Slaver Games Part 3 free porn video

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Authors Note: This is the 3rd and final part to this story. I loved reading the reviews of my last two works and look forward to any and all criticism and any pointers going forward. Thank you. Breakfast: I awoke and stretched my legs and arched my back ever so gracefully. As always, it took a moment for my world to come flooding back to me. Usually the first sign that something was different was feeling my boobs shift as I stretched or suddenly feeling the gentle fabric of the bed sheets against my naked nipples. This would open the flood gates of memory and bring reality crashing in around me. My dreams were usually still from the perspective of a man. In my dreams I was smart, dashing, strong and confident and sometimes I dreamed of my girlfriend, Jen. But once I awoke I was no longer Russell, I was Melissa, or Missy, as everyone called me. Then the Missy part of my brain would start making decisions and Russell would be left in my dreams, screaming at what I was doing. But he wouldn't be the only one screaming. "GET UP YOU STUPID CUNTS" Lisa shouted at me and threw a pillow. I quickly swung my dainty hips out of the bed as my new little feet landed gracefully on the floor. Other girls were also quickly jumping up. "The Masters want breakfast. Get in your school girl uniforms and get to the kitchens. Each tray is almost ready to go. They need to eat, don't keep them waiting, move it." Lisa shouted as a flurry of girls started to strip around me. I could almost giggle. As a man this would have been a dream come true. Now? Now all I saw were bald and smooth crotches with no swinging dicks to satisfy me. Under the bed I slept in was a small trunk with the clothes my Masters had given me. I quickly started rummaging through the thongs and panties for the school girl uniform I was to wear. Lisa continued to shout orders. One thing that the Blue team had figured out was that if a slaved girl didn't have any sex or any penetration for 24 hours, she would be able to keep herself somewhat sane. What I mean is, while all I could ever think about was shoving a cock down my throat or into my pert little pussy, an 'untouched' was a rationale human being who could still think, help manage, and give orders. After they had turned me and Kyle (now Kaylee) and Luke into girls, they only fucked me and Kaylee. By the end of the night Luke, now Lisa, had been screaming to be fucked just like the rest of us but they had left her alone. They put her in a room by herself for an entire day and by that night she was....well...still Luke. Maybe 'still Luke' wasn't the right wording. She was still a girl, and she still had to obey the commands of men, but she was at least no longer craving dick. In fact, she no longer wanted men at all. "Move faster, you bitches," Lisa yelled to the hoard of gigging girls who were tripping over each other as they put on their panties, bras, and stockings. I found my own little panties and slid them up to my waist. Lisa and a few other 'untouched' girls had been put in charge of managing us. I sometimes envied Lisa and thought about what it might be like to still feel somewhat like the old me, not wanting to suck and fuck all the time. But as quickly as I formed those thoughts I would also catch myself smirking because she didn't know what she was missing, and that meant more dick for me! Still, my Masters told me I must obey Lisa and so like the good little girl I was, I did. She wasn't a Master, but I knew that she was smart and she knew what was best. I knew she still had to worry about things like thinking and planning. That was just something a girl like me didn't have to think about. I found my white pantyhose and began sliding them up my legs. Once that was done I slid on my school girl skirt and checked myself in a mirror that had been nailed to the wall. "You look great, Missy!" Kaylee said from behind me. "Thanks girl! You look so hwat too!" I said and we kissed each other on the check, careful to not mess up our recently completed makeup. We both stood about five foot tall. Kaylee had frizzy red hair and pert little boobs. My boobs were bigger. We smiled and got in line as we, amongst about fifty or so other girls in matching outfits were led out of the basement dormitories. "Who do you think you'll serve breakfast too today?" Patty asked in front of me. Each girl was given a tray with a name on it and that was your breakfast person for the day. They had recently implemented the system once there were enough girls to service the men of Blue Team. Sometimes you got two names which meant even more fun. "Gwad, I don't know, but whoever it is I hope they have a nice sized dick to work with," I giggled. Once we served them breakfast we also usually 'serviced' them, if that's what the Masters wanted. I had been in this routine for weeks and usually this was the extent of our conversation in the breakfast line. We didn't often talk about our past lives but details still slipped out here and there. Patty, for instance, was part of team yellow. The self proclaimed leader of team yellow had made a deal with team green to actually trade their own men for slaves. It had been a secret deal with just a handful of guys on each side in on the trade. In the end, both teams had about 5 or 6 guys and almost 90 girls to serve them. It had apparently been one hell of a few weeks, but once team Orange had found both castles with only 5 guys and all those girls it was easy for them to take both. Patty had been on the inner circle of the green team. Now she sucked dick like the rest of them. Somehow, I didn't know, she ended up a blue slave. Maybe more trading had taken place. I was only vaguely aware of the larger game at this point anyway. A girl in the kitchen handed me a tray of food for my Master. I looked down at the name on my tray and my heart both sank and jumped for joy. It was Nolan. "Special request!" the girl who handed me the tray said and winked. I winked back. Gwad, Nolan had SUCH a nice dick. It was my first dick I had ever experienced and still my favorite. I smoothed out my little skirt and tights before I stepped into the main dining hall. I scanned all the gorgeous men and saw Nolan sitting at the head of one of the tables. I