Cheaters In Time free porn video

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I awoke in the middle of the night with my senses on edge. My head was pounding, and I was bathed in sweat. So much for the bath I'd taken two days hence. Obviously, I'd been having that strange dream again, since I always awoke confused and upset afterwards.

I barely heard a stealthy footfall, in my confused state, but my reflexes served me well when my dream addled mind did not. I rolled to the side just in time to avoid a swiftly plunging blade that penetrated deeply into the cheap straw mattress, where scant seconds ago, I'd been.

Drawing my rapier was not necessary, because from force of habit, I always left the weapon out of its scabbard and close to me, even when in bed. This, or similar scenarios, had played out several times during my life, and necessity had carved the habit into me. I thrust the weapon just above and to the right of the dagger that impaled my mattress, into what looked like a head. My good English steel was barely slowed as it penetrated something soft and mushy. It did slow a bit as it met stiff resistance about six inches later.

I yanked my rapier free and moved to the door of my room. It was still locked from the inside, which meant that the intruder had either come in through my open window, or he had locked it back upon entry. I favored the former, since my visitor would probably want to make as quick a getaway as possible, after murdering me. And also because, if he wasn't able to do the job, he definitely wouldn't want to be trapped in a locked room with me; my reputation as a swordsman did give me a certain respect.

I stepped out into the hallway, blade in hand and saw no one. I stealthily crept back into my own room re-locked the door and looked out of the window.

There below, barely visible in the pre-dawn light I saw two dark horses, with a rider on one of them. He didn't see me looking down at him from the darkness of my room. I reached outside the window and tapped on the ledge three times, then threw a leg over the ledge and began the climb down. The fool moved the horse over closer to the wall so I could mount it and shorten the length of my descent. I dropped onto the horse and turned to see my attempted murderer's accomplice.

She was nearly as surprised as I was. Her face was angelic, framed by inky black curls that shone in the moonlight. A Cupid's bow mouth opened in surprise for only a moment before she dug her heels into her horse's sides and took off riding quickly into the night. I hesitated for only a second before flinging my dagger after her. I missed on purpose, and watched as the knife stuck point first, in a doorway just inches away from her pretty head.

I'd always had a weakness for women, especially beautiful ones. There was also the fact that this one, though she had been with my attacker, she had done me no harm herself, so I did not give chase. But I would remember that face and if we ever crossed paths again, I would have my answers.

I went back to my room by the inside stairway, and found my door still locked.

I had to wake the Inn's sleeping proprietor to let me back inside it. "How did ya come to lock yourself out," he asked me through sleepy eyes.

"Come inside and see for your-self," I replied.

He took a candle from one of the wall sconces in the hallway and followed me in. As the light from his candle shone on the body laid out across my bed, he gasped in surprise.

"Who is he sir?" he asked now wide awake. Judging from his reaction, I gathered two important pieces of information. One was that he had nothing to do with my attackers; and second that he had never before been this close to a corpse.

"I don't know who he was," I replied, "But he tried to kill me while I slept."

I pulled his dagger out of my mattress, and looked it over. It was beautiful though unornamented. It was a relatively long, though very thin blade, with a triangular cross section; I'd heard of these, but never before actually seen one.

The fact that the blade had no decoration or jewels, told me that it was owned by a professional. Being very plain in workmanship, made the blade's origins harder to track, and also said that it was created for one purpose, killing and nothing more.

"I've never seen a knife like that before," said the Inn keeper, "It has no cutting edges; it's more like a pointed steel rod than anything else."

"It's Italian," I spat. "They call it a stiletto. They use them for stealthily killing, those whom they can't honorably defeat with the sword. This is probably also why they decided to try and do it in the middle of the night; while I slept."

"If not for a troublesome dream I've had of late," I began. "It could just as easily be my corpse you found here in the morning."

"Luckily you paid in advance," smiled the Innkeeper.

"I'll be gone in a few moments after examining the body for clues as to who would like to see me breathe my last," I said. "But feel free to take his belongings and the horse outside, for any trouble or expense you've incurred."

The Innkeeper smiled and bowed as he left me to my inspection of the corpse.

I didn't learn very much by looking it over. My rapier thrust had caught him in his right eye and penetrated into his brain and through the back of his skull.

There was almost no blood, so very little mess for the Innkeeper to clean up, except for the body itself. The clothing told me very little, and his face, even less. I had never before laid eyes on this bastard. He'd obviously been hired by someone else with a grudge against me. So I let the matter rest for now and began making my preparations to depart.

I had always traveled light, with only my Rapier, musket, a couple of daggers and a cloak, I was relatively unencumbered. I stopped at the Inn's kitchen and got a satchel of dried and salted foods, and a cask of wine and one of water, and I was off.

