Swim Lessons Get Sexy Pt. 2 free porn video

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This is a sequel to Swim Lessons Get Sexy (linked below). I suggest you read the first one before reading this one. Enjoy.


Jason was stuck frozen to his spot. There he stood naked on the edge of the pool deck. To his left knelt an equally naked and very hot Aubrey Jones, the mother of a student in his swim class. The spotlight twinkled on Aubrey’s large breasts where a small bit of Jason’s cum still lay. Across from him stood Jason’s friend and coworker Alexa Phan. There she was standing with her hands on hips with what Jason could only assume was a furious look on her face. Jason could not find the words to speak. Suddenly all of his excitement from the night washed away. He looked around himself and felt ashamed. He was so ashamed that he couldn’t even get turned on by the short pajama shorts and tight white t shirt that she was wearing.

“I… I… can explain.” He stuttered.

“You know what. Save it. Have fun with this whore. Have fun with whoever you like. It’s not like its an-any of my business.”

Alexa turned on the spot and ran off the pool deck. Jason would’ve gone after her but was still too ashamed. It wasn’t until she was long gone that Aubrey finally broke the silence.

“Well that’s certainly one way to kill a mood. I suppose I should get going.”

With that she hopped into the pool to retrieve her bathing suit. When she got out and was fully dressed she reached into her purse, grabbed a slip of paper and put it on top of Jason’s bag.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you still owe me one,” she shouted from the other side of the pool deck before walking out the door leaving Jason alone.

After five minutes Jason numbly gathered his belongings, closed up the pool deck and drove home. He threw his bag off to the side of the room and didn’t bother to pick up the contents that fell out. As he climbed into his bed he was still trying to process what had happened that night. It was both the hottest and most confusing night of his life. It had started off as a simple private adult swim lesson. Then Aubrey had revealed her true intentions and proceeded to give him the best blowjob of his life. His pleasure however had been interrupted by Alexa. Why had she been so upset? It’s not like they were dating. Or even close to anything besides friends. The most they ever did was very light flirting during work. I mean sure he had a huge crush on her but there was no way Alexa could feel the same way about him. She could get any guy she wanted. But still Jason could not get the sound of her hurt voice or the image of her running away from him out of his head. He could’ve sworn he even saw a tear drop as she had turned to leave.

Jason slept very little that night. He was awake before his alarm went off and was having an internal battle over whether or not he should go to work that day. In the end he decided he’d better go. Maybe Alexa would be there and he’d be able to explain himself now that they had both calmed down.

She wasn’t there. Throughout the day Jason kept checking the doorway hoping she’d walk in late. When his last class came around he found that Aubrey wasn’t there either. Keegan walked in accompanied by another woman, presumably his sister.

Jason didn’t feel like very hungry so he stayed in the staff room during the lunch break. He was alone until his boss stumbled in.

“Oh Jason what are you still doing here?” he asked. “I’m surprised you weren’t the first one out the door for the lunch break.”

“Hey Don. I forgot my wallet,” Jason lied. “I’ll just stick it out till the end of my shift.”

“Ooh that’s too bad. I would’ve saved you some of my sandwich if I had known. Say how did you’re after hours swim go last night? Did you have any problems closing up?”

Jason was thankful that his boss had no idea what actually happened. If he knew that Jason hadn’t actually just been swimming on his own then he would’ve fired Jason on the spot. He hated lying to Don since he was such a nice boss but Jason had no choice.

“It was fine. I ran through the usual closing checklist.”

“Good good. Say you wouldn’t happen to know anything about what Alexa is going through would you?”

Jason’s heart leapt at the mention of her name. “No I wouldn’t why what happened?”

“Well she came into my office pretty early this morning and nearly demanded a transfer to one of the other pools in the district. I tried to convince her to stay but she was adamant that she couldn’t do that. So I gave her the number of someone at the district she could talk to. She seemed awfully upset. I sure hope she’s alright.”

“Oh wow that’s awful.” Jason found it hard to control his voice from cracking. “I wonder what could’ve caused that.”

Of course Jason knew what caused it. He had. And now he felt worse than ever. He had to speak with her.

