THE SPA free porn video

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It was a nasty business, and he was a nasty man. He was short, fat and sloppy and he sprayed spittle when he talked. I didn't like him, and I didn't like what he did for a living or what he stood for. If I controlled the law firm where I worked, I would not have him as a client, but the senior partners overruled me and there I was, in my first year as a practicing attorney, ready to defend this piece of trash in his latest brush with the law. The first time I met him in New York and we shook hands, a few months earlier, I wanted to pull away and wipe my palm on my trousers or better yet, wash my hands.

He owned a series of topless girlie bars and massage parlors in and around New Orleans. I went to Louisiana to meet with him and the local district attorney to see if we could get him off his latest pandering offense with a plea bargain. His office was in the French quarter, on the second floor, over one of his massage parlors, "THE SPA." The flight from New York had been delayed and the non air-conditioned taxi had broken down on the way in from the airport. It was mid November and I was hot, tired and, as I approached his office, I already felt dirty.

I had to enter the "THE SPA" to get to his office. I was surprised to find the massage parlor bright, neat and clean. It was almost 4 P. M. on a steamy Thursday afternoon when a very attractive, petite, young lady, dressed in a sheer, powder blue, Roman gladiators skirt and tunic, directed me to a staircase in the rear of the building. She took my overnight bag and said I could get it back from her when I finished my business with Mr. Ponte.

I could hear whispering voices, giggles, and subdued laughter from the dark recesses of the cubicles as I passed. Somewhere, in one of the rooms, a male voice was moaning in what sounded like the throes of ecstasy. Through the open door of one vacant room, I could see a whirlpool type hot tub and a massage table with an elaborate shower system suspended from the ceiling above it.

With each step up the staircase, the décor got grungier until, by the time I got to the top of the stairs I was in a suite of gray, grimy, dirty, offices. The same girl, with the same blond, pageboy hair cut, except now in a yellow outfit, greeted me, "I assume that you are Mr. Young. Have a seat, Mr. Ponte will be with you in a minute."

"Thank you, sorry I'm late but everything went wrong today. How did you get up here so fast?"

She giggled a little and said, "You must have met my twin sister, Chloe, downstairs. I'm Cleo"

Before I had a chance to make a pass at this sweet young thing, greasy Mel Ponte waddled out of the inner office and stuck out his hand. I had no option but to take it. I tried to duck the spray from his mouth as he began to talk but it was useless. "Sorry, I tried to reach you but your office said you already left. The meeting with the D. A. has been put off until Monday. Where are you staying?"

"I don't have a hotel yet, I was running late so I came directly from the airport. I'll get something close by."

"Good luck! There's a big convention in town and a Saints game Sunday so I doubt you will find anything. Why don't you stay in one of the rooms I keep for VIP visitors? It's in my old ante-bellum mansion at the rear of this building. Chloe and Cleo live there. There is a spare bedroom."

I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought if it wasn't for the vision of Cleo and Chloe so I reluctantly agreed.

"Good! Then it's all set. Go downstairs and let Cleo or Chloe, whichever one it is, give you a bath and massage, on the house of course." To Cleo, he said, "Take good care of him whichever one you are."

Cleo smiled at him, took me by the arm and said, "I'll take you down and introduce you to Chloe. I have some work to finish up and will come back down and join you shortly."

Mel must have called ahead because Chloe was waiting for us at the foot of the stairs. She smiled and giggled a little as she said, "Mr. Ponte said I was to take good care of you. Come with me."

Cleo went back up the steps while Chloe took my arm and steered me into one of the vacant cubicles. "Hang your clothes on the hanger behind the door and get in the hot tub. Spend 15 minutes in there, then, dry off and lay down on your tummy on the table. I'll be back to check on you soon."

She was smiling and blew me a kiss as she backed out and closed the door. I did as she said and made myself comfortable in the tub. There was soft, relaxing music coming from some concealed speakers with subdued lighting, along the ceiling. The music and the warm water had the effect of rinsing away some of the day's tensions and frustrations.

I was almost asleep 15 minutes later when she stuck her head in and said, "O K sleepy head, enough of the tub, get on the table and I will be back in a minute."

I climbed out, dried off and sat on the side of the massage table. It was padded with a thin, plastic covered mattress. This was covered, in turn, with a cotton sheet and pad. There was a light rap on the door. Chloe stuck her head in and said, "May I come in? Are you ready for me?"

