That Ain't My Truck free porn video

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You know, Lindsey, I never should’ve been played like that. Makylah played me for a complete fool and I was stupid enough to fall for it. What does that say for my self image? Pretty fucking pathetic if you ask me. But no, you’re right, I should keep my head up. I deserve better than that bitch, better than the lying whore she is.

Get this, she told me she loved me and not him. I just don’t get it. She said she had left him and that she was all mine. Then I get slapped in the face like this? I mean yeah, I wasn’t exactly boyfriend material in my younger days, but does that mean karma had to get me like this? I was ready to settle down with her, to start a life and then she comes out and pulls this bull shit. I don’t know what to do to turn the tables and get karma off my back.

Even as I write this to you, I can’t seem to stop the memories from flooding back. The memories of our times together, all the happy moments we had. One in particular comes to mind.

It was a cool night in mid October, just a month or two after I met Makylah. I had just gotten back from vacation the previous day and had decided to set up for the two of us to hang out. I should’ve found it strange that she was so willing to hang out at my place. I know you can attest to this – most girls aren’t comfortable hanging out with a guy for the first time over at his place. Am I right?

Anyways, I hadn’t seen her in over a month and couldn’t quite remember what she looked liked. I definitely wasn’t disappointed once she stepped out of her car after arriving at my place either. I gave her a once over real quick, making sure she didn’t catch me checking her out in case her motives were different than mine. You know me, always being that guy that’s willing to get into any girls’ pants that are willing. Why should this be of any exception? That’s what I thought.

Sorry to keep getting off track like that.

So I watched her ass sway as she walked in front of me. It was almost like she was doing this shit on purpose, because as soon as we reached my front door, she looked over her shoulder and flashed me a devilish grin. Not only did it cause my dick to stir, but it also let me know that she knew I was staring at her body. You know that I’m not bashful when it comes to letting girls know what I think of them. And Makylah was definitely no exception either. Damn…

Ah, I did it again!

We walked into my house, and the first thing she does is look around my place. She starts snooping around the kitchen, my room and then back into the living room. I’m looking around as well, wondering if she was inspecting my cleaning habits. To me, I thought I had done a pretty good job keeping that place clean. Being a single guy living on my own, I kinda had to. You never know when I might bring home a girl. I don’t want to bring her back to a messy house. That’s just not right…

Anyways, after her inspection – or so I assume – we finally made it back to the living room where she quickly spotted the couch. After thinking that things were going in my favor, I gladly sat down next to her. Really close to her actually. Not that I cared or anything, but she didn’t seem annoyed or bothered by it, so that’s all that mattered at the time. So I quickly put in a movie before she had a chance to get up again.

Damn, Lindsey, never let me pick out Saw 6 as a movie to watch the first time I hang out with a girl. That movie was not only gross, but it was also off putting because I planned on taking her at some point that night and was afraid that movie may have killed any chance I had at getting with her. I mean think about it, Linds…if I get grossed out during a movie, imagine what others around me are going through. To avoid losing any chance I had, I made my move.

I slyly put my arm around her and gave her a quick tickle. This caused her to jump and turn sideways into me. This opened the door for more tickles, and you can bet your ass that I took full advantage of it. I grabbed both of her sides and went to town on her. Next thing I know, she’s up against me, fighting off her laughter as I finally decided she had enough. What happened next definitely took her by surprise.

I leaned and kissed her, not even fearful of her pulling away or slapping me. And to my benefit, neither happened. I pulled back after a couple seconds and looked into her eyes to gauge her reaction. I knew I was in as I saw her eyes glaze over with lust. I kissed her again, only this time was with a little more force and passion. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and partially moved on top of her, pulling her waist and sides into me. She responded by wrapping her arms around my neck and arching her back so we were touching.

I became bold – as if I weren’t already – and started fondling her breast through her shirt. This elicited a moan from her pretty mouth, which was muffled from the kiss, as she pulled me tighter into her. I decided it was a good idea if I took the hint and moved between her legs.

Well, guess what, Linds? That’s exactly what I did. And how delicious was it, you ask? Fucking amazing. She already had a damp spot the size of Texas on the crotch of her jeans. My cock was throbbing hard and straining tightly against my jeans at this point, so I took the liberty to let her know exactly what she was doing to me. I pressed my hard-on very tight against her covered pussy and began poking and prodding at her, all while kissing her and fondling her ample breasts. I’m a damn good multi tasker, I know.

