How I Became My Wife's Executive Assistant free porn video

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How I Became My Wife's Executive Assistant "No way am I wearing that!" Bill shouted. His wife raised a single eyebrow and calmly replied, "Want to bet?" She was in no mood to negotiate. "Come on Bill. We've been over this issue a dozen times. You agreed to go to our company's costume party dressed as my sexy secretary, while I go as your male boss. You look adorable, that outfit suits you," she reassured him. "It'll be a real giggle. Now stop dragging your feet and put on your heels. You've been practicing every night for a week and you walk in them like a pro. You could strut your stuff with the best of the hookers on Fourth Street." Linda did what she did best. She had lied to get his agreement. She knew his appearance was really more like amateur night on Drag Queen evening at the local strip club. His look was just what Linda was going for. Rather than some guy looking like a campy drag queen out for laughs, he was dressed just smartly enough to appear he was making a real effort to look believable. She had him wearing a garter belt, nylons, panties and, of course, a bra. She had glued long, salon-length fingernails to his hands and lacquered them a deep red. She then carefully applied foundation, makeup, blush, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, and lip liner. Making sure it was all over the top. She created his matronly figure by stuffing his bra with old nylons. Linda had tried to get a corset on him, but Bill put a foot down and simply refused. Linda gave in when she realized his bulging tummy and love handles would only add to the look she was going for. Lastly, she hoped she could somehow get him excited to the point it might show in the tight dress. That would clearly show he was also a pervert who dressed for kicks. Her plan was coming together perfectly. She was in a conservative costume a man's suit. While her main job competition for the new position (her husband) showed up looking like a total tart out on the prowl. Bill quaked inwardly, "Please Linda, can't we reconsider this? I look ridiculous." "That's the idea. I wasn't trying to pass you off as a real girl, no more than me wearing a suit and tie could be mistaken for a man. We are going for laughs." In his heart, Bill wanted to just say no! But he knew that would start a fight. From past experience, arguing with Linda was a losing proposition. So, he compromised and did things her way. He had to try one last time. "How about I stay home, you can go by yourself." "Is that what you really want? Mr. Williams is going to announce which of us gets the promotion. How would it look if you weren't even there?" Bill sighed and had to agree, "You're right we both have worked so hard, one of us deserves the promotion. Over the last fiscal year, between us we have almost doubled our firm's portfolios." Linda normally could get Bill to do what she wanted by using her wily charm. When that failed, she shifted into her authoritative personality. "Bill, I'll tell you what's going to happen, is that clear?" She said this in a very stern and commanding voice. "We will go dressed as we are, now get in the car. End of discussion." She handed her husband his purse and announced, "Williams Investments certainly owe us big time. Between us, we have tripled their profits. I, for one, intend to eat, drink and be merry tonight. We'll worry about what comes next another day." Like he always did, Bill conceded to his wife's wishes. Linda drove, Bill certainly didn't feel comfortable doing it in five inch heels. He sat nervously and squirmed in his seat, sure that he was about to become the laughing stock of the entire company. The couple pulled into the parking lot, the music and merriment could be heard from there. Linda rushed around and opened Bill's door in a sign of good manners. She took Bill's hand and helped him out. She offered him her arm to help steady him. "Come on Fiona. Hurry up! We're missing all the fun." "What's with the Fiona?" "I can't call you Bill if you are dressed like a slutty secretary, now can I? Call me Lin for the night. Remember, tonight I'm your boss. I expect you to do as I say. Act as if you're afraid I'll fire you if I'm displeased. In other words, be submissive toward me." Bill internally sighed and thought 'That will be easy it will be just like at home. God help anyone that crosses the Dragon Lady.' She looked at her husband for a minute to make sure he understood her directions and said, "Now what's with the scrunch face? Come on...go with the flow. After a few drinks, you will have fun. Just wait and see." As they reached the marble steps leading to the great entrance, the background noise faded and all Bill could hear was the swishing of his stockings and the clacking of his heals. His stomach was in turmoil. Great beads of sweat ran down his back, his wig felt hot and itched. He thought maybe he should have let Linda do his real hair like she wanted. Which was now bunched up under the wig and it only added to his discomfort. He tried telling himself, 'It's a costume party it won't be as bad as I suspect. What's the worst thing that can happen?' Lin wore no makeup or jewelry and had her hair tied up in a severe bun. She stopped to adjust her tie, satisfied that she looked the part. Glancing at her husband, Bill had a tendency to look down when he walked, concentrating on keeping his balance. He walked tentatively, making it obvious he wasn't familiar with high heels. He looked the total clown which was Linda's goal. She ordered Fiona to repair his lipstick, he had chewed most of it off his lower lip on the ride over. Fiona opened his purse, found a compact and a tube of red lipstick, a color selected to matched his skin-tight dress. He reapplied the red greasepaint and took a deep breath steading himself for a night from hell. Linda asked to see Bob's purse. He gave to it her, wondering what she had in mind. Linda put her hand in and withdrew it holding a small glass bottle. She pointed it at her husband and, before he could react, gave him a series of squirts of her best French perfume. Linda smiled as this was not the cheap stuff, it would be around for hours to come. Satisfied, Lin picked up her briefcase and withdrew a pipe and put it in her mouth. Playing the gentleman, she opened the door for her date. "Come on sweet-cheeks, put a smile on your face. Let's go party. " She wanted Mr. Financial Genius to make a total fool of himself in front of their boss and the entire office. She was going to win that promotion. The two made a grand entrance, coming in fashionably late. Bill felt like every eye was turned to him. When in effect, hardly anyone noticed the latecomers. The room was packed with all sorts of strange creatures, Vampires, Mummies, French Maids, tin soldiers, Werewolves were all present. Bill begrudgingly entered the ballroom protected by a forcefield of sweet smelling perfume. Bill saw a couple of other guys in poorly done drag outfits so he felt a little better. Their boss, James Williams, was there dressed as Abe Lincoln, top hat, beard and all. His wife had passed away a few years ago and her sister, Gloria, accompanied him as Mrs. Lincoln in a dowdy period dress. Williams saw the Johnsons the minute they came in and hurried over to them. He greeted them with a hardy, "Glad you two came. It wouldn't be a party without my two best account executives. Why don't you two join us at my table." He led them over to his table, followed closely by Lin, the rear was brought up by the two ladies. At the table, Lin pulled a chair out for his date, Jim did the same for his date. Without sitting, Lin asked what the ladies would like to drink. Gloria asked for a white wine, Fiona asked for a beer. Lin gave him a look that would melt an iceberg and took off for the bar with Mr. Williams, who turned to Lin and said, "Just for the night call me Jim." "Sure, thing Jim. What are you drinking?" "Scotch on the rocks," was the reply. Lin ordered two scotches, a white wine, and a pink cosmopolitan for his date. Unseen, she slipped a valium into the cosmopolitan. On top of everything else, she wanted her skanky date to appear drunk. Back at the table, the two couples settled in to do some serious people watching. Being at the boss's head table meant that the four of them attracted a lot of attention. Everyone stopped by to kiss up to the boss. Each time Lin just had to introduce her new secretary Fiona. As Bill sat through the night, the tightness around his waist from the dress nagged him. He once briefly entertained the thought that he should have gone with the foundation garments like Linda had wanted. Bill wasn't paying a lot of attention but his highball glass never got empty, Lin and Jim seemed to keep it full the entire night. Bill had a real buzz on and knew he had to be careful. He couldn't but notice the red lip prints he left on his glass. The inch-long gloss red salon nails that kept catching the light as he reached for his highballs. If they weren't on his hands it would have excited him. Over the course of the evening, Bill turned down four or five requests for a dance. The men knew who he was and were only trying to embarrass him, he kept telling himself. Around midnight, Gloria accused herself to go to the ladies' room. Lin insisted that Fiona accompany her, explaining that women always go in pairs. Bill started to leave and Lin called after him with a feminine lilt. "Don't forget your purse sweet-cheeks. When you return, I expect your face to look as good as it when we left home, don't disappoint me." Bill knew he was being set up but there wasn't anything he could do about it. He smiled sweetly and followed Gloria through the throng, ending up standing in a short line waiting to get into the lady's room. Bill told himself that if Gloria didn't mind, he certainly didn't. He had always wondered what the inside of the female sanctuary looked like. Besides, he needed to pee. At last it was their turn and Bill followed Gloria in and headed to a stall. He had a hell of a time keeping his dress out of the way trying to pee standing up. Eventually, he gave up and just sat down to relieve himself. Finishing, he found himself alone in the room. He stood at the mirror and reapplied his lipstick. There was no need to reapply his perfume because he still smelled like a French whore house. Satisfied that his makeup would keep Lin happy, he headed back to his table. He