Pounding In The Truck
- 2 years ago
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Our neighbor Mr. Hackland, was standing in front of the rust covered Toyota that had been parked at the back of his barn for the last two years. When the small panel truck had been new, its colour had been gray, but now with the mud and rust everywhere it was hard to tell exactly what had been its original colour.
"I don't know Danny, what do you think it's worth? " said Mr. Hackland.
Jack Hackland was an honest man, but at the same time I knew that he was fully aware that money didn't grow on trees even though it was a known fact that he had a nice fat bank account at the Glen's Farmers Bank. My father had told me that Mr. Hackland had been wanting for a long time to get rid of his broken down Toyota truck and now I was willing to buy it from him.
"Is there anything wrong with the motor? " I said.
I already knew that one or more pistons had seized in the block; that was the reason he had retired the small truck. Mr. Hackland was also probably aware that I knew this and not wanting to be branded a liar he had to admit the truth.
"Well now that I think about it, I think there was something wrong with the motor. It could be a minor thing like dirty spark plugs or something more important. When I bought my new Ford I no longer needed the Toyota, so when it stopped running I stored it here. "
I had been looking around for a couple of months to buy a used car or a used truck. My dad didn't pay me much to help him on the farm, but having worked full time with him during my two months vacation I had put aside a little over three hundreds bucks.
Mr. Hackland was asking four hundred dollars for his truck, it was probably worth it but it was more than I could pay, and besides, I needed to have money left over to buy the parts to repair it. I finally was able to buy his truck for two hundred dollars on the condition that I would help him to repair the fence around one of his fields. It was finally agreed, and with the help of his tractor he pulled the small truck in front of one of the three garage doors on the back of our house. Then each and every afternoon after school I worked on repairing the small truck After removing the bolts and lifting the head of the motor, using the chain block in the garage, I was able to change the set of rings and at the same time I ground the pistons. Finally after doing other minor repairs, I was able to start the motor. It took another two weeks for me to remove the rust and paint it, but when I was done with the small Toyota it looked as good as new. When Mr. Hackland saw me driving it to his place on a Saturday morning - I was going to help him with his fence - I could tell that he was sorry that he had sold his truck for only two hundreds dollars.
Now that I had transportation of my own, I no longer needed to wait for the school bus each morning and each afternoon. I proudly drove the three miles to Deep Valley High in my truck. Of course my fourteen year old sister Vicky also rode to school with me each day. Now that we were together twice a day during the drive to and from school, we had more opportunities to talk and in a few weeks I learned more about my sister than all the time we had been living together as part of the same family. I must tell you here that I also have an older brother who at the time was working in the big city as an accountant and a younger sister Jenny who was eleven. As for myself, being almost seventeen at the time, I was the big brother to both of my sisters. There is still another thing that I must mention; both of my parents were very religious and each and every Sunday we had to go to church with them.
Until then, I had gone to half a dozen dances at school but I had never gone on a date with a girl yet. Of course, being the small town it was, Deep Valley didn't have too many activities for people my age. Except for the movie theatre, the drive in and the local baseball team that played twice a week, there was not much else to do in Deep Valley.
Therefore, while commuting back and forth from my home to school with Vicky, she began confiding to me. She told me things that just a few months earlier she wouldn't even have dared telling me. For instant she admitted that she had gone on dates a couple of times. When I asked her how that was possible since she was never allowed to go to town on her own, she said that she had skipped school a couple of times and on those occasions she had gone near the creek at the back of the school so as to spend the afternoon with Paul Higginson.
The more she talked to me the more I learned about her. I then realized that until then I hadn't know my sister at all. Far from being the submissive and hard working student that I had always thought her to be, I discovered that besides being very intelligent - she had extremely good marks at school - she also had a lot of character. She never argued with my parents and she always did what they wanted her to do, at least in front of them, but what struck me the most was the fact that she was attracted to boys and had even kissed a few.
I was shocked and even a little depressed upon hearing this. Here I was, almost seventeen and I had never gone out with a girl yet and of course I had never kissed one either, while my sister who had just turned fourteen a couple of months earlier had kissed a couple of different boys and she had probably done more. I now felt sure of that.
