Double Ds free porn video

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Double D's By: Lyrissa The apartment was nice, but its owner had certainly added a personal touch to it which made it appear almost tasteless. There were fuzzy pink rugs in the living room and bedroom, the shelves were full with tasteless souvenirs from various travels, and a well-used transparent and pink vibrator sat right out in the open in its recharger. There was a widescreen TV, and instead of paintings the walls had tasteless posters of hunky boy band singers and handsome actors. The neighbours didn't like the new resident much, feeling she gave the neighbourhood a bad name. And that was even more applicable when they could hear her have sex through the thin walls of the apartment building, which happened often. In fact it was happening right now. "Come on Jeff, harder!" a female voice shouted from the bedroom. The large, soft bed in the bedroom of the apartment didn't creak at all as the two sweaty, panting lovers gyrated against each other in it, but there was still plenty of noise seeping through the walls. The couple grunted and panted, whimpering and gasping as their sweat-soaked bodies slapped together. The woman was on her back against the pink and white sheets, her thick thighs spread wide to allow her partner easy access. She was very busty and her large breasts bounced up and down as her lover pushed into her. Her long blonde hair (with a single streak of red) was matted with sweat and spread out across the covers, and her beautiful face was contorted in passion. She was very well-built and curvy, with a nice tan and painted fingernails and toenails matching her lipstick and the streak in her hair. Her eyes, which occasionally fluttered open, were a very bright blue. "Oh baby!" the man grunted. He was leanly muscular and looked like he kept himself in good shape but wasn't a fitness fanatic. He had short slicked-back brown hair and deep brown eyes, which frequently closed as passion surged through him. His hips bounced against the girl's as he thrust into her. His shaft was quivering with barely pent-up arousal and he was trying to keep himself from losing control utterly. Her slit was nicely tight and clamped around his member just right, causing a large amount of friction as the moist meat slid out and in. Jeff reached down to cup as much of Deedee's large breasts in his hands as possible, and then softly kneaded them to give her extra pleasure, even twisting the nipples a little. She reached up and grabbed his neck, pulling him into a sloppy, hot kiss before she let him go again. She smelled good, a thick mixture of musk and perfume, as well as a hint of salt water from when they went swimming earlier. "D-DeeDee you're... so... amazing," Jeff said between gritted teeth. "Please... let me..." "Go ahead, silly!" DeeDee said as she reached out with her hands to grab hold of the covers. "Finish! Finish in me!" Her voice was rather high- pitched with a faint valley girl accent. Jeff accepted her offer. He let himself succumb to the tide of arousal inside him and with one final, deep thrust that brushed against DeeDee's deepest reaches; his manhood released a hot tide of seed into her. "DeeDee!" he screamed, loud enough it could be heard out into the street. DeeDee just screamed inarticulately as she was filled to the brim with Jeff's seed. She squirmed on top of the bed, her knuckles closing so hard around the crumpled sheets that they turned white. She thrust back into him, eager to take every drop of his release, but some still dribbled out and soiled the sheets as well as the bodies of the two lovers. They were locked in passion like that for an eternity of pleasure, DeeDee squirming and Jeff shuddering as he pumped every last scrap into her. Finally, as he was spent, he slowly pulled out of her with a wet 'plop' which released a thick stream of warm mixed juices. He groaned and lay down next to her, reaching over to brush through her matted blonde hair with one soiled hand. She smiled goofily with her eyes still closed. "You like?" he mumbled. "Oh Jeff, of course I liked. You're always the best!" DeeDee chirped, opening her eyelids and staring at him with those bright blue eyes. "C'mere!" She pulled him in for a deep, throaty kiss and her large breasts pushed into his pecs like a pair of large soft cushions. He felt her hot breath on his sweaty brow as she broke free of the kiss and lost himself in her lovely eyes. He chuckled and gently brushed the red lock of hair from DeeDee's own forehead. "When I first met you I wasn't sure how I could land a perfect girl like you," he said, smiling. "But I sure am glad I did." "I'm glad too, Jeff! You're