Hostile Acquisition free porn video

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Hostile Acquisition by RH Music Description: Paul Kelly, CEO, visits the home of his corporate competitor, Michael Cox, where he is turned into an obedient, sexy maid by Michael and his wife Sophia. Can he find evidence of wrongdoing by Cox Software to take to the authorities before the transformation has gone too far? Introduction "But he's a billionaire and his company has, like, 89 percent of the market." "I don't care!" I shouted, frustrated. "I am *not* going to his house to 'talk about things.' He's just going to pressure me to sell the company and I won't do it. Our technology is disruptive, remember? All of his products are, officially, obsolete. Yesterday's news. Why should I sell when it's only a matter of time before we own his ass?" "Listen, I'm not saying to sell." Jim was my CEO and was used to talking me down from my angry outbursts. "All I'm saying is to go listen. Be nice. They can make a lot of trouble for us with regulators and lawyers. So why not string him along with promises for a while until we get a bit more on our feet?" "It is the more Machiavellian thing to do," I mused. "Exactly. Listen, you have, what, 130 people in your company? He has 130 _thousand_. Now is not the time for a frontal attack. Just go and talk, but don't make any commitments, okay?" Jim paused for me to think. "So you'll do it?" "Alright," I relented. * * * Chapter 1 Did they both have to be so beautiful? I thought to myself sourly, as we sat over lunch making small talk. I took another swallow of fruit juice. It was delicious, a combination of passion fruit and guava spiked with something alcoholic. Both Michael and Sophia were model-beautiful. Tall, well dressed, confident, and tan. Michael had inherited the business from his father, and then extended it through a series of ruthless acquisitions. His face was chiseled and firm. "Thank you for coming all this way," he said. I looked out from the dining room through the large sliding-glass doors into the courtyard. It contained a koi pond covered in lily pads and was exquisitely gardened with exotic plants. "No problem," I said, amiably. "You have an amazing place here." "I know," he smiled. "It's our sanctuary. There are no other houses within ten miles. Would you like a tour? Sophia, give the man a tour of the house." "It would be my pleasure," she said with a warm smile. Sophia was stunningly beautiful. Tall and intelligent looking with long hair and an absolutely perfect face. "Shouldn't we, you know, talk about business?" I asked, lamely. "Oh, there will be plenty of time for that later," he smiled and glanced at his wife. "Yes, plenty of time," she agreed. * * * We started by walking around the grounds, where I got to see the Olympic-sized swimming pool, the tennis courts and the stables. "What a beautiful horse," I murmured. It was a tall chestnut brown Morgan with a regal bearing. "Yes, this is my stallion, Remington," she said, stroking him affectionately. "He can be fussy, but I know how to keep him in line. I just wish I had more time to ride him." Something about the way she said 'ride him' gave me a start. Was she coming on to me? "Let's go inside," she said. The interior of the house was stunning. The surfaces were all luxurious stonework and oiled wood. Modern paintings and sculpture by recognized masters was tastefully arranged throughout. I got to see the indoor pool, the games room, the gym (enormous with at least two dozen machines), the media room and the library. At one point we passed by Michael's office, but the doors were closed. What was he doing in there, I wondered? What secrets did it hold? "And here is my inner sanctum," Sophia interrupted my thoughts. She opened the doors to a massive bedroom. It contained a fireplace, a sitting area with sofa and chairs, and an enormous canopy bed. "Michael and I sleep in different bedrooms," she explained. "We are both such strong, independent personalities, of course we love each other, but it wouldn't work sharing the same bedroom." I stared. The artwork here definitely had a more erotic bent to it. Sophia guided me deeper into the room. There was something else weird, and I couldn't quite place my finger on it. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Sophia said, startling me as I stared at an enormous canvas placed above the sofa in the sitting area. "It's a Carlos Delgado. I had it specially commissioned. It's supposed to represent Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra the seventh, surrounded by her slaves." "S-slaves?" I stumble over the word. "It's ancient Egypt," she explained. "Of course there are no slaves today, are there? At least not officially. Would you like to see my closet?" she asked. "Your closet?" "Yes. I'm told it's the largest in the state." Sophia grasped my hand gently and pulled me through a pair of double doors. She was right. It *was* enormous. Two long rows of clothes and a counter with drawers down the center. Everything organized by occasion and color. Boxes full of who-knows-what on shelves to the ceiling. For some reason, the enclosed space was making me feel warm and light headed. "Would you help me with something, Paul?" Sophia asked, leading me deeper into the closet. At the far end it opened up into a sitting area with full length mirror and dressing table. I gulped. As I looked around, I began to notice that some of the furniture was quite odd as well. Like padded chairs with strangely shaped U-shaped seats, round padded benches which seemed too high for comfort, or a sturdy coat-rack with strange jutting pieces which was... fastened to the ground? I registered other things which looked odd, like rings and was that a winch? But for some reason I couldn't wrap my head around it all. What was all this? Sophia led me to the very back of the space where she opened a cabinet door. "I'm trying to decide on a new fragrance. What do you think of this?" She plucked a bottle from the shelf, uncorked it and held it to my nose. "Nice." The floral scents were sexy and made the nape of my neck tingle. "I love it," I added. "Are you sure?" she teased. "Here, let me put some on you." Before I could object, she used the applicator to dab scent behind my ears, on my wrists, and then directly under my nose. "Now what do you think?" she asked, looking at me with an intense expression. The scent was overwhelming and with every breath, intoxicating. "So wonderful," I sighed, feeling a rush of happy warmth. I shook my head trying to clear it, feeling foggy headed and... horny. I need to leave, I suddenly realized. It felt like dangerous territory. The intimacy in the room, my fuzzy brain, the sexuality of the moment... I spotted a door. "Is this the way out?" I asked. "No, actually that's the maid's room," she said. "That is where my personal lady's maid would stay, if I had one. Here, let me show you." She ushered me inside, closing the door behind us with a *snick* and then turning the lock. We were locked in the room together. There was a second door (to the hallway?) but it was dead-bolted and couldn't be opened without a key. It was a small, plain room with a closet and bathroom attached. It had a single small barred window on the far wall which looked out over the mountains. It was sparsely furnished with a bed, small night stand, dressing table and a chest of drawers. I looked up at her and again thought how beautiful she was. And there we were, in a room alone together - with her husband in the house somewhere. Lady Sophia gently stroked my back and pointed towards a framed set of rules hung on the wall. "The house rules," said Sophia. Her hand dropped down to my waist and she held our two bodies together. For some reason I stumbled just standing still and I had to hold on to her for support. I breathed in some more perfume. The scent was making me weak and muddled thinking. "Shall we read them together?" she asked. "Okay," I agreed, wanting to please her and continue the tour. "You start." "I am a maid and I belong to this house," I read from the framed oath. "These are the absolute and unbending rules of the house which I must follow. "Rule 1: My life is freely given to the Lord and Lady of the house. "Rule 2: I must obey the Lord and Lady of the house in all matters. "Rule 3: All commands from my Lord and Lady must be carried out as quickly as I am able, and without question." I paused. I was the only one reading. Wasn't Sophia supposed to read this with me? But she was just standing there, watching me. Oh well, I thought, I might as well finish what I had started. After all, I wanted to show Lady Sophia how good I was at reading the rules of the house. "Rule 4: I must not speak to the Lord or Lady of the house except when asked or in the case of a dire emergency. "Rule 5: I will strive to anticipate the needs of the Lord and Lady of the house so that I may serve those needs more efficiently and effectively." Oh no, I thought to myself. For some reason, these rules were starting to get to me. I just hoped that Sophia didn't notice. I subtly tried to adjust the crotch of my pants. I continued reading. "Rule 6: I understand that I will be punished if I fail to serve to the highest possible standard. "Rule 7: I understand that punishments may involve reduction or restriction of rights, movement, deprivations, atonements, and/or physical punishments and pain. "Rule 8: I will accept all punishments, grateful for whatever corrections the Lord or Lady of the house may wish to dispense. Punishments? I wondered. These must be quite an old-fashioned set of rules. No one is punished anymore... right? "Rule 9: I understand that I am allowed no personal boundaries and may be commanded to engage in any intimate act of any nature with any individual. "Rule 10: I am bound to this position at the pleasure and will of the Lord and Lady of the house, who must both agree to any change in my status (voluntary or involuntary). I may be fired without cause for any reason whatever. "Aren't they the most wonderful rules?" asked Sophia. Her hand rested lightly on the upper curve of my bottom, giving me goosebumps. "Yes," I agreed, as if in a trance. I felt myself getting weaker and I was grateful for Sophia who held me firmly around the waist, pressing her gorgeous, curvy body against me. "Any maid who worked for use would need to follow these rules to the letter," she said. "Follow these rules to the letter," I repeated, dumbly. "That's right, Paul. She would sleep in this room and would be on call to satisfy any need that Michael or I might have, at any time of the day or night. And she would recite the rules at least twice a day, to make sure that she never forgot her place." "Repeat the rules at least twice a day..." On the dresser was what looked like a small neoprene bag with straps on it. "What's this?" I asked. "Oh, that's an indoctrination hood'," said Sophia. "The maid places it over her head and it whispers thoughts to her. It's a kind of brain washing, really, rewriting her thoughts into new patterns to make her more obedient and faithful. Would you like to try it on?" "Oh, no, that's all right," I said and tried to step away, but Sophia blocked me from behind. "It's perfectly safe," she said. "It doesn't work unless the maid is in the right frame of mind and has taken a special drug which lowers her inhibitions and her natural mental barriers. She needs to be receptive before the words can enter her mind and change her thoughts. Here, let's put it on you so you can experience it. It's really quite amazing." "Really," I protested. "I don't... I don't..." for some reason I was having a hard time forming sentences. Gosh, I'm really feeling tipsy, I realized. It must be the alcohol in the punch I had at lunch. I held onto the dresser to steady myself. "Oh, Paul," Sophia gently teased. "Surely you're not afraid to experience something new? Aren't you the least bit curious what it might feel like? Here, I'll put it on you, and if you don't like it, I'll take it off. All you need to do is ask. Okay?" Sophia was now standing very close. The warmth of the room and the perfume I was wearing made me confused. "Okay," I agreed, finally. "Oh good. I think you'll find this to be a transformative experience." Sophia stretched open the hood and slipped it over my head. It was a snug fit all around but not uncomfortable. It had pads which pressed against my eyes and a bump over each ear. A mesh circle over my nose and mouth allowed me to breath. "Doesn't it feel wonderful on?" Sophia said. "Yes," I agreed, breathing slow and long. "Yes