R.U.S.A. free porn video

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R.U.S.A. by Erin Tyler It may seem like we were ignoring it, but we weren't. It was an ever- present thought, always in the back of our minds. Each of us continued our day-to-day affairs to distract ourselves: The Mistress taught me her craft; I learned from her, and kept up with my other friends; Alan watched his daughters; the ABCs explored their little world; Gary watched the store; Miki-chan kept her body steady and her mind sound; and hundreds of other stories like ours played out in Parkside, and in the ruins of Boston surrounding it. On the morning of February 1, 2451, however, it announced itself loud and proud, and no longer willing to be ignored. It arrived like an earthquake, shaking the walls of Mariel's Clothier. In my half-asleep fugue, that's what I thought it was at first. ...A little temblor, I thought. Unusual... but harmless. Maybe that's what I thought; I'm not really sure what went through my plastic-wrapped brain. It lasted for a while, though. A long while. Then it lasted longer. Then it kept going. And when Bee sat up straight, wide awake and breathing hard, followed by her two equally-frightened sisters, I knew for certain that it was neither an earthquake nor harmless. The hardware hung on the walls and placed around the stockroom's periphery jiggled with the same slow, steady, rhythmic beat of the ground below us. Boom-boom-Boom-boom. It was as low at the deepest bassline (except for the clatter of the hardware, of course), but it was undeniably there. Boom-boom-Boom-boom. We could feel it against our rear ends as we sat there- -BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM!! The four of us screamed in fright when something slammed against the door to the stockroom, rattling it violently in its frame. "It's me!!" Gary called from outside. "Open up!!" "...'S just Gary," I said, trying to sound relieved, without success. I stood up, unlocked the multiple padlocks, and opened the door. Gary pushed his way in before I got it completely open. "Are you okay?!" He looked as rattled (pun not intended) as we were. We nodded. "What's going on out there?!" I asked breathlessly. "It's coming from town," he said. "It's almost noon." Gary breathed in and out, and in and out. He looked me straight in the eyes. "...He's here," he said. I knew what he meant. The earthquake was nothing natural. It was 16,000-plus footfalls, all marching in lock-step. I felt my entire body tense up with fear. "Are they in the town?!" I trilled, trying not to frighten the girls, but again, without success. Gary shook his head. "I don't hear fighting," he said. "But I can't see from out there." I looked at the ABCs, then back at him. "...Your dad wanted to see the girls," I said. "Ah! Are you crazy?!" "It's what he said!" His face twisted up. "...W-well... Dad's not here!! I'm not letting you take my sisters anywhere near-!" And there was Annabelle. She tugged on his shirt. "...We wanna see them," she said. "The president's army." "...Yeah," Bee agreed, but without her usual vigor. Charlotte was completely silent. She was sitting up, however, and looking ahead, and not disagreeing. Gary huffed. He wasn't used to exerting authority, even with his baby sisters. "...Well, I say no!!" he warbled, his breaking, young adolescent voice expressing as much fear as annoyance. "You're staying here, where it's safe!!" Charlotte whispered something. I didn't hear it. Gary didn't hear it. Even Annabelle didn't hear it. But Bee heard it. For a kid who could do the twist on the roof of a house without breaking a sweat, she sure looked anxious. All eyes were on her, and she quickly realized it was up to her to share what Charlotte said with the rest of us... "...Nowhere is safe," she said. Gary was Charlotte's older brother, but he was never able to contradict her. Little Charlotte, full of subtlety, possessor of a wisdom far, far beyond her years. It must be terrible sometimes. Even from a distance, Grant's Gate was an impressive sight. Forty feet of hardwood boards, five feet thick and 18 feet high, held together by an iron frame and reinforced with sheet metal, stretched across the length of Parkside's western entrance. Worn-out tires attached to its base allowed it to move left and right. A set of shiny steel clamps, mounted on a high brick wall that bordered the left edge of the entrance, were fastened to a metal rod on the side of the gate, preventing its movement. The house to the immediate right of the gate was one part checkpoint, one part police station, and one part mechanical room for the gate's operation -- within the house, a set of weights were positioned to pull the gate open. To do this, two levers needed to be pulled: one to disengage the clamps, and another to engage the weights. As the ABCs and I approached Parkside, we saw the gate had been closed for the first time since it had been finished 14 years ago. Although I didn't know it at the time, this meant that both levers were up; the clamps were shut tight, and the weights were kept from falling. We heard, and felt, the reason from the other side of the gate. The pebbles on the road trembled with each reverberation. The trees shook. As we got closer and closer to Parkside, the stomping got louder and louder until it was nearly deafening. Annabelle pressed her hands to her ears. Charlotte clutched my leg, and I kept a hand on her. Bee stood ahead of us, but kept very close. Nobody noticed as we crossed the threshold and entered Parkside once again. Nearly everyone's attention was focused on the gate. Children clutched their mothers and men checked each others' rifles. Husbands and wives boarded up their doors and windows as if they were expecting a big storm. The corpulent man who had given Alan trouble the day before, and two younger, similarly dressed men, was now rushing to disassemble a stall purporting to sell "The Best In Home Repair Supplies Anywhere!" in a street that was otherwise devoid of all mercantile activities. A chime came from my hip, and I realized it was the smart phone The Mistress had given me. I held it up close to my mouth, aware of the girls, and whispered, "Hello?" "Natsuko!" snapped The Mistress on the other end. "What the hell are you doing?!" I slowly turned to face Sky Tower, and I looked up toward the top story. I couldn't see her, but she could see me. "Alan wanted to see his daughters today." "Then drop them there and get back here!! I'm serious!!" There was anger in her voice, yes... but also fear. Lots and lots of fear. "...How does it look?" I asked. A moment passed. "Get them to Alan," she said a little more calmly, "then get back here pronto." The smart phone cut out, and The Mistress was gone. The ABCs looked amazed by The Mistress' ability to project her voice into a small box that fit into my hand, but only mildly, and it was quickly squelched by the loud stomping. "...C'mon," I said, and we continued our own march through town. Oddly enough, the closer we got to the gate, the more distant the sounds became, as if they were backing away from us. I heard men barking orders at the top of their lungs on the other side, and large groups of men calling back. "Full stop!!" I heard being bellowed from the other side of the gate by a single voice, then echoed by other individuals. "Sir, yes sir!!" yelled back many, many more men, over and over, more and more distant each time. On the rampart at the top of the gate, in its dead center, stood Alan in the same clothes he had been wearing the day before. His expression was stern, but his face was pale, as he gripped the metal railing of the rampart hard. I thought I saw blood trickling from his palms. I could be wrong, but knowing him like I do, I probably am not. Men and women were rushing to and fro behind him, pausing occasionally to ask him questions in low voices as they peeked over his shoulders. He gave them terse answers - - about one or two words each, on average -- and they would run off. A narrow wooden staircase ran diagonally across the gate, from the rampart up top all the way to the ground below. There was no bashfulness on that staircase as Parksiders would grip and grope each other to get past each other on their way up and down. "...Uhhh... okay girls, single file," I said, pushing Annabelle behind me. Charlotte didn't want to let go of my leg, so I compromised by letting her piggyback me. Before I could get Bee behind me as well, she was already ahead of me. We made our way up the stairs slowly, and I encountered my first stares since entering town. Only one person looked genuinely displeased by my presence, and even he couldn't spare the time to do anything about it. As a result, I got pushed and shoved several times, but not because of what I was, but only because of space limitations. Two-thirds of the way up, Bee lost her patience waiting for us and scrambled up all the way. "Bee, stop!!" I called. "Bee!!" She didn't listen, and disappeared behind a cluster of people at the top. I picked up the pace, pushing back a little more, and made my way to a point where my head could just barely see over the edge of Grant's Gate. If my hair hadn't been a wig, it would have stood on end. A river of gray uniforms had washed over the road beyond Parkside. Men, thousands of men, white men, all dressed the same, all in formation without a hair out of place, stood shoulder-to-shoulder in front of Grant's Gate, with their numbers stretching down the road, far down the road, to the west. A ripple was spreading away from us down the endless rows of men, from the group standing at attention just a few feet from the gate, all the way down to blocks away and beyond, as they all came to a halt. I could hear orders being called out one-by- one from other streets, side streets, alleyways, and even inside some buildings. They hadn't just marched into the city; they had flooded it. With rifles at their shoulders, and many with sidearms, they stood at attention and dutifully awaited further instructions. Flying over their heads was their flag, which made me immediately think of the Confederate flag, only on a white background instead of a red one. Overlaying the blue crossed bars lined with white stars was a bright red cross. It was a stark reminder of the army's origins in a religious commune. Or maybe it was a reflection on the kind of power held over these people; each individual soldier was so tightly wound, they made the LP robots look chummy in comparison. Just as I reached the top with Annabelle and Charlotte, Alan took four steps and took hold of Bee. She buried herself in her father's shoulder as he lifted her up. He looked down at me and an angry expression flashed across his face, as if he were asking, "How could you bring my daughters here?!" It was so very brief, however, as he had such bigger things to worry about. He wordlessly carried Bee back with him to the middle of the rampart and continued his watch. Against some of my better judgment, I joined him. There was a line down the middle of the rows of men. A smaller group of men and women, clad in filthy white and light yellow shirts and pants, and without any shoes, slowly marched up through the soldiers. The first thing I noticed about this group was how raggedly tired they all looked. The second thing I noticed was that they were all either black, Asian, or Hispanic (with one exception). In the front of the line, a group of these downtrodden individuals was dragging a large white platform behind them. Behind them, a black limousine was being carried on the shoulders of 16 people. Behind the limo were innumerable brawny but exhausted men and pregnant women. Before the line got to each regiment, its commanding officer would bark an order, and the soldiers would split into two groups, turn toward each other, then take a quick step back. The rows of gray-clad men were parting as the line of slaves approached the gate. The army was so coordinated, so efficient, that it was like watching a single organism pulsing below me. As I watched, the great beast opened its maw to display... what? What is this, I only pondered for a few seconds... ...Before I realized... it was its brain. "Bellows," Alan croaked under his breath. I looked up at him and saw a man who was trying to look resolute, but couldn't help but look sickly in the process. He was stroking Bee's hair, and she was watching the army over her shoulder with fear in her eyes. "...Alan," I whispered. He didn't hear me. "Alan." Still no clue that I was even there. "Alan!!" I snapped. He turned his head quickly and looked at me. "Breathe," I said. He stared at me for a couple seconds, then nodded as his chest heaved up and down. Up and down. He ducked down low and set Bee back on the rampart, then gave her a light push toward me. I let Bee and Annabelle grip my legs as Charlotte held onto my back. As men and women were filling in the spaces in the rampart around us, I heard a chime from my smart phone. I pulled it out and immediately heard The Mistress hiss, "You've had your fun!! Now come back here!!" "We need to know more," I whispered. "You said so yourself." "We know plenty!! Now get your ass back here!!" The Mistress sounded even more fearful than before; she was approaching a full-blown panic. I tried to keep calm, and I thought about what to do. "Call Sea," I said. "What?!" "Call Sea," I whispered right into the mouthpiece. I noticed a few people were staring at me, and one of them was Roger. I gave him a quick, subtle nod, and that seemed to satisfy him. "Tell her to broadcast where I'm standing." "Are you freaking kidding me?!" she wailed. "You did it-" I looked around. "You did it when I was threatened by Father Fitzpatrick. You don't have to come down here this time. I'll handle it. Call her!" I switched off the smart phone before she could protest any further. "What are you doing?" Alan mumbled. "If he's showing up in force, then so am I," I replied. