'Jenny' And 'Mike' Part 4: Romance And 3somes free porn video

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'JENNY' & 'MIKE': ROMANCE & 3SOMES BY hfernandez1983 This is the fourth chapter in the 'Jenny' & 'Mike' series. If you haven't read the earlier chapters, then you can do so by doing a search for them. 1. 'Jenny' & 'Mike': Date Night 2. 'Jenny' & 'Mike': A Day Out 3. 'Jenny' & 'Mike': Fantasy Sunday *-*-* CHARACTERS: James Winchester / Jenny Michelle Winchester / Mike NOTE: This story is written from James' POV *-*-* It was close to 10 a.m. and I was still in bed with Michelle sleeping peacefully next to me. Last night had taken quite a bit out of me. Having been used and fucked by two cocks was a huge turn-on. 'Mike' and 'Carlos' had given me quite a workout! I received the fucking of a lifetime. Sex with Michelle had always been great, but having a third person added a totally different edge. The only thing I regretted was that Michelle didn't cum. Although Michelle had had a great time too, it had all been about my pleasure. I was determined to show my gratitude. I snuggled up to her where she was still sleeping with her back to me. I moved closer, and planted a gentle kiss on her shoulder. "Mmmmmm. It's early," she groaned, objecting slightly. I paid no heed and continued my kissing, my lips now moving up to her nape. Half awake now, Michelle turned around to face me. I smiled and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. I ran my hand up on the side of her leg, rubbing and caressing her. I pushed her onto her back and got on top of her. I knew I had her attention when I saw the longing in her eyes. I kissed her again, this time more deeply, making my intentions abundantly clear. Michelle snaked her arms around my back, running her hands over my bare back and pulling me in close. I moved my hands up between her legs. She let out a moan as my hand made contact. My fingers continued to tease her as our sensual kiss continued. I moved my hand into her boxer shorts and began teasing her clit. She gasped as my fingers made contact with her sensitive little button. I broke our kiss, and looked into her eyes. Michelle pulled away and sat up a little to take off her tank top and release her breasts. Her action forced me to release her pussy. God I loved her tits. I sat up too and leaned in closer so that I could cup them in my hands. She moaned as I played with her nipples, pinching them slightly to cause a little pain. After a little while of this gentle teasing, I positioned myself on top of her again and we began kissing again. I continued to squeeze her breasts, loving how hard her nipples were becoming. She was clearly getting turned on. I took her right nipple into my mouth and gave it a few licks. Her moans grew louder. I turned my attention to the left one, eliciting more moans. I continued sucking her hard nipples while my hand returned to her pussy. This time she opened her legs, spreading them a little wider giving me better access to her wet snatch. She sighed as I spread her lips, and slowly inserted a finger. I pushed it in to the hilt, loving the way she clenched around it. I began to massage her clit with my thumb, all the while fucking her with my finger. Michelle was panting rapidly by now. I released the nipple I was sucking on, and started kissing her neck. I pulled my finger out of her pussy and ran my fingers up her belly towards the nipples my mouth had just released. I squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples as I slowly planted kisses from her neck to her breasts, all the way down her abdomen, finally reaching her pussy lips. She ran her hands through my hair. Her eyes darkened with desire--she knew what was coming. My tongue flicked her clit gently, just once. She shuddered at the contact; I had her just where I wanted her. I began to lick her clit harder and faster. I let go of her breasts, and inserted two fingers inside her love tunnel. Her moaning grew even louder. She spread her arms out wide on the bed, and grabbed the sheets tightly. I continued to pleasure her--my tongue on her clit, and my fingers in her cunt. Within just a few minutes she let out a loud groan and soaked my hands with her pussy juices. I have always loved how responsive she is during any form of sexual activity. I lapped up her juices enthusiastically with her shuddering each time my tongue touched her sensitive lips and clit. Her hands relaxed and released the sheets as her orgasm neared its end. But I was not done with her yet. I grabbed her thighs forcing them wider, and latched onto her pussy with my mouth again. I licked her box with the same fervor as before. She arched her back, writhing and gasping. She was thrashing around so wildly I had to increase my grip on her thighs to keep her down. Her breathing became more rapid as yet another orgasm hit her. This time she let out a scream, louder than the first groan, her whole body shaking with her release. I let go of her legs and gave her pussy a few final licks, before straightening up and sitting up in bed next to her. She finally opened her eyes, but still hadn't caught her breath. I grinned at her, before moving in for a deep and passionate kiss. I knew she could smell and taste herself on me. It was hot and really kinky. "What was that for?" she asked with a huge smile. "I kinda felt bad that yesterday was all about me. I wanted to make up for it." "Hell of a way to wake up," she said, still grinning. "I could get used to it." She pulled me back towards her for another kiss. She eventually broke the kiss to look up at me lovingly. "We have to get up," she said, stroking my cheek. "We can stay in bed for a little longer," I said, with a mischievous grin. "Have you forgotten that we have a guest coming over today?" Things were so hazy after the fucking I got last night that I had completely forgotten that Carmen would be spending the day with us. We had wanted her to come home with us last night already, but she'd declined. "I forgot about that," I admitted, grinning. "Yes, you did," Michelle said, giggling. "Last night was so much fun," I said, grinning from ear to ear. "I know! I was there, remember? You know, doing the fucking..." she said, breaking out into laughter. "You know what I mean. Until now, it has always been just you and I. We have invited a third person into our sex play, now. I..." "Shh! Babe, I love you. I love everything about you, but I want us to explore every part of this new path we've embarked upon. I don't want us to shut the door we've just opened. But I do want you to be comfortable." "You mean us..." I began. "Yeah, we're in this together. I love to be the one on top. I love to be the one in control. I found that out very early on in this journey. I would love for us to explore this a little more." "More?" I asked. "Well, until recently, we only ever had sex in the bedroom, or in the comfort and privacy of our own home. We've had sex in a public place now. Like you said, it used to be just you and I. Last night we had a threesome. We role-played with another person. Having a playmate might be a good thing," Michelle said, taking my hand. I sat up straighter, silent. Inviting Carmen to be our playmate was fine, but what if Michelle began to experiment with her? I mean, I had always thought of two women having sex with each other as a major turn on, but what if Michelle decides she likes it better? Or worse, what if Michelle decided to introduce another man? "What's wrong?" Michelle asked now, seeing how thoughtful I'd become. I didn't know how to explain how I felt. I struggled to find the words. Michelle got onto her knees on the mattress next to me. She reached for me and held my face between her palms, looking into my eyes. "What's wrong?" "Do... do you want to experiment with her?" I asked, searching her eyes for a clue. She gave me a funny look, eyebrow raised. Then she burst out laughing. "Is that what's worrying you? That she'll steal me away?" she asked, doing her best to contain her amusement. "No... I don't know... I... I guess I'm just... worried that..." I stammered. "That what?" "... that you might like women better and might not want me anymore..." I said in a rush. "Why would you think that?" she asked, quieter now. "I don't know. You like it when I dress up as 'Jenny'. You even like to fuck me when I am 'Jenny'. I guess I thought maybe you liked it because you might prefer women," I confessed. "You're forgetting that I like to dress up as a guy and have sex with you while you're dressed as 'Jenny'. Plus, I love you. Yes, I like to fuck 'Jenny', but that's only because you are 'Jenny'," she said, holding my hand and stroking my shoulders gently. "What if you decide to... to bring a man into bed with us?" I asked. "Do you want that?" she asked, clearly surprised. "No. I don't. I mean, this is as far as I know I can go. But..." she stopped me again, with a shake of her head. "Babe, you are mine and I am yours. I would never push you into doing something you didn't want to do. I have always known that pegging is as far as this is going. Which is why I have never brought up bringing