Eroji free porn video

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"What about this game?"

15-year-old Kaden turned from watching the TV. The dark-haired teen regarded his blonde cousin Kelsie, likewise 15 years old. She had a board game box in her hands that looked old...real old.

"Where'd you find that?"

She plopped it down on the coffee table in front of him. "Down in the basement. So much cool stuff down there..."

"Yeah, like spiders big enough to eat your eyeballs." Kaden leaned forward to read the name on the box. "Eroji?" He couldn't make out much beyond the name, showing in a strange,flowing, faded ***********. The box looked like it had taken some water damage.

Kelsie pulled the box top off and suddenly the room seemed to change, getting a little darker and also warmer. Kaden felt odd, tingly. Kelsie paused, her eyes half-lidded, just holding the box top.

"What'cha guys doin'?" Kaden's babysitter Ava walked into the living room, trailed by her friend Dawn. They paused momentarily as they entered, feeling the changed atmosphere in the room.

Kaden regarded the older girls. He was too old to need a babysitter, but he didn't argue when his parents insisted anyway when they went out, as he'd had a crush on tall, redheaded 18-year-old Ava for a while now. He had only met short, curvy, brown-haired Dawn just today, but he liked her, too. The two women starkly contrasted each other in height, but both had some nice-sized boobs. Damn, Kaden loved summer, with all the girls wearing short-shorts and tight t-shirts!

Kelsie seemed to snap back to attention. "Board game...wanna play?" She pulled a board and some cards tied up with string from the box.

String? How old was this game? Kaden wondered.

"How do you play?" Curvy Dawn asked as she settled down on the couch to Kaden's right. Ava sat on Kaden's other side.

Kaden realized that his cock was actually getting hard from the smell of the older girls' perfume, and did his best to surreptitiously adjust his shorts so that it wouldn't show.

Kelsie overturned the box, dropping four metal figures and a stained 6-sided die onto the board. "No instruction guide." The board was a series of boxes with arrows. She took a figure and put it on the Start box. "Looks like there's instructions for each box you land on...seems pretty straightforward."

The rest of them each grabbed a figure. Kaden's looked like a little man, while the others seemed to be female. Odd, he thought. Looking closer, he realized that each of the female figures seemed representative of their player, Kelsie's being short and slim, while Dawn's was voluptuous, and Ava's taller than the others. This was bizarre!

"Wait..." Kaden started, but Kelsie sat down on the floor across from them and rolled the die to see who would go first, like with every other board game...5. Dawn did likewise...4. Oh well, Kaden thought, taking the die to roll himself...6...yes! Ava rolled a 4...a tie with Dawn, but Kaden was definitely first, and the turns would move clockwise from him.

He rolled again...1. He moved his figure forward a step. General Card, the board space said.

Kelsie had just finished shuffling the General Cards and handed him the top one. It said, 'It's just a game. You need to finish it. Pass it on.'

Weird, Kaden thought, passing the card on to Ava. She read it, also looked confused, and then passed it on to Kelsie. Once all of them had read it, Ava rolled...also 1.

Ava took the next card from the General pile. She looked surprised. "'Kiss someone for 30 seconds?'"

"What?!" Everyone else said at once.

Ava regarded the card for only a moment. "Well, it's just a game." Then she dropped the card onto the discard space next to its pile, turned to Kaden, and planted a scorching kiss on his lips.

Kaden's cock went completely stiff as his babysitter French kissed him, her tongue slipping between his lips and licking the inside of his mouth. After 30 seconds she broke it off, leaving both of them panting.

"What kind of game is this?" Dawn asked, looking concerned.

"We need to finish it," Kelsie said, rolling...2. Wild Card. She took the top card from that pile. "Huh..." she mused, and then discarded it.

The others leaned forward. 'Remove a large article of clothing, or 2 small,' it said. They looked back up to see the slim teenager pull her tight t-shirt off, revealing a pretty, flowery blue brassiere restraining a pair of smaller breasts.

Kaden hadn't thought about his cousin in a sexual way, Well, not really -- momentary dirty thoughts when she had leaned over and he could see down her shirt, or if she bent over in those short-shorts -- but she was his cousin! Now he couldn't help but stare at her pale flesh and that bra pushing up her teenaged boobs.

"Nice bra!" Dawn said as she leaned forward to grab the die. Kaden could see Kelsie's face redden at the compliment.

Dawn rolled a 3...Wild Card. "'Rub another player's privates for 30 seconds.' Sheesh!" The voluptuous girl discarded and grabbed Kaden's package, making him jump. What was going on?! This was crazy! he thought. He wasn't about to stop her, though.

Soon she found his hard cock through his shorts and squeezed it, making him groan. Then she was stroking him through the fabric. It felt incredible.

Suddenly, she stopped and sat back as if nothing had happened, though her breathing was definitely heavier than before her turn.

