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Into my fathers' world/going home (part I) Steelhead2 We can seek, but can we find? And after the years, life's upheavals and changes, problems, would it be worth it? Can we keep our eyes on the prize? And would we even recognize the prize if we found it? 'Into my Fathers' house' asks this very question. The final answer may surprise you! EDITOR'S NOTES: This story came about after talking to a friend. He wanted a story that featured transition, but the transition wasn't the main point of the story. He also pointed out the lack of problems that most processes have-nothing ever goes wrong, there is never a wrench thrown in. this time, there are huge problems and everyone is somehow affected in a negative way. This story is very long: that is why it's split into sections. The story is broken up into chapters, which should assist people in staying organized. One caveat: details are introduced in bits and pieces-the thread that ties may come later, much later in the story! So just keep reading, and enjoy the story. As well, most of this first section is plot development. The sexual part doesn't come until late in this section. There will be more sexual component in further sections. There will be three sections in all, The beginning "You need to go tonight," he said. But the boy just huddled in the corner of the dirty room. So he stood up, walked over to the boy, and slapped him hard. "You really do need to listen to me. Time is running out! Now listen, and listen carefully to me," The boy then looked up at him. He was a large man, with a thick, scarred face and thick arms. The boy had known him for as long as he could remember, but for some reason the boy never used a name for him. The boy sometimes thought he had been there for his whole life-and he knew he was seventeen years old-it said so on his identity card. "Stay awake tonight until after dark. Then you must be ready to leave, and leave quickly. Go to the corner of your cabin, and keep an eye on the guards? barracks. When you see me in the window, count to twenty. Then run as fast as you can!" he explained. The boy was terrified. "So...what then?" he timidly asked. He fumed at that, but continued on with, "Down on the road to the mines stand a grove of large trees. You know of them, yes?" The boy nodded- they were the only standing trees in the whole area. "Good! Now remember to take your identity card and your pictures with you. Under the largest one is hidden something. Once you find that, you will be on your way. Go south by night until you reach the great river. That is a massive stream of water: you would never be able to cross it. But don?t worry-follow the stream down, in the direction the water is going, until you reach the ocean-the largest body of water you?re ever seen. There is a town there. Aboard a ship and leave. You need to eventually reach a town called Oak?s hollow. It is far away. But you can work, and many places need a strong hand. Once you reach the hollow, find someone named Paulson. Tell them who you are." The boy thought of asking ?why?? but he didn?t. He carried on with, "One more thing you need to know. Come here are look at this. Now come!" The boy timidly went over to his desk. He was holding a small round object. "This is a compass. See the needle? The black part always points in the same direction." He rotated the compass to prove his point. "Now line up the black point with the letter ?N?. See the letter ?S? right below? Follow the compass?s ?S?. That will help you reach the river." The boy was terrified. He had never seen such a thing. The boy asked, "What if I don?t leave tonight?" He replied with, "That?s your choice. But I warn you: I must leave here tomorrow, and I?ll never be back. Whatever my replacement does with you will be none of my business. I shall not, and cannot interfere. You don?t need me anymore, and I no longer have any obligation to you as well. You need to go, and go tonight! Now off to bed with you!" he yelled. As he walked back to his cabin, he thought very carefully. He finally decided that something had changed. And yes, he?d leave. He gathered his pictures and his identity card and wrapped them in a scrap of sheet he had. He then waited for dark to come. Once it was dark, he slipped out. It was easy-the cabin had no doors. He waited where he had been told and sure enough, he appeared in the window-he even waved. The boy counted, as he had recently been taught. Then he ran-harder than he had ever run before. Strangely enough, no one shouted. No dogs barked. Just an eerie silence as he ran off. He reached the road, and made his way down. He found the trees easily enough. Located under one was a large bundle. Inside was a large loaf of bread, matches, a small electric torch, and a bar of soap, some cloth, a compass, and several pieces of paper. He took the compass and opened it. He nearly fainted when he saw the needle glowed in the dark! He followed the compass, heading south for the rest of the night. At dawn, he found a thicket and hid inside, finally falling asleep. He followed this pattern for several days-moving at night, hiding and sleeping by day. In the meantime, clear across the world, a woman went upstairs. She rummaged and finally found some old pictures. She looked at them-they were of a baby boy. "Oh, to hold you again! Why am I thinking of you? I?ve changed so never find me even if you were still alive! Maybe someday I?ll find you again. I can always dream, can?t I? And why am I thinking of you so much all of a sudden?" The boy kept going. He was very thin but strong after years of captivity. He had suffered in so many ways. But now he was moving on. He didn?t take time to think or remember-he just kept moving on. Finally he found the river, and changing tactics, just as he had been told, he found the town after a few days. Once there, he sat and thought. He looked at the papers. They looked funny, and he couldn?t read. But they looked official, and he knew that was important. He walked straightly but slowly into the town. Then he noticed something he had seen before-the Red Cross. He knew them from the camp, where they had brought vitamins and winter weight blankets and had provided a nurse once a week. He timidly knocked on the door. To his surprise, a man answered. "Can I help you?" he asked. The boy recognized the language (he had learnt it in the camp from prisoners that had been held there) and replied with, "Yes...I hope so...I think so," The man motioned for him to come in, and the boy did so. The boy placed his bundle on the floor, and sat in a chair. "Are you real Red Cross?" asked the boy. The man replied with, "Yes, I work for the Red cross. And who are you? How can I help you?" the boy then handed over his identity card, and after thinking for a minute, produced the papers from his bundle. "Well, at least you?ve brought some papers, which is more than I can say for most people I see here. Now exactly what have you brought me?" ?How strange this one is. He has lots of documentation here. I wonder who did all this?? thought the worker as he examined the papers. Noticing a bank receipt, the puzzle grew even deeper. Finally he worker put everything together and said, "You, my friend, are a refugee. I?ll get you to the reception center and have you processed. But everything will be alright, I promise." Later that day, a jeep pulled up, and a man and a woman got out. They took the boy to a new camp, a better camp. The boy was cleaned, dressed in fresh clothes, and interviewed. He was then placed in a room-again he had to share, but this time the space was clean and had no smell. "Things are looking up, I guess," thought the boy. In another place, far removed from the camp and its quiet existence, several men sat around a meeting table. "Well, this is a first. I thought he was dead," offered one man. "Well, he isn?t-he?s still very much alive. So what do we do?" said another. "Simple-we take care of it. We don?t want this kind of thing hanging around, no matter how remote the chances of anyone finding anything are." He then chuckled and added, "If it really is him, then we?ll take steps to unify them, but on our terms...and in our usual style. Now let?s get started. First, we need to prove that it really is him..." The boy was, at first, terrified. He was in a new place: and while it was not much better than the last place, it was quiet. He wasn?t used to that. There was food-before he had survived on a diet of soup, bread, and porridge. Now he was eating (or to be honest: TRYING to eat!) many new things. But the hardest change was women. Before he hadn?t really known any-there were very few women, on either side, of the old camp. As well, most of those women looked and acted a lot like the men that lived there. Now he was seeing women in a different light- and that made him feel strange indeed. As well, for several hours every day, he was made to go a little room that had many desks in it. In the beginning, people just talked to him and asked him questions. They figured out he spoke a few languages, couldn?t read or write, and he could count and do basic addition. Nothing more, nothing less. He learned that he was now in school, and he had to learn another language. It was hard, but the boy tried: and soon he could see his successes. He sometimes thought about the man?s last words-about finding ?Oak?s hollow? but he had no idea what was there, or even how to find that place, if it even existed. But the man had never lied to him. So he?d try to forget the whole thing, and carry on. But he could never do such a thing. Finally, he saw something at the school that surprised him-a whole big book of maps. He know what a map was-he?d seen them back in the old camp-but now he had a whole book of maps. He asked his teacher: "What do these maps show us?" while trying to use his new language. The teacher replied with, "They show us, in basic form, the whole world," The boy then gasped and asked in wonderment, "The world?! The whole big wide world?" He took the book and started looking at all the maps. But the book was thick-it would take time. But time was something he had a lot of...and he wasn?t wasting it, was he? In the meantime, the group of men met again. One of the men handed out a piece of paper, and sat down. He said, "Well, we now know the truth. The boy is his-no doubt about it!" Another man agreed, saying, "Yes, these genetic tests don?t lie. The two of them are father and son. He is alive after all! But still, he?s on the other side of the world and for all intents and purposes he might as well be on Mars. I think we?re safe." Then the man who was seated at the end spoke. "He is not on Mars, and he may know a lot more then we think he knows. Refugees from there are coming here all the time. We need to be honest and plan for that. In fact, we need to plan for his change. Make contact with our link over there, and try to get a detailed description, measurements, and a photograph. We?ll use those to get started at this end. And I expect regular reports on this issue. And finally, pull the file on Dorothy McKnight. We need to reopen that one, as well. We don?t need contact as of yet, but we need to read up on her." The man whom had spoken first spoke again, saying, "As you wish sir. I?ll update that file at once. And I?ll get in touch with our contact over there and pass on your instructions. We?ll keep close tabs on the whole situation, sir." And with that, they moved on to other business. Far away, the boy studied his big book of maps. He learned the world was actually very big. ?How can I find one small place in such a big world?? he thought to himself. A few times he considered asking for help, but then he?d stall. He didn?t want to appear crazy! And then there was that man who worked over in the clinic. The man had asked the boy a few times to help him out. But things had happened recently: the man had taken his picture, saying, "I?m just putting together a picture book so everybody at the clinic can identify you new arrivals." The man there had also measured and weighed him, saying that was just for routine records. But still, it felt strange. While it wasn?t the ?bad touch? he?d been warned about, it was still... different. With the book of maps taking him nowhere fast, he finally decided to ask about Oak?s hollow. He asked like this, "Teacher, can you help me find a place? I can?t find it in the book! It may not exist at all..," The teacher, with a quizzed look on his face, asked, "Err... where do you want to go?" The boy then thought, and finally blurted out, "A place called Oak?s hollow. I cannot find it in the book of maps, no matter how hard I try!" The teacher replied with, "That sounds like it may be a small town: it won?t be shown in the atlas. But there are other maps around. I?ll have a look and see what I can find, OK? But if I can find it, you?ll need to tell me why you need to know that." The boy agreed with that, after all what choice did he have? In the meantime, the woman had really been thinking about things. Her husband had wanted another baby, but they had decided to put it off until a few other things had been taken care of. Oh, she wanted another baby! But her longing for the past had continued. She had started really thinking about her boy, and what he represented to her. "But how could I find out?" she asked herself. It was a good question. The teacher said to him: "I?ve looked up the town of Oak?s hollow, and I?ve found several. They are spread out over a few countries: Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, and the USA. But most are in America. Now why did you ask about this one place?" He thought for a long moment, and then he finally spoke: "I was told to go there. Before I was let go from the last camp. And to find someone named ?Paulson?. But if there many places, I doubt I?ll ever find the right one." The teacher then offered, after writing down the name, this: "Oh, don?t be so sure. I?ll check into this new detail." But in his head, the teacher?s mind was spinning. This was all very strange indeed. That evening, he headed off to the staff library. He left a brief note for the camp staff researcher. But the teacher had been observed. The camp?s pharmacist had observed the note being written. He went in after the teacher had left, took the note, and headed back for his office. "Now this is a development. My superiors will want to know this at once." He gathered his notes on the boy, scanned the teacher?s note into a JPG file, and sent off all the information via secure E-mail to his superiors. He did not question any of this, for he knew the price of failure. A shame he didn?t know the full price he?d pay... After completing his writing, he destroyed the note. The research officer wouldn?t be present for several weeks-so the pharmacist had time to receive instructions for his superiors. In the meantime, the boy was doing well. His English was improving quickly. He had gained weight, and, for the first time in his life, he looked healthy. He noticed all this. He had thick black hair and an olive complexion. He discovered games. His manners were improving. He now looked, acted, and lived as a full human being. And for the first time, in his life, he smiled. The group of men was meeting again. They had received all of the new data, and were discussing it. "I?m now afraid of this thing! How the hell did he find out about Oak?s hollow?! And how did he get that name?! This is now downright spooky!" said one. "Calm down and grab hold, Jim. I think whomever helped the boy escape told him that. And even with that, all they?ll find are two uncles and an aunt. They know nothing-they accepted things a long time ago. Now moving on to other details, he?s starting to learn and grow-so we can scrap any fears we had of mental handicap. In fact," as he looked over the recent photograph, "I think he?ll make a fine addition to our service. He?ll need help. We just need his match to think the same way." He then picked up the other file, opened it, and smiled, "And you know what? I think we already have one very good source of that help at our fingertips. Yes, everything is coming together, just as it should be." He closed the file, picked up the boy?s photograph, and said, "You?re going to make several people very happy. You?re going to bring new life into this world. Now let?s move on..." The other men just looked at each other: they both knew what was happening, and wondered about this one case. "You will be called David. That is the western name we?ve decided to give you. From now on, you will answer to David, OK?" asked his teacher. "David? Who is David?" the boy asked. "You are, from now on. You will soon be going west to be resettled. No one there will understand your old name: but David is something they?ll be able to use easily. Soon your old name will be forgotten, as you move on and are integrated into western society. This is for the best, I promise you!" The boy looked at his reflection in the nearby window, and finally whispered to himself, "I am called David now. I leave my old self behind." He then spoke aloud, saying, "I am David now. But what about the rest of my name?" "That, my boy, is a very good question. For now, you don?t really have one. But in time, you may be adopted to a new family: or someone will assign you that part of your name. You?ll just have to wait and see." The first move He had known a move was coming-he had been told a few weeks before. But now it seemed that it would actually happen, and he was scared. His teacher told him, "David, the time has come for you to move on. You?ll be going to a new, bigger camp located on an island: this is your first move to the west, and a new life in a better place. You have done well. And I will miss you terribly!" David wondered about this sudden emotion-this man had been his teacher, giving him language, some knowledge, and a new name. But then again, he thought, so had the man done those things for him. He wondered what was next for him. "How will I get there? Will I have to walk, or do I take a boat?" The teacher then giggled and said, "No. oh, no! You?ll be taking an airplane." David wondered about that-what was an ?airplane?? The teacher then suddenly said, "I can tell what you?re thinking-we?ll discuss that soon with you and the group you?ll be travelling with." The next days where spend with medicals, tests, and other preparation. New documents were issued to him, and several of his old papers were returned: he told to keep all such papers with him and on his person from then on. David received new clothes. Even the pharmacist was excited, as he gave David the last of his vaccines and treatments. "You are beautiful, you know that?" he said to David. "One more thing: there is another pharmacist based in what will be your new home. I?ll make sure he knows you?re on your way." To David, that sounded good-someone was there that knew someone here. "Yes, sir-I?ll look him up as soon as I get there." A few days before he was to leave, David was made to pack up his few things and was then taken to a new, bigger building and assigned a bed there. Several other children from the center where there as well, with, him, waiting for the move. They talked about the airplane and what was next. They were then given orientation to flying-David was horrified when he learned that he?d actually be up, way up, in the sky. But he was reassured that this was perfectly safe. The next morning after breakfast, the children where all loaded onto a big bus and taken to the airport. David, like most of his fellow travelers, was scared. He was belted in and then the plane started to move very fast-and then it climbed up into the sky! David did not move a muscle for the whole flight. Even when the friendly lady offered him juice, he refused-he know he was so scared he wanted to vomit. Back at the meeting table, the group of men had been having another meeting. "So he?s moved on to Medusa Island. Now what happens?" asked one man. "He goes to school, and now he has to learn how to live in a civilized, proper society. He?s also one step closer to us. I?ve already begun planning for that. We need to be ready," replied the table head. "But sir: why do we need to do this? He can be sent anywhere and be reestablished. Why do we need to bring him here?" asked another. "Because he knows about Oak?s hollow, that?s why! Yes, I intercepted his communications, and I know he knows that! Thus, we must insure that everything falls in place before this explodes right in our faces!" He then glanced around and added, "And we know what that will mean, don?t we? And besides, we?ve done well turning those who chase us into raw material, haven?t we? This one is unique but really no different!" The table head then gathered his thoughts and calmed himself before speaking again. "We have medical people from our company based on Medusa. They?ll keep us up to date on the boy. And by the way, his name is now ?David?." In the meantime, David was settling in to his new home. This new place was much larger than any of the places he had lived before. He now lived in a house-something he had never known before. "You?ll now have a room all your own," explained a woman. She continued on with, "My name is Laura. I?ll be your new housemother. My job is to care for you, teach you, and get you ready to move on. One you?re done here, your next stop will be America! Doesn?t that sound nice?" David was both excited and terrified. "Yes, yes it does. Perhaps I can find this ?Oak?s hollow? place there." Laura looked at him with a puzzled look. "I read in your file about that. Do you ever remember going there? How do you know about that town?" David replied with, "No, I don?t remember ever going there. Not at all. But I was told to go there, and find someone. But I don?t know why or even who." Laura then said, "I don?t know either. But I?m sure will find out. But you must understand that you may never find that person-or that that person may actually want to do something bad either to you or with you. Have you ever thought about that?" David then said, "Well, no. but like I said before-nothing about this whole thing makes sense. Maybe I should just forget about that." Laura then offered, "If you think that will work. But I think we need to do more research. Maybe with that we?ll find out the truth. It may not be want you want, but at least then we?ll all know." David spent the next weeks learning. There where now buses to ride and all sorts of vehicles to see and ride. He now had a very nice room all to himself. He worked hard to improve his English, even though he still heard many other languages all around him. However, one thing really entered his mind. The new pharmacist had taken him aside one day and told him that they needed to talk. "I have some pictures to show you. We need to talk about them. This may be very important to you soon, so let?s get started. But first, if you find that any of the pictures trigger old memories, or make you feel uncomfortable, you just tell me, OK? And for this to work, you must be very honest, OK? It is perfectly normal, and completely OK, to just say ?I don?t know? if that?s true. And please, ask any questions you may have. Now here we go!" The first picture was of several clothed men. David and the pharmacist talked about men and what they looked like and how they could/should act. The next picture was of several clothed women. Again they discussed women, and how women acted. But the next picture was scary, and David commented, "That lady looks like she swallowed another person! How did that happen?" "No David. This is a pregnant woman. She is about to have a baby. Haven?t you ever seen a pregnant woman before?" explained the pharmacist. "Err, no. I?ve never seen a pregnant woman before. There were very few women at all before! But how?" The pharmacist smiled and took out more pictures. "Let?s see how well you know your body first," he said. He then spread out a large drawing of a naked man. He asked David to both name and explain the function of each body part in turn. They started at the eyes and worked their way down. David had no problem until he reached the genitalia. He started to sob and whimper. "I don?t know the name for that part-but it is very bad! It does bad things!" David said. "That is called, in proper terms at least, a penis. But why is it bad? What bad things did it do? You need to tell me!" the pharmacist both explained and asked. David was having all kinds of bad memories. He remembered that body part from the first camp. Some of the other male inmates there had taken him. He remembered it being pushed into his bottom, and into his mouth...of crying out in pain...of the man then whipping those who had done such things. "Tell me-I know that you are remembering something! I need to know so I can help you! I will not tell anyone else, I promise," David heard. "Back before I came here-some men took me and, and it was horrible! It was painful!" exclaimed David. The pharmacist then pointed at the drawing?s mouth, and said, "Did they put their penis in here? Did it go in your mouth?" He then pointed to the reverse side drawing, and added as he pointed at the drawings? buttocks, "Or did it go in here? Or did they rub their penis on your thighs, perhaps?" David then lost his compose, and cried out, "Both! It hurt! And I?d get beaten if I said no!" he then started to cry and sob. The pharmacist then took David in his arms, and started to speak in a