In Dani's Panties free porn video

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Chapter 1 Slowly I lowered my head closer to his big hard cock, the point of my tongue reaching out and flicking at the spot of pre cum that oozed from the pee hole. The guy beneath me on the bed squirmed and moaned. I circled his throbbing shaft with my lips and began to fuck it with my mouth. My own cock in my panties was just as hard. I slipped my free hand up under the hem of my skirt and pulled the elastic of my panties down to let it loose. It fairly leaped out of my panties, and I wiggled my ass around till I could ride his naked leg with it as I sucked him. Both my hands were free now, and I could run them over his hairy belly up to his tiny nipple and twist them with my fingers. He wiggled his ass and shoved his cock deeper into my mouth with an up thrust. I felt my own load building and I fucked harder against his leg. I was hoping that when he came I could match him. Not long ago all of this would o been just a strange dream; me with a cock in my mouth while I was wearing women's clothes..... * * * * * The boss like always, was playing at being a cross between Perry White and Lou Grant. He was standing in front of the window with his vest unbuttoned, his sleeves rolled up and an unlit cigar in his mouth. Smoking had been banned inside the building for a while now, so this was the best he could do. He had his hands locked together as he looked out the window. He didn't turn around as I entered, but asked, "Ever wear a dress, Danny? Or want to?" It came out as kind a growl around the cigar.Gotta admit, it took me by surprise and left me stuttering. "I....I..." He turned around then, taking the cigar and pointing it at me like a gun. "Well, Kid, have ya? This is a whole new world these days. Gay rights, bisexuals around every corner. You don't have to be ashamed. Seems that everybody's doing something." I shook my head, to clear all the fuzz out of it. "The closest I ever gotten to a skirt and a pair of panties is taking them off somebody, not putting them on. What's this all about?" "I've got an assignment for you, kid. It could be the toughest you've ever faced, might even be your shot at a Pulitzer." He walked over to his desk and slid into the chair. Then he pushed back and folded his hands behind his head. "This is the twenty-first century and like I said before, everything goes. One of the biggest growing factions in this country, in fact the world is transgenders." He dug around in his desk drawer till he found what he was looking for and tossed it on the desk. It was a copy of Vanity Fair with Caitlyn Jenner on the front. Guys are wearing panties, girls are in jockey shorts. "Back in the old days we used to call them Transvestites, but that's not politically correct now. I want a story about what they face day to day in society." I pursed my lips in thought, and then I nodded. "Oh, I can do that. I get some interviews, maybe follow one of them around for a while."He leaned forward and shook his head. "Kid, you're missing my point. I don't want you to follow one, I want you to be one!" I had to grab the door handle to stop myself from falling over. "You mean you want me to have sex with guys?" He stuffed the cigar back in his mouth and started to talk around it again. "That's entirely up to you. But what I want is you to dress like a girl, and face the same problems that cross dressers and transgenders do daily basis. You know where to pee, that sort of thing" I had to admit, as strange as the idea seemed, I was a bit intrigued. Maybe even a bit turned on by it. I could feel my dick starting to rise as I thought more about it. I tried to clear my mind and will it back down before the boss saw the tent it was making in my pants, but it was too late. Smiling, and nodding toward my hard-on said, "I knew you were the right guy to pick for an assignment like this." I felt my face redden with embarrassment, and my dick shrivel back into hiding.He reached into his desk drawer and took out a business card and held it out to me. Still blushing, I took it and read the front. 'Ms. Edna's Finishing School for Gurls. That's right, gurls with a u instead of an i. I thought it must be a typo. The boss saw me studying it, and said, "Nope that's not a typo. That's how they refer to themselves and denote the difference between them and genetic girls or GGs. "GGs?" "Genetic Girls. Edna will help you with your clothes, your make-up and whatever else you need. And remember as far as this assignment is concerned her word is law. Now go clean out your desk. "I have to admit, being told to clean out my desk was and even bigger shock that being told what the assignment was. "Clean out my desk, why I......," I stuttered. The cigar was out of his mouth and he was being authoritative again. "That's right; technically you don't work here anymore. A new gurl will be using that desk come Monday morning." "You mean you expect me to come back to work dressed as a girl?" "No, I don't expect you to come back dressed as a girl. I expect you to come to work as a gurl." "But everybody will know that it's me!" He nodded and smiled. "Exactly! Sometime this week while you're getting ready, I intend to leak the story that just this morning you've come out to me, and that from here on, you want to be your true self.""But what will everybody in the newsroom think about me?" Pretty much, I was pleading now. I has thought I could just slip through this assignment. Nobody knowing what was happening till it was over, but the Boss didn't see it that way."That's what we want to find out. That's what this article is all about. Now get out of here and let me get to work!" As I started through the door, there was no half hard-on in my pants now. Just a shriveled up dick afraid of what I was going to have to face. Just before the door closed, he called me back. "If it ever comes down to where you can't handle it, let me know and we'll call it all off. No hard feelings one way or the other." I just nodded and pulled the door shut. I don't think I'd felt this scared since I was in third grade and one of the girls caught me peeing out behind the school during recess and told all the rest of the girls about my dick. As I cleaned out my desk, I could feel my ears burning as the other reporters around me talked about what was going on. I kept catching little snippets of what they were saying. "I never knew." "Imagine, I stood and peed right next to him." "We even went out together once and I didn't know." By the time I took my box and climbed aboard the train for the ride across town, the anxious feelings were pretty much gone, and the excitement of starting a new assignment had taken hold again.When I got home, I tossed off my jeans, grabbed a beer from the fridge and started and internet search for what I could find out about cross dresser. It didn't take me long to come up with results. There were lots of websites dedicated to cross dressers. Some had pictures, some had stories. I tried to avoid the ones with stories. Sometime something I had read would stick in my mind and I might use it by mistake. But there were plenty with pictures. And what pictures they were. So of these guys were positively beautiful, so much so that I was almost sure that either the pictures were photo-shopped, or they were really girls. Some of the other it was easy to tell. They had their panties down around their ankles and their cocks were in various stages of being hard. Guys with big boobs stroking cocks bigger than mine! Some showed guys dressed as women fucking other guys dressed as women, some were guys dressed as women fucking girls.Looking at all those pictures of boobs and cocks, I felt myself start to get a bit excited. I kept telling myself, it was the boobs, not the cocks that were turning me on, but even I was starting to doubt that after a while. I broke the connection and went in to take a reasonably cold shower to chill myself back out. I wasn't much of a jerk-off kind of guy, almost never, and by god I wasn't going to start now by jerking off over pictures of other guy's hard cocks. I felt better and more secure in my manhood after the shower, and dressed in nothing but my terrycloth robe; I made myself a quick dinner and settled in to watch a little television. Sitting there watching sit- com after sit-com, I found myself wondering which stars were gay and whether or not any of the girls could be hiding dicks under their clothes. Finally I turned it off, and decided to go to bed. As I walked into the bed room, I remembered that an old girlfriend had left a pair of her panties with me just in case she ever need them during her period. I had just tossed them in the back of the drawer.I dug around in the drawer till I found them and pulled them out. Out of habit, the first thing I did was hold them up to my nose and take a deep breath, but all they smelled like were laundry detergent. Old habits die hard.Then I held them up in both hands and examined them, almost like I had never seen a pair before. I looked at the lace around the top and the legs, and the cotton crotch. After all, we guys are really good about getting women's panties off, but how many of us really know what they're like. I decided to try them on. Getting into her panties suddenly took on a whole new meaning. I let my robe fall off my shoulders and back onto the bed. I sat down, raised one foot and stepped in, then the other one. My heart was starting to beat like a trip hammer in my chest, and my fingers were trembling, as I pulled them up. Even my head swooned a bit.The nylon against my thighs felt great as I slid them up, but that was nothing like the way they felt as they slid over my cock and balls. It was like a silk fist rubbing against my cock! Even rubbing my thighs together made the tight material caress my prick. My cock was rock hard, and tiny spot of darker pink was forming on the panties from my precum. I ran my fingers lightly over the material, feeling every vein of my hard cock. I wrapped my hand around it through the nylon, stroking it slowly through the panties. The purple head of my cock free of the elastic at the top and seemed to be trimmed in lace. As I looked down I was looking directly into the eye watching the pre cum ooze out. As I stroke my rock hard fuck stick, I felt a shudder run through my body. I couldn't stop now. It was like my hand belonged to someone else and my cock were out of my control! I was breathing hard, in gasps, and my heart beating so loud I could have heard it in the room. Suddenly my cock began to spasm, every jerk pumping great gobs of creamy white cum onto my chest! It hit me between my tits and ran back down to my belly. I slumped backward onto the bed, pumping ever last drop of fluid from my rapidly deflating cock!Never had I cum so hard or so much! I felt exhausted. As my cock crept back inside the panties, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Chapter 2 When the alarm sounded at six the next morning, I awoke a bit disoriented. I was laying on top of my bed wearing nothing but a pair of pink panties stiff with cum and dried cum all over my belly. Then slowly it all came back to me; the new assignment, the fantastic cum from last night, and from the shape of the panties a few free shots in the middle of the night while I was dreaming. I pulled the stiffened panties off, and without sniffing them this time, and tossed them into the trash. I wasn't going to be needing them again. Like I said, I never was much for masturbating, and I didn't expect that to change, even after the fantastic cum I had had last night. Back when we were in Jr. High, a bunch of us used to get together and jerk off together, racing we'd call it, to see who came first. If only we'd known years later we would be trying to cum last not first. I had found it really exciting, watching the other fourteen year old boys stroke their hard cocks. Their dirty finger nailed hands curved into fists of those almost baby cocks. The smell of sweat and young bodies mingling with the scent of sex. Watching them shoot cum in sticky tendrils onto the ground. It was so exciting, that one day when we were jerking off, I got so turned on, I asked my friend if I could suck him, and he called me a fag! He told all the other guys, and we never masturbated together again. And me, I stopped all together, afraid that he was right. Now, last night it had all fallen apart, and I had woken up in a pair of cum drenched panties. Embarrassed, by myself, I ran for the bathroom and jumped into the shower. In jeans and a tee