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Hacker slice-of-life: an introspective moment with someone who got a lot more than she expected from his old equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------ Hookups --Kiai 29aug04/13jan05 'It's all about the hookups. A place to stay; a place to work; a place to eat; a place to browse... and time to get used to it all.' That was her short list: that was what you needed when you stepped through the looking-glass. 'Not everything is topsy-turvy. Most places and things still make sense, it's the people and the ideas they exchange that are all screwed up. That's the nouns; the verbs, well... they all change when the pronouns do. 'So, who has the easier time of it, the loner or the social animal? Being a loner can only go so far: you still need people, even if you need to stay apart from them. The rogue wants to stay in sight of the herd after all; that makes each contact count for more. 'You don't need more than a few contacts to survive, though, and they can be replenished. I guess I like being a loner better.' Not so long ago, this particular loner was a technician in his mid-forties, content if not satisfied at his job, and regarding Boston's "Peace of Mind" as his theme music. That was before he got all the new hardware, not actually new but new to him, from among all the stuff in, on and next to the dumpsters behind the hi-tech buildings. Or, at least, so she presumed. New technology had a thing, it seemed, about jettisoning good old computers. It was amazing what you could do with them: fix them up, put Linux on them, and give them to friends who didn't have computers yet, who didn't know how powerful they made you become. You could try out various distributions, too, with all those boxes. There was always something new you could do with those older boxes, but maybe sometimes they might do something new to you... She never went dumpster-diving anymore, now, instead she looked for the roadside finds left out in front of upscale suburban houses on trash day. Back when she was a he, it started with a cluster of three beige boxes he noticed, sitting beside an overflowing dumpster. There were nearly a dozen more inside it, all smeared with used coffee grounds and last year's annual reports for a company he had never heard of. They were a gold mine of usable technology, and he took them all home in three trips. They had sound cards, network cards and decent drives, and most of them had decent display adapters. There were even a few 10base-only hubs waiting to be scrounged. After cleaning them out and reloading them, he hooked up a cluster of them into their own network, and then they were a musical playground for Csound and Timidity and Lilypond and Audacity and any other open-source music program he could get to compile on them. It was amazing what you could dump out of a soundcard if you were willing to compose the waveform yourself. The card's main output was just a DAC, after all, a sixteen-bit digital-to-analog converter, the same wordlength that a CD used to store music. Rather than do it all on one overworked machine, you could have six machines, all dumping their outputs into a passive mixer and then straight into another soundcard to record to hard disk. 'Have to see about grabbing the output as thirty-two-bit ints and summing them across the network instead. I'll lose a lot of noise that way as the cluster gets bigger. I can pipe the sounds through more soft effects, too... when I get around to it.' Right now, it was still more fun to play around and see what sounded interesting, whether it was ambience with an amplitude-modulation techno beat and FM scratches, bell-like microtonal clusters of sinewaves, or sound-trails, like listening to the misty shape of Bridal Veil Falls. Maybe she should put together a second cluster for working on that network mixdown idea? That way she wouldn't take a chance on messing up her current music system until the new one was working. There were plenty of beige boxes to commit to it, after all: nearly a dozen were sitting, cleaned up and waiting, in the corner. The first step was always to vacuum them out. The layers of dust inside formed an unwelcome blanket buffering the chips >from the cooling airflow, making them run hotter and wear out earlier. Even the ones found behind research labs. Especially those. 'You need a breathing mask on yourself, and a wet filter on the exhaust port of the vacuum cleaner. It could have been lethal. I was lucky to get off so lightly, I know that now...' There was no telling where these machines had been or what they had been exposed to, but it was all recorded in the tendrils of dust that built up inside. Tiny spider webs, fibers from furniture, carpeting and clothing, and anything that was dusty when it spilled or when it dried or was tracked in, were all sucked in by the cooling fans and deposited in microgeological layers all over the circuit boards and the devices soldered onto them. Disturb those layers and you revisited that secret history. Without a wet filter on the vacuum, you sifted the finer particles right through the collection bag and out into the air... your air. With just the right blend of that dust, >from just the right sequence of computers discarded across several nearby industrial parks on a particularly good dumpster-diving day... She was under for a week, in deep shock in an ICU, while her soft tissues adapted to the imposed new state. All her prior memories were recorded from a male role's viewpoint, with male hormonal biases and implicit self-image expectations. Everything from her awakening onward was recorded into memory filtered by female brain patterns and hormonal biases and an unfamiliar new shape, with no automatic role perspective from which to judge and evaluate them. She