so smart and hunky and you know all these things about computers and stuff! And you're a good photographer!" Jeff found himself inwardly admitting that his beautiful girlfriend was far from the sharpest tool in the shed. In fact, DeeDee was thick as a brick. But with a body like that and a personality which said yes to almost anything, how could he complain? "Thank you hon," he said, pecking her on the forehead. "Now, would you like to-" "Unfortunately you gotta go now!" DeeDee said, interrupting off Jeff in mid-sentence. "I gotta get ready for that job, remember!" Jeff saw his plans for the afternoon crash and burn before his eyes. "Aw but honey, can't you do that some other time, I was hoping we'd-" "Nope!" DeeDee said and jumped to her feet. "You gotta get going, those are the rules!" Jeff's further protests were all dismissed out of hand by DeeDee as she rushed around her tasteless bedroom gathering up her boyfriend's clothes and tossing them to him. Jeff tried everything, from bargaining to demanding to pleading, but his girlfriend was always adamant about her alone time. It was just another weird fact about DeeDee that he had come to accept and didn't think too much about, along with such question as how she paid her rent and what she did in her spare time when she and Jeff weren't together. Pouting like a little boy, Jeff got dressed again, forcing his slackening manhood down into his boxers and leaving a slimy trail on DeeDee's bed behind. DeeDee on her hand stayed totally naked and didn't even bother to clean off the trail of white, frothy liquid that still trickled down her legs. "There, now you're ready!" DeeDee chirped as Jeff finished dressing and she almost shoved him towards the door. "Thanks honey. Good luck with the job?" Jeff said as he grabbed his shoes on the way out. "Thanks!" DeeDee said, smiling brightly. And then, just as Jeff stepped outside, DeeDee gave him a small wave and slammed the door in his face. He sighed deeply and turned to walk over to his car, taking some comfort in that he had at least gotten some of the best sex he'd ever had and it wasn't even lunchtime yet. *** DeeDee watched Jeff go through the blinds of her window and then quickly locked the door firmly. Skipping back into the living room, the blonde bimbo grinned brightly and put one perfectly manicured finger to her plump, red lips. "Gosh, now that Jeff's gone I probably should get ready." She looked down at her naked, sweat-drenched, busty form. "This just won't do!" She swayed over to the bathroom and stepped across the beautiful white tiles of the floor into the large shower stall where she turned on the hot water and just enjoyed the sensation. The warm water poured over DeeDee and washed away sweat, cum and other remains of her night and morning with Jeff. . The steam rising from the hot water covered the bathroom window and the glass panes of the stall with mist. She reached deep into her snatch and rummaged around, making sure she cleansed out all of the thick, steaming seed still left in there. She rubbed her large breasts, cooing in delight as the grime of many sessions with her boyfriend washed off. Then, humming under her breath, DeeDee picked up a bottle of rinsing shampoo and began lathering herself from scalp to toes. "Girls just wanna have fu-un," DeeDee sang as she rubbed down her curvy body and felt the slight sting as the shampoo began taking effect. As she began washing off her body, streams of pale blonde mixed with the foamy white shampoo as it poured down her rich curves into the drain. DeeDee giggled and rubbed her hair roughly, wrenching and scrubbing it thoroughly. When she considered herself done she shut the water off, letting the remaining shampoo vanish down the drain with a schlurp. She daintily stepped out of the shower and picked up a clean white towel which she dried herself with and then wrapped around her torso. Walking over to the mirror, DeeDee reached out to wipe the mist from it, and then grinned at her own reflection. Instead of the beach blonde hair with a red streak she had sported earlier, she now had a head full of long, dark brown hair. "Much better, but there's still a little bimbo left," DeeDee said in a tone that was much calmer and more intelligent than her previous chirping bimbo voice. DeeDee walked over to the toilet and sat down on the seat, letting the towel drop down to hang across her lap. She gingerly hefted her massive breasts in her hands, enjoying the feel of them before she did what she had to. She began massaging her right breast in a very specific way, slowly kneading it forward as if it were a stress ball. As she did, her nipple widened and a small glistening bubble of