“Do you know where the district is sending her?”

“Nope. I gave her a glowing recommendation and sadly sent her on her way. I could find out but it would probably take awhile.”

“Yeah please let me know if you find out.”

The rest of the day passed and Jason still felt lousy. When he went home he went directly to his room and was going to fall on his bed when he saw the contents from his bag from the night before still spread around the room. He knelt down to clean them up and found the note Aubrey had left in his stuff. It was her phone number and a note telling him to call her. Normally this would excite Jason but he just put it down on his desk and went back to thinking about Alexa. He was worried about her.

The next three days were troubling for Jason. He tried unsuccessfully to contact Alexa numerous times. She wasn’t answering her phone and when he drove to her house her mother had told him that Alexa wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to have guests.

Finally though, he caught a break. The next day at work his boss came up to him with a smile on his face.

“I tracked her down. The district sent her over to Eastlake’s pool to teach there. She works nights so if you’re still interested you should be able to catch her after work.”

“Thanks Don. You are a lifesaver.”

“Yeah no problem that’s my job. If you see her try to convince her to come back to work, she was the best teacher we had.”

That day after his shift Jason drove as fast as he could over to Eastlake. Luckily he got there just in time. She was walking to her car as he pulled up. He quickly turned off the engine and ran up to her. He was panting when he finally got there.

“J-Jason. What are you doing here?”

“I came here to talk. I feel terrible about the other night and need to talk to you.”

“Well frankly I’m no longer interested in an explanation. You disgust me.”

She shoved him out of the way with that last sentence and continued walking to her car.

“Wait!” he yelled after her. “I just want to talk.”

“Save it.”

Jason was desperate. He needed to keep her here so he said something he knew would stop her in her tracks.

“I saw you crying as you ran away.”

It worked.


“You were crying.” He dared to take a step closer to her. “Why were you so upset?”

Jason expected anger or hatred. He definitely didn’t expect her to burst into tears. She buried her face in his chest. Shocked, all he could think to do was wrap his arms around her.

“It’s because I had feelings for you, you idiot. All the flirting, late night texting, and hangouts made me really like you. I went there that night expecting to find you swimming. I was going to tell you how I felt about you. Instead I found you getting your dick sucked by some random hot girl. Now I can’t be around you.”

Her voice trembled and she cried continuously as she spoke.

“I’m so sorry Alexa.” Jason whispered to her. “I had no idea. I honestly went there that night expecting to just give her a swim lesson but when she seduced me I lost control and lust took over. I had liked you for awhile and had no idea you felt the same way about me. I was terrified when you saw me like that. That’s why I was unable to speak that night. I was terrified that I had ruined your perception of me.”

Alexa had stopped listening after he said he liked her back. She knew she shouldn’t feel it anymore but she was thrilled that he felt the same way about her. Deep down she knew she was never angry about sex. Secretly she had been turned on by it.But now she was just so excited that he had said that.”

“You… like me?” She asked as her tears started to go away.

“Of course I do Alexa. You are an amazing girl. So smart and fun to talk to. You’re beautiful and funny. I only hope you’ll forgive me enough to let us be friends again. I couldn’t stand to lose you. But if you cant stand to be around me then I’ll walk away and stop bothering you.”

Jason couldn’t look at her as he turned to walk away. He was amazed she liked him but knew that was long gone by now. He truly did want her friendship. He was overcome by sadness when he thought she was going to let him go.

“Hey Jason.” She said; her voice stronger than it was before.

“Yes?” He turned hopefully.

Alexa walked up to him and kissed him. She needed him now more than ever and wasn’t going to let him walk away. After overcoming his initial shock he began to kiss her back. Their tongues swirled as their lips locked. They walked, still intertwined, to the back bumper of her car. Jason was pushed up against the car as they continued to kiss.

As they separated Alexa was staring down at his chest. She slowly raised her eyes until their gazes met. Jason felt lost in those deep brown eyes.

“I don’t want you out of my life Jason. Not now. Don’t leave me.”

“Of course not.”

“Meet me at my place in an hour. My parents are out of town so we’ll have plenty of time to ourselves to talk.”

