Sarah In The Spa Pool free porn video

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Sarah in the Spa Pool

By Karen A.

I’d had a nightmare day at work. The big deal I was on the verge of pulling off had gone horribly tits up all around me, and it looked like it was going to require a huge amount of work to get it back on track again – assuming I ever could. The day had gone steadily downhill and descended into an unending series of desperate phone calls in a vain attempt to salvage six weeks of painstaking work.

By the time I finally left the office and braved the freezing dark rain of a British February it was already nearly eight in the evening, and journey home was the usual depressing, congested nightmare. To make matters worse I was suffering from the double whammy of PMS and boyfriend being a dick syndrome. My normal solution the first (vigorous sex) was rendered impossible by the second (an idiot male who had recently decided he needed “a little more space in our relationship” and decamped to spend some time with his best mate – and, as I later discovered a lot more time with his best mate’s sister; but that’s another story…).

Even my old friend Katie, who could normally be relied on for a bit of a giggle and uncomplicated no strings sex, had turned traitor and vanished on a two week skiing holiday with her boyfriend. All in all, by the time I turned the key in the lock of the door of my flat, I was in a pretty miserable mood.

Flinging a ready-meal into the microwave, I contemplated my options. The bottle of wine in the rack on the sideboard looked very inviting, but so far I’d kept up my New Year resolution to live a little more healthily and take more exercise, so in the end I decided that a quick after dinner swim and a sauna at the health club would set me up nicely for an early night – and in the absence of the boyfriend being a dick, I would lull myself to sleep with a favourite toy from my sizable collection.

Feeling pleased to have not given into temptation and get smashed; I ate a leisurely (if rather tasteless) dinner, grabbed a bikini from the bedroom drawer, and set off to the health club. By the time I got there it was already pushing ten o’clock and the car park was virtually deserted. Clearly only a few hardy souls felt sufficiently motivated to work on their fitness at this time of night on a pouring wet Tuesday night in the middle of winter. I made my way into the reception area and acknowledged the nod of the girl on reception, who reminded me that the club closed in less than an hour.

“Don’t worry about that”, I grinned as I negotiated the turnstile at the entrance. “I’m just going to a quick dip to chill out, and I’m off home to bed.”

She gave me a wry smile that implied she’d infinitely prefer to be tucked up in bed at home than working on a night like this, and turned back to the computer monitor on her desk as I made my way through to the changing rooms.

I chucked my clothes into a locker and pulled on my favourite blue bikini. Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I thought that perhaps my strict post-Christmas exercise regime was beginning to pay off – my legs and tummy were looking a reasonably toned at last. Excellent! I was going to look hot on the beach that summer and the boyfriend being a dick would kick himself when he realised what he was missing. I realised at the last minute that I’d forgotten to bring any hair bands, and wasted several minutes on a fruitless search of my bag before deciding that I was just going to have to accept that this was not my day, and go in with my long hair loose.

The pool was virtually empty, just an elderly couple ploughing a steady and dignified course up and down the slow lane. I dropped into the one reserved for faster swimmers, donned my goggles, and concentrated on getting in my twenty lengths. By the time I had finished, breathing hard from the exertion but feeling the pleasant rush of endorphins charging around my bloodstream, I had the pool to myself, the elderly couple had long gone. I hauled myself out onto the side of the pool and headed for the sauna – a quick bake, shower and home to bed I told myself.

Like the pool, the sauna, steam room and spa pool appeared to be deserted. I opened the sauna door and stretched out on the wooden bench savouring the intense heat, feeling the tiny prickles of sweat beginning all over my body. I closed my eyes briefly, and when I opened them again, I saw there was a girl in the spa pool. The door between us was tinted, the kind of privacy glass they fit to cars sometimes, so although I could look out and see her, less then six feet away, she had no idea I was here unless she chose to come into sauna herself.

As I watched, she looked around her as if to make sure she was alone, and descended the steps into the spa pool. From where I lay I could see her clearly, a petit, tanned figure clad in a tiny orange bikini. She was slender and small-breasted, but clearly was someone who spent a lot of time in the gym; even through the misty glass I could see the definition of her stomach and leg muscles.