shirt, after my shower, I sat down at the computer once more and went back to searching. But I was determined not to let what happened last night happen again. Si I kept my search safe and looked up Ms. Edna's Finishing School for Gurls. What I learned was that she ran a school for cross dressers, and had for several years. She taught them how to dress, walk, and how to apply their make-up. I could see the dressing thing and the make-up thing, but hell the walking? Even I could walk like a girl. Just clench your but cheeks and swing your ass a bit when you walked. Oh well, maybe that would be a point in my favor. * * * * At nine on the dot, I walked up the short set of steps and into the vestibule of a refurbished three story Village brownstone. The deep, sultry voice over the speaker said to take the elevator to the third floor. So, after the door buzzed me in, I climbed into an ancient Otis elevator and waited while it wheezed me up to the third floor. I don't know what I expected when the doors open, but it wasn't what I got. The lobby was all chrome and leather, yet with the touch of a woman very evident in the placement of flowers and the hangings on the wall. And behind the bright yellow metal desk was a buxom blonde whose smile could curl your toes. Her hair was that color platinum that only Harlow and Monroe came by naturally, curling softly around her oval face. The eyes were dark and sparkling, and the bright red of her lips had that permanent pout. But it was her breast that you just couldn't take your eyes off of. I`m guessing D's or above, with cleavage you could disappearing into. She turned that sparkle towards me and I felt my throat suddenly close up. "You must be Danny. Edna said to expect you." It was that same sultry, sexy voice from the speaker. She reached behind her, giving me a good look at both her face and the boobs in profile, and reached for a clipboard and a pen. Her nails where they held the clipboard were long and pointed. "We just need you to fill this out, and then Ms. Edna will be out to get you." Somehow I managed to find what was left of my voice, even though it came out sounding more like Minnie Mouse than John Wayne. "And what's this for?" "We just like a few facts about our clients." Then she lean across the desk conspiratorially and whispered, "Actually it's so I don't have to come right out and ask for your phone number. This way it looks like business." Then she laughed. It was a deep, full throated laugh, almost like a man. Like you would expect from a deep sultry voice. I took the pen and the clipboard and went over and sat down on one of the chrome and leather chairs to fill out the questionnaire. Most of it was just simple facts, address phone, etc. But when I got to the second page it got a little weirder. I glanced up and could see her watching me. And she made no pretense to hide it when I caught her looking. She just smiled and ran the tip of her tongue around those beautiful scarlet lips. This day was looking up more all the time. As I said, page two got a little more strange, when it asked about sexual preference naturally check hetro, but figured most of the guys that came in here checked one of the other boxes. I had just gotten down to the question on life style, with the inner office door opened and a very classy older brunette stepped into the room. I guessed her to be about sixty, but her face and body had lost none of that original youth full vigor.She was about 5'9`` or so in her heels, with dark brown hair, highlighted throughout with streaks of gray. She was wearing a gray skirt, white blouse, dark stockings and sensible 3" gray pumps. All in all, very attractive in a school principle sort of way. With her left hand still on the knob, she held out her right, palm down in my direction. "Danny, I'm Ms. Edna. Welcome to our school." Something about the offered hand and the authority in her voice made me latterly jump to my feet and cross the room to take her hand, before she could draw another breath. The hand shake was little more than a hand clasp, but the grip was firm and warm. After she let go of my hand, she took the clipboard from me and laid it on the corner of the big blonde's desk. "I'm sure that Darla won't mind if we finish filling that out later." The big Blonde smiled again and again I saw the point of her tongue circle across her lips. Turning back to me, slightly shaking her head, Ms. Edna said, "If you'll follow me, we go back in my office and get to know one another." She led me into a hallway with doors on either side, and for a moment I felt like I was with Monte Hall, until she opened one with her name embossed on it and stepped out of the way so I could enter. Then she closed it firmly behind me. The room wasn't extremely large, but opened onto a window that covered the entire back wall, almost making you feel as though you were outside. A big chrome and steel desk sat in front of the window. On the other side of the room was a cozy little conversation corner with couch, easy chairs, and coffee table. That's where she led me. Edna sat down in the corner of the soft leather couch; one leg tucked under her, and motioned for me to sit on the couch with her. She was showing a good deal on nice dark stocking leg, and didn't seem to mind if I looked. When we were settled, she leaned forward giving me a glance at the cleavage hidden by her blouse, and pushed a buzzer on the table. Seconds later Darla appeared, carrying a silver coffee service. Darla looked even better standing up, than she had sitting down. The smooth sheath of a dress accented every dip and curve of that long beautiful body. A slit up the side gave me a nice healthy shot of thigh underneath. Edna couldn't help noticing my 'giving Darla the eye.' With a slight smile she said, "Darla's really something isn't she Danny? Hard to believe she used to be a construction worker named Daryl."I pretty sure you could hear my jaw drop as it hit my chest, because they both laughed and Darla tossed me a kiss as she left the room. Edna poured me a cup of coffee, and without asking added sugar and cream. When I started to protest, she looked at me a smiled her thin smile. "All things are new again Danny. So embrace them."She settled back into the corner of the couch, her cup and saucer resting comfortably on her left palm, with her right index finger curled through the handle of the china cup, her pinky always extended. She was still smiling at me, but I had the feeling that her eyes, almost like an x-ray machine were analyzing me from head to foot. "In varying degrees we do a lot of amazing things here, Danny. Darla is a perfect example of that. And what we do is important. In some cases we take broken lives and make them whole again. We grant people the freedom to be whom or what they've always wanted to be." I had my notebook out now, and I was writing down pretty much everything a she was saying. "What is it that psych wise that makes men want to do this? Is it a sexual thing?" Edna shifted a bit on the couch, her nylon shushing a bit against the leather of the couch, making me wonder what it would feel like under my fingers. "For some it is. For some they feel that they were just born in the wrong body. They are usually the ones that after spending time with us go on to have SRS, " "SRS?" I interrupted. "Sexual reassignment surgery; having the penis removed and a vagina built in tis place. But we deal with very few of them. We mostly deal with men who want to be women, but keep their penises intact, men who simply want to look and feel like women, but maybe men in their daily jobs. "Cross dressing is a growing trend around the world, Danny. Women have always been able to do it without and repercussions, so why not men? If a guy has beautiful legs, why not show them off with a skirt? "I'm sure that before you came to see us, you searched the internet for information. And you found lots of website with pictures. Some of which are quite exciting. Every day those websites grow by almost 10 percent. Nearly twice as fast as any other form of website except gaming. To steal a catch phrase, Danny, men are finally learning 'they can be all they want to be'." She shifted again, pulling her leg from under her and crossing them in my direction. I was sure I caught a glimpse of white as she did. Like half the guys in the world I'd always had a bit of a 'Mrs. Robinson' fantasy and a hose fetish. Whether she knew it or not, she was turning me on just sitting there.But Edna was all business. "I talked to Frasier about you and he explained you assignment to me." "Frasier?" I felt one of my eyebrows come up. "Yes, your boss and I are old friends. As a matter of fact we shared a dorm room in college."Wait a minute! I knew how old my boss was and as far as I knew there weren't any coed dorms in those days.She read the question on my face, and I knew I never wanted to play cards with this lady."Yes Danny, shared a dorm room. My name was Ed then, and Frasier was the first person that I ever came out to. He was a very brave man. He used to escort me around campus, dressed, when I was only learning and not very passable. We have been friends ever since." I was pretty much stunned. "So my boss is a tranie chaser?" Ms. Edna face got very serious. "That's extremely rude, Danny. First of all, no one in this community uses that word for anything but a slur. Should I catch you using it again, assignment or not I`ll have you ejected from my establishment. We are people just like anybody else and we deserve respect! And secondly what he does in none of your business!" She rose rather stiffly from the couch. "I think we've finished here. I'll take you to the gurls in back and they can deal with you." I reached out and gently touched the silk cover arm. "Ms. Edna, please forgive me. My research hadn't gotten me far enough to show me what was right and what was wrong. It was not intentional."She lightened up a bit. "You're forgiven, Danny . When Frasier and I talked about this article, we hope that that was one of the things we could help alleviate. I hope you understand how I feel. Or at least I hope you will by the time you're done with your article.." Then she smiled and taking my hand in hers led me through the door opposite the one we'd come through before. Chapter 3 The room Edna led me into reminded me of a Taylors or a seamstress's work shop. A long table stretched across the far wall in front of the windows and was covered with tapes, scissors, bits of cloth and other sewing paraphernalia. One wall was all mirrors and in between were racks and racks of women's clothes; everything from dresses to underwear. As I stood there in the middle with Edna, the door opened and a tall willowy ash colored blonde entered. She was reasonably plain, with nicely rounded, but smallish breast, and thin hips. Her nose seemed a bit large, cheeks too thin, and eyebrows too bushy. She was dressed in a jeans, polo type shirt and pink trimmed sneakers. Large lensed glasses hung from her neck by a gold chain. This was the first girl I had seen here that wasn't a knockout, and dressed to the nine. But then I guess somebody had to do the work. Edna introduced us. "Danny, this Emily, she is our seamstress and fitting specialist. When she's done with you, you'll be well on your way to being the woman you never suspected you could be.." She gave a little laugh and turned to go. "He's all yours Emily and believe me he's a hot one, if you know what I mean." I didn't. I was confused, did she mean that I was cute, or was it about what I had inadvertently said before? Emily just smiled and said, "Thank you Edna. I'll take care of him." As the door closed, Emily put on her glasses, making her eyes look gigantic behind them, and started to circle me like a 747 looking for a landing. She studied every nuance, pursing her lips and playing with the bottom one as she walked around. Occasionally I could hear the click of her tongue behind her teeth, but that was the only sound in the room except the pounding of my heart. Finally, she stopped in front of me and with a flick of her hand, almost like a Nazi general, she said, "Take off your clothes; all of them. "Yes maam. I never refuse a woman when she say take off your clothes." I was giving her the big stud attitude, but she was having none of it. "Just take off your clothes. I'm not here to help build on your already grossly oversized ego." So, I took off my clothes, glad that I'd put on clean underwear this morning., ha ha. I stopped when I got to my briefs, but Emily slapped me on the chest with the back of her hand. "I said