I wasn't sure what she meant but, at the end of a long, hot day, I was surely ready for something, damn near any thing, especially from someone that looked as nice as Cleo or Chloe.

I had been in a few massage parlors before, so I was a little disappointed to see that, unlike me, she was still fully clothed. She had an armload of soaps, oils, lotions and towels.

"OK, lay down on your tummy and let me take care of you. We'll start with a nice, warm, body shampoo. I don't want to get my tunic wet. Will it bother you if I take it off?" She put her hand in front of her mouth and giggled a little when she said, "Ooh, you look like you are a little bothered already."

Her comment made me realize that I was paying her the ultimate compliment and was saluting her beauty. It made me a little self-conscious but there was nothing I could do about it now, so I did as I was told. I took my place on the table, face down and she covered my buttocks with a towel.

I craned my head around, trying to see her as she disrobed but she kept pretty much out of my line of sight.

She pushed my head around and said, "Quit peeking and enjoy your body shampoo. Just close your eyes and take pleasure in what I am going to do to you."

I closed my eyes and there was a warm, soft hand on my back, followed by a tepid shower of water. Her hands, now lubricated with soap were slipping easily over my back and shoulders. The remnants of the day's tensions and frustrations were soon replaced by a feeling of contentment. When she removed the towel and her hand moved down to my buttocks and legs the contentment was in turn replaced by a feeling of anticipation. Visions of things to come began to dance in my head. I had to wiggle a little to make room under me for the growth in my groin. Disappointment ruled when her hands left the proximity of my crotch and moved down to my feet.

Then a wonderful shock! I felt a second pair of hands slipping and sliding over my shoulders and back. I opened my eyes to see a yellow tunic on the chair, lying on top of the blue one. A hand quickly covered my eyes. "No peaking, just enjoy."

So I did. The feeling of tranquility continued to build and I thought I could easily fall asleep if I wasn't so horny.

Suddenly someone was shaking me. "Wake up sleepyhead, its time to go." I opened my eyes to find both girls, fully dressed, cleaning up the room. Chloe (Or was it Cleo) said, "Get dressed and I will show you to the guest bedroom."

"But I - er -- I thought there would be - ah -- more."

"Sorry, but we don't do that. Do you want me to get one of the other girls?

I was embarrassed and for some reason not quite as horny as I was earlier. "Ah, no, that's alright, I just didn't understand."

Yellow dress said, "I know what you thought and there is a lot of that goes on here but Chloe and I don't do it," and added with a laugh, "At least not for money. The men make private deals with many of the girls. I think that's why Mr. Ponte keeps us. We are a hot attraction and many men think they may get to us. Mr. Ponte use to think so too but he finally gave up."

"Come on and I will show you to the guest accommodations in the mansion. Its six o'clock and I am off for dinner now. Chloe has to stay here and manage the business. I will come back and relieve her so she can eat and then we don't get off until midnight."

I tried not to show my disappointment as Cleo turned her back and I dressed. Once we retrieved my bag from Chloe, she took me by the arm and we went back down the same hallway that led to the staircase. We passed by that and went out a back door into what may have been a lawn in the far distant past. Now it was just a few straggly weeds and dusty patches of earth and concrete. About 15 feet away, straight ahead, was the sagging rear porch of a very old house that obviously fronted on the next street. Up the porch steps, we went into a large kitchen where a very tall, very attractive, very light colored, black woman was busily preparing something on the stove.

"Rachel, this is Mr. Young. He has some business with Mr. Ponte and will be staying with us until Monday or Tuesday." With a twinkle in her eye, she smiled at me but said to Rachel, "Mr. Ponte said we are to take very good care of him! What are you cooking? It smells delicious."

Rachel beamed when she said, "Thank you, it's an old family recipe for Cajun Jambalaya. Dinner will be at seven." Her voice was sorghum syrupy smooth and laced with Cajun influence.

There will just be Mr. Young and I for dinner, Mr. Ponte has other business and Chloe will be along later. I am going to show Mr. Young to his room."

"Why doesn't every one just call me Tom?"

Cleo again took me by the hand and led me through a swinging door from the kitchen into a beautiful, formal dining room, paneled with dark, rich wood. There was a huge table that must have seated at least 12 people. From there, we went into a hallway that had a staircase going up to what I assumed were the sleeping quarters.

