The English School 3: Alice's Discovery free porn video

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Alice’s Discovery

Early one Sunday afternoon, Alice couldn’t resist the good weather during one of the last warm days of fall. She left several uncorrected papers on her desk in her cottage and crossed campus to the high fence that bordered a district park. Her faculty key let her through the gate. Students with permission could obtain keys to enjoy unspoiled nature in the park also.

Alice wandered the trails rather aimlessly. She knew the area well and had no concern about getting lost. She sat on one of the numerous benches, listening to the birds. She spotted some with a pair of binoculars, but, not being a birder, couldn’t identify them.

The voices of other walkers slightly intruded on her reverie, but she expected such in a public park. The voices faded as the others followed another trail.

Then the voices became shrill. One was familiar. Alice, ever the teacher and disciplinarian, decided to investigate. Her intimate knowledge of the park gave her a strong hint where the girls were. Alice retraced her steps to the last junction and took the alternate path. Soon, she came to a the edge of a glade with a picnic table. Four students were in the glade, none facing her. They were Stephanie, Pamela, Rachel, and Sondra. Sondra, arms akimbo, faced the trio defiantly. Like all the students at the Searing School, they were at least 16 years old.

“You’re a bitch and a snob,” accused Stephanie.

“And a backstabber,” added Pamela.

“And why should I care what you silly little girls think of me?”

“It’s not about us or our opinions,” put in Rachel. “You should give people respect regardless of all your class and money shit.”

“And what will you do about it if I don’t?” Sondra drew herself up to her nearly 1.8 metres and glared at the trio.

Stephanie lunged forward, reaching toward Sondra. “I’ll show you what we can do. Come on, girls!” The three girls advanced on Sondra, who recoiled.

“If you touch me, I’ll have you expelled. My father built the school library.”

Alice also stepped forward. “Stop!” Her withering glance froze Stephanie. “Stephanie, I expect better from you. You egged your schoolfellows into attacking another student. Such actions are inexcusable, whatever the provocation. You three, hold your tongues. Sondra, what’s going on?”

“These three think I offended them. I only put them in their place.”

“Think?..” began Rachel.

“Quiet, you,” intervened Alice. “Go on, Sondra. You others will have your chance to explain.”

“Well, I said nothing but the truth. Rachel and Pamela are stupid and Stephanie is a charity case. I admit she’s got some brains under that knot of black hair. They all wear awful clothes.”

“Quite. I begin to see the nub of the conflict here.” She turned the three still obviously angry girls. “One of you speak for the rest. We can clear up any misunderstandings later.”

The three looked quizzically at each other, then Stephanie stepped forward. “Miss Dodds, she did insult us. She’s even proud of it. Plus we know she spread this nasty rumor about Elaine getting preggers by the janitor... ”

Sondra interrupted. “Well, she’s so fat, an old prick like the janitor is the only guy she’ll ever get.”

“Oh, give it a rest, Sondra,” Alice snapped, disgusted.

“She acts like that all the time, Miss Dodds,” resumed Stephanie. “Is it any wonder we want to tell her off?”

“You were ready to do more than tell her off, if I’m not mistaken. Weren’t you about to physically attack Sondra? And weren’t you two about to join her? Tell the truth, now.”

Stephanie hung her head and said, “Yes, Miss Dodds, I was about to attack Sondra and I did egg my mates on.”

“Thank you for your honesty,” said Alice. “You two? Were you about to join her in this attack?”

Pamela and Rachel looked at each other, then at Stephanie, who’d clasped her hands behind her back and stared at the ground by her feet. Pamela spoke first. “She’s a snob...”

Alice’s sharp voice stopped her. “Answer the question. Were you about to attack Sondra?”

Pamela looked down as well. “Yes, Miss,” she whispered.

Alice looked at Rachel. “Yes, Miss Dodds, I was about to attack Sondra.”

Alice glared at all of the girls. What a hornet’s nest I stepped into, she thought. They all deserve some punishment. Unfortunately Sondra, the cause of all this, deserves the least, and Stephanie, my lover of two days ago, deserves the most. She sighed aloud, then spoke. “Sondra, your snobbery and classism are evident and deplorable. Your family money and ancestral history are best left out of relations with other humans, who are you equals, however differently you’ve persuaded yourself. Now go to your dorm and mend your attitudes. I will be watching you. You’ve not done anything I can punish you for, but if I’d seen you treat those girls that way, you’d be in trouble. Take yourself and your petty conceits away from us.”

