The Hendrick's Inheritance Part II free porn video

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The Hendricks Inheritance Part II The skin-suit of his half-sister Cynthia still required his midriff to still be cut in half by the torture of a corset. However, all the rest of everything he needed was built into the one-piece skin. Heather informed him that the material was a breathable polymer, so he would sweat naturally through it and would not overheat by wearing it for any length of time. He had to don the suit by putting his legs in through the open zip one at a time and then pulling it up around his waist. The tricky part, William had found, was slotting his penis into the waiting pouch that was built into the crotch. The pouch, he had been told, connected through a tube at the end to the urethra that was part of the woman's pussy, so he could pee naturally out of the suit. The arsehole was naturally tapered with a hole just below the zip so that he could also shit whilst wearing the suit. The next part of the explanation he hadn't wanted to hear, but had been forced to hear it all by his Aunt. His very real looking new vagina had a vaginal cavity built into the suit that could accommodate a man's penis within it. As his cock expanded it would make his fake cunt tighter and give both him and the man he was having sex with more pleasure. His tits held a supply of pussy juice that when squeezed would supply the cunt through two small capillary tubes that ran down the front of the suit into the top of the vagina. The more that Cynthia's fake tits were played with, the more excited and wet that she would appear to be. If the man played with his clitoris, then it would cause the pouch that held his penis to ripple and massage it. In this way, Heather told him, he could experience sex as a woman and really make it seem like Cynthia was enjoying the experience. William understood now how he was going to catch a man to make his Cynthia's husband, but there was no way that he would ever be able to get pregnant. He figured he'd just have a quick affair in Vegas, marry and then get a quickie divorce. William carried on fitting the new suit. He placed the new breasts in place and fitted his arms into the hands and the fingers. The fingers had long nails on them that no doubt he would need to paint. Finally he put his head into the mask and Heather helped him fit it and started to glue down the parts of the mask into place so that he would have a full facial expression. "You'll love being a woman," Heather gushed. William was not convinced that he agreed with her; this whole idea was stupid and crazy. Heather then fussed over the new Cynthia's hair and checked that all of the parts of the suit were in the right place. "There, you look beautiful. Welcome to your new life, Cynthia." William looked at his new naked self in the mirror and had to admit that the suit had made him the spitting image of his sister. Although he'd never really looked at his sister naked, there were some pictures that he had found that she had buried in her old photo albums. "Thank you, Heather. You've been such a help to my in this difficult time, especially as I have Daddy's funeral to attend tomorrow." The voice box was built into the throat of the new suit and had been perfected from a tape that he had found of Cynthia singing one Christmas. Over the past few days he had practised Cynthia's signature and had logged into her PC and changed all her passwords. "How the hell are Cynthia and William both going to attend Daddy's funeral?" the new Cynthia asked. There was no way that he could go as Cynthia and also attend as himself - it was impossible for him to be in two places at once. "I have an answer for that," his Aunt replied. "You, William, will be going but will watch the funeral from a distance. After the casket goes into the ground, you're going to disappear off." "Yes, but I can't be there as Cynthia and myself," William pressed. He wondered if she were being deliberately thick. "Oh, no, sweetheart. You'll be going as Cynthia," Aunt Daphne told him. "Heather here will be going as you. Show him, Heather." Heather reached down into a box and pulled out a mask that looked exactly like him, even down to his normal stubble and mussed up hair. "She'll just wear some baggy clothes and, from a distance, it'll look like you turned up." *** Aunt Daphne had insisted that Cynthia wear a black dress with black court shoes and a little black hat with a dark veil for the funeral. She steadied Cynthia by holding on to her arm as they walked towards the grave - not, William suspected, for moral support, but mostly to ensure that he didn't trip and fall in his heels. He was still getting used to wearing them and even now he still had the occasional mishap despite all the practice that he had been made to do. The vicar droned on endlessly about the wonderful person that his father had been and inside the latex disguise, William was seething. However, Cynthia couldn't show any anger and so William had to pretend to cry into a handkerchief whilst secretly boiling with anger at his selfish father for having caused him to go to these extreme lengths to get his hands on the money. After the vicar had finished and the coffin was lowered into the grave, a middle aged woman and a twenty-something lad with glasses and straight black hair came up to them. William searched his memory. She was one of his father's cousin's but it was taking him a while to place her name. "I'm terribly sorry about your father. I hope that you're bearing up alright, my dear Cynthia," the woman said. William was not sure whether this woman had ever met Cynthia before and he'd only seen her a couple of times at family get-togethers. "I'll be alright I suppose," Cynthia replied with a sniff. William hoped that it sounded genuine enough. He suspected that Cynthia was about to hear how wonderful that 'her' father had been. "Your father was a great man, Cynthia," the cousin told 'her'. "Desmond and I really looked up to him. Isn't that right?" The younger, dark haired man next to her nodded enthusiastically. "If you like we could go for a drink next week and we could share our memories of him," Desmond offered enthusiastically. His timing was a little off and William immediately suspected that something was up here. Had the news of the will already got out and were his distant money grabbing relatives already trying to pounce to get a piece of the action? "No, thank you, Desmon," Cynthia replied as gently as 'she' could, given the building anger inside 