Oh God I Cant Stop My Brother! free porn video

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Hi, this is 24th story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married, Male from Patna, Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am a female. My reader with a request, to get it published on ISS forwards this story. If you like the story, please say so via mail or

Hi I am Anjali, 28 years old married woman from Nagpur. I have a healthy sex life today. This is my story of losing my virginity. The story began 9 years ago before marriage.

My parents were employed in a local school. I used be home along with my brother Vijay in the afternoon. Often my best friend Alka used to visit me in the afternoon. We chatted the whole day. My brother used to give her looks but she never encouraged him.

One day I my practicals got canceled so I reached home a little late. The doors were locked so I opened it with my duplicate keys. I heard giggles and whispering coming from the room of my brother. I was suspicious and went to check. I peeped from the crack in the door. I saw him sitting with my friend Alka . They were preparing for sex.

He sat down and slowly laid her down on the cot. He was wearing shorts. His torso was bare. My friend was wearing saree. Vijay was young and had a fairly healthy body. He was a stout man with flat belly. His chest was very hairy. He looked at my friend who was standing near the door not knowing what to do.

“Come,” he said,” you also lie down.” My friend hesitated. Then she stepped closer to the cot. He shifted his position to the edge of the cot. ” Lie here,” he said, patting gently to indicate where he wanted her to lie. For some reason he wanted to lie at the edge.

This position suited me also, because if he was to lie between me and my friend, then I would not be able to see from the door, what he was going to do with her. My friend climbed on the cot at the foot and moved on all fours to reach him.

Her saree slid off her shoulder, revealing her big, round tits, packed tightly in her white blouse. The sight of the two breasts seemed to freeze Vijay with excitement for a brief moment.

My friend covered herself again and reclined gently, resting her head on the pillow, a little away from him. I was sure that she was hardly touching him. But he could not keep from touching her. He lay unmoving for a while.

Then he raised himself on his elbow and continued to gaze at her lips, her neck, her breasts…her whole body for a long time, as if he was seeing a woman for the first time. Then, completely overcome by the passion, he grasped her shoulder and bent down to kiss her face. She turned her face away from him.

He lowered his head further and managed to plant kisses on her cheeks, chin and lips. He kissed her a number of times, all noisy, wet kisses that reflected the great lust he was having for her. Then he straightened and looked at her briefly.

He then slowly pulled away her sari from her shoulder, uncovering her breasts and belly. My friend impulsively crossed her hands in front of her bosom to cover her boobs. He brushed away her hands impatiently and placed his palm on her white belly, on the smooth, warm area just below her navel and started to move his hand up.

When he reached the navel, he dug his middle finger into it and circled it around a number of times. Then his hand moved to her midriff. A sudden moan escaped her when he squeezed the soft milk white flesh there which had doubled up deliciously with youth.

Then his hand began to journey to her breasts. His palm gently cupped one breast and moved in a circle all over it, as if to feel its size and rotundity. Finally his palm rested at its tip and he squeezed the tit five times, pressing down as he squeezed.

I counted as he squeezed. He did the same with the other breast. Though my friend tried to stop him by holding his hand a couple of times, she was in reality enjoying it all. But she was frightened.

Frightened that I may come home any minute, frightened to reveal her passion to this man who until now she had respected, as she would respect a brother, frightened because she knew that what they were doing was naked sin.

She kept on breathing fast and she gulped a number of times between her moans, as if her mouth was watering. Vijay now sat up excitedly. He proceeded to undo the hooks of her blouse one by one. My friend whispered to him, “Please, not now! What if Anjali comes home?”

The bastard ignored her protests completely. She glanced at him timidly, then she looked at his hands which were patiently undoing one hook after another as the thin material of her blouse began to strain because her breasts seemed to be growing bigger and bigger every second.

Finally, as the last hook was undone, my friend’s big boobs seemed to jump out to their freedom. They were big, as big as ripe papaya, with dark nipples that were fully erect. I was quite taken aback by the length of the nipples.

Each nipple was almost as long as my little finger. Vijay was trying unsuccessfully to grab one boob in each of his palm. He would hold both boobs in a firm grip and try to lift them up. First he would seem to succeed, then the smooth tits would just slither out of his hand.

He then ran the flat of his palms all over the boobs greedily and kneaded them, first gently and then, as his passion grew, a little roughly. He took the nipples between each thumb and forefinger and pulled them up vigorously.

My friend moaned,” Ummm…aahhh…” I almost fainted when I heard that moan. Of course, I was not masturbating. I was not even cupping my cunt which, naturally, was very wet. I was simply longing to finger off, though.

