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Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 1 The buzzer sounded, ending over-time at the small arena as the crowd of a few hundred fans cheered the effort of both teams. It had been a hard fought tournament just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota, where the nation's best pre-high school travel hockey players gave everything they had in the championship game against the Canadian champion from Montreal. Even after the overtime period the game was still deadlocked in a tie, as the predominately high schoolers skated over to their coaches for instructions. "Oh no!" screamed Kristen, grabbing her head nervously. "Is it a shootout? Please don't tell me that?" "Of course it is," said Brody, reaching over and rubbing his wife's back. "You've been to a million tournaments for the last two years. You know it is." "Yeah but he played with kids his age. Not this crazy team where is he playing with these big kids! I can't take the pressure," said Kristen, biting her nails as she stared down at the coach giving instructions to his player. "Please don't let him pick Paulie. He's only just twelve and it wouldn't be fair to put that much stress on him." "Mom, he's their leading scorer," said Bridget, snuggling in with her mother. "I'd put him in. Wouldn't you?" "Relax both of you," said Brody, wiping his palms. "He better pick him if he wants to win and keep our streak alive. My son is a winner, and he'll want to be one of the shooters. Who cares if he's the youngest kid on the team?" Ninety seconds felt like an eternity to the fans as the coach discussed strategy with the players. Paul Pietro had been selected for this elite travel team and had enjoyed success the whole year with the team. Having just turned only twelve, he was a good three years younger than most of the players, yet age was not a factor for him as his skill was unquestionable. "Oh my gawd," shivered his mother. "He's out there! The idiot picked my baby." "He's no idiot," said his father. "He wants to win and keep their streak alive!" Since Paul joined the team eighteen months earlier, the team had not lost a game and it appeared the coach was not inclined to lose one now. Even though he was clearly not as experienced in big games like this, he was still the team's leading scorer and best skater. As they lined up taking turns, he had been chosen to shoot third or last as each kid was announced and took their turn. As the shootout began, each shooter attempted to score, yet each was unsuccessful. All three shooters on the opposing team denied and both ahead of him on his team as well, as he skated to the center of the ice calm and collected. "Come on Paulie!" yelled his sister. "You got this buddy," screamed his father. "I can't watch," said his mother, peeking through her fingers. "I hate this! I hate this coach. He's just a baby! Look at him." "He looks so tiny," said his sister. "Come on Paul. You can do it." "Oh my gawd. Oh my gawwwkkk!" shrieked his mother as he began skating. "Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!" His mother's screams were intolerable as her son felt no pressure making some sharp quick moves from his forehand to backhand and then back to his forehand, stick handling. It was like everything was in slow motion as he got the goalie to commit to opening his legs as he took the fake and then snapping the puck right through the five hole for the victory. His family and the majority of the crowd screamed, jumping up and down as his team mobbed him as sirens flashed as they had won the championship. He felt amazed, being piled on by his teammates as his mother cried like a baby and then just like that the most stressful yet prestigious tournament was over as he had won the National Cup in only his first year. The team's families and coaches celebrated that Sunday night together as all their hard work had paid off, yet the hockey season had come to a close for spring. They finally got a much needed break from the rigors of travel and daily practice, as all this stress and expense was a lot on everyone. As they checked out of their hotel on Monday, it was still spring break for the kids being out of school a week already, and now it was time for the long drive as the second week of spring break belonged to his sister. For Paul, his main activity was travel hockey and for Bridget, it was pageantry. He hated the idea of sitting around all those women, but she was there for him rooting him on every minute and it wasn't like his mother would leave him home alone anyway. Each of their activities took them away from home a lot, yet they never really complained and neither did their parents supporting them in any way they could. Their father though had to get back to work as he meet them for activities on the weekends as most of the burden of being the taxi driver fell on Kristen. "I'll be there for the final, honey," said their father, hugging his daughter as he stepped out of the passenger seat of their mini-van, opening the rear sliding door at the airport. "I know you'll do great and I'll be there to see you win it!" "Thanks dad," said Bridget, hugging him back. "I can't wait." "Safe flight and see you Saturday," Kristen leaned back and kissed her husband. "Have a good week at work and text me when you land." "Will do, and congrats again Paulie," said his father, pulling off his baseball cap and messing his hair. "I guess this means this mop has to stay for a while." "Of course," Paul repled, brushing the mess from his eyes and tucking his long hair behind his ears, putting his hat back on. "We can't cut it until we lose. It's our good luck. It's our playoff beards." "Please don't remind me! As it is we'll need to stop for a strong detangler," Teased his mother, rolling her eyes. "You boys and these ridiculous superstitions. Now go before you miss your flight." "Oh crap," said their father checking his watch. "See ya on the weekend." "Ok, buckle up guys," said their mother, checking the mirrors to pull out. "It's a long trip south so let's get moving." It would take a few days for the 18 hour driving journey from Minnesota to Alabama, as they stopped to do a little sight-seeing to break up the monotonous drive. Kristen was cautious, staying at nice yet budget conscious hotels along the way, as these two events were costing them a small fortune. Like most parents, she'd give the shirt off her back for her children as they put everything into their kid's activities and happiness, but now the focus shifted from Paul to Bridget. A day at the zoo on Tuesday, another at a Museum on Wednesday and then finally they arrived in time for the welcome reception and kickoff dinner on Thursday. Even though she was a bit tired from all the travel, Bridget instantly got her second wind the moment they pulled up at the grand hotel and convention center. As they left the mini-van, the bell hop loaded their luggage on a cart and took hanger after hanger from the back of the mini-van's rod that had been installed across the entire back of the car like a closet rod. "Please be careful with those dresses," said Kristen, watching him take garment bag after garment bag and transfer them to hang on the luggage cart's hanger rod. "Of course ma'am," said the valet. "We've been instructed to the delicate nature of all the garments." "Thank you," said Kristen tipping him as they went in to check in. Between the initial southern hospitably and the extravagant lobby, both Bridget and Kristen were overwhelmed by the grandeur. This was the most prestigious pageant she had ever participated in, and just meeting the welcoming committee sent her right into full prim and proper mode as she couldn't wait to experience all that the pageant had to offer. "Oh mom! This is unbelievable," shivered Bridget with excitement after just having her