'her'. "I'd just like to grieve in private if it's all the same to you, Desmond." "Some other time then?" Desmond pressed. He had obviously been given orders by his mother. William realised that now he was the most eligible 'bachelorette' in all of society, a position that he found both odd and a little disturbing at the same time. Desmond wouldn't be the first and he wouldn't be the last one to try and get into 'her' affections to get hold of the money. "Maybe, but it's going to take me a long time to get over my father's death, I think," Cynthia replied. It certainly was going to take some getting used to being a woman and getting chatted up by men. Desmond was obviously an amateur. There would be others with more serious intent and with more skilled at it. Still this Cynthia had a defence against them all: 'she' was really a man who didn't fancy other men. *** The rest of the funeral had consisted of more awkward confrontations with distant relatives that William hardly knew. More than one of them had commented on the absence of that 'no good' son of his father's who'd had the cheek to turn up at the funeral and then disappeared. William had heard a number of opinions of himself during that afternoon that his relatives had never expressed to his face before, none of which was complimentary. Had he really been that bad a son, or were they all just being spiteful now? After the funeral Mr Bloodsworth had read the will. William was surprised at just how little surprise there was at the contents amongst his relatives. Its contents had obviously leaked out somehow, but William was not sure how. Cynthia had lots of congratulations, air kisses and hugs from the family; William had never really had many hugs in his life from the family, so the tactile gestures were odd but strangely comforting. Eventually everyone left and Cynthia was alone in the mansion with her Aunt. Of course she was not really alone; there was Jarvis and a whole household of maids, gardeners and servants, of which she was now in charge. Once she had fully moved all her stuff into the house, she would have very little privacy. Whereas in the flat she could behave as William and peel off the disguise, here in Cynthia's new home she would have to be much more careful and would have to stay in character nearly all the time. Aunt Daphne took him into his father's old private study, now his - no, hers, of course. "You're going to need to start thinking about how you're going to get the rest of your inheritance now," she declared. It was something he'd been trying to desperately avoid thinking about, but the subject kept on encroaching on his brain. "Can't I leave it a few years Auntie?" The fake Cynthia replied. "You could, but that ten percent your father left you isn't going to go far," Aunt Daphne replied. "You now have to pay for the upkeep on this place and all the staff's wages. How long do you think that the small amount that he has left you is going to last? Either Cynthia has got to go out and get a very well paid job OR she's going to need to get married." William hadn't thought about that. He thought he could just put it all off for several years. "Well, I suppose 'Cynthia' is going to have to start dating," William admitted in Cynthia's beautiful voice. "Good girl," Aunt Daphne replied. "Why don't we fix you up on some dates, so you can get used to going out with men?" "But... but... I don't want to be a fucking woman," William protested. "I'd be wanting to screw someone like me, not have some creepy dude do me. Plus I'll never know if that dude was just after the money rather than the fake cunt I have between my legs.". "Language, young lady, and not so loud. You don't want the servants to know your secret do you? No, I thought we might try you on Tinder and that way you can pick the man that you want and they will never know exactly who you are unless you choose to tell them." William winced at the thought of dating a man and gave her opinion again in explicit language, but at the end of the day 'she' had no choice. "Alright, I'll do it just the once," she promised. "Good girl. If you like him enough, then maybe you can also test out some of the other facilities of the suit. You're going to have to do it some time, but the more practice you have, the better you will understand the restrictions of the suit." "No fucking chance of that!" 'Cynthia' replied. *** Aunt Daphne had been somewhat disappointed at the way in which William was adjusting to being a young woman. The new Cynthia seemed to swear much more than the old one, no matter how much she told her how unladylike it was, and Aunt Daphne had to keep coming up with excuses for the new 'lady' of the house. "She's still just getting over the loss of her father."; "It's her time of the month."; "She's not feeling too well." Aunt Daphne was not sure how long she could keep the excuses up, or how long she would have to stay in the Mansion House. She had discovered early on that the new Cynthia did not like sitting down to pee. Instead she must have been reaching into herself and getting her cock out to do her business standing up, because Aunt Daphne was continually finding the seat up and a little puddle on the floor where Cynthia had missed. She had been forced to check each time after Cynthia went to the toilet and clean up after her so that the staff wouldn't get a clue that the new lady of the house was anything but what she visually seemed to be. Aunt Daphne had to spend considerable time with her new niece to explain to her the principles of being a lady. The 'training' would work for a while, but William would soon get fed up and revert to his old ways. When Aunt Daphne detected that Cynthia was slipping out of character, she dragged him into a private drawing room and let him play on his Playstation, whilst giving orders for the staff to leave the Lady of the House alone. After several days of this, she decided that they needed to try a new tactic as clearly William was not treating this seriously enough. He needed to be her full time and not just play at it. Aunt Daphne had hoped to train her first and then get her dating once she was a true lady, but she realised that William would not take all this seriously unless she raised the stakes. *** Cynthia had swiped left on a lot of men during the course of her first day on Tinder. She was dreading swiping any of them to the right, but she knew that she had to eventually. Aunt Daphne had insisted that she choose one that she liked. It seemed that the guys on there were not especially