it's... nice." Her voice seemed to fill me up. "Now let me buckle it up." She tightened a strap around my neck and buckled it behind my head. "There, now it won't be coming off. Shall we take your shirt off?" "My... shirt?" Why was she taking my shirt off? I thought, vaguely, to myself. Something wasn't right, but she simply unbuttoned my dress shirt and slipped it off. "Whah...why?" I asked. "Well, I have to take off your shirt before I put on your mittens." Well of course, I thought to myself, that makes sense. Because if she put my mittens on first, then she wouldn't be able to take my shirt off. But wait... "Mittens?" I asked. "Yes, of course. They go with the hood." Sophia opened a drawer and pulled out two neoprene mittens. "You want the full experience, don't you?" "I guess..." "Of course you do," she purred, slipping the mittens on my hands. I had to hold my hands in fists before they would fit. Like the hood, it was a tight fit but not uncomfortable. She buckled the mittens around my wrists. "There, nice and buckled in so you can't remove them," she said. "Why... mittens?" I asked. "So that you can't remove the hood, of course," she reasoned. "We wouldn't want you to remove it before it has completed the full indoctrination program, now would we?" "I guess not," I said. Wait... indoctrination program?" I began to wave my hands, trying to rub the mittens off. Sophia laughed at my attempts. "Oh, those are not coming off, my dear," she said. "You're nice and secure now." "Please..." I held up my mittens. I could barely form words at this point. "Please... take your pants off?" Sophia asked, deliberately misunderstanding my question. "Well, normally I wouldn't be undressing a maid, but since you asked so nicely..." Soon I was completely naked. I shivered and used my mittens to cover my crotch, where (much to my embarrassment) I was sporting an enormous (for me, my penis is pretty small) erection. "Oh dear. Would you like to put some clothes back on?" Sophia asked. "Please..." I said. It seemed like it was the only word I could say any more. "Of course, my dear." I heard Sophia reach into the drawer and pulled out something. "Lift your foot," she said, slipping it first over one foot and then the other. She pulled it up and slipped it over my buns. It was soft and thin and delicate. "Ohhhh..." I moaned. The panties cupped my penis in an intimate and silky embrace that made me swoon. "Yes, we thought you might like this," Sophia said, gently cupping and stroking my buns through the panties. They thought I might...? A half-formed thought floated through my mind. Why would they think that? I wondered. "Would you like to wear the special bra that I have for you?" she said. "Wear... bra?" I said, dumbly. Thoughts were coming out very slowly now. I felt like I was floating in a room full of soft cotton, feeling warm and safe and horny. Sophia's presence was becoming more and more abstract, strong and womanly, holding me in her arms and taking care of me. "Yes, and I'm sure you'll just come to love it," she said, opening a drawer and pulling out the bra. Sophia threaded the bra on to my arms and fastened it in back. It closed around me, grasping my chest in an intimate embrace. The cups were full of something soft and squishy and seemed to stand out like real breasts. "Isn't that nice," she whispered into my ear. "Isn't this what you love? "Mmmm..." I hummed. It did feel wonderful. Wonderful and sexy and feminine and oh-so-luscious. "Now should I activate it?" she asked. "A-a-activate?" I stuttered. Why would a bra need to be activated? What was going on here? I tried to push her away with my mittens, but all I could do was uselessly paw at her arm. Sophia easily batted away my feeble attempts. "Yes," Sophia said, hugging me from behind. "This is a very, *very* special bra. You see, the cups are not just to give you a nice curvy figure, oh no. The cups are actually filled with a special formula designed to rapidly increase breast size. It's a cocktail of female hormones, nutrients, growth hormones, and DNA-altering drugs. Once activated, the formula in the bra will give you nice big tits. Isn't that wonderful?" "T-tits?" I said, feeling a shiver run through my body. "Tits?" I repeated again, stupidly. "Yes, nice big breasts. Of course, nothing happens over night, but after about a week, you should have a nice pair of boobies maybe even larger than mine. It's a brand-new formula, made of CRISPR technology. It will literally rewrite the genes in your breast tissue to be those of a big titted woman. Isn't that wonderful?" "Ohhhhh..." I moaned. At this point I was almost completely lost, in a fog of desire and clothing and bondage. "Shall I activate it?" Sophia asked. I leaned back, Sophia's arms wrapped around me, her hands on the bra "Yessssss...." I said, the word coming out like steam escaping from a vent pipe. "I just knew you would want nice big breasts," she said. "Now you will feel some pain..." Sophia grasped my breasts hard, squeezed them and pulled them firmly against my chest. "Hurts!" I gasped. "Yes, dear," Sophia said, holding me firmly. "Those are dozens of very small needles piercing your skin to inject the formula directly into your breasts." "Hurts!!" I repeated, trying to push her hands away. "Now dear, all us girls must get used to some pain to achieve the bodies we most want, isn't that right? Think of this pain as a constant reminder of your place in this household, as a maid who must be obedient to her Lord and Lady. This is a reminder that you are no more than a domestic servant." Sophia continued to knead my breasts as I struggled to get away. "Ohhhh..." I groaned. The bra was getting tighter! I heard a soft motor running somewhere. "There," said Sophia, releasing me. "The bra has a built-in tightening feature. As the formula slowly flows into your breasts, the straps automatically tighten to ensure a constant pressure. Isn't that amazing?" Oh, the pain. I felt tears drip down my face. I held still for a moment until eventually the sharpness had subsided into a general ache. "Now, dear, are you sleepy? I think that you are. There's just one more thing I need to do before we can put you to bed for the evening." Sophia reached back into the dresser drawer and pulled out an odd, plastic, pointed device with a handle. She then pushed down my panties, pressed the tip at an angle against my bottom and squeezed the handle with a soft "shhtk!" "Ow!" I gasped as I felt a sharp sting. "All done, now that wasn't so bad, was it? You see, we spiked your juice with a special drug that makes you nice and receptive to suggestions - wonderfully pliable and open. But it took a while to get to full strength which is why we went on that tour of the facilities." Sophia put the applicator back into the dresser and pulled out a small shiny-metal cone, with a pinched base. It looked like... "But the drugs you had over lunch will fade. We just needed them so you wouldn't fight me. But now I've implanted a slow-release version of the drug which should last about a week." A week?? "Plenty of time for what we have planned for you," she finished. Time for what? What plans? Sophia spread some lubricant over the tip of the cone, and then forcibly bent me over the dresser. I felt the slippery tip probe me 'back there' until she found the right angle. She gradually worked it in deeper and deeper until the large knob cleared my sphincter and I pulled it in all the way, groaning at how full and violated it made me feel. "There, nice and secure," she said, pulling up my panties. I heard her reach back into the drawer. She slipped something over my head. It felt soft and slippery with a hint of lace. The hem tickled my legs below the knees. Sophia led me over to the bed, pulled the covers aside and gently pushed me down, arranging me on my back. "Ohhhnnn!" I gasped, as my breast accidentally hit her arm, causing the needles to dig in a bit. "Sorry," she said, laughing lightly. From somewhere, Sophia got some leashes and snapped them onto my collar and both my hands, attaching them to the wall above my head. "There, that will make sure you don't try and dislodge the bra." I moved my hands around. I was able to reach my face, but no lower, and with the mittens, there was no way I was unbuckling anything. I was trussed up and secure, without needing a single lock. Sophia pulled the covers up over my body. "Time to start the program," she said. I heard her tapping on something. ** I am a maid ** The sound was coming from the hood! The bumps over the ears must have been blue-tooth speakers, getting sound from a transmitter in the room somewhere. I squirmed on the bed, unable to escape. ** I serve Lord and Lady Cox ** 'I serve Lord and Lady Cox,' I repeated in my head. "Enjoy your brainwashing," said Sophia, leaving the room and gently shutting the door behind her. ** I am devoted to Lord and Lady Cox ** 'I am devoted to Lord and Lady Cox.' The speakers were of such high quality and so close to my ears that it felt as if the sound was being injected directly into my brain. But not just my brain. The words seem to go directly into my soul. ** I am obedient ** 'I am obedient.' I groaned. I could feel the drugs working on me, gradually increasing to full potency. I was in a fog of horniness, open and accepting. ** I want nice big breasts ** 'Oh yes, I want nice big breasts,' I thought to myself. 'The bigger the better.' I rocked back and forth on the bed, desperately trying to hump something, but the slippery nylon panties and nylon nightgown didn't provide enough friction to make me cum. The voices continued, burrowing deep into my brain, and the drugs ensured that all of my mental defenses were down, allowing the words to fill me up. ** I am a maid ** ** I serve Lord and Lady Cox ** ** I am an obedient maid ** After a long while of moaning desperately, finally the edge of my desire softened and I was able to relax a bit. Oh!! The vibrator in my ass sprung to life! I squirmed as it thrummed deep in my bottom, sending pulses into my prostate making me gasp writhe. And then it stopped. ** I am a maid ** said the voices in my head. 'Yes, I am a maid,' I repeated. ** I am devoted to Lord and Lady Cox ** 'So devoted... to Lord Michael, and Lady Sophia...' ** I want nice big breasts ** 'Big, full breasts...' "zzzzzssstt" The bra tightened ever so slightly, causing the needles in the bra to push into my poor abused chest and inject more of the concoction into me, the nutrients feeding my breasts and the hormones stimulating them to grow. I groaned in pain. It was torment, but it was delicious torment. The pain is a reminder of your place in life, said Sophia. God I was horny! I thrust my hips upwards, over and over, desperately trying for some sort of release, but only got more desperate and frustrated. ** I serve Lord and Lady Cox ** 'I serve...' ** I am obedient ** 'Obey...' ** I am a maid ** 'Maid....' At some point the program must have felt I needed more stimulation (how could it??) because the vibrators over my nipples sprang to life. Small vibrating nodules, like cell phone vibrators, danced electronically, one over each nipple, causing me to go practically into orbit, I was so lost in a haze of lust and desire to orgasm. I writhed on the bed, but couldn't quite achieve orgasm. God damn it!! ** I am devoted to Lord and Lady Cox ** 'Devoted...' ** I love Lord and Lady Cox ** 'Love...' ** I am a devoted maid ** ** I am a servant ** 'Servant...' ** I know my place in life ** It felt like hours. Hours of vibrators, endless words, and very, very slowly tightening bra straps. The mind-opening drugs (injected into my bottom), kept me in a trance- like state as the words continued to pour in, changing here and there but always with the same sorts of messages. ** I want nice big breasts ** ** I want to be a maid ** ** I want to serve Lord and Lady Cox ** ** My place in life is being a maid ** I was exhausted and spent. My body and mind had reached saturation and I was shutting down, finally slipping into a peaceful sleep... "FUCK!" I jerked awake. My nipples were zapped! An electric shock had been sent from one nipple to the other, jolting me back into wakefulness. "Please... no..." I cried, wet tears dripping onto the pillow. My forehead was sweating, my hair plastered flat. ** I am a maid ** the words continued. ** I must do as I'm told ** 'Do as you're told...' ** I am a servant ** ** I love Lord and Lady Cox ** 'I love them...' ** I must obey all of the house rules ** 'Obey the rules...' "Please," I sobbed, losing all control. "Please...!" ** I will let go ** ** I will let the words change me ** 'Change