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "Nope. Making it up as I go along." I flashed him a half-hearted grin as I rolled my sleeve over my metal arm. Best-case scenario, I thought, Alan gets Bellows to turn around and leave, and Sea's appearance is nothing out of the ordinary... for a woman who's ordinarily a giant, floating, weather-forecasting head in the sky. Worst-case, I can use the Sea Witch to scare Bellows into leaving... ...I think. I wasn't sure. How do I talk to her? Hm. A gawkish group of soldiers and slaves made their way up the periphery of the army, parallel to the line of slaves carrying the platform and limousine. This strange bunch, lead by a sweaty, pug-nosed soldier carrying a tuba, were carrying even more brass instruments, a drum set, cymbals, and a dingy triangle. The band leader planted himself 20 feet from the gate and watched the platform move into position near him. Once it stopped, he watched the limousine come to a halt. "Get ready," he said. When the slaves weren't able to instantly set up their instruments, he started bleating at them, "Now!! Now!! Now!! Now!!" He kept going until they were ready to start playing. They then waited another several seconds, with the band leader watching the limousine. A regal-looking officer stepped out from the side of the limo and placed one hand on the back door. He nodded toward the band leader, who saw the signal. "And-a-one, and-a-two, and-a-" The band leader placed his lips on the mouthpiece of his tuba at the same exact moment as the officer opened the door. What followed was the worst rendition of "Hail to the Chief" in history. Bad timing, flat harmony, and excessive tuba combined into a cold, dripping version of the song that only I recognized. The slaves tried their hardest and sounded the best among the group, but nobody can march for God-only-knows how many miles and be expected to put out a decent performance on a trumpet. My imagination compensated by substituting the Shinra Corporation theme song for their miserable tune. It worked perfectly. It was then and there that I had my greatest epiphany of my true identity: No matter who I was in my previous life, I thought, be it bicycle messenger or survivalist... ...I was a geek! A man stepped out of the shadows inside the limousine and placed two shiny black shoes on the ground. His black suit looked clean, pressed, and starched, like he had somehow managed to find a dry-cleaner in the post-apocalyptic ruins. He looked up at the sky, adjusted his bright red tie, then turned sharply to us and extended one hand in the air with a smile, like a U.S. senator greeting a crowd. Indeed, I could have mistaken him for a standard, run-of-the-mill politician -- he would look right at home in Congress -- if he didn't have a freaking army behind him. That was the first time I saw President Bellows. "Hello!" the president called out. His sonorous voice certainly lived up to his name -- he could be heard clearly by all, even without a megaphone on hand. "Ha-ha! Yes! Hello!" The tall, bald man with the aging, sagging face strode confidently down the rows of men and up to the white platform, which he nimbly stepped upon, all while looking up toward the people watching him from the rampart of Grant's Gate. "Hello, hello! Ohhhh!" He clapped his hands once, then looked over to the band and nodded. They stopped playing instantly. "Ahhhh!" he breathed in relief, then sniffed. "Mmmmmm! Smell that ocean air! I can taste the salt already! Mm!" Alan took a quick, deep breath. "State your business!" he called out. Bellows cocked his head a little to the side. "Mmm?" he inquired. "State! Your! Business!" Alan repeated slowly. The big grin on Bellows' face parted into a bigger smile. "Ahhhh! Where are my manners? Ha-ha!" He puffed out his great big chest and held his mighty arms out in a friendly greeting. "Hello, Parkside! I am President Julian Gilbert Herman Bellows of the Re-United States of America! I am here to welcome you as fellow citizens of my new nation!" He gestured toward us. "Hello, people of the new State of Parkside! Hello, citizens of the R-U-S-A! Hello!" An enticed rumble spread among the people on the rampart, and among the people below us. "Bullshit!" Roger hissed in response. "Detroiters were citizens!" That shut several people up. Alan didn't look like he needed to be reminded; he remained solely focused on the president below him. "You say we're citizens," Alan said, after some thought. "What do you mean?" Bellows chuckled. His smile didn't leave his face. "Why, it means you're entitled to all the rights and privileges of all my other citizens, of course!" Bellows focused his eyes. "...I don't believe I got your name, friend." "My name is Alan Carson. I'm..." Alan considered his words carefully. "I'm a citizen of Parkside." "A citizen! Well." Bellows nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Alan. May I call you Alan?" Alan looked irked by this (to say the least), but regardless, he replied, "You may." "Alan... you know why I'm here. I'm certain you've heard of the nation I've been building out west. I know you've received...," Bellows turned his head just a little and loudly spoke out of the side of his mouth, toward his limousine, "news," and back to Alan, "of my arrival! Right now, you're probably thinking that I've arrived earlier than anticipated." He shrugged. "I'll admit, I didn't expect to get so far so fast, either! We really just..." He pumped his arm in front of himself. "Slid right through, real easy!" Alan's eye twitched. I doubt I'd like to know what he was thinking at that moment. "You're saying you cut through the region?" Something menacing appeared in President Bellows' smile. Maybe it was the way the edge of his mouth curled up a little, revealing his canines a little better. His teeth were thin and unblemished. "Hnnn... that's one way of looking at it, I suppose. Not my way. But I digress." He sniffled and stood proud. "Alan... citizens of Parkside... you may or may not know that I have been expanding my nation's borders in an ongoing effort to perform..." He put one hand on his chest, above his heart. "...My sacred duty! I wish for no less than the restoration of America's greatness, without all the..." His lips turned down in a pout. "...The weakness, and sinfulness, that brought the old United States to her knees!" His smile snapped back like a rubber band. "No, I am building a new nation, a better nation, one that The Lord can smile upon, and one that we can be proud of." Alan raised one eyebrow. "And you want Parkside because...?" The president's manner turned businesslike. "Right now, my nation's lands are limited to Michigan and Ontario. I could go west like the old United States, but...," he looked thoughtful, "I'm not quite ready to do that just yet. Given the problematic nature of expanding northward into R-O-N territory, and the push-back I've encountered every time I've tried expanding south, my primary focus has been expanding east. In anticipation of this, I've extended offers of citizenship to all of the towns and cities between here and the R-U-S- A. Alas, I have neglected you, but I'm here to make up for that! I am, on this day, formally extending an offer to you, Alan Carson, and your fellow citizens of Parkside, to become citizens of the newest state in the R-U-S-A!" He smiled broadly and patiently awaited an answer. Alan turned to look at the people who stood around him, then down at the people in town below him. There were hints of temptation in many of their faces, but reluctance in all of them. He turned back to the president and replied, "You still haven't told us what that means." Bellows looked bemused. "Yes, I have!" "You said we'd get the same rights as your other citizens. What rights do you mean?" There was that slightly too-toothy smile again. "American rights." Alan wasn't bothering with his own fake smile. "You'll have to specify," he said sternly. Bellows hesitated very briefly, but his smile didn't leave his face. "The Lord's Natural Rights!" Okay, that's all I need to hear, I thought. I looked up at the sky. C'mon, Mistress! C'mon Sea! Where are you?! The senator from the great State of Crazytown needs to go bye-bye now!! No lights, no giant growling head with fireworks and bears, nothing. I was deeply disappointed. "You're going to have to do a lot better than that," Alan stated bluntly. One thing President Bellows had going for him was, he never, ever seemed angry. He could be serious and/or gently disapproving, but never anywhere close to angry. The idea that The Mistress could take a lesson in anger management from him occurred to me a microsecond before I realized how terrible that idea was. I saw a tiny-tiny display of irritation flash across his face with a slight click of his teeth, and then it was gone. "There is nothing better, Alan. The Lord Our God has sent me, his servant, to reunite us all. I can't... imagine...," he chuckled in a mildly dumbfounded way, "what more could you want?" Alan hesitated and measured the crowd around him. "...What I want... and what we all want... is for you to leave! Turn your army around and go!" Bellows looked up at Alan, silent for a moment, and a little hurt. His full smile reappeared after that moment, softer than before. "Ahhhh. I see. All you've heard about me are bad things, spread by my detractors, no doubt. I have many!" He shook his finger and laughed. "Oh my, do I have ever so many! There's a few simple facts you should know about me, however: I'm not exaggerating when I say I'm building a nation. I've built roads, my friends." He pointed west. "I've re- paved many of the old state routes in Michigan! I've brought back shipping and trade between those cities! My goodness, you should have seen the place before I came along! It was riddled with bandits and sin!" He swept both hands out. "I got rid of all of that! The country I've built, and am continuing to build, is more efficient than anything the C-I-S could create, and more disciplined than anything the R-O-N could muster!" He smiled and held his arms out wide again. "I know pride is a sin, but... well, I just can't help myself sometimes! I just gotta... toot my own horn, you know?" He pointed at the band leader, who blew a loud farting noise out of his tuba. Bellows slapped his own stomach and laughed out loud, and several officers joined him. The soldiers standing in front of the gate and all around the platform -- over a hundred, maybe -- burst into a chorus of synchronized laughter. The crowd on the rampart was a touch stirred, and a lot more freaked out. Alan was not charmed at all. "And what about Detroit?" Bellows hesitated. "Well, I have to maintain unity, y'know? I can't have anyone going off the rails. Plus, they were harboring a witch! I understand there's one behind you, in that big tower back there?" There was that gentle look of disapproval. "I hope you're not doing the same." Alan sneered. "Forget about her. What about your slaves? Are they citizens, too?" "...The slaves?" Bellows looked puzzled. He turned and glanced at the line behind him. "Do you mean the lesser-folk? Of course not." He actually said it with a smile: "Animals can't