name badge pasted to her shirt. "I'm embarrassed I wasn't even more dressed up just to check in." "Oh don't be silly," giggled her mother. "But this really is something. And trust me you'll be dolled up and dressed to the nines all weekend, so I wouldn't worry about it. Now let's get to our room and go have some dinner." They went up to their room now as Paul happily crashed out, watching tv as their mother answered the door for the bell hop. Bridget was already out of a quick shower and couldn't unpack fast enough, beyond excited to get downstairs to see everything. She was no different than any other teenage girl fussing with her hair and makeup as she changed outfits three times before deciding on her dress. "Change for dinner buddy, and then you can just hang in the room while your sister and I mingle," said their mother, tossing some slacks and a polo shirt on the bed. "Change?" sighed Paul already annoyed. "I hate getting dressed up." "I wore a stupid hockey jersey for a week for you," yelled his sister. "Now change and all you have to be is presentable anyway." He knew she was right as he changed and then down they went for dinner. It took fifteen minutes longer than it should have just to get to the restaurant, as his mother and sister couldn't stop hugging and kissing people on the way. It was a nice night getting reacquainted with a number of girls she liked and even sharing some small talk with a few rivals, as they socialized and shared stories. His mother was true to her word, bringing him back to the room after dinner as his sister stayed behind, attending the pre-pageant briefing. "Just don't leave this room while I'm gone, or answer the room for any reason!" Lectured Kristen. "Deal buddy. I'm trusting you!" "Where would I go with all these annoying girls here?" Joked Paul. "I'm twelve. I hate girls and all this stuff." "I know," said his mother kissing his forehead. "Love you, take a shower and don't wait up." Paul was just thrilled to not be involved as he showered and then kicked back, relaxing. It was great just not having to practice or travel while they left as he just laid back watching wrestling and then fell asleep on the bed. When they woke him Friday morning, Bridget was in her glory dying to participate in the weekends festivities as she could barely control her enthusiasm. "Get up brother! Mom said go brush your teeth and get dressed," said Bridget, pulling off the covers. "We're having breakfast and then I have to go to my check in. I can't be late and I never made you late." "I know," Paul wandered into the bathroom. After five minutes his sister was pounding on the door as he quickly brushed his teeth and took care of his morning business. "I'm coming," yelled Paul, flushing the bowl and washing his hands. "Come on, get ready honey," said his mother, tapping her watch the moment he exited. "Your clothes are on the bed." He was happy to put on the jeans, t-shirt and sneakers that his mother had ironed and then quickly they were out the door for breakfast. Why Bridget even bothered he didn't know, as she barely ate and then they headed down to the check in area. He sat in a big waiting area with his mother and sister as she filled out form after form. He was one of the only boys there as he just sat patiently playing games on his ipad while the women talked non-stop, cackling like hens as he did his best drowning out everything with his headphones in his ears. "Oh so lovely to see you again Kristen, and congratulations Bridget on making it to the pageant," said a woman with a headset on and a clipboard in her hand. "Good morning Lillian," said Kristen, softly shaking her hand. "This place is absolutely gorgeous. What a wonderful selection of a venue." "Isn't it?" said Lillian, very full of herself. "I've been dying to bring my pageant back here for years and at least finally now we have some contestants worthy of a place like this." "Oh.. yes. From the looks of the beautiful young ladies I've seen so far," said Kristen, hating the pompous nature of Lilian. "It seems you do." "I know," said Lillian, checking off some things on her chart. "So I'll need you to get to hair and makeup, Bridget. You're slotted for 10:15 just down the hall in the Salon G and then once you're back here you can change into your first dress at 11:30 for 12:15 runway and round one of judging. And you have a picture of your dress and have an idea of how you want your hair right?" "Yes of course. I'm very organized," said Bridget, showing off the dress on her phone. "I have everything outlined for each change." "Excellent," said Lillian, checking off some more boxes. "Then run along please." "Thank you Mrs. Linfield! I can't wait!" Yelped Bridget, grabbing her pocketbook before hugging her mother and scurrying down the hall. For the next hour, Kristen socialized with the other mothers while their daughters were getting made up and Paul just sat in the corner quietly playing video games with his ear buds in. Every now and then, one of girls would return and the women would fuss over them, building their confidence as they took turns changing into their first round pageant dresses. When finally Bridget returned made up to the nines, her mother was almost to tears seeing how beautiful she turned out. "Oh Bridget," sighed Kristen, trying to keep it together. "Don't you love it mom!" said Bridget, framing her face proudly with her hands and posing. "I told you the highlights would really sparkle once they put it up." "You were so right honey," replied her mother, inspecting every inch of her hair and face. "You almost look like you should be getting into your senior prom gown and not some pageant. The curls! The updo! You're so beautiful, and you look so damn mature. I almost feel sick." "Easy mom," giggled Bridget, loving it. "I'm only 14 and dad would freak just hearing you say that." "I know," said Kristen as they both cracked up. Kristen looked mature and glamorous beyond her years now, with sparkling fuchsia lips and blended violet eye shadows. Her mother was used to seeing her heavily made up during pageantry with big lashes and flawless skin, yet this time it seemed so much more dramatic. She had recently convinced her mother to allow her to add platinum highlights to her already dyed golden locks, yet now with her latest style she looked ready for the red carpet. The stylists had taken her long layered straight hair and rearranged it into a side parted sleek updo that quickly climbed into two layers of three inch pinwheel curls. It was a style that Kristen had found a picture in the latest teen vogue magazine, yet the result on Bridget was more than she was prepared to handle. Seeing it and loving it in the magazine was one thing, but now her daughter donning the look she had seen on a model was almost overwhelming, as she could see the confidence exuding from Bridget. "I'm gonna go change mom," said Bridget, grabbing her dress from the rack. "You may not have noticed but almost everyone is changed already." "Good idea," Kristen said as Bridget was right, as half the girls were now dressed and left the room. She took her little suit case with her shoes and hose and went into the dressing area to change. After a few minutes, out popped her head through the curtain, frustrated and looking over at her mother, "Mom. Mom.. please come over here," stuttered Bridget, poking only her head through the curtain. "Please hurry up." "Relax, you know I have more hose in the bag," said her mother. "You know I always do." "No it's not that," said Bridget, wiggling her fingers. "My tips aren't that sharp and I didn't rip anything, but something's wrong with my dress. It's not fitting." "What are you talking about? Your grandmother just finished that," replied her mother coming inside the dressing room. "Of course it'll fit. You haven't gained a pound in months." "It's not