I knew for a fact I was in as soon as I suggested we take this to a more comfortable place. I don’t know why, but she seemed to turn into this shy and innocent girl as soon as I mentioned a more comfortable place. It was almost as if she didn’t want to leave the couch. But with a little coaxing and some charm, she was in my bed, naked with my cock buried balls deep into her wet cunt. And holy hell was she tight. I mean like tighter than most of the girls I’d fucked prior to her. And you know where my count had been before she became another notch on my belt.

The sad thing, now that I mention it, even though we had many more great times, is that she was horrible the first time we had sex. She just lay there, with eyes closed, silent as can be considering she was being shafted by a respectable sized cock, with a moan every now and then. I was getting frustrated, almost to the point of being discouraged and insulted at her quiet nature. I was beginning to think she had been railed by a monster cock at some point in her life and that mine was just a tease compared to the onslaught she received.

Turns out that was not the case. Apparently Ms. Makyla was indeed a shy, horny girl. As much as she wanted my cock, she didn’t think she was going to actually subject herself to it the very first time we hung out. Just goes to show what kind of an impact I can have if I apply it right.

Ah, sorry, Lindsey, not trying to sound like a pompous prick or anything, but my confidence level that night scored me a bunch of points.

I decided to blow my load inside her a little earlier than I planned. Most of it was out of frustration because she clearly wasn’t reacting to my cock like you had that one night…damn, I could not keep you quiet…not to get off subject here.

Like I said, I came deep inside her just to get it over with. I was hoping that she wasn’t always like that, because you know how I like a girl to be loud. But once I pulled out, I lie next to her and all of a sudden she turned into this cuddly, clingy girl – not that there’s anything wrong with that. Point is, I enjoyed that cuddle time but was also confused as to why she was so damn shy during sex. I would eventually find out at a later date, but that’s a whole different story.

After a failed attempt to get her to stay the night with me, I reluctantly gave in to her pleads that she had to get home that night. Even then, a fucking red flag should’ve gone off. But no, I was too oblivious to see it then.

After that night, things started to change within myself. I started to look at her in a different way, not only as a piece of meat to stick my cock into. I began seeing her as a woman, a potential girlfriend and maybe even someone I could settle down with. And as the days and weeks passed – as well as our sexual encounters, which became better and better each time – I began to realize and come to terms with the thought that she may actually be settle-down material. Not going to lie, it was quite the scary thought.

Even then, I didn’t back out, or even run from my feelings. I embraced them, let them happen and let them come to me. I was beginning to fall for her and the L word was trying to sneak its way into my vocabulary – a fucking word that I never thought I’d ever use.

It was crazy, Lindsey. I was falling for this girl, yet I knew very little about who she actually was. The whole time I was being fed a line of bull shit. I was so oblivious to it even though other people kept pointing out things that didn’t seem right. I didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want to believe that my gorgeous Makylah would ever do something like that to me. She had her own problems to deal with and all I could do was be there for her. This was when she came out and told me she loved me. My heart melted and I soon realized that I loved her as well.

Then shit became weird. She would make up some sort of excuse as to why she still couldn’t stay the night with me. Either she had an early class, or she had to work early, or something stupid along those lines. Not to mention, she never wanted to hang out at her place. She always insisted that we hung out at my house. Even then, that’s all she wanted to do. I wanted to take her out to dinner, to a movie, whatever…I just wanted to show her off, but she insisted she was perfectly fine with staying in and cooking dinner before watching a movie on the couch. It wasn’t exactly bad because each time would end with me cumming deep inside her, so who was I to complain about that? But I still found it weird that she didn’t want to hang out at her house. And once again, no red flags had gone off yet.

I don’t know, Linds, I wasn’t sure what to make of all that. My friends found it weird as well, but what could we do about it? I didn’t say anything to her about mention anything to them about it. Really, there was no need for a useless fight. Oh well, was my only self reasoning.

Anyways, now for the fun part – the part where I realized everything was a fucking lie. The part where I learned her actual motives. How I was led that way, I still don’t know for sure, but whatever the case, I’m just glad I was because it saved me from a lot more grief had I not discovered her that night.