would be glad to get off his feet, even this short walk was murder on his feet and calves. Walking alone through a packed house dressed as he was proved interesting. He had his butt pinched twice before he got back to the table. Only Gloria was there so he inquired the whereabouts of the other two. A drunk Gloria simply said, "The boys went outside to grab a smoke. You know men and their damn cigars." Bill would have loved to have joined them but he had noticed the only thing in his purse were a pack of Virginia Slims. So, he sat and chatted with Gloria, she was drunk enough to forget he wasn't really a girl. It was nearly 20 minutes later when Lin and their boss returned to the table, Lin's tie had been loosened and her shirt tail was out. Bill was groggy and in a daze, his eyes wouldn't focus. Lin grabbed him by the hand and said, "Come on babe it's time for us to go. I have some great news to tell you." As he stood, he felt himself swaying slightly as if he were floating, the room spun dizzily. Linda had to assist her husband to the car. As they reached the car, Bill became violently sick. He sobered up a bit once he had emptied the contents of his stomach. When they were in the car, Linda told her husband that she had won the promotion on a conditional basis. Bill was truly happy for his wife. He gave her a sincere congratulation, then questioned the conditional nature of the job offer. She replied, "To prove I am the right person for the job I have to increase my client's investments by thirty-five percent in the next six months. If I do, I will get the VP's office on the tenth floor." "What about me? I have out produced you three out of the last four quarters?" "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Sorry, but I don't know. I didn't think to ask." That sent Bill into a major funk and he said something he would live to regret. "Hell, Linda what did you do suck his dick?. You only got the promotion because you're a woman." That comment started a heated argument that put both of them in a bad mood. Bill was so mad that he used his phone to text his boss that he quit. Linda thought that was a childish tantrum, but there wasn't anything she could do about it now. Her strength had always been in closing prospective clients. With her looks and personality, once she had a client in her office, she could charm almost any man to sign on the dotted line. Bill on the other hand was the cerebral of the two. He would often dazzle clients with his short and long-term plans. Linda thought 'it is too bad we can't be a team. But the company had a very strict policy on nepotism'. They arrived home to a dark house. "Didn't you leave the living room light on?" Linda asked. Bill still felt dizzy and found concentrating difficult. "Hell, if I know. I just wanted to get this night over with." He led the way into the house and headed straight for their bedroom where he threw his long brunette wig on the floor and kicked off his heels. A floral perfumed scent hung in the air. Then he collapsed into his stuffed chair, Linda was right behind him. As she entered the room, the bedside light came on to reveal a muscular man at least 6 feet tall and weighing over 200 pounds in an orange jump suit with a long knife in one fist. Pointing at Linda, he said, "On the bed baby." Pointing the knife at Bill, he said, "You better stay right where you are at if you know what's good for you. I've been locked up for a year and I'm not going back." Bill sat frozen in fear and decided that appeasement was the best tactic. Even if the guy wasn't armed, he knew there was no way he could overpower the behemoth, after all he was only 5 feet 5 and 160 pounds and wearing a dress. The convict forced Linda to lay on the bed on her back before joining her. His body covered her. From where Bill was sitting, it looked like he was kissing his wife's neck. Linda said something to him and the man got up off the bed. He looked at Bill and said, "Put your wig back on bitch. I'll be right back." Bill looked as his wife and said, "Honey, I saw the way he was kissing you. I think the best thing to do is not to fight him and cooperate. Just relax. It's just sex and it will be over before you know it. Once he has had his fun I am sure he will leave us alone. Don't worry, I will still respect you in the morning." Linda gave her husband a smirk, he could see the fire behind her eyes. She was still furious at him over their conversation in the car and his last comments had not endeared him to her any further. With a touch of venom in her voice she enlightened him. "Honey, I'm sure he isn't going to hurt me. He wasn't kissing me. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he hasn't had sex in six months. He also admitted he was gay and thought you were really cute. He asked if we had any Vaseline. I told him to look on the top shelf in the bathroom medicine cabinet." "Why would you do that?" In a vengeful tone she went on, "You are the one who said to cooperate and not make him angry, I was following your advice. Now I suggest you relax and not fight him. Like you said it is only sex, it will be over before you know it. Don't worry I will still respect you in the morning." The convict returned with the jar of Vaseline. He stood over to Bill and said, "I don't really think that outfit is made for what I have in mind. Don't you have something a little sexier?" Bill trembled. Linda spoke up. "There's a pink baby doll nightie hanging in the closet." "Thanks Toots. Change places with Alice over there while I go find my girlfriend something to wear." As they passed, Bill asked, "Linda, why are you helping him. Don't you know what he intends to do to me? " Using his own words against him she said, "Bill, I think the best thing to do is not to fight him and cooperate. That is what I am doing. Just relax it is only sex. Once he has had his fun I am sure he will leave us alone." The brute returned and threw the piece of fluff at Bill. Turning to Linda he asked, "You wouldn't happen to have a pair of crotchless panties, would you?" "No sorry I don't have any." The convict glared at Bill, "Put this on and remove your panties." He took the panties from Bill and used the knife to cut out the rear area. Then he made Bill put them back on and adjusted them so his ass was accessible. "Get on the bed with your head at this end," the man ordered. Bill did as he was directed. He was grateful that the criminal had turned off all the lights and pulled the drapes. The anonymity of darkness helped, but he could still make out who and what was in the room. He faced his attacker and was surprised to see he was naked. His cock is so hard it pointed up, not out. Bill was commanded to get started. He was first forced to give the guy a blow job while a knife was held to his throat. Bill knew what he himself liked so he tried to duplicate the same technique, hoping to get it over as quickly as possible. Keeping his eyes up looking the guy in in the face, he licked his way up and down his shaft, watching him writhe under his tongue. His eyes remained on him as he took him into his mouth. He began to run his tongue over the head and suck as strong as he could. The rapist moaned, so Bill felt he was doing something right. He took him further and further into his mouth. Soon his nose is buried in the guy's pubes, and then he started moving up and down his cock, making loud slurping noises as he got to the head and back down again. He picked up the tempo and got his hand involved, moving in unison with his lips. Finally, the attacker took over. In short strokes, he fucked his face until finally he erupted in Bill's throat and mouth. Bill had hoped that the convict would be satisfied with just the oral sex, but he found that was wrong as he was ordered onto the bed. He tentatively got into position as directed, his knees tucked under him, his head down between his hands, chin on the bed, his naked ass raised high and defenseless in the air. "You look so cute like that," the convict said, swatting Bill's rump hard enough to leave a red mark. He firmly grabbed Bill's hips and pressed the head of his cock against his tight asshole. Bill jerked forward. "What's the matter?" "It hurts!" Bill yelled into the bed covers. "It always hurts at first. Relax, you'll get used to it in no time." Then he held Bill's hips tightly and pushed. "Ohhh!" Bill practically screamed from the pain and general sensation. Linda fought hard to contain a giggle. Bill had once suggested he take her that way. Now it was his turn. She hadn't thought that she would enjoy this scene so much, but she was. "That's it baby," the rapist encouraged. "Now don't tighten up on me. Let it go all the way in nice and easy. Then the real fun can begin." "Please stop, you are ripping me apart!" The assault went on seemingly forever. The man's virility was remarkable. Bill was repeatedly violated during the night. As the sun rose, the room was lighted enough where Bill could see his wife still sitting in the chair. He was again being violated, but his body had lost the ability to feel. His arms couldn't even hold him up. The room was filled with grunts and an occasional moan of passion. When he looked at Linda, she gave him an exaggerated wink. His soul gave up as he cried, "Somebody please help me." During his lucid moments during that awful night, Bill felt dirty, violated and used. He couldn't get the foul salty taste out of his mouth. He comically vowed vengeance. First his wife emasculated him by making him dress as a woman, then this had happened. Did he invite this somehow? Why didn't he try to fight his attacker off? Wasn't death better than the stigma of being a queer whore? He knew he would have flashbacks of this night for the rest of his life. The last thing he remembered was being dismounted. He collapsed on the bed and passed out. @ @ @ @ The intruder cleaned up in the bathroom and left the house without even looking at Linda. Once he was gone, she checked on her husband, who still wore her favorite baby doll nightie that he had put on as ordered. That and only his panties, nylons, bra and, surprisingly, his wig. There were no obvious external injuries. He was bruised and filthy from the abuse he had endured, but there were no signs of blood. The kiss-proof lipstick she had him wear had survived better than she would have expected. He had racoon eyes from his mascara running from his tears. From what she could see and hear, it was obvious he hadn't gotten any sleep last night. His boyfriend