Kaden felt his balls starting to ache. He reached forward and rolled a 3. Group Card. He took from that pile and gasped.

"What does it say?" Ava asked, craning her neck.

Kaden read it -- "'Everyone remove a large article of clothing, or 2 small'" -- and then put it into the discard area. He and Dawn took off their shirts, and, strangely, Ava took off her shorts. Kaden had a gander at the redhead's shapely hips, soft-looking inner thighs, and her dark blue bikini undies before she pulled her t-shirt down to cover them. He realized that with this strategy, she was less naked than everyone else! He then also realized...

He looked over at his cousin, who had stood and was holding onto her unfastened shorts, struggling to pull them down...or struggling not to?

The girl was shaking. "I...I don't..."

"It's just a game," the other three players said in unison.

Kelsie blinked for a moment, relaxing. "Right...just a game." Then she pulled down her shorts, leaving her in just her bra and a matching pair of flowery blue bikini underwear.

Kaden felt his cock twitch a little at the sight of his slim cousin in her undies. He thought that he saw a wet patch between her legs, but then she sat with her knees tucked under her so that he couldn't tell anymore.

Then Kaden looked over at Dawn. Her face had turned red as well, and the flush spread down her exposed decolletage to her large breasts. He goggled at the cleavage above the top of her bulky pink bra.

Ava rolled a 4 and got a General Card again. "'Remove a small article of clothing.' Shit." She considered for a moment, then turned away from Kaden and lifted the back of her shirt. "Can you unhook me?"

Kaden was distracted by the sight of Ava's otherwise bare back and the cleft of her ass visible above her underwear. He looked at the fastener on Ava's bra, but he had never even touched one of those before!

"I got it..." Dawn said, reaching past him and deftly unhooking Ava's bra one-handed. He could feel Dawn's bra-covered boobs press against his back as she did so. Kaden was impressed with her skill, and gasped when he saw a little of Ava's sideboob as she leaned forward to slip the undergarment from her shoulders. After dropping it on the floor, she leaned back and Kaden could see his babysitter's nipples poking through her tight t-shirt.

Kelsie looked concerned as she reached for the die, but rolled it anyway. 2 + 2 = 4, which was a Group Card. Kelsie groaned as she reached for the card, but then sighed as she read it: "'Everyone kiss the player next to you for 30 seconds, cardholder's choice first.'" Thankfully, she didn't have to remove any more clothing.

That meant that she had to kiss either Ava or Dawn. Truth to tell, she was more comfortable with that than kissing her cousin. She really liked Ava's fiery red hair, and realized that she had been staring at the older girl's nipples poking through her shirt. She went over to her.

Kaden watched as his cousin started making out with his babysitter, and then he felt Dawn turn his head toward her before her mouth was pressed against his. Kissing Dawn was different from Ava, not as tonguey, but his balls felt very full when the 30 seconds were up.

Breathing heavily, Dawn rolled: 3 + 3 = 6, which was another Wild Card. "'Remove a large article of clothing, or 2 small, and from someone else.' Fuck!" As she removed her shorts, revealing a pair of white hipsters, she looked over at Kelsie. The blonde looked at her fearfully. "Well, you'd be naked, so..." She looked at Ava, who shook her head, and then at Kaden. "Lose the shorts, kid."

Kaden stood, unfastened his shorts, and then pulled them down. Now they could all see his hard dick pushing out the front of his briefs.

"Oh," Dawn exclaimed, and she sounded impressed. Kaden looked at her, and then at the other girls, and they didn't look disgusted, more...curious? He sat back down.

Then Kaden had a thought. "Hey, I don't have a is this fair?"

Ava considered. "You're wearing socks and we aren't...we'll count those together as a small article of clothing."

Kaden sighed in relief. Removing his socks wouldn't matter much.

It was Kaden's turn again. 3 + 4 = 7...Group Card. He took a card and read it: "'Everyone rub another player's privates for 30 seconds, cardholder's choice first.'"

Kaden smiled. Yes! "Um...Ava, you rub mine and I'll rub yours."

He caught sight of Kelsie moving over to the couch so she could reach Dawn. Oh, right, he realized, that left those two together... Then he felt Ava's hand rubbing his cock through his underwear and he moved his hand under her t-shirt to feel for her panties.

Soon he found the damp area between her legs and he pushed his fingers hard into the satiny fabric to try to reach her treasure trove. He was so distracted by her hand masturbating him through the thin cotton of his own underwear that he didn't even consider trying to slip his fingers down the top of her panties. He could hear Dawn and Kelsie gasping behind him.

He was about to cum when Ava pulled her hand back, and he broke contact with her as well. They hadn't been counting, but somehow they knew when to stop in order to meet the requirements of the timed cards.

Kaden noticed Kelsie heading back to her seat on the floor on unsteady legs. There was definitely a wet spot between her legs, and it had grown.