I don’t know, Lindsey…it was all strange that night. It was already past the time when she would quit texting me for the night – whether it dealt with going to bed, doing homework, being at work; I don’t know – but for some strange reason I couldn’t quite fall asleep. I was still feeling worked up from the porn that I had been watching. I didn’t jerk off because I wanted to build up a nice batch of hot cum for Makylah on our next get together. Luckily for me, that happened to be the next night.

Like I said, I couldn’t sleep and was still a little worked up, so I decided to take a little drive and see if that would help. I drove all over town, still not feeling tired what so ever. For some reason, I was drawn towards Makylah’s house. I ventured over that way and was shocked to see her car with a truck parked in the drive way as well. Immediately this caught my attention, so I drove on down the street a ways before pulling over and getting out. On my way past the house, I happened to notice a couple lights on her house – her bedroom in particular.

My blood pressure started to rise as that gut feeling told me she had another guy in her room. I became more and more livid with each step, in hopes that I wasn’t stumbling upon her getting fucked by some random guy. My stomach almost turned at the thought. Grr…but I held my own and continued to walk up to her house.

I didn’t want her to know I was there. So instead of knocking on the door or walking in, I decided I’d go around her house and peek in through her window to see what was going in there. Of course she was in her room, but she wasn’t alone. And what I saw next about had me breaking down some doors.

Please forgive me, I need to take a moment and reflect on this moment. I was so distraught and troubled by this image, that I need a second to gather myself – even as I write this.

I just looked on in horror as I saw my precious Makylah on her knees blowing this guy. She never once sucked my cock because it was a part of her shyness. Whatever the fuck that meant…

But here she is with this cock going down her throat while I’m watching – both completely oblivious to my presence outside her window. As I’m watching this, I discover I’m becoming hard. It was like I was watching the making of a porno, but only it involved the girl I loved with some other guy. Don’t get me wrong, I was still upset, pissed, hurt, whatever you want to call it. But for some reason, I was becoming turned on as well.

I should’ve left the window, walked in and whooped his ass for what was going on, but I couldn’t seem to find a way to make myself move. In fact, I was glued to where I was, my eyes firmly upon the scene that was unfolding in front of me. My girl on her knees devouring this cock while I just watched. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to kiss her ever again.

Makylah stood up and went over to her bed before bending over the side. Her ass and pussy were on full display for my gazing eyes and I couldn’t help but notice how wet she was. She seemed to be very turned on by the events that were about to take place and that was further heart breaking. But I still couldn’t help the fact that my cock was straining painfully against my pants. This shouldn’t be happening…why am I turned on by this? By some guy fucking your girl?

I decided to drop my pants to relieve my aching cock. Just as I did this, the mystery guy moved in behind her and began running his spit soaked cock up and down her pussy before pushing in. His length sank into her tight depths and all I could do was watch as the sudden realization of what was happening had suddenly hit me. My girl was being fucked by another guy while I watched on with shock. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t turn my head away. And for some reason I caught my hand beginning to stroke my hard cock. I couldn’t believe that I was actually turned on by what I had witnessed!

He began thrusting in and out of her cunt, her moans gradually getting louder – louder than she ever was with me. My stomach dropped and I immediately began doubting my pleasuring abilities. My mind began reeling as I watched him fuck Makylah half way to oblivion. Why couldn’t I make her moan and scream like that? Was there something I wasn’t doing right, that he only knew where to hit? Did I have a big enough cock for her to receive pleasure from, or was I too small? All these thoughts raced through my head as I began jerking off a little harder and faster as he began fucking my girl hard.

He reached up and grabbed a nice handful of her hair and really began laying the meat to her. Every violent thrust of his hips sent a loud SLAP that echoed throughout her room. I mean it was loud enough for me to clearly hear it even though I was standing outside. I felt my cock give a twitch as he forcefully took my girl from behind, leaving no mercy on her pussy…the pussy I’ve pounded myself.

By that time, I had a firm grasp on my cock with my hand and was really getting after it while I watched Makylah get the hell fucked out of her. And when I thought it may end soon, he pulled out of her dripping cunt and forcefully turned her over before thrusting back inside her, lifting her legs high on his shoulders as he drove deep inside her.