kept him busy one way or another. She got some aspirin and two sleeping pills from the bathroom and got them into Bill with some water. She covered him with a blanket and let him sleep. For the next 48 hours, she kept him drugged with sleeping pills and valium. During that time, she perfected her plan. She made a call to Jim Wilson and had her husband's severance check couriered over to the house. She told the office that Bill was so upset over losing the job that he had packed up and left her. She asked for two weeks off to handle the situation. Jim was so considerate he told her to take three weeks. Her scheme was devious but it guaranteed her the best chance of securing that corner office. It depended upon transforming her husband into an executive assistant so that she could still make use of his skills. Bill might not like being her subordinate, but he would have to suck it up. While he was still in his semi-sleep state, she got Bill dressed in a dress with matching heels. It took some work, but she managed to get him into her car and they left San Diego for south of the border. Several hours later, Bill was checked into a clinic under the name of Fiona Jones, Jones being her maiden name. Linda spent quite some time conferring with the doctor, settling on what exactly she wanted done to her husband and negotiating the cost of the surgeries. She kissed him goodbye and went the short distance to her bungalow at the seaside resort that she had reservations at. His severance pay was being well spent. @ @ @ @ @ Two days later, Bill fought through the fog of drowsiness. His first sensation he was aware of was pain, like he had been in a car wreck. The sound of ocean waves breaking on the shore was the first thing he heard. His house was nowhere near the beach so his first thought was his rapist had taken him someplace. He opened his eyes and, to his relief, the figure leaning over his bed was his wife. "Where are we?" he croaked out. His voice a higher octave than normal. His first thought was 'that thug had pushed his prick so far down his throat he had damaged his vocal cords.' She wiped his brow with a damp cloth. Smiling, she said, "Relax dear you are safe. After your ordeal, I decided we both need a little time off. We are at a beach resort in Mexico. We will stay here until you are well enough to travel." "What happened to me? Why do I hurt all over?" Linda took another valium from the nightstand, knowing he would need it once she explained her plan. "Here take this it will help," she said handing him the pill and a bottle of water. Giving the drug time to enter his system, she pulled a chair over next to his bed. She sat and held his hand. She didn't want to be cruel; but she needed Bill to cooperate so she hit him with both barrels. "I sat there that night and watched you be used like a common whore. It changed things for me. There is no way I can ever view you as my husband after what I saw and heard. I still love you, but things have to change. There is no way I can ever get the image of you getting fucked out of my head. "I've had a lot of time to think. Since you quit your job, I really need to get that promotion. The money will be more than both of our salaries combined. The only way I can get and keep that position is with your help as my assistant." Bill's head lolled back and forth as he said, "There is no way I will go back there as your assistant." "No, of course not. The company would never let William Johnson work for his wife...that's against company policy. But since Bill has left me, I am going to divorce him and use my maiden name, Jones." She saw that Bill was beginning to panic, despite the drugs. "Relax honey, we are going to stay together, just not as legally wedded husband and wife. I am going to hire Bill's sister Dorothy Darleen Johnson. Or Dee Dee for short. It was rather expensive being this close to the border, but I have acquired Dorothy Darleen a social security card and California driver's license." Even through the haze of the valium, a sense of abandonment chilled him, he knew that he wasn't going to enjoy what came next. "We both know simply dressing you as a girl would never fool anyone. So, I used your severance pay to alter your appearance. That is what you are feeling." A feeling of panic bubbled under the drugs. His free hand snaked under the sheets to see what was between his legs. "Just what the hell did you do to me?" "Relax your boy toys are still there, but watch your language young lady. I have given you a new nose, a brow lift, cheek implants, butt and hip implants, got rid of the love handles and, of course, a boob job. To save you the trouble of doing makeup every day, I have had a professional give you a makeover with permanent makeup. We didn't mess with your little wee wee. "In my humble opinion, you could get a job as a cosmetics model. Then there is your hair, I had long hair weaved into your own so you won't have to do anything other than comb and set it for the next six months. I love the way it hangs down to your shoulders. I decided that my assistant would be better as a bottle blonde so I had it dyed, it just seemed big busted girls and blondes go together. Your own mother won't recognize you. Linda threw off his bed sheet exposing his new body. He tried to hold the sheet protecting his modesty. She won the tug-a-war and exposed him from the neck to the groin. She reached out and cupped one of his breasts. She actually saw him shudder as she softly caressed his tit. "You've got such lovely breasts dear! Why not show them off to the world?" She lowered her lips until she could suck his hard nipple. She heard him inhale as he caught his breath. She sucked and tongued his nipple for a bit, then started on the other. "Did that feel-good princess? Hummm?" Linda cooed in a chuckling, feminine lilt. She panted in a sexy voice as she moved her lips from one nipple to the other and then back again. "Your nipples are so hard!" She said licking her lips, then she motioned down toward his crotch. "It appears from your erection that you like what I'm doing," she added. He kind of nodded, but she wouldn't let him off the hook. She asked, "Do you enjoy it? Does it feel good? Tell me. I want to hear you say it! Tell me you like having your nipples suckled like a cheap whore." She continued to tweak his nipples with her fingers while she waited for him to answer. It hurt and felt good at the same time; but his skin was as tight as a drum. Bill didn't know what to say there didn't seem to be a right answer. As she continued to play with his tits he gave in and replied honestly. "Yes, I love you suckling my nipples and it feels good." He said blushing a dark crimson from the humiliation of his confession. Linda had the sweet smile of victory on her face. "Honey, there is going to be a lot to enjoy with you looking like a woman. I will be here with you every step of the way." Linda nursed on his boobs while playing with his little man. Bill was about to explode he reached the panties she had him in and wiggled out of them, freeing his manhood. Linda looked down and knew what he wanted, she suddenly stopped and stood up saying, "I'm sorry dear I tried. I am not a lesbian and there is no way I can let you fuck me, I keep picturing you with that guy's cock in your mouth. Our sex life can never go back the way it was." She stood over him with her hands on her hips, "I know that is a lot to take in, so I will leave you to think it over while I go to the bar to get a drink. Can I bring you anything back?" Through the tears that the betrayal of his wife caused, he choked, "Just get out! " "Alright have it your way. Don't even think of running off. Remember you are in Mexico with no money or ID. Looking like you do now I don't think you would enjoy your time in prison. I'll be back in half an hour or so." The moment Linda closed the door Bill swung his legs over the side of the bed. What he felt was the essence of panic and fear. He had never been very hairy but he certainly wasn't now, his legs and arms felt beautifully smooth. He wondered how long they would stay that way. As he sat there it felt like he was sitting on a set of puffy cushions. Curiosity got the best of him. He stood up on shaky legs and staggered over to the bedroom mirror his new breasts were jiggling with each mincing step, it was like they had a mind of their own. He was in disbelief his head spun and his stomach was tied in a knot as he went to get a look at himself. What he saw looking back at him wasn't real. His face was at best attractive with plump lips that gave the impression of a perpetual pout. Aside from his shriveled-up boy parts, the rest of the body looked like it was a centerfold. His first thought was that his body was all out of proportion for his frame. His boobs were gigantic, hell they could be seen from space. He didn't just have breasts! He had tits, knockers the kind normally reserved for pornstars. They must have also done something with his waist it looked to be three to four inches smaller than before. His hips and ass were large and curvy. There was no way he could pass for a man with his current dimensions. He slumped on to the end of the bed. His wife, the woman he loved, had caused him to be mutilated and turned into a parody of a woman. He felt like he wanted to break down crying, but those emotions seemed to be held at bay, probably by the meds he must be on. Linda was right, he was totally dependent upon her right now. If she walked away, he would be stuck in a foreign country and unable to get home again. He would have to cooperate with her. Linda came pack almost an hour later. "Well DD, have you decided what you are going to do? Let me warn you I will dump your ass and go home by myself if you don't agree to my proposal to be my assistant." "I guess I don't have a choice." "That's not good enough. You have to be fully committed to this venture or it will never work." "I give in. You win. At work, I will be your assistant and do everything in my power to ensure you succeed. What now?" "I will be your tutor in in everything feminine. We both know you have the sex part down. So, we merely have to work on your presentation. When I'm done, you'll be as girlie as any woman your age. Come on cutie- pie, let's get to work. We only have a couple of weeks to turn you into a giggling blonde bimbo." "Why would you want our assistant to be an airhead?" "When I succeed, I don't want anyone suspecting my assistant deserves any credit. This is my time in