soft voice, "You were raped. We?ll stop for now, as it?s obvious you cannot go on. We?ll resume later, after you?ve had a rest. In the meantime, try to think this over. We?ll talk more in time. There is no need to rush!" A few days later, the group of men met again. "Yes, he?s doing very well. That is good. I was worried about him having any sort of permanent handicap or disability. That worry has past," Said the leader. Another then looked up and asked, "So, now what? If we need to get him here, how will do that? And will he then be useable?" The leader then said, "Just look at these photographs, you idiot! Oh, I think he?ll make an excellent final product. He?ll make many people very, very happy! Now as for, getting him here, I?m working on it. That may very well be the hardest part..." Over the next few weeks, David continued to face his fears. He learned were babies came from, and how good sex was a natural, but not forcible, act. David had to admit that he had never known love. "Oh, don?t worry about that! No one really knows what sexual love is until they find it. And when you do find it, the feelings are so intense that you will not be able to stop it. But you must experience that in order to know it. No one can tell you what sexual love exactly is. Mechanics yes, but love, not really." Then David had to begin meeting with a group of people. They asked lots of questions and talked with him about many things. They all thought he had done well in the 2 ? years since he had arrived in the first reception center. The last words they told him were: "We?re going to recommend you for a US visa. We think you should come to America and live there. You?re almost twenty now, and we think you?ll make a good worker and citizen." David could only smile-he was now on his way to America. He had never mentioned Oak?s hollow (he had been told, very forcefully, not too by several people). Crossing the sea, and a very big discovery David wondered about America. He knew it was a big, wealthy place. But he wondered about so many things. What were the people like? Would he fit in? How would his life work out? And what about that mysterious place called Oak?s hollow? Who, if any one, was there? Then he, and several other children and young people, got on a very large airplane and flew off. Their next stop was the United States of America, and their new home. Back at the meeting table, David?s progress was being monitored. "He?s practically here! Now what?" asked one. "We will wait for a while. But things are coming together nicely. We just need to take out time and do this right. It will take a few months, but everything is falling into place quite nicely," replied another before handing out a sheet of paper and continuing with: "And I believe this man will make a perfect partner." They all smiled and nodded as they read the paper. All seemed in agreement. David received several new papers and documents before his trip. He received his passport, his visa, and several instructions before he left. "You?ll be going to a town called ?Fertile landing?, David. We have a small job lined up for you there, as well a room with a good family. You?ll continue with your schooling there, but in time. It will be a few months before you?ll start school there. But you will, I promise you," someone from the panel explained to him. David then said, "That sounds very good indeed. So what kind of job will I be doing?" "You?ll be working in a restaurant kitchen, helping with dishes and cooking and such. But you will only work a few hours a day. And in time, you?ll be able to apply for better jobs that pay more," was the answer given to David. The flight to the USA was long and tiring. It seemed to take forever, even though the plane this time was truly massive. But in time they landed. After getting his bag and clearing customs, David and the group he was travelling with were met by another group of adults dressed in suits. One said, "As I call your name, please go and stand with the person I?ll be pointing at!" David soon realized that they were being split into five groups. He was assigned to a tall woman who was wearing a very dressy outfit. Once all were together, she said, "Now you?ll all come with me. I?ve got space for all of you, and then we?ll get you sent on to your new, permanent homes." There were final hugs and promises as the big group broke up: David had a feeling that he?d never see any of his fellow travelers again. They were all lead out to a big van, and told to get in. "Ma?am, will this car take me to fertile landing? That?s where I?m supposed to be going," David asked. "No, silly. That place is still a few hundred miles away. You have a train trip and a bus to get before you?ll be there. You just need to have some patience and settle down OK?" the new lady replied. What no one noticed as they moved out was one strange man. He had been watching this happen, and after they left, he went over to a pay phone. He glanced around, and then placed his call: "Yes, they just landed. Tell the big boss that his is here, and on his way out." He then hung up the phone and hurriedly left. After another long but uneventful trip, David arrived in Fertile landing. The new town was nice, but it was quiet. His new family seemed nice but distant. And he remembered Oak?s hollow, and his need to get there. But how? And what was so important there? Much time had passed since the man had told him to go there-maybe whatever or whomever was there had left already. David had so many thoughts and feelings. And he really felt as if he didn?t fit in-he needed to move, and soon. But to were? And how to get there? A few weeks after his arrival in town, two men had eaten dinner in the restaurant where David had been working. They kept looking around. Finally David came out to get the dishes-in was late and the place was empty. His jaw dropped when one asked him, "Are you David, my boy?" as if to prove his point, he held up a photo of David. "Yes, that?s me. But who are you?" he asked. "Met us at the big park on little avenue-tomorrow morning around ten AM. Come alone-we have information about your family and you need to hear it! One of your parents is alive. And we?ll also explain a few things about Oak?s hollow-a place I?m sure you?ve heard of before. And tell no one, not even your supposed parents, about this conversation, OK?" The man said in a strong, firm tone. The two of them then placed some money on the table, got up, and left. David was almost in shock, and he had so many questions. He didn?t sleep well that night, but the next morning he awoke, got up, and after dressing and eating, headed off to the park. He knew it well. Sure enough, the two men were there. David, spotted the, and went over to them. He awkwardly asked them, "So, how do you know me? And how to you know about the hollow? I?m confused..." He then sat down, and started to cry. "David, look at me. There are things you need to know. But for now, I?m just going to tell you a few things. You must listen and you must believe me. If you ever tell ay one else, I will disappear and you will never know the truth. And no one will believe you is you tell, as nothing is provable. I want your word that you?ll keep everything to yourself. You must also promise not to do anything brash or stupid!" one of the two men instructed. "Yes, but only if you tell me the truth. What is so important about Oak?s hollow?" David asked. "You have family there-Family that has never known you. Your father is also still alive. But everyone thinks you are long dead," Explained one of the men. "But I don?t remember ever being here! I had to apply for permission to come here, and all the pain I suffered. No, I?m not from here!" replied David. "You were taken away from here when you were basically a baby. Your mother took you there as she was both fleeing your father and returning to her native land. But soon after the two of you arrived, that country broke up and fell into civil war. Your mother was killed, and it was assumed you were as well. No records survived, and you were placed in a series of orphanages and prison camps by the authorities of the small nation that emerged from the fighting. They used the name your mother had placed on your documents over there. America assumed you had died and never looked for you. By the way, your fathers family name was Paulson-has anyone ever mentioned that name to you?" offered the man. David then went white. He felt as if he couldn?t breathe. "Yes, I know that name. But who are you? How do you know me?" he said in a shocked, trailing voice. "Long ago, our boss made a promise to your father. He is now fulfilling that promise. But I warn you-getting there will not be easy. And I cannot promise you anything. Your father has changed a lot since he last saw you. And I must be honest-he has a big family of his own. It will take time to get things arranged and there are things you must learn, and do as well," explained the man. "So, what will I have to do? Will it be criminal?" David said, but he didn?t know exactly what he was saying: he was in shock and very afraid. "No, dummy. You need to learn how to drive a car...get your papers... get established here. We will help you do those things, but you must be ready and willing to do your part. You are now twenty years old, and it?s time for you, after travelling this far, to both face and know the truth," Said one of the men. The second man then started to talk, saying: "We will keep in touch with you and help you every step of the way. But as we?ve said before, no one must know what we?ve told you, or that we?re helping you. As was said before, we can easily vanish into the wind: but you, my boy cannot. Now we?ll keep in touch. In the meantime, start to exercise to prepare yourself." The two men then went to their car and left. David sat down on a bench and cried. He now knew a lot more, but he didn?t want to believe it. It seemed true-how else would they know about such places and names? And his father-his true father-was still alive? How to cope with all this new information! David just sat and cried while he thought things through. He decided he needed to find out-to discover his own truth: no matter where that took him. Over the next while, David saw the two men several times. They helped David learn to drive a car, get all his identification in order, and helped to build him up. None of this was reported to David?s new parents-not that they cared. Then one day, one of the men sat David down and told him: "You are now ready to move on from here. Quit the job at the restaurant tonight-you will need to work for two weeks before that becomes final. We have arranged for you to move on from here. You?ll need to follow the plan we give you exactly, otherwise you will get lost and will probably end up in trouble. And we don?t want that now, do we?" David replied with a ?no? and the man went on with: "I?ll keep in touch with you frequently over the next three weeks. Now, do you have a lot of stuff to dispose of?" David then said, "No. I just have my clothes and personal things. Everything else belongs to the house." The man replied with, "Good! Now everything is in readiness. Just do as you?re told and everything will work out for the better." David followed every instruction to the letter. He quit the restaurant job, got his stuff together, and prepared himself. He made sure all his laundry was done-the man had given him a large duffle bag and these words: "Now don?t pack up until the night you?re about to go-no one must know you?re going," David agreed, but he felt no emotion-he had a link to neither the people he lived with nor the town itself. David?s final instructions where to leave at 3am and go to the park where he first met the men. This time he walked rather then ran-he had little to fear. The men drove him to place outside of town where he handed over to another driver. He was well on his way. The group that had been meeting was together again. "He is on his way to us as we speak. He now knows the truth, or rather a partial truth." The speaker then laughed, and continued with, "Everything is in readiness! Now come into our spider web, little fly-and prepare to be caught!" Genesis: a life reborn The trip seemed very long and confusing to David. It took several days of movement, by train, by plane, and all the while his surroundings got wilder as civilization faded into the background. He knew he was heading for a town called Stepford and that something awaited him there. Was it his father? Or perhaps more clues as to his father?s fate or whereabouts? He did not know, but he wanted too. And that drove him on. Finally he stood at a very small airport located in the middle of no place. He was ushered aboard a small aircraft, and they