Patchwork People XXV: Who's Your Daddy? free porn video

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XXV. Who's your daddy? When they asked me at the hospital who my parents were, who my emergency contact was, I guess you can say that I kind of panicked. They were making it pretty clear they weren't going to let me out of here on my own, no way, so I had to come up with someone. Who could I finger for the honor? Mom was out of the question, at this point, and once Marcia found out that I'd lied and basically stolen her money, which I'm sure she must have realized by now, she wasn't an option either. I could have given them my birth-mom's name, just out of revenge, if nothing else (what a disaster our reunion turned out to be but more on that later), because even considering the dire circumstances I seriously doubt that she would've showed up to claim me. She made it clear enough that she wanted nothing further to do with me. And, really, all considered, who could blame her? You meet your long-lost daughter for the first time and the next day you get a call that she's in the hospital, under police supervision, after a drug overdose? No thanks, right? Well, it would have given her a chance to redeem herself for one thing, that is, if this were a movie, but this wasn't a movie. So in desperation I blurted out, "Walt." "Who's Walt?" they asked. "My dad." Like I said, I don't know what possessed me, but then again what else was I going to call him but "dad"? My transsexual adoptive dad's boyfriend? Sometimes you have to cut through the complicated truth of life, you know? So they called him up at whatever ungodly hour it was and I was afraid that he'd spill the beans, say something like "her father, what the hell are you talking about? I'm not her father" as Walt is just that kind of bluff honest guy, the kind of guy who, in all innocence, would try to set the record straight. But instead he surprised me, as people will do just enough to keep you from losing faith in them entirely. Instead of telling the truth he must have played right along because, later, when I was a bit more lucid, they came back and informed me that they'd reached my dad and he assured them that he would be on his way down to New Mexico first thing in the morning. Sometime later, just before dawn, I managed to talk one of the younger nurse's aides into bringing me my bag. It had been thoroughly gone through of course. For drugs, no doubt. But my phone was still there. I used it to call Walt and I thanked him. I made him swear he wouldn't bring either my mom or Marcia with him. He promised me on the proverbial stack of Bibles I forced him to swear on that he wouldn't and I had no choice but to trust him. Sometimes circumstances leave you with no choice but to trust people. It really sucks when that happens. * * * A quick breakfast and they were back on the road shortly after dawn. Marcia forced down a scratchy slice of buttered toast and two cups of coffee. Walt plowed his way workmanlike through a blue-grey sausage omelet. Their flagging appetite for such unappetizing fare was stimulated by the fact that they might be hours on the road before they got a chance to eat again. Marcia had gotten virtually no sleep at all. She'd dozed on and off in the armchair, disturbed by unpleasant dreams, in which the uncomfortable design and rank smell of the chair had clearly factored. Walt hadn't fared much better, sleeping until dawn, but waking up with a backache. It wasn't a good way to face the long day ahead. By one in the afternoon they were within a hundred miles of Chupadero. Close enough to see it's occasional inclusion on signs for many better- known and more desirable destinations. They decided to stop for lunch, after all, before the final stretch. The Iguana Caf? looked like it had once been a convenience store. Marcia, suspecting an emergency visit from the health inspector to be in order, chose a container of brand-name yogurt from the cold case and a packaged bag of trail mix from beside the cash register. Walt, feeling more adventurous, ordered a sandwich packed with various unidentifiable meats they were calling The Rifleman Special. They ate outside at a picnic table beside the sun-splashed gravel of the parking lot. In the distance, they could see a purplish row of snaggle- toothed mountains. All morning Marcia had wanted to bring the subject up but somehow couldn't manage it. Now, with time and distance running out like a quick- burning fuse, she forced herself to blurt it out. "She didn't want me to come, did she?" Walt looked up from his sandwich, chewing over the wad in his mouth as if he wished it could last forever. Or at least until a good answer came to him. "You don't have to tell me," Marcia answered for him. "I know she doesn't. I'll bet she expressly told you she doesn't want me to come. It's okay. I think I knew it all along." Walt swallowed. He said nothing. "Okay then. Fine. I'll stay outside in the car. Or better yet, maybe I can take a bus back by myself." "Marsh..." "No, it's okay. I can't deal with another rejection from that kid. I've tried to be her parent. I've wanted nothing more than to be her parent. But she's old enough to make