the spot light. Don't worry. You play your part and I will take good care of you, trust me on that." DD got a concerned look on his face, "Linda what about us?" "Why, what do you mean us?" "You know in the bed room." She just smiled one of her wicked smiles and said, "Oh that! If there is time and I have the energy, we can still play. But spending the night in my bed is a no-no. Afterward, I expect you to sleep in the spare bedroom. I can't have people gossiping about my assistant trying to sleep her way to the top. By the way, don't ever even dream about being on top from here on out. If we have sex, I'll be in the superior position." @ @ @ @ @ The rest of the day was spent on developing his feminine mannerisms, little things like using his hands when he talked. When his long locks fell into his face, he learned to either tuck it behind his ear or flip it off his face. One thing she drilled DD at was to have him sit with his legs crossed at the knees and have him flip his shoe back and forth with his toes to where they would almost fall off. A trick she had learned early in life that drove men wild. The next day was spent on walking, standing, sitting and crossing his legs. They worked from breakfast till lunch. After lunch, it was exercise time. Linda had DD doing laps for almost an hour in the pool every afternoon. Then the two of them spent an hour sunbathing. She had to do some real arm-twisting the first day to get DD into her yellow bikini, the first trial run showed they had to do something with his johnson. A quick internet search showed how, with the help of a little tape, Bill could tuck his man bits back out of sight. Linda loved the way her husband's tan lines were coming along. The routine kept up for ten days. Every morning, Bill sat at the vanity having taped his man bits back under then picked up a hair dryer and turned his hair into a silvery mob of curls that danced around his face. Having finished with his hair, he did his nails and coated his lips with bright layers of shinny lip gloss and then turned to his eyes, fattening his lashes with mascara all the while his mind was screaming in disgust at what he was doing to himself. He tried to convince himself that he was going through the programmed movements of his feminization in the hopes of getting back home where he can escape. The ever-present threat of Linda just picking up and abandoning him in Mexico with no money or identification kept Bill in line. He made sure he was always quiet and soft-spoken in her presence. After the required daily tanning secession, Linda told DD they had to return to the clinic for his wellness checkup. His cherry lips trembled in abject fear. He closed his eyes, listening to the blood pulsing in his temples. Knowing he had no choice he did as he was told. Still in his bikini, he wrapped himself in a pastel beach cover-up that Linda threw at him. It was flimsy enough to be almost sheer. It did little to hide his feminine shape. Linda handed him a small beach bag to suffice as his purse that had a wallet and makeup in it. They took a cab to the clinic. On the ride, there he squirmed, fearful of what was about to happen. Linda studied his appearance and knew what was wrong. She reached into his beach bag and withdrew a lipstick case. She handed it to Bill and said, "Young lady, you know what to do!" An emotionally defeated Bill rolled the tube up and began applying the gloss red lipstick to his lips in broad heavy strokes. He had learned that, to get along you go along. The humiliation of his situation was more than unpleasant to be sure, but, the thought of being on the street in Mexico made his head spin and took the fight right out of him. He was red faced, only slightly flustered as he dropped the lipstick back in his bag and fished around until he found a tissue that he used to wipe his brow and upper lip. Linda waited until they were in the waiting room full of people. DD's ever present floral scent wafted through out the waiting room. Linda dropped another bomb on her sissy husband. "DD before you see the doctor there is something I need to tell you. After all our expenses, there wasn't sufficient money left over for your double D cup implants. So, I worked a deal with the doctor. Who took quite a fancy to you by the way. He agreed to upgrade you from a single D to a double D cup on the promise that you would service him as a thank you." Bill had a hard time keeping his voice down, "Just what do you mean service?" "Don't be so na?ve, you know exactly what I mean. It isn't like you're are a virgin. Just do to him what you did to your boyfriend in our marital bed. Remember? I was there." Bill was aghast she would ask him to go through that again. He wanted to tell her off. The room full of people convinced him to cool down. He resorted to simply announcing, "I won't do it!" "I can't believe that now you are getting squeamish on me. You weren't that way last time. In the dark, I may not have seen your performance. But I certainly heard it. I heard a lot of whimpering, although I never hear the word NO come from your mouth. If you back out now what happens when he reports you to the police for running out on your debt? Do you really want to go through that? Can you even fathom what would happen to a large-breasted gringo sissy in a Mexican prison?" Bill tried to think of a way out of his situation, but he was out of ideas. So, he reluctantly acquiesced, letting out a huge sigh as he forced his racing heartbeat to slow. He rose when the nurse called his name with as much dignity as he could muster. His entire body was a quivering cloud of fear. Linda, never losing her benevolent expression, smiled sweetly and said in a low voice so only her husband could hear, "Cheer up sweetie, there is an upside, since he is a doctor you know he is disease free." Then using his own words against him, "Remember, I'll still respect you in the morning. " She smiled, nearly beside herself with satisfaction. That was very little comfort to Bill. He picked up his purse and covered his crotch with it as he minced out of the room, holding his breath. Repeating the mantra 'its only sex.' @ @ @ @ @ Bill went through the indignity of servicing the Doctor orally. He put his best effort in it. Figuring the sooner, it was over the better. Then the Doctor had him kneel on the examination table. Gave him an injection, claiming it was an antibiotic. The doc thoroughly lubrivated his backdoor and his penis. He was gentile and almost lovingly took him doggie style. Bill had an out of body experience. His mind left his body, he felt nothing. This time there was no pain only a sense of shame and anger that he wasn't man enough to prevent this from happening. When it was over the doctor gave DD paper towels and let him use the bathroom to clean himself up. Linda waited patiently for her husband to return. When he did, he practically ran through the waiting room. The only thing he said in passing was, "I'll wait for you outside." The doctor brought Linda into his office. Linda asked, "Well are we even?" "Oh, good heavens, yes. That was the best piece of ass I have had in years. I was so delighted I gave Dorothy what I told him was an antibiotic shot. Just between us, it is an experimental hormone shot. If the manufacturer is to be believed, it will increase the patient's breast size a full cup in just three months." He paused for a moment and added, "There are a few side effects that I think you will be pleased with. Expect to see a real softening of his muscle toning all over his body. There will be nothing that is well defined muscle tissue left. His biceps and thighs will become as soft as a marshmallow. I think you'll like the results." Then the doctor passed over a prescription to her. "Feed him these once a day and it will accelerate the development. Unfortunately, his man parts will shiver and eventually become nothing but lumps of useless flesh." "Thanks doctor. I am not sure I want to go that far. I will keep this in reserve if I think it is necessary." With a nod, Linda left the office and joined her husband. She hailed a cab back to their resort. On the ride home Bill was miserable and stared out the window. Linda took his hand and asked, "So how was it this time?" "Disgusting. Damn it Linda I am not gay!" "Of course not. To the world you are a woman. Having sex with MAN would never make you gay. I don't want you ever pretending to act like a man you used to be. One way or another you're going to learn to be feminine, submissive, ladylike, and demure." Linda hissed as a thin vengeful smile crossed her lips. At that moment, Bill began to wonder if he was capable of murder. That night, Linda broke out her lap top and had DD practice her typing. Before she started as her assistant, she wanted DD typing at least 80 words a minute like any good secretary. @ @ @ @ At the end of their two- week stay at the resort, two very tanned women were ready to go home. Linda spent hours getting DD ready for the trip. First came the nylon briefs that pushed his testes up tight into their cavity like ovaries, his flaccid manhood tucked secure and out of sight. She spent some time and effort on his long hair. The hairdo she decided on appeared to Bill to be more suitable for a starlet of the 40's. Linda called the style retro-glam. His hair was worn past the shoulders and carefully rolled into luscious sensual waves. A waist cincher proved effective if uncomfortable. When he complained Linda said, "Get used to it!" Linda had moved their luggage to the car while Bill stood in the bathroom, looking morosely at the feminine face before him. Linda was obviously in a hurry to leave because came to the door and yelled, "Get into the car so we can go DD." He glared at her. He was so tempted to say, "It's Bill" through his gritted teeth but thought better of it. He reluctantly got in the passenger side, trying his best to be elegant and not flash too much stocking top or knicker as he did so. Not an easy task. Nor was putting on a seatbelt when you've acquired melon sized breasts and long finger nails. They drove in silence. Bill was glad that Linda left him alone instead of continuing to go on about how girly she expected him to be as her administrative assistant. The line of cars to cross the border back onto American soil was long, but it moved along smoothly. As they approached the border guard, Bill tried to pull his dress down to cover more of his legs. As he squirmed in the seat, smoothing his dress he could hear the slip