“Whatever,” said the unrepentant Sondra, as she flounced from the clearing on the way back to the gate.

Alice held up a hand, motioning the others to silence. She listened to Sondra’s footsteps, then followed her up the path a few feet to where she obtained a view. Sondra was striding determinedly in the direction of the gate, so Alice returned to the picnic table. She faced the three would-be avengers.

“Girls, I understand how trying a fool like Sondra is, especially if she keeps rubbing your noses in it. But you are maturing young ladies. Surely you’ve met snobs before and will do so again. Turning the other cheek is always the best.

“Now, however, you’ll have to turn cheeks of another kind. I’m going to punish you for your contemplated attack on Sondra. Each of you on one side of the picnic table, shorts down, Rachel, your skirt up, and all of you, knickers below your nates.” The chastened girls hastened to comply.

Alice took a small utility knife from her key ring and strode to the edge of the clearing. She inspected several of the osiers in the tangled growth common to machine-cut borders and selected a long, thin shoot. Cutting it near the ground, she trimmed the leaves from it as she circled the girls.

“I think it’s quite fitting that I use materials found at the site of your offense to correct your behavior. Do you agree?”

A chorus of insincere “Yes, Miss” followed.

Alice continued to strip the stem of impediments.

As they watched Alice, the girls exchanged apprehensive glances or stared with unwilling fascination at Alice’s preparations.

When all leaves were removed, Alice took a few swings in the air with her improvised cane. Using her knife, she cut off about a third of a metre from the thin end of new growth. A few more test swings. Alice nodded and stood by the table at the unoccupied end. She struck the corner of the table, observing the end of her switch. “Ah, good, the end doesn’t wrap. This will punish, but not hurt overmuch.

Alice resumed circling, this time swatting each girl on her knickers.

“When I punish, I have girls spread their legs to further their embarrassment. I’ll give Pamela and Rachel three strokes and Stephanie, as instigator, six.”

All three girls slowly opened their legs together and braced themselves. Pamela sighed resignedly.

Alice circled the table, concentrating on her anger and her growing arousal. Stephanie, just two days previously introduced to Sapphic love by Alice herself, stood with her transparent, black knickers bunched above her knees, occasionally brushing her long black hair from her face. A pair of shorts lay around her ankles. Pamela, less tall with ‘dirty’ blonde hair close cropped to her face, looking quite frightened and contrite, stepped nervously on her discarded shorts. Rachel, as tall as the aristocratic Sondra, was rail thin with a heart shaped face and a light, seemingly transparent complexion. Her skirt kept falling over her hips, so Alice tugged at the waist, releasing the friction fasteners, ignoring Rachel’s gasps. The skirt slid to the ground. Despite her thinness, Rachel was endowed with rather plump buttocks. Her blue nylon knickers were in an untidy bundle just below the swell of her bum. Alice, entranced by her elfin beauty, took extra time lowing the tiny garment to the girl’s knees.

Alice began with Rachel, tapping her bottom repeatedly, then drawing her hand back for a swift, sharp strike.

Rachel gasped as the osier compressed her flesh. Pamela’s eyes widened as she watched Rachel’s expression.

“Oh, it stings.” Rachel moaned plaintively while Alice moved to the next girl

“Pamela, get ready.”

“Oh, Miss Dodds, please,” entreated the frightened girl.

“Pamela, accept your punishment.” Without further ceremony, she treated her as she had Rachel.

“Oh, oh, oh,” cried Pamela. She drew up one leg.

“Keep your legs still or I’ll give you another, Pamela,” snapped Alice.

Pamela put her leg down and sobbed, “Yes, Miss.” Tears welled up in her eyes.

Her chums reactions did not go unnoticed by Stephanie. Eyes wide, she looked at Alice plaintively. Perhaps because of her recent punishments, Stephanie reacted less to her first stroke than the others. The second cut elicited a more intense reaction.