transparent material poked out. Moaning with pleasure, DeeDee continued kneading until the small bubble was revealed to be the tip of a large, semi-transparent sack filled with thick, viscous fluid. The sensation of slowly pushing the implant out was very pleasant and DeeDee found bolts of jagged white-hot arousal lance through her brain. She bit down on her lower lip and kept going, finally letting the large implant flop down onto her lap with a dull, sloshy noise. Confidently she reached over to repeat the process with her left breast and it was just as wonderful as the previous one. DeeDee picked up the two large implants and stood up again, walking over to drop the two gel sacks on the dryer lid. She took a quick peek back in the mirror and checked her breasts carefully. She now sported a pair of well-shaped b-cups while her famous 'deedees' were resting comfortably on the dryer. Grinning, the now-brunette stepped in closer to the mirror and spread her eyelids of her right eye wide with the fingers of one hand. Reaching up with her other hand, she carefully removed one bright blue contact lens and blinked a little at the irritation. She repeated the process with the other eye and though her vision was now fuzzy she leaned in close to the mirror to confirm her eyes were now a rich warm brown colour. DeeDee put her contacts into their tub of preservation fluid and opened the bathroom cabinet. From between boxes of tampons and a ladyshave she procured a small plastic case containing a pair of black-rimmed designer glasses which she slipped on. "Much much better," DeeDee said when her vision cleared. She left the bathroom after towelling off and headed back to her bedroom where she opened a wardrobe door that she never used when Jeff was there. From inside DeeDee picked a set of modest black underwear, a simple but cute little black dress and some jewellery which were far too modest to fit the blonde bimbo that Jeff thought he dated. After applying some subtle makeup and getting dressed, DeeDee regarded herself in the full-length mirror on one of the wardrobe doors. A smartly dressed, attractive brunette smiled back at her. She was cute, but without the massive rack, tasteless clothes and bleached-blonde hair she looked nothing like the bimbo she had been earlier. "Now then, I can drop that silly act," DeeDee said in a voice utterly lacking her previous valley girl twang. And just then, the doorbell rang. She rushed over to look out through the peephole and saw a well-dressed young man with blonde hair and a bouquet of flowers. She opened the door and he almost rushed in to embrace her. "DeeDee! It feels like forever!" Brandon said. "Only a week, honey," said DeeDee, accepting the flowers. "Are we still going down to the art museum?" "Definitely," Brandon said as DeeDee put the flowers in a vase and filled it with water. "Then I figured we could do dinner at the Plaza? They have really good seafood right now." "Sounds wonderful," DeeDee said, rushing around to gather up her purse, shoes and keys. "I can't wait to get away from studying." "How are your classes going?" Brandon asked as they left the apartment. "Oh you know, pretty good," DeeDee said airily. "I just need to escape all the distractions." "Well babe, today you won't have a single distraction except me, I promise," Brandon said with a laugh as he led her over to his car. "Don't be so sure," DeeDee mumbled under her breath, smiling. *** By the time DeeDee returned home to her apartment it was already nighttime. The moon was rising over the skyline of the city and cast a silvery reflection in the well-polished parked cars. DeeDee waved after Brandon as he drove off and wondered if he was annoyed that she hadn't invited him in. He didn't seem to be, though. Brandon was very much a gentleman, much more so than Jeff, and believed in leaving DeeDee plenty of personal space. Giggling, the brunette closed the door behind her and flicked the light switch. The dinner and dancing had been really nice, but between this and her time with Jeff she really needed some time to herself. Kicking her black high heels off in a corner, DeeDee locked the door behind her and then walked around the apartment to close every blind and curtain, preventing anyone from peeking. She caught sight of her own reflection in the window and giggled, blowing a kiss. "...really need some time to myself..." she mumbled, stretching. "So long now." DeeDee did a second lap of her apartment and picked up all the tasteless girly decorations and deposited them unceremoniously in a closet in the living room. She tugged the posters down from the walls, revealing a second set of posters underneath which instead of half-naked