Disney Princess 2 free porn video

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Disney Princess 2 "Oh, my God! Cathy!" Audrey gushed as Cathy and Kelly approached their meeting location, at the fountain, just inside of the EPCOT entrance. "That dress is even cuter on him... oops... her than I could have imagined." He really was the picture perfect teen girl in his white dress with the China-blue pattern and the matching headband. She hugged Kelly and said, more quietly, "you are just one big surprise after another, young lady, aren't you!? Every time I think that you couldn't get any prettier, you surprise me again," and she planted a big kiss on his cheek, after which she rubbed the residual lipstick off. "I'm sorry, Kelly. You're just so cute! I can't help myself. Isn't that dress just perfect?" "It's very pretty, yes," said Kelly. "She's pouting," Cathy said. "She'd rather be wearing dirty, old jeans and a t-shirt. Can you imagine? She's so pretty this way and she wants to put on crappy old jeans. Tell her Audrey. Tell her how pretty she is." "You are as pretty as a picture, Kelly. I would not steer you wrong." Kelly just sulked and nodded. "Besides," said Cathy, "you can't be 'Ms Kelly Powell' at a concert in the afternoon and 'Mr Kelly Powell' in the evening. It will confuse the festival people, it will confuse the girls, it will confuse the chaperones... heck, it would confuse me." "Well, I'm pretty confused, right now." Kelly snapped, sounding much more like a petulant teenager than he'd intended. "Oh, poo," Audrey said, taking him by the hand, "come, on. The ladies are holding some spots for us for dinner. We're having Moroccan tonight." "Ohh, sounds good," said Cathy as she walked along with Audrey and admired the park. As they were crossing into The World Showcase, Kelly said, "Ok. Please, let's stop for a moment." Audrey and Cathy turned to look at him. "I get it," Kelly said. "I get that I have to maintain this 'disguise' while we're here, but I am not a child, so please don't hold my hand as we walk. It's... it's degrading." Audrey was shocked. "Oh, I'm sorry..." "Kelly, after everything that Audrey has done..." Cathy began to scold. "No, no," said Audrey. "He's right." "I'm sorry, Audrey. I'm just kind of freaked out by this whole thing. I shouldn't have acted that way," Kelly said. He shook his head, not knowing what else to say. Audrey smiled and stepped up to Kelly and took his shoulders gently in her hands. "I'm sorry, Kelly. I know you're stressed, but I let my enthusiasm get the best of me. Forgive me?" Kelly nodded. "There's nothing to forgive, Audrey. I'm just..." "You're just beautiful," Audrey smiled as she moved her hands from his shoulders to the sides of his face, "and I forgot who you really are. I'll do better." Cathy rubbed Audrey's shoulder. "Audrey, you're doing great...it's me who is getting carried away." Audrey continued looking at Kelly, "It's just that when I look at you with that fresh-face, soft hair and pretty dress, I don't see my daughters' music teacher. I see a beautiful girl who I would be thrilled for my son to bring home for dinner." "Your son who's a sophomore at St Phillip's? That's encouraging." Kelly laughed. "So," Cathy said, "if we're all good, here, let's get to the Morocco pavilion and eat something." "Hey! Mrs Powell!" All three turned to see Ericka and four other choir- girls hustling over to them. "Hey! Mrs Powell! Mrs Menard! We were wondering if Mr P is coming back to the..." Ericka paused as she recognized Kelly. "Oh, my goodness, Mr P. I thought you'd be... I mean..." She smiled. "I mean... you look so pretty in that dress... and... so... young." Kelly smiled and stood as tall as he could in his white flip-flops. "Hi, girls. Having fun?" Kelly couldn't help but notice that there were seven woman surrounding him, yet he was the only one in a dress - and a very soft and feminine one at that. Cathy and Audrey were in Capri pants and the girls were all wearing one-piece rompers. Elise spoke, next, "Oh my God, Hillary, look! Mr P is wearing the same dress that you wear just looking at." "Ms P," Cathy whispered to Elise. "Sorry," shrugged Elise. "It is!" said Hillary, "it's the same one! Oh, I love it, don't you, Ms P? It's so soft and pretty. I wanted to buy it, but, you know, I can't spend $145.00 on a single dress. My mom would kill me!" "$145.00!?" Kelly whispered in shock. Cathy just smiled. "I know this may sound weird, but do you think I can borrow it some time?" Hillary asked. Kelly was shocked. This was not question for which he was prepared. "Umm, I think you'll need to talk to Mrs Powell about that. She bought it, after all." Cathy laughed, "It's your dress, babe. Maybe if you let Hillary borrow your pretty, little dress, you could borrow some of her clothes sometime. What do you think, Hillary?" Kelly couldn't help but notice that Cathy was enjoying this a bit too much. "Sure! Anytime!" Hillary beamed. "Anytime." Hillary flounced Kelly's skirts a bit to look at how prettily it moved and imagined herself wearing the charming garment. Kelly smirked at his smiling wife. He knew she was loving this. He sighed and turned to the girls. "What have you been up to, girls? Having a good time?" "Oh, yeah," Elise, the tomboy, said. "We had fast passes for 'Test Track' and 'Mission to Mars.' We have one more fast pass for Soarin' in about an hour, so we were going to grab dinner in The Earth before that. Want to join us?" "Sorry, sweetheart," Audrey said, "but we're joining the other chaperones for dinner." "I wish we'd thought to get fast passes, too," Cathy said. "Kelly loves Soarin'" "Hey, Ms P." Karina jumped in, "come with us. I am exhausted from the other rides and I don't think I can handle Soarin'. We can switch Magic Bands after dinner and you can use my fast pass." "Yeah," Ericka said, "please join us. We loved doing the rides with you at Six Flags last year. This is Disney World, Ms P! We're seniors and we want to enjoy it with you. Please?" Kelly smiled and was about to let them down gently when Cathy jumped in, "Isn't that sweet, Kelly? Ok, ladies, I'll let my girl go with you, but with Mr P looking like he does, I think it might be a better idea for you to start calling this young lady 'Kelly' so that we don't attract unwanted attention. Ok?" Kelly had mixed feelings about these new developments. First, he did like to spend time with the girls on these trips - it was very different than the classroom. Second, he did love Soarin' and was thrilled to be able to ride it, but, in spite of those two positive things, he did feel like he was being relegated to 'The Children's Table' in a way. He was trying to verbalized this, when Cathy turned to Ericka and handed her a couple of items. "Ericka, I haven't had a chance to buy Kelly a purse yet, so can you please take her cell phone and food voucher and hold it for her?" "Sure, Mrs Powell!" Ericka was thrilled. Cathy then hugged Kelly and kissed the top of his head. "Bye, bye sweetie. Have a good time with your little friends." As she and Audrey turned to walk away, she called back, "Take good care of her, ladies. We'll all meet up by the Norway pavilion for the fireworks at 8:45." And off they went, leaving Kelly with the girls. Ericka put her arm through Kelly's and called after the women, "Oh, don't worry! We'll take very good care of 'Kelly' for you." All