closing and it's too short," said Bridget, starting to get emotional. "It couldn't be my boobs! I've been dying for them to blossom a little, but they haven't. Oh my gaaawwwwddd mom! Something's wrong." "Stay clam, Bridget," said her mother, trying to close the zipper in the back. "Maybe you're bloated? But your period was two weeks ago. You shouldn't be." "And I didn't grow six inches!" screamed Bridget. "It won't close, and It's too short." "Ok, easy. Take it off," said Kristen, trying to stay calm. "Let me go get your other dress. Worst case you'll wear that first and I'll get another dress from the room. Remember we brought three extras in case you changed your mind anyway." "Ok," said Bridget, calming down as her mother ran out and got the other dress. "You must be kidding me, mom," shivered Bridget, trying on the next one. "This can't be happening." "I don't understand it," said Kristen, as again it was too short and wouldn't close. "Could your grandmother have made a mistake?" "Please don't say that, mom," cried Bridget, now in full panic mode. "I will freak out. I'll be eliminated if I don't get out there!" "Just sit here for a minute while I call her," said Kristen, darting out of the room. "I'll figure something out honey." Kristen hurried back to all her stuff and quickly dialed up her mother. "Mom, it's me," mumbled Kristen. "We've got a problem with Bridget's dresses. Nothing is fitting." "Oh dear, maybe she's carrying a little water weight," said Bridget's grandmother. "You know how hormonal they can be at her age. I know she doesn't want to because she's been dieting like a fiend, but make her use one of the Spanks or light weight body shapers we used with the sleek gowns last year. That should help." "Mom, you're not listening," yelled Kristen at her mother. "Don't you think I would have done that already?" "Well get through tonight dear, and if you want I'll tell your father that we'll need to change to an earlier flight. I don't mind coming earlier and letting out the dresses a little," said her mother nonchalantly. "You know we wouldn't miss the big Saturday night portion of the show, but you know how he hates all the prelim stuff." "Mom, maybe you are going senile on me. It's not even close to zipping up and how does that explain the dress being way too short," screamed Kristen, frustrated, muffling the phone with her hand so Bridget couldn't hear. "No alteration will fix this. Somehow you screwed up your measurements, and this is a custom only glitz pageant. Everything must be hand made to fit." "Of course I know that, Kristen! I slaved making all those dresses for my granddaughter!" said her mother, getting pissed. "No, maybe she had a growth spurt or something. Walter, bring me my glasses and those sheets with the measurements." "Now what are you two fighting about, Betty," said Walter, Kristen's father. "Here." "Oh mmyyy gaawwddd!" Shivered Betty. "Walter, go get us on the red eye. I'll need to sew all night and then you'll box my machine and everything else I'll need." "Mom, what is it?" Gulped Kristen. "Kristen, tell Bridget grandma is sorry and I'll make it right," said Betty, discombobulated. "You were right Kristen. Maybe I am going senile. I mixed up the patterns." "But you couldn't have?" said Kristen, confused. "You've only been making these dresses for Bridget this last month or so. These are only the latest things." "Yes but I've also been making the suits you wanted for Paul," said Betty, shuffling paper. "I can't believe I did it, but I must have switched them accidentally." "Are you saying you made dresses for your grandson, and suits for your granddaughter?" yelled Kristen, freaking out. "Well, the dresses... Yes but I haven't finished the suits yet," Gulped Betty, sick to her stomach. "Give me that you ding bat," Grumbled her father, ripping the phone from his wife. "Kristen, get through tonight and we'll be there early in the morning if I have to drive all night." "Ok, dad, but I'm not sure if we can," Cried Kristen, getting emotional. "She might be eliminated by then. The dresses have to be custom and one of a kind." "Pay off someone! I'll give you the money! Anything for my granddaughter! You know that!" said Walter, rambling. "Maybe buy one from someone that would have worn it tomorrow, and we'll have your mother make them another one at the crack of dawn. She's got tons of stuff here half done that I'll bring and I'm sure we can make something happen." "Dad, I don't know," said Kristen, almost sobbing. "Pull yourself together for my granddaughter, Kristen!" Scolded Walter. "I brought you up to be resourceful, so go figure out something until we get there." "Ok, ok," said Kristen, wiping her eyes and blowing her nose as she walked across the room towards Lillian. "You know the rules right?" said Lillian looking at her watch. "In twenty five minutes, Bridget needs to be on stage for procession one." "Of course,, but there's a small issue I'd like to discuss with you in private," said Kristen, pulling her aside. "Mrs. Pietro, again may I remind you of the rules," said Lillian, annoyed at being pulled aside. "You may not have realized how loud the sniveling, whining and bickering from your call sounded like in a confined space like this, but now the other two mothers left in the room were disgusted and myself too?" "You heard all that?" said Kristen, embarrassed. "I was that loud?" "We all heard your obnoxiously loud phone call," said Lillian, turning her back on her. "Now again must I remind you of the pageants rules." "No, I understand them, but I was hoping you could help me. Obviously you heard it was an honest mix up. My mother just used my son's measurements and not my daughters," said Kristen, almost pleading as she yanked at Lillian's arm to stop her from walking away. "I know you've got dresses back there on the rack that you could lend or rent to me. I don't care what they would cost. I just need anything so we can get through today." "You know those are not custom, and that would be a clear violation of the rules," said Lillian holding her chest in a huff. "I almost can't believe you'd asked me that Mrs. Pietro. I'm appalled." "Oh please Lillian! It's just for today, and you know damn well you'd do the same thing for your daughter if you needed to," said Kristen, getting angry. "Now drop the Mrs. Pietro bullshit, as you've know me for a fucking decade, and let's work out anything you want. You know how hard Bridget has worked just to be here, and she'd be devastated if she got eliminated on a technically." "You think I want to eliminate her and have an uneven field just like I have in the age group below her. You know what issues that causes don't you? The catwalk? The line ups! The judging?" said Lillian, getting in Kristen's face. "The little bitch that dropped out thirty minutes ago was the girl I was representing, and now I look like I can't control my own model in my own contest." "I'm sorry Lillian, but please don't drop Bridget," said Kristen grabbing her shoulder. "You must have some custom stuff back there that wouldn't violate any rules. Anything please?" Lillian again turned her back on Kristen and folded her arms with a huff. She took one step towards the door and then stopped dead in her tracks, seeing something out of the corner of her eye. Quickly her head turned, snapping like on a swivel and then she took a double take before turning back towards Kristen. "Wait a minute.... Is that your son over there that with the head phones on that hasn't even moved during all this?" said Lillian, changing the subject and flipping her long nail, pointing. "That little straggly looking thing is the so called hockey star everyone was talking about? How old is he?" "Well yes, but he's not straggly and he's only twelve," said Kristen a little insulted. "It's just they keep winning and the whole team can't cut their