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The Model maker. By Kyorii Pilau. A River Story. Chapter 1. The Train spotter. I no longer get much sleep, I need very little, mostly I just lie on my back propped up by pillows and listen to the world, I can no longer see clearly as my vision has rapidly deteriorated, I can make out shapes and shadows but unless there is a voice attached to them I very rarely recognise who is with me, I had been dozing but I woke to the sound of what sounded like a large explosion, I could hear it off in the distance outside my shuttered windows, until relatively recently I would have gotten out of bed, put my heels on and looked out of the window to see what the commotion was about; but now I literally can't move, I am propped up in my bed by many pillows and my breathing is being done for me by a tube inserted through a hole in my throat. Over the last few months as my illness progressed I slowly lost the ability to walk, talk or even control the most basic of functions, finally I couldn't even manage to breathe by myself, my husband's doctor told me in his broken English that I had contracted a progressive neurological disorder and would soon be confined to a wheelchair and almost totally helpless for the rest of my life. The doctor was correct, now everything that I need is done for me by my nurse, the maids and my husband, I'm even fed by a tube, it was strange at first having my breathing done for me but soon I just grew accustomed to my new way of living and accepted it, my husband even found a way that I could carry on smoking, for this I am eternally grateful, although I can no longer taste the smoke as it enters me I can feel the calming effects of the nicotine being absorbed as the machine inflates my lungs. I must have dozed off again as now I can hear distant gunfire and it appears to be getting a little louder, I can hear the shouting of my husband's men in the house, his rivals have never dared to come so close before, this is starting to get serious. As the noises become louder I start to worry that I may not survive the night and I start to think about how I have ended up in my current situation and the one person that I hurt so badly and who must now hate me. It feels like almost a lifetime ago to me but in reality it's probably only three or possibly even four years ago. I remember that I was sitting in the cool afternoon sunshine near a railway embankment just north of Swindon with my good friend Dan. He is what people would call a train spotter. I wasn't one, but I liked to go with him when he went train spotting and I thought he appreciated my company. Dan was trying to get the number of a particularly rare old train that he called a Deltic; apparently it had a nameplate on it and it was going to be passing by today on this line. I tagged along with him and sat quietly with my sandwiches and crisps. As I was eating I noticed that the rails on the track started to ping, I knew from past experience that this meant that a train was coming, I just couldn't see It yet. A few seconds later a train appeared around the curve. "Is that it Dan?" I said excitedly. "Naw, that's just a Brush type 4 or Class 47, you can tell because it has a flattened front end, there are still hundreds of them on the rails." "Oh," I said. Dan smiled his lovely smile and went back to his packet of crisps. Several other trains went past as Dan patiently explained to me horse powers and weights, I wasn't the slightest bit interested I feigned interest, I just liked being with him. "So the new electric trains are better then?" I asked. Dan frowned. "Really Tim you should read up on these things you know, the diesel-electric locomotive uses a large diesel engine to power a generator, the generator then makes the electricity to power big electric motors in the bogeys, these electric motors drive the wheels that make the train run.." "Oh, so they are electric then?" Dan sighed at me. A few minutes later I watched as Dan got rather excited he shouted me over to where he was standing. "Look Tim it's 55 022; that's the one we've been waiting for." I watched as a very noisy, rather ugly train came into view. It was pulling several carriages containing passengers. As the train thundered past I noticed it had a long plaque on its side, it read 'Royal Scots Grey'. 30 seconds later it had gone, Dan was very happy. it was then I made not the first, but possibly one of the the biggest mistakes of my life. I hugged my friend and then kissed him on the lips! He recoiled in horror from me. "What the hell, what did you do that for?" I instantly realised my mistake and apologised. "You're not right, you're not," Dan said as he wiped his lips with his sleeve. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened." Dan quickly packed up his gear and got on his bike. "I'll see you later," he muttered as he left me standing by the embankment. "Well you've really gone and screwed up this time Tim," I said to myself as packed up and got on my own bike to cycle home. Chapter 2. The lone ride home. As I cycled the few short miles back to my house I reflected on the stupidity of what I had just done, I felt sick to the stomach Dan was my best friend, he had protected me ever since I had started secondary school and I had kissed him, I had wanted to do it many times before but now I had actually done it and Dan was disgusted, hopefully this would all be forgotten by tomorrow I thought to myself. I was not a well-built teen, I had just left school and was about to try for a job, possibly office work, nothing manual, my Uncle who of all my family seemed to understand me best, suggested I try for a junior position in the ministry, he said he would look out for any local vacancies for me. My Uncle Hillary had been in the army until he was injured by some sort of bomb or something, now he worked for the Government, he was my Mum's brother. As I cycled into our small village everything appeared to be normal, I went to the local shop and bought some sweets and a magazine and then headed home, I parked my bike around the side of the house and unlocked the side door of our house and entered, as my father was still at work I made myself a snack and sat at the kitchen table to eat it, once finished I washed up and went to my room, to watch some TV. I got a little bored after a few minutes and as my father would not be home for a while I decided to make our tea. As I cooked I started to remember my mum, she used to do all of the cooking and housework until a few weeks before she died. My mum was a smoker and had contracted throat cancer, I remember looking at her beauty fading as both her medication and the cancer ate away at her strong features, my father was never quite the same after she died, nowadays all he thought of was work, he never had any time for trips out, he seemed to actively avoid talking to me, unless he had to. My father arrived home just after five, came over to the table and sat down. "Is mince and dumplings okay Dad?" I asked. He just grunted something that sounded a little like "Yer." I put his food and a drink on the table, he ate it in silence as I ate mine. Once finished he got up opened the fridge, got out a can of beer and went into the living room to watch the television with his beer and cigarettes. I washed the dishes and put the crockery away and then went back to my room. Chapter 3. The brown stuff hits the twirly thing. A little later the phone rang, after a few rings my Dad finally answered and after a further few seconds I heard. "HE DID WHAT!" I knew that I was now in serious trouble, my Dad stayed on the phone for a few seconds longer then hung the phone up. "TIM, GET DOWN HERE....NOW!" I sheepishly went down stairs. "I've just had your friend Dan's Dad on the phone. He says that you kissed his son today, is this true?" "Yes but it was." "Was what? You kissed another boy! His Dad is horrified and so am I!" "But Dad." "What the hell did you think you were doing? Are you some kind of pervert or something?" "No Dad, I just." "Get out of my sight, now! You have brought shame on me; I'll never be able to go to the club again. Go on, get out of my sight you great queer!" I retreated to my bedroom locked the door I flopped down on the bed and burst into tears. I just lay on my bed and cried for what must have been ages. I must have fallen asleep as when I woke it was very early in the morning. I knew that my life was going to be horrible in the village from now on so, I quickly formulated a plan. I would sneak out and leave home today, before it got light. I quickly packed some clothes and money into a small backpack, I took my post office savings book also, then sneaked down stairs and left my family home for the last time, I retrieved my bike from where I'd parked it and started my journey to the nearest town. After cycling for over an hour, I dumped my bike in an alleyway and made my way on foot to the bus station. When I arrived I looked at all of the destinations, I had no idea where to go so I looked at the map until I found somewhere I recognised, I remembered my uncle had once talked about a place called Middlesbrough, that he was going to visit on business, I decided that it must be a nice place so I purchased a single ticket and boarded the bus. Just after twelve o clock the bus pulled into a small bus station and I got off, I retrieved my back pack from the luggage compartment and decided to explore. Middlesbrough was not what I expected at all, "what a dump," I absent mindedly said to myself, I quickly located a fast food outlet and purchased a burger with fries and a drink, as I ate the burger I looked out of the window at the world outside and started to wonder what the hell I was doing here, I had nowhere to stay or anything. I finished my burger and decided to go to the nearest Post Office and draw out a little money and then try and find somewhere to stay. This turned out to be a lot harder than I had expected, I couldn't afford to stay even one night in any of the hotels, It then dawned on me that running away from my home might have been a really bad idea. Chapter 4. Unexpected help. I trudged around town for several hours without any real clue of how to get myself out of this mess. As it was getting dark I wandered under a railway bridge not far from the train station and started to look for somewhere to sleep, possibly a park bench I thought to myself, it was then that I started to notice that there were several quite young and some not so young