Jason was more excited than he had ever been on his drive home. When he got there he quickly took a shower and changed into nicer clothes. He definitely wasn’t going to see Alexa in his work clothes. He had a hard time waiting the full hour but it finally came and he went over to her house. When she answered the door he found that she also had the idea to change into nicer clothes. She was wearing a tight black strapless dress that hugged her every curve. It ended just below her hips and left very little to the imagination.

“Come in Jason. So glad you could make it.” Alexa said in as sultry a voice as she could manage.

She giggled as he stumbled over the threshold. She led him upstairs to her room. He took a seat next to her on her bed. They sat there awkwardly in silence for a while. Neither of them were quite sure how to act. Jason had an internal battle over whether he should put his arm around her or not. Finally she broke the silence.

“We should discuss this relationship.”

“Yeah that probably would be a good idea. Where do we begin?”

This was followed by another awkward silence. Jason finally worked up the guts to put his arm around her. As soon as his hand touched her bare shoulder they both pounced on each other like animals. She threw him back against the bed and straddled his hips. They kissed each other furiously for a while until she stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked, worried that she regretted what she was doing.”

“Absolutely nothing. I just felt your little friend coming out to play and thought it was time we were properly introduced. Last time I saw him it was kind of dark out.”

She then ripped off the buttons on Jason’s shirt and began intensely kissing his neck and chest. While her mouth was busy with his torso her hands were fumbling with the button of his jeans. Alexa smiled as when she finally felt it release. They both stood and she yanked down his jeans. Her eyes popped when she saw his penis poking through the flap of his boxer shorts. Those were quickly disposed of as well and he stood there completely naked.

“Well since I already got to watch you I suppose it’s only fair that you get a show from me as well.”

She then pushed him back on the bed and proceeded with a very sensual and incredibly sexy striptease. When the black dress came off she was left in a matching pink lace bra and panties. It was so hot that Jason couldn’t imagine her naked form would be much sexier. Boy was he wrong. When she slipped off her bra Jason’s erection got even harder. He examined her from head to toe. He had already had many reasons of why he was attracted to her: her tan Asian complexion, the long sexy legs, the lean swimmers body, the deep brown eyes and full lips both framed by her beautiful dark brown hair, and now the large perky breasts topped by small dark nipples which stood hard with the cold air. Jason almost couldn’t sit still but then she bent over to take off her panties. They slid down those long, long legs and finally hit the floor. She stood and did a twirl revealing both her shaved pussy and large firm buttocks. Jason almost came on the spot.

“We’ll now that that’s over…”

She tackled him again. They rolled back and forth kissing and exploring each others bodies. Jason’s hand roamed her large breasts – pinching and rolling each nipple back and forth. His other hand was walking its way down to her pussy. Alexa went straight for his cock and traced it back and forth with her fingers. She then slowly stroked it up and down. He dove right into her wonderful pussy. He first thrust one finger in and out before adding another and then another. Each thrust elicited a sharp moan from Alexa. He found her clit with two fingers and rolled that between them in sync with his rolling of her nipples. At this she began to shake and her handjob became quicker and harder until neither one of them could take it anymore. They both came onto each others hands. Alexa grabbed his hand out of her vagina and began cleaning off his finger with her tongue. She then put it back and started licking his cock clean. Jason was hard again within the minute.

“Oh no you don’t. You’ve already gotten your blowjob. This cock isn’t going to waste on my mouth.”

Jason didn’t need to be told twice. He flipped them both over so he was on top and with one quick thrust impaled her on his cock. She shouted with pleasure. He started off slow and gentle but could tell that Alexa wanted something more. She wanted to be satisfied. She wanted to be fucked hard. She bucked her hips harder and harder as his speed increased. With each thrust Jason got a little deeper but would quickly pull back nearly all the way before slamming back into her again. Alexa couldn’t speak. All she could manage besides panting was a long and loud moan.

Jason continued ramming in and out for as long as he could before he knew he was about to reach a wall. Alexa sensed it too.

“Cum inside me Jason. I want to feel you explode inside my pussy.”