Her moans were loud as fuck and kept bouncing off the walls. And by this time, I forgot that she was my girl and treated this as some sex scene from some cheesy porn. I happened to be getting into it though, because as she became louder, I noticed my orgasm was quickly approaching. I planned on cumming on her window, leaving her with a little surprise and hopefully letting her know what I had seen. And hearing her moan out that she was cumming sent me over the edge. I released rope after rope of cum that splattered against the window. Luckily it made no noise, but it was still very evident on the window.

I continued watching as he kept up his brutal assaults with his cock. My cock was still firm in my grasps while he once again pulled out and ordered to stand up. He quickly lay where she was and had her sit on his shaft. Little slut didn’t waste any time fucking his dick. She began bouncing up and down, taking his cock as deep as her small frame would allow. She was relentless with her riding, almost as if she’d rode him several times before. Like she knew that this was the only way to coax the cum from his sack to fill her needy pussy. For some reason, it seemed like these two had been fucking for a long time. Of course my cock became hard again as I witnessed her ride this fool’s dick.

I began stroking my cock again while she spewed out some filth that I had never heard her say before.

“I’m gonna fuck this cock so damn good, baby! Ohhhh you feel so good deep inside my wet cunt…mmmm, this is your pussy, baby…I need you to cum inside me!”

Reality slapped me right in the face after those words left her pretty mouth. It all fucking clicked. No wonder she didn’t want to hang out at her place. She was dating this guy! I became even more furious and began violently stroking my cock, determined to deliver another fresh batch of cum to further degrade her bedroom window and to let her know that she was watched.

I didn’t have to wait long for my cum to start racing through my shaft. After a few downward thrusts from Makylah, her boy began shooting his wad deep inside her. Seeing her being filled up triggered my second orgasm of the night before I sprayed another load of spunk on her window. I quickly pulled up my pants and walked back to my truck – clearly shaken and very upset about the things I had just witnessed. I reached my truck, jumped in and turned around, all to make sure I drove by her house on my way out. As I drove by, I noticed her bedroom light was out, but the truck still remained in her drive way.

All the bitch had to do was tell me that she was engaged with another guy. I would’ve been content being her fling, or side fuck. Whatever! But all she had to do was inform me and this entire heart break and emotional distraught I was feeling could’ve been avoided. I never would’ve fallen for this beauty, but as shit turns out, that’s the way things are. I was so upset and hurt by the time I got home, that there was no way I was sleeping. Damn myself for taking that stupid drive. Had I not, I’d be in bed fast asleep and never would’ve know that she was being railed by her fiancé.

But it’s funny as well. She noticed my cum on her window. Not because she discovered it, but because her boy happened to see it. He was pissed off and ready to kill someone, but she was very scared and concerned that he would find out about her infidelity. Like I said, it was all comical to me after I finally calmed down.

It made matters even better when she showed up at my place the next night. I played it as cool as I could, not to give away that I knew that I was her dirty little secret. So instead of confronting her about it, I fucked the hell out of her. A very hard and bitter grudge fuck, if you must know. And this time, I was able to elicit some filthy moans and screams – almost the likes of what I had heard the night before. I was really laying the lumber to her slutty snatch for the last time, making sure to keep her oblivious that I in fact knew that I wasn’t the only one, that I was the other guy in her life.

The truth finally came out after I came deep inside her with a vengeance. I gave her a very hard slap to her ass before coming out and letting her know what I knew.

“So, Makylah…how was last night? Did you enjoy the fucking you took?” I asked, definitely becoming somewhat pissed.

“What are you talking about?” She shot back defensively.

“I’m not stupid! I know you were railed last night. Hell I can prove it because I’m sure you noticed some cum lingering on your window. Well guess what? Yeah, that was my cum! I knew, but I wanted to fuck you hard one last time…”

The rest of the conversation goes on with telling her exactly what I saw and how quickly I realized that I was the other guy. She began sobbing and apologizing, but the damage had been done. We both knew that this could no longer go on and agreed to go our separate ways. It still hurts to know I was played like that and strung along to the point that I actually fell for her. She tried to say she loved me as well, but we both knew that was a lie.

So now do you see why I don’t trust women, Linds? Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still do my thing and see what I end up bagging, but I don’t plan on settling down any time soon – especially after something like that happening. She claimed she was single, but obviously she wasn’t. Oh well, I learned my lesson and have moved on…

By the way, I would really love to see you again. Are you possibly free this weekend?