But my situation was such that I could not move a muscle. The young man lowered his head and started licking the nipple and the surrounding area of one breast. He opened his mouth wide and took the nipple and also a large portion of the breast itself into his mouth.

Then he slowly lifted his head, letting the breast and the nipple slither out. He repeated this several times. Then he suddenly asked my friend to take off her blouse completely. She hesitated and threw a glance at me. Then, raising her torso , she peeled off her blouse.

She looked like a sex goddess now. She had round shoulders and arms and a slightly flat belly. Her long, straight hair hung loose and seemed to cover her back completely. Youth had only made her body nothing but juicy.

Yes, I was thinking that she looked like a ripe and juicy mango. She raised her arms to tie her hair and I watched in delight how her big bobs joggled from side to side with her movements.

Now Vijay couldn’t hold himself any longer. With his free hand he pulled away his shorts and dropped it on the floor. Underneath he had nothing but erection on. He was stark naked! I saw his penis for the first time. It was a large organ, nearly six inches long.

It was not yet fully erect. Grabbing my friend by her shoulders he climbed over her. “No,” she said, trying to push him off her,” not now. Anjali will come.” But he was not to be stopped.” We will finish it quickly,” he whispered to her and started kissing her cheeks and lips noisily as before, but now with double the passion.

My friend glanced at the door nervously once or twice. I was hardly breathing. The bright light flooding into the room through the window fell straight upon Vijay’s back. I watched as he caught the fat lower lip of my friend between his teeth and pulled at it gently.

Finally, she let the hold on herself slip. She let herself be overcome by passion, completely. She threw her fleshy arms around him and began to rub her cheeks with his, her eyes shut, her mind completely relishing the pleasure he was giving her.

She began to moan in abandon, not caring at all whether her friend would come unexpected. The flat of her palms continuously traveled up and down his back, speaking the message that now she was completely with him in this game, that he was not to stop, not until they both had had enough.

Vijay, too, was breathing hard and softly moaning like her. As they moved wildly, the cot was creaking noisily, as if it too was aroused. I watched as twice my friend put her hand between their writhing bodies to hold his erect penis, to squeeze it, to feel its hardness.

They continued in this manner for about five minutes. Now they were sweating a little because it was hot, hot and calm. In the day light, sweat shone on my friend’s breasts and belly .

They stopped moving. “Take off your sari,” said Vijay, climbing down from her body.”Um,” said she. She tied up her hair again; it had got untied and completely disheveled during their long “wrestle.” She gently stood up on the cot and began to unfasten her sari.

I watched with abated breath as she dropped her sari onto the floor and started undoing the string of her petticoat. The petticoat came down, revealing her smooth, milky white, round thighs and her hairy cunt. Sweat shone on them, like the rest of her.

She lifted her legs to step out of her petticoat. She dropped it and stood on the cot stark naked. Vijay had been watching her all the time, his back resting against the wall, his hand holding his big cock. Light fell on my friend’s naked body, showing every curve.

She was every inch a sex goddess. Had I been a male I would have grabbed her there and fucked the daylights out from her. And that was what my brother was doing. Her long hair fell down loose again. But this time she let it be and came down on her knees.

Vijay rose from his position to take her into his arms. She received him with open arms. With both of them on their knees, they hugged each other in a loving embrace, feeling for each other’s body with hands that were restless.

I saw Vijay’s hand come to rest on my friend’s ample buttocks, hold them firmly and knead their fleshy round bulk. My friend kissed Vijay on the cheeks and neck. She stroked her cheeks on the hair on his chest. Now Vijay held her shoulders and made her lie down as she had been lying before. He was going to fuck her.

She moaned and looked at him in anticipation. She spread her milky white thighs and he knelt down between them, holding his penis. With his fingers he gently stroked and pulled at the hair on her pussy. She lifted her pussy up to him. Here, take it all, she seemed to be saying.

Now he touched the tip of his cock to her cunt. She froze, waiting. He pushed and I almost broke into the room just to have a closer look at things. He let his cock completely disappear into my friend’s cunt.

She moaned, a long moan of simply unbearable pleasure. She was not feeling any discomfort which means she was used to fucking before also. This was not their first time and I was unaware of it till date.

He caught hold of her shoulders to balance himself and started to move his pelvis back and forth, back and forth, the cot creaking with his motion. I reached in my panty and started fingering myself. My cunt was wet and needed a cock and that stupid brother of mine was servicing my friend.

” Ummmmm…ahhhh…uummmmm,” my friend moaned. She did not know what to do with her hands for they were moving in all directions, touching whatever they felt like touching. They seemed to have a life of their own.