be citizens!" A very troubled sound emitted from the mouth of nearly every Parksider. "Half our town is minorities," Alan said slowly as he leaned forward. "Do you really think we're going to sell out ourselves?!" And again with the slightly too-toothy smile. "...Frankly, Alan, I don't care what you think. You're just one citizen. I serve The Lord first, and the people second. That's 'the people,' plural." "We all agree: we're not your citizens! Turn... and... leave!" President Bellows paused. At the time, I thought he was going to start screaming at any second, because I didn't know him very well. His smile never left his face, however, and instead turned into something kind of like pity. "I never told you what happened to those offers I sent out to those other towns and cities," he said after a few seconds. "They were all rejected, every one. I figured I could strike a deal myself with the R-O-N -- something Detroit never cleared with the rest of us, by the way! -- but it didn't pan out. Again, I wasn't expecting us to move through New England this quickly. I thought we would encounter more resistance than we did. Here!" He turned and waved toward one of his officers. "Bring Albany to the front, please!" The officer nodded, then reached into the line of slaves and roughly pulled one out. I had seen the Hispanic man with the tiny mustache above the corners in his mouth in the line, but I thought he was just another slave. Unlike most of the others, his neck and wrists were bound together in a medieval wooden stockade, and his ankles were shackled. Also, once he was out of line, I saw that he was rounder than the others, like he had eaten well, and eaten more recently. He was filthy, and his black hair was matted with sweat. The officer dragged the man toward the platform and threw him upon it. "...Oh Jesus, it's Kirk," Alan breathed. "How the fuck did he get a hold of him?" I heard Junior mutter. I was shocked to find him right behind me, and completely without any interest in me. "Kirk's got ten times our manpower." "Please state your name," President Bellows said like he was about to interview the prisoner for a job, who muttered something disparaging under his breath in return. The president nodded at the officer, who had taken a position behind the prisoner on stage. The officer drew his sidearm, cocked it, and pushed it into the back of the prisoner's head. Some people on the rampart let out a distressed sound. Alan looked sick. "Please state your name," Bellows repeated, in a slightly lower, more serious tone. "...Kirk van der Hoof," the man uttered. There was blood on his lips. He had been so mistreated, he could barely stay conscious. "Kirk van der Hoof," Bellows repeated. "What is your occupation, Mr. van der Hoof?" Kirk breathed in, then out. "...I'm... I... was... the Mayor of Albany." "Can you repeat that, please?" Bellows dipped a little lower to get closer to Kirk's right ear. "And louder?" he enunciated. "The Mayor of Albany! I was... the Mayor of Albany..." "Now, you say you were the Mayor of Albany." Bellows crossed behind the man. "Did you lose your office?" Kirk breathed in, then out. "...Yes." "Did you lose an election?" The president glanced at Alan. "...No." "Oh?" Bellows paced back the other way. "Then how did you lose your office, Mr. van der Hoof?" Kirk said nothing. He stared down at the stage, at the ground, at nothing at all maybe, but the misery in his entire body -- the defeat on his face; the way his limbs sagged, held aloft only by the stockade -- was palpable. He muttered something. "I can't hear you," Bellows said. "More importantly, though, the folks up there can't hear you." He pointed toward the rampart. "Look up, please? And speak clearly." Kirk slowly, oh so slowly, raised his head. He looked Alan directly in the eyes... and I can't even imagine what passed through Alan's head at that moment. "He crushed Albany, Alan." A breath. "...It's all gone." "Thank you," Bellows said graciously before turning back to Alan. "Now, as you can see-oops, wait." He pivoted back to the officer, pointed at Kirk with his index and middle fingers, and nodded. And the officer shot Kirk point-blank in the back of the head. The Mistress was standing at the edge of the 70th floor of Sky Tower when she saw it happen. "Hokay!" she exclaimed, slapping her steel telescope shut and pivoting on one foot. "Hokay!" She marched into her radio room, then held the microphone up to her mouth. She twisted a dial on a black box next to the monitors. "Sea? Come in, Sea!" A few seconds passed. She pushed the call button on the microphone harder. "Come in, Sea!!" A scream went up across the rampart. Kirk's body lurched forward and fell with a wet splat against the platform, blood pooling out of the hole in his forehead. Annabelle and Bee were gripping my legs like their lives depended on it, and Charlotte let out a squeal as her father emitted a knee-buckling moan of horror. Junior said nothing, but then again, he might have seen the execution-style murder coming. He remained completely silent, his reaction a mystery; I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, or even if he was still back there, and I didn't get a look at his face. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way," Bellows said, "let's talk shop. How about we all get together and have a little town hall, hm?" Alan's jaw hung open. "...Fuh-wh-what?!" he cried. Maybe it was just me, but it didn't sound like there was a trace of menace in Bellows' voice. Instead, he sounded casual, like you would if you were to pause in the middle of a conversation with a friend to swat a fly. "Please open the gate. I can't talk to everyone if I'm out here, and you're all in there!" "...A... a-are you fucking kidding me?!" "...No. I really do need to come inside." He looked a little self- conscious, then fake-whispered, "Number two!" and chuckled. Everyone around the rampart, including me, had backed away, with the exception of Alan. "We're not letting you inside, you psychopath!!" "...Eh?" "You just murdered Kirk van der Hoof!!" Alan sputtered. Bellows froze, like he hadn't noticed this. He looked down at Kirk's body, which lay bleeding on the stage, then back up at Alan. "Who, him?" "Yes!!" Bellows looked bemused again. "Do you mean the rebel leader? The one who took up arms against me after I claimed Albany in the name of The Lord?" He waved his hand at Kirk's body with an indifferent gesture. "This little lesser-folk?" Alan's face contorted with disgust. "You... sick fuck!!" "Now, now. There's no need for name-calling, Alan. I just wanted to prove to you that I'm not a liar. I've been given a power to bring all into the fold of The Lord and the R-U-S-A, and I intend to use that power to defend Parkside." "You mean attack her!!" Bellows chuckled. "Now why would I want to do something like that?" "You've attacked every other city!!" Alan roared. Bellows shook his head. "No, no. Parkside means... so much to me. I intend to turn this village into a port city, my friends. Parkside has people. It has infrastructure in-place. Why would I throw that out?" "To enslave us!!" Alan spat. "This is a freeman city, and you want to crush that!!" Bellows slipped the fingers of one hand in his jacket pocket, like he was a really easy-going guy. "Do you really think I'm going to expend resources over some petty display of power?" Alan was livid. "You just did!! You've been doing that for months!!" Bellows openly and loudly laughed. And laughed. And laughed. Out of context, it sounded charming, like a man joking with friends at a cocktail party. In context, it was terrible and weird. I felt horrible for Alan. He was getting a harsh lesson in why he should never wrestle with a pig. I wished I could do more than just stand there gawping, but there was still no sign of the Sea Witch. I couldn't decide if I should start krumping or break out in the Macarena, but if her aurora appeared, I'd just pick one and ignore my inevitable humiliation. "Ohhh, Alan! You are a real gem!" "It's Mr. Carson, you son of a bitch!!" Bellows' smile grew broader, because that was apparently possible. "I think I'll call you whatever I want, Alan. You're not the boss of me." He hesitated. "Why, you're not the boss of anybody!" ... ...I wondered what that meant. I had a suspicion. I felt breathless. I hoped I was wrong. Alan stopped talking. Bellows looked back at the limousine. "Ahem!" he fake-coughed out loud. "Walter! Could you step forward, please?" A chorus of hushed, distressed grunts came from the throats of the slaves holding up the limousine. "Please step forward, Walter!" The president's secretary, Walter Matheson, was shouldering the burden of the left front corner of the vehicle. He was the only white man I saw in the line of slaves. "Sorry!" he grunted to the others, then pushed up the limousine and stepped out from under it. With one of their number gone, the other slaves silently, but arduously, shouldered the extra burden. Walter plodded forward, unable to walk very fast on his bruised and swollen feet. An officer stepped out of line for a second to slap a clipboard into Walter's chest. The smaller man forced a grin, quietly thanked the officer (who sneered back), then proceeded to the stage. President Bellows did not bother to greet or even look at Walter. "Walter," he said slowly, "can you please give me the details on the man to who I am speaking?" I glanced at Charlotte, whose face was buried in my shoulder. She said nothing. Not one thing. "...Huuuhhhh...," Walter wheezed, then adjusted his glasses. "Let's... see..." He flipped through his clipboard, removed a pen from the metal clip that bound the pages, then placed the tip on one. "His name is-" "-Uh-uh-uh!" Bellows grabbed his wrist. Walter froze in fear. "Remember what I said last night, Walter?" Walter's lips twitched. "...Y-y-y-yeh..." "I said..." Bellows reached into Walter's sheaf of papers and pulled one out. "I want you to be more conservative with paper from now on." He displayed the page in front of Walter: it was blank, except for its customized header with navy blue lettering. "I have to have these shipped in all the way from Lansing. They're hand-lettered. That's not cheap, y'know." "Y-y-y-yessir." There was that canine again, but without any smile in his eyes. "I can't have you frittering away my stationery, Walter." Walter nodded rapidly. "Y-yessir, yes sir, President Bellows, sir." "Hn." Bellows handed the page back to Walter, who carefully slipped it back into the sheaf. "So, tell me who Mr. Alan Carson is, if you will." "...Uhhh..." Walter looked down at his clipboard, then up at Alan, then back down. "...A-Alan Grant Carson, born February 15, 2416, right here in Parkside... Massachusetts, uhhhh..." His hands shook as he turned the page; he was extremely nervous. "G-great-grandson of Parkside's founder, Robert Carson..." Bellows nodded in respect to Alan. "G-grandson of Edgar Carson, son of, uh... Grant Carson." "The fourth king of the Carson Dynasty!" President Bellows proudly proclaimed. Alan rolled his eyes. "What about recent history, Walter? Anything there?" Bellows was playing a game. It felt like one of the games The Mistress played with me, but at least when she did it, it was meant to be instructional. Bellows was just messing with us. I knew it, Walter knew it, and I suspect Alan knew it. For his part in it, Walter looked deeply ashamed. "...Uh, King-" Alan grunted audibly. "-I mean, Mister..." Walter looked up for approval. "...Carson... was... recently ousted." People on the rampart drew their breath. "Ousted?" Bellows asked. "You mean he lost his office? How?" Walter looked down in shame. "Yes, sir, in a... local election." "To who?" Again, Charlotte said nothing (the little trooper). I swear to God, it was like the evil bastard was doing it on purpose just to screw with her. "...To... ahhh..." Walter adjusted his glasses and swallowed a lump in his throat. He wasn't looking at the clipboard anymore. "Father Oswald Fitzpatrick." "You killed him too," Alan stated clearly, "didn't you, you son of a bitch? You found him on the road and you butchered him." "Butchered him?" Bellows piped. "No, he's fine! Here, look." He turned his head to one of his officers. "Can you please bring Father Fitzpatrick up here?" The officer nodded, then headed toward the back of the line of slaves. But he didn't go all the way. He stopped at the back door of the limousine, the door out of which Bellows had emerged. He waved whomever else was in there out. The person within must have hesitated, because the officer