In Submission To A Dominant Force Part 3 free porn video

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3 "I'll have my breakfast in the dining room sissy, I have fruit juice and today I will have a boiled egg and toast with tea and bring the marmalade. Your apron is hanging by the door in the kitchen, now quick about it girl." She pushed me into the kitchen and went into her study, a room I'd never been allowed into. In a mood of despair I found the apron, it was a see through pvc full apron with a frilled edge, you had to put it over the head and tie it around the waist, it seemed to accentuate the maids dress I wore beneath it. I shuddered in mixed emotions foolishly wriggling my stockinged legs against each other which only increased my feelings of eroticism. This was no good, this was driving me insane, I shook myself to try and clear my head I was pinning all my hopes on my wife's return now, I was certain it was my only way to freedom and taking a deep breath to steady myself I got on with getting her mother's breakfast. My wife had persuaded me to take over all the cooking at home so it wasn't a particular chore, the worst thing was being dressed like this and the weird feelings that gave me. When I'd put her mother's breakfast out in the dining room I tapped on the door of the study, she opened it. For a moment I didn't know what to say. "Your breakfast," I mumbled, struggling with my tongue, my lips and my face felt as if I'd gone six rounds with a boxer, everything felt swollen and tight. "Your breakfast is ready Mistress?" She sounded so arrogant. I nodded. "Yes." "Say it girl," she spat. Her words, her attitude, made me nervous and jumpy. "Your breakfast is ready Mistress," I babbled in a foolish sounding squeaky lisped reaction unable to stop myself. What was going on with my voice, I felt as if I wanted to cough to clear my throat, but not in front of her. "I should think so, your breakfast is in a bowl in the fridge, put it in the microwave for two minutes only, you'll find your drink beside it." I turned to go, but she stopped me. "Wait a minute girl." She went back into her study for a minute, emerging with a small silver bell, I knew she had a bell on the table in the dining room, but this one confused me. "Come here, head up." I turned to her unnerved and lifted my chin, before I really knew what she intended she fixed the little bell to the front of my collar. "There, now I can hear where you are sissy, now run along and have your breakfast." I choked in shocked embarrassment, but she'd already gone into the dining room leaving me standing there gasping like a fish out of water. My return to the kitchen was accompanied by the tinkle of the little bell the sound constantly increasing my feelings of abject humiliation. The dish from the fridge contained some sort of porridge, the drink, the same as those I'd been given in my room previously. I heated the porridge up for two minutes as she had said, it turned out to be a warm creamy mush, a bit like baby food with a mildly salty taste, I suppose in reality I shouldn't have bothered eating it but I felt starving hungry all of a sudden. In the end I had to drink the drink to help wash down the creamy goo. I had just finished, feeling slightly dazed, the weakness coming over me again, when I heard her bell ringing in the dining room. I got up from my chair and tottered through to her, I couldn't stop myself trembling, my head feeling odd as I went. "There you are girl, get my newspaper, then you can clear these things and after you've washed up you can brush and mop the kitchen floor." She could see I looked confused. "It should be in the box outside the front door, where the paper boy puts it, now quick about it." I was aghast, she was making me go outside the front door dressed like this, I looked haunted, looking around for a coat or anything to cover myself up. "I've told you once sissy, now get a move on before I get really angry and throw you out there." Her voice was a harsh hiss, her eyes sharp and fierce. I tottered to the front door, my heart in my throat, pumping wildly, the key was already in the lock, I turned it, it was stiff to turn, perhaps it was this stupid weakness, or just that I was terrified. The door swung open an inch and I peeped out, in front of the house was a large front lawn and a driveway, there were low walls either side and a low wall facing the road, there was a wide gateway across the drive. No one seemed to be about, I opened the door wider, the paper box was across the other side of the steps, tiptoeing quickly, yet my heels clacking noisily on the tiled steps, the little bell tinkling humiliatingly" I got to the box and with trembling fingers opened the lid. The paper was in it, a big broadsheet, the Telegraph, I grabbed it and dropping the lid turned for the door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a movement, I quickly glanced, a man was walking past the gate. He caught my eye, a big smile on his face. "Morning love, nice day?" I nodded mumbling, blushing deeply as I ran as fast as my heels allowed back into the hallway, closing the door behind me I saw him still standing there smiling crudely. She was smiling too when I got back into the dining room. "What a Good little sissy you are, I'm sure you enjoyed that little thrill. now clear these things and call me when you've finished cleaning the kitchen." I cleared the things without a word, my face still burning in humiliation, when would my wife get here? I started the washing up with thoughts of how I'd talk to my wife when she came and as I worked I practised all sorts of scenarios in my mind to persuade her to get me away from her mother? It was as I was mopping the floor that I realised and a horrible thought suddenly occurred to me, our car was no longer outside on the drive, it sent my mind into overdrive. "I can't hear you sissy, have you finished." She appeared at the kitchen door as she spoke. "No time for idle daydreams, now put the mop away and sit on that kitchen chair." She pointed to the hard, wooden chair I'd sat on when I ate my breakfast. I sat feeling nervous, everything she did seemed to make me more and more nervous, where was my wife, I wished she'd turn up, wished she'd get me out of her mother's claws. My mother in law came over to me, then, walking around behind me she reached to the shower cap and suddenly pulled it off my head. I jumped as much in surprise as anything. She felt my head and then she began to quickly take out all the curlers, using a tail comb she'd taken from her pocket to unravel my hair as she did so. The removal was much quicker than when she'd put them in and quite soon she was flicking and messing around at the back of my head with her comb. "There, that's done now girl, now go into the hallway, remove the sheet from the mirror there and work your way round the house removing the coverings from all the mirrors, when you've done that make me a cup of coffee and bring it to me in my study." I got up feeling a weird mixture of curious dread and fear, I hadn't really noticed that the mirrors had been covered up until she'd mentioned it, my mind had been too concerned with the awful things that had been happening to me and my continual escape planning. She watched me closely as I went to the hall mirror I was almost too nervous to touch the sheet, but it seemed to fall away almost as I reached for it, I recoiled and gasped in shock I thought I was about to faint, I couldn't believe it, what had she done to me? I could hardly recognise myself in the mirror, my hair was bleached a white blond and curled in a mass of tight little curls. Stupid pink ribbons were tied at the sides making bunches over my ears, but that wasn't all. My lips, which had felt so odd, were swollen into a silly pout, my cheekbones too seemed enlarged stretching my skin and almost changing the shape of my face, my eyebrows were all but gone and my ears were pierced with tiny rose studs. I whimpered distraught seeing myself like that. what had she done, what had she done to me? I could feel the panic setting in and remembering my numb tongue and my squeaky voice, I poked it out through my swollen lips hardly daring to see what she might have done to it. The stud in the middle of my tongue was the last straw, I couldn't control myself any longer, I just broke down and burst out crying like a stupid fool, whilst I should have been screaming and raving angrily at her. "Don't take all day admiring yourself, you vain little girl, get on with your job, then fetch my coffee." Her voice was cold, cracking like a whip as she spoke. "W, what have you d, done? W, what have you d, done to me?" I wept, hardly able to take my eyes off the childlike girls face in the mirror. "W, when, h, how?" "It will be explained to you in my study sissy, but if you think these things," She gesticulated at me with her hands. "Have happened overnight, you're are a more stupid sissy than I thought. Your face, your voice box, your little titties, they've all taken time to get to this stage, you've been here for over two