Ava rolled: 3 + 5 = 8. Another Wild Card.

"There's an awful lot of Wild Cards..." Kaden said.

Ava took a card and gasped. "'Masturbate a penis with it touching the genitals of the player across from them for 30 seconds.' That's...really specific."

Kaden looked over at his cousin. HE had the only penis, and SHE was across from him! He didn't want that! Nevertheless, all of the players got to their feet. When Kaden and Kelsie were standing practically face to face, Kelsie unable to look Kaden in the eye, Ava reached into his underwear and fished out his very hard cock through the pee hole. Then with her other hand she pulled the front of Kelsie's underwear forward and down, exposing her blonde pubes, visible clitoris, and distended pussy lips. She pulled Kaden forward, nestling the head of his cock up against his cousin's pudendum.

Kelsie gasped, her eyes closed, her hands balled into fists at her sides. Kaden couldn't look away from the purple head of his cock touching his cousin's little pussy. Then Ava started to stroke.

"Oh God..." he gasped. The rubbing of his cock from the last round had left him right on the edge.

Ava continued to stroke Kaden's shaft, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from the incredibly sexy sight of the head of the teenage boy's cock bumping against his slim blonde cousin's glistening wet pussy.

It had only been about 15 seconds before Kaden cried out and pushed his hips forward. The top of the head of his cock pushed Kelsie's vaginal lips apart as he started to cum.

Spurt! That first blast of hot cum skimmed along the entrance of Kelsie's vagina, splitting into two streams, most of it shooting down into the gusset of her undies, but a smaller splash bounced upward, where it slipped between her inner vaginal lips.

Ava increased the speed of her stroking. With less control, the head of Kaden's cock slid all over Kelsie's genital area.

Spurt! That one hit directly onto the girl's clitoris and she gasped at the heat of it. She looked down and saw that Kaden's next spurt went right onto her pussy lips. This was dangerous! She wanted to pull back but couldn't. She had to play the game.

As Kaden's ejaculation settled down, Ava made sure to "accidentally" bump the cum-covered head of his cock against the opening of his cousin's no doubt virginal pussy a couple of times. Ava's own pussy was throbbing with need. What she was doing was so wrong, and yet so hot!

Then 30 seconds were up and she let go. Kaden stepped back and Kelsie's underwear snapped back into place. As they all sat back down, Kaden tucked his shrinking penis away and Kelsie could feel her tight undies pressing her cousin's warm sperm insistently into her vaginal lips. She tried to remember when her last period started. Two weeks ago? She wanted to remove her underwear, to clean the dangerous sperm away from her pussy, but she'd need a card to tell her she could do that.

Then she reached for the die. She had to finish the game. 4 + 4 = 8: Wild Card! She shook as she took the card, and whimpered as she read it: "'Masturbate for 60 seconds?' Nooo..."

She dropped the card onto the discard pile and reached into her underwear, easily locating her engorged clit. She would just play with that for the required minute, avoiding doing anything that would increase the danger she was in. As she manipulated her clitoris she felt her finger getting wet from Kaden's sperm as it cooled inside her panties.

She had almost cum when the time ran out, but the feeling of danger had kept her from getting there. Still, she was breathing heavily. She wiped her spermy finger on the outside of her panties.

Kaden hadn't been able to take his eyes off of his cousin as she played with herself. Despite having just cum, he was hard again.

Dawn rolled, 4 + 6 = 10...another Wild Card! "'Dry hump someone for 60 seconds.'"

The voluptuous brown-haired girl dropped the card and pushed Kaden onto his back, climbing astride him. She lined their private parts up through their underwear and started to rub.

Kaden looked up at Dawn's pretty face as she rubbed her crotch against his. He wasn't anywhere near cumming again so he enjoyed the friction and pressure until time was up.

Dawn rolled off of the boy and sat back up, huffing. She had gotten so close! After seeing Kaden inseminate his cousin's pussy lips, she was practically overheating.

Kaden rolled...4 + 7 = 11. Group Card. He read it out: "'Everyone remove a large article of clothing, or 2 small'...again." Then he dropped the card and quickly shucked his socks and underwear so that he could watch the others.

He first watched Ava as she struggled not to follow the card's command before she pulled her shirt off. He gasped as he saw her fantastic breasts, round and firm but not too big, with pointy pink nipples. Then he looked over at Dawn as she pulled her bra off, allowing her bountiful orbs to bounce joyously. He barely noticed when she slipped her underwear off, those boobs were so huge and amazing.

Then he looked over at Kelsie. She had scrambled to get her panties off and was examining the spermy mess between her legs as she bent over and slipped her bra from her shoulders. Kaden looked at her breasts, small but firm, and then looked down between her legs. Her pussy lips were covered in a sheen of his cum.

"Well, at least I still have my underwear," Ava said, looking at the three naked players. Dawn stuck her tongue out at her.

