Hookup From The Past free porn video

As Aspen stepped out onto the porch of her cabin zipping up her vest she took in a deep breath of pine-scented air with a tinge of wood smoke from the fireplaces of the rented cabins and the lodge. When she left her home town of Pineville, Texas five years ago Aspen had no idea where she was headed; she just had to getaway.
Walking into the massive lodge, Aspen wiped her boots off on the mat, waved at Sally behind the desk, and went to her office. She hung her vest on the coat tree and headed over to her desk, turning on her computer.
“Aspen, sorry to interrupt, “Sally said stepping into the office, “but I have a situation at the front desk that requires your attention.”
“Alright,” Aspen said standing up. “What is the situation?”
“Mr. Michelson claims that he made a reservation but it is not showing up on the computer. I have done the normal searches and can find no record of it.”
Hearing the name caused Aspen to freeze in her tracks, her face turning white. No, it cannot be. I am just overreacting. There is more than one with that last name. It is just a coincident that we have a lost reservation with that name. Aspen thought to herself as she took several deep breaths before following Sally to the lobby.
“Mr. Michelson, this is Aspen, our manager-in-charge. She will see about getting the reservation situation straightened out,” Sally said when they walked into the lobby.
As they got closer Aspen saw her worse nightmare appear before her eyes. It was HIM; the man she had made a fool of herself in front of. Floor now is the time to open up and swallow me whole, Aspen thought, willing and praying for the floor to do just that. Swallowing hard, Aspen put on her professional face and held out her hand saying, “I am sorry about this inconvenience but we will straighten it out.”
“I don’t give a damn who does what but I want this straightened out like five minutes ago. I reserved a cabin three months ago for a week through Travels Unlimited,” he said gruffly, waving a copy of his reservation in her face.
“I will get this straightened out right away,” Aspen told him, dropping her outstretched hand to her side. “Please have a seat. Help yourself to some coffee and cookies.”
“If that woman at the desk worked for me she would no longer have a job. It is pathetic that she does not know how to solve a simple thing like a reservation screw-up.”
“Sally is very good at her job and I know that she did all she could to straighten this out,” Aspen told him straightening up her spine, trying to look imitating but did not come off so well as she was almost a foot shorter than him.
“That is why a woman has no place in a job where it causes them to think, make decisions, and solve problems,” he said staring down intently at Aspen.
As it dawned on Harley who he was berating he started to call her name but Aspen spoke up first by saying, “Hello Harley, long time no see. I can see that your male chauvinistic attitude has not changed.”
“Well, I’ll be; if it isn’t little Aspen Donaldson. How in the hell did you wrangle a position with authority? Did you sleep with the boss?”
Feeling her face starting to burn Aspen had to squash down the urge to slap the smirk off his face. Plastering a fake smile on her face Aspen told him, “I will get it straightened out now,” snatching the reservation from his hand and walking away.
Walking into her office, Aspen took several deep breaths. I should just say his reservation was lost and give him a refund out of my money so he will leave. Don’t need that prick around here for a week Aspen muttered out loud even though her body was saying something different...especially her pussy, which had caused her panties to become damp.
Sitting down behind her desk Aspen went to work to find out what had happened. Within thirty minutes, she found that the travel agency he had used had forgotten to send the reservation to them. Remembering they had a cancellation she quickly filled in Harley’s information from the card he had given her. Aspen knew that it was a mistake but she was a professional and it was only right that it be given to Harley. Once she had everything worked out she dialed the front desk.
“Front desk. How may I help you?” Sally asked on the other end.
“I have it straightened out. It was the travel agency’s fault, Sally. Since Mr. and Mrs. Walter canceled last week we have Cabin 6 open so I booked him there,” Aspen said. “Has he worn a hole in the bear rug yet?”
Laughing softly Sally said, “No, he is glaring out the front window, mumbling to himself, and drinking a cup of coffee. I will let him know that it is taken care of.”
“Thanks, Sally but I’ll do it.“
As Sally hung up Harley barked, “Any word yet? I want to get settled in. It has been a long drive.”
“Aspen will be right out to talk to you,” Sally told him pretending to be working on something on her computer.
Before Harley had a chance to say anything else, Aspen strolled into the lobby. “It was your travel agency’s fault but we had a cancellation so we can accommodate you for the week. You will be in Cabin 6.”
“Well damn woman, you knew all along you had a cancellation so you could have just booked me there instead of wasting my valuable vacation time waiting while you played Miss Big Shot.”
“I needed to make sure that you had a reservation,” Aspen explained. “Enjoy your vacation. Our restaurant is open from six in the morning until eight in the evening.”