everything!" So, I pushed my briefs down, passed my already half hard cock. And stepped out of the puddle they made on the floor. Emily took my clothes and stuffed them, shoes and all into a grocery bag. "You won't need those again. Donate them to homeless when you leave." Then she started to circle me again. This time she would reach out from time to time and grasp one of the cheeks of my ass, pinch my thigh or my boob. She stopped in front of me and reached out with a hand and lightly scooped up my balls, lifting them up as though she were weighing them. My dick started to respond immediately, reaching out to her. But before it went too far she dropped them and went over to the racks of panties. She came back with a light pink pair and handed them too me. These will suit you well. The crotch is wide enough to keep those marbles of yours inside and will help to lift your ass cheeks to somewhere beyond guy flat. Put them on!" I held them up in both hands and felt my heart quicken a bit, remembering what had happened last night when I 'd stepped into a pair of panties, and hoped this wasn'tthis wasn't going to be a repeat of that. I didn't know how these women would react to a full blown erection. Some of them sure, had dicks of their own, and I was guessing they still worked, but Emily? I wasn't sure she had ever seen one before. As I stepped in with my right foot, I felt my cock tingle. Then with my left, and as I started to pull them up it was more than a tingle. I could feel the blood rushing in and my cock begin to swell. By the time I got them to the top of my thighs, my cock was fully hard, and there was nowhere to put it in the skimpy underwear. The head and about two inches of rock hard meat were sticking out of the top. All I could do was stand there helpless. Emily saw what was happening and shook her head exasperatedly, making her blonde hair bounce. With a heavy sigh she said, "Don't you ever masturbate? How do you ever expect those panties to fit with that thing sticking out the top. You new gurls come in with raging hard-ons and expect my clothes to fit." She reached out and flicked the head of my cock with her thumb and forefinger, making the precum splash back onto my belly. She turned and stomped angrily across the room. When she came back she was dragging a hard wooden chair. She sat it next to me and sat down. "If you gurls won't take care of this, I will!" She slid the panties down to mid thigh, setting my rock hard cock free,. But it was so hard, it was pointed up like a flag pole. She reached out and wrapped her hand around it. Her fingers barely encircled the girth. Slowly her hand began to move up and down my shaft. Only her forefinger and her thumb were tight, the rest of her fingers caressed the length of the shaft with every stroke. Her thumb and first finger sliding up over the head of my cock with every stroke. Dates had jerked me off before, but their hands been nothing like this. Emily seemed to know every crook, every cranny of my cock to touch. She knew when to tighten and when to loosen her fingers. At the top of the stroke he finger caressed across the pee slit taking the precum with it, to lube up the rest of my cock. I could feel the fire growing inside me from a tiny match to a raging heat. I wanted to reach out and pull her head down onto my cock, jamming the hardness past her teeth, and shooting my sticky seed down her throat. Emily's hand was like a piston on my cock now. It had stopped being flesh and was raw steel that she stroked. Steel filled with molten metal! Suddenly my knees went weak, and I slipped down into a crouch, the only thing holding me up was Emily had tight around my cock as she watched it spurt hot cum! The first gob hit me in the middle of my chest and started to run back down my belly. The rest and it must have been thirty pumps Emily caught in cupped free hand. When there was nothing left for me to pump out, she pushed the chair back, got up and walked out of the room, still cupping my warm cum in her hand. So here I was standing there in the middle of the room; head down, tongue hanging out, panties down around my thighs, cock slowly dwindling down, with cum dripping off the end. The door opened, and I hoped it was Emily coming back, with maybe a tissue or something, instead it was a teenage girl.She was about 5'6" dressed in black jeans and combat boots, and an white tee shirt with black letting that said, 'No free rides'. I could see her round breast beneath, her nipples poking out through the thin material. Each nipple was adorned with a ring shape hanging from it. Her hair was the color black that only comes from a bottle, and hung down rather raggedly to the top of her shoulders. The make-up around her yes was thick and dark and the lips that were smiling at me as she crossed the room were painted black. "I see you've met Emily." I reddened and tried to hide my still shrinking cock in the panties, without leaving a wet spot. I was waiting my time. "Don't be embarrassed, she does that to all the new gurls. Right now she's in the bathroom jerking off and licking your cum out of her hand. It's pretty much the only way she gets off." She held out a small hand with black nail polish and a ring on every finger. "I'm Donnell, by the way." I took her hand in mine. "Danny. I'm a bit disoriented right now, I just had a really hot jerk off session with what you now tell me was a 'guy'?" Donnell laughed. "Pretty much everybody you meet here were once guys, except the guys and that's a whole other story. Even me." "Really?" "Yep. Wanna see?" All I could do was shrugged. It was more information for me to wrap my head around than I'd face in a long time. She unbuckled her big silver belt, unsnapped and un zipped her pants and pulled them open. With her other hand she reached in and pulled out a dick the size of a fourteen year olds, nestled in a bush of dark pubic hair. Donnell stroked it a couple of time to make it more impressive, and my cock responded by growing a bit too. Seeing that, she quickly tucked hers back into her jeans. "I'm not sure Emily can recover quite that quickly anymore," she laughed. I laughed with her, as she danced toward the door. But inside, I was seriously in doubt of my own sexuality at the moment. I had just be jerked off by a guy that I thought was a girl and found myself getting hard over a teen age boy with tits. I didn't have much time to think about it, because Emily was back. I'd swear there was almost a smile on her face. She came over and sat back down in the chair. "Do the panties fit better now?" I nodded and she felt my ass through the material. "I need you to tuck your penis down between your balls, and back toward your ass. That will help to hide your bulge from people on the streets. And I suggest that every morning before you dress, that you masturbate first. That will stop, or in your case." She reached out and patted my butt. "At least slow down the unwanted erections." Emily got up from the chair and walked over to the table and picked up a tape. She came back and measured me around the chest them walked over to a selection of bras. She search through them for a minute, looking for just the right one. After making her selection she walked over to a long file cabinet and pulled out one of the long drawers. I could see row and after row of falsies nestled comfortable in the red felt backing. Again, Emily went through the selection process, fitting them to the cups of the bra until she was finally satisfied. Then she came back and handed the bra to me. I slipped my arms into it a preceded to try and hook it behind my back. Emily shook her head and took it away from me. "I realize, you're probably very good at unhooking them that way, but there's a much easier way to get into one." She put it around my waist, cups to the back and hooked it. Then she spun it around and help me slide my arms into it and pull it up.Once the bra was in place, she showed me how to tuck the breast forms, yep, I was told never to use the word falsies again either. From here on out, these were my breasts, my boobs, my tits, my hooters, but never falsies! Finishing tucking the in, she told me to go take a look in the mirrors. I walked over, bare foot, in bra and panties, and it was hard to realize that was me looking back. I had only one complaint. "Shouldn't they be bigger?" I pushed them together with my hand, trying to make them look bigger in the mirror. Emily walked, or rather stomped over and knocked my hands away from my new breasts. "You new gurls are all alike. You seem to think that you should have 44 double Ds for boobs! Only if you're going to be a stunt woman and you need something to land on!" She walked around me, then she grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me so I was profile in two of the mirrors. "These are 38Bs; they give you a nice profile. Their big enough for you to show off, but not so big you have to worry about them falling out all the time. And perfect for attracting a real man if that's what you want." Emily led me back across the room to the chair and sat down in front of me, her head about even with my navel, and close enough I could feel her hat breath on my belly. "I would suggest, that you wear the breasts day and night; even sleeping in them. The only time you should take them off is when you shower. That way you will get used to them and begin to feel that truly are a part of you." She straighten the lace on the top of my panties, where it had gotten folded down. "I hope you realize now, that this isn't just some crazy Halloween dress up game. This is a completely new life. Today is your new birthday. So from here on out, your name is now Dani. That's D A N I. Should be easy enough to remember and even if you mess up, no big deal." She got up walked over to the clothing rack and came back with a June Cleaver housedress. She helped me step into it, and button it. "This will be your uniform while you're here at the school. You will be expected to wear it every day that you are here, until you're fitted for your final wardrobe." Then as an afterthought, she remembered I was shoeless. She quickly crossed the room and got me a pair of flip flops to wear. "They will fit you for shoes later onto today, but for now these will do." Emily watched as I slipped into the rubber shoes, then nodded her approval. In the mirrors I could see what looked more like a woman every minute looking back at me. "Any questions? I know you're head is spinning with everything that's happening, but it will get better." She was right, my head was spinning and the gurl in the mirror was looking pretty hot to me, so the only thing I could think of to ask was, "What's next?" She scrunched her eyes and wrinkled her nose. "Waxing. Not the easiest thing to do for a first timer. Just go out into the hallway and it's the next door on the left. Good luck!" Chapter 4 I stepped into the waxing room not really having much idea what was going to happen. The was a massage type table in the middle of the small room and three gurls in hospital type scrubs wearing aprons and rubber gloves. One of them came forward to lead me to the table. "We need you to strip down please." I took off the dress and laid it carefully across a chair, I was hesitating over the pants and bra when she said, "Everything, Hun. Then hop up on the table, and lay face up." I slid the panties down and stepped out of them, and then took off the bra the opposite of how Emily showed me to put it on, and laid it with the panties on top of the dress. Then I hopped up on the table butt first and sun around and lay down on my back. I was feeling a bit self-conscious about my nudity again. One of the gurls each took one of my legs, and ran her fingers down it to make the hair stand up. The third gurl did the same thing to the sparse hair on my chest. She smiled down at me. "You're one of the lucky ones Dani. So of the gurls that come in here are almost bears." I smiled back and then suddenly my eyes got as big around as saucers as I realized what they were about to do. I felt something warm being spread on each of my legs and then tape being pressed into it. Seconds later it felt as if the hair on my legs was being ripped out by the roots; which was exactly what was happening. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, and it was all I could do to stop from screaming. No sooner did I just start to recover from one strip, and they pulled another one. And then the other gurl started on my chest and I thought I'd die. The legs had hurt, but this was agony! I sure, at least once I did cry out. I had my eyes scrunched shut and my lower lips caught between my teeth. But we I felt a hand move my dick to the other side, my eyes popped open like fresh corn! "Whoa there ladies! I kind of like the hair around my dick and I`d kind of like to keep it." The gurl who was working on my chest, fluffed through my pubes, lightly brushing against my dick and immediately it started to respond, stretching its head up to show off. She wrapped her hand a round it gently, holding it up as it grew to it full glory. "Oh, such a very nice penis, hidden in all that pubic hair. It would look even lager, with all foliage trimmed around it. Besides you don`t want all that hair sticking out of you panties. You'd look like some hill gurl from Arkansas." All the time she had been taking she was slowly stroking my now rock hard cock. I was wiggling my butt a bit on the table and making little thrusts into her hand. Suddenly I felt something very wet and very warm slide down over the head of my cock! I opened my eyes to see that she and I were the only too in the room. She had her hand around the base steadying my cock as she fucked me with her mouth. Taking it deep in her throat, till he nose was buried in my pubes, the pulling clear back until just the tip of my cock was in her mouth. As it rested there just inside her lips she swirled her tongue around the head, tracing every ridge. It was driving me crazy! As she was sucking me, she worked herself out of the bottom of her scrubs and was standing there in only her panties and scrub top. It was almost like she was a Doctor swallowing my cock during an examination. Then she climbed up onto the table, straddling my chest without ever letting go of my cock. I had a beautiful view of her back and her tight ass stretching the thin material of her panties. Two nice globes of flesh with a beautiful crack in between. I reached out to squeeze them, but she had other plans. Pulling the leg of panties out of the way she climbed up and slowly lowered her tight asshole down onto my cock. Never had I felt anything so tight or so fantastically warm. Once her checks settled down on to my pubic mound she began to rock herself back and forth on my cock. As she rocked back, sliding my cock up her ass, she'd tighten the muscles of her ass like a fist around my cock! Faster and faster she rocked, and I was thrusting up to meet her with every downward stoke. I had fucked a lot of women, even taken a few up their asses, but none of them could do the things that she was doing to me. I felt the cum building deep in my balls getting ready to fill that sweet hot hole with my jizzem. I clenched my ass cheeks to hold it back and as long as possible. She felt me clench and slip off my cock and replaced her asshole with her mouth, just in time to catch the first gobs of cum pumping out of my cock! She didn't miss a drop. Sucking down everything I had left and more. And when I was done cumming, she licked my cock spotless. When she was done she laid it carefully against my leg. And climbed back off the table. My head fell back onto the table exhausted. That was two fantastic cums in the last two hours. I wasn't sure that I could even get up and walk. So I just lay there in my own little dream and right up until.... RIP! While I was laying there half-conscious, in that euphoric state after cumming, she had waxed my pubes and layed into removing half of them. Ass I came up off the table to complain she smiled, and said "Almost done. You didn't even notice the first time. See, I know exactly what I'm doing." As I climbed up off the table and fumbled for my panties and bra, I return her smile and said, "That you do, Lady, that you do!" She patted the front of my panties. "When the hair grows back, you come see me again. No one uses quite the same anesthetic that I do." I'm pretty sure, my grin was from ear to ear as I stepped into my dress. "I don't know anybody who could do what you did!" "It easy when I have some nice to work with." She waited until I had my dress buttoned, then she held open the door. "The next door on the right. Hose heels and walking instructions. Have fun!" * * * * * As I pushed open the door and stepped into the room, the three women waiting were arguing. A rather tall gurl with what just had to be a blonde wig was checking her watch and complaining. "Alright, where is this new gurl? I don't have all day! There are things I could be doing!" Her voice was that falsetto pitch you only get when guys are trying way too hard to sound like women. A cute little brunet about 5'6" with big round black glasses and hair cut to no more than an inch was trying to calm her down. "Take it easy, Tara, she'll be here. Jody said she was getting dressed, and after a full body wax nobody moves very fast." You got that right sweetheart. The blonde bitched again. "Well I've got things to do!" The third girl was tall, taller than me, and she was wearing flats, but it was her face you noticed first. A beautiful oval with high cheek bones, sparking hazel eyes and lush red lips. She was just egging the situation on. "More like got somebody to do!" It looked like it was about to turn into a cat fight, with fists being thrown, so I slammed the door and stepped into the room. "Looking for me? Sorry it took so long, not quite used to the boobs yet. Had a little trouble getting them straight; not to mention all the raw skin all over my body. Not going to run any races for a while." Then I laughed, and the gurl in the big glasses laughed with me. For the first time I noticed how exciting she looked, with her short spikey hair, almost exotic. Her eye brows were thick and dark and matched the dark of her brown eyes. Her lips were neither too full, or too thin, and I was betting they would kiss just right. The tall one dug it in just a bit. "See told ya." Tara didn't say anything in return, she just stomped over and stood looking out the window at the city. I walked over to the other two and held out my hand the way I remembered Ms. Edna doing it. "Hi I'm Dani, and this the first day of my new life." I must have picked the right thing to say, because the both giggled and threw their arms around me in a group hug full of boobs and perfume. Even Tara relented and joined the group. "Welcome, Dani, I'm Billie," it was the girl with the short hair who was talking and I was getting the idea that she was in charge. "This Andrea," she pointed to the tall gurl who smiled and gave me a weak almost embarrassed wave. "And the complainer here is Tara." "Hello gurls," I said, with a big smile, still trying to play peace make and get closer to Billie. "What do I learn here?" It seemed to be working, because Billie looped her arm through mine on one side and Andrea did the same on the other and they walked me around the room. "This is where we're going to teach you to walk, both bare foot and in heels." "Walking is me," Tara chimed in. Billie gave her a half smile and nodded, then she continued, pointing out a circle painted on the floor. "Andrea with teach you poise here." "You'd be amazed at what you can do with a broom stick and a circle." Andrea offered. I faked a wince and said, "Well as long as it stays on the outside of my tight little circle." And Billie and Andrea giggled again. But Tara didn't and I watched her eyes narrow. Gonna have to watch her. She looks like she could be a mean one. "And what about you Billie? What are you going to teach me?" "I'm going to teach you how to stand." "Well, I've been standing now since I was about 1 and ? so maybe I can make your life a bit easier." "No, no, no. Men and women stand completely different. Men stand all tight and ready to fight," she gave me what looked almost like a Superman pose; legs spread shoulder width hands on hips. Then she shifted, moving her weight lightly to one foot, and lifting the other till only toes were touching the floor. Her arms seem light and almost disjointed. "But before you can fly, you need to walk. That's Tara's job. We'll be back when she's done." And with a smile and a wave, they left me alone with Tara.Now that I was alone with Tara, I got a good chance to take a look at her. She wasn't the kind of girl that I would pick up in a bar, unless I was drunk, but she was okay. Tara was about 5'7" or so, fairly plain, and little make up to hide it. Her nose seemed a little to big for her face, and there was a definite lack of smile lines around her mouth. And even close up I still wasn't sure if the shoulder length blonde hair with the chopped off bangs just above her too thick eyebrows was a wig or not. "So what now?" Tata walked across the room and picked up the broomstick and then walked back to face me. "I want to watch you walk across the room and back. Then we'll know just how much work we have ahead of us." I figured I had this one made. I sucked in my ass cheeks and sort of pranced across the floor. I got about half way when Tara made a real attempt to change my mind. WACK! That broomstick cracked across my ass "What the hell was that?" I demanded! She poke the end of her broomstick in my face. "That's what I want to know! You got a turd stuck up that ass of yours or what." "I was walking the way girls walk!" I countered. I backed up just far enough to be out of range of the stick again. "And when was the last time you watched a girl walk?" "I watch them walk all the time!" She shook the stick in my direction, and I was glad I was out of range. "From the ass up maybe! When was the last time you looked at their feet, when they weren't on their back?" I tipped my head to one side as I thought about it, keeping careful watch on the stick as I did. For half a second, hundreds of women danced across my mind, but other than a quick glance at their legs, all I could see was them from the ass up. I closed one eye and wrinkled up my nose. "You're right. I'm an ass. I never noticed." A smile broke across her face, and I revised my opinion. "Nah, you were just a man. But now it's going to be important that you watch. Watch everything we do. Now walk for me. The way you would on a normal day." It took a little bit to get my rhythm back. You know how tough it is to do something you do every day when somebody's watching you. But finally I made on the second trip. Still leery, when I stopped it was still out of stick range. Tara realized what I was doing and laughed again.She walked up beside me and handed me the stick. "Now watch me walk. And don't get any ideas about that stick. I can still kick your ass even without it. I want you to watch my feet, my legs, and my knees. No higher with your eyes than the top of my thighs." I watched her walk. For the first time in my life I actually watched a woman walk. The was lithe, gracefulness in each and every step. She seemed to move with ease, without effort. Heel down, roll to the toes and then repeat with the other foot. I shook my head as I watched. I didn't think there was ever a way that I could do what she did.When she stopped beside me, she read my mind again. "Of course you can. I learned, Billie learned, almost everybody here learned. In some cases it's a varying degree, but we learned. So shall we try this again?" I nodded and said, "You bet, but not making any promises." She had taken her stick back when she stopped, and she shook it at me, this time with a smile. "I'm pretty sure you don't want to taste my stick again, so you'll learn." Tara walked around in front of me so we were facing each other. "Now I want you to reach between your legs and grab the hem of your dress and pull it up and tuck it into the front of your panties. That way I can watch you walk." I tucked it in; made me look like I was wearing a baggy pair of pantaloons. "Now, stand up straight, knees together, feet pointed straight ahead. I want you to walk slow at first, and feel every step. Oh, and kick off the flip flops. For now barefoot is better." For over an hour and a half I walked back and forth across that room. Finally I started to ge6t it, and it started to feel a bit more comfortable. At my three millionth trip, she stopped me. "Dani, walking is one of the most important things you will do, and nothing will get you clocked faster than walking wrong. It feels like a lot to remember, but one day you'll just realize that you're doing it without thinking about it. Tomorrow to make your life even more miserable and we'll tackle heels." She leaned in and kissed me gently on the cheek. "Sorry about the whack on the ass and no benefits this time, but I'm strictly LEZBO! " I swear to god, my eyes jumped two sizes. LEZBO? But she dance through the door before I got a