A Romance With free porn video

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Hi, this is Kumar with my own fantasy hope you enjoy. I was 32 years old when my wife left me, for another man. I hadn’t even known that she was unhappy. But one day when I arrived home, I found the moving van packing up and about to leave. My car packed with everything that couldn’t be packed in the moving van, my daughter in the front with my wife adjusting our son’s toddler’s booster seat belt. I was astonished. I didn’t know what to say.

I asked my wife what was happening and she just said, “I found someone better.” I was dumbfounded, not understanding why? I had been with my wife for 9 years. We had gone out together for 1 year before we were married. She was the only Girl that I ever slept with. There had never been anyone else for me. It was after my wife, daughter, son and the moving van left that several friends arrived and helped me through that very difficult time. Work gave me leave, to help me through and which allowed me to buy some furniture, as I said she had taken everything.

I was heartbroken to say the least. But with good friends I was able to get myself together, though I was still alone. I had no parents or siblings to fall back on, and so through my friends, I started to habit the local watering hole. At first I stayed outside in the beer garden, mainly because I was ashamed at what happened. But soon I became brave and went in and played pool, watched the football on Saturdays and start to make new friends.

The hotel also had a new barmaid who started there. Her name was Rene’. At 19 years old, she was a bit plump, but not fat. It gave her figure nice curves in the right places. She had large breast, and long dark hair. Her smile and eyes were one of the main reasons that I kept going back to that hotel. Anyway we became good friends. She would often ask how my day was and would I like her to cook me something in the hotel’s kitchen. At first I would say that I would cook at home. But, as the days turned into weeks I found that every so often I could buy a cooked meal.

This was mainly because my wife went and took me to the cleaners. So, I started buying a meal once a week, on a Tuesday night. It was the only night of the week that the hotel had only a few patrons, which meant that Rene’ and I could talk. After some time, she would have my dinner prepared, by the time I walked through the front door of the hotel. She would then serve me dinner, pour a beer and ask how my day was. It was nearly like having a wife again.

This went on for several months until I overheard Rene’ asking the publican if she could borrow his truck, so she could move. The house she lived in, with 2 other girls had been sold and she needed to find another place to live. The publican liked Rene’ a lot and loaned her the truck. He also stated that he’d get someone to help her. He looked around and saw me and asked if I could lend a hand to move some furniture. I told him I’d be willing. I looked at Rene’ and her eyes shone at me.

So on the next night, Tuesday, after eating my dinner, and drinking my schooner, we talked about where she was moving too. At that time she hadn’t found anywhere and was moving back to her mother’s place. So, I arranged to meet her that Saturday to help with the packing and moving. On Saturday, I arrived early at her place and helped pack then load and drove the truck to her mother’s place. Once we had finished Rene’ offered me money for helping. But I refused stating we were friends and that’s what friendship was about. She then asked if I’d be willing to go to dinner with her, her treat.

I couldn’t refuse so I asked her when and where. She told me of this little restaurant that she knew and that we’d go on the following night. I agreed and I told her I’d pick her up at 6pm. So now all day Sunday, I was nervous as hell. I hadn’t been out with another woman for nearly 10 years. Especially someone who was 13 years my junior. I made sure I shaved extra close, used cologne and wore the only clothes that were decent.

By 6pm I arrived at Rene’s, then after meeting her mother, walked onto the restaurant. Our dinner went off without a hitch. We were laughing and talking up a storm. I felt that we were good mates, I never had any tickets on myself, especially thinking that Rene’ had any real interest in me at all. As the night wove on we ended up having a night cap at her hotel. I say hers mainly because she worked there. The publican closed up shop on our arrival and bade us a good night. We sat for an hour talking, when Rene’ suggest that we take a walk by the river.

So leaving the hotel, we walked the 200 meters to the river and started our walk along the bank. The moon was bright that night and the river was peaceful. I held Rene’s hand when she stopped and looked at me. I looked at her for a short while, when She said, “James, what does a girl need to do to get a kiss from you?” I looked at Rene’ dumbfounded, when she grabbed the front of my shirt pulled me close and kissed me hard on my lips. It took me a couple of seconds to realize what was happening. But, as soon as I came too, I was kissing her back as passionately as I could.