rustle and his nylons zip, feeling the tightness of his corset and tasting his gloss red lipstick. As they rolled up to the check point, Linda gave DD a liberal dousing of perfume. He choked back a dry nervous swallow as the guard leaned in to inspect the car. He held his black purse in his lap clutching it so tight his knuckles were white. The perfume appeared to sufficiently convince the guard that Bill was a woman that he did not look closely at him. Linda handed both passports to the border guard and returned them to her purse when he handed them back almost immediately. He appeared to only have eyes for Bill's breasts in the too-small brassiere Linda had insisted upon. They reached their home in the San Diego suburbs about an hour later. As Linda pulled into their driveway, Bill had mixed feelings. He wasn't sure he could ever sleep in that bed again. He unpacked what few things he had, but they went into the bureau in the guest bedroom, as Linda had told him. When he was done, Linda informed him they would be going shopping. "We need to start your work wardrobe, you can't be wearing my hand-me-downs all the time." She drove to the town's largest mall and they spent the rest of the day shopping. They hit every major dress shop in the mall. Linda made DD try everything on and she rejected everything that didn't accentuate DD's magnificent bust. All the outfits were body-hugging low-cut tops and short tight skirts. There was a number Linda thought were outrageously sexy. They would have been perfect for the role of eye candy she envisioned for her husband. But alas they never would have passed muster with the company's dress code. She did push the envelope with a couple of keyhole tops that put DD's double Ds on display. They carried everything to the car, after a quick dinner of drive through burgers they went home and unloaded everything. The next morning, Linda was up first. After a private call to the owner, Linda dropped DD off at her spa with a dire warning that if Bill did not fully cooperate, he would be finding his own way home. She left him here there while she went to the office, she needed to talk to Human Resources. Her first order of business was to change her last name back to her maiden name, announcing she was filing for a divorce. Then she approached the head of department about hiring her new assistant, Ms. Dorothy Darleen Johnson. With no prior experience, Ms. Johnson starting salary was just above minimum wage. It wasn't much but Linda knew that it would keep her new assistant dependent on her. Late in the afternoon, she picked up a very despondent and angry DD. "How did it go, Dear?" "The mud bath and facial were enjoyable; but did I really need a full body waxing? That hurt like hell! Why couldn't I just have shaved." "You needed it of course. Any sign of stubble would be a dead giveaway. Don't worry it will hurt less each time. I have you scheduled for a treatment every second Saturday. I am told the laser treatments on the face are painless. Won't it be pleasant to never have to shave again?" "It would have been nice if you discussed this with me beforehand. " "Nonsense, you would just have argued with me. DD, you need to accept that is your life for the foreseeable future. This will help with the charade of being my sultry assistant, no more make-believe. You will be what you appear to be." Linda had kept DD's identification papers well hidden. When he had the opportunity, he had searched their bungalow for them. @ @ @ @ @ Bill's first day at work was traumatic. He was sure someone would recognize him as the fraud he was. Linda drove them both to work. He sat holding her briefcase in his lap. Linda pulled right up to the front and parked in her reserved spot. He balked at getting out of the car. "What if I'm recognized? Or even if they see a man dressed as a woman." "Don't be ridiculous," Linda scoffed. "With what you've got up top, no one will even look anywhere else. That's why all your tops are so tight. Believe me, a nice set of tits are a crossdresser's best friend. If you ever think someone might suspect thrust your chest out. Point those headlights at them." She got out and headed for the front door. She took off across the parking lot in her patented coquettishly walk. Linda was not above using her sexuality to get ahead. DD was left far behind to catch up as best he could. He struggled to keep up in his tight skirt and 4-inch heels. He caught up to her when she stopped at the security desk. The guard who Bill had often chatted with gave him a long once over. Bill stood like he had been taught, his feet together, head cocked slightly to the side. shoulders back a position that caused his breasts to push the bodice of his top out predominantly. "Miss, you look familiar, but I can't place the name. Have you been here before?" Linda said with a smirk, "No, this is her first time. She is William Johnson's sister. I have just hired her as my new secretary. I will make sure she gets a company ID card this morning." He trailed behind Linda and just made the elevator as the doors closed. Much to his surprise, it was occupied by not only his wife but the big boss, Mr. Williams. Jim nodded his head politely and said, "Good morning ladies." Looking at Linda he said, "I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting this young lady." Linda fought back a smile and said, "No sir, this is my new secretary. If she looks familiar it's because she's Bill's sister. I hope that is alright?" "Normally, I would say no. However, since I heard you are divorcing Bill for deserting you, I will make an exception in this case." "Thank you, Mr. Williams. I will make sure Ms. Johnson earns her pay." Jim got off at the next floor. Bill turned to his wife and asked, "Why do you keep referring to me as your secretary?" "Don't be a ditz. You can't start as my executive assistant. You will have to work your way up to that position. Just be glad I didn't start you in the typing pool. Your desk will be right outside my door. To start with, you will also be my receptionist. We will slowly work you up to the position of secretary." Linda led Bill over to his old work area. She asked Bill's old secretary to take the new girl to HR and show her the ropes. "Sally, will you please show DD around the building? Then take her to HR to finish her paperwork." After the introduction, Sally asked Linda, "Is DD really her name?" "No, of course not. It's a nickname given to her in high school and has stuck. In fact, now it is the only thing she responds to. She isn't the brightest bulb in the pack." Bill was ready to bolt right there. Linda took him aside and said, "This is the ultimate test. If Sally doesn't recognize you no one will. Now stand tall and push your chest out like you are proud of them. Those puppies will distract anyone. Don't forget to put some wiggle into your walk. Most girls working here are looking for a husband. Play that role and you will blend right in." Bill followed Sally throughout the building nodding approvingly as he went, she showed him where the girls went for their smoke breaks and the only bathroom the lowly secretaries were allowed to use. The women they passed eyed him up and down, whether it was with knowing looks, admiration or jealousy, he wasn't sure but it was certainly a look he wasn't used to. When they arrived at the end of the tour at HR, it seemed that Linda had already provided them with everything that was needed, all he had to do was sign the forms. He did notice that his pay was to be direct deposited into Linda's account. He was given a security badge in the name of Dorothy Darleen Johnson. That was alright, but his tummy did flipflops when they handed him a name tag with just DD on it. Bill was sure it was one of Linda's cruel jokes. He made his way back to his desk in front of Linda's large spacious office. When Linda was free he went in and closed the door intending to confront her. Things did not start well as she stood and firmly informed her receptionist, "You never enter my office without knocking and wait for permission. Do I make myself clear?" Bill reached deep and got his nerve. "Now wait a minute Helen. I may look like your lackey but I am still your husband and deserve some respect. After all, you need my help!" "Nice speech Dum Dum, I'm impressed with your audacity. You might still have balls. Unless you want me to let the world know who you are, you will do as your told. Having a bimbo sitting outside my office adds a certain "je ne sais quois" to my position. Now get back to your desk. Or you just might find yourself out of work and homeless. Working the streets to feed your face." The next several weeks were interesting, every male in the company found some excuse to stop by and visit the new girl. Bill received a number of strange looks, but no one gave any indication that they suspected who he really was. That night on the way home, Linda lectured her husband, "DD you were a little too retiring today. Get over your shyness, you need to become more outgoing and even a little flirtatious. I want you to act like a slightly oversexed girl who is only working here in search of her MRS title." @ @ @ @ Bill found every day to be a challenge. He was constantly at a tug-of- war with his short skirts. When he sat at his desk, he would always pull the skirt down as it embarrassingly rode up his thighs. A few guys tried to strike up conversations, but DD was way too busy for mere chit chat. Linda had him reviewing every one of her old clients to see if he could develop a better portfolio. He made great progress, his only problem was his long red fingernails made typing a chore. He was having trouble feeling comfortable as DD. The other woman shunned him, he wasn't part of their clique. The men hit on him, it was terrible. Eventually DD got the reputation of being a cock tease. Surprisingly, that made things better. He still noticed the lascivious looks he received, but ignored them. @ @ @ @ @ His home life was no better than at work. Linda made it clear she could no longer consider him her husband. Their roles at home were the same as at work. She was the boss at home just like at work and she never let Bill forget it. His days were long and exhausting. When Bill arrived home, he was responsible for all the cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing, as well as the shopping, while Linda rested from her stressful day. Linda was quite happy with the idea that Bill was becoming so domesticated. Despite his frequent