We had been commuting in my truck for over a month when one day, a group of boys including myself, were talking about girls. One of the boys was Paul Higginson, the same one that Vicky had told me about; he was new to our school having just arrived in September. Jimmy Parker had just explained that he knew for a fact - he had seen it with his own eyes - that Linda Carstair had let Pat Lockwell fondle her breasts on the bus. Then Paul who at the time didn't know that Vicky was my sister, suddenly added., "That's nothing, two weeks ago Vicky Bradford and I, instead of going to the science class on Wednesday afternoon, we went to spend part of the afternoon in the woods near the creek. Boy was she a hot one, she let me squeeze her breasts and later she even gave me a blowjob while I had my fingers in her cunt. "
I was stunned and I didn't know what to say. Worst still, everyone knew that Vicky was my sister and they were now looking at me. What was I to do. I could have hit him and try to save my sister's reputation, but I knew that what he had said was probably true. Instead, I just pretended that I hadn't heard him and I began taking with Jimmy about my truck.
Later there were other incidents that led me to believe that Vicky was not the pious and sweet sister that she appeared to be. From that day on, I began to look at her more like the well-shaped girl she was than as a sister. I was even jealous of her, after all she was more than two years younger than I was and I had proof that even though she was not fucking yet, she was quite active, sexually speaking. If my mother were ever to discover her activities, I knew that she would take a fit.
Another couple of weeks went by, then one Friday afternoon as we were driving home, she asked me if I could bring her to a movie in Deep Valley that evening. She had a date with a boy from school - it wasn't Paul, the boy who had already bragged about having his cock sucked by her. She knew that there was no way that mother was going to let her out on a date, therefore she wanted me to tell mother that she would be going to see a movie with me.
I knew at the time that if I accepted, I was getting involved in something that I might regret later on if mother ever found out that I had helped Vicky in tricking her. When Vicky realized that I seemed reluctant to help her, she began begging me, she even promised to help me weed the garden. Finally, against my better judgement, I agreed to help her. She told mother that we were going to the movie, then after the movie we were going to eat a bite at Joe's restaurant and we would be back before midnight. I could hear her humming as she was getting dressed in her room; it was the first time ever that she was officially going out on a date and she was in a good mood. As soon as I saw her coming down the stairs from her room, I was sorry I had agreed to help her. She was stunningly beautiful as well as extremely sexy. I had no doubt whatsoever that any boy in his right mind would love to fondle her. She was wearing a rather tight knee length brown skirt and a yellow sweater that was moulding her voluminous breasts very provocatively. Her shoulder length, blond hair was tied in the back of her head with a brown ribbon, and she had on a little make-up which made her appear older than her fourteen years of age.
When mother saw her, she didn't approve of the way she was dressed, especially the rather tight sweater, but since I was going to be with her she didn't make her change her clothing. It had been planned that I was going to pick up her date, a boy by the name of Ron Clark - I knew him a little from school, he was sixteen and rather shy, I had never talked to him - and then I was to drop them at the movie while I would be going to play pool for the rest of the evening. But as soon as we were pulling away on the main road toward Deep Valley, Vicky said to me, "I have a great idea. Why don't we all go to the drive in instead. No one will see us there, whereas if Ron and I were to go to the movie theatre we will probably be seen, then sooner or later, either mother or father will learned that we have lied to them. "
She was right of course, why didn't I think of this before. Had I been aware of this possibility, I certainly wouldn't have agreed to lie to mother. I could tell now that all the time it had been her intention to have me accompany them at the drive in.
"You should have thought of this before," I said to her. But it really didn't matter too much to me one way or the other whether I went to the drive in or if I went to the poolroom.
"Please. Pretty please Danny, I will write your English composition for you if you do that for me. "
Yes it was tempting; she was very good in writing composition whereas I hated it.