heavily made up ladies waiting along the pavement "I wonder what they are waiting for," I thought to myself innocently. "Hello love" said one of the older women to me, up close she did not look pleasant. "Want to spend a little time with me tonight?" "I, I, no I'm just," I stammered. "Leave him alone Jan, can't you see that he's terrified," said a much younger looking girl with a very short skirt and long high heeled boots on. The younger girl asked. "Hello I'm Trish, are you lost?" "I, err I'm trying to find somewhere to stay." She smiled rather a sad smile. "You're not from around here are you?" "No, I've just..." I became tongue tied, she reached into her purse and produced a card. "Here take this, they tried to help me when I first came here." I looked at the card, It had the name of a charity that helped homeless people, it was run by something called 'The Stevenson Charitable Trust'. "Use that phone over there and give them a ring, don't worry they won't ask too many questions." "Thank you, err, Trish," I said. I quickly went over to a very smelly phone box and dialled the number on the card. The phone was answered almost immediately but, before the person could say anything, I burst out crying. "Hello, hello... Hello." Someone took the handset from me and spoke. "Hello, young man needs somewhere to stay, he's behind the train station," It was the young woman called Trish, she hung up the phone and stayed with me until a few minutes later a mini bus arrived to pick me up. A smart middle aged lady got out of the front of the bus, and came over to me. "Hello Trish, back to your old tricks I see." "Sorry Tanya, I needed the money, but at least I'm clean now." "I'm really glad to hear it, now who is your friend?" "Dunno, think he's a runaway, a pretty boy like him wouldn't have survived the night out here," The lady turned to me. "What's your name son?" "It's T.. Chris, miss." "Come on, let's get you on the bus, we'll get you fed and find somewhere for you to stay shall we?" I meekly followed the lady onto the bus and sat down. The door on the bus closed and the lady sat quietly behind the driver. As the bus pulled away I noticed the girl who had given me the card, she was just standing and watching the bus as it slowly went past her. Soon the driver had left the run down Station area and was negotiating his way through the traffic in the centre of town, about fifteen minutes later the minibus finally pulled up outside a large Victorian terraced house in what I assumed was a leafy suburb of Middlesbrough. "You'll be safe here tonight," said the lady. She offered her hand and I took it. "Shall we get you booked in?" I started to panic, Tanya noticed and reassuringly added: "Don't worry Chris, we won't ask you anything personal, we just want you to be safe." Tanya led me into the main hallway of the house and into a large room with settee's and tables. "Take a seat Chris, would you like a cup of tea?" "Yes please," I squeaked. "Relax Chris I'm not a monster you know." Tanya left me alone in the room and returned a few minutes later with a pot of tea, cups, milk and biscuits all on a tray, as she poured she started to explain who she was and who she worked for, "Let's start with me, you can call me Tanya, mostly because that's my name, I work for a charity that looks after waifs and strays just like you." "Are you going to make me go home?" "Are you over 17 Chris?" "Yes I am." "In that case we can't force you go home, but we will try and convince you to at least ring home to tell your parents/relatives that you are safe." "I would rather not Tanya, not yet." "That's fair enough, now would you like me to tell you a little about this house and the charity I work for?" "Okay." "The charity I work for is funded and run by a local family, they pay for this house and its staff, we take in runaways like yourself and try to help them as best we can, we will put you up in one of the rooms here and will assist you as much as we can to help you to find a job or a flat, all of the staff will try to help you in any way they can, all you have to do is ask." "Was that girl I met helped by you?" Tanya sighed. "Yes, but hers is a very complicated story, I was really sad to see her selling her body again but I'm also glad she's still off the drugs," I was shocked. "You mean she's a..." "Prostitute, yes Chris, didn't you know?" "No, I've never met one before; but she seemed so nice." Tanya shook her head slowly and smiled. "You have led a sheltered life haven't you?" She paused, thoughtfully. "and yes, she is nice. She's a lovely girl, circumstances forced her to make some rather different life choices than the rest of us," Tanya looked sad for a moment and then said, "But enough of that, finish your tea and we'll get you to your room so you can have a good night's sleep." A little later I was led to my new room, it was just off the third floor landing. "This will be your room while you're staying with us Chris, here is your key. Always lock your door, just to be on the safe side and I'll see you for breakfast at nine okay?" I thanked Tanya and she left me alone standing just inside the door to my new room. I dropped my bag onto the carpeted floor and locked the door I walked over to the bed and just fell onto it. I cried myself to sleep once again. The next morning I woke to the constant noise of people going up and down the stairs past my door, I got out of my surprisingly comfortable bed and went over to the wash basin near the window and cleaned myself up a little, I noticed that there was a new toothbrush by the sink and also a small tube of toothpaste. Once I had freshened up I went downstairs, as I reached the ground floor I was met by a man with long hair. "Hello you must be Chris, I'm Carl. Go and get yourself some breakfast before it's all gone and I'll see you when you've finished eating, for your induction." I entered the room marked Dining Room and noticed that the breakfast was set up as a buffet on tables at the rear of the room, I got myself a tray and a plate proceeded to fill it. I sat by myself at the end of one of the bench tables and ate my food by myself, just as I was finishing, Carl came in and said. "Ah good your just about finished, if you would just like to follow me to my office we can have our welcome chat." I cleared away my plate and mug and then followed Carl into his office. "Sit down, Chris please," I sat "I believe you met Tanya last night?" "Yes, she came in a minibus to get me." "Well, she's left me a note in the night log, apparently she thinks you've run away from home." "Yes sir but I can't go back, I really can't." "Don't worry, I'm not here to make you do anything that you don't want too but I will try and advise you, would you be in any danger if you were to go home?" "No, not really, but I did something really stupid my father is ashamed of me." "I see," Carl's questioning and probing went on for nearly an hour. He gave me many options that I hadn't considered but there was still no way that I was going home, he had already figured out that I was using a false name, he told me that I would be safe in the house but outside I would be on my own, I would be allowed to stay with them for a maximum of four months but they would assist me in getting some form of work and a place to live, just before I left Carl's office he gave me a ?10 note and an all zones bus pass. "You will get a Tenner each weekday whilst you are here as long as you complete your allocated chores. The bus pass is for you to get acquainted with the area and will help you to get to any job interviews that we have lined up for you, also you can borrow one of these too, although most of our guests end up buying theirs from us at the end of their stay," He then passed me a mobile phone it was still in its unopened box. "It's new and here's a preloaded Sim card, that's for you to keep, there's ?20 pound credit on it." That morning I did my requested chores and then left the house to explore. Chapter 5. A chance encounter. After about three weeks at the charity's house I was sitting on a bench in the nearby park eating a sandwich and a bag of crisps when I heard someone say. "Still here then?" I turned around to find the girl I had met on my first evening in Middlesbrough. "How are they treating you up at the house then?" "Err, okay I suppose," She looked nothing like I remembered her, she was wearing jeans, pink jogging shoes and a tee shirt with a picture of a cartoon cat on it. "Would you mind if I sit with you for a while please? I see you here sometimes when I'm going to work." "Oh sorry, yes please do, your name is Trish isn't it." She smiled. "Yes, you remembered." "Thank you for helping me that night, I was really scared." Trish leant over and touched my knee. "I could tell you were, I was in your position myself once, not so very long ago." "You ran away from home too?" "Yes," She frowned. "They told me at the house that you are a..." "A hooker, yes I am, but only part time now." "Oh." "I have a proper job too, I just sell myself if I'm short of money for the rent or something like that, it's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper than using pay day lenders." "I don't really understand Trish, isn't selling your body a bad thing?" Trish laughed out loud. "You really are sweet, I like you, I assume that up until now you've led rather a sheltered life," She was right I had. "I have had to learn so many things Trish, sometimes I think I should just go home and face the music." "Have you managed to get yourself a job yet?" "I have an interview tomorrow for a packaging company, then if I get the job I'll start hunting for somewhere to live," Trish turned to me "If you have difficulty in getting a flat, I have a spare room in my flat that you could use," She paused, "that is if you don't mind sharing with a semi-retired hooker," She smiled. "If I get stuck I would consider it Trish, you did help me after all." "I don't even know your name" "Sorry, it's err Chris." "Mine is not my real name either Chris, so how old are you?" "Seventeen, nearly eighteen," "Really, you look younger than that, I've just turned nineteen, anyway if you give me your phone, I'll put my number in it for you," I passed her my phone and she quickly in putted her number. "I really hope I do see you again Chris," she said as she gave me a little peck on the cheek and headed off on her way. I passed the interview for the job at the packaging company with the assistance of the charity and started work the very next