Stephanie gasped, “Ahhhhh! OOOOHHHH!” and panted, squirming her hips when Alice was done.

As Alice approached Rachel for her second canestroke, the girl tensed her cheeks and thighs.

Alice was impressed by the size of the welt. It was quite red already. She slowly drew a sharp fingernail over the mark on Rachel’s near globe.

“Ohhhuhhooo,” sobbed Rachel.

Without pause, Alice tapped Rachel for aim a few times, then swooshed the cane across the protruding buttocks. “Owwww!” Alice moved on.

Pamela sobbed, a few tears stained her make-up on her cheeks, and she moaned as Alice approached her for her second stroke. She even twisted away, but was brought back by Alice’s sharp, “Get back in position if you know what’s good for you.”

“I'm sorry, miss, I can’t seem to help myself. Ohhhhhh,” sighed Pamela as Alice took swift aim. Pamela stamped her feet and wailed after Alice delivered the second stripe.

Stephanie looked more resigned than frightened. She took several deep breaths and closed her eyes as Alice approached.

Alice took harder aiming strokes with Stephanie than the others, hard enough the girl gasped even before Alice wielded the cane at nearly full strength twice in rapid succession. “Yahh!” the punished girl cried.

“Oh, poor Stephanie,” said Rachel, who’d had some time to recover.

Alice, a slight smile on her face, placed Rachel’s last stinger right at the crease, where her smooth bum jutted from her slender thigh. “’Til we’re all done, Rachel, stay in position until I tell you to move.”

“Yes, Miss,” she whispered through clenched teeth.

“Not so much flinching this time, Pamela my dear,” said Alice, ready to complete the petite blonde’s punishment.

“Yes, Miss,” whispered Pamela. She, like Stephanie, closed her eyes.

Alice carefully aimed the cane in Pamela’s crease and served her just as she had Stephanie. Pamela’s gasped “Owwww, Miss!” as her chin trembled and tears streamed down her cheeks. Pamela, the punished teen gasped and cried aloud. “Oh, how it stings. My poor bum!”

“Remain in position, Pamela.”

“Y..yes, miss,” gasped Pamela.

Without pausing, Alice moved behind Stephanie, whose breathing deepened as before. “Stephanie, prepare yourself.” Alice allowed Stephanie a moment to regain whatever composure she could muster. Again, Stephanie’s aiming strikes were rather hard as Alice drilled in on the base of her bum. Whack, whack came the final pair of strokes.

Stephanie endured with a nearly silent wail that gradually became a keening moan. After Alice was done, the volume increased, then became mighty sobs.

Alice walked around the table, inspecting the inflamed bottoms. To her, the triple stripes of red looked very pretty on the girls, but she wasn’t certain they would share her opinion. She ran her hands over each pair, feeling the heat radiating from each angry welt. Returning to the head of the table, she asked, “Have you girls learned not to attack others?”

This time the “Yes, Miss Dodds” sounded quite sincere.

“What do you say to me? One at a time. Speak for yourselves. Rachel?”

“Miss Dodds, I thank you for inflicting so fitting a punishment on me. You reinforced what I knew, that it’s wrong to attack and hurt another person. In future, I won’t do any such thing.”

“Very well. Pamela?”

“I thank you, Miss Dodds, for correcting my behavior. I was wrong to attack Sondra and wrong to follow someone’s lead. I accept responsibility for the attack and for being a follower. I won’t attack anyone again.”

Alice took a moment to consider. “Good, it’s rather rare to take responsibility for being a follower without attempting to blame the leader. Last, Stephanie?”

“Miss Dodds, I apologize for being less than you expected or hoped. I accept responsibility for attacking Sondra and for urging my friends to join me. If I hadn’t done so, they wouldn’t be in trouble. I thank you for caring enough to punish me for all these reasons, and I won’t attack Sondra or anyone else.”

“All right, I accept your apology as well.” Alice treated herself to one more circuit, complete with feels, then told the girls to get dressed. They did so, with much rubbing of bums. “Now then girls, back to the gate.”

The girls, though eager to go to their dorms and perhaps give their posteriors a shower, found their pain made them walk slower than they preferred. Nevertheless, they soon were back on campus. With a final admonition, Alice sent Rachel and Pamela to their dorms. “Stephanie, I want you to accompany me to my cottage for a bit more discussion.”