I got my steed from the stable, after rousing the stable hand. The silver coin I gave him for taking care of my animal made up for his distress at being awakened so early.

My horse was a rare animal, so I had to make sure that he was well cared for. He was of a smaller though far hardier breed that the Spanish had brought back from their voyages. He was supposedly, the only survivor of several animals brought back from the new world, wherever that was.

I started down the long road going in the same general direction that the woman who had helped my attacker took.

Two days of hard riding and sleeping under the stars brought me to the domain of the Duke of Albany. It was just after mid afternoon when I rode up to the Castle's gates and was stopped by guards.

"Alexander Lake, to see the elder Duchess of Albany," I said to the guard. He took one look at my road dusty clothes, and "humphed." As if I was beneath his notice.

"Alexander Lake, is older and far bigger than you, pup," he said.

"He as fast as... ," he began, but never had a chance to finish his sentence before I leaped down from my horse, drew my rapier and had its point at his throat.

"Shall we escort you in sir?" he choked out, being very careful of my blade's point.

"Perhaps you'd better," I said. "So I won't have to explain myself, or my presence here to the rest of your guards."

I was escorted across the yard and into the castle to a lavishly appointed room on the lower level. As we'd crossed the grounds I'd heard the sounds of baying hounds in the forests outside the castle gates and I heard them again now, though slightly closer. Who would be hunting, I wondered when the entire country teetered on the brink of war with the French, yet again?

As I looked around the large room I was fascinated by the displays of armor, and weapons from bygone eras. I was pulled from my revelry by a slight giggle behind me. I turned and saw a small form just behind me. She curtsied politely and looked at me appraisingly, "The duchess will see you now sir, If you'll follow me," she said, in a pleasant voice. I'd follow you anywhere, I thought after seeing her face. Her dress served more to accentuate her femininity than to obscure it. She smiled at me again and pointed the way.

We ascended a stairway and went down several hallways going ever deeper into the bowels of the castle. Finally we reached a large door at which two men at arms wielding battle halberds, and wearing ceremonial half armor, stood guard.

My escort nodded at them and we entered the room, my escort remained on the outside.

There was a large expensive appearing desk at the back of the room with a figure behind it. The drapes were drawn and the rear part of the room was dim, which made it hard to see the figure in any kind of detail. With a soft rustle of silk the figure rose and approached me. As she stepped out of the shadows I could see that she had a stout figure, but that it also had its own allure. The dress was beautiful and cut to mold her every curve. It would probably be considered scandalous to wear in public, although she was covered from head to toe. The neckline did after the fashion of the day scoop daringly to showcase the tops of her large breasts which jiggled at every step. She stepped towards me, obviously pleased at my reaction, by the look on her face.

She paused before me as if expecting me to do something. I quickly dropped to one knee bowing deeply. I had almost forgotten that even in these days, the most minor of nobility expected to be bowed to and scraped for. By summoning me the woman obviously knew that I had no interest in serving anyone, I only sought the money to restore my own estate, not out of any loyalty or obligation to anyone else's but I played the game never the less.

"Alexander Lake, I presume," she said in a very throaty voice, which in itself did absolutely nothing to squelch my rising interest in the woman.

"Or should, I call you Lord du Lac?" she asked smiling.

The woman obviously knew my family's history but it would gain her no advantage over me, because my mind was firmly rooted in the present, and the past held no special affection or any shame for me.

"With all due respect ma'am, can we skip to the nature of our business," I said crisply.

She looked at me, as I struggled to keep my eyes on hers, scanning me from top to bottom.

"My Husband the current Duke of Albany has been passed over in the line of succession, due to his infirmity both of body and of mind. However with Albany being a powerful state on its own the Royal family has no desire to offend us, lest we re-choose our alliances in the coming days or simply remain neutral. So to this end, they have wisely given my son, his father's place in the succession. There in lies the problem. My son has certain foibles of his own, in terms of his choices of company, and his young wife, strumpet though she has turned out to be, has been less than discrete as of late and must be put into her place.

"I don't kill women or children, for any reason or any price," I said.

"No one is asking you to do so," she said quickly. "If it becomes necessary to dispose of my daughter in law and find another to disguise my son's peculiarities, an accident will be arranged for her. You task is to discourage her current less than discrete paramour, in any way necessary."

"Why choose me?" I asked pointedly, sensing possible subterfuge.

"You're an outsider, so you wouldn't necessarily be linked with Albany. The man in question is known to be a cousin of the Lord of Cornwall, who is powerful in his own way. He is also said to be quite the swordsman himself. Perhaps you've heard of him, Sir George of Lockwell," she said smiling.

All of the pieces fell into place then. Though we had never laid eyes on each other, two or three generations ago, the Lockwells had history with the Lakes. Those old scores were dead and buried though. Lockwell was reputed to be a terror with a blade though. It might be interesting.

