An End To Bullying free porn video

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Mark and Shayna watched the popular girls glide down the hall, chatting and giggling. One girl in particular stood out even among that flock, perfect and completely aware of it. Cecelia wore her pale blonde hair in a long ponytail that gently slapped against her bare upper back, not a single hair amiss. Her tight top plunged to show off deep cleavage that bounced steadily despite a partially exposed bra's best efforts. The torso beneath gently curved inwards before flaring out to support a pair of low-rise jeans, with the hem of a black thong and a smidgen of midriff visible above just shy of too much hips and butt. A skirt barely adhered to the school's dress code for length, showing off long legs that topped slim feet in short-heeled sandals, the exposed toenails painted pastel. Her breathtaking face, only slightly marred by overused makeup, acknowledged the pair of losers barely long enough to dismiss them, big blue eyes just visibly darting to the side and pouty lips turning up at the corners. If she registered Mark's wide-eyed stare or Shayna's humorless smile, she didn't show it. Such lesser beings were beneath her, whether they offered worship and contempt. Mark watched the school's queen and her entourage disappear behind a corner. No matter how many times he saw her, he couldn't believe she was real. "Impressed?" Shayna asked, startling Mark. Her expression had turned to satisfaction. "I can't take all the credit. To be honest, I can hardly believe he had her in him." Mark tried to steady himself. Short and weedy, he'd been afraid of Shayna even before Cecelia came to be. He'd thought of her as an ally on principle, a fellow outcast, but not someone he'd ever befriend. Gaunt and pale with long black hair and a permanent scowl, Shayna was rumored to be a witch, a once beautiful girl who lost her mind, a murderer, or all three. She'd transferred to his high school at the start of year, but hadn't become any less mysterious as the quarters passed. Mark heard somewhere that she sometimes helped her fellow outsiders. No one could ever recall her doing anything notable, but the idea seemed universally accepted. Off to college and still bullied like a child, Mark had worked up his nerve on the grounds that it couldn't hurt to ask. He'd told Shayna how Steve Martens, a tubby classmate with greasy blonde hair and a singularly cruel mind, made his life miserable, and how he just wanted some peace during his last month here. She cheerfully offered her assistance, saying she'd make sure Steve would never so much as acknowledge him again. That had been Friday. Mark didn't see Steve before school started the following Monday, nor was he at lunch, the usual preferred time for intimidation and humiliation. He wasn't there when Mark took his seat during the next period, math, the one actual class the pair shared. In fact, the whole classroom looked wrong; Nate Johnson was in Steve's usual seat, and the rest of the students were shuffled around until the only open desk was in the back, where the popular girls sat. As the bell rang a stunning blonde he'd never seen sauntered in through the door, absentmindedly wiping her lips. She took the empty desk, and Mark stared until she gave him a look to wither a tree. He saw other guys risking subdued glances the new girl's chest, but none dwelled or gave any impression of surprise. When roll was called she responded to the name Cecilia Martens. The name burrowed in Mark's mind. After class he asked Nate if that was Steve's cousin, and received only a confused look in response. He repeated the name, Steve Martens, and Nate asked that was Cecelia's brother or something. Mark told him to forget about it, and spent the rest of the day looking for any signs of his former nemesis, finding none. The next day he noticed Cecelia on the lawn before school, then in his lunch period, and again in math, but at no point did she so much as look at him. By now the rumors of witchcraft had started running wild through his head. Steve - and now he was certain that girl was Steve, whatever he looked or acted like, no matter how impossible that was - had walked by just as Mark was finally about to confront Shayna. He wasn't sure what to say in the wake of the witch's open acceptance of