to stand right in front of me. Her hard nipples were pressed to my t-shirt at my lower ribs. Using both hands, she lifted my shirt until her nipples were against my bare skin. A quiver ran through both our bodies as she leaned against me.

‘That feels good,’ Lacey whispered as she pushed my t-shirt even higher.

I was well aware of her breasts rubbing on me as we both worked to get my shirt off. She was also aware. When I tossed the shirt on the workbench, she moved back and rubbed her palms over her hard nipples.

‘My nipples are so hard they ache,’ she whispered softly.

‘Ah. Maybe I should kiss them and make them all better,’ I whispered back with a big grin.

‘You do and I won’t be held responsible for what happens after that.’

‘Then I’ll just kiss you instead.’ I told her as I pulled her to me for a long deep kiss.

The passion in that kiss should have had steam coming out of both our ears. Our naked bodies were pressed tightly together, my right thigh was between her legs and pressed tightly to her hot slippery sex. Our lips were all over each other’s, as our tongues dueled.

Our hands explored each other’s bodies from shoulders to ass cheeks and back again. I had never had a kiss like that and I’m sure she hadn’t either. She was whimpering and moaning, her hips working her sex against my thigh. My hard dick rubbed on her belly.

Lacey gave out with a loud muffled moaning groan, her hips jerking and twitching against my thigh. Her sex had been hot on my skin but now it was like a liquid branding iron as she came. I realized I was very close to doing the same as she broke the kiss and hugged me tightly. I held her just as tightly.


For nearly five minutes, we just held each other. Lacey finally blew out a loud breath and sighed deeply. ‘That snuck up on me,’ she whispered.

‘Uh huh.’ I replied in a soft whisper. ‘I know what you mean, I was damned close myself.’

‘You were?’

When I nodded, she said, ‘I figured you were an old hand at this sex thing.’

‘I’ve had a little experience, yes, but….’ I paused a moment and then added, ‘It’s you. I’ve dreamed of this forever but I never thought…. Well, that it would happen, especially like this.’

Lacey shivered and said, ‘I love you and when I realized it as a fact, I had to do something. I know that I…. Well, I lost my cool when you ignored me but after thinking it over I realized that I should have waited.’

I chuckled and replied, ‘I’m the dumb ass that couldn’t wait a few minutes.’

With a lopsided grin, Lacey looked around the shop. ‘I should have waited until we had a bed or a couch or something soft and comfy to… uh… you know.’ She blushed at the last and lowered her eyes shyly.

‘I still have to get the data off that hard drive.’

Lacey’s hands found my hard dick and gave it a squeeze. ‘I have a hard drive I want to work on myself.’ She giggled at her own joke.

Without a word, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her across the room to the office door. Lacey’s eyes darted to the large glass display windows and the traffic on the street outside. She took a sharp breath and let it out as a whimpering moan.

I used my hip to push open the office door and carried her over to the old couch in the corner. ‘I don’t know how comfy this will be but it’s softer than the top of my desk.’

Lacey giggled and whispered, ‘The top of your desk sounds exciting to me.’

I turned and sat her on the end of the desk. Reaching around behind her, I swept everything off on the floor as I kissed her passionately. We slowly laid back until I was on top of her, my hard dick pressed tightly to her slit, her legs wrapped around my hips. We were both moaning softly.

My mind was awhirl with passion, lust, and love. I wanted to take her right then and there but another thought kept running around in the back of my mind. She was a virgin and as such would need extra attention and care. I had never been with anyone for the first time but I realized that I needed to exercise great care.

Lacey’s hips were working against mine as she whimpered and moaned into my mouth. There seemed to be an urgency to their movement. I was starting to feel that urgency myself but I still hung back from making that first thrust into her virgin sex. I did not want to hurt her even the slightest.

With a sound of frustration, Lacey broke the kiss and whispered, ‘Please,’ and pressed her hips up against me even firmer as she flexed them up and down.

‘I… I don’t want to hurt you,’ I whispered back.

‘You won’t,’ she whispered and shivered hard as I moved my hips up and down slowly, my shaft rubbing along the length of her slit.

‘But,’ I said quickly but she made that frustrated sound again and arched her back trying to get the head of my dick lower.

‘I have a toy, you know,’ she said loudly and then flexed her hips hard.

‘But you said….’ I started to say but her heels drumming on my ass stopped me.

‘To the real thing,’ she almost yelled.