"Does the sum of two thousand pounds sterling sound about right for your assistance in this matter?" she asked.

It was easily twice what I'd hoped for, but I didn't let on as much.

"Adequate," I said, "If you give me the particulars in terms of location, I'll get started immediately."

"There is the question of course of your fitness for this endeavor," she said, "I propose a two part audition. If you survive both parts, the job is yours."

"What kind of audition?" I asked.

In response she opened the bodice of her dress freeing her large breasts.

"You've had trouble taking your eyes off them since you came into the room," she said breathlessly.

She was of course correct, though the Duchess was old enough to be my mother, and although not nearly what I'd call beautiful, in an erotic sort of way she had drawn my attention from the beginning. There was something about her face that was familiar. As she bared those large pale globes of succulent flesh, my breathing became labored. She reached out and grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back into the darker area of the room.

"This will have to be quick I'm afraid, my husband is due back soon," she said, bending over the desk. Then she pulled the dress up around her waist and revealed that she wore no undergarments.

"But, what about your husband, I shouldn't do this" I said. But as I said it, I felt a connection between us somehow.

"Do you really wish to discuss my husband, when we could be doing other things?" she asked. "Besides he doesn't care, it's all a part of our game."

In response, I pulled down my britches and rubbed my engorged member between her legs. There wasn't much hair on her female organ and it was dripping with her natural lubrication. She began moaning as I teasing her by rubbing my organ through it for a while. Then she gave a quick sigh as I began tentatively inserting it into her love canal. I needn't have worried though as she quickly pumped her large hips back into me until my sword was completely sheathed in her depths.

"Hurry," she whispered breathlessly, "Do me hard and fast."

Never one to argue with a lady, I grabbed her around the waist, and began pumping her with long hard strokes. She matched my rhythm and I reached forward to caress her dangling teats.

"Aah," she cried, she obviously enjoyed having her bosom mauled. I pushed her forward further on the desk, and started fucking her faster and harder.

She grabbed my hand and bit into it to keep from crying out. She also spread her legs further to allow me to penetrate deeper. The arm that was still on her breast pushed down further towards her button and I began rubbing it gently and was rewarded as her movements grew more frantic. I began to lose track of my senses as my body took control, forcing my organ as deeply into her it could reach.

She began convulsing and though it was as I said before rather voluminous, her female organ began contracting about me. She bit my hand deeply enough to draw blood, in an effort not to cry out as she climaxed. Then she quickly straightened herself up and turned to face me. She dropped down to her knees before me and took my member, still dripping with her juices inside her mouth. This was new to me as no one had done this to me before. She began stroking me with her mouth and suddenly I finished, and she swallowed every trace of my fluids.

She stood up, leaving me surprised and nearly ready to collapse, while she calmly rearranged her clothing.

"I could not let you finish inside me," she said, "I fear you are potent enough to get me, even at my age with child. But I do hope that you survive the second part of your audition. If only because I look forward to having you, again, only with more time and under more comfortable circumstances."

Then she left the room, leaving me dazed and confused. As I got my wits about me and restored my own clothing I heard heavy footsteps. It still didn't register in my addled brain what was happening. The door opened, and they ran into the room. There were four of them, all gazing intently at me. One of the guards from outside still holding his large halberd waited by the door as the other three approached me. One approached from the left, holding a dagger, the one to the right, held an old mace, and the one in the center had a sword rapier. If I could manage to get by the three of them, there was still the matter of the larger man with the halberd barring the door, and watching my every move.

I backed up to the desk to give me room and time to plan. The man with the mace ran to catch up to me. This would be child's play despite his obvious skill with the weapon. Neither, he, or the dagger wielding foe, had any chance against me. It was simple actually, unlike in fiction, it was common sense, and their weapons gave them a much shorter reach than mine did. Long before they were close enough to touch me, I could dispatch them with ease. Their only advantage was in numbers and by moving ahead of the other two, the man with the mace had given up this advantage. As he stepped within my reach I simply thrust towards his weapon easily. He attempted to block only to have me disengage and re-thrust, my blade found a new home in his chest. I yanked my blade free, as his face showed its surprise at his failure. I snatched the heavy mace from his hand as he fell.

Of the two remaining, I respected the sword-rapier more. Though the blade was heavier and wider than mine, which gave me a slight speed advantage, I did not have the advantage of greater striking distance against it.

I circled keeping the man with the dagger out of range. As the sword moved towards my head, I parried it. Then I swung the heavy Mace against the hand guard smashing the hand that held the sword. Before the man could withdraw, I thrust my rapier into his leg just above his knee and drew blood. As I pulled my blade free of his wound, he tried to grab his cut with his free hand to staunch the flow of blood, which left him bending slightly forwards. My kick just beneath his chin put him out of the fight, bruised and bloody but still alive.