intelligent; misogynistic or losers who really had no hope of ever getting a girlfriend - not that Cynthia really wanted a man or to be anyone's girlfriend really. Eventually Cynthia settled on a tactic. In the next twenty matches, she would have to swipe one to the right. It was like a sort of game of Russian roulette, where she would analyse each guy and weigh up the odds of getting someone better in the next matches. Cynthia got to the fifteenth match and decided that the odds of getting someone better in the next five matches really were not high. Robin was tall and a bit geeky, but at least he was intelligent enough. William suspected he was the kind of man who was always some girl's best friend, but that secretly he was in love with her. However, he wasn't their type but was just a 'good mate'. It seemed that Robin might be a safe bet in the shark infested waters of Tinder dating. Cynthia closed her eyes and swiped right, though deep inside the suit, William's heart sank. A couple of hours later Robin replied with a rather nervy but enthusiastic reply. The guy seemed really keen, and the new Cynthia couldn't go back on it now. She had no choice but to carry on with the plan and suggested meeting at a rather posh and expensive restaurant in the City; that would really tell if Robin was prepared to put his money where his mouth was. Robin agreed and told Cynthia that he would book a table for Saturday night at 8pm. *** William had never really concerned himself about what to wear on a date before. He'd always had several suits and diner jackets that he could wear and had just selected one for the date... that was, whenever he'd been on a formal date. Otherwise he'd just gone casual to the various parties and raves. Going on a date as a woman though, seemed to have so many more choices and decisions that William had never considered before. Should he show any cleavage? How long a dress should Cynthia wear? What matching Jewellery should she wear? How should she wear her hair? Aunt Daphne had drilled her earlier on these things, but the decisions and choices were just too great for William. His first attempt made Cynthia look almost like a prostitute with a short skirt, fishnet tights and a low cut blouse; this was how he wanted a date of his to look, but he rightly suspected that it was not what Cynthia should wear. Eventually he called in his Aunt for some help and advice. His Aunt took matters in hand and produced several longer gowns from Cynthia's wardrobe for 'her' to try on. Cynthia had been a little self- conscious at first about stripping in front of anyone else, but now 'she' was getting more used to it, she removed 'her' daytime jeans and T-shirt without any real embarrassment, revealing a pair of pale blue frilly panties with yellow flowers and a matching bra. "I'd have never pitched you for a blue frilly girl," Aunt Daphne commented. "It's all the same girly shit. Besides, they're the most comfortable combination that Cynthia had. The bra fits me like it was made for me," Cynthia replied. "It was," Aunt Daphne informed him. "All of Cynthia's underwear was made specifically for her by Harrods. That was part of the latest batch where she was newly measured and you have her same measurements." "How do you know that?" Cynthia asked curiously. "I took her shopping with me to be fitted. You could hardly expect your father to go to a ladies lingerie department even if he hadn't been confined to a wheelchair, could you? How do you think Heather knew all about getting the size of her breasts just right? Now come on, try on that dark blue gown on first. I think it will suit you nicely and compliment your lovely hair, Cynthia." Aunt Daphne was completely businesslike. Cynthia gave his Aunt a dark look, but decided against any further comment. *** His Aunt had been right about the dress and had selected a matching dark blue purse and heels for Cynthia to wear. William had spent far too long admiring his new girly figure in the mirror before the car arrived to take the fake Cynthia to her date in the City. He had to admit to himself that he now possessed the figure of a very beautiful looking young woman with lovely curves; he'd always admired how his half-sister looked, even though he'd never had any carnal thoughts about her. Since it was by now late October, Cynthia had been given a fake fur coat to wear. The driver stopped close to the restaurant and told Cynthia to call him on the mobile if she required him to collect her. Cynthia nodded and swung her legs out of the car, revealing the nylons she wore beneath the dress as her legs emerged from the slit at the side of the dress. His trapped member started to enlarge at the sight of his own nylon encased legs and heels. The autumn wind blew an icy blast onto his legs and William decided that Cynthia needed to get inside before she got too cold. Cynthia's date was already at the restaurant when 'she' arrived, but she was disappointed at the effort that Robin had made. He had at least put a jacket on, but underneath it he was wearing a plain white T shirt and what was worse he had jeans and Converse trainers on his feet. Cynthia could see the barely suppressed contempt in the waiting staff at the way that he was dressed. Robin got up from the table and came over to kiss Cynthia on the cheek. William didn't have much choice but to allow him to do so. "Wow you l-l-look really f-f-f-fabulous!" Robin stammered. Oh God, this date could go on forever just having a greeting. They sat down and the waiter provided the menu's to the couple. Much as William fancied having a steak and all the trimmings, his Aunt had warned him that he had to maintain a strict diet if he was still going to fit into the bodysuit. Cynthia eventually ordered sole with a side salad. Robin ordered sticky ribs. They chatted briefly as they waited for the food to arrive and William very soon determined that he was not going to tell Robin much about who Cynthia really was and why she was here. "Wh-wh-what d-d-do you d-do?" Robin stammered out. William had to think. He had not really come up with a backstory before coming to the restaurant and now realised that he needed to develop one on the fly or tell the truth and he really didn't want to do that - certainly not to this dweeb who was ogling his body. "I'm a secretary," Cynthia replied. It was the first job that he could think of that a lot of women do. "Oh, th-that m-m-must b-be interesting. Wh-where d-d-do you w-w-w-work?" Robin's stutter was getting more pronounced; he must have been getting more and more nervous. He