He was moving rather slowly. My impatient friend was again and again raising her hips, urging him to move faster. He kept moving for about five minutes and then he began to pant vigorously. Soon he was totally drenched in sweat. He stopped suddenly.

“I’ll lie down. You move.” said the stupid fellow to my friend. So they repositioned themselves. Vijay lay down with his head resting on the pillow. Alka stood with her knees planted on either sides of his body. She guided his equipment into her wet cunt once again and started moving.

Oh, how she moved! The cot creaked wildly and I was wondering if it would give away. Oh, how her breasts were jumping up and down with her. She would pause occasionally to brush away a strand of her loose hair from her face. I was stroking my pussy in the same rhythm as their strokes.

She was softly moaning as she moved, giving Vijay the thrill of his life. Vijay lay relaxed. His hands occasionally rose to touch her lovely breasts, or to hold her sweating buttocks. Sometimes she would hold Vijay’s shoulder and lean forward as she moved, her perky breasts hanging flaccidly over his face.

Oh, how the twin papaya would dance. I looked without even blinking, so as not to miss anything. They fucked for ten minutes. Then when their passion was spent, they lay down exhausted in each other’s arms. I also came at that moment.

I left the house quietly with a spot on my panty and returned after half an hour to find my brother alone in the house. I could not sleep for many days after that incidence. Whenever I met my friend or my brother I began picturing their activities.

I lost my sleep pondering on their act. I was so disturbed that my studies suffered. I could not forgive my brother for deflowering my best friend. I could not see eye to eye with my brother or friend. And the irony was that my horniness was increasing day by day. I was wet always.

One night I felt, some one was feeling me up. The fondling was obvious. With my half open eyes I saw Vijay, pressing my boobs over my blouse. I was so afraid that I immediately shut my eyes. I began enjoying the ministration then suddenly he left the room.

He must have climaxed in his pants by just pressing my boobs. But I was left high and dry. I cursed the ignorant lad. I finger fucked myself before falling sleep again. This made an indelible mark on my conscience. I was oscillating from horny to despair. I had to do something before things got out of hand.

I could not sleep the whole night. The images kept flashing before my eyes. I decided to bare his face before my parents and demorlise him. He was such a demon in the guise of angel. Imagine fucking his sister’s friend who calls him bhaiya. If he can fuck her he can fuck me. He is dangerous for the family members. I must confront him. The bastard of a brother.

Next day when we were alone, I barged into his room to confront him but I was shocked at the scene there. There was my brother nude with his cock in his hand shagging off with my photo in his other hand. I went up to him and gave him a tight slap across his face.

He was red faced on being caught in the act. I shouted, “Useless fellow. I will report this to mom and dad. Just you wait.” I rushed to my room with tears in my eyes. How shameless and insensitive could he be.

He came following me to my room and said, “Sorry sister. Please do not say this to dad. He will kill me. I will be ruined for life. I beg of you.” I replied, “What else do you want me not to tell dad. That you were fondling my breasts last night. Should I tell that?” He replied, “Nonsense, I never touched you.”

Then I prodded, “What about having sex with my best friend?” Heavens fell on him. He lost balance and fell like a heavy log and began crying.”Please forgive me.”I shouted at him, “How can you give something to my rival which was mine.”

He looked at me for meaning. “Do me as you did to my friend Alka or else you are doomed.” He said, “But you are my sister. How can I have sex with you?” I said, “I have no option but to report.” He said, “Alright if you say so.” He was ready for it. We closed the main door for safety.

Once we entered our room, I closed the door, hugged Vijay very tightly and started kissing him hard on his lips. I threw away my sari, blouse and petticoat and stood in front of him in my white bra and panty. I was behaving like a tigress. He was supposed to fuck me but here was I wanting him badly.

Both of were fully aroused. I pushed Vijay into the bed. I stripped him off within no time. He pressed my boobs over my bra and rubbed his nose on my panty, just where my cunt lips were. I think he liked the smell.

He then unhooked my bra and removed my panty. Both of us were stark naked now. He admired my nude figure for a while. His cock and my nipples were fully erect now and we were trembling with desire. Oh my Goodness, there was a 6″ long pinkish cock fully erect with reddish tip. It was looking like a gun on him. I had never seen a cock such a beautiful, thick and it was looking ripe and juicy.

He started pressing my breasts hard and sucking them vigorously. I pushed myself eagerly towards him with each pressing and sucking. I held his tool tightly and started moving my hands to and fro. It had become rock hard and hot. Then he asked me to lay on my back and spread my legs. In minutes we assumed 69 position and started sucking each others organs. Oh my God, I cant tell how it taste to have a warm, thick, juicy cock in mouth.