The man with the dagger was obviously one of those alley fighters; he started switching his knife from side to side making little circles as he ran towards me. He thrust at me, but he was far out of reach. I retreated, and watched as the silly man advanced again. This time as he slashed at me, still far out of range, I ended his misery by burying my blade in his throat. As I looked up the man with the heavy halberd had closed the door and taken up a stance in front of it. This man was bigger than all of the others and his weapon gave him the advantage of reach over mine. There was also the fact that he could easily snap my rapier's blade with his weapon.

I sheathed my sword and bent down to pick up the mace once more, and also slipped the Italian Stiletto from my boot into my hand un-noticed.

Straightening up, I swung the mace in front of me as if I intended to cross the room and engage with him. He wisely stood his guard. There was no need for him to move. I had to go through him to get out. Then just outside of the range at which he could crush me with the large spear-like weapon I stopped and threw the mace at him with all the strength I could muster.

He barely dodged the head of the heavy weapon, which crashed into the wall near his head. Unfortunately for him, the mace was only a distraction.

I threw the unseen slim bladed Stiletto which caught him in mid chest ending the fight. The blade must've punctured a lung because he made gurgling sounds as he tried to breathe.

I withdrew the Stiletto from his wound as he slowly perished; I intended to keep the weapon, since it had brought me nothing but good luck so far. As I opened the door I found myself face to face with several more men, who all bore surprised expression on their faces that it was I who exited the room. At the end of the hallway a quiet, older man merely clapped his hands as if applauding a great performance. "Well done," he said, "Well done indeed." From his clothing and bearing I knew I was looking at the Duke. The man I'd just cuckolded. Strangely enough he looked like an older version of me, it was puzzling.

I bowed and left the room. As I got to the bottom of the stairwell the same chamber maid from before was waiting for me. She handed me a bundle of clothing and several sheets of paper, one of which was a promisory note for half of my promised fee. She again escorted me through the castle and out into the courtyard.

I rode a short distance and found a conveniently located Inn. The Innkeeper was a short well rounded woman, who immediately started me thinking about the Duchess. That had been the first time in my life that I had relations with a married woman. If I was going to hell, it would be worth it, though it hadn't been my fault.

I looked at the handwritten pages she had sent me. In very neat script she explained that the younger Duchess and her paramour often met in this very Inn, which had been a stroke of luck on my part. My instructions which I hadn't followed, had said that I was to stay at the other Inn, or camp in the woods near the castle. I had chosen to ignore them out of my suspicion that perhaps the Duchess or even the Duke had something to do with the attempt upon my person a few days ago. It really wasn't that much of a coincidence though considering that there were probably only 1 or 2 Inns within a day's ride of the Castle. I had simply picked the wrong one, or perhaps the right one depending on your point of view.

I settled in and tried to sleep on the lumpy straw mattress, and found my mind going over too many things for sleep to easily overtake me. No one seemed shocked that I had arrived, which made me think that no one at the castle had a hand in hiring my would-be assassin.

I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up parked in my driveway. The Mustang's Mach1 Engine still purring as air eased its way into the ram air scoop. I wiped the crud from my eyes and decided once and for all that I had to get off the fucking night shift if I had to pay somebody to do it. I looked around and realized with that sinking feeling that despite my ultimatum, Vanessa wasn't here. At least her car wasn't in the driveway or in front of the house.

I had been having that fucking dream again, the one where I was a musketeer or something. It always felt so fucking real. I could still feel the impression of the sword in my hand. I had never even seen a sword outside of a museum let alone held one. Maybe it was my subconscious way of saying that I needed to be more active, more aggressive if I was going to save my marriage.

Only yesterday I had told Vanessa that I knew what she was doing, and she needed to put a stop to it immediately. Apparently she hadn't taken me seriously, because while I was out working my ass off all night, she was out again. She was probably out with Lockwood again, I was sure he was the one she was fucking. Well he could have her; this shit was over with as of now. I went up to our bedroom and started packing some of her things. Just like in my dream, I needed to take quick and appropriate action. I lay down on the bed to try and come up with a plan.

First I needed to consider my options. I could pretend that I didn't know what was going on and suffer in silence waiting for her to come to her senses.

That was obviously not an option. There was no way I'd put up with this shit any longer. I could challenge Lockwood to a duel and fight for Vanessa's honor like the guy in my dream probably would. That was also not an option. George Lockwood was twice my size and would beat me to a bloody pulp, and laugh at me while he did it. This wasn't a fucking movie, and I didn't know Karate. The only sport I was good at was running. That was it; maybe I could use my truly awesome cardiovascular fitness to my advantage. I could run over to Lockwood's place and start challenging him and run away when he came after me, then when he was exhausted and wheezing from chasing me for a few blocks, I could run up behind him and scream Boo!, causing him to have a heart attack and die. Then I'd get my wife back and have my revenge.