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Protected By Lentz Trucking

While driving for an outfit in New York called Lioness Limousine, I had a customer who was both delightful and exasperating at the same time. Holly Sykes was a thirty-seven-year-old divorcée who started asking for my services every Sunday in the late spring of 1976. For the first two sessions she decided to mix kinky BDSM activities with various sexual acts - in the car. On the first outing, she took me to the back seat where she paddled me with a hairbrush on my trousers and then on my bare...

3 years ago
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My wife and the black painters at home

Saturday morning I was reading the newspaper at home after having breakfast. Ana showed up; she kissed me and said we needed to go buy paint for the painting job at the living room.Then she made a phone call and lined up for a couple of painters to come over and start the job on Monday. Suddenly I felt getting a little aroused. I grabbed my wife’s boobs from behind and kissed the soft skin at her neck. She twisted her sexy body and pushed my hands off of her sweet tits…Ana laughed and told me...

3 years ago
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Jayme the sinful twink slut Part 2 The Truck

PART 2 – The truck stop excursions (A)School was finished, I had graduated, and I had all the time in the world to myself now. Now more obligations, no more going to school, and no, I didn’t hear from my math teacher who mercilessly fucked me because he couldn’t resist me.Summers are so hot, sticky, humid, and a perfect time to wear as little as possible. This was only a few weeks after I got fucked by my teacher. My mom was generous and since I graduated, took me to get my nipples pierced. ...

3 years ago
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No Room in My Truck

It was a nice little Sunday afternoon, a ‘ladyfriend’ of mine who I had known throughout junior and senior high school, had given me a call to go out for a nice Sunday drive and catch a movie. I drive a black, lifted 1975 Chevrolet Silverado that runs very good. I came roaring up to her small house on the very outskirts of town that was surrounded by woods. Pulling up the driveway, there she stood. Her name was Tate. She was a beautiful blonde haired blue-eyed woman. She was wearing a green...

2 years ago
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Wolfs halfbrother Ruck the Truck

This did not's a story made up by request of Wolf!Wolf and I found an apartment close to our college. Wolf took a part time job as a stripper at a gay club...damn! he sure filled up the G-string whereby most nights his cock wasn't in it!.....I took a job at a fast food joint with a hot looking manager, Angelo. He had the sweetest bubble butt. I fantasized about him while in classes during the day. I think he's bi-curious even though he brags about the pussies he has conquered....

2 years ago
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No Room in My Truck

It was a nice little Sunday afternoon, a "ladyfriend" of mine who I had known throughout junior and senior high school, had given me a call to go out for a nice Sunday drive and catch a movie. I drive a black, lifted 1975 Chevrolet Silverado that runs very good. I came roaring up to her small house on the very outskirts of town that was surrounded by woods. Pulling up the driveway, there she stood. Her name was Tate. She was a beautiful blonde haired blue-eyed woman. She was wearing a green...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Painter

I remember so well that late Autumn, in the heart of Italy, with the musicsurrounding us like blown leaves. The air was cool and sweet. The calamattaolives were ripe and rich and the sweet tastes of gelato pure upon the tongue.All these memories still come to my mind's eye as if it were yesterday. I remember sitting on the plaza, a breeze circlinground us endlessly as we drank the steaming espressos outside the small café.The looming landscape of Rome silhouetted behind her head was a regal...

2 years ago
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Oral rough and trucking

Oral, rough and trucking. By Harley K. GrantHe grabbed her hair and roughly pulled her head towards him.  Her mouth opened and he thrust his thick cock into her waiting mouth.  He pushed her deep and she began to make gagging noises.  He let go of her and she began working her mouth vigorously up and down his shaft.?I didn’t have to force you did I?  You wanted that.?  He leaned his head back and savored the feeling as she leaned into her work.He glanced down and their eyes met.  He got an...

2 years ago
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Saints Row Gangsta Tomisha Jackson part 2

Saints Row Queen Tomisha Jack Vs the GhostBy lilguy [email protected] runs a foul with a Russian mob.Tomisha Jackson was called many things. She was called a hero, rebel, villain, Anti-hero, nympho, gangster bitch among other things. She was also referred to as one of the most dangerous criminals and Saints Row. She was a king pin who took out any gang who got in her way and rage a war against a crooked Corporation know as Altor. Her battle sent blood and bullets through the streets...

