The Ghost Of St. Jude free porn video

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The Ghost of St. Jude Saint Jude Thaddeus: The patron of Hope in troubled times "Welcome Mr. Leeds!" Karolyn Karson rushed over to shake her visitor's hand and give him a polite kiss on the cheek. Nicholas Leeds was a valuable investor in Karson's Kove. His monetary input had paid for much of the drugs and training which forced their captured men into the ladyboys they were forced to become. In most cases, he, his men, and his guests were the first ones to experience the new recruits. "Always a pleasure Karolyn," he replied as he accepted her greeting. "I believe you know my associate Dmitri." "Of course, nice to see you again Mr. Ivanov." Although it wasn't obvious, Karolyn Karson shuddered as she bowed slightly. Ivanov was a deadly man. He was a former Russian military operative and longtime bodyguard for Nicholas Leeds. No doubt, he had killed many men in his lifetime. Ivanov smiled his deceptive smile and acknowledged Mrs. Karson with a slight head nod. "And this is Mr. Tank," Leeds continued. "I'm trying to impress Mr. Tank into joining our organization. Of course, I brought him to your amazing establishment. I hope you'll show him your famous hospitality." Since Tank was not a fully fledged member of Mr. Leeds' team, his real name would not be used here at the Kove. Immediately, Karolyn felt much more at ease with the large man compared to Ivanov, despite his larger size. She extended her hand and nodded, "Welcome Mr. Tank." Tank earned his nickname from his size, but those that knew him cane to realize that unless he was provoked, he was a polite and amiable man who was easy to be around. His reputation as a fierce fighter was earned in the streets of his hometown of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It always seemed that if someone needed help, he was there for them, but he was vicious to his enemies. "The pleasure is mine Ms. Karson," he said with a comforting smile. "We have a table right over here that's always reserved for you. I'll have the girls get your regular drinks Mr. Leeds. What can we get you Mister Tank?" "A glass of iced tea is just fine if that's okay Ms. Karson." Karson's Kove was established 10 years ago as the brainstorm of Karolyn Karson. The huge converted hotel/restaurant was built by her father, but never was a success under those terms. After experiencing and learning what unique desires were sought by local and visiting guests, Karolyn found a very profitable niche that she exploited fully after her parents had died. Karolyn became the Madam of an establishment that catered to men and women who preferred their lady companions to have something extra. Appropriate looking young men were scouted and "persuaded" to become ladyboys that catered to the needs and desires of both men and women alike. Through drugs and brainwashing persuasion, these young men were kidnapped, trained, and rented to many rich individuals and couples. The services of the most desirable and most compliant were sold as escorts and used in one of the many available guest rooms in the former hotel. Others were recruited, conditioned, and made to serve as waitresses, dance partners, and dinner companions in the well done restaurant and dance club. They would graduate to escort duty as their personalities adapted. Kenzie Karson was the middle sister in the Karlson clan. She walked over to a small line of pretty girls that were brought over to the Leed's table. "We have three new members of the Kove Mr. Leeds. They're still in their initial training, but I thought you might enjoy meeting them." All three "girls" wore yellow metal neckbands that indicated they were still in training. Girls wearing pink neckbands were deemed trained and available for service. Gold collars were worn by the most valuable girls and indicated that not only were they available for service, but also available for custom film work with the customer or someone else that the client may choose. The neckbands also served as security devices which would shock their wearer should they wander outside of the assigned area of control. Kenzie Carson was in charge of the escorts and actresses. The first two "girls" had shy smiles on their faces while the third seemed distant and lethargic. But she was easily the prettiest girl in the building. Ivanov stood quickly and shuffled to the front of the first girl that Kenzie introduced. He was known to frequent the Cove often and take advantage of many of the girls' hospitality. "This is Maria. She wants to learn how to be a hostess." Ivanov took her outreached hand as she curtseyed with a demure smile. "And this is Sharon. She not only wants to become a great hostess, she would like to try some film work and become a starlet." Her smile was bigger and brighter than the first girl and her curtsey was even deeper. Ivanov took her hand and commented, "Perhaps we can make a film together one day Ms. Sharon." The last girl in line was much more stoic, and her eyes were a bit glassy from the drugs used to control and modify her. This did not hide the fact that she was absolutely gorgeous. Ms. Karlson put her hand on her shoulder. "Robyn is a bit more shy than the rest and will need more training, but I think you'll agree that she will be worth every effort we make to educate her. Leeds and Ivanov both agreed that she was the most beautiful "girl" they had ever seen in the Kove or anywhere. Ivanov was absolutely mesmerized by Robyn's beauty. "It is my pleasure Ms. Robyn," he said while reaching for a hand that had not been offered. When Robyn moved a step back, Ivanov quickly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her against him. "I will especially look forward to your company Ms. Robyn." Despite her passive demeanor, Robyn reacted rapidly. Her hands firmly grasped Ivanov's shoulders and before he could react, her knee was firmly planted in his groin. The effect was immediate. Ivanov let out a deep grunting breath and stumbled backwards a couple of steps. He recovered quickly and roughly grabbed Robyn by her shoulders and flung her on the floor to the side. He was growling now as he took several steps towards her on the ground. Belinda Sawyer was recruited early in Karson Cove's history. She was taken in by Katharine Karson, the youngest of the three manager-sisters. Katharine worked at the Cove because she felt she had nowhere else to go after her parents had died. She avoided any deep indoctrination training and to her sisters' chagrin, was always kind to the residents. Belinda and Katharine were assigned the duties of makeup and dress training for all the new recruits which the older Karlsons accepted as a necessary part of the Cove's process. Belinda was tense and ready for something to happen when the introductions got around to Robyn. Quite frankly, she had fallen for Robert and now Robyn when he was first brought in for training. She saw his beauty as both a man and as a woman, and she could see that Robyn was different in many ways from the other recruits much like a beautiful unbroken horse. She also knew that despite her drugged up condition, Robyn was capable and willing to react violently should someone choose to cross the line. Ivanov had crossed that line. Belinda was quickly out of her nearby chair and flung herself across Robyn's sprawled body in an attempt to shield her new crush. "Leave her alone! She's brand new! She hasn't learned yet!" She secretly hoped Robyn would never "learn," but for now, she was only concerned for her safety from the dangerous Ivanov. Ivanov reached for Belinda to throw her across the room away from the revenge he had in mind for Robyn. It was then that a new player chose to step in. For such a large man, Tank moved very quickly. His days in the presence of his family had taught him to respect the meek and needy, but also the women of his environment. For him, Robyn and Belinda were women in need who required aid. He grabbed Ivanov's arm and shoved him back a few steps away from the girls. "Enough!" he yelled instinctively. Both men braced into fight positions and were about to attack each other. This had all the makings of a brutal and deadly conflict. Nicholas Leeds was not a physically imposing figure although he had been in his share of fights and battles in his time. He was certainly no match for the two gladiators crouching before him that were tensed to destroy each other. As he stepped in between them, he knew that he didn't need to be physically superior to own the power in the room. "Gentlemen!" he shouted. "Dmitri, she is quite raw I think. Let's allow the Karlson's some time to train her. The next time we visit, you can be the first to indoctrinate the beautiful lady in the courtesies she should show her customers." He looked in admiration at Turk as the big man relaxed his stance and stood up straight. Ivanov agreed silently as he changed his stance and scowled at Tank. Katharine helped Belinda up and spoke to the nearby security guard. "Thomas, please take Robyn to her room and secure her for her own protection." The large well built guard gently picked up a dazed Robyn in his arms and carried her towards her designated room. Since she was at the beginning of her training, her "room" was little more than a barred cell with a bed, sink, and toilet. Robyn's cage was located in Katharine's work area since she was not taking well to her initial training and Katharine and Belinda were unofficially assigned to make her feel less threatened and more comfortable. Karolyn took hold of her youngest sister's arm and said in a whispered tone so that no one else could overhear her. "Let her sleep off the drugs in her system. Tomorrow, we'll start her on the more potent stuff and see if we can get her to come around. She has the chance to become a favorite for our important clientele." She looked at Belinda and said, "And you need to get smarter. You could have easily gotten yourself killed. Now go look after your friend while I try and smooth out the situation with our most important benefactor." Belinda hurried to catch up to Thomas and Robyn. She opened the door of Robyn's cell and Thomas gently laid her onto the bed. "I can stay with her for awhile Ms. Belinda, to make sure she's okay." Belinda rubbed Thomas' arm and said, "She'll be fine now Thomas. I'll stay with her to make sure." Thomas bent down with a gentle smile and looked into Robyn's drug