weeks! Its far, far too late for you to do anything about them now sissy, you are stuck like that so live with it, now get going, do what I told you and bring my coffee into my study before I decide to call the police and throw you out on the street as you are." It was a harrowing, humiliating ordeal going from room to room uncovering every mirror and seeing that stupidly almost infantile feminine face over and over again, I was stunned, emotional, broken and confused and I hardly remember making her coffee. Feeling tearful, numb and extremely nervous, with a general feeling of impending doom, I put her coffee on the tray and brought it through to where she sat in her study, she stood when I came in. It was quite a large room almost as big as the dining room, to one side was a desk with a computer on it with two laden document trays for in and out correspondence, it looked very well organised and professional. In the middle of the room was a large table with chairs drawn up around it. On the table was a laptop and an iPad and a stack of documents divided up with brown document folders, there was something familiar about the iPad and laptop. She sat down in one of the chairs in front of the pile of documents. "Sit down sissy." She gestured to a chair to her left beside her and I reluctantly sat there alongside her. "It has taken a little time to put together this body of evidence sissy, or should I say Leanne." I paled at the word, my heart almost leaping out of my body, my legs suddenly beginning to tremble badly. Leanne was the nickname I used to chat on line and as far as I was aware no one knew it outside of that pretend community. "Yes Leanne, I know everything about you, my daughter brought all your things here including your laptop and iPad. I have a friend who is very good at computers and it didn't take him long to discover all your passwords. You foolishly left some programs open and it was an easy process from there. We have accessed all your internet history, your photographs, your emails and your chats and we have printed them off creating a document of evidence against you." I thought I was going to faint, a pulse was pounding in my fore head. "Of course, in view of this evidence your wife has decided to divorce you, after all she wants to move on with a real man. She has engaged a solicitor and he has produced the relevant forms including copies of this documentation together with a sworn affidavit from someone you have associated with." The room was spinning, I couldn't stand the humiliating hell she was putting me through, I just wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. She took the top folder off the file and picked out a section near the back then began to read loudly from it. "This is a statement taken under oath from a man called Donald who says he met you via an advertisement you put on a website called Craig's List, there is a copy of that advertisement including photographs together with the email with this man agreeing to meet him." My face was bright red now, oh god they knew that too, I'd only done it as a silly stupid whim. I began babbling interrupting her in my stupid squeaky lisping voice. "I, I didn't, I, I mean, I, I only did it for a, a joke, I,I didn't meet him, I, I didn't meet anyone, I didn't, I didn't, it w, was just silly on line chat." "If you'll let me continue." She looked at me acidly. "This is a sworn statement under oath from Donald which says you met him, that you dressed as a girl for him and he had sex with you." I was aghast, it was all lies, I knew it had never happened, yes, he had wanted to meet but I had chickened out and he'd accused me of teasing him. "Noo, noo, I, I didn't I didn't, its lies, it's lies," I wailed. "I'm afraid he goes into detail here Leanne, he says exactly what you did for him and he says here that he was your boyfriend." "Nooo, nooo, it's lies, it's lies, I've never met anyone, never, never, please believe me, he's lying," I sobbed totally distraught. "That's as may be Leanne, but all the documents from your computer support his statement, all that you said in your chats and sent in your emails. And he did give it under oath." She paused. "He was easily persuaded I must admit, but money helps of course and he was annoyed with you for teasing him, it really didn't take long for him to agree to some revenge!" She watched my reaction to her words, my eyes opening wide as it dawned on me, OMG they'd paid him to lie about me, I gripped the chair tightly. "Omg you, you, paid him to lie!" My voice seemed even more high pitched in my shock. She ignored my sobbed retort. "That is of no consequence, the result is in the eyes of the law, we have a legal statement here which is effectively saying that you are a gay sissy." I felt trapped, cornered, they had got a fictitious statement from a man I hardly knew and it was backed up by my own foolish on line chat and now I was finished. "My solicitor is coming over later this afternoon to go over all the paperwork and he will explain everything to you Leanne." I felt like crying my eyes out, I was imprisoned with her slowly destroying me. "Now, the business of your punishment book," She slid an A4 size hardback book in front of me, there was a white text box on the cover which said "name:" and "subject:" each at the start of a few blank lines. "Give me your right hand Leanne." Tearfully trembling, feeling lost and confused, I reluctantly did as she said and lifted my right hand up to hers. Her hand was cold as it slipped over mine, seeking and finding my plastic bracelet cuff. I was almost in a dream, it was as if I was outside my body watching her as she gripped the snap hook from the ring dangling from the cuff, pulling my hand down until she clipped it onto a metal loop in the side of my chair seat. I was left with one free hand, my left hand, now I am very much right handed and find doing anything with my left hand a struggle. I sat there in a stupid daze tugging at my right wrist as she reached over lifting my left hand slipping a pen between my fingers. "Now Leanne, I want you to write your name in the box there." She pointed. "Write Leanne, Mary, James." I looked at her horrified, but her lips were set in a tight-lipped assertiveness. "Come along, quick about it sissy," she spat. Unbalanced, I brought the pen to the line she was pointing at and painfully slowly I struggled with a childish scrawl trying my best to write the words as she repeated herself. "Leanne Mary James." I looked at it when I had finished, it looked no better than a toddler would have managed. She was smiling, that horrible evil smile of hers. "Good girl, now underneath, where it says subject," she said the word slowly as if she was talking to a child. "Write My Punishment Book." I looked at her beseechingly. "Please," I whimpered. "DO IT GIRL." I took all three lines to try and get the words written, it looked like a spider had crawled over the page. "Good girl, you see you can do it if you try, can't you?" she didn't wait for a reply, but opened the book. The pages were set out in columns of varying width, a little like an accounting book, the large column was entitled misdemeanour, a smaller one to the right said punishment and the next one said number. "Now girl, where shall we start." She paused again. "Yes firstly write disobedient." She spelt out the word, again as if she was dealing with a child. Shuddering, with tears running down my cheeks I struggled to scrawl the word "Under punishment put crop and under number put 6 and get a move on, we've got things to do." I have no idea how long it took me to scrawl the list of things she had dreamt up that I had supposedly done wrong, but in the end over half of the page was covered with my childish left handed squiggles. "Well, looking at that Leanne, I think we had better get these addressed now before they get entirely out of hand." She flicked free the snap hook securing my right hand as she stood up, pulling me to my feet and reaching out across the table as she did so. "Come along girl, let's get this sorted out." In her hand I saw that she was holding the dreaded leash again and before I could even think of reacting she had it fixed to my collar and was pulling me along after her. I am sure you must think that I made this all too easy for her, that I accepted it all with a pretty "yes mistress", but whist I did accept what she told me, it was because my mind was completely confused and upset, and to be honest it felt like I was being blackmailed which I couldn't see an escape from and my submissiveness was because I didn't know what I could do to get away from her. She dragged me through the hallway to the door of the cupboard under the stairs and for a moment I was confused thinking she planned to lock me in there, however in the back of that cupboard, hidden behind a coat rack was another door. She opened it to reveal a flight of steps going down into the cellar. I had no idea that the house even had a cellar and I tottered along down the steps into a room that took up most of the space beneath the ground floor of the house. In