Cheaters Never Win - Part 1 free porn video

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Cheaters Never Win - part 1 Commission for "Cartoon Masker" James drew his new dainty fingers across the large round lumps adorning his chest. A lock of dirty blonde hair with a slight curl to it drifted into his view and he tucked it behind his ear in one graceful motion. The nude reflection of Jennifer in the full body mirror before him mimicked his movements. He giggled, her light head voice leaving his full red lips. His hands traced Jennifer's curves, from her C cup breasts down her tight waist and flaring out at her plump hips. As he reveled in the sensation upon his soft pale skin, his hands continued south and inward. He gently brushed upon the clit between his legs and his breath caught as the feeling struck him like a kidney punch. James jerked up in his desk, biting his lip as he returned from his dream back to reality. Mr. Callow was too engrossed in drawing the fluorine atomic structure to have noticed him nod off. In the desk to his right, Caleb straightened up from leaning over to wake his best friend. James blinked blearily and massaged his side, but nodded thanks. Glancing up the aisle between desks, James flushed as he saw the subject of his reverie shoot him a disdainful look before returning her attention to the front of the room. Seeing Jennifer in the flesh after that dream kept James from calming his erection, and though no one could see it under his desk, he felt his face and ears burning as if the whole class were watching. "Alright, class, from this information, who can tell me what the bond energy would be between fluorine and calcium?" Mr. Callow asked the class. Pencils began scratching. James was about half way done when he saw movement from the corner of his eye. A hand rose to. "five hundred and twenty seven kilojoules per mol," Jennifer answered smoothly and confidently. The poise of her moment only lasted a second though, before it was ruined by a fit of coughs. Seemed even the Math Queen's calculations could not ward against colds. The poor girl had been plagued by that cough all period. "Ah, yes, that's correct.. uh.. are you okay there? Do you need to go to the water fountain for a drink?" Jennifer shook her head. Her hand floated over her chest as she finally caught her breath. A petite Vietnamese girl by the name of Bian offered her coughing friend a lozenge, which Jennifer gratefully accepted. James's attention floated to the small Asian girl. Between her size and her straight black hair, thick glasses and affinity for dresses, Bian gave off a doll-like vibe. Bian and Jennifer could have been the poster girls for the saying "opposites attract." Jennifer was blonde while Bian had black hair, Jennifer's pale to Bian's yellowish tan, one delightfully busty and other flat as a board. Bian was not James's type, but Caleb told him that she did actually have some fans among the other boys. To each their own, he supposed. James managed to repress his erection in time for the bell; his and Caleb's next period was good ole physical education. Even though he knew Jennifer also shared gym with him next, he noticed that she left their chemistry room in the opposite direction. There were bathrooms in the locker rooms so she should probably just go there if she needed to. He was not certain why it bugged him as much as it did today, the inconsistency was not a new occurrence - Jennifer always went that way. It was still fairly early in the new school year, but despite taking her detour, she was never late somehow. In the boys' locker room, James and Caleb finished changing and joined the other students in their class out in the gym. They were playing volleyball today, which would likely amount to they jocks making a team and demolishing everyone else while the graying gym teacher yelled at the rest of them to try harder. Caleb might have been able to make a decent showing with his height if he were not crippled by the awkward lack of coordination that was unfortunately a common accompaniment to teens in their growing years. Caleb was an interesting fellow. His personality was an almost endearing mess of trying to act cool, trying to be goth (because that was what was cool at the moment in his head), and periodically forgetting to be goth when something got him excited. During the latter times he was usually a cheerful and genuine guy. Almost the tallest in the whole class, Caleb's lankiness added to this almost skeletal look he seemed to by trying to create intentionally. He had pale, almost blindingly white skin and though his natural hair color was a middle of the road blonde, he regularly dyed it as black as he could. He and James went all they back to elementary school and their friendship had only deepened in recent years after they accidentally found out they shared a fetish. Caleb said it was called "TS" or sometimes "transformation" or some such, but whatever the 'official' term was there was something arousing to both boys about the idea of pretending to be or becoming someone else, more specifically someone of the opposite gender. While it had been an awkward mix of exciting and weird to find they shared that interest as well, it had brought them closer in the end, despite differing in some of the finer details. Though James blamed his younger self's obsession with shape-shifters in fantasy fiction as his gateway into TS, what he found turned him on most was the idea of bodysuits that could shape their wearer to a woman's form. They would often be magical and even change their wearer's genitals while worn. To a lesser extent straight magical transformations were also a turn on, but James found the suit concept to be especially arousing. In contrast, Caleb liked what James imagined was traditional TS: cross dressing, using make-up and corsets to create the delicate illusion of femininity. He claimed that James's magic and magical bodysuits were to unrealistic and overcomplicated for him to find immersive. Plus he liked the appeal of there being greater risk of being discovered. As personal a topic as it was, after they got over the no- homo bump, the two friends found the discussions they had had and their various ideas about it to be liberating. "Heyo, you still listening to your parents when they say you can't get a tattoo?" A curly redhead meandered over to the two friends while they waited for the rest of the girls to emerge from their changing room. Caleb greeted his friend, Austin, and they idly attempted to out-angst each other. James did not know what to think about Austin. Caleb met him last year at some Gothic rock concert and they hit it off in their own way. On his own, Austin seemed unsociable. PE was pretty much the only time he did not have headphones in and his Walkman spinning and only then because he did not want to risk breaking it. Even when people did manage to engage him, he would give blunt and minimalistic responses and spend the whole time giving off the impression that you were wasting his time. Caleb once informed James that Austin was a major player in their community theater, but James did not believe it for a second. At least he seemed to lighten up when he was around Caleb, and for James, that made him bearable at worst. James left Caleb and Austin to continued their banter, instead preferring to return to admiring Jennifer as she performed some preemptive stretches. To James at least, Jennifer had never struck him as the athletic type, but seeing her in motion these first few weeks of this year had certainly taught him that his instincts were not always right. With the last of the girls finally dragging themselves out of the changing room, class activities began. James, Caleb and Austin teamed up together and were ultimately joined by Jennifer and two other girls. "Spike it, James!" Jennifer yelled as she adeptly set the volley ball just in front of the net for him. As most of the game's exchanges had been