her own choices and she doesn't choose me. Why can't I get that through my stupid head?" "Marcia," Walt said again, swallowing at last. "You're saying stuff you don't mean." "The hell I'm not." "The hell you are. This isn't about you. This is about Phoebe. What she thinks she wants or doesn't want, it's irrelevant. Right now she isn't thinking clearly about anything. You keep saying that you want to be her parent, that you've always wanted to be her parent, and I believe you. But you aren't thinking like a parent. Sometimes a parent doesn't listen their kid and that can be a bad thing. But sometimes it's a good thing. I know you try to respect Phoebe as an individual, but she's still a kid in a lot of ways, even at nineteen. In fact, I'm wondering if in some ways she's ever allowed herself to be a real kid. Right now I think she needs you not to listen to her. I think she needs you to ignore her rejections, her tantrums, her anger and all the rest of the bullshit. She needs you to plow right through all that. She needs you to stop being so sensitive. I'm sorry to be so blunt but she needs you to stop acting like a child." Walt saw the stunned look on Marcia's face, but decided to go on anyway. There was no longer any time to pull punches. "Marcia, you've got to stop thinking of yourself and start thinking about what Phoebe needs. You have to lie to her if need be. You have to ignore what she says she wants because half the time she doesn't even know what she wants. Or, if she does, it's not what she really needs. Right now, she needs you to tell her what she needs. For once, you need to know better than she does." "Are you saying I should be more like Claire?" "God forbid. That's the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm saying it's a tightrope between the two of you; it's not easy to find the balance, but giving up and just letting yourself fall and fail and feel sorry for yourself is the easy way out. She needs you. I know that. You know that. She may not. Or she may and she's waiting for you to force the issue." Walt was right, she knew that, but what was the use? "I'm just no good at force. I'm just not strong enough for that." "You ever hear those stories of mothers who suddenly find the strength to lift a burning Oldsmobile off their child's chest? I think you have that kind of strength inside you, baby." "What if I don't?" "Then at least you tried. But if you do have the strength, now's the time to find out. Because the way I look at it, right now Phoebe is trapped under a burning Oldsmobile." * * * What did I think was going to happen? That her eyes were going to well up with tears the instant they fell on me? That we were going to throw ourselves into each other's arms weeping? Mommy! My Baby! That we were going to swear never to part again? Yes, I'm ashamed to say it. I guess I did imagine something like that, goofy as it sounds, even though, at the same time, I knew better. I knew darn well that it was all but surely not going to be anything whatsoever like that. We must be even more conditioned by all those stupid sentimental Hollywood movies than we even realize. All those dumb happy- ending fairytales that were read to us as kids have set us up for a world of disappointment and humiliation. What was it really like? I'll tell you. We met at a cafe in this dinky strip mall just outside of town. Of course, I knew her address but she didn't want to meet at her house. She made that clear enough, though I knew where it was and had gone by it just to see what it was like. A nice-looking place, a ranch I think you call it. A couple of expensive- looking cars parked in the driveway. Pretty landscaping. Pool in the back. Of course, everything is cheaper out here, but still. She must be doing pretty well for herself, my mom. I saw some kids' stuff in the yard. A plastic pedal car, a bicycle with training wheels, a big yellow ball with a blue star on it. She had kids, then. Other kids. Anyway, she was still youngish. Younger than mom or Marcia, which made sense, since she had me when she was just barely a teenager. Dressed really nice. Not fat or anything, but she had a tendency towards fatness. If you're like that yourself, which I am, you recognize it right off. Like she has to watch herself all the time or things are going to get out of hand fast. A greased slide downhill straight to Lardsville. If you looked hard enough, if you knew what you were looking for, got beyond the blonde hair and blue eyes which would be the most obvious obstacles, you could see the resemblance between us, except that she has no Mexican blood, naturally. I was her, you see. The perfect, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl, only ruined. Spoiled. Yeah. I'm sure I must have been a big black splotch on her perfect sitcom life for the brief time we were together. Nine months and the two extra ones it took for her parents to persuade her it was only sensible to put me up for adoption. Erasing the dark stain of sin and shame from her lily-white life. Okay, I'm bitter, so sue me. We had a cup of coffee each. She tore to pieces the pink diet sugar packet, a habit we both share, but seeing her do it kept me from doing it this