the room there were various things, items that I took to be gym equipment. At first glance they looked like perfectly normal things, a rowing machine, a cycling machine and a running machine but there were also pieces I suddenly noticed and recognised from the Internet as bdsm equipment. My heart started to pound and I began to tense in horror, what was she intending? She dragged me over to what seemed to be a normal gym horse, it had a step in front of it. "Come along Leanne, get up on the step and bend over the horse girl." Either I had become terribly weak is she had become very strong, her thrust in my back almost making me stumble as she pushed me onto the step and in seconds she was on the other side of the horse pulling me towards her by that damnable leash. I stuck out my hands in an effort to grab the top of the horse to hold myself back, but the leather was well polished and slippery. My hands slid inexorably towards her and with a swift movement those evil cuffs were hooked together and through a large metal ring which seemed to be connected to a rope leading down out of my sight. She was smiling as if satisfied with herself and looking gleefully into my face she began to pull on something. My hands slid over the other side of the horse and down towards the floor following the ring and rope through the pulley system effectively pulling me forward and over the horse. "There now that's much better isn't it Leanne?" I wished she wouldn't keep using that name. "Look what I've got for you, your wife told me it is one of your favourite toys." To my horror and abject humiliation she produced the crop that my wife had used on me that last time we had been together, not only had she told her mother about it and how she used it on me but she had actually given it to her. She waved it about in front of my face. "Isn't she kind thinking of you, she didn't want you to feel lonely did she, she wanted you to have something you love and remember of hers and now she has given it to me for you Leanne hmmm?" She was rubbing the flat end across my lips as I tried to cringe away from it. "Kiss it Leanne, kiss it, I'm sure you want to, I'm sure you are so glad to see it aren't you, now give it a nice kiss like a good girl and I will tell your wife how good you are for me." She kept rubbing it across my lips until I eventually gave in and kissed it, anything to make her stop this terrible humiliation. "Good girl, now let's get on with your punishments before lunch and before my solicitor comes this afternoon." I lay there struggling over the horse tugging at my taught arms, my wrists somehow secured near the floor. Taking her time she lifted my dress and petticoats, smoothing them up over my back before gently tugging my panties down over my bottom and down my legs to my knees. The whole affair had me trembling all over, stupid whimpers escaping my thickened lips, a mixture of, humiliation, eroticism and hatred coursing through my veins, whilst fearing the pain from the impending inescapable beating. Strangely the whipping, when it started, wasn't as painful as those my wife had previously given me. This wasn't violent and vindictive, this was a clever practised continuous, never ending stinging teasing all over my bottom, slowly developing a growing tingling heat, yet not a severe screaming pain. She was an expert at teasing with the crop, gradually making me wriggle and quiver, whimpering louder and louder, my pleading becoming more and more submissive until I was sobbing begging her, pleading with her to stop. Eventually she did, smiling to herself at breaking my will, yet still keen to test me. "Good girl Leanne, you enjoyed that didn't you, hmm?" She paused for my reply, softly resting the palm of her hand on my stinging cherry red cheeks and making me flinch in expectation of further whipping. "You did enjoy it didn't you Leanne?" Her words were loaded with threat. "Y yess," I whimpered, dying inside in humiliation. "I think you should thank me then Leanne, thank your mistress like a good girl. Her fingers brushed lightly over my stinging rump. "T,thank you mistress." It came out as a sob of pain and frustration. "Good girl Leanne, I think you deserve the little presents I've got for." I whimpered in a hateful dread as she slowly pulled my panties down to my ankles slipping them off over my left heel whilst leaving them dangling from my right ankle. She was working purposely almost as if it was something she did regularly, everything planned and coordinated whilst also a further deepening of my emotional hell. The spreader bar, when she produced it she fitted around my legs just above my knees, spreading my thighs uncomfortably apart whilst I quivered and wriggled there, pulling on my bondage in my futile attempts to stop her. Now she had full access to the chastity device she had fitted to me those two weeks ago, she slid her hands under and around it, around me in a humiliating and suspenseful investigation before walking around to my head again. She waved a similar yet smaller contraption in front of me, it was made in clear plastic, but you could see curious rows of small metal buttons along the inside the sleeve, neat wires connecting them to a small compartment close to the ring where there appeared to be two silver round, flat batteries. This sleeve was hinged to the ring which was in turn hinged in the middle as she demonstrated in front of my eyes. "Look, you can see that it has a row of electrical contacts inside it they will go right along either side of your little clit Leanne. It is for electro stimulation and I have the remote control box, won't we have fun with it Leanne?" She paused, her eyes burning into me. " The more excited you get the tighter it becomes Leanne and more of those lovely contacts will effect your little clit," Each sentence was punctuated with a pause as if she was enjoying the effect of every word. "You will become so submissive when I control you Leanne, you won't be able to say no to anything I say." I trembled in a horrified fear, her sheer insanity filling me with terror. "I don't have to worry about a padlock either Leanne, this one has a little screw that holds it together with a tool to screw it in place. I have to be careful screwing it in though Leanne because if you move and it gets crossed then there is no way to remove it unless we bring you to a blacksmith." She smirked seeing the effect her words were having on me. "You'd better keep still now Leanne hadn't you?" Disappearing back behind me I felt her hands warm against me as she removed the old device, the cool air a fresh tickle around my genitals, a wonderful feeling of freedom flowing through me. "It looks so tiny now Leanne, you're not masculine at all are you hmm?" She never missed the opportunity to humiliate me, yet I couldn't stop myself from moaning softly as she wiped over and around me with her surgical wipes, my penis swelling, stupidly begging for her touch. The freezing spray was a complete shock making me squirm in my attempt to avoid it as she sprayed it all over me. The cold had the effect she knew it would as I shrank inexorably and swiftly, dextrously she encased me in that new tiny chastity device. "That was easy wasn't it Leanne? Now we can try the remote to see if it works." I quivered and struggled in a renewed effort to try to free myself until a tingling sensation began in my entrapped penis, it felt like she was gently tickling me, I froze. "You can feel that Leanne, can't you? Doesn't it feel nice?" She could see my reaction instantly, Her words a tease but her voice laced with threat and foreboding. "There are 12 levels and 5 different modes to try Leanne, this is only level 1, let's try level 2." The resultant switch increased the feeling noticeably and before I knew it I was whimpering, squirming and wriggling against the horse. "Now for your other present Leanne." The electrical stimulation was teasing me mercilessly, my poor penis was trying its hardest to stiffen in its tiny tight prison and I could hardly concentrate, or think what she was saying. I didn't really take in her appearance by my face again, but what she waved right in front of me cleared my mind instantly as I looked at it in horror. I'd often seen pictures of butt plugs on tumblr, but actually seeing something like this in real life was a shocking jolt made worse still being in my mother in laws hands, it made my stomach tie up in fearful humiliating knots. The plug looked a frighteningly large gleaming metal thing with a twinkling rose glass Jewel at its end and its very appearance terrified me to such an extent that I all but forgot about the bursts of electrical impulses still teasing my poor penis. "No, no, please you can't, oh god please no." I was actually begging, my stupid lisping squeaky voice sounding silly in my ears. "Yes I can and I am Leanne, I know what's good for a gay little sissy like you, after all you'll never accommodate a man successfully until your properly trained." She was squeezing KYGel onto the plug as she spoke, coating it in her palms making me watch as