It was really wonderful I slowly started to suck it from tip to base and I was enjoying this. Mean while he rubbed my asshole with his mouth saliva. He parted my ass cheek with his hand and inserted his finger in my ass hole and slowly started to finger fuck my ass while sucking my pussy. Then he started to lick my asshole and did some tongue fuck. I was bursting with hotness and was enjoying all this to full. That guy was really master of romance and sex at that time.

His sharp and rough tongue was probing my pussy. I was in heaven and I had never enjoyed like this. I screamed, “Ha aha, Vijay suck my whole body”. What I was longing for all my life was coming true! After 10 minutes he cummed in my mouth. My mouth gets filled with his cum. and then I started to swallow his cum, it was salty, crispy and was the juice of heaven. I swallowed it whole my lips were still cummed covered. I also came with a shattering climax.

My juice was flowing down to the beds sheet. We relaxed for few minutes when I was feeling Vijay’s rod and he was lightly touching my pussy. I felt so good. Then asked him what to do, answer was to start fucking. He was already erect once again and his cock was moving up and down as if in anticipation. I spread my legs, placed a pillow below my big bums and invited him,to fuck me saying that she was for him, He said, “Sister, but one thing, I would like to have your ass also. ”

Then he took my breasts in his mouth and started to suck it gently and rubbing that. Oh man I can’t explain the feelings at that time. He was really sucking my boobs in such a lovely style and I was red hot at that time. He was fondling my boobs and sucking them at the same time.

He then moved downwards and started licking my pussy and pinching its thick walls. I oozed once again. I could not wait any further. He was preparing my pussy for the fuck. Oh my God that was really enjoyment and I was getting hot and hotter.

I shouted, ” Vijay please, don’t wait please fuck me hard because am hungry for the past many days.” With this, he placed his 6 inches tool on my cunt lips and gave a big push. It did not go inside. It was paining to me. He applied his saliva on the tip and pushed again. I was screaming with pain and asking him to stop but he would not listen. He pushed a little and waited.

It went in with flop sound and really hurt me because it was my first fuck. He had broken my hymen and it began bleeding. I screamed holding the pillow and said, “ahahahahahah,do slowly.” He started moving in and out of my pussy without caring for my shouts. After few seconds, I really started enjoying this fuck. I started pushing myself upwards for his every thrust.

I shouted, saying, “Vijay, please do not stop.” He said, “Sister, wait and see”. With his cock in my pussy and my boobs in his mouth, he started to fuck me. His big juicy cock was into my pussy. I started to moan madly. “Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh, oooooooooohhhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me harder. What a great fuck I am getting now. Ouch, ui maaaaaa. Faster…faster . Tear my pussy, make me your slave for life.Donot touch my friend again.”

He lasted for almost twenty minutes during which I came twice. Then come the moment and we both ejaculated at same time really. He shot his load in my pussy. Oh dear that was the gun at fire, whole 2 minutes of load shooting. As far I can remember he cummed in my pussy in ten shots. My pussy got filled.

For 10 to 15 minutes there was complete silence, no movement, we laid in each other body. Then I rose up and put my lips on his lips, which were still covered with his cum, and then we kissed each other with our lips covered with each other cums. After about ten minutes, he started kissing me again and his cock was hard in no time. He said “Sister,now from back side, feel like licking your ass,” I was taken aback. I had heard anal sex.

I wondered how such a big rod will get into my small asshole. But I knew that I had very big and shapely bottoms. I remembered those thousands of eyes that used to stare my bottoms greedily. I don’t know how many of them used to masturbate thinking of my big ass. I asked, ” Vijay, please don’t do so because my ass hole would get torn with such huge cock?” He said, “I would do without hurting you.”

Vijay made me rest on my four limbs like a dog, came behind me and started licking my ass hole and dropped huge mouth saliva on my asshole. He then inserted a finger in it and started moving it in and out.

It seemed as if he was lubricating it with his water and servicing it. I began to enjoy this. He put his cock tip which was lubricated fully with my saliva over my asshole and gently pushed it into my ass hole. In first attempt it was very painful, but he kept it for a while without any motion and then pushed it further into my ass gently and at last it reached deep in my ass.

Now it was feeling wonderful as he started to gently move it back and forth…oh dear that was really amazing. Now also he started to fingering my pussy with his hand while fucking my ass. So I was really enjoying and flying in heaven. He put his hands through my arm pits and pressed my boobs hard. Meanwhile, he started fucking me hard in my ass. I was screaming with pain He did not stop, but said, “Sister, please don’t say anything now”.