wasn't the only one, though, as William had to start making more stuff up and he wasn't very good at it. "Err, I work at a company called Veleront Electronics. Ever heard of it?" Cynthia replied. William would be surprised if he had as he'd just made it up. "N-no. I-is your b-boss n-n-nice?" Robin pressed. It was getting to be a game of twenty boring endless questions, Cynthia decided. "Oh yes he's really nice. Excuse me, I need to go to the toilet." Cynthia got up and made a dash for the toilet as quickly as she could. At the last minute she remembered that she had to use the ladies room rather than the gents. At the Mansion House there was no choice, but here in public there were two doors. Something of her etiquette lessons must have sunk in. either that or she had been panicked into making the right choice. Cynthia was faced with three stalls, the one on the left seemingly occupied, so she decided to go for the one on the right to be as far away as possible from the real woman in the other stall. It was surprisingly cleaner than he was used to in the men's toilets and it even had a little pot of pot-pourri on the top of the toilet paper holder to make the room smell fresh. Cynthia pulled down her tights and pale blue lacy knickers before hitching up her dress and seating herself on the toilet. It felt funny not standing and aiming his equipment. Deep within the suit he could feel his penis start to release and all of a sudden the flow began. "I'm not sure I'll ever get used to this," Cynthia muttered quietly to herself. She didn't want the other lady to hear her admission. I really need to get my story straight if he asks me any more questions, William decided. So far he had indicated that she was a secretary who worked for an electronics company with a nice but unnamed boss. William decided that it would be best to keep things simple, having no siblings and her parents; both of them having both. Since this was almost the truth, it wouldn't be hard to keep the bit about family straight. William himself was effectively dead now that he was posing as his own dead half-sister so Cynthia effectively had no siblings. William decided that Cynthia lived alone in a flat with a cat. That way there was no difficulty describing housemates or having to make anything up about them. Having sorted out her backstory, Cynthia wiped down her false but very realistic private parts and flushed the toilet, before pulling up her undergarments again and lowering the hem of her dress. Cynthia didn't want to have to go back out into the restaurant and have to face her date again, but she knew that she would have to do it. Dating another man, it was just wrong in William's books, even if he was supposed to be his own sister now. With a huge sigh, Cynthia exited the stall and headed to the basins. It was just her luck but the other middle aged woman exited her stall at just the same time. "Why the big sigh, my dear?" she asked Cynthia. Cynthia was taken aback - talking in the toilets between strangers was taboo with men. "Err, well my date isn't working out as I'd hoped," Cynthia said, forced into a quick reply. "You need to learn to smile at him a bit more dear," he woman responded as she started to wash her hands. "A smile goes a long way towards making men feel at ease." Was that true? William tried to remember his previous dates with women. He had always taken it as a 'come-on' sign. Mind you, at this stage of the date he was already thinking about getting the woman's panties down and putting his rod into the treasure contained within. What was a woman thinking at this point of the date? William certainly didn't want to let another man into Cynthia's fake treasure at this point in time. "It's just been a bad day for me," Cynthia replied to the woman. "I'll try and smile a bit more." Cynthia did just that to the woman who put a hand on Cynthia's arm in a sympathetic gesture before leaving the toilet. Nothing left to do, but go back into the lion's den now! Cynthia took one last look at herself in the mirror before following the woman back into the restaurant. William could not believe just how close he was to the image of his half-sister and he was very conscious of people watching as Cynthia strode back towards her table. "Our f-f-foood should be h-here s-s-soon," Robin stuttered as Cynthia sat down. She gave her date a big warm smile before replying. "Yes, I'm really looking forward to it," she said smoothly. "Now, tell me a little about yourself, Robin." Robin began his answer confidently, with considerably less stuttering and from there the date began to improve. *** Cynthia could not believe that she had actually agreed to head back to Robin's place for coffee. Perhaps it was the wine that she had drank over the course of the meal. It could have been a desire to be nice to Robin after he had paid the entire cost of the rather expensive meal or perhaps it was curiosity to see what kind of place that Robin lived in. She was not too worried about her casual acceptance though, since she had her driver on call should she need him. Robin's car was a rather old Ford Escort with a rather stained looking rug draped across the back seat. He had told Cynthia at length about his dog Max during the course of the evening, so she was not surprised about the rug or the amount of dog hairs that covered it. Periodically Robin sneaked a peak across the car at Cynthia's nylon clad legs, which she found a little disconcerting, and she was quite relieved when they pulled up in the driveway of a rather small looking semi-detached house in a cul-de- sac. Cynthia had to slide her legs out of the car and stood a little unsteadily on her heels on the gravel drive. Three hours of wearing them had taken its toll on her feet and they were beginning to ache as a result. She wanted nothing more than just to throw them off and give her feet a rest. Robin fumbled with the keys on his key ring, searching for the right one and then fumbled with the key in the lock. Cynthia began to get impatient, but there was little she could do until her date finally found success. Robin entered the house first and started to take his coat off whilst Cynthia stepped in and kicked off her aching heels before removing her fur coat. She held it out in the hope that Robin would put it on a coat hook for her, but instead he just disappeared into the room to the left and called out. "How d-do you t-t-take your c-coffee?" Her date was back to being nervous again. Mind you, William was a bag of nerves himself inside the tight female disguise that he was