me... please change me...' ** I love being a maid ** ** I know my place ** ** My place is as a servant for Lord and Lady Cox ** ** I love being their servant ** ** I love being obedient and submissive ** The vibrator in my butt plug started up again... * * * I don't know how many hours I was trapped and tormented by the vibrating butt plug, the needle bra, the nipple shocks, and the indoctrination helmet. Together, the devices coordinated to keep me on the edge of madness and orgasmic release. Finally, slowly, they let up. The voices dimmed and went away. The vibrations stopped, the bra was fully tightened around my chest, and the shocks on my nipples stopped. I slept. * * * Chapter 2: "Unh!" I jerked awake. I looked around, disoriented. I was not in the maid's room anymore, I was in an ordinary (but very nice) guest bedroom. Morning sunlight streamed through the curtains. "What the..." I muttered, pushing back the covers. I was naked, which is how I always slept. I rubbed my eyes, feeling tired and groggy. I thought back to the previous day. I remember Sophia giving me a tour of the house and grounds, then she showed me her bedroom and closet, did I remember her closet contained weird bondage furniture? And then she showed me to... was it a maid's room? Attached to her closet? "She drugged me!" Suddenly I remembered. I remembered the hood, the bra, and her shooting something into my butt. I looked down and touched my breasts. They seemed flushed, I thought. Did they feel larger? They seemed larger. Incensed, I got up. Shit where are my clothes? I opened the closet, and sighed in relief. There, hanging in the closet were my jeans and dress shirt. I opened the closet further... ... a maid's uniform. I felt a jolt of electricity run through my body. I almost reached for it, but then slapped my hand away. "No!" I told myself. "You have to get out of here! They are trying to trap you!" I looked around for my underwear. Maybe in the dresser drawers? I opened the top drawer and there were my briefs and socks. But next to them... ... a frilly pair of soft silk underwear. Oh god. I felt my nipples tingle. "Stop that!" I muttered to myself. "Let's just get dressed and get out of here!" As I dressed, I focused on one thought. 'They must be stopped.' I knew what was going on. He wanted to trap me and force me to sell my company! Who else had they trapped like this? I thought back over all of the acquisitions that Cox Software had made in the past. If I could prove that some of them had been trapped like me... I could bring the entire company down and Lord and Lady Cox down with it! I needed evidence. But first, to escape. * * * "I know what you're trying to do! You won't get away with it!" "Good morning, Paul." Michael and Sophia Cox were at the dining room table, reading and eating a simple breakfast. "Get away with what?" Michael looked up at me and raised his eyebrows. "You're trying to turn me into a maid," I said. "And it won't work! I'm leaving!" "Of course we don't know what you're talking about," Sophia said, smirking. "But it looks to me like you don't need our help to be turned into a maid. It looks like you're doing just fine all by yourself." "What do you mean?" Just then I felt something was wrong. My clothes didn't fit right. My legs felt naked. My waist was compressed. I had something on my head? Oh god.... I looked down. I was wearing the maid's uniform. It was a black satin uniform with white lace trim, scandalously short skirts and a mob cap. "That's a very pretty uniform," said Michael. "Come here." {I am obedient} - the words ran through my head as I walked over. "Yes, very nice," he said, stroking the uniform, giving me shivers of pleasure. His hand ran down my body and underneath my skirts, where he cupped my bottom, his fingers digging into the soft silk panties between my cheeks. "Please..." I whimpered. "Stop..." "Why?" Michael asked. "Do you want me to stop?" I didn't answer, but just stayed rooted to the spot, squirming, as his fingers dug and prodded into my intimate places. "It looks to me like you want to be a maid," said Sophia. "Otherwise, why would you dress yourself as a maid? Weren't your regular clothes in the guest bedroom?" "Yes..." I admitted. "But instead you chose to wear the uniform instead. Would you like to wear it all day?" "Noooo...." I moaned, trying to fight off the bolt of desire that ran through me. "But it looks like you do," said Michael, his firm hand grasping and kneading my bottom. "I think you should try it for a day and see how you like it," said Sophia, sounding reasonable. {I serve Lord and Lady Cox} "Michael and I wouldn't mind, would we dear?" "I will agree to it, but only if..." said Mr. Cox, reaching over with his free hand and picking up a sheaf of papers I hadn't seen before, "... you'll sign these. It's an NDA and memo of intent to start negotiations and due diligence for a merger between our two companies." {I must do as I'm told} So, there it was. Michael looked at me with his supremely confident and arrogant smile. I was shocked at his naked ambition. But what to do about it? "Uhmmmm..." I said, distracted by Michael who continued palming my ass even more intimately, probing his fingers deeper and massaging my anus through the soft satin panties. "I... uh..." Think, Paul, think! Focus! But all that was going through my head was this firm, masculine hand on my bottom, squeezing and caressing. Oh... so lovely. "Don't you want to be our maid?" Sophia asked. After a long delay she added, "just for today?" "Yes," I responded, a little too quickly. "Ummmm... yes," I added, unnecessarily, nodding. "Then you should sign," Michael reasoned. "After all, this is just a memo of intent, not the actual merger contract. A smart, calculating business man like you understand how this works, I'm sure," Michael added. Why was it so hard to think! Why couldn't I figure out what I should do? "Sign," Sophia said, picking up the pen and gently placing it in my fingers. "If you do, I promise you can wear the uniform and serve as our maid all day long." "Thank you..." I mumbled. Maybe I *should* sign? the thought ran through my head. {I am obedient} Because... if I *do* sign.... then I'll have a chance to gather evidence! Yes! That's a good idea! Maybe I can sneak into Lord Cox's office and find some incriminating papers! And then I can go to the SEC with my evidence and nail his ass to the wall! And then his company will crumble and I'll be able to take over! It's a perfect plan, I thought to myself, smiling. That's exactly what I'll do! "Okay, I'll sign!" "Excellent!" Michael said. He showed me about a dozen places where I first had to place my initials, and then there were three forms which required my full signature. "Limited power of attorney?" I looked at the last form. "Yes," Michael explained. "That's so that your CFO can act on your behalf while you take some time off here being our maid. See? Here's the cancelation form. You just need to sign that when you get back to your office." "Tomorrow," I said, firmly. "Of course," Michael said. "Now sign." I signed the final form. "Excellent," Michael said. "Thank you, Paul." Michael released my ass (leaving me hot and horny, that bastard) and gathered up the papers from the table. "Time for me to go upstairs to work. And I'm sure that you don't mind, but I'll take your laptop with me." "My laptop?" I asked. "Yes," he said, kissing me on the cheek and then pulling me into a hug. He was taller than me, so my head ended up on his shoulder. Was that his hard-on I felt pressing against me? "I know that Sophia will keep you busy all day, so I thought I would help out and take care of your e-mail correspondence for you." As my face pressed against his tailored dress shirt, I could smell his manly scent. Lord Cox, I thought to myself. I serve Lord and Lady Cox. "Oh, okay, thanks." But wait... what was I agreeing to? Something was wrong with what he said, but I hadn't exactly heard the words properly, I was too distracted. "I'll be upstairs in my office sending these papers to legal." "Have a good day," Sophia said, giving him a kiss. "You too. And be sure that Paul gets to experience *exactly* what it would be like to be our maid." "Oh, I will," Sophia said, grinning wickedly. "It will be my pleasure." * * * "Hola!" called out someone. A short, stout middle-aged Latino lady wearing a practical dress and blouse entered the room. "Se?ora Cox," she asked, "do you have special instructions today?" "Azotaina," Sophia said, "let me introduce you to Paula." Paula? I thought to myself. She's using the female version of my name? "You have been telling us for a while that you need a junior maid to help you around the house. Well, here she is." "This... _mequetrefe_?" Azotaina asked, disbelieving. While I had no idea what 'mequetrefe' was, her tone made it clear it was not a nice word. "Yes," said Sophia, "this _mequetrefe_. I understand that she is very junior, and so you have my permission to use whatever means necessary to train her and discipline her. Mr. Cox and I have already discussed this, and we both agreed that if you can make a proper junior maid out of her, then we are willing to promote you to 'Head of Housekeeping' with a corresponding increase in salary. Would that be of interest to you?" "Oh!" Azotaina brightened considerably at the words 'increase in salary.' "S?, Se?ora Cox. That would be maravilloso! I am certain that all she needs is a firm hand." "Excellent!" Sophia said. "Then I think we understand each other. I leave her to you, Azo. Ta!" As soon as Sophia had left the room, Azotaina grasped me by the ear and marched me into the kitchen, where she pulled out a wooden spoon, lifted my skirts and gave me a spanking! "Ow! Hey! Ow!" I cried, dancing and unsuccessfully trying to avoid the swats. "Stop that!" "This is a warning," she said, "to always obey! If you don't I spank you more. ?Comprende?" "S?!" I said. "Comprendo! Yes, I understand!" "Call me 'La Se?ora.'" "S?, La Se?ora," I said. "I understand." "Very good. Now you know your place." * * * After cleaning the breakfast dishes ("Scrape, then rinse!" she instructed, spanking me), La Se?ora Azotaina dragged me back to the maid's room. "You are no good for maid in this house," she said. "Here, you clean yourself. Shave," she pointed to my legs and roughly pinched my under- arms, "and use this," she gave me a bottle of depilatory, "for everything else," she pointed to my body. "Shave face too. Then call," she gave me a walkie-talkie. "Don't get dressed." I stripped out of my maid's uniform stepped and stepped in the shower. When I was done, my body was smooth and delicious. I called La Se?ora Azotaina and then finished toweling off. When I stepped out into the maid's bedroom, naked, she was waiting for me... ... with the bra and butt plug. "Oh, no..." I moaned, seeing it. It was the same type of bra and butt plug that Sophia had me wearing the night before. "Se?ora Cox says you need." "Please... no, La Se?ora, please." "You need," she insisted. She put down the butt plug and held out the bra. "Put on." I looked at the bra. It had full, heavy cups filled with the nutrient/hormone mixture which had been injected into me the night before. "This give you big breasts," Azotaina said. "You want big breasts." {I want nice big breasts} Oh god, the words made me quiver with desire. I looked at the bra. It was made of soft satin and lace. It called out to me, and I could feel how much I wanted it wrapped around my chest... transforming me... (I want nice big breasts) In a trance, I threaded my arms into the bra straps. The soft cups settled onto my breasts, the nylon lining stroking me. The cups were heavy and bulging - full of the medicine and nutrients to encourage my breast growth. {I want big breasts} La Se?ora Azotaina turned me around and fastened the bra firmly in the back. The cups pressed firmly against my chest and nipples. "Now to activate," she said, reaching around me grasping the cups in her rough hands from behind, pressing them into me. I moaned in pain as the needles inside the bra came out and pierced my skin, injecting the breast growth formula. The small motor at the back cinched the bra nice and tight, ensuring constant pressure... and constant pain. {the pain is a reminder of your place as a domestic servant} La Se?ora released me and I took a moment, holding and gently massaging the bra on my chest, until the sharpness of the pain subsided into a dull but constant ache. "Now the plug," said La Se?ora Azotaina, brusquely pushing me over the dresser drawers and pushing my legs apart. She lubricated the plug and deftly