hair until they lose. They're going on two years without a loss. But what's the problem now? He's just playing his games and not bothering anyone. I saw a few other mothers with boys back here, and it's never been a problem before." "Marcy, can you come up here please, and stat," said Lillian, into her headset and walking towards Paul. "Kristen, come with me please." "Now what?" asked Kristen, rolling her eyes and following. "Hello there," said Lillian, tapping his shoulder, interrupting his game. "If you wouldn't mind standing for me, dear." "Ok?" said Paul, annoyed his game was interrupted. "What's up Lillian?" said Marcy, half out of breath as she sprinted from the hair and makeup room. "Well, seems we all have a major issue that I'm working on resolving," said Lillian, touching his long hair that spilled out of his little ski cap behind his ears. "You've got two hours until the younger girls go on. You think you could make this work?" "This meaning him?" said Marcy, surprised, looking him over. "Yes, we believe he's got an entire weekend's worth of custom dresses made to fit and we've got a slot to fill," said Lillian, lifting the long length atop his ski cap and twirling it like a bun holding it there. "You kidding me?" Marcy nodded. "That would be so much fun. I'd love the challenge." "Lillian, are you crazy?" asked Kristen, looking down at her son, unaware of what they were discussing. "That's my son." "No Kristen. That's your bargaining chip. I'm short in the Junior Teen group, and I'd rather not have the same problem with our Miss Teen level," Lillian annoyingly tapped Kristen's shoulder. "You did say you'd do anything to help your daughte,r right?" "But you can't put a boy in a girls contest, could you?" Kristen nervously asked her. "Kristen, luckily he's of appropriate age, and we don't discriminate by gender. At least we don't anymore. Last year we had to take the "must be a natural born female rule" out to comply with the national initiative to support GLBT causes, and match the global competition rules," Lillian stated. "We just require a dress code that obviously someone of the alternate gender normally wouldn't want to wear or even look to participate in an extravagant pageant such as ours." "I can't believe you'd stoop this low," chirped Kristen. "You want me to let you dress up my son just so you won't be embarrassed that your contestant dropped out on you." "Oh Kristen, please!" said Lillian, flipping her wrist. "I've won six of the last ten times in the Junior Teen category so it's not like I'd have any expectations. But of course I'd save face to my backers and sponsors. Look at it like I'd be maintaining my reputation and you won't be denying your daughter the opportunity she's dreamed of!" "I can't allow it," said Kristen, growing furious. "Are you fucking nuts!" "And I guess then I couldn't allow you access to my private dressing area," said Lillian, rolling her eyes and turning her back. "It's too bad, because I've got some lovely hand made things that just might fit Bridget?" "You fucking bitch," yelled Kristen, ready to choke her. "Mom, you ok?" said Paul, taking out his headphones seeing the emotion. "What's going on here?" "Nothing honey," said Kristen, rubbing his head. "Just an adult discussion as they are trying to screw over your sister." "On the contrary, honey," said Lillian with a grin. "Out of the goodness of my heart, I'm just proposing a solution to help her?" "Mom, I go everywhere for him!" yelled Bridget, scurrying over in a bathrobe. "I've been in shithole after shithole in the crappiest cites, never missing a game." "Bridget, do you realize what you're saying?" said Kristen. "I can't ask him to do something like this." "It's a few days playing dress up for him, mom!" said Bridget, trying to reason. "I've been his biggest cheerleader! The team mascot. Done fundraisers and collected money in parking lots in coffee cans. You even made me go on a movie date with the coach's nephew who looked like a fucking troll!" "It wasn't a date," said Kristen, rolling her eyes. "I told you it wasn't!" "Well he didn't know it wasn't a date, but I told you all this!" said Bridget, getting pissed. "Bad enough I had to sit there with his arm around my chair touching my hair, and I almost puked when he tried to kiss me." "Oh please, Bridget!" Scolded her mother. "You've met plenty of cute boys on these trips so let's not go there, ok? I'm not stupid and I've given you plenty of trust to go out a little. Your father would kill both of us if he knew about some of the times I've allowed you out!" "Yeah, out stuck in the middle of nowhere!" yelled Bridget, folding her arms. "Bored to shit doing next to nothing while supporting little Gretzky over there." "She's right mom," said Paul. "If you need my help with something, Bridget, why didn't you just ask?" "I'm asking now?" said Bridget, looking him in the eye and starting to tear up. "You might think I'm asking a lot but..?" "It's alright," said Paul, looking at he,r nodding. "What do you ladies need me to do? I was like a junior stage hand once, and I can do whatever you need me to do to help." "Well then what a wonderful sister you have there, don't you Bridget?" Smiled Lillian, looking at Kristen and then her watch. "So how about we see if the dress fits like you say it will, and then we can all move forward from there. Nineteen minutes until Bridget needs to be on stage or be eliminated!" "A dress?" questioned Paul. "Did she call me your..." "Come on now, we've got to hurry," said Bridget, yanking her brother towards the dressing room. "The clock is ticking, and I still have to find something that'll fit me." "What the hell, Bridget!" moaned Paul the moment he found himself inside the dressing room as his sister closed the curtain. "It's no big deal. Grandma messed up our sizes, and made all my dresses to fit you," said Bridget pulling off his t-shirt. "Once they make you up, no one will know it's you and I've seen you in your underwear like a hundred times wandering the house, so it's no time to be shy in front of me now!" "This really can't be happening!" gulped Paul, as his sister pulled off his shoes and ripped down his pants. "Yeah well that's exactly how I felt all morning when nothing fit," said Bridget, taking the dress from the hanger on the wall. "Now you had your moment scoring the winning goal. Please don't deny me my chance at mine." "Oh I hate you," squirmed Paul, standing now in only his briefs and white socks as his sister unzipped the dress and crouched down in front of him, opening it. "You know I wouldn't but this isn't what I thought you needed me for." "Now you love me and I love you for doing his for me! Now step in, my soon to be little sis and let's pray that grandma did get the sizes backwards like we think she did!" said Bridget, looking up at him and tapping him to lift up his leg. "That's not exactly what I'm praying for," Paul said as he stepped inside what looked like a huge mound of fluff as it was sprawled across the floor. He was quivering as his sister slid the dress up his chest and then gently slipped his arms inside the shoulder straps. It was hard to believe any of this could be happening he thought, as she straightened the fit and then hopped behind him, grasping the zipper on his lower back. "Oh thank you! Thank you," squealed Bridget, as he felt the zipper stop on his back before excitedly circling him, jumping for joy. "She did reverse our sizes. I can't believe it. Thank you! Thank you." "I can't pull this off." Paul was stunned looking down at himself encased in this immense floor length dress. "I'll fall on my ass just taking a step in this." "Stop being a baby," said his sister, finger brushing his hair from behind his ears and on to each shoulder. "Hold my hand and just be careful not to step on the dress. Take little steps and you'll be fine."