"But the cab of the truck is too small for the three of us to be sitting in for three hours; even now, with only two in it there is barely enough room. "
"Don't worry about that, I can always sit on Ron's lap. "
She had a wicked smile on her lips as she looked at me and the sight of her sensuous, thick lips, parting open and revealing her perfectly white teeth sent a shiver right to my cock. This was the first time in my life that I was looking at my sister with eyes other than brotherly eyes. In my mind I tried to imagine her sitting on Ron's lap while they were kissing and again I felt the same shiver of arousal. Then, before I could stop myself, I said to her," If I do this you must promise that you will never tell mother. "
"Oh you are the most wonderful brother a girl could ask for and you can rest assured that mother will never know. "
Before I could stop her she reached over the short distance separating us and she placed a kiss on my right cheek. As we drove toward Ron's home I couldn't help thinking of her and Ron sitting close to me in the cab. Were they going to kiss? Was he going to fondle her breasts? If he should try, was she going to let him have his way with her while I was sitting next to them? I knew that soon I would know the answers to these questions and I began to feel very funny inside. Then we were at Ron's home. He was waiting outside and as soon as the Toyota pulled over in front of his house he climbed in. Vicky was now seated between us and because of the very limited space inside the cab, I could feel the side of her hip rubbing against me as I drove away toward the drive in.
It was starting to get dark now and before we were parked in front of the huge screen it was dark enough for the previews to begin. By the time the first film began, Vicky and Ron were already kissing and I could tell that he had one of his hands over her breast. For some reason that I couldn't explain I was beginning to feel jealous of Ron. Here he was in my truck, with my sister, and he was doing things to her that I knew that I would never be able to do to her. Besides, he was a year younger than I and already he had more experience than me in kissing as well as fondling and probably in other things too.
He had his back against the door and Vicky was half lying against him as they kissed. They had no interest whatsoever in the movie; both had their arms wrapped around each other and every half minute or so I could hear their lips smacking as they sucked on each other's tongue.
The movie that was playing on the screen had scenes that took place in the desert and more often than otherwise, the intense light from the wide screen was illuminating the interior of the cab. On those instances you could see inside the cab as if it had been in broad daylight. Soon I was paying more attention to what was going on next to me than I was to the movie. Vicky was now almost fully stretched against his body while he was half lying on the seat and against the door, and while they were kissing, I could tell that his right hand was between their bodies and he was squeezing her breasts over her sweater. His left hand was resting against Vicky's back and soon I could see him rubbing her back as well as her bottom. Once in a while her skirt would be lifted in the process and the flesh at the back of her thighs was often exposed as it reflected the light from the screen.
By now my cock was extremely hard. At first I was shocked by what I was seeing; Vicky was my sister and there was no reason for me to feel exited as I was. But the more I watched her, the more exited I became. After half an hour, I was not interested in the least in the movie. My eyes were more often on Vicky than they were on the screen. They were both so much involved in what they were doing, that I knew that it was quite safe for me to even turn my head completely toward them so as to watch what they were doing.
For a short while I felt guilty about letting my young sister get fondled, but it was clear that she was enjoying every second of it and besides I was also finding the action very stimulating. I wanted to see just how far she was going to let Ron go. Was she going to suck him? Worst still was she going to let him fuck her? I was hoping that she wouldn't go that far since I knew that I was going to have to stop them, I certainly didn't want her to become pregnant.
She and Ron were more eager in the exploration of their respective bodies now. His hand that had been against her back at first was now squeezing her bottom, and even as I watched I saw his hand pulled her skirt around her waist and then he began stroking her round thighs. Before this evening I had often seen her thighs, mostly when she was wearing a bathing suit, but now that her skirt was raised high, it was much more exiting. Also there was the fact that I could now see her white panties with red and green flowers printed on them.
Then, all of a sudden I saw Vicky pulling herself away from Ron, she grabbed the hem of her yellow sweater and she pulled it over her head. Once she had removed the garment, she placed it on the dashboard, - she now had only her bra to cover her breasts - then she pressed herself once more against Ron. I was still in a state of shock when I saw Ron introduce his hands under the cup of each breast, he began to shove his hands higher thus lifting her bra until both of her breasts were exposed.
It was very evident that they were both very exited. Ron was breathing very fast and the movement of his hands over her round half spheres was almost erratic, whereas I could hear Vicky moaning her appreciation as she most willingly endured his hands and mouth all over her body. This went on for a while, then abruptly Vicky climbed higher on his half prone body and in this new position her breasts were just about even with his mouth. It was an invitation that Ron couldn't refuse and as soon as his lips took possession of one of her hard nipples, she climbed the rest of the way on top of him and she wrapped her arms around his neck.