inserted it into my bottom, pushing until it was firmly seated. I squealed as she violated me. "And now we must take care of this," she pointed to my penis. Somehow it was hard and twitching in spite of (or because of?) her rough, intimate handling of me. La Se?ora Azotaina put on an oven mitt, grabbed a plastic bag of ice, and mashed it against my hard member. "C-c-cold!" I gasped. I squirmed backwards, trying to get away, but the head maid grasped my ear hard and held me in place, working the hard cold cubes against my member until I was completely numb down there and my erection had dissipated. She next opened up a drawer of the dressed and pulled out a small, pink plastic male chastity tube. "Too small!" I gasped. "Hah," La Se?ora Azotaina snorted. Donning a rubber glove, she lubricated the inside with ointment and then roughly squeezed my shrunken penis and pushed it into the tube. Assembling the rest of the parts, she locked it on. "La Se?ora Cox has key," she said. The cock cage turned my penis into a small pink, hard-plastic bundle. It was surprisingly heavy. The base of my scrotum was captured by the locking ring (made of rubber with a metal core), which separated and squeezed my testicles into two plump balls that stuck out at right angles. La Se?ora Azotaina grasped them with her rubber gloved hand and squeezed, making me double over with pain. "Perfect," she said, with a predatory smile. "Now, get dressed." * * * I got dressed in the frilly black-and-white maid's uniform from before, with the silk-satin panties, apron, and a blonde wig with a lace cap. When I was done, La Se?ora Azotaina applied makeup to my face, foundation, blush, eye liner, eye shadow, and lipstick. "Se?ora Cox want you to look nice," she said, shrugging. "You wear makeup all the time. If it is messed, you fix right away. Must look nice all the time." "S?, La Se?ora," I said. Looking in the mirror, I was amazed. The wig and makeup had transformed me into a passable maid! "Stop staring!" Se?ora Azotaina said, giving me a spank. She pulled me away from the mirror and out the door to the hallway. "Time to work!" "Where are we going?" I asked as she marched me past Lady Cox's bedroom, past the kitchen, and out the side door. I had to work inside! How else was I going to sneak into Mr. Cox's office and look for incriminating evidence? "You are junior maid," she said. "You clean this first." Se?ora Azotaina opened the door to an outdoor shed and inside was a small bathroom and sink. "The worker's bathroom?" I said, feeling humiliated. "You think you better than them?" Azotaina said, incensed. "Ha! You lowest maid." she spat off to the side to show her contempt for my attitude. "You answer to *everyone*. You be nice to *everyone*. There is *no one* who is lower than you. Comprende?" "Comprendo," I said, trying not to tear up. "Cleaning supplies under sink," she pointed. "Call when done." * * * The bathroom was disgusting. When was the last time this was cleaned? I started with the sink. There was green mold around the drain. Ew. I wiped the mirror clean and moved on to the toilet, which was spotted all over (I tried not to think about with what). As I worked, I was hyper aware of what I was wearing. The tight bodice of the uniform squeezed around my waist. The hem of the dress fluttered around my legs. My stockings rubbed sensuously together. My calves were stretched by the high heels. My balls constantly got trapped between my legs. And the bra was a constant soreness as it slowly pumped its evil concoction into my breast tissue, the small motor occasionally whirring to tighten as the cups ever so slowly deflated the formula into me. As I scrubbed the floor, the door opened. It was the head gardener. "Azo told me we had a new junior maid," he grinned. He was tall and burley, with a beard and broad shoulders. "Don't mind me," he said, locking the door behind him and unzipping his pants. Soon, he was pissing right into my nice clean toilet, his big member just inches away from my astonished face. "Like what you see?" he laughed. "Azo says I can't use you until after your 'initiation' by Mr. Cox. But since you're cleaning, why don't you just clean me off?" He held his penis in front of my face. There was a large drip of urine at the tip. I looked up at him, and then back at his penis. Surely he didn't want... "Use your hands," he chuckled. "As I said, I can't use you otherwise until Mr. Cox has had you first." I fetched a bit of toilet paper from the roll and used it to wipe the tip. "Squeeze it to get every last drop," he said. Was I really doing this?? I wrapped my hand around his flaccid penis and squeezed, rolling my fingers to squeeze out the last drops of urine. I dabbed again with the toilet paper and then threw it into the bowl with the rest of the yellow liquid. "Thank you, Paula," he said. "Oh, oops," he added, as he turned his hip, causing his soft penis to slap in my face. I tried to move away, but the space was so small all I did was bump up against the wall. "Oh, gosh," he said, moving his hips back and forth, slapping me over and over. "There's just no room in here," he laughed, finally pulling up his pants. "Now, how about you zip me up?" Anything to get you out of here! I thought furiously to myself. I reached down and zipped up the zipper, running it up and over the bulge in his pants which was now decidedly bigger than before. "What service," he said. "I can't wait until later. Now, how about a kiss goodbye?" He thrust his hips forward making it clear what he wanted. I blushed about 9 shades of red, but then leaned forward and gave a gently kiss on the bulge in his pants. I'm ashamed to say that my little penis expanded in its pink cage, making me squirm in pain. He reached down, stroked my cheek, unlocked the door and left. * * * Finished with the bathroom, I called La Se?ora Azotaina on the walkie- talkie. She inspected my work, found a number of flaws, lifted my skirts and spanked me for them. "Don't I need to clean the spots I missed?" I asked, as she grasped my ear and dragged me out of the worker's bathroom. "It good enough for now," she said. "Mistress wants you." At least now I'll be in the house, I thought to myself. I'll think of some excuse and then I can go to Mr. Cox's office to look for the papers. I had to do it today, or else I'd have to spend another day as a maid, and I shuddered to think what might happen if I had to sleep another night in the maid's bedroom. I might not make it out. "There you are, Paula," said Lady Sophia Cox as we entered. "And how is your first day as a maid?" La Se?ora Azotaina snorted and just shrugged her shoulders. "I see. Well, I'm sure, Azotaina, that under your careful guidance our inexperienced Paula will turn into a competent domestic servant before long. But right now, I have an entirely different need. Azotaina?" On the coffee table were neoprene mittens. It suddenly came back to me. Those were the mittens I wore last night! La Se?ora Azotaina picked one up, and fitted it onto my hand. But wait, I thought desperately, if I'm wearing mittens, how will I possibly be able to find the contracts and paperwork I need to prove Michael Cox's guilt? "D-do I need to wear the mittens?" I asked, tremulously. "Yes, my dear," said Lady Sophia Cox, her voice on the edge of annoyance. I decided it was better not to antagonize her further. Perhaps I could still work door handles and cabinets and find papers even with the mittens on... After the mittens were securely buckled, Azotaina fastened a nylon dog collar around my neck and dragged me over to the sofa where she pushed me over the arm so my face was in the cushions. She threaded a chain through the D-rings on the mittens and hooked it to someplace in the cushions. "Open up," said La Se?ora Azotaina, nudging my lips with the tip of a penis gag. I shook my head, my lips clamped tight. "Open up!" she said sharply, grasping my plumped out balls into her small fist. I yipped in pain as she slid the gag into my mouth and buckled it firmly behind my neck. "Thank you, Azo, you may leave now," said Lady Sophia Cox, picking up a wicked looking black cane. It was two feet in length and about as thick as my pinky finger, with a wrapped leather handle. She swung it through the air a couple times with an ominous zzip. Lady Cox flipped my skirts up and pushed down my satin panties, exposing my naked bottom. "Have you tried sucking on the penis in your mouth?" she asked, conversationally, running the wood of the cane lightly over my buns. As if on instinct, I sucked on the penis gag and it spurted into my mouth! She chuckled at my reaction as the disgusting, slimy mixture ran down my throat. But as it settled in my stomach, I felt a soft euphoria gently warm my body. "Artificial sperm," Lady Cox said. "The same taste and consistency as the real stuff and laced with a delicious drug cocktail of various stimulants and some very mild hallucinogenics. Devilishly addictive, I'm told. The goal is to make you addicted to sperm," she said, running her hands over my bare bottom. "Here you are, sucking on a penis, and what comes out tastes and feels and smells like male seed. Soon, you'll be associating that warm fuzzy feeling with that experience and then you'll just want more and more and more. So be careful! Every little bit makes you more and more of a cock-hungry cum slut." She laughed at my horrified expression. *Must not suck the rubber dick*! I vowed to myself. No way was I going to let them make me addicted to cock sucking jism! I'll just keep my mouth open and away from--- **Thwack**! Aahh!! The first strike of the cane caused me to jerk away and press my face into the sofa cushions, which in-turn caused a jet of cum-juice to jet from the rubber phallus! "Nnnhhhh," I moaned, swallowing it down, feeling my body react to the taste and smell and addictive drugs. I felt a burning on my bottom where the cane had struck. {Pain reminds you of your place as a domestic servant} "Now, you may wonder what I do all day," Lady Sophia said, rearing back and laying another stripe with the cane across my backside. I jerked only a little this time, but still got another squirt down my throat. "Well, I'll tell you. I am mostly involved with numerous charitable foundations and museum boards. It's wonderful, fulfilling work. After all, Michael and I have so many billions of dollars, it's a full time job and a staff of 47 to just make sure it's all spent in a responsible manner!" She paused to strike me again. This time I was able to keep my mouth steady. My ass was aflame with hot red stripes. "But I will tell you that all of those meetings with all of those close-minded bureaucratic peons, it does try one's patience! All of their small-minded, parochial, inside-the-box thinking and their blatant sucking up and obsequiousness, it's enough to drive a lady mad!" **Thwack**! I jerked up and avoided a spurt, but this caused my breasts to swing back and forth, causing fresh pain from the needle bra. The little motor at the back cinched the straps just a bit tighter. "And so, I often need to take out my aggressions, you understand, don't you, Paula? I need a whipping girl. Someone I can spank," **thwack**! "and hurt... someone who is submissive and trapped and cannot get away," **thwack**! "so I can work out all of these angry," **thwack**! "frustrations" **thwack**! **thwack**! **thwack**! Lady Sophia put down the cane. I moaned in pain, my eyes watery, my bottom throbbing. "Oh... yes," she said, breathing heavily. "That is just what I needed!" She sat on the sofa by my head and reached an arm around to squeeze my breast forms. "That's it," she whispered, as I moaned some more through the gag. "They hurt so good, don't they?" She slipped a hand under her skirts and into her panties. "Doesn't it remind you of your place? That you are just a maid? That all you ever wanted to be was just a maid? A domestic servant - for Michael and me?" Lady Sophia continued squeezing and kneading my breasts until she brought herself to climax with a series of thigh clenching shouts. Once her orgasm had passed, she took a moment to settle down, stroking my back and running her fingers through my hair. "Oh yes, Paula. I feel ever so much better, thank you. I just knew that having you around would be exactly the sort of mental therapy that I need." She unbuckled me from the sofa and let me stand up, leaving my mittens buckled together in front of me. "When you reflect on this later, I think you'll find your position here quite fulfilling," she said, kissing me on the cheek. "After all, now that I've worked out my frustrations on your cute bottom, I