no longer had a male role in the play of conversation and civility, but she had not been trained >from birth in the girl's part in the script. It was liberating, refreshing, and confusing unto dizziness, because everything that mattered had to be examined for validity. A lot of habitual evaluations were now reversed in polarity and had to be resolved with her history by introspection. "Boobs-exposed" was now only mildly "opportunity", whereas "stiff dick in public" was no longer "don't look or they'll think you're queer". Even "skirt" was no longer "what does it expose", instead it was now "what does it cover, is it warm enough, and does it match the rest of the outfit". Habit kept the naked female body interesting and arousing, but now a tight male butt was too, naturally so, which made for embarrassingly obvious triple-takes: "Look -- avoid looking -- never mind all that and _look_". 'Some people would kill for this...' "Karen? Karen?" 'Oh, yeah, that's my name now... and that's Mike calling it.' She turned to call out to the open doorway, "In here! I'm swapping a box in the sound cluster." His voice got closer, clearer. "Oh, okay. How long?" In a moment he was at the doorway, his darkly electric eyes meeting hers, taking in her appearance and surroundings in the periphery. He stepped in, carefully through the clutter of tools and cables, and leaned in to kiss her uplifted cheek. "Another fifteen minutes, maybe." "Cool." He grinned and turned away, walking over to his console, leaving her free to return her attention to her task and her musings. Despite all the sampling and the laboratory investigations, they never found out what it was that caused it, whether it was the dust from one place or the combination from a few. 'Will I ever revert? Probably not. The male is XY; the female is XX, a foundation subset. We all start out looking female, before androgen brings the boys out to play. And that Y chromosome is a complex little self-contained knot, that much I know from reading the news on the Net. What can replicate it once it's gone? 'Mike's okay. He knows not to push when I'm feeling pressured. Just like girls who started out that way, sometimes I just want to snuggle and be warm and cozy, and sometimes even that's too much proximity because I need my space. And then again, sometimes I need... Well, yeah, sometimes I need. Heh.' Box by box, she shelled into each one of the machines on this little network and put it into an orderly shutdown. When the last one, the one the KVM box was currently switched to, displayed "Power down," she went down the row, flipping power switches. The relative quiet left behind as their fans stopped reminded her of the hospital they took her to when, still outwardly male but feeling woozy, she collapsed at work as the change got visibly underway. 'Imagine if I hadn't been at work when I went into a coma... I spent a week in that coma while my guts were rearranged. Then recovery: that was three weeks in a hospital, with people in dark suits coming by to ask me _everything_... but they saw me change. Imagine if it happened at home, how hard it would be to prove I was me... assuming I survived, that is.' And then, of course, there were the months afterward while the biological changes were propagated outward into the documents that cluttered this civilization, and onward into society itself. The ripples were reflected back as more 'suits' visiting haphazardly to ask just one more question, scrutinize her setup and her movements from just one more angle, and negotiate just one more tweak of their noninvasive but pervasive monitoring of her life. When she got her vacuum cleaner back, it was cleaner than it had ever been since she bought it, and that was as amusing as it was surprising. She knew that everything which was in it when they took it was now in HazMat confinement in a laboratory somewhere. For all they knew, though, the missing component of the catalyst could have been something in one of the dumpsters she had raided over the past year or so: hi-tech used heavy metals and rare earths a lot, and they were persistent. Still, she didn't even start feeling strange until she cleaned those boxes, and that was days after the pickup run that brought them home, so one or more of the ingredients in that ambient potion had to have been vacuumed up out of a computer into her handheld vacuum cleaner and thus into her breathing space. She glanced over at the vacuum cleaner. Her gaze was drawn to the new wet-filter housing over the exhaust port. Mike built and attached that for her shortly after they got together, after he asked why a post-op had periods and she told him the truth. It used moist drip-coffee filters, in a stack to lower its impedance, in a parallel "sandwich-seal" arrangement like a monolithic ceramic capacitor. It was an elegant hack that applied learned electron-flow behavior to moving air. Mike said that, before, he wouldn't have much cared if it happened to him, because new hardware was always fun, but now that he knew her he wanted to stay plug-compatible with her. And keep her alive and safe, of course. She realized, with a quick glance at the back of Mike's head, that she hadn't really looked in a while at how the finessing of that compatibility was proceeding. She stood up and took a quick peek in the closest mirror, one of the many that now cluttered the place. She was analyzing that mental snapshot as she knelt back down by the machine she was replacing. The bones of her face were still softening. They were less angular now. 