I had never been with a woman who was passionate when she kissed. Her tongue immediately invaded my mouth and by the time I had regained my senses I was using my tongue to return the favor. Rene’ was holding me so I placed my arms around her waist and let them slide down to her cheeks. I grabbed both cheeks and pulled her in closer to my crotch, which by now, my cock was responding and pushing hard against the front of my trousers. I was sure that by bringing Rene’ in closer she could feel how hard I was. How much my response was to her approach.

It was now that Rene’ stopped kissing me and started biting my neck with her teeth. Like I said, I never had such a woman who was this passionate. Rene’ was biting me on the neck, little nips at a time, and between each nip she would kiss my neck. I felt her hands go up to my shirt and undo all the buttons, then her hands went down to my zipper, pulling it down. Using one hand she began searching for my cock, which wasn’t hard to find. I felt her warm hands grab the middle of my cock and she proceeded to jerk me, up and down.

What was I doing, I was unbuttoning her blouse. On opening her blouse, I pulled her bra off those delicious tits, they were something like A 38DD. I immediately grabbed both nipples between my fingers and thumbs, pulling and twisting on them. I lowered my mouth down to her nipples, which I began to bite and pull on, with my teeth. I could hear Rene’ moan from my attention to her nipples and I know it was a good moan. All the time Rene’ was still pulling on my cock, and though I like to be jacked off by a woman, I wanted to put that cock in her love glove, more than anything.

But then I stopped Rene’ and finished undressing her, which she also finished undressing me. Soon we were both naked and I could see by the moon light that she was even more beautiful and I told her so. Rene’ pushed into my arms and we both again passionately kissed. As we kissed we lowered ourselves onto the grass and I had her lay with her back down. Now I started to again kiss her and trail my kisses to her neck where I started nipping her. I trailed down to her breasted, licking, kissing and nipping each in turn.

Then I placed my mouth over one nipple and sucked it hard into my mouth. I let go of it with a plop and then started biting the nipple ever so soft, but enough to hear Rene’ moaning. I moved to her other nipple and started the same. I kept this up for a little while then trailed kisses to her navel, where I let my tongue lick the edge and then the hole. After a short time I again trailed kisses down to moans, where I could smell her womanly fragrance. As I took in her aroma, I let my tongue glide all over her pubic region, but just close, though not touching, her clitoris.

I wanted to give this woman, who offered herself to me, the ultimate pleasure she deserved. I worked my way down to her groin, placing myself between her legs. I put my arms under her legs and lifted them so her knees were back towards her chest. Now having her bent over, I lowered my head and started to suck from her honey pot, which was now dripping with her juices. I place my hands on both sides of her pussy lips and spread it apart. Using my tongue I rimmed her pussy. I stuck my tongue into her pussy, as far as I could, and then rolled my tongue around in her.

This pushed Rene’ further and her moans were quiet loud. I was glad we weren’t close to anything. By this time I thought that Rene’ was close to coming, so I placed my mouth straight over her clitoris, something I’d been trying to void. Now I gripped her clit between my lips, then sucked and flicked my tongue on it. Rene’ exploded like a firecracker. Reaching up she grabbed my head and pulled me into her groin as hard as she could.

As she started to subside from her orgasm, I looked into her eyes and saw she had that dreamy look upon her face. My cock was ready to burst so I raised myself up just enough and placed my cock into her pussy. Her cunt was tight and wet but I was able to slip into her pussy, holding her legs down against her chest. Rene’ said, Fuck me babe, hard.” So I started piston my cock, in and out of her cunt, picking up speed all the time till I shot my load into her stomach.