As we climbed the steps, she explained, "Rachel is in charge of the house. Chloe and I live here along with Rachel. Mr. Ponte did live here too but he moved into a high-rise condo with his girlfriend. I love this old house. It has six bedrooms, and three baths upstairs. It was built around 1820. Dinner will be in just a few minutes, and we don't dress."

She left after showing me into a large, comfortable room at the front of the house overlooking a surprisingly quiet, tree lined, residential, street. I had not expected to stay very long so I only had the one suit I was wearing, a pair of jeans and two clean shirts with me. Although I had enjoyed the bath in The Spa, a warm shower and shave refreshed me and I was just putting on a clean polo shirt when there was a knock on the door.

Surprisingly, it was Rachel. She had changed and was wearing white slacks and a sleeveless blouse that showed off her beautiful breasts to advantage. To call her black may have been politically correct but was an injustice to her beauty. Her skin, the color of burnished gold was only a part of her overall elegance. All in all, she was a lovely and exquisite woman. "Come and join us when you are ready, Cleo is waiting for us downstairs."

Dinner was a succession of surprises. First, an older black woman served the meal. Second, the food and wine was far superior to anything I had ever experienced anywhere in New Orleans, a town well known for its excellent cuisine. The biggest surprise was when Cleo told me that Rachel and Mel Ponte were cousins. "They had the same Grandfather. He left them both this house along with a lot of other property in New Orleans and Baton Rouge."

Cleo hurried through the meal while Rachel and I took our time, savoring the food, the wine and each other's company. By the time the maid came to clear the dishes away, we were on the second bottle of wine and were feeling pretty good. I was completely infatuated with this bronze goddess.

Rachel got unsteadily to her feet and said, "Lets go into the living room for after dinner drinks. What would you like?"

I had Drambuie on the rocks while she opted for a Cream Sherry. I took a seat on the couch and was about to take another sip of my drink when she plopped herself into my lap and wrapped her right arm around my neck. I put both of our drinks on the coffee table and kissed her.

The hint of sweetness from the sherry was paled in comparison to the natural sweetness of her mouth. Her parted lips let my tongue feel the smoothness of her teeth and probe into her inner softness. Her body, molding itself to my hands was yielding and supple. I traced a path from her hip up to her shoulder, my arm brushing lightly against her breast. The contact, no matter how slight only caused her kiss to become more passionate.

Her left hand, which had been on my chest, dropped to my lap and groped the lump she found there. "I want you to make love to me," She whispered into my ear. "I know you want to do it too, I can feel how hard you are."

She was right! The closeness of this lovely creature, her perfume clouding my mind, the vestiges of my arousal from the massage earlier in the day all came together to manifest itself at this moment. I could no more deny her, or even myself, than I could stop the sun or moon from rising.

With her telling me where to go, I picked her up in my arms and made for the staircase. As light as she was and as horny as I was, I was still winded by the time we got to the top of the stairs. It was probably my male ego pushing me on but I wouldn't put her down until I put her into her bed. Her arms, still around my neck, pulled me down for another kiss, even more passionate than the first, if that were possible.

With her help, we removed my shirt, and then her blouse. I already knew that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her perky breasts didn't need one to support her beautiful golden orbs proudly. Next came her slacks and then my trousers. We were now down to her bikini panties and my boxer shorts. With her on her back giggling, I slid her panties down and off her feet, leaving her completely nude. She pulled my shorts down and I stepped put of them. My manhood, freed of its confines proudly surveyed that which it was about to conquer. The touch of her hand on it made me realize that she could conquer me just as easily with a stroke or two.

Kneeling on the edge of the bed, I buried my face in the softness of her breasts. Her hands, now on the back of my head, were pushing me into her; my lips were caressing, nursing, suckling on her nipples. My hands, groping, found the smoothness of her thighs and slowly inched upward to the shaven mound that was the outmost edge of her sexuality. Soon, my fingers encountered soft, wet lips. When I touched them she gasped and pushed my head even harder into her breasts. My fingers, lubricated by her moisture, pushed their way inside her, past the lips of her vagina and past the little knot that I knew was her clitoris.

Now, there was no resistance when I moved my head to follow the path of my hand. When my mouth touched the lips of her pussy, she let out an audible gasp and the barest touch of my tongue brought, "Oh my god!" Without breaking contact, I inched my way around to the bottom of the bed so that most of my body was off the end while my head was between her legs. From this position my arms were under either side of her buttocks, up along her sides and my hands were caressing her breasts. I buried my face in this garden of aphrodisia, delighting in both the pleasure I was bringing her and the nectar it was producing.

