In Search Of ParadiseChapter 5: Shakedown Cruise free porn video

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"That's what you're going to sail around the world in?" Celeste enquired, gazing at the Gon Waki 2 as it sat on the dock, still in its cradle.

"That's her," Tracy beamed with pride. "Gorgeous, isn't she?"

"Well, it's bigger than I thought it would be, but it's still pretty small," was the verdict.

"Actually, there's more room in her than she appears to have," Brandon informed her. "In the cabin, there's two staterooms in the stern, a large lounge midships, another combination storage locker and forward berth in the bow, a complete navigation and communications centre, a decent-sized galley, full head, and even a washer-dryer for laundry. For her length, she's got lots of storage. She has a draft that's about six feet, which means that we can anchor in some pretty shallow harbours."

"And you think you'll be happy on something like that? Personally, I think you're both right out of your minds!"

"That's what Tracy was thinking when she came up with the new name. At the time, it sounded appropriate too, and I'm not sure it doesn't still apply. You must admit that it's a little wacky for two people to be leaving all they know behind and striking out like we will.

"Wacky, maybe," Celeste replied in a pensive state, "but the more I think about it, the more I envy you two for being able to even think about doing something like this."

"Brandon, are we taking her out?" Tracy's enthusiasm bubbled.

"Yeah, maybe we should," he agreed with her idea, but not sure if his sister was referring to the yacht or her sister-in-law. "I'll get them to put her in the water and we'll make a long weekend out of it. May as well get Angel used to her, because I can see a look in her eyes that says she's curious. Think you can stand three whole days of nothing better to do than relax, unwind, and listen to the water flow by, Celeste?"

"Mr. Winters!" a cheerful shout interrupted them from somewhere in the yard called out.

Brandon swivelled on the balls of his feet, catching the sight of a face he'd seen before, and he waved back at the approaching figure.

"Charlie! Just the man I'm looking for! Come on over here and let me introduce you to my crew," he invited the newcomer. "This is my sister, Tracy Keelson, and her sister-in-law, Celeste Inman. Ladies, this is Charlie Ariens, one of the best marine fabricators in the state."

"Good morning, ladies!" Charlie smiled broadly as he greeted the two women. "Brandon," he continued in a quiet aside to his client, "you'd better keep a close eye on those two before I shanghai them," Charlie joked amiably, then got down to business.

"Have you had time to go over her?" he asked Brandon.

"Not yet. Is she sturdy enough in that cradle to go aboard?" Brandon answered the question with one of his own.

"Sure. Let me get Jason to bring over a gantry, and I'll show you all the work we did. She's a beautiful boat, and a pleasure to work on. You must be proud of her."

"Charlie, if she's ready for it, we'd like to take her out for a weekend shake-down. Any chance?" Brandon asked hopefully.

"There's still a couple of things to be finished off, but as long as you're only going for a few days, she's all set to go. We can have her in the water in a couple of hours, if you want. In fact, what we have left to do can be completed while she's in the marina. Still want that gantry, or can you contain yourself until after we launch her?"

"Show me the work you did that won't be visible once she's in the water. We can wait for the rest of it until later, Charlie. My next question, though, is whether you have moorage available."

"Not a problem. By the way, those changes we made to the stern? Have you had a chance to look at them? That's as close to what you had designed as we could get. Steel might make for a strong hull, but it can be a real pain to work on when it comes to marine fabrication. Wendell must have spent three days making sure of all his welds."

The four went to examine the stern's re-fabrication, and by the smile on Brandon's face, Charlie knew that they'd succeeded in creating something that his client was happy with.

Two hours later, the trio watched their yacht's keel gently break the water's surface as the Gon Waki 2 was lowered by the large gantry hoist. Through the whole process, both Tracy and Celeste were mesmerized, almost as if they were daydreaming of things to come. When it was finally time to board, Brandon had to give each one a gentle push to get them out of their trance-like state.

"I'm almost looking forward to this," Celeste softly confided as they made their way down the ramp and onto the dock. "Almost," she added, "but it's still a little scary. It won't sink on us, will it?"

"Angel, you've been watching too many Gilligan's Island re-runs," Brandon chuckled. "There's not much chance she'll sink, especially while we're still in port. That's one of the reasons for this shake-down; to make sure she'll stay afloat when we finally ship out. You still okay to try this?"

"I wasn't ready for a move to Florida, either, but here I am," she let him know, "so I might as well go for broke and find out what the big deal about sailboats is. Shit, I don't even know if I get seasick! Maybe I should have brought some of those bags they use on airplanes."

"You'll be fine, Sis," Tracy tried to build up her sister-in-law's confidence. "I had that same fear the first time we went out, but the further we sailed, the more I fell in love with it. I had so much fun that I completely forgot about motion sickness. You will too, if you let yourself."

Charlie and Brandon inspected the entire yacht as the marine engineer pointed out the modifications that had been made, and the re-enforcements they'd put into the hull's weakest areas. Charlie made a list of those chores that still needed to be done, but for the most part, the Gon Waki 2 was about as seaworthy as she'd ever be, and Brandon was more than happy with the results.

"Let's go shopping for whatever we'll need, then take her out, Pip-squeak," he invited his sister, who beamed her agreement. "I'm itching to see how much I learned in all those navigation classes we took."

The three went through the ship, making notes of everything they'd need to pick up for the weekend cruise. With lists in hand, they headed off to the local chandlery, then shopped for groceries. There were items on those lists that Celeste had never heard of before, but she chipped in to locate what she could as the enthusiasm and excitement of the other two swept her up in a similar euphoria. By the time they had everything onboard and stowed, she was almost as eager to get underway as her shipmates.