haphazard hits, half of which had gone out and half had popped back over to the other side in one touch, Jennifer's textbook set caught James by surprise. Spurned to action, James hurriedly jumped, reaching up, only for his swing to pass impotently through the air before the ball fell into reach. It bounced off his shoulder and Austin watched disinterestedly as it dropped to the floor in front of him. James blushed once again as Jennifer dissolved into a fit of giggles. Through his heated face though, he noticed something. Jennifer's cough was gone. Not only that, but now that he thought about it, she seemed more amicable, both towards him and in general, but only during PE. She shed that condescending indifference she normally showed him just for this period? Almost like she was a different person. Their team won once against and even more uncoordinated collection of apathetic teens, but lost all the rest of their matches. Caleb bounced wildly between having fun trying and pretending that the whole thing was beneath him, not that he performed particularly well either way. Jennifer set for each of the boys a few more times and James even managed to spike one finally, even though he hit it out of bounds. As they returned to the locker rooms at the end of the period, James shared his observations with Caleb and Austin. "Hey, Caleb, remember how Jen was a coughing case last period?" "You mean how she seemed fine now? It's certainly suspicious, but... maybe she took something for it?" "Do you really think there's a drug that can turn off coughing that dramatically? And if so, why not use it earlier, so she didn't have to suffer through it in chem?" James rebuked. "Maybe it doesn't last very long," Austin suggested, inviting himself into the conversation. "Maybe," James replied, "but her personality changed a bit, too. I hadn't noticed it before, but now that I think about it, she always seems more energetic and well... nicer... in this class compared with the other classes we share." Austin shrugged; this was the only class he shared with Jennifer. "So what ARE you suggesting?" James and Caleb exchanged looks. Caleb knew what he was implying, but how much did they feel comfortable sharing with Austin? "Have you seen 'The Parent Trap?'" James started, tentatively. "Are you serious? Long lost, twin sister? For gym class." Austin cocked an eyebrow incredulously. Caleb was obviously more comfortable and trusting of Austin than James was. "Maybe it's just a friend who's disguised as her. Make-up can do pretty amazing things." "Yeah, I've seen my older sister in the morning. I still don't buy it though. I think you're just seeing what you want to see." Austin gave a crooked patronizing smile but his words dismissed any further discussion and they finished changing in silence. James waved as he split ways with Caleb and Austin for their next classes. Austin's skepticism still on his mind, James wondered if Jennifer may be one of those weird girls who's actually able to get changed really fast. Like usual, she had beat him to history class, sitting placidly at her desk when he walked in. He was only half way to his own seat however before he heard her start coughing. James made himself keep walking. History class ended early giving James some time to contemplate his recent observations. The boy in the desk in front of him turned around to address his neighbor. "Hey, James," Talib greeted him with a smile, his white teeth shone brightly in contrast to the dark tones of everything else about the boy. With his parents as immigrants from tribal Nigeria who came to America as some kind of government cultural program, Talib's black skin tone stuck out like a sore thumb among the otherwise predominantly white culture of their small Midwest town when they moved in a little over a year ago. He was unfortunately a prime target for bullies, and James and Caleb's defense of him last year formed the basis of their friendship. His short black hair fuzzily topped his rounded head and his lower jaw had a distinctive prognathism. He was sensitive about his height, being one of the shortest guys in the class, and insisted that he just had not had his puberty growth spurt yet. Talib's parents strongly encouraged him to pursue opportunities they themselves had lacked in their own youth. From his inquisitive nature and extensive reading history, Talib likely already had a higher IQ than his parents. Once he had overcome the bullying problem, Talib turned out to be surprisingly charismatic, even getting so far as to win this year's election to become their class's student council president. "It's a real shame we can't do anything to help such a pretty girl in pain..." Talib mused as Jennifer suffered another fit of coughs. Talib was a self proclaimed "admirer of women," somewhat contrary to his normally polite, studious, and straightforward public image. Since he seemed to keep it under control when it mattered, James never let himself be bothered that part of the African-American boy. It was not as if James did not have his own perverse private interests himself. "She was fine last period, but like this the period before that," James responded, unsure of whether he was supposed to feel sympathetic for the sick girl or not. Talib blinked. "Is that so?" he started curiously. "Last period was gym for you guys, right?" James nodded. Talib closed his eyes to ponder for a few seconds. "Well, adrenaline from being active can help repress respiratory ails, I suppose." That was a good point, but... "That would be nice and tidy if she had heaved even a single cough last period. She seemed to be breathing normally even before we started class activities. She moved and acted like she was in top form," Maybe Talib had other insights. The small boy always seemed to know more about the girls in class than James thought he should. "You have good taste, my friend," Talib chuckled. "Too bad she's not friendlier with boys, for all she likes to talk ABOUT them, she gets tart rather quickly when talking TO us." James was reminded of his personality observations from last period as well and shared them with Talib. "You pulling my leg?" Talib asked. "Nah, I believe you. Get this." They were already talking in a hushed tone but Talib leaned in closer and lowered his voice further. "I have English class with Jen after this, and she always hits the ladies room on the way, so like, I should totally beat her to class, right? Wrong. She's almost always there before me somehow. I thought I was crazy or maybe there was a secret shortcut of some kind in the girls' bathroom." Talib shook his head. "But with this, well, there's definitely something fishy going on. I'll keep an eye on her next period, I would even without being told, heh, but keep me on the down low if you figure out anything else." James agreed in time with the bell, and the two nodded knowingly to each other as they left. Sure enough, James spotted Jennifer a little ways ahead of him entering a girl's lavatory. James did not know what possessed him, but he decided to take a chance. He knew he would get an earful for being late, but he was too curious now. Jennifer would have to leave sometime, right? After a few minutes of standing around outside the bathroom, James was starting to sweat a bit, feeling that he was standing out by waiting around idly in the hall while everyone else hurried to their next class. Other girls went into the restroom while he watched and a few gave him odd looks when they came out, including Anna, a normally energetic and cheerful frizzy redhead with whom he shared his imminent math class. His stakeout promptly ended when Mrs. Jordan, his math teacher bustled by only to backpedal and ask him why he was not in the room yet. Glumly, James had no choice but to follow Mrs. Jordan to class. With the bell ringing right as they entered though, he was fairly confident that there was no way that Jennifer would have made it to her English class having