Maybe I could throw Vanessa out and take Lockwood's wife, she was quite a babe. I'd often wondered how a big sack of shit like him had landed her.

Maybe that would work. Then I realized that I was thinking about the plot of a story I'd read on the internet. I needed something that a normal guy, with no fucking super powers could do. Another thing to consider was whether or not I even wanted Vanessa back. And if I did; why did I want her back? We had only been married for two years. All of my friends had warned me about her from the start, but I was sure that they were wrong. I guess my intelligence when it came to business didn't carry over into everyday life.

At twenty four, I was the youngest plant manager in the history of the company. Only 2 years out of college and I was one of 2 plant managers. My future was very bright or so everyone said. Of course being the plant manager with the lowest seniority meant that I was in charge of the plant during the night shift.

I guess the fact that I was working five nights a week had taken its toll on my marriage over the last 4 months. But shit all it took was four months for the bitch to start cheating on me? Maybe it was time for me to seriously consider life without her. It really wouldn't be that hard to get rid of her I thought, my attorney had insisted on that pre-nup, which if we divorced in less than three years gave her bupkiss. I think she'd get something like a hundred bucks a month for all the time we'd been together. And this was a no-fault state, so the judge would honor the pre-nup. Yep for less money than I'd spent on my engine modifications, I could be free of the bitch. That was the last thing I remember before I drifted off to sleep.

I awoke again bathed in sweat and very afraid. What was that monstrous machine that I'd been riding in? It had strange wheels. They were made of a metal so shiny that it gleamed, but they were covered on the outsides by something soft and cushiony. I thought that all wheels were made of wood. I had heard of metal wheels on a carriage but never seen them, and I doubt that they were made like that. Also and most disconcerting, was the sound that the machine made.

It sounded as if angry bears were trapped inside it. Perhaps that was the reason for its truly alarming speed.

I began to remember details for once, but they made no kind of sense to me. Mustang, V, 8, ram, air, scoop; all of these were words that I had heard before. But in this context they made absolutely no sense.

Mustang was what the Spanish called my horse. I didn't know why or what it meant but I'd heard the term before. V is of course a letter of the alphabet, and 8 is a number, to be sure only educated people would know that. But when you put V and 8 together again it makes no sense. A ram is an animal, everyone knows that. Air is of course what we breathe, and lastly a scoop is a big spoon; what did all of this mean.

My musings were cut short by the sound of an approaching coach. I looked out my window and saw the coach approach. The driver remained in his seat, while the footman jumped down and looked around. It was almost as if he was checking to see if anyone was watching. Then he opened the rear door of the coach and dragged a woman out. Her hands were bound and she appeared to be gagged. Her features were astoundingly beautiful and somehow familiar to me. She had fiery red hair and a slim build. The footman dragged her into the Inn, as she fought him all the way.

This was not the scenario I'd anticipated. This did not seem to be a tryst between lovers. Perhaps I needed to investigate this before I made a mistake.

I quietly left my room and moved silently to the stairwell. I heard voices just outside and below.

"What do you mean, I won't get to have my way with her," said a very loud gruff voice.

"There simply won't be time, the fool should be here any moment," said a voice I recognized as belonging to the Duke.

"He will of course go into the room, expecting to find you fornicating with the strumpet," said the Duke, "But instead he'll find the point of your blade in his guts."

"We will of course spread the tale that he, was the one with whom she betrayed my son," continued the Duke. "My son will of course be broken hearted, but for a few years no one will wonder why he has not chosen another young lady. When the time comes of course we'll have taught a young woman exactly how to behave, so there won't be a recurrence of this unfortunate situation."

"After the fool is dead, perhaps then you can play with her for a while, but she must not be marked, we need her to appear to be in good health when we hang her," said the Duke. "If she were too badly brutalized, there might be talk."

"What of Lake?" asked the other man, who was obviously Sir George of Lockwood who was definitely a part of the deception.

"He'll get what he deserves," sneered the Duke. "It's all part of a little game that I play with my wife, Vanessa."

"She gets to sample, some witless young buck, to appease her carnal desires; I kill them to appease mine," he laughed, "On Sunday, we go to the church and ask for absolution for our sins, which we never name. The Bishop absolves us, we make a donation, and life goes on, until the next time."