'All that bone is draining down into my hips, following my femaleness around, surrounding that new cluster of organs that I never had when I was a man... Hm, well, that's not quite true.' After it happened, she read up on it, all over the Net. What was between her legs had never been an 'undifferentiated smear in the pelvic region'. It had all gone from being testicles to being ovaries, scrotum to labia, with a penis which faded inside to peer out from behind a protective hood which was once foreskin... And, who knows where all the intricate details of the uterus were drawn from, but they were all there before in male camouflage, fully functional but just waiting to be reconfigured and repurposed. Even the Skenes Gland, one of her absolutely favorite parts of her new shape, at least when Mike was putting his hands on and in her, had once been an unremarkable prostate. Now she stared down at the deceptive smoothness of her torso in the area below the crease of her tee-shirt that represented her bellybutton, thinking about what was hidden within it. 'That's one complex piece of machinery, the more complex for being made out of meat, _my_ meat. It's a hormone-driven state-machine, running one sequence now, my menses. It's a two-piston blood engine, because the ovaries alternate their egg deliveries. If I ever decide to do anything with it, it'll run a different sequence, one that runs for forty weeks and takes over the whole damn system before it emits the result, and the return-value is a new person... 'How in the world does that much state-logic get designed into meat and coded into strands of protein? And, even more tricky, it's like Thompson's backdoored C compiler: those ovaries come complete with eggs, so it's already completed seeing to its replication by the time a girl is born. I wonder whose daughters mine are, whose compiler they're carrying. What a moby hack...' Even as she was getting acquainted with her new hardware, the Men In Suits moved her to a new town and a new circle of acquaintances. They got her into a new job there so that references on her resume wouldn't be checked and open her to awkward questions about her gender and how she acquired it. They even eased her into a condo and a decent used car and a falsified medical history which stated that she had been through SRS. They also ordered her to stop dumpster-diving, and signed her up to get offered the older hardware coming out of their offices so she would comply. They were thus paying her to pass herself off as a post-op transsexual and shut up about the fact that something environmental, something that humans were doing to the environment in their rush to technological mastery of the planet, could change a person's sex as easily as that of a clownfish. She could understand why: as long as it didn't happen again, or happen too often, it wouldn't cause a panic. A panic, about something like that in the wrong hands, was likely to make heads roll in the places where political power was gathered and kept. They were paying the problem to go away, and they kept checking to make sure it stayed bought. 'Now they're offering me therapy... Therapy for what? They don't know what caused this, they don't know what it's like, and they don't know what's going to happen to me. That whole therapy group looks military, anyway, so this is probably more them putting a monitor in place for if I'm losing it, so they can catch me before it goes public. That, and summarize anything interesting to their researchers. 'Therapy for them, then, and I guess they need it. Fine; an hour a month gives me a face to talk to if I need something. Me, I just take it as it comes, I guess. 'I got over it, really, as soon as my first period was over. That was as bad as it gets unless I decide to make a baby inside me; that's reassuring.' Her mother had made a comment once: "Take care of your teeth: an infected tooth hurts worse than birth-labor." In spite of the advice, she had one wisdom tooth that went that way, during her forty-plus years of being a man. 'I know how bad that was, so I know childbirth's not that bad. I handled that tooth long enough to get it pulled; I know I can handle pushing out a baby. Do I need to, though? 'Some of it depends on the guy, I guess. But, then, do I want some guy in my life all the time, inescapable, because we're both parents to a child of mine?' As she plugged all the cabling into the back of the computer she was swapping into the cluster, she tried to imagine being a mother, being tethered to her timeline by a child at the breast who was latched on in abject dependence for eighteen years and never really letting go thereafter. The faceless guy, tethered to her by the baby, and always wanting back inside her to make another one, was easier to visualize, but just as foreign. 'Not yet. I'm still adjusting to being me. For now, let's let the new hardware be the baby.' She brought the back of her wrist up against the bulk of her breast, compressing it upward, reminding herself of how pleasantly firm and fresh it all was. Then, to even out the sensations, she brought it up against the other one, pushing it up and then allowing it to recoil back into place in turn. No sodden sacks of skin, these breasts: they had real substance. She smiled. 'I've got time. Whatever did this, it reset the aging sequencer. I'm probably something like 22 or 23 inside, they said. I've got time to decide. I'm not at the use-it-or-lose-it point yet.' She had enough company in her life already: a housemate who was sometimes a mate. Mike. 'Another loner like me, and that suits me just fine. I'm still hooking up my networks, deciding where my signal's gonna go...' She smiled at the thoughts that had come out to play amid her introspection. 