male celebrities carried pictures of various computer games and other 'nerd' subjects. She chucked the collection of vapid comedies and romantic movies in the closet as well, revealing a shelf worth of action, fantasy and sci-fi blu-rays behind them. Finally she opened a compartment under the couch and pulled out a laptop, keyboard, mouse and printer which she set up on her kitchen table. "Looking a lot more like home already," DeeDee said. "Well except for one thing. Poor Jeff, he doesn't suspect his bimbo wannabe model girlfriend isn't who he thinks." DeeDee stepped out into the center of the living room and reached up to unzip her little black dress, letting it slide down her modest but cute form. When it dropped to the floor she kicked it over onto the couch in a crumpled heap. Smiling, she unhooked her bra and let her breasts flop free before she tugged down her panties and stepped out of them. DeeDee enjoyed the warm, dry air on her skin as she began removing her earrings and bracelets, lobbing them over to land on top of her dress. She let her slender fingers trace across the edge of her slit which was now dry and clean. She groaned in pleasure as her finger caused small darts of pleasure through her groin. "Unfortunately... Brandon doesn't know that the brainy girl he's dating... isn't who he thinks either," she said to herself, suddenly plunging her hand deep into her vagina. Moaning and grunting, the brunette felt inside her moist cavern for what she knew was there, her fingers finally closing around a small nub on the inner wall. With a grunt she pulled down and suddenly a large, firm male member flopped out of DeeDee's snatch, seeming quite out of place. It was much paler than her tanned skin, thick and veiny and stiffening in the evening air. DeeDee's small, soft hand closed around it, pumping slowly and she grunted at the feeling of finally cutting lose. The manhood was already leaking clear drips of pre and DeeDee had to restrain herself from cumming instantly. Keeping one hand on the stiff manhood, DeeDee reached up to her neck with her other hand, feeling around at the base of her skull. With a wide, devilish grin, her fingers closed around something. "Brandon, Jeff... I'm sorry. But sometimes..." DeeDee said and her voice began growing darker. " just have to be yourself..." DeeDee dug her sharp-nailed fingers into her neck and began pulling at the same time as she continued to pump her meat. Suddenly there was a sucking noise and the girl's beautiful features started collapsing as her head was pulled forward. Her eyes vanished into their sockets and her nose lost its shape as her mouth deformed. As she continued pulling, DeeDee's modest b-cup bust collapsed into a pair of empty sacks and her slender torso and arms pulled forward and downward as well. Her wide hips flattened and the slit surrounding the male member at her groin slipped down the shaft so that she had to let go of it temporarily. "Sorry DeeDee," said a male voice. "But this is me time!" With a deep sucking noise, DeeDee's beautiful form pulled off of a quite different body and collapsed onto the floor in a pile of false, rubbery skin. Her empty face was nothing but a mask and barely looked lifelike as it flopped on top of the pile with the large mane of brown hair behind it. With a loud grunt the male figure who had emerged from the costume that was DeeDee ejaculated, spraying the empty skin of the cute brunette with copious amounts of thick, ropy seed. He made sure to get some onto her clothes as well, soiling the outfit that DeeDee had been adamant to keep clean all evening. He moaned in pleasure as he emptied himself, getting cum in DeeDee's face and leaving long white streaks on her meticulously maintained hair. "Take it all," he moaned as his orgasm subsided. "Feels so good to have a male orgasm for once!" The male figure reached down to pick up DeeDee's smart-looking designer glasses, part of the disguise that convinced Brandon and others that she was a struggling academic. With a wide grin he used the glasses to wipe a thick gob of cum from his glans, and then tossed them on top of the skin pile. "You can both have me, boys, but neither of you know the real me," he said with a chuckle and turned to walk into the kitchen. Firing up the laptop, he grabbed a sprite from the fridge and sat down wide-legged, letting a few drips of seed dribble onto the kitchen floor. "Let's get some writing done," he said to himself. As evening became night, the only noise heard from DeeDee's apartment was the clattering of typing as the beautiful girl that everyone thought lived in the apartment lay in the living room in a messy heap, strings of cum drying on her skin.

