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Author's Note: If you care about my stories at all, and would like to continue you reading them, then I would suggest you copy the following url into your browser: future/ It will lead you to my site, as well as more specifically, to a blog post concerning the tenuous future of my work. Thank you, and now, onto the story. Inferiority By: Light Clark Synopsis: Tom has always lived in his twin sister Kelly's shadow, just because she was a pretty girl and he wasn't. He resented every minute of it, too, until happenstance gave him a chance to shine. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe; just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is certainly not canon. Chapter 01 - Day 1 The steady bounce of my pencil on my notebook matched the slow tick of the seconds as they rolled by on the clock. In the background, I could hear the teacher droning on, her words garnering as much attention from me as a white noise machine. The only reason I even knew that she was talking was because I was waiting for her to stop, the indication that the class was over. Sighing, I glanced around the room at my fellow students, most just as uninterested in the lecture as I was. After all, there were only a couple of weeks left in the school year, so most of us had already mentally checked out. In spite of that, the teachers didn't stop covering new material, building toward the final test of the year that didn't even matter. It was just middle school, after all. Not everyone in the class had a dazed look of indifference on their face, however. A few of the kids in the front dutifully took notes, hanging on the teacher's every word in their pointless quest to get good grades. Many did it because they had nothing else going for them, so they clung to their intellect to give them a sense of self-worth. Others had bought into the idea that school actually mattered, and that some grand future awaited them if they worked hard enough at it. That was probably even more delusional. Very few people ever left the sleepy little fishing town in which we all lived. That fact did little to dissuade their desperate dreams, though. It all seemed so pitiful to me. There was another group of hard workers that did not earn my pity, though. This group instead earned my derision. They were the people that worked hard because it fed into their already bloated egos helping them in their quest to feel superior to those around them. Among this last group was my sister, Kelly, scribbling away as fast as she could so that she could add smart to the list of adjectives that people used to praise her like they did with pretty and kind. As her twin brother, it was hard for me to say, but I supposed that she was pretty enough, in a slightly pudgy, small town sort of way. Personally, I found her round features and curly blonde hair rather childish, but I knew few people cared about that. She had been blessed with large breasts and a decent figure, which were more than enough to have nearly all of the boys in the class smitten with her. One of the boys that had been smitten by my sister's assets was Mark, who sat beside her, working just as hard as she was. He was a fairly good looking guy with mundane brown hair and eyes, although, like Kelly, I felt he looked a bit immature. He was also dating my sister, a fact that had been annoyingly true ever since winter break. Meanwhile, I had never dated anyone. Glaring at my sister's back quickly ate up what little time remained in class. The sound of the bell finally brought an end to the teacher's drone, replacing it with the bustle of everyone gathering their things and rising from their seats. As they did, they all started talking, grouping up with their friends to discuss the trivialities of their lives. While the others tittered like empty-headed songbirds, I lazily flipped my notebook closed with the page still untouched. Once I had, I stuffed it into my backpack and threw the mostly empty bag sloppily over one shoulder. Finally, with an exaggerated yawn, I turned to start walking out of the class. I managed to get all of a couple of steps before pain suddenly flared in my hip. The impact was enough to stagger me one step to the side before I could catch my balance. When I did, I spun back to glare at the person who's chair had inadvertently bumped me while trying to rise. "Sor-" the boy started to say. Before the apology could even really start, I kicked the back of the chair angrily, cutting off the words. "Next time, pay attention to your surroundings, asshole," I spat acerbically. Without even waiting for a reply, I just turned and stomped away. Some of the other students watched me go, but if anyone spoke up about my actions, I was out in the room by the time they did. The hallway beyond the classroom was just starting to fill with students as I made it out there. Thanks to the small size of the town, there were kids of all sorts of ages mingled together at my school. Having only recently turned fourteen, I was on the younger end of the kids in this hallway, which had classes ranging from sixth grade through twelfth. It wouldn't matter if I was the oldest or the youngest, though, as the only interest I showed the other students was the minimal amount of it that it took to avoid them as I made my way to the exit. The cool, crisp, salty air of spring along the coast of Maine blew gently against my face as I broke free of the school, rustling my dirty blonde hair. Idly, I brushed a stray curl back out of my face as continued along, intent on getting home as quickly as I possibly could. Luckily for me, there was one good thing about living in the dinky little town, and that was that it didn't take long to walk anywhere. Trudging along main street, I glanced around at the small sleepy hamlet that I called home. On one side, there was the view down the hill to the beach with the ocean beyond. That view wasn't of some california beach of golden sand and warm clear water, though. No, the beach itself was more rock than anything else, and much of the space was taken up by piers and buildings for the various fishing boats that were the town's primary industry. Beyond lay the waters of the Atlantic, dark and bitterly cold. On the other side of the street were the various shops that a small town needed to survive, like a hardware store and a mechanic. Beyond that row of buildings were the bluffs upon which sat many of the residents' homes. It was one of those homes that was my destination, a nice, gray and white, two story house nestled amidst several trees. Altogether, I found the town sickeningly quaint. Everything in the place was quiet, peaceful, and never changing. If not for the fact that I grew older year after year, I would have thought time had actually stopped there like some accursed fairy tale village. "Finally," I sighed when I stepped across the threshold into my home. Kicking off my shoes, I went straight to the living room, dropping my backpack along the way. Waiting there for me was the TV and the video game console that would serve as much needed entertainment after the long boring day at school. Within moments, everything was booted up, and I was deep into a game. Unfortunately, my immersion didn't last long as within ten minutes of my getting home, I heard the sound of the front door opening. When female voices followed, my face scrunched up in annoyance and disdain. Pausing the game, I glanced back over my shoulder to see my sister and her two friends in the foyer. One was tall, slim, and in my opinion, much cuter than my sister with her long brown hair and glasses. Her name was Laura. The other was a short, scrawny blonde named Beth that I found decidedly annoying. "... and then he fell right on top of her, with his face buried in her boobs," Beth recounted some story to her friends. "You should have heard her scream. After they got untangled, she slapped him so hard, he fell over." "Ouch," Laura remarked sympathetically. "Yeah. I feel kinda sorry for him," Kelly added. "I mean ... it was an accident. It's not like he meant to do it." Beth shrugged. "Maybe, but for all intensive purposes he did gr-" "Intents and purposes," I corrected loudly enough to interrupt the flow of the conversation. Instantly, the three girls fell silent and turned to look at me in surprise. After a brief moment of just standing there looking shocked, Beth asked," What?" "The phrase is for all intents and purposes, not intensive purposes," I explained. "For all intensive purposes doesn't make any sense." Initially, Beth just blinked before awkwardly responding with an, "Oh ... kay ... thanks ..." As she spoke, she shared a look with her friends before adding, "Uhm ... why don't we head up to your room, Kelly?" "Yeah ... sure," Kelly agreed as she turned to lead the way upstairs. While the girls walked up the stairs, I could hear the faint hint of whispers followed by muffled giggles. Knowing that they were talking about me, I tossed a glare that way, but they were too focused on their insults to pay me any mind. They walked into my sister's room without ever even seeing my glare. "Intensive purposes ... psh ... what an idiot," I muttered derisively as I turned back to my the TV. "I don't know why I even bother ..." Once again, I immersed myself in the game, trying to enjoy myself. It was hard to stay truly into it, though, as, every so often, I'd hear some obnoxious squeal or fit of laughter that was loud enough to make it through the walls and over the sounds from the TV. My sister and her friends were always such a nuisance. In spite of the distractions, the game was still very effective at clearing away my free time. It didn't seem to take long at all for the sun to set. With its departure came a new distraction, the sound of the garage door opening. Unlike the last noise that interrupted me, this one did not prompt me to scowl when I heard it. Instead, it elicited a healthy grumble of anticipation from my stomach. After all, the garage door meant one of my parents was home, and they would be bringing dinner with them from the diner that they owned. Pausing the game, I hopped up from the couch to go find out what food waited for me that evening. I made it to the kitchen just in time for my mother to walk through the door from the garage. She was a decidedly heavy blonde that bore a strong resemblance to my sister, which I took to mean that Kelly was also destined to balloon up when she got older. That was of little importance in that moment, though, as all I cared about was the bag that she was carrying. "What did you get me?" I asked eagerly. "Lasagna," my mom's answered as she set the bag on the kitchen table. The information had me scrunching my face up in disgust. "Yuck ..." "What? I thought you liked lasagna," my mother replied. Giving my mom an exasperated look, I shook my head. "No, that's Kelly. I think it's disgusting mush masquerading as pasta." "Well, shoot. I wish I'd known," my mother muttered. "The only other thing I have is a cup of black bean soup for Kelly." The mention of beans got me to shudder. "Even worse." "Sorry ..." my mom apologized. Sighing in frustration, I tried to shrug it off. "It's fine. I'll just throw a frozen pizza in the oven or something, I guess." "I'll make it up to you tomorrow," my mom offered. "What would like?" I rubbed my chin thoughtfully at the question, thinking over the diner's menu. There were a number of good items to choose from, so it wasn't an easy choice. "Hmm ... a hamburger sounds good." My mother nodded. "Got it." *********************************************** *********************************************** Chapter 02 - Day 2 The obnoxious buzz of my alarm clock pulled me from pleasant dreams into the groggy uninteresting world of the waking. An annoyed groan escaped my lips as I reached over to swat the nuisance off. Once it was dealt with, I just laid in bed for several seconds, slowly waking up. "Stupid fucking school," I grumbled before finally pushing myself upright. Flipping on a light, I slipped out of bed, navigating my way through the random mess and clutter that littered the floor of my room. Stopping at my dresser, I snagged some clothes that seemed clean and left my room behind. It was a short walk from my room to the bathroom, which I made sure I woke up before my sister to get first dibs on. It wasn't fun having to get up that early, but it was worth it. No way was I going to wait around for her to primp and preen, using up all the hot water in the process. This way, she had to wait on me. Inside the bathroom, I