not left the bathroom before James had to leave his post. At least he avoided being late. Anna gave him a suspicious look that made him squirm inside as he passed her desk, but no sooner did he settle in his seat did she find herself fighting a fit of coughs. --- "So gym Jen is not Jen, and math Anna is actually real Jen..." Caleb summarized the implications of James's recent observations while mashing Ken's shoryuken on wake up that James easily blocked. "Assuming that much, along with what Talib mentioned, we can conclude that the Jen attending her English class is not actually Jen, if the real Jen is in math," James added, punishing Caleb's mistake to win the match. Caleb scoffed at the loss. "This 'New Generation' junk's crap. Street Fighter II was the shit..." Caleb complained, a typical indicator that he was fed up with losing to James. They moved over to the arcade's Crazy Taxi cabinet and Caleb dumped in his last two quarters for the afternoon. "You figure they're dressing up as each other and taking each others' classes," Caleb continued as he drove around hitting pedestrians. "Not even getting into why, but how? I mean, we saw Jen in gym. She looked very much like Jen..." James knew what he wanted to say, but hesitated. "Well, maybe it's, you know..." "Like hell it is!" Caleb crashed his taxi. James's friend lowered his voice but was no less impassioned. "James, your bodysuits are magical. They... they can't be real, not the way you imagine them." James would not be dissuaded though. "Well, you said it yourself, gym Jen looked very convincingly like Jen. Can your wigs and make up get that level of accuracy?" Caleb grimaced but ultimately conceded that cosmetics alone would not have been sufficient. "Maybe it's a high quality mask. I guess I can live with that," Caleb grumbled. "Regardless, we don't have enough information still. I think Talib might be able to help, do you mind if I bring him into the fold with this? "He does have an almost creepy awareness of the popular girls' comings and goings. Plus he has cred as the Pres," Caleb agreed. "Alright, let's watch carefully and see what else we can find." --- James dug through his pockets for any more spare change. He was a dime short of a pack of Zebra Cakes from the vending machine, but finding just his house keys among the lint left him with no other recourse but to punch the return change button. Only one of the two quarters he had inserted dropped into the change catch, leaving James momentarily disgruntled. Fortunately, his minor misfortune could not dampen his excitement for long. He and Caleb were killing time after school until Talib's student council meeting ended at which point he would be free to exchange info on their girl imposter situation that they had gathered this past week. "What are you still doing here?" a familiar voice asked. James jumped, spinning quickly in panic to see who called him out. Jennifer herself emerged from the girls' gym locker room. "Uh..." James stammered, caught off guard. "Wouldn't you like to know!" Jennifer raised an eyebrow, unintimidated. "Duh.. that's why I asked." She paused, seemingly agitated. "You know what, I don't care anymore. What-everr," she concluded, waving her hand dismissively as she turned and walked away quickly. The encounter left James bemused as he made his way back to the student council room in time to see the meeting let out and the other council members disperse. Caleb scrambled awkwardly to his feet from where he had been sitting on the floor by the door. He nervously clutched his black leather bound diary to his chest and gave the evil eye to anyone that happened to look at him funny. Talib came out last and waved James and Caleb into the room that had just be vacated. James shot a quick look up and down the hall and after confirming all the other students had left and the hallway empty, he closed the door and the three boys settled in the far corner of the room. "Sorry about that, gentlemen. Work is work, but now it's time for play," Talib prefaced the beginning of his second consecutive meeting. "I have identified three girls who have shown suspicious behavior." "Jen, Anna, and Bian," James interjected. Those were the three he had identified himself, and Caleb's nod and Talib's smile confirmed that their observations agreed. Talib continued. "As everyone knows, Jen is a whiz at math. It's easily her strongest subject. Being the girly girl she is though leaves her PE performance with quite a bit of room for improvement. Her grades from last year prove as much. "Whether it's her mathematical mind or a general impatience for fine arts, Jen's English grades have also never been stellar. We haven't had report cards out yet, but sitting near by, I've seen almost all of her returned assignments in English, and her grades this year are way too high compared to past trends." Talib picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: 'Jen +math -PE -english' "According to our shared gym class, Jen has been having no trouble with gym somehow this year. It's almost as if she was a completely different person in that class," James offered. "Thanks to a pre-seasonal cold, we were able to better identify further inconsistencies in Jen's behavior, particularly in those two previously weak classes," Talib noted. "You say gym Jen is more cheerful and energetic, I'll add that English Jen is quieter and more meek. Now why might that be? Let us set that aside for a moment and come back to it later. "Enter Anna. Anna is a cheerful and energetic girl with a love for arts and is, more notably, quite athletic, being part of our esteemed girls' track team! Last year, she barely scraped through a passing grade in English, and suffered similar humiliation in math. It seems that despite her passion for performing arts, the muse of words refuses to bless her pen." Chalk met chalkboard once more. 'Anna +PE -math -english' "Finally we have Bian, our little Vietnamese girl who ties this trinity together. If having immigrant parents is anything for her like it is for me, she may have been exposed to a lot of intense at-home learning, especially with regard to language stuff. That's just speculation though. Whatever the reason, her essays have won awards so it's easy to list English as Bian's strength. In contrast, her stature leaves her at a pretty big physical disadvantage in gym. I know personally it's tough being short. Unlike Bian though, I should still have a growth spurt to look forward to, but girls go through puberty earlier so poor little Bian probably won't be getting any less little." James was not so certain about that last part, but the main point was that Bian was probably a poor athlete. "I had to dig a bit for Bian, but as predicted, her PE and math grades were both below average last year. Couldn't really get any leads on that one, I guess math's just not her thing," Talib mused as he picked up the chalk again. 