couldn't hold back the smile. Here was my man for the morning, and maybe even later too, if I behaved. I walked past rows of guys being handing trays and then either telling the girls told to get under the table or leave. Obviously, girls that were told to leave had little pouts on their face. They wouldn't be getting dick. "Oh, hello Missy. Put the tray right there," Nolan said without even looking up from his conversation with his men. "I say we form two bands along this road and strike from this grove." He said, pointing on a map and showing the man he was talking strategy with. Gwad, he was so hot, and so incredibly smart. I could feel the familiar ache starting between my legs. I hoped I wasn't ruining my pantyhose already this early. "What are you still doing here?" Nolan looked up at me. "I thought you might..." My voice trailed off. He was going to dismiss me, or make me beg. "Ugh, don't even talk. Here." And Nolan unzipped his pants and motioned for me to crawl underneath. The more rationale part of my brain knew that Nolan had specially requested me and wanted to put on some kind of show, even if it was to make me look like the cock hungry girl I had become. The Missy part of my brain just said 'here's your chance' and 'don't screw this up.' I wedged my little body under the table and grabbed at his penis. It took both of my small hands to hold it. I quickly put the tip of it in my mouth and started sucking. I could taste the precum as I bobbed up and down on it. I must have been a sight to see. Of course, Nolan paid me almost no mind and just continued to discuss strategy with his colleague. In another world this would be valuable information for me. I could somehow escape and bring this information to the red team. They would turn me back into a man and we would win. But at this moment, all I cared about was pleasing my man, my Nolan. At some point during the blowjob he patted my head. I knew I was doing a good job. And then, out of nowhere, he unloaded his jizz in my mouth. I squealed with delight! As soon as I had lapped it all up he spoke to me. "Good Job, Missy." He laughed. "Now take this tray and leave." I quickly crawled out from under the table. The sudden movement pressed the fabric of my pantyhose up against my crotch and I knew I'd have to go back and change, I was completely wet between the folds of my little slit. I grabbed the tray, gave a slight curtsey, and walked away. Had I known that would be the last time I sucked on Nolan's cock, I would have savored the moment more. I bet Nolan would have as well. The onslaught: It was late in the afternoon and myself and the other girls were cleaning. I had found that if we weren't sucking dick, cleaning was the next best thing our little bodies could do. Of course, I was still wearing my school girl uniform. Lisa had been set to the task of watching over us and making sure we weren't straying from our duties. "Move faster you stupid bitches," Lisa shouted as she shoved a bucket at us. She could be so mean. I grabbed the end of a mop with both hands and scrubbed between the cracks of the stone floor. "Gwad, she's so mean," I commented to Kaylee. "Like, she thinks she's so much better than us. Like she has a dick between those legs," she responded. "Yeah girl, she's not better." I said as I scrubbed harder. Part of me imagined that instead of holding a mop I was holding a dick. Just thinking that made me a little damp between the legs. The other part of me was enraged that I had fallen so far. I was trapped in a sex-crazed body doing slave work. And yet, as a girl I knew that in doing this I was making my men happy and so it made me happy too. The only immediate discomfort in my life was taking orders from Lisa, a girl herself. All of these thoughts swirled together in my head to the point where I hadn't even realized I had stopped mopping. "Who said you could slow down?" Lisa came up behind me and stomped on my pretty little foot. She had scuffed my Maryjane and tore a hole in my white stockings. I looked at her and my eyes began to water. "I'm sorry," I said, and started to work harder. The other girls kept their heads down. Suddenly shouting. The hall erupted in a series of loud noises. Men poured from the doors and ran in every direction. "It's an attack!" one shouted. "They're coming from the woods, to the barracks!" A wall busted open at the far end of the hall and the girls shirked and ran. I followed, my arms flailing, my mop forgotten. I ran for cover to the nearest room with all the other girls. We huddled into a corner. The battle commencing right outside the door. "Who do you think is attacking?" Patty whispered. "Shut up, you cunt," Lisa replied. "we just need to sit still." And so we sat. Outside the door people shouted and screamed. At one point an explosion rocked our walls. A far distant part of my mind, the male part, reasoned that one of the clans must have been gifted with an upgraded weapons packet. Those thoughts were quickly replaced with terror. I was helpless in this body. Helpless to the war effort and helpless to the commands of any men that I might encounter. There would be no fighting from me. Hours went by and the sounds of war subsided. It had been well over a half an hour since we had heard anything when footsteps sounded right outside our door. Lisa turned to the room of packed in girls and put a small slender finger to her lips as if to shush us. The door busted open and light poured into the room. "Ah, Here's a bunch of those bitches that blue team is hiding" We all started to squeal. "Shut up you bitches, stop making noise right now." And with that we all fell silent. It wasn't that we weren't scared, but a man had given us an order and part of my was relieved. Someone was in charge and telling me what to do. "All of you, out now," said another man from the doorway. "Start marching." As we fell in line and began to walk out I caught a glimpse of the men. I didn't recognize them right away, but they were all wearing red badges. The red team had come to save us! I kept my eyes on the ground. We were marched out in from of the castle and told to form two lines. Men from the blue team were in one line and all the slaved girls were in another. I wondered why the men were following orders. Then I saw it. At the front of the crowd was