His cock was moving freely in and out of my ass and I was feeling great. Once again I started yelling with pleasure. He came inside my ass and at the same time fingered my pussy so much that I came twice again.

Vijay cleaned my oozing juices with his tongue once again before we retired for the day. The bed sheet was stained with blood mixed with cum. Then we had bath together and cleaned the bed sheet before mom came home. After that day he fucked me in all possible ways until I got married and moved out. We still fuck whenever we get the opportunity. I can not forget those wonderful days. If you like the story, please say so via mail or

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What I cant give my wife

I turn the Tv off and go into the bedroom ,its very late and I am so tired I lay down and look over at her pillow and smell her lingering body lotion scent and smile and wonder what she is doing ,my cock stirs but Its too sore to jerk off again so I push the thought from my mind and drift off to a deep sleep.Something wakes me and I see a soft light when I first wake up after I clear the cobwebs I realize Lori is home and shes in the bathroom ..I hear running water and in a few minutes she...

1 year ago
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You can watch me but you Cant have me

You have been watching me through your window for years, watching me undress & put on my PJ's as I go to bed, watching me swim in the pool & walking my dog. You like my short shorts, my tiny tops, my long legs, my firm young breasts, you want me but you cant have me.I lay out to sunbath by the pool, the sun is warm, there is a light breeze, I think I am alone so i take off my top & bikini bottoms. The suntan cream feels nice on my breasts as i rub the lotion in to my supple young...

3 years ago
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Brad cant go back

It was a foggy evening in the Town. Brad was walking beside the road that lead to a truck stop. He couldn’t help but wonder how the hell everything happend so quickly. Brad was 19 year old boy who seemed to be an ordinary child of an ordinary family. He was a dark haired skinny boy and had a bit of a feminine features. He was currently in no school as he was not admitted to any since he didn’t do well on the tests. He was living with his mother, enjoying the carefree lifestyle of a student who...

1 year ago
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Godless and Faithless Chapter 2

Rayner worried for his friend. Axel talked tough, but Rayner knew there was a deep well of kindness in him, no matter how much Axel teased him on his social justice values. “We need to talk about what happened,” Rayner said. “What we need is to find a place to stay for the night. Do you know how to start a fire?” Axel said. “I didn’t know I was capable of such violence; I know we had to do it but—” “I’m guessing this world does not have electricity. The forest will be pitch black. We will...

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Zoe Stepbrothers

Characters: Zoe: f, age 14 Noah: m, age 14, Zoe’s stepbrother James: m, age 16, Zoe’s stepbrother Keith: M, age 37; Zoe’s father Kate: F, age 36; Zoe’s stepmother Jessi: F, age 31; Zoe’s mother Jessi was seventeen years old and two months pregnant when she met Keith, my father. A week later during a passionate make-out session, he took her virginity; practically raping her or so she led him to believe. You might wonder how you rape a willing slut that planned and instigated the so-called...

2 years ago
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Daddy cant stop

He had watched her grow, pushed her on the swings, Sammy was a beautiful teenage girl now, her firm body sat nicely in what ever she wore, she was quite a quiet girl never wore anything to revealing and always dressed appropriately. She was in the prime of her budding, her breasts were small but perfectly formed and when she wore her night shirt her puffy nipples showed through. Her bum had formed into 2 little peaches, fit to bite and touch. She always looked her best...never any makeup except...

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Godless and FaithlessChapter 2

Rayner and Axel had distanced themselves from the Inimi and the coalition forces. They had traveled for most of the day and nightfall was coming. Axel had not spoken since they left, not even telling him why they left or where they were going. Rayner worried for his friend. Axel talked tough, but Rayner knew there was a deep well of kindness in him, no matter how much Axel teased him on his social justice values. “We need to talk about what happened,” Rayner said. “What we need is to find...

3 years ago
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I cant stop sucking his bbc

I love it, i love it so muchWalking to his big truck the little hello kitty tshirt and skirt he bought me on the backseat , I made him hard as he look at me change into his sissy doll , ending by putting as usual the pink hood sissy mask , cindy ready to have fundaddy in his boxer looking at his young white sissy in training''good girl , you are cute''''thank you daddy''''come here baby i want to put your plug in ''ass up daddy pouring lube on my pussy hole''good girl cindy, you are a goooood...