glazed eyes. "Ma'am, you let Ms. Belinda know if you need anything, and she'll just call me so I can come and help." As Thomas was leaving the area, Katharine passed by him on her way in. "Thank you Thomas," as Katharine smiled and patted him on his arm as he passed by. She walked into Robyn's cell and stood next to Belinda. "She'll be fine physically Bee. It's tomorrow I'm kinda worried about when they start juicing her with the stronger drugs. You can stay with her a little while, but let her get some sleep so her system is clean. At least we won't have to worry about drug interactions that way." "Thank you Kate, Belinda said as she followed Katharine out of the cage and locked it behind them. I'm sorry if I got you in trouble." "I can handle my sister's Bee. To be honest, I've kinda grown attached to Robyn almost as much as you have." They exchanged hugs, and Katharine went back out to the Kove's festivities and her secondary duties as restaurant manager. Belinda grabbed a chair from one of the empty cells and moved it to outside of Robyn's cage nearest to where she laid on her bed. "You know you could have gotten yourself killed. Dmitri is a very dangerous man. And unfortunately, the next time you see him, he'll want restitution." Robyn opened her eyes and turned her head to look at her guardian. "I'll be fine Belinda. I can take care of myself." She talked in a not so feminine, manly voice which reminded Belinda that this was a man who was dressed as a woman. Robert continued, "It was you who I was worried about. Why would you risk yourself for me?" Belinda lowered her eyes and just above a whisper replied, "I don't really know. I just..." Robert reached through the bars and took Belinda's hand. They sat, without much talking until Robert finally fell asleep. ***** When Belinda and Katharine came down to check on Robert in the morning, he was not in his cell. Belinda said, "I was hoping to see him before they came and got him to start on the new meds. You think they've already drugged him up too much to talk?" "I'm sorry Bee, let's go check and see where they have him." Katharine found both her sisters sitting and having breakfast together. "Karolyn, where did you put Robyn for his new treatment?" Karolyn looked up curiously from her meal. "We haven't started her new treatment yet. I figured we would just get her started after lunch and leave her in her cell." Belinda was concerned. "He's not in his cell, and there's no sign of him in the area." Katharine looked around and spotted her security guard. "Thomas, do you know where Robyn is? She's not in her security cell." Thomas replied, "I don't know ma'am. I haven't seen or heard anything, let me call electronic security to see if they can locate her through her neckband." When he had finished his phone conversation, he sadly looked at the ladies. "They can't find her neckband anywhere in the security area. I'm sorry." All four ladies came to the same conclusion, and Belinda was the first to say it as she started crying, "Ivanov! He must have come back last night, bribed security, and took him away. We've got to call Mr. Leeds and see if we can get Robert back!" Katharine put her arm around Belinda's shoulder and confirmed her thoughts with the same saddened looks as her sisters. "We can't Bee. Nicholas Leeds practically owns the Kove, and he practically owns us too. To confront him would mean business suicide and maybe our own health." She hesitated through her own tears and continued, "Robert is gone Bee, I'm so sorry." Belinda ran away crying towards her own room. When Katharine started to follow, Kenzie grabbed her arm and sadly advised, "Let her go Kat. There's nothing you can do to help her now." Katharine yanked her arm away from her older sister in anger and yelled, "That's where you're wrong Kenzie, I can be with her and I can share her grief... something you'll never understand." She turned and ran after her friend until they were huddled in Bee's bed, crying in each other's arms. **** Three weeks after Robert disappeared, Belinda and Kat were still feeling his loss. This morning, they were busying themselves with a new "recruit" by fussing and encouraging her with makeup and a dress. Katharine spoke to him while Belinda finished adjusting his wig and makeup. "You look gorgeous Danielle. You're as pretty as anyone we've had here at the Kove." Both she and Belinda felt their recent remorse from those words, and the next few moments were spent in uncomfortable silence. They soon heard noises outside of their work area that sounded like fighting and yelling and screaming. Both friends looked at each other in confusion and jumped slightly as Thomas came busting through the door. "It's a raid ma'am! There are armed men and women all over, and they're arresting everyone. I came here before they could catch me. I won't let anyone hurt you ladies, I promise." He stood protectively in front of the two ladies as they all stared at the locked door and heard someone wiggling the doorknob as they tried to get in. Several seconds of silence followed and then the door exploded open from some great force. Thomas took up a defensive crouch while Katharine and Belinda put a tentative hand on each of his shoulders. Danielle sat still in her daze. "Good morning ladies," came the voice just outside the door. As Robert walked through the doorway with a big smile, Belinda fainted and Katharine went down on one knee with her hands over her face. Thomas managed to catch Belinda just before she hit the floor. Thomas cradled Belinda in his arms while Katharine leaned into him for support. "Sir, may I lay Ms. Belinda on one of the cots?" He knew who was in charge. Robert grabbed Katharine's arm for support and opened the closest cell. "Of course Thomas, put her here, and I'll get a couple of damp wash clothes for the ladies." He helped Katharine onto a chair and while he soaked a couple of rags, watched as Thomas gently laid Belinda onto the cot. "We'll let them catch their breath a bit while I walk you and this young man out to our people. I want them to treat you with the respect you've earned." Thomas replied quietly, "Thank you sir." After Robert returned to the workroom, Belinda was awake and Katharine seemed to have recovered enough to stand and hug her captor. "What is happening Robert?" Belinda had recovered and she slowly stood up to also give Robert a hug. "And what happened to you? We thought Leeds and Ivanov had taken you." "Sit down, and I'll explain ladies. Karlson's Kove now belongs to my organization and you are my prisoners." His smile was out of place with the words he had chosen. "When you brought me here, it was my mission to collect as much about this operation as I could. I was wired so that there was always someone listening to every sound around me. The night I disappeared was a recovery operation that had nothing to do with Leeds. Today, we have officially taken over the entire Kove organization." Katharine robotically answered, "Leeds is very powerful, and he has a lot of investment in the Kove." Without hesitation, Robert replied, "If Leeds tries to stop us, we will destroy him. Our organization is made up of the brightest minds and deepest pockets in the entire world. Most of us have been together for quite some time and have corrected situations around the globe. Karlson's Kove was brought to our attention because of the individuals that were taken against their will. You managed to kidnap the sons, nephews, cousins, and friends of some of the most influential people in the world. We have come to stop that threat and where we can, help give them back their lives. When we leave this room, you will meet some of the fathers, mothers, and loved ones of those you took." Belinda started crying first, but Katharine soon had tears rolling down her cheeks. Belinda sobbed, "I'm so sorry. I knew what we were doing was wrong, but I got caught up in everything when I was taken. But that's no excuse, I'm guilty, I should go to prison." Katharine straightened and wiped back her tears. "I am the one to blame, not her. My sisters and I took these young men, including Belinda, and we ruined their whole lives. I knew it was wrong, but I still followed my sisters willingly. I'm glad it's finally over. I'm the one that deserves prison." "Neither one of you will be going to prison, but you will be punished, and you will remain our prisoners. We have already outlined most of what we will do here. We understand that many of your victims have been drugged and brainwashed to the point that they think they are living a good life. We have counselors and doctors who will work with all of them to make their lives the best that we can. And you and your sisters and the other staff will help with their basic needs such as cleaning and cooking and their other day-to-day requirements. I'll be more specific later as we assess the total situation here. Sounds like things have calmed down out there. Let's go see where we're at." Neither of the new prisoners protested when Robert put handcuffs on their wrists behind their backs. Katharine asked, "You said everyone here has a brother or son or someone they care for that was taken by the Kove. What about you Robert? Why are you here?" As he finished securing them, Robert gently took both their arms and started leading them to the door. "This is what I do," he said quietly. ***** On their walk to the center meeting area, Belinda asked, "Now that we're your prisoners, what should we call you? Mr. Robert, Sir, or what? I don't even know your last name sir." Robert smiled. "I must admit that I'm not used to staying around for very long after an operation is complete so I've never worried about what people will call me face to face. You're not my slave, and I don't want treated like your Master. So let's keep things simple. You can keep calling me Robert. I'm not a big fan of Bob or Rob and only my little brother is allowed to call me Robbie." As the trio approached the large conference table, they noticed all the seats were taken except the lead chair at the head. Karolyn was standing next to the man sitting just to the right of the main chair and Kenzie was standing next to the stoic middle aged lady sitting to the left. They both wore the same brand of handcuffs that Katharine and Belinda wore. They also wore pink security neckbands that had leashes attached to them. Robert took his place in the main chair of the table, and his prisoners took