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The Spa

By: Michael Alexander

[email protected]

Author's Note: This is story is radically different from the many othersthat I have written, and even radically different from those normally foundon the BDSM Library. There is no torture, no pain, no non-consensual sex, nobondage, and not even any spanking. This is merely an intense sexual experience,light in taste, and totally consensual. So why read it? Because I think thatalmost every man will tell you that this fantasy is one he would want to live.

Richard Nicholson squinted down at the small handwriting scribbled acrossthe tiny paper in his hand. His eyes darted continuously between the rain lashedroadway and the directions, trying to maintain some semblance of safety ashe twisted the leather bound wheel back and forth. He was certainly nervous,a ridged tenseness that echoed through him like a tightly strung harp.

His hair was thinning on top, but still a dark brown that had once beensandy blonde, and even longer before had been the stark white of childhood.He wore a thick mustache as well, trying to look wiser and more mature, a tacticthat more often failed. He was of average height, and average weight, neitherfat nor thin…the perfect non-descript man.

"There it is!" He muttered to himself, flipping on his turn signal and movingover, raising a wash of water that cascaded over the curb. He glanced at thebright lights ahead and slowed to turn into the small half hidden strip mallhanging beneath the massive concrete bridges where two interstate highwaysmet.

Richard had heard of this place several weeks before while having lunchwith several of his coworkers at the office. The idea of it intrigued him anddespite the extreme cost, he began to think maybe the experience was worththe money. It had taken all his courage to finally make the decision, but onceit was made Richard set out with determination.

He had always been timid around women, shy and uncommunicative. In a worldwhere women expect to be pursued and turn down countless men, no female hadever noticed Richard hiding in the background. His own insecurities had alwayskept him from striking up conversations and except for one disastrous experiencein eighth grade that still embarrassed him, his knowledgeof female anatomy was gained primarily in front of his computer.

The front of his car tilted up as he entered the lot. A small Irish pubsat at one end of the strip mall, a forgotten shamrock tackily hung on thefront door. Further down was a tobacco and pipe shop, no doubt languishingunder the city's new public smoking ban. Then was the 24 Hour News and Videostore…another triple X rated location taking advantage of a loop holein the city ordnance by displaying a few moldering newspapers and pop culturemagazines in a tiny book case at the front.

But that wasn't where Richard was going. It was the last storefront on thestrip, the one with the darkened windows and the red neon light. Slowly heturned into a free parking space. His heart thudded as a roll of heavy thundershook around him. The rain pounded onto his windshield and he almost put thecar in reverse. He glanced at the clock…almost seven p.m….righton time.

He parked and turned off the engine, watching little wafts of steam risefrom the hood. He put the keys in the pocket of his blazer and patted bothpockets, making sure the heavy folds were right where they were supposed tobe. He almost pulled them out and counted them, but he knew they were boththe correct amounts.

Richard gritted his teeth and yanked the door handle open, darting quicklyout into the pouring rain. He slammed the door shut as the cascading watersoaked him to the skin. Three steps took him to the sidewalk and the coveredauspice where he shook the excess water from his shoulders and hair, slickingit back.

Slowly he turned and looked at the door in front of him. With a tremblinghand he opened it, ignoring the "24 Hours" sign to the left. He entered thestore front, his body shaking and his heart beating. He swallowed and movedforward into the reception area.

The room was sparsely furnished. A fake looking plastic tree stood in onecorner next to an old leather armchair. A small coffee table stood in the centerof the room covered with magazines obviously purchased from next door, severalyears before if their thumbed look was any indication. A modern looking automaticteller machine stood opposite the service window which was covered with frostedglass. A large cheap plastic clock hung on the wall next to several officiallooking business documents mounted in a cheap plastic frame.

Richard approached the window and cleared his voice, raising his hand torap on the glass. It slid back however, startling him. A small diminutive womansat on the other side behind a counter. Her long straight black hair cascadeddown her back and the angled arch of her eyebrows gave her oriental cast thesame exotic cast all females of her race possessed.

Richard jumped as her jaw moved and a loud snap came from her chewing gum.She smiled at him as he stared apprehensively, and then blew a large bubble.It exploded and her red lips managed to retrieve the burst balloon and returnit to her mouth in an oddly appealing way.

"Hi…are you Richard?" She asked, her voice a soft lilting soprano.

Richard swallowed hard and nodded. "Uh…yes ma'am."

She smiled again. "Payment is due before services." Her gum clacked again,an ignoble insistent irritant.

Richard nodded and dug his fingers into his pant's pocket, digging out awad of twenties held together by a rubber band. He didn't bother to count it,merely handing over the entire sum. The girl behind the counter quickly removedthe money from the window sill, the rubber band snapping like her gum as sheran through the bills, counting.

Finally she nodded and tucked the money under the counter, looking up atRichard. "Why don't you come on back and choose a girl, sir. We're a littleoverstaffed cause of the storm." There was an electronic buzz and Richard sawthe inner office door pop open. With a few tentative steps he broached theinner threshold.

He found himself in a dimly lit hallway and the office girl suddenly appeared,motioning him to a small room immediately to his left. He entered it, his hearthammering, expecting…something. But he found a large easy chair anda few lamps.

"Please wait here. The girls will be with you in a moment." The receptionistsmiled and exited, closing the door behind her.

Richard gripped the arms of the easy chair tightly, his throat tight. Helooked around the room, noting the Oriental art and prints hanging from thewalls, the tiny pot of bamboo, and the cork silhouette in a black frame. Therewas a pleasant scent in the room, of incense and musk, and Richard found himselfbreathing deeply. It seemed to alleviate some of his fears and he found himselfstarting to relax.

A moment later the door opened and he stiffened again as four young girlsentered the room. Each had the same glorious oriental cast the receptionistpossessed, as well as the diminutive size and shape that so many found desirablein oriental women. Richard's heart skipped a beat as he stared at each of thegirls.