As the pair walked on the flagstoned path to the cottage, apprehensive Stephanie asked, “W...will you punish me more, Miss Dodds?”

“You’ll find out, Stephanie. And you may call me Alice in private, after all we’ve been through. I notice your shorts are rather tight. Does that help the sting, dear?”

“I guess you’d say it helps it. It makes it worse.”

“Good, you should experience pain for the pain you wanted to cause Sondra.”

When they arrived at the cottage, Alice gave Stephanie a chance to refresh herself, and gave her a drink of fruit juice.

“Now let me inspect that pretty bum,” commanded Alice.

Stephanie removed her shorts and knickers, stood with her legs spread wide and bent at the waist, hands on her knees, looking back at Alice provocatively. She evidently hoped the offer of sex would distract the sadistic teacher from any more thoughts of inflicting pain.

“Stephanie, you took your punishment well. I think you should be proud of yourself, and you look very pretty with those big welts. I must say I did very good work. They are straight and evenly spaced.”

“I'm glad you like them, Alice.”

Alice laughed. It was impossible to tell whether Stephanie was being sarcastic or not. “Hold still, Stephanie, I can’t help myself. Or rather, I don’t want to.” With that, she swatted the inflamed cheeks again and again, ten times on each rump, accompanied by loud gasps from Stephanie.

“OW! Alice, that really hurts!” Stephanie stood up, rubbing her bum and dancing from foot to foot.

Alice grinned at the sight and whisked off her skirt, flopping into an easy chair. “Stephanie, turn round and kneel before me. Remove my knickers. I think you’ll figure out what to do next.”

Forcing herself to stop jiggling, Stephanie knelt as close to Alice as she could get, her knees touching the chair. Fingertips brushed the insides of Alice’s thighs. The damp panties exuded the aroma of Alice's excitement and Stephanie breathed deeply. She grasped and slowly lowered and removed Alice’s navy blue panties trimmed with white lace. Her teacher’s trimmed pussy glistened before her. Stephanie gently rubbed the outer lips as Alice sighed. The apt student stroked the protruding inner lips and slipped an exploratory knuckle inside. She took in the odor again and slowly insinuated two wriggling fingers as deep as she could, then licked Alice’s hood, finally penetrating the lips to find the sensitive clit.

Alice pushed her head toward her with both hands, communicating her desperate need for insistent licking. Stephanie understood and opened her mouth, sucking in the lips gently and flicking her tongue tip over Alice’s clitoris again and again. The excited teacher thrust her hips toward her lover as images of red-striped, pretty girl-butts flashed through her mind. The imagery and Stephanie’s mouth and fingers did the trick and Alice came strongly with a series of gasps and cries. “Oh, yeah, yeah. Yes! Steph...Yes! Yes! Yes!.” She subsided, but only momentarily. “More! Again,” she cried, pulling the brunette to her once more.

Stephanie responded by driving her tongue into Alice’s slit next to her fingers for a moment, then returning her attention to Alice’s most sensitive spot. She reached up under Alice’s blouse and cupped a breast, squeezing rather hard, since Alice wore a bra. Alice arched her back, pressing against Stephanie’s face, moaning, “Oooooohhhhhh,” as a long-lasting orgasm shook her entire body. She drummed her feet on the floor and grasped Stephanie’s thick black hair spasmodically.

Her back and her grip relaxed and she tousled Stephanie’s’ head affectionately. “Oh, I needed to cum so bad after that hot caning.” She and Stephanie looked at each other, Alice recovering her breath, Stephanie’s eyes bright. She still slowly licked her teacher. She reached for a button on Alice’s blouse, but Alice’s sat partway up and pulled the top off, then unfastened her bra. Stephanie discarded her own upper garments.

The pair slid to the floor on their sides, hugging and kissing. Alice once again cupped, gripped, and scratched Stephanie’s still-warm nether mounds, thrilling as the girl gasped.

Stephanie fondled Alice’s breasts, at one time holding one in both hands, more often feeling both at once. She kissed and sucked them, wriggling her tongue tip over the nipples. Alice nuzzled the girl’s neck, the thick hair covering her face. Alice slipped a couple of fingers into Stephanie’s very wet slit and Stephanie moaned with pleasure.