their place standing on each side and slightly behind him. They stood passively as a young technician came to each of them and secured a pink neckband around their necks. He punched some data into their phones and both Belinda and Katharine knew that they were now imprisoned behind the invisible walls of the electronic security of the Kove. The technician finished by attaching a leach to each prisoner and handed the ends to Robert. Robert looked around the table and began the meeting. "I trust everything went according to plan?" Jillian Watson shuffled in the chair to Robert's left and began her report. "Everything went perfect. We broke their security very quickly. They didn't even know we were here until they faced the guns in their faces. The new security system is up and running with no glitches. All prisoners have been physically and electronically secured per your guidance. We got so much information from your "visit" that we got in and secured them all without any problems. We've hacked their computers already and now have extensive information on their benefactors, support officers, and customer base. With that information, we are now the official owners of Karlson's Kove and all of its assets. Leeds is the only sponsor that we don't have any political info on, but I'm sure we're ready for him should he want to challenge us." She paused and briefly dropped her head in thought. Robert could see the pain on Jillian's face. As the founder and CEO of one of the biggest and most advances electronics security organizations in the world, she was certainly not accustomed to the worries and concerns she had experienced over the past year. Her 21 year old son had no interest in her business and was quite content to pursue a theatrical degree and possibly an acting career. Several years ago, he had admitted to her that he was gay, but she loved him so much, she supported him in every part of his life. And then he disappeared. "I found Benjamin... I mean Bonita... he seems fine I guess." Tears began to flow, and she unconsciously tightened the leash attached to Kenzie's collar causing her prisoner to stumble forward. She cried, "He's gay, but he didn't want to be a woman! He wanted to be an actor, but not like this." She relaxed her grip on the leash and looked up at Robert with a sullen face. "Thank you for giving me back my... baby." Robert reached over and held Jillian's hand. "We have the best doctors and support crew in the world. They're here to make sure Benj... your child gets the best treatment possible so she can still have a good life. I promise you that Jillian." He knew that many of the treatments were irreversible, but he also knew that time and patience could make them a lot better. After a few silent moments of consolation, Robert continued reviewing today's events. He addressed the man on his right. "How about our new assets Jack?" Jack Barton had no children, but his sister had two children whom he adored, a boy and a girl. When his nephew Albert had disappeared last year, he contacted Robert and his organization, knowing that they were his only hope at finding and rescuing his sister's son. He promised his sister that he would find him. Jack was known as one of the most successful and powerful lawyers in the world. And he was ruthless beyond shame. With little emotion, Jack reviewed, "We've contacted the entire customer base and anyone else their computers listed as supporters. I convinced them all that they did not want their connection to Karlson's Kove known to the public. Everyone has rolled over in agreement. We now own the physical property here and there will be no investigations beyond our internal processes. Almost all have agreed to continue their sponsorship and interactions once the new Karlson's Kove is formed and reopened. They seemed to like the idea of having a more legitimate restaurant and dinner theatre that they can visit in the company of willing hostesses and actors. Leeds of course was not worried about any political repercussions, but did express concern about his investments before hanging up on me. We'll need to keep an eye on him." Robert shook his head in agreement and said, "Did we find Albert yet Jack?" Jack's first emotion showed as he clenched his fist around Karoline's leash. "He's not here Robert. The bastards sold him to one of Leed's contacts. Jillian's guys and gals are searching for him electronically." He looked over at Jillian, "Your people are quite amazing Jill." Jillian answered quickly, "They'll find him Jack, I promise you that my friend." Jack stood up and drew Karolyn face-to-face with the leash. Robert jumped up quickly and held Jack back by his shoulders. "If Robert wasn't here to stop me, I'd have killed you by now. You better hope we can find Albert and he's okay because even Robert won't be able to protect you if he's not." Jack flung the leash away and angrily left the area. Everyone needed a moment to settle back down at the table including Karolyn who was still flustered. When the climate was reasonably back to normal, Robert picked up Karolyn's leash and handed it to the man who sat directly across from him. Karolyn quickly shuffled over into her proper position, standing next to and a little behind her new supervisor. "Zeke, I know you hadn't planned on staying very long, but I need to ask you to take charge of Karolyn for a short while until we can work things out." Ezekiel Fleming had come to Robert for help finding his son. William, who went by the feminine name of Billie, was a known cross dresser who had questioned his gender as a young teenager. Zeke had rejected him as soon as he found out he was different. When Billie had disappeared, Zeke feared suicide or a runaway, and he blamed himself. He had found a note from Billie that was addressed to him and it convinced him that he was still alive and hoping his father would understand and accept him one day. Zeke saw Robert as his only hope to find his son and reconcile with his only child. When Robert tracked down Karlson's Kove as a good possibility, Zeke joined in with his incredible assets. He was an arms dealer and supplier of anything from trucks to furniture and everything available for any project. "Not a problem Robert, we're still going through all the personnel records and the physical assets to get this place to where you want it to be anyway. Looks like besides the three sisters, there are about a half dozen supervisors, a dozen security guys, and another couple dozen coaches and assistants. Jillian's got them all pink collared, and we're changing all the residents to yellow collars so we can keep track of them and keep them safe. There's over 75 residents that are now being interviewed and identified. That will be a slow process since all of them have had their names changed. They haven't found Billie yet." Dr. Selina Roberts was the last team leader for Robert. She sat next to Jillian and waited for everyone to calm down before making her report. She had no connections with the residents at the Kove, but she had been a valuable member of Robert's team for several years. Her background in Psychology and Psychiatry specialized in helping individuals who were exposed to severe mental torture. She and her team would have the daunting challenge of counseling and doing the best they could for all of the residents. "We've just started talking to them Robert. We're going to take it nice and slow. Many of them seem to be in shock, and we don't want to traumatize them any more than they already are. I also talked to the security guard Thomas, like you asked. I believe he can be trusted and could become a valuable asset to your team here at the Kove if he wants to be." As she finished her report, one of her assistants came behind, excused herself to Robert and the group, and bent down to whisper in Selinas's ear. "Thanks Tawnie," she nodded as her assistant backed away. Dr. Roberts stood up, took Karolyn's leash from Zeke and handed it to Jillian. She gave Robert a subtle nod and looked back at Zeke. "Please come with me Zeke. I think there's someone you're going to want to meet." Dr. Roberts team had set up several offices and interview rooms they had converted from some ground floor "social areas." Selina talked as she guided them to one of the rooms. "She goes by the name Monica now Zeke. She's very confused and frightened. I think she could use a supporting, familiar face to help her come back to reality." She knew that Zeke had rejected Billie at first, but she also knew he was anxious to see her and admit his mistake. An obviously frightened young girl sat on the couch facing the in-room counselor in her single chair. She was bent over with her head in her hands trying to hide the sobbing and fear that she was feeling. "Hello Monica," Zeke began with the only thing he could think to say. "I missed you. I was so wrong. I'm so sorry." Monica slowly raised her head in disbelief. She thought she recognized her father's voice, but knew that was impossible. But when her eyes met his and she understood his words, she jumped off the couch and leaped in her father's arms. "I missed you too daddy!" No other words were spoken as a father and his daughter started the process of hugging away the guilt and worry from their world. When Selina reported back, Robert dispersed the meeting and set up a time for the next reports. He took Belinda's and Katharine's leash in one hand and the other two sisters' leashes in his other hand. "Let's have a talk ladies," as he deliberately walked towards the makeup workshop. Robert wanted them to see and be seen by the small groups of residents being guided around them as they gathered their belongings to move to better quarters. When they had almost reached their shop, they passed by one resident who was walking with Thomas who was now an official member of Robert's team. Thomas stopped and offered his hand to Robert. "Thank you sir, I won't let you down." "I know you won't Thomas. It's good to have you on our team." All the time that Thomas and Robert exchanged their pleasantries, Robert stared at the resident, and she stared back too. Finally, she dropped her head and stared at the floor. He couldn't shake the feeling that he recognized this girl, but he knew no girls in the Kove. Suddenly, he realized where he had seen her and stepped forward. "Ronnie?" The girl slowly looked up and with a shy smile replied, "Hello Robbie." Robert's baby brother was born 10 years after him. To Ronald, Robert was his brother, his father, and his best friend. They were as close as any two human beings could be. When it came time for Robert to deploy overseas in the military, they didn't get to see each other except for a few weeks every couple of years. When Ronald went missing, Robert had immediately put together a team and the plan was formed to take over Karlson's Kove. Robert handed the leashes over to Thomas and asked him to secure his prisoners in the workshop and stay with them until he got there. He then turned and stared at his brother in disbelief. With a hug, he said, "You're gorgeous Ronnie. Are you okay?" "I'm Rebecca now Robbie. They let me choose the name as an incentive to being cooperative during my training. You can call me Becky if you want to." They started walking towards Becky's old quarters and Robert helped his sister finish his move. "I'm sorry Robbie, I guess you're ashamed of your little brother." "Nonsense Becky, look at you. I now have a beautiful sister. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." Becky smiled, but Robert could tell she was not completely satisfied with how things had turned out. He knew that his new sister had a lot of therapy ahead and needed all the encouragement she could get, no matter how she eventually decided to live her life. Soon after they finished the move, a counselor came and asked Becky to come to the office to start the interview process. Brother and sister agreed that would connect each day and spend lots of time together. Robert gave her a parting hug and made his way back to the workshop where Thomas and the ladies were waiting. When Robert arrived at the workshop, he noticed that the door had been repaired. He had kicked it in earlier in a show of impatience. "Thanks Thomas. I'll take care of the ladies from here. Becky is with a counselor so feel free to get some dinner." The three sisters and Belinda were positioned exactly like he had asked Thomas to secure them. They were seated in chairs in front of a row of vertical beams and had their hands cuffed behind them and around the beams. "Sorry for the delay ladies, it's been awhile since I've seen my brother, now my sister. Katharine, you asked me earlier why I was here. I would have come here to stop what you were doing without further incentive. It's what my organization does around the world. Finding Ronnie was extra incentive." Ironically, the lady who was least responsible was the only one to answer. Belinda said, "I'm so sorry Robert." He didn't acknowledge her comment, but the other ladies could feel his agitation and stayed silent. "Stand," he said as he moved their chairs out of the way. All four ladies slipped their backs up their assigned poles and stood rigidly. "Let's get down to business." "As of today, I will be in charge of the overall operation of Karlson's Kove. We will be making it into a legitimate business venture that will provide a restaurant and lounge with certain nights featuring a dinner theatre. The clientele will remain mainly the same but will not include those who are seeking the services of an unwilling staff. The most significant purpose of the Kove will be the welfare of all the residents that you kidnapped and forced into services that they had no desire to perform until you drugged and conditioned them. While they might seem to enjoy their place in life now, they were forced into it by your conditioning." Robert walked over in front of Karolyn and raised his voice in anger. "My brother wanted to be a doctor!" Karolyn flinched and backed away as much as her position allowed. "We will also be welcoming other individuals who are referred to us as confused and afraid of their identities in life." "You will not be sent to jail, but you will pay the price for your actions. Each of you will be assigned to a leader of the new Kove organization and they will own you. They will be in charge of your imprisonment and restitution. You deserve a far worse sentence, but at least this way, you will be helping out the very people you hurt so badly. Since I had the greatest risk and because I am the manager of this organization, I get to choose the sister that will be under my supervision. Jillian and Jack are the other two leaders who will be assigned the other two sisters, but I think we will reevaluate Jack's emotional ability to handle that responsibility. I'll make those assignments in the upcoming weeks. And before you assume that my choice will be Katharine, know that I have not fully decided whether I want her or one of the other sisters under my supervision. I may want to personally direct one of the two greater evil sisters, or I may want to work with Katharine." He walked in front of Karoline and Kenzie. "You two are being assigned to be maids and cleanup. You will function as staff members who will clean and service the Kove and its clients and residents. You will work long hours, you will get your hands dirty, and you will not be allowed to leave the Kove. Kinda like you treated your victims, but you'll at least be aware of your senses." Both sisters took deep breaths and straightened in meek defiance, but did not say a word. "Katharine, you will be in charge of the restaurant and you will still help out in wardrobe and makeup. Many of our residents and new interns will still desire help in that area. Long hours and no leaving the Kove, but you've earned a certain amount of leeway from the resident reports of your kindness to them. You still have a debt to pay." Katharine nodded her head in agreement and acceptance." "Belinda, you are a special case. You are both a victim and a criminal. You need to be punished, but there are certainly extenuating circumstances. For now, you will be my personal assistant. You will take notes as needed, be my gofer when I want coffee and you will help me by doing everything I ask of you. You will also be expected to continue helping in wardrobe and makeup and seeing to the residents' morale and positive experience. You are also restricted to the Kove until further notice." Belinda did her best not scream and jump up and down with joy, but Robert caught her eye and smiled a bit for her. He unlocked Karolyn and Kenzie's cuffs and relocked them behind their backs. Grabbing their leashes, he started for the door. "Let's get you back to your supervisors so you can get to your new rooms and have some dinner. Tomorrow you will start your new life." When he returned to Katharine and Belinda, he left them standing and secured to their poles. "Don't think you're getting off easy ladies. It will be awhile before I forget how you tried to change me into a ladyboy so I could service your rich men clientele. You were trying to convert me. I am not attracted to men and yet you wanted to change me to love men." Belinda dropped her head and stayed silent. Katharine said, "Most of our interns learned to like the men and became very happy with their new lifestyle. Most of our customers were kind to them and treated them well." Robert stayed in control, but raised his voice as he got face to face with Katharine. "But you forced them. They had no choice. You drugged them and brainwashed them. They had plans for their lives, they wanted families and lovers, just like normal people. Some of them might have been gay, but you gave them no choice. I am not gay. I like real women!" Belinda let out a quiet sigh and Robert noticed a tear on her cheek. Katharine saw his confusion and said to him, "You fool, you can't see what she's going through? Without looking back at Katharine, Robert held up his hand and said, "Shut up Katharine. Another word and I'll gag you." Katharine rolled her eyes, but stayed silent. He stepped over in front of Belinda and spoke softly. "How old were you when you realized that you may have been born the wrong gender?" "I was fourteen," Belinda answered without looking up. "I tried to hide it, but a few years later, I knew who and what I was, but I didn't know what to do about it. In many ways, the Kove actually helped me out, even though the change was forced on me." Robert softly put his hand on Belinda's breast. "These are not implants, did you use hormones?" Katharine spoke up before Belinda could answer. "We give our residents a special herbal compound that encourages breast growth and a feminine appearance. They work with what is already in their body without mutating unnatural growth." Robert moved his hand down lower and placed it on her crotch. Belinda jumped a bit in surprise. "What about down here? Do you still have your original equipment?" Still looking down, she simply nodded her head. "I didn't want to change that. I like the way I am now. I know that's strange." Robert took his hand away and lifted Belinda's chin so that they see each other's eyes. After a pause, he asked, "When you look in the mirror now, do you see a man or a woman?" "I see a woman," she softly replied. Robert held her chin softly and continued to stare in her eyes, looking for any sign of deceit or lack of confidence in her answer. Finally, he said softly, "You got that right." His kiss was not a passionate tongue twister, but it came from a level of affection from a man who cared about a woman. She dropped her head in slight embarrassment as she and Katharine both grew their smiles. Robert released them from their cuffs and without direction, they both went into their individual cells and laid down on their beds. Robert pulled out a cot from an empty cell and placed it so that half was up against Katharine's cell and the other half was against Belinda's cell. He laid down, and all three quickly fell asleep. Tomorrow would be the start of their new adventure. ***** It took two weeks of renovation and training before Robert felt comfortable reopening the Kove's restaurant. The outside signage and printed material indicated the drop of "Karlson" from the business name. It would be known simply as The Kove from now on. Interviews and counseling sessions were going well, and Dr. Roberts indicated that opening the restaurant would be beneficial for quite a few of the ladies as they were getting past their trauma and readjusting to the real world. Karolyn and Kenzie had begrudgingly settled into their positions, Katharine had dove head first into getting the restaurant ready and was in high spirits. Belinda was in heaven as she hung onto Robert every chance she could get. She and Katharine had also adopted the first few outside