her work. He'd expected a fight, or at least denial. "Mark, you there? I asked if you were impressed," Shayna said. She looked unnervingly relaxed, as though making a guy into a girl was just a bit of everyday work. "C'mon man. Give me some feedback." "I just wanted him to leave me alone," Mark said. His cowardice told him to leave now, thank her and move on, but he couldn't budge. Fear and shame had coagulated into something resembling courage, sturdy enough that it wouldn't dissolve no matter how much he wished it would. This was fucked up, bad enough that his conscience wouldn't let him abandon even his worst enemy. Shayna gave a small, mean-spirited laugh. "Oh, she'll leave you alone, just like I promised. She's too busy fucking the football team to care about some pointless nerd. I doubt she even knows your name anymore." How could she be so casual? Mark could still barely believe what was happening, and Shayna was acting like she'd helped him with some homework. "I didn't ask you to make him a girl. If you could do that, you could probably have done lots of other stuff. Less drastic stuff." "You don't think it's an improvement? True, she's not any more pleasant as a person, but at least you have something to look at now." A tinge of annoyance slipped through Shayna's mask of calm, and she gestured for Mark to leave. "Anyway, what's done is done. If you're not gonna thank me, you don't have anything worth saying." Her stare seemed to burn, and Mark averted his eyes, willing himself to leave. He couldn't. Steve wasn't worth it, in any sense, but no one deserved... whatever this was. "I thought you were helping me. I just wanted him to go away." He spoke without conviction or looking back up, and didn't see Shayna's expression curdling into exasperation. "Look. I have plans for this place, and a solution for your problem fit them." Her voice was too soft, and carried an edge that promised murder on the horizon. "You don't like my help, fine, but it's not like it cost you anything. You don't get to complain. Just walk away." Properly terrified, Mark began babbling, unable to lift his eyes for fear of what he might see. "This, this isn't a solution. It's like something from a nightmare. You stole his life. Just change him back, okay? I won't bother you again." "You won't bother me now, if you're smart. Enjoy your bully-free semester, don't ever talk to me again, and everything will be great. You don't want to piss me off." Mark, stuck in a loop of fear and regret, continued without thinking. "I don't, but what about Steve?" His pants felt tight and his boxers fit oddly, hanging at the waist but bunching up noticeably around his hips. His stance felt uncomfortable, too. He nervously readjusted to steady himself, finally looking up as he did so, forcing himself to meet the witch's eyes. "What about Steve? He doesn't exist anymore. Cecelia is who that is now, who she's always been. Walk away now. I shouldn't even be giving you this chance." Shayna's voice was almost as sharp as her stare. Mark's internal organs were performing acrobatics, and his flesh was crawling, bad enough to make him stutter. Then a sudden surge of self- righteous anger blossomed, breaking the paralysis, filling him with rage. "I don't care. Change him back," Mark said, stepping forward and pushing Shayna against a locker. Taken by surprise, she stumbled back and hit the cheap metal with a strangely satisfying thud, but the movement behind the action felt wrong, like his center of gravity was off. Mark, equally confused but strangely satisfied, pushed back loose strands of hair and took a confident step forward. Fear was being replaced by growing fury, which stemmed from disbelief that anyone would dare talk to him like this. The witch took several long moments to regain her poise, and when she did her look was one of pure teenage spite. "You know what? I really, really don't like you. Never have. Most people I help are put upon, misunderstood, troubled. You? You're just a whiny brat. You and the Martens bitch deserve each other." Mark snorted. "Oh, go fuck yourself. Why should I care what some crazy bitch thinks?" It felt good to speak his mind. Why had he always been so cautious? Why had he wanted to be invisible? Mark felt angry and justified, which made it easy to ignore the cramps and pressure he felt all over his