By now she had both of her feet as well as the front of her calves resting on my lap while Ron's feet were flat on the floor of the cab right against my own feet. Vicky's skirt was half way up her thighs, but as he sucked on her breasts he brought both of his hands behind her back and he began pulling on her skirt until it was around her waist. As soon as her panty covered bottom was exposed, he grabbed one of her bottom cheeks in each hand and he proceeded to knead and press them until Vicky began to grind the front of her cunt against the base of his knees.
By now I couldn't prevent myself from continuously watching. Once again I felt a little guilty; she was being abused - or was she? After all, it was very evident that she was greatly enjoying herself, while I was sitting next to her and I was doing nothing to stop it. But at the same time I was also getting a lot of pleasure from watching them, and besides, Vicky now had the front of her calves resting against my erection, and each time she ground the front of her cunt against Ron she was also - without her being aware of this of course - rubbing my cock.
Then I saw one of Ron's hands reaching under the elastic waistband of her panties at the back. Vicky didn't even try to protest this new invasion; instead she reacted by grinding herself with even more enthusiasm against him. His hand was soon completely hidden by her panties but I could tell that it was between her legs and over her now accessible cunt. Soon his constantly moving hand forced her panties downward, they were now hiding only part of her bottom and I could see his hand moving between her thighs.
Again, deep inside me, I was tempted to stop him; she was my sister and I had no right to let Ron take advantage of her, but still I couldn't stop them; I had to know what was going to happen next. It was as though I was watching an erotic movie, but now the action was taking place in reality. I was even a part of the action.
There was a scent of sex in the cab of the truck, then I began to hear a squishing sound. When I looked more closely between her legs, Ron's fingers were plunging in and out of her tunnel of love and his whole hand, as well as the inside of her thighs, was glistening with her juice. Until then I hadn't noticed her hands that were now between both of their bodies; she was moving them beneath her, I soon realized that she had her hands over the front of his pants and soon enough I saw Ron's erection in her right hand. Afterward she slowly began to slide her body lower, I knew that she was placing herself into position so as to suck his cock.
Her change of position brought both of her legs, bending at the knees, with the cap of each knee resting on my lap. With her skirt rolled around her waist, her snow-white bottom was just half an arm length away from my hand. She was now lying on her belly on top of Ron, she had her left ankle resting against the back of the steering wheel while the foot of her other leg rested against the closed window on my left. Her legs were thus partly opened and in this position I could see the swollen lips of her soaking cunt.
As soon as she was in position, she closed her mouth over Ron's cock and she slowly began to pump with her hand while sucking with her mouth. I could tell that he was in a world of pleasure and he probably no longer cared if I could see them or not. I wasn't able to stop myself, without even half realizing it, my right hand began to stroke her upper thighs and soon I had both hands on her bottom. Either she thought that Ron was fondling her as she was sucking him, or she was too involved in what she was doing and was not aware of my hands on her bottom. In either case it didn't matter since there were no signs or reactions that she was objecting to what I was doing. Encouraged by this, I became bolder and soon I had my right hand over her cunt. The scent of her sex was like nothing that I had ever experienced before; it had an incredibly stimulating effect on me. I was now eagerly moulding her soft bottom cheeks with one hand while the fingers of the other hand were exploring the outside as well as the inside of her cunt. Soon her lower body was gyrating like a dancer against my hand while my fingers kept searching and prodding within her vagina. While my left was exploring her depth, my right hand was busy stroking her flanks and once in a while it would cup her buttock and squeeze it.
I knew that I was soon going to explode into my pants; I could no longer think properly, as a voluptuous feeling took possession of my being and I found enough courage to remove the hand that was stroking her bottom. Then reaching between her half parted thighs, I opened my pants and took out my stone-hard cock Pulling my left hand from her cunt I smeared the tip of my cock with her juice, after doing this half a dozen times, the whole length of my erection was coated with Vicky's juice. By now Ron was shoving his erection in and out of her mouth while he held both of his hands against the back of her head as if he feared the possibility that she would pull her mouth away from his cock. With my left hand once more between the lips of her cunt, I brought the right one on my cock and I began to masturbate myself. Half a minute later I was in the grip of exquisite pleasure as cum squirted out of the tip of my cock. Most of it fell on her buttock but some fell on my hand. For some reason that I can't explain, I next brought my semen soaked hand over her cunt and I began smearing as much of my cum as possible between her cunt's lips. Then, as if this was not enough, I proceeded to wipe the glistening blobs of semen coating her bottom and I wiped as much as possible of my semen between her cunt's lips as well as inside her tunnel of love.