I kept my cock inside the warm folds of her cunt, but allowed her legs to slip around my body, so they were lying beside me. Rene’ pushed my hair back and we kissed, softly. Rene’ had this big smile on her face, and said, “Well that’s what a girl wants” panting all the time. After a short while I rolled off Rene’ and laid beside her. Then I looked at her and asked did she want to come back to my place. Rene’ only nodded. So we stood up, grabbed our clothes and walked across a small park, yes still naked, to the apartments where I lived.

I lived at the rear and the parked backed onto the property belonging to the apartments. We snuck into the block of apartments, with a touch of luck, and into my flat. Once inside I kissed Rene’ hard on the mouth and asked if she wanted to take a shower with me, she only nodded her head. So without needing to strip off we got under the spray of the shower. As we washed we both started washing each other, which turned into playing with each other. Soon I was hard again, Rene’ turned around, so her arse cheeks were facing me,

I lower my body just enough to push into her pussy. I grasped her hips and started to push into her slowly, then harder and faster. But, as I started humping her rear, I pulled out to far and pushed in, a bit higher, forcing my cock into her arse. I started to pull out, when Rene’ said, ‘No babe just fuck me there too.’ So, I started slowly piston my cock into her arse, feeling the different warmth, while the shower rained down all around us. I couldn’t believe how tight she was but she must have loved it, because she was pushing back onto my pole, which drove me in further.

We went at it for a short while, Rene’ panting and moaning, me panting all the time. Then her arse tightened up and she groaned out another orgasm, which sent me over and I shot my load into her bowels. I stayed inside her, wrapping my arms around her, until my cock became soft, then I pulled myself free. Rene’ stepped out of the shower and sat on the toilet, smiling at me the whole time. After she finished she stepped back into the shower and we finished off washing ourselves. Later we dried off and went and slipped into my bed, laying arm in arm, falling asleep that way.

I woke up later that morning, when the alarm went off. I saw Rene’ with her back to me, allowing me to spoon with her. I kissed her neck and she turned around, yawning as she did this. I asked how she slept and she told me that she was sore but she felt wonderful. I told her I had to get up and get ready for work. So, she kissed me and told me to get ready. I slipped into the shower and washed myself again. I came out got dressed and strode out into the kitchen where I found that Rene’ had made toast and tea. We sat together and talked, she told me what her day was and when she started work. I told her I would drop in after work.

Then I gave her a spare key, with a kiss, and left for work. I walked into work and straight away people were saying that they noticed something different, I looked more confident. I just shrugged my shoulders and went about my work. After work, I walked the 2 blocks to the hotel where Rene’ worked. I walked in and saw her and her face lit up as I walked over. I smiled and asked how was her day. She told me she was good and that dinner would be soon.

I told her I couldn’t pay, that’s when the Hotel owner came up behind me and told me that for my work, helping Rene’, dinner for the week was on him. Then he called me aside, as Rene’ went to the kitchen. He told me never to hurt Rene’. I looked at him and I could tell he thought highly of her, later I found out that he was a friend of her dad’s and Rene’s godfather. So, I promised him that if anything, I would always look after her. Then he slapped me on the back and told me to enjoy my evening. Shortly afterwards Rene’ came out and the owner told her to lock up when she was finished, as he was going home.

Rene’ said alright but looked at me and smiled, as she said it. After I had finished dinner and the last patron had left, Rene’ told me to wait in the games room, while she closed up. I sat in the room, where there was long open couch, one like a futon, opened like a bed. I waited there for several minutes looking at all the poker machines that were turned off and sitting there silently. Then I heard Rene’ walking towards the games room, so I looked in the direction of the door. When she came around the corner and stood there in the doorway.

I asked her what she wanted to do now. She stood there and just smiled. The next thing I knew she started moving slowly towards me taking off her blouse, then dropping it. Then she unzipped her skirt, dropping it and stood there. She stood there with only her bar, no panties. I asked if her mother knew that she didn’t wear panties, and she just smiled. Then her arms went around her back and unhooked her bra, letting it drop to the floor. I just sat there mesmerized by Rene’s body, she was beautiful. Then she asked if she was the only one who was going to get naked.