wearing. Here he was, dressed completely as his own sexy half-sister, going into a man's den for coffee and goodness knows what else. "Black with one sugar," she replied. The hard wooden floor was cold on her now exposed toes and Cynthia skipped quickly over it to the room that Robin had disappeared into. It transpired that the room was a kitchen, and a rather untidy one at that. There were dishes that needed washing up still on the draining board. Robin was stood by an electric kettle with two mugs and a jar of instant coffee. Did this guy just not have a clue? Back in his old apartment, William had an espresso machine in the living room next to his all room sound system with his seduction mix ready at the press of a single button. Robin poured water from the kettle into the mugs handing one to Cynthia, before muttering about going through into the lounge. He took a seat on the battered old green sofa, obviously hoping that Cynthia would sit next to him. Cynthia, knowing just what she would be doing in Robin's place, decided to go and sit in the arm chair across from her date, crossing her legs as she did in such a way so as Robin couldn't see up her dress. There was an awkward silence until Robin broke it by saying. "You have lovely eyes, Cynthia." William didn't know what to say to that. It was a terribly obvious 'come- on' line, one that he wouldn't have been caught dead using himself, but equally he knew that Cynthia's eyes always had a dark promise to them. Given that he now wore contacts to make it look like he had her eyes, he knew that Robin was not wrong. He had never had compliments like that before and he did not know how to take it. After a slight pause, Cynthia answered. "And you have a wonderful jawline." That much was true, even though it was spoiled slightly by Robin's thick rimmed glasses. Robin's face seemed to brighten at the compliment and he abandoned his coffee to come over and sit on the armrest on the armchair that Cynthia was sitting on. Cynthia noticed the dog hairs on the armrest before Robin sat himself on it, so she changed the subject. "Where's your dog? I don't hear it barking." Robin, who was going to try and slide his arm around her shoulder, stopped mid move. "Oh, Max is with a f-friend of m-mine t-t-tonight," he stuttered in response. If the dog was not here then clearly he was expecting his date to come back here and clearly he was expecting some time alone. That could only mean... It was too late as when Cynthia looked back at her date, he was already moving in to kiss her on the lips. She now had a choice to let him complete his move or flinch away from it. Both seemed like bad options and as she was making up her mind what to do, the kiss happened. William wanted to wipe his mouth and wash it out with mouthwash. The thought of kissing another man was just so repulsive to him. However he couldn't, he was caught. He was living a lie dressed in a skinsuit of his dead sister, pretending to be her wearing a pretty dress. Then things started to get worse as Robin started to feel up his fake bottom, and his other hand wandered to touch Cynthia's left breast. Robin gave it an experimental squeeze and this caused a knock on reaction that William wasn't prepared for. The sensors within the suit gave his nipples a pleasant jolt and the hidden juices houses in the fake tits were transferred down the thin capillary tubes to his fake cunt, making Cynthia wet and ready to accept what Robin had got for her. It was too much for William. He moved to escape and ended up brushing Cynthia's left hand across the tent in Robin's trousers as she turned to leave. "Hey, w-where are y-y-you going?" Robin pleaded to her. He obviously thought that his luck was in tonight, and was now experiencing his date running out on him as fast as she could go in her heels. Cynthia didn't stop to answer him or finish her revolting looking coffee as her heels clicked on the laminate flooring in the hallway. She managed to open the latch on the door despite her nails and fled out into the darkness of the night. Underneath the mask William was red; a mixture of blushing with embarrassment and anger at a man daring to kiss him. Cynthia fumbled in her bag for her pink smartphone and called her rescue car to come and pick her up. As she waited in the lamplight for the car to pick her up, she couldn't understand why her hidden cock was rock hard under the suit next to her fake cunt between her legs. *** Cynthia's sleep was disturbed that night and as a result she slept in late the next day. The images of what happened with Robin permeated around William's brain and he couldn't remove the revulsion from them. Kissing another man was just so repugnant to him. How could he as Cynthia marry another man and do all the things that a real young woman was supposed to do with a guy? Cynthia shook her head and wiped away the sleep from her eyes. It was a nigh-insoluble problem given that he, William needed the money to live. Ever since his father's damn funeral he had to be dressed up as his sister and he had had to try and behave just like her. He had not been able to go out on all night benders and shag any pretty young things he found on the way. Hell, he had not even been able to attend the old man's send off as himself and Heather had been required to go as him. Heather! That was the answer! She'd already demonstrated that she had the capabilities of disguising herself as a man. He needed a man to marry, yet he didn't want to kiss and have sex with a real man. To the world Heather could be his dashing young husband, but in private she could remove her disguise and he could shag her all he wanted. She was pleasant company and even quite the looker. Now all he had to do was to persuade her just what a great plan this was. Cynthia dressed and went down to her rather late breakfast whistling a happy tune. The servants noted her good mood and were pleased that the new mistress of the house finally seemed to have come out of the morning and depression that she'd been in since her father had passed away. *** William wanted to make a good impression on Heather and so had decided that Cynthia needed to be as sexy as possible. His Aunt had always implied that Heather liked to bat for both teams, so William felt that a bit of feminine charm added to his own in built charms would help do the trick. Therefore for a change Cynthia was wearing a short skirt, a tight low cut top and heels as she knocked on the front door of Heather's flat. Heather answered the door in her work clothes, splashes of latex and