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VoyeurGuys with trucks will always be asked to help folks move it’s almost in the contract when you buy a truck. I was no different than any of the others and when the call went out that a friends X husband had passed away and she needed his old house cleaned out because she was the executor I responded. She told us that all his belonging needed to go and that everything left was up for grabs on a first come basis. I knew Carri from college and we had been by todays terms friends with benefits. We...
My truck is a shiny black Peterbilt with a full-size walk-in sleeper. I helped her up into the cab and she sat in the driver's seat. I went around and got into the passenger seat. "How do you know what all these gauges and switches do?" she asked. I went through every one of them and explained their functions. She grabbed the big gear shift and commented, "Does this truck have 5 gears like my car?" "Not quite. It's got 13 forward gears and 2 reverse." Her mouth came open in...
Anita and I were coming back home from a trip we had made to a not so far town, to visit some old friends. We had spent a very nice week end with them; but we had not had sex in the last days; so my wife was particularly horny during that trip…After one hour driving, she leaned against the door on the passenger seat and put her long toned legs on my lap. She was wearing a short summer dress; so I started rubbing her legs, until Ana lifted the hem until her waist. She exposed to me her bare wet...
STARSTRUCK Contest entry: VIP By K_Finn64, 7/26/12 (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply) —*— I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine headed...
As the f****y wagon pulled into a small truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Jack’s father turned to him and his mother. ‘Who else is hungry? ‘ They had been driving across state to visit f****y and were now heading back home again. The problem is that it’s a long drive and Jacks iPod ran out of battery a long time ago. Since then all he has had to entertain himself was his imagination, and like every other teenage boy, his couldn’t help but fantasies about things of an x-rated nature. All...
Mark öffnete seinen Posteingang und hörte sofort den altbekannten Ton den er auch irgendwie erwartet hatte.... "Ding - Sie haben eine neue Mail". Mark erwartete Post und da war sie. Der 20 jährige machte nach der Schuke gerade ein Jahr Pause und hing vielk herum. Er hatte keine Freundind im Moment und in den weiten des Internets geriet er desöfters in chats mit anderen leuten. Er chattete viel aber ein Chat-Partner hatte in den letzen Tagen und Wochen mehr interesse an ihm bekundet und so...
He was oblivious to the hot summer night outside of the cab of his semi. The air conditioning hummed softly in harmony with the eighteen wheels beneath him as he cruised down the familiar interstate. Although he had driven the route countless times over the years, he still enjoyed it; there was always something new to see on every trip.He particularly liked driving at night, enveloped in darkness. It made him feel further removed from the hectic madness of the everyday world that was all too...
Wife LoversIf you have read any of my previous stories, you know that the freedom of college took my secret life as a slutty cross dresser to a whole new level of naughty. I became a great cocksucker and I started to constantly crave a hard cock in my boypussy. I started dressing more often, going from 1 or 2 times a month to at least once a week. I was building up my collection of clothes and toys and getting more and more daring every time I went to meet a guy. I started to just go to my destination in...
I started the truck, and started out of the parking lot. It was only about midnight, I'd been fucked 5 time and sucked 6 cocks. But didn't want to go home yet so I turned left out of the lot, planning to drive the 20 or so miles to the little town at the interstate and come back.When I got there I decided to drive the interstate for a while till the next exit then turn back.About 10 miles along, I had to pee, so I turned into a rest area. I t was pretty deserted, a couple big rigs is all.I...
The Truckstop, IntroA few years ago my wife and I were talking about our sexual fantasies and she mentioned that she wanted us to have sex in public. I'm crazy about my wife and would do anything for her, so the fact that exhibitionism had never excited me didn't matter - I made up my mind right then and there to do everything I could do to help her fulfill her fantasy. I asked her to tell me more about what she wanted and she explained that she didn't actually want to be caught or watched, but...
STARSTRUCK Contest entry: VIP By K_Finn64, 7/26/12 (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply) ---*--- I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine...