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Cheaters Never Prosper Revenge on cheating wife i

Revenge on cheating wife is sweetI was very pleased with myself as I drove from the Long Term Parking Garage at the airport and headed home. I was two days early. I had tried to let Grace, my wife, know but the phone was busy every time I tried to call. She must have been on-line. She spent a lot of time on the computer.I tried to reach her on the cell phone again and again as I made the almost two hour drive home. Busy, busy, busy. As I entered town I did a double take on a car I saw parked in...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Never Win Part 1

She clawed at my back as I pushed deeper. The harder my strokes the more she moaned and the more she moaned the harder my strokes became. I continued to pound her smaller body underneath me as I heard her cry for more. I trusted harder as I did this I also sucked her tits knowing soon we would both climax and as I sucked her succulent breasts and groped her peachy ass she orgasmed sending her body even more tender to my touch. A couple more sucks and strokes and I came right there right...

3 years ago
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Cheaters Never Win Part 2

The door crept open and I stopped in my tracks and pulled my head out of Anna's ass trying to head who it was. Then an unfamiliar voice shouted, "Anna are you here, I'm home love." Anna pushed me in panic and only managed to say, "Shit it's Luke." It didn't click at first but then I realised that Luke was her boyfriend. I couldn't help but think this was going to end in a fight because I had fucked his girlfriend. Anna hid my clothes and threw me her jeans, underwear and a bra. Anna said,...

2 years ago
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“God yes,” Lisette moaned as her husband flicked his tongue in and out of her hole. The five-foot-ten-inch brown-skinned beauty grabbed his head with both of her hands and pushed his face deeper into her ass crack. As he made love to her tranny pussy, her body, all one hundred and forty-five pounds of it, squirmed. She wiggled in every direction effectively working the fitted satin sheets off of their California king size bed. Her barely functional clit stiffened. “Fuck...

3 years ago
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Cheaters Night

It was about 3am and I was scrolling to see who might be up, I wanted to fuck all night and morning but I needed to find someone. I saw this one guy but I knew he had a girlfriend, that has been my crush for a long time and I seen he was online so I texted him and he sent a message back saying he liked me. I wanted to fuck and suck him that’s all. I told him to come see me he had to sneak out but I told him it was gonna be worth it. Around 3:40 he came and knocked on my door I was already...

2 years ago
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Cheaters in the West

The scenery in the windshield went by at an alarming rate, as I passed cars like they were standing still. One of the few pleasures I had left was driving my silver 08 Mustang GT at just slightly past the legal 70 mph speed limit. Just slightly meaning under 110. I heard a chirping sound that I knew wasn't the car. I knew every single throb and ping that the Mustang's engine, tires and suspension made. I also knew every crease in the "Whore Red" interior's leather. I looked over into the...

3 years ago
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Cheaters in Space

June 5, 2067 I woke to the sound of our cabin door's soft, pneumatic closing. I opened my eyes just in time to see my wife come into our spacious living quarters. We had five rooms which was nearly unheard of. Besides the large double-sized bedroom, we had a living room, an observation room and another room, that currently was being used only for storage. That didn't include of course, the large bathroom, and the kitchenette. Most families on the ship were squeezed into one or 2 small...

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Cheaters in the Moment

Margaret Middleton looked around the restaurant. Everything was beautiful. Margaret loved this restaurant, it was her very favorite. Even with the amount of money her husband made, they couldn't afford to come here very often, even when they could get reservations. Arielle Parisian was styled just like the most exclusive restaurants in Paris were. Its owner had grown up in Paris and moved to Ohio to make his fortune in his early twenties. Now over sixty, he'd finally realized his dream. He...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Sometimes Win

G'damn, look at the ass on that blonde. Off limits, buddy. No touching, none. She's the boss's kid, R. Robert hisself. Holy shit. What a body. Look at those legs, those gorgeous tits. I got t'have some of that. No way. Sorry. Forget it. Come on, that's prime nooky. My balls are pumping. Not a fucking chance, no sir. And that was how it started. I did some digging and some honest research for a change and found out that she was Melissa, and indeed the senior partner's one and only...

1 year ago
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Cheaters Part 1

I stepped into the shady underground "bar" and nodded at the owner. He was serving drinks at the bar. I my coat in the closet and wiped my feet across the rope mat. Then I took the door marked "Employees Only" and went up the stairs. I walked across the room to another door and took two flights down to the basement of the adjoining building. As usual, everything was perfectly arranged, including Sasha. She's no more an employee at this place than I am, but she is the owner's goddaughter and he...

3 years ago
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The Liberation Of Father Mortimer

When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...

2 years ago
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The Amazing Mr Mortimer

THE AMAZING MR. MORTIMER My girlfriend Rachel and I had decided to take a two week vacation to PuertoRico. I had first come across the girl on the streets of San Juan. She cameup to me and begged me for some money. At first I was going to say no. ThenI noticed how beautiful this young girl was and I was intrigued. I startedto reach into my purse to get her something, and she smiled at me. She hada very beautiful smile. It was in fact an entrancing smile. I kept her close to me with small bribes...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Coven

Mae put down her steaming hot chocolate and got up to answer the door. She was a little slower than normal and winced slightly at the dull pain in her hip. She was no spring chicken anymore and age was slowly becoming more of a problem to her. She tried to put more of a spring in her step as she walked to the front door, feeling that the more motion she put in her walk, the better it would feel. Like so many things in her more recent life, it was a case of ‘fake it till you make it’. Recent...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...