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My Sexy Aunt Pooja Whom I Worship

Hello I live in pune I am now 19 years old this incident happened 2 years ago when my uncle died and my aunt was shaken so my dad said that you come live with us we have my aunt agreed my aunt looked nice was fair and she had a busty figure she had daughter of 3 years old her age was 36 years My aunt was new to city so my mom said that why cant atharva show you the area my aunt agreed my mom called me and asked me I had no problem with that so next day my aunt came she had wore a punjabi dress...

2 years ago
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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 7

I was honestly too stunned to speak. As my orgasm disappeared smoothly down Rhonda's sweet sucking throat, I felt a thousand tiny stars fill my head and my knees buckle as the wave of pure sweet ecstasy overwhelmed me. Seconds later I collapsed. I hadn't passed out exactly, as I was vaguely aware of my surroundings. When I finally regained my composure, I found myself sitting on the loveseat with no idea how I had gotten there. I opened my eyes to the sight of Rhonda lying down amongst the...

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A Horseshoes LuckChapter 12

Aston studied the frozen meat and then the cooked meat on the metal skewers. He tasted it and found it was juicy as well as hot. “This changes things quite a bit Ledger. The only thing we will need to stock up on is hay and grain for the horses.” “Don’t forget vegetables and fruits,” said Brena. She had followed Ledger and was glad to see that Aston liked this turn of events. She continued, “The children need more than just meat like you carnivores prefer.” This brought a smile to Aston,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 167 After the Liaison Meeting

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Ava put her hand up, and Julia smiled when she said, "The Chair recognizes Ava." Ava said, "That's my point. The Chair has spent too long in the chair. It's time for another swap, haha." "So it is," agreed Julia. "Time flies when you're having fun and being entertained by Lily's offer. Sorry." Julia gave me a kiss, a squeeze, then got off me. I said, "I need to sit on the edge to cool off for a while." The other girls had been doing it from...

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cuckolding something to do on a rainy day

Here in north Georgia we have had more than our share of rain this summer. Today is Sunday a day I set aside for laying around and watching TV. It's raining again and theres nothing good on the TV. I was moping around the house when my wife said don't you have anything to do? I told her I didn't , everything I could be doing was outside and the rain spoiled all that. After fours hours of flipping channels , looking on the internet and rereading all my Hot Rod magazines for the hundreth time. I...

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Arab Girl First Time Anal

Fatima was a lovely young woman. Her tanned skin and long curly hair brought out its Arab origins. Very discreet about her private life, she didn’t want to expose herself, out of fear towards the people of her district but also of her family.. Nevertheless, her close friends knew she had an adventure, since many months, with this "French", this "white" who came from another high school in the city and they didn’t see this relationship in a positive light. Without knowing more, they suspected...

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Caught masturbating by my married neighbor

So there I was, dick in hand, whacking off to a porn slut who was getting herself railed in the ass by a long, thick cock. My wife was at work, I had the day off, and I was enjoying the peace and quiet with a beer in one hand and my lengthening shaft in the other. God, her ass was tight yet full and she moaned with every jab from his pecker. The film cut to her front and she was actually drooling through her clenched teeth, her blonde, sweaty hair masking half her make-up smeared face. I began...

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The life and legend of Bryan Ramirez chapter 1

The life and legend of Bryan Ramirez Melody was every boys dream girl. She has long blonde hair, d cup tits, a well rounded ass, and curves in all the right places. EVERYONE LOVED HER! She always had a group of girls surrounding her, mostly the cheer girls since she is cheer captain. She never had a boyfriend, not because no one liked her, but because boys were too shy to ask her out. One of the reasons everyone likes her, is because she's...