body. "Cecelia's a dick, yeah, but this is fucking busted." The hate on Shayna's face became an unpleasant grin, and she reached for Mark's chest. "Couldn't have put it better myself," she said as she grabbed his left nipple and tweaked it hard, pulling it away, easily stretching the sensitive skin far beyond what should have been its limits. Mark gritted his teeth and hissed as pain shot through him, almost as bad as if he'd been kicked in the balls. He slapped away Shayna's hand, and his breast bounced slightly it drooped back into a cone-like teardrop under his shirt. Mark was now acutely aware of a slight but rapidly expanding weight behind the sore nipple as he tried to soothe it, how the nipple itself grew noticeably larger and harder under his thumb and forefinger, and how rubbing it felt good beneath the pain. He instinctively reached in his low neckline to stuffed his tit back in his bra, and fear returned, slicing through newfound confidence. "What are you doing to me?" Mark knew the answer. He could hear it in his voice, higher and more pleasant than his old whine. He could taste it on his pouty lips, the slight sweetness of the flavored gloss they now wore. He could smell it on his hair, the scent of the shampoo and conditioner on long brown locks. He could feel it in his pants, his legs and hips and ass encased in form-fitting denim, but no discomfort up front. He'd seen it a minute earlier, when Cecilia had walked past. Karen knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Shayna. No one treated him like this. "You shouldn't have bothered me. I was going to leave you alone." Shayna's cool mask hadn't quite returned, but seeing Karen upset seemed to ease to disguise her agitation. "All I did was decide I'm not leaving annoying bitches on both ends of the social ladder." Yes, he was at the top now, wasn't he? Deserved it, too. Karen was no longer surprised by the two soft yet stiff cups holding up his sizable breasts, helping them peer out of his shirt. He was angry, but he wanted to look like this, to be absolutely beautiful, and for everyone to know it. If he was still just a little scared, it was only because it had been done without his permission. Mark realized he'd been thinking of himself as Karen, and his acceptance was cut short just as he felt his crotch split apart between the legs. With a soft mewl he reached both hands down at his tight jeans, grasping at nothing, feeling his arms push his breasts together and his fingers brush against the mound where his masculinity had been. "You always wanted to touch one of those, didn't you? Well now you can as often as you like." Fear and anger and arrogance mixed as Mark shot a narrowed gaze at Shayna, slowly removing his hands. "Don't worry, guys are gonna be lining up to give you a hand now. Or, more accurately, for you to give them one." Mark sniffed through his upturned nose. He was known for his blowjobs, not his hand jobs, thank you much. Not that a weirdo like Shayna had ever so much as touched a guy's dick. Mark didn't catch himself again until he was already remembering the taste of semen, salty and strangely appealing. Even afterward she knew it was silly that her friends all thought swallowing was gross. Protein was protein. Karen felt sick. The idea of sex with guys shouldn't sound so appealing, not matter how good they felt when they licked her tits or pussy, or how much she loved returning the favor. As great as this was, she deserved what she wanted, even if what she wanted was being... whoever she'd been before. "Change me back to, to who I was," Karen said. She wanted to invoke her old name, but couldn't remember it. No matter. Someone as great as her had no doubt been just as awesome as a guy. "Sorry, babe. I overstuffed the football team a bit, so you need to give Cecilia some assistance on that front. I'd hate to make our state champions settle for second-rate pussy." Karen was torn. She knew she was being insulted, but she liked being recognized for her talents. She couldn't remember why having her hot, tight pussy mentioned was an insult, but knew it was. "By the way, say hello to Brian Post for me. She asked me to make her popular back when she was head of chess club, and he's really been knocking it out of the park as captain." Brian? Had that fucking stud really been a girl? There was nothing