"Let go the forward line!" Brandon called to his sister stationed at the bow of the Gon Waki 2.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" she happily replied, then untied the line and began to coil it up.

"Let go the aft line!" he ordered Celeste.

"Aye, Sir!" she echoed her sister-in-law's happy tone, carefully readying the rope for storage as she'd been taught.

Once away from the dock, Brandon throttled the little Yanmar diesel up until it began to push them into the open water surrounding the marina slip, then nursed the throttle some more as the Gon Waki 2 slowly made her way towards the edge of the breakwater that protected Naples harbour from the wind and waves of the Gulf of Mexico. Once beyond that protective barrier, Tracy joined her brother to raise the mainsail and Genoa jib, then trim the two sails.

"Pull that jib in a bit, would you, Pip-squeak," he let his eyes sweep over the set of the two sails. She did as he'd asked, waiting for his look of approval for the amount that she pulled in the jib. Once he was satisfied, his smile told Tracy that she'd done her job perfectly.

"Let me shut this noisy engine off," Brandon mentioned to his crew, as the east wind filled their sails. Keeping an eye on the pitometer, the gauge that showed their hull speed relative to the water, he and Tracy were pleased to see the needle indicating a reading of just under eight knots. Even Celeste watched the gauge, although she had no idea of the significance of the readings.

"We'll hold this tack for about a mile, then change course," Brandon informed the two women. "I'd like to get into deeper water before we head north, and we'll have a better idea of how strong the current is out that far."

Fifteen minutes later, Brandon called out his warning of a course change, and Tracy helped swing the mainsail boom, then trimmed both sails. The new course put the Gon Waki 2 at right angles to the wind, and the sleek yacht heeled to port.

"We're going to tip over!" Celeste cried in pure fear.

"No we aren't, Angel," he tried to put her mind at ease. "It would take a lot more than this to capsize us. Remember back in the boatyard, you saw those two keels on the bottom? Between them and the steel of the hull, this boat weighs about eighteen thousand pounds. That's a lot more weight than a light breeze like this could push over. It's those keels that make it possible for us to go forward. Without them, we'd just slide sideways, but it also causes the ship to heel like this. You'll get used to it soon enough."

"Never!" she caustically snarled at him. "That deck was flat and this boat was upright when we left the marina, so don't give me that bullshit! We're all going to die!"

"If you're that worried, Angel, you can always sit down somewhere," Brandon couldn't help but laugh at her prediction. "May as well get used to sitting anyway, because once we get settled onto a given course, there's not much more to do besides relax and enjoy the ride."

"Enjoy? Enjoy?! How the hell am I supposed to enjoy anything when we're all about to drown?!" Celeste caustically scolded her Captain. "I can't swim a stroke, and you know it!" she added as a reminder.

"Sis, would you grab three floater vests from the forward locker for me?" Brandon turned to Tracy, who knew exactly what he meant and where they were stowed. She returned moments later with the three Mustang vests.

"Here, Angel, put this on. If you get careless and accidentally fall overboard, this'll help keep your head above water until we can get back to pull you out," as he assisted her with the safety vest, making sure it was properly adjusted.

"You too, Pip-squeak," he ordered his sister. Tracy donned the vest, although she didn't seem too enthusiastic over having her freedom of movement restricted. "We need three people to sail this ship," she was reminded, "and I'd like to keep our present crew safe and sound. Maybe after you've learned to swim, we'll see how often you'll have to wear one of those things. Would you feel better if I wore one, too?"

"I'd feel better if I didn't need this damned thing in the first place," Tracy snarled at the inconvenience, but relaxed once her brother put on the third vest himself.

"That better?" he asked her.

"Yeah, I guess so," she admitted reluctantly. "I don't feel like the only freak on this boat now.'

"Thanks a lot!" Celeste growled at the implied label her sister-in-law had put on her neophyte status.

"Girls!" Brandon got their attention. "Let's not mar this cruise with a cat-fight before we even get started. Sis, want to take the helm while I give Celeste the two-bit tour? I'd like to study that chart of the area before we go too far. Maybe some people know where the shallow water is, but I'd rather not find it by running aground."

Tracy took the helm, making note of their compass heading before reassessing the sail's trim. In Brandon's eyes, his sister took on the stance of a veteran sailor, and he reacted with a happy smile at just how comfortable she seemed commanding the vessel in her hands.

Now relieved of his station, Brandon guided Celeste down into the cabin, then began to point out the various appointments and work areas of the ship.

"There's two staterooms in the stern," he pointed out to their weekend guest, "and another one forward in the bow. It's a little crowded up there, though, because that's also where we'll store most of the food. Whatever needs to be kept frozen will go in the chest freezer. But there's still room for someone to stretch out and get a decent sleep."

"Is that where you plan on putting me?" Celeste enquired, her voice sounding a little worried at being that far from the cabin's exit.

"If you're not comfortable with the idea, maybe you and Tracy could double up in one of the aft staterooms," he gave as an alternative. "I'm not sure just how loud either one of you get when you're making love, but if it gets to be too much, I can always sleep on deck. Let's see how things go before you decide where you want to be."

Their tour continued as Brandon pointed out the bathroom, dining area, and the efficiency galley.

"Gawd, I love this galley!" Celeste exclaimed as she took in the equipment available. "When I lived in Chicago, I'd have killed for something like this!"

"Does this mean that you're volunteering to be our chief cook?" Brandon questioned her, looking forward to more of Celeste's excellent cooking.

"Do I have to be chief bottle washer too?" she hedged.

"I'll make you a deal, Angel," he added some incentive. "You do the cooking, and Tracy and I will try to keep the galley as clean as we can. Sound fair?"