I couldn’t strip fast enough. Rene’ sat on the couch and patted the next to her, when I was naked. I sat next to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Rene’ smiled and asked if my night was going alright. I told her that it was the start of a great week and if nothing else happened, only because she was there. With that Rene’ wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard on the lips and I responded back just as passionately. Rene’ pushed me back onto the couch while we kissed. My cock was hard and stick up at an angle, as she grasp me and started stroking it.

I couldn’t believe my luck at finding a woman who wanted me. Rene’ started kissing her way down my body, stopping at my nipples, licking and sucking each. I had never been touched like this and I was immediately ready to fuck. But, then she went to my navel, and as I had done to her that morning. She began to rim it with her tongue. She trailed down to my cock and on reaching my cock, she stroked me several time, and then placed the head of my cock between her lips. Now she started rimming the edge of my cock and I couldn’t believe the feeling I got from her mouth.

Rene’ started to take all of my cock into her mouth deep, throat me until her lips reached the base of my cock. Then she sucked hard, like a straw, as her mouth went up my pole. When she reached the top, she flicked the soft part under the head of my cock. I couldn’t take it much longer and I told her so. Rene’ deep throated me again and I shot my load. She waited there until I’d finished, splashing my seed on the back of her throat. I could feel her throat drinking all the load I could give. When I finished She raised her head of my cock and lick the slit on the end. Then she looked into my eyes and I told her how much I loved her at that moment.

We laid together on the couch, arm in arm, me fiddling with her pussy, her stroking my cock. We were making small talk when I knew I was ready to stuff Rene again. But she had other ideas. Rene’ pushing on my chest, got on top of me, inserting my cock into her waiting pussy. She slowly pushed down until her pussy lips touched my groin. She sat there for several minutes adjusting herself, when she started working on my cock, using only the muscles in her cunt. Tightening and then relaxing. She continued this until I couldn’t take it anymore. So, I pulled Rene’ in close to me and rolled us over.

She was surprised at first, and then smiled, wrapping her legs around my waist. I kissed her deeply and then started fucking her hard. I pounded into her hard and fast until I pushed in hard and came as she also orgasm. We held each other in the afterglow of our fucking. After a short while I got off Rene’ and asked her to come home with me, which she immediately told me she would. Did you like my stories, it was my just imagination’s to give a feedback you please comment

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Romance With 27 Years Old Young Lady

Hi friends .my name is kumar frrom East Godhavari born in 1990 . Inka chepalantay .ummm black ga untanu present bussiness chedthunanu. Inka inka .5.7 height . Inka inka chepalantay . il.com Edhi na mail id . Nenuu amchelooo comments evan the please guys Sareee! Na life loo gurthundi po a story edhi . In my story JOYTHI na ex-girlfriend . Young married aunty .pure white skin. Good physics .shee loking so fair. Thanatho campare chesthe nenu avarage.Kaneee nenantau chala antay chala love(estam )...

3 years ago
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Romance And Sex With My Sister

Hi to all ISS readers. Forgive me for any mistakes. I Raj aged 21. We are a family of 4; dad, mom, I and sis. Let me give a brief intro of sis. Her name is Padma aged 19 avg color awesome boobs and size of 32 -28-36. My sis uses my laptop for net and other purposes. One day she used laptop for much time I got doubt seen history she is using social networking site. I kept silence for a week later one day she forget to logout it. I seen her conversation with 2 boys one of them is her bf and other...

1 year ago
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RomanceChapter 1

Romance: Another country heard from: 1. Sultry asked herself, WHAT IS HE DOING??? Jack just drove. Odd, isn't it? She's a psychological mess and I'm calm as a cucumber. The dinner went like a first date and Sultry was impressed. No movie though. They had to watch Television. Since the house was the highest point and John/Jack has had the phone company install two phones in the house ... the telephone pole was the tallest point and the TV antenna was able to pull in broadcasts ......