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There exist in the world devices designed for humiliation. They can either never be removed or only be removed at a very high price. They come from many places, both technological and mystical. These infernal creations often look like everyday object such as shoes or clothing… These are the stories of the unfortunate souls unlucky enough to be trapped in them…

1 year ago
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Bambi is Born

Clarrisa Waters watched the man cross the busy street. She had seen him before when he came to take out her sister Samantha. He was a tall and statuesque looking man after having played football in college. He had even made the All-American team because of his quick decision making ability, which lead him to a very successful career as a Cooperate Executive. He was smart, funny and just about everything a girl could desire in a man. So when he had asked Samantha out, all she did was...

4 years ago
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I posed nude for a black friend of mine

I was snooping through my husbands journal the other day and found that I had talked way too much the other night. I don't remember any of this and he was cool enough to not bust me on anything. He just blew it off to me being me. I think. I will say this for him though, he did leave me and my friends alone that nite and if he'd shown up, I don't know what would have happend. Anyway, I'm not gonna change anything or help him out with grammar or anything. This is ver batim out of his journal....

2 years ago
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The day I had to dress up like a slut and go stand

I got nude then started to get dressed. Pink panties white bra stuffed white blouse red skirt black heels. Did makeup and panted my nails. Got the nerve up went out the door felt ok at first very few cars. Got to west 5th and there was a lot more and me walking down the street looking I want a trick oh my. Started to get nerves about this. Was thinking about turning around nut pushed on. Got to the corner to cross and of course there was cars I had walk in front of crossed the street. Kept...

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to happend in vegas

My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...

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TRESChapter 35 Nicole

"Hey, Pop, how you?" I said on the telephone. I started to fall into the speech patterns of my youth as I dialed my father's telephone number. "Nicky! It sure is good to hear from you. I'm right as rain. How you? How's college comin' along?" "Good, Pop, real good. How's Jessie?" "Fine as frog's hair. She's not here right now, went to the store. How's that husband of yours?" "Great. Did you get the painting Josh sent you?" "Yup, it's hangin' on the wall in the livin'...

2 years ago
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The Amulets of Power II the Kennedy WarsChapter 6

I had just started to open the shipping case in the commo bunker when Meadows came in. “I want to see what this thing looks like,” he told me, as I opened the locks on the case and removed the top. The main unit was in the middle of the case surrounded by foam and the other modular units. Spare parts, manuals and tools were in the bottom under these units. “Are you just running code here?” I asked Meadows. “Yes, that’s all we can do with the GRC-109. What will that baby do?” “You can run...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 180

Wednesday started off strange enough. I cooked an early breakfast for my mates, not that that was unusual but the conversation was hilarious. I had slept with Lorrie on Monday and I spent Tuesday night with Vicky - which was always fun - and Lorrie slept with Jenny. At breakfast there was a lover's spat about Jenny giggling during the night waking Lorrie up several times. Jenny asked why Lorrie kept tickling her stomach. With Marcy in Altoona, Ching Lee had slept with Jenny on Monday...

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Clothing Optional The Naked Cottage

Sylvia begged for me to stop her clit now to sensitive to touch, she slowly released her grip on my head and I sunk back into the water watching her spasm and twitch as her orgasm subsided. We decided it was time we had a holiday and with my wife Sylvia's birthday coming up we thought it would be nice to celebrate it with a stay in a nice cottage somewhere quiet and relaxing. We sat down with the iPads and a glass of wine each to see what was available and soon found a lovely looking cottage in...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 3

They were a few feet in front of me and both had their blades drawn. Based on their stance I could tell that they had experience with them, but they were overconfident. They lacked the discipline to treat each encounter seriously and that would ultimately prove their downfall. I drew both my sword and knife and got in a defensive stance. I had the knife facing towards the ground in my left hand and had my sword drawn in my right. Through the link, I could tell that Janet was pissed and, on...

1 year ago
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ShamedSluts Alex Blake Office Hoe Shamed

Paul wants to expose his former girlfriend and current low-key office mega-slut Alex Blake to everyone. All undercover stud Bruno has to do is fix her car and take her to lunch and she’s soon revealing her whore exploits and deep throating his cock. He hammers her tight wet pussy extremely hard and sexually dominates her like the nasty dumb slut she is then blasts a huge load of cum on her glasses and face. She’s basks in being treated like a bitch until he cruelly reveals that she’s on Shamed...