As much as I was enjoying this exercise, I had needs of my own. My penis was so hard it actually hurt and was crying for relief. Her body arched, pushing herself hard against my tongue and at the point where I knew a climax was about to overtake her, I quickly moved to replace my tongue with my cock. I entered her and drove it in as hard and deep as I could.

With her arms wrapped around my body and her legs around my ass, I pounded my phallus home again and again. Each thrust brought an exclamation of passion from her and a feeling of exhilaration for me. Time stood still as I slipped in and out of her warm body. Time after time, her love nest welcomed my blood-engorged member. Thoughts of pleasing her slowly disappeared and were soon replaced by my own pure, animal lust. I believe she was in the throws of a second or third orgasm when my own climax began building deep in me. It finally manifested itself and I was rewarded by the exhilaration of my cum exploding deep into her and the eventual feelings of euphoria that overtook my entire body.

I lay beside her, too spent to move, holding her warm body in my arms. In her ear, I whispered "Thank you." There was no response from her beyond a contented "MMM" and she snuggled deeper into my arms and began to snore ever so softly. In the spoon position I cuddled close to her and fell asleep, my soft manhood lodged against her warm bottom.

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Handjob In Bangalore Spa

My name is Aswin, working in Bangalore in IT Company. I already wrote one of my experiences with my best friend’s ex-gf in couple’s section and also an experience with the wife of cuckold hubby. This time I am writing an experience of happy ending massage with different gals. I went to honeymoon to Pattaya,Thailand and came to know that massage ends always with handjob. I let my wife in shopping and went for massage alone. Massage gal let me suck her boobs and kiss her ass along with handjob....

2 years ago
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Josie goes to a Spa

Josie goes to a Spa ? by: Josie girlyc I want to relate to you another embarrassing experience I had as a female. I had gotten dressed in the attire my wife had told me about to go out for dinner. I was wearing a skorts outfit. It was a one piece with the skorts part being a solid black, the upper part white with a floral print on the top part across the shoulders. It was belted at the waist to make it seem it was two separate pieces. I was wearing coffee colored pantihose and...

1 year ago
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Threesome Lesbian Sex In Spa

This experience happened in the beginning of 12th grade. A new student joined our class in the 11th grade and we were close friends till now and her name is Ashna and she had whitish skin and brown eyes. She was so slim and petite like me. We will share everything to each other except the lesbian experience. I haven’t told my lesbian sex experience to her. She is so pretty and gorgeous. She had light brown eyes and white skin and small breasts and huge curvy buttocks. We would be walking...

2 years ago
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Fun With A Couple At The Health Spa

My wife and I have been together for over fifteen years and we enjoy a great sex life together. Like many couples, we like to spice things up sometimes and before COVID, we used to attend a naturist health spa quite often. We are both very comfortable in a nudist environment, having visited several nudist beaches throughout Europe over the years.The Spa comprises of the main swimming pool and several hot tubs, along with steam rooms and saunas, all of which are located inside the building....

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Aphrodites Spa

I work pretty hard at my job in corporate finance and am rather successful despite my relatively young age. I can afford a pretty nice apartment in the upscale area of town. The area of the city that I live in is pretty nice with a lot of great shops and restaurants where me and some of my friends hang out. I do have a few girlfriends that I pal around with like anyone. I might work hard but I also like to play on my time off. Letting work consume your life just isn’t the right thing to...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 Leamington Spa

Next morning Captain Wilhelm Erzählenmann was waiting on the towpath alongside Britannia at five minutes before nine. We set off, crossing the canal at a nearby bridge and rode the three miles into Leamington Spa. During the journey we chatted, mainly on military matters, although I was dying to ask whether he had spent the night with the Duchess. He occasionally gave a yawn, and I noticed what could be a love bite on his neck, only partly covered by his stock. Taking account of his general...

2 years ago
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The Love Spa

"Hi Kim, I'm glad you could make it for dinner. I love to see the energy flowing between you and Terri. The two of you make great best friends." "Thanks, Nate. I appreciate the invitation, and I also enjoy getting together with Terri. We never seem to run out of things to share." "Terri is just finishing up getting ready, but she should be down soon." "That's OK. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'm just setting the table, so if you want to catch the plates as I toss them,...