feminine about those cliff-like abs, let alone that monster of a cock. Karen felt a bit gooey as she remembered sliding up and down that pole, gently at first, then ramming down into it, stretching herself out beyond belief. Forget fellatio or cunnilingus, that was the real deal. God, what she'd give for Brian to dump Becky. She'd swear off all the other boys forever for just one more ride. Mark caught herself, her name shocked back into memory. Not who she'd been, no, but it was something. She knew she'd been someone else, even if she couldn't remember just how or why she'd want to go back to being them. Well, she could think of one reason: no one forced Karen Bennett to do anything, not even a witch. "You made me a slut," she said, thinking of all the guys she'd known in various levels of intimacy. Great memories and no regrets, but that was beside the point. Sounding angry helped get her way. "I don't care who I was, change me back." Shayna's face was unbearable smug. "Oh, stop being so dramatic. Unlike Cecilia, you're manipulative enough to hide your libido. She resents that of course, but that's the pretty ones for you. Always jockeying to be queen bee." The bitch had a point. She had all the pleasures of sleeping around without any of the problems. Pity Cecelia wasn't quick-witted enough to keep up, but her taking heat helped keep Karen's reputation sterling. Still, she was compelled to speak. "I don't want to be a queen bee. I want to be me," she said. She struggled to remember what "me" meant, exactly, but the reason lie beyond her grasp. "Don't sweat it, you're just a moment away from not caring ever again," Shayna said, looking around the corner. She leaned back and waved curtly. "Unpleasant knowing you, Mark." Karen was about to demand to know who Mark was when a familiar voice asked, "What are you doing with this freak?" Karen looked over at Cecelia, who had just rounded the corner. The rest of their entourage stood a good distance away, whispering and looking over. Karen frowned and shifted back to Shayna, hoping the weirdo would have a good answer. "I, uh, don't really remember. Why was I talking to you, anyway?" Shayna shrugged, making no effort to explain. Bitch, Karen thought. Cecelia sighed impatiently. "Fuck it, Kar, let's just go. The guys are waiting outside. We'll sort out your brain problems later." Karen nodded, still unsure of what she was doing there. Her left nipple throbbed slightly, but she couldn't remember why. "Yeah, sure," she said, before putting on a smile for Shayna she hoped looked real. A little politeness went a long way, especially among the geeks, even when they were being their usual bizarre selves. Unlike Cecelia, she strived to be universally loved. "Later, Shayna." Shayna waved disingenuously. "Mmhm. Try not to choke on any cocks." Karen choked as her fake smile turned to honest rage. "Oh, fuck you. C'mon Cece, let the ugly cunt talk to herself," she said through clenched teeth. It was a good reminder that politeness only went so far. The pair left left quickly, giving them a few seconds to speak before the rest of the girls caught up. "Seriously, Kar, why were you talking with that weirdo?" Cecelia asked. "Stuck up dirty bitch." Karen shrugged. "I really don't know. Probably called me over for some reason and I zoned out when she started talking crazy on me. You know what Moon Goddess is like." Cecelia sighed. "You're too nice, Kar. You gotta learn to leave the losers alone. Especially don't let that freak push you around, she might cast a spell or something." "Seriously? You believe in that witch shit?" Karen stopped and stared at her friend incredulously. "If anyone knows magic it'd be that creep," Cecelia said as the rest of their friends caught up. "Bet she ate Satan's asshole to learn it." She laughed, and the others joined her, but Karen just felt a bit cold. The odd mood didn't last long. Brian practically threw himself at Becky as the group stepped outside, which made Karen jealous, but then Luke and Christian pulled her aside. They wanted to step up their game before college, and hoped she'd be interested in a threesome Friday night. Karen laughed, and told those silly, inexperienced boys she'd be happy to help, provided they treated her right. The only question was who would go between her lips and who would go between her thighs...