boys who were confused and scared about their identity. A couple had decided to try a woman's lifestyle, while a couple others just wanted to observe for the time being. Robert spent a lot of time with Becky and they bonded as brother and sister. Becky would continue life as a woman and Robert had convinced her to try a semester of medical school. "The Kove could always use a medical presence to help our girls." They had even driven down to the local college to see about classes and had dinner in a couple of fast food places. Despite outward appearances and reassurances, Robert felt that there was still a barrier between him and Becky. Dr. Roberts explained that it was hard for Becky to stop the shame she felt when she thought about letting down her brother. She felt like Robert would not accept her as she was now. Robert walked in to the workshop as Katharine and Belinda were helping one of the new arrivals try on some dresses. He was already made up with his first makeover ever. Belinda primped over the nervous male and reassured him. "You look great Tracy. Blue is definitely your color. And your legs are wonderful in this length of dress." Tracy's shy face turned into a small smile. Belinda looked back at Robert and knew he would be supportive. "What do think Robert?" Robert slowly came over and made it a point to study Tracy up and down. He gently brushed away some imaginary wrinkles on her shoulders and stepped back for a full inspection. "I like it a lot. You girls are good, but I can see that it helps to have a good canvass to start with. What do YOU think Tracy?" as Katharine turned her to face the full length mirror. "I think I'm pretty,' said Tracy with a smile and a tear tricking down her cheek. "You got that right," Robert said with a bright smile. He then addressed Katharine and Belinda. "Ladies, can I have a few moments of your time? I have a couple of favors to ask." They showed Tracy a few more dresses and encouraged her to try them on until they returned. Robert and the ladies moved to the far side of the workshop and sat at a small table in the corner. He began. "As you know, we'll be opening the restaurant tomorrow and I would like to invite you two to have dinner with me tonight as a mini celebration." Both ladies perked up with delight. Katharine said excitedly, "I'll have my staff cook from the menu, but they'll make the meal a little more special." Robert smiled and continued. "But here's where the biggest favor comes in. I'm inviting Becky too. I can't seem to convince her that I am okay with the new her so I would like to try something a bit drastic." He glanced at the ladies and shyly continued. "I want you to make me into Robyn for tonight. I feel like if she sees me as Robyn, she'll see that I have accepted her as Rebecca." He slowly looked at their open mouth faces and dropped his head in embarrassment. "I know you think that's weird." They both jumped out of seats and gave him a quick hug before running their fingers through his hair, touching his shirt and pants, and running their hands up his legs. They both talked excitedly. "Don't be ridiculous Robyn, she will love you for this. We can make up your hair and makeup or maybe a wig. I have just the right gown for you, and we already know you'll turn out beautiful." "This is just for one night ladies. I'm not gonna hide from the others either, that would defeat the purpose." Belinda snickered like a little girl. "Yea right Robyn, we'll see. I can't wait to see my girlfriend again. Be here at 5pm and that will give us plenty of time to have you ready for dinner at 7." Both ladies were chattering and giggling mischievously as they walked backed to Tracy. Robert shook his head, but could sense a small smile come over his face. As he walked out the workshop door, he wondered what he had gotten himself into. ***** As 7oclock approached, the restaurant was packed with residents, staff workers, and the members of the Kove organization. They had all arranged to enjoy the preopening dinner, but when word got out that Robyn would be making an appearance, the buzz become an uproar. Although there was no dress code for the get together, everyone had dressed sharply in suits and gowns for the occasion. Belinda and Katharine met Rebecca at the restaurant entrance and they all sat at their reserved table. Rebecca looked around the room and leaned over to her companions. "Everyone seems extra excited tonight. You would think we have a special celebrity coming or something. Speaking of which, where is Robert?" Just as Katharine leaned over to respond to Rebecca's question, the crowd went quiet except for several sighs and exclamations. "Robert won't be able to make it tonight Rebecca, but we do have someone we would like for you to meet." Everyone's full attention came focused on the figure that had made her way to stand behind Rebecca's chair. Rebecca finally noticed the crowd's focus and slowly turned around. "Hello Becky," came the soft voice from the beautiful lady standing there. Rebecca slowly stood up with her amazed expression and fully turned to face her brother. "Robbie? she said in shock. Belinda had jumped out of her chair at the same time Rebecca had stood up, but she was moving much quicker to position herself at Rebecca's side. "Rebecca, I'd like to introduce you to my good friend, Robyn. And Robyn, this is Robert's sister Rebecca, who he adores very much." With his bright lipsticked smile, Robert playfully put his fingers under his sister's chin and lifted her jaw to close her shocked mouth. When he held out both of his hands, she fell into his arms and cried tears of joy and relief. The crowd suddenly erupted in applause expressing their approval and support. No words had to be exchanged. Robert knew that his plan had succeeded, and Becky knew that her brother... or sister loved and approved of her very much. Dinner went well for everyone in the room and even though Rebecca had a hard time looking away from Robyn in amazement, the four ladies fell into excited conversations typical of four female friends. As dessert was being served, Thomas shuffled over to Robert's table with a concerned look. "Sir, we have a situation," he said to Robert as he held a security phone against his ear. He listened a little bit more and continued. "Nicholas Leeds and four others are at the main entrance and they would like to come in and talk to whomever is in charge." "Are they armed Thomas?" Robert questioned. "No sir, we've already checked that," Thomas confirmed in a concerned tone. "But he brought along Ivanov, Tank, and two other nasty looking individuals. This a very dangerous group Robert, with or without weapons." With all the eyes in the room focused on him, Robert stood up deliberately and kicked off the 3 inch heals that Katharine and Belinda had picked out to go with his dress. He looked over at Belinda and smiled. "These shoes are killing me Bee. Next time a flat would be nice." The crowd responded with a nervous giggle and waited for his next move. "Let them in Thomas. Keep your security group ready, but tell them they don't move in unless I tell them to." Thomas talked through his phone and gave the directions. Robert continued talking loud enough so the crowd could hear and feed off his confidence. "I knew that he would visit us one day. I'm kinda glad we're going to take care of this once and for all." Nicholas Leeds walked in through the restaurant main entrance and Thomas led him over to Robert who was still standing next to his table. He was smiling confidently unlike the four big men who followed him in. "To whom shall I address my concerns over the management of Karlson's Kove? Is Karolyn still the manager?" Robert took one step forward and answered his query. He didn't try to muffle his voice. Everyone knew he was a man dressed as a woman. "This establishment is now simply called the Kove. And Karolyn is no longer in charge. That would be me." Leeds didn't recognize Robert right away and neither did most of his henchmen. Only Tank changed his expression in an appreciative smile. Leeds extended his hand to Robert and said, "My name is Nicholas Leeds. It's indeed a pleasure to meet you." Robert refused Leeds' hand and looked him straight in the eye. "I know who you are Leeds, and if you think real hard, you'll realize that we've met before. You can call me Robyn. I hope you are feeling better Mr. Ivanov?" he said rather sarcastically. Leeds' face showed little change as he realized who he was dealing with. Tank's smile grew wider. And Ivanov could barely keep from exploding at Robert. Only Leeds' outstretched hand kept him at bay. The other two henchmen stiffened in readiness. Leeds withdrew his hand and said, "You are every bit as beautiful today as you were on our last visit Robyn. Be that as it may, I've heard a rumor that the Kove is no longer in need of my services nor my resources. I thought it would be wise to come by and negotiate a settlement." "There will be no settlement Leeds. Consider your investment a failure. You will get no compensation. In fact, you should be happy that you're not in prison right now. Kidnapping, Money Laundering, and Trafficking are just a few of the charges. You're lucky we don't want to drag these ladies into the scandal that you've created. They've been through enough." "Interesting assumptions Robyn, and I will miss the Kove, but quite frankly, it was a very small drop in the bucket of my organization. But just for kicks, let's make this interesting. I believe you and my associate Mr. Ivanov have a history that you each might want to resolve. And perhaps Mr. Tank would like some exercise too." Thomas chose that time to step by Robert's side. "I've got your back Mr. Robert," he said as he eyed the 5 men in front of them. "It's okay Thomas, but thank you. I'd like to dance with Dmitri on my own." Thomas nodded his head slightly and stepped back to a cautionary position. Tank took several non threatening steps forward and spoke to Leeds. Mr. Leeds, I would officially like to withdraw my interest in joining your organization. Your operations are just not a fit for my mindset." He smiled and continued. "In fact my mother would spank me raw if she were to find out I had associated with you at all." He stepped away from Leeds into a more neutral position and when he looked over at Robert, they each nodded slightly in a show of respect. The crowd was still and quiet up till now, but did share a nervous