Alice dropped her mouth to Stephanie’s small breast and licked it all over, then gently sucked the entire cone into her mouth, licking as her fingers slammed into the girl, her hand held so the heel of her hand slapped Stephanie’s clitoral area. Stephanie came with staccato cries. “Oh, oh, onh! Yes, Alice, yes! Mmmmmm...Yes! Oh Yes!”

When Stephanie took a deep breath, Alice swiftly reversed her position, propping one leg up and offering Stephanie her hairless pubic area. Stephanie imitated the position and in a second the girls were locked in a classic 69, hands to buttocks, lips to cuntlips, tongues to clitorises. The room filled with pussysmell and stifled moans as first one, then the other came again and again.

Finally, the satiated pair came up for air. Stephanie pulled a pillow to the couch and they lay with their heads propped on it, grinning to each other and kissing.

“You're such a good lover for a beginner to girlsex,” whispered Alice. “And your bums are so pretty and literally hot! Got me going a lot!”

“I’m so glad you taught me about going with girls. That spanking really hurt when we first got here but I understand you just had to do it.”

“I sure did, hon, and it was wildly arousing. You gave me very good cums afterward. I hope you liked yours.

“Oh, yes, never fear.” The pair kissed affectionately. Alice spoke at their next interlude.

“By the way, I tried not to imply anything when I dismissed Pamela and Rachel ‘cause I know your reputation is important to you.”

Stephanie laughed. “I don’t think I have much reputation left after yesterday evening.”

Alice raised an eyebrow inquisitively. “Do tell.”

“Well, yesterday afternoon, I went to my room and brought myself off with a vibrator, remembering how great it was with you. I wondered what it would be like with a different girl. Then after dinner, several of us were studying in the Common Room and the senior Jessica?”

Alice nodded that she knew Jessica.

“Well, she sorta threw a text on the table and sighed, “Oh, I need a righteous study break.” I flabbergasted myself and everyone else. I said, ‘I’d love a big study break with you, Jessica.’

“She looked at me with surprise, then joy. She held out her hand and led me upstairs. In her room, she had me strip and felt me all over, then remove her clothes. She spanked me very slowly and sensuously, then fingered me until I came. She required that I lick her and we finished with a 69, just like we just did, but not as loud or wild. She insisted I wear no panties or bra and kept my top three buttons undone when we went back downstairs to do more homework. When I came downstairs, everyone clapped and kissed me, telling me I’d done the best thing I could do. I slept with Jessica, so we were together two more times, last night and this morning.”

“Well, aren’t you my best student ever,” said Alice, kissing the beautiful teen.

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The Transformation (Why High School English Sucks) Willy Mays Hayes 7/14/09 "What is this?" I cried out. "What do you think it is, it's payback for all of the suffering you have caused me!" cackled my evil english teacher. "What are you doing to me!" I screamed as I struggled to free myself for the chair I was strapped to. "Let me go, what are you doing!!" "It's simple really, you see you've made a mockery of my class, you and all of the other boys and since your parents...

2 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - This story is fiction. Pleases enjoy.----My wife Kim has many skills.She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever.You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my wife's behaviour, but there is this thing called...

4 years ago
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A Voyage of Discovery

Welcome - As always if you’d like a photo of Sharon in the nude, please send us a message. My wife Kim has many skills. She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever. You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Chapter 7 Princesss Taboo Discovery

Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Seven: Princess's Taboo Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Nineteen: Catgirls Need Cock Too Sven Falk – Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch I grinned, loving the sight of my sister writhing on her back, Zanyia running her tongue through Kora's sloppy pussy, licking up the incestuous combination of my cum and my sister's cream. My dick throbbed, still slick with Kora's juices. My sister shivered, her round breasts...

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The Discovery

The sleek star cruiser moved towards the newly discovered solar system, the captain having advised the crew to be on special alert, as it was believed this system had showed life forms living on at least one of the planets in the distant past. One of the crew commented on the large planet with an interesting red spot on it, which seemed to be a storm of some type. Another crew member was intently gathering all the data possible from another planet which had rings circling its equator. Each...