Ava rolled: 1 + 8 = 9: General Card. She read it, sighed, and then plopped it down: "'Remove a small article of clothing.' I should have 'knocked on wood'." She lifted her hips and slid her panties down and off, giving them a good look at her wet pink pussy lips underneath a landing strip of short, fiery red pubes.

They were now all naked.

Kelsie rolled: 5 + 8 = 13: General again. She tilted her head as she read it: "'Skip your turn.'" She looked relieved.

Dawn rolled: 5 + 10 = 15: Wild Card. She nibbled her lip as she took the card. "'Give oral pleasure to the player across from you until the end of the next player's turn.' That's new." She got up and knelt in front of Ava as her friend spread her legs, and then she brought her mouth to Ava's pussy.

Ava gasped and lay back, closing her eyes. "Oh, Dawny..."

Kaden was in no hurry; he was enjoying the view, and they had to keep going like that until the end of his turn. Still, after Dawn gave him some side-eye he rolled: 4 + 11 = 15, so he was on the same Wild Card square as Dawn.

He took the card and read it...then he read it again, eyes wide. Smiling, he tossed it down on the discard pile and pushed the coffee table back to give himself enough room. He knelt behind Dawn and guided his hard cock to her vulnerable womanhood.

Kelsie grabbed the card and gasped.

"What's it say?" asked Ava between gasps.

"Mm? Mh!" Dawn grunted as Kaden managed to slip his cock into her very wet pussy.

"'Unprotected vaginal intercourse and cum inside!'" Kelsie dropped the card, shocked.

Kaden's cock felt incredible, buried in Dawn's hot, moist insides. Ava's pussy was busy from the last card, so Kaden's choice had been Kelsie or Dawn, and the older girl was right there with her butt sticking out, plus she wasn't his cousin, so the choice had been obvious.

"Nnn! Nnnh!" Dawn moaned into Ava's pussy as she was fucked. The power of the game compelled her to continue giving her friend oral pleasure even as her unprotected pussy was plundered by the 15-year-old boy's bare cock.

Ava looked at Kaden as he sawed into her friend's pussy from behind, even as Dawn continued to lick her clit and pussy lips. "Oh my God, you're going to cum inside her?" She had already been turned on by jacking Kaden off into his cousin's underwear. At the thought that he was going to sperm her friend, she began to push her cooze up into Dawn's face. "Oh God...oh God..."

Kaden watched Ava's face as it contorted in pleasure. Then her hands flew to her breasts to pinch her nipples as she gasped and shook in orgasm. Upon seeing this, Kaden felt his second orgasm crash upon him and he sped up his thrusts.

Dawn felt this, and heard Kaden grunting. "Nnn! Nnnn!" she complained, her face full of orgasming pussy. Then she felt the boy thrust hard, and a warm wetness spread deep inside her. "Nnnnnn...!"

Kaden fell backwards, his cock slipping out of the voluptuous young woman. She pulled her face back from Ava's pussy. "Noo...shit..." Her period had finished a little over a week ago, so this was the exact wrong time to have unprotected sex!

As Dawn returned to her seat, Ava, breathing heavily, rolled. She wanted this game to be over! 2 + 9 = 11. Group Card. "'Everyone dry hump for 2 minutes, cardholder with the player on their right.'" She looked at Kaden, whose penis had shrunk down but was still covered with sperm, and shivered.

Kaden got up between Ava's thighs and pushed the head of his soft penis around her pubic area. She gasped.

Dawn jumped up, pushed Kelsie back onto the carpet, grabbed one of the girl's legs, and shifted into a kneeling scissor position, pushing their pussies together. Kelsie had never done anything like this before, and she marveled at the pleasurable effect the friction had on her clit and pussy lips. Then she gasped as she felt a warm wetness between her legs. She could feel her own pussy lips opening up as they ground their vaginas together, and realized that gravity was causing the dangerous sperm Kaden had deposited inside Dawn's vagina to drip down nto her own possibly fertile pussy. "Ohh..." she moaned.

Dawn pushed harder and faster, feeling her clit grind along the younger's girl's pussy lips. She had been so close earlier, and the thought that she might be transferring some of Kaden's dangerous sperm to the inside of his cousin's pussy turned her on even more. She looked over at Kaden and Ava, the boy thrusting between his babysitter's thighs, and came.

"Uh! Goddd, yesss..." As her insides convulsed in pleasure, she reached down and manipulated Kelsie's clit.

"Noo--oooohhhh!" Despite the danger she was in, the erotic evening and the clitoral attention finally overwhelmed the slim blonde's sensibilities. She orgasmed, and her immature reproductive system sucked some of her cousin's dangerous sperm further inside her fertile body.

"Mmmm!" Dawn moaned as, deep inside her, some of Kaden's sperm slipped through her spasming cervix and into her own uterus.