As she reached the bottom of the steps she turned to face me, and I realised I knew her vaguely – Sarah Cullen, engaged to a friend of a friend, and deputy manager of this same Health Club. In fact it had been her who had shown me around and signed me up just after Christmas when I’d first dragged my flabby, unfit and overweight body down here following a bout of guilt about seasonal over-indulgence. She was very pretty, I remembered, in a clear-skinned blue-eyed way that didn’t seem to need much make-up, and a slightly crooked front tooth which actually enhanced her looks rather than detracting from them.

The boyfriend being a dick (who I’d also dragged along as moral support) spent most of the time grinning idiotically at her and practically dribbling, until Sarah went off to get the enrollment forms, whereupon I took advantage of the chance to elbow him soundly in the crotch. Oh well, it looked like I was going to get a chance to ogle her now.

I shifted my position slightly so I could get a better view of her, and what I saw made me catch my breath. Instead of sitting on the ledge in the spa, which would place her with her back to me, Sarah appeared to be kneeling on it, with her arms resting on the edge of the pool, staring directly at me.

For a moment I wondered what on earth she was doing, and then slowly realisation dawned – in that position she would directing the powerful jet of water normally intended to massage a persons back directly between her legs! Even as I watched she arched her back slightly, as if tilting her pelvis to get a more direct blast on her sensitive area, and her head slid slowly down until it was resting on her arms, which were folded in front of her on the wet tiles.

From where I was I could see clearly that her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open, her lips moving slowly as if she were making little noises of pleasure in time with the slowly quickening breathing, which I could gauge from the rising and falling of her rib cage.

Clearly Sarah had no idea I was there, in fact she probably thought she had the entire Health Club to herself, and this presented me with something of a dilemma. Much as I was enjoying watching her get off (I was keenly aware that the dampness between my legs was not entirely due to the sauna), my current location was extremely – in fact becoming uncomfortably – hot. The last thing I wanted to do was to disturb her in the throes of pleasure, but at the same time I wasn’t keen on the idea of passing out as a result of heat exhaustion, and I found myself quietly praying that Sarah Cullen wasn’t one of those women who take an age to cum.

I need not have worried – hardly had the thought crossed my mind before I saw her pelvis begin to move rhythmically up and down, a brief recurring flash of orange bikini bottoms amid the foam, and noticed her breathing coming faster and faster. Her little whimpers of pleasure were audible in the sauna now, and I guessed the main event was only moments away. I wasn’t wrong. Sarah’s eyes suddenly snapped open, her muscles visibly tightened, and her mouth formed a protracted and loud cry of “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!”. A shudder ran through her body, and she slumped forwards onto the tiles, her shoulders heaving, and her shapely rear slowly subsiding beneath the waters of the spa.

I don’t know if it was a result of the close proximity of such a gloriously sexual sight as the aftermath of Sarah’s orgasm, or the heat of the sauna, but I was beginning to feel faintly delirious. A faint red mist was beginning to descend in front of my eyes, and my head was spinning, so it was with a heartfelt sigh of relief that I watched Sarah climb slowly to her feet, and with a slightly smug look on her face, make her way slowly out of the spa pool and my field of vision, adjusting her bikini bottoms as she went.

I gave her as long as I dared (which in fairness wasn’t very long – I was beginning to feel distinctly close to fainting) and then yanked open the door of the sauna and made a frantic dash for the cold shower on the other side of the spa pool. I stood in the centre and frantically jabbed at the button on the wall, missing it several times in my panic before an avalanche of cold water hit me like a physical blow.

The shock to my system was complete and took my breath away; my mouth opened to gasp for air as I felt the wave of cold charge through my body, my legs and arms shaking and my nipples stiffening instantly. How long I stood there I have no idea, but by the time I finally stepped out of the shower, blinking back the water and unruly hair from my eyes, I was well and truly cold.

“Did you enjoy the show?” a female voice inquired.

A few seconds previously I would have bet on my being the coldest thing around for miles, but that voice possessed an icy politeness that was verging on the Arctic. Standing before me, hands on hips, Sarah Cullen was still astonishingly pretty even when she was livid with anger, and clearly she was the wrong side of furious right now, her deep blue eyes flashing dangerously, and every fibre of her gloriously muscled body trembling with barely suppressed rage.