4 years ago
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A Graduation Gift For My Brother

THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENSSusan Watson's cell phone rang as her car moved another ten paces and stopped in the morning commute."Hello?""Sue, Jill. Hey, Z88 just said your name as the winner of the Caribbean Getaway contest! You have ten minutes to call before they draw another name!""Oh my god, oh my god!! Okay, okay…uhm…""Bye!""Oh…yeah, okay, bye…thanks Jill!" Susan said as the other end of the phone went dead. Her heart pounded as she sought the radio station's number in her cell phone's memory....

4 years ago
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I Shared My Wife with My Brother

There are two things that we Turkish “guest workers” in Germany long to have. A Mercedes car (which most of us manage to obtain, if we get decent work), and a blue-eyed blonde haired voluptuous white girlfriend. I hadn’t yet achieved either of these great goals when I met Heidi. She was the daughter of a man I was working for, doing electrical installation work. She was nearly perfect; she was all of the things I stated above, with a wonderful clear white skin. But she was...

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Fraternity Batebrothers

“Hey man, you seen Brian and Lee up and around yet? I think they got smashed last night, bro.” Nick looked up from his game of Halo at the question, seeing his fourth roommate, Danny, framed in the door to his room. Danny — Hispanic, 5’10”, with close-cropped black hair — was wearing a loose pair of gym shorts and his tank top was stained with sweat from his usual morning workouts. Nick shrugged, glancing at the clock — after 11 in the morning on a Saturday. “Nah, man, haven’t seen them. They...

1 year ago
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A day in the hot tub takes an unexpected turn for a girl and her brother

his story was written as an extreme adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. Simka walks in the house, glad to be home, glad to be alone at home. “I think I am going to go sit in the hot tub for a while and just relax, especially since no one else will be home for a few hours. She quickly runs up stairs and strips out of her school clothes. After a moment of looking in her drawers, she finds a bikini. It is not her new one, and it is slightly...

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Christopher Enslaved For Life

most horrible day I ever lived through was the day my life long friend Christopher Worthington was enslaved for life at the age of 22, just 4 months before he and I were to graduate together from SDSU with our bachelors in chemistry. On the evening of April 3, 2001, my dad told me to cancel my plans for the next day because he and I had something very important to do. When I asked him what was up he said he could not tell me, and that I would simply have to wait until tomorrow in order to find...

3 years ago
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Christopher Enslaved For Life

most horrible day I ever lived through was the day my life long friend Christopher Worthington was enslaved for life at the age of 22, just 4 months before he and I were to graduate together from SDSU with our bachelors in chemistry. On the evening of April 3, 2001, my dad told me to cancel my plans for the next day because he and I had something very important to do. When I asked him what was up he said he could not tell me, and that I would simply have to wait until tomorrow in order to find...

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Being a helpful Brother

Introduction: Being a brother means its your job to be helpful to your sister at all times. Although what happens when being helpful goes to far? Jason Lee and Kimmy Lee are the only Asian kids in there whole school. That ment they are more then just brother and sister they were also best friends. Jason was a year older then Kimmy so it wasnt uncommon for him to only see his sister after school. That made him lonely during school. Not only was he awkwardly tall having a growth spurt every few...

1 year ago
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Adams Stopwatch

Adam stepped off the school bus, walked through the driveway and entered his home. He threw his school bag onto the floor and stomped his way upstairs, tired and fed up due to yet another boring day in high school. They do nothing but pile work on top of you in senior year. He barged through his bedroom door and slammed it shut behind him and it was then that he found it. Laying there on his bed was a stopwatch, placed right in the centre. "Mom?!" Adam called. "What?!" his mother replied from...

Mind Control
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Another Day in the Life The Applicant

Set in a dystopian alternate reality (world created by George Kinaski, aka Marlissa) in which women have been stripped of rights and the best they can hope for is marriage or administrative office jobs in which they will be expected to sexually satisfy the boss. Against this backdrop, Sandi is trying to get a better jobShit. I forgot the coleslaw. I could picture the Tupperware container sitting next to the fridge. I sighed, fat lot of good it does me there. I peeked up at the clock. Time was...

3 years ago
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How much I love my brother

Can I ask you something? Is incest sex really so bad? I mean I know having sex with a family member is not just weird and creepy, but illegal. Why? It's one thing if it's just lust. But to have centennial sex with someone you love and care about very much. Why is this so bad? I mean really why? I'm Jennifer and I'm a 19 year old lady and I have a 20 year old brother named Jim. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm about 5 ft 2 in.We both have the same mother and father, so he has brown hair and...

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Training Big Brother

Chapter I Damn him! Thirteen year old Karen looked at the bra she was putting away. One of the hooks was hanging to the material by only a thread or two. It hadn't been like that when she'd taken it off several days ago. It had to be her brother. Again. For the past couple of months she'd been suspecting that Tom had been trying on her underwear. This wasn't the first bra whose hooks looked like they'd been stretched much farther than her 32 A chest was capable. She couldn't...