"You've got yourself a deal ... Captain," Celeste conceded, quite happy to have finally secured a position of importance on the little ship.

"How about you have a good look around while I pull out a chart and check on some navigation?" he suggested, then headed toward the navigation desk before she could answer. As Brandon unrolled a local chart, Celeste began to peek into the various cupboards, orienting herself to the current galley arrangement. She'd have to move a few items around before it would be a comfortable environment, but for the most part, she was quite content with what she found. By the time she'd become familiar with the cabin, Brandon had finished calculating their course changes using both the chart and the onboard GPS.

"Sis, bring us to a heading of three-four-five degrees," Brandon called up through the hatchway, and Tracy adjusted the helm accordingly.

The new course required some minor adjustments, and he tried to explain the aerodynamic principles of sailing to their guest. None of it made much sense to her, but she tried to look like she understood. What she now knew, when he finished, was that if a sail was flapping, or luffing as he'd called it, they needed to pull the sail in, and the luff should be taken out of the mainsail first, with the foresail trimmed second to maintain the aerodynamic balance between the two sails.

Seven hours out of Naples harbour and another course correction as they passed Sanibel Island, they were at Boca Grande and the entranceway to Charlotte Harbour. With that east wind, it was a tight reach to get through the breakwater, but once they'd navigated the short narrow channel, it was an easy sail to Turtle Bay in the Park Reserve. Brandon found a small, sheltered, and deserted spot on the west side of the bay, and they dropped anchor. Once it caught bottom, he furled the mainsail while his sister did the same for the foresail.

"So that's what sailing's like, is it?" Celeste's scepticism had eased up somewhat.

"Pretty much, Angel," Brandon admitted. "Mind you, we're in coastal waters, so we were always within sight of land. Once you get fifteen or twenty miles out, the earth's curve hides all that, and you're left looking at nothing but water and sky. But the sea is always changing, so it's kind of hard to get bored. Still uncomfortable with being on a sailboat?"

"I was at first, but once I got used to almost tipping over all the time, it's actually quite relaxing and peaceful. I guess what I wasn't ready for was the silence. No engines, no screaming people, no horns blaring. Just the sounds of the wind in the sails and the splashing of water as we moved through it. I can understand why you'd find that so appealing, though."

"I told you that you'd enjoy it," Tracy encouraged her sister-in-law. "The first time Brandon took us out, I was so scared that I think I almost peed myself. It didn't take me very long to get to like it, though. This trip today felt like ... like it was too short. I'm really looking forward to sailing into the Caribbean. Warm sunshine, clear blue water, and nobody around to bother us? It's like a dream still, but one that'll come true. You'll see, Sis, once we get going."

Celeste gave her sister-in-law an undecipherable look, and Brandon couldn't help but notice that she also hadn't made any real protests to the idea of becoming a part of their crew. He did, however, keep that observation to himself.

"You two did all the work today," Celeste volunteered, "so maybe if Tracy shows me how that kitchen works, I'll see if I can remember how to burn water, then try making some supper for you two mariners."

Celeste and Tracy headed below to the galley. After Brandon's initial tour, there were only a few questions that Celeste asked, mostly on the safe operation of the galley stove, and exactly how the sink taps worked. Tracy showed her how to use the hand pump, then pointed out where her sister-in-law would find the various utensils that she might want.

"I think I've got this place figured out now," Celeste gently dismissed her sister-in-law. "Why don't you relax with your brother while I see if I can burn something edible?"

"You? Burn something?" Tracy caught her sister-in-law's humoured tone. "That, I've got to see!"

"Sweetie," Celeste returned with a slightly syrupy lilt in her voice, "as much as I love you, would you get your pretty little ass the hell out of my kitchen please!"

It was more of an order than a request, and Tracy took the hint, but paused long enough to give Celeste a warm kiss on the cheek before silently heading back on deck.

"You put her in charge of the galley, didn't you?" she accosted her brother once she stood beside him at the helm.

"I told her that if she did the cooking, you and I would clean up after her. She isn't one of those people that uses every dish in the place, is she?" Brandon began to have second thoughts over his decision.

"No, she keeps the place spotless," Tracy educated her brother, "but if you value your life, don't ever go down there when she's busy cooking. She even kicked me out just now! My own sister-in-law!"

Brandon couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's mock tone of hurt, then asked if Tracy was alright with the arrangement.

"You've tasted her cooking," she reminded him. "I can do the basics, but I'll never be the cook she is. I think you picked the right person to man the galley," Tracy gave support for her brother's decision.

"Any idea what she's making down there?" his curiosity got the better of him.

"Not the faintest," his sister admitted, "but knowing Celeste, it'll be a real taste treat. It usually is."

Tracy's prediction proved to be uncannily accurate, as Brandon's taste buds soon found out.

"Celeste, this is delicious!" he exclaimed in praise. "Should I ask what it is?"

"Just something I whipped up with that hamburger you bought," she avoided being in the spotlight any longer than necessary. "Next time you go grocery shopping, though, would you please check the expiry dates? That crap was almost as old as all three of us. You're lucky it hadn't turned. If it had, I'd have been tempted to serve you for supper! Men!" as she turned to address Tracy. "They can make a boat move with a couple of bed sheets, but can't pick out good food from bad. And we're supposed to live with these creatures?"

"Without them, Sis," Tracy reminded her sister-in-law, "we wouldn't be here ourselves. It takes two to tango, they tell me."

"How about some wine as a peace offering?" Brandon suggested, and two smiling faces let him know that his idea was more than welcome. It was also the last word spoken as the three of them concentrated more on eating than anything else.