giggle at Tank's remarks. Leeds sidestepped Ivanov to give him an open view of his target. "Let's make a sporting wager Robyn. I'll bet 1 million dollars that Dmitri will knock you unconscious before you can do that to him. Do I have any takers?" Robyn calmly replied. "We don't need your money Leeds, but I'll still fight your asshole." Ivanov tensed in anger. "I'll take your bet you bastard!" came a shout from the crowd. The entire crowd turned to see who had issued the challenge. Jack Barton made his way to the front of the room until Thomas stopped him from getting any closer to Leeds. "You took my son you son of a bitch." He looked at Robyn with tears forming in his eyes. "I hope you kill them all Robert, and I'll spit on their graves." Leeds face became serious and business-like as he recognized the powerful lawyer, but his ego would not allow him to back down. "Very well then Robyn, we have an agreement. I assume you would like time to dress more appropriately." "Actually Leeds, I don't want to get this beautiful dress dirty, it doesn't belong to me. But I think I'll be quite content leaving on the rest of my wardrobe." He turned to his sister and asked her to unzip the gown so he could pull it over his head. He realized that the sight of him in bloomers and a camisole would be hilarious under other circumstances, but he would use that to his advantage. As he was pulling the dress over his head, Robert was ready for the charging Ivanov who was trying to gain an unfair advantage. Unfortunately, Katharine and Belinda saw him make his move and jumped in his way. They shouted, "Look out Robert!" as Robert sidestepped the charging madman. Because of all the movement, Ivanov missed Robert completely and collided with the two girls. He was back on his feet and back to his original position very quickly. The girls were knocked sideways, but were basically unharmed. Even Rebecca got caught in the tangle of Robyn's dress and Ivanov's charge. Thomas rushed over and helped Belinda and Katharine get to their feet. Meanwhile, Tank had sprung into action and caught Rebecca before she could fall into a neighboring table. Robert was now clear from his dress and had an eye on Ivanov as he slowly walked toward Tank as he was supporting his sister. He reached out his hand to the huge man. "Thank you Mr. Tank. I think your mother would be proud." Tank smiled at Robert's comment and accepted his hand. Mr. Robert, my name is Jorge Bautista. My mother calls me Jorgie and my friends call me Jorge." With an eye still on Ivanov, Robert shook the big man's hand. "Nice to meet you Jorge, my name is Robert Jude. My sister calls me Robbie and my friends call me Robert. I appreciate your help and would be grateful if you would look after my sister for a bit." "My pleasure Robert," Jorge replied as he put his hands gently on Rebecca's shoulders. Robert Jude, he thought. Where do I know that name? Robert now walked over to Thomas and the girls. "Thomas, I'd like for you to keep an eye on my bodyguards here. They seem to be a bit feisty and need more training, but they're mine, and I don't want them hurt. Why don't you secure them so they can't "help" me in the middle of my dance with Mr. Ivanov. Thomas wanted to physically help Robert, but trusted that he knew what he was doing. As he cuffed their hands behind their back, he knew that these girls meant a lot to Robert, and he was bound for them not to be hurt. Robert addressed the fighter as he slowly stalked towards the man. "Okay Mr. Ivanov, I'm ready for our dance now. Would you like to lead or did I kick your balls too hard last time for you to act like a man?" That comment threw Ivanov over the edge, and he charged Robert like a bull. Robert simply sidestepped him, but used his leg to trip him. Ivanov rose quickly and rushed at Robert again. This time Robert spun and kicked him in the stomach with enough force that Ivanov doubled over and spun to a defensive posture. Robert wasted no more time. He ran the few steps toward Ivanov and kicked him so hard in the chest that the crowd could hear several ribs break. Ivanov flew backwards and was unconscious before he came to stop against the wall closest to Leeds. He was checked and confirmed that he was still breathing, but his fight was over. Robert was still crouched and tensed. His face wore an anger that no one in the room had ever seen. He snarled in preparation for more. When he swayed, his camisole moved slightly and showed the tattoo on his back. It was the name and symbol of St. Jude. Thomas had to put leashes on the girls so they wouldn't run out to Robert's side. He held on tight. Tank saw the tattoo first and jumped in front of Rebecca. "Of Course!" he shouted. Leeds looked his way and asked, "Do you know him Mr. Tank?" Tank explained, "My country and our neighbors can be very a very dangerous place. Innocents are kidnapped for ransom, or slaves, or just for revenge. I've heard my mother and my family cry and pray to God to help their innocent children and loved ones. I know the prayer by heart now. "Most holy Apostle, Saint Jude Thaddeus, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your care at this difficult time. Help me know that I need not face my troubles alone. Please join me in my need, asking God to send me: consolation in my sorrow, courage in my fear, and healing in the midst of my suffering. Ask our loving Lord to fill me with the grace to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and my loved ones, and to strengthen my faith in God's healing powers. Thank you, Saint Jude Thaddeus, for the promise of hope you hold out to all who believe, and inspire me to give this gift of hope to others as it has been given to me." "They prayed to St. Jude for help and for hope. They say that their prayers were answered when he sent his representative to help them in their time of need. A man would come in and rescue the innocent. He would come in and he would leave without a trace, like a ghost. Robert is the Ghost of St. Jude." Leeds addressed his two remaining henchmen who were obviously professional fighters. "Gentlemen, there will be a huge bonus for the man who takes down this ghost." It took a total of fifteen minutes to destroy all three of Leed's men including Ivanov. As security helped Leeds and his men back to their car, Jack was heard to yell, "Don't worry Leeds, I'll be in touch!" The crowd started to disperse after the eventful evening. Jillian came by and patted Robert on the back. She took his dress and smiled. "I'll have one of MY girls get this cleaned up right away. You'll be ready for your next outing in no time Robyn." Robert noted a lot of caution on the faces of the people that came around to say goodnight. They had seen a side of him that no one else had ever seen. He was a very dangerous man, but fortunately, he was a very good man too. Tank came over and presented his sister back safe and sound. "It is an honor to meet you sir. I must go now and change my accommodations before Leeds has me kicked out onto the street. Please let me know if I may be of service to you in the future." Robert answered quickly. "As a matter of fact my friend, I believe my partner Jack may have an assignment for someone exactly like you. If you like, we'll send someone with you to your hotel to get your things and bring them back here. You can stay here tonight, and we'll meet with my new security chief in the morning to work out a new more permanent partnership. There are a lot people here who could use your kind of protection Jorge." He looked over at Thomas who still held on to Katharine's and Belinda's leashes. "Would tomorrow morning workout for you Thomas?" Although caught by surprise, Thomas agreed enthusiastically and handed over the ladies' leashes. "I'll look around to find someone to help Mr. Tank move so I can finish up here." Robert agreed and said, "I don't think Leeds will cause any trouble for Jorge for awhile so all he'll need is a reliable set of hands to help him tonight. He can use my truck Thomas. The keys are at the front security desk." "Robert, I could help Mr. Tank." Rebecca peeked her head around the massive man and continued. "I know my way around pretty well and could be a great help to him." Robert looked at Thomas with a little worry, but both men couldn't think of any reason she couldn't go. Tank would certainly look out for her, and she did have some local knowledge. Before Robert could vocalize his approval, Tank loudly proclaimed, "No! I will not let this person help me!" Everyone present was taken aback. They had seen no prejudice or hate in him at all. Rebecca dropped her head as she felt her heart break. But Tank's face softened into a kid-like smile as he leant down to her and said, "Unless, that is, she stops calling me Mr. Tank and calls me by my real name - Jorge." He used his huge pointer finger to lift her chin and look into her eyes. "You think you can do that Rebecca?" Becky shyly smiled and nodded her head. "I think so Mr. Jorge." Tank started to laugh and everyone followed suit. "Well that's a start I guess. We can work on the rest." Becky looked at Robert. "Is it okay Robbie?" Robert grabbed her into a hug and said as he looked at Tank. "That will be fine. You take care of my little sister Jorgie." Tank answered quickly with his huge smile, "With my very life... Robbie." Robert finished his goodnights and gathered Belinda's and Katharine's leashes as he headed to his quarters. "Okay bodyguards, you're going to need some serious training if you're going to be able to protect my body." He stopped and turned to look them in the faces. "Training starts tonight, in my apartment. I hope you both don't mind sharing my bed." He pointed to each cheek and they kissed him in agreement. Belinda asked, "Aren't you going to remove our cuffs and leashes?" "We'll see," replied Robert as he resumed his walk. "I kinda like you this way. And besides, my bodyguard training can get very intense. I might need the protection." Katharine quickly paced up to his side. "Okay, so if we're you're new bodyguards, that means we're officially owned by you now right?" Robert smiled and kept on walking. "And that must also mean that in a way, we own you too doesn't it?" Robert stopped and turned to look at them both. He cradled Belinda's face and gave her a short but loving kiss. He repeated the same with Katharine and turned to resume his walk. Over his shoulder he simply answered, "You Got That Right."