time. Right away I could tell that she was a lot more nervous than I was which made me feel in control. I felt really cool and remote, like a blackmailer, or something. And that is what made me realize what she was so nervous about. It hit me all of a sudden. I was like totally stunned at first, then I almost started laughing. I think I did laugh, but right away I felt like crying too. She was talking low and fast, in this hushed breathless voice, and I was only listening with half an ear because I knew already what she was saying. It was as if she were on television, reporting from some remote place by satellite, delivering a report from a foreign country and speaking on a tape-delay. But I already knew what she was going to say. Like I had already reviewed the written transcript in preparation for this interview. She had this nice life, she was saying, and she'd put the past behind her. She was sorry, she'd wanted to keep me, blah blah blah, but she couldn't, she struggled with the decision, don't think she didn't, she cried and cried, but in the end she'd done the right thing, she was sure of it, why just look at me now. I'd turned out just fine, hadn't I? She didn't know the half of it. Well, she hoped I was happy, that meeting her would heal whatever old wound I still had, provide me with closure, but that she'd appreciate it if we just left it at that. Meaning, I guess, that we left it right here at the table where we were sitting, among the half-empty coffee cups and dirty spoons and the sad confetti of her torn-up pink artificial sweetener packs. She had a nice life, you see, (she repeated this several times) and never told anyone about her past, well, not about my existence in it, which was more like a dream episode so out of keeping with the rest of her nice life that it hardly seemed real to her anymore. She'd never told her husband, or her friends, or anyone in her nice new life. I was her dark, dirty little secret. She didn't put it that way, of course, but that's what it amounts to, after all. At first her parents had forbidden her to say a word; now she saw the wisdom of it, how it enabled her to get a fresh start, a do-over. Everyone deserved a second chance, didn't they? That's what she hoped she'd given me. Surely I could understand, she asked me, hopefully. Well, you get the drift of what she was saying. Basically, it was " get lost." She could give me some money, not a lot, mind you, they weren't rich, her and her husband, and they had kids, too, and her mother (my grandmother, the one who hectored her into give me up, I presume, so no great loss I never met her) was now in a nursing home, and needed round-the-clock care, which was so expensive... Well the long and the short of it was that she was bribing me to stay away, since her husband and his family still knew nothing about this part of her life, this tiny lacuna of judgment, this one little brown stain, and while she felt bad about keeping it a secret it was even worse now that it had been kept so long. So I understood, right? She kept asking me if I understood. Oh I understood alright. She was practically ringing her hands at this point, practically begging me to just disappear then and there, that I'd seen her, that she'd granted this wish of mine to meet, what else did I want from her? I felt so stupid sitting there, so ashamed and dirty, you can only imagine. I almost couldn't get myself to move. It took all my strength. I felt like I had a hat on that weighed about ten thousand pounds, but I stood up under it somehow. "Don't worry," I said, all breezy. Like I'd just stopped by Chupadero for a bag of chips and a Coke. "You'll never hear from me again." Then I walked out of there, determined not to turn back, even if she called out to me, which, of course, she didn't. I was going to keep walking, even if she changed her mind and ran up and tried to stop me, which she didn't, even if she apologized, hugged me to her chest, weeping the way I'm ashamed to admit I still hoped she would right up to the very end when it became obvious that she wouldn't. It would have been hard to keep walking if she'd done any of those things. I don't know if I would have had the strength to do it, to ruin my storybook ending, if I would have regretted it later and forever if I had, but I'll never know one way or the other. Because she just stayed put there at the table. She watched me go. And if the expression on her face when I told her that she'd seen the last of me had a caption it would have been "Whew! What a relief!" What happened next is kind of a blur. Generic, really. I have dim memories: a grungy part of town, an idling van, a guy in a stained denim vest, vials, a thrumming bass beat, a gold-toothed grin. I woke up in this hospital bed. An overdose, they told me. Accidental, I assured them. My money? The bank card? "Gone," they told me. * * * * Author note: I plan to publish "Patchwork People" in its entirety in weekly installments here on Fictionmania. In the meantime, the complete novel is currently available as an Amazon Kindle ebook for $2.99. For more of my writings, drawings, erotica, and photos please visit my blog Bad Pussy sissyforlife(dot)blogspot(dot)com.