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 2

Romance: Another country heard from:2. She's a natural, thought Jack, as he watched Sultry cut lazy circles in the sky. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Slow down heart! Stop shaking knees!, thought Sultry. The preflight was straight forward, Jack put the card in her hand and said, "This tells you what to tell me to do." So ... she started to read and Jack showed her what each written direction meant. Like shake. The chart meant SHAKE! Jack SHOOK it. There were a few times that it seemed like...

4 years ago
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RomanceChapter 3

Romance: Another country heard from:3. "Colonel?" The intercom had buzzed and the Command Chief Master Sergeant spoke. "Yes, Tom?" "Sir. We have an incident." The door to the colonel's office buzzed and the CCMS stepped into the Base Commander's office. He stepped around the room and closed the infrared and sound canceling curtains. The colonel switched on the white noise. "As you know, Sir, there are always combat ready aircraft in the air at all times. They carry the...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 5

Romance: Another country heard from:5. Landing at the mine, they fueled up, oiled the 710 tank, pushed the plane back in the huge white shed locked everything up and Jack held the door so Sultry could climb up and sit. "Good thing I'm wearing jeans," Sultry said. "That's twice you've mentioned that my vehicles are too tall," said Jack. "I never," she said ... but started laughing. "I did, didn't I?" "Yup," Jack said. "Supper?" "I had the folks at Regas put the leftovers...

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RomanceChapter 7

Romance: Another country heard from:7. "Medieval Europe?" Sultry asked. "What ever for?" "It's not really Europe ... it's another planet." "We'll go!" said the Seven in One, "Hello Sultry, you're looking ... Geese, I almost said Well Fucked." Sultry grinned. "Didn't Cassie... ?" asked Jack. "She didn't say we couldn't come back," said the disembodying Powers that Be. "I distinctly remember her saying..." Jack started but was interrupted. "She said she hoped she...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 9

Romance: Another country heard from:9. "Jack? What are we going to do with all this?" "I don't know," he answered, "All I wanted was some swords to train with." "Why did you buy all this junk?" That particular piece of junk was a Priest Gorō Masamune tachi, similar to one recently returned to Japan and worth half a million dollars. "That Rheinmettal 88 is a pretty rare bird. I couldn't pass it up. It's a Flak 41. Uses a longer casing than the original Krupp designed...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 10

Romance: Another country heard from:10. Major Austin, "You can call me David," and his band of slightly daft 'excavators'..."We like to dig into things" ... showed up two days later. Sultry and Jack were digging their way through the first cabinet of firearms. Sultry was writing, Jack was digging. In two days, one cabinet was all they had accomplished. Sultry was writing because she watched Jack start a list and was horrified. "Give me that! You won't be able to tell me what's in...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 11

Romance: Another country heard from:11. Virginia 610 was deserted. Turning left they negotiated the dirt road into Frogmorton. They parked the electric blue 1965 2 door hardtop, four on the floor, SS 396 Chevrolet Impala on the graveled street and took Sultry's brand new four cylinder green Jeep CJ-5 the rest of the way home. Dirty Sally the lowrider Chebby, doesn't like railroad tracks or the road to Jack's house The exhaust is set up so the tailpipe and mufflers slide back on foot long...

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RomanceChapter 12

Romance: Another country heard from:12. Rather than spend hours hoping to sell another knife, Kevin Pipes and John Parker loaded everything back up into their old U Haul van and followed us back to Frogmorton. "I had no idea this place was here," Kevin said. "I've seen the house on the hill when I was hiking the Trail ... but ... never ... I mean never knew there was a village here ... and there's a bank. You mean your check would have been good?" Sultry nodded. John added, as he...