plaster all over her apron, some of which had gone onto her tight fitting jeans underneath. "Oh, hi there Cynthia, what's up?" she asked brightly. "Oh I was thinking about some things today and I wanted to run them past you," Cynthia replied nervously. "Sure, why don't you come in?" Heather looked Cynthia over as she stepped into the flat. "That's a new look for you. I like it." "Err, yes. I decided that I might as well get into character." Cynthia lied. "So what have you got on your mind then?" Heather asked as she sat down on the stool by her workbench. There was a partially completed mask of some monstrous creature on the top of it, probably for some movie that Heather was working on, Cynthia suspected. Cynthia did not really know how to begin. It was not like William was trying to seduce some young, pretty and above all else, drunk young woman in a bar. "You've been really good to me," Cynthia said at last, "and I wanted to be able to thank you properly." Heather arched an eyebrow at that. "Oh yes. How exactly are you proposing to do that?" she asked inquisitively. "Well I thought that perhaps I could show you a good time," Cynthia told her. Part of the old womanising William was coming out now. "Oh really?" Heather arched an eyebrow. "And just how were you intending to do that?" "The normal way," Cynthia replied with lots of masculine bravado that belied her sweet feminine voice. "Are you becoming a lesbian then?" Heather knew all Cynthia's secrets, but the question was a probing one that forced Cynthia to think about the answer. "No, you know who I am underneath all this. I'm still the same man and I'd like to show you," Cynthia replied. It was weird hearing those words from his sister's mouth and voice. "You can't go around saying things like that," Heather told Cynthia seriously. "Either they'll lock you up or they'll discover your secret and I don't think you want that. You have to keep up the pretence." "Just this once," Cynthia pleaded. "It'd be our little secret... that is, if you want to." Heather undid her apron and cast it aside onto a small wooden chair near to her workbench. Her patterned blouse underneath was not nearly as splattered as her jeans and it nicely showed the outline of her perky little breasts beneath it. "That's one of the strangest come-ons that I've ever heard." "Strange maybe, but you haven't rejected it out of hand, so I'd say you were interested," Cynthia replied with a wink. Such outrageous behaviour was unusual in such a seemingly proper young woman. William moved in for the kill, closing the range to Heather and taking her in Cynthia's arms and kissing her strongly on the lips. Heather kissed her back and even allowed her tongue to move in and start probing Cynthia's mouth. It was amazing how quickly the atmosphere went from flirting to passion in the space of seconds. Heather's hand moved up Cynthia's legs and under her short skirt as they continued to kiss and began to massage Cynthia's clit under her tights and her panties. She obviously hit the right spot as Cynthia moaned in pleasure at the sensations she was receiving as a result in her groin from her suit. "I'm going to fuck your brains out," Cynthia told the other woman who smiled back at her. Cynthia took this as a sign of encouragement and began to unzip the other woman's jeans even as she kissed her again. Eventually Heather released her from the kiss. "You're missing something to do that, you know," Heather stated, "unless, of course, you know how to make love as a lesbian." Cynthia backed away a little from the other woman and winked at her outrageously as she lifted her short skirt and pulled down her tights and her panties. "Something I discovered when going to the toilet was that I could bring my dick out to make things easier." Cynthia's hand dived into her pussy and she gasped a little as she hit the sensitive G-spot sensors within her false honey hole. For several seconds Cynthia had a look of intense concentration on her face as she fumbled around looking for something within, and then after a ripping sound, she produced her erect cock from her pussy hole. "The suit wasn't built to do that," Heather told Cynthia. "It was supposed to hide it and hold it all in." "No I know, but I made a modification to put a Velcro strip in the pouch that holds it all in. Now I can access it when I need it," Cynthia grinned back. Heather fondled the balls of Cynthia's hardening penis, causing it to harden even further. "You shouldn't be doing that much, not if you want to retain your little secret." Heather told her, continuing to massage the hairy balls coming out of Cynthia's vagina. "You already know my secret. I was thinking..." Cynthia told her, trailing off before she got to the point. "Yes?" Heather prompted as she moved to pumping Cynthia's cock. "Well mmm, I, Oh, God!" Heather had moved down and put her lips around Cynthia's member and began to bob up and down on it, raising Cynthia's skirt each time as she moved in to deep throat it. Cynthia could no longer vocalise whatever she had on her mind, instead she moaned softly each time her short skirt raised in front of her. William knew that he wasn't going to be able to contain himself for too much longer, but was determined to ensure that this oral ecstasy continued for as long as possible. He had received plenty of blow jobs in the past, but none had ever reached the intensity that this one was coming to. The climax, when it came was a torrent that blew his seed into her mouth, pump after pump. Heather swallowed most of it down, all except the last spurt. "Oh that was insane!" Cynthia told Heather as her partner straightened up and pushed her lips to Cynthia's. She probed her tongue into Cynthia's mouth, giving the fake woman a taste of her own seed. It was slightly salty and very slightly slimy. Cynthia's eyes shot up in surprise at tasting herself from her lover's mouth. Heather ended the kiss. "You'll need to get used to that when you marry a man," Heather told Cynthia seriously. "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about Heather," Cynthia replied in an equally serious tone. "I don't want to marry a man. I just couldn't do it, but I could marry a woman who looked like a man and I would share the inheritance with a woman who would do that." "Lucky girl. She'd be marrying for love I see," Heather added slightly sarcastically. Cynthia's face fell at that. "I'm teasing you," she added finally. Cynthia looked a little relieved but still a bit unsure. "I was thinking of you actually," Cynthia told her. "You