she did so. "Eventually you'll love the feeling so much you'll want it all the time and perhaps then I'll make you beg me to put it in you." Her laugh was coarse and mocking as she disappeared behind me once more. I cringed in fear, tightening my buttocks. I felt the cold head of the horrific thing touching my rectum. She teased me with it there, slowly enjoying every second as she pushed it in a little, then let it out, going a bit further each time, stopping as I tensed, but repeating again and again. She was pushing it in harder and harder, opening me and it really began to hurt so much I was squealing begging her to stop as I whimpered in the pain and discomfort. "Let's try level 3 shall we Leanne, I'm sure it will help." The impulses surged through my tiny imprisoned penis creating a sudden tight vibrating spasm before relaxing for a second or two or three or four then surging through me again and suddenly I couldn't think straight, I was moaning, whimpering, waiting, one, two, three, four, ohhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhh. I suppose I was wriggling too and suddenly I was putty in her hands, the feeling in my rectum a painful confusion before, one, two, three, four, ohhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhh god oh God and suddenly it was in me, snuggly located between my cheeks and I felt strangely full and odd and one, two, three, four, ohhhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh, I was going crazy, I wanted to cum I wanted to cum, I wanted to cum so much. One, two, three, four....... "There, that's enough of that Leanne, after all you've got my lunch to make." The spreader bar was gone and I was quivering, lost, denied, wanting, waiting for, but she'd switched it off, my poor entrapped penis dribbling in need wetting my panties which she'd already pulled up over my still stinging red cheeks. I was a wreck when she led me back up to the kitchen, my bottom wiggling stupidly as I walked, forced to walk that way by the plug inside me, its weight giving me the oddest feelings, its size giving me a feeling of uncomfortable fullness. I could hardly think straight or concentrate, her instructions for her lunch repeated twice to get through the mush in my head. By the time I had managed to serve her to her satisfaction, then cleared and washed her dishes before I was able to sit in careful trepidation to eat my own meagre puree of food, I was mentally and physically exhausted. The door bell made me jump, my heart rate a crazy palpitation that made me want to hide in a quivering nervous embarrassment. She answered the door herself as I sat nervously listening, she brought the visitor into her study and closed the door the quiet burble of their voices no more than a noise. The door opened again twenty minutes later and I heard her calling. "Leanne, come here, now." I peeped around the kitchen door too embarrassed to be seen. "Come along, quick about it sissy, my solicitor is here to go through the legalities of your divorce." She waved the lead at me as a threat, gesticulating that I go through into the study and I went in through the door in a blinding blushing humiliation. An older short plump man was sitting at the table, he wore thick glasses and he was balding, in front of him on the table was his open briefcase containing a pile of forms. He looked me up and down smiling lewdly as I nervously entered the room. "Ah Richie, come and sit down here by me." His voice was like warm butter as he pointed to the chair by his side and burning with humiliation at him looking at me dressed like this I quaveringly sat, the plug pushing into me, a horrible reminder as I did so. My mother in law followed me into the room closing the door behind her before she sat in a chair on the opposite side of the table to me. "Now Richie, your mother in law, Mrs Davies has very kindly asked me to represent you in this, umm, matter, you understand that your wife has filed for divorce?" I barely nodded. "Good, this is the form which she has filed with her solicitor," He pointed to a thick multi paged document in front of him. "I am here to go through the form with you and fill in the necessary legal responses in order for the divorce to proceed. Do you understand?" I nodded again. "I must ask you to verbally answer me now and to the following questions Richie, do you understand?" "Yes." My voice was quiet and tremulous and I struggled to moderate my stupid lisp and squeaky tone. "Good, now let us start, first your name is written here as Richard W Jones and your previous address was the Old Cottage Marsh Lane Cwyndog. Is that correct?" "Yes." The word previous unnerved me. "Your details now for correspondence will be Richie W Jones c/o Mrs D Davies The Old Manse Longfield Drive, Llantyglos, your mother in law, Mrs Davies' has explained and briefed me with this agreement," I looked at him aghast. "I want you to sign here and here to confirm that these details are correct." He pointed to two places on the bottom of the first page and handed me a biro. I looked at him, then her, she took a little plastic box out of her pocket and placed it on the table, then looking directly into my eyes she pressed one of the buttons on it. Almost immediately a tickling teasing pulse started in my poor entrapped penis. I couldn't stop myself from giving a little whimper, grabbing the biro as her finger hovered over the next button I shakily signed the form where he had pointed. "Good, Mrs Davies has also advised me that from now on I am to call you Leanne and under that advice we will now proceed." The humiliation was bubbling through my veins in waves of abject embarrassment. He turned over the page and started to go through the legalities of the form. "Your wife has cited you on several counts and we will go through them one by one Leanne." He stressed the name. "Firstly she accuses you of lying to her over your sexuality, she says that you acted as a heterosexual male whilst in actual fact you are a homosexual sissy." I gasped, "Noo, nooo, I, I'm not I'm not." My voice sounded high pitched and girlish. "If you will permit me to proceed Leanne." He looked at me, his eyes steely and hard, I dropped my hands into my lap, dropping my eyes in submission. "As I was saying." He paused. "She is accusing you of being a homosexual sissy and included in this form under appendix 1,2,3, 4 and 5 is a body of evidence which she has provided to her solicitor and which effectively substantiates that statement. Appendix 1 is a list of emails sent by you and downloaded from your laptop and ipad, Appendix 2 is a transcript of all chat conversations which you have had with various men, Appendix 3 is a catalogue of photographs of yourself dressed as a sissy, in female clothing Appendix 4 is a copy of an advert which you placed on the dating web site Craigs List, including revealing photographs Appendix 5 is a sworn affidavit from a man who says you met and had sex with him." He looked up at me. "So you can see Leanne, she has a great deal of incriminating evidence." I couldn't look at him I was too embarrassed and humiliated, my emotions stupidly almost out of control and all I wanted to do was cry. "Now Leanne, we have two options open to us, we agree with the accusation and comply with all the terms of the divorce or we challenge the accusations your wife has made.... Before you give me an answer to that, let me first give you a rider which her solicitor has included and may affect your decision...... If you decide to challenge the accusations, your wife has made it clear on advice that she has received , that she fully intends that the case will be brought before the court in a public hearing." He paused again, looking at me........ "I need not remind you Leanne that all the evidence which her solicitor has, will be gone through in fine detail in a very public environment. The papers will of course love it, we all know that this sort of thing is the bread and butter of the gutter press." I gave out a whimpering sob, tears welling up in my eyes, I felt totally trapped. "So, what is it to be Leanne, option 1 or option 2?" he paused yet again...... "As the solicitor employed by your mother in law to act in your best interest, I would candidly suggest you quietly accept option 1." It was of course a no brainer, I'd been stupid enough to play such silly games on the internet and now it had come back to haunt me. I nodded ......"Yyes, Option 1." It was a half whisper. "Good, that does make things a lot easier and a lot quicker Leanne, now let us go through the details of option 1 so that you fully understand it when you sign in agreement to it. As I mentioned previously, first you agree with the accusations, which you have done, therefore if you will sign here to say you admit to the accusations as stated, regarding your lies and your sexuality as provided in the afore mentioned appendices." He pointed out the place to sign and somewhat reluctantly, with a trembling hand, blushing deeply I did so. "Good, now we carry on to the actual terms of the divorce as stipulated. 