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The First Extra Solar GenerationChapter 13 A Fascinating Discovery

When we reached Psi Serpentis we were astounded to find a water-ice bearing superplanet just outside the Goldilocks zone. Even more amazing we found an abandoned starship embedded in solid ice. It was much smaller than our great ships or even our moonlet ships. It was only a about 600 meters long and barely a quarter of that in diameter. We managed to slice it free of its entombing glacier. Once we could examine it, we found what appeared to be an emergency crank to open the hatch in the...

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School DazeChapter 7 Miss Davis English

I teach English at the local high school. While that may not seem very exciting, the other teachers and I have made things very exciting here... Not to long ago, we were having serious problems with kids showing up for school. Attendance was at a record low, and there was talk of funding cuts at the town meetings. realizing we needed a course of action, our Assistant Principle devised a plan. One that has made life here at the school pretty interesting. After the Assistant Principle...

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Family Discovery

1.02 Sara and Sean, A Guided Mating: 1.03 Sara and Prince: 1.04 Sean, Preparation: 1.05 Sean and Prince: 1.06 Amanda and Sara: 1.07 Amanda and Rapture: 1.01 Sara and Sean, Discovery: It was Saturday and Amanda was getting ready to go the hospital where she works in the morning as a volunteer aid in the rehabilitation center. She fed the Golden's and let them outside into the back yard to play until she returned. The six month old puppy was named Prince and the year old Golden was...

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A Nocturnal Discovery

to be true it wasn't the first time Michcs teenage hormones had gotten the better of his prudence when it came to spying on his cousins, but this time it was different. For starters, she wasn't alone like previous times. She had a man with him who, with his back turned towards him, seemed to be about his age, and was evidently on quite intimate terms with her. She even seemed to be seducing him with her stare and the gentle curves she drew on his broad back with her long nails. Yes, he was...

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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

Introduction: Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery By Kim Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randis story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years...

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A life changing discovery

With the remaining strenght left in my arms I pushed as hard as I could. The hinges finally gave up and the wooden doors opened before me, revealing a path leading deep underground. A cold gust of wind blew directly in my face which was giving me a small relief from the heat outside. But I wasn't here for shelter from the sun. Right at the moment, I was standing in front of a great discovery. Here in Egypt, a few hundred meters from an average hotel, I found a temple unknown to...

4 years ago
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Self Discovery

Chapter One They say that university is the place you go to discover who you are. To experiment with life to see what you like, what you don’t, your tastes, your desires, what you have a flair for or just an inclination for. Well, let me tell you. Experimenting? I thought I'd been there, tried that; got the proverbial t-shirt. I did the drug thing and discovered it just wasn't my thing. I even did the fun stuff in the bedroom. The bondage. The costumes. The rough. The wild. The teasing. The...

2 years ago
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Day of Discovery

Author’s info Gender: Male Age: I remember when the Dead Sea got sick. Location: Rochester, N.Y. Introduction: A story with some truth and some fiction For my pretty fourteen year old sister and me, the day of discovery would be remembered as the day when her life and mine took a mutually unexpected turn. The school bus driver had dropped us off and we’d just walked up the sidewalk to our door. Shelly had gotten off ahead of me, so she got to the door first and reached into her purse for her...

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The High School English Teacher

Mark met with his next client, a man named Randy Edwards. "So tell me Randy what brings you to the Fantasy Room?" Randy was blunt and to the point, "I want to fuck my high school English teacher." Mark answered just as bluntly, "As you know we can create any fantasy for you to meet whatever desire you might have. All it takes is $25,000 to do the programming. I have a detailed questionnaire for you to fill out, and we will do a brain scan to get the information that we need. Does that...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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ENGLISH COMPOSITION Milo was nineteen years old and just starting his second semester at the university. The first semester had gone pretty well, three A’s and two B’s, so by his standards the freshman was off to a good start. He’d been a very average, bored and unmotivated student in high school, but the college experience had so far been challenging and enlightening, maybe even intimidating, but had evoked from him an ability to study and focus on schoolwork that he’d never known...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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English rose

The English Rose The English Rose 1. Spencer Thomas was a balding man in his late forties. He wore a golfing tie ? white golf balls against a vivid green field. He rotated the nearly empty pint glass in the slick of spilt beer on the bar, making trails along the bar-top. It was three in the afternoon and he really should be getting on the road again. He looked up at the fake oak-stained beam over the bar and read the curious announcement over for the third time - ?The Black...