The first was the tallest, her thick black hair almost touching her shoulders.Her lithe body was covered in the thinnest of silk chemises, and oddly Europeancontrast to offset her Asian heritage. His eyes drank in the sight of her,smiling, seeming to pose for him.

The second girl was a bit older than the others, easily into her early twentiesand Richard supposed she was probably much older than that. Almost all orientalwomen looked younger than they were, and these four girls were no exception.Her silk robe was parted down the front, showing a flash of white cream coloredflesh that rose too two blue silk covered bumps. It was short, showing of apair of long ivory legs that ended in a pair of high heels. Richard swallowedagain, but this time from desire, rather than nervousness.

The third woman was the smallest, but her face seemed cruel to him. Likethe first, she wore a chemise the color of lime green and Richard was ableto move his eyes away from her quickly, despite the shapeliness of her body.The final girl stood demurely, her eyes downcast. She was dressed in the traditionalsilk kimono of her homeland, a white background with red flowers imprintedon it. The bottom of the kimono hung at her ankles, baring the tiniest feetRichard had seen on a grown woman.

But it was her face and hands that caused his heart to thump and his loinsto quicken. Her fingers were long and delicate, each painted with the lightestshade of red on the nails. Her face was that of a teenage girl, though herbody held the full curves of a grown woman. He dipped his head trying to lookinto her eyes and he saw into the dark liquid russet eyes, despite her attemptto turn away.

The receptionist had watched the entire process from the doorway and shestepped forward after a minute. She looked expectantly at Richard, who finallynodded.

"Uh…um…I like her." He pointed toward the final girl, theone dressed in the kimono.

The receptionist nodded. "I'm sure Anh will be perfect for you sir." Theother three girls gave slightly chagrined looks and left the room, talkingto one another in the odd angular language of their homeland. The girl in thekimono stayed still and silent until the others had left.

Richard waited. Finally she lifted her head and flashed a gorgeous smileat him, soft and exotic. She took a step forward. Her tongue ran across herlips as she wetted them and then knelt down before Richard. Her face turnedup to his as she began to remove his shoes.

"What are you seeking tonight, sir?" She asked, her voice a series of softmusical notes.

Richard's eyes flew open. "Well I…uh…I…I made arrangements."

Anh laughed softly. "Oh yes, your massage will be totally within those arrangements,sir. I know about that."

Understanding dawned on Richard. "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm kind of new at this." Heleaned in the chair and dug into his right pocket. Another wad of cash, muchsmaller and without the rubber band came out. This one was made of fifties.He held it out to the young woman. "I'd like everything, please."

Ahn smiled, looking pleased as she accepted the money. Her thumb dug throughthe cash and then she slipped the entire bundle into a pocket sewn onto theinside of the kimono. Richard watched as a sliver of creamy flesh was bared.

"I will be happy to serve you." She rose and moved his shoes to a smalltable to the side of the room behind the chair. "Come, sir." She held out herhand. Richard stood and grasped it as she pulled him through the doorway.

Together they walked down the hallway, Richard feeling a little stunnedand a trifle embarrassed at his wet clothes and bedraggled appearance. Anh'sbody seemed to move like a sirens under the kimono and she led him past severalclosed doors. Finally Richard seemed to smell incense and soap and the scentof heated water. Anh turned a corner and Richard saw a tub half sunken in thefloor. Anh pulled him up several steps and he felt the heavy bamboo flooringunder his feet. The water in the tub was bubbling and steaming and a heavyceramic tray carrying several terra cotta pots stood next to the edge of spa.

Anh turned to Richard and helped him remove his coat. The idea of the warmspa relaxed him, and he felt less threatened. Anh took his blazer and hungit on a small clothes rack at the side of the room. She returned quickly, hersmall feet padding on the rush padding and her fingers began unbuttoning thesmall white buttons of his shirt.

Richard sucked in his gut, despite the lack of the usual middle age beerbelly. For some reason, he felt he needed to look his best for this petitegirl. Her fingers trailed down his chest, feeling the black curls before shepulled his shirt tails from his pants. Her arms rose and she pushed the shirtoff his shoulders, her fingertips trailing down his arms. Richard shiveredas goose bumps rose and he felt a delicious tingle.

Once more Anh moved to the clothes rack and hung his shirt. Richard watchedas she moved back and forth, her body swaying enticingly under her kimono.Finally her fingers found the silver buckle of his belt and he let her pullit from his pants and drape it over her shoulder. The sound of his zipper slidingcaused another twinge of anxiety, but the totally trusting look in her eyesquelled the feeling. He felt her fingers slide along his shaft, still coveredby a set of boxers he had purchased just for this trip. She hooked her fingersin the waistband of the soft cotton boxers and she sank before him, pullinghis trousers and boxers downward, baring his loins.

Richard felt awkward stepping out of his clothes, standing there only inhis socks. Anh took his pants and boxers and placed them with the rest of histhings and turned to find Richard's cock standing straight out. Richard lookedembarrassed and moved his hands over his ridged member.

Ahn came forward again and took his hands, moving them to the side. Gently,she cupped her fingers around the soft skin of his hardened rod and slid themup and down, lightly stroking the skin. Richard let out a groan as he felthis cock tremble. He bit his lip and desperately tried to keep from explodingin a white cream.

Ahn laughed a tiny giggle of mischief and she sank to her knees before him.Her fingers trailed down his legs to his feet and she removed his socks ashe lifted each foot for her. As the second sock was pulled off, she leanedforward and placed her mouth over the tip of Richard's shaft, sucking the tipinto her tiny rosebud mouth. Richard moaned, clenching his fists as he felther tongue sliding round the edge of his shaft.

There was a spasm and then Richard felt his control falter and there wasa tiny burst. Ahn seemed to sense it coming and one hand enclosed the baseof his cock, her mouth taking him in deeply. Her other hand came up and slowlymade a single caress of his sack and he emptied himself into her mouth.