can continue with my charity work so much more refreshed and professional. And so you see? The longer you stay here as our maid, the more help I can give to dozens of charities serving millions of people around the globe. So, I really do hope that you'll decide to stay. And just to provide some encouragement..." She put a finger on the penis gag in my mouth and pushed, sending a jet of artificial sperm down my throat. "It's starting to become delicious, isn't it?" she said, teasingly. "I just bet you can't wait to try the real thing, can you?" I looked at her, frightened and horny, my penis aching within its small pink cock cage. "Now I think Michael's waiting for you. You do remember where his office is from the tour yesterday, don't you? Now go, quick, like a little bunny!" She swatted me on the ass, and I was off. * * * Finally! I exulted. Now was my chance to explore Mr. Cox's (My Lord Cox's?) office. I would finally get to scope it out to see where he kept papers that I might use to incriminate him. I walked up the stairs to the second floor where Mr. Cox's office was located. As I walked, I felt cool air up my skirts - I left my panties back in Lady Cox's bedroom! Oh no! But somehow I knew I shouldn't go back and disturb her work. I would just have to be modest and keep my maid's skirts down (as short as they are) so I didn't expose myself to my Lord Cox. I knocked on the door and waited. "Come in!" I opened the door and walked into the office. Oh... my.... god....! The office was enormous! It contained a sitting room, a conference area, a huge desk at one end. It was all modern and white with sleek lines and scan-designed furniture from modern designers. In one corner was a dark bronze sculpture of a young ballet student by Degas. In another corner was a granite sculpture on a large pedestal shaped like a large penis (I would later learn it was 'Princess X' by Brancusi, intended to be a representation of Marie Bonaparte). I stood just inside the door, in awe. "Come here, Paula," Mr. Cox said. I walked over to him, self-consciously tugging at the hem of my skirt to make sure I was covered. "Closer," he commanded. I walked to the other side of the desk, noticing how clean and organized it was. "Closer," he said again. Nervously, I stepped closer, and then closer, and then closer until I was standing right next to him. Lord Cox reached out and placed a hand on my back, stroking it for a second before moving it underneath my skirts. I moaned in pleasure as he cupped and stroked my bare bottom. "No panties," he observed. "Nice. I think we may need to require that you go without panties - at least some days a week." I shivered at the thought of having to do my chores without underwear. "Now I have a conference call in just a few minutes, but I want you to listen in. So let's make sure that you're comfortable, shall we?" Lord Cox pulled a pink dog collar from a desk drawer and fastened it snuggly around my neck. He clipped a leash to it. "This way, my pet," he said, leading me over to the wall. "Place your feet on the foot prints, yes, like that, now squat down." I did as instructed. Lord Cox pulled out his cell phone and navigated through some menus. Startled, I heard a 'snick'! below me. A small metal hatch had slid to the side and a dildo was rising from the floor! "Now hold still," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. The dildo was attached to a long pole and slowly ascended from the floor. I could tell it was well lubricated, as the tip touched my buns, slowly pushing higher and higher and parting my ass cheeks. Eventually, the tip (which was tapered to a narrow rubber point like a fat eraser tip) was nestled right at the entrance to my anus. Mr. Cox's hand grasped me more firmly, making sure I couldn't move as it pushed higher, slipping into me, gradually thrusting deeper and deeper, making me groan as it invaded my most secret place. But it didn't stop! The rod kept pushing higher! Mr. Cox gradually allowed me to stand up as it continued to rise, higher and higher, until I was standing fully upright with the devilish rod thrust deep into my ass. It continued a couple more inches, with me on tip toes, before it finally (*finally!*) stopped. I was impaled on a firm rubber penis attached to a pole sticking out from the floor. I looked up at Mr. Cox, my eyes watery. "You'll get used to it," he said, smirking. "You may even come to enjoy it, perhaps even desire it and beg for it... over time." He undid the chain holding my mittens together and refastened them behind my back. He took the leash and clipped it to a hook on the wall behind me. Finally, he pulled two small clips from his desk drawer and clipped my skirts up in front, exposing my small penis trapped in the cock cage! "There! All nice and secure for the conference call. Now I want to warn you not to press down too hard. Because if you do... well there's a feature of the anal trainer that you might not want. Do you want to know what that is?" I just looked up at him with big eyes, too afraid to say 'yes' or 'no.' "I'll tell you!" he said, delighted. "The feature is that the rod shoots a special kind of lubricant when you squeeze it. It's designed specifically for anal stimulation. I'm told it provides a nice tingle and warmth, 'down there', a feeling that you might find quite... addicting over time." He chuckled at my horrified look. Lord Cox grasped my chin in his fingers and tilted my face to look him straight in the eyes. "That's right," he said, firmly but not unkindly, "you are being transformed into a buxom, horny, slutty maid, a plaything for Mrs. Cox and myself and the staff. But a smart man like yourself, *Paula*, I'm sure you've already realized that, haven't you? And I'm sure you've already figured out how to extricate yourself from this trap, haven't you? I would just say: watch out. Be careful you don't start *wanting* to be a slutty, buxom, horny anal slut. Because if you start wanting it... well then it will be too late. Much too late." To emphasize his point, Lord Cox grasped and kneaded my breasts, causing me to moan in pain, then left me there, standing and gasping and desperately trying not to move to release the anal lubricant from the dildo thrust up my ass. Lord Cox sat down at the desk. The monitor came to life with a row of faces. It was my executive team! Startled, I clenched up and got a shot of lubricant up my ass. Oh, it tingled! It was like something between an itch, a fire, and the most pleasurable thing you've ever felt. Oh... I so wanted more. The dildo, now a bit more slippery, thrust up just a little deeper. "Has everyone received the scans?" he asked. "Good." "Yes, we have the papers, but we can't believe it. How did you get him to sign?" Jim, my CFO asked. "We had a long talk yesterday over lunch, your CEO slept here and had a... um... 'refreshing' night's sleep, and woke up this morning in a completely different frame of mind," Mr. Cox said, grinning over at me as I glared daggers at him. "Well, these terms are quite... generous," said Jim. "This is a strategic acquisition for Cox Software. With your revolutionary new approach, and our sales and distribution channels, it would be an ideal combination." "That's all great," Jim said. "But how did you get Paul Kelly to give away all his stock? I see here that his 60% share has been divided up equally, 20% to the executive staff, 20% to the employees, and 20% to the Cox Foundation charity." "WHAT??" I screamed, but only succeeded in getting a blast of artificial sperm from the penis gag, making me cough and gag. My struggles made the rubber dildo on the pole shoot another stream of lubricant and work its way even deeper inside me. "Do you think it's a bad idea?" asked Lord Cox. "No, I think it's a *wonderful* idea," enthused Jim. "We all do! It's just that Paul has been such a..." Jim halted. A what? I wondered "Is Paul there?" he asked. "No, he's not here. He's... ah... otherwise engaged on other pressing matters. Deep, pressing matters," he chuckled. "You can be completely candid," said Mr. Cox. "He's a manipulative, greedy, arrogant asshole," said Jim, bluntly. "Brilliant, sure. He's caught lightning in a bottle with this new technology. But he knows nothing about running a company. Absolutely *nothing*. He takes credit for our work, he throws temper tantrums at the slightest provocation, yells during meetings, and seems to delight in insulting and putting down his employees. We were all about to quit, en-mass, but then this showed up." Oh god, I sank down on the pole, causing more lubricant to shoot into me. Is that what they really think of me? The dildo in my ass slipped in further. Oh god... it was sooo deep. As I put more of my weight on it, something clicked and it hummed to life! Oh! I stood back up on tip toe and it settled down. Oh... but it had felt so good... oh... I wanted to turn it on again... "Paul has had... a transformational change of heart," said Mr. Cox. "It's hard to describe, but my wife Sophia has a way at empathizing with people. He really isn't the greedy, arrogant asshole you say that he is... not deep down inside. In fact, I think he's quite... humble and eager to please." "Hah," Jim snorted. The others on the call just rolled their eyes. "No, really," Mr. Cox persisted. "And I hope to prove it to you. At the contract signing, *Paul* will prove it to you. I'm sure." "We'll believe it when we see it," said Jim. "Until then, you will find us to be enthusiastic partners in your due diligence. We've reviewed your action items and proposed closing schedule, and while it's aggressive, we are fully on-board and we'll work tirelessly to make it happen." "Excellent, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear," said Lord Cox. The satisfied gloat in his voice was only barely concealed. "You've met Janice? She's my second in command and will be handling all of the details. She's my top person in Mergers and Acquisitions, and you'll be in good hands." After some additional questions and answers, the conference call finished and Lord Cox turned off the web cam. "How are you doing over there?" he asked, smirking. "Enjoy seeing your employees rat you out?" The worst part of it was that since the deal gave them one third of my stock, they'd be doing everything in their power to make it happen. The company was worth, conservatively, 5 billion dollars. Which meant splitting 1 billion amongst the five executive staff, which meant $200 million each. Angry, I struggled to break free but only got another squirt of lubricant shot into me. I groaned in pleasure as my ass tingled with need. "Starting to like that, aren't you?" he chuckled. "I thought you might. This is where you belong, isn't it *Paula*? With a hard cock up your ass? Here, let me help you." He pulled out his smart phone, brought up some custom app and hit a button. Oh!! The dildo started humming and very slowly thrusting up and down. "Nnnnnnnggggghhhh," I groaned into my gag. Each thrust caused more lubricant to ease out, now so copious amounts of it ran down my legs. I shook in pleasure, my little penis in the cock cage hard and painfully trapped. "That should keep you on 'simmer' for a while," Lord Cox grinned, turning back to his computer, leaving me to struggle and moan, trying my best to deal with the thrusting and humming of the rubber phallus. Oh god it felt so good. All thoughts of my backstabbing executive management team were erased as my mind fixated on how I was being rudely and firmly anal raped by the machine. Even the pain in my trapped penis seemed to add to my lust as I stood there, looking over at Lord Cox calmly answering e-mails, as this humming, slippery invader turned my mind inside out. But then it stopped! "Nnnhh!!" I yelled through the gag. I was so close to cumming, but it stopped! Lord Cox looked over. "I set it for 'simmer'," he said, "not 'boil.' We're just going to keep you nice and horny for a good long bit to make sure you become completely... uh... infatuated with your new back-door lover." I struggled to get off, causing even more of the lubricant to squirt into my bottom -- I was long past preventing it from making me further addicted -- but my movements only succeeded in making me more and more frustrated. Finally, I settled down. The dildo was so deep by now that I could stand normally, and just take the time to get used to its veiny thickness. Looking over at Lord Cox, I was amazed at how focused he was. Here there was a slut maid in his office, standing with a rubber prong on a pole thrust up her ass, caged penis on display, and he seemed completely unaware of me. He answered his e-