1 year ago
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Saints Row Gangsta Tomisha Jackson part 1

Saints Row- Tomisha JacksonBy lilguy [email protected] man meets Saints Rows toughest Gangsta at a bank RobberyBase on a character I created in Saints Row 2 Tomisa Jackson just click next to see her other pics Reynolds was a bank clerk. He recently move there from moving out of his parents house after years of avoiding...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabadi Painter Painted Me

Hello Readers, This is my second story after I received an overwhelming response for my first story named “ Awesome babes of Ahmedabad”. Introducing myself I am engaged in serving females of Ahmedabad, specially from upper middle class and esteem class , who have unsatisfied erotic desires. Currently I am into their service and they are really satisfied with me. Today I am going to share one of my real experience, with ISS readers…I am 30 years old guy with 5’10 height, fair complexion,...

4 years ago
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Fucking while Trucking

Introduction: Based on a real life story a friend told me. Sitting in this dark space, I still cant believe youre making me wait. At least this bunk is comfortable I reason to myself as I sit in the sleeper compartment of this semi-truck, waiting for you to join me. I start to get relaxed as I sit in near pitch-blackness, up against the soft upholstered walls. I watch the curtains sway a little when a hard bump comes along from time to time. When it does move, I can see a little bit of light in...

4 years ago
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Fucking while Trucking

I start to get relaxed as I sit in near pitch-blackness, up against the soft upholstered walls. I watch the curtains sway a little when a hard bump comes along from time to time. When it does move, I can see a little bit of light in my dark chamber you’re making me hide in. I can hear you and your driver friend talk about something, and occasional squawking chatter from the CB radio. Your friend wanted you to come with him on this overnight drive, but didn’t want me along. As I try to...

4 years ago
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Keep On Trucking

It was late, it was cold, and Ron was behind schedule as he came down I-69 into Flint with his load of car parts. The only thing on his mind was unloading, dinner, shower and a bed. He didn’t even want a woman in it, that’s how beat he was tonight. Ahead and on the side of the road he spotted a Chevy Suburban obviously disabled with its radiator overheating and steam pouring into the frigid air. He slowed down as a protective measure in case he needed to take any kind of action. Motorist could...

2 years ago
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Wife blows stranger in truck

I received a call from my wife while she was sitting at a bar in Sarasota. She told me that this older guy was hitting on her. This didn't surprise me because she is very outgoing, vocal, chatty and has a lot of tattoos. She is 38 and he was 50-60. She said he wouldn't leave her alone. He bought her a few drinks and they did shots together. She said they were having a good time. To her surprise he whispered to her and told her he needed to get off and all it would take is for her to suck him...

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Thunderstruck by Arcie Emm They had not been completely sober, Alex the Dropout having snuck them a twelve-pack in exchange for a six-pack of his own, when the idea had come up. And though nobody remembered exactly whose idea it was, each remembered that Dylan had drunkenly agreed to it. The next day, after sobering up, it had not taken him long to realize the idiocy of the idea. Therefore, he spent the next week protesting that there was no way that he was going to follow through....

3 years ago
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My gurl keeps trucking

While on this website I had the pleasure of meeting a really lovely gurl, we started off here texting each otherback and forth till I came to the conclusion that she wasn't a time waster so I sent her my number butnever heard a thing back. I was highly annoyed with myself, another useless cunt I thought to myself.I logged on a few day's later and I had received a message, when I opened it it was from (lets call her Cindy) not her real name. She sent me a lovely reply and at the end was her...

2 years ago
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PAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....

1 year ago
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A Painter And His Muse 8211 Part 2

Hi! I’m Anand, back with the next part of my story’ A Painter And His Muse’. For those who haven’t read the first part, please do so. Now coming to the story. Ananya was still in splits with the request made by Kailash. She was giving it a hard thought but was unable to fathom the fact that if she agrees to it then she’ll have to sit in front of her brother-in-law ‘nude’.  In her bedroom when she was going through this over and over again. At the same time, Aditya came home and wanted to have...