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The Brazilian Beauty Beguiles

Everything started innocently enough. It usually does in life. Rarely are you warned in advance that you are about to be bitten in the ass. The new Rio office opening had gone very smoothly. Almost too smoothly in fact—John was waiting for something to go wrong. The “other shoe” usually does drop. Entering the Brazilian energy consulting market would be a challenge, but with huge upside potential. Luckily John had a great partner and customer in Marcos Sergio de Pereira. The two men had been...

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Home For Christmas Ch 1

"Up, up! Time to go, Lyla!" My mother screeched from the other side of my bedroom door. I opened my eyes and groaned groggily, rolling onto my back in my tangled sheets. Glancing at the clock on my nightstand, I saw it was barely seven a.m. "Mom!" I whined. "It's Saturday! This is way too early, even for you!" Taking my response as an invitation, my bedroom door swung upon and my mom hurried inside. "I told you we'd be heading out early today, Lyla. Come on, get up, we've got a lot to get...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 26 Open Mouth Insert Foot

October-November 1978 On Saturday, Jennifer joined me for lunch at work. Melanie had called her on Friday night. “So, she asked. She told me she agreed to the ground rules you set. She told me she had written Pete as well, and that he wrote back.” “Then it’s up to you, Jen.” “Do you want to do this?” “I agreed to it. It’s really a question of you and what you need. Is inviting Melanie to share us something you can deal with? Will it hurt our relationship as you see it? Do you think she...

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Enjoyed a hot married lady

I broke up with my gorgeous pretty girlfriend, Deepti in Dec 2007 due to various reasons. But then, the memories she left with me will be cherished forever. I got over her and we were not in touch at all after that. We both moved ahead in our lives. She got married. To my pleasant shock, a few weeks ago, that is after 15 months, I received a sms from her saying that she wants to meet me and that she wanted to talk. Initially, I was not very keen as I was not sure. Later, I decided to go and...

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Mein Zweites Leben 2

Mein Zweites Leben (2) - Die Schule Die ist die Fortsetzung von Mein Zweites Leben (1) ( =1382959938277653391). Ich empfehle, zuerst den Anfang zu lesen. Die Schule Ich halte kurz an, als ich die Einfahrt passiert habe. Vor mir liegt ein gr??eres Anwesen mit einem Haupthaus und zwei Nebengeb?uden, alles in freundlichem Wei? gestrichen. An der Seite ein kleiner, gut gef?llter Parkplatz, den ich dann auch vorsichtshalber ans...

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The Laundry Mat

Another shitty day and another shitty job. I hate doing laundry, and this time was not going to be any exception, or so I thought. I had already separated everything out and started my washers when she walked in. Carrying a large bag and fighting the door. I jumped up to help her and was given a very angry look and she snapped, "I can take care of myself, I don't remember asking for your help." "Sorry I just..." "Well don't, I don't need you or anything with a dick," She bit again. I was a bit...

Quickie Sex
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Trucker Tails Ch2 Suzys Lot Lizard Fantasy

Suzy and I kept in touch by email for the next month or so and finally I got another delivery to Albuquerque. I let Suzy know when I was going to be there and we made a date to meet at the same bar across from the truck stop. I violated several speed limits for a couple of days so I could get to Albuquerque ahead of schedule to have time enough for a nice evening with Suzy. I offered to get a motel room for us so we could be more comfortable but she said, “No, I really like your truck. And, I...

Straight Sex
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Digimon Rise and Fall Chapter 5 Fear

Introduction: The new chapter dealing with Tai. Tai let out a deep breath. His eyes were closed tightly. Fear and Courage swirled in him like a whirlpool. He knew he needed to relax he had done stuff like this all the time. Not only that but he faced life and death numerous times in the digital world. So why was he scared of something so simple? The plane around him rumbled and it made his stomach turn. Soft footsteps moved towards him but he gave them no heed. A female voice sounded. Wow you...