chance to ask what the hell she meant. Chapter 5 I wasn't alone in the room for very long, before the door popped open again and Billie was back. That big smile, those perfect teeth and the sparkle in those beautiful brown eyes. One glance through those big lenses and I started to slip off into fantasy land. But he light touch on my arm brought me right back. She checked the tiny watch on her wrist and said, "It' lunch time so what do you say, we go grab something to eat, and we can work on you table manners and get to know each other better." I was all for getting to know her better. I started to follow her thru the door, but she stopped me with a hand to my chest, and pointed down. "Don`t you think you'd better fix that first? You have really nice legs, and it's a great view of the outline of your dick through the panties, but I'm not sure everybody here is ready for that yet." I looked down to where she was pointing, and turned all red. My dress was still stuck in my panties. I pulled it out and pressed out the wrinkles. "Sorry, I forgot." She smiled and winked at me. "I'm not, it worth the look." My ears burned, and I know I got even deeper red. * * * * * It wasn't a big place, by cafeteria standards. I suppose there were about thirty people in the room. So sitting at the long tables in the center, some at the smaller two people tables around the outside of the room, and some at the hot carts at the far end selecting there lunch. As we walked in, the buzz of conversation stopped and everybody looked in our direction. Billie's hand was in the middle of my back and with a little push she shoved me a further into the room. "Ladies, I'd like you to meet our newest sister. This is Dani." Everybody in the room smiled, or waved or said hello. It was really nice and made me feel welcome. As we walked thru the room to the table Billie and reserved for us, gurls turned and said hello, and welcome. Some reached out and touched my hands or patted me. There were already two salads on the table. Billie sat with her back to the room and I took the other side. "I thought," she said, "this might be easier than walking through the line today. The first day can be kind of tough sometimes." I unrolled my napkin and picked up my fork. "Thank you, it is much easier." I was about to stab my salad when she reached out and caught my wrist. "Napkin and left hand in your lap. Fork loose in your hand, like you're afraid it'll break, and small delicate bites. You're not a truck driver, you're a gurl." She watched me eat the first couple of bites and then satisfied, started on her own salad. Between bites she said, "I'll bet you've got a million questions about us and what goes on here." Chewing, I nodded. When I could finally speak again, I asked about what Tara had said. Billie smiled. "In our case, it means that she's strictly heterosexual." She held up her hand to stop me before I could go heterosexual? "Among the gurls, there are gays, bisexuals, lesbians and asexuals. You know what gay and bi mean, and probably think you know what lesbian means, but here it's a bit different. Her among the transitioned the word means strictly hetero. Tara only goes for girl; the genetic kind. Even though she no longer feels like a man, the still only desire women. Answer your question?" I raise my eyebrows and shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe, when my head stops swirling. What about you?" "You mean my preference?" "Well, actually I meant about you personally, but I guess that too. So boys or girls?" It was her turn to blush. I watched as the pink trail down her neck and into her cleavage, and wondered how much of those firm ripe melons were real. She finished the last bite of her salad and laid her fork down, then with her hands clasped and elbows on the bake she leaned in, giving me an even better look at her cleavage inside the V her arms made. "My story is pretty much the same as a lot of the others around here. Growing up, I was always fascinated with the way girl's clothes looked and felt. And whenever I got the chance, I would play dress -up with the girls. "I guess I was about twelve of so when a friend's mom left us home alone, and I talked him into going into his older sister's room and trying on her clothes. I was in heaven as I slid on her cotton panties, and tried her training bra. He tried on one of her dresses, but that was all. I remember him reaching out and grabbing my dick through the panties and giving it a squeeze. I was rock hard, so hard it hurt. He teased me about it. 'Billy's got a boner.' Then he got all scared and we had to take the stuff back off and put it away. I had never felt so perfect in my life. If was like I was meant to wear those things. "'Course the next day, we both got the hell beat out of us for getting into her stuff, but nobody ever notice the pair of panties that I stole. I took them home and hid them. Then when I was alone, I would put them on and wear them around the house. That worked really well till my Mom found them and called me a freaky pervert and threaten to have me arrested. She took the panties and threw the away, and I promised that I'd never do it again." She stopped as a girl in whites brought us the rest of our meal. It was perfectly cooked roast beef with potatoes and green beans. After a couple of bites, she went back to her story. "But shortly after that I stepped into something else. I was in a the park bath room, taking a pee, when a guy in his fifties talked me into going down on him. Most boys would have been scared to death, not me. I loved every minute. So much in fact that I managed talk my friends in playing. Buy the time I was fourteen; I had sucked off most of my friends. But at the same time, I was still looking for the right girl and one I started dating, the games with the guys just kind of slipped away. "All and all, I was feeling pretty good. So good in fact, that right after High School, I got married. We had a fantastic relationship, sex was great, I couldn`t have asked for more. Then one day when I had the day off, and she was working it all came back. I was putting her clothes in the washing machine when the old urge hit me. As I put her underwear into the machine, I started to wonder what they would feel like and what they would look like on me. "Well, I was never Mr. Willpower, and before you knew it I dropped my jeans, kicked off my underwear and stepped into her panties. After that it was not great stretch to put on one of her bras. I stuffed socks into the cups to fill them. Then I put my clothes back over the top and spent the day in her underwear. I even went so far as to go down town wearing her panties and bra. Well, that pretty much became the habit after theat. Whenever she was gone I'd put on her bra and panties. So times I'd go so far and to put on one her skirts and a blouse to wear around the house."I wiped my mouth with my napkin. "You must have been lucky enough that the two of you were the same size." Billie nodded. "In everything but shoes. I solved that problem by dressing up as a girl for Halloween and picked up a pair of heels at the Salvation Army. So, now my wardrobe was complete. I let my hair grow a little longer and I was feeling like a real woman. "At the same time what my mom had said so long ago about being a pervert kept chewing on the back on my mind. So I started to look up cross dresser on the internet, so see if I really was a pervert. Mostly what I found were pictures of 'chicks with dicks' but that was enough. It didn't matter if what I did was wrong, it made me feel good. And as long as nobody found out I was fine. She stopped for a couple more bite of her lunch, and I tried to imagine what she must have looked like as a guy, but it was beyond me. She just looked too beautiful and too exciting. She finished her lunch, wiped her mouth, and after a sip of water went on. "I still hadn't taken the big step, and gone out dressed. Then to mess with my mind even more, the old bi urge came back. I'd find myself drinking with my friends and imagining what it would be like to on them. It got to where I was masturbating and thinking about it every day. Even with I had sex with my wife, I was fantasized about them. "Then on weekend my wife went to her grandma`s with her folks. I showered , shaved, and put on my panties and my bra under my clothes and went down town to the ADULT BOOKSTORE . In the back they had ten or twelve small private booths where for a quarter for a couple of minutes, you could watch clips from porn movies. Above the door was a picture of what movie was playing in the booth. I found one with she males, and with a handful of token went in to watch. Imagine my surprise when I went in, and found hole cut in both was so that you could see into the other booth. I settled back onto the bench, and after a couple of minutes of watching unbuckled my pants and pulled them down just enough to get my cock and balls out began to stroke. The other booth had been empty when I went in, but as I was stroke I heard the door open and close and somebody come in and sit down. I scared me at first and I tucked my dick back into my pants. But that didn't make it go down. It was as hard as I had ever felt it. And a voice inside my head kept telling me to look through the hole. Finally I was so hot I had to look!" She paused again, and I was willing to bet my dick was just as hard as hers had been that day. All I could think about was this sexy twenty something kid in a glory hole booth, stroking his cock. I started stroking my own through the material of my dress. "I leaned down, and looked through the hole and saw one of the big dicks, if not the biggest, that I had ever seen. The guy in the booth had his pants and under wear around his ankles as he slowly stroked his cock. I watched through the hole, on my knees, stroking my own hard cock. The he turned toward me and shoved his giant cock through the hole. "At first I was scared , but I reached out with my right hand and slowly ran my hand up his stiff shaft, doing to him what I like to do to myself. He pushed further into the hole until his balls were on my side. As I stroked his big purple headed cock with one hand, I gently massaged his hairy ball sack with the other. I could hear him moaning on the other side of the wall. My own cock was hard, and leaking pre cum soaking my panties. The between moans he begged me to suck him! "I was really leery at first, screwing up my courage I reached out with my tongue and ran it slowly around the head of his cock. Around the head, and pushing the tip up and under the lip of his foreskin. Then I slipped my lips around him and slid my mouth down to take as much as I could. Gradually I began to fuck him with my mouth, all the time my tongue licking his shaft as it moved in and out of my mouth. My hand matching the movements of my mouth. "Then I felt his cock grow tight, and I pulled back to wear just the head was in my mouth and he began to squirt great gobs of cum. I sucked d out every drop, savoring it before I swallowed. Then his cock started to go soft and shrink down, and he pulled away from me and back through the hole. "He leaned down and said thank you, and I sank back onto the bench. Cum was dripping from the edges of my mouth. I wiped it off with my finger and then licked it clean. The front of my panties were soaked. I had cum while I was swallowing him." I was stroking my own cock through my dress, with a felt something moving up under the material. He foot reached up and began to rub against my cock as she told her story. I could just imagine those beautiful toes of hers with the red polishes nails rubbing my dick through the dress. It made me want to see her feet work my cock, stroke me, jack me off with her feet! Her foot was like a hand through the thin silky nylon of my panties as she slid it up and down my steel hard cock. My breathing was getting faster, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest like a trip hammer. It was hard to concentrate, and I could feel the precum leaking out and soaking my underwear. It wasn't going to be long before my cock erupted with hot white lava. When Billie saw that I was getting close, she smiled, winked at me, and pulled her foot back to where her toes were barely touching the shaft of my cock, just brushing against it. "And I was happy. For the first time in a very long time, I felt satisfied. So that became my habit. Whenever I could get away, I'd sneak downtown and go into the booth and suck somebody off. Once or twice I let one of them do me, but I was there to please them and that's wh