impersonated me at the funeral, you could do it very easily." "Maybe I could, but I'm bisexual. Would you be prepared to play both ways?" Heather's phrasing was slightly ambiguous, but Cynthia got her meaning. "Well, you'd still be a woman underneath everything, so I guess so," Cynthia admitted. She didn't sound completely sure however. "Have you even tested the suit?" Heather pressed. "No. Why would I? I don't want some dude pouring over me." Cynthia told her. "Then I think that we should test everything out." Heather went over to a set of drawers above her workbench and pulled something out of it. At first Cynthia couldn't see what it was, but as Heather turned it was obviously a false erect penis with a secondary phallic part that would go into a woman's vagina. She pressed on some part at the bottom of the phallus and a white liquid shot out from the tip. Shortly afterwards the whole thing stated to deflate. "Compressed air, gives it the shape, and then once it's been used to simulate ejaculation it deflates like a normal man's penis," Heather told the fake woman. "Now you go strip in my bedroom over there and I'll refill this and show you what it's like to be a real woman." Cynthia felt trapped as she struggled to push her penis back into its hidden sheath and seal it back in. She either had to go through with this or abandon her plan completely. However, it was the only way forward for her whereby she would get her inheritance and still get to have sex with a woman. Besides, Heather was nice and easy on the eye, so perhaps this wouldn't be as bad as all that. She headed into the bedroom, which was laced with feminine touches all over it. It was a little like her room in her father's, no, her house. It had been made to look like a single young woman's room with all Cynthia's old stuff to ensure that all the staff were in no doubt that Cynthia was the woman that she purported to be. Slowly she began to unbutton her blouse and then removed it before unzipping the side of her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. Carefully Cynthia pulled down her tights and then removed her panties revealing her false genitals below, complete with the realistic pubic hair above. Cynthia had seen it, but never really explored it herself before. Finally she reached around behind her back and after some fiddling found the clasps to release her bra and her beautiful breasts bounced blissfully free. "Some of my best work there," Heather commented from the doorway. She too was naked now, but she looked quite odd with a female upper half and a very masculine appendage sticking out of her cunt. Cynthia knew it was a fake, but it really looked like the real thing. If there was one thing about Heather, it was that she was superb at her job. "So, lover, how would you like it? Missionary or doggy style?" It was hardly the most romantic line, but then neither had his indecent proposal been in the first place. "I want to see and play with your tits, so missionary I guess," Cynthia replied. "We're going to have to work on your terminology Cynthia dear. Women call them breasts, not tits." Heather replied. She moved in closer and began to massage Cynthia's with her hands. She moved from massaging the globes to pinching Cynthia's nipples and almost instantaneously she felt an electric pulse of joy in her chest, a feeling that she had never felt before. "Aaaahh," she vocalised and moved her hands to Heather's breasts to mutually massage her mammaries, sending her waves of pleasure as well. This continued for some time and eventually the fell onto the bed and began more kissing and canoodling before Heather moved her hand down to Cynthia's pussy and began to touch her clit. "Oh my f'king God!" Cynthia almost screamed. Heather continued to play her mound like a well-tuned instrument as waves of ecstasy continued to course through Cynthia's body. By the time she finished playing with Cynthia's clit, the fake woman was panting and writhing on the bed. "Not too much for you to handle. We've still got the main event to come," Heather told her as her finger probed into Cynthia's vagina. She found it sopping wet inside and she smiled at the thought of the fake girl finally getting to experience the joys of womanhood. Heather climbed on top of the other woman and splayed her legs before pushing her erect fake phallus into Cynthia's fake hole. This time Cynthia did shriek, followed by some loud moans of pleasure as Heather pummelled her pussy with her fake dick. Heather started playing with Cynthia's breasts as she pumped. Cynthia herself was in no state to reciprocate with so many new exciting feelings coursing through her body all at once. Finally it all became too much for her and deep strapped within herself her hidden member exploded in the most intense orgasm that William had ever felt. Shortly afterwards Heather's fake phallus launched its own fake seed into her vagina and suddenly all her nether regions felt really warm and sticky. As Heather rolled off the other woman all Cynthia could do was lie back and get her breath back and marvel at the experience she had just had. Heather's fake penis began to shrink back before her eyes, just as Heather had told her it would without the compressed gas. "That was..." words failed Cynthia. William had always enjoyed orgasms as a man and had regularly enjoyed sex, but nothing had prepared him for the experience as a woman. He was not gay or anything, since Heather was a woman after all. It was all natural and fine. "Now you've seen what its like you'll never want to go back," Heather told her. "I love you, Heather," Cynthia told her partner. "I know," Heather replied, mimicking the Han Solo line from Empire Strikes Back. William had forgotten just what a film nerd she was, what with all the work she did in the industry. "So, does that mean we're an item now?" Cynthia asked hopefully. "I'll let you know after another five rounds," Heather replied with a smile. *** It was sometime later after Cynthia had put herself back together that she left the apartment. She had insisted on removing the suit for the last two rounds and William had asserted his manhood to prove to himself that he wasn't gay. Heather smiled and shook her head. It would take him a while to adjust his mind to it all, but she was confident that he would grow into the role. She picked up her mobile and dialled a number that she had committed to memory. "Yes, it's me," she said to the person on the other end of the phone. "She just came here. You were right after all; I should never have doubted you."