3 years ago
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my first trip to the spa

This is my second story. Any story I post is 100% true. I want to share my erotic experiences with all of the horny people here. This story is about my first visit to a men’s spa/bath house. It was a relatively warm night. I have always heard of a men’s club/bath house/spa near the downtown area. I had never been to a place like that but have always thought about checking it out. I really like the thought of being around many naked guys at once, checking out the view and just maybe...

3 years ago
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Anita at the club spa

Anita at the club spaAfter a long working year, Anita and I decided to have at least one week escape to any lost beach in the Caribbean coast. The resort we hired was perfect, with a nice view of the ocean and places to relax. We noticed that we shared a patio with some neighbors; it certainly gave us a little less privacy but everything else was really fine. As we took our things into our room we could not help but notice some noises coming from their open window. The d****s were also open...

1 year ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We'd just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other's gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we'd have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

2 years ago
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Hot Encounter In Thai Spa

Hi. My name is Raju.I am working in a famous software company from Bangalore. The incident I am going to tell you is a real life sex story in my case which happened sometime back.I am a fair looking guy in my fag 20’s.I was asked to travel to Thailand as part of my project for a duration of 2 months. Now, you can imagine how Thailand is famous for the girls, massages, and beaches.I was equally happy and fascinated by this opportunity. I started living in the fantasy world where I am having a...

2 years ago
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A Wild Encounter At A Spa

Hi once again!!! Thanks for your overwhelming appreciation on my stories. This is Ronit from Delhi, 26 years old and a average looking guy with 6.5 inch boner. In the last 10 years, I have had many experiences with guys and I really cherish them. I am here today to share one of such wild experiences; I had been to a spa in Delhi recently. It was a Friday evening and I was returning from work, tired and frustrated from usual office routine. Thought of getting relaxed but none of my friends were...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 7 The Spa

I could barely sit for days after Mistress Keri thoroughly tanned my hide and I had to take almost a week off so that I could heal. My mom knew this to and said we should go on a “girls” weekend to a spa for cross dressers and women, she also said that since it was for others like me then I could spend the entire trip as Missy.I loved that idea and hurried upstairs to pack Missy’s bag. I packed the essentials including a mini dress, a few different pairs of bras and panties, a very sexy and...

3 years ago
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The Spa

Copyright © 2007 The Thinking Horndog It was a Wednesday night, and the hotel pool was deserted -- no screaming, splashing kids, no hippos in one-pieces. Just me, lounging in the Jacuzzi, trying to read while keeping the water from splashing on my paperback. Yeah, stupid, I know, but I was bored... I'd negotiated the hallways and elevators in sweatpants over my swimsuit, and now, having determined that the place saw little or no traffic, I was trying to use the fancy facilities that the hotel...

2 years ago
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A Quickie at the Spa

A few years ago, I had a very exciting quickie with my girlfriend at a spa. A few months later, I had a naughty email exchange with a girl, spicing up our boring office days. I told her about the great sex at the spa – she answered with a fantasy that built on my experience and introduced her into the real event. We wrote back and forth in the course of a few days, and I decided (with her permission) to share our co-created story on here. So please bear in mind that it wasn’t originally...

1 year ago
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party night at the Spa

We had booked online for one of the fun party nights at the club after our first visit to the spa. We had had a great time but most importantly you had enjoyed yourself and your confidence had meant you wanted to explore more. We had both spent the day letting you try on all kinds of sexy outfits till we found the perfect one for the evening’s fun, we had decided on a Basque with half cup bra top and peep hole panties with stay up stockings. The stockings were an extra as you had sexy Fuck me...

4 years ago
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first visit to the Spa

Well we had been talking about it for a while now and you had been getting very excited at the thought of going to the spa. You had never been but I had described it to you and the thought of naked fun in the confines of a club/Spa seemed to turn you on and I was looking forward to letting you enjoy all the sexy fun that it had on offer.We had two trips planned the first was on a quiet day just to ease you in to the place so to speak, and let you see it when it was not busy this would help you...

1 year ago
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An adventure at the spa

After my divorce last year, I felt in need of a little pampering – some “me” time for a change. I'm only 30 after all, and I have plenty of time ahead of me once I can get that disastrous marriage out of my system. It had been a long time since my husband had shown much interest in me at all, and when I found out he'd been having an affair with his secretary – a 19-year-old bimbo – that just about clinched it. But I'm not bitter – we had grown apart anyway, and I don't think he realised that...