“Not only do you make me wait but now you are calling me a liar?”
Ignoring his remark, Aspen took the keycard from Sally, handed it to Harley, and left. She shut her office door none-to-gently and flopped into her office chair. Why in the world did I ever think that prick was so hot and desirable? It must have been the alcohol, although she knew it wasn’t.
This time when the unpleasant memories tried to invade her mind, Aspen let them. She was eighteen, fresh out of high school, working in the secretary pool at his construction business. He was only fifty-five but as far as she could remember, he had always been a curmudgeon and chauvinistic toward women. It was Christmas Eve, the office party, and he had stopped by to pass out the bonus checks. Aspen was not a drinker but being at a party she decided to have a few. When he stopped to hand Aspen her bonus check, he was right under the mistletoe.
Throwing caution to the wind, Aspen had thrown her arms around his neck, forgetting she had a drink in her hand. The drink went down the back of his jacket, as her lips pressed tight against his. She suggestively rubbed her body against his as everyone in the office watched the display in shock. He had pried her arms from around his neck, finished passing out the checks, and left. When her co-worker and roommate showed her the picture they had taken the next morning Aspen was horrified. The rest was history; now five years later the curmudgeon was back.
Although his attitude had not changed, Harley had gotten sexier with his once ebony hair now streaked with grey, his mustache the same way. Harley had been a friend of her dads so she saw quite a bit of him and had always had a crush on him but looking back, she was not sure why she did. It just took alcohol to let her feelings show. Well, time to put those memories back in the trunk and throw away the key for good this time. I will just avoid him, Aspen thought as she turned back to her computer.
When she finished up with all her work, Aspen turned off the computer and headed back to her cabin. As she passed Cabin 6, Harley was just coming out the door. Pretending not to see him, Aspen continued walking toward her cabin at the end of the pathway.
“Aspen, join me for supper,” he called out to her in a demanding voice.
Stopping in her tracks, she said, “No thanks. I don’t dine with the guests.”
“Not asking, I am telling you,” Harley told her. “We have some unfinished business to discuss Aspen.”
“We have no unfinished business.”
Aspen had not taken more than a couple of steps before she felt his hand on her upper arm, pulling her around to face him. Before she had time to react, Harley had pushed her up against a pine tree, holding her there with his body. As she opened her mouth to protest, his lips claimed hers in a kiss, sending shivers up and down her body. Aspen tried to blank her mind but soon the flickers of a burning ember started to grow in the pit of her stomach. His tongue flicked over her lip, taking her bottom lip between his teeth, nipping gently. Aspen could feel her resistance melting away. Harley kept her arms pinned between them as he made love to her lips with soft gentle kisses.
Aspen began to kiss him back, nipping at his bottom lip, her tongue seeking entrance to dance with his. She could feel the heat engulfing her body; never had a man kissed her as Harley was. As he pressed her tighter against the tree, she could feel his hardness pressing into her stomach. Aspen knew that what they were doing was dangerous; the path connected all the cabins and lodge and at any time, guests could come along and see them. If they recognized her, it could cost Aspen her job but at the time, she did not care.
Maneuvering one hand between them, Harley tugged her zipper down enough so he could slide his hand inside gently squeezing her breast through her sweater, earning a moan from Aspen. His thumb rubbed her nipple, turning it into a hard little bud. Moving his other hand down to her waist, Harley worked it under her sweater. As the cold December wind tickled her exposed skin, it seemed to bring Aspen back to the present. Aspen tried to push his body from hers with her body but to no avail.
Stepping back, he reached down to take her hand to lead her into his cabin. Aspen firmly planted her feet, and said, “Harley...what in the hell...”
“Continuing what you started five years ago,” he finished for her as he leaned forward to kiss her lips but only found her cheek as she turned her head away. “Why did you leave without notice Aspen?”
Aspen just looked at him, not giving him an answer. Pushing herself away from the tree, she zipped her vest back up and moved around him to the path.
“Enjoy your vacation,” she told him as she headed for her cabin, wanting to put as much space between them as she could. Part of her had wanted to follow Harley into his cabin but she knew that was not right. He is a guest and staff and guests do not mingle, especially in bed she told herself.
Once in her cabin, Aspen headed for the bedroom, stripping out of her clothes, and dumping them in the hamper. As she stood there staring at herself in the mirror, her hands slowly drifted south toward her throbbing pussy that was screaming for relief. Looking out her bedroom window Aspen started to chuckle. My pussy is so hot if I went out there and sat in a snowdrift it would melt for sure, as she lightly drifted her fingers across her swollen labia.