1 year ago
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Younger Than Springtime

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Master of All Timelines

Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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I am a tattoo artist and live in Los Angeles. To say my business sucks would be a colossal understatement. With Covid spreading like crazy, not many want a tattoo. I spend most of my days sitting in my shop playing games on my phone or texting friends. I am at the point that I may just need to close my business if things do not pick up. I even went and bought a giant neon sign out front with my business name on it, Tats by Tammy.One day sitting on my chair at work, almost half asleep, the bells...

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Cheater By Cassandra Morgan Why do men cheat? Because it's worth it, that's why. It's worth all the manipulation, all of the deceit, all of the lies. It's worth the time. It's worth the money. It's worth the guilt. It's worth the sneaking around. Don't blame me. Guys are just wired that way. It's been part of our DNA since we were cavemen. Only then, we did our work with clubs, not by going to one. It's the thrill of the hunt, the rush of the conquest, the smug feeling of knowing...

3 years ago
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Sweet And Sentimental

Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...

2 years ago
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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Saving Amy Part 5 Showtime

SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

2 years ago
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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

3 years ago
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

2 years ago
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Last October at my sister’s 35th birthday dinner, my brother feels the need to inform the entire table of my old thumb-sucking habit. I was really surprised anyone remembered, but apparently the way I went about my little rituals, is strange and fun to bring up at inappropriate times. My family, especially my brother, enjoys watching me squirm and fidget because I am the only one left with secrets apparently. I sat across the table a bit embarrasses but struggled with the comments. I look to my...

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Thank Goodness for Bathtime

We lived with our parents, Jayne and Dave. My brother and I are the only two children. We live in the South of England, so in the winter months, it is usually cold, and raining a lot, which meant that there was little to do except stay inside and play video games. It was mid-December, not much more than a month after my 13th birthday, when, on the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, I played football with some friends. Unlike my friends, I didn’t exactly have a masculine...

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Omegle ChatTimes

You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...

3 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 04 Primetime

‘You’re thinking about Simone again, aren’t you?’ Amanda asked me. My wife had this uncanny way of knowing my thoughts regardless of what I was thinking. She knew me well. She could tell if I was thinking about putting on the winter tires, buying an overly expensive gift for one of the kids, moving money from one investment to another, or, in this case, thinking about Simone. Of course she knew all about my history with Simone and that there were things about her with which she could never...

1 year ago
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Deep Secret Ch 28 Mealtime

After the workout, the three of us went upstairs and had some juice and coffee. Joa said she’d make breakfast for us, but wanted to shower first. A good idea, we all agreed, was putting showers on the morning’s agenda. Once upstairs in our room, I stripped out of my workout clothes. Simone had done the same before me and I enjoyed watching her naked body do the mundane things that two people do when they’re close. She brought over a basket for my sweaty clothes and threw them in on top of...

3 years ago
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Robert and Clara Bathtime

The arrival of the Earl of Oxbridge and his lady at the George and Dragon caused more excitement than the freak show with the pig faced lady. Ned Briarly, the peddler who had found them limping at the side of the road and given them a lift to the village, basked in the reflected glory and didn’t have to pay for a drink for the rest of the week. The Earl lived up to everyone’s expectations of what a real life Earl would be like. Even dripping wet and supporting a lady so cold she was turning...

1 year ago
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It was her Saturday morning. She awoke early with her man already awake beside her. Brushing him with a hand, he reached for her and held her. She reached for his cock and knew it would be hard when she found it. He held her tighter when she moved to go down on him. He wanted to lie there just a little longer. Playfully, she broke away from his grip and took his cock in her mouth slowly. It had been awhile since they’d done it in the morning. She knew he loved it and she was gonna give it to...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning It was almost 2.30 in the morning when Lauren told me a cab would be waiting outside the Grant to take me home. How did she know? I hadn’t heard her make a call. I dressed, putting my skirt and blouse on over my stockings and collecting my coat. As I was about to leave she called me back into the bedroom of her suite and I found her standing. She took me in her arms and held me tightly to her and kissed the top of my head. ‘We’re going to be good together, babe. Call me on...

2 years ago
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School Timestop

Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...

1 year ago
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Family Bathtime

Lance was a middle child. His older sister Stephanie had graduated high school 3 years before him, and his younger sister Michelle had graduated just the last year. Lance had graduated 3 years ago, but was still living at home - having dropped out of school due to poor grades and many un-mentioned issues with his roommates. He was an average 20 year old, blonde hair that was short, a thin, somewhat wirey build, and a small cock that grew to about 5 inches when properly aroused. In Lance's case,...