another man into the equation." "So... you don't want to experiment with another woman or another man?" "Honestly, I tried experimenting with women in college a few times, and I did enjoy it. But I am with you. I don't need anyone else. You are all the woman I need. And all the man I could ever want. I found the best of both worlds in you, babe." She leaned in, pressing her forehead against mine. I admit that I felt relieved. I now knew that even though we were trying something new, she still wanted me, and that I was enough for her. I pulled her in for a tight hug. "I love you," I said, as I pulled away to look deep into her eyes. "I love you too, babe," she whispered, gently. Half an hour later, I was downstairs brewing coffee while Michelle took a little nap. When she walked into the kitchen, she looked pretty dejected. What had happened to the loved-up girl I'd left upstairs? "What going on?" "I just spoke to Carmen. She can't get out of her shift at the shop. Someone might be able to stand-in for her from about 1 p.m. She'll call us to let us know whether she'll be able to get away." She put her phone down on the table, and sat down. Her disappointment was obvious. "It's okay, babe. As you said, she might still be able to join us. And if she can't, well, there's still 'Mike' and 'Jenny'," I said with a wink, trying to cheer her up. "Yeah... I guess," she said, not sounding any less disappointed than before. "So, what do you want to do now that since Carmen isn't going to meet us until later?" I asked as we sat down to a breakfast of French toast. "I don't know. I had kind of thought that the three of us could hang out here and get to know each other better. Or maybe we could go out for a picnic or something," she said, nibbling on her toast. "That's a good idea. We could even go alone - just you and I." "Yeah?" she asked, appearing to be coming around to the possibly of Carmen not being able to join us as planned. "It could be fun." She smiled as she looked up at me. "You seem very excited by the idea!" "I am! The weather's great and what could be better than spending some time in nature? Where should we go?" I mused aloud. "How about Green Grove?" she suggested, pushing her empty plate to the middle of the table, and leaning on her folded arms. Green Grove was a national park about an hour or so away from where we lived. It was a beautiful place for camping, picnics and barbeques. It catered to families, couples and individuals who wanted to spend some quiet time in the outdoors. "That settles it," I said, as I got up to clear the table. At 11:30 a.m., after a quick shared shower, we hit the road with our picnic basket. 'Mike' looked very outdoorsy in a pair of green chinos, a white t-shirt and hiking boots. I had watched hungrily when Michelle strapped on the eight-inch cock, which was now tucked inside 'Mike's' boxers. For 'Jenny' I had chosen a pink summer dress, a white sweater and some comfortable slippers. The matching pink cotton bra and panties I wore underneath felt lovely and cool on my skin. We laughed and talked for the entire relaxing drive to Green Grove. We found an ideal picnic spot near the lake. One of the two nearby picnic tables was occupied by a family of five. We got out of the car and headed for the second one. "I had hoped to find a nice private spot somewhere around here," 'Mike' said quietly as walked towards the picnic table. I was quite taken by surprise when he suddenly grabbed my hand and led me further along a path, though some trees until we found a trail. After about fifteen minutes of gentle strolling, we came across a secluded spot, still quite near the lake. "This looks much better," 'Mike' said with a sly grin. "Nice and green, peaceful and secluded." We opened the blanket and spread it out under a nearby tree and not too far from the water's edge. "It really is such a beautiful day," I said, settling on the blanket and starting to unpack our lunch. "It is, isn't it?" said 'Mike', opening the cheese and ham sandwiches we had packed, and putting them on a plastic plate. I opened the sparkling apple juice and plastic glasses, and poured each of us a refreshing glass. It had been quite a while since we had been on a picnic, and we spent a long while just eating in silence and enjoying the surroundings. "This really was a good idea, you know," I said as I packed away the plastic plates and glasses. I scooted next to 'Mike' and leaned my head on his shoulder. Right on cue, he placed his arm around my waist pulling me nearer. We sat listening to the birds and admired the calm lake surrounded by the blue-green trees, bushes and grass surrounding it. "Thank you," I said, quietly after a few minutes. "For what?" 'Mike' asked, turning towards me. "For all this," I replied. "Well, if I'm not going to take care of my princess, then who will?" He bent down towards me and gave me a quick kiss. "How about some of the apples I packed?" I asked, reaching for the green globes and the pocket knife we had packed. I settled back and started cutting pieces and feeding them to 'Mike'. "Mmm, these are nice," he said, smiling. "You should have some too." I popped a piece in my mouth, and spat it out almost immediately. "It's pretty tart, you know! How are you managing to eat it?" 'Mike' chuckled at the face I was making. "Maybe you're just too sweet for them?" he retorted, giving me a naughty smile. I couldn't hide my blush. "Am I, now?" "I think you're too sweet," he said, smiling. His compliment had me feeling quite shy. I self-consciously pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. "You really don't like it?" 'Mike' asked. I shook my head and he immediately grabbed it from my hand and tossed it into the small plastic bag we had brought along for any debris left over from our picnic. The pocket knife also went back into the basket. "There. All gone," he said with a grin before pulling me nearer. "You look so pretty today," he said, running his hand through my hair. He gave me that look that always made me weak in the knees. Soon he was caressing my face while I looked dreamily into his eyes. His hand made its way up towards my chest to squeeze my tit. "Umm, maybe we shouldn't do this here," I said, a little nervously. "You're getting shy on me after everything we did last night?" he asked, grinning. "No... it's just... what if someone walks by?" I stammered. "Don't worry, no one will come. We're not going to be disturbed," he said, resuming fondling my breast. His attention relaxed me and in no time we were making out like teenagers. 'Mike' ran his hands up under my dress to caress my thighs. He gradually moved his hands upwards. By this time my erection had filled my panties. As soon as he reached my crotch he could tell the effect he was having on me. He wasted no time, and started massaging my cock through my panties. "God, you're so fucking sexy," he whispered. He got on his knees behind me, and began to grope my tits with both of his hands. I was sorry that he was no longer paying attention to what was between my legs, but enjoyed the sensation of having my tits man- handled in that way. As things got more heated, 'Mike' turned me around so that I was facing him. He began unbuttoning my sweater. His hands were roaming over my body, while he planted gentle kisses on my shoulders and neck. His hands once again found their way to my hemline. He pulled it up slowly. Soon my thighs and panty-covered cock were completely exposed. He pulled my cock out of my panties and began to gently stroke it, all the while continuing to shower me with kisses. I began to moan and whimper as he continued teasing me. 'Mike' taking control in this way, made me feel like a real woman, a woman who wanted to please her man. Finally, I heard him unzipping his chinos. I watched as he pulled out his cock and began stroking it. "I'm so hard for you, baby," he said, getting upon onto his feet, but not taking his hand off his cock. I got on my knees now too, my face directly in front of his crotch and his stiff cock. I leaned forward and gave it a quick lick. "Take it in your mouth sweetie," he directed. I didn't need to be told twice. I placed my hands on his hips and pulled him nearer. I took his cock into my mouth and began working it in and out of my mouth. I licked the head for a while before running my tongue all along the length of the shaft. He took my chin in his hand as I sucked him off. "Baby, you look so good with my cock in your mouth." I looked up into his eyes and continued to suck his dick. He grabbed my head and slowly began to fuck my mouth. Being used in the outdoors like that felt amazing. I was taken by surprise when 'Mike' pulled his cock out of my mouth. He winked at me and reached for his backpack, which was lying next to the picnic basket. I knew what came next. I bent over on my hands and knees. I watched him take a bottle of lube out of the backpack, and apply a few drops to his cock. He kept stroking it. "You've come prepared," I observed, drily. "Always," he said, giving me that now familiar mischievous grin. "Take your panties off." I stayed on my knees and slowly slipped my