Group SexAs the family wagon pulled into a small truck stop in the middle of nowhere, Jack's father turned to him and his mother."Who else is hungry? "They had been driving across state to visit family and were now heading back home again. The problem is that it's a long drive and Jacks iPod ran out of battery a long time ago. Since then all he has had to entertain himself was his imagination, and like every other teenage boy, his couldn't help but fantasies about things of an x-rated nature. All this...
I work a sucky job. I am a waitress at a truckstop. Every day I have to put up with the hundreds of perverted, frustrated truckers. I swear, as soon as I get through college I am out of here. My boss is probably the most sexist man in the world. I should have quit when he installed the new dress code, but I didn’t. My roommate got me this job, and I couldn’t quit and make her look bad. Before we could wear whatever we wanted. Now, we HAVE to wear short skirts, revealing tops, and...
18 year old Annette stood in front of the mirror in her small one bedroom furnished apartment in Memphis admiring her well tanned body before getting dressed. She cupped her wonderful large boobs in her hands and rolled her long nipples between her thumbs and fingers. It felt good even when she did it herself. She let her right hand slide down across her flat belly and rest between her legs on her shaved crotch. She rubbed her pussy mound, which made her whole body tingle. She always felt...
Ann and Will have been together for a couple of years and one evening when he was getting ready to go back on the road he started to tease her about leaving her behind and picking up some strange pussy on the road. Suddenly Ann got this look in her eyes that told Will she was plotting something exciting and devious that involved sex. Both were open-minded when it came to sex and their sex life was anything but dull.“I see you have that look in your eyes, Ann, but do I dare ask what your devious...
Straight SexCD Adventures Truckers Ch. 02aPart 2A: Portland to BakersfieldI turned....At least four things went through my mind the moment I heard Hank ask me to go along with him.- One my wife was gone for at least 2 weeks so that was no problem.- Two, with wireless connection and my laptop I could take my job on the road.- Three, I had hardly any clothes in my bag that I was carrying. All the clothes in the bag were girlclothes; my boy clothes were in the back seat of my car.- Four, my ass (oops, my...
18 year old Annette stood in front of the mirror in her small one bedroom furnished apartment in Memphis admiring her well tanned body before getting dressed. She cupped her wonderful large boobs in her hands and rolled her long nipples between her thumbs and fingers. It felt good even when she did it herself. She let her right hand slide down across her flat belly and rest between her legs on her shaved crotch. She rubbed her pussy mound, which made her whole body tingle. She always felt nice...
I was horny as hell one day (well most days), but this day was especially bad. I was surfing the net and ran into a web post for a trucker that was coming into town. It had always been a fantasy of mine to fool around with some hunky trucker, in his truck, but it had never seemed to work out.I took a chance and started exchanging IM’s with this guy. He told me he’d be in town in about six hours. Great, that gave me all day to squirm around. We exchanged pics. We both liked what we saw, so I...
© 2003, all rights reserved Chapter One Terri rolled over onto her stomach and picked the romance novel she was reading back up. Summer this year was boring, she couldn't wait to head off to college. She had been accepted to the University of Washington. College boys and no parents to demand she be home by 10, what a combination. It made her horny just thinking about it. The five o'clock number three bus was passing the park when Terri decided she'd had enough sun for the day....
It had been two weeks since the firehouse barbeque, and Michelle was starting to have withdrawal symptoms. When she walked out of the station that afternoon, she had been completely satisfied. She had been fully fucked by six firemen, in ways she had only dreamed of before. Now, after two weeks of being too busy to do anything but work, eat, and sleep, she was in desperate need of some down time. As of late, Michelle's favorite down time activity involved firemen. All she could think about...
(Author's note: I do a lot of flying in my work. One day I sat next to an actual Bubba. His total lack of even the basic elements of respect for women caused me to write this satire. Keep in mind the web page is a fake. Also, Sprite, thank you for editing my work. You are a true joy to work with.) The first of Bubba's Laws on Women. "If she ain't got a dick, she wants yours." I love women. I'll look at anything with tits. Big ones, small ones, short ones; tall ones all of 'em receive...