Ben, my old friend and leader of the reds. In his hand, held high and triumphantly, was the flag of team blue. Once another team captured your flag, you were all at their mercy. "I think that's it," said a red solider to Ben. "Dear blue team," Ben shouted to the crowd lined before him. "Today is a great honor for you. From this point forward you will get to serve us in a new role." His smile caught on like wildfire amongst the other red soldiers assembled. Some of the blue team began to shake with fear. One blue member's legs buckled and he fell. "GET UP," Ben shouted, and the man jumped right back up into formation. I only saw this out of the corner of my eye. Many of the slaves, myself included, had kept our heads down. "I think tonight we're going to stay here," Ben announced to the crowd and the red soldiers erupted in cheers. "We have some formalities to attend to first. Let's introduce theses blues into womanhood." Again more cheers. Ben walked down the line and one by one used the red scepter to turn each blue member into a stunning woman. There were cries and shrieks, but in the end there was only one blue member left. Nolan. The scene was almost comical. Ben stood, in one hand was the red scepter, in the other, the flag of team blue. Directly in front of ben was Nolan, and behind Nolan was every newly turned slave. Some girls were whimpering; others had already slid a finger down into their crotch to feel out their new parts. When Ben spoke to the final man standing from blue, everyone paid attention. "Nolan, I've heard about you," Ben said. "I even heard you have some of our former red team members over there," Ben pointed to our group for the first time. "Fuck you," Nolan replied, spitting at Ben's feet. "Oh, that will be the last time you spit." And with that, Ben pointed the scepter and Nolan began to shriek. In a matter of moments a gorgeous and slender brunette stood in Nolan's place. "Strip him," two men tore the clothes from the new girl. "Nancy will be your new name," the former Nolan shuddered as he heard that. "I want you to get on your knees...and in front of all your old men and slaves I want you to show them what you do with this." Ben unzipped his pants and swung his cock out from his boxers. At first the new slave just looked at Ben, defiance in her new pretty face. But the defiance melted and turned to curiosity, then a new emotion formed, lust. It was one I knew all too well. Cheers and laugher erupted as the mighty Nolan, now Nancy, crawled across the gravel and began to suck, first gently, and then with force, on Ben's exposed penis. "Good girl," he said. The new Boss: "Do you think they're going to turn us back?" Kaylee asked me, excitedly. "I hope so!" I replied. All of the old slave girls had been ordered to the throne room. "What about me?" Patty chimed in. "Sorry patty," I replied, "you were on team yellow. It was my team that took the castle after all." Patty frowned. "Don't worry though, when I become a man again I'll treat you nice," I said. I meant it too, but that didn't seem to improve Patty's mood. "Just keep your mouths shut and let me do the talking," Lisa said. "I'm the only one that is still even remotely normal. If you girls start talking, you'll just screw it all up." As much as I hated to admit it, Lisa was right. It was hard to concentrate around the men, even the ones who used to be on my team. I found myself just thinking about what was swinging between their legs and I would get side tracked. "I've been a girl the longest here, I have, like, really valuable information I could give them," Mandy offered. "That would help them make up their mind to change us back!" "Mandy you sold us out, you've got nothing to offer," Kaylee replied. "That's only cause I was told to, gwad you're such a cunt." "No, you ar-" "Stop!" Lisa shouted. "We're almost there, just don't talk." We all stayed quiet. The throne room was a sight to see. Where Nolan once sat was now Ben. And at Ben's feet was the new Nancy, dreamily looking up into Nolan's eyes. Her new dainty hands were caressing his crotch, just waiting for more commands. "Welcome girls," Ben said as we entered the room. "My understanding is that some of you used to be men that were on our team? Is that correct?" "Yes," Lisa said, stepping forward, "that is right." "And who are you?" Ben said, glancing down at Nancy as she unzipped his pants. "I'm Lisa...Well Luke really. I'm actually an untouched," Lisa replied. I could tell she was ashamed she had answered with her girl name first. "What's an untouched, Lisa?" Ben asked, not really seeming to care. "Well, sir. Even though I was turned into a woman I haven't had any sexual experiences with any of the men." Ben raised his eyes at this and looked at Lisa. "Any of them? Why?" "Well, if 24 hours goes by after someone is changed and not touched, we retain our intelligence and personalities. And we're not sex craved bimbos like all these other girls." Lisa hand found her stride and had started to respond with the confidence of a man and a solider. "Why would you allow that?" Ben looked down at Nancy for the first time and asked her a direct question. Nancy looked back in panic. She had been comfortable sucking dick but not answering questions. "We like, uh, well the other girls were like dumb. And these girls were like not dumb. So we had used them to keep the dumb ones doing things on task and stuff." "Dumb like you, Nancy?" Nancy blushed at this and, without knowing what else to do, began sucking on Ben's cock again. "Does that mean you won't listen to directions from a man?" "No Sir. As a changed girl I still must answer to men, for now. Until you change me back sir. But I at least still have my mind." "Who else was is from team red?" Ben stood, pushing Nancy aside. "Well," Lisa looked back at us, "That's Owen, Luke, and Russell. But they've tasted dicks and they're minds are worthless." "Not-uh," I piped up, "We're like good and stuff. We're totally ready to be like, men again and stuff," I said proudly as if I had just laid out the most convincing argument. "I can actually help you," Lisa said, "I can provide you with information about the blue team and-" "I'm going to stop you right there...Lisa." Lisa winched at the mention of her girl name as ben walked towards her. "I don't know what you've