panties over my ass and thighs. When it got to my knees I maneuvered it over first one knee and then the other. Then, with a few more quick movements, I slipped it off completely. With my ass completely bare now, I smiled up at 'Mike' playfully, and reached for his cock. I loved how slick it felt as my hand moved up and down on it. "Lay down on your side, naughty girl," he ordered. I hiked up my dress, and lay down as instructed. I let out a short shriek when he applied a good amount of lube to my asshole. I moaned as I felt him inserting a finger into my ass. "Does that feel good, baby?" "Ohhh... yes very good." "Do you want my cock inside you?" he asked, in a strained whisper. "Yes, baby. I just don't want us to get caught," I pleaded. I was very turned on, but my desire to be fucked hadn't drowned out my fear of getting caught. "Don't worry. We will be really quiet, okay?" he said softly, his urgency growing. I could only nod in agreement because his fingers were doing wonderful things to my asshole. After a short while, he lay down next to me and aimed his cock at my waiting hole. "Are you ready for me, sweetie?" he asked, gently. "Yes," I moaned. Almost immediately I could feel him applying some pressure as he pushed the head of his cock in me. I gasped loudly as he slowly eased the entire length of his cock into me. "Shhhh! Quiet baby!" he whispered. He pulled down the straps of my dress exposing my bra and began fondling my breasts. Then he started moving in and out me slowly. Fucking in the restroom of the movie theater the other night had been quite a rush and even though I was nervous about getting fucked like this in the open, it gave me quite the adrenaline rush. 'Mike' lifted my thigh a little and tried to thrust into me a little harder. The position was not the most comfortable and his cock kept slipping out of my ass. "Maybe it's better if you lie on your back, sweetie," he suggested finally. He got up, and I turned over onto my back making sure that my dress was pulled up. I watched as he stripped off his pants and boxers. He lowered himself onto me, and gave me a deep kiss as his cock rubbed against mine. Breaking the kiss, he got up and onto his feet. He lifted my legs in the air, exposing my asshole to him. Then he entered me once again. I yelped as he drove his cock into me hard. He immediately grabbed the panties I'd discarded earlier and left lying nearby, and stuffed them into my mouth. "Do you want to get caught?" he hissed. "Uh-uh," I groaned, shaking my head. "Then be quiet while I fuck the shit out of you." I moaned and whimpered against my makeshift gag while he fucked me like he was possessed. I reached up and between my legs and began to stroke my cock while he continued to ram into me. He swatted my hand away almost immediately. "Not until I tell you to," he growled softly. He leaned down between my raised legs, forcing my knees closer to my chest. This position allowed him to penetrate me so much deeper. I could feel his cock go deeper into my bowels with each thrust. I desperately wanted to jerk off, but every time I tried, he swatted my hand away. "Fuck... fuck... fuck... " I squealed against the gag, as quietly as I could. "This is the best fucking view I've had all day!" 'Mike' grunted while he thrust into me. Then he pulled out and I felt empty. He turned me roughly onto my hands and knees. He teased my hole and smacked my ass hard and then started hammering away again. "Oh fuck... that feels... so good," I said softly, having spat out my gag as soon as I was on my hands and knees. I grunted as quietly as I could as he continued to force the wind out of me. "I know it does, baby," he crooned, smiling. I looked back at him as he grabbed my ass hard before giving it another smack. I let out a yelp. He leaned down grabbing my tits, and whispered into my ear, "Remember, we don't want to get caught." As he straightened himself up, he pushed my head downwards. He slowed his thrusting, this time pulling his cock almost all the way out before pushing it back in again hard. "You wanna cum?" he asked. "So badly!" I pleaded. "Then play with yourself." I immediately reached down between my legs, grabbing my rock-hard cock. I began to pump it furiously while he continued to fuck my ass. I was so excited I came within minutes. "I'm cumming!" I moaned in a loud whisper. He continued to fuck me harder and harder, while I released my cum all over our lovely picnic blanket. Once I was spent, he slowed down his thrusting, stopping eventually. We collapsed in a heap. "Mmm, that was so hot baby," he cooed into my ear. I was breathless and speechless. I turn around slightly to grin up at him. He leaned down and planted a kiss on my neck. And then we heard it. Voices. Voices which were sounding way too near. We jumped up and started to make ourselves decent hurriedly. I fortunately only had a dress to pull down. But poor 'Mike'! Fortunately he had his cock hidden away and pants back on before our company arrived. Fifteen minutes later we were in the car and ready to head home. I looked at 'Mike' in surprise when he burst out laughing behind the wheel. "Why are you laughing? We almost got caught there, you know!" I asked, amazed. "Almost..." he replied, still laughing. "It's not funny!" I said, slightly irritated. If we had gotten caught I would have been mortified! "Oh come on, live a little!" he insisted, smiling at me. I couldn't bring myself to share in her mirth. "Oh babe, come on. You have to admit that you enjoyed getting fucked out there," he said, clearly hoping to coax me out of my irritation. I sat in silence. "Come on now. I know you enjoyed it! How else do you explain that orgasm?!" "Okay, you're right," I admitted grudgingly. "See, I knew it. It was fun. Just like the other night in the theater, the threat of getting caught making it even hotter!" "Well, I can't argue about it having been hot," I admitted with a sigh. "I know you enjoyed it! This is what I want. I want us to try stuff like this. You were okay in the theater, why did you get scared here?" he asked. "For one, the movie theater was dark! And we fucked in a stall in the restroom not out in the open!" "It was still a public place! The usher could have caught us in the theater too. Plus anyone could have walked into the bathroom and heard your moans." That was a point. And yes, I did love what happened in the theater and what had just happened at the lake. "I'm sorry. It's just that I felt exposed out there and I got a bit anxious." "It's okay, babe. I am with you. Nothing happened. And if anything had, we would have hauled ass back to the car. That's all." I looked over at her and we both began to laugh. I guess it was funny. "So, want to head back home?" he asked, still smiling. "Yeah, but I need to go pee first," I said. Just then the Michelle's phone began to ring. "It's Carmen," she said. "You talk to her. I need to go take a piss now!" I hurriedly got out of the car and walked over to some nearby bushes. I looked around to see if anyone was close by and then pulled my dress up and released my cock from my panties. After I was done, I walked back to the car and saw that Michelle was off the phone. "What a relief," I said. "You okay?" she asked. "Yeah. So what did Carmen say?" "She says she couldn't find anyone to cover for her, but she can only get out by six and come meet us. Then we can all probably head out for the night and then come back home for some fun." "That sounds all right I guess," I said. "She also said that she had a surprise for you and me." "What kind of surprise?" I asked, intrigued. "She said that we'd see when she came over," Michelle replied. "Okay." "I guess we should head back now." By the time we got back home, it was almost 5 p.m. We were both kind of beat and just fell out on the couch. I made myself a vodka and orange juice, while 'Mike' chose to get a beer. I turned on Netflix and we both chose to watch the latest season of Orange is the New Black. Michelle and I both loved that show and usually always ended up binge watching it. At around 7 p.m. the doorbell rang. Michelle answered the door and I saw Carmen walk in. She was wearing a white top and a pink skirt. She was carrying a black leather bag with her as she walked into the living room. "Hey you," said Carmen, hugging me. "Hi," I replied. "How are you?" asked Carmen. "I'm good. How are you?" I asked her. "I'm doing good," she said with a smile. She looked around in amazement and then said, "Wow, you guys have an amazing house!" "Thank you," I replied "Anything to drink?" asked Michelle. "Umm... no thanks," replied Carmen, politely. "Are you sure?" asked Michelle. "Yeah. Positive." "What about you babe?" asked Michelle, facing me. "I think I'll have another vodka and orange juice," I replied, handing Michelle my glass. "I'll be right back," replied Michelle with a smile. Carmen and I just stood there, smiling awkwardly at each other. "Oh... uh... please, sit down," I said. "Thanks," replied Carmen. A few minutes later, Michelle walked in with another beer in her hand, along with my Vodka and orange juice and handed me the drink and sat down on the couch. "Thanks for inviting me over," said Carmen. "No problem. We had fun the other night and I thought it would be great to hang out and have a good time," said Michelle. "I had fun last night too," said Carmen, giving me a smile. "You certainly looked like you knew what you were doing!" said Michelle, laughing. "Oh, I've fucked plenty of guys up the butt," said Carmen. "James... uh... 