3 years ago
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Erotic CFNM Experience In A Spa

Hi readers, I am Vicky Kamble, a resident of Meerut. Even though I am involved in my family business, fitness is my true passion. I spend at least 4 hours at the gym each day and have a body that stuns most of the other lean boys at the gym. I am engaged to Neeti, who works with a fashion designer in Gurgaon. Last week she frantically gave me a call from her boss’ fashion show in Gurgaon and asked me to reach there ASAP. Apparently, her boss needed a muscled male to open and close the show for...

1 year ago
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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My first affair in a Spa

It was a busy day in Delhi and i came to delhi just few months back. I am an average looking guy with lots of passion in sexual pleasures. I was looking for various spas in Delhi to have a hot massage session and I have been to various Spas. I felt quite bored with the girls who gives happy ending handjobs at end of each session. And one day, i went to a Spa in Haus khas, that was the turning point of my sexual fantasies. As usual i was asked to wait for few mins, then there came few girls. out...

2 years ago
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Another face down ass up day at the Spa

I was surprised to see so many views I wrote of my recent adventure at the local bath house. I wrote it just to pass the time & I wasn't really expecting anything from it, so I decided to write about something that happened a few months ago.Last summer I went to one of my favorite bath houses on a Sunday when I knew it would be busy. Before I went, I took a lot of time that morning to dilate & loosen up my hole with dildos. My hole is still very tight because I don't slut myself out...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Health Spa

THE HEALTH SPADAY 1 - JUICEI was exhausted. Flying from the USA to a tiny island in the Indian Ocean was a major trek. Still, two weeks of chilling-out, fasting, and sunbathing was something I had always wanted to do.I arrived late at night, and was directed to my room, which was basic, but included a toilet, shower, and the essential mosquito net. The temperature was still boiling, and I knew I would not need many clothes.At breakfast, I was introduced to the other clientele, which, as usual,...

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paradise spa

I sit there channel surfing, thinking about taking a bath and drinking the last of my tequila rose, when the phone rings. I grab it on the third ring," Hi, whats up?" I answer. " Hey, baby, get ready I'll be there in twenty minutes and pack a bag for the weekend" It's my man, he remembered my birthday. " I'll be ready" I reply. I hang up and head for the bathroom , I turn on the shower and rush back to my room stripping off my clothes as I go. I pack a bag...

2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 7 The Spa

I could barely sit for days after Mistress Keri thoroughly tanned my hide and I had to take almost a week off so that I could heal. My mom knew this to and said we should go on a “girls” weekend to a spa for cross dressers and women, she also said that since it was for others like me then I could spend the entire trip as Missy. I loved that idea and hurried upstairs to pack Missy’s bag. I packed the essentials including a mini dress, a few different pairs of bras and panties, a very sexy and...

4 years ago
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She had it Naked and Hot at the Holiday Hotel Spa

“We should have a massage at the spa,” said Em to Ambrose, who was leafing through some literature on Iguassu Falls. They were just a stroll away across the resort lawns and down a little track.  “It says to be watchful for jaguars,” said Ambrose. He smiled across the ground floor suite’s living room at Em. He thought she was looking particularly sexy today in a nice pair of shorts and a little top. The french windows in the living area were open and a summer-like breeze was wafting little...

3 years ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We’d just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other’s gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we’d have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

1 year ago
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E043 Something Happens At The Spa

Friday morning when they wake, Emma can feel how hard Donald is and smiles at him and giggles.  “What have you been dreaming about to be in this condition?” she asks him.“Emma, men often awake in this condition,” Donald replies as he rolls her on her back, throws back the covers and begin to tickle her.  She giggles and squirms as his fingers find their way to her cunt.  Already wet.“And what were you dreaming about Emma to be in this condition yourself?” he asks in return. She just laughs and...

Love Stories
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MILFday At The Spa

Background: After winning a bet with a demon in a dream, you are able to mind control whoever you please. You are at a spa relaxing in the waiting room because your car is getting fixed down the street. While staring into the hallway, you see a familiar figure walk into a room. You follow in and see....

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A Day at Penis Spa

Mom had gone to work leaving my stepdad (referred to as Dad) and me at home. We hung out by the pool all morning, nude sunbathing and then decided to go to lunch. After lunch dad suggested we stop by Peni's for a massage. Peni owns a spa where she does nails, massages, and facials. She has been a family friend for several years and is a part of our swing group. When we arrived she was waiting for us. Dad had called ahead to make sure she had time available. Peni was wearing a black satin robe...

Group Sex

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