been told about these games.... but they're practically over. We've destroyed the blue team and only have a handful of guys left to turn from every other team." "But I still have my mind, I can still help." "And we're going to take care of that now darling. The point is, we don't need you as a man. We don't need anything from you but to be the good little slut you were meant to be." "No..." Lisa replied, trailing off. Suddenly Ben's exposed cock looked more like a weapon pointed at Lisa. I could only stare. "No?" Ben raised his eyebrows. "Lay down, NOW!" A look of horror spread across Lisa's face, but she still complied. She laid down and, even though she wasn't told to do so, she found herself with her legs spread open. Ben ripped her skirt away, exposing her pussy. "Ben," she said, looking up into his eyes as his dick hovered over her pussy, "Please don't, I'm your friend. I'm Luke. Bring me back." Ben's dick hovered over her pussy for just a moment and then he made a decision. "No, I'd rather not." And with that, he slid his dick into her slit. "NO...Ben you have to st-" Lisa began to grunt, "Ben you have to sto- ...ughh..Ben this feels so..ugh...oh Gwad!!! Oh Gwad I didn't know. I didn't know it felt this good!" I found myself sliding a finger towards my slit and massaging my own clit. This was by far the most erotic thing I had ever seen in my life. To watch Lisa get so humiliated, so dominated, I was more wet than I had ever been in my life. I didn't care that this had been our last chance to turn back. In that moment, I wanted to be Lisa, I wanted Master Ben's cock. "Come for me, Lisa." Ben's words echoed around the great hall of clan blue. Shortly after, Lisa's screams of ecstasy followed. "Oh Gwad!" she said after a few moments, looking up into Ben's eyes. He slid his penis out of her and cum dripped everywhere. "Now, go back with your other whore's. We've got a game to win." Lisa gathered her clothes and walked back to us, her head held down. "I'm like, so sorry. I like didn't even know. Men are just...Gwad, they're so hwat!" Lisa said. "mmmhmmm, Girl," Kaylee echoed the sentiment. "Welcome to the club." The Dinner: "Please pass the mashed potato's," I said to Jen. "Ok, sure Russell," Jen replied. She gave a glancing look to my brother and my parents and then picked up the mashed potato's from the table of packed food and handed it over to me. "So, Uh, Russell. Tell us more about the games," my dad spoke, looking down at his plate. Why was my family acting so weird? "It was pretty crazy," I admitted to my family as I scooped mashed potato's onto my plate. "It was really cutthroat. Even though we were on a team it still felt like every man was in it for themselves. I'm just glad I came out intact." "And the turned girls?" My brother asked. "Well." I reached out and squeezed Jen's hand. "That was just part of the experience. They'd do anything you told them too. Real dumb ones, I'll tell you. I mean, you could tell them to forget everything they knew and pretend they were a dog or pretend they were a cowboy or something ridiculous and they would just believe it. But I put all of that behind me, The only girl I need is my Jen." I smiled and Jen sort of smiled back at me. "So," my brother continued, "they like, just have to believe what they're told and do what they're told?" "Yeah, pretty much," I said as I stuffed my face with mashed potato's. "They'll listen to the suggestions of any men and just do what they're designed to do. They don't even really ask questions." I laughed. I continued eating dinner with my family. It was good to be home, good to be back in my old routine. I had really missed all of them and the thought of what could have happened to me made my skin crawl. I had gambled so much and nearly lost it. I vowed that I would never do something so stupid again. As the dinner continued throughout the evening I found that my family seemed to act distant towards me. Jen knew I would probably sleep with turned girls but I had the feeling she wasn't all that over it. She kept glancing at my brother. There was a similar distance between me and my father as well. Only my mother looked at me directly in the eye all evening and, I don't know if it was the allergies or something else, but her eyes kept watering. My mother got up from the table and went into the kitchen to get the dessert. If the night wasn't strange enough, behind her walked in my old game's buddy, Ben. "Ben! I didn't know you were in town!" I said as I got up from the table. "What a surprise. I would have made my family wait so that you could eat dinner with us." "That's enough," Ben said in a stern voice. "You've been given your time, now this is over." 'Please," my mother said, holding the dessert tray. "Please you said we could get through dinner." "And you've gotten through dinner," Ben said dismissively, "Dinner is now over." "Mom, Ben? You two know each other? What is this all about?" I was rightly confused. "I want you to remember everything Missy. I want to end this charade." And just like that I realized I was wearing a skimpy nighty with lace trim. My boobs bulged out in front of me and I ran a hand down towards my crotch...only to be met with nothing. NO! I screamed in my own head. Then the memories flooded back. I had been on tour with Master Ben. I had sucked so much cock. My parents and family had all chipped in money to buy me for a few hours on the condition that Ben had commanded me too act like a man and forget I was turned. It was supposed to be a normal dinner. Then the flood of emotions started to swell up inside of me. My brother, gwad he was just so hot. What would it be like to have someone like him fuck me? That would be so gross though. Wouldn't it? "Missy, part of the deal is that if someone pays for you they get you to do whatever they want. But part of THIS deal was that if I had to wait around while you ate dinner I was also going to get a show." With a horror I realized my brother had stepped forward and dropped his pants. "Oh Yes, enjoy this. This will be the last time you get to spend with your family." Ben Laughed. Ben started to say something else, but I wasn't paying attention anymore. I was focused on the throbbing penis in front of me. I was a girl and I had a job to do. I bent down and got on my knees. THE END