whining, she wouldn't give in. He would do what he was told under threat she would notify the authorities about his fraudulent documentation. Bill felt he had no other options. So, he buckled under. Their role reversal continued even in the bedroom. They only had sex when she wanted it, and DD would end up doing more for her than anything. Their intimacies were restricted to lesbian love. Bill learned how to please Linda like he never had before. Linda always took the lead, which DD did not mind at all, but after a while, Bill began to feel if he was there for her pleasure only. She used him as if he was her living dildo. She would finish him off with her hand as fast as she could afterwards. Then she would turn over and go to sleep. The only saving grace was his work, Bill could get lost for hours in the numbers. He kept looking for a way out. He slipped away one day at lunch to see a doctor about removing his permanent makeup and his implants. What he heard was not encouraging and was so expensive there was no way he could afford it. Unfortunately, he couldn't think of anything. He decided to bide his time and see what happened. @ @ @ @ @ In the mornings, a blonde woman stared back from the mirror, there was no hint of maleness at all. Over time he rationalized that maybe his situation wasn't so bad, to be transported from the frantic-paced world of high business to the relaxed and carefree world of a secretary. There were no more pressure-packed decisions, the only ones he made now where weather to go with an underwire bra or not. Linda laid out his uniform for work and dictated what his accessories would be. But Bill felt constantly humiliated, always being on display. The bounce on his chest forced an entirely new way to walk. He tried to glide to keep them in check. Looking like a big breasted bimbo with no brains, got to him sometimes. He was always forced to wear short tight skirts, along with spiked heels, that were a constant source of discomfort. Most of the men who stopped by to visit treated her just as she appeared to be: a large boobed blonde bimbo. He loathed how sexy he appeared. His appearance made people think that there was nothing between his ears other than air. He told himself that he just had to hold on to his sanity and wait things out. Once Linda got the VP position, maybe she would let him go. Where he would go, he didn't know yet. Whenever a new client showed up, DD was expected to sit in on the meeting to discreetly take notes. In reality, Linda wanted him there so he could hear firsthand what the client was looking for in a financial advisor. This meant that things were going swimmingly for Linda. Her client base was climbing at an astronomical rate and Mr. Williams dropped by frequently to tell her how pleased he was. In each trip, he would always find time to visit with DD. Then it happened, a mega client called for an appointment. A quick check revealed the guy was a multimillionaire. He was the CEO of a marketing internet commerce firm. He was looking for someone to handle his 20- million-dollar account. When he walked in every eye on the floor turned his direction. Even Bill had to admit he was ruggedly handsome in a Paul Bunyan sort of way. Bill thought, 'My lord, his muscles have muscles.' He was a perfect gentleman and introduced himself to DD as Tom Robinson. Bill was impressed, he looked her in the eyes the entire time. His glance never once went to his chest. DD brought Tom in to meet his boss. Once he was seated, Linda had DD fetch refreshments. Linda wanted coffee, Tom asked for ice water. Bill served the refreshments and went to take his customary seat to take notes when Linda snarled at him, "What do you think you are doing? Get out and close the door. If I need anything, I'll call you." Bill overheard Linda comment to Mr. Robinson as he left, "Excuse her, she is a minority hire. According to federal regulations, every office has to have one dumb blond bimbo. She can be such a ditz at times." Bill sat at his desk and found make-do work to keep himself occupied. It was way past quitting time and Bill was concerned that Linda and Tom had been in there for a long time. Eventually the door opened and Tom exited first followed, closely by Linda. She told Tom to go ahead, she would meet Tom at the elevators. Then turning to her husband, she threw a notebook on his desk. "DD here is what Mr. Robinson wants from us. I want a detailed investment plan on my desk by 9 tomorrow morning. I expect it to be your best work. Don't disappoint me." Bill got a cup of coffee and got to work figuring he would be there all night. He was lost in thought when he noticed someone sit on the corner of his desk. Startled, he looked up to find Jim Williams looking down at him, perched on the edge of his desk dressed in a beautifully cut double breasted grey suit. He glanced at what Bill was working on. "What are you doing Dorothy?" He always called Bill Dorothy, rather than the disparaging DD. Bill instinctively replied, "I'm working up an investment plan for Ms. Jones' newest client." Even as he finished, he realized that he had just made a major gaffe. After all, he was supposed to be just an air-headed bimbo secretary. Jim stood beside DD's desk with his hands clasped behind his back and stared out at the deserted cubicles. Bill gnawed at his lower lip waiting for the boss to say something. Williams reached out to tug the notepad from Bill's hand. "Let me see what you have so far." As he looked over Linda's page of notes and Bill's page after page of added notes and analysis, he said without looking up, "You know if we land Robinson as a client, it will be our largest single account?" Bill nodded in acknowledgement. "Yes, sir, I am aware of that." Jim looked up from the papers he held and said, "Let me ask you one more thing Bill. How do you plan on doing that?" There was a long silence as Bill realized what the president of the company had just said, the feeling in his stomach "It is you, isn't it Bill?" Williams was still looking at him expectantly. Bill's mouth felt dry, he could barely speak as he got out, "Yes sir. What gave me away? Linda thought my disguise was perfect." His boss smiled down at him. "Bill, I have been in this business a lot of years. A person's financial investment plans are like finger prints. I knew something was up when Linda's investment plans suddenly became so much stronger. I saw your influence and decided to wait and see how this played out." "Sir, in her defense, she just wanted to secure the VP position and recruited me to help her." Waving his hands at Bill's body, Jim said, "So you voluntarily did all this to your body?" His tone of voice was incredulous. Not sure how to answer, Bill decided that honesty was the best and wisest policy. "Voluntary is not exactly the word I would use." Mr. Williams nodded in a bit of satisfaction. "I thought as much. Now grab your purse and touch up your makeup. You are going to be my date for dinner so I can hear the whole story." Going out to dinner on a date was something Bill could not even imagine and certainly not with his boss. "I can't possibly go to dinner with you!" Jim smiled gently. "Why is that?" Bill thought quickly, looking for any possible reason to escape further humiliation. "Two reasons, first I have to finish this project and, more importantly despite what you see, I am a man." Jim rocked back and forth on his feet, "To quote from my favorite movie, 'Nobody's perfect'. That's from 'Some Like It Hot.'"'" Bill was quiet and ran the tip of his tongue back and forth over his lower lip. His eyes glazed over. He eventually reached a decision before sighing and giving in to the inevitable. He adjusted his bra strap, for some reason all of his bras felt as if they had shrunk, made eye contact with Jim and said, "Alright just so you are aware, I am not gay." "That's fine with me. I'm not gay either. This will be a man taking an employee to dinner. It is a happy coincidence that my dinner partner appears to be an attractive woman." Bill stood and picked up his purse, "Good. This date has a strictly no touching policy. Now take me somewhere outrageously expensive." He smiled as he issued his demand so that Jim knew that he was teasing. Jim returned his smile as he offered Bill his elbow. "Trust me, I will be a perfect gentleman and I will do my best to show you a good evening." After a moment of hesitation, Bill got out from behind his desk and stood to take her boss' arm. "Thank you, sir. I would be very happy to accompany you to dinner." They took the elevator down to the parking garage level where the company's executives had private parking. Williams led Bill over to his car and opened the passenger door for him. Bill stood back to look at the sleek machine and looked up at Jim with a bit of a smile. "For some reason, all I can think of is a knight on a white charger riding to my rescue." He sat down in the seat and swung his feet in, keeping his legs together as Linda had coached him. Bill returned his smile and said, "I never thought of myself as the white knight, but let's talk about this over dinner." The door swung closed quietly and he rounded the car to his own door. For all of his money, Jim Williams preferred to drive his own car instead of dealing with some sort of chauffeur and livery service. The white Dodge started with a quiet purr and they drove out of the garage. "Tell me," Williams said, "Would you prefer that I call you Bill or something else?" Bill sat quietly, mulling the question. The past weeks had taken its toll on his male ego. He had been subjected to being DD for so long and so intensively that it was becoming difficult to be Bill convincingly. "I still think of myself as Bill, but I have had to think like a brain- dead woman. Ever since Linda brought me back from Mexico. Please call me anything but DD. Who would ever believe that I'm Bill Johnson inside of this dress? So why don't we go with Dorothy." Bill had spent quite a bit of his time wondering about his future. Now it all came boiling to the surface. Linda had made it plain that their relationship as husband and wife was over and any sexual contact that they had was purely about Linda's gratification. More than one night had found Bill crying in bed, which scared him somewhat. He had frequent unexplained emotional outbursts. He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to think of himself as a man again. He tried to think back on his marriage, trying to find the point where things had gone s