took off. The flight was long, and seemed to have a lot of turns. Finally they landed at a larger airfield, and all got out. David noticed a man holding a sign bearing his name, and he went over to him. The man took his bag and led him to a nearby car. "I?m here to take you to where you?ll be staying. Now get in, as I don?t want to waste time," David complied, and was driven into town. Stepford seemed like a very nice place indeed. Everything looked very well maintained and crisp. Finally, the car stopped and David was let out. "This is the men?s club. Go and check in. I assume a room will be ready for you," The driver offered as he got David?s bag and let David out before driving off. David entered the building and went to the check in desk. After offering his ID, the concierge checked his papers and found David?s name. He fetched a key and handed it to David, explaining, "Your room is on the fourth floor-room 418. Now here is your key. Go and settle in. Dinner is served at 5:30 pm tonight in the city room," David took the key and headed towards the elevator. He found the room to be luxurious and spacious. The bed was huge and very comfortable. The bathroom looked like something out of a magazine David had once read. David was very tired-he lay down and was soon fast asleep. In fact, it wasn?t until early the next morning David woke. The sun was shining in through the large bay window. David looked around, and decided to go and shower, as he was smelly. After washing, he dressed and decided to check out the rest of the place. But as he left his room, he met another man. "Hi! You must be David. I?ve been expecting you! Can we talk?" he said. "Yes! Yes, of course! But where?" David replied. "We?ll go out on the rear patio-that will be empty. We can talk there. By the way, my name is Mike," said the stranger. David followed Mike out to the patio, and they sat down. Mike then said, "So, you?ve made it! Now I?m sure you have many questions. We?ll have to work through the list in time. Now I know you?re seeking your father. He isn?t here-not right now, anyway. But there are people here who know about him. And in time, you MAY be allowed to meet him. You must understand that this has been stressful on him as well." "Yes, I?d imagine this would be. I know I?m still in shock. But can you tell me anything about him?" asked David. "Well, he has three boys and three girls-six kids in all. He occasionally comes here on business. And he was shocked to hear of you, as well. Very surprised indeed he was!" replied Mike. The two of them made small talk for a while. Mike gave David a tour of town in his car. The town was the cleanest place David had ever seen. Even the large pharmaceutical factory was massive but clean. Mike commented, "Many of the vaccines and drugs that were used to treat you and get you back to health were made right here. I think you met some of our field staff during your stay at the refugee reception centers, if I remember correctly." David replied with, "Yes, I did met some of your people-but I had no idea they worked for such a large company." Mike then said, "Oh, this is only part of our company. We have operations all over the world-but this is our largest and main factory and research center." That evening David was joined at dinner by Franco, another guest of the club. David was surprised to find out that Franco was from the same country that David had escaped from. He spoke the same languages that David spoke. The two laughed and talked well into the night. David found Franco to be very chatty and friendly. "It?s good to find someone like him and have a friend while I?m in such a strange place," thought David to himself. The next few days where mostly spent with Franco. Mike appeared every so often as well. Then one morning, as David after David had eaten his breakfast, he began to feel sleepy. He was with Mike, who asked David if he was alright. "Yes...I mean no. I suddenly feel sleepy!" David replied. And then he passed out. David awoke some time later. His mouth was very dry and he couldn?t move. He tried to wiggle, but noticed, to his terror, that he was tied to some sort of narrow bed. Then he noticed the large bandage on his stomach, as well as how weak he felt. He screamed. Then a door opened and two people, a man and a woman, entered the room. Both were wearing surgical scrubs. The man held up a massive syringe, and promptly moved to inject the contents into David?s abdomen, choosing a target just below David?s bandage. Then David felt excruciating pain-a pain like which he had never felt before. Not even the tortures of the past compared to this. David screamed and began to cry. He felt as if his skin was on fire, while his bowels felt as if they were moving inside him. He noticed his voice getting higher and softer. His muscles throbbed and ached. He wanted to pass out, but couldn?t. Then after several minutes of this, the pain stopped. David lay on the bed, exhausted and sore from the ordeal. As he regained his senses, he noticed he felt different. His arms seemed smaller and much weaker than before. All his body hair had disappeared. He opened his eyes and looked down-down to see two small breasts! "What is going on?" he asked. The soft, feminine voice that he heard surprised him. The men then got between David?s spread legs. "Yes, sweetie, you look perfect. But we?ll do a pelvic, just to make sure," he commented. David then realized that he now had a vagina, and that the man?s finger was probing that vagina. "She?s in perfect condition," offered the man. "Your name now is Manuela," he said to what was once David. He turned to the woman, and instructed, "Take Manuela here down to the Women?s society building, and start her training. She marries Franco in a month. I?ll leave the rest of the details to you," And with that, he turned and left. The women then untied Manuela, and helped her up. Manuela looked down at her now thin but firm legs. She looked over her new body and was surprised at how soft but firm her new body was. After dressing in an offered pink robe, she was led out to a waiting vehicle and taken to the women?s society building. Inside Manuela was made to shower. Her skin now felt smooth and soft. After bathing, she was led into a massive clothing dispensary. She was measured and given fresh and feminine clothing. She felt very funny as she slid the plain white cotton panties up and over her now small but full behind. The woman who was helping her held up a bra of all things and said, "You will need to wear one of these every waking hour you are here. You may not think so now, but in a very short while you?ll need one all the time!" She then showed Manuela how to put a bra on. Then came soft pink sweatshirt with a big white teddy bear applique on the front. Next came a pair of soft pink trousers. They were loose fitting and featured a drawstring tie. The final touch was a pair of pink flip flops for her feet. "You?ll receive more clothing over time. You?ll be trained in how to dress stylishly. But for now, you?ll get a basic girl?s wardrobe," said the girl who was helping Manuela dress. Next Manuela was assigned her room. It was like going from the penthouse to the houseless shelter. The new room was Spartan, with a bed, wooden rocking chair, chest of drawers, and a small bathroom. The site manager came to visit next. "You?ll be assigned a training schedule. You will be taught how to clean, cook, and keep house. There are other things you?ll be taught, but I?ll wait for you to discover that yourself," she said. She then sat down and thought for a minute. "Just so that you know: most of what you were told is, in fact, very true. Your father did come here, but he...well...he received the same thing you just did. Everyone here thought you were gone. But now you too will move on and become the perfect wife. Everything from here on out will be so much better." Manuela started to treble and asked, "But why? Why change me like this? I don?t get it." "Ok-you asked and I?ll answer you, sweetie. After your father was changed, he broke one rule-he made contact with on old family member. Not that he ever explained things: no, it was a new relationship, a friendship between herself and one of your aunts. But it was still something that is really considered verboten around here. News like you could be very bad for everyone involved. So the decision was made to change you as well. I will tell you now-even your fingerprints are new. There is no longer any traceable way to the old David. He is gone. And there is much, much more, but I don?t want to scare you any more then you already are. Everything will be revealed in time," explained the manager. "So my father really is dead. And I had such high hopes!" said Manuela as she started to cry. She heard her new soft, high, feminine voice as she spoke and wondered how they had done that to him-or to her, as she now was. "Now calm down! She?s is not dead! We?ll leave that for later. Now you need to get some rest, as your training starts tomorrow. You will leave here a refined, classy girl who will really be an asset to your new husband. He thinks the world of you already, so it should be close to perfect. Now just relax and settle in," instructed the manager. Manuela looked in the big mirror that hung on her wall. She thought to herself, "I am very pretty, but how? What will happen next? What kind of wife-wife?! Will I be?" But as she was tired, she soon went to bed. Sleep, however, was in short supply. So much had happened, so much had been learned...and now so much more had to be learned! And what about her father? Finally, she fell into a fitful and shallow sleep. The next weeks were spent learning. Various women in the town ran classes and provided instruction to the small group of newly minted ?women?. Learning how to dress for a sexy, feminine look. Learning how to cook and bake. Learning how to sew and knit. Even the bathroom required teaching-how to shave ones? legs and how to tend to one?s new body. How to shower-which now required many bottles and several products. Growing hair now had to be washed and conditioned. Skin had to be washed and rubbed with creams and oils. The instructor brazenly used her own body in order to demonstrate personal hygiene. Manuela found this to be useful but gross at first: but then, it became welcoming. It became natural to be naked around the other women. Manuela started to compare her new body to those of the other women around her. That body which had started to develop and change. Her skin darkened into a deep tan color. Manuela?s breasts grew in quickly. Her nipples filled in and darkened. The once down-like hair on her pussy grew out into a thick, dark, and very healthy bush. Manuela soon noticed that all her panties and shorts had become tight as her bottom grew into a pair of full half-moon shaped buttocks. Her face filled in, while her once short hair grew out. She had in styled weekly and each time Manuela thought she looked better: but soon she thought she looked prettier. But the biggest change was her breasts. Soon she had two good sized orbs on her chest. She could feel them move and bounce if she didn?t wear a bra. She now understood that garment?s importance to every woman. Then one morning, one of her teachers, Paula, asked Manuela to stay behind after cooking class. "Is something wrong?" asked Manuela. "No, oh no! Everything is perfect! But we have something to discuss! Something very special and beautiful! Come here and sit with me, my child!" replied Paula with a cheerful tone in her voice. The two sat together, and Paula began with: "Look at my belly and what do you see?" Manuela looked at Paula?s ripe tummy and replied, "You are pregnant." Paula then said, "I have something to share with you-something very special: you too are pregnant. The baby is yours and Franco?s! You will be a mother. Not right now, but in time you will deliver a baby and become a mama!" Manuela could only gasp as she heard those words. ?But how?? ran through her mind. Manuela finally said, in a whispered tone, " Is that possible? Why?" Paula went over and held her change closely, before offering in a soft, motherly tone: "During the surgery you were implanted. This happens to all of us. But this is for the best: the baby will make you very happy - and complete. Believe me, I know." Images ran through Manuela?s tortured mind. She saw herself very big with the baby. She imagined herself holding her new arrival. Then it was Franco playing with the new baby. "I?m going to become both a wife and a mother!" she exclaimed. She felt both very happy and nauseous at the same time. There were feeling of love, hate, joy, uncertainty, and new feeling she had never felt before. "The baby will not come for quite a while. You