1 year ago
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Hookup with a Freelance Painter An Artistic Sex Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a 35 years old man who has a beautiful wife, and a 4 year old daughter. Things were good between me and my wife. We used to be happy. But lately she’s this cranky bitch all the time who always rants about everything going on at her work. She always yells at me, at our child. Obviously our sex life is getting affected because of this more than ever. I wanted peace. One of my colleagues suggested me a dating app one evening. He showed me how to use it, told, “You just gotta right...

Real Hookup
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Saints Academy

Saints Cross Academy is the premiere college preparatory boarding school for the residents of Saint Miller's Crossing for ages (18-20). This schools primary focus is to preparer the newly of age for the rigors of young adulthood. Located a few miles out of Saint Miller's Crossing adjacent to the Federally protected forest lands in the west of town atop of Crucifix Hill. At Saints Academy you will be prepared to enter the workforce or to continue your studies at this institution of higher...

2 years ago
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Mother Trucker

Mother Trucker By Mary Beth Sanford Players Rose Carter as Mom and Mother Trucker. Pat as Patrick, Patty and Patricia. Truck drivers: Brick, Buck, Hank and Ray with his wife Jenny and daughter Susan. Facts From Fiction When I was in the service you could stand outside of any base, stick your thumb out and hitch a ride. It was the same on the road if you were in uniform. I once did for a long trip traveling from Memphis to Seattle via those trucks. It really was a great way...

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Ana giving a show to some truckers

My sexy wife convinced me to take a long road trip to the East Coast, in order to visit some friends.After enjoying some days with them, we came back home.While we were driving, Anita moved next to me on her seat and rested her head towards the door; placing her legs on my lap. I began rubbing her legs and eventually made my way to her pussy. She was wearing a skirt and while I was rubbing her legs, she had lifted the skirt all the way up to her waist. I began rubbing her pussy and she was...

1 year ago
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Flashing truckers

Joe Ann loved to flash truckers even though she was not that's pretty she just liked to do it , her boobs where not that big but she didn't care to her it was fun to show her boobs to strangers , she liked to dress in skimpy shirts for the truckers to her in her mind she though guys where really picky about looks but she felt like truckers where different to her they liked a good boob show , of course she didn't just flash her boobs to any guy or any guy she was not that kind of good girl with...

3 years ago
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Guys With Trucks

Guys with trucks will always be asked to help folks move it’s almost in the contract when you buy a truck. I was no different than any of the others and when the call went out that a friends X husband had passed away and she needed his old house cleaned out because she was the executor I responded. She told us that all his belonging needed to go and that everything left was up for grabs on a first come basis. I knew Carri from college and we had been by todays terms friends with benefits. We...

2 years ago
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Ryan Part One Revision of Student Painter

This doesn't mean that it's impossible for him to get me pregnant, it just means that it's going to take some serious effort. I am more than willing to do what it takes, as is my husband. The problem is that his work takes him away so much that it's hard for us to really put a lot of effort into the task at hand. It's not like we don't have sex whenever he's home, we're just not seeing the results from it that we'd like to see. It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of...

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Student Painter

It was a hot summer Friday in July. Joe was out of town attending a convention. We decided that if we are meant to have a baby, it will happen. My friend Sally went through something similar to this and said that it happens when you least expect it. She should know, she has two kids now and she's expecting a third. This particular day I wasn't thinking about babies. I was thinking about getting the inside of my house painted. Joe's not the handy type. He delegates responsibility, which...

3 years ago
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Student Painter

Introduction: I found my mind wandering as I starred at the book without reading a single word. Could I tempt Ryan out of his clothes all together? Maybe I can can convince him to take a break and have a little adult fun. He was certainly young enough to be able to get the job done. He was on the skinny side, but he did have great arms and an amazing chest and abs. How big was his cock? I did catch a glimpse of a bulge in his jeans, so he must be packing something substantial. These are just a...

4 years ago
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Once More With FeelingsChapter 16 All Saints Day

The big day was finally here! The first game of the season, and the entire team had the day off from classes to rest up for our game against Catholic Central. Rest, however, was about the furthest thing from any of our minds as we sat around the cafeteria chewing on fried chicken. For the last two weeks we had worked our asses off shaping a group of unexpectedly talented athletes into a coordinated team, and I thought we had done really well for such a small school. Unfortunately, or perhaps...