week. After my first pay cheque and after a few days searching I managed to locate a small ground floor flat locally and bid farewell to my room that I had called home for over a month. Unfortunately I soon found living that alone wasn't as much fun or as pleasant as I had first imagined it would be and, after a few scares late at night, I decided to try and find another flat, preferably sharing with someone, this was also a lot more difficult than I had expected, as flats in better areas were either too expensive or my prospective flatmate and I just didn't see eye to eye. I had almost given up trying and was about to resign myself to staying put when I remembered Trish's number, I dialled it and after a few rings it was answered. "Hello." "Hello, is that Trish." "Yes, who's that?" "I'm not sure if you remember me but my name is Chris, you gave me your number." "Hello Chris it's really lovely to hear from you again, what can I do for you then?" "I, I was wondering if you still had a spare room that I could rent?" "Yes I do, It's still free, would you like to come and see it first." "Yes please," Trish then gave me directions to her flat and I got the bus over to see it. Chapter 6. A new start. Trish lived in an upstairs terraced flat in a rather run down area near the Newport bridge in the west of the city, I pressed the doorbell and waited, after a few seconds I heard someone running down stairs and the door was answered. "Hello again Chris," Trish said warmly, "Come on in, I've just put the kettle on, would you like a cup of tea?" She turned and without waiting for me to answer started to walk back up the stairs, I noticed that today Trish was wearing a dress and heels, to me she looked quite beautiful. I followed her up the stairs and into her living room. "Take a seat," she said as she disappeared into her kitchen. I sat on a leather sofa and waited quietly. Trish re appeared with tea and biscuits. "If I had known you were coming I would have gotten some cakes in," She seemed genuinely pleased to see me. "What do you think of my little flat then Chris?" She asked as she poured a little milk into my teacup. "It's really nice on the inside." "It's secure too, I had a locksmith secure both of the entrances when I first moved in I really feel safe here." We talked for several minutes, I really felt at ease with her, she had an unusual aura of confidence about her that I liked. "Would you like to see my spare room then Chris?" "Yes please," Trish got up and went out onto the landing, I followed. "That one over there is mine, the one next to it is just really a box room, I use it for my hobbies but this one here could be yours. She opened the door and stepped onto the soft carpet, it was a surprisingly spacious room with a double bed and a large wardrobe; there was a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall, the room was a little girly but almost perfect, I frowned. "I'm really sorry Trish, but there's no way I'll be able to afford this room I'm sorry for wasting your time." She looked confused. "What!, I don't understand, you don't know how much I want yet?" "I just know I won't be able to afford it, it's many times better than where I am now." Trish smiled. "What are you paying at the moment Chris?" "Nearly three hundred a month, I'm sorry." With a very endearing smile she said, "By an amazing coincidence that's exactly what I'm asking Chris." "Really?" "Yes, I'm asking exactly nearly three hundred a month." I smiled. "Really?, in that case, when can I move in?" "Any time you want, how about this weekend?" "Err, okay then." "Great, let's seal the deal with another cup of tea." Trish and I went back into the living room, drank more tea and chatted for what seemed like ages, as I left Trish to go back to my flat, I thought she was about to say something to me but I must have been mistaken, I liked her a lot and found her really easy to talk too and was really looking forward to moving in. Chapter 7. Flatmates. I moved into Trish's flat that very weekend, I didn't have much in the way of belongings, just my rucksack a couple of carrier bags and a box of assorted crockery. I paid Trish up front for the first month. And took my limited belongings to my new room. Trish cooked us a very nice meal that evening, I did the dishes as a thank you, once I had finished putting the plates and cutlery away I entered the living room, she was curled up on a large comfortable chair watching the TV. "Dishes are done, I'll just go into my room now I think." Trish turned the volume down on the TV. "Or we could have a little chat and get to know each other, I know very little about you Chris." I sat down on the sofa. "There's not really a lot to say Trish, until recently my life was really normal and boring, then I did something really silly and now I can never go back home." "Would it help if I told you a little about myself Chris?" I nodded. "I was a happy teenager just like yourself until I was introduced to drugs by some of the 'cool' kids at my school, I quickly started to become addicted to them and I began to steal money from my parents and relatives so that I could pay for more drugs, one day my father just snapped, he literally opened the front door grabbed hold of me and kicked me out of the house." "Really, that was a bit harsh, how could he just throw his daughter out on the street." Trish's head dropped slightly and she started to stare at the carpet. "Yes but he found out some other things about me too from a work colleague of his, I now understand why he did it, he must have been so ashamed of me." "What did you do after that?" I asked "I sort of drifted from town to town, slowly moving down the country, In order to make money I started to sell my body to men and I eventually ended up here, It was when I was working down by the station that the Charity found me, they took me back to the house and eventually helped me to get off the drugs but at that time I was still an ungrateful little brat and made their life a misery. But to their credit they have never really ever given up on me." I could tell she was becoming upset. "Would you like to hear a little about me now Trish?" I said hopefully "Yes I would, I really would Chris." "well as you've already guessed my name isn't really Chris, it's Tim or to be more correct Timothy, I lived until recently in a sleepy little village near Swindon with my father, I had to leave home because I foolishly tried to kiss my best friend and he told his parents." "Ooh scandal," said Trish sarcastically. "It is in our little village." "Kissing a girl isn't really a reason to run you out of town though" joked Trish. "Err, I kissed a boy, I got a little carried away." "So are you Gay then Chris?" "I don't honestly know, I didn't fancy my friend or anything I just wanted to share his excitement and all I could think of was to give him a hug and a kiss." Trish smiled sadly at me. "And just one little mistake managed to ruin your life." I chatted with Trish for a while longer and finally said, "I would love to stay up and learn a little more about you Trish but I have an early shift tomorrow and have to be there for six." She smiled at me. "And I'm at work until seven tomorrow night, so would you mind cooking our evening meal for us please?" "No problem it'll be ready for you when you get in," I left Trish and got myself ready for bed. That night I had a really good sleep, it somehow felt safer to be upstairs and have someone else in the flat with me, the bed in my room was also remarkably comfortable. Trish was a really fun flatmate, we had a lot of fun together, I quickly started to forget about my old home and father and just started to enjoy my new life, every now and then Trish 'entertained' a man but she was always very discreet about it and never brought him back to the flat. One evening just after I had finished clearing away the evening dishes I thought I'd ask Trish if she'd like a cup of tea, she was in her 'Box room', I knocked on the door but didn't enter. "Would you like a cup of tea Trish, the kettles on?" I asked whilst staring at a closed door. I heard a strange scrambling behind the door and then Trish opened the door, I noticed that there was an overwhelming smell of plastic cement. "Err yes Chris err I would love a cup of tea," I smiled at her "Okay then," I paused then said, "I think I know your secret Trish," As I walked away, she replied in an unusually panicky tone. "What no please, you can't," She almost looked horrified. "Don't worry Trish I won't judge you," I said jokingly. "But how could you know, I was so careful?" Trish was following me now into the living room and then through into the kitchen, she seemed to be upset at me. "I used to do it too when I was younger." "You did?" She looked more confused than ever now. "Yes I used to do it on the kitchen table." "Really? Just a minute are we talking about the same thing?" "Yes I think so, plastic models, Airfix kit's, I used to make them too," Trish started to look really relieved. "Ah, yes, yes Models." I finished making us both a cup of tea and we sat opposite each other, I tried to make small talk but Trish was still a little preoccupied. "I didn't intend for you to get upset, Trish I was only having a little fun with you, I think it's great that a girl likes to build model kits, I really do," Trish sat silently and sipped her tea from her mug, she was sitting with her legs tucked in beside her, I then noticed a tear. I quickly realised that somehow I had upset her, I just didn't know how. "I've upset you haven't I?" "No, no it's just," Trish hesitated. "There are things about me that I should have told you before you moved in but I was too scared too," This confused me, I knew that she sometimes still sold her body and that she used to be a drug addict, I then mistakenly realised what it must be, I must have looked shocked as I said. "Have you killed someone?" She smiled weakly and wiped away a tear. "In a manner of speaking, yes I suppose I did." "Oh, who?" Trish got up out of her seat and started to leave the living room, she was now crying fully. "I killed myself, or at least who I used to be, I'm no longer the same person I was and now I find I can't ever return to who I used to be," She rushed out of her room and into her bedroom, I could hear her muffled cries but I didn't know what to do, I sat quietly as her crying continued in the front bedroom and pondered the situation, what should I do?, Trish was rapidly becoming a really good friend, she helped me when