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RomanceChapter 15

Romance: Another country heard from:15. The announcer, chosen for his deep and manly voice, announced, "In the normal course of events, a Hero and his caretaker have three Damsels to chose from. To make the event more interesting for you, the audience, we are passing out small tablets of paper and a writing instrument." There was commotion in the studio as this years flock of interns, chosen from the Communication and Broadcasting College of Cassandra, distributed small packets of paper...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 16

Romance: Another country heard from:16. Jack called for his box ... ok ... he stuck his ID finger in the hole. The box whooshed in and Jack started passing out weapons, saddles and tack. He left some Conchs for a rainy day. The lid closed with a snap ... air molecules rushing and colliding with other air molecules. A small thunderclap. Seven said, "Jack? I don't think we should go out there right this minute. Somebody is robbing ... or trying to rob the bank." "How do you know?" "I...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 17

Romance: Another country heard from:17. Oh, she showed him alright. The working folks ate the excellent stew, drank the watered wine, and left. The ones who stayed decided that Sultry was worth fighting over ... until she, and that stick she carried, killed two of the more experienced fighters. One with a jab in the throat and the other, a thump in the chest that broke his sternum and stopped his heart. A good doctor could have saved the man ... if there was such a thing on Chaos. As it...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 19

Romance: Another country heard from:19. No matter what Sultry tried ... she couldn't get Jack to take care of the bodies ... or get to the bank. Sultry was stuck spending the night in the Inn. Chaos had a dearth of readers along with a lack of writers. The sign painter couldn't spell Jack's Place. So he painted a ball and jacks. Hey! It worked. First man to pass the signboard, said, "Jacks Place," and went inside for a drink. "Great name," he said to Art. Art hadn't seen the sign...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 20

Romance: Another country heard from:20. "If I'm going ... let's go," Sultry said. "We can't," said Jack. "Why not?" "Our spies aren't back yet," Jack said. "Spies? Jack? We don't have spies." "We do now." "Jack? Who did you send?" Sultry asked. "Wait. Don't answer that." Who is missing? She mumbled and fumbled for a minute. "Jack? You sent Two and One?" Jack grinned. "You didn't!" Sultry said, "Jack ... Two is always looking for trouble and One is usually...

3 years ago
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RomanceChapter 22

Romance: Another country heard from:22. There were two possible plans. Hide out well past the cave and wait for the well to do single rider. Capture him and subject him to a reduced dose of the sleepy drug. Sultry said the drugged always got chatty for a few minutes before sleep and ... according to what she learned ... the drugged always told the truth. Drug him and ask him why he was on the road. "Might work," Jack shrugged. "Might not," said Seven. "Fifty fifty?" asked Two, "Or...

1 year ago
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RomanceChapter 23

Romance: Another country heard from:23. When Ted awakened, he wished he hadn't. Four corner tied to the bed, he was certain he felt something wet hot and slippery. At his center he saw a mane of coal black hair ... ready to say something, a golden blonde wig stared at him from the bedpost. He groaned and attempted to struggle. Something sharp bloodied his hip and he jerked away only to bloody his other hip. She pulled off with a long slow slurp. If that poke in the hip didn't sting like...

1 year ago
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RomanceChapter 25

Romance: Another country heard from:25. "There's some shit going on here and I'm about to wipe somebody's nose in it," Jack said. "Wait!" said Cassie, "There are these damsels that come first." "Stick 'em in stasis," said Jack. "I know you can do it ... I read it on Stories On Line." Well, that stopped 'em. Every one of the high mucky mucks started trying to get away, or looking at the ceiling or looking at their feet or each other. For a bunch of ivory skinned seldom out...

2 years ago
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RomanceChapter 27

Romance: Another country heard from:27. It was just about time for Seven to pass judgement ... or what ever happens in interplanetary politics ... which have absolutely no bearing on the gods, even if they do call themself... yeah, yeah, yeah, not acceptable grammar or syntax ... you tell 'em ... maybe they'll listen to you ... scientists, when Ceiling said "Company coming. Ooo, they're pissed." They crashed through the door, mostly unaware that the battering ram used in the assault...