I dropped my hips as hers came up and pressed forward as I felt the scorching heat of her opening touch the head of my dick. My dick only entered her an inch or so but it was enough to freeze both of us. Between her inner heat and the velvety soft texture, I had never felt anything so excruciatingly wonderful.

Her hips were quivering, her eyes were open and locked with mine. She had a half smile on her lips as her eyes slowly closed and she lifted her hips pushing me slowly deeper and deeper. I groaned and she moaned loudly. ‘Yes,’ she whispered as my hips touched hers.

Her eyes opened and she smiled up at me. ‘You feel so much better than my toy.’

I smiled back at her and lifted my hips a few inches. I lowered my hips and she bit her lower lip as her eyes closed. When I lifted my hips again, higher this time and then slowly lowered them, she groaned and whispered, ‘Yes.’

When I started to fuck her with full strokes very slowly, the ‘yes,’ became a litany at the bottom of each stroke. Very soon, her hips started to roll upward to meet me
and the litany got louder. I could feel the velvety softness of her sheath along the length of my shaft as I moved.

I was in heaven. Her feet drummed on my ass again and I smiled as I increased the pace. She moaned loudly and shivered hard under me. Her inner muscles were making little grabbing motions around my dick, which made me groan. I thought I had everything under control until that moment.

My hips moved faster and Lacey raked her nails over my back as she let out a long loud moan. I groaned and slammed my dick into her softness. She yelled at me, ‘Yes, harder,’ and I was only too happy to comply. I fucked her with wild abandon, all thoughts of virginity lost. Her hips met mine with every full hard thrust.

With all control gone, my orgasm was on me before I was anywhere near ready for it. Luckily, Lacey’s was there as well and perfectly on time. She gave out with a loud yell a second after I gave a loud moaning groan and planted myself as deep as I would go. Our hips still rocked in perfect synchronization.

As our hips slowed and finally stopped moving, I opened my eyes to look at Lacey’s beautiful face. Her eyes were shut and she had this sated, satisfied look that I had never seen on a woman’s face before. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me. I smiled back.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she smiled and whispered, ‘That went very well.’

I rested my weight on my elbows and took her face in my hands as I leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips. Raising my head slightly, I looked deep into her eyes and whispered, ‘Yes, it did.’

Then her eyes got wide and she looked scared. ‘What? Is there a problem?’ I asked quickly.

She nodded as a blush crept up and covered her face. ‘In the heat of things, I… uh… we… uh… forgot something important.’

My eyes got as wide as hers did. My mind spun in its own tracks for a second and then got a grip. ‘You’re not on any kind of birth control are you?’

She shook her head quickly. ‘Uh, no.’

I grinned and whispered, ‘Then there is only one thing to do.’

She looked at me and cocked her head to the side slightly. It was a questioning look. Still grinning, I kissed her softly. When I raised my head I whispered, ‘You’ll just have to marry me and very soon, won’t you.’

Her eyes got very big as she stared at me and then the shocked look turned into a grin to match mine. ‘Sounds like a plan to me,’ she whispered and then lifted her head to kissed the hell out of me.

Three days later, we were married. The honeymoon was already well under way by that time so we continued it and we are still continuing it.

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 24

Only the day after her sentence started and just prior to the end of the year, Rita Skeeter submitted the first of her reports to the Ministry, as required by the terms of her release. When Dumbledore had proposed this as a part of Skeeter's sentence, he believed that the Wizengamot would think it hard punishment indeed to compel Skeeter to catalogue her humiliation on a regular basis. As usual, Dumbledore had judged correctly, for many of the members believed that Skeeter's reports would...

1 year ago
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They Always Knew It Would Come To This

People say that friends make terrible partners, because friendships with sex involved become messy and hard to recover from. I say this point is moot. It's not that friends can't do this, it's that their friendships aren't strong enough to handle it. It's rather important now that I draw upon this memory to show that to the doubters out there. Friendships are as strong as the effort you put into them and the honesty and trust that they are built upon. She was 34. I was 22. We'd known each other...

Wife Lovers
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Cousin Sister Ki Choot Ke Bad Gand Ki Seal Tori

Hii gandu friends, choot wali aunties, and girls mai aap ka chudakkar friend raj ekbar fir se haajir hoo aap logo ke liye ek nayi kahani le kar. Pichhli kahani me aap ne para ki kaise maine apni cousin sister ki seal tor ke jabardast chudai ki,mujhe bahut sare emails bhi aaye jo mujhse chudna chahti thi unme se ek couple bhi tha.Privecy ke liye mai unka naam nahi bata sakta lekin inka title tha mr. And mrs.Mehta jo mere aur mamta yani meri didi ke sath group sex karna chahte the likin mai aap...