had to wave a few times, and got a little impatient as a result. And sure enough, Father Fitzpatrick emerged from the limousine. He was completely unscathed. He looked like he had not had a good night's sleep, but he was otherwise unharmed. "...What... the...," I heard Junior breathe behind me. "No, he wouldn't," Alan rumbled. "He wouldn't dare." The officer was handling Father Fitzpatrick a little roughly, and the older man didn't enjoy the treatment; he yanked his arm out of the officer's grip and whispered a few (presumably) brusque words to the soldier. Father Fitzpatrick looked up toward the rampart -- Alan was glaring so hard, he didn't need fingers -- then took a deep breath and strode forward. "What are you doing, Ossie?" Alan growled out loud once Father Fitzpatrick was within earshot. The priest got up on the platform. Alan's voice rose: "Tell me what you're doing with that maniac, Ossie!" Father Fitzpatrick saw Kirk's body on stage and reeled. He looked at Bellows as if to ask what had happened, but Bellows had a look about him that... well, I'm not sure exactly how to explain it. I'll put it this way: If a psychopath asks you if you're bothered by all the murder he's doing around you, what do you say? Presume you can't run away. If you say "yes," he might be offended. If you say "no," then he'll like you. And you want him to like you. That is, I presume, why Father Fitzpatrick didn't actually say anything to the president. Instead, he turned back to the gate and did his best to ignore Kirk's body. "...Hello, Alan," he said, his voice breaking a little, but not his resolve. "What the fuck are you doing down there, Ossie?!" "What does it look like I'm doing?" He held himself high. "I'm saving Parkside, Alan... from you!" Is there a word that combines "bewildered" and "pissed off?" I'm not talking about "upset" -- that's too soft a word for what Alan was feeling. "Wwwwhhhaaaat?!" he screamed ("Mistress-like," maybe, although that doesn't seem fair to him). "Maybe you can explain it to them, Mister Mayor," Bellows whispered to Father Fitzpatrick. "I'm not getting anywhere." As if to do an impression of his new master, Father Fitzpatrick spread his arms wide. "Fellow citizens of Parkside!" he called out. "Yes, it is true! I have struck a deal with President Bellows! He has agreed to lend us his aid, and in return, we will become citizens of the nation he is building!" He brought his arms in close. "My sacred duty... is to ensure that the Parkside flock is worthy of God's graces. My only desire is to see you all reach Paradise." He motioned back toward Bellows in a deferential way, and the president simply looked happy to be there. "And so it is with him, my brothers and sisters! President Bellows is a noble and devout man," (there was a slight pause just before he said "noble;" I noticed it, and from the twitch in his eye, I think Bellows noticed it, but he did and said nothing), "and his greatest desire... is to see that we, all of us, reach that most... lofty of places." "He's a homicidal maniac!!" Alan screamed. "He's openly tyrannical!!" Father Fitzpatrick's eyebrow arched in disdain. "A tyrant, Alan? Really?" He looked at someone else on the rampart. "My friends... let me tell you about the real tyrant here today." He pointed at Alan. "For eighty years, the Carson family has led us with lies and deception!" Alan scoffed. "Our founding father, Robert Carson, advertised Parkside as a freeman's city, a place to go for those sick of the bureaucratic tyranny of the C-I-S and the military tyranny of the R-O-N! But where has that led us?" He sneered. "To misery! To neighbor-versus-neighbor infighting! We know each other's names, yet we lock our doors at night! We hide the sins of our past! We hide our true names, our true faces!" He shook his head. "This is no way to live!" "And you think a rampaging...!! A-a rampaging-ohfuckme...!!" Alan scoured his scalp with his fingernails. "Megalomaniac," Charlotte whispered oh-so-quietly into my back. "*Cough*Megalomaniac*Cough*," I repeated. "Megalomaniac is better?!" Alan screamed. I should have been more subtle than that... ...Because in the next second, Father Fitzpatrick was looking up at me. "Her," he uttered, pointing directly at me. "That's her." And that's when Bellows saw me. "And here you are!!" Father Fitzpatrick shouted back at Alan. "Bringing demons into your fold!! At least the allies I keep are human!!" Something horrible kept drawing my gaze back to Bellows'; the sick fascination that all people have with car accidents and dead things compelled me to look his way. For his part, Bellows' eyes were locked onto me, too. As Father Fitzpatrick exchanged words with Alan, a wide, toothy smile filled with canines slid open across the president's sagging face, like fleshy curtains parting to reveal two rows of alabaster columns. His eyes could be described as happy, in the same way a hungry lion is happy to see a gazelle. He slowly raised one hand and waved just his fingers at me. "Hello!" he croaked. A thrill went down my back. It was so strong, Charlotte noticed it. Or maybe she was just hiding behind me. Hell, I wanted to hide behind me. I wonder if Junior noticed Bellows' attention on me? Alan and Father Fitzpatrick were yelling at each other when I forced myself to look away. "-Treason against Parkside!!" Alan cried. "I would never betray Parkside!!" Father Fitzpatrick cried back. "I grew up here, the same as you!! I made a life here, the same as you!! Only I'm not ashamed to know what's beneath its surface, Alan!! I know it needs a strong hand to guide it!! I know it needs God!!" He stopped yelling at Alan and started calling to the crowd again. "For eighty years, the Carson Dynasty-" Alan rolled his head in disbelief. "-Oh, pleeeease!!" "-The Carson Dynasty has led us to live a godless existence!! Tell me: where was God when Alan led us?!" He glared at me. "Where was God when the Metal Mistress burned down half our town?! With Alan?! With Grant?! No!! With them, we have nothing!! Without God, we have nothing!!" He stood tall. "I say, enough is enough!! The time of the Carson Dynasty is over!! It's time Parkside had a real leader!! It's time we had a man of God on our side!! It's time to end this insufferable crusade against all that is good and holy!!" Alan was dumbstruck; he didn't know what to say. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that what Father Fitzpatrick said was total bullshit; Alan had never faulted anyone for their religion in his life. And then it hit me: Why should I? "I don't care," I stated, louder than I wanted to speak. All eyes turned on me. Father Fitzpatrick was glaring. "Wh-" "-I don't care," I repeated plainly but clearly. "If you want to pray to God, pray to God. I won't stop you. Father Fitzpatrick looked confused, but his lip curled (possibly involuntarily) as he hissed, "You-" "-I don't want to stop you," I added. "It's your right." Against my better judgment, I pointed (weakly) toward Bellows. "...Y-you don't need that guy if you want to worship God." Dozens of rifles were pointed up at me. I heard a grunt behind me, and a rough pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me and the ABCs behind a man. After a couple seconds... I realized it was Junior. "-Hold!" Bellows called out to his soldiers from the platform, which was now mostly blocked from my view. "Hold. Don't let her get you all bothered, now. It's what she wants!" A pause. "Please continue, Mister Mayor." Father Fitzpatrick hesitated, then started to speak again. "Eh, ah-" "-I never stopped you, Ossie," Alan said, finding his voice. "I never prevented you from finding God. Sure, I don't get to church as much as I should, but the way I figure it, if it got you off the bottle, then it's good." A pause... although Alan took a deep, heavy breath. "And do you remember who you turned to? Who first took that damn booze out of your hands? Who gave you your bible?" He leaned forward. "It was Tonya van der Hoof. Kirk's wife." Father Fitzpatrick said nothing. "She's either dead or in chains now, Ossie, and you're standing next to the man who did that, and murdered her husband. And you have the balls to call me godless, you ungrateful son of a bitch." I couldn't see much, but Father Fitzpatrick wasn't standing so tall anymore. "...In all life... there is hardship." "Oh, this shit again! You think I don't know hardship?! I watched my Emma die!" "And you'd watch more die," Father Fitzpatrick breathed out. The pride was gone from his voice, from his posture. Something in Bellows' face changed, too: he wasn't upset... but he wasn't smiling. The president looked quizzical, like he had encountered something he didn't expect. "This is an army of eight-thousand men, Alan. What do you expect will happen now?" Pause. "Do you think throwing up some... wood and metal will keep them out? They opened Syracuse. They can open Parkside. I had hoped to spare you the horror... but you simply have to experience it for yourself, don't you?" Bellows crinkled his nose, like he had encountered something smelly. Alan shook his head. "This is brand new. Top-of-the-line." He thumped the palm of his hand against the railing. "It doesn't matter. You could put a hundred gates in front of them, and they'd still get in." Bellows didn't seem proud of this fact; or rather, it didn't bring him pride. He seemed troubled as he curiously eyeballed Father Fitzpatrick. "Parkside started purely as a farming community, then adapted to become a low-key trading hub. It was never built to repel a large force, not for long, anyway. Open the gate, Alan. Get it over with." "You have become the worst kind of cynic, Ossie." Father Fitzpatrick shook his head. "No, Alan, I'm an optimist." He held his head a little higher. "I know it might not seem like it to you, but my faith has given me a clarity that you don't possess." He held his hands out to his side. "God is good! And although times may become rough, and we may suffer, good will win out in the end, because God will always triumph!" "That doesn't sound like optimism to me." "I know it sounds like a gamble, but if you'll just open the gate, you're sure to win!" "No." A pause. "I'm not betting with our lives." Something in Father Fitzpatrick's posture broke, and fortitude gave way to exhausted contempt. "...Alan... you are ridiculous. You're a spoiled little daddy's boy." "Is that how you want to do this now? You're sounding more like The Mistress with each second." Father Fitzpatrick growled. "You are pathetic! Here you are, born with a silver spoon in your mouth and handed everything you ever had! Put a little hardship in front of you, a little opportunity to grow, and you scream and shout and throw a tantrum!" "Only one person's doing that now, and it's not me." "Ohhhhh!!" Father Fitzpatrick rolled his eyes. "Blistering wit from Parkside's own Oscar Wilde!" (A few people on the rampart whispered "Who's Oscar Wilde?" to each other). "Well, some of us have to work for a living and make concessions! But Heaven forbid that the mighty Alan Carson should have to stoop so low! No! He'll take his free house and his loving wife, and leave the business of the real world to us cattle!" Alan's eyes were wide. His nostrils flared. "I have never-!!" "-Uh!" I said involuntarily. Alan hesitated and looked my way. Why did I..., I stared to think. ...Wife? "W-wait," I said aloud, edging my way out from behind Junior. "Is that what this is about?" I looked toward Alan, then back toward Father Fitzpatrick. "Alan's wife?" "...Heh?" Alan uttered. Father Fitzpatrick looked angry and completely clueless. "He was married," I clarified. "Were you? Ever married, I mean?" Father Fitzpatrick glared at me, but said nothing. "Have you ever gone on a date?" He snorted derisively... but didn't say yes. "Wha-what?!" Alan stuttered. "You're jealous of him," I clarified further. "No I am not!!" Father Fitzpatrick snarled. "Shut your mouth, demon whore!!" "But you just said so. You think he had it easy, and you had it rough." I looked at Alan. "Has he ever been with a woman?" "I said shut your mouth!!" Father Fitzpatrick screeched. "That's how this all got started, isn't it? Going after his job, going after me, going after Gary. Now you're going after his reputation-" Father Fitzpatrick's resolve was breaking. "-I... said... shut up!!" he warbled. I stared at him. And I sighed. And I thought to myself, This is just pitiful. And I didn't notice the president slowly walking across the platform. "Dude... if you needed dating advice, you could've just asked Alan. He was married, for crap's