'Bian +english -PE -math' If not for the fact that it was immediately helpful, James may have been concerned by their student council president's blatant abuses of his power. Talib continued, finally reaching the climax of their conspiracy. "Three girls each with a strength and weaknesses that correspond with another girls' strength. I believe we've all come to the same conclusion, otherwise we would not be meeting here like this." The other two boys both nodded. "These girls are somehow filling in for each other, using their strengths to cover for the weaknesses of their friends. It sounds admirable on its own, but in the context of schooling?" "They're cheating." James finished. Talib smiled devilishly. "Exactly. Unfortunately, while backed by convincing observations, we lack the evidence to make any official action. The nail in the coffin will be whatever method they use to take each others place." Caleb spoke up for the first time since the start of the pow-wow. "James and I were thinking it might be some kind of... mask," he offered, the slight redness appearing in his ears was only accentuated by the otherwise completely black and white theme to his appearance. Talib hesitated, his eyes darting between the two of them before he opened his mouth again. "That thought had occurred to me as well. Perhaps, rather than just a mask though, maybe a full body suit?" James blinked. Was he hearing incorrectly or did Talib just mention bodysuits? One look at Caleb revealed that his friend had the same thought, though felt somewhat differently about it. "I think it's a full... skinsuit, myself. Caleb thinks that's unrealistic, though," James confessed. Talib shook his head, regaining his stride. "Young Caleb, you underestimate the power of modern technology! What if this were a field test for secret government agents, exploring the effectiveness of their new social camouflage bodysuits?" Talib preached with renewed fervor. Caleb was cowed for the most part, realizing he was outnumbered here. James caught him mutter under his breath though. "A government test out here in the middle of nowhere? And you're the same age as me..." "So we have the why, the what, and the how, but next we need to figure out the when," Talib resumed his moderator role. "Assuming they're using suits of each other, they have to keep them close in order to switch in the middle of the school day." "They probably are using those bathroom visits we've noted to put on or take off their disguises," Caleb proposed. It seemed the whole topic was still too interesting for him to pout for long. "It would explain why they disappear into a bathroom and then suddenly are on time for their next class despite never leaving." "I staked out Jen once between 8th and 9th period. She went into the ladies' room like you mentioned, but never came out before the start of the 9th period. At least, not soon enough to have made it to your English class without being late," James clarified. Talib nodded. "She hasn't been late once this year so far." He fingered his chin in thought. "Unless there are teleporters connecting women's bathrooms in the school, I think we can pretty safely call our place swapping theory the most likely scenario." The two other boys nodded in agreement. "So since there are three of them and each of them is only good at one thing, they have to trade suits at some point," James suggested. "And there has to be a swap during school hours." Caleb shook his head. "That's probably also in a restroom. There's no way we'll be able to do anything about it there." Talib somberly agreed. "Perhaps some additional info is necessary." He said digging out a small notebook. "According to my information, Bian and Anna are next door neighbors and BFFs. They probably swap suits at home where it's safest. Jen however lives on the other side of town. Since she's apparently still involved there has to be a daily exchange OUTSIDE of school hours. Any ideas, my friends?" A thought hit James. "What if they don't necessarily in person exchange suits, but leave one somewhere for another to pick up?" "It's a bit riskier, but it alleviates the issue of timing a meeting without appearing suspicious," Talib reasoned. "Go on." "Oh, uh.. I ran into Jen leaving the girls' locker room just before coming here. She was her usual standoffish self, so I think it was the real Jen." Talib's eyes narrowed at this new info, comparing it to his notes before looking up. "Is that so?" he grinned. "You may be on to something. Anna's track practice runs after school every day except for Friday, a.k.a. today. Jen is a tutor volunteer after school on Wednesday and Friday and shares Newspaper club on Tuesday and Thursday with Bian. That makes Monday and today the only days that only one of the three are after school for something." Talib closed his notebook. "All the other days, they can probably make exchanges after their extracurricular activities when there are far fewer people about to think them suspicious. Boys, what we're looking for may be in the girls' locker room right now." James and Caleb's eyes widened at that last statement. --- Caleb glowered after James beat him in rock paper scissors for the right to accompany Talib into the girls' locker room while the loser stood watch outside. The interior was mundane and, aside from not having urinals in the bathroom, almost identical to the boys' locker room. James joined Talib in front of a locker marked with Anna's name. Only sports teams got permanently assigned lockers so if Jen and Anna were making any trades, it would be using Anna's locker. Traditional locks were forbidden a few years back when someone's weed stash was found in one, and the sports lockers had built in combination locks, that apparently had a secret override for administrative reasons. James did not want to know why Talib knew the override, he was just thankful they could use it here. The door swung open and the two boys held their breath. The insides looked normal enough at first, but then, they saw it. In the corner under some athletic tape a flash of pink skin tone. James reached out with an unsteady hand and grabbed a handful of the soft fleshy material and gulped before pulling. The assortment of jerseys, undergarments and shorts at the bottom of the locker heaved and fell away as James lifted the skinsuit out of the mass of clothing. A mass of ginger hair collected at one end of the suit. James shared an excited look with Talib. Jackpot. --- "Ju...just for the record, James. It's not that I ever didn't want you to be right," Caleb stammered. They had beat a hasty retreat back to the student council room where they could examine their spoils behind closed doors. "No sweat, bro..." James answered distractedly. It was a skinsuit. A real one. And a girl's, too. James wanted to pinch himself to make sure he was not dreaming. The red hair and healthily tanned skin tone identified its form as that of Anna. As Caleb visibly struggled with the conflicting feelings of fevered excitement and disappointment that the suit did not match his own TS preferences. After sharing in their initial mutual fervor though, Talib had sunk into a more thoughtful silence, examining the insides of the suit closely through the open zipper in its back as James held it up for them. "I expected the insides to appear more... complex, but perhaps the cutting edge of technology has advanced further into the micro realm than I had realized," Talib commented at last, retreating. James wondered if he had expected to see flashing lights and chrome inside the suit. Deciding to just enjoy the moment rather than brooding, Caleb looked excitedly at his accomplices. "So what now? Can we put it on?" Talib glanced at his watch and made a face. "Here might not be the best idea. I wish I could join you guys but I need to get home asap. My parents are already going to interrogate me as it is." Caleb looked at the clock above the door and winced as well. "Balls. It's that late already?" "Let's meet up tomorrow. Since it'll be the weekend, we should be able to explore it more thoroughly at our leisure?" James ended the suggestion as a question. "Works for me," Talib agreed. "What's your address?" he asked and James told him. "Oh, that's actually right by Anna and Bian's places. Yeah, let's meet up at your place if possible." He rattled off their address from memory. "Really? That is close to me. I had no idea..." Talib grinned. "Alright. Since it's your place and we may not have gotten this far if you hadn't brought everything together, I'm alright with you holding on to the suit tonight. Right, Cay?" Caleb scowled at the nickname. "Found out this morning that my mom's dragging me to a fancy dinner with a new boyfriend. It'll probably go late, and I'll probably have to drive us home, so yeah, I don't think I'll have time tonight." Caleb perked up a bit. "But I'll be over at your place bright and early tomorrow!" Only to deflate again. "Well, as early as I can manage. Ugh... tonight's going to be such a drag, especially