Giving out a deep sigh, Aspen moved into the bathroom and stepped into the glass-enclosed shower. Getting the water to the right temperature, she grabbed the handheld shower, spread her legs, and aimed the gentle flow toward her pussy. As the water sprayed her pussy, Aspen’s free hand spread her lips so she could direct the spray where she needed it as her thumb rubbed the tip of her clit. Aspen continued to tease her clit while the water soaked her pussy. Her breathing started to deepen, her legs feeling weak. Very slowly, she slid down the shower wall until she was sitting down, her legs widely spread.
Turning up the intensity of the water Aspen aimed it directly at her clit while she put two fingers into her pussy, moving in and out, as she felt her orgasm building. Pulling the showerhead up the strong pulsating water hit her nipples sending spasms of pleasure throughout her body. Oh fuck, Aspen moaned as she moved her fingers furiously in and out of her pussy, her thumb rubbing her clit.
Opening her mouth, Aspen began to breathe heavier and deeper as her body began to twitch, every nerve ending on fire as her orgasm raced over her, her mind blanking out for several seconds. Coming around, Aspen slowly climbed to her feet, the showerhead still in her hand. Putting it back, she washed off, turned the water off, and climbed out. Just as she finished drying off, she heard a banging on her front door.
Thinking it was an emergency Aspen hollered out, “Just a minute!”
She dashed into her bedroom, grabbed her heavy cotton robe, put it on, tying it as she ran to the front door. Aspen threw it open, expecting the night desk clerk but instead it was Harley standing there with both hands in his pockets, his parka zipped up to the neck.
“Let me in woman, it is cold out here.”
“Then go back to your cabin and get warm,” Aspen answered back. “I do not have guests in my cabin as visitors,” as she proceeded to shut the door but was prevented from doing so by his foot.
“Aspen, you wanted me five years ago and you still do so why fight it?”
Taking a deep breath Aspen knew he was right as he was the one she was imagining finger fucking her in the shower but she had made it a rule never to get involved with a guest and she was not breaking the rule now no matter how much she wanted him.
Trying to sound as professional as possible, Aspen told him, “Go back to your cabin and do not bother me again or you will have to leave.”
Harley laughed and said, “Whatever sugar. Sorry I got the signals wrong,” as he turned and walked back to his cabin.
After he left, Aspen shut and locked the door, then sank down on the floor. Fuck, why do you have to be a guest Harley, Aspen moaned holding her head in her hands. After sitting on the cold hard floor for a few minutes mentally arguing with herself, Aspen finally got to her feet and went to the bedroom to get dressed. Figuring that her clothes would not be on for long, Aspen grabbed her pajamas, slipped them on, put her boots on, and grabbed her parka. Gosh, I hope I don’t run into anyone I know, Aspen thought as she put her keys in her pocket. Locking the door behind her, she looked up the pathway and not seeing anyone, she headed toward Cabin 6 to finish what she had started five years ago. Staying in the shadows Aspen quickly made her way to Harley’s cabin, shivering as the wind blew through her flannel pajama pants.
As she turned to walk up the steps of his cabin, Harley stepped out of the darkness of the porch saying, “Took you long enough woman. I was about to freeze my balls off waiting for you so it will be up to you to warm them up so my cum flows freely.”
Aspen gave out a squeal, grabbed her chest, and stepped backward, falling on her ass in the snow. “Fuck Harley. You about scared me to death,” as she struggled to get to her feet.
Harley started laughing as he went down to help her up. As he offered her his hand, Aspen took it, gave a tug, and pulled him down with her. Harley quickly moved over the top of her, pressing her down in the snow as he leaned down and kissed her, his tongue delving deep into her mouth to dance with hers. Although she felt like she was being squished and her ass was about frozen Aspen found herself kissing him back, her arms around his neck. Harley rolled over and pulled her on top of him.
As his hands grasped her ass, he suddenly broke the kiss, asking, “What the hell Aspen? Your ass is soaking wet,”
As he moved to get to his feet, his movements dumped her back into the snow. “Better get you inside and get you out of them before your ass gets frostbite,” as he pulled her up.
Aspen started to giggle as she followed him inside the cabin. Harley took her parka, hung it up, along with his. As he worked his boots off he just stared at Aspen and then started laughing when he realized what she was wearing; wet flannel Minnie Mouse pajamas.
“Wow, I just love that sexy outfit, Aspen. You got my cock twitching just seeing you in it,” he teased.