2 years ago
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Billi Jos big brother

Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

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Jackie Listens to Her brother

After getting wet in the rain, her brother shares a storyThe chance to finally seeing my big brother Tommy again was making me nervous. Or maybe, I don't know, really excited. What I missed most about Tommy was just talking with him, well, listening really. Anytime we talked -- his voice just seemed to calm me down and make me feel SO good. During our last phone call I said, "I really miss you.""Oh Jackie, Please, don't sound so sad, I miss you too."Talking on the phone is wonderful, but it's...

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godess sarita 6 mistress sara

after 8 months staying with goddess sarita . my hair was long I had medium nails with nail polish depending of goddess saritas mood and had my ears pearced and the tip of my toung pierced by suggestion of mistress payel.. it was summer and godess took a vracation from work she wanted to visit her daughter abroad so she left me at mistress saras place for 1 week .. I was shaved cleaned mistress replaced my chastity with a normal plastic chastity from long term use of old chastity with screw my...

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Billi Jos big brother

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didn’t care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondock” family. “don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

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Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl chapter 2 experiments with my brother

I woke Saturday morning, tired and restless. I did not sleep very well, which following our Friday night fuck fest was quite unusual for me.  Usually, I sleep very well after cumming; and Friday night I had two powerful orgasms.However, I was troubled by how the evening had ended. If you recall, Marc, my long-term partner, had convinced me to reveal the details of my teenage masturbation fantasies to him. These fantasies involved an improbable scenario where I was caught masturbating by my...

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Like Sister Like Brother

Like Brother Like Sister By Trapper Jock McIntyre Authors note: Given the lack of female to male cross-dressing stories, I decided to dive into this genre. Scant few authors seem to handle the topic appropriately. Only one handles it properly, and to her/ him, I kozmically tip my hat. To further spur interest in the topic, I'd like this story to be a thought started for a female to male cross-dressing universe. I realize that the story here is lightweight as are the characters....

3 years ago
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Inside Brother

Inside Brother: the story of Mac n Nash WolfeMac walks over to the studio door and pulls the shade. He turns off the outer sign and locks the door. As his key turns in the deadbolt he takes a stern look over his shoulder and says, "Pretty boy, slide your ass across that counter and bring it into my reach. I need to worship." "Yes Mac, I'm coming." Nash replies, boyish adoration emanating from his smile. He lifts his lean, toned 180lbs by his arms and leans over the counter, then plops back to...

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Sex education for my younger brother

Sex education for my younger brotherThis story is how I have seduced my younger brother and became his lover and it is my darkest secret which I want to share. Although the attraction between us was mutual, it was more from my side and probably he initiated it.I am 25 years old woman, divorced my loser husband a year back, as he was useless in finance and even in bed. I was supporting that loser with my hard earned money and I am working as an architect in a reputed firm in Bangalore. After I...

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My first lesbian experience, at least outside of my family, was with Brenda, my college freshman roomy. As things turned out, she had an older brother. He was married but like a lot of husbands, was ready for something new – or should I say “someone”. The best part was that it wasn’t just me he was interested in!When I was a freshman in college my roommate turned out not only to be extremely cute but bisexual as well. Brenda was the first girl I was with outside of my family and needless to...

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The Shortstop

Edited by Dave Lori was sitting alone in the small conference room waiting for her partner. She had the big monitor plugged into her laptop and was doing a little online window shopping before their meeting. Eventually, she heard the door open and her business partner, Brent, take a chair to her right and in back of her. "You're late," she said without turning around. "There was an accident coming down this morning." "Sounds like you stayed in Lahaina and needed one last blowjob this...

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Pritu me my brother

I had never had any unpure thoughts about my older brother Rahul that is until by best friend Preeti started drooling over him. Rahul, I have to admit, was hot! He is about 6’0″ and 190lbs with short dirty blonde hair and almond shaped green eyes. He was 26 at the time and he got his own apartment. Preeti and I went over every Saturday that summer to go swim in the pool that my brothers apartments had. I was 18 and Preeti was 19. We became friends that year in art class in college. She was a...

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Blowing My Big Brother

Freia had never quite felt like she fit in.It's the nature of being a step-sibling, and it's only amplified when your connection to the family isn't around any more. She knew that she was lucky, really, that her "father" had taken her in the way that he had after Freia's mother left town - he'd had no obligation to, and he'd never shown even a hint of resentment.They'd tried to include her, they'd done everything that they could, but nothing had helped. She didn't feel like she fit in, she'd...