the girls giggled playfully as they headed towards the building known as The Earth. As they stood in check out line of the countrr service restaurant on the lower level of The Earth, just across from the entrance to Soarin', with their salads and their bottles of water on their trays, Kelly sighed. He'd planned to get the rotisserie chicken meal with potatoes and bread, but Ericka wouldn't hear of it. "You can't eat that! We're just getting salads." "I realize that you're all watching your figures, girls, but I prefer the chicken," he'd laughed. "Well, you may prefer the chicken, but it's messy and you're wearing a white, and very expensive, dress, so - no chicken today. And if you're not going to watch that pretty figure yourself, we'll watch it for you." They'd even nixed his cr?me-br?l?e dessert and handed him an apple. "Stay with me, Kelly," Ericka said. "I have your voucher." While Kelly had been looking at his food, Ericka had stepped forward several times and the crowd was threatening to separate them. Kelly hurried forward, "Sorry." As they reached the register, a mother and daughter who were checking out on the opposite side of the register caught Kelly's eye. The daughter, who was in her mid-teens was looking at Kelly very closely. Then she whispered to her mother, who looked very closely as well. "Oh, God." Kelly whispered "What?" asked Ericka as she dug the food vouchers out of her purse. Kelly turned his head away from the mother and daughter and whispered to Ericka, "They know. Those people across from us. They know I'm a guy. I can tell by the way they're whispering about me." Ericka's defense mechanisms all kicked in at once as she defiantly raised her eyes to look at both the mother and daughter. They were definitely looking at Kelly and they were both smiling broadly. The woman saw Ericka's stare, but her smile never wavered. When she spoke, it was with a lilting British accent. "We were just admiring your little sister's frock. It's beautiful. Did she buy it here?" Kelly was so relieved that he could barely breathe. Ericka smiled, "Yes. Our mother bought it for her over at the Mouse Gears Store near the front gate. It is beautiful, isn't it. When we saw her try it on, mom knew that she had to buy it for her." As she picked up her tray, Ericka turned to Kelly. "Kelly, that lady paid you a compliment. What do you say." Kelly, who was still shaking and was very grateful to have not peed his panties, said, "Thank you," and smiled at them as he turned to follow Ericka to the table where the rest of the girls were already seated. "What was that all about?" asked one of the girls. Ericka told them a quick version of the story as they placed their trays on the table and pulled out their chairs. Ericka watched as Kelly sat. "No, no, Kelly. Not like that." Kelly was confused. "Not like what?" "Stand up, honey. I'll show you." When he was standing, Ericka explained, "Your dress is different than those polyester dresses we wore earlier. It's cotton and it will wrinkle, so you need to smooth it under you, like this." She demonstrated, running her hands from her lower back to the back of her knees. Kelly tried to emulate the maneuver. "Not bad. Now cross your legs at your knees and take small bites. Eat over your plate so that you protect your pretty skirts, ok?" Kelly did as he was told and returned smiles to all the girls who were beaming. They seemed to love sharing in Mr Powell's first foray into girlhood. As they ate, the girls chatted easily about the day and what they planned to do before leaving on Tuesday. When there was a lull in the conversation, Ericka glanced at Kelly and then asked, "Kelly, remember when we were backstage and I asked if you liked the feel of the show choir dress?" He nodded. "Well, you kinda made me think that you were only doing it for the show and you didn't really 'enjoy' it the way girls do. Now, when you could be wearing something more, well, boyish, you're wearing one of the prettiest dressed I've ever seen. So..." "So... what?" he asked. "So," Elise asked, "why are you the prettiest girl in the room and why do you look like one of our little sisters?" Kelly put down his fork, took his napkin from his lap, touched the sides of his mouth and said, "I can't really answer all of that. Here's what happened. When we got back to the room, Mrs Powell suggested that I needed to look like a woman for the rest of the weekend because the festival people expected it. Then she showed me all these pictures that you guys and other Chorus members had put on Facebook and Instagram. Pictures of me in the dresses, so, you know, any harm that could be done back home was already done. I figured, 'In for a penny/in for a pound' and went along with it. Why this dress and this look? Well, this is the dress that Cathy... Mrs Powell... bought for me and I don't have anything else, so I was stuck with this. Why the young look? I'm as confused as you, but Mrs Powell and Mrs Menard seem to find it hilarious." "It's not hilarious," said one of the girls. "It's adorable and, who cares, we're just happy that it all worked out." "And we're happy that you're spending time with us!" said another. "Oh, look at the time!" Karina said. "Here, Kelly, swap bands with me. You guys need to get going." They exchanged, bands, dumped their trash and ran to get in line. Kelly, who had rarely worn flip-flops, let alone a dress, before, found the rhythm of running very different in this getup. The dress had a mind of its own and the flip-flops interfered with his footing. When he caught up with the others, Elise, who was the faster runner on the track team was smiling as she watched him. "Now you know why I don't like to dress in prissy dresses like that. They make you run like a girl." Kelly rolled his eyes and got in line with them. When they moved to the Pre-show area where everyone lined up in rows, Nadine, a very slim and perpetually happy, senior insisted that Kelly join Ericka for the last two seats in the front row because, "The front row has the best ride and, after everything that you've been through, you deserve the best ride." As they were hustled into their seats by a cast member, Ericka bent to put her purse into the 'cargo area' beneath her seat while Kelly sat in his assigned seat, smoothing his skirts as he did so. Ericka bent down and grabbed Kelly's flip-flops off of his feet and threw them into the 'cargo area' as well. "These could fall off. I'll put them in here for the ride." Things like this had never occurred to Kelly before and he was beginning to understand that women, even very young women, had to be much more aware of themselves as they went through their daily routine. Everything had to be thought through before nearly every movement. 