Finally, the 2 minutes were up and the couples disengaged, panting, everyone's genitalia a spermy mess.

Kelsie rolled a 6. She moved her figure, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...and she was at the end! "I won!" The square indicated some instructions...

She read it aloud. "'It was just a game. Forget, and tell no one.'"

Then they got dressed, packed up Eroji, and put it up on the shelf. Then they forgot, as commanded.


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The Prison Planet Well after noon, Diana stepped away from the cave entrance, cupped her hands around her mouth and called out to her husband, knowing that he, above anyone else, would hear despite all the noise that the equipment was producing. “Jeff, tell everybody that lunch is ready, please.” With the big diesel tractor running, along with the sounds that the trenchers produced, in addition to everyone being scattered out over a two-hundred yard area, it took Jeff a few seconds to...

2 years ago
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Our Swinging Beginning

We were looking for something to add a little bit extra to our sex lives a few years ago and had been discussing several different options we might like, when I came upon several advertisements for couples parties on the Internet. We were both very excited about the idea, but more than a little apprehensive about taking this step; but I suggested we telephone and see if we could attend just as spectators to get an idea what they were actually like, and more importantly, see if this sort of...

2 years ago
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I Get a Surprise coming Home Early

As the meeting ended sooner than expected, I decided to fly home on Friday night instead of returning on Sunday as previously planned. In order to make the surprise complete, I decided not to call Kathy to let her know of my plans. My plane was delayed in Chicago and by the time I made it to my car in the airport parking lot, it was already 9:30 PM."Shit!" I though to myself, "This day is completely shot. Oh, well, at least Kathy will be happy to have me home a few days early."I pulled up to...

1 year ago
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Dangerous Games Chapter I

June ‘10Amy sat slumped, ass perched upon the edge of the swivel chair, legs spread. The blinds were shut, dark drapes drawn, the only illumination this late at night coming from the computer screen before her as a slide show slowly played, each digital picture more revealing, more perverted then the one proceeding. She watched, face burning with embarrassment, as the scene played out, remembering that night when Lex had taken the photos, remembering the humiliation of it all, as well as the...

4 years ago
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At The Fire

At the fire …After today's sightseeing flight with Karin I prepared the machine and after the final check I pushed it back onto the turntable in the hangar and secured the wheels of the main landing gear with the blocks.She said I should bring a bottle of red wine for dinner. That might be a bit tight, I'd rather get two. In the wine shop, I finally chose a Château Lafitte from the Médoc. What a luck that there was a flower store next to the vinotheque. The pretty, friendly smiling saleswoman...

3 years ago
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Crossing That Line Part 1

This is my first submission. Please rate my story and comment freely. I always welcome constructive criticism as I aim to please my fellow Lush members! I woke up feeling content and refreshed, the memory of a steamy dream starring a very sexy Doctor still lingering in my mind. Not just any Doctor, but my boss—Dr. Cole McLaughlin. I would see him again today, and the thought made me smile. Cole and I had been spending pretty much every moment together these past few weeks—well, apart from...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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A Bride For The Whole Family 1

A Bride For The Whole Family by James Elliott (c) 1991***Chapter 1Her naked body hissed between the sheets as she slid into bed. It was a luxurious feeling, like hotel sheets always are, cool, crisp and fresh, nearly crackling. She felt like purring as she snuggled down, allowing the soft comfort to ease the tension of the day's drive from her.Fresh from the shower, glowing with a pampered warmth, she rolled to the center of the king-size bed and languidly stretched. A satisfied smile danced...

3 years ago
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Adult Arcade Stopover

I was traveling up the interstate to northern KY one morning a little while back for a conference, and a couple of exits before leaving Tennessee into Kentucky, I stopped at an adult superstore. Being so far away from home, I felt reasonably safe that I would not run into someone I knew. Nevertheless, I was still very nervous. A large billboard with the Ten Commandments erected next door by a local church did not help. Fortunately, there were only a few cars and a couple of semis in the parking...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Bihari Neighbor Aunty 8211 Part II

In the evening when her husband came from office he called me and asked me to give him some Hollywood movies if I have, so that he can watch on his DVD player. Aunty gave a smiled. I have given him Expendables pat I and before leaving Aunty called me into kitchen on pretext of giving me some curry to give my mom and she said u are managing me and my husband giving blue films for me and Hollywood films for him. We laughed and I left. Next day my aunty came and asked my mom to accompany her for...

1 year ago
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Irresistible Temptations

My friend told me she gave him my phone number and to expect his call. After speaking to Jim, I knew I had no interest in ever seeing him in person. He was difficult to understand given his strong European accent and seemed to have no sense of humour. For some reason he couldn't take no for an answer; he kept asking me to meet him. Finally, one day when I was totally unkempt after having just moved, he asked again. Perfect I thought, finally I will get rid of him. He'll see me at my worst and...