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Adult Sex Games

Are you looking for a place where you can play adult sex games that come somewhere between porn and video games? You are in the right place cocksucker. You see, some of us just want to play that kind of games to the point that they are so drilled in our brains we feel like zombies. That’s one of the aspects of playing a video game anyway. It’s even better when such games combine fun with sexual arousal; I’m talking about sexy virtual babes ready to be fucked hard, and all you need is to use...

Free Sex Games
1 year ago
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Play Sex Games

PlaySexGames! We all love playing video games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a site where you could go where it’s nothing but sex games? I know I’d love it if something like that existed and- oops, it already exists at Just when you thought you had to go back to Overwatch and simply use your imagination to make yourself cum, comes to the rescue with its free adult gaming platform. You’ve never seen a gaming porn website that’s this extensive in its...

Free Sex Games
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Otomi Games

OtomiGames! Well, smack my ass and call me Senpai because I’ve found a fantastic website for you weebs to drool over. Otomi Games is one of these dimes a dozen websites that I’ve been reviewing lately, and you know my policy on that – if a website brings something new to the table, then it’s worth reviewing. And if it’s a copy-pasted version of another website that’s already been established, I just give it a pass, or at the very least, I tell you not to bother checking it out. Otomi Games...

Free Sex Games
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The Games Part Five

THE GAMES PART FIVE By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three and Four you really should! Part One is here... Chapter Sixteen I AM CRYING. I cried all night, and yet it seems there are tears more tears within me. I cried myself to sleep. Strange dreams haunted me. Then I...

3 years ago
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The Games Part Sixteen Concluded

THE GAMES PART SIXTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And...

1 year ago
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Porn Games

If you’ve read some of my other reviews, you might know that I am a huge fan when it comes to hentai, and animated pornography overall. This is simply because, in an anime world, anything can happen, which is also why I just love to play porn games. Those who share this opinion will surely enjoy browsing the naughty games offered on really like when a site has such a simple name, that already tells you what the fuck you can expect to see. Well, on you will get to...