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Patchwork People XXXII Welcome Home

XXXII. Welcome home. Autumn was now more than just a hint of wood-smoke in the nippy air of a summer evening. The trees had turned and the leaves were in free-fall. In the night sky, the constellations had subtly shifted position. The stars were sharper. The frogs and crickets had grown quieter. "Good evening ladies." Walt waved to them as he cruised passed the porch on the tandem. He was showing up all over town lately riding solo on that bicycle. He was becoming famous for it....

2 years ago
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Tim the Teenage Part XXV

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-Five By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VII: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Counselors Part 2 - Lessons of Love (mc, oral mm mf, mfm) Scooter took his new found friends back in the cabin with his trophy leaving me with my mind clouded from the combination of the drink and the excitement. I made my way back to my cabin, finding Suzi had already taken the boys to breakfast. Even though I desperately wanted to fuck, I decided to head for Suzi's tent to jerk...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XXV 8211 On The Beach

Dear Friends / Readers Here I am back with new, fresh and another special sex game played at the open beach but away from stranger’s eyes. But before anything else, I would like to thanks Rishma for her support and co-operation in posting of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am really thankful to my group “indiansexstories” for making me so popular among the readers. Secondly, I am also thankful to all of my readers and fans for their thousands of mail of appreciation. I tried my best to reply...

3 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXV 8211 Sagar Kinare Chut Pukare

Pyare Doston, Main aap ki Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan, aur batati hun aap ko apni ek bahut hi khash chudai ke baare me, maine khule aasmaan ke neeche, dariya kinaare apne pati se chudwaya par bina kisi ki nazar me aaye. Padhiye aur aap bhi maza lijiye meri shandaar chudai ka. Main ek baar phir se Goa me thi apne pati ke sath. Is baar ham apna Christmas aur Naya saal apne maata pita aur apne saas sasur ke sath manane aaye the. Main apne Goa me aane ke baad pahle do din apne...

1 year ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XXV Another Alice

Although Alice found it very uncomfortable to be chained to the rafter, not to mention the draft blowing through the room, she also found it quite boring. At first, she wiled away her time attempting to conceive a clever plan of escape, only to discover she wasn’t nearly as clever as she had hoped. Then, she tried to bide her time thinking of more pleasant things. Being buggered by the Hatter, for instance. Or by being ravished by the Chessman. Or delightfully tormented by Yum and Yee. Or...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Patchwork People IIIToday is Your Birthday

III. Today is your birthday. "So what are you doing tonight anyway?" Grace asked as they closed the Blue Cat for the day. "Please tell me you have something planned. That you aren't just going home and watching reruns of House." "You know I only watch reruns on the Food Channel." "Then tell me you're doing something more special than that." "I really don't think I could bear anything more special than that." "Let me at least take you out to dinner. I promise I won't tell the...

3 years ago
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Patchwork People

You tell yourself that you've given up, that you've lost all hope; you tell yourself often, until you half-believe it yourself; not because it's true, but because hopelessness is the only thing that makes the wait bearable--the wait for your dream to come true. I. All her parallel lives. Questioned about her past, Marcia Hammond always lied with great creativity and no conscience. Her present life felt like something she'd stolen and had the perfect right to steal. Still, like any...

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Whos your Daddy

Who’s your Daddy! I was 24, and in top shape. I noticed her checking me out on the squash courts while I did the same but we were both too shy to break the ice.   One evening when my court partner failed to show, Jackie came over and asked if I would hit a few with her and maybe show her some pointers, we played around a bit while I made sure to keep the ball in the front court so I could enjoy the very nice view of her butt.   The time passed quickly and before we knew it, night had fallen,...

4 years ago
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Whos your Daddy

My new husband wanted to get me pregnant and have his baby. We had only been married 4 months but he was 48 and I was 44 so the clock was ticking. I told him we would give it a try but if I didn’t get pregnant in a few months then it probably wasn’t going to happen. We had been trying for four months with no luck. We had sex all the time. He took me every chance he got. Sometimes three or four times a day. He was a great lover with a huge cock. I have known him for a very long time and we have...