First Time
1 year ago
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FamilySinners Reagan Foxx Stepson Seductions

Reagan’s wealthy husband keeps her satisfied in every-way but one. Luckily for her, she has a studly, young step son she can use to scratch that last itch. When her son comes home from the gym, removes his shirt, and asks her to take a look at his injured thigh, she assumes he is finally making a move. He suddenly becomes shy when she reciprocates his interest by grabbing his crotch. She backs away and he pursues. Reagan takes the lead and starts stroking her son’s cock through his...

1 year ago
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AjaChapter 20

Jason sat in Control Room B when Jake entered. “Afternoon, Jason,” he said. “How have you been?” “I’ve been better, frankly,” Jason replied. “Anything you’d care to discuss?” “No -- I’ll be fine.” “Here’s the rundown for tonight’s news. For the lead story, we’re using outtakes from an interview Rob did this morning with the new fire chief. Through a bit of ... radio magic ... I’m going to over-dub Rob’s questions. To make sure it sounds natural, I’d like to run through it on tape, rather...

4 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 18 The Rescue

by Krosis of the Collective --- Detective Aaron Bilson woke up to find himself in bed. He felt weird, like he wasn't all there. A female form rose from a nearby chair and approached him. "Mom?" he asked, confused. She sat next to him. "You've finally figured it out, master." He snapped back to full consciousness. "Eudora. You...why do you look like..." Upon smelling her perfume, his mind flashed back to a defining moment from his childhood: He was sitting on his mother's bed,...

3 years ago
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Intense Grinding on an ebony goddess at a night cl

My friends and I decided to go to Vegas a couple months ago. One night two of my friends wanted to a club, now I wasn't to sold on the idea, being that I'm not the greatest dancer. And to be honest I don't really like the music that the club would be playing (trance music and rave type of music). But I didn't want to be that one person who ruins the plans. So I said yeah ok let's go. We end up getting to the night club and we got in with ease, we scoped out the place and our...

2 years ago
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SRU A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler

SRU- A Bullies Time to Pay the Fiddler By Jennifer Allison "Mrs. O'Leary your son Dean is incorrigible." "What has he done now?" "What hasn't he done. The only thing I know for sure he hasn't done is sell drugs." "Tell me more." "Do you know he is the school's loan shark?" "I didn't know. Where does he get the money?" "By being a bully and taking it from the kids that can't stop him from taking it." "You see I am single mom trying to raise Dean and his sister...

1 year ago
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The Gymnast

I have been coaching my granddaughter, Michele, in gymnastics for sixteen years. I have taught her every apparatus and floor routine. Michele was in diapers when we started simple rolls. She was on top of the world holding number one all around, until puberty. Her body flowered and her breasts grew to a D cup. She could not manipulate her balance. Michele floundered. Sadly, she missed qualifying for the Olympics. There is an ancient proverb, "Those who can do; those who cannot teach." We...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Robert Alexis Part Two

I fantasize plenty of times of how our first time would be like. It would be romantic and, knowing myself, cheesy. Like spreading rose petals on the ground that leads to the bed we would make love in. Maybe I play romantic background music to set the mood just right. A candlelight or two couldn't hurt. This is what happens when you haven't had sex in your 22 years on this Earth. But it didn't matter. What mattered was that I was going to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love....

1 year ago
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fantasy cum true

To this point my stories are all true...tis one is a fantasy of mine... My girlfreind is a sexy red head fitness nut killer muscular feminine body nice big melon sixe tits, flat hard abs tight ass and legs that could squeeze the life outa you, nice and shapely from doing lots of eyes bright red full lips, and bisexual nymphomaniac. I as well am a fitness nut at 6 feet 210 of ripped cut muscle short dark hair and a thight ass that likes a big solid cock as well...Im bisexual as...

2 years ago
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Stupid Laws

Stupid Rules Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The introduction of new rules regarding equal opportunities for girls, allowing them to participate in all sports had consequences not envisioned by the writers of that law. At higher levels, separate but equal worked, but in the lower levels, well, it wasn't so good. For example, any girl could try out for the team, and if she was good enough, she had to be included. But Title X did not change any of the rules regarding personal...

1 year ago
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All Aboard

The waves gently lapped against the side of the Splendid Adventurer, the shining new catamaran, as it lay at anchor just off of Deadman’s Cay in the deep Southern Caribbean. It was early morning in the islands and the fine sea breeze blew in through the portholes cooling the sun’s rays and peeling the damp sheets from their naked bodies. Maria stirred and stretched a bit as Jacques carefully climbed out of the bunk so as not to wake her. He valued this time alone on the stern deck, sipping his...