Aspen shot him a dirty look as she finished taking off her boots, putting them on the mat by the door. As he placed his boots next to hers, he grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom, turning the dimmer to low. Facing her, he quickly unbuttoned her pajama top, his hands reaching out to cup her bare breasts, her nipples still hard from the frolic in the snow. Holding her breasts, his thumbs rubbed over the tips as he leaned down, planting kisses up and down her neck. Reaching out Aspen worked her hands under his tee-shirt, surprised at how hard his abs were for a man of his age.
Finally, Harley moved back, pushing her pajama top off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. “Finish stripping woman and get in bed,” he demanded as he started getting undressed. “I’m not getting any younger.”
Aspen pushed her wet pajama pants down, stepped out of them, and headed for the bed, a bit unsure if she liked Harley’s take-charge attitude or not. As she walked past Harley, he smacked her on the ass hard. Aspen jumped and turned to say something but seeing Harley just staring at her and pointing at the bed, she hurried over and jumped in bed. As she laid there waiting for him, she was mentally cursing herself for doing what Harley told her. She was a modern woman and believed in equality in bed but the chauvinistic attitude of Harley was actually starting to turn her on.
Crawling in bed next to her, Harley pulled her against him, his cock pressing against her thigh as his hand gripped her ass, his mouth coming down on hers in a light kiss. Very slowly he started to kiss his way down, stopping at her breasts. His lips latched onto her left nipple and began to suck like a hungry baby, the tip of his tongue flicking her nipple. Harley gently pushed her back on the bed and began to do the same thing with her right nipple as his hand pinched and pulled her left nipple. Aspen felt as if her body was turning into a liquid mess as he worked on her breasts, making every nerve ending in them feel as if they were on fire. She reached up, grabbed handfuls of his hair and pushed him down harder on her breasts.
Harley quickly got Aspen on her back, straddled her, and held her hands above her head as his mouth moved from one nipple to the other and then he started to move upwards, licking and nipping at her neck and back down. Her juices started to flow as her body began to jerk and move under him as she felt an orgasm building. As he straddled her body, Harley stopped what he was doing and released her hands.
“Do not move,” he ordered as he took his cock in hand, moving up until he was close to her lips. Holding his cock, he rubbed it across her lips while stroking it.
Aspen opened her mouth to receive his cock but all he did was rub it over her lips, his ass gently moving over her sensitive nipples massaging them. He continued to do this until she reached up to grab his cock and guide it into her mouth but before she had a chance to taste him, Harley was moving his body down hers until he was between her legs. Spreading her wide, he put her legs over his shoulders and ran his tongue up and down her sex slit while his thumb teased her rosebud. Harley continued to lick and suck her labia as she lay there moaning in pleasure, her hands gripping the sheets. Slowly he pushed his tongue deep as he could and then he sucked her clit into his mouth. Aspen screamed and flooded his mouth and face with her juices as a powerful orgasm tore through her body.
Sitting back on his heels, Harley put her legs down and flipped her over. Grabbing her around the waist, he raised her limp body up. Getting behind her, Harley rubbed his cock head against her swollen pussy, coating his cock with her juices. Positioning his cock, Harley grabbed her by the hips and drove his cock in hard and deep, pushing her down against the bed.
“Fuck,” she moaned as she braced herself on the bed. “Fuck me, Harley,”
Leaning forward, his cock still buried deep inside of her, he reached under and grabbed her nipples, pinching and pulling hard. As he worked her nipples, Harley started to move his cock slowly in and out of her pussy. As his strokes got harder and deeper, the harder he pinched and pulled on her nipples, causing Aspen to moan and grip his cock with her throbbing pussy.
When he could feel his balls tightening, Harley let go of her nipples, grabbed her by the hips and began to fuck her hard; so hard and deep that the headboard was bouncing against the wall, her body pushed deep into the bed with each thrust. Aspen started to moan as her sensitive nipples brushed against the sheets. Her body began to convulse and tremble as he fucked her hard and deep unlike anyone else had.
“Oh fuck!” Aspen screamed as his cock pounded her like a jackhammer, their grunts, and moans filling the room.
Aspen could feel her body and face starting to feel hot, her vision becoming blurry, her juices gushing out as they soaked his cock, making a huge wet spot on the bed as she was consumed by an intense orgasm, nothing like any she had before. Gripping her hips tight, Harley filled her with his seed. Collapsing on top of her, he pushed her into the bed as they both strived to recover from the sheer pleasure of their sexual encounter.
Rolling off, Harley pulled Aspen in his arms, crushing her in a bear hug as he kissed her on the neck. “Rest,”
Aspen knew she should leave but soon joined Harley in a deep sleep.

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