“What the hell do you think gives you the right to spy on me, you freak?” She was almost shouting, and I hoped fervently that the club really was empty. “I can’t believe you did that.”

By now I’d managed to compose myself a little. “I wasn’t spying on you Sarah,” I said, “But since you ask, yes, I did enjoy the show. Very much.”

She looked surprised. “How do you know my name?” She peered closer at me, and I suddenly remembered that she normally wore contact lenses to counteract extreme short-sightedness. “George? Georgina Harrington? Is that you?”

I flicked my hair back so she could see my face clearly. “It is indeed, Sarah.”

Her anger had dissipated as quickly as it had begun. “Oh my God, Georgie…sorry…oh shit…this is so embarrassing…” She paused suddenly as if some realisation had struck her. “Oh God – you won’t tell will you?”

I immediately felt really sorry for her. I didn’t know exactly what the terms of her contract of employment were, and although I was sure that there wasn’t a specific clause relating to masturbating in the spa pool, I was equally sure that such behaviour would generally not be deemed appropriate for deputy managers who wanted to keep their jobs, no matter how pretty they were.

I reached forward and touched her on the arm. “Don’t worry Sarah, I won’t say a thing. Why should I? It was lovely to watch, and you obviously needed it.”

She coloured immediately and looked embarrassed. “Was it that obvious? God I feel so stupid…”

I stepped forward and reached down to take her hands. She was nearly the same height as me, and I found myself looking directly into those gorgeous eyes.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what you were doing. In fact you’ve made me want to do the same thing.” I grinned. “That pool looks pretty inviting right now.”

I saw her eyes drop and rest for a moment on my protuberant nipples which were clearly visible through the thin material of my bikini top. “Well, if you want too, be my guest. There’s only you and me in the place. I’ll leave you to it.”

She actually turned to go. I think she would have walked away if I hadn’t summoned every last ounce of courage I possessed and said:

“I’d rather you stayed.”

She looked it me for a long time. “You serious?”

I pushed my luck. “If you stay I won’t tell.”

She smiled. It was the first sign I’d seen of her relaxing. “I don’t think you’d tell anyway.”

“No, probably not,” I agreed. “But I think it’s only fair that I return the favour. That way you can’t accuse me of spying on you.”

Sarah was still looking at me in a curious manner. “Is this your cock-eyed way of saying you fancy me?” she inquired.

I grinned back at her. “I guess so. Watching you get off made me pretty horny. Aren’t you curious to watch me do the same?”

I knew I’d got her then. She didn’t say anything, just nodded slowly. With an inward sigh of relief I realised I’d read the situation right – in a strange way she was as turned on by the circumstances as I was. Before she had a chance to change her mind I jumped down into the spa pool and waded across to the jet she had used. I patted the wet tiles at the side.

“Come and sit here, babe.”

She walked around the pool slowly, giving me a chance to admire that magnificent muscle tone. She sat elegantly on the side of the pool, her feet resting on the sitting ledge. By now I was feeling very horny – an empty pit in the base of my stomach that I knew only an orgasm could relieve. I stood before Sarah, the water of the pool coming up to my bikini bottoms as she trailed her hand nonchalantly in the water. I reached behind my back and unfastened my bikini top, lifting the halter neck off over my head. That got her attention, so I reached down and peeled off the bottoms as well. Casually I slung the two items onto the side of the pool.

“I always prefer to be naked at moments like this,” I observed, and allowed myself to fall forwards into the path of the water jet, resting my arms against the sides of the pool, and lifting my legs until I was kneeling on the ledge in the same way as Sarah had. Immediately I felt the kiss of the water against my clit, and I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure.

“Oh God, that’s good….”

I raised my torso out of the water and arched my back to push my boobs forward. I could see Sarah staring, so I took her right hand and placed it firmly on my breast. For a second she froze, and I thought she was going to pull it away, but then I felt her fingers contract and seek my nipple, squeezing gently and sending little electric waves of delight down to my pussy.