sake. He must know something about getting girls to like him." There was a distressed, knowing sound around me. "You didn't have to go and stab him in the back like this." Father Fitzpatrick said nothing, but the look of desperation on his face said a lot. Alan's jaw hung open as the anger drained from him. "...Ohhhh, my God," he uttered. "What the hell, Fitz." Father Fitzpatrick looked up at the rampart and teetered. His anger had petered to a low level of irate... but there was something else in there, too. Humiliation. Defeat. "...A-at least you had... someone... for a time," he croaked. Part of him looked like he couldn't comprehend the words he was saying. "Listening to you... sob... you don't know pain-" ... ...And then he abruptly stopped, with a sudden "-Hurgk-kk!" The people on the rampart shrieked and turned their heads. One man, a full-grown adult man, wailed like a little boy. Charlotte hadn't seen anything -- she was digging her face into my shoulder blades -- but when she heard the sounds around her, she didn't even consider peeking up to figure out why. Annabelle and Bee had seen... something. Annabelle let out a shaky cry and held my leg while she trembled. Bee's reaction was so much stronger that I had to bend down and hold her in my arms. Why didn't I leave, I thought. Why oh why didn't I just fucking leave?! Junior was deathly silent, but I got a quick peek at his face: pale white, so much so that it seemed to leach into his hair. I got a peek under his shirt sleeves and saw a mass of goose pimples. Alan was no better, and maybe worse, as he gaped in abject horror. Father Fitzpatrick teetered on stage. He probably felt different. No, I know he must have felt different. Bad. It looked like it confused him for a moment, like he didn't know why. But when he looked down and saw the machete blade sticking out of his chest, he knew why. Bellows stepped out from behind him. "If I may interrupt," he stated seriously and clearly, without a smile, but also without hostility. "The mayor's comments do not reflect my position on the issues." "...Hhhhhhhh!!" Father Fitzpatrick wheezed, and fell to his knees. Blood poured out of his chest wound, soaking his black robe. The shock was mercifully slow to wear off. Or maybe time just seemed to slow down. He sunk onto his hands, where he gripped the white sheet that tightly covered the stage as his blood poured onto it. President Bellows glanced at the leather handle of the machete embedded in Father Fitzpatrick's torso, then looked up with a broad smile. "Now, it's true: God is good. However, I think there's a little... mix-up going on here!" He chuckled. "I thought one of your own could explain it better than I could... but apparently not!" He locked his fingers together and lowered his hands. "I serve The Lord, my friends. That is what you are to me: my friends! All I'm trying to do, everything I'm here to do, is unequivocally good!" "-Aaaaaaahhhh-!" Father Fitzpatrick cried out in pain, before his voice cut out. He gripped his chest with one hand and breathed heavily, then heavier still. The president chuckled. "I don't know where all this talk of death is coming from," he said as he stood between Kirk's body and the mayor. "I'm all about... life, y'know? I want to bring prosperity back to this nation of ours. And I'm not going to berate you or call you names. I'm here... to help you!" He looked a little lost for a moment. "I mean, really! What's all this talk about hardship, and suffering, and 'times being rough?' Really, now!" He leaned to his side just a bit... ...And ripped the machete out of Father Fitzpatrick's chest with one hard pull. The mayor let out a loud, wailing cry of pain and struggled to stay on his hands. Gravity won out, however, and he collapsed stomach-down onto the stage, coughing up blood in between sputters. "I'm going to turn Parkside into the R-U-S-A's biggest port on the east coast. Does that sound like it'll bring suffering? Not to be avaricious, but it sounds like money, my friends! It sounds like change in your pockets, if you'll let it fall that way!" He chuckled. "Ask your merchants, they know what I'm talking about!" As President Bellows continued walking around the platform, the mayor's breathing became short and rasping. I'm no doctor, but it sounded like the president had punctured his lung. Father Fitzpatrick would suffocate if he didn't bleed to death first. "...And as for you, Mister Mayor," Bellows said, reaching down and pulling the mayor up by the back of his collar with one hand, "I really thought you'd be a better spokesman than this." Bellows motioned toward the rampart. "You know these folks! People don't like to hear about how bad times are coming! If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to let them see the good in life!" Father Fitzpatrick's blood had soaked everything beneath him, and he was barely conscious. A string of drool dripped out of his mouth, in between his ever-weakening struggles for breath, as he meagerly tried to pull his hands up to... what? Hold his wound shut? Defend himself? I'll never know. Bellows pulled back on Father Fitzpatrick's collar, propping him up into a kneeling position on the backs of his legs. "Honestly, Mister Mayor!" As the mayor wavered, the president shook his head. "You are just so negative!" The president seized the mayor's head by the scraggly hair growing out of the back of his scalp and lifted his machete high into the air. "Oh, fuck!" I gasped. People around me let out high cries of distress. Junior was so tensed up, I could feel it in the air around him. I gripped Annabelle and Bee tightly and rattled off, "Don't look don't look don't-!" And the machete swung down. And it sliced through Father Fitzpatrick's neck. ... ... ...It wasn't a, uh... a clean cut, w-with one swing. Bellows, uh... had to pull it out. There was screaming, and... uuuuh... ... ...Ummm, so... ... ...Sorry. It... still gets to me. I didn't close my eyes. I know I should've. ...I didn't like Fitzpatrick... but... ...The next thing I remember, I'm at the bottom of the gate, inside Parkside. I don't remember how I got there, except maybe for some words hissed at me by Junior, and a hard push down the stairs. The girls are shaking. I ask them if they saw anything, and they didn't. Are they lying? I don't know. Bee looks distant, staring at something on the ground behind us that isn't there. Annabelle can't keep her eyes off me. Charlotte is just hanging off my back. Is she conscious? Is she breathing? I feel her chest move, so she's breathing. I look around and see people crying. Praying. Praying in circles as they weep. One woman is having a total meltdown. Maybe it's more than one person. I see what could only be vomit on the ground. "Miss Witch? Where'd you go?" I hear over the gate. A pause. People are looking right at me, saying nothing. "...Well, wherever you are, I'll be seeing you soon!" A laugh. Nobody in Parkside says a word to me. "...Yeh," I mutter, and absent-mindedly push the girls toward their boxy blue house. The next thing I remember, I'm standing in front of the Carson's front door. Annabelle makes herself dizzy by looking around, paranoia in her little eyes, as she reaches for the black mailbox hanging to our right. I reflect on how it looks like it's made of wood, but it's really just plastic that's been stylized and painted. It looks cheap. It looks fragile. How's it been hanging here for so long, I wonder. It should have fallen off long ago. What's it matter if Alan fixes it? I want to hyperventilate. Annabelle is pointing at the mailbox. Then Charlotte is reaching over my shoulder and pointing at it, too. Bee is just standing there crying, her wails not differentiable from all the others around me. I'm trying to keep it together. I am keeping it together. That's because I'm in shock, I think. I am going to die here. I feel a shiver as millions of years of evolution kick in. "Fight-or- flight" is a misnomer, you see -- it should actually be "Freeze-flight- or-fight," in the order of how you react to danger. I had been frozen up to assess the danger. I had assessed the shit out of that danger. Now is the time to move, I thought. "-Uh!" I gasped, snapping out of my stupor, but not quite my shock. "What...? Mailbox...?" The girls were pointing at it, for some reason. Without thinking too hard about it, I grabbed the mailbox and just held it. What do they want, I wondered. I touched its front, then its sides, then its top and bottom... ...And that's when I found it, stuck to the bottom: a tarnished brass key. I looked at it for a moment, then stuck it into the lock in the Carson's front door. It took. I twisted the handle and pushed, and the door swung open. ...Oh, holy shit, I thought, and hesitated before entering with the girls. I paused at the bottom of the stairs and looked into the kitchen, then up to the second floor. The ABCs didn't prompt me to go anywhere else; instead, they were sticking to me like flies on honey. I didn't even consider looking around any more than that. Up the stairs seemed like the best, safest way to go (instead of toward the kitchen, closer to... you know), so up the stairs we went. The outside of the house made it look bright but slightly scuffed, like a sunny day with a sandstorm blowing through at noon. The inside looked flat and gray, with small islands of smoky color, contributed by the little resident artist hanging from my back, on the walls. Carrying the girls up the stairs was an arduous task, and a little warning light appeared in my field of vision to let me know that boy- oh-boy was I carrying a lot of weight, but I took it slow and steady, and nobody complained about how long it took. The hallway on the second floor was painted a slightly browner shade of gray, and was even darker than the first floor. We turned left, and the girls' bedroom was the first door on the left. Three little beds were set up inside: two sitting with their headboards against the right wall, with the swear jar on a high shelf above and between them, and the third facing the door, with the window above it. I noticed their Parkside Skyline art project, but I didn't pay it much heed. "...Okay," I muttered, pushing Annabelle and Bee toward the beds, and pulling Charlotte's arms off my neck like a scarf. "Get in bed." "I'm not tired," Bee wretchedly uttered. "I know," I replied, without force. "Uh..." I got on one knee because I could just tell what she needed. She threw her arms around my shoulders and held me and shook. Poor kid. "It's okay," I whispered, patting her head. "It's okay." But it wasn't okay. It really, truly wasn't okay. It took several minute's worth of comforting the ABCs before they felt safe enough for me to leave them in their own bedroom. It's okay, I said. I'll be right outside, I said. I'm not going anywhere. I was able to put off my panic attack until after I shut their door. Oh shit, oh shit, what do I do, what do I do, I thought. Shit-shit- shit!! My brain was sending signals to a heart that wasn't there; my brain was racing. I bent over in an effort to catch my non-breath. It was like my first foray out of Sky Tower times 100, because this time the danger wasn't just a product of my imagination. It was very real, extremely well-armed, and within shouting distance. Blood was on the ground. Threats had been made. But I didn't know how truly bad it was until Alan came home. I heard him before I saw him. I froze when I heard the front door open, and I jumped when it shut. I nervously peeked around the corner and saw Alan's broad form, covered in shadow, trudging up the stairs. His breath, like his footfalls, was heavy, and he paused for a moment when he saw me. "...I'm sorry," I croaked, holding up his house key. "...They... I found this, and, uh..." Alan continued up the stairs, not going any faster than he had been going before. I backed into the hall. At the top of the stairs, he paused again and looked down at me. Or maybe he didn't. His gaze was distant and tired, and upon reflection, I think he was looking at nothing at all. He didn't look mad. I held up the key, and he took it without a word. "They're in their room," I said. "I just... I only put them, I shouldn't-" He suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders... ...And moved me a foot to my left. With room enough to move, Alan opened his daughters' bedroom door a crack and somehow managed to enter through that tiny space, as if he had been greased up. "Daddy!!" I heard for a split-second before the door closed again. The room beyond, as I discovered, was al