tossed my clean clothes on the vanity and flipped on the hot water. While I waited for it to warm up, I returned to the mirror to check my reflection. Personally, I thought I was quite good looking with short, curly, dirty blonde hair, attractive features, and a great smile. At the same time, I wished puberty would hurry up a little. It never seemed fair to me that my sister got to go through it first. At least, I'd finally caught up to her height at five-five. I was really looking forward to being the taller one for a change. After a quick check to see that I basically looked the same age as I had the day before, I hopped into the shower. Unlike Kelly, I showered quickly, getting in and out in just a few minutes. I was also faster at getting ready, towelling off, dressing, and fixing my hair in the amount of time she probably spent doing her lipstick. I supposed, though, that when all that mattered about a person was their looks that they should spend a lot of time on them. Once I was finished getting ready, I hurried down the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Since they didn't work the morning shift, my parents were still asleep, leaving me alone while I ate which was just the way I liked it. A bowl of cereal just tasted better without any else around to ruin the peace and quiet. When my cereal was finished, I dumped the dirty bowl in the sink and left the kitchen for the highlight of the morning. Since I was up so early to beat my sister to the shower, I had plenty of time to kill before class, which meant time to play video games. Within just a few moments, I was deep into a game. While I played, I noted the various sounds of my sister getting ready, using them to gauge how much time I had left until it would be time to leave. After all, a goodie goodie like Kelly would never let herself be late for school, making her serve perfectly well as a secondary alarm clock. The time to go was nearing when the sound of the doorbell rang out, interrupting the flow of my game. However, it was not followed by the sounds of my sister coming down the stairs to greet her boyfriend as per the usual routine. Irritation flared within me as a second ring followed the first. "Kelly! Your boyfriend is here!" I called out, hoping the airhead had just not heard the first bell. "Could you let him in?!" Kelly yelled back. "I'm still getting ready!" Sighing in annoyance, I paused my game and shoved myself up from the couch. Stomping over to the front door, I yanked it open. Waiting on the other side was Mark, arriving to walk my sister to school as he had for much of the time that they'd been dating. A disappointed look flashed across Mark's face at the sight of me. "Oh ... hey, Tom." "Mark," I greeted coolly. An awkward moment passed where Mark and I just looked at each other before he clumsily tried to speak, "So ... uhm ... how are-" "Not interested in small talk," I answered, intentionally cutting him off. As I spoke, I turned, intent on getting back to my game. "You can come in I guess, since the bimbo is still trying to figure out how to do her hair." "Hey!" Mark blurted, reaching out to grab my shoulder. "She's not a bimbo." Shrugging the hand off, I spun back to face Mark. "She's blonde, airheaded, and has big tits. Sounds like a bimbo to me." "She's not airheaded. She does better in school than you do, jackass," Mark countered, not surprisingly sticking up for his girlfriend. "So what?" I scoffed. "School's about who works harder not who's smarter. If anything, that proves I'm smarter, because I'm smart enough not to waste my time on that shit." Mark rolled his eyes. "No, all that means is that you're either lazy or too afraid to even try because you know you'd still lose to her." "No, I wouldn't!" I growled, fists clenching at my sides. "I could kick-" Before I could even get started on the tirade, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Instantly, anger and frustration vanished, replaced by a peaceful calm. The cool sensation that came with that calm made me want to just lie down and relax while the day drifted lazily by. Shaking my head to fight off the invasive feeling, I swatted the hand away, spinning to glare at my sister. "Don't use your power on me!" Kelly reeled back a bit at my outburst. "Sorry. I was just trying to get you two to stop fighting. It's too early for all this yelling." "Whatever!" I huffed, spinning to storm off back to the living room. "Tom!" Kelly called after me, but I didn't give her the satisfaction of an answer. Unlike me, Kelly was a mutant, which meant that she got to have powers while I didn't. Well, technically it was one power, and in my opinion, a rather crappy one too. When she wanted, her touch inflicted a sort of anesthetic effect on people. It came in different strengths, from a mild brush that was just enough to calm someone down all the way to a powerful grip which would knock someone out within a few seconds. I didn't stay in the living room for long, just enough time to save my game. Once that was done, I flipped the console off and turned back to the front door. Snatching my backpack up along the way, I stepped into my shoes, gave a final glare to Kelly and Mark, and then stomped right out of the house. "Stupid sister and her stupid boyfriend," I fumed once I'd slammed the door behind me. "I could get better grades than both of them if I wanted. I just don't want to waste my time. It's not like anyone would care. They'd still just praise her, because she's 'cute.' Ha! What a bunch of simpletons." The empty street around me answered my mutterings with only silence. It didn't matter, though. I knew I was right. Ever since Kelly and I were little, she'd always been the cute one of the two of us. Whenever she did something wrong all she had to do was smile and people forgave her. Whenever she did something right, she was showered with praise. It was so damn frustrating, but at least back then, she'd often used that gift to help me slip out of punishments, too. Now, selfish and conceited as she was, all she ever did was lord it over me. When I turned off onto the main road, other students filtered in from the side streets as well. It created a sort of grand exodus of kids all walking to the school. There weren't exactly a lot of them, but there were definitely enough people to get me to stop talking to myself like a lunatic. As if the day was determined to put me in a bad mood, two students turned out onto the sidewalk just in front of me. The fact that they were a couple would be enough by itself for me to resent them. Just watching two people walking along hand-in-hand, pretending like they were in love, or even knew what love was, was enough to make my skin crawl. These two, however, were especially grating because of who they were. The girl was Kelly's friend, Laura, one of the only people in school that I didn't think was an absolute moron. The guy that she was with however, I did not hold in such high regard. His name was Blake, and he was generally thought of as the class hunk. While he wasn't ugly, I knew that his 'hunk' status mostly came from the fact that he was the early bloomer of us boys, leaving him taller, stronger, and more mature looking than most. He could even manage some actual facial hair, which was rather obvious thanks to his black hair. His maturity was entirely physical, however, as he was dumb as a pile of rocks. That fact had made me wonder what Laura even saw in him. If I had to guess, it was probably something slutty like he was good in bed. Grimacing at the sight, I picked up my pace so that I could hurry past them. As I did, I tossed an icy glare Blake's way, which he didn't even notice. He was too busy telling some fishing story from when he'd gone out on the boat with his dad. It was unbelievably lame. Once I'd put some distance between the couple and myself, I slowed down to my usual amble, in no hurry to get to school. No matter how slowly I walked, though, I'd still get there eventually. When I did, it would suck another precious day of my life away. "I should just skip," I muttered to myself, a common refrain on my walk to school. There was no point to it, though. In a small town like the one I lived in, I couldn't actually go anywhere, since everyone knew my parents. Even if I just went home, Kelly would rat me out to Mom and Dad, and I'd get in trouble. School wasn't bad enough that I was willing to get grounded to skip one day of it. It was tempting, though. In accordance with my fear, the school waited for me down the road. There was one last moment of temptation to skip, but it was just easier to suffer through it. After all, there weren't even that many days left in the year. Once they ran out, I'd be free to do as I pleased. Accepting my fate, I walked inside. Ignoring the other students that were already there, I made my way straight to the classroom. Just like usual the room was empty. Saved from having to interact with anyone while I waited for class to start, I walked over to my seat, dropped my backpack on the floor, and flopped into the chair. Resting my head on the desk, I just let myself doze until class started. *********************************************** *********************************************** Chapter 03 - Day 2 Looking down at the cold chicken finger in my hand, I let out a disgusted sigh. "You'd think they could at least heat the food if it's going to be so shitty," I grumbled, tossing the undesirable item back into its basket. What a waste of money that had been. Resigned to a hungry afternoon, I slumped back into my seat and folded my arms in thought. While I ruminated, the bustle of the cafeteria filled the air around me with the sounds of kids talking. Everyone was crammed onto the long rectangular tables except for me. I had a little bubble of solitude that surrounded me. In order to create that empty space, many of the tables around me were crammed even tighter, getting to the point of overflowing. Possibly the most cramped was the one at which Kelly and her friends sat. Sometimes, it seemed like the whole eighth grade class was at that table except for me. Figuring a glare was in order, I lifted my gaze to toss one at my sister's table only to see something dreaded was occurring. Kelly had gotten up from her seat and was coming over to me. The stern look on her face meant that she wanted to 'talk' to me about something. I hated that look. "Laura says you glared at her this morning on the way to school," Kelly stated as she sat down across from me. "And what if I did?" I demanded, not seeing any point in correcting the girl's false assumption about whom I had been glaring at. "She should probably get used to dirty looks, if she's going to slut around with Blake." A tightness ran through Kelly's face, an indication that she was upset but didn't want to show it. Doing so would damage her precious, sweet girl image, after all. She couldn't have that. "She's not ... nevermind," my sister began only to give up trying to correct me with a shake of her head. "Why do you have to act like this, Tom?" "What? Don't like it that there's someone out there that isn't hypnotized by you?" I taunted. Kelly let out a sigh of frustration. "That right there is what I meant. You're always picking a fight whenever anyone tries to talk to you. If you were just a little nicer sometimes, You wouldn't be alone all the time." I rolled my eyes at the ludicrous notion. No matter how nice I was, I'd never be able to compete with Kelly's cleavage. "Yeah, sure, whatever, sis. Why don't you go back to your drones? They probably care what you have to say." That comment elicited another sigh from my sister, but this time she nodded in resignation. "Fine. Can you at least stop glaring at Laura for me? You're freakin' her out." "In the interest of not having this conversation again, I think I can manage that," I replied snarkily. That response seemed to be enough to make my sister content as she nodded and rose from her seat. "Thanks. Enjoy your lunch," she told me before she turned to walk away. A few moments later, she was seated back at her own table next to Laura, probably gloating about how she'd fixed the whole glaring problem for her friend. "What a joke," I muttered as I slouched back in my seat again. The fact that Kelly was probably being praised right then made me want to go out of my way to glare at Laura, just to spite my sister. That would just make it seem like I hated Laura, though, which didn't really help me any, plus I'd have to deal with Kelly nagging me again. It just didn't seem worth it, this