The power of the jet was amazing, and it became clear to me very quickly that I wasn’t going to be able to hold back for long. I was aware that I was making little moans and grunts of pleasure as I rocked my pelvis back and forth, and I could already feel a powerful orgasm building deep within me. Sarah’s hand continued to work my boob, pinching and stroking the nipple, and I sensed she was now doing this for her pleasure as much as mine. I raised my head lifted up my right arm and pulled her face down to kiss her.

I fully expected her to jerk away, but instead my tongue slid into a warm wet haven, welcomed by her tongue, which danced and twirled and teased and tormented mine. For a full minute I was lost in that kiss, my hand left her head and slid inside her bikini top, finding her nipple and teasing it between my thumb and forefinger. And then the stimulation my pussy was receiving became too much, and I could hold back no longer. I pulled away from Sarah’s kiss, and buried my face in her wet neck.

“Oh God, I’m going to cum…Sarah, hold me while I cum…”

And then my orgasm hit me like an express train, all the frustrations of the day build up into one massive tightly coiled explosive release. I know I was making a fair amount of noise, because I had briefly time to register the look of surprise on Sarah’s face, and then a second cumming, even more intense than the first (though shorter) forced me to collapse onto the side of the pool, gasping for breath, moaning and shaking.

I found myself lying on the side of the pool, half in and half out of the water, but completely in Sarah Cullen’s arms.

“Oh my God…” she stared at me. “Oh my God…”

I was still getting my breath back and didn’t really know what to say.

“That was incredible!” Sarah was caressing my face. “I’ve never seen…oh my God, did you cum twice?”

I found my voice. “Yes, I did.” I whispered. “God that was good…”

Sarah seemed rather awestruck. “I’ve never seen another woman cum…not for real…that was so intense…”

I smiled at her. “Like yours aren’t?”

“Not like that – well maybe sometimes when I’m on my own…” She stopped suddenly, and I realised she was staring at the diamond engagement ring on the third finger of her left hand.

The full implication of what she had said didn’t hit me for a moment, and then I suddenly understood. I pulled her down to me and held her close.

“Oh my poor darling…”

She nuzzled into my neck. “Don’t.” she said.

“Don’t what?” I asked.

“Don’t go there.” She raised her head and looked me in the eyes. “Please?”

“Of course…” I pulled her head down and kissed her again. “I need to make you cum.”

She pulled her head back. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I rolled her over and gently pushed her back down onto the tiles at the side of the pool.

“You don’t mean that…”


I never got to find out if that was meant as an answer to my question or a rebuttal of my advances, because the next second my mouth closed on hers and I was tugging her loosened bikini top off, letting my hands run riot over her small pert breasts. For a moment I thought she was going to struggle, but then her body seemed to relax and accept what was happening to it. I broke off the kiss and lowered my mouth to her breasts, taking her nipples in my mouth and licking sucking and biting, hearing her soft moans of appreciation. My right hand began the slow journey across her belly, moving ever south towards her bikini bottoms, circling, caressing teasing. I began to stroke the inside of her thighs, and the tone of her voice took on a pleading quality.

“Please...” I heard her whisper as my fingers caressed the thin material that covered her pussy. I let my head follow my hand, kissing licking and sucking all the way, while I tugged aside the orange material of her bikini bottoms to reveal her pussy. I slid my body into the warm water of the spa pool, and slowly positioned myself between her legs, letting my tongue trail down each thigh, and hearing Sarah sob with delight as it neared her clit. At last I made contact, and she jerked like I’d administered an electric shock, her back arching and her glorious stomach muscles contracting. I ran my tongue up the length of her pussy, and again she jerked and moaned, legs spread wide, hands behind her head.

She was as taught as a bowstring, and every touch brought a violent and vocal response. Every time I touched her clit I watched her stomach muscles contract and felt her back arch. Desperate not to make her cum too quickly I teased and teased until it became apparent from her actions and words that the slightest touch would send her over the edge. Her breathing was coming in short gasps, her chest heaving, when I heard her moan softly…

“Fuck me, Georgie, please fuck me..”

Obediently I slid two fingers into her drenched pussy, and Sarah reached orgasm instantly. As I pumped my fingers into her she screamed and writhed, her firm buttocks bouncing up and down on the hard tiled floor.

“Oh God yes! Oh fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop….ooooohhhh!”