will have time to get married and settle down before the baby comes. And I know you will make a great mother!" offered Paula, sounding upbeat. Into a new union Manuela had been working hard. There were now new classes on sex, childbirth, and marriage. Many old memories of the internment camp and what happened there gripped her. She was then taken back to the center, and tied down or a bed. She was given a few injections: she soon was very sleepy. "You just need some reprogramming. We?re going to soften and remove some of the worst memories so you can move on," she heard someone say. Then she passed out. She was then rolled over and hooked up to some machines. A large TV set was placed in front of her and turned on, while headphones were slipped over her ears. Once the TV came on, her eyes opened and she began to watch the pictures. As the others left the room, she was staring wide eyed at the set and listening with deep interest to the playing message. After a few days of this, the staff checked their read outs and reports. They then shut both the cassette and the TV off. They then left Manuela to sleep. Once they woke her up, they talked to her. She remembered coming to America. She remembered being interned. She also remembered something bad happening to her, but all of that was fuzzy. She was sent back, but now the new classes were fun! She decided to try and be the best wife Franco could have or want. She learned about him- his money, his education, the fact that he was starting out in the world. She began to wear a lot of jewelry and make-up. She decided that as a woman she needed to look her best. Then Franco himself returned. He gave her a massive diamond engagement ring, and Manuela cried in happiness. "Yes! I want to be your wife! Please, make me your wife!" she begged. "Yes, I am going to marry you, sweetie. We will live as husband and wife and have a big family together! I want you!" he exclaimed as he kissed her. The two of them were in love! Before her wedding, Paula delivered more instructions. "You?ll need to complete your citizenship after you?re settled. As your married, it should be easy. But here are you need green card and other documents. You now have a new driver?s license, travel document, SSN, and everything. There is a whole new documented you!" she explained. Paula continued with: "You are moving to a town called Maple Grove. Franco has a new job and is buying a new house there. That will be your new home! I?ll see you at your wedding! You?re going to make a beautiful bride!" Paula then began to cry, as Manuela had started much earlier. The night before her wedding Manuela cleaned out her room. She had been given suitcases in which to pack her clothes. Paula was there to help. "I can?t believe not only am I now a woman, I?m going to be a bride! And then a mother! It?s all so overwhelming!" blurted Manuela. Paula held her as she cried. "My child, things will get better-much better. You will be happy, but you must remember to find opportunities to serve both Franco and your new community. Work hard to be credit to both! Just be patient and relax!" chided Paula. Finally, after much education and training Manuela donned her wedding dress. She cried as walked down the aisle. The wedding itself was a simple affair in a local park. Paula was there as well, as Manuela had asked her to be matron of honor. The rings were exchanges, ?I do?s? spoken, and finally Franco kissed his new bride. There were lots of tears, but this was still a very happy time for all involved. After a small reception dinner the new couple headed off to the local hotel for the night, as they would be leaving the next morning. Everything seemed to be coming together-or was it? Late that evening, Paula asked Manuela to take a brief walk. "Thank you for the money. It will come in handy, I?m sure," said Manuela. Paula then held out a piece of paper. "Hide this on your person. There is one of us living were you will be living! You need to contact her and meet her! She will be a big help to you, I know," explained Paula in a hushed tone. Manuela looked at the card. There was a name, ?Dorothy M?, and an address and phone number. "Thank you" she offered. It would be good to have a friend in her new community, she thought. Then it was off to the hotel. They checked in and made their way up to their room. Manuela was impressed as she entered-the room was spacious and looked elegant. The bed was massive and looked very comfortable. But she knew what was coming: sex! This man, who was now her husband, was going to take her, to fuck her! How would that feel? Part of her wanted this badly, surprisingly baldy, but part of her was scared to death about what was happening. That sat and talked for a while. It had been a long day and a lot had happened. "I am your husband now. I finally have someone to really love!" said Franco. He held Manuela and whispered, "You are now my wife. I will take care of you and look after you: you are now mine!" He reached around and pulled down the zipper on Manuela?s dress. The dress fell away, and she stepped out of it. She then stood there, wearing only her bikini panties and a strapless bra. Franco then looked at her and said, "I made the best choice-you are very beautiful!" Manuela was then overtaken by a strange feeling-it was something she had never felt before. She went over and got in front of her husband. She then reached out and opened his belt, fly and trouser button. She pulled his pants down. She then reached out and gently patted the front of his briefs. Franco groaned as she did this. She then gently touched and tickled Franco?s penis through the thin fabric of his briefs. Then she noticed the bulge forming. He was getting hard! This was good. Franco then moved and removed his pants, tie, and shirt completely. He took Manuela in his arms and hugged her. He reached around in quickly opened and removed her bra. He gazed upon her lovely tits. Franco then reached out and started to gently tug and roll his wife?s nipples between his fingers. Manuela moaned as he did this. Something was stirring inside of her: a warm feeling that moved up from her tummy. Her nipples were hard and she had a damp feeling between her legs. She then got down on her knees and forcefully pulled Franco?s briefs off. She gasped as she saw him naked: his firm hard muscles, his flat hard stomach, and finally, his massive and hard cock. ?My god! He is hung!? she thought as she stared at her husband massive cock-she had never seen a penis so large and thick before. She then pulled off her own panties and threw them aside. Franco then took her into his arms and held her. He licked her nipples and shocks flowed through Manuela?s body. There where, at that moment, only three things in her mind: herself, Franco her husband, and Franco?s cock. Nothing else mattered then. She groaned and whimpered. Franco then picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He landed on top of her. He kissed her as he parted her legs and moved his knees until they were underneath her thighs. He took one of her breasts in his mouth and sucked on it hard as he began to pump. He moved his cock into her a little bit, and then he almost pulled it out. Each thrust he went a bit deeper. Manuela was beside herself. She grunted with each thrust into her. She started to arch her back to meet his thrusts, gasping, "Oh darling! Fuck me! Fuck like you?d fuck your wife!" with each thrust. She could feel his balls slapping against her as she worked her hips. Franco?s thrusts were then hard and deep. He was working his hips in a figure eight motion as he thrust, pulling his cock almost completely out before thrusting back in again. He loved this. He had enjoyed sex before, but this time things were different. This time he felt love. Something powerful was starting to build within Manuela. She was seeing bright colors that throbbed with each thrust. She could hear panting and groaning-was that her? The feeling from before now encased her whole body. Something strong was building. Then it seemed as if every nerve in her body fired. She felt a massive jolt of deep pleasure, followed by another one. Her brain seemed to stop working as she had a massive orgasm. The only thing she felt was a massive wave of pleasure that overcame her. Even as the sex high overtook her, Franco moved. He spread her legs wide and started to fuck his bride hard. "You have a real man between your legs!" he grunted between thrusts. He could feel his own orgasm building. He let go in an intense orgasm of his own. He could feel his cum flooding her. He rolled off and rested. Manuela was still seeing stars. As she came down from the sex high she felt the dampness between her legs. She looked over and saw her husbands? penis softening. She reached out and squeezed it firmly but gently. She pulled the foreskin away and noted the glans and tip of the penis. He touched the balls and rubbed the scrotum. Franco moaned with each touch and she could tell he was enjoying this. But she wanted to have him again... She continued to stroke and touch him. He was rubbing his cock, but he wasn?t getting hard again. "No matter how hard I work, he?s limp!" Manuela thought to herself. Then she got down and took his penis into her mouth. She started to suck and lick. "Oh! A blowjob!" grunted Franco. Manuela was glad he was enjoying it. And the penis was starting to stiffen again. Manuela was sucking and bobbing her head up and down. At the top, she started to lick and run her tongue over the tip. She heard a loud moan each time. Should she keep going, or try to mount? She learned the answer when she realized Franco?s hands were now on her head. She kept on licking and sucking. There was so much trust involved. Franco began to grunt and with one final, very loud moan, he came in her mouth. Manuela suddenly tasted something salty and thick-she simply swallowed the semen and licked him clean she reluctantly released the penis from her mouth, as it had gone limp and soft one more. "That was good! Now to return the favor!" offered Franco. He sat up and rolled on his side. He spread Manuela?s legs apart and started to gently pull and roll the lips of her pussy in his fingers. He touched her clitoris and Manuela whimpered. He inserted a finger into her pussy and started to work it in and out. "Bear down, tighten up for me!" ordered Franco. He complied and the result was mind blowing. Soon the feeling started to build again. With two of her husband?s fingers inside of her pussy, and other fingers touching her vaginal lips and clit, she came again-a deep massive orgasm. But this one felt different: it was weaker and softer. The two then rolled over. Manuela fell asleep in her husbands? arms. She slept deeply and soundly. She felt protected and safe-for the first time in a long time. No, make that forever. They flew out of Stepford the next day. They went, for a few days at least, to the beach. They had a good time, but soon it was time to move on. A forever home They landed with a soft thud. "I?ve bought us a nice big house. We now just have to furnish it and make it ours! I hope you like it, sweetie!? explained Franco. They got their luggage and drove off in a rented car. The new town, Brown?s landing, was very nice indeed. Their new home was a massive one with a full basement and three floors, and was located in a gated community. "Why the fence?" asked Manuela. "Because of crime- well, not there is much crime here: but I feel safer with the security present," replied Franco. The unit was indeed spacious and lovely. Franco warned, "There is still a lot of work to do, and we need to furnish. But I wanted to wait for you, so we could do those things together-as a couple." He then sobbed. "Franco, this place is beautiful! It is ours! And it will come together very shortly, I think," Said Manuela as she was over whelmed with happiness. After so long, she now had a full home of her own. In one room she stopped and asked, "Why is this room so barren?" Franco replied with, "This room, sweetie, will be YOUR space. You can decorate it any way you want!" Manuela was beside herself-she di not know what to make of such a space, let alone how to decorate it. They noted what needed to be done-new kitchen, carpets, bathroom work, and furniture. But there was a bed and some furniture. It was enough for them: at the time that was, at least! The next issue was work. Franco would soon be starting his new job. "We need to get you a car, and I promise we?ll do that soon. I?ll arrange for a rental in the meantime!" explained Franco. Manuela was trying to be supportive, but she was scared. She?d been with Franco constantly since the wedding. How would she cope? The big morning came quickly. Franco rose and showered. Manuela cooked