time. *********************************************** *********************************************** "God damn it," I hissed in frustration as I looked out the door of the school at the torrential downpour going on outside. Without an umbrella, there was no way I was walking home in that. Trapped in the school until the rain let up a little, I turned back around and walked toward the cafeteria. There, I found my lunch table and plopped down in my seat. Leaning forward, I burrowed my head in my arms, figuring that a nap would help pass the time while I waited. The soft patter of rain on the roof of the school was just starting to lull me to sleep when a male voice tugged me back awake. "Hey. Tom." Sleepily, I raised my head just in time to see Blake, Mark, and their other friend Parker sit down at the table across from me. Parker was the oddball out of the three, being short, husky, and of at best average looks. He was also pretty easy to overlook, given that he was fairly quiet. "If this is about me glaring at Laura this morning, my sister already sorted that out," I informed the trio. "Huh? You glared at Laura?" Blake questioned, clearly unaware that any such thing had occurred. I shook my head. "No, that's what we had to sort out. She just thought I did." "Oh ... okay ..." Blake mumbled as his brow furrowed. For a moment, I waited for the big boy to speak again, but it quickly became apparent that I'd derailed his limited intellect. "Well then, why are you three bothering me?" "Right. Of course," Blake replied as he got himself back on track. "We were actually wondering if you could help us. You see, me and Mark want to take the girls out to celebrate once summer break starts, but we don't know where to go. You're Kelly's brother, though, so we thought maybe you'd have an idea. You've got like the inside track. Y'know?" I didn't even bother to suppress my groan at what was being asked of me. It had finally come to the point where people's infatuation with my sister was so intense that they would seek me out just because I was related to her. My sadness truly knew no bounds. "See, I told you it was stupid to ask him," Mark commented after my groan. "Besides, he's just a jerk. He doesn't know anything." My eye twitched at the insult. "Oh, I know plenty, and maybe I would've told you two, if you'd been polite. No, instead, you ask for help then insult me, so you can go fuck yourselves." Blake tossed a glare at Mark for making this difficult before turning to me. "Cut him some slack, man. He didn't mean it. We're really stressed out about this. Isn't that right, Mark?" "Yeah ... sure ..." Mark mumbled insincerely. Rubbing thoughtfully at my chin, I pretended to consider the lackluster apology. In reality, I was just thinking about whether I should just outright refuse or do something more nefarious. In spite of Mark's claim, I actually knew quite a bit about what Kelly did and didn't like. After all, up until our teens had turned her into a stuck up bitch, we'd been quite close. It would be easy for me to feed them some bogus information that would make for a terrible date. They'd probably seek revenge, though, and it's not like Kelly would stay mad at them once they explained who had given them the horrible idea. "Nope, not happening," I finally declared. "What? Come on!" Blake pleaded. I shook my head. "Sorry. Mark blew it for you." "Damn it, Mark!" Blake cursed in frustration. Mark tapped his friend on his shoulder. "Don't listen to him. He wasn't gonna help us anyway. He just wants us to get mad at each other, because he's a spiteful little prick." After a yawn to express my boredom, I waved a hand dismissively at the trio. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, leave me alone so I can get back to my nap." *********************************************** *********************************************** "Come on, come on, come on ..." I repeated over and over again as I frantically tried to outmanoeuvre the boss in the game. Slowly, I ticked down the thing's life, until it was only a few swings away from defeat. Just as I was about to get those swings, though, I slipped up. A stray tentacle swipe from the side clipped my character and launched it right off a cliff to a game over screen. "Damn it!" Before I could click to retry, I heard the sound of the garage door. Perking up, I set the controller aside and hopped off the couch. A hamburger was just what I needed to refuel before I tried the boss again. In my eagerness, I was already in the kitchen before my mom opened the door, talking to my dad behind her. "I was just making sure there wasn't some game on or something." "I appreciate it," my father replied as he came in right behind my mother. Like my mother and Kelly, he was blonde and carrying some extra weight, softening his once quite handsome features. He always joked that a belly was the price of working in a diner, a price that he was glad to pay. "Did you get it?" I cut into the conversation eagerly. Turning her attention to me, my mom nodded, holding up a bag. "One hamburger, like promised." Hurrying over, I swiped the bag from my mother and dug inside for my burger. There were four inside along with a bunch of fries, but each was marked on the wrapper with a letter, making it easy to know which was mine. Grabbing it, I plopped down in my chair at the table to start eating. "You gonna want something to drink with that, sweetie?" my mom asked. "Yeah, a soda thanks," I answered as I yanked off the wrapper of the burger. "I could use one of those as well, sweetheart," my dad added. Chuckling to herself, my mother turned to the refrigerator to grab the requested items. "I spend all day getting people drinks. What's a couple more?" Ignoring my mom's lighthearted complaint, I bit down into my burger. Immediately, a frown creased my lips. Furrowing my brow, I pulled the burger away from my mouth to peer at it skeptically. It didn't taste right. "Something wrong?" my dad asked he sat down with his own burger. "Yeah ..." I mumbled before setting the burger down on the table. There, I pulled off the top bun and let out a sigh. "Mom ... what do I not eat on my burgers?" "Tomatoes," my mother answered immediately. I nodded. "And ..." "And?" my mom questioned just before she winced. " ... and mayo." That answer got another nod from me as I held up the bun of my burger. Sure enough, it was smeared with mayonnaise as was the side of the burger patty that had been touching it. The disgusting white goop even had the audacity to drip a little droplet onto the table as I held it. "I'm so sorry," my mother apologized. "I was rushing to get them all together during a lull and it just slipped my mind." Knowing that I should have expected this, I let out a weary sigh. Undoubtedly, if I checked Kelly's, it would be perfect, devoid of mustard and pickles just like she liked it. My parents never messed up her orders. "It's fine ..." "I can make you something else real quick," my mom offered. I shook my head. "No. Don't worry about it. I'll just eat some fries, I guess." *********************************************** *********************************************** Chapter 04 - Day 3 - Saturday I tilted my body slightly to the side as my character on screen leaned around a corner. From that position, it was easy enough to line up the shot. I just had to wait for the enemy to path properly. Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening intruded on my focus. Involuntarily, I tightened my hand, hitting the button to fire a moment too soon. Rather than take down the guard, the shot whizzed passed him, alerting him to my presence. A few moments later, the guard and his friends had gunned me down, sending me back to the last checkpoint. "Damn it!" I cursed as I started to work my way back through the area that I'd already completed once. As I played, I heard footsteps behind me in the foyer. They didn't continue on up the stairs, though, but stopped behind me. A chill ran down my spine as I realized that whoever it was was looking at me. "Ugh, it's your brother again," Beth complained in hushed tones. "This sucks," Laura added quietly. "How are we supposed to watch a movie if he's using the TV?" "Don't worry, guys. I'll talk to him," Kelly assured her friends softly. Of the three, it was her words that I found most annoying. They were so damn arrogant, as if she just assumed that I'd bow to her whims. Well, she was going to be very disappointed when she found out what was really going to happen. Without pausing the game, I spoke up, "You know I can hear you girls, right?" "Great, now we have to-" Beth started to curse, apparently thinking that she'd been quiet enough to be hidden by the game audio. Something unheard cut her off, though. "Hey, Tom. How long do you think you're gonna be?" Kelly asked, talking at normal volume. I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe like two AM." My sister's friends gasped indignantly at my response. That was hardly a surprise given that the time that I'd just announced would basically mean that they'd never get to watch a movie that night. It was especially insulting too, since it was only the middle of the afternoon at the moment. "Tom, come on, be reasonable," Kelly tried. "Why don't you be reasonable?" I shot back. "I got here first, so you have to wait until I'm done with it." Kelly sighed in frustration before yelling out, "Mom! Tom is trying to monopolize the TV!" Wincing, I turned to glare at my sister for bringing parents into this. "What the hell, you little crybaby?!" "Don't insult your sister, Tom," my mother's voice chastised just before she walked into the room. The very sound of her voice was enough to get my shoulders to sag in defeat. "Sorry, Mom," I hissed insincerely through clenched teeth. In spite of my lack of sincerity, my apology seemed to be good enough for my mother as she turned her attention to Kelly. "Now what's the problem?" "Tom is trying to monopolize the TV all night," Kelly explained, pointing accusingly at me. "So what? I got here first!" I argued. "Yeah, well, I have friends over," Kelly retorted. My mom let out an exasperated sigh before turning to me. "Can't you just let your sister have the TV?" "Why should I?!" I growled angrily. "Just because she has friends over?!" "Yes," my mother answered. "Plus, I already told her the other day that she could have the TV tonight when she asked if she could have friends over." "That's ridiculous!" I exclaimed. "She just gets to call dibs days ago and I have to live with it?! Fuck that!" Cursing was not a smart idea. Immediately, my mother's features clenched and her eyes narrowed. It was a sure sign that I'd lost this argument. "That's it. No more TV for you the rest of the weekend, young man." "Fine Have the stupid TV!" I spat furiously, chucking my controller away. Shoving myself from my seat, I stomped off toward the front door. "Tom?! Where are you going?!" my mom questioned when she realized that I wasn't going up to my room like she'd expected. "Away from here!" I shouted as I tugged on my shoes, stepped through the door, and slammed it closed behind me. *********************************************** *********************************************** "Gonna be dark soon," I muttered as I sat against a tree, looking out at the setting sun. The view before me was truly breathtaking. I was sitting up on one of the bluffs, a little grassy outcropping that provided a perfect spot to gaze upon the ocean. From up behind me, the sun just barely peaked over the hill, casting its oranges and purples over the expanse of the ocean which spread out as far as the eye could see. Far off in the distance, I could just start to see the night, a pure black that would soon envelop the town. Another perk of the spot was the noise. It was away from the town and a straight fall down to the ocean. That left the water crashing against the rocks below in an endless symphony of waves that soothed my frustrated soul. Even with as furious as I was, I couldn't resist its calming chorus as it lulled me into tranquility. While I might have calmed some from where I'd been when I stormed out of the house, I was still in no mood to return home. I'd just have to listen to my sister and her friends giggle and squeal to whatever drivel they had decided to watch while I was forced to sit alone in my room, bored out of my mind. Rather than suffer that, I just continued to sit there as the light faded away, alone with my thoughts. Even once the sun was gone, the view was still beautiful. The moon reflected faintly off the water below, and I could watch as