with that to look forward to tomorrow..." With a groan, he grabbed his bag and shuffled out. James did not have any particular plans this evening himself. He could hardly contain his excitement at having the skin to himself for the rest of the day and evening. Talib stood and after gathering his notes and bag he offered a salute. "Good work, Private. Looking forward to tomorrow! I'll probably be over around Noon. That's the earliest my Dad will be free to drive me over." He gave a nod and departed, leaving James alone with the suit. James shook himself out of his shocked stupor. He hastily stuffed the suit into his bag. While Caleb was close enough to bike to school, and James did not know Talib's transportation situation, James was left to wait for the last late bus home. He spent the whole trip nervously clutching his bag to his chest, painfully aware of its controversial contents. --- James anxiously sweat his way through dinner and, claiming to not be feeling well, excused himself early to retreat to his room. With the door locked, he let out a ragged breath. Finally. He tore off his clothes and tossed them in the corner with the rest of his dirty laundry. Opening his bag, he pulled the suit out to examine it again. His raging erection worried him a bit - how would his junk interact with the suit? Only one way to find out. James sat on the bed and spread the opening in the back of the suit wide. He slowly slid his hairy male leg into the hollow space within Anna's shaved feminine one. It was cool and smooth inside, and it clung tightly to his skin as he pulled it taut to his foot. He wiggled his toes and Anna's danced before him. The skin itself was thin and breathable. He could feel it clearly when he touched his sheathed leg's surface but he was also aware of the perpetual feeling of the skin encasing his leg. It was incredible. James eagerly inserted his other leg into Anna's and moved on to the rest of her. In his impatience, he had neglected to examine her genitals, but with his legs fully wrapped and the rest of the suit presented in front of him, he had the opportunity to do so. From the outside, the feminine equipment between Anna's legs looked as genuine as James could tell. The fleshy folds seemed almost overdone in their realism, considering what the girls were using the suit for. Inside, James discovered a small tube with a funnel like opening that lead into the flesh of the fake vagina. James assumed it was for urine, though its position and short length would render it unusable for him as it was. Below that he found that the folds of Anna's pussy eventually opened to the interior of the suit. Rising to his feet, James pulled Anna's ass and hips over his own and hauled the suit up to just below his ribcage. As expected, his mirror showed the noticeable outline of his erection as a bulge below Anna's otherwise fit abs. James grimaced and dropped the suit to his thighs once again. He then tried pushing his cock between his legs and pulling the suit up again. Better, but unless he kept his thighs tightly together, he was not confident his dick would stay there. A pair of discarded briefs caught James's eye. Doffing the suit and donning the briefs soon brought him back to where he was before. This time, with his cock tucked between his legs and restrained by his briefs, pulling the suit up again gave a startlingly realistic recreation of Anna's crotch. There was still a slight bloating between her thighs, but it was barely noticeable this time. James's heart jumped at the success. Hurdle cleared, James continued the journey of putting on the suit. As he pushed his hands into Anna's freckled arms, he watched in awe as his thick fingers were transformed into Anna's comparatively elegant digits. He shrugged her shoulders over his own; James felt the weight of Anna's bust added to his chest. Looking down, he stared in wonder at the perky B's adorning his chest. The inside of the skin stuck snugly to his own chest. The sight of her mounds drew forth James's earlier fantasy about Jennifer and her own full C cups. How did Jen wear this suit with her own breasts if the Anna suit's chest was already pre- filled? Stripping off his shoulders once more, James was surprised to see that Anna bosom held its form even when uninhabited. Inside, he found that the synthetic breast form inside was removable. Well that answers that question, he thought. All that was left was the head. The zipper along her back extended about half way up the back of her head and its end was buried among the mess of her ginger locks. With poor lighting, James first reached around with his female fingers to feel around inside the headpiece. Inside he found a startlingly complex collection of structures that he eventually identified as the inside surfaces of Anna's mouth! Or at least the front half of it. His failure to thoroughly examine the suit from the beginning bit him once more as his assumption that the mouth would simply be an opening was promptly dashed. The rigor with which the suit had been made continued to prove him wrong. As intimidating as it was, though, he had not come this far to chicken out now. He peeled back the remaining opening in the back of the head as far as it could go and took a breath before thrusting himself inside. As he found the mouth form, he gulped and wrapped his mouth around it, shifting around until eventually, his teeth settled into their molds and his tongue inhabited hers. Alien as the process to get to that point had been, once he was moving her tongue around the false mouth, he found it oddly comfortable. Teeth were one thing, but the tongue seemed unnecessary. Once he was over the mouth bit, he focused on the rest of the head. It took a fair bit of pulling and poking but eventually Anna's head had settled over his own and he could see and breath properly. All that was left was to close the zipper. The zipper made no sound as it slid up his back. The mirror in his room revealed that the zipper hid within a fold of skin that laid flat when closed up and was practically invisible unless James was looking for it. The chuck met its end among the tresses on the back of Anna's head and marked the completion of James's transformation. In the mirror, Anna stared back at him in as much awe of the process as he felt. The new Anna brought her thin fingers to caress her freckled cheek, feeling its smooth contour through finger and face alike. Her hand floated lower, its partner rising to join the tactile exploration of her breasts. The artificial filling prevented James from feeling gentle touches, but even moderate kneading produced a detectable sensation against his own chest. And the feeling excited the new Anna tremendously. Her breath caught as she noticed mirror reveal her face flushing in her growing arousal. One hand, drifted further down. As his earlier inspection had found, Anna's pussy was unnecessarily well made. As her hand caressed its folds, she was surprised to feel a feedback, like an endearingly light electric prickling within her loins. Further probing of her sensual lips intensified the feeling, it was totally different from male masturbation. Anna's fingers pushed deeper, the electric feeling spiking as she touched different parts inside. Just as she thought she reached her limit, her fingers broke through and brushed against a thin layer of cotton. The brief caress broke the dam and a soft moan escaped Anna's lips as James came, violently pumping his seed into his concealed briefs. In the post orgasmic glow, he realized that the suit had even changed his voice perfectly, as the impassioned cry that left him had carried a very distinctive feminine tone. The privilege of simultaneous male and female orgasms. James wondered what exclusive club he may have just joined the ranks of in experiencing that. Though he had told his family that he was not feeling well earlier, the truth was, he had never felt better. And the night was still young.