Same as Into My Father's House Videos

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Fathers Day Taboo A Gemini Breeding Session

Introduction: After the Fathers Day/Birthday cookout, Richard, Olivia, the boys along with the Gemini twins and Lila all take part in a breeding orgy. The second & last part in the two-part series. Little slow going at first, but it picks up as it goes along. *********PART TWO: ALL IN THE FAMILY************* As we all got ready for what was about to be an exciting day, my son Julian called to wish me both a Happy Fathers Day & a Happy Birthday. So when are Damian and Lila coming over dad?...

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Fathers Day Taboo Gemini Surprise

Introduction: Richard gets a rather unexpected surprise for both Fathers Day and his birthday, then breeds his wife as his adult twins observe a potential breeding in progress. In honor of Fathers Day approaching, I thought it would be nice to throw in a little taboo story. NOTE: This story was re-edited. PART ONE: THE TWINS GIVE THEIR FATHER A HEADJOB, THEN THEY WATCH HIM BREED THEIR MOTHER IN HOPES FOR ANOTHER BABY. As a married and proud father of four adult children (two boys, ages 22 &...

3 years ago
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How I became my fathers cum slave Part Two

Introduction: It would be best to read part one first. I kept my eyes trained on my fathers form as he sauntered towards my bed. I was starting to relax as I played out my idea in my head. All I had to do was allow him to do whatever he wanted except enter my pussy. But even just thinking about my father touching me made me get soaking wet. He obviously noticed because he chuckled as he stood at the edge of my bed. He motioned with his head towards me and my brother got up to pull me back into...

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Fathers day

  FATHERS DAY               A present for Daddy on his Muffian Fathers day is going to be special for Carol's Daddy.      Well, fathers day, again. I can hear the pots and pans rattling in the kitchen and the aroma of pancakes wafting down the hall to the bedroom. I got up and went to the shower before the kids came and dragged me out of bed.     We have two kids, girls, Beth is 14 and is in junior high school. Carol is in senior high.  They are  both blond and very pretty. Beth is...

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The Dallas Fathers Club

Introduction: The families that play together get layed a lot The Dallas Fathers Club There are fathers clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so...

1 year ago
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I am a single father raising two daughters and a son. My oldest daughter, Becki is still living at home as she commutes to collage. She is very beautiful, 5'4", long dark red-brown hair, about 100 lbs. and she has big tits. I know I shouldn't notice that about my own daughter but it is hard not to notice. I try to be a cool dad, open minded as well as I try to give her as much privacy as possible. I wouldn't say she is slutty but she does seem to go through a good number of guys; but with her...

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A Fathers Fantasy

I try to be a cool dad, open minded as well as I try to give her as much privacy as possible. I wouldn't say she is slutty but she does seem to go through a good number of guys; but with her looks I know she can have any guy she wants. I am pretty sure that when she has guys over she is up to something in her room, the music goes on and I just have that thought that she is having sex. For some reason this began to get on my mind and the more I thought about it, the more I began to wonder...

1 year ago
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Happy Fathers Day

100% fiction! It was a fathers day like no other! I wasn't going to give dad a tie or a card, I was going to give him my ass! I have seen dad's cock many times when he would shower at the park, when we came home from the beach. His cock was an awesome nine inches at least and thick. I have dreamed of getting to play with it and taste it in my mouth. Now that I was eighteen, I could get what I wanted. I know dad was bi. I found a few of his sites on the computer. He liked young guys with long...

1 year ago
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My Fathers Cock

100% fiction! I was not a virgin and I told my future husband about the relationship I had with a guy when I was in college. What I didn’t tell him was that my relationship in college was with my father and that my father had taken my virginity when he came one weekend to visit me and we continued fucking for the years! I was the splitting image of my mom when she was my age but she had gained weight over time and no longer sexually attracted him plus she was just not interested in sex anymore....

4 years ago
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fathers story

Dave watched from outside the kitchen window as his father locked thecellar door behind him. Looking around trying to make sure he wasn’tseen. Daves father Richard hid the key inside the kitchen clock.Dave had been hoping to find the hiding place for this key for a longwhile, his curiosity of what was and happened in that room had been drivingthe eleven year old crazy. All he had to do now was wait for his father toleave him so he could investigate.The next day his prayers were answered. Just...

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Fathers Day part 2

Introduction: Marks fathers day continues with his wife and daughter I had so much fun writing the first part of this story I couldnt wait to write more. This whole story is entirely fictional. ============================================== Alex got up from the bed first and headed towards the bathroom. As she walked Mark savored the view of her large, firm ass bouncing from side to side. Alex shot him a sly look over her shoulder. She knew exactly what he was looking at anytime she turned...

3 years ago
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Swapping Fathers 1

I'm switching now to filing under Fantasm as there is no category listed as "Mostly True." Fantasm does mean "an illusionary likeness of something." So, I guess that works. This series will be an amalgamated collection of polyamorous experiences Ash and I had, all combined into one common story thread. This story will "stand alone" but will make more sense or at least seem much deeper, if you've followed us through the first 10 stories. There's so much to say, so many great people...