1. You will give away your right to the house and all its contents," I signed, I just wanted all this humiliation finished now. "2. You give all joint bank accounts over to your wife's sole name," I signed again, there wasn't much in the joint accounts anyway. "3. You agree never to come within any proximity of your wife or your wife's home unless told to do so by her or her representatives," I signed, the sooner this was all done the better. "4. You agree to resign from your job immediately," That one was a surprise, but in reality, if I was to make a fresh start then I would leave my job anyway and besides it wasn't a particularly good job, after all I was only a clerical officer. I signed again where he pointed. "5. You will agree to obey each and every direction and order that you are given by Mrs D Davies, failure to do this specifically will immediately invoke this agreement." I paled, looking at him aghast, then looking across at her, she was smiling that evil cruel smile of hers, out of the corner of my eye I saw her finger press down and the pulses strengthened through my penis, a quivering submissiveness immediately growing within me. "Sign here Leanne," His voice was loud and harder. I was struggling to think straight I knew that I was being blackmailed, but I couldn't concentrate to see a way out of this, they were tying me in knots. "HERE LEANNE." His shout made me jump and I hurriedly scribbled along the line. "Good, now where were we, ah yes item 6. You will agree to become the employee of Mrs D Davies working for her under her close and specific direction and control." I was literally quivering, the pulses through me stopping me from thinking straight "Sign here Leanne." His voice was so forceful it drove my quivering pen to the line. "Item 7. In order to monitor your continued agreement to all these terms you will henceforth live under Mrs D Davies's roof and in so doing accept all and every one of the ground rules that she gives you. This particular codicil Leanne, is very specific and has been put in in order for your wife to be assured that you will adhere to the full conditions of the divorce. She wishes for her mother to fully monitor and ensure that you follow all the terms as referred to in this and other documents and I have to point out that failure to do so will negate the entire divorce agreement. In which case the divorce papers, which will be held by her solicitor in abeyance, will be invoked through the public courts. Now if you sign here, that will conclude all the terms of the divorce and unless you want me to go through the conditions, which are all quite specific but written in legal jargon I'm afraid." He flicked through several closely typed pages. "Then I would suggest you just agree and accept them by signing here, here and here also." He pushed the document in front of me, pointing to the several signature lines. I looked across the table at her, her finger was poised once more and I knew I would be a total humiliated mess if she pressed it again so with a horrible feeling of entrapment I quaveringly signed in all the places he pointed to. He folded up the form and put it to one side then took another from his briefcase. "Right now Leanne, this form is requesting a legal change of name by deed pole which has been stipulated by your mother in law and is referred to in the terms and conditions of the divorce and which I referred to previously. I have already filled in the details which were provided by your mother in law, it gives your previous name and address as on your divorce papers and here we have the new name you wish to be called Leanne Mary Jones. I need you to sign here with your old name," he pointed to a line. I stared at it in a quivering horror. "Please no, you, you can't do this, oh my god you c can't make me sign this." He moved close beside me and began speaking as if he was explaining things to a young child. "Let me explain Leanne, you have no choice in this matter, you have signed the divorce papers agreeing to all the terms and conditions, if you don't do as you are told now, there is no alternative but for the divorce agreement to be nullified and for the divorce settlement to go through the public courts as your wife wants. You know that you will appear totally guilty in the eyes of the court. Yes the chats, pictures and emails could be construed as the stupid fantasies of a foolish sissy man, but the advertisement in Craigs List with your lovely pictures and the corresponding replies and communication with this man, followed up with his sworn statement that you met him dressed as a woman and had sex with him......" He paused looking through his thick lenses directly into my face. "Your wife's solicitor will make a real meal of that and he will prove completely that you cheated on her with a man, that you broke your marriage vows and that you are in fact a gay sissy. Just remember that, when I tell you to sign the forms to which the divorce conditions refer. Now sign just below your old name with your usual signature." I wanted to burst into tears, my face was on fire, my head throbbing, yet my poor penis was tingling unstoppably to each pulse she was giving me with that hated tens. With my hand shaking badly I signed where he pointed. "Good, now give me the pen Leanne." I offered it to him and he slid his hand around my wrist pulling it down to the chair I was sitting on and swiftly hooked my bracelet cuff to the loop on it once again. My reactions were slow, it was only when the clip clicked into place that I fully realised what was happening but it was too late and I was suddenly tugging and pulling at my secured wrist. "Mrs Davies advised me that we need to do this for you to sign your new name Leanne and all the rest of the forms will have to be signed in your new name. Now take the pen in your left hand and sign beneath your new name, sign fully, Leanne Mary Jones." I looked at him pleadingly, but his eyes were steely as he pointed at the page, distraught, the pulses from the tens constantly distracting me, I took the pen again and struggling produced a childish scrawl along the line. I was in a mental overload of confusion and emotion as he produced form after form, his descriptions and explanations becoming a blur. There was a tenancy agreement with my mother in law, there was an employment contract with her and then came the last, a stapled A4 folder. "This is the last form for now Leanne, it is an enduring power of attorney, it is only invoked when a doctor, your doctor and your solicitor deem that it is necessary, meaning when they judge you are unable to make your own decisions." A chill fear began gnawing inside me, the distraction of the pulses in my sex confusing me, the arousal it was causing twisting the meaning of his words. "The form comes in two parts, the first gives the registered legally assigned person the power to make decisions over any or all of your financial affairs and the second gives that assigned person the power to make any or all decisions over your health and general welfare." I looked at the form in a daze "The form has already been filled out and Mrs Davies's details have been filled in as the legally registered attorney, you need to sign here Leanne." Her finger slid over the next button and the pulses increased in their strength, I couldn't help it as a soft moan escaped from my lips and I wriggled in my seat, the plug pushing even deeper inside me as I quivered in a trembling mindlessness gripped in a terrible arousal. The pen was in my fingers, my hand guided to the line and whimpering, awaiting yet fearing the next pulse, I scrawled my childlike scrawl. "Good girl Leanne, well done. You will be delighted to hear I'm sure, that I am your solicitor as agreed by you in the previous forms and I will now sign the enduring power of attorney too, stating that you are no longer capable of your own judgement." I stared at him aghast, they'd tricked me, but then the pulse began again and I found myself just quivering and moaning, the electric pulse teasing my poor penis to distraction. He smiled, it wasn't a nice smile, I am also pleased to say that your new doctor, Dr Geraldine Cole, whom Mrs Davies has kindly been consulting on your behalf and who runs the Sandwell private clinic, has also signed this power of attorney." He paused letting his words sink in as I panted, hardly understanding, wriggling in growing teasing arousal to the never ending pulsing grip of the tens. "As soon as this form is registered, which will take a few days, Mrs Davies will have full and complete power of attorney over you, as agreed and signed by you. She effectively owns you now you little slut." And he tittered with a horrible demeaning triumph. I was whimpering little gasping whimpers, my entire body so close to a climax, I think I'd have agreed to anything then. "I've taken the liberty of making copies of your sexy Craig's list pictures for myself girl, I want you to sign them for me now, so that I can show them to all my friends." His lips were so close to me I could feel the tickle of his breath on my ear. "Come on you