'Jenny' here had a good time too, didn't you sweetheart?" said Michelle. My cheeks turned beet red as I replied, "Yes." "I'm just sorry I couldn't get here this morning. It's difficult to get someone at the last minute, so it was just impossible to get out of work," said Carmen. "It's alright, we understand," said Michelle. I sat silent as the two women were speaking. My cheeks were still flushed as I felt a little nervous with Carmen being here. Michelle gave me a wide-eyed look, sort of signaling me that I should be gracious, and talk to our guest. "Umm... uh... so... Carmen, tell us about you. I mean I think it would be great if we got to know each other..." I said, clumsily. "Well, I'm 26. You already know I work at the sex shop. I am a pretty open minded person and I'm quite adventurous in all aspects of my life, especially sex. I like to meet new people and make new friends." "How long have you been working at the sex shop?" asked Michelle. "For about a year now. But my real passion is photography. I help out a friend who does wedding videos. He has his own studio and I help out with editing and stuff," said Carmen. "Are you single?" asked Michelle. "At the moment, yes," replied Carmen, smiling. "How come?" I asked. "I broke up with someone a couple of months ago. I just wanted to be single and have some me time, you know?" "That sounds reasonable," said Michelle. We sat together for a few hours and chatted away, getting to know each other. I and Michelle learned that Carmen had had a relationship with a man who loved to crossdress. Just like in my relationship with Michelle, Carmen and her then boyfriend loved pegging. Although, she never dressed up as a guy for him, her stories indicated that they had quite a lot of fun in the bedroom. Sadly, they had broken up when he had to move away for work. I was beginning to get a lot more comfortable talking with Carmen and I could sense that she was a really nice person. She even flirted with me with Michelle sitting right next to me, and I loved the attention I was getting. Pretty soon I was joking and flirting back with her as well and Michelle didn't seem to mind at all. It was almost 9 p.m. before any of us realized what time it was going to be. I was the one who finally looked at the clock and bought it to everyone's attention. "Wow! Is that the time?" I said. "Time flies when you're with friends," said Michelle. "Yeah, it does," said Carmen. "So what should we do tonight?" asked Michelle. "Do you want to get some dinner or order in and just hang out here?" I asked Carmen. "Actually I was thinking we could go out clubbing, if that's okay?" replied Carmen. "What do you think, babe?" Michelle asked, turning to me. "I don't see why we couldn't," I replied. "Awesome!" exclaimed Carmen. "Where do you suggest we go?" Michelle asked Carmen. "Well there is this place in the Valley called Impulse. It's a pretty good place and the crowd mostly consists of people from the LGBTQ community, although it's mostly frequented by trans and lesbian women. You do see gay guys there too." "Sounds like fun," said Michelle. "Yeah, it gets pretty wild," said Carmen. "Where exactly is it in the Valley?" I asked. "It's not too far from the store." "Won't it be empty on a Monday?" I asked. "Oh no. The place is buzzing almost every day of the week," replied Carmen. "Oh," I said. "Don't worry. I've been there plenty of times. It's got a nice decent crowd and the people there are really friendly," said Carmen. "Then its settled." said Michelle. "Great. I'm so excited!" said Carmen. "Did you bring anything to change into?" Michelle asked Carmen. "Yeah I did. Plus, I have a little surprise for the both of you," said Carmen. "You mentioned that when we spoke on the phone. What is it?" asked Michelle. "It's something for 'Jenny' that 'Mike' will enjoy too," Carmen said, giggling. "Don't keep us in suspense," said Michelle, wide eyed in excitement. "You can see once I help 'Jenny' get ready," Carmen said, grinning. Carmen grabbed her bag and we headed upstairs to the bedroom. Michelle chose blue denim jeans, and a black shirt for her ensemble. Carmen got out a black t-shirt, a leather jacket and blue denim jeans and her strapon from last night. I, on the other hand, couldn't decide what to wear. I picked out the dresses I had purchased the other day on our shopping excursion and was trying to decide what to wear. In the meantime, 'Mike' and 'Carlos' had already gotten dressed and saw me still struggling with deciding what to wear. "Why don't you go downstairs and wait, while I help 'Jenny' get ready," Carmen told Michelle. "Okay. I'll call us a cab too while I'm waiting," said Michelle. "Great!" said Carmen. Michelle went downstairs, leaving 'Carlos' and me alone in the bedroom. "So, which one are you planning on wearing?" asked Carmen. "I don't know," I replied. "Well we can figure that out later. First let's get you undressed, and I'll help you get ready." Even though Carmen had already seen my body, well most of it anyway, I was still a little shy when I undressed in front of her. She removed two boxes from her bag that read "NuBra" and placed them on the bed. "What are those?" I asked. "These... will help create some nice... cleavage," she said with a grin. I began to laugh at the notion. "I am a man, how can I have cleavage? I don't even have tits!" "Don't worry. My ex used to use these all the time and his chest looked amazing. He always turned heads whenever we went clubbing." I was intrigued by her statement and decided to see where this all went. Carmen unpacked the boxes and removed their contents. They seemed to contain some sticky breast form kind of thingies. Carmen unpacked the boxes and got both pairs of the NuBra out. She unclasped both pairs from the middle, since they were strapless. "Okay, now stand still and I'll put these on for you," said Carmen. She took one of the pads and stuck it to the side of my chest, just under my nipple. She did the same with the other side, then she used the extra pair and stuck them on top of the already positioned pads. "Now for the magic!" said Carmen. She pulled the pads at the bottom and clasped it. Then she pulled the second pair of pads on the top and clasped those. She then rummaged through the dresser and got out a padded nude bra and matching panties. I tucked my cock inside the panties and Carmen helped me put it on the bra and then inserted my breast forms under the padded bra. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "Take a look." I turned towards the mirror to see that I now had an ample bosom, and cleavage! "Whoaa!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe it! I usually just used breast forms to create the illusion of breasts, but this was something entirely different. Not only did my bust look bigger, but it looked like I had natural cleavage. "You like?" she asked, grinning. "Yes... thank you," I replied. "Well, now all we need to do is apply some foundation for some contouring and then you'll be absolutely ready," she said with a smile. She grabbed some foundation from the dresser and began to apply some around the cleavage. After a couple of minutes, I saw as the illusion looked a little bit more real. I couldn't help but continue to stare in the mirror. I heard Carmen rummaging around in the closet, but I didn't pay any attention as I was still transfixed with my new tits. "Ah, here we go! You should wear this one," said Carmen, handing me a black dress. It was one of the dresses that Michelle and I had purchased the other day. It was a long sleeved, bodycon dress that had a v shaped neckline. After slipping it on, I saw that it was quite figure hugging and I noticed that I looked busty in it. The neckline did not plunge, but the cleavage was clearly visible. Next came the makeup. Carmen went through her bag and removed a bag that looked like it had different makeup items and accessories. It took a few minutes, and then I was ready. Carmen had chosen to give my eyes a smoky look and had applied quite a bit of foundation. For the lipstick, she had selected a red matte color which looked absolutely perfect. She helped me finish off the outfit with some junk accessories like clip-on earrings, a sober thin necklace, a ring with a turquoise stone, and a silver clutch purse. I chose to wear a pair of beige stiletto pumps that I owned, but hardly ever wore. "You look absolutely delicious!" said Carmen. I blushed as I looked in her direction. "Thank you Carmen! This is so completely different than what I usually go for." "No problem sweetie. Now, why don't we go down and dazzle 'Mike'," she suggested, smiling at me. 