As we peer through an open door, we she a beautiful woman busily at work. She is wearing a very classy white suit that is knee length and has a slit at the rear, roughly twelve inches long. Her blouse is of a fine silk with a lacy tie, and her shoes are white six-inch stilettos, with a chrome-spiked heel. Her name is Marilyn, and she has long strawberry blonde hair, which she has pulled back and up in a banana clip. She is also wearing glasses, and all of this gives her a very professional yet...
Erotic“Laura, why don’t you just eat a cunt!” Alyson blurted across the room. “You know what wench, why don’t you just eat me!” Laura retorted in the same shrill voice. “LADIES!!” Leo popped his head out of his door. “Why don’t you use your inside voices, and why don’t you cut the potty mouth talk. That really is enough.” Leo turned back into his own cage, and he slammed the door behind him. All of the women laughed in unison, even Dana, and they all got a good laugh from the tyraid. “Whore!” You...
When the clock moved a few minutes passed the top of the hour, her vehicle rode up the incline, onto the parking pad, and I walked toward the door to greet her she walking in the door. To my surprise, another car was coming in behind her, and I watched as she moved to the back of her car to greet the visitor. She disappeared around the corner of the house, and I hesitated for a moment with wonder of the goings on. I reached for the knob, unlatching the door, and headed toward the side of the...
I did the best I can to contain myself for all this time. Quite often she tried to get me alone and have her way with me but I had to turn away out of respect for Carla my fiancé. This time it was different. She was a masseuse and my Carla insisted that I set up an appointment with her mother, bragging how good she was. When I came over Pam’s house (Carla’s mother) she was outback sunbathing in a string bikini beside the pool. We were alone, Carla was working. It was a hot summer...
My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park. We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station. They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there...
ThreesomesHey.... (It was Brittany) "Whats up? " I know I said we would hang out tonight, and I hope you still want to, but Erin's mom just called my house and apparently some thing happened with her grandma.... She is gonna have to staying the night. "Oh...I mean, I still want to, but how are WE gonna hang out?" Call up Steve? They should be able to keep each other company... "Alright ill see what I can do" Erin and Steve met a few weeks ago at this party we were at....
hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u. i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up. i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table...
I could tell that Kay was excited by the news that her friend was on her way. To be honest, so was I. The thought of tasting Maura made my re-forming cock twitch, and I was looking forward to watching the two women get it on while I watched. In a short while, there was a knock at the door. I answered, wearing nothing, giving Maura a hug and whispering in her ear, “I can’t wait to taste you.” She replied, as she gave my erection a squeeze, “This old dyke has never had a cock between her legs,...
BisexualWe waved from the door as Maura stepped into the cab, heading for her conference. I turned to Kay and said, “You really enjoy her company, don’t you?” She blushed, recalling her tryst last night with her best friend. “Yes, I do,” she replied, turning to me, her hand cupping my balls. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy yours.” Looking up into my eyes, her free hand on the back of my neck, she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips brushed, but only for a moment. Her mouth opened, her tongue licked...
Straight SexI popped into the store, instantly recognizing Kay from the numerous snapshots we had exchanged over the years. I stepped into her embrace like an old friend, giving her ear an air-kiss. We were old friends, in a sense, between the e-mails and chatroom meetings that we had entered over the years, even though this was the first face-to-face. It was a quarter to six, the store set to close, so I sat in a chair watching the last customer get checked out and head out the door. “You ready?” “Let me...
Lesbian“Here’s to Sophie.” Brian raises his glass in salute to me. “And to her newly renovated flat.” “Hear, hear,” Jonathan concurs as we clink our three glasses. The bubbly tickles my nose when I sip it. “Are you so ready to get rid of me?” I tease. “Of course not, beautiful,” Brian says and envelops me in a bear hug, making my tiny frame disappear in his embrace. “We’re just happy for you, that you’re getting your apartment back,” Jonathan says, soothingly kissing my cheek. “And you won’t have to...
BisexualAs the party wound down and everyone left, Rich decided he’d go out to buy a fresh pack of cigarettes. He told his girlfriend Jess and his best friend Seb that he’d be back shortly. Seb and Jess had hooked up during the summer and they they got along extremely well, sometimes better than Rich and Jess did which sometimes worried him. He'd noticed how well they’d been interacting all night long and, half-jokingly, he'd texted her “suck his dick, already!” when he caught her nuzzled up against...
Group SexVanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...
Group Sex