each twinkling star showed up in the night sky. Soon, the tapestry above seemed quite crowded with all the little lights. It was in that starlit darkness that something intruded into my solitude. At first, it was just the crack of a branch, causing an involuntary twitch of my head. I could have dismissed it as an animal or a falling twig, if not for the sound of rustling that followed, and the footsteps that came after that. Finally, there was the most obnoxious thing of all, the light of a flashlight chasing the darkness away. "There you are," Kelly remarked from behind me. "Go away," I grumbled, frustration already building over the fact that it was my sister that had come looking for me. "Can't," Kelly replied as she walked over to stand next to me. "I told Mom that I'd bring you home. A weary sigh escaped my lips. "Of course, you did." "What's that supposed to mean?" Kelly questioned. "Nothing," I muttered, seeing no reason to explain myself. "How did you find me anyway?" Kelly chuckled. "Are you kidding? This is your favorite spot. You've been running here whenever you're upset since you were like four." Hearing that response actually surprised me a little. It wasn't like I'd been trying to hide the spot or anything. I was just surprised that anyone had noticed it. No one ever noticed what I did unless it got in someone else's way. "Well, you're going to have to disappoint Mom, because I'm not going back, so leave me alone," I changed back to the original subject. "You sure? Because, it's going to get pretty cold up here in the middle of the night," Kelly remarked. I shrugged. "Don't care." Silence hung in the air after my dismissal. Kelly made no move to leave, however. She'd never give up that easily. Instead, she just stood there, no doubt coming up with her next strategy for convincing me. It didn't matter to me what she said, though. I had no intention of letting her tell me what to do again. "You know, I didn't just come up here, because Mom wanted you home," Kelly finally said after several moments of silence. "Really? Fascinating," I responded dryly. My sarcasm didn't phase Kelly in the slightest. "I was worried about you, actually. This is the first time you haven't come home before dark." "A smart person might take that to mean that I'm still angry and want to be left alone," I replied. "Of course, the fact that I keep telling you to leave me alone is a pretty big hint, too." "Yeah, but why?" Kelly asked. "It's just the TV." I snorted derisively. "Just the TV. Right ..." "What? It is!" Kelly insisted. "Plus, if you'd just been reasonable about it, I would have shared it with you." "Been reasonable?!" I spat, rising from my seat to glare at my sister. "You march in with your friends, acting all snooty and entitled, calling Mom on me when you don't get your way, and somehow I'm the unreasonable one?!" "Yeah! You are!" Kelly yelled back. "There was no way you actually planned to use the TV all night, but the moment you knew that I wanted it, you just had to be an asshole about it!" I rolled my eyes at the claim. "Of course! Someone doesn't want to give you what you want for once, and they just must be an asshole! That's the only possible explanation!" "Argh!" Kelly growled, shaking her hands at me in frustration. "You're so obnoxious! All I wanted to do was watch a movie with my friends, and you had to turn it into this huge thing! It's not my fault no one likes you!" Before I could respond with an enraged retort of my own, pain stabbed through my abdomen, robbing me of the breath for words. For one shocked moment, all I could do was grab my chest as I tried futilely to get my lungs to work. The next thing I knew, my legs crumpled beneath me, dropping me to my knees. I could hear my heart beating, thumping loudly in my ears faster and faster. With it, came a rush of blood so loud that it was like a wave crashing over me, drowning out everything in the world, but the frantic beating. Even as I wheezed desperately for air, my sister rushed forward. Her lips were moving, so I could tell that she was talking, but I couldn't hear the words. Strangely, even looking at her started to become challenging for me as the night seemed to be getting darker around me with every moment that slipped by. I could feel her hand on my shoulder, though; feel the calming effect of her power try to fight against the racing of my heart. With it came a pervasive numbness, taking away the pain, and leaving behind a moment of peace. The peace shattered an instant later when a retching cough overtook me. Something warm and wet splattered my hand as I hacked and wheezed. Even as I fought for air, I raised that hand in front of me, seeing it glisten darkly in the light from my sister's flashlight. That was the very last thing I saw before darkness swooped in to take the world away. *********************************************** *********************************************** Chapter 05 - Day 9 Brilliant white light greeted me on the other side of the darkness. It was so blinding that, at first, I thought that heaven was going to be a pretty annoying place to spend eternity. It was only after that thought that I noticed that the light wasn't just blinding, but also painful, stinging my eyes with its rays. In fact, my whole body ached. Clearly, heaven was not where I was. There was no way paradise would be that uncomfortable. Knowing that I wasn't in heaven didn't help me know where I was, though. For that, I had to wait the interminable time it took for my eyes to adjust to the light. Slowly, color started to appear within the white, then shapes, and finally, blurry details. My surroundings proved to be not much more interesting than the brilliant white. There were bright overhead lights above me, clearly what had been blinding me. Other than that, there was very little. At first, all I could see were some empty looking beige walls. It wasn't until I tilted my head all the way to the side that I finally saw anything interesting. Laying beside my head on the pillow was a mess of something that was dark purple in color. In addition to the odd color, it was slick and matted, glistening a little in the light. Furrowing my brow, I just peered at the strange strands for a moment before my mind finally caught up with what it was seeing. The purple stuff was hair. "Wha?" I rasped in a dry, strained voice that was barely a whisper. Even the effort of that single syllable made my throat ache, causing me to gag and cringe. Ignoring the pain in my throat, I kept my focus on the hair, reaching up a hand to grab some of it. The locks were fairly long and soft but a little greasy feeling. I could also feel pressure on my scalp from pulling on it, meaning that it wasn't just hair - it was my hair. Before I could probe further, a cheerful female voice spoke up. "Good morning, dear." Ignoring my hair for a moment, I twisted my head around to the voice. It's owner was a mundane looking, middle aged, blonde woman in what looked like green medical scrubs. That meant that she was some kind of nurse or doctor or something. Thoughts of medicine brought back fragmented memories of feeling like I was about to die. Apparently, death hadn't decided to claim me, however, as here I was in what I was guessing was a hospital. While it answered one question, it added several more to it. As my mind pieced things together, the nurse walked over to me and started a quick exam which included flashing a light in my eyes. "How are you feeling?" "Sore," I breathed weakly, wincing at the pain from my throat. "I see," the nurse stated simply. "Anything else? Chills? Shortness of breath? Stabbing pains?" I shook my head. "No." "Alright, good," the nurse declared. "Now, I'm going to go get you some water and the doctor, but first, I need you to relax. Can you do that for me?" Confused, I nodded. "Kay." "Good, now you may or may not have noticed some of this already, but there were some changes while you were unconscious," the nurse began in a tone that was clearly intended to be reassuring. Weakly, I pointed at my head where the purple hair rested. "Hair." "Yes, like your hair," the nurse confirmed. "That was not the only change brought on by your manifestation, however." The word manifestation caught in my mind. I'd heard it plenty of times when Kelly's mutation had first revealed itself. While it explained how my hair could be purple, it also added many new questions. The most important of which in my mind was, what else had changed. I started to lift my head to find out exactly that, when the nurse pressed her hands against my shoulders to hold me down. "Hold on just a moment, dear," the nurse directed. Unable to sit up against the pressure, I just slumped back in the bed to let her talk, all the while feeling my worry building. "Just remember to stay calm and focus on the positives. Okay?" I nodded immediately, as much to get the nurse to release me more quickly as to express concession to her request. It worked exactly how I was hoping it would, too. The moment the nurse released me, I jerked upright to look down at myself. There was a lot less to see than I'd first thought. The way the woman had been talking, I'd begun to fear something horrendous, like the mutation had left me without legs or some other extreme deformity that would be impossible to live with. That didn't seem to be a problem for me, though, as I could see legs and feet tenting out the blanket that covered my lower half. My upper half was also covered, although, it was by a hospital gown not the blanket that which had falling to my lap when I sat up. That didn't stop the gown from being tented out as well, very prominently in fact, in a way that was definitely not expected. Pushing out from my chest were two, large, round mounds that were very clearly breasts. At first, my jaw just dropped. The sight was just too stunning for any more than that. A moment after that, my hands caught up with my shock, flying to my chest to squish into the globes of flesh. Their solidity brought another realization to me. If I had breasts, I probably had something else as well. That just gave my hands something new to clutch at as they darted from my chest to my groin which proved to be decidedly flat. Throughout my groping, the nurse just stood beside me impassively, clearly having expected something similar to occur when I saw my changes. It was only after I'd been holding my crotch for few seconds that I remembered her presence. Blushing, I yanked my hands away from my body and jerked my head around to look at her. "I'm a girl," I rasped out the painfully obvious. The nurse nodded. "Yes, dear. Now, are you calm enough that I can leave you alone without you accidently hurting yourself? I need to go get the doctor." "Uhm ..." I mumbled uncertainly as I looked down at myself before finally managing a slight nod. "Remember focus on the positives. You're alive, healthy, and still human looking," the nurse told me before she turned and walked out of the room. The entire time the nurse was gone, I stared at myself, patting my hands over my new anatomy. In addition to my altered chest and plumbing, there were other differences as well. My hips were notably wider, making my waist feel tiny in comparison, and my skin was softer and a little paler. In fact, every part of me felt softer, not at all like the hardness of the somewhat bony frame that I was used to having. "Ahem. Miss Grant?" a new voice, though still female, interrupted my investigation. Blushing again, I jerked my hands away from my body and looked up. This woman was younger, maybe thirty, and wore a white coat. She also had a confident, intelligent look to her that was decidedly calming. The cup of water in her hand was quite welcome as well. "Sorry," I murmured apologetically as I had once again been caught feeling myself up. "You'll want to gulp it down, but that will just make you cough. Take it slow, only small sips for now," the doctor instructed as she handed me the cup of water. Eagerly, I took it, but I followed the instructions. Sipping made me simultaneously feel extremely thirsty as well as causing me to cough weakly. Still, it felt so good to have the fluid running down my dry throat that I kept at it through the other issues. "Now then, the nurse said that you were sore, but claimed to have no other symptoms. Is that correct?" the doctor asked, getting a nod from me. "Alright, I'm going to examine you real quick. Tell me if anything hurts." What followed was an embarrassing series of pokes and prods all over my body to check for tender areas. No issues came up from that, or