2 years ago
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Old and teen with fathers consent

I had fallen asleep at the table, I was so drunk, but then we all were, even my parents, but they were holding their liquor better, in fact it was the older ones who did.It was late and the music was loud, but that did not stop me dozing off, with my head on the table, a typical pose for a girl who has crashed-out.I was woken by my mother, 'Come on you need to go to bed', she said laughing, she was blasted too, but having a ball.'I will take her down', came a sober offer, my dads friend, Bill,...

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My Fathers Boss

Introduction: Her father will do anything for the promotion, even pimping his only daughter out to his boss… My Fathers Boss. This is my first attempt at writing since I lost my dear friend and editor. After being encouraged by multiple people to finally take the plunge I eventually wrote this story after may attempts at other, which are still to be completed. I hope you like my story and I shall continue to grow as a writer, becoming better as I learn from my mistakes and your criticisms. ...

4 years ago
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My Fathers Boss

Introduction: Her father would give anything to ensure he got the promotion. My Fathers Boss. There was a very important company gala coming up, a formal black tie event, my father needed a plus one. My mother has been away for the past three months taking care of my grandmother across the country. I was the last person he wanted to take to the event, and the gala was the last place on earth I wanted to be. I am more the type of girl that goes to rock concerts and biker bars. I have always...

2 years ago
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Introduction: CARE OF A HAREM Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK? He replied: By all means, let us. We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. What is it my son? Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything? Of course you can, my son I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...

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Fathers and Sons

Fathers and SonsMy sister was getting married in Vegas and had invited my father even though Mom was dead set against it. Their divorce had not been amicable and it was years before my sister and I knew the reason for the divorce in the first place. Dad was gay.I am sure Mom still took that as an insult to her womanhood and even though she knew it was not a choice he had made she still would not let it go. My sister and I argued with her and pointed out he had always been a great father but...

3 years ago
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Coveting thy fathers wife

Bless me father for I think I have sinned----the lord forgives all who confess their sins and are truly willing to repent and what do you mean by think-- The ten commandments are no problem for me especially the one about honoring my mother and father----so what seams to be the problem my son----my father passed away five years ago and left me and my mother with out a penny to our name, so I have become the man of the house---- there is no sin in taking care of your mother, many men would not...

2 years ago
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Fathers Day

Introduction: Mark gets a present from his wife and young daughter First time writer, tell me what you think. This is entirely fictional. ================================================================== Happy fathers day! Mark rolled over in bed. Up until that moment he had been enjoying a blissful morning, wrapped in the soft duvet. Last night his wife Alex and his daughter Meggie had taken him out for a pre-fathers day dinner. He had enjoy quite a bit of wine and the three of them had...

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Fathers Day Pt4

I woke up Saturday morning and quietly crawled out of bed busting for a pee, my head was on the floor and my mouth was like the base of a parrot’s cage – the wine.It always happens to me at dads, I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s because he brews his own, maybe, for some reason, I always drink it faster than normal, but it always happens.Suddenly there’s a knock on the loo door, dad pokes his head round the door and asks if I’m ok.“Yeh, I think so why?”“Well it’s just that you’ve been there...

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Swapping Fathers 41

After getting the grand tour of the rest of their magnificent home, including spending nearly an hour outside in their beautiful gardens, we finished sipping our drinks on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the warm water. I didn’t want to leave. But if we were going to spend the night, we needed to get home and pack for Jim’s trip to N Florida and my stay with Kim. Mike got us out the door with the promise of the best steaks we have ever had if we got back in time for dinner. He...

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fathers day treat

To celebrate fathers day and hubby returning from his training course i planned a special evening for us , had it all planned out ordered some special items online , but by the time hubby got home we were both feeling too tired , so settled on an early night instead , must be our age , anyway i decided i would get up early and try again , i woke up and left hubby to sleep on for a while , i opened a drawer under the bed and pulled out a bag and went downstairs , i knew our son would be up soon...

4 years ago
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Fathers Day ndash Pt 8 ndash The Finale

It was Fathers Day, I was up early making my fantastic dad his traditional Fathers Day breakfast of every fried thing you could think of along with coffee and toast.I tried to get into his bedroom as quietly as I could but the clinking of the stuff on the tray woke him.“What’s this” he said in mocked surprise, “someone must have got up early today.”“Early, do you know what time it is, it’s half past eleven,” I said, “I left you as long as I could but I wanted us to spend the day together...

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Fathers Day Pt 1

I’ve just got back from dads house and I had a wonderful time. Even though it was Fathers Day, you would have thought it was my weekend the way he treated me, he’s such an old softy my dad.I got there Friday night and he could tell straight away that I’d been crying on the way over. He didn’t say anything, he just pulled me to him and cuddled me, you know, one of those cuddles where you can smell all his lovely daddy smells, you feel right back at home and as safe as houses.He took me by...

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The Story of Ann Chapter 11 The Duty of Men and Fathers

Introduction: My life goes on as we bring a new one into our family and another gets ready to leave. The Story of Ann Chapter 11 The Duty of Men and Fathers I happened to have made a mistake in my dates in my last chapter. The revised date is in the beginning of this chapter. I awoke one morning six or seven months later down the road. Jack had not been home for the last month due to some type of extended training. I was hoping he would return home this weekend. It was Saturday April 25 1980...

4 years ago
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Serena Seduced on her fathers orders

Introduction: It is 1850 and Serenas father blackmails me into seducing her to save her from Lord Bunty Buntingthorpe Written hopefully in the style of the mid 19th Century. Long sentences. Commas where today we would use periods. A Country house in Devon in the 1850s Serena The sun was setting over the western horizon bathing the hill tops with a warm red glow and casting deep shadows across the valleys. I stood on the terrace outside the ballroom admiring the view. I heard someone behind...

1 year ago
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An Introduction to the Roadhouse

My name is Lucy, and I own the Roadhouse. So, what's the Roadhouse? Basically, it's a bar, although we also have a not bad kitchen, so we do meals in the evening, and snacks all night until about an hour before closing. I'm ex-military, although you might not guess it to look at me. I was actually a Special Forces commando, in armies that allowed women into combat roles. I can certainly handle myself in a fight, as more than one man has found out at the wrong moment. While I do love a...

2 years ago
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My fathers whore

Hi friends, I am Bharati. I live in a chawl in Mumbai. I work part time at a computer firm and that is how I can write this story. I live with my family – my father, mother, younger sister and brother in 1 room with a small space for bathing. One part of the room is partitioned and used as a kitchen, and another has a large bed, with a curtain around it, which was used by my parents. We children slept on the floor below. Every night, we could hear them fucking, with my mother moaning and my...

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Such Good Friends Chapter 8 Mothers and Fathers

Chapter eight—Mothers and Fathers Jen’s mom, Jean, and Beth’s mom, Molly, got to know each other as a result of the friendship of their daughters. They became fast friends and met at least once a week for lunch and to catch up on the latest gossip. “You seem a little down lately,” said Jean. “Everything alright at Home?” “Frankly, no. My husband seems to have lost interest in having sex—at least with me. When I asked him about it, he said I was getting fat. When he does get...

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The Treehouse

I had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...

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Fathers are mean

How do you know Fathers are mean Let me tell you of a conversation I had with my father not so long ago. ?Daddy, can I come in??? I said through the crack of his bedroom door. ?Sure Kitten!? I slowly opened the door and poked my head around; Daddy had just finished showering and had pulled on his trousers.? ?Going somewhere?? I nonchalantly asked, noticing the suit coat and tie on the bed. ?Out!? was his only reply, ?anything I can help you with?? I chewed my lower lip contemplating how...

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SRU Roadhouse

SRU: The Roadhouse by Corvus corax (Raven) Comma and Asterix looked at each other and sighed. Both of the deliverymen were hot, sweaty and very, very tired. On days like today, when it was 100 degrees in the shade, with 90 % humidity, it didn't pay to be moving around large pieces of magical equipment. Asterix continued to gaze over from the passenger seat of the SRU van to Comma, who was behind the wheel. He slumped down a little further into his seat. "Man! I sure could use...

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The HouseboatThe small inflatable boat glided up to the big Gibson houseboat that was anchored out in the back country of the lower keys. The houseboat had been there for over a month now and a young couple lived on it full time. They had made ever effort to find a home in Key West, but no luck. There just never was anything available in the area that met their price range. The husband, Harry Adams, had equipped the boat with enough solar panels and a wind driven generator to furnish all...

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Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons Adam looked down as he pushed his cock in and out of Alex's lovely smooth ass, her black stocking encased legs were rested on Adam's shoulders as he fucked her. Her stockinged legs were attached to a garter belt that framed her 4 inch clitty cock, over her chest was a padded black bra. Alex's face was made up sexly, Her skin was smoothed with foundation and power, Her eyes were lined with liquid liner and brown shadow tapered out to her thin eyebrows and her...