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Hostile Takeover

Hostile Take Over By Jennifer White I was upset. I was crying. I was confused. I was being feminized, and I didn't know why! My mind was no longer my own; a woman was starting to take over. I knew nothing of the supernatural world, and hadn't believed in any of that junk, so I didn't have a clue now what was happening, or what I could do. It dawned on me that the other day at the market, I had heard two old broads talking about a 'real Hungarian gypsy' woman who could predict...

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Hostile Takeover

HOSTILE TAKEOVER At only 30, I was one of the youngest CEO's in history, at least I think I was, id have to check the records, but even if I wasn't, I certainly felt like it. As the CEO of the Allison corporation, a position I had after the death of my parents, I oversaw multiple projects and research, for civilian and military purposes. From research on cold fusion to adaptive camoflage for tanks and jets, we were one of the leading research and development corporations in the...

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Hostile Takeover Locked up Knocked up

Hostile Takeover: Locked up, Knocked up.I sat at my office desk, half-focussed on the figures on the screen as I wondered what was taking place in the conference room nearby. The office grapevine had been talking of mergers or takeovers for weeks now, and the team of expensively-dressed Chinese men who had arrived early that Friday morning certainly did nothing to quash that talk.Some of my co-workers had good reason to worry about the outcome of any talks: in this economy, it was virtually...

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Hostile Takeover James Bondage Quickies

Samantha had joined Morningstar Insurance Corp a few months ago. It was Audrey who'd vetted her in the second interview. The short blonde with perky B-cups was Vice President of the company and held veto power over all personnel decisions. She wielded that authority with an iron fist and accepted nothing but the best from anyone working below her in the hierarchy. Samantha knew they'd be fast friends after Audrey joked about “morning star” being a beautiful view of a faraway planet, but also...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 3

I went to work, and threw myself into the business. Charlotte or Anna had to stay in the hospital for another four days after her surgery. She moved in with Amanda until she was ready to live on her own again. She missed her own funeral. I went, to support Amanda of course. I imagined that it was Annalise we were burying, because for all intents and purposes, we were. My sweet Anna had been driven from her own mind and body by Charlotte's Hostile Takeover. She was an innocent, but bad things...

1 year ago
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Target Acquisition

He first noticed her on a windswept Thursday afternoon. He had stopped in for coffee at the usual corner shop, ordered his large cup of French roast to go, and turned to leave. She was sitting at the table closest to the door. It was her hair that caught his attention. It was red, a subtle shade of red that made her look like a brunette at first but then it looked reddish blonde when the light caught it. He couldn’t decide if it was a natural color or a wonderfully subtle coloring. It intrigued...

2 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 28 Acquisition

Promptly at eight that evening Helen was escorted by the Maître d' to Derek's table. To put her at her ease he chatted about mutual acquaintances among their entry and where they were now. It was clear to Helen that Derek had been easily the most successful of their year's graduates, even without become the youngest full Partner that THMA had ever had. Over dinner they talked of some others in their graduate entry group, and she heard the story of his career since they parted. It cheered...

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Hunting DelightsChapter 13 Acquisition

When they reached the building that was their destination and Zubeydeh felt the shade and cool of a building around her, the blindfold was removed. She was taken by the eunuch and his master to the ante-room of a harem, almost identical to that of the Emir's Golden palace, except that the scenes on the walls were much more explicit and illustrated scenes of a much more sadistic nature. The romantic, pleasant sexual love shown in the Golden Palace was here replaced by scenes of pain depicted...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 8 Amanda

Amanda came out of the shower naked. She wanted Preston to see her naked as often as he could. One of the things she liked most about Preston was his sense of honor. She was very sure he'd never cheat on her. She'd been trying to fight off her attraction for Preston for years. No one would ever understand it but she had fallen for him, the first time that Sam brought him home. He was so shy and reserved, and he looked at her like she was special. She'd caught him staring at her several...

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Mergers and Acquisitions

“Might we chat?”“Nilufar, of course! Always.”She walked to the stand and glanced over her shoulder, “Join me.” She poured two glasses and held out my drink. Her hair was elegantly coiffed, her dress emerald-green perfect against her rich brown skin.She looked into my eyes and raised her glass, “Salamati.” Unusually, she neither sipped nor slammed down but leisurely drank half as her eyes teared. “Go on,” she commanded. I drank quickly, not savoring the burning in my throat, and she joined me...

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Hostile Takeover

“Oooh fuck, just like that,” I moan as the sexy blonde I’ve fallen in love with went down on my dick. Shoving it in the back of her throat. “Fuuuck!” Sarah pulls back for air before diving back down, gobbling up my cock. As she pulls back once more, she twirls her tongue around the tip causing me to twitch as the pleasure mounts. She sucks in real hard sending a shock right through me. Her bright brown eyes sparkle as they look up at me. “Oh god, I’m so close.” Once more she plunges my dick...

3 years ago
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Hostile Takeover of Family Owned Insurance Company

Her blood ran cold. " Please," She whispered. " Don't do this." I came up behind her and ran my hands down her back, squeezing her ass through her skirt. " I'm not forcing you into anything Dee, it's your choice. You are a beautiful woman, did you know that?" Feeling trapped she turns toward me to plead with me and I crushed my mouth against hers, forcing my tongue into her mouth as my hands came up to grope her breasts through her blouse. She struggles and I immediately release her....