'Although...' She looked up from the cluster, pulling an errant fall of hair out of the way as she did so, to stare at Mike some more. He was intent at the keyboard, and he looked so sharpened, so powerful, that way... His looks agreed with his inner being in that moment, presenting his inner fire to his work. It was escaping through his eyes, its flickers of flame dancing across the screen, waiting to pounce with unexpected thoughts and new ideas. He was a true hacker: one of those who liked to improve the things around them. They were called 'hackers' because they started by daring to modify things they didn't fully understand, hacking away machete-like at all the implicit hookups until they made things run their way, however inelegant the solution. Then they did it again, smarter this time, using what they'd learned from the first try, but still committing a hatchet-job on the code's prior meanings. She supposed she was probably a hacker, too, of sorts, but more on the hardware side of things where the hatchet job was all too obvious, a kluge for all to see. 'A hardware hacker with hacked hardware...' She snorted an inner laugh at that thought. 'And then you get better than that, of course: more refined as you learn to intuit what isn't in the documents or comments, only in the code itself, and how it implies what it's connected to. You develop an elegant deftness, aiming for that butterfly touch where you insert one line that changes everything as it folds over the problem space into the solution space, in the sublime perfection of the true hack.' Mike had told her that: that was how he did it, and that was how it felt to him, at least on good days. She liked to look at that, and liked even more to be involved with it. It didn't matter somehow that he was male or that she used to be, instead it was those hands of his, expressive and powerful and trembling with eagerness at the keyboard, waiting to be unleashed. And, sometimes, with her permission, those hands were unleashed on her, on her hookups, solving her loneliness and his with the connections they made. She went over to him and gently put her hands on his shoulders, gently rubbing his shoulder-blades with her thumbs as she peered at his screen, comfortable in waiting. He leaned his head so that his hair caressed the back of her hand. It was an acknowledgement and an offer even as his gaze never wavered from the screen, from the code he was mentally flensing out of its obscurity. She responded by leaning down against him, letting her breasts compress against his shoulderblades, and felt him lean back against her, increasing the compression, in acknowledgement. She breathed lightly against the nape of his neck, where his braid crossed his collar, and then straightened up and walked away. She knew that, when he was done with his current task, she would now be at the head of his queue. This was as it should be: he had awaited her attentions and now she was awaiting his, each respectful of the other's processes. She kept all of her interruptions maskable; he returned the trust by assigning her a high priority. As she settled into her new state of arousal, she was consciously doing the same for him. She walked back over to the cluster. The machine she had pulled out was the slowest of them all, as well as having the crappiest sound card. She already had another use for it in mind, one where she didn't need the sound card at all. Console unit last, she walked down the line of machines, flipping switches, powering up the cluster, and sat down to watch the boot-time system messages scrolling past. The last item in this machine's rc.local was a ping of all the other boxes on the little network, to check that they had all booted up normally. That script reported good responses >from everything, paused for her to read the result, and then the machine started the X layer, switched the screen mode and began composing the overlaying that made up a graphic logon screen. She logged into the desktop. Then she smiled and looked over at Mike, trying to estimate his time-to-response. Judging by his hunched posture and intent look, she had a few minutes yet before he would get around to servicing her request. She grinned and launched the cluster into the first movement of Beethoven's Third Symphony. It was music that he liked to make love to her by, and that suited her current mood just fine. Mike turned and grinned over at her, then turned back to his screen with evident new zeal. She knew she was distracting him now, a little, but it was still his choice when and how to respond as his grin promised her he would. She looked him over while she listened and waited, enjoying the fierce look about him as he attacked and defeated incompetence in his own or someone else's code yet again, actively disallowing dissatisfaction. The memory of all the times he applied that zeal to her in his bed aroused her even more now. She shelled into the new machine and created a directory there for all her music tooling. By now, she had a shell script that would fetch, configure, compile and install each of those applications in turn. She checked the free disk space, then copied over and started that installation script; it would run to completion unattended even as the music played. She looked over at Mike again. He was typing in quick bursts, which meant that he probably had everything solved in his head and was committing his changes to code. Soon, she knew, he would type a few more lines, faster still for being rote commands, then loudly slap the Enter key on the last command. Then he would turn in his chair and look at her intently. She sighed and folded her arms across her breasts. Now that she was noticing them, they tingled a little at the tips and ached for attention within. She tightened her arms to squeeze them, causing them to tingle and ache even more. She pressed her thumbs against her nipples, feeling them hardening and teasing her own hunger. She would be ready when he responded. Her older body was recycled and ready for new uses while she cautiously redid her hookups and decided what networks she would join. For now, that would do.