little slut, write 'with all my love Leanne', you know you are going to." With my breath coming in short swift pants, so close, so close, begging to climax, I scrawled to his dictation on each one that he put in front of me. Not able to concentrate I just scrawled on each, not realising how many there were until it dawned on me that the last three I'd written across were pictures of me in a cot wearing a baby's dress, cuddling a doll and sucking a bottle. My climax was so close now, yet the humiliation of seeing them was creating a mental battle inside my head. The sudden stop of the pulses didn't seem to have much immediate effect but as my yearning penis eased I realised he was rubbing my nipples through my dress whilst whispering in my ear in a snakish hiss. "You love that don't you baby? There is so much I want to do with you." "Now Leanne, thank Mister Walters for his help. You'll stay for supper Barry?" her words were concise and authoritative. I just sat there silently in a physical and emotional hell "That is so kind of you Donna I'd love to, all I have to go home to is a TV dinner and to clean the house, something I have been putting off for days." "Well Barry, I am sure I can come to some arrangement to help you with that, I'll make sure that Leanne will be free for you one day a week. Now Leanne thank Mister Walters as I told you then run along and make us supper, whilst we have a drink to celebrate." He unclipped my wrist from the chair and smiled lewdly at me, I couldn't look at him, but she was almost daring me to disobey. Taking a gasping breath, I babbled a quick, "Thnks," whilst getting up ready to scurry off back to the relative security of the kitchen with a panicked disgust at myself and the whole episode. "No Leanne." She stopped me before I reached the door. "That's not good enough, after all Mister Walters has made a special effort to help you with your problems." Her voice, a sharp bark, was instructional as if she was talking to a little girl. "Now come back and stand in front of him, look at him and thank him properly." I looked at her pleadingly, please don't make me do this, but her lips were set in a tight line, her hands on her hips expectantly. Trembling I returned and stood before him in a hateful defeated acceptance, every inch of me burning in a total embarrassment of humiliation. "Thank you Ssir," My words almost stuck in my throat, my squeaky lisp sounding ludicrous in my ears. His smile was one of lewd delight. "Oh, Little baby, don't worry, I know you are going to pay me back for my troubles, but for now give me a nice kiss to show me how much you mean it." I was taken aback, a shocked disgust coursing through me, I might have stupidly chatted to men over the internet but the thought of actually kissing one, especially him, made me feel sick. "Do as Mister Walters has told you, don't keep him waiting Leanne, or do I need to teach you another lesson girl?" her voice was loud and authoritative. She was close by me watching my every move and I knew that she would relish a chance to do unmentionable things to me and in front of him too. With a dragging reluctance, I opted for the lesser of two evils and shuffled forward an inch, leaning towards him, hoping to sneak a little peck on his cheek. He had nothing of it, his arm snaked around me pulling me into him, his fat face with his twisted lips seeking me and suddenly I was against him. His lips confounded my evasion and found mine, his tongue in a tobacco breath forcing between them entering my mouth in a disgusting probing rape that left me gagging. "Kiss him properly bitch or by hell you'll go back to the basement," Her voice a raised hiss, her hand giving a hard smack on my already tender striped bum making me jump against him. Taking a quivering breath with complete self-disgust I gave in and allowed him to hold me tight, fully ravish my mouth, with his sucking and probing until with my eyes tightly closed I found myself unbelievably kissing him back, stupidly swooning to his oral ministrations. When he eventually stopped, releasing his tight grip on me, he smiled that filthily triumphant smile of his, directly into my face, he knew what he'd made me feel. "What a dirty little slut you are Leanne, I can't wait to show you to my friends." I almost ran from the room, the sound of their laughter burning in my ears. I made their supper in sobbing self-pity, the whole episode going round and round in my mind, hating her, hating him, yet knowing deep down that this was all my own stupid fault. I laid the table in the dining room and called them to their food, hardly daring to enter the lounge where they were both sitting drinking their gin and tonics. Just seeing them increased my humiliation again, making me turn and hurry away to serve them as they sat down. His hand slipped up over my stocking clad thighs as I placed his plate in front of him, making me jerk away. Her stinging slap on my bum stopped me. "You must learn Leanne that If a man wants to touch you as you serve at the table you allow him to have his enjoyment, that's what sissy maids like you are for, now apologise to him." The feeling of disgust and self-loathing welled up within me again, yet I turned to look at him, hating myself as I did so. "I'm sorry sir." My feeble lisp sounded submissive and weak. He nodded, looking serious, "Come along and dish out my vegetables girl," I knew what he meant, yet I returned to his side. With a trembling spoon I began to serve the various vegetables as his hand returned to my thighs, slipping upwards beneath the hem of my dress until he was cupping the cheeks of my bottom. I paused in a terrified stillness, the empty spoon frozen in mid-air, he suddenly chuckled, patting my bottom before removing his hand. Their conversation continued then as if I wasn't there so I hurriedly finished in bright red embarrassment before rushing back to the relative safety of the kitchen. Sitting uncomfortably at the kitchen table, my head in my hands, tears of frustration and self-blame trickling down my cheeks I couldn't think further than my own recriminations. Foolishly I just went over and over my own stupidity with little or no thought of a way of escape, oh how I would regret that later. Her call woke me from my self-pitying trance, I had no idea I had been sitting there lost in my own thoughts. "Leanne, where are you? Come here and quick about it, Mister Walters is leaving now, see him to the door and bring his case to his car for him." I tottered out into the hallway, feeling weak and tremulous to see them both standing there, she looked at me with a sadistic satisfaction then pointed to the case which was sitting on the hall table. "See Mister Walters to his car and bring his case for him," She knew what I was thinking, knew she was making me carry the case full of papers that would destroy my life. Hesitantly I picked it up, hating what I was doing yet in no position to fight them and I made my way nervously past him to the front door. Luckily it was now evening, the long shadows providing some cover to hide my shameful blatant appearance, never the less I hurried to his car which was parked where mine had been parked at the start of this whole fateful episode and I stood waiting for him. He finished talking to my mother in law on the doorstep, then giving her a kiss on her proffered cheek he walked casually over to me, pressing the remote locking button as he did. "Put it in the boot Leanne, we wouldn't want to lose those important forms would we." He knew he was piling on the mental agony I was feeling. I shuffled around to the boot of the car which was facing the gateway, nervously looking around for random passers-by as I did so. "Its open. Just lift it," he said, following me around to the back of the car. I gave the boot lid a trial tug and it lifted easily. "Push it right into the back." I swung the leather case up and began sadly pushing it to the back of the car boot. His unsuspecting touch making me jump once again. "Push it right in little slut," he whispered behind me, his hand slipping up over my legs once again, lifting my dress as he did so. Quivering and whimpering in abject embarrassment in the knowledge that my panty clad bottom was being fully revealed to anyone who might see, I hurriedly thrust the case to the back of the boot and turned to free myself from him in order to rush back to the debateable security of the house. "Now, now baby girl, I won't have you rushing off without giving me a goodbye kiss." His grip on my wrist was like a vice. "I can't wait to have you, you little slut, my friends and I are going to have so much fun with you." His whisper was a lewd hiss as he pushed against me, trapping me against the car, his thick tongue seeking me as his fat blotchy face closed upon mine. His hands were all over me as I wriggled to try to stop him and free myself, but there was no escape from his disgusting kisses. He finally released me in a lustful growl and in a retching degraded dash I ran back into the house locking the front door behind me as I sobbed at my own inadequacies.