'Carlos' went down, while I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself one last check. I walked down the stairs and noticed that 'Mike' was laughing with 'Carlos' while chugging down a beer. As soon as she heard me walk down, the beer slipped from her hand falling to the ground along with her mouth. I flicked back a lock of my hair as I moved towards her. 'Carlos' put her hand on Michelle's jaw and put it back in place. "You... you look... amazing..." 'Mike' trailed off. "Thanks," I said blushing, giving her a shy smile. A few minutes of eye flirting later, our trance was broken by the ringing of a horn. "That must be the cab," whispered 'Mike'. "Maybe we should get going then," I said. The cab ride was smooth. I sat in between 'Mike' and 'Carlos' in the back as we rode in silence. It took us about thirty minutes to reach the club. 'Mike' helped me out of the cab and I heard a thumping noise coming from inside the club. I looked up to see a neon sign that read Impulse. 'Mike' put her arm around my waist as 'Carlos' walked with us to the entrance of the club. A big butch woman, who looked like the bouncer, was standing at the door, and letting people in. The bouncer eyed me up and down, and nodded in my direction. She let us through the door and we walked in. The club was mostly dark with some ambient lighting around. The music was quite loud and thumping. There were a lot of women in the club. It was obvious that some of the 'women' in there were actually men in drag with really garish makeup. Others looked like genetic women, although some could have been men dressed up as well. The dance floor had quite a few people moving to the beat. 'Carlos' guided us more toward the back of the club that had quite a few open tables. As we moved through the club, I caught more than a few people eyeing me. We found an empty booth in a corner and settled in. "This place is so loud," I said. "Aren't clubs supposed to be that way," said 'Carlos', laughing. "This place is fucking awesome!" said 'Mike'. 'I'll go get us some drinks. What do you guys want?" asked 'Carlos'. "I'll have a beer," replied 'Mike'. "I'll have a cosmopolitan," I said. "Okay, I'll be right back," said 'Carlos'. The DJ was blaring Lady Gaga through the speakers, and I began to move in my seat. I turned and caught 'Mike' staring at me, smiling. "What?" I asked. "You seem to be enjoying yourself," she said. "I don't know what it is, but I was nervous at first. Now I feel kind of nice," I replied. "I'm glad to hear that," said 'Mike', leaning close to me and staring into my eyes. I stopped moving and stared back right back at her. She gave me a soft, gentle kiss on the lips and whispered, "God you look so sexy tonight." I smiled at her and turned back to face the dance floor. A few minutes later, 'Carlos' was back with our drinks. 'Carlos' also chose to have a beer like 'Mike', while I was handed my girlie drink. I sipped on my delicious drink which was just heavenly. We had a few more round of drinks as we joked, laughed and flirted. 'Carlos' was really handsy with me while we sat in the booth. She touched my thighs, and put her arm around me as we sat. 'Mike' didn't seem to mind. 'Carlos' then got up from the booth and looked at 'Mike', "Do you mind if I take the lady for a dance?" "Go right ahead," said 'Mike'. "Shall we?" asked 'Carlos', extending her hand toward me. I turned to 'Mike' who nodded slightly and smiled. I grabbed 'Carlos's' hand, and we headed to the dance floor. The dance floor had a few more people on it than when we had entered, and we began to move to the beat. We moved closer and closer as we continued to match our movements to the rhythm of the music. 'Carlos' was looking at me with lust in her eyes. She put her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her. I began to move wiggle my hips and tease her as I moved my hands toward her crotch. I looked around, and I don't think anyone saw what I was doing. Everyone seemed pretty much into their own dancing partners. Some were even making out instead of dancing. I quickly moved my hands away and turned around and began to grind in to her. "You're such a tease," whispered 'Carlos'. He gently nibbled my ear as my body shivered, and my eyes darted towards our table. 'Mike's' eyes met with mine as he watched me dance with 'Carlos'. He sipped on his beer and watched as 'Carlos's' hands roamed over my stomach and my thighs. In some ways, I felt like such an exhibitionist, putting on a show. 'You're such a slut! Putting on a show for 'Mike' like that," whispered Carlos, placing a kiss on my neck. He held on to my hips as we continued to grind into each other. I put my arms on the back of 'Carlos's' head as he continued to kiss and bite my neck. My cock was getting hard inside my panties. Although, I loved every bit of what was happening, I realized that my dress was rather tight and if I got completely hard, a noticeable bulge would show up. "Stop, stop, stop," I whispered, coming to a halt. "What's wrong?" asked 'Carlos'. "Umm, nothing. I'm just a little thirsty. Maybe we should head back," I said. "Okay," said 'Carlos', a little disappointed. We headed back to the table and took our seats in the booth. Once again I sat in the middle and I grabbed what was left of my drink and downed it in one gulp. 'Mike' moved closer to me and licked my neck, tracing it all the way up to my ear. She gave it a gentle little nibble and whispered, "You're such a fucking tease!" 'Mike' then made me face him, and began to kiss me with wild passion. 'Carlos' scooted in closer to me, and began to run his hands up my thigh. I was beginning to get hard once again. "I think 'Carlos' needs some attention too, baby," whispered 'Mike'. I turned and faced 'Carlos' and we began to kiss. 'Mike' began to squeeze my breasts as 'Carlos' and I frenched it out. "Mike' guided my hand to 'Carlos's' crotch, and I began to rub it. 'Mike' began to nibble on my ear as he squeezed my tits which made me tremble. "Why don't you give 'Carlos' a blowjob sweetie?" whispered 'Mike'. The way he said it in that sexy little voice, I felt myself forced to comply. 'Carlos' gave me a devilish grin as I began to unzip his trousers. I put my hands inside the zipper and fished his cock out from his pants and began to stroke it. "Do it! Put your pretty little mouth on that big cock," said Michelle. I leaned down into 'Carlos's' lap and took his cock into my mouth. I held on to the shaft as I tried to swallow the entire length inside. I traced my tongue from the base to the head and began to swirl my tongue around the head. This was the second time I was doing something like this in a public place. Both places were dark, but somehow I felt really slutty committing such an act in such a place. "That's it, good girl," said 'Mike'. 'I'll go get us some drinks. When I get back, I still want to see that pretty little mouth around that cock." "I'll have a beer," said 'Carlos', grabbing her cock and pushing my hair back. I tried to get up so that I could tell 'Mike' to get me a drink as well, but 'Carlos' grabbed my head and pushed it down on her cock, making me gag. "I don't think the slut needs anything, since she already has her mouthful," laughed 'Carlos'. 'Carlos' released me as I felt 'Mike' leave us and head for the bar. "Damn girl, you suck so well," said 'Carlos', encouragingly. I could only moan and groan, since my mouth was stuffed with cock. 'Remember what 'Mike' said, this dick doesn't leave your mouth," said 'Carlos'. A few minutes later, 'Mike' came back with drinks and sat down next to 'Carlos'. "Look up at me sweetie," said 'Mike'. I grabbed the base of the cock and looked up at 'Mike'. She had her phone out and took a picture as the flash went off. "Damn, that looks hot as hell!" said 'Carlos'. I felt another flash go off as I continued to suck on 'Carlos's' dick. 'Mike' leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Do you want to get fucked?" I let go of the cock and nodded my head. "Let's get out of here then," said 'Mike' with an evil grin. 'Carlos' tucked his cock inside as I got back up. We got out of the booth and we made our way outside the club. 'Mike' hailed us a cab as 'Carlos' had his hand around my waist and was cupping my ass. The entire cab drive back to our place included touching, fondling, kissing and a lot of hickies. I was getting groped and molested like a chick that had been picked up at a club and was begging for cock. The driver must have gotten a good show as both 'Mike' and 'Carlos' had their way with me. Once we arrived at our destination, 'Mike' paid the cabbie and all three of us made our way inside the house. As soon as the front door was shut behind us, both 'Mike' and 'Carlos' began to run their hands all over my body. 'Mike' and I began to kiss passionately as 'Carlos' was cupping my tits and licking and kissing me all over my neck. After releasing me from the kiss, 'Mike' looked back at 'Carlos' and smiled wickedly. 'Mike' began kissing me once again as I felt 'Carlos' slither down and run her hands over my panty clad cock. "Oooh, you're really horny aren't you baby doll," said 'Carlos', pulling my dress up and my panties down. I whimpered as I felt 'Carlos' grab my hard cock and start tugging on it. 