2 years ago
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Paintball and Panties Ending 1

I think this story can stand alone, but will make much more sense if you read the first part posted earlier. Paintball and Panties Ending #1 Gang-Banged August 5th-2002-? Erica Wright I crept up to the edge of the small berm. There was a group of at least fifteen guys drinking beer! I thought of the way I was dressed. I thought of how the night could end, worse case they beat the crap out of me. Best case I got gang-banged! I whispered, 'Fuck! Now what...?" Paul had all...

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The Lady and the Trucker

My truck is a shiny black Peterbilt with a full-size walk-in sleeper. I helped her up into the cab and she sat in the driver's seat. I went around and got into the passenger seat. "How do you know what all these gauges and switches do?" she asked. I went through every one of them and explained their functions. She grabbed the big gear shift and commented, "Does this truck have 5 gears like my car?" "Not quite. It's got 13 forward gears and 2 reverse." Her mouth came open in...

3 years ago
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My horny wife and two horny truckers

Anita and I were coming back home from a trip we had made to a not so far town, to visit some old friends. We had spent a very nice week end with them; but we had not had sex in the last days; so my wife was particularly horny during that trip…After one hour driving, she leaned against the door on the passenger seat and put her long toned legs on my lap. She was wearing a short summer dress; so I started rubbing her legs, until Ana lifted the hem until her waist. She exposed to me her bare wet...

4 years ago
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The Plaintiff

The Plaintiff That deep sense of reverence always came to mind when Mark entered the library. The schools library was typical of Romanesque architecture. Massive rounded arches supported on plain pillars looking larger than they should be, older as well. Wisdom and age came to mind which, he suspected, was the reason for that particular architecture. Wisdom and age and those carvings, some definitely grotesque, but all adding a sense of soundness and sobriety to the structure. Maybe...

1 year ago
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STARSTRUCK   Contest entry: VIP   By K_Finn64, 7/26/12   (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply)   —*—   I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine headed...

3 years ago
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As the f****y wagon pulled into a small truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Jack’s father turned to him and his mother. ‘Who else is hungry? ‘ They had been driving across state to visit f****y and were now heading back home again. The problem is that it’s a long drive and Jacks iPod ran out of battery a long time ago. Since then all he has had to entertain himself was his imagination, and like every other teenage boy, his couldn’t help but fantasies about things of an x-rated nature. All...

1 year ago
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Mark öffnete seinen Posteingang und hörte sofort den altbekannten Ton den er auch irgendwie erwartet hatte.... "Ding - Sie haben eine neue Mail". Mark erwartete Post und da war sie. Der 20 jährige machte nach der Schuke gerade ein Jahr Pause und hing vielk herum. Er hatte keine Freundind im Moment und in den weiten des Internets geriet er desöfters in chats mit anderen leuten. Er chattete viel aber ein Chat-Partner hatte in den letzen Tagen und Wochen mehr interesse an ihm bekundet und so...

4 years ago
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He was oblivious to the hot summer night outside of the cab of his semi. The air conditioning hummed softly in harmony with the eighteen wheels beneath him as he cruised down the familiar interstate. Although he had driven the route countless times over the years, he still enjoyed it; there was always something new to see on every trip.He particularly liked driving at night, enveloped in darkness. It made him feel further removed from the hectic madness of the everyday world that was all too...

Wife Lovers
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Chloes Slutty Night at the Truckstop

If you have read any of my previous stories, you know that the freedom of college took my secret life as a slutty cross dresser to a whole new level of naughty. I became a great cocksucker and I started to constantly crave a hard cock in my boypussy. I started dressing more often, going from 1 or 2 times a month to at least once a week. I was building up my collection of clothes and toys and getting more and more daring every time I went to meet a guy. I started to just go to my destination in...

2 years ago
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1st time in a rest areatruckstop

I started the truck, and started out of the parking lot. It was only about midnight, I'd been fucked 5 time and sucked 6 cocks. But didn't want to go home yet so I turned left out of the lot, planning to drive the 20 or so miles to the little town at the interstate and come back.When I got there I decided to drive the interstate for a while till the next exit then turn back.About 10 miles along, I had to pee, so I turned into a rest area. I t was pretty deserted, a couple big rigs is all.I...

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