That was as good an invitation as he needed and soon was blowing a huge load deep inside her pussy. The feeling of Jason’s pulsating member inside her was enough to push Alexa over the edge. She had one of the biggest orgasms she’d ever had.

As they came down they Jason slipped out of her and rested his chin on her navel. He looked up past her heaving breasts into her eyes and they both smiled.

“That was incredible. Now I feel kind of selfish for interrupting before you could ram that woman from the other night the way you just did me. She wouldn’t have known what hit her. Plus it was kind of sexy watching you two together.”

They both laughed and held each others gazes for awhile before Jason slid up next to her. They fell asleep smiling in each others arms and wouldn’t awake till late the next morning.

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This story was told to me by my girlfriend Emmy, it happened a few months after our fun summer together when we were teens, and obviously before we started dating 25 years later.This is how she became the best cocksucker around.Emmy was 15 at the time, a sophomore in high school. She's short, 5'2" tall, and chubby, at 170-180 lbs. She had a pear shaped body, with small, A cup tits, and a big, perfectly round ass.Her best features are her nipples, which are as big as my fingernail, and that big,...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 18 Lessons

"No! No! No! You must relax! Clear your mind and feel the tranquility of peace wash over you. You cannot force yourself to feel peaceful! There is a diametric opposition in the concepts of force and peace. Would you not agree with me on this principle? Good! Well, then have you not heard a single word I have said? You are attempting to force a meditative state, which is not possible. Trust me! Now, try again. Close your eyes. Relax. Listen to the sound of your breathing. In and out. In and...

1 year ago
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Dance Lessons Continued

I put the shower on to cover up any sounds that might have escaped the bathroom that might sound like I was pleasuring myself. I put some lotion on my hand and began to stroke my already very hard cock. I sat on the toilet, closed my eyes, and my mind went right to the dance lesson. How good it felt to have my hands on Joanne’s soft body as I listened to her instructions on how to do the hustle. As my right hand continued to stroke my hard shaft, my minds eyes saw Joanne down on her...

3 years ago
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New Neighbor Lessons End

I am so thankful to everyone who has posted comments and helpful suggestions to my first two stories. I plan to continue to write and try my hand at this. Writing erotica has always been a secret desire. I didn’t know if anyone would like it or care to read it. I appreciate your encouragement and guidance. Donna and her daughter Dawn had just spent the last hour milking my cock for all it was worth. I had never been so completely satisfied orally in my life. By the end of Donna’s...

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Salvation Ch 27 Davids Painful Lessons

teachers at Avondale, but Lady Bennett his sponsor, enjoyed nothing more than to watch the young Adonis as he struggled to cope with the all the pain and humiliation of his punishments. At the sound of the wake up bell, David made his way to the cleansing room, never minding to put anything on. Morning ablutions at Avondale are always assisted, and he smiled as a naked Rebecca Allcot eagerly awaited his arrival. "Come along David!" she told him, holding an enema nozzle in one...

1 year ago
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Swim time alone

My group of friends from back when we were younger always hung out during the first summer after our high school graduation, if we all got the same time off work. We would go biking, game out, go to the mall, go to the beach, or to the public swimming arena together. Normal teenage activities. Out of the group, I was the youngest looking. At 18, I was 5’10, slightly tanned, smooth skin, with a thin build and had somewhat of a feminine body. I say this because I had little to no body hair,...

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Roja Love Lessons

1981-82 Roja : Lessons in satisfying a woman With help from Ragini15, a member who writes delightful stories about Odiya passions ***** Sexual activity in engineering college days consisted of groping willing female workers, and if the time and price was right a romp in the bushes. During the festival of holi, the last on campus, some guys got the idea to seduce a couple of sexy ones for a romp. While I did not screw any, I managed to grope a few and shagged a couple of times. For the less...

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Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons----------It was almost unbearably quiet all day, virtually too hot for most to venture to the farm and ride horses. Even the boarders who always visited to care for their horses had called out, making the workload heavier. By noon, I had pulled my bra off and tied off the bottom of my blouse with only one button remaining. The sweat poured down my chest causing the blouse to cling tightly leaving little to the imagination.I stood under the huge fans in the barn praying the air...