2 years ago
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Patchwork Familie

"Morgen" brachte Lena hervor als sie schlaftrunken durch die große Wohnküche des Ferienhauses in Richtung des "kleinen Badezimmers" torkelte. "Guten Morgen" lächelte Frank, blickte vom Frühstückmachen auf und sah seiner achzehnjährigen Stieftochter nach. Durch den dünnen Stoff ihres Nachthemdchens zeichneten sich ziemlich deutlich Details ihrer Figur ab, die ihn an Sabrina erinnerten. Sabrina war Lenas Mutter, die er vorletzte Woche gehreiratet hatte. Frank hatte lange gedacht, nie wieder eine...

2 years ago
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Patchwork Knight

Then. A Rustic Village Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if Greg Bartels were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that Amelia Collins is the standard by which every other woman that he will admire or date is judged, a standard against which he will find all those others lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in these glory days of high school, and he also knew that he would look nostalgically...

3 years ago
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How to seduce your daddy

Let me preface this tutorial by saying that fucking your daddy is illegal in the United States. In the state of New York it is a felony with a maximum penalty of four years in prison. So go to France where fucking your daddy is not illegal if you are an adult. The rules of this How-To Contest say, “We will not accept How-To submissions that teach people how to do acts that are illegal in the United States.” So let me emphasize, I am NOT talking about your REAL daddy. No, I am talking about your...

2 years ago
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Case Study 301 I want to be your little porn slut daddy

Chapter 10 Case Study 301: I want to be your little porn slut daddy. Meanwhile back in LA Sunday Morning: Inside of the downtown Marriot lobby were two mid-thirty ladies sitting on a small sofa and they seemed to be in a carefree conversation. It appeared as though they were smiling and having a nice private conversation trying to keep up appearances but the reality was they were having a major fight. Wanting to keep up appearances instead of pointing fingers and screaming they were...

2 years ago
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Stay home and suck your daddy

He was my mom and dad friend, a rich and successfull bizz ownerhe must have known i would have trouble with my rent as the cod19 virus spread over the world , i lost my job in the first weeki knew it was going to last and i was scarred of loosing the appart this is how he became my daddy, i never expected to be sucking a cock, a very juicy big black cock in fact , but its exactly what he proposed after a good dinner He was living in Montreal my mom had ask him to give me some food since i had a...

2 years ago
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Who Is Your Daddy

Who Is Your Daddy My name is Peg. It’s not short for anything. Mom and dad don’t believe in long drawn out names. My four brothers are Tom, Ted, Tim, and Tad. I was about ten years and nine months old when I had my first period. I was twelve years old when I got my tits. That’s when my four brothers noticed that I had grown up. At first my older brothers would ‘accidentally’ walk in on me when I was naked in the bathtub. I was always embarrassed but I kind of liked the attention...

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For Daddy

As Daddy enters the room, I sit there on my knees with my hands in my lap. Looking down at the floor trying not to look at Daddy until he acknowledges me. I respect him too much to say anything until he speaks to me so I sit quietly biting my tongue and waiting. Daddy is loving taking his time to acknowledge me because he knows the moment he walks in the room, my excitement starts to build and it is a struggle for me to keep my place where I am kneeling. Daddy still not saying a word, slowly...

3 years ago
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A Sissy Fantasy A Day And Night With Daddy

A Sissy Fantasy - A Day And Night With Daddy Daddy's Cocksucking Princess I awoke after falling asleep after last night's escapades, and the first thing I I notice is the chastitiy, it immediately reminds me of what happened last night. I wasnt expecting to be put in chasitity last night, Daddy had hinted at it, but I did not think he was have me in it so soon. I did not really want to have my clitty locked up like that, but I really want to please Daddy, so of...

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Hearing my daughter Caitlyn's girlish giggles brought my dormant cock to life. Her soft high-pitched voice and the husky responses of an adult man downstairs in our house switched my whole body from the lifeless sack of flesh that had been lying inactive under Caitlyn's bed for about four hours, to the pulsating, throbbing lusty father that I know I am.Finally she was back home with her date, so it made all of the waiting worthwhile. My cock was instantly hard on my naked abdomen. I didn't care...

3 years ago
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Daddy  ??????????????? Privacy, Respect, things that sometimes we take for granted, are the things that I'm being scared not to have anymore while I'm being drag in to a room that seem more like a prison. He's looking at me while I?m on the floor, I try to scream for help but he's just watching me probably thinking what to do with me. He takes me by my hair saying "Ok, we are going to have some rules now, first you don't have any rights, as you've seen no one can hear you, you...