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Whore wife fucked in boat

She would even engage washer man or milkman for sex. It was getting out of hand for me. I took her to psychiatrist who advised a long holiday for her. doctor was surprised by her enthusiasm. She should be kept away from her regular place. We took a vacation and went to Mumbai to cool ourselves. After few days of sightseeing at Mumbai we took a boat to Elephanta Caves from Gateway of India. It was an hour-long boat ride, with about fifty people, several couples and some students. Rajshree was...

Group Sex
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The Love Making With Rose

Hie everyone I am from Mumbai, 22 years currently working in an MNC, I am following of Indian sex stories for past few years may be 3-4 it’s always wonderful to read experiences many times I did ended up masturbating to many of them many things I have got to know from the stories here so I thot to share one of my best experiences It’s my first time writing my experience so do please bear any errors or mistake I will try my best to make this as erotic as I can there will me many more here...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Scarlit Scandal Bathing Her Bodacious Curves

Petite ebony sweetie Scarlit Scandal is a special kind of sexy. She has all the curves you could ever ask for in the tiniest, cutest package you could imagine. The beautiful babe lathers herself up in the bathtub, getting herself slippery and wet for our studs massive dick. But when her hung stepbrother catches her fucking a dildo in the bathroom, he wants to show her what a real man can do for her. To make sure the pervy guy does not share any naughty pics of her with his friends, Scarlit lets...

2 years ago
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Fun With Exs Commander and Wife and

Introduction: Well, I had some time before taking the pill would quit keeping me childless so… Hey Everyone, hope all is well with everyone. Well, to continue the entry with my exs commander and wife, I had some time before the pill would not keep me childless and was seeing JAckie almost every day. We enjoyed each other a lot and when Bob got home he watched us and then I took care of his needs. My ex stayed drunk and so was usually asleep when I got home about 7 each evening. So, one morning...

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my BDSM contract

this contract is my own creation, but I used some parts of other contracts I found openly available on the webSlavery Contract 1. This contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement, which defines in specific terms, the relationship and interaction between two individuals, hereafter termed the slave, and the Master. 2. Slave's Rolea. The slave agrees to submit completely to the Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may wilfully...

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Yamanor Chapter 1 Arrive Ankunft

Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin die auf dieser Seite den Nicknamen "Mia_chan", "Mia" benutzt. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen/Orten sind nicht beabsichtigt und rein zuf?llig. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seite ver?ffendlicht werden. Da ich Kommentare eher auf meiner Website wahrnehme registiert euch dort bitte f?r schnellere Antworten :) ©2009 Mi...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 21 Dear John

Justin was sitting on the small hill watching the digger coming out of the entrance to the new mine that he had helped get started nine days before. The young Prol woman operated it deftly. He was delighted with his work here. He had come back to Clarksville the day after they had helped Lee build the UN Compound. Their father had inadvertently, taught him and Kim to teleport between planets. They had picked up the basics for ‘on a planet’ from Lee. Allan had been impressed by Kim...

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My family tradition

I come from a town in India… We have a barber a hair salon, a small restaurant, a nick knack and used furniture store as well as a saloon where all the locals hang out. Most everyone in our family is related. I will explain later in the story. I am laying here in bed contemplating my life and wondering what my future is going to be. In some ways from a sexual point of view, it has been good and in other ways, you may say terrible. My name is Betty Jo, I am 18 and most men think I am pretty or...

2 years ago
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The Principal Rules With A Very Big Stick 8211 Part 4

As I stared at Mr. Jeffers big black cock I knew that Mrs. Hall never made it to the club. In fact the only club she got to see that night was Mr. Jeffers members only ’12 inch black club’. As I was watching this sexy sight, he looked in the mirror too and said hotly, “Yeah baby, there been a lot of rich-married pussy, that sat right were you are now, watching this 12 inch cock goin in and out of their tight married pussies.” I then teased, “You mean like my boyfriends mom, Mrs. Hall.” He...

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JapanHDV Fu Sazanami Pust on her old swimsuit uniform to get fingered in shower

Fu Sazanami took a whole shot of hot cum to her mouth the last time we saw her. She belongs to the uniform club which means she puts on her old uniform and waits for men to ask her out. She could wear her old HS uniform or even her gym outfit from HS or maybe her old swimsuit from her HS swim class. Whichever it is, you know that someone is going to have a fetish for that uniform and ask her to satisfy some sexual fetish they have. Today she is looking hot in her old swimwear. She loves to show...

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The Arrangement Ch 12

Jill forced herself to hum softly for Britney and Ashley. The twins were as cranky today as she felt and being restrained in their stroller did not help. ‘It won’t be long, princesses. We just need to pick-up Jesse and Bel,’ she promised as her tummy did a little flip. She frowned, it had been a couple of weeks since the worst of the morning sickness had passed. As they approached the stop sign that marked the designated school bus stop, she waved to Simone. She tried to force a smile, but...

2 years ago
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Passionate Dalliance

Passionate Dalliance I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn't full of...

Straight Sex
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Having Fun With Bangalore Sisters

Dear Indian sex story readers, It’s me Divakar again with a new real life incident to share with you. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Divakar; a 29-year-old IT professional working in Bangalore. I am a trained and certified massage therapist too and offer doorstep massage, gigolo, and slave services to ladies. I give massage for specific problems too like neck pain, lower back pain, calf pain, breast enlargement, breast sag reduction, yoni-lingam, etc., and I do have quite a good...

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Who seduced who

My husband's friend offered me and my man alot of money if I'd do a strip tease for him and even a lot more if I did something "anything" extra, surprisingly my man agreed and told me to change for the occasion. I put on a pair of tiny, tight black g-sring panties matching bra and 3" high heels. He put on a CD that I could really move to and I began dancing "erotic" his friends (Brendon) eyes were popping out of his head following my every move. I started bending over for him my ass and crotch...

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Kimberly Nicole Part 3

Kimberly Nicole Part 3: Kim Finds Herself Amanda and Beth Ann had followed Kim to a BD/SM club and watched her being trusted up in front of an audience. Beth Ann was shocked to see Kim with a vagina and not a penis as she had at the hotel with Jeff. And, Amanda had to tell Beth Ann the full story of Ted and Kim. It turns out, that Kim was also trying, even though in the wrong way, to find herself like Amanda was. During a talk, after Kim returned from the BD/SM club, Amanda told Kim,...