'Gosh, they're so much smarter about so many things than I am,' he thought. Fastening his seat belt had even become an issue for Kelly because of the volume of material in his skirts and his unfamiliarity with dealing with them. It had become impossible for him to even find his seat belt, let alone fasten it. Just as she was about to sit, Ericka saw Kelly's dilemma and grabbed the extending side of the belt and pulled it across his lap, fastening it for him. The seat belt caused his skirts to form a large wrinkle, more like a bump, on his lap, so Ericka took a moment to adjust and smooth everything for him. When she did so, she inadvertently brushed the top of his inner thigh through the light material. Nothing at all was meant by it, just Ericka being a mother-hen, but it made Kelly feel vulnerable. He realized how thin the cotton of his dress was and the nylon/cotton blend of his panties. He'd never felt so 'exposed' before, even though he was completely covered. The officious cast member tapped Ericka on the shoulder and said, "Take a seat, please," which, Kelly could tell, irritated Ericka. "I'm just helping my little sister, miss," Ericka snapped. Kelly was shocked as Ericka kissed his forehead and patted his cheek. "You're all set now, Kelly," she said and made a show of returning to her own seat and strapping herself in. She gave the cast member 'the stink eye' and smiled at Kelly and tapped his knee comfortingly. "She's not going to rush me! Mrs Powell told me to take care of you and I'm more scared of her being mad at me than this lady." Kelly smiled and the ride began, lifting them up as if they were in hang-gliders, soaring over beautiful landmarks. Kelly had done this ride before when he and Cathy had come here for their honeymoon, but this was different. The man-made breezes were lifting his skirts as they glided up and down and the feeling of being barefoot was exhilarating. Yet, and maybe this was all related to Ericka's passing touch on his thigh, the longer he could feel the breeze on his feet and legs, the more he felt, exposed, vulnerable, weak, girly and, strangest of all, happy, almost thrilled, to be experiencing all this with 'his girls'. When the ride ended, Kelly, again, had difficulty with the seat belt, but, once again, Ericka came to his rescue. "Please exit quickly to your right!" the cast members called. "Quickly, please!" "Come on, Kelly," Ericka said with a sweet, but firm voice, "you'll have to put your flip-flops on in the hall." The floor was cold and clammy and Kelly found it uncomfortable, so he half hopped and half walked out into the hall where the girls waited for him. They all laughed with him when he said, "Yuck! That floor is just icky!" "Poor baby," one of them said, Kelly was unsure who, but they all laughed again and walked to the exit to meet Karina. By 8:45pm, all the girls and chaperones were all gathered in front of the Norway pavilion, over looking the lagoon, waiting for the multi- media-fireworks show to begin. Kelly had run into many of the girls throughout the evening, so everyone knew how he was dressed. There were lots of compliments from both girls and chaperones. Group photos. Selfies. Texting friends and family members. Lots of energy and lots of estrogen. The sun had gone down and, although it wasn't really cold, it was cool and a dampness had set in. Kelly shivered a little. His neck and shoulders were much more exposed than he was used to, the soft cotton dress offered little protection from the elements and the light breeze was finding his privates much more easily than when he'd worn pants. "Are you chilly, babe?" Cathy asked. "Just a little," Kelly shrugged. Cathy reached into her backpack and pulled out a very light weight, white sweater. "Just put this over your shoulders, sweetheart. It'll keep you warm." Kelly did so, gratefully. Cathy's sweater was far too long on him and came down below the hem of his dress. He was happy for the added protection and, as always, loved to be wrapped in her aroma. When the show was over, they worked their way to the front of the park and waited for the bus to bring them back to the resort. It was very crowded. It took four buses to get them all back. Kelly and Cathy were on the last bus and they ended up standing for the ten minute ride. Kelly was exhausted by the time they got back to the resort. When they reached the third floor, Maude Jensen, a chaperone, was walking around with a clipboard and a pen, marking off who was in their rooms. "How's it going?" Cathy asked "All present and accounted for, now. You are the last two." "Ok," Cathy said, while Kelly let out a long yawn, "we'll call it a day and see you in the morning. Thanks so much for your help." "That's why I'm here. Goodnight, Mrs Powell. Good night, Kelly." Kelly yawned, again, and uttered a noise that sounded vaguely like, "Good night." Cathy smiled and guided Kelly towards the door to their room. She smiled at Maude and rubbed Kelly's back through her sweater. "Good night, Maude. Thanks again." As the door to their room closed, Cathy said, "Ok, babe, you go pee and wash your face. I'll get things ready." When he finished and came out of the lavatory, Cathy was sitting on the edge of the king sized bed in their room, holding a pair of simple white panties. She stood. "Come here, babe. Turn around." She extracted the zipper-pull from the tract in the back of his dress and pulled the zipper slowly down his back. Kelly stood passively as the zipper loosened from his chest and waist. Cathy guided each of his arms out and pulled the dress down to the floor so he could step out. Then she sat on the bed again and turned him toward her. "You can take off your panties, babe." And he did. "Step into these, sweet cheeks." She giggled. He just smiled and he followed directions. Cathy pulled the panties up his legs and gripped his member to tuck it correctly, but she let her hand linger on his shaft. She rubbed it gently, and looked into his eyes. "That's feels nice, doesn't it, babe?" "It does," he nodded. She rubbed and caressed some more. "I love you, you know that, right, Kelly?" "Of course I know it. It love you, too." She smiled and that made him smile. "Babe, I need to tell you something. I... I really like the new you. You know what I mean? I've loved you since we were kids, but there's something about this new Kelly that makes me feel, I don't know... needed. Protective and a little maternal. You are so pretty in these clothes and I love seeing you pretty. Are you ok with that?" She whispered. Kelly's legs were getting weak from the genital attention. He nestled his head in her shoulder as she continued her massage. His breathing quickened as he said, "I guess it's fine. It's just been a very long day." "You were so pretty in that dress. Did you get any compliments?" She could feel his body tensing as she increased the tempo of her rubbing. "Lots. All the girls loved it and a lot of strangers told me how pretty I looked." Cathy could see that he loved the attention he'd gotten. "You were pretty. You're still pretty. My pretty little girl." Kelly sighed as he came with a vengeance. Cathy caught it all in her hand and let him breathe through ecstasy. "Good girl. Just wipe that off so your panties stay clean, ok?" She grabbed a tissue to clean her hand as she watched Kelly waddle to the bathroom with his panties around his thighs. When he came back, she pulled them up and tucked him tightly into the simple, white panty with the lacy trim. Then she reached around and undid his bra. As she slid the bra off, he gave a soft, feminine shrug. 'Oh, that's sweet,' she thought. It was a gesture that woman and girls made everyday, but men can go their entire lives without making. She held up a lace covered, white bra, padded similarly to the one he'd been wearing. Kelly smiled, but hesitated. "I don't need a bra. We're going to bed." He smiled impishly. "Oh, sweetie, your so pretty with a little bra on. And, besides, your nightie won't hang right with out it." "My nightie?" Kelly raised his eyes and whispered, "How far are we taking this?" "As far as we can, baby. As far as we can." She guided the bra up his arms and turned him around so she could fasten it. She ran her hands up and down his back and rear end. 