3 years ago
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Necromancer of KemmrillChapter 5

Arakel awoke at about the same time as Saern, Dai and Dorn began to ascend the mountain, and he began to prepare himself for the day. Today, of all the days of his long life, would be the most important, certainly since the Ryu-Sincar swept through the Isle of Dreams. He opened his wardrobe, and pulled on a rust-splotched quilted shirt, and then a pair of cotton trousers. Over that he pulled on a chain mail shirt and trousers, the steel links polished until they shone. A black-enameled steel...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XLIII

Chapter XLIII – Un Ménage-a-Trois in Office (based on Love Romances No. 23 cover, Marvel, July 1952?)For the last ten years, I have been married with Ruth and I have always been faithful to her. I know you’d might expect that I confess something about cheating my wife. Well, you are partially right. I had a sexual intercourse with someone that isn’t my wife. But what I am going to tell you is not what you were expecting from a story like this.Even before I got married, I became employee of a...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XLII

Chapter XLII – Love and War at the Beach (based on Girls’ Romances No. 16 cover, DC, August-September 1952)What might happen if you know that your best friend likes the same guy as you do? Maybe be angry with her, even to fight and cause harm. I know and understand, it’s not easy for anyone to see a person you trust your deepest thoughts to love the same boy as you do. That’s why me and Nicole found it weird that, for a long time, we shared the same man without any kind of trouble between...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XL

Chapter XL – Air Orgy (based on Pictorial Romances No. 12 cover, St. John, March 1952) I know what people think about us, stewardesses. People always rate us as the ones who care about the passengers, gently help them if they need something, serving our customers the way they wish, and so on. This is totally true, you know that. But there is the other side, the kind of thing you don’t usually share with anyone but yourself and your co-workers. The kind of acts that aren’t appropriate for...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXV

Chapter XXV – Fun Before Wedding (based on Girl’s Romances No. 37, DC, Feb-Mar 1956)The wedding day can be thrilling, specially to a bride. The dream of walking the aisle, meeting the man you are meant to marry, share your vows, marry in the presence of God, confirm the love you share with other people. It has to be the perfect day, where everything has to be perfect in the details.However, sometimes one can feel nervous about what might happen. When I married Edward, I was incredibly nervous,...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII – Bisexual Girl Wants Sex I/The Hunk and the Babe (based on Pictorial Romances No. 10 cover, St. John, November 1951)I know what people think about bisexuals, that we are just people that can’t decide between men and women and rather pick both and also too much ‘keen’ to sex. Well, in my case, that wasn’t me. I am bi, but not that kind of bi girl people usually think. In fact, I had only eyes and my pussy tingled for only two people, Mary and Scott.Mary and Scott are my friends...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter VI

Chapter VI – We Both Fucked Tony (based on Love Romances No. 84 cover, Marvel, November 1959)Kathy and I are best friend since high school. We share mostly everything, make-up, secrets, records, books, all sorts of things. Well, except one thing we never shared so far: boys.Men were always a subject for us when we talk, and we share virtually everything we did with them, but one thing never came to mind: both of us sharing a man. Not until Tony arrived.Tony is my boyfriend, and we are together...

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Romance at the Smash Mansion

The foyer of the Smash Mansion was rarely an empty place with all the contestants traveling between modes. Hardly a day went by where half the cast didn’t crash into each other. But busy as it was, that meant rumors between the residents spread quickly. If anyone snuck off together, people would take notice— a relationship couldn’t stay unknown for long when so many nosy characters passed by. But being found out rarely stopped love in the mansion, and even the oddest couples kept kissing,...

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Necromancess QUEST

"So you wish to know the story of my life and un-life young one? It is a fairly long tale, but I will recount it with the limitless patience of the dead if you will just sit with me..." "Even now, I am uncertain about my early life, my first memories which I can fully trust are from the catacombs of Lost Troika..." "I woke in a small padded space, not much larger than my own body, there was no light to see by so I explored my surroundings and myself entirely by touch." "I found I could...

4 years ago
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I'm definitely screwed. It’s late at night and I haven't even called in to say that I'm going to be late. For sure, mom and dad would be livid. My younger brother Dave couldn't help me out of this. He texted me for what seemed ages ago that he would turn in early and I should get back home soon. The party lasted longer than I expected and I lost track of time. Completely exhausted, I have no time for early morning arguments and dismissals. I just hope mom and dad are fast asleep and would...


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