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Rush Hour Rush

It’s only past seven in the evening and still already pitch dark outside the car. The headlights illuminate the fat raindrops that hurl themselves horizontally at the windshield. He is on the autobahn going barely 50 mph in the middle lane and it still looks like Chewie just punched it. Fall season in Germany is goddamn dreary.The streets are packed today. It’s rush hour, but no one’s literally rushing anywhere. Wise decision in this weather.He changes the radio channel and catches the tail end...

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Sandi my model wife with pix

For 47 wonderful years my beloved wife was not only the apple of my eye, but my favorite model as well. I first dated her at the suggestion of my dad, the only time I ever took his advice "You really ought to date this girl, she has great legs." He told me. She did, and she knew how to use them to drive me crazy. She knew I had a thing for lingerie, cameras and especially stockings and high heels. Every chance she got she wore them for me. Here are some examples of the G-rated outfits she wore...

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Failures of PerfectionChapter 5

Natalia looked at Ellen as they drove smoothly through the traffic not really knowing how she wanted to address the situation. “You’re silent today,” Ellen remarked softly as they stood still at a traffic light. “I am, aren’t I?” Natalia conceded, biting her lip nervously. Ellen chuckled softly as she accelerated the car after the light had changed to green. Somehow Ellen was always the woman who Natalia could relate with, especially after her parents had decided to immigrate to Europe....

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BigTitCreamPie Crystal Rush Gold Digger Gets a Creampie

This week I decided to try and get me a gold digger. They’re everywhere and they’ll do anything for a guy with money. So I took my bosses car and hit the streets to attempt to find one. It didn’t take too long before this one chick at the park took the bait. She first turned me down, but once she took a glance at the car, she was all in. I took her back to one of the many houses that my Boss owns and pretended it was mine. She fell for it right away. so much so that soon after she was...

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Teenage Cousins

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have pretty hot cousins. Of course I fantasize about them, but if I ever told them, I have no idea how they would handle it. My hottest cousins are in their 20's, so they would be harder to get for myself, who am only 18. I go over to one of my cousin's house quite a bit, not to just hang out, but to check out his sister, who is my cousin, and the current hot friends she has over. Of course I had never tried anything with her before, because I was...

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Menage a Ty

"How are you doing lately, Ty?" Vicki asked her ex, as she picked up Trevor from his place. Her son was busy gathering his stuff, so they had a private moment that allowed for candid discussion. She was sincerely concerned, as it had been more than three months since Dinah's demise and Ty still seemed to keep to himself. Vicki knew that grief was never easy, especially under such circumstances as the way that Dinah betrayed him right before her death. Even so, the way that Ty simply hung...

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Dans le Murs Part 6

15 to much and have 12 Dans le Murs – Part VI Synopsis: Colin has met the delightful Simone who, despite her tender years, is attracted to him. After spending an exhausting night with her and freaking out an old lady in the park, Colin returns to Beaumetz. There is a family tragedy so Colin takes Simone under his wing and she finds a role at JOKER. Now read on. Part 6 – Eastern Psychology Authors note: As this is written in the UK any reference to the ‘Age of Consent’ is to the age in the UK,...

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Melissa gets a strange cock to play with0

This true story happened a couple of years ago while were both new to living out our fantasies together. These experiences have made us stronger as a couple and we are deeper in love now than ever. After we seduced and fucked Dana, a young African American woman from her office, Melissa and I began to plan our next experience together. Melissa nervously decided that she was ready to fulfill her fantasy to be fucked by a strange man, preferably a younger African American man. We...

4 years ago
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Arrested Development

Arrested Development By Cassandra Morgan The world was a little too large for me. It was vast and cold, and there was meanness everywhere. Perhaps that's why I didn't like to venture out into it very often. It was better to stay at home and do my chores. Bad things happened when I left our home. There was so many variables, so many villains, and all of them could be unleashed on a poor sissy at any time. Yet, here I was, in the back of Mistress' car, speeding down the highway,...

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Amy 31 Magical Sailor Girl Amy

Amy 31: Magical Sailor Girl Amy Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Silicon Valley Boys Are Lonely I was feeling pretty awesome. Even more awesome than the weather, because we'd had a cold, rainy Christmas and New Year's, followed by this bizarre warm spell that led to...

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Met Pami On Facebook In Hyderabad

Hi all, once again thank you for all your responses and appreciation, today I’m narrating my other session with a lady whom I meet online. Gorgeous lady’s, housewives, aunties and girls can reach me to my mail id() for self-satisfaction and unsatisfied lady’s and girls can meet me for pleasure and sex any time, this should be between us only. My name is Vishwash from Hyderabad. I’m 5.6 height, I’m from decent background, graduate and working in an it firm. This sex story is about me and a...

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With our pants down our ankles, we shuffle to my bedroom. 'You will stay a little while?' I look at him questioningly, 'This seems like just the beginning.' Stephon does not answer, but the confirmation comes quickly. He loosens his shoelaces, takes off his pants and dives on my bed. I do not need more. I quickly follow his example and fall into his arms. Stephon is a great kisser. Deep and wet. In the meantime, I feel his hand go looking for my ass. 'Only real tops do that,' I think satisfied....

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My darling saved my money

This is one of real my story. Now let me tell u about myself I am 26 male from Hyderabad (India) good looking, 5.9 ” Height, 67 Kgs Weight, 7 ” rod. My name is Gold Guy (Name Changer) Hi guys I thought of sharing a seduction experience I did 2 years ago when we got married and moved into a new house. We wanted to get a ‘home and content insurance’ and were shopping around. We went to this agency and met a middle age guy in his late 30s. We were discussing about the options and he was explaining...

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BackroomCastingCouch Cherry 08122021

This week we’ve got the sweetest Cherry on the couch. She’s a cute, tiny little Latina dancer and she’s about to get her brains railed out. This girl is a little energizer bunny running a mile a minute and ready to do what she needs to do to get into the porno biz and make $1000 to $5000 a day. We bring her in, get her on the couch and get to work. To say this little lady likes sex is an understatement. From the time we get those clothes off of her till she’s getting filled up she’s in heaven....