I fucked her until my hand ached. I don’t know how many times she came, I wasn’t really counting. I just didn’t want to stop until she was completely satisfied.

Eventually, long after my hand had gone numb, she collapsed sobbing into my arms, and I held her, kissing her and gently touching her until her breathing returned to normal. Afterwards, as we retrieved the various parts of our costumes, she became rather formal with me, as if she was trying to get the relationship back to where she believed it ought to be. When I left her at the door of the women’s changing rooms she kissed me rather awkwardly, and walked off without looking back.

I never spoke to Sarah again. We passed each other at a distance at the club for a few months, although she never acknowledged me beyond a nod and half-smile. Then she disappeared, and it was some time before I found out through a mutual friend that she had broken off her engagement and gone to work abroad. I do sometimes wonder if our brief liaison caused her to change her mind about getting married – I hope the seeds were already sown and I just confirmed what she already knew in her own mind. Whatever, I hope she’s happy.

And I never did manage to salvage that deal…

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Day at the Spa

Chapter 1 I was almost there. I found it hard to believe this was going to happen, but my breasts were tingling with anticipation. My panties were damp. I had passed the main gate and was now driving up a curving drive through deep woods. The sunlight struggled through the trees and dappled the road. My long hair was blowing gently in the breeze as the Beemer convertible responded to my touch. It had been a vicious year. I had been emotionally and physically exhausted from my work on a tort...

4 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 203 Family Therapy

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: August 16, 2010) Chapter 3 - Family Therapy "That was your mom," Dad said while hanging up the phone as we approached the car. We had just left the set of 'The Tonight Show'. "She said that Kevin and his family have arrived. You...

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Spa break and loud neighbours

We'd been talking about a spa break for a while now. With Ann's upcoming birthday and a special offer at one of the hotels we'd been looking at, now seemed the right time. So we made a weekend spa break booking. Ann and I both liked staying in hotels. Having someone makeup your room each day and cook food for you was a luxury. We also liked fucking on all the furniture and trying different positions afforded by the room layout.The hotel we'd chosen was a country house mansion with lots of...

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Weekend at the Spa

I always wanted to go to one of the spas a lot of men went to, to have sex and play, but never had the chance until the Summer. I always found it hard to hook up with men, and tell if they were gay or bi, let alone top/bottom/vers, so going to the spa would make so much easier. After chatting with someone for a while, they finally asked me if I wanted to go to a spa with them. He was an older man, 42 years old and large, and we both turned each other on to no end, so I said yes. I asked though...

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At the Spa Day 1 of 3

I always wanted to go to one of the spas a lot of men went to, to have sex and play, but never had the chance until the Summer. I always found it hard to hook up with men, and tell if they were gay or bi, let alone top/bottom/vers, so going to the spa would make so much easier. After chatting with someone for a while, they finally asked me if I wanted to go to a spa with them. He was an older man, 42 years old and large, and we both turned each other on to no end, so I said yes. I asked...

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A Day of Pleasure at the Spa

Recently I was reading a magazine about a full service salon that catered to women. The review said it was nothing like its kind. In fact, it was kind of on the pricey side. A full day of pleasure ran about one thousand dollars. It was an upscale spa for sure.I was eager to check things out and booked an appointment for myself. I arranged to have the package called “The Works.” The services that would be provided to me were a whirlpool bath, custom comfort massage, which typically tailored to...

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nephews spycam in the spa

My wife's nephew Todd was just going into the 11th grade. His mom and dad had a convention to attend and they asked us to sit for him at their house.Todd was very absorbed in computers and I thought he was into porn as well. He came home from school the first day and my wife was in the spa. He didn't know i was home, and I walked from our room down the hall and saw his door open. he was sitting at the computer and watching some porn on the computer. I looked in and saw he was jacking off and...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 2

Cathleen was curled up in the leather chair near the fire when John arrived home from work that night. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and another for John sitting on the side table. John could see that she was wearing her sexy pink satin robe. Unbeknownst to him, under the robe, she was wearing nothing but Kelly's red thong and her new blonde muff. And he could see that she had really made herself up. Like any guy, John loved a woman's eyes made up... and Cathleen had...