4 years ago
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Katee Platime

Katee is a beautiful 18 year old girl. Her heart shaped face, big green and full pouty lips set off her long curly red hair. A full C-cup, slim waist, and tight ass sure help to draw the eyes of those passing by. Katee is quit, and prefers the companionship of a few close friends, but all that might change. You see Katee has a secret. She loves getting Naked! From a young age she didn't like being clothed. This became a BIG problem when she was about 14. She already had nice breast. Well, her...

2 years ago
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This story is meant for everybody to use it freely. Make it funny, or tragic, make it epic or silly, open your own arcs or help me completing mine. Just have fun telling the story of a girl fucking her way through time. Amy is a history student with an odd genetic disorder. When she falls asleep during her studies, she travels through time and space. Only by fucking the right people and changing history can she hope to return. The problem is she never knows who to fuck and needs to find out.

4 years ago
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beep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Its Partytime

‚Phu, endlich Feierabend’, denke ich bei mir, als ich mein Büro verlasse. Heute war mal wieder einer von diesen Tagen, an denen einfach nichts passieren wollte. Ich konnte mir nicht mal an meiner Mitarbeiterin aufgeilen, da sie gerade in den Ferien ist (… denn sonst würde mir, wie so oft, zufällig der Kugelschreiber auf den Boden fallen, damit ich einen Blick zwischen ihre gespreizten Beine werfen kann. Da sie meist kurze Röcke trägt sieht man dann schön auf ihre von feiner Seide eingehüllte...

4 years ago
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At 18 years of age, I was soaked through and freezing cold when I finally arrived home, I was cursing whoever had hidden my coat as I pushed open the front door. The warmth hit me like a sledge hammer; making my body burn painfully. "My god Josh your soaked, what happened to your coat?" My mom asked. Through chattering teeth I tried to tell her but to no avail. "You're not dripping over the carpets, get out of those wet things." Shivering, I undressed with mom's help standing by the front door;...

3 years ago
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I don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Rent that apartiment

My wife became a star fan of the new night club and they of her. They sent a group over to rent an apartment for a playhouse for their little sex parties! They have gotten smart to the fact if someone complained about the club being frequented by young white bitches wanting big black cock! They could lose their liquor license and have to close their club as well as lose all that sweet pussy. My wife set them up with an apartment even helped by demonstrating it fucking the two owners all...

2 years ago
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Grannys Timeshare

For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...

2 years ago
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mom and son bathtime

I sat at the other of the bath looking at mum’s breasts, they were a little larger than mine and her nipples were much bigger, but the fact she was a 42 year old woman who had a baby she was in great shape, it made her more sexier than ever“Sweetheart, are you looking at my breasts again” she smiled at me,“Yes, I was thinking that someday I will have boobs as nice as yours” I remarked,Mum cupped them; she knew this would turn me on,“Mum likes you looking at her, particularly her breasts” she...

2 years ago
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Lunchtime Munchtime

As was his habit at lunchtime, Hal left the building and walked through the office park for exercise. It was a partly cloudy day, and for the moment it seemed overcast. On his way to a small path through the woods, he saw her. Sandy was an attractive redhead with a sensual voice who almost always wore a tailored blouse, a roomy ankle-length skirt, and one-inch pumps. Her wardrobe varied in color, patterns, and material, depending upon the season, but always the same ensemble. Hal watched as...

1 year ago
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Hot Fun in the Sumertime

Let me first explain how I got here. My name is Kaycee. I have always had a rather unconventional view of sex (for a woman) I suppose. I can honestly say that I don't actually recall when or how I lost my virginity. I can recall sexual play going back to my c***dhood. As a young teen I engaged in groping and playing with boys and some girls. These sessions at times included some of my cousins. But it wasn't until I was a bit older that I feel I really hit my stride. But the really different...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning It was almost 2.30 in the morning when Lauren told me a cab would be waiting outside the Grant to take me home. How did she know? I hadn’t heard her make a call. I dressed, putting my skirt and blouse on over my stockings and collecting my coat. As I was about to leave she called me back into the bedroom of her suite and I found her standing. She took me in her arms and held me tightly to her and kissed the top of my head. ‘We’re going to be good together, babe. Call me on...

3 years ago
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Day out and nightime

On arriving home after collecting my son I had a bath to ease away the pain of the afternoon. As I lay there in the sweet scented bubbles I played it over in my mind. Getting myself quite horny again, I rubbed my clit and soaped up my pussy,although sore it felt good. I heard the front door closing and you shouted to me wanting to know where I was,I called you into the bathroom and as I lay there gently rubbing my pussy I went over the events of my day with you. You sat there eagerly listening...

2 years ago
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

2 years ago
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Teenage valentimes

It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...

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