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An executive8217s attractive wife is trained by another man to please men on her nylon covered knees while her husband waits across the foyer

Rob Connors sat alone in the small anteroom just off the foyer. He could hear, but not see what was happening in the larger room across. The doors to both rooms remained open and the hard tile surface of the entry way served to make the sound carry with surprising clarity. He had listened intently as the sharp click of high-heeled pumps sounded on the hard surface and then softened slightly as they reached the hardwood flooring in the larger room. It was his wife who was now standing in the...

3 years ago
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Office Quickies The Executive

The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...

5 years ago
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Hotel Executive Maid

Hotel Executive Housekeeper This is the story of a man's gradual transformation into a hotel maid. From once a masculine, successful businessman?into a feminine life of servitude. It can happen to anyone... My story starts about three years ago. I was a mid-level executive with a leading insurance company. The job had me traveling around the country for weeks at a time. I was single and unattached, so the travel was OK. Most of my trips took me to Atlanta where I stayed at a...

2 years ago
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Office Quickies The Executive

The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...

4 years ago
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Executive Solutions Chapter Three

Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Reese and LeBron The woman was dozing fitfully when the iphone buzzed. She snatched it up and read the screen. 'LeBron' it said. She swiped the screen and answered. "Sheeit bitch you in some hot water now." It was the pimp from the hotel lobby and later back-alley humper, but of no use to her now that she could think of. "I thought you didn't know me?" the woman replied. "No you aksed me 'do you know who I am?'...

4 years ago
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Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand III Executive Secretar

Hopefully, most of you who have arrived at this story have already read “Fresh Fuckmeat in Thailand I and II”, so I won’t belabor the principles behind my Streams of Fuckmeat. I’ll just give a bit of an introduction here, and talk briefly about Thai women before diving in to Fuckmeat Stream Three. Work in international corporate and governmental consulting has placed me in the position to have fucked eight hundred three women, spread out over 46 countries worldwide. In five of those countries...

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A Wifes Gift to her Husband

Introduction: This is a stroy about rekindling love between a married couple. Bill walked into the lounge to find his wife. He was a little confused why she left him a note under the windshield wiper of the car to meet her here. This was the fanciest hotel and restaurant in town and they have never been there before. Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesnt see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour...

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M Wifes Black Addiction

Introduction: A story of a white wife and mothers journey to black cock addiction! How many times have I witnessed this scene? Her gaze is directed at her Black lovers face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his...

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Office Sex with an Executive Asssitant

As the Communications Director for a large national company, I had a lot of leeway in what was transmitted to our business partners, investors and the media when it came to having anything to do with our company. We were rarely in the news, and I liked it that way. Most of the external communications were in the form of quarterly filings and forward looking statement out to investors by our financial team. The executive offices were staffed by a bevy of very young and very smart executive...

Office Sex
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wifes panties full

this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...

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Executive Privilege

Leave it for TuesdaySharon felt irritable, tired, and tense. She stretched in her chair and yawned. It was 6:55 on a Friday evening, and she had been at work since 7:10 that morning. She had removed her jacket and kicked her shoes off hours ago, but was still dressed in her corporate gray skirt-suit and white top with a matching belt.She did a few neck rolls, and resumed her work at the computer. A few minutes later, she heard a noise outside her office in the cubicle area. Who could be around...

Office Sex
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wifes birthday surprise

You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...

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My wifes best friend

The other night i came home to find my wifes best friend sandy in the house with out my wife there. i though that was quite odd but not unsual for her to be there but not by herself. So i asked where my wife was oh she said she had to go to the grocery store to pick some stuff. I said oh okay no problem. I noticed that she had been drinking some wine. We started talking i asked her about her husband bill. She said oh hes at work like usual working long hours this time of year. I told her that...

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Introduction: By [email protected] I love to show off my beautiful wife. Even after 10 years of marriage at a age of 40 she is a stunner. No extra fat (except on her ample breasts), muscular and toned legs, and a fantastic set of ass to die for. She has flowing long hair which she never ties and they frame her face like a miasma of seduction. I always encourage her to wear low cut blouses and sarees tied way below the navel. When she wears those tightly wrapped around sarees she looks like the...

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CHAPTER 7: THE VICE PRESIDENTS“Karen! God, you look hot! You’re going to inspire me to lose some weight.” Sarah jumped up from behind her desk and gave me a huge hug, then a full kiss on the lips. I arrived at the Trinity Enterprises corporate office building as most people were leaving for the day. Mr. Baldwin asked me to attend a special planning meeting he called for his Executive Vice Presidents. They were meeting at the moment in the glassed conference room at the back of the Executive...

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CHAPTER 4: NORMALCY … NOTThe days and weeks that turned into a few months provided a consistency and expectedness that caused me to consider if it was my new normalcy. Was this going to be what my life was going to be like? The routine calls from Mr. or Mrs. Baldwin to go out to dinner and then their house, or just to go to their house for an afternoon or evening, or to go to their house for the weekend? Knowing that each call would involve sexual acts with one or both of them at their whim?...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Best Friend

Introduction: A young man is left alone with his wifes best friend who has the hots for him. What follows is every mans dream. Ever since Id met Melissa at the local community college six years before, Id known she had a crush on me. Back then, I was twenty-six and she was eighteen. Id only been married to Natalie for a year and, well, Ive always gotten along better with the ladies than the guys, so Id developed a friendship with Melissa. Shed make a point of constantly flirting with me,...

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Wifes gangbang confession part 2

As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 7 Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass

Introduction: Frank disciplines his bimbo wife after her interracial gangbang! The Bimbo Formula Chapter 7: Spanking the Bimbo Wifes Hot Ass by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I smiled at my husband as I sat up in the bath, the soapy water cascading off my big, wonderful, soft titties. My husband had a stern look on his face as he stood in the door of the bathroom. He was handsome, if a little nerdy, but I loved him so much. He was the bestest husband in the world because he invented the...

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Wifes Photo Shoot

Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...

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My wifes first big black cock part 1

Its been a while since I first discovered my wife, Kay, in the arms of one of our African American neighbors, she wasn't too happy with me since we moved from the big city to a small urban neighborhood. Money was tight and it was just something we had to do. I can still remember the day, we were just unpacking the moving van when I noticed our neighbor standing on the front porch of his house looking our way. He slowly walked over and introduced himself. His name was Bobby, he was 6'3', 210...

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Holidays with Peggy my wifes sisterpart2

So nothing else happened that night between me and Peggy, and I needed the rest so my sore cock could heel. The next day was Thanksgiving, spent with the whole family, again pretty tame day, no sex. On Nov 25th, the day after Thanksgiving, I had to be in work early, but also got to leave early. I got home and as I walked inside I heard the shower running. I went upstairs and figured it was my wife, it was. I stripped down and hopped in with her. We started messing around and eventually ended up...

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All or Nothing The Female Executive

You better be over 18 if you want to read this (or 19 in UT and similar places). I'm not responsible if you ignore this warning. There are naughty bits in it, which will warp your fragile young minds. You have been forewarned. Everyone else can enjoy and send e-mails to [email protected] . Thank you Trisha for writing the original "trilogy". Disclaimer: I'm really not that good at writing descriptions of the sexual encounters, with unfortunately little personal experience to...

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My wifes first big black cock part 2

(continued)Bobby pulled out of my wife with a loud audible *pop*, I was guessing since he was shoving so much pressure into my wifes now gaping cunt. Her leg was still propped up on the arm rest of the chair, I sat there horrified but strangely aroused by the interracial gangbang that was happening to my wife and her sister. I looked over at my wifes sister who a few guys were drilling deep being held mid air, two new "fresh" guys had taken the place of the two who were spent. Now every time...

2 years ago
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My wifes job 3

Introduction: Now that I know what my wifes job is, the fun continues. This is the sequel to My wifes job and My wifes job 2 My wifes job 2 was posted on 2013 June 29. You may need to reread it to refresh your memory? The rest of the weekend was as brilliant as Robin had promised me. The whole time we were all naked. Richard and I gave Robin and Cindy three DPs each. Each DP was as exciting as the first one when Richard and I fucked Cindy. Between times we enjoyed the sunny weather on...

5 years ago
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I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True

Introduction: This is another story inspired by my wifes fantasys I made One of My wifes Fantasys Come True Part of it is actually true and is one of the things we have done in the past My wife has had fantasys about black men that started after we were married. This was do to several things that happened during the first several yrs and have continued for most of our married life. However most were only fantasys, but on this particular night the things that happened to her would not be...

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wifes panties

never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...