4 years ago
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Kiss of the SuccubusChapter 2 Lust for a Lady

Grace watched through the windshield of her gray Chrysler 200 at the armored transport pulling in front of the Havenswood Psychiatric Facility. She tapped her fingers on the steering wheel impatiently as she waited for the prisoner to disembark. Two uniformed officers opened the back doors, and brought out Catherine Balko, wrists and ankles shackled tightly. She was dressed in a light blue jumpsuit for now, but her wardrobe would be changing soon enough. To Grace's displeasure, Catherine...

4 years ago
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Foreplay By Sebastian Lugo She felt ashamed. She hadn’t felt ashamed for probably a decade or more and it kind of excited the hell out of her. Shame, embarrassment, being naïve, getting shy, even giggling uncontrollably sometimes, goddamn him for making her feel like this. She just loved it. And, of course, it made her wet. He could do that in the most surprising ways. She wondered if he had tilted her upside down and shaken all the hidden bits back into view. ALL of them. Goddamn him...

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 63 Reports

On Tuesday morning they got Julie to pick them up and attend the Airport without warning them. As soon as Helena entered the office both Danielle and Trudy ran and hugged her. Then Danielle mentioned “Just the one for now?” Helena smiled at her “Yes please, then I would like to see you in the board room privately, after I see Lisa please.” Fred and Helena went to see Lisa. They all went into the board room and had a coffee and general chit chat. They passed on the information they had...

3 years ago
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(Author’s Note: The song lyrics are from the Judds song, ‘Rocking With the Rhythm of the Rain’.) * * * * * Sitting on the porch swing, listening to the light, beating on the tin roof, Baby, just me and you Rocking with the rhythm of the rain. The rain is falling in a light mist over our cabin. The Judds are singing in the background. You are sitting in the swing, pushing us, back and forth, lazily in the warm summer night. I am laying with my head on your lap. My feet resting on the swing’s...

2 years ago
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The Prego Club Pt06

She did have a body, she was just over 5 foot tall, long brown hair, sensual lips, cute smile, blue gray eyes, full hips, legs almost on the large size, but not, just right and very damn nice to look at, small waist, smooth skin, very firm tits about 36 maybe 38, pink aureoles, nipples the size of two thimbles good for playing with and sucking on, a flat stomach and the tightest looking slit with just a hint of pubic hair above. She could easily pass for a 20 year old maybe a 24, hell I’ve...

4 years ago
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Son of SleepChapter 2

My mind was in chaos, my thoughts spinning in circles so fast I felt like I could barely keep a coherent idea in my head. Still, I somehow managed to stumble through the words I spoke to the man who had suddenly appeared in the corner of my bathroom. “You’re telling me that your name is Hypnos. You’re the ancient Greek god of sleep and trance. You slept with my mom 18 years ago, making me. And when I finally ‘became a man’ you decided that your birthday gift was going to be to ... what?” I...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbor Girl

My fascination with her started with one glance, one small smile. I had seen her around before, but never really noticed her. One day it changed. I had gone to the corner store for some snacks before the game that night, and she was visiting her dad, who lived downstairs in my building. As I got home, she was sitting outside on his front step, listening to her music player. I glanced up as I turned down the driveway, and she looked up enough to see me coming. She tilted her head ever so...

Straight Sex
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To Favor Fire

I had been shivering all day – and not only from the weather. Reid had been cold to me since we woke this morning, but it wasn't so unusual; it happened at least once a year. I have been with Reid for four years now, ever since our first year of college. Even then, my usually jovial Canadian flame would brew in cold anger, and nothing I could do would make him come around. Reid would ice me out, as if I were the reason for his discontent. I can assure you, I'm not – not directly anyways. We...

Straight Sex
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An Urban Latex Paradise

Welcome to the city of paradise! A vibrant new city located off the pacific coast of North America. It’s a bright, neon soaked urban jungle full of opportunities and exciting experiences! There’s just one catch... it’s... how do we put this.... kinky. It’s been called the kinkiest city in the world, even. It’s so overtly sexual, they passed a law only 18 months after the city opened that you need to be of legal age to even reside there, forcing parents and children to move out. We also have a...