'Mike' broke the kiss once again and got down on his knees. "Umm, she's really, really horny!" she observed. I could only stare down at them as they teased my erection and pulled at it. 'Mike' gave it a gentle lick that sent tingles down my spine. 'Carlos' then removed something from the pocket of his jeans. It was a silicone cock ring. She fitted it on me, inserting my balls and then the shaft of my cock. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh, its just a little something to keep you nice and hard the entire time. We don't want you to cum too fast and then go soft on us," said 'Carlos', giving me a wink. 'Carlos' then slithered back up and began to kiss me, while she began to squeeze my tits. 'Mike' on the other hand got to work on my swollen cock. She began to suck on it and lick it. Every now and then she would jerk it off a few times and then put it back into her mouth. I was begging to get really hot. "There we go... all nice and hard now," said 'Mike'. "I think it's time we got some attention, don't you think?" asked 'Carlos'. Both of them unzipped their pants and released their big cocks from their boxers. I got on my knees and gave both of them a naughty smile as I got down on my knees. I jerked both their cocks together in unison and swallowed 'Mike's cock first. I licked the shaft of his cock and then began to suck on it like an eager slut. I switched over to 'Carlos's' cock and went through the same routine. 'Mmm, look at that pretty little mouth taking two big cocks, just like a good little slut," groaned 'Mike'. "She does love it, doesn't she? I bet she'd have sucked us off right there in the club," said 'Carlos', smiling. "I think it's time for some more action," said 'Mike', grinning ear to ear as I looked up at their faces. They pulled me up to my feet and dragged me to the couch in the living room. "Why don't you get her to blow you some more and I'll be right back," said 'Mike'. 'Carlos' kicked off her shoes and pulled her pants off. "You heard the man, suck it slut!" he growled. I immediately went to work on his dick. I licked the head and teased it as I looked up into his eyes. "Yeah, that's it baby girl," he said with a grin. A minute later, I head 'Mike' walk down the stairs and come over to us. He was just in her tank top and boxer briefs now, with his cock still hanging out of the boxers. He had the bottle of lube and some condoms in his hand. I didn't understand why he had the condoms. We had not used them the other night when they both fucked me. In fact, I had done ass- to-mouth when they both took turns fucking me and making me choke on their big cocks. "On your back... on the couch," ordered 'Mike'. I stopped sucking on 'Carlos's' cock and obeyed 'Mike's' command. 'Mike' lubed up my asshole nicely and then applied a generous amount on his cock. He picked up my leg and placed it on his left shoulder, aiming his dick at my rosebud. He applied some pressure and slipped the head of his cock inside me. 'Carlos' got on his knees and moved closer, shoving his cock into my mouth. 'Mike' pushed in further as the entire length of her cock entered me. "Annnnnngggghhhhh..." I moaned with 'Carlos's' cock in my mouth. "That's it darling, take it all in," said 'Mike'. She began to fuck me nice and hard, slowly at first, letting me get used to her dick inside me, but picking up the pace after a few strokes. "Yeah baby, that's it! Take that big dick inside your hole while you suck on my cock," said 'Carlos'. 'Mike' pulled out of me completely and began to tease me as I continued to choke on the cock in my mouth. He then pushed his cock inside me in one swift motion and began to fuck me like a wild man. I reached down for my cock, but 'Mike' swatted my hand away from it. 'No playing with yourself!" 'Mike' commanded, pounding into me like a jackhammer. I began to moan and groan as I was denied giving any attention to my rock hard erection. "How about I get a turn now?" asked 'Carlos'. "You want my friends cock now, slut?" asked 'Mike'. "Unnnghhh-huh," I grunted. 'Mike' pulled out and sat back on the couch, while I got on my knees in front of her on the floor and began to stroke and suck on his cock. 'Carlos' got behind me, and slipped his dick inside me easily. He grabbed onto my hips and began to pump in and out of my retcum. "Yeah bitch, take my cock!" 'Carlos' exclaimed. I moaned, groaned, grunted and made all manner of pleasurable noises as I sucked on 'Mike's' cock. I slurped on his big dick like it was a big lollipop. 'Carlos' smacked my ass and really began to pound into me. 'Mike' pulled his cock out, and pulling my chin up began to smack her cock on my face. "Look at you, sucking your husband's cock, while another man fucks you! You're such a slut," said 'Mike'. I made eye contact with her and smiled as she continued to smack my face with it. "Do you like it? Taking someone else's cock while you blow me, slut?" asked 'Mike'. "Uhh-huhh," I replied, sticking my tongue out, trying to lick his cock. "You're such a whore, Jenny," said 'Mike', as 'Carlos' snickered and continued fucking me. "I think it's time to switch up again," said 'Carlos'. 'Mike' got a big grin on her face. 'Carlos' pulled out of me as 'Mike' stood up. He removed his boxers and his strap-on, and began to rub her pussy right above my face. Guess Michelle was coming out to play. "Sit up on the couch," said Michelle. Once again, I obeyed and sat up on the couch. I saw 'Carlos' grab a condom and put it on his cock. Michelle now knelt in front of me as 'Carlos' got behind her. This was different. Untill now I was always the centre of attention, but it seems like things were switching up a little. Carmen applied some lube on her sheathed cock and then thrust inside Michelle's pussy. "OH FUCK!" Michelle cried out. Carmen grabbed onto her and began to fuck her roughly. Michelle grabbed my cock and began to suck on it. "Oh yeah, that's the shit! Look at that cock go in and out of that pretty pussy!" exclaimed Carmen. "Fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck my pussy," moaned Michelle. If I was turned on earlier while I was getting fucked, I was on a whole new level now! I don't know why, but it was almost hypnotic watching my wife suck on my hard cock while she was on her knees getting drilled from behind. A couple of minutes later, Michelle looked into my eyes and said, "I want you to fuck me..." Carmen and I exchanged places as Michelle now sucked on her cock. I teased Michelle's wanting hole for a few seconds before filling her with my cock in one thrust. I began to ram into her as I watched her suck on 'Carlos's' dick. I desperately wanted to cum as I fucked Michelle, but I still wasn't there yet. Pretty soon, Michelle began to moan louder and louder, signaling that her orgasm was close. I pounded her hard with each thrust and soon her orgasm hit her like a tsunami. "FUCK... I'm CUMMING!" she screamed. I was a little irritated that I was still not close to coming because of the cock ring. Michelle's orgasm soon died down. "My turn now," said Carmen, getting off the couch. She took off her strap-on and undressed completely. This night was getting wilder by the minute! I looked at Michelle, who had turned her head to face me. She smiled, and winked at me, signaling me to go for it. I pulled out of Michelle as Carmen got down on her knees, and put my cock in her mouth. "Mmm, your wife tastes delicious," said Carmen. Michelle handed her a condom and Carmen sheathed my cock. I finally understood why the condoms came out. Apparently, Michelle didn't want me to fuck our guest without protection. "On your back," said Carmen. I lay down on my back and Carmen straddled me. She guided my cock inside her pussy and whimpered as she took the entire length at once. "Ohh... God," she moaned and began to bounce on my dick. I grabbed her ass cheeks and began to pound into an upward motion, meeting Carmen's bouncing. I grunted and groaned as I fucked Carmen silly. I turned around to see Michelle on the couch, spread eagle, playing with her pussy as she watched me fuck another woman. I smacked Carmen's booty as we fucked like rabbits. My orgasm was getting closer now, and I began to really thrust into her. "Are you close?" asked Carmen in a raspy voice. "Yes!" "Good, I'm almost there too," she moaned. We matched our speed and began to really go at it. Within seconds, she squealed and stopped grinding on my cock. Carmen's body began to spasm as she rode the crest of her orgasm. Shortly after that, I was coming too. I didn't stop fucking her even though I was coming. Her orgasm died down slowly, and so did mine as she fell on top of me. Our breathing was rapid as Carmen looked at me and smiled. We soon realized that we were not alone as we heard Michelle scream out in another orgasm. Me and Carmen both moved to the sofa and cuddled up to her. Michelle turned to me, and we kissed passionately. "That was so intense," I said, breaking the kiss. "But you enjoyed it, yes?" asked Michelle. "Oh hell, yeah!" I exclaimed as Carmen burst into laughter. "I think this is the beginning of a wonderful new friendship!" said Michelle.