It was a shuddering orgasm and Richard felt the tremors all the way up tohis heart. He stared down at the petite girl whose mouth formed a perfect circlearound his shaft. Her eyes were bright as she sucked down the entire contents,stroking those sensitive tissues that pleasured him immensely. The wave ebbedand then ceased and Richards cock slowly softened, still locked in Ahn's softmouth.

Finally she released him, smiling and she stood up with not a drop uponher ruby lips. "Do not worry, sir. This will make it easier for the rest ofyour stay." Richard nodded.

Anh took his socks over to the clothes rack and then returned. Holding outher dainty hand, she led him to the sunken tub and helped him step into thebubbling water. It was very warm and Richard felt his body adjust to the temperatureas he sank to his waist. He felt an odd pedestal in the center of the tub,rising to just a few inches below the surface of the water. A bench surroundedthe edge of the tub, deep under the water and he sank until the water lappedat his chin.

Anh stood at the steps leading into the tub and she smiled at him. Slowlyshe untied the sash of her kimono, opening it until the flash of white at herneck became a long strip between her breasts. She pulled at the silk and Richardsaw her entire body for the first time. Her breasts, two perfectly formed moundsof cream stood upright, tight and tipped with the smallest pink buds. Her stomachwas flat, with barely a ripple of baby fat. Her skin seemed perfect, almostair brushed perfect, and Richard felt a new stir of life from his loins.

Her sex was shaven, a bare slit without even a small sliver to guide theway. She wore no piercings except for the two tiny diamond studs in her ears.For some reason, this seemed more elegant, more fashionable to Richard, whowas certainly used to seeing pictures of girls with navel, clit, and nipplepiercings.

The kimono fell to the floor at the edge of the tub and she entered thespa. For a second, Richard marveled at her feet, so tiny, as they entered thewater. She slid into the water like a sylph, sinking to her shoulders, noteven wetting her short straight schoolgirl hair.

He wasn't sure what to expect as she came into the water, but she moveddirectly too him. He felt her legs against his and suddenly she was straddlinghis lap, kneeling on the bench to either side of his body. Her breasts rosefrom the water, inches from his face. His cock once more hardened, despitethe heat of the water, and he felt it press up against her flesh.

Ahn smiled. "You like me much." She laughed once more and then leaned intohim, her arms reaching behind his head. He let out a pleasurable gasp as hisface was encased in the soft pressure of her full breasts. The scent of herwas intoxicating, a soft aroma of flowers and fruit intermingled. Her skinwas like ivory, a delightfully supple experience that he merely wanted to continue,on and on.

She pulled back and Richard saw that she was holding one of the terra cottapots in her hand. He turned his head and saw the ceramic tray directly behindhim, still holding a collection of unguents and soaps. She unstoppered thejar and dipped in, removing a thick white glob of the contents.

"You sit in center please." Anh said, moving off his lap and motioning tothe center pedestal.

Richard rose and stood, feeling the pedestal. It was easily wide enoughto sit on, so he lifted himself up, feeling the heat of the steam replace thewarmth of the water. His back, arms, and chest were completely exposed, aswas the tip of his now hard cock. Ahn moved behind him and he felt her handsbegin to move against his back. They seemed to glide and he felt the soft spreadof the soap.

Her hands made circular motions, long wheels of caresses that seemed totingle. Her knowing fingers slid from his neck to the base of his spine andhe felt himself relaxing, softening under her motions. He looked down and sawthat the heat had caused his hardness to melt, once more making him impotent.

She slid her arms around him and he felt the press of her breasts on hisback. Her fingers slid from his shoulders down to his fingers and she swayedbehind him, using her breasts to rub him, sliding around in circles. Her handsfound their way to his chest and he felt her fingertips encircle his nipples,tantalizing them as they rubbed the soap over and around his abdomen.

A long loud sigh of pleasure came from his mouth as she moved around tohis front. Once more he enjoyed the sight of her breasts, this time coveredin the soft suds of soap. She pushed his legs apart and moved between them,standing with her belly pressed against his cock. She leaned inward and begantwisting her body against his, rubbing his chest with her breasts.

Richard wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body writhe inside hisembrace. It was like nothing he had ever felt before and her tiny form seemedto know exactly what to do to cause pleasure. He even began to feel himselfharden again.

Ahn seemed to notice too and she disentangled herself and wet to the ceramictray. "You sit on edge?" she asked him, pointing to the edge of the tub andRichard obediently moved, lifting himself up and sitting with his calves stillin the water. It was a different bottle she carried this time as she movedbetween his legs, spreading them. She knelt on the bench and slowly poureda generous amount of the liquid into her palm. Carefully she reached up andgrasped his shaft, sliding her palm up and down against it.

Richard groaned and immediately his rod sprang to life, hardening as shetouched him. There was a spicy scent that mixed immediately with the soap andRichard inhaled deeply. Anh seemed to concentrate, making sure that every foldof skin was coated and that his entire cock was oiled. Her fingers then foundtheir way to his scrotum and gently caressed him there as well. Richard closedhis eyes as her hands massaged him, kneading and stroking him until he felthis cock swell once more.

"You lean back please?" Ahn asked, her hands sinking beneath the water andgrasping the soles of his feet.

Richard complied, placing his hands behind him and leaning back. Ahn liftedhis legs and spread them, one leg going to the side of the spa, the other sheplaced upon her shoulder. Richard, totally aware, tried to keep as much ofthe weight off her as possible.

"No no!" Ahn said. "Relax leg. I hold up."

Richard nodded and let the tension slide from his muscles. Ahn seemed muchstronger than her diminutive form looked and her hands once more filled withoil. He felt her fingers move up his thighs and then back to his balls. Hisbody clenched however, when one delicate finger moved downward to his bottom.Slowly, she massaged his prostate, working the oil around in even slightlyinto his sphincter. Richard groaned, never have experienced something so intense.Her other hand suddenly wrapped around his cock, squeezing it and strokingit quickly as she pressed her finger inside him.