I was most at need, I resolved to try and comfort her. I gently knocked on her bedroom door. "Trish, are you okay, can I come in please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, please don't be mad at me, the crying stopped, a few seconds later Trish appeared at her bedroom door, her eye makeup had run a little and had left streaks on her cheeks. "I'm not mad at you Chris, I'm mad at me." "Oh." "Come into my room, you can sit on the bed and I'll try to explain but please don't judge me too harshly," I went into her very feminine bedroom and sat on the edge of her bed, Trish sat on a little padded stool by her makeup table and turned to face me. "There is one thing that I didn't tell you Chris, I left one little detail out." "Oh but it really can't be that bad, can it?" "Do you remember when I said that my father had thrown me out?" "Yes you said he snapped." "That's right, he had just found out from one of his workmates that his only son and heir was giving blow jobs to some of the punters in the alley at the back of the local club in return for money so that he could buy drugs." "Oh...wait a minute, you said son!" "Yes Chris, I'm a boy, or at least I was, there's really not that much left of him anymore" "Oh, gosh, so you were a boy, but you've got boobs and everything," Trish smiled at me. "Not quite everything Chris." "Wow," Was all I could think of saying, I wasn't repulsed but I was confused. "But how do you, I mean when you are with a man well where does he put his," She stopped me. "In my mouth Chris, or in my bottom," She then reached into her dresser and pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, she offered me the pack. "Want one?, I don't really smoke a lot but it sometimes helps me to relax when I'm stressed." "Err, no thanks," Trish placed a cigarette between her lips and lit it, she inhaled deeply, it was the first time I had seen her smoking. I sat quietly on her bed and thought to myself as she quietly smoked her cigarette. "Well, do you still want to be my friend, now you know what a pervert I am," I frowned a little. "I don't think you are a pervert Trish, I really don't" "It doesn't even worry you now that you know I'm really a boy?" I shook my head and smiled. "I can't see why it should, your my friend," She looked at me and stubbed out her half smoked cigarette. "And you still want to be my friend after all I've told you?" "Yes, I do, I like talking to you." "Really?" "Yes really Trish, I still want to be your friend," She moved off her seat and came over to me on the bed, sat next to me and gave me a little hug and a peck on the cheek. "Thank you Chris, for being understanding." Our life returned to normal, with the exception that I was now allowed into Trish's box room, I liked watching her whilst she Built and painted her little plastic kit's, I think it was like a kind of therapy to her, a little reminder of who she once was. One evening she came into the living room just after she'd had a bath, her bottom half was clothed but she was just wearing a bra on top, I could see that she had real breasts they were quite small but they were breasts, I stared a little too long at them. "My face is up here Chris," I became very red in the face and spluttered. "I, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, but they are really beautiful, how did?" Trish laughed. "I grew them silly, I got some pills, illegally at first but now I see a Doctor and he prescribes them for me, the pills are making me more female." "Wow, that's amazing, so just taking a few pills makes you grow boobs?" "Yes, Sort of... do you want to touch them?" I started to blush furiously again. "Err, maybe not, it wouldn't be." "Go on, I don't mind," She came over and held my hand and gently placed it on the exposed flesh of one of her little boobs. "They are so soft Trish, really soft," I didn't want to admit that I'd never touched a breast before but this felt really good. I took my hand off the top of Trish's bra covered breast before it overstayed it's welcome. "Do they feel different?" "From what Chris?" "Err well different from not having them, it must be odd having boobs." "Oh, I see yes they do feel different, when they first started to grow, they were a little painful and boy did they itch but now they are just a new and warm addition to my body, I sort of have to wear a bra now or I jiggle when I go upstairs or run but I don't mind, they do have their uses." "They look really cool and they make you look really pretty," I blushed again, Trish smiled. "I tell you what Chris, I'll go and cover myself up, it'll give you some time to attend to the unusual bulge that's appeared in your jeans," I was horrified I hadn't noticed my erection, Trish looked at my groin sadly "That is something I do miss though, I can't really get mine up any more, not without a little blue pill," She left me in the living room to calm down and went into her room to continue dressing. Chapter 8. Pink pants. Our lives continued happily for the next few days until the Saturday morning, this was when I learned why you do not mix coloured and white clothes together whilst washing them, I now was the proud owner of several pairs of slightly pink underpants, Trish thought it was rather funny and commented. "You only had to ask you know, I would have loaned you my pink panties," As I couldn't afford any new underwear until my next pay day at the end of the month I persevered and wore my slightly pink ones to work, fortunately no one noticed. At the end of the month and once I had been paid Trish and I made a trip to the supermarket in town to get our big shop in, whilst we were there she suggested I buy some new underwear to replace my dyed ones, I looked around the clothing section and commented to her that the Men's section was tiny compared to the ladies section. "That is one of the best bits about me becoming a girl Chris, I have a lot more choice in clothing than you," she said quietly as I stood by the gentleman's underwear shelf. "Come on follow me I'll show you," she said, I followed her to another isle. "Look, this entire isle is just panties, I'll bet I could find you a nice pair here, if you wanted?" I blushed and quickly scurried away back to the men's section, I managed to find a bargain pack of men's briefs and went over to watch the large display of TV's in the electrical department, I was soon joined by Trish. "Oh wow they are just the sexiest underpants I've ever seen.....NOT," said Trish sarcastically as she looked at my choice of underwear. "Fortunately, I found you some nice ones, they're in the trolley," I looked in the trolley but couldn't see any, all I could see were a couple of bra's and a few pairs of tights amongst our groceries. Once we had finished our weekly shop we made our way back to our flat on the bus and once the bags had been carted up the stairs and we had put all of the frozen stuff away, Trish flopped down onto her chair and kicked off her heels. "Be a dear and put the kettle on for me would you please," she said as she massaged her feet. I filled the kettle and switched it on then got out two mugs, whilst waiting for it to boil I continued unpacking our shopping, it was then I noticed a pack of black panties, I put them on the worktop and continued to make our tea's. I brought the teas through and placed them on the coasters on the coffee table, I then produced the panties. "You missed these Trish." Smiling mischievously she said, "They're not mine Chris, they are a little prezzie from me to you." "But I don't wear girls panties, I'm a boy." "I wear girls panties and I'm still a boy Chris." "But you look like a girl, your pretty, I'm just a boy," Trish sipped her tea she seemed to be pondering something. "I tell you what, you go and try a pair of panties on now and if they are less comfortable than your normal ones I'll not talk about them again." "Okay it's a deal," I left the living room with the pack and went into my room, I quickly stripped off my jeans and underpants, I opened the pack of panties and took a pair out. "Well here goes," I stepped into them and pulled them up my legs, the fabric was thinner and softer than my normal underwear but they were actually really comfortable, Trish was right these were much nicer than my boy pants. I re-entered the living room rather sheepishly. "Well?" "You were right Trish, I admit they do feel much better, I actually love how they feel," Trish looked a little surprised. "Really?, you liked them." "Yes I do, they feel really soft," I sat down on the settee, Trish came over to me and sat by me, she gently touched my cheek with her hand, she nervously said to me. "I have to tell you something Chris but I don't want to scare you away." "I don't think you could scare me Trish, you're too nice a person." "Promise you won't get mad at me when I tell you?" I smiled "I promise." "Um, I think I'm starting to have feelings for you," She moved over to kiss me, I didn't however recoil in horror as my friend Dan did with me, I just let her kiss me, I tasted her lipstick as we kissed and our mouths slowly opened, then our tongues started to explore each other's mouths, Trish tasted a little of stale tobacco but I didn't care, she moved one of my hands up to touch her breast through her blouse. I was becoming very aroused, we broke our kiss after a few minutes and we both sat breathlessly and looked at each other in semi shock. "Wow," I said "Oh god," said Trish "please forgive me," She quickly got up and left me alone in the living room, I could hear her in her room a few minutes later, she was crying, I couldn't think why she would be upset, I really enjoyed our kiss and at that moment was getting more than a little irritated that everyone I kissed ran away from me. I belatedly followed Trish into her room she was lying on her bed almost in a foetal position quietly sobbing, I sat by her and as I gently stroked her dyed hair I noticed how innocent and vulnerable she looked. After sitting with Trish on her bed for a few minutes I quietly spoke. "I really enjoyed our kiss," Trish stopped sobbing to herself, sniffed once or twice and turned her tear stained face to me. "You did?" "Yes, I did," Trish then almost launched herself at me and hugged me tightly, she didn't say anything for a long time, she just held me, I didn't complain as I was starting to have rather pleasant stirrings myself. Eventually she let go of me and managed to compose herself. "I'm sorry Chris but the doctor has me on a new hormone regimen and it's still