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Bosss Bitch The Other Boss

My boss told me a unique client was coming in tomorrow and that he would not be there for a couple of hours. I was to do whatever they told me. When I arrived at work, his wife was in his office.She informed me that she knew everything that had been going on. I thought I was getting fired. Then told me to get in my work uniform and come back to the office. Let me tell you, this woman commanded respect. She was the typical corporate exec wife. Gorgeous and well-manicured in her appearance. She...

Office Sex
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What Happened After Police Arrest

Hi.I am now a mature gay crossdresser.A bit of history of my life as a crossdresser.I have been gay for as long as I can remember. I have always lusted after men. As with most crossdressers, I have tried to be (normal) but have always returned.I even got married and still am officially. Very rarely did I get hard for sex and was often punished for my failure, ordered to lick her out. I only enjoyed the punishment and luckily, she found sex elsewhere.Many encounters leading to my first anal and...

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Dirty Little Secrets 11 All Tied Up

Something is going on. I don’t know what it is, and it makes me nervous. I’ve had this feeling all week. Now it’s Friday evening and I’m all in the dark.I mean this literally. Straight after work I went to the sex shop, where my videos now show on repeat, the ones where I demonstrate various products. The latest video shows me in bondage. A spreader bar holds my legs apart, and my wrists are attached to the metal too. I’m wearing the hood that renders me anonymous, but apart from that nothing...

Wife Lovers
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HandsOnHardcore Maya Bijou Latinas Dirty Research

Kyle Manson’s day just got a whole lot brighter and much dirtier when horny Latina market researcher Maya Bijou knocks on his door with some very personal questions to pose to him. Of course he invites the busty American glamour model into his house and before long the poll is complete and her pussy is being pounded and her all-natural boobs bounce with each blast from his boner. Join the two in this Hands On Hardcore 4K boy-girl premium porn production and watch as she takes on his...

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The CatalystChapter 67 Reversing a Tesseract

[ I hated what I had to do next.] “Melody, come here for a minute.” We’d been watching Greg hang up the phone and watched as he stood there and his eyes got puffy. “What’s up with Greg?” “He had to lie to Jamie, just like I had to lie to Mary. Please look into my eyes?” As soon as she did, I projected, “I’m sorry, my sweet Melody, but, the only thing you’re going to remember about our trip, was that we got lost coming out of Nashville and wound up in Pennsylvania. We stopped for the...

1 year ago
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Payment Due

“It’s been several months, how are the nightmares?” Mick asked. “I went back to the parking lot with Amy. Nothing. It was a parking lot. I almost died there,” Dan shrugged “nothing. Sometimes, there’s that guy’s face, the one I blinded. It hurts, but he was trying to get Amy. I’d do it again.” Mick nodded. “It fades over time and then,” He punched his palm. “It’s OK to feel bad and it’s OK to do it again. You protected Amy and survived. Keep moving forward.” He sat back. “Are you about ready...

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Lost Virginity To My Best Friend

I would first like to start by introducing myself. My name is Nimisha, I’m 20 years of age and I’m a second year engineering student in Delhi. This incident took place last summers between me and my best childhood friend, Saurabh (name changed). Saurabh and me studied in the same school in Delhi and both of were in hostel. We were very good friends. We shared almost everything about each others lives and still never had any feeling for each other. We only shared pure deep friendship. I...

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Marigolds Academy

Lucy had heard of the school, but had never believed it actually existed Lucy had heard of the school, but had never believed it actually existed.? Myths and lurid stories were rife but most people thought they were all made up.? Yet here she was, about to walk through the gates of Marigold's Academy for Wayward Girls.? She would soon discover that the rumours about the school were largely true. As she was marched by her escorting guard along the pathway to the main reception area...

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Ok, this is pretty sick lemon, I admit. But…. I was comissioned to do this and it's my policy to never turn down a comission. Not even the ones I would hate. Fat clown: "Hi Kids, I'm Bonko, it's time to start this birthday party! So what's your name B-day girl?" Girl: "Ann!" Bonko: "Hi Ann, are you having a good birthday? Hehehe!" Ann: "I had, but then something happened...." Bonko: "What?" Ann: "I saw you and I lost my will to live." Bonko: ".........Well I can turn...