Same as Cheaters Never Win - part 1 Videos

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Cheaters Never Win Part 1

She clawed at my back as I pushed deeper. The harder my strokes the more she moaned and the more she moaned the harder my strokes became. I continued to pound her smaller body underneath me as I heard her cry for more. I trusted harder as I did this I also sucked her tits knowing soon we would both climax and as I sucked her succulent breasts and groped her peachy ass she orgasmed sending her body even more tender to my touch. A couple more sucks and strokes and I came right there right...

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Cheaters Never Win Part 2

The door crept open and I stopped in my tracks and pulled my head out of Anna's ass trying to head who it was. Then an unfamiliar voice shouted, "Anna are you here, I'm home love." Anna pushed me in panic and only managed to say, "Shit it's Luke." It didn't click at first but then I realised that Luke was her boyfriend. I couldn't help but think this was going to end in a fight because I had fucked his girlfriend. Anna hid my clothes and threw me her jeans, underwear and a bra. Anna said,...

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Cheaters Sometimes Win

G'damn, look at the ass on that blonde. Off limits, buddy. No touching, none. She's the boss's kid, R. Robert hisself. Holy shit. What a body. Look at those legs, those gorgeous tits. I got t'have some of that. No way. Sorry. Forget it. Come on, that's prime nooky. My balls are pumping. Not a fucking chance, no sir. And that was how it started. I did some digging and some honest research for a change and found out that she was Melissa, and indeed the senior partner's one and only...

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Cheaters Part Four

Marina was meeting up in Manhattan with her two daughters, Natasha and Charlotte. She longed to hear how they were doing and had arranged their catch up at a popular Italian pizzeria.Charlotte had just moved in on her own to her first apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. Dealing with the rent meant she had no money, but she was loving the city and her independence.Natasha broke the news that she and her husband Alex had broken up and were getting a divorce. Their once passionate relationship was now...

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Cheaters Never Prosper

As I lock the door behind the last customer, I sigh, thankful that the day was finally over, and I still have a job. I’m sure if either of my bosses had been there that day, I wouldn’t still be here, but seeing as I was the one in charge today, I feel safe for the moment. No one had escaped my wrath today, as both customers, and employees alike had felt the sharpness of my tongue. If I could just get through the cleanup, and closing without completely losing it, I was pretty sure I would still...

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Cheaters Never Prosper

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Cheaters Part Three

Marina had been looking forward to her fiftieth with a mixture of excitement and fear. It was also her daughter, Natasha’s thirtieth the same month. How time had flown.They decided to throw a joint birthday party in a luxury hotel in The Hamptons. The party filled the hotel with many guests staying over.The large pink party room was heavily decorated in balloons and banners with a bar at the end and a long table down the sidewall which awaited the buffet. A dancefloor took up the centre and...