Free Sex Games
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NewGrounds Adult Games

Damn, NewGrounds 18+, that's a name that I haven't heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, this website is still popular today, but that popularity is nothing compared to the popularity the website had back in the why did this happen? Honestly, no one knows why the website isn't as half as popular as it was back then, but let me tell you one thing, the website still has some amazing pornographic video games, and I don't get it why people aren't talking about these more.I mean, they...

Free Sex Games
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Games Of Desire

Let's play "GamesOfDesire"! I’ve been a porn expert for a long time now, and I know that when it comes to porn fans one of the largest demographics out there are the gamers. Serial masturbation is a pretty common activity for most gamers worldwide, and it’s not hard to see why they make up one of the largest porn-viewing demographics in the world seeing as how a large chunk of the porno industry caters to them.There is a fuckton of cosplay videos out there with sluts dressed up as popular video...

Free Sex Games
4 years ago
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The Games Part Seven

THE GAMES PART SEVEN By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five and Six you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 24 THE PRESIDENT EXAMINES THE LATEST polls and grows more angry by the second. Tonight's events have not helped the cause, not the short term goals nor the long...

1 year ago
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Free Strip Games

The name of the page "Free-Strip-Games" seems to say it all, right? What does it remind you of? Do you remember those games we all used to play as teenagers back in the day where if you did what the game asked you to do, some girl would lose some of her clothes, and at some point, the girl would be completely naked if you were good enough at the game? Well, this website is like an oversized version of such games, really. Every single porno in here is a game, really. And also, you don't exactly...

Free Sex Games
2 years ago
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sex games part3

the two s****rs anne and nicole, started to get scared, they wanted more privacy.on this particular island campground spot there were old abandoned cottages.why not check them out.,just as soon as my s****r got some close back we went towards the cottages karen started to get personel with me.she wanted to know more about me.she acted like she wanted a steady boyfriend, i only wanted to have fun.i just told her what she wanted to hear. she was six years older then me, and was probably...

2 years ago
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sex games part3

the afternoon sun was getting hot, it was 90 degrees in the shade,.the two blonde s****rs were. licking and sucking my s****r,s tits .karen looked at me and said,i never did oral sex,is it better then straight out intercorse. what a question. it all leads to the bottom line. we love that feeling, when we cum. how do i tell karen ? well, lets start smoking this d**g i brought. it will make you horney. watching my s****r, and the 2 blonde girls getting it on. still made us hot in our belly,s. we...

2 years ago
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sex games part3

the two sisters anne and nicole, started to get scared, they wanted more privacy.on this particular island campground spot there were old abandoned cottages.why not check them out.,just as soon as my sister got some close back we went towards the cottages karen started to get personel with me.she wanted to know more about me.she acted like she wanted a steady boyfriend, i only wanted to have fun.i just told her what she wanted to hear. she was six years older then me, and was probably...

3 years ago
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The Hungry Games

THE HUNGRY GAMES By Nikki Crosby I slowly pulled back on the bow as the wild turkey strutted into the clearing. I let out a soft breath and released the string. The arrow streaked home, impaling the tom right in the eye, dropping where it stood. "Holy shit!" exclaimed Jackson. "You nailed that fucker!" I just smiled as I started walking towards the now still bird. "Yeah, he's going to bring us a nice little profit today." At least something good would come from...

2 years ago
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The Games Part One

THE GAMES PART ONE By Nancy Rose Chapter One WHEN I WAKE UP, the other side of the bed is cold. My little brother, Zach, is gone. The bed is a lot colder without him, and also more comfortable. He kicks in his sleep a lot. Sometimes, it's nightmares. Sometimes, it's because he's so full of energy even sleep can't stop him from wiggling around. He's thin and fast, a giggler, a charmer. People like him instantly....

4 years ago
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The Sex Games Round 1 Losing My Virginity

The Games are a yearly event where five randomly selected eighteen-year-olds are required to compete for survival. The theme varies from year to year, but the conclusion of the Games forever constant. One player remains alive, the others having failed to prove themselves worthy. The fate of this final contestant rests in the hands of the masses. If they acted with noble intent and provided worthy entertainment, they are crowned victor. If not, they are banished to the outerland, a fate far...

1 year ago
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GOG Adult Games

I pulled up Gog in my browser first thing this morning before I’d even had a chance to pull on a pair of boxers or wipe the sleep crust out of my eyes. You might think that’s out of character for your old pal The Porn Dude, what with the regular raging morning wood to take care of and all. The thing is, the site’s got more to offer a horny pervert these days than just the time-sucking RPGs and big-budget blockbuster games you might immediately envision. Hell, would I even be bringing up the...