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Goddess Royal Garden

AN: All characters are 18 years or older. Damn, this took a bit of thinking on what exactly I wanted this story to be for while. Originally it was titled "Your Princesses" and was going to be a 2nd Person POV story. Also the character you become would be named Morgan Godfrey who other possible writers for the story could set up as a male/female human or some other race like elf or something. But, some new ideas I thought of weren't fitting that original story. So, here we are, a 3rd Person...

4 years ago
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My Wife Enjoys My Brother

Everyone has, or at least has had, sexual fantasies. I have various fantasies, but my biggest fantasy would be to watch my wife fuck another man. On the internet I regularly visit sites where people post erotic stories. I like almost all of them, and other than those involving pain, just about every erotic fantasy people write about is of interest to me, but I seem to be drawn to the cheating wife stories the most. While I read about someone’s wife sucking and fucking some other man, I...

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Family EnslavedChapter 6 SlaveBrother

"You're taking it easy today, right, Dad?" I kissed my father's cheek, leaning over the back of his chair to do it, and rubbing my hands over his chest. "I don't think I have much of a choice," he chuckled and put his right hand on top of mine, giving me a little squeeze. He was reading a magazine while my mother was upstairs, sleeping after her bath. She really had been worn out from the night before and then our little scene in the kitchen. I was off for downtown, to pay a visit...

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Boyfriend or Brother

“Why? What happened?” “Oh yeah, I never told you.” Hannah had a flair for being forgetful, but even as she hardened herself to tell me, it was clearly something she’d always remembered. “Well, when I was younger, my second oldest brother started molesting me.” “How so? Just kissing and touching?” I asked, hoping she’d elaborate. “More than that,” Hannah paused. “He’d force me to suck his cock, he’d give me oral, and then he’d have sex with me.” “Did he ever say why?” I gave Hannah a look...

2 years ago
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Seduced By Cousin Brother

Hi, this is Nikki. I am 25years old girl with stats 32-26-36 and I am going to share my real sex experience and how I was seduced by my sweet Cousin Brother and had touched the heaven and treasure of sexual happiness. This is my real sex story. I am actually from Telangana state. I am married a year back and presently staying in the USA with my husband. It started with my cousin brother who is 33 years old and around 2 months back when one day my sweet brother started sending messages to me by...

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Daughters Slut Training 1 Slut Training with Brother

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Slut Training with Brother By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The moans drifted through the walls separating my classroom from Vicky Samuels's. A low, wanton groan of pure pleasure. I shivered, unable to resist myself. It was so much easier to forget about my financial problems through masturbation than worry how my husband would react when he learned I squandered our savings on online...

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Cindy Tyler felt good as she pulled into her family's driveway. She attended UC San Diego School of Medicine, and she enjoyed living on her own, but as corny as the saying was, there was no place like home, and currently, she was back in Los Angeles for spring break."Mom, Dad!" she called as she walked in the door. The house was fairly small, so her mother wasn't far away, and she leaned out from the kitchen to greet her daughter."Hi, honey!" she said with a warm smile. "Your father's still at...

1 year ago
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Foursome Incest Including Wife SisterInLaw And Brother

Hi, dear ISS readers, after a long time I am coming up with this story, which as usual will be very interesting incest story. Those who had read my earlier stories will see the continuation. As I was continuing the threesome incest with my Sister in law Vani and my brother, my brother came with the idea of including my wife in to our relationship. Vani too insisted me to make my wife also join us to make a four some group. I was excited with this idea and promised them that I shall at any cost...

2 years ago
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How mom did with her brother

One day I and AJ and his aunt (bhua) were sitting in the garden drinking tea.Bhua said to us, my daughter (Pinki) from UK will be here 2 days from now we should pick her up at the airport. Sure we will go to airport and pick her up. How old is she aunt? Aunt: she is 19.Me: so she is at right age for fun.Aunt: I told her all bout fun.Me what do u mean told her? Aunt: I told her all about you and my son AJ and maid and Raja.Me: you are naughty auntyAunt: woman got to do what got to do.Me: ...

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My Girlfriend With My Brother

My name is Varun and I work in Chennai.I am 25 and I live with my younger brother, Vignesh, in an 1.5 bhk apartment. He is 5 years younger than me and studies engineering in a nearby college. I have a girlfriend, my office colleague. Every now and then, I bring her to my home where I eat her to my satisfaction. She is Brindha. I would put her in the heavier side. 34-30-36 was her shape. Her ass was the star attraction for me. I always brought her home when my brother was not there at home. Not...

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