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Cheaters Part Two

Alex and Natasha were heading down for the weekend to stay with Marina, Natasha’s mother. Natasha hadn’t seen her Mother, step Dad Connor and baby sister Charlotte for a while, so she was looking forward to the weekend.Alex was keen for other reasons, he had just got a new black Range Rover Vogue and wanted to put it through its paces on the trip down from their home on the other side of New York to The Hamptons.Natasha relaxed in the passenger seat wearing jeans and a grey top with black...

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Cheaters Part One

It had been an interesting weekend for Jack. He lay in the luxury of the soft hotel bed, a beautiful strawberry blonde lying naked next to him. Her head lay silent on his chest, her warm body clinging to his. Her wet pussy sticking to his leg. Jack could feel the wet patches in the bed from the wild sex they had. Their clothes were littered over the floor. However, the situation to say the least was awkward.Two Days EarlierKate arrived at the hotel after work on Friday. It had been a rush, but...

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Cheaters in the West

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“God yes,” Lisette moaned as her husband flicked his tongue in and out of her hole. The five-foot-ten-inch brown-skinned beauty grabbed his head with both of her hands and pushed his face deeper into her ass crack. As he made love to her tranny pussy, her body, all one hundred and forty-five pounds of it, squirmed. She wiggled in every direction effectively working the fitted satin sheets off of their California king size bed. Her barely functional clit stiffened. “Fuck...

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The scenery in the windshield went by at an alarming rate, as I passed cars like they were standing still. One of the few pleasures I had left was driving my silver 08 Mustang GT at just slightly past the legal 70 mph speed limit. Just slightly meaning under 110. I heard a chirping sound that I knew wasn't the car. I knew every single throb and ping that the Mustang's engine, tires and suspension made. I also knew every crease in the "Whore Red" interior's leather. I looked over into the...

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Cheaters in Space

June 5, 2067 I woke to the sound of our cabin door's soft, pneumatic closing. I opened my eyes just in time to see my wife come into our spacious living quarters. We had five rooms which was nearly unheard of. Besides the large double-sized bedroom, we had a living room, an observation room and another room, that currently was being used only for storage. That didn't include of course, the large bathroom, and the kitchenette. Most families on the ship were squeezed into one or 2 small...

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Margaret Middleton looked around the restaurant. Everything was beautiful. Margaret loved this restaurant, it was her very favorite. Even with the amount of money her husband made, they couldn't afford to come here very often, even when they could get reservations. Arielle Parisian was styled just like the most exclusive restaurants in Paris were. Its owner had grown up in Paris and moved to Ohio to make his fortune in his early twenties. Now over sixty, he'd finally realized his dream. He...

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Cheaters Part 1

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We all own homes with spacious patios, beautiful pools, and big outdoor kitchens, so we decided to have all our swinger parties poolside, and to rotate among all four homes every 2 weeks, or so. And living in Florida, we could have our pool parties virtually year round. So, over the past four years each couple has hosted multiple parties. All these parties are fun, filled with lots of laughing, drinking and crazy sex …. and the one Stan and I hosted last week was no different. As usual, we...

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Ashwini Aunty Ki Chudai

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My Intimate Moments With Ashwini 8211 Part 1

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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty 8211 Part 1

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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 2

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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 2

Introduction: Hey Boyz: This is the sequel to my first sexual story which posted on 7-4-12 or so. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTs/FEEDBACK. Round 2: The announcer states that round 2 will begin in 10 minutes, no exceptions. Both teams head back into the locker rooms to discuss their strategies for round 2. The White team is bouncing with enthusiasm at their win. The crowd of whites cheers them on, but little do Brit and Longman know that Kitty has a Black fan in the crowd… This Black man squirts a water...

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Ashwini My New Office Manager 8211 Part 1

I am Kailash from Mumbai. 26 years old single. Any women wanting to have sex chat with me just drop in a mail on I have done my MBA and I have my own training institute. I train corporate people for various personal grooming and as well as professional etiquette. Initially I used to manage things from my home and single handed. But with Gods grace my client list started to increase and was difficult to manage things myself. I bought an office in posh mall of Malad and appointed 2 staff member...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 2 Popping the Twins Cherries

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Popping the Twins' Cherries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My rump stung from Lee's slap. I shivered, unable to believe this had just happened. My body buzzed from the orgasm the naughty, American girl had given me while my twin sister, Kimiko, whimpered and shivered before me, my face pressed into her silky bush, her tangy, incestuous juices smeared across my lips and cheeks. I had just eaten...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 6 Twins Wanton Mother

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Twins' Wanton Mother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister's asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint's cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn't know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me,...

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Depression SoupChapter 5 How to Win by Losing

By just about anyone's standards the Woodman County Fair was very small potatoes, indeed. There was a little ragbag carnival booked, complete with rides. Today they would not even come close to passing safety any codes. You tell me what boy cared about safety codes? It was enough the rides were scary. There was a Whip and a Loop The Loop and a small Ferris Wheel. There were the crooked games where the sucker was "guaranteed a prize each and every time." There was a shooting gallery where...

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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty Part 4 Final

Hi, Madan here. I am sorry for the late post of my sex story. I was lost in my professional life so couldn’t write. I apologies for making you wait. I believe that your anger will vanish as soon as you begin reading. Well I am very happy and pleased to see your feedback. Every feedback was a reward for me. If I am writing something good, that’s all because of you readers. Your suggestions, advice and appreciation motivate me and force me to write though I have busy schedule. So all credit goes...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 5 Twins Wicked Evening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Twins' Wicked Evening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint's house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand,...

3 years ago
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Twinks virginity taken by a twink

Before I start this story I have to tell you that all parties involved were 18 years of age or older lolz, this is so I cant get my cute ass thrown in jail and ****d cause then my ass would be looser then brittany spears after a line of cocaine and a night in vegas and I ant have that. This all started fromn a myspace chat I had with this one k** and we had a little argument about how cute Justin Bieber was and we bacame good friends and then really good friends once we realized we only lives...