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Private Lessons

My name is Adaeze, am 30 years old, am married, my husband is in Europe. I am fair, slim, and tall and my stats are 34 28 32. One day my neighbour came with her daughter who was in class 12 and asked me to take science tuitions for her as I was a science graduate as she requested very much and also I did not have much work to do as I was staying alone in my house. So I accepted. Soon more students started joining.It was only one more month to exams and regular students only came once in a week...

1 year ago
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Guitar Lessons

As we grow older, it’s only natural to think back on the events of one’s life. Every now and then, I do the same. Religiously, I read through the ‘Irish Sports Page'. (For those unfamiliar with the term, I refer to the obituary column.) One Sunday, one of them caught my eye. It read, “Antoinette Dellasandro, 85, widow of the late Mario Dellasandro, survived by a daughter, Dierdre.” It brought me back to when I was a teenager. It was the spring of ’66 and I was halfway through my senior year of...

First Time
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Cousin Julies Sex Lessons

Last night my 19 year old cousin Julie showed up at our door all in tears. Babs let her in and tried to find out what was wrong. Julie’s tears kept flowing for nearly ten minutes before Babs was finally able to calm her down enough to speak.Julie told her that her boyfriend dumped her because she was terrible at sex. They had been dating for two years and only recently had she given in to his sexual longings. Julie told Babs that she tried to give Clint a blowjob but he told her she was...

1 year ago
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09 Gay Beginnings Part2 Further Lessons Other Wonders

Gay Beginnings Part-2 Further Lessons Other Wonders. Bunty was true to his word. When we returned from our respective schools on the evening of what was to be the fourth night he was spending in my room, he asked me to go with him to a rather secluded and lonely spot near the river. He said he had much to tell me and that would be the ideal spot where we would not be overheard. Initially the things he told me made me go red with embarrassment and confusion. But Bunty was clever. He...

2 years ago
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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

4 years ago
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The Backpackers 1 ndash Lessons

The author kindly advises that this story is not entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionist hardcore sex and is not suitable for persons under 18 years old.The Backpackers 1 – Lessons(A Thai woman teaches two Swedish teenagers the pleasures of exhibitionist sex in front of an audience.)Fjällgatan, Stigberget. Early Sunday morning. I sit on my bike in my blue Lycra, out of breath, sweaty, as I lean on the fence alongside the elevated road. I look out over the panorama in...

3 years ago
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Swim and TangoChapter 7

Sandy and Michelle returned to school Sunday afternoon. I waited for several days for Monica to come to her senses and revoke the invitation, but it never happened. The last week of May, although still surreal, established what would be 'normal' this summer. I went to work each morning, returning before 5:00 each day to a wonderful wife, two new daughters, an exhausted Michelle, and Sandy. Rex would usually appear closer to 6:00, after he finished work at his new job and fought traffic to...

2 years ago
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Swim Team SpiritChapter 27 A Fathers Love

Thursday Night "Abigail! You are not trying hard enough. You let that girl win the last race." Fuller Bushman was the head coach of the Samuel Crosstoun Memorial High School swim teams. He was also father to the best swimmer on the teams, Abigail Bushman. But he felt that she was not doing enough to win, since Janelle Delfin had beat her in every race this season. True, Abigail (Abo to her friends) had beaten every other swimmer in almost every race, but that still had left her in second...

1 year ago
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Craft Lessons Lead To Lesbian Encounters

I’d finished my second lesson for the day in card making to groups of ladies at the two-day craft fair in a nice country town. As I talked to a number of ladies about their crafting problems I began to think about packing my equipment and looking for a motel. One last woman patiently waited my attention. We had a pleasant discussion about cards when she put out a hand to introduce herself. Liz had a firm dry handshake. She asked me where I was staying. I told her I hadn’t booked anywhere just...

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AmlieChapter 23 French Lessons

[Early Autumn, 1678] At the print shop, Oxford THE MOST BEAUTIFUL woman in the world. When he reached his majority his parents had insisted he learn French at the small college where he’d enrolled several years earlier. Exceptional promise brought him to the attention of his instructors. For his first years he was among the youngest students at the college. He did not understand the reasons for learning French, but he was used to doing what his parents told him to do and so he set out to...