1 year ago
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My cousin Wife Virgina Part 2

This is my story as my first part I made Virgina have sex with me but now I want to share my wild night at new year with Virgina. It was a new year eve there was a grand celebration in my village. I had planed a party with my friends. In evening I meet Virgina out said the house were she was washing her cloths. It was 7:30 & was almost dark I went behind her and looked every were if there was some one around and I grab her from behind pressing her breast she was shocked for a moment but when...

Cheating Wifes
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Jacks Education Ch 13

The next day at school the five guys met at lunchtime to plan how to get revenge for Jeff’s humiliation at the hands of Frank and Latesha. They decided that it would be too risky to try to get back at both of them at the same time, even with five against two, so they agreed that they would attack them one at a time. Since it appeared that Latesha was the main instigator of Jeff’s mistreatment, they decided to deal with Latesha first. They also agreed that they would gang bang her, including...

2 years ago
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What If He Wants To Feel Me Up

What If He Wants To Feel Me Up? I could not believe that my thirteen-year-old sister was asking me that question. Of all the people she could have asked, why did she have to ask her fourteen-year-old brother? Katie had asked, “What if he wants to feel me up?” I replied, “I don’t know. I guess you let him if you want him too.” Katie asked, “Have you ever felt up a girl?” I blushed. It was none of her business who I had felt up. However, she had never thought of me as her big...

2 years ago
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The Second Week of my Life

Monday New dawn. New week. New gender. Well, that's what it felt like as I lay there in bed. I mean, last week I was just, well, you know, 'pretending', a quick shopping trip here and there, but beyond that Cathy knew I was all man, and as we had spent pretty much every waking moment in each other's company, the bits with dresses were just, well, bits with dresses. Ok, I know that may seem strange, but it wasn't. I mean, clothes are clothes, right? Yes, the first time we went on the...

2 years ago
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SusieChapter 3

It is now four years later since Bob dated Susie. In that time, Bob went to the local junior college and got an associate degree in Math and Science. Bob then transferred to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo where Bob was working on his engineering degree. Bob was living off campus in a two-bedroom apartment with three other guys. There were two guys to each room. And they shared the kitchen duties. The time was Spring and for this weekend most people went home. It was just me and my roommate. They...

3 years ago
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Mums The Word

I can’t recall exactly when it first happened. When I had those initial feelings of lust for my mother. My first memories of feeling stirred up were watching her get dressed in front of me. She would put her panties and bra and the rest of her clothes on her naked body, oblivious to me being in the room. Nothing escaped me. Not her perky tits or her luscious shaved pussy, her long flowing red hair and her long slender legs. My Ma was quite the package and I wanted to get the chance to open...

3 years ago
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My Mom Fucked By Her Collegue

My mom name is Amu and she looks perfect structure her size was 38-32-38 when she smile dimple in her face and her eyes was very attractive her body notable part is her ass well curved ass while she walking very men on street must notice her ass bouncing. I am doing degree near my mom office and my time and her office time same time we both leave house and office same time and we used to travel by train every day train will come very raise and she try to go inside but I will be there in near...

4 years ago
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Ek Baarish Ki Andheri Raat

Suraj doob chuka tha. Hawaein tez ho chuki thi aur baadal garaj rahe they. Ladki ne jaldi ghar pahunchne ke chakkar mein ek shortcut route pe apni gaadi ghuma di. Kuch duur pahunchi ke tez baarish aa gai aur saath hi uski gaadi kharab ho gai. Ghane jungle mein fasi hui usne apna mobile check kiya aur dekha battery khatam ho chuki thi aur koi network nahin tha. Aas paas usne nazar ghumai toh na koi ghar hi dikh raha tha na koi insaan. Ole barasne lage aur unki wajah se uski gaadi ke shishe bhi...

3 years ago
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Sonia Plays Tennis With My Balls

If you don’t yet know how I start my stories, look them up. As always reachable at As always, don’t care if you think it real or fake. I woke up screaming and thrashing around desperately trying to claw at my balls and remove the source of the white hot pain. I wanted to black out, I desperately tried blacking out; I couldn’t. “There are rules, but not many follow them too strictly.” These words of that bastard played like a refrain in my mind as my body. My body, with its every sinew...

2 years ago
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CD caught masturbating

My name is James, I am 44yrs old, I have enjoyed dressing up in womens clothing since I was a teen. I was raised in a home with just my mom and older sister. Whenever I was alone I would sneak into my mothers bedroom, pick out a sexy outfit and transform into Jaime, my female persona. I was now 18yrs old.One early Saturday my mother and sister headed out shopping, as soon as I heard the car leave, I locked the front door and I headed to mothers room to dress up like a little slut and...