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InterracialBlowbang Jennifer White 11022017

Jennifer White is having what she calls a “back yard barbecue”, but if you know Jennifer White, you know this isn’t going to be anything that resembles a barbecue. No outdoor grilling. No laying around the pool. In fact, the only meat that’ll be served today are the dozen BBC’s who showed up, knowing all about Jennifer and the “back year parties” she throws. Jennifer makes sure to show up late, in the skimpiest bikini she could find, as well as a pair...

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Only in Hollywood 3

Only in Hollywood By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three Danny smirked, shaking his head and then dashed from the curb up the driveway towards the back of the house. Thankfully the spare key was there and he scurried inside, closing the door. It was much too risky to try to hurry past his father to run up the stairs, even snoozing as he was on the couch, so instead Danny tiptoed down to the basement out of sight. Into the laundry room he went, quickly stripping off...

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Antons TroublesChapter 9

Detective Haldeman sat at his desk reading over the file on the McLaughlin murders for about the hundredth time. There was just nothing to go on, not one piece of evidence that pointed in any useful direction, and in spite of the lack of any other suspects, he knew in his heart that Anton was telling the truth. On top of that, from what the emergency room doctor said, the one that examined and treated Anton the day he was brought in, the boy was so weak from starvation, it was unlikely he...

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Raising Little Tabby Jack

She’d been catatonic from screaming and crying for hours when the SWAT unit had charged into her home and rescued her from the three home invaders who had brutally murdered her father and mother. It came out as they were interrogated they had particularly enjoyed raping the pretty thirteen-year old as her mother was forced to watch. Both she and her mother had been strangled and raped repeatedly. A concerned neighbor with acute hearing had thankfully detected Tabby’s shrill screams of terror...

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First Deep Sex Experience With My Colleague

One monday I reached my office late at 10.30 am in our company every Monday we will have new joining’s. I entered inside the office I saw one girls sitting in reception and she was superb and hot with a smile I entered inside. Next one hour my manager came with same girl whom I saw in the morning and introduced to our team. She is my new team mate I was surprised and happy inside and by the by her name is swetha(name changed) 30 year old her size 34,29,34 she has sexy figure and curves. Next...

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Diary of College Slut Amy

My name is Amy Henderson. I’m a young brunette, twenty years old, starting my third year of college. I suspect my parents would be more than a bit surprised to hear about the things I’ve gotten up to in college life, but up until very recently I don’t think there’s any way that they would have known what went on all those months each year that I was away from home.I’ve been labelled a ‘college slut’ by more than a few people. I like my long, straight brown hair, and more than a few guys have...

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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 15

TIFFANY I lay out by the pool in my bikini trying not to remember how much my body ached. Not in a bad way of course because it served as a reminder for what happened three nights ago. The night I'd spent with Carlton and Glen. At first I thought it'd only be Carlton but then Glen had shown up and even though I didn't think I wanted him. Remember, I'd only used him as a teaser for a Carlton to get him riled up to just fuck me already but though Glen was a surlier dude, he had this...

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Goodbye Miss Granger Part 1

Prologue “Miss Granger, may I ask a question?” Oh shit, here we go. Class smart-ass, Craig Wellman. It was the last week of school and the Year 12s were getting feisty; we’d spent the school year preparing them for life after high-school, treating them like adults, loosening the apron strings and encouraging them to engage us as peers, if not as equals. It worked for most of them; at eighteen they can legally drive a car or drink a beer; though preferably not at the same time. Heck, they could...

Straight Sex
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Spanking in Amsterdam part 2

It had been 2 weeks since young Jennifer arrived in Amsterdam, met up with Peter and was introduced to a new wonderful world of sex and spanking. Every waking minute Jennifer had her legs wrapped around Peters waist with his erect penis buried deep in her vagina while she smothered him with wet kisses, when he wasn't deep inside her he was adding a fresh coat of red color to her bottom. Peter was becoming exhausted and needed to get control of this young nymph, she was everything he...

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My First Fantasy Meeting pt4

I squinted my eyes closed. I could feel Mark looking at me, exposed, he had any access he wanted. Not a dam thing I could do about it now. Click, I felt weight pulling on my pussy plug. Remember Mark instructed, if that plug comes out, the pain your ass feels from my spanking will just be the beginning!! I squeezed my ass muscles. I couldn't see what was pulling down on the plug but it was heavy and I was having to work at it to keep it from coming out. I heard Mark flick his lighter again,...