Same as The Hendrick's Inheritance Part II Videos

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The Hendricks Inheritance Part IV

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The Inheritance Part 2

2.01 Dianne and her son come to Mansion: 2.02 Dianne meets her Entity: 1. Shower Preparation: 2. Breast, Nipple, Clitoris Enhancement: 3. Vaginal enhancement: 4. Vaginal testing: 5. Morning Encounter, Fisting: 2.01 Dianne and her son come to Mansion: Susan made it a point of meeting her neighbors and soon an intimate relationship formed with her next door neighbor Adrian and Jessie. Both were bisexuals and occasionally, all three would enjoy each...

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 20 Hot Water

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 11 Counter Attack

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 8 Revelations

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The InheritanceChapter 2

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The InheritanceChapter 3

The next day I was on the road, heading for Butte. Getting Margarite and Jughead loaded in the trailer presented its usual issues. Jughead was never a problem with the trailer. He’s such a food whore that a handful of oats is enough to get him settled down. Don’t get me wrong. Jughead’s one of the smartest mules I’ve ever seen. He’s saved my butt more times than I care to remember. I swear he can smell good water from a mile away. He’s also the best judge around on the stability of the trail...

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The Inheritance

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You still feel a little numb after your long meeting with the lawyer late yesterday afternoon. This has to be some kind of twisted joke. Why would Uncle Dave leave his entire estate to me? I never even remember meeting him, and everyone in the family always told me what a horrible person he was, even if they wouldn't give me details. "Forget about him, he's a pervert and a narcissist. We're all better off without him around," I remember my dad saying to me one day when I asked about my Uncle....

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Millicent Safeguards Her Inheritance

"How trite." Millicent said to herself as she entered the lobby of the high-rise she called home. "Trust daddy to not only hire a maid from Sweden, but to actually knock the bitch up! Why does he always have to leave things up to me to straighten out?" The eighteen year old beauty shook her head as she entered the elevator and waited for the doorman to use his key to select the penthouse level. "You're certainly looking lovely today, Miss Conner." The middle aged lackey said as he...

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A Good ManChapter 20 Inheritance

When he said that the file had all the details, Will wasn’t kidding. The summary he’d first handed me had just four items on it: Instant Access Accounts, Investment Accounts, Bonds, and Company Shares. The rest of the file was divided into those four categories and contained statements for each different account and details of all the companies that I now held shares in. The list of companies was as surprising as it was fascinating. In all, I owned shares in fifty different companies. Most...

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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 8

Debra was striding beside Esfalan, leading her horse, while Autonorë was riding with Jorda. Esfalan noted that where there was no apparent danger and no need for sleep, only one of the two stayed by his side. He'd not mentioned this observation. He wasn't the only observant one of the three of them, however. From as companionable a silence as could be had in the wrack of the plague, Debra spoke. "You are very different when you are commanding, here in hostile territory. Even your speech...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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My InheritanceChapter 49 Birthday Party

Mary was with me on the morning of January 15 when I rang the bell at a luxury high rise condominium in Denver. A very attractive woman opened the door. She was about forty years old with a dark sun tan. The platform high heels she wore brought her to five nine or so. Her hair had been some other color but now was blonde and cut short and pert. She wore a pair of shorts and a halter top. Her breasts were huge and perfectly shaped, with that pouched, symmetrical look of surgical...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites

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