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English Composition Part 1 Of 2

Milo was nineteen years old and just starting his second semester at the university. The first semester had gone pretty well, three A’s and two B’s, so by his standards the freshman was off to a good start. He’d been a very average, bored and unmotivated student in high school, but the college experience had so far been challenging and enlightening, maybe even intimidating, but had evoked from him an ability to study and focus on schoolwork that he’d never known before.It was the first day of...

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The English Teacher

Sally Harris was an English teacher in the local public high school. She was 45 years old and somewhat plain looking. She was not ugly by no means but she was not what you would call gorgeous, either. She was 5’ 6? tall and was slightly overweight but still decent looking. The most noticeable quality that Sally Harris had was her breats. They were much larger than normal. In fact they were very large and most of the guys in school noticed it. She was devoted to her teaching and was convinced...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Teaching english as a foreign language

I spent some time qualifying to teach an English class as I semi-retired from day to day business and took a board seat as part of selling my business in a takeover. I purchased a home in a coastal village in Croatia and this has worked well this year.I visit secondary schools to examine students in English on their ability to speak English and I also offer an English conversation group in my township which is actually a village overlooking the Adriatic coastline.This year I have had a mixed...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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An English Vacation mf

This is not my story. I am re-posting it word for word. Author's Note:This is the first chapter of a longer work. I promise thatin succeeding chapters the sexual content will increase andsome of the actions of the protagonists, which presentlyappear somewhat 'c***dish', will be shown to have at leasttoken motivation. Washington Irving*********************************************************** AN ENGLISH VACATION by Washington Irving I. The BeginningShe popped the last of the batter-fried cod...

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English Lane

English Lane************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan March 2018The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I am walking slowly along the lane. The signs of Spring are clear. The sun is shining through the...

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English Speaking Classes

For any comments contact to Hello friends, My name is Preeti, I’m 28 years old, I have one kid age 7 and hubby of age 30. My family consist of me, my hubby and my son. My height is not much it’s about 5’2 and my figure is 36,28,36. Coming to the story , it was parents-teacher meeting and every time my husband use to go with my son,but this time due to some problem he was unable to attend meeting, so he said me to attend. That time i was bit scared because my son goes to reputed english...

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Teaching English In Yokohama

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); It had been 4 years since I had last seen Mizuki. We were college friends and I helped her out a lot with her homework by making corrections on all the research papers she type. Often though, she would get close to me and wrap her arms around my neck as I did corrections. Being awkward as I was with girls, even though I had sexual experiences with them before I had no idea how to deal with them or talk to them. Funny thing;...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Summer of Discovery

Summer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...

2 years ago
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Sexy Accounts A Nephews Lust Part 2 Discovery

From the view of the Nephew.It must have been a year since I last got into my auntie’s bedroom. I had only seen her a few times since then and not spoken much. My erection and roaming around her bedroom were never mentioned again. I didn’t see my cousins as much, now we were getting older. I had to make do with my video, which I had saved onto my hard drive to wank off to, and any photos, which lay around.It was my cousin’s seventeenth birthday and my auntie was having a small party 'round...

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My Discovery

Original Story Date: Saturday, September 3, 2005 Heavily Reedited and Revised Mar. 27, 2020 Special thanks to DLAussie for his expertise in editing and proofing June 1, 2020. There was little joy riding my school bus at six in the morning, especially in late fall. Since the school administration changed the bus schedule my life had been upside down. The weather was not the greatest at this time of the year. With fall closing in it was getting colder and colder each morning. My uniform...

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I guess that there have been some notable discoveries in science that have happened accidentally. Maybe penicillin is the most notable. But there has been one other discovery that has happened. It will not be placed in the public domain however. It so happens that I have found a way to become invisible. It began with my desire to create the best listening device for music. I designed and built a specially constructed hut for listening. Its materials allowed for hearing without extraneous...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites

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