1 year ago
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The Taking Of Curious

I can remember the summer of 2009 very well, why you ask? Well it was the summer when I took ‘Curious’, yes, ok strange name, albeit a nick-name … but what a lady! I guess she was around mid-thirties dark hair good-looking babe!, anyway I lived next door to her, and first saw her from a gap in the adjoining fence … my story begins I was mowing the lawn one midweek afternoon when, after some 45 minutes of mowing I sat down on the chair on the decking, even though I had the CD player on, I could...

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 37

Charles decided to put two scouts out front and one trailing; the justification was that "Sundowner" was entering 'Indian Territory' and advanced warning was always helpful. They were tracking directly for Comalee from Amaranti. Having learnt deviousness as a means of survival, Cedric, with Charles permission, fiddled with the transponder and entered the transponder code of a small Amaranti inter system freighter, named "Flying Fish", for transmission over the identification / code...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Yumi Sin Schoolgirl Yumi Is The Perfect Kinda Trouble

Little Asian schoolgirl Yumi is Professor Nomar’s favorite kind of trouble he was looking for and model student he knew would love to have his big cock deep inside. With a note to meet him after class she quickly arrives and is led to his bed where he laid her back and enjoyed her hot sweet schoolgirl pussy. Ramon took his throbbing cock and slid it right inside her wet pussy pounding away before he let her suck it enjoying her own juices. Yumi fucked like a perfect dirty trouble making...

3 years ago
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Looking back on my sex life

My name is Anne I first found out about sex when I was eleven, well I learnt about masturbation then. A friend asked me if I had played with myself, of course I had but not in the way she meant. Lynne a whole six months older than me then went on to show me what she meant, from then on I was hooked, not a day passed without me pleasuring myself at least once.As the next four years passed I would masturbate where ever the mood took me. I also experimented with objects, mums washing machine...

4 years ago
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“He has enjoyed me telling him about you and our brief time together, especially when I am sucking his cock. He gets off on it. “It has been more than a month for me, I am hanging out for a second man. I want to please and be pleased. “What time would suit you?” Jodi asks. We agree that two o’clock on Saturday afternoon works well for us. After some small talk I notice Marco is rather agitated as he ogles my groin area. “Are you looking forward to watching another man have me and being...

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Pamelas Honeymoon

Pamela's Honeymoon by Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. To me, it also seemed to have come too early. I lay there in my virginal (not any more) white, long, form-fitting satin nightgown with spaghetti straps that flowed from my shoulders to my ankles fitting over all of my curves, although it currently was not covering that much of anything. Karen lay cuddled up next to me wearing a black satin nightgown in a style...

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ObserverChapter 16 Day 116

It was Saturday and my 24th birthday. Let me restate that. It is Kara's birthday. My birthday was actually more than a month ago, and I had sent myself a gift. Rather, I had sent my body a gift, since I no longer occupied it. But until Kara and I switched back, this would be considered my birth date. Carol had insisted on serving me breakfast in bed this morning, and had made me promise to stay in bed until she brought it. But when I woke up, I had had an urgent need to use the bathroom. So...

1 year ago
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Bonded and BredChapter 4

"Daddy ... please don't make us do this ... not yet, please ... not yet!" Laurie's face was white with terror. And their father's look of dominance softened immediately. "I won't force either of you to do anything that you are not ready for ... but you have to understand – we are so few now, we must protect our clan and ensure our future." He leaned forward and patted her hand, and he was once more their daddy. "Please, meet these men, and talk to them for a while, and then I...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Kitana Lure BDSM Anal Master Always Gets His Way

BDSM anal masters always get their way and in today’s House of Taboo fetish porn production, Master Yanick Shaft gets submissive Kitana Lure’s ass in every which way from spanking and whipping to deep anal insertion. The Russian brunette is handcuffed naked in a stark white room, awaiting her Master who walk in and starts whipping her right away. The whip conveniently has a glass dildo handle for the milf sex slave to suck on to prime it for her asshole. After deepthroat cock...

3 years ago
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Human ManChapter 26

He was a sucker for the Christmas season and Levall did the holiday right. Downtown had a lighting program for the trees. Stores decorated their windows and the streetlights sported various holiday figures on brackets. Scott spent a ridiculous amount on strings of lights to surround his windows. Maybe the ridiculous thing was how much pleasure he got out of watching the light patterns. He bought a small tree because a big one felt desperate. Next door, the Black Horse was doing gangbuster...

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