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The SPA part 2

As you may imagine I watched the video a couple more times before bed that night. A fretful night followed as mixed emotions rattled around. Weak as I am the desire to see more burned through the brightest. The morning arrived with no contact from the Spa or Sara. I tried to call her but the phone was switched off. Mid morning the anticipated email arrived. This was another audio file, the same male voice; I am assuming the distinguished white man from the previous films spoke in an assured and...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 14 Back to the spa and a familiar face

Part 14: Back to the spaI'm sorry this story is a fair bit longer then my usual ones however I didnt want to separate thes and have another story with almost no sex in the first one so soon. Having said that I hope you enjoy my story and please read the whole thing. I promise you will not be dissappointed. I woke up the next morning lying next to mom in her bed. I was wearing a pair of white stockings and a corset and mom had her bra on. After Thomas had left Mom and I spent the night licking...

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A Day at the Spa

By Rossclan Jessica swung her long shapely legs out of the car, sighed and got out of the car. My stress level is so high right now, she thought to herself as she closed the car door, I don’t even want to do this. How crazy is that? “This” was a day at the spa, courtesy of her husband. She had been working so hard lately on a big project and had gotten so stressed out over it – long hours, late nights, bad meetings, bad food, and too much bad coffee – he knew that a day of pampering...

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Sarah Carerra 317 Gorge Amphitheatre

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: June 11, 2012) Chapter 17 - Gorge Amphitheatre The bright, sunny sky belied everything I had heard about Seattle as we stepped out of the airport and onto my tour bus Friday evening for the last time...

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Saunas in Europe 1 Austrian Spa

*** Prolog *** This one is from some time ago and pretty much one of my first sauna experiences. I've not been to saunas until my last twenties. I've been to spas and resorts quite often but always avoided sauna spaces as I assumed it would be awkward and also too hot and sweaty. This story happened about five years ago and me and my girlfriend (still the same today!) were on vacation at some spa resort in Austria. It was a super-stylish hotel that was attached to a huge family spa...

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Spa swappping

We moved to a new neighborhood and met a super nice couple on our street. Ken and Sara were a little younger than us but we both we now empty nesters. We would meet for drinks at each others house and really got along so well. Sara was 5'2" with a great rack and an hard body. She had been an athlete in school and continued to work out and keep in shape. My wife Ellen also had a great body...135lbs 5' 6"....34C tits and a hard body. Ken and I were lucky to have such hot women. Ken shared with me...

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Swinging Spa Part 2

This story recounts mine and Jakes second visit to the naturist spa, just two weeks after our first visit.When Jake and I finally left the spa after our last visit it must have been about 2am (not great on a Sunday when work calls the following day and you have an hour and half drive home!) But we just didn't want to leave, we were having such a great time. The couple that were running the spa that evening saw us both out (remember the really great guy that showed us around when we arrived!)...

Group Sex
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ExtramaritalPleasure at the Spa

Jayne and I continued our affair every morning after her husband, Robert, left for work. We also explored our shared interests, tried some new techniques and grew closer as the week progressed. I was becoming more fond of her, and not just sexually. She is a kind, loving woman who truly enjoys life and has a positive personality. She is the kind of woman that could attract any man, and I was certainly more than attracted to her. She makes me laugh, is very intelligent and, most importantly,...

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She had it Naked and Hot at the Holiday Hotel Spa

“We should have a massage at the spa,” said Em to Ambrose, who was leafing through some literature on Iguassu Falls. They were just a stroll away across the resort lawns and down a little track.  “It says to be watchful for jaguars,” said Ambrose. He smiled across the ground floor suite’s living room at Em. He thought she was looking particularly sexy today in a nice pair of shorts and a little top. The french windows in the living area were open and a summer-like breeze was wafting little...

Straight Sex
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The Sisters Slave Spa

The Sister's Slave Spa by Beth A Sequel to the Story "The Sister's Salon" 1. Induction Jane was taken by force to the Sister's Slave Spa by Eric, Mike, and Steve, 3 of the staff of the Sister's Salon who had a role in her makeover earlier that day. She was forced into the limo they had driven from the bar that night, hand cuffed behind her back and a large rubber ball gag in her mouth. Jane was in a state of shock, everything had happened so fast. She had been with...