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Jills Day OutChapter 3

The Van. The men quickly herded her like a cow to the cobbled side street, making sure she didn't have another opportunity to try to escape. At the end waited a dirty white Transit van, its doors open ready. She knew she was beaten; this was her transport to shame and, possibly, death. With her head bowed and tears running down her cheeks she was pushed in to dark interior. She was forced to sit on a dirty rug with her back against the front bulkhead. The two weird brothers climbed in the...

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continued...Headed back to the hardware store, I decided to stay home and leave him to go it alone. Upset that he had raised his voice, I wanted a little space to myself.I understand it was the longest amount of time that I have kept him locked, but he knows how happy it makes me. He says he wants that for us and that's exciting. I did feel kinda bad, and as a peace offering, I logged into our account and removed the humiliating photos I had posted to tease him a few weeks before.After arriving...

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Abandon All Hope

For my friend, Lisa S. - I hope she enjoys this tale. Abandon All Hope By Anna Feie Above my doorway is the quote, "Abandon hope all ye who enter...." >From Dante's Divine Comedy. My name is Anne to family, friends and general public, in certain cliques I am known as Lady Anne. I made the acquaintance of Lars some time ago; he bumped into me while we both were at the supermarket. He was headed in one direction with his...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Aunty My Sex Goddess

Hi everyone, this is Yash from Bangalore. Doing final year B.tech. And I don’t want to give buildups. Let’s get started to the story without wasting your time and my time. Basically this session happened with me and my neighbourhood aunt **** who is married plumpy and sexy has huge loads on every part where man has to be enjoyed in a woman. We both were tenant to the same building. I am that kinda guy who feels shy to see the classmates and just imagine me seeing a aunt it’s a biggest...

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Best XXX Sites

You know how it is out in these streets. There is so much porn out there it can make your head spin. And if that wasn’t enough, new ones are being added every day. You could dedicate your entire life to seeing as much porn as you can, and you will barely crack the surface. Trust me. That’s precisely what I’m doing with my life. Sure, it’s definitely living the dream, but it sucks knowing I can never achieve my ultimate goal.I sure as fuck can try, though, and I like to think I’m putting up...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Hubbys Away We Play Ch 02

“I made you a drink, stud.” She nodded at a martini glass clouded with shaved ice on the counter. “Extra dirty.” He took a long sip and nestled behind her. “How’s my slut?” “Mmm, wearing your cum and making you dinner.” “Good girl.” Setting his drink down, he reached around and opened her robe, freeing her huge cum-crusted tits. He squeezed them together. “Such perfect big tits.” “Wanna hose them down again, baby?” “Don’t tempt me. I could fuck them over and over.” “Well . ....

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Pop Goes the WeaselChapter 2

When she heard Daemon's key in the door, she was ready... Or as ready as she could ever be. Victoria knew that she was not allowed any mistakes. The stage was set and she only had to play her part well, then everything would be over and she could turn the page. Just as Daemon was turning the door handle she heard his mobile phone ring. "Lafferty. Hey Gianni what's up man?" "..." Victoria could only hear Daemon's side of the conversation but he seemed in a good mood. "Yes sure,...

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my first time part2

Roger introduced his friend to me as Keith. Keith merely smiled and smacked my ass again. I saw him walk out of my view then felt 2 sets of hands start exploring my backside. I could feel 1 set pulling my ass cheeks obscenely far apart, causing my ass hole to open. I felt first one, the two, then finally three fingers ram up my ass. The fingers started pumping me hard, stretching my hole farther with each penetration. My ass actually hurt at this point as it was being stretched and abused more...

2 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Five

I was begging Robert to let me suck my first black cock and I still wasn't sure if he would give me permission or deny me.Finally Robert spoke, "Mark I think I will allow your wife to suck my cock. Would you like to sit here next to me and watch her being a cock slut for me?"Mark said, "Sure, I love watching DeAnn being submissive."As Mark got up he told Suzy to go over to the bar and fix him and Robert another cocktail. While Suzy was doing that, Mark crossed the room and sat down next to...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 124

Emma stepped forward first. She put a hand on my ass and squeezed it like she was checking a melon for ripeness. Liz went to her side and ran a hand down my back, stroking it like the coat on a puppy. Sherri grabbed my shoulders and massaged them. Not overly sexy but it felt pretty good. Jess ruffled my hair. Emma ran a finger along my ball sack; that made my toes curl. Liz touched the spot where the vibrator penetrated my asshole. Sherri pulled on some chest hairs. Emma was the boldest by...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 13 Returning to the Current Paradigm

I returned to school the next day. It was difficult; my energy began to fail during third period. But if I had spent another day at home with Pharaoh, I would have done something I would have regretted. I'd have enjoyed it, but I would have regretted it too. Just before lunch I was called to the headmaster's office. "How are you feeling, Kaiba-san?" He asked with a look of concern. "Much better. Thank you." "Are you sure you are ready to resume your school work now? I've been...

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The Castaway

On a deserted Isle for f******n years I thought I cried out all my tearsWhen from the surf one Monday mornCame forth a beauteous female formShe wore a skin-tight diving suitThat touched where it fit from neck to bootShe walked toward me head held highHer hand on the knife she wore on her thigh“Tell me how long have you been here?”She asked me, I answered trembling in fear“f******n years, I’ve been here on my ownStarving reducing to just skin and bone.”“Tell me how long since you had a...