Richard tensed as he felt himself rising once more, a primal throb thatthreatened to break loose. He groaned and tensed when Anh let go, moving awayand out into the water, taking hold of his foot. Richard looked up and felther grasp his ankle. He felt the shudder go through his loins as his rod steppedback from the precipice of orgasm. Anh lowered his soap covered foot untilthe sole was pressed against her breast. He felt a slight tingle from the bottomof his foot as she began to rub the arch of his foot against the tight buttonof her nipple. He felt the hard bump and it tickled and tantalized him, butin ways he had never dreamed of.

She used the soft curves of her flesh to massage the bottoms of both isfeet, then pulled him back into the warm and comforting embrace of the water.As he settled once more onto the bench, Anh slipped into his lap, taking hishands and placing them on her breasts.

"You like?" she asked him as he held her, his thumbs almost involuntarilystroking the tiny nipples.

Richard nodded, his face filled with the scent of her hair. "Oh yes. Youare totally incredible." Ahn seemed to wriggle for a moment and then she turnedand smiled at him. "You soft again."

"It's the heat in the water, I think. I know that I get hard when you touchme."

Ahn nodded as if contemplating Richard's explanation. She slipped off hislap and pulled him forward until his arms rested on the pedestal. Richard relaxedas she took a small pitcher from the ceramic tray and dipped it under the water.Slowly, she poured the contents over Richard's head, wetting his hair. Anotherjar yielded shampoo and Richard sighed as Anh leaned her body against his back,running her fingers through his hair as she washed him. Once more she rinsedhim, letting the suds seep from his hair into the water. Her fingers rubbedhis temples, his neck, and then his shoulders.

Richard sighed happily. When he had heard about this place he had wonderedhow such wonderful things could happen to a man. The little naïf who strokedhis body, stimulated him in such erotic and exotic ways was more than he couldhave dreamed possible. He shook his head, wondering how he could have missedthis.

Anh seemed to take a moment to pause, resting herself across his back andshoulders. He could feel her heartbeat, the softness of her breasts, and eventhe pressure of her loins pressed into his buttocks. Her cheek lay softly againsthis neck and for a moment, they merely enjoyed each other.

"Come." Ahn said, rising and moving toward the steps. Richard rose fromthe pedestal and stood, stepping toward the stair and taking the glisteningdripping girl's hand. Together they stepped from the spa and Ahn took a largecotton towel from a pile and began drying him. His body felt relaxed, totallyclean, and he watched as the little oriental girl toweled him dry.

When she was finished, she handed him a terry cloth robe, holding it openso that he could slip his arms into the garment. Quickly, she dried herself,dumping the used towel in a basket near the door. She took his hand, stilltotally naked, and led him toward the door.

Anh padded out into the hall, her hand holding her charge as she led himto a new room. This one had a door and she opened it, letting his eyes adjustto the soft lights and candles. The room was full of scents, complimentaryand very exotic. In one corner of the room a mattress laid upon the floor,covered in soft sheets, pillows, and an oriental spread. More art like whathe had seen in the reception area stood on small corner tables, except forthe table by the bed, which was littered with a collection of vials and bottlesso much like the ceramic tray in the bathing room.

A large silver mirror embedded in the wall was at one side of the room,and Richard paused momentarily to wonder if it was two way. His mind churnedas he realized it had to be…so that someone could check on the safetyof the petite girl with him. He shoved the sudden thoughts of a video cameraout of his mind, as the lighting in the room would create such a poor imagethat the film would be useless except as a voyeur tape.

"Please? I take robe? You lay down." Ahn said, her English still brokenand sparse.

Richard smiled and raised his arms as Ahn tugged the terry cloth robe offhis body. She hung it on a hook screwed to the back of the door and she turnedand led him to the mattress. She pushed him down, rolling him over onto hisstomach.

"You relax. Me work." She said to him, the clinking sound of a bottle comingto his ears.

Richard pillowed his face with his arms as he felt the mattress shift. Aheavy warmth straddled him across his bottom and he turned enough to see Anhsitting, her knees to either side of his hips. The pink slit of her sex wasspread across his rear. She lifted the bottle and poured a liberal amount ofoil into one hand. Richard expected her to begin massaging him, but insteadshe brought her oiled fingers to her own breasts, rubbing the thick scentedoil across her bosom. Richard shifted as he felt the now familiar stirringsin his shaft and she smiled at him.

Her hands trailed down to her slit and Richard couldn't see what she wasdoing to herself, only feeling the slight movements of her fingers above hisrear. Suddenly her hands were on his shoulders and he felt her drop, loweringherself down upon his body. Her weight was negligible, a few pounds of pressurethat Richard accepted easily.

She began to move, sliding up and down across his back. Richard sighed ashe felt her limbs and breasts caress him, gliding over his spine in soft spirals.She moved like smoke, like a wraith, like a spill of oil across water. Tinglingfeelings arose through his entire body as she stroked him, massaging away everylast tension, every last fear and concern from his mind.

Her felt her legs part and the soft wetness of her slit slide down his leg.All the way down to the heel of his foot her body went, leaving a trail ofmoisture. The spicy scent of the oil mixed with Anh's own lubricants hung inthe air, a heady aroma, enthralling.

Back and forth she moved until every inch of his body had felt either herbreasts or her sex. She lay back down upon him once more, pressing her breastsinto the space beneath his shoulder blades. Her soft breaths were like a soothingbalm and a feeling of peace and docile pleasure descended.

"Turn upside down please." Anh said, her voice a huskier whispering beast.Her eyes danced as he turned over, his ridged cock springing upward quickly.Once more Anh straddled him, but this time over his chest, the wet and splayedpetals of her sex glistening inches from his face. He watched as she pouredanother handful of oil into her hands and then let the oil dribble downward,over her breasts and belly, to pool on Richard's chest.

Slowly she leaned down, letting her ample bosom touch his collar bone. Slowlyshe slid downward, dragging both of her breasts down across his chest. He moanedas he felt the soft globes against him and he clenched his fists, resistingthe impulse to reach out and grasp the young girl, pulling her too him.