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All or Nothing The Female Executive Part 2

If your government of choice doesn't want you reading this, don't. If you're 17 years and 364 days old, this will permanently warp your mind ruining all your hopes and dreams. Thanks to Trisha for inventing the universe and everyone who gave good remarks about the first installment. Please don't post this anywhere else without asking, or giving me a cut of the profits at least. Warning: There is a small rape scene, had to be there for the plot. If you don't like it, I'm...

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 5 Rewards Executive Style

"Mummy, Mrs. Moncrieff is looking at you." Alison's daughter Rebecca was tapping her arm and pointing at the gate that was the entrance to the local primary school. She looked in the direction Beccy was indicating and grinned as she saw the old busybody, and secretary to the school's principal, Mabel Moncrieff moving in her direction with a frown on her face, a frown that these days seemed to be stitched on. "Mummy why does she look angry at you?" Rebecca Jones looked at the way her...

4 years ago
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Executive Decisions

Mia did up the button of her suit and looked in the mirror, her cleavage was showing nicely and she looked hot. Mia smiled to herself, time to make a good impression. Mia was a 34-year-old woman with shoulder length brown hair and light hazel eyes, her cute button nose was perched atop a pair of full ruby lips. She checked herself out once more and smiled. She was wearing a black corset top that pushed her breasts together and up. She wore matching trousers and a matching jacket on top. To...

Love Stories
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Executive Privilege mdash Part 1

Executive Privilege — Part 1by Stacey_tv2The headline was a bombshell. "Senior Republican Senator Admits Affair with Ranking Democrat." It was the opening day of the legislative session and it was already off to an exciting and salacious start!It was made even more delicious due to the fact that the "senior Republican" was a hot Latina lady-lawyer brunette bombshell and the "ranking Democrat" was a handsome black man. If the Latina/black thing wasn't enough, she was married to a white guy and...

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Those Soapy Executive Massages for Men

In 1982, I moved to Tokyo to live and work for several years and began to learn as much Japanese language as I could, as well as try to navigate through Japanese behavior and lifestyle. At that point in my life, I had not been introduced to the pleasures of Japanese boys and/or men, so my journey began.One evening after work, I navigated my way to the gay section of Shinjuku, one of the major neighborhoods of Tokyo. It was a jumble of tiny, messy streets, neon signs and mostly men who had come...

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Executive Solutions Chapter Two

Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - State Forest The woman woke up late; a slither of light lanced through a chink in the curtain and fell across her face. She was sore. Her body protested at being tossed around on the bed in the seedy hotel the night before, her anus ached and the tiny pinprick in the crook of her left elbow itched. The effects of the drug she had been administered were wearing off and her mind was clearer but she was devoid of any memories...

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Executive Submission

Who's in Charge?I'll start this story by telling you I am a senior executive with a public company. For obvious reasons I won't say which, but suffice it to say it is a major supplier of technical equipment.I like to be in charge and am generally good at managing and motivating people. My friends say I have a commanding presence although I know I am sometimes a little hard to take.I have been married for 23 years to a beautiful woman whom I love and have two children in college. Sex is good,...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes last days

This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...

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Sucking cock while my wifes in the next room

One of my crazy storys that happened as always these storys are ture! Id always had a thing for sucking cock even before I had met my wife but even to this day she doesn’t know a thing about it. One day I bought a guy back his name was Tom he was an average guy in his late 30s and as I got home unexpectedly my wife was there but it was too late to turn back as we walked into my home and my wife(Jodie) had seen us! So quickly thinking I told my wife ‘this is my friend Tom from work his come to...

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My wifes surprise

Ah what a day I'd had in work!? Didn't get finished til after mid night and just couldn't wait 2 climb in2 bed and get a good nights sleep.The drive home was long and tiring, as I walked in the house I was surprised 2 see the living room light was still on (My wife never stays up late during the week)I walked towards the living room and started 2 make out a slight moaning sound, curiously I peered around the door and noticed both of my wifes legs dangling over both arms of the arm chair, as I...

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MFM so much cum in my wifes hole

We had a 2 hour MFM session with our close male friend Friday that was amazing. He had messaged me last weekend to make sure we were still coming to his house in a week I assured him we were still on with "don't worry you're definitely still getting to fuck my wife friday". He asked me if I could get her to wear some tight shorts "I fucking love your wifes ass she'd look really hot in shorts" I recently got her a Harley Quinn Halloween outfit that came with a tiny little pair of spandex shorts...

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My wifes job 2

Introduction: I learn more about my wifes new job This is the sequel to My wifes job. Please read that one first. Robin was watching with me as my wife, Cindy, was fucked by her boss, Richard. After we saw that they were both cumming, Robin announced, Well, Cindy, you dont need to worry about Ron being jealous. He just pumped a second load into my cunt when he saw that Richard was filling your cunt with his cum. Ron, Cindy, Richard said, I think it would be great if you two would spend the...

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Executive Assistant part1 of 4

EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT By: Jacki Pett Part 1 I finished junior college in July of 1991. Neither College nor my stay in jail could have prepared me for the events that would soon mold and change my life. I was on probation for a car theft conviction and had almost two years of probation yet to serve. I thought that was an eternity but now, in retrospect, with what has happened, it was nothing. I was joyriding with a few of my buddies in what I thought was a friend's...

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Wifes Story 3 Aunt Madge comes to stay

Back in England, without her husband, Madge stayed with her sister the wife's family for a while until she got sorted. At the time the wife didn't know the full story, but Madge had been in Kenya for 12 months with her husband who died the day before they came back, nobody at the time talked about it and Madge distracted her Mother from constantly coming between the pair of k**s and reducing the opportunities form mutual fun. Madge slightly older than mum, smoked, drunk dads scotch and...

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The Bimbo Treatment Chapter 6 Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang

Introduction: Alice is taken away by a pair of Black man posing as cops, but the busty, bimbo wife doesnt care. Shes eager to help the Black men and their friends. Today, the bimbo wife is gangbanged hard. The Bimbo Formula Chapter 6: Bimbo Wifes Interracial Gangbang by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Alice I knelt in the back of the gray van, the shag carpeting lining the floor tickling my legs. I ran my fingers through the delightful fibers as the undercover cop, a handsome Black man with a...

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my wifes new friend

My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my b*****r in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...

4 years ago
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my wifes new friend

My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my brother in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...

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vacation with our exhibitionist wifes

My wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...

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The Wifes Store

Introduction: Wife becomes Whore at her Store My wife LeAnn is a 26 year old head turning brunette, at 5 7 she has straight shoulder length hair and dark brown eyes. Her perfectly tanned legs and firm round ass are attention getters, as are her tits, which are 34 double Ds. Im a 33 year old stockbroker. Im 511 and about 190, I consider myself above average in looks, and I work out to keep my body fit. After four years of married life, my wife decided she wanted to start a small used clothing...

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My 18 year old wifes first black cock from my best friend

Introduction: My wife deflowers my best friend, which leads to black cock and gang bangs I took a photo of my young hairy wife Dee Dee naked in 1974 when she was 18 years old. She was a senior in high school and getting ready for class when I asked her to pose naked for me. She asked why and I said I wanted it so I could remember how she looked naked when she was in high school. She thought that was a good idea and posed for me in a position they used in cheers, as she was a varsity cheerleader...

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My wifes surprise pt2

.................our little slut looked up at me and said please fuck me, please fuck me with ur big fat cock!I slipped my cum covered cock from my wifes beautiful pussy and slid it in 2 our sluts mouth!Do u like the taste of my wifes cum? I askedOh yes she said as her saliva slow started 2 cover my cock and replace all my wifes cum.Oh yes what? I asked our slut! The poor young thing looked so puzzled as her eyes darted between me and my wife!Oh yes WHAT! I said again as I took my cock from her...

2 years ago
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Caught cheating by my wifes sister

Introduction: I am not a writer but I am an avid reader of erotic stories. I tried to write a few non fiction stories based on my own weird fantasies but I could never finish them. Then I read some of the stories here and it gave me the idea of writing about true incidents that I was involved in. I found this a little easier as I only have to describe what actually happened to me in one event at a time. The following story is completely true and I hope you enjoy reading it. Constructive...

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Mmmmm eating cum out wifes pussyoslash

Im just a dirty guy who likes dirty things and one of my favorite things to do is eating my wifes pussy after its been fucked by other guys and filled with hot cum. Here is just one night in the life of a cum hungry husband. I always like for my wife to tell me about old sex partners she had and what they would do. She was always telling about one of her ex bisexual boyfriend named Ron. About how he had a big 8inch cock that was nice and fat with a set of huge balls that would cum loads and...

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