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A Journey of PassionChapter 3 The Daughters

He lay tattered and torn, the life gone from his once vibrant body. Shelby screamed and pounded her fists into her father's chest. Seth felt numb to the pain she inflicted on him as he tried to make this nightmare go away. His son-in-law was dead. Another man was as well. The elderly man ran a red light and plowed into Rex's car just hours ago. Both men died on impact according to the police. Rex was just twenty-five. Seth struggled with the senselessness of it all. He knew his daughter...

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Costa and Son

After five difficult months in an apartment that I had moved to, I was fed up. There always seemed to be one or other problem, and getting it fixed was always an ordeal. I gave my required one months’ notice and decided to move on. Two weeks later when I started panicking, I saw a ‘To Let’ sign on an apartment complex that I had always admired when driving by. I phoned the number and spoke to Costa. That evening I drove over to view the apartment. It was a two-storey block with ten apartments,...

Gay Male
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Mall Rat Whore

Title: Mall Rat WhoreTitle: Mall Rat WhoreAuthor: Syren Julie had tried dating in the months since her divorce papers come through but no one she had met could give her what she wanted.? Even when she was with her husband she had had fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them, until the last couple of weeks that is. Tired of going on dates with losers from work and men that her friends set her up with Julie had turned to the internet to find what she craved, and she had found...

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A Beach Day

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Tilda's slumbering form lurched, threatened by the angry siren's wail of her alarm clock. The young woman tried to submerge herself further into her sheets, burrowing into the fabric of her bed to no avail. There was no escaping the inevitability that was waking up. A head full of long blond hair poked out from the swathe of blankets she had rolled herself up in. Bright blue eyes open blearily, her Swedish heritage obvious to anyone. In an attempt to rid herself of her...

4 years ago
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First tranny

I’d been single for a few months and having the shittyist of luck on dating sites. I was unemployed and making some deliveries to the gay community for some extra cash. One of my regular stops was to a tranny named Tory she wasn’t bad looking and she never made a move on me other than asking if I’d like to hangout for a few minutes. Anyway I’d seen her on one of the chat rooms on a dating site... now I’d been without sex for at least a few weeks and I got a little curious. I started...

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Initiation and Revolution

I was seventeen. It is a significant time. But perhaps I need to explain some more? Until a few years ago, this country, my country, was two centuries behind most of the rest of the world; our leader, Glavni Starij (you would say ‘Chief Elder’), and the Vestri, brought in some modern technology, but didn’t think about the implications ... the consequences. My Father explained some of this to me. You see, in Domovinu, women have few rights. I have to say, though, my Mama ruled our household. She...

2 years ago
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Nightly Sins Pt 3

Authors Note: Here is Part three, hope you enjoy it, and I welcome comments, Ideas, what would you like to see next, just no snuff, or water sports or scat, torture and other violent themes. also No getting the girls pregnant right now. (I have plans later for it.) As noted in the last story I am a free lance computer tech, and home security and automation. Basically means I can wire your house lights and various functions to a computer and allow you to access them from anywhere in the...

1 year ago
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The Tales of Jezebel Ch 5

It was the wee morning hours on campus. Fancy was contemplating what just happened. She kissed her friend and liked it. She wasn’t drunk by a longshot. The question creeped up on her mind very quickly…“Am I… Am I bi?”All her life she only had boyfriends. The only times she had kissed girls were drunkenly. While she thought of that question more and more, she thought of a special someone from the past that could help her with this dilemma. Fancy reached over and got her phone. She texted these...

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My wife fucking a trucker in the back

So to continue the story, I contacted the trucker and told him about my wife's surprising reaction, and he of course was thrilled. I told him she wanted to come back to the truck the next Saturday. I told him to make sure to clean up, change sheets, get rid of the smoking smell, and make sure no one could see in the wind shield. I told him be ready for anything she might just go all the way. He was very excited, and said he would be there.On Saturday we went to Outback steak house I thought it...

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1. A Quick Shower I woke up in a thin, brown-haired girl's bed, spooning with her. She wasn't awake yet, and she was facing away from me, so I wasn't sure if it was worth it to wake up next to her, having not remembered the night before. But I'm a nice guy, so I like to wake up my one-night stands in the nicest way possible. I moved my hand under the covers, and found her pussy. I rubbed her thighs, pussy lips and clit. She stirred, woke up slowly, and put her own hand on top of...

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Testing a womans life

We had agreed that he would take me as a woman. I had prepared myself with panties and tights under my skirts and I had topped with a lace bra. In the panties did I put a thick sanitary napkin so I had no chance of jerking even if I wanted to! Now Erik's hand felt on my thighs and in my writing and he grinned contentedly when he felt understood that I could do nothing but concentrate on his cock. I bent forward toward his open fly and took a little so cute and soft cock into my mouth's warmth...

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THE NEXT WEEK SET THE PACE for some intense work. We had good painting days on Monday and Tuesday, but I mostly worked alone. Deb or Bree kept track of the volunteers who came out to help an hour here or there. Tuesday afternoon, I had to take a break for Doc’s class. I tagged Coach Frederickson early in the mornings for a run. We focused on painting the backgrounds and larger expanses of less detailed work while we still had scaffolding. It came down Monday. In order to switch to the...

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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife 8211 Part 6 Ch 1

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the previous parts for continuity. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. This part will have her first exploits in detail. This part will be a full narration from Aaesha about her slutiness and her exploits. So please bear with the length and the details. The story continues. I was glad that my friend’s muslim wife shared that and she hasn’t done anything to reveal her identity and ruin her life and that of my friends. I was...

1 year ago
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Friends Mother With Massive Tits 1

It was my Senior year. I was at Brad's house working on our Senior Science Project when it all started.Brad had run out to the local Big Box Emporium for some supplies and I had wandered into the bathroom to take care of some personal business.The laundry room was just off the bathroom and as I was sitting on the can I saw thru the open door that one of Brad's Mom's bras was hanging on a drying rack. You have to understand that Brad's Mom was the focus of a lot of gossip among Brad's chums....

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