His shaft pulsed once as something struck the tip and he gasped as he feltthe soft flesh of her sex seem to part and spread around the tip of his cock.He looked downward and saw her face. With deep concentration she moved, lettingonly the first inch of Richard's cock enter her pliable well.

Richard couldn't take it and pushed upward, trying to drive himself intothe tiny girl who sat astride him. His hips lifted and he felt his cock movedeeper, pushing aside the soft wet folds of her sex. But Ahn lifted herselfas well, pulling herself off the rising shaft and avoiding the impending penetration.

She gave him a knowing smile and slid downward toward Richard's knees, oncemore pressing her sex against his leg. Richard sighed in disappointment, butrelaxed once more as her breasts came in contact with his abdomen, moving inswirling circles. His shaft throbbed as finally the soft globes of her bosommoved to surround him, encasing him in billowy softness.

Ahn propped herself up on her elbows, her delicate hands pushing the sidesof her breasts, squeezing Richard's cock between them. Back and forth she moved,letting her creamy mounds massage the entire length of Richard's manhood. Hemoaned, arching his back as he experienced the oily softness of Anh's chest.Back and forth she rubbed him until he felt as if he was only moments awayfrom exploding.

Once more she lifted her body, allowing his cock to fall away, glisteningwith oil, ridged with desire, and in total desperation as her willowy touchstopped the intense stimulation. She slid downward and Richard wondered ifshe would take him into her mouth. Instead she began massaging his legs, herown thighs, breasts, and belly sliding along his muscles.

Richard tried relaxing, but the throbbing in his cock kept him completelyfocused upon her body. He felt her wetness trail down his leg until his leftfoot was locked between her legs. He watched with desire as she swayed, thenlifted up and lowered her moist sex directly onto his outstretched toes.

Richard felt her warm folds surround his large toe and for a moment marveledat the sensation. Anh began bouncing slightly, slipping him inside deeply.Her face became inscrutable, taut and tense and then she let out a tiny sigh.Richard watched as a miniscule tremor shot down her body from her breasts toher slit, still penetrated.

Ahn rose, and moved back upward to the top of Richard's other leg. Slowlyshe repeated her descent, rubbing her now sopping sex down his leg. Once moreRichard found her breasts encasing his shaft and he moaned as the intensitybrought him right back to his previous plateau of pleasure, a pulsing urgethat made it difficult to maintain control. He knew that if Ahn took him inher mouth, or even stroked him, his fragile power over his sexual functionswould be stripped from him.

Ahn's sex dipped again and Richard sighed as his other foot received thesame slow caress. Feeling playful, Richard wiggled his toe, causing Ahn togasp and dip down deeply. The throes of lust had ebbed slightly from his cockand he felt himself relaxing.

Ahn moved off his body and knelt beside him, right at his hip and her oiledhands once more took hold of his shaft. With long delicate strokes she rubbedhim, paying special attention to the base of his shaft, dragging her long fingersupward toward the tip. She never grasped his cock like a hammer, instead alwayscreating a hand hold that made her palm rub the tip of his shaft and the longfingers stroke the sides.

Richard felt himself swell again. His body cried out for release. He wasn'tsure, but he knew that she had brought him close to another orgasm at leastanother three times. Her hands played with him, creating waves of intenselystrong pleasure. His shaft beat in time with his heart. Her thumb began slidingaround the edge of his shaft and he felt himself rise.

Ahn pulled her hand away and began rubbing his chest. Richard groaned, onlybarely stopping his own hand from finishing the job. Ahn seemed to sense hisdesire and took his hand in hers, pulling it to her breast. For a few moments,Richard concentrated on the soft fullness of her breast, its tiny nub a delicatebutton to push and press.

The sensation of tightness in his balls and the familiar ache of need waned,receding like the tide. The two full moons of Ahn's breasts loomed over himonce more and she slid her hands down his body, finding his still hard shaft.Once more she began stroking him, the soft flesh of her palm caressing thetip of his rod, her fingers swirling around the entire length.

Richard groaned. It was too much. The driving need she pulled forth fromhis cock was like a building tsunami. Her fingers danced, sensing his needand Richard's hands tightened in to locked fists as he struggled with the firein his loins. Ahn quickly stopped, pulling her hand away from his cock. Shemoved rapidly, straddling him at his chest, her hands grabbing for his armsas he moved.

Richard felt his cock close to bursting but the weight and movement of Ahnstopped him. Her eyes spoke of vast knowledge, as if she knew exactly whatsensations cascaded through his body. Her face spoke of wisdom and age, ifonly for a moment, casting a pale illusion of triumph and possession over herchildlike face.

Once more the wave retreated. His body began to ache from the tensions andstresses of the repeated waves of pleasure. His breathing came fast and hard,his muscles tense in ways he had never experienced. Ahn cupped his face, runningher fingers down his chin and neck, soothing him. She rubbed his shoulders,stroking his skin as if she were stroking his cock.

He was still hard. He knew that. Nothing would change the ridged pole thatstood upright like the mast of a ship. Ahn dipped her breasts down once moreto his face and began to slide downward. Richard felt the tip of his rod oncemore touch the soft wet opening of her body.

Ahn smiled and nodded, pushing, until finally Richard gasped. His manhoodslid deep into her sex, encased in the warm wetness that had enticed him fromthe beginning. Ahn leaned back, changing the angle of his penetration. Withgentle rocking, she began to massage that part of him deep inside her. Sherose and dipped, allowing her sex to complete the process that had begun inthe spa.

Richard felt the tsunami return and like that great wave which began hiddenand silent so far beneath the depths of the ocean, his began, hidden from evenhimself. He felt his heart begin to race as energy poured into his loins. Hiscock, still teased and pleasured in the sucking embrace of Ahn's body, seemedto shudder and tremble like a caged beast.

Ahn's face had changed. Still cognizant of Richard's needs, her own bodyhad begun responding, sending waves of pleasure through her. Richard's facetightened as the impending explosion rose to the surface, overwhelming him.He cried out, reaching for the beautiful girl astride him, pulling her downto him, clutching her in a strong embrace.