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Hostile Workplace

When the laws changed the impact was immediate and dramatic. The floodgates had been opened and the unstoppable forces now unleashed swept away all the old certainties and left a changed landscape in their wake. It did not take years but mere months, weeks even, before society had been radically transformed at every level. Companies very quickly saw the profits to be made from catering openly to male desires, and where one led the rest soon followed. Dress codes became a lot more revealing as...

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Hostile Takeover

The brutal humidity of midsummer hung heavily in the air. The afternoon was bearable thanks to a light breeze and the large table umbrella shielding them from the sun. Audrey and Samantha sat in the quad; a communal area for eating, breaks and company picnics. The large commons was an oasis of nature in the otherwise stifling commercial office environment. The quad was dotted with trees, benches, flower gardens, cobblestone paths and numerous tables for the employees of various companies...

1 year ago
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Hostile Territory

John quickly rolled over and jabbed his fingers down on the snooze button, shutting off the loud, irritating buzz of the alarm clock. "God," he thought, his heart pounding like a jack hammer, "I'm going to replace that damn clock," but he knew he wouldn't. Experience had taught him that if the alarm didn't scare him awake, he would just sleep right through it -- no soft beeps or music for him. Toby examined the object in front of her with the intensity and curiosity only an 8-week...

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Hello! This is my first attempt at writing erotica. This story starts off slow but I promise there will be sex at some point. I would just like to introduce you to the main characters and universe first. The year is 2347. Humanity has spread across many nearby star systems, colonizing and terraforming where possible. Many planets with existing ecosystems and flourishing life are found but regrettably no other sentient species have been identified. Jake is a wanderer. The son of a rich...

2 years ago
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HostileChapter 1

JAKE Bulkheads exploded all around me and I was flung against the console as my tiny ship was hit by weapons fire. Weapons fire? From who!? A ship had approached rapidly and opened fire before I could even guess at who they were or why they were so set on blowing my tiny shuttle into space dust. Alarms rang loudly in my ears and blood ran down my face, dripping in front of my eyes as I desperately worked to get the shuttle under control again. Most systems were down but I still had...

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HostileChapter 2

JAKE I heard a sound, a sharp twang, and saw sand fly up from just in front of my feet. I stared down at the arrow sticking out of the sand with a shiver of dread creeping down my spine. I spun quickly to see who had initiated the attack and there was nothing. Just empty woods. I quickly ducked back into my tent, throwing the scanner onto the bed, and pulling a small crossbow, equipped with quiver and scope, and a handful of bolts out of the survival pack. I loaded the crossbow quickly and...

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HostileChapter 3

JAKE I woke the next morning with a singular purpose. From the moment my eyes opened I knew I needed to, at the very least, discover the identity of my attacker. I yawned and stretched my arms over my head as I rose from the bed. Between the crash and the work I had had to do to setup camp I was quite sore. My arms, my back, my legs all resisted my movements with insistent pain. I continued stretching this way and that, working to loosen my stubborn muscles. Once I felt limber enough to...

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HostileChapter 4

JAKE That night and the next morning I examined in my mind the conversation I had had with the beautiful young Alie. She had obviously been very frightened throughout despite her much more advantageous position. However, she HAD given me terms on which I could return and speak with her again. So that was something at least. Her comments seemed a little strange. She seemed to believe that simply because I was a man I would hurt her. Early in the morning I finally decided to stop turning the...

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HostileChapter 5

ALIE Pain. All-consuming pain. That was all Alie could feel as she opened her eyes. Her whole body hurt and she was so overcome by it that she couldn't even make more noise than a whimper. She then began coughing violently as she realized there was a heaviness in her chest. It took several minutes before she collected herself and realized her surroundings were unfamiliar. Then she felt something ... NO ... someONE pressing up against her back, including an insistent poking at her behind....

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HostileChapter 6

ALIE Alie saw Jake's eyes snap open wider than she ever thought possible and momentarily she regretted asking. She didn't know enough about sex to be afraid of asking the question and she was curious. Sex was the only act her mother had ever told her about that involved both men and women and wasn't completely based on abuse. Her mother's descriptions were very vague, however. Alie recalled her mother's words... "Sex is an act between a man and a woman that can produce a baby. Men...

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HostileChapter 7

JAKE I had been wholly unable to resist the sight of moisture leaking from her pussy, I had felt an undeniable urge to taste Alie and pleasure her. I had been proud I was able to bring her such ecstasy but now... Now she lay unconscious and I felt slight concern. I knew it was not unheard of, for people to be rendered unconscious by sex but she was weak. Worry lined my face, unsure if something more serious had happened. Suddenly her eyes popped open again, probably only 30 seconds from...

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HostileChapter 8

JAKE My wide eyes stared into hers for so long they hurt. Finally forced to blink, a wave of heady arousal flooded my body and I knew she could feel the result poking her in the stomach. I tried to hold back but her words inflamed my desires too much and I brought my lips to hers in a crushing kiss. The first insistent kiss broke and was followed with slight nibbles and kisses across her jaw to her ear. While my lips were on her skin, I rolled her over on to her back and climbed between her...

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HostileChapter 9

ALIE Alie woke early in the morning, screaming at the top of her lungs. The muscles of her left thigh were clenched so tight it felt like her leg was on fire. Wave after wave of pain flooded through her body as she desperately cradled her thigh and tried to massage out the cramp. When finally the tightness in her leg began to ease, Alie laid back weeping on the bed. However, her tears were not just from the agonizing pain but also from her memory of the night before. Alie's eyes moved...

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HostileChapter 10

JAKE Laying there on the forest floor, I could not think of a better moment in my life. Alie lay silent but she seemed to exude happiness nonetheless. I held her close, unwilling for the time being to let her go, and spread gentle kisses along her shoulder and neck. We lay like that for a few minutes until my long-neglected cock began twitching once again inside her, ready and willing to make up for lost time. Alie turned her face to look at me, surprise written across her features. At the...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 2

Okay, where was I? Oh yeah, back at the motel. I'd been trying to sleep on the hard, warped wooden floor of the motel, when I'd heard a sound. I looked outside through the window, and everything seemed to be okay. My Mustang was snug as a bug in a rug under its car cover. I saw no activity of any kind outside. I grabbed a can of wild cherry Pepsi from the cooler and popped the top. How the hell did I get into this situation? In just a few hours my company; or our company, Runaway...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 4

When I woke up, I had no idea of how much time had passed. I tried to move my arms and couldn't. I looked around and found out that I was tied to a chair. It was all I could do to avoid laughing. I knew where I was. I was in the condo that Charlotte had bought for her loser lovers. The beer bottle was still embedded in the flat-screen TV. I looked around the room, and the three of them were sitting there, like monkeys sharing a branch. "Hey Ray, he's awake," said one of them. Ray the...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 5

I took a long drink of the Cherry flavored cola, and let out that satisfied ahhh sound. "Can I have some of that?" asked Amanda across the darkness of the motel room. I got up and went over to the bed and gave her some. "Press, where are you sleeping?" she asked. "On the floor, over here," I said. "Preston, why are you sleeping on the floor?" she asked. "Well, there was only one bed," I began... "Some things never change," she laughed. The sound of Amanda's laughter broke a...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 6

We spent most of the day just talking, as we criss-crossed the state. We never went in the same direction twice. We looked for things to do and see. We saw the Mecca of Albino squirrels in Olney, Illinois, and the hometown of Superman, in Metropolis, Illinois. We drove and walked around, seeing one odd ball attraction after another. We talked a lot, and laughed a lot too. When we got hungry enough to actually eat, we were passing through Grant City. We stopped in at a place called the Grant...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 7

Amanda's phone rang and I picked it up without thinking. "Hello," I said cheerfully. "Preston, look I know you hate me, but I need your help badly. Please remember there was nothing personal in what I did. Well maybe there was. Maybe I was jealous of you, but what the fuck do you expect. That bastard gave you for free, after just a few years, something I worked all my life trying to earn," said the voice. "Who is this?" I asked. I was on guard now. But I was confused. "Alan...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 9

At 5:45 p.m. A black Dodge charger pulled into the parking lot of Runaway Technologies. The driver got out and looked around in every direction. A security guard approached the car to warn the driver that the plant was closed on the weekends. The driver shot the security guard and took his keys. Another large man got out of the car and helped him to prop the security guard on his stool in the guard shack. To anyone watching from a distance, it would seem that the guard was...

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Hostile TakeoverChapter 10 Preston

The big goofball heard a sound coming from one of my VL20's. The door was open and there was something moving inside the door. I was sure that he thought he had me. He looked around warily, but he was sure I was inside of the machine. "What a wimp," he said loudly. "What kind of man hides inside of a God Damned machine? Your wife said you love these things. Well dumb ass, they can't protect you. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to make sure you sit your little ass down, while...

2 years ago
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Hostile TakeoverChapter 11 Preston

I heard the screaming and ran towards the stairs. I heard a piece of metal banging repeatedly against the walls and ran towards the sound. When I got to the second floor, I could see the doorway to the roof was open. I ran up the stairs and saw Amanda and Charlotte wrestling by the railing. Suddenly Amanda jerked away from the railing and Charlotte tried to jerk them back towards it. Then I realized what was about to happen. I ran as fast as I could and jumped over the railing. I grabbed the...

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ThesisChapter 2 Acquisitions

"I'm puzzled, Mr. Ross." Corinne Aimes, the founder and owner of two companies, Huntingdon Management Development Limited and Inward Bound, is talking amiably with Larry Ross, a man who claims he can inject a substantial cash investment into her business. They are sitting in the garden of a Cambridgeshire pub. Corinne is drinking white wine. Larry is enjoying a pint of bitter. "So your business, Clegg Enterprises Group, specialises in recruitment and placement," says Corinne. "Sort of...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 49 Mergers and Acquisitions

April 10, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “I’m convinced there is something fishy about this entire thing,” my dad said. “That makes two of us,” I said. “I do not understand why they would want to sell.” “Joyce,” Karl asked. “They expressly said they would only consider an outright purchase?” “That’s correct. Not an asset purchase. According to Steve, we couldn’t manage an asset purchase without risking NIKA’s operations and its culture because we’d need to hire a bunch of Lone Star people more...