the few other quick tests that the doctor ran. The lack of issues was definitely a relief. It wasn't common, but I knew a whole lot could go wrong when a mutant manifested. "Well, everything looks good," the doctor declared once she was finally finished. "Your changes are stable, and you're showing no lasting ill effects outside of what would be expected from being unconscious for five days. There's one last thing to test, but if that goes well, I'll have the nurses call your parents so that they can come and pick you up." "Come and pick me up?" I asked in a voice that was starting to recover from it's raspiness. However, it was doing so in a decidedly feminine way. "They're not here?" The doctor shook her head. "No. There was no way of knowing when, or even if, you would awaken after what happened. After the first couple of days, they returned home to get back to their jobs." "Of course, they did," I muttered angrily. If it had been Kelly, I'm sure they would've never left her side, no matter how long they had to wait. They couldn't be bothered to close the diner for more than a couple of days for me, though. "Anyway, the final test is to see if you can handle solid food," the doctor moved on. "One of the nurses will be by in a little bit with something for you to eat. Try to keep it down and finish it, but don't push yourself." I nodded in understanding. "Yes, ma'am." "Good, now are there any other questions you have for me?" the doctor inquired. I shook my head. "No, ma'am." With no questions to answer, the doctor walked out, leaving me alone with my changes once again. This time, I didn't grope myself. Instead, I tossed the blanket aside and looked down, assessing my new physique critically. The hospital gown wasn't exactly ideal for this, but a quick few tugs got it pulled tightly around me, allowing me to get a pretty good look at what I was working with. The most obvious aspect of my figure was definitely my breasts. They were very large, obviously bigger than the ones my sister possessed which everyone drooled over. That wasn't the only aspect of my body that overshadowed hers either. I was thinner than Kelly too with a tiny waist and long slim legs. I even thought my hips looked nicer. Clearly, at least in the body department, I had Kelly beat. "Hmm ... wonder if my face is just as good?" I mused. If it was, then that would make me quite a beautiful girl. Just the idea of that possibility caused a slight smile to curl my lips. *********************************************** *********************************************** Chapter 06 - Day 9 "Amazing," I breathed as I looked at my reflection. Frustratingly, it had taken a while for me to finally get to a mirror. First, I'd had to prove that I could eat, which, thankfully, I'd managed. Then, I'd had to deal with the nurse removing several tubes from me, some of which were inserted into very ... intimate areas. Only then was I granted the privacy and mobility necessary to get up from my bed to the bathroom where a mirror had waited. Seeing myself for the first time had not disappointed. My face was every bit on par with my figure sporting absolutely stunning features. There was an exoticness to it as well, courtesy of the thick purple hair that framed it, and my large, almond-shaped, yellow eyes. The former was something of a mess at the moment, greasy and tangled, but it was obviously very good hair, soft, thick, and long enough to reach my shoulders. It wasn't the only thing that had grown out during my brief coma. My nails had been exceptionally long as well, until I'd been able to clip them to a more manageable length, anyway. It was a little weird for me to see the girl in the mirror and know it was me. A part of me insisted that I was a boy. It wasn't the biggest part, though. The rest looked at the beauty in the mirror and knew that I had traded up. After all, being a boy hadn't exactly been going great, and my sister was proof pretty girls had it so much easier. Raising my hands, I poked at my face a little, feeling the refined cheekbones and full lips that I now sported. "Regeneration sure works fast." According to the doctor, that was one of my powers - regeneration. I'd gotten to see it at work when they'd taken my IV out and the hole had just instantly closed without leaving so much as a mark behind on my skin. It had also been a major contributor in why I had changed so significantly and completely in just a few days. Of course, it had its downsides, like that my blood was now considered a biohazard, but overall it seemed like a very useful power to have. "Now, let's see about that other power," I mumbled. Ending my prodding of my face, I dropped my hands down in front of me over the sink. I'd been told that, when I'd first been brought in, I'd been leaking some kind of purple goop from my pores. It was time to see if that had just been a result of my sudden manifestation or a power all its own. I was hoping for the latter. Focusing on my hands, I tried to visualize what it must have looked like to leak that stuff, thinking that might make it happen again. Several moments passed, though, with nothing happening. My hands just rested there, perfectly normal. Frustrated, I shook my head to clear my thoughts and refocus. If visualizing the situation didn't make it happen again, it was time to try forcing it. Rather than visualize the goop I tried to force it out of me, tightening the muscles in my arms so much that they shook from the strain. At first, my efforts didn't seem to work, leaving me straining futilely, but then something inside me shifted, like a muscle that I didn't even know I had. Twin droplets of purple, the same color as my hair, appeared on my palms before quickly ballooning outward. As they grew, the clung to my hand, turning into palm sized gumdrops before I finally stopped pushing the goop out of me. "Yes!" I exclaimed in delight as I shook the blobs. The stuff wiggled like gelatin as it clung to my hands. That stickiness brought a frown to my face. "Does it not come off?" As if hearing my desire, the twin balls popped free from my palms and dropped into the sink. There, they hit with a soft, wet splat. After they struck, they seemed to latch onto the spot that they'd landed on, jiggling a bit before sitting still. "Huh, so I can throw goop? I guess that's cool," I mused as I reached down to poke at one of the blobs with a finger. Much to my surprise, the blob reacted as my finger drew close. Ii elongated out from its perfect hemisphere into a thin tendril that reached out to meet my fingertip with its own. It might have held that position except I jerked my hand back in surprise. Without my finger there, the little tendril just wiggled around until it bumped into the side of the sink. Once it did, it clung to it, rubbing against it like a cat against someone's leg. "Wow ..." I breathed, marvelling at the movement. Clearly, I could do a lot more with the stuff than just throw it. Deciding to test exactly what all was possible, I reached toward it again, softly calling. "Come here, little guy." The purple tendril responded immediately, reaching out for my finger again. This time, it didn't just poke the tip, but wrapped itself tightly around the first digit. The thing was squishy, but surprisingly warm and strong, capable of gripping my finger tightly enough that it wouldn't lose its grip when I moved my finger around. "Fascinating," I remarked as I wiggled my finger in the tentacle's grip. "I wonder if I can make them do things." Leaving my finger trapped by the one blob, I turned my attention to the other. It was still just a little ball resting there in the sink. Peering at it, I focused on what I wanted it to do, trying to will it to obey my commands. Immediately, the blob stirred, elongating just like the first one had. This time, the tentacle did not reach toward me, but up to the faucet above. It was quite the reach for the small tendril, but the thing seemed to stretch and grow to make it, allowing it to wrap itself around the knob. Once it had, it twisted around. A moment later, water shot out of the faucet, splattering into the sink. At first, this was exciting news, since it meant that I could use the tentacles to perform tasks. However, that excitement was quickly tempered by what I saw next. Where the water hit the tentacles, they started to dissolve, dying the water purple in the process. Slowly, but inevitably, the tentacles melted away. Within less than a minute, the sink was empty of any sign that the little things had even existed. "Hmm, water soluble. Good to know," I mumbled, a little sad to see the tentacles go like that. They'd been cute. "I hope that stuff isn't a biohazard too." A knock on the door pulled me from my experimentation. It was followed quickly by the sound of my mother's voice calling, "Tom? Are you in there, sweetie?" Not bothering to answer that question, I just turned and pulled open the door to reveal my mother waiting on the other side. "Hi, Mom." A moment later, I was wrapped in a hug. "Thank God. When the doctor said that she didn't know if you'd wake up ... I'm just so glad you're alright." Reluctantly, I returned the hug briefly before trying to pull back. My mom wasn't ready to let go, though, forcing me to stay in her embrace for another few moments. "Me too ..." Finally, my mother pulled back, looking me over. "How are you ... uhm ... feeling?" "A little tired and sore, but otherwise, good," I answered sincerely. "I meant about the whole ...," my mom clarified with a telling look down at my very female body. "Still good, Mom," I assured her. My mother blinked in surprise. "It doesn't bother you?" I shook my head nonchalantly. "No. I'll adjust. In fact, I was thinking that, to help with that, it might be a good idea to go by a new name. I'm not really much of a Tom anymore." My response only deepened my mom's surprise, adding confusion to the mix. "Well ... uhm ... okay, yeah, if you think you're ready for that." "I am," I answered confidently. There was nothing I was more ready for than to distance myself from my crappy, old life trapped in my sister's shadow. In fact, since I'd woken up, I'd been thinking about little else besides how to do exactly that. "I was thinking Teresa or Tessa for short." Still shocked by my calm, my mother nodded dazedly. "Uhm ... sure. That'll work." The lukewarm answer caused me to frown slightly. It was hard to tell if it was because my mom had an issue with my choice or because she wasn't ready for it. "Do you not like the name?" "What?! No, of course I like it!" my mother answered overly emphatically. "This is just going a little quicker than the doctor led me to expect." "Alright, then Tessa it is," I declared, smiling proudly. It felt good to have a new name, one that I, at least, thought fit me well. Certainly, it was much better than Tom. "Well ... Tessa, the doctor says you're good to be released whenever, so you should probably get changed," my mother segued, smiling with relief. As she talked, she walked over to one of the chairs in the room to grab a bag before turning to hand it to me. "They're your sister's clothes, so they probably won't be the greatest fit, but they'll have to do until we can get you some of your own." Reluctantly, I took the bag. "Okay. I'll be right back." "I'll be out at the nurse's station, doing the paperwork for your release," my mom told me as I stepped back into the bathroom. Once the door was closed, I glared at the bag of clothes. Wearing Kelly's hand-me-downs was the last thing that I wanted to do, but I supposed that I didn't have much of a choice. There was nothing else for me to wear, and I doubted that my mom would go buy new stuff for me right away. Letting out an annoyed sigh, I quickly stripped out of the hospital gown before pulling out the stuff in the bag. The outfit within wasn't much, just a baggy t-shirt, some oversized jeans with a belt to hold them up, and some clogs. For underwear, there was no bra, just a pair of panties. Thankfully, those seemed to be new, so I wasn't subjected to something as disgusting as wearing my sister's. Once I was finished dressing, I checked my reflection in the mirror. The clothes were hardly flattering, but I still smiled a little at the sight. I'd seen each article on my sister at some point or another. The jeans, she could barely button, but they had plenty of room around my waist, and my feet practically swam in her shoes. Even my bust seemed to do a better job of tenting out the loose shirt. Seeing such clear proof that I had a nicer figure than her made it worth it to have to