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Romance With Bhabhi

Hey iss readers. Warm greetings to all. This is naps back again with a more thrilling and horny story of how I fucked my bhabhi and my sister together on 1 bed. First let me tell you about my bhabhi and my sister. “any unsatisfied girls/ bhabhis/ aunties in Mumbai who want the best sex in the world can contact me at , I bet that would be the best sex of your life.” bhabhi is 27 years old, having big round tits which can make any man go mad after her. Also, she has the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen...

1 year ago
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CamSoda Asian

There’s nothing quite like jerking off to some petite insatiable Asian slut fucking herself for you live on cam. That’s right; I’m referring to Asian camwhores. I love a good, amateur cam show. It has everything over the regular prerecorded porn that often feels staged and fake. With a good cam site, you’re getting access to live feeds of amateur sluts going at it. You can even tip with some tokens to make some bitch cum with a fuck machine and a Hitachi wand on her clit. Face it; it’s probably...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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The White Guilt PimpChapter 20

Corecia woke up the next morning feeling wonderful. Her Daddy had left her at some point in the night. Thinking back, Corecia gloried in her Daddy fucking all of her holes and making her a complete Black cock slut. After putting her heels back on, she walked back to her room. Some of the other girls noticed the dried cum splattered over her face, tits, ass and the dried cum in her pussy and asshole and congratulated her. Corecia felt so proud. She was really a Black cock slut!! When she got...

1 year ago
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EuroGirlsOnGirls Anastasia Brokelyn Lucy Heart Schoolgirl Eats Out Teacher8217s Pussy

Spanish schoolgirl Anastasia Brokelyn makes sure she gets disciplined after class by her Russian teacher Lucy Heart just so that she can eat out her trimmed pussy and have some hot lesbian sex with her. The all natural blonde Miss Heart starts off with giving her naughty brunette student a spanking, but it causes a warm stirring in between her legs as well, and soon the kinky duo are pussy licking and fingering each other atop the desk in this steamy 4K premium porn scene. Out comes the sex...

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Fucking My Indian Aunty In Her Ass

Hi/Hello to all the ladies and hot chicks out there. I am Nihal Bhat from Bangalore. I am basically from coastal area of Karnataka. But after I got job I shifted to Bangalore. I am working in a MNC in Bangalore. I am 25 years old and still single. I am 6 feet tall and dusky shaded. I stay alone in an apartment in Bangalore. I am well built and my tool is big enough to satisfy all the hot chicks out there. I hit the gym regularly and play sports and trek regularly to keep myself fit. Chicks and...

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A Slut Like MeChapter 7

The last thing I wanted to do was stop my conversation with Megan at that moment. I felt my walls coming down. And it seemed that hers were never as high to begin with as I had thought. I was beginning to relax a little. Megan was handling the things I was telling her better than I could have hoped. I wanted to tell her more. But I had no choice but to stop. I wasn't about to make this a four-way conversation. Things were complex enough already. I had to continue to keep everything in its...

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Virgin Girlfriend And Uske Bari Virgin Sis Ko Choda Car M Fr Flat Pe

Hii reader, me roz ka reader hoo iss ka. Mera nam aakash ha ur me karachi ka rhene wala hoo. Koi grl mere sath sex karna chaye to mujhe e mail kare …….. Abh me story pe ata hoo apko bagair bor kie yeh story tab ke jab ma garmion ke chution pe karachi ghumne gaya tha 2011 me. Yeh esa hua ke mere grlfrnd wha khi ma pharti ha ur woh ek flate pe bachlor rhete ha mean only grls ha sab . Mere gf ka nam ha riya . Nd uski sister ka omika ha woh riya se 4 sal bare ha. To mene riya ko agree kar lia kese...

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Me And My Cuz Pt 1

The next hour went by slowly… relatives I’d forgotten about coming up to me for a chat... buying me drinks, and eventually I felt confident enough to go speak to Ashleigh. She was leaning against the wall looking around at the guests and as I approached her she looked me up and down… ‘I can do this, she still wants me.’ I told myself. ‘Hey Ash,’ I said, ‘Long time no see, how’s things?’ She smiled and replied ‘Not too bad thanx… your looking good.’ ‘Thanx, you too…..’ We began to chat...