2 years ago
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Not Watching a Movie

The microwave beeped and I took out the bag of popcorn. The smell of butter hit my nose as I carefully opened the bag, making sure the steam didn’t scald my hands. Jeff called out from the living room, “Okay, it’s done! Get back in here already!” “I’m coming, I shouted as I wound my way through the dining room and back into the living room. I glanced at the large LCD HDTV on the wall, noting the main menu for “Last Holiday” running on the screen. I chuckled. “Decided on a comedy after all?” I...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Amanda LustChapter 6 To Make A House A Home

Amanda turned to Sam, "Call some deli and have them stock the fridge." She patted Mark on the butt and told him, "Let's get the hell out of here." She went out the door ahead of him. After they looked cautiously around and saw the driver open the limo door Amanda hurried Mark to the waiting vehicle. There were no goodbyes. He climbed in, careful not to bump his head and leaned back in the seat. She was sound asleep in seconds. "Where are we going?" the driver asked. "Beverley...

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OVERBOARDChapter 58 The Problem with Wayne Comes Back

He must have said it louder than I thought because all of a sudden the room went very quiet. You could hear the proverbial pin drop. Somehow it was only Darren, Wayne and me standing; no one was looking at Darren because they were looking back and forth between Wayne and me. Things were suddenly very, VERY tense. I didn't want to have to deal with this problem because I didn't know how to with any certainty. I hadn't thought about Wayne in weeks and I still didn't know why he was so...

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Varsha Didi 8211 Marriage Night

As told to me by Varsha didi Varsha didi was no virgin on the first night of her marriage. Far from it, actually. Over the last year, she has told me a lot about her sexcapades but I thought it best that I start with the night of her marriage since, apart from being very erotic, gives a quick overview of the kind of life she led. When I met Varsha didi, she was in her late thirties. She had separated from her husband and moved to Goa, where she bought a small house by the beach. I had just...

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Eric and Friends My First Senior LoverChapter 5

I was now standing in the middle of a circle. A circle of dirty, horny, lusting older men. After my sordid question things moved at a rapid pace. I was very wet already from the snogging and the horny feeling up that I had enjoyed from my 5 aged admirers. This wetness was from the anticipation of the hard, dirty fucking I was about to receive, and I wasn't to be disappointed. Alf made the first move, beckoning me to kneel down before him as he unzipped his trousers.As he did so I smiled...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kylie Quinn Soapy Strokes

Kylie Quinn hears her step brother taking a shower and she’s way too horny to resist the urge to spy on him. She’s always thought he was sexy, and since the parents are out of the house, now is the perfect time to bring her fantasy to life. She masturbates while watching him shower and then she jumps in with him. At first, he’s nervous because he doesn’t want to get caught. Kylie strokes his dick and gives him an amazing handjob while telling him that their parents are...

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Leela Mamicha Ani Maza Roleplay Chat Part 8211 4

Namaskar mazya rasrashit panavalelya chutwalino ani tatalelya bullyano mi yogu parat ekada tumchya sathi ek navin story lihit ahe mazya baddal thod sangaych zal tar. Mi yogu maz vay 25n varsh ahe disayla sexy mast handsome ahe. Aatach engineering sampavun mi mumbai madhe job karat ahe. Aajchi story mhanje mi ek 38 vayachya mast tanch bhariv masal auntychi ani mazi ahe ya madhe aamchyat je chat kele te lihit ahe. Mala ek auntyne msg kela aani mazya maitrin banalya maga tyana mazyashi roleplay...

3 years ago
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A sudden jolt like an electric shock jarred me back intoconsciousness, my hand still clamped around the old man’s palm; but now it was still and lifeless. Across the bed the heart monitor registered only a flat green line. Suddenly the warm comforting glow of the room’s night light was replaced by the harsh white light of a medical emergency. Medics seemed to be everywhere; I hear the instruction ‘CLEAR’, then the body on the bed jolted. My own body spasmed as if in sympathy with my old friend....


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