Ahn melted against him, letting him suck her down as his shaft erupted withjackhammer force. She rose slightly has his hips slammed upward. She splayedher legs, swinging them back over his, letting her body rest upon him as hereleased. The pent up energies of her teasing cascaded into her through theirconnection, an immense ejaculation that conveyed excitement, pleasure, andthe total abandonment of restraint. Ahn let out a small squeal and shuddered.

Richard's cock trembled inside her. For that one long moment it became aconcrete like pillar, hard as granite. Ahn groaned, gyrating her hips as shefelt the onslaught. It washed over her like a wave of heat and she gave thetiny gasp of relief as her own body answered with an orgasm of her own.

Together they collapsed in an oily heap, her head against his shoulder.Together their heart beats slowed as their bodies began to soften. Richardfelt normalcy returning slowly, and he wrapped his arms around the tender nymphabove him. He felt his body receding from her depths, slowly shrinking awayfrom her and he held her tightly.

After a few moments Ahn looked up at him, a caring smile on her face. Sherolled off him, still moving slowly, and knelt beside him. Once more her handstouched him and he found himself nodding sleepily as her fingers massaged hischest and arms. She pushed at him to roll over and he found himself obeying.Her hands rubbed his back up and down to his buttocks until his entire bodyfelt loose. Finally she laid beside him, running her fingers down his backwhile Richard sighed in happy fatigue.

It was many minutes before she stopped and even more before she rose. Richardwatched as she padded to the door, taking his robe down from the hook. Sheturned, holding it out to him.

"Come. You wash." She said softly, a smile in her voice.

Richard rolled off the mattress, feeling as if he were made of gelatin.Gradually he got to his feet, allowing Ahn to help him into the robe. For amoment he admired her physique. Her creamy alabaster skin was luminescent withoil, reflecting the soft lights of the room. Her brown eyes and slanted expressionwere exotic, and Richard realized that her physical beauty was something henever expected.

"Come. We go to spa." She said, her broken English as attractive as herbody.

Richard followed her from the room, back down the hallway. Once more heentered the steaming room. His clothing was gone from the side but Richardpaid it no mind. Anh led him to another one of the large tubs, taking his robeand discarding it as she led him into the steaming water.

Ahn became very business like, lifting his arms and taking a pumice fleckedsoap and lathering him. Richard leaned back and let the girl strip the oilfrom his limbs. Every once in a while he snuck a delicate hand over her roundedlimbs, earning him a little frown and a sparkle in her eye.

The combination of the water and soap cleaned him completely. Finally Ahnstood, taking his hand and pulling him from the bubbling water. Once more shetoweled him off, drying his skin with gentle pats. Lastly she fell to her kneesbefore him, taking his soft manhood and kissing it gently once, a final parting.

Richard smiled down at this waif of a girl. Her breathtaking beauty, herincredible skill at playing him like a virtuoso his instrument, her undeniableenergy, all created a desire in Richard. It was more than just sexual. It wasdeep. He caressed her cheek as she once more rose.

Slowly, Anh escorted Richard back to the first room he had entered. A deeplook of contentment filled his face as she opened the door, still naked, stillerotic, still lovely. Hanging from a small hook on the wall were several hangerswhich held his clothes. Each had been dried and even pressed and Richard rememberedthe one hour laundry behind the strip mall. Ahn smiled one last time and thenbowed.

"Thank you." Richard said. Ahn turned and quickly left, moving down thehall. Richard opened the reception room door and found himself back by themodern ATM and dilapidated furniture. The sexually explicit magazines earnednot the slightest bit of attention from him as he took a deep breath and headedout the door.

The End

Author's Note: One of the things I've discovered while writing erotica isthe fact that the sentence "Then she paused, pulling a small plastic packagefrom the bedside table, fumbling to open it with her teeth, and finally extractingan odd yellow looking rubber condom" to be one of the least erotic, most dramaticallydamaging sentences ever written. So…since this was MY fantasy, I decidedthat it wouldn't be included. However, being intelligent adults, we all knowthat safe sex means protection, not just from unwanted pregnancies, but alsodisease. In addition, I have always felt that prostitution is one of mankind'ssorriest examples of female degradation and I know that many other practitionersof BDSM, not to mention more vanilla lifestyles, would much rather have a willingpartner, than one who was forced by financial liabilities. In any event, Iurge my readers to remember that safe sex is not just smart sex. It's a willingpartner, a deep responsibility, and knowledge of the risks and choices we make.

Yours Faithfully,

Michael Alexander

Same as The Spa Videos

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The Spa Chapter 1 Not an Ordinary Spa

Unlike my Sunday Morning story, I feel that this one is a lot more structured and at the same time just as exciting. While this idea of taking an asshole and turning him into someone better is not a revolutionary idea at all, I do believe that Car2nage and I are on track to breathe life in this sort of story. I would love it if you guys could review or send an email to [email protected]. You all have no idea how a couple words can really boost the ego! Anyway, enjoy || The...

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Day at the Spa

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Holiday Spa

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Day at the Spa

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Weekend at the Spa

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A Day of Pleasure at the Spa

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Saunas in Europe 1 Austrian Spa

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A Day at the Spa

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She had it Naked and Hot at the Holiday Hotel Spa

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A Day of Pleasure at the Spa

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A Quickie at the Spa

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Hot Action In Japanese Spa

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Gay Male
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Weekend at the Spa

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Kid Icarus Aphrodites Spa

"Hmm..." Palutena eased the doors to her throne room open a tiny crack, her emerald eyes scanning the room as much as she could from her vantage point. Empty. Perfect. A soft giggle escaping her lips, the Goddess of Light pushed open the door and hurried to her throne. Slipping something into the cushions, she took her seat with a childish grin on her face. This was going to be great. Pit and Dark Pit had been out training with the other angels all morning, giving Palutena the...