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SHABBIR RETURNS TO THE HILLS 13th of Jumaada al-THaany 1416 (November 7, 1995) The morning came with more sweat. Shabbir’s bites itched again. He found distaste in the morning. Through the spaces of cardboard he could see the slum-dwellers walking, yelling, and selling things on the trail. Fatima confusedly awoke confused and begged him to sleep longer. “I can’t,” he whispered. “My family worries for me.” “A few more minutes, just a few more.” “I can’t. The trail is already crowded. I...

3 years ago
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Do Se Bhale Teen Me Poonam Or Vo 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, kese ho aap log mujhe pata he ek dam mast honge or khub chudai kar rahe honge aap ki iss chudai ki or ranging banae ke liye aap ka jay singh ek or kahani le ke upasthit hu or sabhi ladko se anurod he ki wo ladkiyo ka no mujhse mang ke mujhe sharminda na kare… Meri jo clint hoti he unki bhi prvecy hoti he to use me mentione rakhta hu asha karta hu aap log is baat ko samjhenge Meri pichle kahani do se bhale teen me poonam or vo aap logo ko bohot pasand aayi uske liye me aap logo ka...

2 years ago
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My First Date

Dad would not let me date anyone until I was eighteen, very protective of me. Needless to say, except for watching porn, a couple of encounters with lesbian sex and lots of masturbating, I didn't know much else about boys. Yes I had snuck off from group dating events to make out a little with a favorite boy at the time, but it was mostly hugging, kissing and some feeling up throught the clothes. Not exactly an erotic adventure.I was really attracted to a boy in school named Jimmy, we would...

3 years ago
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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

2 years ago
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Brother and Sister Mutual Masturbation

Hello, my name is Lynlee and the following is a true story with some added fun :)This happened quite awhile ago, when i still lived at home and before i got married. i remember just before this all happened my dad had found traces of someone looking at porn on the family computer, when he asked if it was me i denied, as it wasn't me but that left me wondering which of my brothers actually had, because the search was for "brother fucks sister" as I saw it on the search history as my dad was...

1 year ago
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Disappearing DreamsChapter 1

Stillwater, Wisconsin is a small community, not dramatically different than many other small communities in America. It offers its five thousand or so residents an opportunity to enjoy a peaceful life among some of nature's most beautiful lands. It offers those same residents opportunities to work in their choice of several industries having factories located in or around Stillwater. A modest shopping center, with two chain department stores that are the featured draws in that mall provide a...

2 years ago
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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 27

"McAllister," the soundless voice of the Mother came to him in the morning, half a day from Marcelon. "Yes, Mother?" Sleep for McAllister, always hard to come by, had been scarcer the last two days, his dreams filled with concern. The despair Sable felt as the Demon Lord's captive weighed on him deeply. "I am given dispensation to help you slightly, if it will encourage you to rid the plane of the Demon and end the assault from Hell at the congruence. It's all I and others could...

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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 16

The two regular high school classes that Danny was attending were the algebra class, in which he worked on his calculus homework; and his science class, in which he worked on his physics homework. His teachers were quite understanding about him occasionally missing classes. After all, they were actually tutoring him in his subjects, rather than teaching him with the class. Danny had missed quite a few classes in a row, and realized that he was getting behind in his calculus and physics...

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The Butler Chapter 2 Corruption

Months later, after turning off my quiet alarm I got out of our bed. In the dim morning light I looked down to where this big bruiser of a weight lifter had Jane spooned up against him. It had been a whirlwind of a threesome last night. He was one aggressive bloke, and had jumped us through position after position. Just the type Jane fancied once in a while. It had been my day off, so we doubled her, me down below, him in her ass. I still didn't entirely like Jane taking it in the...

4 years ago
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Many more happy returns of the day

Hi, readers yet again your JJ is back with a lesbian delight and this time around it’s a three some fun that happens on a lesbian anniversary. These girls stay in a rented house in Anna Nagar East close to the 14 shops; initially they were in the hostel and when privacy became an issue after their marriage at the hostel they decided to go in for a independent house in one of the posh locality of Chennai. Jayashri had rushed home from work to put the finishing touches on her gift. She had taken...

4 years ago
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Fucking my girlfriends daughter

There was this woman, her name was Shelly. She was a big woman, with big tits 46F, but a tight pussy. She was a good looking woman. She also have a daughter. Her name was Amanda, she was 15 at the time when I met her mom. Amanda wasn't big like her mom but she did have big tits like her mom's around a C to a D cup. I was fucking Shelly for two years now, I think she wants me to move in and settle down with her. I don't want to settle down. I just wanted to fuck. Amanda is 17 now and she was...