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

Chapter Nine: Futanari Fucks Her Bully By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Will this work?” my Ōjo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai...

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Ghost School

Ghost School by Paul G Jutras "Better get up or you?ll be late for school!" Mrs. Howard called from the bottom of the staircase. "You can finish unpacking your things when you get home." Her daughter, Gloria, came downstairs dressed in a purple blouse, jeans with holes in the knees and sling back shoes. "Been up for hours. You?d better see if rat boy is out of bed." "That brother of yours," Mrs. Howard murmured. "Don?t worry, Gloria. I?ll see that he gets off to school. Now you...

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The Ghost

Prologue It awoke. Had it been fully human, it would have been confused upon awakening, but it wasn't fully human. As such, it was immediately aware of a large amount of information, some of which didn't make any sense, but it wasn't worried. It knew what "worry" meant. It just didn't feel that particular emotion, at present. Maybe it would, some day, but not at present. Somehow it knew that, given time, this or that piece of information would settle into its appropriate place in...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 3 Hot Futa Ghost Threesome

My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ojo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo’s daughter while I was a simple miko. But none of that had mattered while her lips were upon mine. I laughed...

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Calypso Slaves Ghost Story

?A kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being, nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.? -Sun TzuIt wasn't much of a trial. No one made any mention of Majestic Thirteen, if only because their existence was still hypothetically a secret. ?Majestic Thirteen? was, most of the time, any of the Dominion's supranational agencies who didn't want to take responsibility for actions that had reached the public. But it's not like they needed to come out and admit that...

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What A Troublesome Ghost

Synopsis: Ghosts are real. Some even have special tricks. Like transforming a man into a woman. Kristine was hired to pretend to be the owner of a manor where such a ghost is haunting. Her company has a deal with the ghost. They send men and the ghost - Mabel - will send back women. That was the plan. But lately Mabel isn't performing and it's up to Kristine to fix it. If she had known what avalanche she would step loose she just might have run far away. Additional...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

Chapter Thirteen: Possessed by the Futa Ghost By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko's possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ōjo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had...

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Stephanies Ghost

This is the first story I’ve published here, or anywhere else, my english isn’t great as it is not my first language so please comment on both grammar and content. Enjoy! Stephanie’s Ghost Stephanie had just moved in to a new house on the country, she had recently come into an inheritance and decided that she wanted a change of scenery, the house was about a mile outside of town and had no nearby neighbors. The inheritance was so large that if she didn’t get to luxurious habits she could live...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 7 Princess DoubleTeamed by the Futas

Chapter Seven: Princess Double-Teamed by the Futas By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I savored my Ōjo-sama's breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen's edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us...

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Ghost Orgy

Growing up I used to piss the bed a lot. That’s not a big deal. It’s really not. Mom used to tell me that pissing the bed a lot was something serial killers did but I think that she was just being a bitch. Although I have heard that fun fact from other sources too. But, still, I bet she was just being a bitch. I don’t even like the word “bitch” but when it comes to Mom sometimes it just seems like there’s no other word. Anyway, Mom died five years ago in a terrible accident involving a...

Group Sex
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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

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The Moaning Ghost

I awoke with a start when I realized I wasn't alone. The ghost was across the room from me, laying on the bed. I don't know what surprised me most -- that I had finally seen a ghost after so many months of searching, or that it appeared to be masturbating.It was nearly 3 am on the last night our group had permission to investigate the haunting at this old hotel. There were twenty volunteers stationed around the building monitoring temperatures, checking EM fields, and attempting contact. After...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 4 Taken by the Demons Tentacles

Chapter Four: Taken by the Demon's Tentacles By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine's guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

“You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ojo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen’s hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand stroked my cheek. She cupped my face and pulled me closer. My heart beat faster and faster...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 12 Fucking the Futa Ghost

My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn’t there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine. My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Todo Hidenaga, the father of my love, my Ojo-sama. I had gained a cock, but the...

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The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost Entwhistle Investigations 4

The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost Ian Broadway was finally going to get married. After the trauma of the previous failed attempt, he had been in therapy for years afterwards. He had not trusted himself to fall in love again; well not until he'd met Holly that is. She was the one who he loved, would marry and finally unlock the family fortune! Ian had just returned home from work at the Chester Sofa Emporium when his mobile phone rang. "Mr Broadway, this is Kath Saunders your...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 3 Winter

Wednesday, November 21st, 2013 – Deidre Cheshire – Cassia County, ID I hadn't been to my dead aunt's ranch since I was a kid. It seemed the same now as it had then, like time had stopped for this one spot and the rest of the world had moved on. Right into the hands of Mark Glassner. The main house was painted a faded blue, rising three stories at the center around several barns and sheds. My great-grand father had built it to house his rather large family at the turn of the last century....

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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 10 Ghost

Svitlana "Lana" Paquet-Holub "I had a vision," Iris moaned. "I know where Mother is!" "You found Lilith!" I gasped, my pussy exploding in delight. I looked up in shock at Iris. She was a Nirah, a breed of Lilith's daughters that had the power of divination. I stared into her snake-like, green eyes, her sinuous face framed by dark-green hair. Her forked tongue flicked out with excitement. I disentangled myself from my wife Chantelle and her daughter, Lamia. We had been celebrating...

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ghost boy jayrich part nine

Visions Part 1 “And then, the milk started shooting out of his nose.” Danny, Sam & Tucker all share a laugh over Tucker’s story as they sit in a booth as the Nasty Burger. It’s a peaceful day for Danny as he hangs out with his friends. There’ve been no ghost attacks all day, and he’s been able to appreciate this moment without worry of the whole town being put in danger. He’s about to thank his friends for the great day he’s having, but nothing comes out. He tries to talk, but his vocal...

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ghost and the girls chapter 1

She had arranged to meet ghost, an old friend, the memories of their past encounters sent chills down her spine. Ghost had funded her education and had provided her with a steady income through her cash strapped college days, they had met after Jada had stumbled into a strip club with a friend Shana looking for employment, they were desperate and had met ghost the managing pimp of the illegal enterprise, Ghost was renowned in the underground world as a leading supplier of flesh he had told...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 7 Bitter

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Friday, July 18th, 2014 – Sheriff Caleb Barends – Boise, ID My boots stomped on the ground as I followed the Holy Sluts into the Boise Airport's terminal. Behind us, the C-130 cargo planes disgorged the Legion—the private army of the Living Gods—on to the tarmac. Alison and Desiree had come to take charge, and they did not seem happy with me. These two women were among the closest to the Gods. The first two sluts chosen to serve. The two given...

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The Ghost of Scarlet Mountain a Karl and Merry Adventure

"Sooth, 'tis a tonic to be in the open air once more," Merry exclaimed as Nightshade's booming wings hurled she and Karl among fleecy clouds. "I heartily agree," Karl replied. "Between the scheming nobility and the fawning hangers-on at court I am pleased to be shut of all such nonsense. No doubt you were becoming restless as well, noble dragon." "I was indeed," Nightshade replied. "Food is plentiful in the royal forests, but I crave adventure and to see new things." "We are...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 4 Taken by the Demonrsquos Tentacles

The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine’s guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to form a zigzag chain of diamonds. The shide fluttered as I turned on the tatami mats...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 10 Futas Horny Wrestling

Chapter Ten: Futas' Horny Wrestling By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon...

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Ruchika Ghost8217s Whore 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity To A Spirit

Welcome to my new story on the site. Enjoy! ✍ Story Starts Ruchika, 27, now married to a man named Vikram and having a baby boy, was reminiscing about the instance that changed her life in a way she least expected. Ruchika was a beautiful girl with voluptuous features who also remained a virgin until she was 19. She saw her female friends losing virginity to men they weren’t married to and saw them having fun too. She had been asked out multiple times and she rejected those proposals each and...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

This appointment tonight filled her with a modicum of hope. Her doctor had made her believe this could be the solution. It had to be. Because Melissa wasn’t sure she could survive another day. Not. One. More. Day. Not like this. The street numbers flew past, but then she stopped. She’d gone too far. She back tracked and still couldn’t find it. But it had to be here. It had to … There, a barely visible alleyway descending into pitch darkness. Away from the...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

      Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain.  Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour.  The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame.  Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid.  It was the stares.  The inescapable feeling that everyone knew.  Knew what had happened to her.  Knew she had changed.  Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire, and need.  Knew all they had to do was demand it and...

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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

Melissa hurried down the street hunched against the rain. Her wispy blonde hair matted down to a dull brown in the downpour. The coat she held carelessly against the aggressive storm molded to her slight frame. Yet it wasn’t the weather she was trying to avoid. It was the stares. The inescapable feeling that everyone knew. Knew what had happened to her. Knew she had changed. Knew that she was a boiling cauldron of lust, desire and need. Knew all they had to do was demand it and she...