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Kendra A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Kendra Allen tried to use an ancient magic book to cast a spell, a book he had no right of possessing. His intent was kindly, his motive honest...but somehow, I doubt if Kendra had intended for the outcome to be...

3 years ago
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Pendants of Aeternitas An Epilogue

Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 17

We left Brixham early in the morning of the twenty-ninth, under power to run over the rising tide. The wind had veered a little and dropped; the barometer also dropping a little as the high-pressure system reluctantly moved away north-east. Evania watched as we made our way out of the harbour, but went back to her cabin once we cleared the breakwater. I had offered a day or two at anchor in Fishcombe cove, just outside the harbour. It looked as though, and I was told it was, quite a good...

2 years ago
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Wendys Birthday

Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...

1 year ago
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Wendys Test

    Wendy's Test      By Abe "Pledges, you have worked hard all week,cooking, cleaning, doing silly things likescavenger hunts to prove you really want tobe a sister in this house.  Any secondthoughts?"  None.  "OK, tonight comes yourlast and most important test.  Some will findit easy.  Some will find it difficult, but youwill pass, if it takes you all week‑end.  Readand sign this paper, if you wish to join thissorority."  Wendy's older sister, Bronwyn,was president of the sorority, so Wendy...

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Kendra Lust Twitter 15000 14m

Do you lust after the one and only Kendra Lust? Fuck, I know I do! And my penis does too! Which is why you need to be following Kendra Lust right the fuck here, and right the fuck now!If you’re ready to dive in balls first and follow this stunning porn star that’s been satisfying horny fuckers like I for years, then do her a solid and follow her ass over on Here, you are going to find her latest updates, beautiful content, and all of the various ways that you can follow...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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Wochenende german

Wochenende?Schon als Alice die Haust?re ?ffnete wusste sie, dass es ein, f?r sie besonders sch?nes Wochenende werden sollte. Ihre Eltern waren bei Verwandten und ihre kleine Schwester Svenja sollte wohl bei einer Freundin sein. F?r Alice bedeutete dass vor allem eines, ein leeres haus. Alice war kein Topmodel, aber auch keine H?sslichkeit. Sie hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und leuchtende graugr?ne Augen. Alice f?hlte sich wohl in ihrem kurvenreichen K?rper der nichts gemein hatte mit den m...

1 year ago
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Wendys Lament Part 1 Of 2

The comforter tore from her teeth as her body strained again. She'd been biting it, fighting to muffle her cries of pleasure. Her breathing was rough and she gasped like a diver surfacing. Her lungs pumped hard. Her heart pumped hard.Her hips and tight, grinding pussy pumped hard.Short brown hair was plastered to her head in a combination of epic bed-head and sweaty exertion. Hunched over her husband's legs, her modest breasts dangled invitingly, her nipples and areolas engorged.Her panting...

2 years ago
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Kendras Way Part 2

Daniel paused for a moment with Clive's glans wedged between the roof of his mouth and tongue. It felt like a large freshly hardboiled egg, smooth and hot against his pallet. The initial wave of shame and fear he felt at being humiliated by Kendra's Bull began to give way to excitement. He could feel it grow as he gently applied suction by opening his jaw slightly, lips firmly closed around the shaft. It responded by again swelling slightly but all at once becoming very hard. Daniel was amazed...

1 year ago
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Kendras First True Submission Part 1

For the past several months, my wife, Kendra, has mentioned she would like to be more submissive in the bedroom. While I wouldn't classify Kendra as extremely dominant herself, she has always taken more control in the bedroom, especially when it comes to getting her pleasure. One Tuesday night, we were out with some friends for Happy Hour. Kendra had a few drinks, and on the way home she brought up the idea of being submissive once again to me. During the evening, we talked about it a little...

1 year ago
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SerendipityChapter 2

I woke at four to the bleeping of my watch, and slipped out of bed without bothering with lights, grabbed fleece trousers, socks and pullover, and made my way forward, through the cockpit to the saloon. There I started a kettle to boil in the galley and dressed. I made myself coffee and filled two flasks with boiling water – not that it'd stay boiling for long, but better than nothing – before starting to prepare to get under way. As it happened I was in the cockpit when Grace emerged from...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 7

Of course, we had to separate and tend to the boat. The wind veered more – it was near enough north-west – and dropped until Serendipity was no longer making steerage-way. Some boats, Serendipity for one, when this happens, gradually spin round until they are facing directly into the wind; it has to do with the balance of the sails and the centre of pressure of the hull in the water. We were sitting in the cockpit, sipping Rooibos tea and watching the sunset when I sheeted out the mizzen so...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 16

Leaving Dun Laoghaire at seven a.m., we headed, close-hauled, roughly south-east. Mid-morning, out of sight of land, Grace disappeared into our cabin for a few minutes. When she re-appeared, even the skimpy shorts and cropped top she'd been wearing had gone. She handed me the sun-screen with a smile. I glanced from her face to Evania at the wheel and back again. She winked. I shrugged and began smoothing lotion on her back, then her arms and legs. I lingered on her slowly growing bump,...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 21

Eva, with Jim in tow, met us at twelve-thirty in the Porthole Restaurant; we were sitting by a window with a good view down the quay. Jim seemed to hang back. We stood and I stepped up to Jim with hand outstretched. "It seems congratulations are in order." He relaxed and took my hand. "I wasn't sure how you'd take it..." "I'm delighted. You've nothing to fear as long as you do the right thing. When's the big day?" He looked at Eva, who replied, "Saturday, fourteenth of...