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Danis New Life Chap 3

Dani’s New Life Ch. 03 by Lauries Husband © (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life – Part 1 and Part 2. This will make much more sense if you do…) * If she had noticed the food at all, Dani would have remarked on the excellent lunch she shared with her new colleagues. Alan had brought her to Locke-Ober’s, a landmark restaurant and gathering place for Boston’s finest. From the days of Prohibition, the place had been famous for it’s long bar and the silver covered platters...

1 year ago
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Danis New Life Ch 08B

Dani’s New Life Ch. 08b by Lauries Husband © (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life — Parts 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, and 8A. This will make much more sense if you do…) * Having dried off after her memorable shower with Tami, her twenty-three year-old lover and protégé, Dani Evans, the twenty-eight year-old Harvard-educated lawyer, Chief Legal Counsel and Corporate Vice President of a very successful software company, dressed in the tight blue jeans and T-shirt that her Master,...

3 years ago
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Danis New Life Chap 4a

Dani’s New Life Ch. 04a by Lauries Husband © (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life – Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. This will make much more sense if you do…) ‘Tami…please, just sit still for a minute,’ Dani was moving around the lounge/bar area of Alan’s suite, her cell phone already at her ear. ‘I have to talk to your cousin…you do want to work for Alan full time? Really?’ A quick nod from the red-head came at the same time her cousin picked up Dani’s call. ‘Counselor,’...

3 years ago
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Danis New Life Chap 5

Dani’s New Life Ch. 5   (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4a, and Part 4b. This will make much more sense if you do…)     After forty-five revitalizing minutes spent soaking in Sasha’s in-room Jacuzzi and a soft, sensuous orgasm brought on by the Russian’s talented tongue, Daniella Evans, the twenty-eight year old beautiful, blonde lawyer and corporate officer and the ‘darling’ of Wall Street, fell blissfully asleep in the beautiful...

2 years ago
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Danis Dream Part II

Tony spread Dani’s legs and after taking a moment to look at her almost naked pussy lips buried his head between her legs, placed his tongue at the bottom of her pussy and ran it along the slit until he reached her clit. When he reached her clit, he sucked it into his mouth and concentrated on it. As soon as he took it into his lips I bent down and took her right tit in my hand and the nipple into my lips. As I took her nipple in my mouth she froze and held her breath. She knew we were not...

2 years ago
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Danis New Life Chap 7

Dani’s New Life Ch. 07 by Lauries Husband © (If you haven’t already, please read Dani’s New Life — Parts 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, and 6. This will make much more sense if you do…) * The beautiful, blonde lawyer was floating somewhere above her used and abused body. It was a useful trick that she had begun perfecting several nights before during the cocktail party for her father’s highly secretive ‘lawyers only’ fraternity. That first time, she’d realized afterward, it was a combination of her...

2 years ago
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Danis Dilemma

I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...

2 years ago
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Dani Loses the Game

Dani wasn't overly fond of babysitting for the Clarks, but they did pay well so she would grit her teeth and bear it. Usually the three or four hours of torture was worth the money and Dani could use the extra cash, as her university costs were getting higher with each semester. She was 20 and in her third year in Business Law and now that summer holidays were over, so was the summer employment. During school months, she still managed to do babysitting around the neighborhood, as well as work...

3 years ago
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The piano and Rachaels wet panties2

Michael was in an emotional turmoil.He had finally given up to his sexual urges and made a move.After all those nights of fantasies he finally ended up fingering Rachael.She must be a virgin he thought how else could she possibly be so tight.It was hard to even push his finger inside her he could only imagine how tough it will be to push his long thick cock inside her tiny hole.Then his eyes caught the sight of Rachael's pink cotton panties that she had left behind in hurry.Michael picked...