1 year ago
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Padosan ko swarg ki sair karayi sagar me

Mujhe girls ke reply ka intajar hai my id Mera nam prince h ye bat us samya ki h jab mai 15-17 me tha mai waise to bhopal me rahta hu par ye bat sagar ki hai.Mere ghar ke bagal me ek unkle,aunty aur unke do bache the dono chhote &unki umar 2,4 sal hi thi.Unckle &aunty job par the isliye bacho ko sambhalne ke liye unhone pariwar ki ladki ko bula liya wo 21ya22 sal ki hogi.uski hight kam thi to wo kam umar ki lagti thi.Lekin sheela ek dum gori aur badan kasa fig38-36-40.Uski bachkani hasi aur...

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My Story With Hot Matured Women Whom I Met Accidentally In Auto

Hi, I am Rahul from Hyderabad and this is my first sex story in iss. I am tall and the average guy always have a fantasy for fucking matured women but to my fortune, I met Sujatha aunty when I was traveling in auto from dilsukhnagar to nagole. It was a rainy season in the month of june 2017 I was going to meet one of my friend who stays in nagole so I take an auto from my home dilsukhnagar. A middle-aged lady is waiting for an auto at my first glance I was really stunned and I am happy inside...

2 years ago
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My First Group Sex With Older Men

I joined a gym a while back that's 24/7, and we can swipe our card to get in at any hour. I don't really work out a bunch, but I like going in the sauna, or going for a run sometimes, and I prefer going late when no one's really there either. I went this time at 12am, like most other nights, and after my exams were done, I just wanted to hit the sauna for a while, hit the showers then go home. I swiped my card in, had my towel and clothes, and saw that like usual, there were barely any...

4 years ago
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I had some time to kill. So, I decided to go to a nearby adult store to have a look around. I had been there before. I wandered around and checked out the different items there. I had a look at the movies on DVD. The usual things a guy does in a place like this. And, I noticed they had an arcade. So, I bought some tokens and wandered on in. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the subdued lighting. There were several short hallways with doors on either side. It was at this point that...

First Time
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first time getting dick flashedfemale perspective

This is a true story circa 2012. One morning im walking back from my exes sisters house who was my bff at the time and we hung out all the time drinking wine and such. She stayed about 5 blocks from me so i was walking home to shower n change clothes and return. I was walking home in just a white tee and grey short shorts. I got to the end of her block and this blue nissan that drives around the neighborhood was pulling to a stop by me. The driver had his window down and offered me a ride I was...

4 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 7

When I got home Friday evening I grabbed a beer and plopped my ass down on the couch. I was tired! It had been almost two weeks since Demie had come into my life but sometimes it felt like longer ... months ... years? I heard a cat howling outside. One of the neighbors hadn’t gotten her fixed so she was calling out for the local toms* to come put some kittens in her belly. The thought gave my dick a little pep. Cripes, my newfound impregnation kink knew no bounds! (* The irony of the...

2 years ago
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The Last 24 HoursChapter 3

I stood on the sidewalk outside of the courthouse, watching my best friend, who I had thought for the last fifteen years was gay; chase her brother around with the apparent intent of reducing any future plans of procreation to the realm of wishful thinking. The only reason I could think of for her to be this mad at him was if it was true. In the fifteen years I'd know her, Beth had never given any indication that she was interested in men. I knew for a fact that she had had several...

3 years ago
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A Day In The Life Of Ron Jeremy

OK, before I start I want to make one thing clear – I am a big Ron Jeremy fan. I think he is a true artist and a great ambassador for the adult entertainment industry. He has also enjoyed a career most of us only dream of – fucking some of the most beautiful and talented women in porn, Traci Lords and Ginger Lyn spring to mind. Ron ‘The Hedgehog’ Jeremy walked into his LA apartment, threw his keys on the kitchen bench and reached into the fridge for a beer. He was exhausted having been on set...

4 years ago
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Club Night

She was so excited and nervous, she barely even felt the cold air against her. The line moved forward a little, and she was now close enough to see into the club a little. It was just a small room with a hallway, you couldn't see any of the main room. It was so exciting to finally be able to go into this club though, she had wanted to go for so long. This was one of the clubs owned by a girl known as Anna, and it was well known that there was more sex in her clubs than in a Thai whorehouse. It...

1 year ago
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My family

My Family My Family    I have lived next door to Jim and Cindy most of my life and they had two beautiful daughters? that were much undisciplined girls.  The oldest one Mary 18 years old and the younger one Vicki 17 years old. Jim drove truck and one day was killed in an accident. Cindy and I started to date about 3 months later and she and I were to go out for dinner one night. I was to pick her up at 6pm for a business dinner. I arrived and she was not ready and was just getting out of...