affecting my moods a little," I smiled and took her hand and asked. "Are we still friends then?" "Yes, oh yes." Chapter 9. Baby steps by the seaside. On Saturday morning Trish woke me up early with a cup of tea, she was dressed in a long nightshirt. "I thought you might like a cup of tea," she said as she placed a mug on the bedside table next to me. I shuffled to the side a little to allow Trish to sit on the edge of my bed, I picked up my mug and took a couple of sips, Trish started to run her fingers through my hair. "Shall we do something today Chris It's a really nice day outside," Even though I had been in Teeside some time now I had never really explored the area. "Where do you suggest?" "How about the seaside, I like the seaside," She suggested, I smiled as where I used to live the sea was always a long and boring drive to get to. "The seaside sounds great Trish, just give me a few minutes to get ready." When Trish had left my room I got out of bed, I opened my underwear drawer and almost picked up a pair of my normal underpants but instead opted for another pair of the black panties that Trish had purchased for me the previous evening, I really did like the way they felt when I was wearing them, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a Tee shirt, picked up a pair of socks and my trainers and made my way to the living room via the bathroom. Several minutes later Trish appeared, she was wearing a light flower patterned dress and black flat shoes, her hair was tied back in a ponytail, she looked very pretty. "Will I do?" She asked, I just nodded, Trish picked up her purse and I took my wallet, we then both left our little flat to catch the bus to the train station. After a short bus ride and a little trip on a train we arrived in a small seaside town called Saltburn, Trish had a smile on her face as she exited the train station I figured that she must love the seaside, it was quite a hot day and as we made our way down the hill to the beach I was regretting not putting shorts on, Trish appeared oblivious to my discomfort and seemed to be very comfortable in her flimsy dress as it gently blew in the breeze. "Last one down to the pier buys the ice cream," she said as she headed off, I lost the bet, mostly because I didn't know where the pier was. As I was standing in the Queue for the ice cream van, a rather pretty dark haired woman wearing a bikini and a large floppy sun hat was trying to control two rather mischievous young girls. "Mummy Joy can I have an ice cream please?" "No Lucy, Mummy Alice said you can't or you'll spoil your dinner we're just getting drinks from the man this time." "Aww, mum," I smiled at the dark haired lady. She finally managed to purchase her drinks and left with her little posse in tow, she smiled at me and said, "I'm really sorry I took so long, kids eh." I purchased our ice creams and returned to Trish, who was standing by the entrance to the pier. "Here you go," I said as I passed an ice cream over to Trish. "That lady had a bit of a handful with those two children didn't she?" said Trish as she took her ice cream from me, I nodded in agreement. We slowly made our way along the wooden walkway of the pier until we reached the end, I sighed as the gentle breeze started to cool me down a little, Trish found a seat and sat, smoothing the skirt portion of her dress as she did so, she crossed her legs and continued to lick her ice cream, I couldn't help but keep snatching little glimpses of her, I also had many conflicting emotions about her, she had already admitted to having feelings towards me and I really liked her but she was really a boy, this did not seem to worry me at all, what was really starting to worry me was how she dressed, she looked so natural and comfortable in her light clothing and I was so hot and sweaty in my heavy jeans and black tee shirt, it was almost as though I was becoming jealous of her. I decided to concentrate on eating my rapidly melting ice cream, "You've gone really quiet Chris." "Shit," I thought, the first thing I could think of to say to her was. "They are nice shoes, are they comfortable?" 'Arghh', Trish smiled and wiggled her foot a little. "Nice aren't they, they're called Mary Jane's and yes they are really comfortable and light," She then tutted and sighed as she noticed her leg. "Oh look I've plucked my tights," I said nothing I hadn't even realised that she was wearing tights, I thought her legs were bare. "Maybe we can pick up another pair in town later Chris?." "Um, I spose," I said trying to sound cool, it didn't work. Once we had finished our ices Trish got up and said "Can we go back to the beach now?, I'm getting a little chilly in this breeze," It appeared that the pleasant offshore breeze that I was enjoying was making Trish uncomfortably cold. "Sorry, yes let's go," As I got up I felt Trish's hand slip into mine, I immediately accepted it and held her hand back. As we slowly walked along the pier back to the beach, Trish asked. "Can we pop into town before lunch Chris, the snag in my tights has now become a ladder, I'd like to get a replacement pair." "Why not just have bare legs?" She chuckled a little "If I had nice tanned legs maybe I wouldn't mind so much but mine are really pale at the moment." "I didn't realise that this girl stuff was so complicated." Trish turned to me and said rather sadly, "I'm finding it harder each day to remember the boy I once was but it does have its compensations," She turned and kissed me on the lips, it was nice when she wore flat shoes as she was the same height as me. As we walked up footpath back into town holding hands, Trish said. "Sorry about last night, I was just being mischievous." "Sorry, what do you mean?" "I was just kidding, I know how embarrassed you can get when I talk about girls things so I thought I'd have a little fun with you, that's why I bought you those panties." "Actually," I smiled at Trish "I'm wearing a pair now," It was really fun to look at her reaction first she was open mouthed and then she put her hand up to her mouth and finally she said. "No!, really?" "Oh yes and they are really comfortable." "Really?" She then started to appraise me. "You know, you do have rather delicate features, if we tied your scraggy hair back and put a little makeup, you would make quite a pretty girl," That was it I became embarrassed again. "I would make a terrible girl Trish," She winked at me "That's what I initially thought Chris and now look at me," This was somewhere I didn't really want to go at that moment but Trish pushed again. "Let's see, if we just got rid of that little bit of fuzz on your chin and then if we." "Stop, please," Trish looked at me with a smile that soon turned to a frown, she immediately knew that she'd gone too far, I was trying to conceal my bright red face from her but she could easily tell I was on the verge of tears "Oh... you poor thing, I'm sorry I've upset you, lets cross the road to that seat and have a little talk about it, Trish passed me a tissue and held my hand as we crossed the road. Soon we were both sitting down on an ornate park bench, under the shade of a large tree, Trish held one of my hands in her lap as I dabbed my eyes with the tissue, we sat silently. Trish broke the silence first. "I knew you were special, the first time I laid eyes on you, that's why I tried to help you." "Really?" I said quietly "Yes, somehow I just knew and I really couldn't leave you to become just another victim of the local pervs, drug pushers and pimps, I had to get you off the street and somewhere safe." "But isn't that just in your nature?" "Not really Chris, up until the point I met you I really couldn't have given a shit about anyone or anything, nobody had ever cared about me, so why should I have cared about them," She paused "That is with one exception of course, the charity I sent you too, they actually really did seem to care about me, it's a shame I rejected them so quickly." "But you care now though?" "It's a strange feeling Chris but yes, I really do care for you, after that night I used to loiter for ages near the charity's house hoping to get a glimpse of you or to bump into you." "Do you mean you didn't just see me on your way to work, that day in the park?" Trish smiled "No, silly I was looking for you, I wanted to see if you were okay, I don't know why but I just needed to know that you were safe." I turned to look at her, she was looking straight forward at the road but I could see a tear had run down her perfect face, she just continued to stare across the road. "Do you really think I would make a pretty girl, or were you just trying to embarrass me?" "Truthfully?" "Yes, please be honest with me." "Now it's me who doesn't want to answer, as I don't want you to get upset or embarrassed again Chris." "Can I tell you something Trish?" "Yes you know you can." I started to get embarrassed again but continued, "since you told me you used to be a boy, I keep wondering what it would be like to, to," I paused, I was now very embarrassed and on the verge of tears again, Trish was still holding my hand and waited patiently for me to continue. "Well to be like you, when I saw your boobs the other evening I couldn't believe how beautiful you looked and... and..," It was too much I started to sob again, Trish took me and gently hugged me. "I think I understand Chris," She whispered quietly. "You're not sure about anything at the moment are you?" "No," I squeaked as I wept into her shoulder. A few minutes later as I sat quietly whilst Trish tried to air her damp shoulder she said, "Baby steps." I looked at her. "We need to take baby steps, you need to experiment with your identity until you find one that you're really comfortable with." "What do you mean Trish?" I asked. "Well why not experiment with being a girl or at least being a little more androgynous, a bit like playing dress up when you were younger." "I never played dress up, my Dad wouldn't let me he said that fantasy and dressing was for fairy's and his boy wasn't going to be a fairy," Trish frowned "Your Dad sounds a bit of a dick, if you don't mind me saying," I smiled, "How about if we go for the Goth look?" "But they always look so miserable." "I know, the tomboy look, how about that?" "Err okay then, when should we start?" Trish had a grin on her face so I knew exactly what her answer was going to be. "How about now?" "What!, here on this seat?" "Yes, why not" she bent over undid the little buckle and slipped off one of her shoes. "Take your trainer