"Phew! I'm stuffed!" Brandon exclaimed as he struggled to push himself away from the table. "Angel, that might have been the best hamburger meal I've ever eaten. It sure beats the hell out of my cooking. That position of Chief Galley Officer is yours if you still want it."

"He'll be the size of a beached whale if you keep feeding him like this," Tracy took a swipe at her brother.

"Whale One to Whale Two! Over!" Celeste intoned while she clamped her nose shut, and almost got a mouthful of wine sprayed over her as Brandon broke into unbridled laughter.

"Gawd, he's breaching!" Tracy joked about her brother as a result. "Come on, Moby Dick. Help me clean this place up. Celeste's done her duty for the day."

"Is that 'Moby Dick' or 'Mouldy Dick'?" Celeste had to get the last jibe in.

"That's it!" Brandon mockingly scolded her. "Out! Before I throw you in the brig!"

He gently but firmly pulled her out of the chair, then lightly propelled her towards the cabin hatch, giving her behind a gentle pat as she stumbled across the cabin. "Cheeky woman!" he added warmly.

Celeste took advantage of her release to quietly study their surroundings once up on deck, lost in the unhurried tranquillity of Turtle Bay and the peaceful timelessness of its isolation. As the sun set over the western forest that sheltered the bay, she had time to contemplate the differences between her life in Chicago and the one that had started when they'd moved to Florida.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Brandon broke into her contemplations as he returned on deck.

"Hmm? Oh, just thinking, is all. This is all so overwhelming, considering that only a few short months ago, I thought I was going to die in a lousy basement apartment over a thousand miles from here. I'm having a hard time believing that this isn't a dream, or that I won't wake up in Chicago."

"Do you miss Chicago, Angel?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"About as much as I'd miss the bubonic plague! Brandon, these last few months have been the best of my life. Even as a little girl, I never thought I'd be sitting on a boat, anchored in a cove somewhere in Florida, and at peace with the world like this. I really do owe you and Tracy so much. I just wish there was a way to repay both of you for all you've done for me."

"Like I told you before," Brandon reminded her, "you do owe me, and we can easily negotiate something for repayment that we'll both be happy with. I know how Tracy feels about this, and how I feel too, but I'm going to ask you anyway. Would you consider coming with us when we leave? She needs and wants you. Hell, Angel, she's very much in love with you, and we both know it. She'll miss you terribly if you stay behind. I will, too."

"You will?" she asked in an unbelieving tone. "I guess we haven't killed each other off yet, so that has to count for something. But you'll get over me, and so will Tracy eventually. If I went with you, I'd just get in your way. Your sister wants you, you know."

"I know," Brandon admitted what he understood about his sister's feelings. "I have to admit that I want her, too, Angel. It's just that I'm scared we'll both get hurt. I've let myself be vulnerable before, and it's never worked out worth a shit. But it's Tracy that I'm more afraid for. That's part of the reason why I've been holding back from her."

"That's an excuse, and you damn well know it!" Celeste chastised him. "Maybe you're right, and one of you might get hurt. If she and I go our separate ways, I know I'm going to hurt. But she's given me a lot of warmth, love, and happiness. I took a chance and let myself fall in love with another woman. If I hadn't, I'd never have had the wonderful experiences that she and I have shared. I'm not sure I would have even survived this long. Keep that in mind before you break her heart and refuse her. She's entitled to be happy, and to be loved. For that matter, so are you. Maybe you're right, and it won't work out the way you planned. But then again, maybe it will. You'll never know if you don't take that chance, Brandon."

"I hurt her once, Angel, when I left home. I don't want to hurt her a second time. Tracy doesn't deserve that."

"For heaven sake! The girl's in love with you, and not for the first time either! How do you feel about her, though?" Celeste reminded him.

"She's told me about being in love with me, and I believe her. But how do I feel? I care very deeply for my sister. She's all I have left for family, Celeste, but she's also my best friend, and probably the best one I've ever had. Do I love her? Very much. Am I in love with her? I've never let anyone get close enough to find out what being in love is like. But with the way Tracy makes me feel, if I'm not there now, I think I'm getting awfully close."

"Brandon, if you hide those feelings from her, you'll hurt her more than you ever did in the past. Tracy needs to be cared about, to be desired, to be wanted, and to be loved. If there's a man that she wants to give herself to, you're him. And if you do hurt her by ignoring her feelings and your own, I promise you that I'll find you, then kick your ass so hard you'll shit out your chin! I'm just afraid that if I tag along, I'll screw up any chances you both have."

"Am I interrupting something?" Tracy asked as she came on deck to join her shipmates.

"Your ears burning, Sweetie? We were just talking about you," Celeste answered with a grin on her lips.

"Should I ask what you two were plotting?" Tracy furthered her interrogations.

"Your sister-in-law thinks we should ignore that twelve-mile idea," Brandon supplied.

"That's not what I said," Celeste was adamant, "but if I'd thought of it, I might have. Maybe if I stood guard, you two would be together the way you both want to be anyway. Christ! You two look like a couple of love-sick puppies when you're around each other. There's no one in this cove to bother us, so why not?"

"That's got to scare the hell out of you, Angel," Brandon voiced his opinions. "If Tracy and I become lovers, aren't you afraid that she might not want to be with you still? If it was me in your position, I'd be jealous as hell, and nowhere near as magnanimous as you're being."

"And you think I'm not?" Celeste shot right back at him. "I'm scared half out of my mind!. When you two became lovers," as she emphasized that time label, "who's to say she won't dump me and spend her time in your bed? I've had all day to think about that, and no matter which way I look at it, I can only see one way to make this work. If I try to keep Tracy all for myself, she'll resent it, and I'll lose her. By the same token, if you try to take her away, she'll resent you, too, and you'll lose her. So all you and I can do is give her the room to love whoever she wants, to be with whichever one of us she chooses at the time, and learn to share her. She's quite capable of loving both of us, you know. Still, the only way I'm going to find out if I'm right or not is to let her go to the man she loves."