2 years ago
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Wendys Lament Part 2 of 2

Jared woke very slowly to the sound of the shower. His mind filled with vivid memories of the night and he just smiled. He turned his head and inhaled Wendy's womanly scent from cooling sheets next to him. Forcing his eyes open, he checked the time. Just after 6... early. He was certain Stacy wouldn't be back home for hours yet.He debated getting up to join her mother in the shower but thought better of it. The bed was so comfortable and there was a good chance Wendy needed a little alone...

4 years ago
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Wendys Gangrape part 3

Wendy awoke to the bright lights and amonia scents of the hospital, she blinked bleary eyed, she felt hungry and her throat was dry, then she felt hands go around her and she shuddered as memories, vivid as if from only moments ago of the mexicans who raped her in the orange groves and of Mr.Patterson and his boys, but Wendy heard the familiar voice of her mother "Its okay...its okay.." Wendy hugged her mom tight and they talked about what had happened, Wendy remembered the threat...

3 years ago
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Defenders of Varigoss Chapter 1

The rest of the Defenders waited in silence and darkness. The only light came from the glyphs over which they stood that marked their appropriated places around the edge of the vast pillar that rose from the abyss. The light was enough that they could see other such pillars, though these others rose beyond them, out of and back into the darkness. What they stood upon now was a broken column that had once, with its brothers, supported the stronghold that hung over them, now. In times of extreme...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 4

Berwick is an ancient walled town just by the English/Scottish border, redolent with history. The harbour is actually on the wrong side of the river for the town which has spread, as you'd expect, far outside the old walls. We had a bit of a walk to get into the old town and we were tottering a bit. When you've been on a boat in rough weather, you feel the land is moving about under your feet when you do finally make harbour, but we managed. She slipped her hand into mine as we crossed the...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 10

I could not believe that she managed to get out of bed without disturbing me, but she woke me with coffee ... blessed, life-giving fluid. She'd cleaned her teeth and used mouthwash, kissed me despite my morning breath, and sat beside me with her ... what? Sniff ... Earl Grey? "I think I'd like to go to Bridie's church," she said, "do you mind? Will you come with me?" "I don't suppose it'll kill me," I said, "no, I don't mind and yes, I will." It was interesting ... and quite...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 19

Showering together was definitely going to have a high priority in the Quinton household. After a morning 'quickie' ... well, not so quick ... it was both very enjoyable and rather necessary. Not to mention much quicker and easier than a sponge-down in a cabin at sea. So good, too, to have fresh milk for us to have with our muesli, so much easier as well to have the space and equipment that enabled us to have different breakfasts. One thing that did carry over from our habits at sea was...

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SerendipityChapter 20

Despite her late night and growing baby bump, Eva was up well before us and sparkling with life. She'd obviously listened out for sounds of activity, as she had coffee freshly made and ladled out scrambled eggs onto toast as we sat at the table. "Have a good time last night?" I asked, picking up my coffee. Her smile broadened even more. "Mmmm." Grace and I looked at each other. Grace had a little smile that told me she knew at least a little more than she'd told me last night, but...

3 years ago
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Kendras Knees Buckle

CHAPTER 1 Riding on the 8:17 into London, Jo Hart watched the broad shouldered blond guy approach down the aisle and resumed painting her finger nails, timing the brush strokes with the sway of the carriage. The guy stopped, picked up her handbag that lay beside her on the outside seat and tossed it on to the floor beside her feet and sat down. ‘Hey what are you doing? That’s my handbag.’ ‘Young lady I paid for a ticket to ride this train seated. Did you buy a full fare ticket to ride your...