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His AngelChapter 4

The time is 11 p m. Amanda is talking to Douglas by phone. His calls to her were beginning to be a regular occurrence. At the same time every night, he would call and they would talk for hours. She needed to hear his voice, not because it was sexy, but because it calmed her tattered spirit. No matter how bad things were, Douglas always made her feel special. "I love you Douglas!" The words made her body tingle from head to toe. She wished he was kissing her and his fingers were probing all...

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Fuck the Police

My partner, Lee, was assigned to me when I joined the force six months ago. Late thirties and muscular, Lee was definitely the right guy to be teamed up with as a rookie. He taught me the useful tips and tricks you don't learn at the academy, the stuff that actually helps you out on the street. And while he has no plans to trade his seat in the patrol car for one behind a desk, he knows how "the system" works and has been eager to tell me how to plan ahead for my future career. Though buttering...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 8 How Pelle and Ingeburg Visit Friends

It was almost noontime when they approached the drawbridge over the water-filled moat that encircled the walled town of Birkenhain. The sentries knew Pelle, and the tale of how the poor collier had to marry the haughty daughter of Greta had made the rounds. At the gate, Pelle's friend, the Corporal Gebhardt, grinned at him. "Holla, Collier!" he greeted Pelle. "How is married life for you?" In spite of his mocking tone there was admiration in the soldier's eyes as he regarded...

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InterRelationship Training Meeting Chapt 4

"God man, ---what in the hell is going on here?" Tom emphaticallyasked as he checked out the scene of Jay, Stan and Darrell, ---all standingthere fully bare assed and naked! "Tom, when in the hell did you come in? Hey man, let me explainhere!" Jay rattlingly asked, and stated, almost all at the same time,"Tom, let me explain, let me explain!" "Hey Jay, I don't think you need to explain anything, but I am realconfused about you being here too Darrell!" Tom stated quite matter offactly, as he...

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Whats The Big Deal

I could tell my taste aroused him even more. He shifted, stretching out on his stomach, and reached up, under my legs to pinch my nipples and squeeze my breasts with the rest of his hands. My breasts were a large B cup, a good handful. I considered augmentation, but my tits are still perky in my mid-thirties after having a child nine years ago. I am 5’8”, have an athletic build with a very squeezable bubble butt and am quite comfortable with my body. I have straight, strawberry blonde hair just...

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Phil picked up at a bar

That night Ana said she was in the mood for being a slut at the bar…So, after dinner, she went upstairs to get ready, as I finished some paperwork from my office.Once in the parking lot, my sexy wife told me she would go first…I gave her a couple of minutes and then I went into the bar. The place was dark and smoke filled. I spotted my sensual babe was already perched up on a bar stool. I sat down close to her; with a couple men between us.Very soon, a tall black guy approached Anita and began...

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Sexy Slave Ch 02

Everyone is over the age of 18! *************************** ‘Rise and shine, sweetie.’ I hear a feminine voice in my ear and my eyes flutter open. I’m tied a foot above the floor on a cold concrete wall My arms and legs are so spread out that I cannot even move. I see five women across the room from me, all with collars and black corsets on. 3 of them are gagged, and they sit on their feet in a kneeling position. The woman who woke me smiles coldly at me and runs a hand over my sex. ...

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At carrefour public bathroom

Hello guys!!! I am going to report a gay experience that I had some time ago, I am latin, few hairs on the body, 26 years old, 85kg and 1.85cm tall, hair shaved, I had never had relations with other men before.Well, I was always a very quiet person, I read stories of people who did dirty things in public toilets but I did not really believe in these stories, whenever I was in a bathroom and someone who seemed to be gay came in, but nothing never happened before.Last Friday I had to go to the...

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Pushing The Envelope Part 2

A follow-up tale that mixes a lot of true life experiences with a touch of fantasy. Let’s not kid ourselves, I’m a male pig, apparently with canine genealogy, who totally lacks the sensitivity needed to understand a woman’s plight post-pregnancy. At least that is how I was portrayed by my wife, LeAnn, when trying to help her lose some extra weight so that we might be able to help her restore her self-image and get our sex life back on track. After all, I’m a fit, testosterone laden 44 year old...

Wife Lovers
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The School Part Four

The School. Part Four. “Now this happens with every intake of students, so that is why the bar is open early for you to discuss this between you. You all filled out the questionnaire and signed it. One line read that if you had any problems of any interaction because of class, colour or creed or with members of the same sex, do not bother to fill out the form etc. Interaction with members of the same sex! Now I’m not saying this in a nasty way, but it is very difficult to put it any other way....

4 years ago
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My trip with Jena Pam

I worked for a TV network and traveled a lot. If the locations were close by, the company would rent us Lincoln Town cars to drive with three to a car. I usually brought the hair and make-up people. On this particular trip I had Jena, the hair stylist, and Pam the make-up person. We are all married with kids. Pam is a great person, with a great body, but a little prudish. Jena on the other hand, is the life of the party. I’m 6’2”, and she looks me eye to eye. She has a body that almost looks...

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JulesJordan Assh Lee Morgan Lee Open Their Backdoor Hoops For An Anal ThreeWay

Opposites attract on Team LEE! Big-booty Assh and tight Asian Morgan make quite the pair of ball-handlers. After getting sweaty on the court, they’re not afraid to keep things hot with Manuel. A dream-team cum true when these filthy sluts tag-team one massive cock. Not only do these girls keep fit by fucking, but they know that in order to win, they have to go to the next level with their practice and that means opening up more than just their pretty mouths and tight pussies – both...

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sexual fantasy, teasing, what if, power over men Turmoil! I am sitting here on the bed looking at the screen on my PC. I am looking and smiling at a sexy woman that I have just met on a sexy writing site. I only joined to write stories, honestly. However, I met someone and became friendly with her just through writing stories. I asked her about a fantasy and could I write it for her. She said yes, I think she was flattered but I still don’t know that for sure. It was fun, the story telling was...

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Owned by MotherinLaw

I had known from the word go that I could never completely satisfy her sexually; she was way above my league, a picture of feminine grace on the outside, and a virago on the inside. The few acquaintances I knew at the time of our swift marriage had said she was just after my money; I had inherited a fair amount and she had seemed so sincere.  It had not taken her long to discover my submissive side and she had soon taken full control of me.  Everything I owned was now signed over to her and she...

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Serviced Apartment

It was one of the first hot days of spring, I sat on the train at the end of the day enjoying the heat in my limbs and my groin. Most of the women on the train had put on their flimsy summer dresses. The glimpses of skin, that had been hidden from I was heading back to my serviced apartment, a few stops from the city, the train was full and I sat down next to a woman in a colourful blue dress. As I sat we made eye contact, and both of us smiled slightly before we looked away.As we rode the...

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PrincessCum Christian Charity Vagina Lockjaw

Christian Charity is doing her homework while her mom cooks dinner. When her stepdad, Romeo Price, starts quizzing her about her report, Christian tells him about vagina lockjaw. Romeo is about to leave when Christian reaches out to pull his cock out and start stroking it. Right behind her oblivious mom’s back, Christian opens her puffy lip mouth and starts sucking. Romeo flees to the living room, but Christian follows him. It doesn’t take much convincing before he has given into...

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Went to see mother in law

I went to see MIL, fancied either a coffee and a chat or hard sex. Now i didnt expect anything, i left it to her to decide how she wanted to play things i was always ready to fuck her what ever.I rung the bell and got no answer, i guessed she was out the back gardening so i had my own key and let myself in. I walked through to the back garden and still no sign of her so i went into the lounge not there, then i heard a noise upstairs in the bathroom dripping water...mmmmmmm she's having a...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 5 Janice El Paso TX

It was a masterful trap. Robby was driving with Bennie, Pam, and I up front and not a one of us saw it coming. Suddenly, the road was blocked front and back. People with guns were on both sides. A voice came powered by a big public address system. "You folks in the bus. You can surrender. That means you come out the door at the front slowly and without any weapons. The other option is to die. We dislike killing women and children but it's your choice." We surrendered. If you are...

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Mausi Ko Apna Banaya Aur Khoob Choda

Hello doston, mai gaurav phir le ke aya hu apke liye ek aur vaasna ki kahani. Mai shimla se hu. Ye chudai story hai meri mausi aur mere bich hue sex ki. Mausi ka nam aprajita hai pr sb unhe apra bolte hai. Haye kya badan hai mausi ka. Unki age 32 hai .Unki shadi ko 4- 5 saal hue hai. Unka 1 chota sa beta hai. Unki jawani ke to sabhi aashiq hai. Meri mausi ka ghr mere ghr se thoda hi dur hai. Jab mausa ji kahin kam se jate to mausi mujhe apne yaha ruka leti thi. Mai to khush rehta tha unke yahan...

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Jim and Justins First Time

Jim and I had grown up together in the same neighborhood all our lives. We were in the same grade and attended the same high schools in all that time. It wasn't until high school however, that I discovered that I might be gay and that my feelings for Jim were becoming sexual. Once, in the erection, something that could have subjected me to no end of bullying in the boys showers. During those years he would often joke that gay sex was a "substitute" for "real" sex. I would laugh this off as I...

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Exposed and groped in a Bus

I had to travel in the bus every day while going to College and returning home.When returning home, in the evening, the bus would be always crowded and I had to travel always surrounded by a strong crowd. During bus travel many bodies were getting pressed against me and most of the time my body was getting fondled by many unknown hands of the strangers. Mostly it was my boobs which were receiving the maximum attention. The strangers' hands used to touch and grope my boobs. Most of the time it...

3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 56

There was another home game this weekend. I spent Friday morning with Darcy, but she had to go to practice in the afternoon. John came down and asked, "Dad was wondering if he and Mom could stay at your place. Auburn is in town and there are no rooms, or at least nice rooms, available. Mr. Overstreet your attorney told Dad that he and Beth stayed in your guest room and Dad was hoping not to have to drive up and back." "That's fine with me but he may see some pictures on the wall, or a...

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