"And what happens when I want both of you?" Tracy threw in that one question that neither of them had considered. "It's going to happen and you know it, Sis. As much as I want Brandon, I want you just as badly, and I can't see that changing in the near future."

"Then we could be in trouble," Celeste declared. "Knowing me, I'll get jealous as hell and want you all for myself. Your brother will get upset, try to keep you, and we'll all end up fighting. That's the one thing I haven't figured out yet."

"So I still might have to make a choice?" Tracy commiserated. "Gawd, this is complicated! I can't do that, and you both know it. All I want is to love you both, and to be loved by both of you in return, dammit!"

"At the same time, Sis?" Brandon threw a thought into the ring.

"Forget it!" Celeste exploded. "I might be a bit of a pervert, being in love with another woman, but I'm not into kinky stuff like that! No, we'll just have to learn how to share, I guess. But maybe tonight's as good a time to start as any. So why don't you two take one of the staterooms and I'll sleep in the forward locker? It looks as comfortable as that dinette would be, and I'll be at the other end of the boat, so I might not even hear you. If that doesn't work, I'll sleep out on the forward deck."

"Are you sure about this, Celeste?" Brandon enquired, suddenly concerned for their guest.

"No," she snapped out a little too quickly, "but if this is where Tracy and I go our separate routes, the sooner we know about it, the sooner I can deal with the pain."

"Sis, I never want you to hurt because of me," Tracy became animated. "Maybe this wasn't such a hot idea after all. By the sound of it, one of us is going to hurt before the weekend's over, and maybe all of us will! That's the last thing I want. I love you, Celeste. It's just that ... I love my brother, too, in a way that I'm not supposed to. But I can't help the way I feel, and I can't stop loving one of you for the sake of the other."

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Caribbean Cruise

Don and Sue have been married almost three years. They got married when Don graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering and after Sue’s freshman year in college. Off and on, both Don and Sue jog a mile or two four or five days a week and sometimes enter 5K or 10K fun races. Don is 25, 5’11”, 160 lbs. He is a resident engineer for a large Architectural and Engineering Company. In high school and college, Don was shy and didn’t date much due to lack of confidence. His family was low income, but...

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Incest Cruise

Jack Blake had just celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday. Although a tall and athletic boy, he was shy and somewhat awkward. So here he sat in his room on a Friday night jerking off to pictures of naked or near naked women. He saved his favorite for last. It was a picture of his 32 year old mom Sara in a thong bikini on a beach in Mexico. Jack and his mom had always been close. He was the product of a one night stand that his mom had at the age of 16 with a sailor who was on...

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Patricia decided she wanted to take a cruise but she could not decide where to go so she went to her favorite travel broker and asked him what he thought well he looked her over and Patricia had dressed extra sexy that day all black leather and big jewelry with these sky high stiletto boots she looked like a mad bikers dream but that was the way she felt that morning so she went with it the guy says to her listen I have this exclusive singles cruise only the hottest people can go on it you even...

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Ten Day Cruise

It all began on a normal summer day. As I did most days, I spent much of it sunning in the backyard and reading one of my romance novels. My brother left earlier to play ball with his friends in a park near our suburban home. Mom and Dad both worked. I turned eighteen a week before. My brother would be nineteen in a month. Glen and I graduated from high school a few weeks earlier. We were in the same grade because my brother failed the fifth grade. After that, he buckled down. Mom and Dad's...

3 years ago
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JamiLins Graduation Cruise

JamiLin's Graduation Cruise Hello again. I am JamiLin. I was born as James, but life has led me to the feminine side. I shall preview me in this early paragraph, buf for more insight into Jami, read, The Rebirth of Jami and What Now Jami? To make a link with the Rebirth and What Now Jami, and his story, I would first like to do a brief introduction. In my first story I introduced myself as James a high school aged boy. Although slight in build and not so macho, I was merely...

2 years ago
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The Love Cruise

This story is a story about a widow and a widower, who meet on a cruise ship and fall deeply in love. But what they don’t show on those mushy movies, that always end in a kiss, is the sexual journey two new lovers always take, as well. **************************************************************************************************** Chapter 1 “This is going to be so much fun this week. Just think of all the hot guys that might be on the ship. And where there is hot guys, hot sex is sure...

3 years ago
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Couples Life Altering Cruise

ashful or shy is not a word that could be used to describe either of us. Being nude outdoors is one of life's real enjoyments. When I am planning a vacation or a work trip I try to work in some nude activity. Although it is not encouraged at home it is accepted. Thirty years ago Susan did nude modeling for art classes while in graduate school in California and a small amount of freelance nude modeling during the same time period. I think her Scandavian heritage brings this trait to life. We...

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Through the YearsChapter 13 Getting Ready and Taking Cruise

Syndy, Wren, Tam and I started planning our cruise and decided we would take it in November. We were flying to Ft. Lauderdale where our cruise ship was leaving from the port. I was able to find a very adult cruise which allowed clothing optional sunbathing on the ship although I wasn’t sure if I would get the girls persuaded into enjoying it or not. Tam and Wren still owed me a payment on the bet they lost to me which I was planning on collecting to some extent. I had been looking through a...