3 years ago
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Kendras Succubus

“Now, who here can give me the reasons as to why the USSR collapsed?” Professor Gunther asked the class. It was another exciting lecture today for Kendra who as usual was sitting in the front of the class. The class International Relations had it’s challenges. With the pop quizzes and the grueling testing that took place, many students struggled to even get a C grade. Kendra currently was holding a A. Multiple students raised their hands. “Yes Mr. Duran?” Professor Gunther said. “The Soviet...

1 year ago
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Wendys New Pet

This is a story. It is only a story and should remain only a story you should no more try this then you should try reinacting a cereal kill in a movie. Reality is never as good as fictions so don't ruin it for yourself. Wendy's New Pet It had been a month into summer vacation and Wendy, a cute thirteen-year-old red head who looked like a live action version of the Peter Pan character, was still on cloud nine from the events at the start of the summer. On the first day of break her mom, step-dad...

2 years ago
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Splendour in the Grass

She felt incredible. Grinning from ear to ear she wondered why she had never tried it before, and then she knew, if she had, then tonight wouldn’t feel so perfect. Tonight was her destined night to take her first ecstasy capsule, she knew without a doubt that she would never forget it. Her body was tingling and throbbing all over, she thought this was how it must feel to be a huge erect cock or even clit, she giggled at the thought, swaying to the beat of the music. She had taken the pill at...

3 years ago
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Unintended Consiquences

Unintended Consequences By Ricky The disheveled figure clung precariously to the ridge of the rooftop contemplating the balance between short term goals and long term planning. The figure was wet and muddy, with shreds pantyhose flapping from bare feet, the torn skirt flailing as the wind whipped by in it's fury. A bra showed clearly through a tear in the once white blouse and it appeared as if one breast was missing. Strands of long but badly mistreated hair dangled into...

1 year ago
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Brendas Reunion

Brenda Powers received the invitation to her 13th high school reunion in the afternoon mail and was sitting in her kitchen pondering if she really wanted to go or not. For the umpteenth time that afternoon she looked at the date for the reunion and realized that there wasn't any reason for her not to go ... well only one reason really — that bitch Trisha Grant. Brenda wanted to see all of her old friends and dance and have a few drinks but if Trisha showed up she didn't know what would...

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Brendas PhotographsChapter 5

Gordon was delighted with the clarity of the sound from the listening device he had recently installed in Brenda's bedroom! He had never imagined it would be so sensitive! He could hear every sound as she walked around, as she undressed, sounds from the bathroom next door, and of course above all the sounds of her and Mike making love. It had all been so easy! The idea of a listening device had come to him weeks ago. On Google he had found dozens of sites from which listening devices could...

2 years ago
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Transgendered Fiction Plots

Transgendered Fiction Plots By Cal Y. Pygia For many writers, plotting a story is the most difficult part of the creative writing process. Fortunately, some help is available. Critics have identified several basic plot formulae for pornographic and erotic fiction. In addition, I have added some others that are especially well suited for transgendered fiction. The first five formulae may be called "situational plots," because they are based upon a particular circumstance. The next...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 9

The surgeon saw me after breakfast. "You were lucky," he told me seriously, "you need to thank the person who called for help and got you airlifted here. Straightforward op, no complications and you should heal up fine. Drink plenty, steady on the alcohol and plenty of roughage. You really don't want constipation. Most of the stitches are absorb-able, but the external ones will need to be taken out in a week..." "My charter is a Registered Nurse," I told him, "it was she who called...

3 years ago
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Neend main bhabi ki chudai

Hello dosto , meri kahani tab ki hai jab main ba final me tha aur apni bhaya bhabi ke paas delhi main rehtha tha aur bhaiya noida main ek company main kaam karte the,bhabi dekhna main bahut hi sunder hai aur bhaiya se kafi pyaar bhi karthi hai aur main bhi unhe poori izzat deta hoo. Ek baar ki baat hai jab main,bhabi aur bhaiya hum sabi ek hi kamre main rehte the aur raat ko wo dono bed par aur main zameen par sota tha,kafi raat ke baad mujhe kuch halki-2 si chekhne ki aawaaz aaye par main kafi...

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