2 years ago
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Twinks virginity taken by a twink

Before I start this story I have to tell you that all parties involved were 18 years of age or older lolz, this is so I cant get my cute ass thrown in jail and ****d cause then my ass would be looser then brittany spears after a line of cocaine and a night in vegas and I ant have that. This all started fromn a myspace chat I had with this one k** and we had a little argument about how cute Justin Bieber was and we bacame good friends and then really good friends once we realized we only lives a...

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Twin Twinks at the Hotel

Twin Twinks at the HotelTwin brothers Liam and Sean had spent a few days down the country on an adventure holiday with their parents. Lots of fun and frolics had been had by all but now it was the morning of going home day.Like all twins, the boys were inseparable and did everything together. They had shared a double bed up until a couple of years ago. Back home they still shared a room but now each had his own single bed to do in whatever he pleased. But for the holiday they were back sleeping...

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Win or Lose PT 2 Creampie Eating

It had been over a year since Janice made her bet with me that I couldn't last long enough to make her cum before I blew my load in her pussy. I lost twice the first night, and I lost every time since then, but I still held out hope that I could win. My prize? If I win my wife will, for the first time ever in our relationship, willingly suck me to completion and swallow my cum. My penalty? If I cum first, I have to go down on her and get her off with my tongue. In the process I end up eating...

1 year ago
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Just Win Baby

My wife was a former exotic dancer, and I placed a large bet with my rival co-worker that she would win the contest."Five hundred dollars says if my wife enters the contest, she'll win." I was confident to the point of being arrogant."Deal, ass wipe," he answered before throwing a used jock at my face.I wanted to win, but also I wanted to show off my hot sexy wife. Her lovely twenty-six year old body was in fantastic shape as she maintained a rigorous work-out schedule.I worked as a sports...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Periwinkle Pink Part 2

Periwinkle Pink Part 2 By Cheryl Lynn This is a force feminization fiction story. Part 1 should be read first for this to make sense. Any similarity to real life is purely accidental. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. All standard disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use by author's permission. Comments are most welcome at [email protected]. Periwinkle Pink Part 2 As Perry stepped out of the bathroom, he was blushing as...

1 year ago
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I will win you

I entered inside the gate of ** club, holding my sports bag. I was on black trouser & jersey.. there were hardly anyone in cricket ground… maybe it's because, today is working day.. thank god I am no more employed !! ..It was morning 8.30.. sun was covered by clouds & greenery fresh air gave nice breathing cold climate.. I left cricket ground & went towards backside of club on tennis court.. there were two ladies already playing.. they have nice figure. Look awesome when they bend...

2 years ago
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Traditional Indian Village Wife Ashwini

Hi all readers, this is a story of my wife’s sexual journey. I (Shiva) am a software developer in Bangalore. I along with my friend have started our own company. The story started way back in 2011 when I was a project manager in an MNC in Bangalore. I recently got married in my native village in Andhra Pradesh and my wife’s name is Ashwini. She was working as a software engineer in Hyderabad and was from a poor family but my parents liked her a lot as she was beautiful. I mean she was every...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True With Ashwini Aunty Part 3

Hi! Its Madan here. Thank you so much for your care and appreciation. Your every feedback means a lot for me. Well back to the sex story. I left the village as my semester exams were postponed. I was panic as I spent more time for the fantasy about ashwini aunty and not prepared at all for the exam. But as I said previously, exam was not much difficult thing for me as I always used to stand in top ranks. Enough about my self-praise. 6 exams took 17 days to finish and exams went well. Ya I and...

2 years ago
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You Win The Game

He’s weird like that, he has a tendency to make up his own words and languages, and refuses to tell me their meanings. Ethan works along with me in Hot Topic, we both are cashiers, we both have gages, we both have colored hair, we both love black clothing. He’s adorable in his mindset. Sometimes he’ll create a game that we’ll play all throughout the day and I won’t even realize it till he tells me if I won or he won, and what the prize is. Because I rarely know of...

3 years ago
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You Win The Game

Introduction: Two friends go to a party, without knowing what will happen Ethan sidled up next to me, put his lips near my ear, and whispered, Binklebop. Hes weird like that, he has a tendency to make up his own words and languages, and refuses to tell me their meanings. Ethan works along with me in Hot Topic, we both are cashiers, we both have gages, we both have colored hair, we both love black clothing. Hes adorable in his mindset. Sometimes hell create a game that well play all...

1 year ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 5 Tournament Weekend

I kept up my schedule through the end of the school year. Since I didn't have a girlfriend to spend any time with, I kept on running, with and without a soccer ball. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I worked with Davey, Kip, and Justin before the Warriors practices. I wasn't sure how productive these sessions were, but we had fun goofing around in the park, at least. And, at that age, any time spent working the ball was time well spent for a kid who wanted to be a better player. The recreational...

3 years ago
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Prick Van WinkleChapter 12

When he woke June, she was true to her word. "Where's Becca?" she asked, yawning and stretching. "She's taking a shower," said Bob pulling the sheet off of her. She was naked under the sheet. "Good, we have time for you to wake me up right." she said, reaching for him and spreading her legs. "What in the world did my wife think she was doing?" said Bob, shaking his head. "She turned you into sex machines." "You turned us into sex machines, Daddy." she corrected. We all...

4 years ago
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The Periwinkle Blue Dress

The Periwinkle Blue Dress A man buys a dress for himself ... and then pays for it. That was the set-up from my first story, "The Green Dress." This is an alternate version of that story, with the same initial premise and same characters from my "The Dress" series. But people and events are different, leading to a different place. I hope you like the alternative. The Purchase "Can I help you find anything?" the salesgirl said. It was just after opening, and I was...

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