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An August Cruise

An August Cruise It had been seven months now since my partner Helen had left. It was all quite sudden, for me anyway, I hadn’t seen it coming at all. It all came to a head in January when I arrived home from work to find Sarah, her 26 year old daughter having a blazing row with her in the living room. I could hear them before I had the key in the door, it was so loud, luckily we had a detached house and the neighbours would have not heard a thing. I put my coat over the banister and listened...

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I gave him birth, I shared his berth by Oediplex 8==3~ She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of incest. I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near...

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Singles Cruise

Single’s Cruise My wife had been dead for long enough according to my children and friends. So I booked a week on a single’s cruise in the Caribbean for people over fifty. Then when I called back to make it two weeks, the lady talked me into a full four weeks. That way I would get to meet four different sets of women who usually come aboard for a week at a time and I would get upgraded to a suite that would be up much higher in the ship. Okay, why not! So I changed my vacation to...

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Derek and I were watching TV when a commercial came on about a boat cruise. Surprisingly, he asked if I would be interested in going on a cruise for a vacation. I looked at him - and then kind of laughed, shaking my head in wonderment and amusement. What would we do on a cruise together? As it was, we hardly spoke to each other.  Cards on the table, our marriage was in trouble. We both knew it because we virtually lived separate lives, sleeping in our own bedrooms and, basically, just meeting...

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Caribean Cruise

I do not own this nor do i take credit for it i found this story on I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.I walked up the gangway, one of the last ones on, along with my friends Steve and John. We flown in on a late flight and rushed like crazy to get to the port. I couldn't believe our luck, or mine, rather. I won this cruise two months ago, in September. A two week cruise for two. I only had to pay for air from Chicago.Since I...

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My Dream Cruise

The last of February my husband and I went on an all-expenses paid cruise to the south Caribbean. I want to share with you what happened on that cruise. All of the story is true, only the location where we live has been changed.To begin with, my name is Nancy. I am a 4th grade teacher in a community of about 2,000 so I have to be careful. I am bi and my husband David is well aware of the fact. He supports my lifestyle and wants me to be happy. We have a very open relationship and at least once...

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She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of i****t.I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near tragedy, became a break-through to a new understanding between myself, and my...

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The Cruise

The Cruise Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My mom just sat there staring at me and I wondered what she was thinking. My mom is usually talkative and always lets me know what she is thinking. But there she sat, just staring at me. I grew uncomfortable with that and left the table, going to my room to watch some TV. The next day at breakfast mom told me what she was thinking. "Your Aunt Janet asked me to ask you for a huge favor." "What?" "She wants you to pretend to...

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Cannibal Cruise

Notes: { This is a fantasy! Women are lovable persons and I would do anything to make them happy. I am a vegetarian myself. }Cannibal Cruise. Chapter 1.Year 2095 C.E. Cannibalism is now practised, to some degree, in nearly every country. The 2005 aviary influenza epidemic brought a dramatic change to the world's female population. Somehow the virus fired some, hitherto repressed genes in women and female animals bringing a sudden change in their behaviour. Mankind first noticed changes in...

2 years ago
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How I Came To Be Me Part 3 The Cruise

Tam and I unpacked in our stateroom after leaving mom in her room to unwind and get some sleep before dinner. Our room was more like a cabin than a stateroom. It was at least a third of the size of the hotel room we'd stayed in during our Paris stop. It came with a queen bed instead of a king so, Tam and I were going to be very close, which wasn't a bad thing.After unpacking, we took a stroll around the ship. Most of the vessels in the cruise line we prefer are relatively the same so, I knew...

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Booze Cruise

Caleb owned a boat that offered booze cruises up the river, in the small town where he lived. He made a reasonable good living and enjoyed all the free time this occupation allowed. Mostly, he did not operate from Mondays to Thursdays, unless a special booking of no less that ten people was chartered. On Fridays the booze cruise left at three in the afternoon, and on Saturdays and Sundays there were two cruises, one at eight in the morning and the other one at three in the afternoon. The...

Straight Sex
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Julia Goes on a Cruise

Julia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...

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Love on a Family Cruise

I was sitting on the deck of the cruise ship, by the pool, soaking in sun while watching the lovely ladies in their sunwear. My kids were both in their kids club, more than content to spend the day with their peers instead of with their boring old dad. Big Mouse runs quite a well-oiled machine, and there were lots of activities for them. As a result, I had plenty of time to sit around and do nothing but watch what sights there were to see. It had been one year since my wife had been killed in...

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Pleasure Cruise

Pleasure Cruise:Synopsis: A relaxing cruise on an innovative yacht with the perfect companyChapter 1: Setting sailI walked up the gangplank and boarded my private yacht, on which I intended to take a cruise throughout the day. It was a lovely day. The weather was just right. There were no clouds in the sky, yet it was not so hot as to be uncomfortable.Half-way up the plank, I caught sight of Captain Erica Prescott, who had been in my service from the time I had purchased my yacht, the...

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The Cruise

Introduction: The first guy I sucked after being married My husband and I wanted to get away and have some fun so we booked a 5 day cruise. We had never been on a cruise before and got a really good deal. Being an exhibitionist and my hubby a voyeur, I promised him that I would not bring any panties or bras and wear revealing clothes the entire trip. He also likes it when I act really slutty and let guys play with my tits and pussy and I play with their cocks till they shoot their cum all over...

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One Suite Cruise

I needed a vacation big time. The problem was, I never had the cash to do something big. Fortunately, I'd recently made a small fortune doing a private party. I was the only girl their dancing and there were great tippers there. Thanks to that party, I had enough to book myself a cabin for a two-week cruise to The Bahamas. As I looked up at the magnificent ship moored at the docks, I thought to myself, "I definitely owe Jason one for this." Jason was the friend of mine who threw the party for...