2 years ago
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Brown Bagging It

"You can't be serious," I told Jack. "Where the hell did you hear about this anyway?" Jack was my best friend, had been for years. He'd been the high school basketball star, moved on and did well in college though he'd opted for a job in marketing where his good looks, charm and bright white smile made him a favorite amongst the ladies. "A friend of a friend," he said simply. Yeah sure, I'd heard those stories before. "Well I don't believe it," I told him. "No star, no icon...

2 years ago
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Beth Part 2 of 5

Continued from Part 1 CHAPTER 14 - The Plan - Step OneKathy was sure that my dad wanted me, but I didn't know. This plan should tell me, she said.The first step was to quit wearing a bra in the house. With my big nipples, he couldn't miss seeing them. I could just say that bras weren't comfortable so why should I have to wear one in the house? So I stripped down up top and put on a t-shirt. I looked in the mirror and wow my nipples really stood out.Could I do this? I decided that was too...

2 years ago
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Charladys JamboreeChapter 3

During the night, I was awakened by strange noises, which were best described as murmurings. As my head cleared and I became wide awake I was aware they were coming from the sleeping form of Charlady. In her sleep she twitched, which was unusual for her, she was making soft whimpering almost gurgling sounds, as she moved around the sheets came off he and I could clearly see the wetness of her cunt lips. She was having a vivid wet dream; I was tempted to slide my fingers down to her cunt and...

4 years ago
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My fiance with a stranger

Hi, this is my 1st ever story... well actually it was a text to my fiance about her fucking a stranger as i watched so its not exactly written as a story, but hope its still enjoyable to read... i have pics of her on my profile :)------------------------------------------------------------------

Me and you in a hotel room watching t.v, when thiers a knock at the door, i get up open it and their stands a good looking male, with a bunch of flowers i tell him youve been waiting for him, i tell...

2 years ago
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Swimsuit ll

Beth wrapped her arm around Mary pulling her tight against her. Taking Mary's hand she brought it up to her face. Mary began to shake as she watched Beth open her mouth and suck on her fingers. Removing her fingers and kissed her neck. Take your top off, Beth whispered. We shouldn't, Mary mumbled. Grabbing her shoulders, Beth spun Mary around. Pulling at the strings Beth untied her top and threw it on the floor. Pushing her back Beth set Mary down on the bench. Reaching behind her Beth unzipped...

3 years ago
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The Pool Boy

I made my way around to them and said, "I know what you mean, if I had to do it all over again it would be hookers and maids for me!" I continued to scrub the sides as they all exited the pool talking under their breath at the nerve of me. I just knew that I was going to get fired when I get back to the office. I got back to the office and turned in my papers and got my truck ready for the next morning. Not a word was said.....maybe the 'ol bitches didn't call the office....yet! ...

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The man of your dreams

You thought it would just be another day at the office, you sat down at your desk and switched on your Pc, whilst waiting for the system to start you went to get some coffee to help kick start the day.When you came back you see an error message on the screen, telling you to call a number for help. This is not a good start to the day, you call the number and a lady answers, how can I help? You tell her about the message and what it says, she tells you that she will have to send someone up to you...

3 years ago
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Prime Assets Ch 01

‘Emma, we need to talk.’ ‘Chris! Darling!’ Emma’s pretty grin spread from ear to ear. ‘Naughty, surprising me like this. Is it about our date tonight? Where are we going?’ ‘It… it’s not about that.’ The grin shrank away as quickly as it had blossomed. ‘What’s the matter, darling? Why so serious?’ ‘I’ve been thinking… The last few weeks have been, um, enjoyable… but I don’t think this is working.’ ‘Chris…! But… you want to end it? Already?’ ‘I didn’t want to do this over dinner. Didn’t...

2 years ago
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Let It SnowChapter 2

“So, when you were all hot and bothered, talking about being a willing sexual plaything for so many of us, I know that the talk excited you, but as you yourself noted, there would have to be practical limits. Even if you were deadly serious about being on hand to meet people’s sexual wants and needs on demand, there would be major, if mundane constraints on your ability to perform as you suggested, much as I wish that it were practical,” I noted regarding Vicki’s loose talk of being a “family...

1 year ago
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Divine Grace the Journal of Belladonna the RedChapter 3 Grief

After Zabrac's departure it was as if time and nature themselves gave pause in memory of Quinlan Truesilver. I did not know how long I remained hidden, only that after a time a wind that howled with the grief of angels roused me from my stupor. I do not recall walking or climbing to him, but suddenly I was kneeling by his side and what I saw caused me to weep. Oh, he had been defiled. That monster Zabrac had taken the cruellest of prizes, and now the spirit of the great man I had known for...

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Goddess Sister Treating Her Brother

Goddess Sister I was doing my studies, and waiting for an admission process to complete before I got through the admission. Meanwhile my Aunt, invited me for a short stay and for a change as I was waiting for the admission. I too accepted and visited her. They live in a town, as my Uncle has lands and looks after agriculture. It was during my stay I had my first and exiting sex experience with my own cousin sister. Her name is Suganya, she was fare and good looking. She had just completed her...

1 year ago
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Marks Diary Part 3

Mark's Diary Part 3 By Mark Dayette (In this continuation of my real life story, my female family members are not done humiliating me) After reading those stories on Fictionmania and noticing my extremely aroused response to them, I knew that the core triggers of my sexuality were entirely submissive and largely focused on forced feminization. Now this is not something that a man intellectually wants to admit to himself. However, it was an erotic world that was on a daily...

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No Holes Barred

Paul was surprised when the woman who had contacted him, regarding rental of his warehouse space, turned out to be a pretty 19 year old blonde girl. He was even more surprised to find out she had the requisite funds, a substantial amount for such a young lady, to facilitate such a deal. But sure enough, the teenager had the cash, the transaction went ahead and the warehouse was the property of the young blonde for the next 24 hours. Whilst the deal was in the process of negotiation, men across...

2 years ago
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The New Girl 1 off 2

The New Girl, 1 off 2I’m a CEO of a company in Great Britain. Three months ago I lost my wife to a long illness. Yesterday was our company Christmas Party and I didn’t want to go.My PA, an attractive 45 year old brunette with an hour glass figure, goaded me into going saying being the ‘boss’ has its responsibilities.All the senior staff had rooms at the hotel and the remaining staff were coached there and back. Taxis were engaged to move the staff from home to coach and back. My PA is almost...

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A Sexy Day

When we all got to the locker room I was excited because I would get to see John naked for the first time this year. There was also a hot new boy on the team named Marcos. He was a Freshman. When Marcos got naked I almost moaned. His ass was even better than John's. I could see John was staring at him too. He looked up and made eye contact with me before he winked and took of his underwear to reveal his massive cock. He was so hot and the fact that he had just winked turned me on so...

4 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 8 The Second Night

FRANK WALKED OUT of the interview room, actually pleased with the results, but glad it was over. He told Helen he would see her in fifteen minutes as he passed her in the waiting room and went up stairs to his suite, leaving her with Katherine. He quickly undressed and went into the ensuite. Fifteen minutes later, Frank inspected himself in the mirror. He had showered and then run the electric razor over his face, put on his deodorant and after shave lotion before dressing in a trendy...

1 year ago
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Dans Movies! Porn tubes are quite common these days; the fact that they gather the best porn videos and put them in one place earns them a spot in any porn lover’s heart. Porn tubes are free, and you pervs can enjoy the content all you want; make them a desirable proposition indeed. Welcome to, an elegant XXX tube that ensures you don’t miss a thing in your fap sessions. If you want to jerk off to some of the best videos without spending a buck, you may as well have found...

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2 years ago
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Mile High

Mile High Greetings! This story idea came to me when I bumped into an excellent amid short piece of manga art on pixiv. I've already shared this little 'Escape' spinoff with a couple of friends and thought I'd share it with FM readers as well. Don't worry, I'm still working on the third chapter of Side Effects but hopefully you'll enjoy this short story while waiting for it. Let me know in the feedback what you think. Cheers! ***** Eric Roberts was reading a magazine while sitting...

3 years ago
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Mera Phela Sex Snehal Ke Sath

Hi , I am mas ( Mohammad aziz shaikh) MUMBAI…Aap sab ko me dhanywad deta hu ki aap ko mere story desi sex bhut pasand aai Aap ki maher bani hai ki aap logo ne mere story pasand aur aap ka kimti samay nikal kar mujhe mere khani ke liye mali kiya . Aur me thanks khana chahuga desi sex stori wale team ko ki jiski wahjh se me aap sab mere story pahucha raha hu. Sorry me aap sab ka jada time waste nahi karoga . Yeh mera pahala sex ki kahani hai jab me 18 years ka tha .Jab me office boy ka kam karta...

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Hijabi slut seduced by white master

It was the start of another week at work. I work at a small IT solutions company just outside New York. It was Monday and it seemed like it would be a long week. My name is Fariya and my family moved from India before I was born. My family are strict muslims and all the women in my family wear the full islamic dress. I wear a niqab, hijab and abaya or jilbab. I have been called a niqabi or hijabi. I have been wearing this since turning 15. I am not the best looking of girls and boys never took...

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The Ibod english

This is the story of Walter, a 48-year-old inventor. He recently invented something that will change his life forever! Namely the iBod, an iPod-like device with transformation option. This allows you to scan matter and transform it into a stored form. Alternatively, you can also use image or video files for the transformation, but then the transformation becomes less accurate. The first tests with lifeless objects and the family dog were already successful. Now is the time to test the human...