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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 6 Another pupil for extra lessons

Stephen A few days later Clarissa arrived back and stood in the kitchen and glowered at me. "Stephen Faulkes, I apologise for my behaviour on Boxing Day. I am sorry for what I said and I hope you will forgive me." The words came out as though she were reciting a piece of poetry. "Clarrie, that is about the most insincere apology I have ever heard; an apology that wasn't an apology. However, for now we'll let it go. It seems that we have to live together even if neither of us like the...

1 year ago
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Swim Coaches

Swim Coaches I was the male swim coach and Emily was the female swim coach. We each had a fairly good team of ten swimmers each. They were pretty well distributed between the ninth through the twelfth grades. We had our own times to use the pool but of course we weren’t terribly concerned about keeping the sexes separated. Besides, I rather enjoyed looking at the girls and especially at Emily. I preferred my women in bikinis but the standard one-piece sure fit them well. I guess...

2 years ago
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Swim Team

I was always the short one in high school, never taller than the normal people. The only people shorter than me were the petites and the ones with disorders. It was when I was seventeen that I met Kiefer. He was tall and handsome, well built for swimming. He and I were on a coed swimming team at the local high school and today my swimsuit had the swim teacher eying me with deep disapproval. It was black and backless, with the suit coming together just before my ass. Kiefer watched me swim for a...

2 years ago
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Swim Team

I was always the short one in high school, never taller than the normal people. The only people shorter than me were the petites and the ones with disorders. It was when I was seventeen that I met Kiefer. He was tall and handsome, well built for swimming. He and I were on a coed swimming team at the local high school and today my swimsuit had the swim teacher eying me with deep disapproval. It was black and backless, with the suit coming together just before my ass. Kiefer watched me swim for a...

Straight Sex
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Daddys Lessons VI

“I want to suck on you,” Abby says into Mat’s mouth. His hand is down her shorts as they lay on the couch. He pauses the motion on his daughter’s clit, warm fingertips playing in her wetness.He shakes his head.“Not tonight, baby.”“Why?”“Because.”“When, then?” she says softly. She knows he enjoyed what she did to him a few days ago. She also knows he has always been reluctant to let her gratify him. What she doesn't understand is why.Abby did a fantastic job sucking Mat’s dick for the first...

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Lessons In Life

This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...

4 years ago
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Sailing Lessons

I had taken two weeks off to vacation at the lake. It was going to be sort of a working vacation, since I would be working on Uncle Ed's cabins. Uncle Ed is my wife's uncle, who has more money than he knows what to do with. He owns a whole resort on the lake, complete with about twenty cabins. He usually sets aside ten or so cabins in the middle of the summer for all of the shirt-tail relatives to use and a sort of loose family reunion ensues every summer.This summer was a little different for...

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Babita Driving Cum Sex Lessons

Hi guys , your naughty professor is back. So After I got good response to my previous stories I am back to share another experience of my sex life/For those who don’t know me myself naughty professor, Sachin, age 24, average built , creative guru in satisfying any girl or ladies known for being a funny sex maniac. Any bhabhi or girls from Delhi and Chennai can contact me for sex chat and confidential relationships.100 % satisfaction and privacy are guaranteed from naughty professor. Waiting for...

2 years ago
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Salsa Lessons

Growing up as a guy, I hated to dance - almost never did it, too self- conscious, would rather sit and watch others than try it myself. As a girl, I love to dance, but still have this nagging feeling that I am not doing it right, don't have rhythm or girl moves, that I look like a dork. So, I signed up for salsa dance lessons given through a local community college adult education. I went in guy-mode for 6 weeks of lessons - the other students were mostly girls and 1 or 2 couples....

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Retirement Home Lessons Learned Harmony

The Retirement Home Lessons Learned - Harmony Achieved As Kathy arrived home for the night, she couldn't help but to wonder what Pete had in store for her. She went ahead and got ready for bed as instructed, and hoped that Pete would be able to remove the lock from her special panties, so she could be free of the nasty pad she had dealt with all day long. She was happy that this was not something she had to experience on monthly basis, and considered how lucky men and...

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