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In Submission to a Dominant Force part 7

I am constantly criticised for "not finishing" my stories and I do admit that in Dolly's case it is unfinished, but in most of my stories I try to end in an open and hopefully suspenseful way. I do this for a few different reasons, I like to leave some things to my readers imagination, I love to think I leave you wanting more and I like to leave an opening so that I can either return and continue or change the course of the narrative. Please also understand that I am not a full time...

2 years ago
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His Dominant Landlady

Eighteen year old James Morgan was sitting across the desk from an attractive middle aged lady who was explaining to him that there was no accommodation in the Halls of Residence at the University of the Arts in South London. James had been delayed on his return to England after holidaying with his parents by striking French farmers and fisherman who had blockaded both the Channel Tunnel and the ports until their demands were met. Mrs. Heather Talbot was explaining that this year saw an above...

3 years ago
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Hot new dominant wife we both have boyfriends my new title cuckold cum slut

Hot new dominant wife, we both have boyfriends, my new title... cuckold, cum slut I am 30 years old, married 6 months ago and have only had sex with my wife twice, what ever did I do to deserve this. Let me explain my life before my wife and the position I am in now. I had been single for 30 years, having fun with my buddies and on occasion would run across a girl at our local watering hole have some recreational sex. Life was good, then one day while hanging out in the local pub...

2 years ago
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Learning to be more dominant

I arrived at the door of the property. It seemed nothing unusual; typical house in the street; manicured lawns, neat hedges, pretty plants along the borders. I guessed that a lot of the neighbours were quite competitive with each other over who had the nicest garden, house, car, etc. Anyway, I'm not here to admire what I can't afford; here to work. Work, last day before my contract comes to an end. It's been a mostly good job but I have a new one starting on Monday and I will be happy for this...

4 years ago
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Submission 8

As I left Bev's, I took the long way back to my house, so that I could think through some of the delicate aspects of the ever expanding complications of my i****tuous life. I had originally acted solely on my desire to seduce my mother, and to have her be my willing slave. It was a great fantasy, and an even better reality. This whole master plan of mine had been sent hurdling down the track at a blazing speed. In the process, it had taken several side trips, and it looked as though it was...

3 years ago
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Becoming Dominant Ch 03

(More sex for starters, but don’t worry, the story won’t be one long orgy…Not sure if that’s a bad thing on this site, but still.) * Cum spurt from Casey’s cock into Tori once again, instantly setting off yet another simultaneous orgasm as she gasped and moaned bent over the foot of the king-sized bed in front of them. He felt muscles twitch from all the way down his legs up around his ribs as his whole body enjoyed the sensation of cumming into this pussy he had just claimed for himself....

3 years ago
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Submission Night Natalia Part Six

That night was different. Natalia was about to introduce my stiff cock into her mouth as the first act of ‘submission night’, as I had called her forfeit. Some days ago, we had watched the movie “The Dreamers”, and to follow the thematic of the film, we had been making questions to each other, some kind of movie trivia questions, and whoever couldn’t answer a question would have a forfeit.Two days before, she had not been able to answer one of my questions, so the consequence was a night of sex...

College Sex
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My fascination and addition to bondage, submission, and sex began when I almost 14. It began when my 20 Yr old first cousin from up north came to visit my grandparents for a week. My other first cousins includimg one wild female one all came to see him. They decided they all wanted to go to town and I wanted to go too. They said I was too young and couldn't go.I told them I was going to have grandpa make them take me with them, and they said I wasn't. They grabbed me, holding a hand over my...

2 years ago
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Submission poem

[Written in 2007]submission, submissionnot a deadline nor an entrya state of being,an act unjustified by any other emotion?(getting down on one's knees,begging for the collar)how little is not enough,how big is too much?shaking and shiveringyet aiming to keep calm composure(Do you wish to be pleased today? -tomorrow, everyday?-How do you desire to be pleased? Every part of my body is for you)Is it naturalOr developed from c***dhood memories?Does one embrace itOr keep it tucked away?(Bind me,...

1 year ago
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Submission 7

More than any other chapter thus far, it is important to read the previous chapter (6), in order to have a good grasp of the beginning of this episode.*The four of us, mom, Beverly, Fred and, I had just had an amazing experience together. Yet, I felt like shit because of Beverly's deep concern about her reaction to it all. I openly expressed my thoughts about it to Fred, in the hope that he might have some insight. But he was as puzzled as I was."Tim, when it comes to awkward situations, you're...

2 years ago
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Submission of a General

       Tiberius Artemus tossed the majority of his cape over his shoulder, holding the bulk of it traditionally over his arm. To his left and right, two guards walked alongside of him. Though he knew they were bred and trained to fight and kill, he could not help taking in their pleasurable appearances. Their main bodice of armor, though tough looking corsets of leather, ended with thong bottoms. The women’s breasts spilled out from on top, since there was nothing to cover them. Around their...

2 years ago
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Submission Knows No Limits

Submission Knows No Limits                                                     By                                  Katey Caine                             i am kneeling, completely naked, in the position that i am to assume with my Master. He has told me that i must always have my eyes downward, kneeling with my back straight and my hands behind my back. He has told me that i am not allowed to wear clothes in His presence, except in public, outside the confines of the house. Within these...

3 years ago
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Letter to a Dominant Lover

My Dearest X, Perhaps I should start with the knowns:We love each other dearly.You are a dominant personality and, in terms of love and sexuality, I am submissive.We are adults, both with good professional reputations, and therefor what we share goes far beyond the phony “sir” and “master” nonsense beloved of the chat line want to be dominants.We also realise that our professional lives demand that we ignore many of the other domination clichés. My turning up to the office dressed as a French...

2 years ago
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My Dominant Experience

Thanks to the trend 50 shades of grey I ve met a couple of ladies who wanted me to dominate them.At first I thought I was dominant just by fucking them hard but then I started enjoying the feeling control. I mean really enjoying it. The amazing rush that dominance gives. So I got into it more I was just watching hardcore porn then started having interests in more kinky stuff.After few times of fucking in the dominant role I evolved and probably will continue the more I do this.Last week I...

4 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 29 The Dominants PartyPart 1

The site for the party was outside the city, at an isolated club. The clubhouse had been rented for the evening, with the catering supplied by one of the dominants. His catering staff were also his slaves, so both good service and discretion were assured. When Gretchen and Nina arrived, Gretchen parked the car, and turned to Nina. "This is the last chance. Once we get out of this car, we are committed to whatever will happen." "Mistress, I have complete faith in you, and I trust you...

3 years ago
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In Submission to a Dominant Force part 5

Between them they wheeled me out of the house, I tried to hide my head in shame, wishing I could cover myself up and disappear from sight. The morning sun was bright making me blink, I felt it hot on my bare knees, the gentle breeze flicking up the hem of the stupid dress, I felt so completely humiliated, so ashamed. People were passing by on the pavement, some looking curiously, some hastily looking away, but the men carried on as if it was totally normal, wheeling me up a ramp into...

2 years ago
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In Submission to a Dominant Force part 6

It seemed to take ages for her to return, I heard the key in the lock and I trembled in fearful apprehension as the door opened. Slowly, over the weeks, she had created an abject fear inside me, yet that fear was mixed with a terrible feeling of weakness. Now, as I heard her opening the door I could only sit there quivering, wondering where my masculinity had gone. The door swung wide open and there she stood, wearing the clear plastic hooded robe that she had tormented me in before. I...

2 years ago
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Dominant Black Tales and Submissive Ch 02

It had been two weeks since Bryan's adventure and he hadn't been able to keep his mind off the events of that memorable night. During meetings at work, he would drift off in fantasy to the words that Desire last said. "Know that tonight was c***d's play compared to what you will experience again" He had flashbacks. Was it possible that he did the unspeakable things his mind's eye recalled? Eating black pussy, sucking big, black cocks . . . real and unreal, begging to get fucked and craving...

3 years ago
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My dominant Mother

MY DOMINANT MOTHER My father left my mother, just after I was born. When I turned 8 my father told me that he had left my mother and divorced her, because she was too domineering! I was born Harry, then when I turned 6, my mother changed my name to Heather. All the time that I was growing up, she dressed me as a girl. She let my blond hair grow out to below my ears, and kept me dressed as a girl, even after I started into school. I always wore dresses, and girls flat shoes, with...