'How could I not have seen this figure before? We're here with over a hundred girls and, I swear, he is the cutest.' She thought. Kelly relented to Cathy's desires. If she was happy, he was happy. She stood and guided him to a chair that faced the mirror. She removed his headband and brushed his hair. "Your hair has never looked as full and rich as it has today. You should start seeing Audrey regularly. It will make it that much prettier." Kelly wanted to say, 'I can keep it in a ponytail after this weekend,' but as he looked at the young girl in the mirror, having her beautiful, black hair brushed by the beautiful woman behind her, his resolve melted into gratefulness. He was grateful to be able to share something very different with Cathy, whom he adored. He was grateful for the time he'd spent with all the girls, today and the way that they opened up to him; that had never happened before. He was grateful for the way that Cathy had wrapped him in her warm sweater earlier; the comfort of the light, oversized, knitted garment and the way it surrounded him with Cathy's warmth, her love, her perfume, her care. "Maybe I should," was all he could say. Cathy smiled. She carefully separated Kelly's hair into individual plaits and began braiding, first on the left side, then on the right, finishing in the back. When she was done, Kelly had beautiful, French braids. "There. Now, you'll have body in your hair tomorrow when we take the braids out." Kelly looked at his reflection. 'Could I be more girly?' he thought. Then, she took a facecloth and a jar of cream and moisturizer Kelly's face, rubbing it in as much as possible. As he opened his eyes, Cathy pulled out a delicate, little nightie. It was very thin cotton, with just the hint of a gathered waist, thin straps with eyelets in the shape of Minnie Mouse cut all around the bodice. It appeared to be almost shapeless, until Cathy slide it onto Kelly. Then, it hung beautifully. It was designed to compliment the pretty body of a small teenaged girl. Kelly's body with the padded bra fit the bill, perfectly. "My, my, my, babe. You are breaking my heart. Why did I never think to have you dress like this for me before?" Kelly blushed and smiled. "Ok, little girl, into bed with you, while Auntie Cathy takes care of herself." By the time Cathy crawled into bed, Kelly was breathing softly and steadily as he was slipping into sleep. Cathy curled in behind him and formed the 'large' spoon to Kelly's small one. She breathed him in and thought, 'I love this man, this boy, this woman, this girl so much,' and she slipped into sleep. They got an early start the next morning. Kelly didn't even flinch when Cathy produced his clothing for the day. It was another little sundress. Again, the design on the dress was deceiving. From a distance, it looked like it could have been a Jackson Pollack painting, but, up close, it was a collection of Marvel Superheroes with Black Widow featured prominently in the collage. It had straps just wide enough to hide his bra straps and it hung loosely, but prettily about his little body. His hair remained in the French braids, but Cathy had purchased a large, single-blossomed hair clip for the back of Kelly's head. That, combined with the very light, fresh-faced makeup and the dress gave him that very young appearance that Cathy seemed to enjoy. All the chaperones 'oohed and ahhed' over how pretty he was. The girls all thought it was a very cool dress. Kelly preferred the girls' reaction. Elise, the tomboy, in particular liked this dress. They spent the morning and early afternoon at Magic Kingdom. Kelly rode as many rides as he could with as many of the girls as possible. Occasionally, Cathy and the other chaperones would see a group of St Mary's girls running from one ride to another in order to get in as many in as possible while they were there. Kelly was always in the middle of the girls, laughing and hollering with the rest. He was completely comfortable in his new world and Cathy was thrilled to see him so happy. By 3:00, they had to head back to the resort to change for the banquet at 6:00. They all rushed into their rooms to get changed, excited to be getting dressed up for a fancy dinner and awards ceremony. As Cathy closed the door to their room, she said, "Audrey will be over in a half-hour or so to do your hair, babe. For now, just take a quick shower and I'll get everything ready out here. Oh! Be sure to use the shower cap. You don't want to get your hair wet." Kelly was dreading the conversation he needed to have with Cathy about his clothing for the evening. He knew that he had to wear a dress or skirt, but he needed to look like a grown up, not a child, for the banquet. He figured it could wait till after his shower. He showered, shaved everywhere while doing so, used the body oil that Cathy had left for him, took off the shower cap, hung it on the towel rack and exited into the room. He was rubbing his head, feeling the intricately woven hair and thinking of how he could broach the subject of tonight's clothing, when he heard Cathy say, "Oh, good, here's our girl, now." He looked up, shocked to see Audrey zipping Cathy into her beautiful, form-hugging, red sheath-dress with flowers decorating it. "Oh, my, oh, my. What a daring little thing she is, too!" Audrey teased. Both of the women laughed while Kelly covered his crotch with his hands. "Oh," he stammered, "I didn't realize you were already here." Audrey tapped Cathy's back, indicating that her zipper was secured. "Thanks," Cathy said as she stepped towards Kelly. "Come on, Lady Godiva, let's get you ready," and she pulled a tan-colored, bra and panty set off the bureau. It was very lacy and very silky. Cathy grinned as she showed Kelly the set and sat on the bed to help him dress. Kelly just followed Cathy's lead, but kept a hand over his genitals. As Cathy pulled the panties up his legs, she brushed his hands aside and tucked his penis between his legs, capturing it in the panties' gusset. "Don't worry, babe. Audrey has a husband and a son. She's seen a boy's pee-pee before." "Never in such pretty panties, though," said Audrey with a smirk. Kelly blushed as Cathy fastened his matching bra. Before she stood, Cathy put on her four-inch-high-heeled dress shoes, then she stood and guided Kelly to a chair. "Audrey's going to do your hair and makeup, babe, while I do mine." Cathy went to the mirror and began doing her makeup while Audrey started loosening Kelly's braids. "You did a nice job on these, Cathy," Audrey said. "Thanks. My mom and I used to braid each other's hair all the time. Now, I can braid Kelly's" "Oh, and look at these curls! You know, he has great hair. Nice and straight, but lots of body, too. It holds the curl and lays beautifully. His hair is really wasted on a male. He should have been born a girl." Cathy giggled, "Well, we may have helped remedy that situation for a few days, anyway." They continued on in this manner until Kelly's hair and makeup was done. When he looked in the mirror, he was surprised, and very pleased, that he looked much more like a woman than a child. His