and sock off and try this on for size," She passed me her shoe, I hesitantly took it and removed my trainer and my grey sock, I slid her shoe onto my foot with very little struggle, it was snug but not tight and really light compared to my trainer. "Too slack, too tight?" "No, surprisingly it's a good fit," I said as I moved my foot around. "Oh good, give it back then." I hesitated a little before I gave Trish back her lovely shoe. "Now I know what shoe size you are we can do a little shopping in town before lunch," Trish got up just as I'd finished lacing my trainer back up, she held out her hand and said. "Come on we've got a nice slow transformation to do on my favourite tomboy." Initially I wasn't sure what she meant. Our first stop was the local chemist, I waited outside whilst Trish went inside, she soon exited with a small carrier bag. "Baby steps, Chris, let's just go around into the back lane for a minute or two." I followed her into the back lane, it was quite secluded. She opened a box and pulled out what looked like a very thick sheet of paper from a box of similar papers. "What's that?" I enquired. "It's a cold waxing strip," she gleefully announced. "but aren't they for legs?" I asked. "Not this time Chris, if you would just like to brace for impact." She peeled off some sort of backing and then quickly placed the sticky side over my chin fluff and then with one quick jerk she removed both my chin fuzz and my dignity in one fell swoop. "Ow," I squeaked. "Not finished yet," said Trish who's tongue was starting to stick in the corner of her mouth as though she was really concentrating. Several tugs later and after more than a few tears from me, Trish announced, "All finished, that wasn't too bad was it?" She then got a little tube of cream out of her carrier and started to apply it to my stinging face. "Aloe Vera, it should soothe your skin a little." Trish then got out a hairbrush from her bag of delights and started to brush my dark hair back, I quite enjoyed this, although it seemed rather an odd thing to do whilst standing next to several large plastic wheelie bins in the back lane of the high street of a small seaside town, she then placed a small elastic loop in her lips and then started to pull my hair back into a ponytail, except it was higher on my head than I had usually seen one on a male, she took the elastic loop from her mouth and whilst holding my hair she started to loop it through my hair, I felt the tightness of my hair being pulled back, it was an unusual feeling but not an unpleasant one. I now sported a high ponytail on my head. "Baby steps," said Trish again with a smile, she took a small mirror from her purse and showed me my ponytail and my face, I was a little surprised as with my hair tied back I appeared to have a long and slender neck, my face however was rather red and blotchy from the eradication of my face fluff. "Have you got much money on you?" asked Trish, I rummaged around in my trouser pocket and my wallet and pulled out some notes. "About ?40 and some coppers I think." Trish took the two twenty pound notes from my hand. "Let's go and get you a pair of Mary Janes just like mine, shall we?" After a few minutes of wandering along the high street, Trish went into a small shoe shop. "Wait here please, I'll be out in a few moments." I stood outside the small shop and looked in the window, my mind started to wander as I wondered about all of the various styles of shoes in the window, I tried to imagine what it would be like to wear heels, or a skirt, or even what it would be like to grow boobs like Trish had, I then started to think about my new friend and what had made her start wearing girls clothes, I resolved to ask her one day, although I figured it was probably somehow related to her evening job. Also whilst I was waiting for Trish, I thought how lucky I had been to meet her, I wondered if we were just fated to meet or was it just a very lucky coincidence. Trish appeared a few minutes later with a smile and yet another carrier bag, this one had a box in it. "New shoes for you," she said, whilst waving the carrier bag at me I joined her and we walked the short walk to the Station. "Can you give me a couple of minutes Chris, I just need to use the ladies and to change my tights," She took an unopened packet out of the carrier bag and kissed me on the lips, she then strolled over to the Ladies toilet, I leant against the wall for a couple of minutes and was re-joined by Trish. "Let's get you into those nice shoes, shall we?" We once again headed back down towards the beach, I was becoming increasingly self-conscious. "Your face has calmed right down now Chris, you do have lovely skin you know," Trish said reassuringly to me as we walked together. Once again we stopped by the old ornate park bench under the tree "You can't wear your new shoes with those grubby old man socks and you can't wear them barefoot either so you have two options," She reached into her carrier and pulled out two packs. "Knee highs or ballet liners." I looked blankly at her. "I must keep remembering, baby steps, okay the knee highs are a bit like long socks, they are made of the same material as tights, the ballet liners are a bit like really fine trainer socks." "What do you suggest?" I asked. "Hmm, can you pull your jeans up to your knee?" I gave it a go but failed miserably. "Ballet liners it is then," She put the other packet back in the bag and passed me the one with the ballet liners in. I took off one of my trainers and the accompanying sock, opened the packet and got out an incredibly flimsy piece of fabric and slipped it over my foot, Trish passed me my first shoe, I slipped it on and fastened the little strap over my instep, I repeated this for the other shoe. Trish put my trainers and socks into the carrier bag and dumped the empty shoe box in the litter bin. I just sat for a while admiring my new shoes on my feet when Trish interrupted my thoughts. "Judging from the look on your face I take it you like them then?" I didn't immediately answer but after a few seconds I said, "I didn't realise how nice these would feel on my feet, oh this is almost too much," Somehow I managed to put my emotions in check. "Can we go for a walk please I want to see how they feel when I'm walking." "Of course we can, shall we go and get a little lunch first?" Trish got up first and smoothed her skirt down I got up and stared at my feet. My first steps were strange, after my trainers it was almost like I was walking barefoot, it was so different but in a really nice way, I even heard myself saying. "Baby steps" to myself as I walked. As we walked down the hill to the Caf? by the beach Trish gently squeezed my hand this felt very reassuring to me, she didn't say anything to me just held my hand and let me get used to my new shoes. We entered the Caf? and made our way to a free table and sat down, Trish picked up the little folded laminated cardboard menu and said. "Should I order for us or would you like too?" "I think it best if you did Trish," We both decided on chicken burgers but the accompanying salad was decided for me, Trish got up to order from the counter and I looked out of the window at the beach and the sea, the tide was now going out and more of the beach was being exposed, I noted that even though it was a really nice day there were only a handful of families on the beach, apart from all of the dog walkers, I noticed the lady with the two little girls that I'd seen at the ice cream van was now lying down with another woman sunbathing, they were holding hands, the two little girls were playing with another older girl they looked like they were having lots of fun. "Food's ordered, what you looking at Chris?" said Trish as she sat back down opposite me. I pointed at the beach "Those people over there, the two ladies and their children, they all look so happy and carefree." "Oh yes," said Trish. "Err, do you mind if I go outside for a quick cigarette before our food comes?" "Not at all Trish." She fished a single cigarette and a lighter out of her purse and quickly left the caf?, she returned a couple of minutes later. "Hateful habit, I only started because a customer wanted to see me smoke, wish I'd said no," Trish remarked as she sat down again, almost as if on cue our food arrived at the same time, the burger was nice but I really did fancy chips and not salad. After our lunch Trish asked me, "How do you feel, do you feel any different?" "I'm not sure what you mean, I feel sort of relaxed and I really do like my new shoes, I can't stop looking at my feet." "Are you ready for a little more, or have I overloaded you?" I wondered what Trish meant by that. "What did you have in mind?" "Let's go outside and sit in the sunshine for a while." "Okay then." I followed Trish out of the caf? and we walked parallel to the beach for a couple of minutes until we reached a wooden picnic bench. "You sit on one side whilst I sit opposite you." I followed Trish's instructions, she then reached into her carrier bag again and produced what looked like sandpaper on a stick and a little bottle, I knew what that was it was nail polish. "Now give me one of your hand, let's see if I can put a little shape into your nails." She took my hand gently and started to take the rough and jagged edges off my nails, she then proceeded to coat them with the paint from the little bottle, I was actually expecting bright red but instead it was almost the same colour as my skin, Trish smiled at me again. "Just keep your hand in the air and don't touch anything until the polish dries, now give me your other hand." I placed my unpainted hand into Trish's care and looked at my newly refurbished nails, I couldn't believe the difference that a little paint and filing had made to my hands, I was actually a little shocked, soon I was sitting with both of my hands in the air whilst the polish dried. Trish pulled a half smoked cigarette out of her purse and asked, "Do you mind if I-" "No, please go ahead." She lit up and smoked quietly by herself. "What does it feel like Trish?" "What?" "Smoking, what does it feel like, does it hurt?" She smiled and took a slow drag from her cigarette. "No, it did at first, it made me cough, but now I find it helps me to relax." "Do you think it would help me to relax Trish?" She frowned and a little smoke escaped from her nose. "You do know that smoking is really bad for you don't you?" "Yes but you look really cool when you do it, I'm just curious." Trish got out of her seat an