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Ghost Story

Ghost story by Kelly Davidson ([email protected]) Author's notes: This story is based on an actually ghost story. You can read all about it at the end of this story. What?s that? YOU DON?T? BELIEVE IN ?GHOST? you say! Perhaps my story will change your mind. You can email me and let me know after you're done. In the mean time - BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ************************************************* Fade in? The wooden house was old and in need of repair. I suppose in its...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko’s possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ojo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had happened. I was a futanari now, but my transformation had taken a full turning of the moon. So I...

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Gay Ghost

I was single and in desperate need of a good deep Dicking. For the first time since college, I was stuck in a dry spell. I decided I needed to change my approach. So on Halloween instead of going to a gay bar, I went with my friends to a hotel upstate that was supposed to be haunted. I didn't really believe in ghost or the supernatural, but something inside me told me to go. I used to think ghost stories were silly, but that all changed later that night. Don't call me crazy, but I am pretty...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

“Will this work?” my Ojo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai imprisoned beneath the shrine. And not long after that, Mitsuko-hime would...

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danny phantom ghost boy series by jayrich

“Hello. My name is Tucker Foley, and welcome to my Blog.” Tucker types in those words onto his computer, proud of himself for starting off his own Blog. Then his face changes to concern, as he wonders exactly what he’s gonna write about. “Aw, man. My mind’s a blank now. Good going Foley. Start a Blog about yourself to get the girls interested, then don’t have anything to write about.” He drops his head on the Keyboard, looking like he just failed. But a moment later, he raises it with a smile...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 6 The Locker Room

Monday, September 16th, 2013 – Paris, Texas I stood at the scene of my very first crime—the girls locker room at Boone High School. When I was nineteen, I worked as a janitor at this very educational establishment. Being a voyeuristic horndog, I quickly figured out where to drill a small hole to let me peep on the fine, young things changing and showering and carrying on. It was the best month of my life. At least, before I made my Pact to become invisible at will, it was. The three years...

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Just a Ghost

Just a ghost I'm a go-go-go-ghost just a go-go-go-ghost Once a girl in a photograph but can I ever get me back? Or become just a memory not my real identity. I had a name fought the fight now I wonder if I'll ever get it right feel the shame live the lie praying to God in the middle of the night I'm scared I will become a ghost once all my dreams were oh so close But my fears have made me start to fail will the real me disappear? I'm scared I will become a ghost not...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 3

I was sleeping in the camper parked near Eliza's cabin when something woke me. There was some noise outside. I thought at first that it was the dogs, but the sound was more like feet shuffling, feet trying not to make noise. Without making a sound, I rolled over to look outside. Clouds hid the moon, so it was pretty dark outside. There it was. I saw a figure. It was looking at the truck. The figure went all around the truck, looking at everything, but not touching anything. It must have...

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Sally the Ghost

I watched him stroke his cock. I knew he was close because his breathing had become more regular, his eyes had closed, and his head was tilting slowly back. Pleasure beamed from his face. His toes will be curling soon, I thought, and he'll explode all over. My attention was on the head of his shaft as I stood, straddled him, and squatted my sex over his erection. I had to time this just right. How unladylike, I thought with a wry grin as I considered my predicament. I was nude, squatting over a...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 2 Naughty Naked Selfies

Chapter Two: Naughty Naked Selfies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuko-hime standing naked in the onsen, steam rising around her breasts, droplets of water glistening on her curves and her brown nipples like diamonds turned into nectar. Her skin was pale, milky, so fair and perfect. Her hair was a black curtain pilling around her shoulders. Her eyes looked up, meeting mine. I trembled before the daimyo's daughter. I had seen her from afar, but never...

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The Ghost on Forest Lane

On Forest Lane a ghost resides,who in the darkness howls and cries.In moonless night he strolls outside,to find a victim for his plight.A careless soul he’ll bind and tow,into his basement down below.To use his soul for better or worseto find a way, to break the curseThis silly rhyme was told to scare the young c***dren of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as it was...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 6 The Ritual

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Thursday, July 17th, 2014 – Deidre Cheshire – Caissa County, ID The shield rippled as another barrage of artillery slammed into it. Shells burst against it, sending shockwaves rippling through the green. It was eerie. I could see the fireballs lighting up the night sky, illuminating the farm, but the sound never reached us. "Why does the shield let through light but not sound?" I asked Carla. She shrugged. "You're the expert, Deidre." I...

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A Ghost of a Girl

The house was haunted, sure--or, at least, that's what Donna Adams, the real estate agent, told me. She had to, by California law. Ridiculous, of course, but I wasn't arguing with her, not when the rumor lowered the rent by two thirds. I couldn't pass up a deal like that. I'd been out of work for months, and my unemployment benefits were all but gone. Luckily, soon after moving to San Rafael, I landed a technical writing job. It didn't pay all that much (which made my "haunted house" all...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of ParisChapter 8 Public Transportation

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 – Paris, Texas I had just made a pact with Astarte, giving her Darleen Cummins—the mayor's gorgeous, sixteen-year-old daughter—to possess for the night in exchange for unlimited sexual stamina, and now my pecker ached painfully. I had the worst case of blue balls I had ever felt in my life; I had to, needed to, find someone to stick my cock in and take the pressure off my nuts before they ruptured. I stumbled into the alley, leaving behind the parking lot...

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Ghost of a Chance

I’m dead. The worms crawl in. The worms crawl out. The worms play pinochle on my snout. Well, I assume they do. I’m dead, I wouldn’t really know; you know? Actually, I’m a ghost. I thought about peeking in on my body, but decided it was just a bit too morbid and creepy. Pretty strange, coming from a ghost, don’t you think? How did I die? You might ask. Then again, you might not. It doesn’t really matter, because I’m going to tell you anyway. I was a geek when I was alive. I graduated high...

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The Ghost on Forest Lane

On Forest Lane a ghost resides, who in the darkness howls and cries. In moonless night he strolls outside, to find a victim for his plight. A careless soul he’ll bind and tow, into his basement down below. To use his soul for better or worse to find a way, to break the curse This silly rhyme was told to scare the young children of the town of Woodbury. Fifty years ago a tragic event had occurred in the quiet town with their sleepy inhabitant. The local doctor had died in a ‘tragic accident’ as...

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I Fell in Love With a Ghost

This is not a Halloween story. I just added the bit at the end in honor of the holiday. Hope you enjoy. He just showed up one day, and the bar owner did everything but kiss his ass in front of everyone. He even set up a small table in the back near the restrooms, and no one was allowed to sit there except him. The place had been a working class bar forever, but when the economy went bad and manufacturing dried up, all that was left were the unemployed and the retirees. The owner was just...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 11 Slimed by the Tentacle Monster

Chapter Eleven: Slimed by the Tentacle Monster By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I was energized as I raced down the path lit by the half-full moon. Transformed. Changed. Futanari. I did it. I made contact with the great Kami Hangetsu, a deity both male and female, changing back and forth with the cycle of the moon. But when it was half-full, the Kami was both. And now so I was I. I had a dick. My clit turned into a hard, throbbing cock. My Ōjo-sama would be so impressed. I promised...

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The Ghost Project

The Ghost Project By Anon Allsop With a sensory score that was off the charts, Heath Carroll thought his ship had come in. Unfortunately for him, our government was the entity doing all of the testing. Early on, he had been sought out for his uncanny ability to self-induce a trance and Astral Project himself across great distances. At first it was thrilling to be able to physically occupy one separate plane of space, then within mere moments he would appear in another. His...

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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 22 Two Against The Tower

The open area at the foot of the Lavender Tower was once again crowded as the sun set over the harbor turning the sky pink and purple as the ocean became almost blood red. All around the perimeter, small concession stands were set up to service the public's hunger for over-priced festival food as upon the small wooden stage a stocky blond woman with too many piercings operated an array of stereo equipment. Supplying the area with a variety music. The large crowd of people whom either stood...

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Ghost in Her Shell

Disclaimer: A fanfic that's completely fictional that probably has never and will never happen? Why I never! Yes this is complete fantasy and never happened. As usual, feedback is more than welcomed! **October 2014*Top headline: "DreamWorks casts Scarlett Johansson as Motoko Kusanagi in live action Ghost in the Shell."*Comments section*"NOOOOOOOOOO!""More Hollywood whitewashing smh.""Why is always mayonnaise being cast in these roles?""OK. I'll wait and see."To say that there was backlash over...

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