hair framed his face with a lot of fullness, and hung in thick curls down the back and sides. Not Shirley Temple curls, but thick, rich, natural looking curls. His eyes looked huge and sexy and his face was made up for an evening out at dinner: very pretty and demure. "Oh, Audrey," Cathy said, "he's gorgeous!" Kelly was shocked and pleased by the woman in the mirror. "Wow!" He said, quietly, "its only been two days. Where did Kelly go?" "I think," said Audrey as she joined him at the mirror, "that we may have actually unearthed the real Kelly this weekend." Cathy joined them, ran her hands down his bare shoulders and arms and said, "I think so, too. You've really blossomed in the last 30 hours, babe. We found a whole new, pretty, fun, young, sexy Kelly we never knew was there." She kissed his head and rested her cheek next to his ear. "I love both my Kellys and I want them both to stick around." "Well," Audrey said, "I'd better get myself ready, now, and let you ladies finish in here," and she let herself out. "I have a surprise for you, babe," said Cathy as she turned to pick up the dress that he was meant to wear to the banquet. Kelly braced himself for the inevitable argument that he knew was coming. "Listen Cath..." but there was no need to continue. Cathy was holding up a simple sheath-dress, much in the style she was wearing, but where Cathy's was bright and designed to be eye-catching, this one was a simple beige color with some muted flowers printed into it. It was the kind of a dress that a thin or athletic woman in her twenties or thirties, or even a thin teenaged girl, could easily wear to an event such as tonight's. "It's perfect, right?" Cathy smiled. Kelly breathed a sigh of relief. "It is. Where did you get it?" "You know how the older girls always bring extra dresses with them in case the younger girls don't have anything for the banquet? Well, one of your songbirds brought pretty much every semi-formal dress she ever owned." "Ericka," Kelly said. It wasn't a question. "Ericka," Cathy grinned. "She wore this to a wedding when she was a freshman. I didn't even have to ask for it. She just handed it to me this morning and announced that you'd be wearing it tonight." "That's Ericka," Kelly smiled and he let Cathy slide the dress over his head. It had a slip-like lining that was much softer than the lining of the choir-gown. The cotton fabric was a little stiffer than the sundresses he'd been wearing and the hem ended at mid-thigh, but the look was, over all, youthful, yet mature enough for a woman in her twenties and professional enough for a teacher on a five-day field trip with her students. "You like?" Cathy asked. "I do," Kelly smiled. "I like it a lot. Thank you for all your help." "No need to thank me. I'm loving every minute of it. It's like having a little sister, or a daughter... or a life sized Barbie doll. I just love seeing you dressed this way." Kelly hugged her and buried himself in her breasts. "I love you, so much." "Love you, too, baby." She pulled back and said, "Now, we need to go, but first," she grabbed a bottle of her perfume from the counter and sprayed a small cloud of it over Kelly's head and let it settle on him. "Now, you'll smell as pretty as you look in you big-girl clothes. Let's go meet your little friends." Kelly smiled and let himself be lead out the door. He'd never felt more special, loved or beautiful in his entire life. The banquet was in a huge tent which created a formal ballroom out behind Hollywood Studios. It was dark inside with dazzling projections on the walls and ceiling. A jazz combo played on the stage and everyone, students and adults alike, were mesmerized by the beauty of the event. All the choruses were there, choruses from all over the United States and a few from Canada and even one from Brazil. The girls and women all looked beautiful - none as beautiful as the girls from St Mary's, of course - and the boys and men were all dapper and handsome. Kelly wander through the tables, checking on all of the girls and making sure that everyone was excited for the event. It was odd, when he considered it; when he wasn't working, he was perfectly willing to let Cathy be 'the grown up' and take care of everything, but as soon as he was back in 'work-mode' he was back to being in charge. Was that weird? Who knew. He only knew that he'd had a great time as their conductor on stage, a great time as a teenager in the park and, now, he was having a great time as the conductor again. Dinner was wonderful, salad, soup, a main course of fish/chicken/or a vegetarian option and a dessert of a rich cake with the best vanilla ice cream Kelly had ever tasted. Then it was time for the awards. Each group had to chose two senior students to represent the ensembles. Ericka and Elise were chosen and joined the line of school representatives who were organized by alphabetical order. That put St Mary's near the end of the line, but just before they started announcing the awards for soloists and featured singers, Saint Mary's was abruptly moved to the last position, behind a school from Wausau, Wisconsin. Ericka, who had a constant need to be in charge, tried to the correct the festival worker, but she was assured that this was the right place in line. Kelly saw that something was wrong and he got up to help. "What's up, babe?" Cathy asked. "I don't know," he said, "but they moved the girls to the end of the line for some reason. I'm just going to check on everything." "Do want me to help?" "No. I'll deal with it. If I need some help, I'll wave for you to come rescue me, ok?" Kelly was also assured by the festival staff that that the girls were placed correctly. He told them both to just stay where they were, but be prepared to go up early if St Mary's was called. "Oh, by the way," Kelly whispered to Ericka, "thanks for the dress. It's beautiful and perfect for tonight." Ericka smiled, "I knew you'd like it. You look gorgeous in it. You can keep it, if you want. It hasn't fit me for a while." Kelly smiled at her. "Thank you, Ericka. What will I do without you next year!?" They hugged and he returned to his table. "Everything ok?" Cathy asked. "I guess," he replied as he carefully tucked the skirt of his dress under himself as he sat back down. "I don't know why they're at the end of the line, but the woman from the festival says that's where they should be. They'll jump in if we're called in alphabetical order." Just then, the Master of Ceremonies, a very handsome man from the Disney World staff, wearing a perfectly tailored tuxedo, called everyone to attention. Kelly found himself staring at the man and admiring his build and confidence. There was nothing sexual in his musings, he was just noticing that, no matter how well tailored his own tux had been, he never would look as handsome as that man was, but in this dress, he was just as pretty as any of the women here. "Good evening, everyone and welcome to The Disney National Choral Festival Awards Banquet!" Cheers erupted from the crowd "Before we do the ensemble awards, we're going to start with our individual awards. First, the award for the best female soloist." He opened an envelope in an exaggerated gesture as if he were presenting an Oscar. "And the award goes to... Ericka Hartman from St Mary's High School in Seattle." All of the St Mary's girls and chaperones leapt to their feet