3 years ago
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Showing Abby Whos Boss

Introduction: A young girl takes an office job with an old friend. Five years ago, Abby strolled into the meeting room and into my life as a 18-year old having just completed high school. I still remember what she wore: red gym shorts, a blue tank top and black flip flops. Her light brown hair came down loose to her shoulders, swaying as she sat down in the seat next to me while we both prepared for the first day of orientation for a summer job for which we had both been hired as temporary...

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Good Girl Gone Bad 10 Daddy Daddy Daddy

I couldn’t believe how much having a daddy fantasy turned me on. The first time I came close to role playing this was with Frankie, a married fireman that my cousin Sandy introduced me to. It was such a turn as he fucked me in bed and in the shower calling me babygirl and with me calling him daddy until we came over and over again.Then I gave Mr. White, my next door neighbor a blow job in my father’s chair and he called me princess over and over again. Princess is the pet name my dad always...

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Melody8217s Life With Daddy

The morning sun broke through a crack in the curtains, flooding her naked body that lay on the bed. The sunlight hit her back and ass; warming it from the early morning chill. Melody stirred, still half asleep reaching over hoping to find a warm body next to her in bed. She found that there was no one there. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the clock, it was already a little past nine thirty, she must have not heard the alarm go off. She rolled over on her back, and opened her eyes...

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Sitting in the car next to Daddy as we drive home from school, I'm so scared.I glance over at Daddy; he is clenching the steering wheel, staring straightahead as he drives us home; I have never seen him so angry! Biting my lip,I stare out the car window and try not to cry. Remembering what has happened,I feel the blush spreading over my face. I had been attending an all girl Catholic school since I was 5, and now in11th grade, my friends and I had started to ?alter? our modest uniforms...

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Red Nixy Shower time with Daddy

Shower time with Daddy I want to be your Daddy's girl that you love more than anyone else in the world. I want to walk around the house in short cheerleading shorts with a tight small undershirt on with no bra on. I am sitting Indian style on the floor of the living room texting friends on my phone but when you get up and walk by to go to your room I will pull the fabric covering my pretty pink pussy to the side and show daddy a little bit of his naughty girl. I am so excited that my Daddy saw...

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Kat Finally Gets It From Daddy

Kat kept her face forward, ostensibly staring out the car's windshield at the expanse of utterly boring scenery, but her eye strained to the side as far as she could to admire the stiff bulge of Daddy's erection in his tight gray shorts. For the last twenty minutes, at least, his prick was fully erect inside those somewhat-tight shorts, so stiff that she could easily see not only the bulbous head but even the ridge of the helmet of his cock, and some of the ribs of the thick base. Over eight...

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Whos the Boss

It always amazes me….the power of words, and the visual effects of a large cock can have on a sissy. Especially the power of a sexy curvy dominant woman has over a small penis submissive male. A woman with curves knows a small penis man can't satisfy her so, really he is just a toy for her to play with, an after thought if any.Any variation of the above will strike a startling reaction mentally and physically in a male who is about to receive an old-fashioned shaming from a dominant female and...

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Poker with daddy

I was waiting at the kitchen table for Zoey's boyfriend to show up. Tonight was supposed to be "the mysterious meeting." They had something to tell me. Of course, the little bastard was ten minutes late now."He'll be here any minute," Zoey said, holding up her cell phone. "He said he's on his way.""You could just tell me what Ben wants to talk to me about, and I'll act surprised when he brings it up later.""No, Daddy," Zoey said. "This is important. We need to have this discussion together."I...

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It was about 2 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten home from a date with a guy in my class. My parents figured since I was 18, and it was not a school night. I could stay out late, but I knew if I stayed out all night, I would hear about it the next day. I didn't feel tired so I logged on the computer in my room. I was chatting with a guy who was completely boring me, so I figured I would go to the adult chat rooms. I had never been there but now that I was 18, why not see what it...

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Being Naughty for Daddy, H my name is Christy and I love telling stories, especially ones where my daddy and I are fucking the hell out of each other. Its just so happens that I have one of these naughty little tale that I wound love to share with you tonight. You see a little over a week ago daddy and I had one of the best fuck sessions, I can not remember the last time we had sex like that. I knew that mother had stopped giving up the pussy years ago, I guess that is why he turned to me...

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