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Aoife the Queen Maker

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The arrow falls, the door opens, the Queen is made. This story explores the connection between the Orionid meteor shower, the ancient Celtic myths which surround Samhain, and the great warrior Queens of ancient Ireland. ‘Aoife, the Queen Maker’ is the story the pixies told me when I wanted to write something else. Sometimes I write a story with a theme and plot that I have created, sometimes I just tell a story as it unfolds in my mind. The story I...

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The Nanite Maker

------------------------------The Nanite Maker--------------------------------by themoonaticJackie luxuriated on her back in post orgasmic contentment, the semen oozing fromher sphincter with a tickling sensation that made her shudder with another wildorgasm, her seemingly nutless eight inch cock jumping and giving her thefull sensations of ejaculation without the fluids. She had her testiclesretracted up inside, awaiting her command to descend and produce more ch!ldrenor just make a...

4 years ago
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It Started by Accident BottomSlayer GayMaker

Now let's get something straight (pardon the pun). I love girls. I love looking at them; I love their lips wrapped around my cock; and I love the feeling of my cock buried deep in their tight pussies or round asses. But I still get a major thrill from taking a straight man and making him a cocksucking faggot and bottom loving homo. Philosophically, I am not gay. I have never sucked a cock or taken a cock in my ass...although I have fucked many, many men. My cock doesn't see a distinction...

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Baby Maker

Disclaimer: This story is for mature readers only. It is an erotic fantasy and the characters depicted in this tale are figments of the author's imagination. BABY MAKER By Libnos We had been married 6 years. I was 32 and my wife, Adele, 29. Our sex life was sort of run-of-the-mill with brief explorations into new areas and they gave our sex a boost for a while but we always returned to the old tried and true methods. As time past my wife began to worry about her biological clock...

2 years ago
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Slut Doll Maker

My first dirty story about some dirty thoughts about gangbang robot sluts Loving cumSlut Doll MakerBy DIRTYOMNII first started in the adult industry making sex dolls. Back then we were working with moulded rubber, we would make moulds of porn stars bodies focusing on pussy and ass..I specialized in Full size models with real hair, stunning eyes made of glass, metal sub frame for pose ability, and of course with removable fuck holes that are easy to wash. I has my small little company, just me...

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Mage Toy Maker

I was a mage but normal magic did not really interest me. Instead I created and animated toys. I guess in some ways I was an artificer. I was only twenty and just finished my training with my master. I moved here because there were fewer mages. My shop had been a stable for an old tavern. I used wood or stone to create the toys. In the front of my shop I had two stone knights that stood almost three paces tall. Between them were six wooden elf archers two paces tall. Those were for display,...

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Android OmnibusChapter 9 Meeting Ones Maker

Put yourself in Michael's shoes. How would you feel? Standing before you, not more than 10 feet, is your God. Your maker. The man who conceived of you and brought your existence into this world. Michael was understandably nervous and full of emotions, no matter how synthetic those emotions might be. "Michael," he said proudly. "Let him in Jules," he said. Julie opened the door and invited him in. Dr. Carson walked towards his prodigy, but instinctively Michael took a step back, a...

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Chapter 1 I've shared some of my other experiences with you in the "babymaker for hire" business (see "Tom's Mating Service"). It's definitely one of the hottest jobs I've ever had. Here's another story about one of the situations where I was asked by various young women to impregnate them and give them the babies they so badly wanted. It's a long story of how I came to find myself being requested for "stud service" but it's one that I'd never change. What an experience to...

3 years ago
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The Replacement Model

THE REPLACEMENT MODEL? Smackmagnet 2008Opening1: Lilly and Carmine look at the net"You're really pretty," Lilly says. Carmine looks at her sitting there, prim and shy on her sofa. "That's so sweet," she replies, "do you really think so?" "I wish I looked as nice as you." They met in a class. Both of them new, at the back, with the serious girls energetic in front. A mirror room, an aerobics lesson. They catch each other's eyes when they stretch and bend over. "Bet there's some bugger with a...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Model

The Model Sam Edwards adjusted the seat into a more reclined position and reached out for the glass of Champaign that the attractive stewardess had brought him shortly after takeoff. He sighed with satisfaction as he took a sip, relishing the comfort of the First Class section of the British Airways 747 homebound for London. He leaned forward to replace the glass on the pullout table and as he did so he felt the thud of the medal against his chest. The Olympic team was returning home...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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A Model Child 3

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three Out the door Ray went, feeling as self-assured as he could possibly be, as he made his way down the hallway and then over to the elevator. Down he went, double checking his phone on the ride before the doors parted at the ground floor and he noticed some of the other models making their way to a big stretch limo. Over he went, checking in with Miss Opal who casually gave him the once over before she nodded,...

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My Mum A porn model

Before you start reading... This is NOT an original story written by me. Another xhamster user posted this a few years ago, but for reasons I won't bore you with, they have restricted the access to this piece of prose and so the audience for it is much smaller than it once was.In my opinion, it's one of the best and most well-written stories I've ever read on xham, and for that reason I have decided to repost it in my stories for others to read.It's a bit long (it was originally in 4 or 5...

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The Model

The Model Belladonna [Based on a concept suggested by Eva Conevil] Fran Dukes shook her head as she stared at her inventory before her eyes drifted back to the website that her boyfriend had set up for her. Fran felt that the pictures of the clothing across a white background did not do them justice and were inhibiting internet based sales for her boutique. The boutique was a labor of love for Fran. She had started it with money provided from her wealthy parents and had made it...

2 years ago
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Mothers Model Son In Sweet Lingerie Part One

Frankie shrank back into the upholstered chair in his mother's bedroom. He tucked his feet behind the ottoman almost as if to hide. But no matter how he folded his arms --across his chest or around his bare midriff--there was no hiding. With a dull ache he knew, deep down he knew, that soon enough there would be no getting away from it; he would do whatever they wanted. Frankie's mother turned to him and smiled sweetly. "Frankie, dear, what do you think?" Lisa asked. "Valerie and I...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Model by Karen Elizabeth L Mom always thought I was good looking enough to be a model. She and dad were always arguing about it, he'd say that it was a waste of money and she'd tell him that he was blind! I can remember how she'd tell people that someday she was going to take me to a company that would make a model out of me and teach my dad a lesson! One day her and her Grandma (her mom) decided to teach dad a lesson and took me to one of those companies. Mom made me get...

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My mom the model

It was a cold winter morning and Susan Osborne was ready for her big day. Susan had always wanted to be a model but family got in the way at an early age. Susan is a 38 year old mother of one. She knew she had a great body and was ready to sign a modeling contract when she found out she was pregnant. She quickly married her husband and spent the next eighteen years as a dutiful housewife.Susan loves her husband and son but in the back of her mind she often wondered, "What if?"After sharing her...

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Mothers Model Son

Frankie looked at the clothes his mother had laid out for him and shook his head slowly, not in disbelief, but in resignation. It had all happened so quickly. He realized there would be terrible consequences when she had caught him. He had been home alone and he thought he had plenty of time to dress in a skirt and heels, to slip on a pair of pretty panties, too. It had been so easy and he had done it so many other times. He loved how he felt when he dressed in his sister's and his...

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Mothers Model Son In His Totally Fem Fashion Show The Final Chapter

Frank thought ruefully that nothing could be more humiliating than to be a man dressed in a bra and panties, garter-belt, stockings and high heels to please two demanding women. Now, he realized with a new shame that shriveled his manhood, it was even more terrible to be undressed by those women even as they prepared to put him new, frothy lingerie loaded with lace, ribbons and bows. Even worse, he now stood there naked. From the neck down he knew he looked like a man even though his...

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My Mum the model part one

The camera clicked, lights flashed. “Mark, can you just adjust the silk, its slipped.”I walked across the studio, and pulled the flimsy material back into place, so it covered the models tits. Covered but not hidden. Her red erect nipples were still visible through the see through material. I moved back out of view of the camera, as Gerry continued photographing the girl. I had been working for Gerry for six months. Six fantastic months. Photographic assistant. Three days a week, three poorly...

2 years ago
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Mother Model Son In Sweet Lingerie Part Two

Lisa swept into the room just as Frankie was stepping back into his panties and easing the white sateen garment with its three wide rows of delicate lace and the lavender ribbon and bow up to his waist. "Well," she said gaily, "it seems I got here just in time to make sure Frankie uses this panty liner. She smiled and handed the liner to Valerie. "Oh Frankie, you were so anxious to put on your panties," Valerie said in voice filled with ridicule, "that you forgot all about your...