as Ericka, stunned, went up and accepted her award. She was gracious and hugged the Master of Ceremony, who kissed her cheek. She returned to Elise, who hugged her as well. Next came the best male soloist. Then more awards began rolling for the girls of St Mary's: Best dancer, female - St Mary's Best choreography- St Mary's Best costumes - St Mary's Best team spirit - St Mary's Etc, etc, etc... They swept every single award for which they were eligible. Kelly couldn't believe it. Cathy couldn't believe it. The chaperones couldn't believe it. The girls couldn't believe it. Then, the Master of Ceremonies announced, "Now, we shall begin our ensemble awards. As you know, the maximum score is 150 points. Each ensemble will be awarded a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze award based on their score. So, let's begin?" "With a score of 86 points, earning them a Silver Award, the Augustus Allan High School, from Toledo, Ohio!" There was a round of applause and cheers as that school's chosen seniors came up to receive their trophy. This process went on through thirty-two other ensembles until Ericka and Elise were the only two left in line. Then, the MC said, "I'd like to just change the award process for a moment. Would the representatives of Saint Mary's High School from Seattle, Washington, please join me on the stage?" Elise and Ericka went up and looked about, nervously. The MC called them to the podium. "Well, good evening, ladies. How are you doing tonight?" Both Elise and Ericka stuttered a quiet, "Good," and looked even more confused than before. He asked their names and then he asked them a question, "Tell me, girls. What is your director's name?" Ericka leaned towards the microphone. "Kelly Powell." The girls from St Mary's applauded and cheered. "And is Ms Powell a good teacher?" Ericka grew nervous, as did Kelly and Cathy. What was happening? Does he know? Elise leaned in. "Ms Powell is one of the best teachers in the world. She would do anything for us." The MC was a little surprised by the vehemence of Elise's answer and he let out a nervous laugh. "Of course she would. Let's have a round of applause for the wonderful Ms Powell." There was a round of confused applause as a spotlight hit Kelly. He stood and nodded to the audience and returned to his seat. "Well, ladies, and everyone in the audience, I'm here to tell you that Ms Powell did something that no one has ever done at this festival before!" All eyes turned to Kelly and he felt a trickle of sweat run down his spine. He looked about and saw no quick escape. He quietly whispered, "Oh, damnit. Damnit. Damnit." "Do you know what she did?" the MC asked Elise and Ericka. The fear and confusion was visible on Elise's face, but Kelly could see that Ericka's defense mechanisms had, once again, been activated. He wanted to run to her. Hold her and tell her to relax, but as he was about to stand, the MC said, "Ms Powell, would you come up here and bring all the girls from both of your choruses with you?" As they all stood, Kelly was thinking, 'Why are you toying with me this way? Don't take this out on the girls, for God's sake. Just let me leave. Please don't do this,' but he was moving, nearly against his will, toward the stage with all of his girls around him. He could see the fear in their eyes, too. Kelly reached the stage and smiled at the girls while he moved to the podium, ready to face the music. The MC extended his hand to Kelly. When they clasped hands, the MC pulled Kelly to him into a hug and a gave him a peck on the cheek. Kelly could not have been more confused than he was at this point. "Welcome, ladies, welcome! Well, Ms Powell. You have certainly raised a ruckus around Disney World this weekend, haven't you?" Again, Kelly felt a tingle of fear again. "Have I?" The MC laughed harder than he needed to. "Oh, yes, you have Ms Powell. Do you know what you did?" Kelly couldn't speak into the microphone that had been moved in front of him; his mouth had gone dry.. He just shook his head indicating he did not know. He wished that he had a suit coat or pants with pockets or anything to protect himself. He became acutely aware that he only had on panties, shoes and a short, little dress. He felt exposed - in more ways than one. "Ms Powell, you have achieved the impossible. For the first time in the history of this festival, you have not only earned a perfect score of 150 points with your Women's Choir, you also scored 150 points with your Show Choir." The girls let out a unified gasp and Kelly felt weak in the knees. "Let me read from one of the adjudicator's sheets, 'I wish that I could have awarded these wonderful young women more points. Their singing and movement was not only technically perfect, it was emotionally overwhelming. Whatever Kelly Powell is doing with these girls, she is doing it right! Their voices are directly connected to their hearts. Congratulations, Ms Powell.' Well, Ms Powell, not only are you and your girls the first ensembles in the history of this event to earn two perfect scores, because of this achievement, we are naming you the 'Disney Educator of the Year!'" The crowd erupted in cheers as they all stood and applauded. Kelly's knees actually buckled from beneath him, but the MC, who misunderstood Kelly's attempt to steady himself as a hug, grabbed him and spun him completely around as his legs swung limply beneath him. By the time he was set back down on the floor, Kelly had regained his strength and he leapt into the crowd of girls behind him, hugging and kissing as may as he could. Tears rolled down everyone's face as they joined in a huge group of hysterical laughing, crying and cheering with Kelly buried at the center, his mascara running down his cheeks in sheer and total joy, pride and relief. "Let's get a picture now,"the MC said and they set about arranging the girls with Kelly standing in front. Audrey ran to the stage and indicated for Kelly to come to the edge and kneel. When he did, she quickly wiped his face with a wet-nap and reapplied a passable eye- makeup job while the people in the audience giggled at the awkwardness of the moment for the overwrought young woman who had done so much with her students. The MC helped Kelly back to his feet. "Thank you," Kelly said as he held his hand to the neckline of his dress. "Thank you, so much for everything." The tall, handsome man leaned in and said, "I didn't do anything, Ms Powell. You did it all. This is all your doing. The girls' performances, the awards, the article that will appear in all the papers; it's all because of you." "Article?" "Of course. The Disney Educator of the Year Award is a huge honor. Your picture will be in every newspaper in America, and education journals, and in Disney Youth Education fliers... you're going to be a very famous young lady in a few days. You may even end up on The Today Show." He kissed Kelly's cheek. "Congratulations, sweetheart." Than he placed Kelly in front of the girls and told him to hold the trophy high over his head. Kelly did the best he could without pulling his dress up above his panties. They took the picture and Kelly and the girls left the stage. Cathy and the chaperones hugged everyone on the way by. When Kelly reached Cathy, she could see some distress on his face. "What's up, babe. Is everything alright?" "We may have a problem," Kelly said with a shrug.