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Kay and the Alien Spa

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3rd Chromosome Spa

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Weekend at the Spa

We have been for seven years and had two children and we must admit that our sex life was somewhat dull. Approaching our wedding anniversary we had decided to have a weekend away without the kids. After a lot of discussion we agreed to try visiting a naturist spa which had a hotel as part of the complex. We arrived at the spa on the Friday afternoon both feeling very nervous. We were shown around by a man wearing just a towel. The complex had a wet area containing a swimming pool two...

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Swingers Spa

I recently attended a naturist spa which has private rooms. I have been many times before but often couples just disappeared into these rooms after having a sauna or Jacuzzi. Last week was different. I had decided to go along for the afternoon just for a relaxing sauna, not really expecting anything. When I arrived it was the usual thing, a few of single guys and no females apart from the topless staff. I went into the sauna for 15 minutes and when I came out there was no one else about. I went...

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Handjob In Bangalore Spa

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Josie goes to a Spa

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Threesome Lesbian Sex In Spa

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Fun With A Couple At The Health Spa

My wife and I have been together for over fifteen years and we enjoy a great sex life together. Like many couples, we like to spice things up sometimes and before COVID, we used to attend a naturist health spa quite often. We are both very comfortable in a nudist environment, having visited several nudist beaches throughout Europe over the years.The Spa comprises of the main swimming pool and several hot tubs, along with steam rooms and saunas, all of which are located inside the building....

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Aphrodites Spa

I work pretty hard at my job in corporate finance and am rather successful despite my relatively young age. I can afford a pretty nice apartment in the upscale area of town. The area of the city that I live in is pretty nice with a lot of great shops and restaurants where me and some of my friends hang out. I do have a few girlfriends that I pal around with like anyone. I might work hard but I also like to play on my time off. Letting work consume your life just isn’t the right thing to...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 Leamington Spa

Next morning Captain Wilhelm Erzählenmann was waiting on the towpath alongside Britannia at five minutes before nine. We set off, crossing the canal at a nearby bridge and rode the three miles into Leamington Spa. During the journey we chatted, mainly on military matters, although I was dying to ask whether he had spent the night with the Duchess. He occasionally gave a yawn, and I noticed what could be a love bite on his neck, only partly covered by his stock. Taking account of his general...

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Copyright © 2004-06-23. All rights reserved It was a nasty business, and he was a nasty man. He was short, fat and sloppy and he sprayed spittle when he talked. I didn't like him, and I didn't like what he did for a living or what he stood for. If I controlled the law firm where I worked, I would not have him as a client, but the senior partners overruled me and there I was, in my first year as a practicing attorney, ready to defend this piece of trash in his latest brush with the law....

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The Love Spa

"Hi Kim, I'm glad you could make it for dinner. I love to see the energy flowing between you and Terri. The two of you make great best friends." "Thanks, Nate. I appreciate the invitation, and I also enjoy getting together with Terri. We never seem to run out of things to share." "Terri is just finishing up getting ready, but she should be down soon." "That's OK. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'm just setting the table, so if you want to catch the plates as I toss them,...

3 years ago
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my first trip to the spa

This is my second story. Any story I post is 100% true. I want to share my erotic experiences with all of the horny people here. This story is about my first visit to a men’s spa/bath house. It was a relatively warm night. I have always heard of a men’s club/bath house/spa near the downtown area. I had never been to a place like that but have always thought about checking it out. I really like the thought of being around many naked guys at once, checking out the view and just maybe...

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Anita at the club spa

Anita at the club spaAfter a long working year, Anita and I decided to have at least one week escape to any lost beach in the Caribbean coast. The resort we hired was perfect, with a nice view of the ocean and places to relax. We noticed that we shared a patio with some neighbors; it certainly gave us a little less privacy but everything else was really fine. As we took our things into our room we could not help but notice some noises coming from their open window. The d****s were also open...

1 year ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We'd just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other's gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we'd have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

2 years ago
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Hot Encounter In Thai Spa

Hi. My name is Raju.I am working in a famous software company from Bangalore. The incident I am going to tell you is a real life sex story in my case which happened sometime back.I am a fair looking guy in my fag 20’s.I was asked to travel to Thailand as part of my project for a duration of 2 months. Now, you can imagine how Thailand is famous for the girls, massages, and beaches.I was equally happy and fascinated by this opportunity. I started living in the fantasy world where I am having a...

2 years ago
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A Wild Encounter At A Spa

Hi once again!!! Thanks for your overwhelming appreciation on my stories. This is Ronit from Delhi, 26 years old and a average looking guy with 6.5 inch boner. In the last 10 years, I have had many experiences with guys and I really cherish them. I am here today to share one of such wild experiences; I had been to a spa in Delhi recently. It was a Friday evening and I was returning from work, tired and frustrated from usual office routine. Thought of getting relaxed but none of my friends were...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 7 The Spa

I could barely sit for days after Mistress Keri thoroughly tanned my hide and I had to take almost a week off so that I could heal. My mom knew this to and said we should go on a “girls” weekend to a spa for cross dressers and women, she also said that since it was for others like me then I could spend the entire trip as Missy.I loved that idea and hurried upstairs to pack Missy’s bag. I packed the essentials including a mini dress, a few different pairs of bras and panties, a very sexy and...

3 years ago
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The Spa

Copyright © 2007 The Thinking Horndog It was a Wednesday night, and the hotel pool was deserted -- no screaming, splashing kids, no hippos in one-pieces. Just me, lounging in the Jacuzzi, trying to read while keeping the water from splashing on my paperback. Yeah, stupid, I know, but I was bored... I'd negotiated the hallways and elevators in sweatpants over my swimsuit, and now, having determined that the place saw little or no traffic, I was trying to use the fancy facilities that the hotel...

2 years ago
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A Quickie at the Spa

A few years ago, I had a very exciting quickie with my girlfriend at a spa. A few months later, I had a naughty email exchange with a girl, spicing up our boring office days. I told her about the great sex at the spa – she answered with a fantasy that built on my experience and introduced her into the real event. We wrote back and forth in the course of a few days, and I decided (with her permission) to share our co-created story on here. So please bear in mind that it wasn’t originally...