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A Model Child 2

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two As Raymond headed off to school, his mother got ready for work and then headed off to her office on the final day before the show. She had barely slept, worried about finding a model and even worse now, worried about her son's intentions to help. As she got into the office, she headed right down to her studio to walk through her collection again and begin the process of final alterations. As she began the process...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Model Daughter

But, her mother was not a fan of this. And, being divorced, there was little I could do. So, with her 18th birthday a few months away, I figured we could sneak it in. Then, if Sarah liked it, she would be 18 and able to make the decision herself. When I told her about it, she was incredibly excited. “Oh, dad! That would be so much fun.” So, I let her investigate it and find someone she was happy with. After a couple hours on the internet, she found a photographer that not only took...

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Cyberterix Model 1XRSF

Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F By Alysa Desiree January 15, 2005 I was out of work and had been for a year. Things were really starting to get tight as I hadn't been able to find steady work. If it hadn't been for my layoff payout, stocks and savings I would have been in sorry shape after only a couple of months. Even the little amount I got from unemployment wasn't really helping. It made it hard being a 41 year old male. It seemed most people wanted the younger generation. One day...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Model Section 1

Model: Section 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: The Stage Backstage was a whirlwind of action. Designers, hair stylists, and make up men raced about everywhere. Voices which were already raised increased in volume minute by minute to be heard above the din of the noise and chaos. Production teams dashed about shouting orders at lighting and sound crews - designers dashed about shouting orders at production teams. Scores of clip board holding bodies wove in and out of the rows of...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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The Model

The Model By Bobbie Peters The peace and quiet of a summer Sunday afternoon was broken by the shrill voice of my sister, Jean, as she walked through the living room. "I need a head to work on and I need it now," she said to Mom. "Dear, I just don't have the time or patience to spare." Sis was persistent. "I need practice rolling hair or I'll never pass tomorrow's test." "Practice on the wig," Mom suggested as she prepared lunch for the family. Squiggling up her face,...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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A Model Child 1

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter One "Hey mom." Ray walked into his house with a with a McDonald's bag. "Raymond?" his mother asked, sitting at a sewing machine. "What are you doing here?" "I got your text, so I thought I'd bring something to eat," Ray replied, raising the bag. "I know how you get when it's getting close to the show and you forget to even feed yourself." "Oh gaaawwwddd I know," said his mother, taking a breath. "That's...

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Andy sat at the kitchen table looking at the upcoming class schedule and wondering what classes he should take during the next semester. At 19 years old he was about to start his second semester at the local University where he was majoring in computer sciences but like all universities he was also required to take elective classes not associated with his major. The problem was that there wasn't anything that he was really interested in and he had to sign-up for classes by the end of the...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

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by Melanie Kay I often arrive at my life class quite early. By doing this it is possible to set up my easel and reserve one of my favourite positions in the studio by fastening my paper to the drawing board. Frequently there is till time to go next door into the cafeteria to buy a coffee and perhaps chat with some of the other students. On the day in question, I was alone and just sitting down to drink my coffee when the door into the cafeteria opened. At first I could...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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The Model

THE MODEL THE MODEL Chapter one ? A modelling assignment ?What time is your next show?? My girlfriend here would really love to be your model, wouldn?t you honey??? Amy nodded, not wanting to make him angry with her.? ?We have been walking around, looking at all the displays and exhibits, and this seems to be the best one here.? Do you think we could do a deal or something?? Paul looked at the couple standing before him.? The man was quite tall, with dirty, blonde hair that fell into his...

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How my wife became a lingerie model 8211 I

My name is Nasir. I am from Pakistan (Karachi). I am 35 while my wife Zeenat is 37. Though it is against the taboo in my country to marry women older than you, but I have always been unorthodox in terms of my values. Ours was a love marriage and we have been happily married for 7 years, with a son who is now 5. The story I’m about to narrate is an experience we had almost a year ago, and it may not be very exciting for those used to the kind of hard core Pornographic fantasies that appear on...

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New Model

New ModelByRicky ValeKatie's hands were shaking, and, to her embarrassment, she was beginning to sweat despite the chilly room.  A couple weeks ago she had run into money trouble, and now she was sitting on a cold leather couch about to interview for nude modeling.  Ricky, the agent, (thats what he called himself), spoke like a used car salesman, his tongue as slick as a snake's.  The man was grossly overweight, with thick, knobby hands and a round belly.  The way his eyes lingered on Katie's...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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A Model Boss Part Two of Three

A Model Boss - Part Two of Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Parrie] Allen awoke on Saturday morning and got ready to go out en femme as he had every Saturday morning for years. This time, however, Allen knew that he was not going shopping in a supermarket or even for clothes. Allen realized that he was going to be around far more people and forced to interact much more than he wanted to en femme that day. After Allen finished shaving, showering, putting...

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Amateur Model

A neighbour helps out * ‘Hello, Nelson how nice to see you. Come into the kitchen, I’m baking,’ Stella told her young visitor. Nelson was eighteen, yet the wiggle of Stella’s hips was interesting, despite her being thirty-six. She had a slim waist, largish breasts with hips to match, which swayed seductively. He stared at her heart shaped bottom, trying to take in every muscular twitch as she walked before him. She wore sensible, everyday clothes, and he couldn’t help imagining her wearing...

5 years ago
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My Brother Made Me A Model 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS lovers, I’m Deepika and this is my story that changed my life for ever. To tell you about myself, I was a normal 21 year old girl who had just finished engineering and was searching for a job. I wasn’t having much of a success in finding a job due to my average grades. But I didn’t care much and took this opportunity to hang out with my friends. Then one fine day my brother Nithin, who was working in a modelling company, offered me a proposal to model for an Italian fabric industry that...

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Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy

Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy When I was eighteen and a senior in high school I knew exactly what I wanted to be…a photographer, or more specifically a Nude Photographer where I could sell my work to magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse, and the like. I had been accepted to a four-year college for photography, my father had bought me a really good digital camera for Christmas, and I had been taking hundreds of pictures to get better with that camera. They were mostly outdoor...

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A Model Start

Kelly swallowed hard and knocked on Louisa’s door. It soon opened to show Louisa’s green eyes and smiling mouth, which even without lipstick looked suited to an advertisement. “Hi, Kelly!” she said happily, and as she opened the door Kelly saw her model’s body filling out a white T-shirt and slacks. Kelly stared at Louisa’s firm breasts unrestrained by a bra and wondered how a woman in her mid-twenties could have such a young, taut figure. “Please come in,” she said, smiling as Kelly’s eyes...

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The Hairstyling Model II

This is a first-person account of an involuntary feminization, which is fiction The Hairstyling Model II By I. R. Nixon We left the room. Uncomfortable as I was dressed like this, I knew it would be hard to detect my real gender. We approached the elevator and Sharon instructed be to go back and get her notepad off the dresser in the room. When I returned to the room I discovered the maids rolling on the beds in laughter. It was now obvious why Sharon had sent me back to the...

5 years ago
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Glamour Model part 1

Glamour ModelOpportunities?She didn’t know it yet, but today would change the beauty ther****ts’ life irrevocably. It seemed like any other day, but it wasn’t. If she ever cared to look back, which she probably wouldn’t, today would be the day that her life changed forever. For good or bad, well only time would tell. It was a slow day in the salon, a very slow day. When she came to think of it, there had been lots of slow days of late, much to many. It was probably nothing to worry about, just...

2 years ago
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Slu The Model Returns Part 1

Slut: The Model Returns. Part 1.About twelve years ago, I was heavily involved with an older married guy, who did some amateur photography. He turned this young girls head with aspirations of life as a glamour model. Needless to say I was his model and would pose for him, innocently at first, then as the weeks went by the posing became more and more provocative. I was only eighteen when the relationship started, so I did not possess an abundance of sexy lingerie, Corsets, Basques, Waspies or...

3 years ago
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My Mum the model part four

We were home. It had been a long, and hard ten days. Mum, or rather Linda had been working almost non stop for all of that time. And yesterday I’d fucked her. It had been inevitable We’d both known that at some point we’d fuck. The guy in the shoot couldn’t get it up, so I was picked by the director to step up. Mum had always said we should protect the secret. Secret and lies. My cock had never been harder, her cunt never so wet, her arse so tight. I’d fucked her hard, sadly I was sharing her,...

4 years ago
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A Model for CCs

(This is a standalone story based in the universe of "Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy" reading that first might be advised.) Intro Victor was just a regular guy down on his luck. A month ago he still had it all, a beautiful girlfriend, a nice apartment and a decent paying job working for an accounting firm. The company he had worked for wasn't doing so well though and as a result they needed to let some people go. He ended up being one of them. It was a small disaster since him and...

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