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Liaison with a Princess

I had been a member of Lush Stories for not quite one year. I enjoyed writing stories of past sexual experiences and fantasizing about those I'd not had. Being able to express myself and interact with other like minded folks was in some ways relaxing, while also sensually, sexually stimulating. A young woman who went by the screen name of Green Princess was one of the first to friend me online. Over a period of time, Green Princess and I developed a fairly interactive and sensual friendship....

2 years ago
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The Beauty Princess

The Beauty Princess Or (My Ode to Alleta) *Note From Priscilla*: Hi girls. This is a story where I took some ideas from the real life of a very sexy and sweet Trans Girl named Alleta. She is a gorgeous Southern California Filipina Lady Boy Night Club Girl. Much of this is fiction of course. Thank you so much Alleta honey! I hope you enjoy this? I loved writing it girl! Priscilla. A story of change, redemption, and coming of age, by Sissy Miss, Priscilla Gay Bouffant I always...

4 years ago
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Pine Ridge to Princess

From Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry and they were to have a new princess who would one day be their queen. A glamorous young woman from the USA, Jessica May Blanchard from Pine Ridge Nebraska known to the whole world as US...

4 years ago
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EllenChapter 34 The Royal Princess

It was a week later. Ellen sat in her coach heading towards Kensington Palace, the seat of the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Victoria of Sachse-Coburg-Saalfeld. She was the widow of Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearne, the fourth son of King George III. Their sole offspring, Alexandrina Victoria, styled the Princess Victoria of Kent, was heir apparent to King William. Ellen was about to meet the fifteen year-old Princess at the behest of the King. The reception was frosty. The Duchess spoke...