2 years ago
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How our Landlord seduced us

To find an apartment for rent for two single ladies is now officially categorized as herculean task. I had lost count of number of houses that I and my friend, Neha had visited over the past 6 days.The mobile numbers of brokers filled up my contact list every time we explained the house owner that it is not a family but only two 22 year old unmarried ladies, who are going to move in, he would slowly call the broker to one side of the room and start whispering.We immediately knew that even this...

4 years ago
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Helping Out the Teacher Chapter Two

Becky and I had been dating for six months when she came home one evening in a very agitated state. “What’s up, babe?” I inquired. “I know a girl who is a bit on the plain side and she needs to get laid.” Becky told me. Seeing that she wanted to tell me more, I asked her who her friend was and just why is her getting some dick any concern to Becky. After prodding for quite a while, I had the basics of this poor girl’s plight. Amy is a teacher at Becky’s high school, a recent college grad, and...

1 year ago
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DetentionGirls Haley Reed Caught Fucking On Camera

Haley Reed has been admitted to a detention center for wayward teens, which means a strip search and then changing into the facility’s outfit. While Haley is peeling off her clothes, she confesses that she’s been sent there by her mom for sucking her stepbrother’s cock. Claudia Monet, the administrator in charge of Haley’s intake, decides to grant Haley an exception to their no-visitor policy so she can reconcile with Zac Wilde, her stepbro. When Zac arrives, Claudia...

4 years ago
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Sex Club Slut

Tonight I took being a slut to a new level. I started out being a slut by blowing random guys at gloryholes. It is fun and I recommend it for beginners, but you are limited by the number of coins you put in the preview booth. Craigslist was AWESOME! I got to take my time and choose who I was going to fuck, I even traded blowjobs and/or my ass for vodka and cigarettes when the weather was crummy and I didn’t want to walk to the store. I really do miss Craigslist hookups. Tonight I decided to...

3 years ago
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wicked night with wendy part 1

she also wore the shortest skirts or dresses imaginable and always accompanied by three inch long stilletto heeled shoes. and the only problem was i'm a boot man (i love seeing a woman wearing black leather knee high "fuck me" boots) and although i loved looking at her legs whenever in her company i always wanted to see her wearing boots. which brings me to this paticular day in 2004, i had not long come back from work and was watching tv with my cousin who lived with me at my mums house...

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Michelles StoryChapter 2

Michelle's life was in turmoil and she prayed that her husband was okay. Sarge's henchmen had taken Rodney to a hotel and he was ordered to remain there until Sarge sent for him. The officer's orders had sent a shiver of fear down Michelle's spine. "Emu! Take our beautiful guest to my compound. My wife is expecting a guest ... she will take good care of her," Sarge had said over the building's intercom. Michelle couldn't believe her husband would allow such a thing but then she...

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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 6 Epilogue

Hollis sat on his stool behind the sales counter. Annie walked in. She set on the counter a bunch of chrysanthemums and then slipped off her backpack. Hollis stood and embraced her. "Happy birthday," he said. "Thanks. This is the one I've been waiting for. Were you busy today?" "Not very. I spent the day taking down the sleigh bed." Her jaw dropped. "You took it down? Did someone buy it? I thought you marked it not for sale." "I moved it into the apartment. Come look." Annie...

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The Best Week of Her Life

Finally, her parents had left. She was with Adam, her adopted mother's nephew, so, technically, they weren't related. But they both felt a strong sense of lust toward each other. As her parents drove off, he embraced her in a warm kiss, and told her to go get ready. (They were going to a party together.) She out on a halter top and a pair of dark jeans with her flats, and they were headed out the door. She glanced at Adam. He looked great, she had to admit to herself. A button up shirt, light...

First Time
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Alex was very excited that day. He was going to Mt. Capistrano with his cousins and his cousins’ girlfriends. This wasn’t Alex’s first time to go to Mt. Capistrano. He had been to Mt. Capistrano, with his classmates in high school, when they would have tree-planting activities. Alex was feeling excited because this was his first time to spend one night on Mt. Capistrano. And also, his first time to be there on Holy Thursday and Friday, when Mt. Capistrano would be packed with people from...

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MY NAME IS MARIAI get home from work and unlock the door and step inside closing the door behind me. It is dark inside, except the light from the hallway. I hear noise in the bedroom. I call out. "somebody there"? This woman my age comes walking out from the bedroom. She is completely nude. Not a stitch of clothing. So I ask "What are you doing in my house" and she tells me that she lives here, not me. So I ask her name to which she replies "I am Maria" with a strong...

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