Same as 'Jenny' and 'Mike' Part 4: Romance and 3somes Videos

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Jennifer is my nice naughty dear dod - I educate her at home in erotic theory and practiseAlexandra is my new pupil, a tiny tits blond beauty - slim, smart and slender Swedish sweetieAt her wet warm welcome party in that teasing redhot raunchy sexy sauna Jenny made Alex comeJennifer looks forward as much as me to teach her new fabulous friend some proper discipline! Jennifer hopes to help in the erotic education of her fresh friend at our private placeJennifer wakes up first after our...

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Jenny and Mike Part 1 Date Night

'JENNY' & 'MIKE': DATE NIGHT BY hfernandez1983 It's been a while since I wrote a new story and I thought now was the best time to write. Please do comment and let me know what you thought about the story. Alternatively you can email me a [email protected]. Enjoy & Happy Fapping! *-*-* CHARACTERS: James Winchester / Jenny Michelle Winchester / Mike NOTE: This story is told from James' POV. ...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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JENNY’S SECRET – PART 4PREAMBLEThose who have not yet read the first three episodes or get confused with Asian names, here is a summary of the characters. I apologize for the long preamble but it is important in order to understand the rest of the story.THE FACTORY – a shipping and distribution center for Chinese food all over the US.JENNY – 40-year old non-Asian factory worker. Attractive but modest closet lesbian doing her coming out. The main character of the story.NICKIE – Non-Asian lesbian...

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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 3 Mike in the Middle

(MFf incest) (edited) Mike looked for Jennie after school on Thursday after their dinner at her mom’s house, but he didn’t see her. He hadn’t heard a peep from her, very unusual. He tried texting her again right after school. ‘Hi’ he sent his typical starter line. Nothing. Mike grew worried. Worried something might have happened to her or maybe just mad at him still. ‘Just let me know you are ok and not kidnapped.’ Finally, a message from her... ‘ok’ ‘Can we talk?’ ‘later’ He gave...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Mike and Kate Chapter 2 Mikes Birthday

"Fuck thats amazing," Mike said, Kate looked up at Mike for a second and she had a huge smile on her face and started to work Mikes penis even harder. Kate had never woken Mike up sucking his penis before, ever since the poker party a few weeks ago she had been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and she had not cared who heard too. Her mom was only a few doors down the hall, Mike groaned again with pleasure as the slurping noises from Kate got louder. Kate took her mouth away from his...

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JENNY’S SECRET – PART 3 – MinnieAfter her love session with Lihua, Jenny went home and was very happy her parents were away because she ranked of sex. She took a shower, had a bite to eat and tried to get some sleep. She tossed and turned, thinking about Nickie, Lihua and now Minnie. She replayed the whole scene with Lihua. She finally fell asleep but in her dream she could see Lihua and hear her say “I know a lot of lesbians” over and over again. Then she saw the Chinese lady at the rooming...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Jenny An Autobiography Chapter 2 part 1

CHAPTER 2 I LOSE MY INNOCENCE Part 1 of 2 It was all so innocent the way things started. My friend Amy, who lived next door but one to me, in this small street of fifteen houses were always playing together in the little play-ground just opposite our houses. At the time I was thirteen and a half and Amy was exactly two months younger. In our street there were five other boys, two of whom were around my...

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JENNY‘S SECRET – PART 2 - LihuaA few days after her evening with Nickie, Jenny was back at the factory and went outside as usual for a smoke during her break. It was raining and she ran to a small shed next to the door leading out of the kitchen. The shed was used to store canned goods and anything the rats couldn’t eat. It was of course locked but there was a covered porch which one could use to get out of the rain. Jenny stood smoking and watching the rain when she spotted the Asian girl who...

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First of many 3somes

So the story of Laura & Mike:Years back, in the 80's, I started to have a good fuck affair with a lady in my office.. Laura had a gorgeous body, lovely tight d cups and a sweet tasty bald pussy.. LOVED to fuck her, cum in her then much to her surprise (the first couple of times) eat my cum from her cunt.. The affair was very open with fantasies and experiences we had done in the past, which really enhanced our fuck sessions, so one afternoon, we were laying spooned in bed, my cock just had...

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Jenny Part 5 We all Have Her

Jenny Part 5 - We All Have HerJenn's ordeal was not over yet. There were still four men to fuck her.Two of my friends attended to JEnny while Mandy and I had a glass of champagne. They cleaned Jenny up with towel and stripped her down to her white stockings and shoes. Next up had Jenny on her back again, legs up in a replay of her recent defloration. He gave Jenn a long and thorough shafting as the audience looked on.The next two had her together. It was difficult to see at times which one was...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Jenny Mum and Dad Part 2

Jenny, Mum and Dad. Part twoWhen Sharron felt Brains cock twitch against her and saw the look on his face she snapped him back to reality and said, “What the fuck are you thinking?” He look at her and said, “I think that she might have heard us and it might have turned her on or she’s just horny like you and needs to do herself before going to bed. I don’t fucking know.” Sharron wondered the same thing but had to ask about his twitching cock.He now had that guilty look on his face and said,...

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Jenny Part 3 The Defloration

Jenny Part 4 - The DeflorationAll five men were sitting in the lounge of the luxury apartment we had hired. We were dressed in our thick fluffy bathrobes, and driking champagne. After a suitable interval, our thoughts turned back to the lovely Jenny and we knew it was time. Her mother Mandy slipped away to the bedroom to prepare her.After a bit, the bedroom door opened and Jenny was shoved through to meet us. She was a vision of loveliness. Her mother had dressed her as "The Bride".White kitten...

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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Mike And Mandy

Mike stared ahead of him at the long ribbon of highway that stretched as far as he could see without a town in sight. He had been driving since early morning and it was now 5:50PM in the evening. His was getting tired and he needed a rest. The next town of any size was still forty miles away where he could check in at a hotel, and get some food and a good bed to sleep in. He still had two hundred miles to travel before he would be home and with his wife. He planned to stop and buy her a gift as...

Straight Sex
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Jenny Part 3 Jenny Gets Naked

Jenny Part 3 - Jenny Gets BareFollowing Jenny's first experience of having her rather magnificent breasts touched, her mother brought her back to the centre of the room.She told JEnny to strip off her knickers, her last protection of her modesty. Jenny blushed furiosuly but she complied.We already had see a few stray hairs poking out of her knickers, so we knew we had a girl with a bush in store for us.But what a sight we saw standing before us. A girl just come of age, standign in white socks...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Jenny Learns Her Place Part 2

“Thank you, Master,” I said as I slowly brought myself to my feet, tears of pain rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't see my ass but it was probably purple with bruising and I was happy with that. Bobby would now know that I could withstand a hard spanking with the paddle without falling back on the safe word. “And for good measure,” Bobby said and put the clips back on my nipples. Wincing with the incredible pain, I managed to stand straight. The nipple clips hurt much more this time than the...

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jenny the teenage robot xj9 part 2

Bleep, bleep, bleep 8:15 on jenny’s alarm clock “oh my gosh I’m going to be late for school” she then says good morning to her mom Mrs.Wakemen then drinks half a gallon of oil, and flies off to school in her rocket boots. Jenny goes to Tremerton high school with her friends Sheldon and Brad but when she saw brad, he started to run away both jenny and Sheldon looked surprised. During their joined lunch period she finds brad but he is still ignoring her, and jenny starts to get mad then takes...

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Jenny Meet Susie Part 1

"Oh, Susie, yes... right there.. Mmmhhh... oh yes, yes, that's it.. harder.. deeper! Oh god, fuck me Susie!""Heh...""W-what?""Nothing.. just thinking.. we've known each other years and never tried this.. why'd it come up all of a sudden?""Oh god, I don't even remember. Just fuck me, no slacking!"Chapter One : Why?Jenny was in no mood today. Woken abruptly at 6 this morning, and by her step-dad, Jeffrey, of all people! He'd probably just come in to perv' on her and woken her by mistake, the...