2 years ago
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My Femdom Audition

For a while, I am naked, alone with Jo. She oversees the setting up of a table and four chairs, towards the centre of the room. Three chairs are placed on one side of the table, close in, while the other is positioned on the opposite side, a little further away. She then tells me to get up on the table, on my knees, stretching my arms as far forward on the table as I can manage.I am then asked to bring my knees forward under my chest to the limit of my capability, and then, keeping this...

1 year ago
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My Big Fat Farty Friend

A BBW friend of mine, in her own words...Hi, my name is Danni, I'm 26 and I guess you'd call me a British BBW. Basically I'm fat lol. Anyway, as well as being lardy I'm also windy. Or as you would say gassy. Basically, on account of IBS, I fart like a thoroughbred racehorse lol!And over the years I've come to know that men just love it when I do!It all started when I was 19. I've always been blessed with a big round arse and my boyfriend at the time just loved it (not the first, won't be the...

2 years ago
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A Man On The Side

I’m a hot vivacious Tam Brahm woman. I’m not the voluptuous Rambha type but for my petite frame I have really nice pert breasts, smooth gleaming skin and an awesome ass that even turns me on when I catch sight of it. Most importantly, I am sexy. I love sex, am totally free and uninhibited without being sleazy. I get wet in general when I am hot – without any man caressing me. I have a hot Muslim boyfriend who is just as uninhibited and we used to have an amazing sex life – never missed a day of...

2 years ago
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Getting a New Job

''I've never been here before,'' I told her, ''Why this place? It's almost impossible to find.'' she shrugged her shoulders, ''I come here every now and again. It's not your normal kind of bar.'' she told me. Since turning thirty she had been on a tear, she'd created her own company from the ground up and was now the owner of Eco-Co. A cleaning company hired out by corporations through out the city. Cheaper than employing their own cleaner, they would call Stephanie and she...

2 years ago
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By July, 1968 I decided as I,d known my English girlfriend almost a year she was the love of my life. Though we,d only actually spent a month in each other,s company having fallen in love with each other on first sight helped though I wasn,t as confident that Sarah loved me as much as I loved her I gambled, borrowed the money for her engagement ring and thought about my love. Sarah was the first female I,d ever met who liked me for myself and fate had stepped in when we first met to draw us...

1 year ago
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GingerPatch Ava Parker Redhead Spinner Gets Lubed And Fucked

Ava Parker is a smoking hot redhead teen with a lust for cock. She needs it constantly stuffing her fire crotch and providing her with pleasure. She will not stop until she gets it. For today’s sexual encounter she hopped into her bedroom with a see through onesie, got oiled up, and played with by her boy toy. She was looking like a total snack. That pussy was as tight as can be, and Ava was certainly a proper fuck. She had no problem guzzling down a hot load and looking into her guys eyes...

1 year ago
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18Eighteen Athena Heart Craving Mature Cock

Athena is home alone with a guy who isn’t her boyfriend, but that doesn’t stop her from sucking and fucking him. She wanted to see what it was like to be with an older guy who’s experienced, and this guy already knows he likes 18-year-old pussy. Who doesn’t? Especially when it’s a smooth, bright-pink slit like Athena’s. Although she’s not very experienced, Athena still passes the blow job test. She wraps her lips around his shaft, swallows deep and gets...

3 years ago
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Senji Raja Kotaiyil Vibachaariyai Oothen

Ithai antha mallu udan vanthu iruntha aan ketathum ini enal mele vara mudiyaathu endru solinaan. Appozhuthu antha mallu innum konja thuram thaane vaa endru azhaithaal, aanal antha 40 vayathu aan ennal kandipaaga vara mudiyaathu endru soli vitan. Athanaal mallu sari naan intha thambigaludan mele sendru varugiren endru solinaal. Ithai naan keathum en manathirkul oru sugamaana unarvu ear patathu, athanaal naan malluvai paarthu vanga aunty naan ungalai batharamaaga mele azhaithu sendru keezhe...

1 year ago
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Unmasking True Love

Hot candlewax and cold steamTwo different thingsThat blends together like sugar and teaWhen your cold kiss hits my hot lipsMy angry fire dies downAnd the world will never defeatHot candlewax and cold steamEvery word oozed out of the singer like honey hitting a spoon, as she mesmerized the crowd in that penthouse with her angelic voice that was only accentuated by hair white as snow, but skin as young as a freshly bloomed rose and hazel colored eyes that was covered by a 24 karat ruby red mask....

2 years ago
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The Sweet Academy Part 3

THE SWEET ACADEMY - Part 3 By Lisa Lovelace Hampered by my high heels and maid's uniform, I struggled with Mr. St. James in the darkness, trying to keep him from shoving me into the back seat of his car. He was much stronger than me, but he slipped on the gravel driveway and fell to one knee. He swayed slightly. I think he was drunk. I tried to pull free of him, but he kept his grip on my slender wrist. "Help, help!" I cried. A woman's voice cracked like a whip in the darkness....