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Cruise Ship Cruise

I woke up and stretched my arms over my head. Then I twisted a bit to get the kinks out of my back. More than that I couldn't seem to find the room to do. I did sit up just a bit to look around. All in all, a much more satisfactory cabin than the one I was sitting in only a few hours ago. This was a suite, and the other did not come with a black haired head on the pillow on my left nor a light brown one on my right. Sighing, I settled back and thought back to yesterday... "I can't believe...

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Fun on a cruise

A cruise? Not my ideal holiday but I'd been talked into it by my wife's sister - "How do you know you won't like it if you've never been on one?" Eventually, the two of them plus my brother-in-law had worn me down and I'd reluctantly agreed. Stupidly, I'd not got involved in the choice of booking and had naively expected a week in the Med. I'd forgotten that my sister-in-law and husband were old hands at cruising and knew all the tricks. She left it right to the last minute before striking....

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Our Holiday Cruise

Looking back, Mark realised the sexual relationship he developed with his mother never really had a definite start. He had memories of things seen, said, done, that sowed seeds. And like seeds, they grow slowly until at some point they become flowers: beautiful and real. His father left when he was just 5. Helen, his mother had Mark at 1. After the separation though, she threw herself into working, running the household, and providing for her son. Mark helped where he could -- chores around the...

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A Memorable Cruise

It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...

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giving oral on cruise

Our last vacation and cruise was a year ago. We spent a week in Paris then few to Barcelona for a 12 day Carnival cruise on the Mediterranean. I was with my husband the whole time in Paris so nothing happened there. But on the cruise, that's a different story. There were a few guys I guess you could say, I enjoyed. My husband spent many nights late in the casino. I would cruise the clubs and bars. The second night there I picked up a young guy from England. I loved his accent. He took me to...

2 years ago
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A Most Memorable Cruise

It was our third cruise to the Caribbean and my wife, Amie, had been in a deep sexual funk for several months over family and work-related matters. This time, I decided, the sex would be better than ever and she needed, at 43 to open up that more than ripe body of hers to the joys of sheer pleasure. I helped her shop in the port city for just the right bathing suits, lingerie and sexy dining clothes that would set her off from the crowd and help create opportunities. For 13 years I had longed...

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Pleasure Cruise

The chartered GulfStream landed at the Fort Lauderdale airport and taxied up to the hanger where a limousine was waiting for J. Richard Connelly and his wife Julia. The bags were quickly loaded into the limo's trunk and while the couple sipped on a chilled California Chardonnay in the back of the vehicle the driver put the limo in gear for the twenty minute drive to the pier where the cruise ship was waiting for them. For the Connelly's it would be their first cruise in almost six months but...

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Family Cruise

Our parents wanted to take a cruise in the Caribbean for their twentieth anniversary. They planned it out perfectly…then things started to change. It was just little things but it sure upset mom. She was a planning perfectionist. She had planned her entire life right down to her two children and everything was on schedule. I was born first but only after they were married for two years and had established their relationship. Then mom got pregnant and I came along right on schedule in their...

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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 4 Fertile Cruise

And so, just 6 weeks after the idea had been formed, Dawn and Gavin flew out from Cape Town via London to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. They arrived the day before sailing, and spent the night in a hotel to catch up on jet-lag. It was there that Dawn hinted to Gavin what he might expect! "I've been a very forgetful girl", she confessed. "I forgot to bring my diaphragm or any panties!" "Wha... Wha... What are you saying?" For a fleeting moment, Gavin wondered whether this would be a...

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Caribbean Cruise

Dinner smelled great and I was hungry but not so much for gourmet cuisine as for fuel for my tired body. I walked around the top tier of the dining room and found my table, number 42. It was a table for two with a great view of most of the dining room. It was a view I really wouldn't need. My client had balked on his Caribbean cruise, electing a business meeting in Belgium rather than relaxation on the beach. However, my services as his personal bodyguard were both specific and already paid...

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Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds thatsurrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the lastseveral days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, themiddle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70's! As Mo walked pasther, the Molly Dee gleamed sparkling white against the azure blue Florida sky, all 790 feet of her!The brochure that her travel agent...

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The Cruise

My wife and I were planning to take a vacation for some time now. We have never been on a cruise but thought it would be a lot of fun. Vacation time for us was always our little sexual escape from the mundane routine. I would often sport a speedo on the beach showing off the bulge while she would always pack a thong bikini. Items that we would never sport in our native region because of the taboo made by local society. We took care of ourselves and liked to show off a little, presenting...

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The Cruise

I have always considered myself a very lucky guy. Trivia contests, lotteries, and games of chance usually seemed to go my way. So when I was notified that I had won a contest sponsored by a local radio station, it did not surprise me. What did surprise me however was the prize: A 6-day/7-night cruise with my favorite NFL football teams cheerleaders! Ever since I was a teenager, cheerleaders have always fascinated me. Their routines, uniforms, and of course their incredibly fit and sexy bodies....

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Fantasy Cruise

Fantasy Cruise Rating - X, M-F, F-M, multiple transformations, magic transformation, fast transformation I wouldn't say things had gotten stale, rather more routine. After twenty-five years of marriage my wife and I knew each other and had a rhythm to our lovemaking. Now both in our fifties lovemaking was typically every third night and followed a set of well-rehearsed motions. I'm not complaining, I love my wife, but lately I've had to dig deep into my fantasies in order to satisfy...

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Wife fucked on cruise

I m 29 yrs old delhi guy, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32″waist, 72 kg…atheletic shaped body.. I m involve in group sex with lots of cpl… I m master of 3some (mmf)… I hv lots of cpl friends… Bobby and sweety one of them… This is story of booby in bobby words… If u like story plz mail me at … Sweetie, my wife of two years, had been pestering me for sometime about taking her on one of those cruise vacations, but i successfully put her off until one night when some friends were over...