Best Porn Games
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Playing Games

Playing GamesSisyphusNote: This is an experiment in telling a story through dialogue. Hope it works for you.“Come here!””No, Why the fuck should I?“You know why, so don’t play games, miss!”“Look who’s talking about playing games. You’re pathetic.”“Pathetic! You’re the one who’s drunk and horny.”“Me! Oh really! That bulge in your jeans looks like you want something pretty bad.”“Is that why you can’t take your eyes off it? Look at you. I bet your cunt is dripping to get this hard cock in...

Straight Sex
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Play Porn Games

PlayPornGames! I think we all can appreciate when a site has such a straightforward name that allows us to know what the fuck the website is all about before visiting. That is exactly why is one of my more frequent sites; of course, this does not have that much to do with the site’s name, but it has a lot to do with the content that it has to fucking offer.We all know that this place offers games, obviously, but I am certain that you are interested in the types of games that...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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sex games part2

as i watched the 2 girls starting to ravage my s****r, i thought to myself,they did not know what they were in for. my s****r mary is physical, hard body,hot could crack an egg on her breasts.i never really saw her monkey, but i often dreamed about it.when i was 10 years old i got a peek .,through her nite gown, but that was it. karen and i were awe struck and just sat st the picnic table and gulped our beers.we had to see this,our hands quit rubbing. we just were in shock.the 2 new...

1 year ago
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sex games part2

as i watched the 2 girls starting to ravage my sister, i thought to myself,they did not know what they were in for. my sister mary is physical, hard body,hot could crack an egg on her breasts.i never really saw her monkey, but i often dreamed about it.when i was 10 years old i got a peek .,through her nite gown, but that was it. karen and i were awe struck and just sat st the picnic table and gulped our beers.we had to see this,our hands quit rubbing. we just were in shock.the 2 new...

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The Games Part Six

THE GAMES PART SIX By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 21 MY OPPONENTS, BIG MEN WHO stink of sweat and fear and aggression, explode out of the now open doors and sprint into the house. It's a race. They will frantically look...

2 years ago
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The Slaver Games Part 1

Signing Day: "Are you sure you want to do this?" my mother whispered into my ear. I wished she would just shut up. Now was not the time to ask a question like that, not with all the cameras rolling and the reporters crowded around the living room table. Across from my mother stood my girlfriend Jen, with her hand on my shoulder. Next to her was my brother and then further back, standing above all us all was my dad. Lights flashed as the photographers took pictures at me and my...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Games

What does the 18 in FantasyGame18 stand for? Could it be the 18th installment of an SFW adventure where you wield an oversize sword and ride Chocobos? Or perhaps it’s a collection of eighteen RPGs united by their vaguely medieval settings. But, come on, perverts—I think you already know what the 18 stands for if you’re reading this on the world’s best porno review site. That 18 in the name means this is for adults only, which is precisely the kind of material we like around here.As you’ve...

Best Porn Games
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The Games Part Eight

THE GAMES PART EIGHT By Nancy Rose If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 27 MY NAME IS KIP AND I'm naked as a jaybird. I'm trotting through the hallways, going around corners, going straight, trying door knobs, and all of them are...

3 years ago
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The Orgasm Games

((Hey everyone! Quick little bit before we hop in. This is a little spoof of "The Hunger Games". I thought the idea could be fun to toy around with if it was sexual. Obviously some things needed to change! All characters herein are at least 18 years old! And its been a long time since I've read the hunger games. So if things don't add up quite right with the book I apologize! We'll just call it a difference in dimensions! Hope you enjoy!)) This takes place in the alternate dimension of the...

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The Games Part Nine

THE GAMES PART NINE By Nancy Rose Chapter 32 TEX IS A SWEET MAN. I almost feel bad for tricking him. Almost. He did deceive me, however, and turnabout is fair play, they say. They also say that all is fair in The Games. They also say that the end justifies the means. They...they sound like quite horrible people and I have no wish to ever meet them. Now that we are even, I'd...

3 years ago
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Games That Sissies Play

GAMES THAT SISSIES PLAY! By Sylvia Who? Cousin Ann's eleventh birthday party was one occasion I was never likely to forget, although it was many years ago. A written invitation had arrived a couple of days beforehand and since it was a midweek party and Mum was working late, so she suggested I take the opportunity to go along after school even if only for the tea. "What with all those sissy girls!" I countered with apparent disgust, but finally tempted by the promise of jellies,...

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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

1 year ago
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The Games Part Ten

THE GAMES PART TEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 37 WELL SHIT, THIS IS A PICKLE, and I've been in some pickles. My name is Tex, and somehow I have managed to get through 50 years on this planet without ruffling government feathers. I've...