2 years ago
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An Email To JenniferChapter 4B

Ray, Todd and Justin easily manhandled Jenny and despite her fruitless struggles, they guided her through the living room and down to the lower level games room. Justin indicated to his two friends that they had less than one hour and Jenn falsely assumed that her turmoil would be over at that time. Once again her mind played tricks on her. "Now where would you like to get fucked, on the table, on the sofa or on the floor," Justin asked and laughed when she pondered his dramatic statement....

3 years ago
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My little naughty daughters

My Name is Stan and I'm a member of our neigboorhood „Teeny Bangclub“. What? You never heard of it? Almost all male citizens in our community are members of this club! Once a month one or two daddys bring their cutest little teenage daughters to the club. But there are three important rules for the choice of the girls: First, they have to be not older than 13 years old. Second, only the cutest little girls have the opportunity to participate. They have to be slim or...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Landlady

Hello everyone. First of all, thank you for such an overwhelming response to my first story. It was really of a great help to decide to write further. Those folks haven’t read it yet can tap on my username and give it a shot. It was only because of you people that my very first story was a huge success and managed to make its way in “hot” category. For those who don’t know me here’s a brief introduction and then we will jump to the story. I am tarun goyal, 21 years old, currently residing in...

4 years ago
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One Night Of Fun At The Park

I was visiting my cousin for a few weeks. We were having fun in town, and ended up at the park. We played around on the swings for awhile. My cousin and the guy she was hanging out with that night disappeared in the darkness. I was dressed in jeans and a t shirt. The guy I was hanging out with that night was named David. He was tall and really built. He had some rock hard abs. He was wearing a t shirt and jeans, and man did he look good. He had brown hair and the cutest blue eyes I’ve ever...

1 year ago
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Quid Pro Quo

It had been a long, hot day of picking and planting in the blazing sun when trouble came running over the hill. With locks as red as the devil’s tail a flowing and titties shifting from side to side, she said, “Come on James. I’ve had my eyes on you. Come with me,” as she grabbed my hand and rushed me to the tool shed.And I went, even though I knew there would be trouble. She was the lady of the house, Sally Grimes, the wife of the owner of the plantation, the master of all the slaves...

3 years ago
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My maid My lover Me

Hi Folks, this is my second story on the ISS. I’m an avid reader of ISS. Latest stories prompted me to write up my own experience. This is my way of re-living that first experience. This happened a few months ago. Before we launch into my story, a quick introduction about me. I'm Nandhini, happily married with a loving husband. But it had been quite some time since we had passionate sex. No, don’t get me wrong, we were going quite steady. But life in general, sex in particular was very...

2 years ago
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What a loss! I thought our planet had one of the most advanced technologies in our galaxy but the fact is that more than half of the world has just died... Nefron has been one of the leading planets in our galaxy for centuries I just could not believe we lost so much through a small conflict with Zetch. Many of our soldiers were men, and now with the global population at an all time low, it would be a catastrophe if Zetch’s allies attacked, we would be defenseless. I felt uncomfortable...

4 years ago
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Loving An Unsatisfied Married Reader

Hi, All, I’m a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories for past 12 years or more. Some stories are amazing and some are fake just to get contacts and some are so true, don’t know how easily both men and women accept or get into bed so easily. In real life, all have urges and some cannot control and have tons and tons of fantasies which are unsatisfied. This is my real sex story. Friends, lovemaking is not just for fun it is like an art, girls do not come just like and also the boys. In my opinion,...

4 years ago
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The Journey of Kylie and Zac Part 2

I woke up at 10:35 a.m. from a crazy night, realizing today is the day I was to hang out with Zac. I got up and went to my dresser, getting a orange bra and lace panties that matched, and put them on. I went to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth, as I turned on the flat iron. After I was finished brushing my teeth, I started straightening my hair and put on a red bandana. I walked from the bathroom to my closet and grabbed a white tank top and a pair of jeans. I changed and walked...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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dipesh and his maid

I was 24 years old back then, I was a bachelor, living with my mother and brother in a Tamil nadu. We had a maid, her name is Meena. She was about 30 years old, 5ft.2inchs in height. She was average looking, a little bit of body fat around her hips and ass. She definitely was not a gorgeous woman, but her 36 D breasts were an eye catcher. She had worked at our place for over 5 years, when the incident happened. I never saw Meena as someone who i would have sex with, but everything changed in...

1 year ago
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Housewives of Valley County Ch01

(This story is a part of the Blackedmerica series, which is set in an alternate history.)"And for the rest of the day, we can look forward to more sunshine and great weather…"  Weatherman Alan Westerman broadcasted from a high point overlooking the beautiful suburbs of Valley County.Over on crest road, a neighborhood filled with lush green trees and beautiful architecturally designed homes, a woman's moans traveled out through the garden facing windows of one of the homes.Jamilah Najjar, a...


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