1 year ago
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party night at the Spa

We had booked online for one of the fun party nights at the club after our first visit to the spa. We had had a great time but most importantly you had enjoyed yourself and your confidence had meant you wanted to explore more. We had both spent the day letting you try on all kinds of sexy outfits till we found the perfect one for the evening’s fun, we had decided on a Basque with half cup bra top and peep hole panties with stay up stockings. The stockings were an extra as you had sexy Fuck me...

4 years ago
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first visit to the Spa

Well we had been talking about it for a while now and you had been getting very excited at the thought of going to the spa. You had never been but I had described it to you and the thought of naked fun in the confines of a club/Spa seemed to turn you on and I was looking forward to letting you enjoy all the sexy fun that it had on offer.We had two trips planned the first was on a quiet day just to ease you in to the place so to speak, and let you see it when it was not busy this would help you...

1 year ago
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An adventure at the spa

After my divorce last year, I felt in need of a little pampering – some “me” time for a change. I'm only 30 after all, and I have plenty of time ahead of me once I can get that disastrous marriage out of my system. It had been a long time since my husband had shown much interest in me at all, and when I found out he'd been having an affair with his secretary – a 19-year-old bimbo – that just about clinched it. But I'm not bitter – we had grown apart anyway, and I don't think he realised that...

3 years ago
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Erotic CFNM Experience In A Spa

Hi readers, I am Vicky Kamble, a resident of Meerut. Even though I am involved in my family business, fitness is my true passion. I spend at least 4 hours at the gym each day and have a body that stuns most of the other lean boys at the gym. I am engaged to Neeti, who works with a fashion designer in Gurgaon. Last week she frantically gave me a call from her boss’ fashion show in Gurgaon and asked me to reach there ASAP. Apparently, her boss needed a muscled male to open and close the show for...

2 years ago
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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My first affair in a Spa

It was a busy day in Delhi and i came to delhi just few months back. I am an average looking guy with lots of passion in sexual pleasures. I was looking for various spas in Delhi to have a hot massage session and I have been to various Spas. I felt quite bored with the girls who gives happy ending handjobs at end of each session. And one day, i went to a Spa in Haus khas, that was the turning point of my sexual fantasies. As usual i was asked to wait for few mins, then there came few girls. out...

2 years ago
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Another face down ass up day at the Spa

I was surprised to see so many views I wrote of my recent adventure at the local bath house. I wrote it just to pass the time & I wasn't really expecting anything from it, so I decided to write about something that happened a few months ago.Last summer I went to one of my favorite bath houses on a Sunday when I knew it would be busy. Before I went, I took a lot of time that morning to dilate & loosen up my hole with dildos. My hole is still very tight because I don't slut myself out...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

2 years ago
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The Health Spa

THE HEALTH SPADAY 1 - JUICEI was exhausted. Flying from the USA to a tiny island in the Indian Ocean was a major trek. Still, two weeks of chilling-out, fasting, and sunbathing was something I had always wanted to do.I arrived late at night, and was directed to my room, which was basic, but included a toilet, shower, and the essential mosquito net. The temperature was still boiling, and I knew I would not need many clothes.At breakfast, I was introduced to the other clientele, which, as usual,...

3 years ago
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paradise spa

I sit there channel surfing, thinking about taking a bath and drinking the last of my tequila rose, when the phone rings. I grab it on the third ring," Hi, whats up?" I answer. " Hey, baby, get ready I'll be there in twenty minutes and pack a bag for the weekend" It's my man, he remembered my birthday. " I'll be ready" I reply. I hang up and head for the bathroom , I turn on the shower and rush back to my room stripping off my clothes as I go. I pack a bag...

2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 7 The Spa

I could barely sit for days after Mistress Keri thoroughly tanned my hide and I had to take almost a week off so that I could heal. My mom knew this to and said we should go on a “girls” weekend to a spa for cross dressers and women, she also said that since it was for others like me then I could spend the entire trip as Missy. I loved that idea and hurried upstairs to pack Missy’s bag. I packed the essentials including a mini dress, a few different pairs of bras and panties, a very sexy and...

4 years ago
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She had it Naked and Hot at the Holiday Hotel Spa

“We should have a massage at the spa,” said Em to Ambrose, who was leafing through some literature on Iguassu Falls. They were just a stroll away across the resort lawns and down a little track.  “It says to be watchful for jaguars,” said Ambrose. He smiled across the ground floor suite’s living room at Em. He thought she was looking particularly sexy today in a nice pair of shorts and a little top. The french windows in the living area were open and a summer-like breeze was wafting little...

3 years ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We’d just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other’s gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we’d have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

1 year ago
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E043 Something Happens At The Spa

Friday morning when they wake, Emma can feel how hard Donald is and smiles at him and giggles.  “What have you been dreaming about to be in this condition?” she asks him.“Emma, men often awake in this condition,” Donald replies as he rolls her on her back, throws back the covers and begin to tickle her.  She giggles and squirms as his fingers find their way to her cunt.  Already wet.“And what were you dreaming about Emma to be in this condition yourself?” he asks in return. She just laughs and...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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MILFday At The Spa

Background: After winning a bet with a demon in a dream, you are able to mind control whoever you please. You are at a spa relaxing in the waiting room because your car is getting fixed down the street. While staring into the hallway, you see a familiar figure walk into a room. You follow in and see....

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A Day at Penis Spa

Mom had gone to work leaving my stepdad (referred to as Dad) and me at home. We hung out by the pool all morning, nude sunbathing and then decided to go to lunch. After lunch dad suggested we stop by Peni's for a massage. Peni owns a spa where she does nails, massages, and facials. She has been a family friend for several years and is a part of our swing group. When we arrived she was waiting for us. Dad had called ahead to make sure she had time available. Peni was wearing a black satin robe...

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