4 years ago
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My First Time With My Fathers Wife

It had been a hot day, and I was very tired from working out in the backyard all day. I was 18, and my dad had busted me smoking weed in my car so he took the keys away. "In order for you to get it back," he said, "you have to get that backyard looking like they do on the goddamn TV." Just like most things my dad wanted, it was done. I had gotten up at 6 a.m. and got right to work, I started the day with black shorts and a tank top, by the end I was shirtless and sweaty.I had finished up the...

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Fathers Friends fuck me

I had just recently moved to States. My family was planning on moving there, i was asked to move 2 months prior to their arrival. I was asked to stay with my fathers friends there. I had no issue living with them, they just touched me alot and caressed my body which made me feel weird alot. They lived in an apartment together, they were all ex military. They were all ethnic black men, tall hunky and strong. They looked pretty intimidating but were very sweet to me. Their names are, Joe, Joshua...

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Saturday Delight 2 Jodies Treehouse

I shut off a table saw and heard the faint sound of crying coming from the treehouse. Concerned, I quietly climbed the ladder. My head poked over the edge, where I found Jodie, holding her phone and sobbing into her knees. I climbed the rest of the way into the treehouse and pit my hand on her shoulders. She looked up at me in surprise. "Daddy! Wha-?" "It's okay, sweetheart. What's wrong?" I asked, as gently as I could. Through her broken crying and restarting her sentences several...

1 year ago
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The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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Sisters Needs Brothers Desires Fathers Nightmares Part 1

Introduction: Read below.. all the intro needed is above the story A note about me: I write for my pleasure not yours. I write for my fantasies not yours. If you find pleasure in my writings awesome. If not so be it. I do not cater to peoples tastes, likes, and dislikes. If you dont like my ages move on. If you dont like my grammar move on. If you dont like my spelling move on. Ive written for this site before a long time ago under a different name long gone. Ive had rave reviews, and Ive...

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Surprise Fathers Day present

(from 2014)For my part I ABSOLUTELY adore being woken up in the middle of the night from a deep sleep to find my little wifeys lips around my slumbering cock and sucking me to full twitching hardness without every letting me slip out. She knows it is ‘one’ of my absolute favourite surprises to be pleasured with her lovely wet mouth while she sits on my face and gets eaten out.I so clearly remember this occasion recently when she had gone to bed as normal while I stayed downstairs and found some...

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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Randy Fathers

The group had decided to head to Clarksville today. They didn’t bother packing much, as Sean explained to the visitors, they could get everything they needed from the replicator. Anne and Karri asked if they could scan in their favourite clothes. Lee told them to collect what they wished but did warn them if they go into the replicator and then other people could access them as well. Neither woman had any problem with this outcome. Karri joked she hoped the women weren’t after the latest...

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The Making of a Houseboy

Hilde patted the edges of her mouth with the linen napkin. Looking to her husband, he smiled and placed his cutlery in a perfect line on his empty plate.“Very good, you have certainly passed this aspect of the interview with flying colours.”Graciously, I nodded my head, “You are welcome, I like cooking, even more so for other people.”Noticing their wine glasses were a quarter full, I scuttled around the table to charge them. I topped up their water glasses too.“Would you like the cheese board...

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The Houseboy

If I had been told on my sixteenth birthday, that I would end up working as a houseboy, I would’ve advised the forecaster of that statement to sign up for some psychological evaluation. That, however, is exactly what happened by the time I had turned seventeen-years-old.To fully explain how this came about, I am afraid that I now have to embark on a two-part history lesson:Firstly, after my mother had left my dad and me when I was eight-years-old, my father continued to be employed as a foreman...

Gay Male
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 2 Harry The Houseboy

Harry’s life as a Phyllis’s houseboy had turned out to be better than the situation of many of his contemporaries. A sponsored male in New Order Britain wasn’t under the sort of constant surveillance, harassment, and suspicion of subversion that un-sponsored males had to put up with. And besides, Phyllis had turned out to be a reasonable sponsor. The dream at school had been to be picked out as some girl’s life-partner but, realistically, that didn’t happen to more than a handful of men....

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The Hippy Girl In The Lighthouse

He became tempted by an old Light house on the south west coast of England which was going up for sale by auction. Being the only person at the auction who was willing to commit to the responsibility of renovating and maintaining the historic structure meant that he won the bidding straight away without competition. Using money borrowed from his parents and the bank, it was to be his heart filled project converting it into a home for him to live, whilst abiding by the rules of keeping the...

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Top of the Lighthouse

THE LIGHTHOUSE   TOP OF THE LIGHTHOUSE By Wolff ?2006 Wolfwerks   She was obsessed with the old lighthouse. She did not know if it was its blatant phallic form or the white light on the top ? now extinguished ? or something else, but it held a siren call for her. When she mentioned it would be nice to watch fireworks from it, he said with exasperation, ?You want a lighthouse? I?ll GIVE you a lighthouse AND fireworks. Oh yes!? Oh the Fourth of July, at dusk, he made her drive them to the...

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If you use the toilets you have to move the houseboat out of the slip to empty the tanks when you leave. Ron had explained that to us when we arrived the previous day. We’d be here only a couple days and had no intention of going through the hassle of moving the houseboat. It wasn’t worth the trouble when there were community restrooms five minutes away in the center of the docks. We’d spent all day on a scenic boat ride and Ron and Kami had just started the trek to the restrooms which gave...

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Clinton By Cal Y. Pygia "How many inches?" she asked. "Twelve," he said. "Really?" "Really." "If you're lying, you're just wasting your time." And mine, she thought. "I'm not." "Okay, then. It's a date." Tiffany hoped the jerk was telling the truth. In her experience, men often lied about the size of their dicks, and she liked her cocks big-- and Black. Supposedly, Clinton, her latest client, was both. She'd see soon enough, she...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 13 The Treehouse

Saturday, June 5, 1971 Sixteen mostly sleepy women were exiting the dining room as I descended the main stairs. I stood there as they filed by, headed out the front door to board the chartered coach that would take them for their day at the spa. Being beautiful is hard work sometimes. Vickie and Nicky both detoured when they saw me, stopping to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck!" Vickie thought to me. Liz just smiled and winked as she walked by. I sensed that Beth and Penny were...

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Fulfilled My Fantasy Of Fucking My Sexy Housemaid

Guys, any 23-year-old man like me is likely to become a pervert if a young naughty maid worked in his house. The very first day when I saw my new Indian maid, I became convinced that my habit of masturbating was going to end pretty soon! Our new housemaid was the daughter of one of the maids who had worked previously for us. She was hired to keep our 3-bedroom-flat in neat and tidy condition. As she too was of my age, my mother took some precautions. My mother began to go out for the evening...

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With a couple at the Bathhouse

I'm Lisa. A 37 yo slutty and experienced CD who enjoys playing with groups of men.The following is the true story of what I was hoping to be the first of my visit to to one of the Bathhouse of my town - The Hawk in Portland, OR. It happened on February 2020 and after this first time I was planning to go more often especially this summer. Then Covid happened.... Anyway hope you'll enjoy and leave comments.By January 2020 I had decided that I was done with the Oregon Theater. Those who know the...

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On The Houseboat

Every July for as far back as I could remember my parents and a group of their friends had set aside an extended weekend to drive to a huge man-made lake down at the other side of the state, where they had the long-standing reservations of a large cottage and a houseboat. I'd been included once when I was seven and had had a blast even though there hadn't been any other kids to play with. These vacations, I came to understand, weren't meant to include the children. Mrs. Milner came highly...

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CD Housemate

This story is about the first time I Fucked a CD. Let me clarify , I still prefer women then couples then couples with a CD. This is just to explain how I started being a Bi-topI had just moved to Canada for my MBA studies. After staying with my cousins for 2 weeks I had found an apartment for myself. It was a 2 bedroom apartment, a nice living area with a balcony and two bedrooms , one with its own bathroom the other room had its bathroom shared with the rest of the apartment. Now the...

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Japanese Bathhouse

Yesterday I went to a local Onset (Japanese bathhouse) where there have hot tubs, jacuzzi, heated stone beds, sauna, massage area, restaurant, stores and a Korean Body Scrub. Of course, the bathing areas are divided into a male area and a female area. What I found interesting in the male area is how body shy some men are, they walk around from hot bath to jacuzzi and other areas in the bathhouse with a small towel held Infront of there groin. Find it interesting that they have a woman that...

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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

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Housemate SisyphusI live in a cabin in the woods that my wife and I built several years ago. She moved out last year and we got a divorce after twenty-five years. We’re still friends but just drifted apart. Life goes on. I’m a writer and have a couple of books published and a collection of poetry. I have a little following but nothing major by any means. I teach writing at a local college and a few on-line courses. I’m sixty-one and in pretty good shape considering I love to eat and hate to...

Straight Sex
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The Lighthouse

A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal.  * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!!  The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...

Straight Sex
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The Houseguest

The Houseguest By Tyjord Based on an original drawing by Augustine?Hey, sis.? ?Cody,? the dark-haired girl shouted upon opening the front door. She grabbed the young man standing outside and pulled him to her. The embrace lasted a full minute before the two separated, the woman’s hands remaining on the boy’s shoulders. ?God, let me look at you. It’s been so long.? She looked him up and down, taking in every inch of the brother she hadn’t seen in almost a year. ?Too long,? he answered,...

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