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The SPA part 3

It was now past midnight, the email had a very large attachment. I was tired, could I leave it until tomorrow. The email simply said Sara’s Saturday so far. May be a little before bed. I made a strong coffee and settled down. I was surprised the first part at least must have been sound only. During this the familiar male voice told her she had done well the previous evening. He then amazed me by offering her the chance to leave, to end her membership, there would be no penalty and all evidence...

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The Spa

Looking back now it is unclear how I got into this situation. Life was good an unexpected inheritance had left us more than comfortable. family life was good and I even persuaded my lovely wife to adorn herself with stockings for some of our fairly average lovemaking sessions. In between these increasingly rare occurrences I took to surfing the net, nothing too outrageous, mainly so called hot wives and their exploits. At times I would fantasize about my own wife taking part, thoughts quickly...

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Alex and Vicki The New Spa In Town

While I was going through the newspaper, I stumbled across an article about a local husband and wife. Basically it was a well-written press release about their rather unique new day-spa downtown called “Hands & Tails.” As I read the article, I was surprised at all the amenities their upscale day-spa had to offer: a hair salon, a nail salon, a massage parlor, cozy-rooms, a workout room with a hot tub, steam and sauna, and a multi person body-spa shower system. What made this place unique to me...

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Visit to the Spa with mature fuck buddy

Visit to the Spa with mature fuck buddyI don’t know how many of you have been to a naturist spa that also has playrooms for swingers. My friend and I go every few months to relax in the saunas and Jacuzzis and she also likes to have the men look at her naked. The clientele is a mix from those just using the naturist spa area. There are the guys you don’t pay attention to naked women, women in bathing costume bottoms and topless. Then there are the guys and couples there looking for sex, and the...

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A Day of Pleasure at the Spa

Recently I was reading a magazine about a full service salon that catered to women. The review said it was nothing like its kind. In fact, it was kind of on the pricey side. A full day of pleasure ran about one thousand dollars. It was an upscale spa for sure. I was eager to check things out and booked an appointment for myself. I arranged to have the package called "The Works." The services that would be provided to me were a whirlpool bath, custom comfort massage, which typically tailored...

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My wife Sarah and I were enjoying a small golfing and spa break which we had been enjoying immensely, until i managed to twist an ankle when fishing a wayward ball out of the rough. Luckily we were talking to a lady in the bar that evening who was actually by her self on a spa break and enjoyed golf and happened to have her clubs with her so arranged to play with Sarah the next day.They met at breakfast the next morning and off they went. I took myself off to the spa for a little bit of...

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First Time at Spa

This happened exactly two days back. For last 2 months I was going through a dry spell after breakup with my girlfriend. But for last couple of days I was really feeling horny and wanted to have sex desperately. Thoughts of calling an escort or visiting one started to go through my mind but nothing materialized.Two days back while returning through office, I took stairs instead of lift and saw a Thai spa. I knew about the spa for a longtime but never had any interest in visiting it. It has...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 1

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Cathleen & John (Part 1) "You look great and I love your hair," Cathleen said as she ran into her neighbor Brenda in the store. "Oh, thanks! I feel great. I started going to that new salon downtown. They're amazing! And I'm trying to get Bill to go with me," Brenda replied. Cathleen smiled and laughed, "ya, I bet I'd be able to get John to go, too. Right!" "It's such a beautiful place. The owner, Bri, is a sweetheart and...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 27 Theres Something about Seeing Mary

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: March 22, 2010) Chapter 27 - There's Something about Seeing Mary "Did you hear what happened to Jared Lumbart?" Ethan asked while we were walking home. "What happened?" Emily asked back. It was obvious that she hadn't heard the...

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Sarah rapes the mother of her daughter8217s best friend

She had been watching the woman for weeks, planning out the attack. Her name was Dana, she was the mother of her daughters best friend and Sarah wanted her so badly. Not because of love, this was about something else, something much more dark and sinister. A need to hurt and destroy somebody and Dana would be her first. Right now Sarah was lying in the bushes on a deserted dark little country road waiting for her prey to walk by and as she saw Dana come walking down the road she quickly...