1 year ago
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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

2 years ago
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The Proper Rape of a Princess

***WARNING: This story is actually a short story. If you are looking for instant sex, find a new story or scroll down half a page. This story is longer so that you can be engrossed in it, you can know the characters, their motivations; you can feel their pain and you can understand the plot. All making for a much more sickening and horrible experience when the rape does occur. (Still, it's pretty short.) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The woman walked swiftly through...

4 years ago
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Prom Princess

Prom Princess Three Months Karen was smiling at me. I should have realized it right then and there: if she was smiling at me, it could not be good. She had come over to drop something off from her Mom to my Mom. They have been friends for a long time, which explains why Karen and I have known each other for, well, ages. It looked like she had come over from school since she was still in her Catholic school girl uniform. Since I go to a public school, and since I loved to give...

4 years ago
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Dream Princess

Introduction Over the summer in 2010, I had a very vivid dream that I awoke from with a start, and almost immediately wrote down the details. It was a very transgendered dream, and I think I have only had a few before that I had any post sleep memory of. Anyway, not only did I write it down, but it has become the impetus for the beginning of a story of sorts. The first seven paragraphs of this story are basically the dream as I recalled it from only hours before, embellished...

3 years ago
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The Ebony Princess

The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....

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A Very Sensual Princess

Chapter 1 Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, wife of the heir apparent to the throne of England, mother of the next King of England after his father, Prince Charles. Diana was an amazing young woman even before she met Charles and through her betrothal, marriage, and then split-up from Prince Charles, she grew and matured into a totally amazing woman and person. Yes, Diana had been a physical virgin when she met and was engaged to marry Charles, the Prince of Wales and future heir to the...

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Playing to be princess

Playing to be princess!I remember when we played with my older sister, I was only 4 years old and she was 8 years old.We went running to her room, I liked to play with her princess or Barby costumes, and she liked to dress and make up like the prettiest princess while I looked in the mirror and I enjoyed being a girl.I remember that I laughed and sang, spinning aimlessly until I fell to the ground, breathless and dizzy. I felt like a Disney Princess. I felt feminine and beautiful, delicate and...

3 years ago
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The Nutcrackers Princess

The Nutcracker's Princess By Paul G Jutras It all started at a castle in a far off land. Queen Lesley sat up on her thrown in a red silk blouse and matching loafers. She wore a black skirt that zipped up the back. Beside her was King Ken wearing royal blue and Princess Sandra who sat between her parents in a royal red dress and heels. "Nice to be allowed to come, Mistress Lesley." My father said as he bowed before the queen and kissed the Princess' hand. "Your daughter...

4 years ago
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The Princess

The Princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and walked out of the bedroom, my heels making no sound on the carpet. The burgundy skirt was just above my knees, cut straight and fit me perfectly; the antique white blouse with the sheer inserts above my breasts hinted, but didn't reveal my breasts, while the high lace collar hid my Adam's apple. I slipped on the jacket and adjusted my clothes one last time before I...

2 years ago
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Pagan Princess

Pagan Princess  It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts. One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two children, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south...

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Butterfly Princess

It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...

2 years ago
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Snow White the Naughtiest Princess

Have I ever told you the tale of Snow White the Naughty Princess? No? Well, let’s get started. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a great King and his beautiful Queen. One day, when the King returned to the castle from his adventures, the Queen welcomed him with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was gorgeous, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. What a pleasant surprise it was for the King, who hadn’t been home for two years. “My King, I’m...

Group Sex
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Shannons Little Princess

Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of...

3 years ago
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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

1 year ago
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The Nervous Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a young princess who surpassed in loveliness all of the days of spring. She was such a beautiful child that when she bathed in the stream beside her father's castle, the sun himself felt unworthy to shine upon her, and he burned more brightly, consuming himself to clothe her in radiance. She was fair-complected, with golden flowing hair, eyes of sapphire and the soft blush of roses in her cheeks. Her hands and feet were delicate, her hips were slender, and her...

4 years ago
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The Princess

Author’s note #1: Thanks to Hollandguy for his help in editing this story. Author’s note #2: Some of you may have seen this story before on a website that is now defunct. However I am the original author of this story. It is not plagiarized. Author’s note #3: Even though some of the characters start out as minors, All sexual acts in this story takes place after the characters have turned 18 years old. Portlanddrew ————————————————– ‘Princess Michelea Jordansa Patricila Smikto, do you take...

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Float Trippy Island Princess

I pulled up in the parking lot and found Tory standing by a battered Jeep SUV. I drove over and parked the Monte Carlo next to it, and he walked over to my car. “Hey,” he said looking in at Bree. “Are you guys passing out dares already? Cause I thought we’d wait until we got to the river." “That’s her fault, because she was running late. Anyway, so where are we headed?” I asked. “Down I-44 to US 19 at Cuba, then State Hwy 8 thru Steelville. You probably know how to get there, you’ve floated...

4 years ago
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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

2 years ago
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Special Agent Princess

I grimace as the black hood comes off. For the past eight hours I had been cursing and counting the minutes until someone would finally remove it but for the split second that it's yanked off and the desert sun cooks my retinas, I cannot help but groan and wish I could go back to my stifling little cocoon. The cuffs around my wrists are popped open soon after and I'm allowed the luxury of shielding my own eyes from the sun. Stiff pain arcs down my back and across my shoulders. My legs still...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 11 Fertile Princess

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “You can use my bedroom,” Journeyman Carsina said, her fiery hair dancing about her shoulders. “It’s not the biggest bed, and it’s not really fit for a princess.” “Oh, it’ll be fine,” I told her as we walked away from the Vault, my breasts jiggling before me. I put an arm around her shoulder. “You should see some of the wicked places we’ve enjoyed each other. Fields. Forest glades. Libraries.” “Libraries?” gasped the girl, her ruby...

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The Hidden Princess

The Hidden Princess By Alexus Bowles Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the door way. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone, they were doing everything new including his clothes. (Which had been crated away before he could see...

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