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Wishes Hindsight the Cruise

‘So,’ the Genie mused, as he sat on James’ sofa. He had a can of beer in his hand and a lazy grin on his face. He was handsome, that was for sure. “You can guess the drill; you get three wishes.” “I get three wishes?” “Three,” he said with a smile, “and none of that fooling me like Robin Williams crap, I wasn’t born yesterday.” “When were you born?” “Three thousand years ago.” He winked broadly at James. “Oh.” “Yup.” “So ... I should decide my wishes?” “Yup.” “Standard...

1 year ago
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Cassies Hot Cruise

Cassie Morton’s weeks of excitement were about to be satisfied as, arm in arm with her friend Sally, they made their way towards the dock where the liner was berthed. Could this be the start of her recurring fantasy turned real? Sally was obviously just as excited, as the whole way through the security area, she had gabbled about the things they might do on board. “The cabin has a balcony, hasn’t it? We could sunbathe naked out there. And I’m dying to have a go in the casino." Sally went on and...

Erotic Fiction
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The cruise

Maureen O'Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds that surrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the last several days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, the middle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70's! As Mo walked past her, the Molly Dee gleamed sparkling white against the azure blue Florida sky, all 790 feet of her! The brochure that her travel...

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Swingers Christmas Cruise

My wife and I discovered swinging (aka lifestyle) relatively late in our marriage. We were introduced to it by our neighbours Janet and Philip. Strictly speaking, it was Janet who first took my wife Susie in hand, during a shared showering session at the local golf club. Within a week, we had invited our neighbours round for a boozy barbecue in our secluded garden and were soon enthusiastically swapping partners.One Saturday morning in November, Janet called in for coffee, armed with a stack of...

Oral Sex
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The BLISS Pleasure Cruise

‘BLISS is life.’ The phrase echoed through Holli’s mind, soothing any fears she wasn’t pleasing her boss enough. She knew that she needed to focus during her work appraisal with BLISS’ CEO, to prove that she was a good employee, but over the past few months, her focus seemed to have been steadily eaten away. Sometimes, she would drift off in the middle of a sentence, with the point she had been trying to make already gone from her thoughts. And while some part of her knew she should be more...

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Through the YearsChapter 14 More of the Cruise

We showered and got ready to go to the pool to eat and lay in the sun. I was enjoying the view of my girls and their gorgeous bald pussies, noticing that we were all rather red in our private areas. I especially noticed Tam looking at her pussy in the full length mirror. “Oh my God, I was going to go nude to the pool but now I’m going to have to wear my bottoms. My pussy is so red that it would be too embarrassing for anyone to see it.” Tam said. “I think maybe we all ought to just go...

5 years ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 2 The First Cruise

Today, okay, tonight is the first Midnight Lovers Cruise. Fran and I went to bed late to help us sleep in. No such luck. It must be some biological clock thing. We woke up at the regular time and could not get back to sleep. We will be up until at least 08:00 tomorrow. We will be two very tired ladies when we get home. Call time is just after the booze cruise ends at 22:30. We arrived just as the exiting passengers are being given breathalyzer tests. Several couples declined, having already...

2 years ago
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Generous Offers 2 the CruiseChapter 10 End of Cruise

The Mann’s had budgeted for a private jet to return them to California. Once I heard about their plan and their children complaining about not being able to join the mile-high club, I spoke to my ladies. They offered $50,000 if we could all fly back together in a private jet. Every cabin got a brochure about Sun Park, an Australian sexy sun park where nudity was enforced and open sexuality was encouraged. We all wanted to spend at least a week. Abby phoned her dad. We heard her request...

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The Cruise

Bev took a lot of the adult single cruises. She liked that it was so easy to pick up a good fuck partner. Bev loved to fuck. Today she was laying by the pool in an almost naked bikini. The top was just two slits of material barely covering her nipples and leaving her big D tits to be seen. The bottom was a small triangle material just covering her fuck hole. She laid with her legs spread and noticed a man watching her. The longer he watched she could see the bulge in the front of his bathing...

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Julie and the cruise

Cruises are nice: go places, see things, eat good food. If you've got a wife like mine, a cruise is a great opportunity to show her off. Julie is really taking to her new role as a hotwife and it shows in her outfits. Her skirts are shorter, the neckline is lower, the heels are higher and she's more daring with her makeup. I particularly like that she pretty much wears red lipstick all the time now. She's got sexy lips and the red really sets them off.We were sitting at the bar after dinner,...

Wife Lovers
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Finfing and looking for pleasure on a cruise

That warm summer, my loving Victor had booked a pair of tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.But then, two days before embarking, he was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and then he told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport and some hours later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon on board,...

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A nice Caribbean cruise

Hubby had booked tickets for a nice cruise around the Caribbean Sea.Two days before embarking, Victor was called by his boss and informed he had to fly away on an emergency business trip. He could not refuse to do it. I claimed we could not take the cruise on the next week and hubby told me that I could go alone by myself. I still could enjoy it.I took my hubby to the airport for his flight and later I boarded the ship.By the third afternoon on board, I was working out in the gym when I spotted...

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A Heated Celebrity Cruise

From the author Previously, these three chapters were published under user name vicvitale as individual stories. This was a big mistake as it ruined the continuity of the overall story. So, to help remedy our grave error, we now present this erotic tale of celebrity fucking as one continuing story with three separate celebrities, all by original author under his own user name. ***** While on a celebrity cruise sponsored by the television network, a camera man not only rubs elbows with...

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