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A Quickie at the Spa

A few years ago, I had a very exciting quickie with my girlfriend at a spa. A few months later, I had a naughty email exchange with a girl, spicing up our boring office days. I told her about the great sex at the spa - she answered with a fantasy that built on my experience and introduced her into the real event. We wrote back and forth in the course of a few days, and I decided (with her permission) to share our co-created story on here. So please bear in mind that it wasn't originally...

Group Sex
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The Spa

The Spa By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Author's Note: This is story is radically different from the many othersthat I have written, and even radically different from those normally foundon the BDSM Library. There is no torture, no pain, no non-consensual sex, nobondage, and not even any spanking. This is merely an intense sexual experience,light in taste, and totally consensual. So why read it? Because I think thatalmost every man will tell you that this fantasy is one...

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Poudre Mountain Spa The Change Chapter 1

Poudre Mountain Spa: The Change Chapter 1: The First Day "Come on, Paul! It'll be fun!" Paul Smith looked puzzled at Carla as they stood in the spa lobby. "I don't know... I'm just not a spa kinda person!" "You're not any kinda person," Carla pouted, her cute red lips pushing out in an irresistible fashion. With a huff she pulled her arm away from his. Paul grimaced, knowing the fruit of her action in him. Since meeting Carla some two weeks ago, Paul Smith had been...

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Special weekend at a spa

Wife went to relax at an excellent spa, her best friend was suppose to join her, but she couldn't make it. My wife decided to visit on her own. She booked a relaxing massage prior to her arrival. She unpacked her suitcase, then went for a massage with Helga. Upon arriving at the spa she was told Helga called in sick and they'd like to recommend Jamal as a good replacement. She thought about leaving but decided to give Jamal a chance.She undressed, lied face down on the massage table and put a...

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So it's been a year since the divorce which was a long bitter battle and I took the cheating bastard for all he had not that he didn't deserve it put him through medical school worked two jobs to support us while he studied but in the end it was worth it he became a doctor and got successful becoming a plastic surgeon at a huge very reputable hospital we were on our way to easy street but after a while he began to act funny working hours I knew he didn't need to work going off on so called...

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spa swing

My girlfriend Christine and I had been dating for a few months when one night after we made love and lay cuddled up I asked her if she had any fantasies that she would like to try. She said yes a threesome with another guy. wow I didn't know if she was just k**ding me or was serious. However when she said this to me my heart jumped and my cock went hard almost immediately which she felt against her thigh. she asked if the idea had turned me on to which I said "yes", however she said that it is...

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Hot Action In Japanese Spa

I acknowledge that my interest in going to spas on my recent Japan tour was to be naked with a potential audience. A female or mixed group would have been preferable, but in their absence, a group of blokes was better than nothing. I am an exhibitionist first and foremost, with a submissive bent thrown in.Given the chance, I would never wear clothes. I feel completely free and unrestrained without clothing. I come alive. And whenever this nudity is appreciated by others, my joy is without...

Gay Male
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Sarah Janes Father

I stood in Sarah Jane's driveway, waved goodbye to Dad as he pulled away and went down the street clutching my little knitted clothing bag containing a change of clothes and my nighty. I turned and walked to the lighted doorway and rang the bell. Straightening my skirt and blouse in the reflection, I waited for Sarah Jane to answer the door. After waiting a few minutes and no answer came, I started to ring the bell again, when the door was pulled open a crack and Sarah's dad peered out the door...

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Luscious Ladies Spa And Resort

My boss and I were working very late to finish the proposal. It would be a huge contract for us, and although I was exhausted, it seemed important to her.I was her intern, getting work experience after graduating high school. I would proofread her copy, letting her know where I didn't understand something. She seemed grateful for my feedback.She gave a huge sigh and said, "Well, I think we've done all we can. I'll have another read in the morning before I submit it.""Let's hope we win!" I...

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The SPA part 2 Continued

3I slept surprisingly well, I was tempted to watch the film again when I awoke but resisted the temptation. I tried to get on with things in a normal way but found it hard to get the Spa out of my mind. My chores kept me out until after lunch. At 2pm my phone rang it was Sara, she appeared breathless, I asked her what she was doing. She was in the gym, she had a busy schedule so rang me before her next Spa session. It was short call but at least I knew she was well. I had not had any contact so...

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