1 year ago
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Don’t you just love it when a subreddit is super direct? Well, that makes two of us, and I am here to talk about all the juicy pussy content that r/PantiesToTheSide/ has to offer. Well, take your time and explore everything on r/PantiesToTheSide/, because as long as you love looking at dirty muff pictures of hot Reddit sluts, I am sure that you will love everything this subreddit is about.There is not much for me to explain about this subreddit when it comes to the content, because the name...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Dani from the Antique Store

Dani was a cute college-aged twenty two year old girl who often filled in at her aunt’s antique shop on the small office building where I have an office. I was sitting in my office one weekend day, not too long ago, when Dani stuck her head in my office and asked if she could borrow a notepad and a pencil.I rummaged through my desk drawer as Dani stood patiently in my office doorway, watching me hunt down a pad and pen. She apologized for being intrusive. I assured her that her request was not...

1 year ago
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Dani and Danny Part 4

Her mom said, “Oh, I forgot to mention that your father is going out of town this weekend for a business conference and asked me to join him. We haven't been away for ages and I'd really like to go. I was hoping you'd be home so Danny wouldn't have to stay by himself. Couldn't you ask Brie to come over here? We'll leave Friday and be home Sunday.” “Well, I'll ask her if she’d be able to come over here,” Dani replied. When Dani called, Brie asked, “Is your cute brother going to...

3 years ago
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Dani and Danny Part 2 3

Fortunately, it looked like he might have another opportunity soon. He went into the living room where he found his mom and dad watching the 10:00 pm news. Dani was looking at a magazine. She had both feet up in the chair, with one folded under and the other knee straight up. She was wearing a thin tank top and very short shorts. Danny sat down facing her where he could see the crotch of her shorts, but his parents couldn't. He could also see her nipples under the thin top. He...

2 years ago
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© Copyright 2003 by CloseShaveHer Chapter 1 Dani is a 37 year old mother of two, with long shapely legs that she loves to show off in Short-Shorts and a good 36c-26-36 figure. Like most mothers, her age, she carries an extra pound or two; her waist only slightly thickened. Dani's still curvaceous body has retained its hour glass contours. Her short dark brown hair frames a very pleasing heart shaped face that needed very little make-up. Enormous liquid brown eyes are windows to...

4 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 16

Author’s Note: Sorry it’s taken me a while to get this chapter up and running, I messed my back up a long time ago and every now and then it decides it needs a vacation. So it means stuck in bed with pain pills and muscle relaxers. It doesn’t help when you share that bed with a 10 month old puppy of pit bull blood, that thinks my husband and I are it’s parents. Hugs Darkstone57 * Dani sat back on the bed and stroked Bull’s face as he lay with his head in her lap. It felt good to have some...

1 year ago
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Dani Daniels 13000 927000

Dani Daniels was born in Orange County, California, on September 23, 1989. If you consider yourself a regular masturbator but aren't already familiar with her work, you sit on a throne of lies. Dani is one of the sexiest, most talented, and most well-known porn stars in the business. There are men the world over that spill gallons and gallons of cum to her every day.A Star is BornIt may seem like it today, but Dani did not always intend to become one of the most famous porn stars ever when she...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Dani The First Time

Note: Rather than add to this fantasy with a part 2 and 3, I thought I would update part 1 and then just present the whole story as a completed piece. So, if you have been waiting for the final parts these past few months, here it all is now in a complete story. I hope that you enjoy. ** THE POOL **It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Laura and their 19 yr old daughter, Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks.Over the...

1 year ago
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Dani from the Antique Store II

Dani was the very cute twenty-two old College co-ed that filled in for her aunt at the antique store next to my office. We had become friends after I had agreed to give her access to my office Wi-Fi account so she could chat with her friends and do school work from the antique store.Dani had friended me on social media and I could tell by the photos she had posted on line that she was a party animal. Meeting her in person, she seemed so very quiet and church-like, except for the small heart...

4 years ago
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Dani and Danny Part 1

Danny and Dani shared the second story of their home. During the school year Danny had the whole floor to himself. His and Dani’s rooms were connected by a Jack and Jill bath. Each had a lavatory in their rooms with doors connecting to the bath with tub, shower and toilet. While Danielle was away at school, Danny had the floor to himself and would frequently walk around nude.. Danny was building muscles and was turning into quite a good looking young man. At his age, his hormones...

2 years ago
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As a matter of record, she is not a blood relation. We met at the reception when my uncle married his long lost high school sweetheart. She was the daughter of my new aunt's sister and we wound up sharing a table with her older brother and my younger ones. I was immediately taken aback by her stunning good looks.Long dark hair fell past her soft shoulders and that was an immediate turn on. While most of my buddies were obsessed with the blue-eyed blondes, I always preferred the dark-haired...

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Dani Home Alone 2

continued from part 1:Dani lowered herself onto his cock slipping it into her pussy. She let out a soft moan as his cock reached her womb. She grabbed his head and moved in for a kiss. She then started moving herself up and down his shaft. He started kiss her all over eventually reaching to her breasts and back up them. He then reached around and put a finger inside her anus and started fingering her. Dani started squezzing his cock tigher until they both came. Dani could feel his cock pulsing...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 15

Author’s Note: While I was getting this chapter ready for submission, I realized that Nick had invaded my computer and turned Dani and Bull’s world upside down. When I found the part where he was using his evil to make things worse, I consulted both Dani and Bull and they realized that she would have never allowed such a thing to happen. So I made sure that was made clear in the story. Sorry no rushing ahead, but you’ll know when you get there. I also knew I had to make up for what Andre was...

2 years ago
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Dani Meets The Beast

There she was, a 5’4” red-headed goddess standing on the other side of the strawberries and I was completely captivated. She had her eyes closed after she had popped the top of the plastic container and I watched as she leaned in closer to the fruit and as she took a deep inhale, I noticed my own intake of air match her own as if I were smelling them as well.It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as she slowly opened her eyes and I could take in the pair of the brightest and most...

1 year ago
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Dani and Danny Part 51

Dani had become plenty aroused watching her brother’s spurting dick and feeling Brie's pulsing orgasmic contractions as she fingered her. She was still wet and gooey now in her room now alone with Brie. Dani and Brie had seen each other nude many times since they were young, and in fact, they often compared their development as they reached puberty. Dani had developed breasts a bit earlier than Brie, but once Brie’s came, they outgrew her friend. They weren't sure what to make of...

1 year ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 04

Author’s Note: I just want to thank you all for reading this and to ask a favor, please be sure to vote and either post comments or send me feedback as it progresses… thanks, and peace darkstone57 * It was late in the morning when she woke. From the sounds drifting in her open window, she got the idea that the guests for the party were already arriving. She was glad Mike and Kate had made it home for the party, and while she was sorry she had made her dad worry about her, she was a little...

3 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 06

Granny Maylene’s lesson on demons: She told this to Bull when his was first awakening and she sensed the inherent evil in it. ‘Demons are in us all boy, we are born with them, we will die with them, and the events and paths we follow in life determine the vision of life our demons show us. I see your demon causing pain and hurt, not to all, but to women, hurting and abusing them in ways not tolerable to this family. I don’t know how this happened, the events are cloudy, but I also see a woman,...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 03

To her surprise, it was Zach who apologized to her the next morning. ‘Guess I’d forgotten that you grew up too kid.’ He handed her a steaming mug of coffee, picked up his own and leaned back against the counter. ‘You know, Annie ain’t so bad, not at all what I remembered. She sure has grown up.’ Was Dani imagining things or had her big brother not stopped smiling since the other night and his reunion with Annie? She was tempted to ask if it was love or lust but she held her tongue. ‘Everyone...

4 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 14

Authors Note: I think it was Andre who suggested this chapter to me, and I think he was jealous of all the attention his brother was getting. Sometimes younger siblings learn the most about life by being able to observe their older sisters and brothers. I know in my own family the thoughts of my youngest have been greatly influenced by his older sister and brother. I was the same since I had three older sisters and an older brother. Most of my personal views have been formed by them and not...

4 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 07

Bull came awake and felt like he had just run a marathon around the prison track, his heart was pounding, his body hurt and he could barely catch his breath. She had been so beautiful sitting there in the sunshine. Behind her the crystal blue of the water, the sounds of happy voices and joy in the air. Her voice had been so soft, it had been like a musical note to his ears. They had been talking, that was all just talking but he had felt like he had known her all his life, and her eyes…The...

1 year ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 12

Authors Note: So here I am back again, after three crashed hard drives, and two computers, I finally got to the stories I thought I had lost forever and believe me it will not happen again. I will be doing my best to do some more work on them and A Ride to Heaven and Back Part 2 in the near future. You’ll also find that Dani and Bull decided to pull some twists and turns on me that needless to say I was not prepared for but that will come clear in a later chapter. Not only do they have to...

2 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 02

She woke just as the sun was coming up. Still dressed, her book open on the bed beside her. Lying on her back, she stared up at the ceiling of her room, and counted the cracks she found. Ten this time, same as last. The house was old, and run down. A far cry when it had been one of the finest in town then. Not that any of the towns better citizens ever stepped foot in it. Her distant relation had been a gambler from New Orleans who had settled here not long after the Civil War. The combination...

3 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 10

Author’s Note: Sorry it’s taken me a while to get this story up, been some events in my life that have distracted me. One of them was learning that someone has taken some of my stories and put them on another site without my permission. Now I have met some slime balls in my life, but to take some one elses hard work and basically try to pass it off as their own is about the lowest a person can go in my opinion, and if i could catch the person doing it, well lets just say they would not like...