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Jenny and Tanya part 6 hitting home

As a true dedicated lover, Tanya let Jennifer come first, knowing that ...Soon after our culinary extravagancies had culminated, the cab-owners son came up to transport us. On my request he chose a scenery route all along the river. I had cuddled up with Jenny in the back. Tanya enjoyed the views from front-seat. The driver mentioned landmarks, while my mind drifted off. I loved to further please my dear guests at my home base. Jennifer would be first.When we got out, Tanya had enough at a...

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Mike and Sam Part 3

Author's note: A number of people, after reading parts 1 and 2 of "Mike and Sam" have asked for more. The original parts took a long time to write, it was a small labor of love, that also took some research into Japanese culture. Here is a third and maybe final part, I just hope that it's as good as the first two. Mike and Sam Part 3 Miyuki One thing that Mike found changed when he got back to school, was a new Dean of the Psychology Department. It was a Dr. Ruth Halloran....

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Jenny Part 1 The Arrangements

Jenny Part 1 - The ArrangementsI am a member of a group of friends who meet occasionally. We are five men in total, and we discreetly correspond to arrange group sex meetings.We are all straight, but enjoy some of the shall we say wilder aspects of sex. We have no regular meeting schedule, preferring to arrange meetings when an idea strikes the group, or a willing female makes herself available.The group knew Mandy for some years now, and had used her at several meetings. Mandy was a woman in...

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Mike and Sam Part 2

Mike and Sam Part 2 - Back home - His parents met him at the airport, and knowing how bad airline food was, they took him out to dinner. While there, he filled them in on everything, well almost everything, that had happened in Japan. And, that he and Masumi were planning on sharing an apartment this school year. They told him what they and the Matsushita's had discussed about them, and they agreed that there was something very special between the two of them. And, they stood...

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From Bromance to Romance

This story is the story of romance and genuine love. There are alot of erotic firsts in my life but none are as dear to me as my first time with Jacob. We meet our junior year of college. I had just left the rugby team which was a club sport and he was openly gay and had just broke up with a long time boyfriend after he cheated on him. We were both changing and ended changing together. We had common interest like the outdoors. He turned me on to meditation and alot of liberal ideals....

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Jenny and the special clinic Full long novel

(Taken from my blog posts and combined into a single story)Jenny woke up earlier than usual this morning as her husband was showering. She could not fall back asleep like she normally does listening to the water fall in the next room. The promise of the new day as well as her anxiousness of her upcoming appointment was very much on her mind.As her husband finished up, hearing Jenny shift around multiple times, he came back in the bedroom and kissed her on the cheek. "Love you -- it will be a...

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A favourite story from Literotica... Jennyby TryAnything John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister's. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in his hand. Even though Jenny was only 19, John knew that she was already mature physically, with big full tits and a pussy that could clearly be seen through the sparse...

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Jenny and the Johnsons

Jenny and the JohnsonsIt is fair to say that the tale of Jenny and the Johnsons is a little unusual. It comprises of many different incidents, some of which are brief and others more protracted; most - it will please readers to learn - are filled with wild sexual escapade, which, on occasion, border the realm of the bizarre. Before delving into these events, I will give some background regarding our main character, Jenny Harrington, beginning with a description of her physical appearance. Jenny...

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Jenny becomes a porn star by chance

There are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Jenny was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Jenny was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her grandparents on her Dad's side after...

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Mike and Sam Part 1

Mike and Sam Part 1 -Now and forever- Mike sat at the dressing table he was looking closely at his freshly shaven face, and Sam was laying on the bed just watching. Mike was already dressed in a padded panty girdle, waist cincher, panty hose, and a pretty bra with breast forms, all this gave him a nice feminine figure. He had the padding added to the panty girdle, and it gave him a nice rounded rear with feminine looking hips. Sam smiled knowing what they were going to do...

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Mike and Sam Part 4

Mike and Sam Part 4 Dr. Ruth's Party Dr. Ruth had taken Miyuki by the arm, and walked with her into the den. As soon as Miyuki saw who was there she stopped in her tracks. There was Masumi, and Dr. Ruth's husband, and Dr. Wolfe, and his wife. Also, there was a Japanese couple. But, what sent chills up Miyuki's spine was the other two people in the room. Those other two, were Mr. Warner, and the psychologist that she had spoken with in Washington. Her name was Dr. Price. Miyuki...

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Jenny and the Wild Boar

By: kangaroo08 The old man had been making claims for years about a large pig, perhaps many, who had been making foraging attacks on his farm land that bordered on the swamp country. Not many people believed old Joe after listening to a lifetime of tall stories told at every opportunity and to anyone who would listen. Still he persisted with his larger than usual pig stories. “I tell him!” he would insist, “Them pigs is huge, one big boar must be seven or eight hundred pounds. Huge he...

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Jenny Linda and Bill

Note : This story is completely fictional! As soon as his mom left for work Bill went to his little sister's room and undressed. He climbed in bed with her and pulled her nightgown above her waist, Jenny kissed him and removed her panties."Do it quick, I have to get ready for school" she whispered.Bill fucked his 18 year old sister with all he had. Jenny was glad when he filled her pussy with sperm. She knew someday he would make her and looked forward to having his baby. brother and sister had...

4 years ago
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As Jenny got out of the swimming pool she could feel the hot sun on her amazing sexy body, she was 19 and lived with her mum Taylor and her step dad Brad, Taylor met Brad at his fitness club he had and well as they say the rest is history, Jenny was on holiday from university her mum Taylor was a PR for a huge finance company.As she lay on the grass Brad shouted to see if she wanted a cold drink, Jenny got up and went in doors and sat chatting in the kitchen, she looked at brad’s very muscular...

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Jenny And Titan

It was a typical rainy night in a typical small Midwestern town. Jenny strolled into the bar with her girlfriends in tow. It was a typical bar, playing country music and serving overpriced drinks. It was girl’s night out for her and three of her closest friends. They had put on their evening dresses and said goodbye to their husbands. It wasn’t unusual for them to have a girl’s night out but this one was a little different. Jenny's dress was extra tight, her perfume freshly selected. The bra...

Love Stories
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Jenny and I part two

Jenny and I and a couple of her best girlfriends Anna and Monique are relaxing in the hot tub and we have champagne and several of the girls are starting to make out. I look at Jenny and say I think there is something wrong with this hottub, I think we need a plumber. I wink at her so she knows exactly who i am talking about. She looks and says ooh our friend from the pool and I nod yes. She calls him and without telling him who we are we say its really important an emergency we need his...

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Jenny trains hubby turns in to cuck

JennyWe had only been married about a month when my wife, Jenny, and I attended a party for a friend's birthday. We had been there a couple of hours and had a few beers. I think Jenny was in the lounge whilst I was in the kitchen with a group of lads. Anyway, the conversation got around to what we liked about girls' underwear. There was a general agreement on stockings and garters. When I agreed with this someone said that presumably Jenny wore stockings. I didn't know what to say to this. I...

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JENNYS SECRET A lesbian tale

JENNY’S SECRET (a Lesbian tale)Jenny hated this part of town. She read the address on the small slip of paper the girl had given her in the factory’s cafeteria. It read “35 Simmons, apt. 2”. Jenny opened the outside door and faced the mailboxes and the buttons. There were only two buttons, one was so worn that the number was illegible; the other showed “2”. Jenny rang. “Here”, shouted an Asian woman in her 50s, from a half-opened door a few feet away.“You’re Jenny ?”, she asked“Yes”, answered a...

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Jenny gets a new life

Jenny gets a new lifeBy Sarah        Jenny felt out of place at the university.  True, she had been granted a scholarship for her track time at high school, but she didn’t really feel worthy to be deserving of a full four year scholarship.  Still, her parents had begged her to take it, since it might be the only chance she would have to get a college degree.  So reluctantly, she had signed the acceptance letter, and was soon on her way to the Kansas University, S.U.        The moment she had...

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