2 years ago
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The Cabin in the Woods

The snow was falling so thickly that I could barely see the road. I didn't like driving alone in this type of weather, but when you walk in on your boyfriend of five years in bed humping your best friend, you do something drastic. I went online and found a selection of interesting destinations. The one that really caught my eye looked idyllic. A Swiss chalet perched on a crag overlooking a pine forest and fields of sparkling snow. It looked like the ideal place to get away from here. The...

Straight Sex
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 25 Flight Into the Woods

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch The pain in my arm grew with every pounding beat of my horse’s hooves on the uneven forest floor. Branches whipped past my head. I sucked in breath after one thwacked into my wounded left arm. Numb agony throbbed up to my shoulder. “Las’s putrid cum and disgusting cock!” I howled out, throat thick and hoarse. My teeth ground together. The waves of agony swept through me,...

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Jennifer8217s Surprise

Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...

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Ass in the Attic

Fantasy story. Labor day plans were going to a friends house for some burgers, beers and hot wings. My wife and I were invited to spend time with friends Sam and James at their place. So around 2, we drove up to their house. It is a two story yellow house, with a bad looking front yard. I held the potato salad that my wife made, as she knocked on the door. The door opened up to a small boy who looked at us, and then let us in. “Hi Brady, how are you?” I said. Wife walked in first and headed to...

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My 1st Mature

This story is completely true. A while ago i was in a pub after work down my local and after about my 3rd pint a group of 6 mature women walk in so as im male i look over and give them the once over. 1 caught my eye so after a while she came up to the bar to order a bottle of wine so i say the usual chat up lines but none of them worked and my mates laughed. When she walked back to her mates she must of said something because they all looked at me and giggled like a school girls. So after...

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ShockwaveChapter 18

We were still sitting in the conference room when suddenly, as if appearing from out of nowhere, Tana and Jana were sitting beside me. Falcon and Hawk, just as quickly, were seated beside Suma, and she was smiling. Eric was completely engrossed in the Chiropta flight video until he turned to look at Suma. His head whipped around to look at me. I knew he had seen Falcon and Hawk, then he saw Tana and Jana as he looked at me. Both girls smiled at him, giving him a cute little wave as they...

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The Crimson Scourge

 Just before dusk Maria Santiago de Vera strolled up the gangplank of the merchant ship, Dei Sanctus, and stepped aboard. This was to be her first voyage by sea and she was quite apprehensive. She was to meet her father, Don Carlos Vera, governor of San Cristo. The voyage would take about two months if the winds held. As she stepped aboard the captain came upto her. "Welcome aboard, Senorita Santiago. We will do our utmost to make your voyage pleasant." "Gracias," she replied graciously, trying...

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An enjoying encounter with study mama

Being regular customer to massage parlour in singapore, I have come across many masseau ladies - some are good and professional and some sexy and erotic. this lady strikes me in particular . . . she is a study mama from china (mother who accompanies their child to study in singapore). she is like a typical housewife. she has a simple and typical look, but has a very pleasant personality and is extremely gentle. i enjoy the firm and yet gentle strokes - along my back. she then move along the...

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A Birthday Gift From My Wife pt 3

Here is the third and final part of the story. Sorry it took so long to get out there. Hope everyone enjoys! My wife, Aurora, leaned into me to give me a kiss on my neck, disguising the fact that she was stifling a moan as I had turned the setting on the vibrator suddenly to 5 for a split second. “You are a horrible man, dear husband.” She whispers in my ear. “I would only be horrible if you didn’t enjoy my torturing so much, dearest wife.” I whispered back, and stole a quick kiss. She had...

Straight Sex
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Learns To Mind

It was odd how I came to work in car sales. I had heard of the wild times after hours. The tales told of men with wads of cash in their pockets - and the women who left those pockets empty - killed many a long hour of standing around the car lot smoking cigarettes and nursing hangovers. If it weren't for coffee, cigarettes and the vicarious pleasures of those stories, I would have had no social life at all.Late one evening, Joe, the sales manager, and I were walking the lot making sure that all...

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Lexi stood paralysed, her eyes wide with fear as she tried to will her limbs to move. The room had bare stone walls with a thick black carpet covering the floor. It was warm even though there was no place to make a fire. The only thing in the room was a large four poster bed with small tables on either side. Lexi was a member of the Lightning Warriors, an all female band of highly trained warriors dedicated to defeating all evil that threatened the realm. Although Lexi was only 5 foot 5 inches...

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loco crazy

The village was a type of village that every body knew each other and as soon as a new car rolled through the old people grimaced at the sight of it. Also it can be said that this is the type of village is racist. But thats a different matter   Anyways i lve in the middle of launchton I am 22 years old, i like to wear prescription glasses even though my eye sight isnt even that bad? I usually have on a long summer timy dress on during the summer and i am just short of 6 foot tall.  ...

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Proactive Interview

I spotted her walking in front of me from the subway and enjoyed the roll of her hips and the bounce of her ponytail. We entered the building and the elevator together. “Looking for work?” I asked her. She was fresh and young, really lovely. I felt my cock squirm. She nodded. “Interview.” I handed her my card. “Doesn’t work out, come see me. Tenth floor.” I got out and she stayed on. She was as tall as I am, at least in her heels. An hour later she knocked on my door. I asked her in and she...

Group Sex
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 63 The Oraclersquos Prophecy

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Forbidden City, The Empire of Shizhuth I panted from the pleasure of pumping my seed into the Serpent Oracle, waiting for her to deliver her prophecy....

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Nailed Friends Wife In Swimming Pool 8211 Part II

I have reached the pool and asked her “Jaya stores doesn’t have single piece swim suit, how about two piece suit” she moved her lips one side to her mouth, looked directly for a minute and agreed with smile. She has taken her swim suits and gone to the change room, I have waited for a while and every second my heart beat started to increase and after few minutes Jaya came outside. One of the fellow swimmer murmured “Dazzling!! Sexy!! Erotic!!The butter skin was covered with two tiny black...

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Rashmi Aunty Ki Jam Ke Chudai

Hi Friends, Mera nam Ravi hain aur main 23 years ka hu. Yeh kahani meri mados ke flat ke aunty Rashmi ki hain. Woh hamare pados mein 3 sal se reh rahi hain. Unke husband Reliance me marketing ka kam karte hain toh jyada tar waqt bahar he rehte hain. Aunty ki age 36 years hain but wo dikhne mein 26 ki lagti hain aur unka figure 38c-30-36 hain. Rang gora hain. Unke ek 10 sal ka beta hain jo apne nani ke yaha rehta hain but unhe dekhke believe he nahi hota. Toh Bina bore kare main apko apne...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 285 Dresses and Treaties

When I got my car home, I called Blevins. "Blevins I wanted to give you a heads up. Just in case I started a turf war by accident." "What the fuck have you done now," he whispered into the phone. "Some punk with a Latino accent pulled a piece on me. I took it away from him, that's all." I replied. "Are you sure?" he said. "I might have broken his leg while I was doing it. I'm sure he is not going to be happy about it. I didn't kill him though." I said. "You might wish you...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 31 Too Much Heaven

London Armouries Hotel Restaurant 5:15pm, Saturday, February 24, 1979 “Oh, Lord,” Jennifer said as she stepped up to the maître d’s station with Colleen by her side. Jennifer looked smoking hot as she wore a just above the knee, black skirt over a pair of red, thigh-high stockings. Jennifer’s black high heel shoes gave prominence to her well developed, athletic calf muscles. Her upper body was smartly covered by a red metallic, wrap-around blouse, which allowed for intermittent flashes of...

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The SisterhoodChapter 34

“That was utterly spectacular!” Marion declared. “Except, Kathy Carlson, I know damned well you did it just to make me feel badly. Why are you Yanks still trying to get even for some unpleasantness from 200 years ago? I mean ... Really!” They had just finished an utterly magnificent dinner Kathy had prepared. Now they were sipping cognac and coffee, while savoring fine cigars. Kathy idly studied the ash at the tip of her panatella and then replied, “What’s your problem, Marion? I mean in...

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Niti In Kota Unexpected Turn 8211 Part 1

Kota, Rajasthan. Most probably the biggest joint of students in all of Asia.But how wild and dangerous things can go in a student joint.. lets see.. Niti‘s parents waved her bye as they sat in the taxi and went away leaving her in “BVR“ her new hostel. Her days started just like any other student who had came here to be a doctor in future. Tight schedule, vigorous studies and an empty room with bulk of loneliness.. Niti was not unknown but yes was a beginner in the world of sex, she used to...

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Didi Aur Uski Chudakkad Saheli

Sabhi reader ko mera sexy salam, mai ISS site ka naya author hun, ye meri pehli indian sex story h jo puri tarah se sachi ghatna h jo mere aur meri sexy didi ki super sexy friend ke bich hui, aapka sabhi ka jyada time waste naa krte hue story pe ate h.. Mera naam Sanket hai aur meri age 23 ki hai.. meri behen ka naam Nishita h unki age 25 ki h aur bahut hi sexy badan ki mallika h, baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai ek din humare ghar pe didi ki ek nayi friend ayi jiska naam Disha tha wo didi ke...

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My GirlsChapter 21

I led Amy and Katie into the bedroom by the hand and closed the door. They stood there, serious eyed, lower lips trembling. They were scared little girls. Amy didn't know what was in that file, but she knew that if Katie was nervous, there must be a reason. I thought for a second about prolonging my silence, to pay Amy back for all her teasing, but I couldn't do that. This was their life they were worried about. I reached over with a serious look on my face and started unbuttoning the top...

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Working Girl

My name is Emily. I’ve just graduated college with a nursing degree at twenty-two years of age. I truly thought I was going to have to drop out after my second year. This is the story of how I got through those last two years.It started at the end of my second year with a call at 2:00am from my mom. She told me that Dad had had a heart attack. He was alive, but in bad shape. After the semester ended, Mom said she had good news and bad news. The good news was that Dad was going to recover. She...