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Season of Firsts Ch 03

Despite being in a strange bed at a nearly-empty hotel, Christmas morning felt truly ‘right.’ I could hear the wind whistling past the window, and instinctively knew that virgin snow was falling upon the area. I was warm and cozy underneath the covers. And, most importantly, I was not alone. Megumi slept peacefully in my arms. I held a sleeping goddess, and I knew that a deity somewhere above was indeed smiling upon me. In time, I extricated myself from my girlfriend’s feeble hold and...

1 year ago
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Meili My Stepdaughter

I slid into bed next to my pretty wife. She was sleeping naked and this was a good sign. I caressed her tits softly and she moaned in pleasure. I slid my hand between her legs and teased her slit and felt her getting wet. She rolled on her back and wrapped her legs around me and kissed me deeply. My cock was hard as a rock. She reached down and gripped my cock with her hand. “You are so horny.” “Mmmm yes I am...” she stroked my cock getting it harder. “You want to Fuck me,” she...

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Marine Corps Tail Of All Tales Justins Conquest

As each day ended, Justin would lay in his bed, naked as the day he was born, eyes transfixed to the ceiling. His 5’7”, 145 pound chiseled body stretched out while his slender 6 inch missile aimed itself towards his face. As he lay there, his mind took him back in time to some of his most memorable sexual encounters. Justin couldn’t explain why he was so infatuated with older men and their body hair. In his mind, the hairier the better and he really didn’t care about their age just as long as...

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Oral Sex Only With Teacher

It was weeklong intercollegiate Science exhibition at our college. So as part of my job assigned I have to take care of the visiting colleague to where to our college for an exhibition. people contact me. My life was always full of fun laughter and surprises. Shikha was a 28-year-old chemistry teacher for a reputed college in the city. They had their project setup in our college. From the first meeting we had she requested me that she didn’t have a clue about competition and if I should help...

1 year ago
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Hazel meets her OlderMaster

Introduction: Hazel meets her OlderMaster Once upon a time in a small little town lived a petite little girl who had just turned 18. Blonde golden locks with a strawberry tint, light green eyes, standing barely 5 foot and only 100 pounds, Hazel was a nerdy awkward girl that didnt realize how hot she was. Living with her grandparents because her parents never learned to grow up and partied very hard. Hazel at a young age was exposed to everything under the sun will her grandparents came in at 15...

3 years ago
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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 12 Final Part

One side bahu Sudha took father in law Vinod to heaven’s ride in US other side Pramila continue to have sex with Mukesh & Nandu both much younger to him . And one day she received a packet by international courier. Packet contained executive class flight ticket from Mumbai to Bagdad. Now there was no doubt. In evening her bank called and informed he that over Rs 15 lakhs has been credited in her account. She enquired and was informed that money has come from Bagdad and converted into indian Rs....

4 years ago
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It Happened on Vacation Revised Chapters 1 to 4

Chapter 1. While in the car on the way to the mountains for our family vacation my thoughts drifted to what I would be missing for the next week, namely my girlfriend or in other words doing without sex for the next 9 days. When your in your teens you know how it is having to cope with the urges so you masturbate a lot and when you do finally have sex all you think about is the next time. Here is the problem: My parents rented a couple of small camping cabins, they stay in one and I...

2 years ago
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My first wife was a guide leader and I had asked her a couple of times if she would wear her uniform for me when we have sex. She refused saying that she didn't think it would be right. I still fantasised about fucking her in her uniform but I thought that was no chance of my fantasy coming true. She always went to guides on a Friday night, so I would stay in with a bottle of wine and a porno movie.One particular Friday, she was later then usual. She had rung to say that she was going for a...

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Becky and Her Son Chapter 2

Several days later Becky had fallen asleep on the sofa a few minutes before John came home. He awoke her with a kiss. Becky stretched and groaned, saying that her muscles were sore for some reason. John smiled and asked if she would like a massage. Of course she said yes, but a bolt of excitement went through her because she knew that the most recent story had a scene where the son had given his mother a massage. She wondered if he had read that part and if so what he was planning. The two of...

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The Hotel RoomA dream

Another night alone. I curl up in my bed, wearing my warm pjs since no one will see, pulling the covers around my face to snuggle against. I waited for hours for the computer screen to tell me he wanted to chat, but nothing came. He was my lover of the past, many years ago in our youth sparks had ignited, but now the years and distance kept us apart. Although we chatted from time to time on the internet, my thoughts often drifted to him, wondering during the day what he was doing, what his...

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A Letter to my Rapists on 395

I’m writing this down now while in the backseat of my car, right after you had left me bleeding against my tire. I want this event recorded from start to finish, while your fluids leak onto my leather seats and my hands can barely hold my phone as I’m shaking so badly. You may think I’m writing this down to send to the police, but I’m writing it for me, because you didn’t simply violate an unlucky woman today. Oh no, you raped, beat and spit on someone who lives for that kind of abuse. And I...

1 year ago
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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 18

The geometry was wrong. The eight soaring arches departing the column before him neither soared high enough, nor traveled broadly enough for this to be the central column of the building. Before him, at chest height, was set a golden-colored stone, one of eight set with an curved face to make the two-yard wide column. On the face of the stone, in black lacquer, with lacquer removed to let the gold color underneath shine through, was depicted a curious symbol. Eight inches long, it depicted of...

3 years ago
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A Chance Encounter

A company trip had me staying in a very nice, downtown hotel. I decided to unwind in the bar after a long day of pretty tough negotiations. I entered the bar and when I saw her, I knew I had to have her. I crossed the room and was approaching the bar as this petite, brunette beauty started to climb onto her bar stool. Her wrap around skirt split from stem to stern giving me a brief glimpse of her smooth mound. I was already hooked but now I had a need to meet this sexy brazen lady.

1 year ago
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Road Warrior Ch 1

They never thought it would be like this. They promised us flying cars. Robots to do all of our dirty work. A whole meal in a pill that you only need to add water to. No, they never said it would be like this. In the late 80’s, a war began that would spell the destruction of life as we knew it. A small country in the Middle East had gotten its hands on some sub-nuclear weapons. Instead of making idle threats to a government that they knew wouldn’t listen, they launched them at the US. They...

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Becoming Allison Part 2

"I know you feel like a girl, silly... girl." Dr. Sandstrom laughed at his verbal fumble, and I went over and hugged him. It was so odd to realize how big he was compared to me now. I murmured "Thank you" as he put his hands on my back and patted me while I hugged him. "Now," he pulled out of the hug, "how do you feel?" I felt tired, and every joint and muscle in my body ached. I told him as much. "That's to be expected, that's normal," he reassured me. "Now let's hop up on...

1 year ago
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Angel Time

Authors note: Please note that the following story involves a semi- religious theme, suicide and a man becoming a woman. If any one of these things bother you, please find your reading enjoyment somewhere else. Final note: I do not condone suicide as I have felt that there were always other alternatives. I have seen successful suicides tear families apart as well as cause a great amount of emotional harm. If you are considering suicide, please seek professional help as soon as...

3 years ago
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A New Town and a New Girl

Introduction: A high school boy from San Francisco moves into a small town and meets a girl My name is Phil and I was 15 when my dad got a promotion at work to manage a satellite office of the company he worked for and because of that, we had to move to a new town. Im Chinese and from San Francisco so the move was a bit hard for me. We moved to a small town where it was mainly white people, most of whom have never seen an Asian before. Most of the people at school were either ignorant or just...

1 year ago
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SpoofPorn Katrina Moreno Superintendent Fuckarejo

Superintendent Fuckarejo is a police officer that’s officially retired now but has spent many years taking care of all the darkest secret cases in Spanish politics. In all of them, he has always kept a bargaining chip for himself to be able to blackmail whoever he needs to, especially hidden recordings of unutterable sexual secrets of some of the most important people in the country. That’s what we usually call ‘The nation’s sex dungeons’. Ambassador Katrina Moreno...

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The Ring

I was met with silence as I walked into my favorite bar. Normally I’d get a shout out like the guy from Cheers, but I think the shock of seeing me was too much for them. You see, just a few weeks ago I was beaten so badly I wasn’t expected to live through the day. I was found several hours after my assault stuffed behind some bushes along side the park’s running trail. I frequently used the trail at night to calm myself and lately I’ve used it an awful lot. An elderly couple found me and...

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A Wonderful Wife

My name is Larry and my wife's name is Lora. She's a truly a wonderful woman.I happened to come home early from a business trip in the hopes of surprising Lora for her birthday, but instead I was surprised.She was in our marital bed with a black man.They were so enthralled in their love making that they didn't hear me coming up on them. They were startled when they saw me, but Lora calmly told me to go back down stairs until the man - his name was Jake - "gets his nut" - her words."I'll be...

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An Incest Saga 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Dingdon(aarush) male 30 from Raipur, Chattisgarh and thanx 4 ur response friends, here is my new story hope you all will like it please do comment on it, it will encourage me and also will help me to improve my writing. I am Prakash. People use to call me a nerd, and I guess I was one. I topped my classes while in school, went to an IIT, and then resisting the temptation to do an MBA continued further with my technical education and to cut a long story short ended up being...


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