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Dani and the Bull Ch 09

The three girls ran down the dark path to the center of the park, more than once they tripped over vines or branches but none of them wanted to stop. All felt revolted, sickened by what they had seen. When Jane went down hard and had trouble standing back up, Helen and Sylvie helped her up and they stumbled back into the brightly lit picnic area. Helen found her father standing with the sheriff and several other adults, and began to blurt out what they had seen, only to find herself needing to...

3 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 13

Author’s Note: I just want to thank everyone who has sent me feedback and all the great comments over my time away. I meant to do it sooner but to be honest, since the dam had broken on my writer’s block, I have been working like a fiend, not only to get pages ready to submit but on new stories and hope nothing comes along to plug the hole of creative energy I seem to be experiencing. I have also been working on my grammar and punctuation that seems to bother a lot of folks, but I don’t think...

3 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 01

(Author’s Note: As you will have noticed this is the edited version, when it appeared in the story section and i read through it, i found several things i thought i had already fixed but hadn’t. I also want to address a couple questions in the comments page. The original story was 20 plus chapters and while it is a romance story it could also fall under the category of supernatural. All the characters are human, and i hope you will enjoying meeting them as the story progresses. Peace ...

2 years ago
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Dani Part 2

I was unaware of Dani watching me as I rode away from her house just as I was unaware that her legs were still rubbery from the intense sex that we had just experienced in the shower. I didn't know that once I was out of sight she flew up to her room, closing and locking the door once inside and literally tearing her clothes off.I didn't see her flop on the bed and spread her beautiful tanned legs to allow the slender fingers on her right hand began to circle her swollen nether lips. As she...

4 years ago
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Dani meets Kristen

It was a typical Monday morning, wife just left for work and I’m on xhamster reading erotica and watching porn. Half playing with my cock just because it feels good. I get a text from my FWB Dani saying, “hey do you wanna fuck today”. I know that means she is either horny or that she needs something. Either way I do want to fuck today so I say sure. In an effort to be discreet we agree to meet at the grocery store across the street.She shows up driving a pickup truck that has the older style...

1 year ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 08

Helen left the supermarket and headed for the car Jack had given her for their first anniversary. Jericho was kicking and she ran her hand over her stomach to calm him. She loved being pregnant so soon after getting married, and the fact that Jack was such a wonderful lover just made it all the better. ‘Hello Helen, you’re looking all pretty today…’ A wave of nausea crashed over her as she looked at the man who had recently been released from the mental hospital. He was more dangerous looking...

4 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 11

Author’s Note: Sorry this one has been a little late in coming, but writer’s block has struck again and I haven’t been able to get my mind to agree with Dani or Bull about anything they suggest…I did however put them up on their own pages on Facebook: They said they were getting bored just sitting around in my head all the time, so there they are. The only thing is now, Reni and Devon from A Ride to Heaven and Back, (in case you haven’t read their story yet) want their own Facebook pages too,...

3 years ago
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Dani Home Alone

Dani is a young asian college student in her early 20's. She lives with her parents and shares a room with her sister. Dani loves to masturbate but it's hard for her to play with herself because her sister is in the same room as her so she usually does it in the washroom or sneak it under her covers. Dani is rather average in height and skinny, she's a 34C. This week she was alone for the entire week because her parents were going on vacation and her sister was going on vacation with her...

2 years ago
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Dani and the Bull Ch 05

Dani felt Bull shift against her head and opened her eyes slowly. She was stiff and sore from sleeping in the same position but she was reluctant to move. It only took a moment to realize if she did, then she would disturb Bull and he needed his sleep as much as she had. Her last waking memory was Bull bringing her out here, settling her back beside him on this lumpy old couch, and stroking her hair until she felt the stress and tension of the night fade from her body, and mind. Now it all...

2 years ago
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     Dani walked slowly across the wide stretch of minimally undulating beach that morning. Her head down in contemplative gaze at the details of the sand having been washed once more on the outgoing tide. She carried her favorite short board cradled against her side. It was a soft morning, as the fog lifted slowly. Her wet suit warmed her against the cool of the morning breeze. She had deliberately left the front zipper low to her waist as it allowed cool niblets of air to surround her taut...

1 year ago
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Dani Marks Her Territory

It was almost spring and I had come to Oregon to explore extinct volcanoes. The Ladies, as they are collectively known, are 14,000 feet above sea lever or higher. The air up there can be thin and I was a bit wiped out, so I decided to relax and have a drink at a local bar. I hadn't realized it when I walked in, but it was obviously an all girl bar. Sometimes you just get lucky.All the girls inside were inked up with a vast collection of rings, pins, bars, and hoops, etc. I was tired and didn't...

1 year ago
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Dani The First Time Part 1

It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Jean and their college age daughter Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks. Over the months I got to know them better and we spend time together at the occasional BBQ and dinner and last summer a few weekends at the beach, so we were all familiar with each other as good neighbours. Then last weekend...I was upstairs in my bedroom late in the afternoon getting undressed for a shower...

3 years ago
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Dani And Mahboob

Hi I am Dani ….18 years old… studying in university…I’m 120 lbs….I have 6 inch uncut cock….I am 100% virgin from both side….sometimes jerking alone…. It was dark but still light enough for me to see as I ran to my uncles house….he is my favourite Uncle…. I had run away from home because my parents were fighting again…. Yelling each other….I couldnt take their fighting…So I decided to go and stay overnight with my Uncle….. As I rang the doorbell my uncle…how was in only a towel… answered...

Gay Male
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Danish Man married a Rural Bangladeshi Woman

I am Dan and 55 years old. I am Danish and married a rural Bangladeshi woman in her 40s. I live in Jessore with my wife in a village. She speaks a little bit of English which I taught her and now she can communicate with me a little. She is of dark brown complexion, wears colorful bright saris and I enjoy watching her, take pictures and film her. We have sex pretty much every night. She has a beautiful face and a curvy body. I cum on her face every day and eat her anus when we have sex. She...

3 years ago
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Danish Grandma

Danish Grandma Ch. 01by Jena121© All characters in this story are 18 years and over. This is Gran story that was sent to me --I am going to try and tell it from Gran's view -- I have been asked to do this on a few occasions. As I don't personally have any experience with this -- it will be a bit difficult. - Please let me know how you like it and don't forget to VOTE and post a public comment. This is a story about a Danish Gran and her grandson Dan -- Hi, my name is Elise, I am a Grandma who...

3 years ago
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Dani At The Gym

“What a day!” Dani muttered to herself as she walked down the busy road. She had finished work just ten minutes ago, and although she could think of a hundred things she would rather be doing instead, she was now on her way to the gym for a workout. Since she had started her new job two months prior, she had resolved to make the gym at least three times a week, and so far she had kept to her word, and each night when she looked at her naked body in the mirror, she knew it was all...

1 year ago
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Gettng caught in Moms panties

I often wondered what would happen if Mom walked in on me while I was dressed in her underwear ever since the close call I had when I was 8. I was wearing her white nylon slip bra and panties. She came home while I was in her room. I closed and locked the door, changed and came out, claiming to have 'taken a nap'. I'm sure Mom saw right thru me and knew something was up. I was so tense it took me an hour to calm down from the adrenaline rush. From then on, I had a heightened sense of thrill,...

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Abbys Panties

Abby's Panties Chapter 1 (i) I'm not sure how unique I am, and let's face it - I'm as unique as everyone else - but I discovered my fascination with wearing women's clothes late in life. I was thirty-nine years old, two months shy of turning forty, when I happened upon a pair of my ex-wife's panties. I was cleaning the house, something which I both enjoy doing, and pretty much did exclusively when I was married. I found them behind the dryer as I was planning on removing and...

3 years ago
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Will Work For Panties

Found these stories on the web. A bit of a long read, but if youre into panties, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.Will Work for Panties Ch. 01by Vincent E ©Life is too short to go through it stupid and careless. I guess that you can be either one thing or the other and you will not inflict too much damage on yourself, but the combination of the two can prove tragic. For instance, if you are going to raid your aunt’s underwear hamper on a holiday visit – stupid – you should not leave the door to the...

4 years ago
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My dirty panties

Introduction: I cater for mens panty fetishes Panties! Does that word make all you men get an erection! Men have no idea how wet a pair of panties can become after a work out at the fitness centre. Or maybe they do!! In the changing room are lovely girls peeling off their panties which have accumulated sweat, pussy juice and other fluids that have leaked into the gusset as they go for their shower. On the bench seats are rows of the panties mostly g strings and thongs which are becoming...

1 year ago
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My dirty panties

Guys are always looking up girls’ dresses and seeing whether they are wearing panties, what kind they are wearing or if they are not. When girls wear a very short skirts and sit down, crossing their legs, guys like to stare up their skirts. I enjoy looking at girls who wear very short skirts and have long well shaped legs and can understand the pleasure looking at them gives the male sex. Similarly, seeing girls in tight trousers, where you can see the outline of their panties they wear...

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