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Rachels Point Of View Part 2

Rachel tiptoed back into her room and climbed into bed. As she did she recalled Mark's physique as he made love to his beautiful wife. She could hardly believe what she had just witnessed. She had long admired his body from afar, and lately, Nicole's as well. But to see the two of them making love? She was so high and wet. As she continued to ponder the previous 20 minutes, she dared to pull her night shirt off, as well as her pale blue bikini panties, and dropped them to the floor. As she...

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Mauricio Part 1

One evening while my husband was out of town I decided to go out to eat and have a few drinks with a few friends at a local restaurant. There were several of us there sitting at a large table, talking, drinking, eating and having fun. As we sat there, I noticed the owner was paying particular attention to our table. He made sure every few minutes to check on us himself to make sure we were all doing ok. I also noticed he was trying rather hard to make eye contact with me. I decided to go...

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Happy with my aunty

I am Sudhakar (name changed) from Coimbatore. I am 22 now. I would like to share with you my first sex experience with my aunty. Her name is Malathy Aunty. This has happened four years back when I was enjoying the Christmas vacation of my final year of engineering. I am 5.6 inches well built and fair. Let me say few words about my aunty. She is 38. Her husband had left her some years back due to some family problem. Aunty does not have any child. Aunty used to stay in Chennai alone. She...

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Employee SlaveChapter 4

Kimberly kept glancing at her watch. The morning seemed to drag. She couldn't wait for noon, feeling special that Mr. Harrington asked her to lunch. She was becoming quite infatuated with him. As it turned out, she was engrossed in paperwork and startled when Steve said, "Ready?" Kimberly's head shot up and then she smiled. She stood, twirling to show off the blue button-down dress he had requested. They took the elevator down to the employee garage and walked to the reserved parking...

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HannahChapter 15 Three is not a crowd

I leaned against the wall, speechless. Andy was about five feet five with blond hair and blue eyes, and I'm guessing she weighed about 125 pounds. She had all the required curves in all the right places — her boobs were about the size of mine — and very shapely legs. I wasn't as drawn to her as I was to Charli, but the prospect of sex with her made my panties damp. Charli had said, 'It isn't cheating as long as I'm there too', or something similar, so I was free to indulge, but I had to...

3 years ago
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Loving Erica Mf teen fatdau rom PART ONE

Loving EricaBy SpectreOfHellPart 1Sometimes you have desires you didn't know you had. My daughter, for instance. She was f******n and gorgeous. I thought she was the loveliest girl on the planet. The kind of girl I'd wished I could have hooked up with when I was that age. Long limbs and slender body, a cheerleader, no less, with darkly tanned skin and black hair dyed with streaks of blonde. Exotic and stunning was what she was, with her B cup breasts and smooth, supple skin. I admired...

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The Sisters And A Friend

Brenda laid naked except for her panties on the covers of her bed working through what she had watched yesterday. Being sixteen, she wasn’t totally ignorant about sex. She had fooled around with a few boys since her last birthday, but it had always just been heavy petting. Only her latest boyfriend had actually ever fingered her pussy, and he hadn’t even brought her to climax. She had only masturbated him to orgasm once. Yet what she had stood there and watched was unlike anything she had ever...

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GloryHole Lauren Phillips 03122018

Lauren Phillips is a pervert. A total “perv”! Just look. She’s in an adult bookstore smashing her clit to a DVD and hoping not to get caught! (Well…maybe she secretly wants to get caught?) Either way, the clerk does catch her…just like he catches all the perverts beating off in the store. (It’s a daily thing for him.) He demands Lauren leave the store, but she’s not having any of that! Not only is she going to stay, Lauren is going to the video arcade...

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Prologue:Some would call me mad or criminal or both for my actions. I do not. Instead I see myself as a liberator or an illuminator, allowing people to shed their archaic beliefs and their outdated morals, freeing them to fulfill their destinies...to find their true loves and soul mates...to allow them to live fully realized lives. To this purpose I have committed my great wealth and resources. To this noble end I attempt to save not mankind, but a few souls who might otherwise be denied the...

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My year of ownershipchastitybi sex slave

I began dating/serving (unknowingly at first) a girl I met online. She knew of my interests, but I had no idea to what extent she was interested. I come home one day to find my chastity device and some of my lingerie stash sitting on the table, with her smiling at me wickedly. I was told to put them on, and that all my male undergarments had been discarded. After I was locked up, made over, and she had the key, she informed me that she was an escort, and would be leaving for weeks at a time for...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 95 A Dinner Party

Whatever my desires are to stay quiet and out of the spotlight, I have an annoying tendency to open my fat yap every now and then and spout off about something. This manifested itself in my co-authoring the two books and getting into a high-profile pissing match with a U.S. senator. I promised Marilyn I would behave, and she just nodded and shook her finger at me, and then I turned around and accepted a speaking engagement in front of the American Conservative Union. I think at that point...

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Piggy Sperm Bank

"It's not going in..." a player in red and grey football gear replied to the jeers of the impatient line behind him. The head of his cock was ten times the size of the hole it was attempting to penetrate and the spongy flesh had already reached its compression limit at the entrance. "Don't act like your dick is special," the coach told him, looking at his watch. "Put your weight into it and it'll stretch out. I'm sure the boys have already told you the deal: nobody steps on or...

2 years ago
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How JB Became Famous Chapters 2025

Chapter XXI: JB Gets Ready Mommy and I got home from our shopping trip at four ten exactly; we weren't allowed to be there from ten to four so the painters could do their job. We had tons and tons of stuff to bring inside. We got the groceries first and, while Mommy put those away, I got the other bags all by my self. I started with the toys, which Mommy told me to leave in the den. There were blocks and trucks and games, both for inside and outside, and some to play on the TV too...

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MenagerieChapter 40

I woke up to find Elizabeth and Amanda snuggled up against me with their heads on my chest. As much as I hated to wake them, I wasn’t into golden showers and my bladder was flashing the two-minute warning. I shook them awake enough to allow me to slip out of bed and go relieve myself. When I came back out to get dressed, they were cuddled up together, already back asleep. I threw my running gear on and jogged over to the pens to get Mandy. She smiled when she saw me coming, then laughed and...

4 years ago
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My favorite dream

My favourite dream This story inspired by a dream I had recently..... They sat in anticipation as they tried to figure out a way to leave again, without his roommate following them. The man sat in his recliner Xbox controller in hand glancing at her with wanting eyes. The music from his system playing softly. He grabbed his phone. "Fuck it.. lets just go" he texted. She smiled and nodded. They stood up and walked out the room, his roommate looking away in disappointment. Once outside she...

Straight Sex
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 21 The Option of Last Resort

July 6, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, this is Sam Kassan. I spoke to the detectives.” “And?” “I don’t rightly believe it myself. You’re being investigated for open, notorious adultery, which is a Class A misdemeanor in Illinois, and punishable by up to year in jail.” “Come off it!” I exclaimed in complete bewilderment. “I kid you not. Melanie will be back from court within the hour, and I’ve set an appointment with the detectives at our office for 3:00pm today.” “I thought stuff like...

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Best Friends

"Emma, I'm just jumping in the shower," shouted Selma. "Okay," I replied as I collapsed onto the double bed we would be sharing tonight. Selma was my best friend and we had just got back to our hotel in central London. We were staying here because we were attending our friends wedding the next morning. I knew this would be particularly hard for Sel because she had just recently broken up with her boyfriend of five years. I don't think single life is much for her, unlike me who seems to be...

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Toilet Slave For Women

About two years ago, I had answered an ad from a woman in a BDSM newsgroup seeking a toilet slave. I was a virgin, as toilet slaves go. Like that first time I had been a toilet slave, I was scared to death, but now I came all this way. This time, I had arrived by air the previous day. I wanted to be rested and fresh when he started my service. That’s why i arrived on Friday and stayed in a hotel that night. After being susma’s toilet two years ago, she had given me her business card as she...

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Palomino Ch 03

Lacey sat perched precariously on the top rung of the metal fence that fenced off the back portion behind the grandstand of the booming rodeo. The initial rodeo entrance parade was over and Lance was re-checking the saddle bindings of his mount. She hadn’t seen Wesley in a little while. Her blue gaze shifted from the blonde cowboy to sweep across the crowded area behind the scenes of the western phenomenon. There were cowboys of all kinds running around, milling about with horses and quite...

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The Giantess Crushing a Tiny Man

This started as a text chat with someone who has a crushing fetish. I realized after a while that I had basically written a piece of erotica so I copy/pasted it, cleaned up the grammar a bit, and now post it here for your consideration.You can clearly see the dirty sole of my shoe as it hovers over you. I'm keeping my heel on the floor though because I don't want to just squash you, I want to play with you first. It's not often that I get to torture a little man.I lift my foot, turn it a bit to...

3 years ago
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Bi Christmas surprise

I was chatting with a couple from Oklahoma , who contacted me on a swinger's web site. Paul and Dawn were a little over 5 years older than me. They said they spend the holiday in Texas in the town where I live. They wanted to meet when they came down for Christmas When Paul and Dawn arrived in Dallas, they set up a meet at a local pub . I went to the pub and met Paul. He said Dawn sends him to check out the people they meet. After talking with Paul for a while he suggested we go to his...

2 years ago
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Being Seduced By My Neighbor Aunt

Hi friends, this is ilrumjack here from Mumbai. This is the story of how my neighbor aunty tried and got me to have wild sex with her. A little bit about myself – I was 18 then and was in college. I lived with my parents and my older brother in nice small building. My brother had taken up further studies in a residential engineering college and hence only I was staying with my parents at home. At little around that time I had somehow managed to get my maid to have sex with me (it is there in...

2 years ago
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Joanis Secret LifePart 1

Following her pickup of a handsome, young Black Man at the Scarlet Tree Bar and Grill, Joani took him to her house where they both drank far too much champagne. One thing led to another, and after much suggestive talk Joani found herself wearing only a g-string, black thigh high stay-up stockings and black high heels. She then coached her young Black Man how to suspend her by her cuffed wrists from her bedroom's ceiling hook so that her feet just touched the floor. Once this task had been...

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