3 years ago
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Submission An Erotic Journey

Submission: An Erotic Journey of Discovery One A tiny bead of perspiration traced a path on the man’s hair and in spite of the difficulty, managed to move to his skin. Moving slowly down, it meandered aimlessly through the crevices of flesh formed by the constricting leather punishment hood and collar and further down the bound man’s body. Glistening in the light from the candles it reflected their glow and became transformed from a clear bit of nothing into a shimmering jewel of passion...

3 years ago
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Submission Day

It is Submission Day. As Meg hits send on her final draft of Sealed with a Kiss, she can’t help but feel excited, nervous, and fucking terrified all at the same time. This happens every Submission Day, but this one is different. Abigail is a character that Meg worked long and hard for, so what if her agent doesn’t like it? Hell, what if it gets rejected? All the usual anxiety whirls into a hurricane in her head, and she’s learned three ways of dealing with it: yoga, ice cream, and/or hot,...

2 years ago
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Submission By: Erapuer - [email protected] THE FOLLOWING STORY IS 100% FICTION, IT WAS WRITTEN BY ME AND MEANT TO ONLY BE DISPLAYED ON FICTIONMANIA.TV. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE MY STORY ELSEWHERE PLEASE CONTACT ME AT MY EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. I had been married to Candis for approximately 2 ? months and we still had not had sex. To be more accurate, I had still not had any sex. She was free to sleep with whoever she wanted, which meant I was not an option. Our...

3 years ago
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Submission Part 1

Submission: Yes I know you see a tall Muslim woman wearing a black burka but I was not always like this. You see I was born a boy and not even a Muslim boy. Let me tell you my story. I was a man like you once. Before I learnt to submit to the will of Allah and his prophet peace be upon him. The village where I grew up was very WASP and the prevailing environment led people to have a very toxic attitude to foreigners and I was a product of that environment. I hated immigrants who...

3 years ago
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Submission to a Slut

Submission to a Slut (F/FM fdom spank oral)I knew that there was something on Shayla's mind when we went out to dinner that weekend.  Two glasses of wine later, she began to tell me what she had been thinking about.  I knew that she had been backing off from her dominance in our relationship, and she admitted it when I pressed her to talk."I know it's lost the spark for you too," she said.  "It's not that I don't enjoy the physical part of it - I love to give you a good paddling or...

2 years ago
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Her Dominant Boss

Sandra was in love with her boss.  Well, if she wasn’t in love with him, she was definitely in lust with him.  She looked across the desk at Jon Willingdon: she was his personal assistant.  They were in their daily morning meeting, where he outlined all he required of her to do for the day.  She was taking notes but was also checking him out.  He was six feet, two inches with broad shoulders, strong arms, and a narrow waist.  She knew that he worked out often, as he used the company gym.  He...

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Owning a Dominant Bitch Complete

Introduction:Ultra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy.Owning a Dominant Bitchgenre- Fiction, Anal, Ass to mouth, Bi-sexual, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Domination/submission, Exhibitionism, First Time, Humiliation, ****, Romance, School, Teen Female/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, VirginityChapter 1My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot...

1 year ago
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True Dominant

It was pathetic looking at him there. Struggling against his bonds desperately trying to raise himself to get purchase against the vibrator hanging from above. I watched him, spread-eagled as he was, pull against the bonds securing him to the corners of the solid oak bed, trying in vain to get some extra leeway to raise himself further. This had been going on for the past 30 minutes and the sweat was flowing freely across his shaved torso and legs. I smiled contently in how far we had...

2 years ago
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The Dominant Stranger

It was a mid-July night and I was working at a dive bar in North Chicago. This place was usually busy, but most of the students were home for the summer. I was no longer a student but not quite got into the full graduate thing, thinking about what to do next. In the meanwhile, working a bar job that was popular with both students, the gay crowd looking for cheap drinks before a big night and the occasional hipster or two earned me adequate pay and tips so I could get by.I looked at my watch....

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My Dominant Family

Everyone in this fantasy is over the age od 21. Looking over the fields of hay at the back of our house, I remembered the many happy memories. There was and still are lovely, lush, green fields and woods, with many different paths you can take, all different but all beautiful. I used to spend many happy hours running nearly naked through the hay and woodland trees, trying to catch the beautifully coloured butterflies, while listening to the bird song, the long grass tickling my legs....

2 years ago
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Dominant Family

Looking over the fields of hay at the back of our house, I remembered the many happy memories. There was and still are lovely, lush, green fields and woods, with many different paths you can take, all different but all beautiful. I used to spend many happy hours running nearly naked through the hay and woodland trees, trying to catch the beautifully coloured butterflies, while listening to the bird song, the long grass tickling my legs. Laughing, and jumping, in all the tiny puddles of water...

3 years ago
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My New Life as a Slave to a Dominant Women

It started when I found a profile from a Dominant Female on Slave Selection. She was seeking full-time live-in slave. The prospective slave would have to sign an agreement becoming her total property. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in her home 24/7 under her total control.This was exactly what I was seeking. Or, at least it sounded like it. I immediately responded by message and expressed my willingness. I begged the Mistress to tell me how to proceed. She sent...

1 year ago
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Owning a Dominant Bitch Complete

Introduction: A story from my cousinUltra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy.Owning a Dominant BitchBy: RebelmanChapter 1My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible. Although I was on the football team, I...

3 years ago
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Dominant Facefucker in Atlanta

Recently I had a working trip to Atlanta with a couple of days to fill with „entertainment“I therefore searched various sites to see if I could find some horny men to suck off.On “Craiglist” I stumbled on an ad which rose my interest.Dominant Bi-Top, 54, 6.4, 280, very hairy is looking for slave throats (M/F) to fill with cum and piss.Throats must take a deep fucking. Swallowing is compulsory.Contact me here for further info’s.I wrote a note to him and two days later got the answer for a...

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The new situation with a dominant roommate

So if you read my last story then you know the situation...if not a quick summary would be that I have a female roommate who turned out to be very dominant and has joined me and my girlfriend in our sex life.Ok now the new dynamic of the relationship is that me and my girlfriend are still together and everything is normal, except that sometimes my roommate would join us in bed or act in a dominant way with me every now and then, overall its a really good situation although I'm sure it's going...

1 year ago
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wning a Dominant Bitch Complete

Introduction: Ultra long, slow story, set in high school, about a humiliated girl, an intelligent girl, a dominant girl, and a heck of a nice guy. Owning a Dominant BitchChapter 1My freshman year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that made my first year horrible.Although I was on the football team I didn’t get to play much and even though the coach,...

1 year ago
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Dominant Neighbours

I open the front door expecting to be greeted with the smell of dinner cooking but all I heard was my wife giggling in the kitchen. My curiosity peeked I headed for the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen I found my wife seated across the table from a beautiful black women, now when I say beautiful of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder. She was however my dream black women, big breasts and an even bigger bottom, with a large frame to go with it. I noticed a slight sneer as she...

2 years ago
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Dominant Tops And PussyBoy

Dominant Tops And Pussy-BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan Josef saw, Raul was already there with one of his friends along with a bottle of Scotch. Joe did not feel strange because he was told so. Raul looked at Joe kind of funny as if he was going to be a sacrificial lamb soon. Joe could see, they were both liquored up. Raul invited Joe to sit next to him and started serving him Scotch and soon Joe was also pretty much boozed up. Raul’s friend had perhaps gone to the bathroom to take a leak but it seemed...

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