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The Games Part Twelve

THE GAMES PART TWELVE By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And...

1 year ago
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The Games Part Four

THE GAMES PART FOUR By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, and Three you really should! Part One is here... Chapter Thirteen MY HEART IS POUNDING IN my chest. I feel like I might feint. I can hardly breathe with this waist cincher on. Janine says I have just have stage fright. I don't have a...

1 year ago
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The Games Part Eleven

THE GAMES PART ELEVEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... Chapter 41 TODAY'S CONTEST SEEMS SIMPLE ENOUGH, which immediately makes me suspicious. This is The Games. Nothing is what it seems. Once you think you understand the rules, new rules are...

4 years ago
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The Games Part Fourteen

THE GAMES PART FOURTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And...

2 years ago
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The Cuntlympic Slave Games

(Coverage of female slaves in competition. Contains body mod, piercings, humiliation, degradation, lactation ponygirls, bondage, slavery, orgasm control and more. Enjoy!) “Welcome back to our network coverage of the thirtieth Summer Cuntlympic Slave Games,” a clean shaven blonde man with boyish good looks said to the television camera in front of him. “I’m Bob Cuntas and joining me here in the studio today are Bambi Bimbofuck and Howard Cocksell. It’s great to have you here...

3 years ago
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Night Games

This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Night Games By Pretzelgirl "Most games are lost, not won." -- Casey Stengel * * * Evenings are the best for sporting events. High school, collegiate, or the pros --there's nothing like the brilliant white glow of halogen lights in an emerald field set against a jet black sky. So the field wasn't emerald. It was concrete. And the lights weren't white. They were dirty yellow. For...

1 year ago
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Group Sex Games

Sex can be a taboo subject in certain circles. It's a damn shame because those people don't know what they're missing. Sex is one of the great pleasures in life that no one should deprive themselves of, especially for some childish sky daddy with the frontal lobe of an eight-year-old.Building Homemade SlutsI've turned many a sexual conservative into a sexual liberal and, in that time, have come up with some tried and true ways to make the switch happen. Though you'll never get the chance to use...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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SOL Games Jump Ropes

Always Start with the Prologue! Then other chapters can be read in any order! Link to all my stories and more chapters to this story are in my profile or the comments. DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through...

2 years ago
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3 The games develop

Author's note: It's frequently difficult to separate fact from fantasy, this story is based in the late 60's era with elements of truth's and a few of fantasy thrown in for good measure - I will let you decide what's real or not - enjoy.This chapter describes how other 'friendships' develop even furtherAlan and I were pumping our cocks over a mag with guys cumming on girls faces he announces that he had started some weeks ago to encourage his younger sister (by 11 months) to experiment with...

1 year ago
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The Games Part Thirteen

THE GAMES PART THIRTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And now, on with the...

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The Bimbo Games

"WELCOME TO THIS YEARS, BIMBO GAMES, Sponsored by the Wet holes Corporation" yelled the announcer. "Now, as you know, every 4 years a group of 8 girls will be forced to compete in the competition, but before we get to the girls and the start of the games, lets go into some history for anyone just joining us here today" THE BIMBO GAMES History The bimbo games was started back in the year 2102, girls stopped acting sexy, as well as giving up on sex all together unless it was to have a baby,...

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Little Tieup Games Part Two

I found myself in a strange but happy situation with the 'game' that I played with one of my good friends and his wife. Things were simple, I wanted to be tied up. I really didn't have a need for sex because I was happy and faithful in my marriage. Andrew and Amy had found out about my fetish and offered a safe place for me to get my 'fix' as Andrew so commonly put it. They would contact me with a time that they had made themselves available to play. Their kids were out somewhere else and I had...

2 years ago
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The Games Part Fifteen

THE GAMES PART FIFTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you!...

4 years ago
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SOL Games Pet Teachers part 12

Always Start with the Prologue! Then other chapters can be read in any order! Link to all my stories and more chapters to this story are in my profile or the comments. DISCLAIMERS I'm just trying to help with these disclaimers! I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! The POINT of my writing is to combine VIOLENCE, HORROR, and EXTREME TABOO themes, trying to creep myself out as I write. This whole story is told through...

3 years ago
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Underground Games

A/N: I want to try to do something interesting with this story. So I'm only going to voluntarily write one main route. But I'd like readers to request what they want the main character to do. So I won't leave off on boring questions, like "What's next?". All end questions will end with a situation where the main character has to make a choice. Sometimes, it might be as simple as "Go left or right". Other times, it might be something more complicated, like stat point allocations. And I'll listen...


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