E043: Something Happens At The Spa free porn video

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Friday morning when they wake, Emma can feel how hard Donald is and smiles at him and giggles.  “What have you been dreaming about to be in this condition?” she asks him.

“Emma, men often awake in this condition,” Donald replies as he rolls her on her back, throws back the covers and begin to tickle her.  She giggles and squirms as his fingers find their way to her cunt.  Already wet.

“And what were you dreaming about Emma to be in this condition yourself?” he asks in return. 

She just laughs and tells him it is a secret.

Donald spreads her legs and moves between them.  “Well, since we both seem so ready this morning, perhaps this is how we should start the day,” he says as he presses up in her.

He moans as he feels her soft warm vagina grasp and holds him as he thrusts in and out of her.  They both delight in this sensual pleasure of bringing each other to a wonderful high. He thrusts in and out of her many times, and then pulls out and tells Emma to roll over.  He lifts her hips and is back in her cunt in this position now to bang her over and over in wanton desire.

Emma cries out as he presses deeper in her this way and she feels his glans against the back wall of her cunt and his balls hitting against her clit.  They both begin to pant hard as they feel the rush coming over them.  It all feels so good.

They cum together before long, falling together as they finish.

Together they hurry to the bathroom realizing this activity on their full bladders from the night now quickly needs to be released.  Donald sits her on the toilet with her legs spread and stands between them.  They pee in unison.  Donald’s releasing himself against her slit and clit as he had just a week ago.  It adds a wonderful new dimension to this bodily function.

He wipes her dry taking his time and she whimpers in appreciation of his attention.  He tells her to go tan and get massaged and then meet him in the tub.  He waits until he knows she is being massaged to begin to run a warm bath for them.

He feels a warm tenderness for Emma this morning and wants her to be relaxed today for what he is planning for her tomorrow.  He knows it may be a tough Saturday for her to get through but realizes she must be taken to this plane of carnal knowledge.

So, he takes his time washing her holding her to him as they bathe.  She faces him and leans against his chest as he strokes and cleans her back.  After they finish and rinse, he helps her from the tub and takes his time over her hair and makeup.

He dresses her in a sky-blue low-cut sleeveless dress as it is warmer today.  The glow of her tan now against the blue makes her so desirable to him.  He walks her to her car for her to go to her Friday at the spa.

She is taken for her manicure and pedicure first as is now the practice.  She feels her stomach starting to flutter a little as she anticipates Sasha’s gentle touch as she trims and waxes her soon.  By the time she is lead to that room, she is shivering with excitement.

When she opens the door to enter, she sees Sasha standing there in a short tunic just sort of glowing in the soft lights of the room.  Emma takes in the wonderful scent in the room as she walks in gazing at Sasha.

“My, you look pretty today Emma, and so tan,” Sasha compliments her, coming close to her.  “Let me help you get undressed.”

Emma blushes a little at Sasha’s closeness and the feel of her arms around her as she reaches to unzip her dress.  Sasha slides it down Emma’s arms and kneels her mouth so close to Emma’s pussy as she helps Emma step out of it and her heels.  Sasha stays in the position, as she lifts her fingers and places them inside the elastic of Emma’s panties and slowly, her hands running over Emma’s cheeks and thighs, lowers them for Emma to step out of.

Emma is taking deep breaths as Sasha stands again, their breasts touching as she again reaches around Emma and unclasps her bra and slides it off her.  She places all of Emma’s clothes on the chair, and then takes her by the hand and leads her to the table. 

Rather than pulling out the footstool usually there for Emma to step up on to lay on the table, Sasha lifts her by the waist and sits her on the table.

“Lay back Emma, and let me get your legs in position,” she murmurs.

When Emma’s legs are in the stirrups Sasha takes hold of each of her hips and pulls Emma down close to the end of the table, then sits on her stool to begin to clip Emma’s mons.  She goes very slowly today, blowing over and over to move the hairs away. 

Emma tries to control herself but the waves washing through her body as she feels this makes her moan softly.  Sasha spreads her legs wider and leans in and kisses each of Emma’s inner thighs, and then just gently runs her tongue up Emma’s now dripping slit to take in that elixir she had only tasted from her fingers last week.

Emma cries out in pleasure at the feel of Sasha’s soft tongue on her cunt.  Sasha jumps back a little in surprise and hurries to Emma’s side apologizing.

“I am so sorry, I do not know what came over me, you just smell so delicious I had to have a taste.” 

As she says this and sees how Emma is trembling near climax, Sasha reaches her fingers down and plays with Emma until her back arches and Emma cums.  Sasha leans and kisses her gently on the lips.

“Are you okay now Emma?  I shouldn’t have done that, but I keep dreaming about you since your first visit,” Sasha says as she steps back.

“Sasha, no that is alright and rather enjoyable, but I am going to have to tell the professor about what happened,” Emma replied.

Sasha takes Emma’s legs out of the stirrups and helps her move up on the table.

“I think you are probably clipped enough for today, let me get the wax to start on that,” Sasha says. 

When she returns and begins on Emma’s legs, she asks her, “Emma, what is your relationship with the professor?  I have never met him but have heard about him from some of the workers here that take his classes at the university.”

Emma ponders that question for a moment, ‘what is her relationship with Donald?’

“He is very kind to me and is helping me to learn and experience new things, sexual things, which I have never really known about until meeting him a few weeks ago.  I think he cares about me, I care deeply about him, and want to spend as much time with him as possible.  To expand and grow in this wonderful new world he has opened me to.”

Sasha thinks about what Emma is saying and suddenly understands the unspoken part.  Emma has been a virgin until the professor.  And she, Sasha, must be the first woman who ever saw and touched Emma naked.  A thrill runs through her at this knowledge.  She does so like Emma but will not take anything farther unless Emma asks her to.

Emma gazes at Sasha as she waxes her legs, and then more so as she works on her underarms.  Sasha is very pretty and young, probably only in her early thirties.  Emma wonders what there is about her that arouses her when she sees her, and now from her touch.

As Sasha rubs the lotion over Emma, she takes her time, making sure that it relaxes Emma and gives her pleasure.  She keeps looking at Emma’s lovely pussy and is pleased to see her short mons is again glistening with her juices. 

When she finishes, she lifts a warm damp towel and tells Emma, “Let me clean you there a little before you dress.”

Emma feels Sasha fingers on her slit through the thin warm fabric as she gently cleans the drips from her.  Emma enjoys this, and while she is still rather damp, she looks in Sasha’s eyes and whispers to her, “You can finish cleaning the last bit how you did before if you would like.”

Sasha beams at her, lean and just kisses her lips once more, and hurries to her stool.  She pulls Emma to her, spreading her legs on the sides of the table and runs her tongue up and down Emma’s dripping slit. 

The softness of Sasha’s tongue against her clit and then up in her cunt a little is so different than when Donald does this to her.  She loves the feel of both but in a different way.

Sasha doesn’t lick Emma too long, she does not want to push things. So, after just a moment she moves back, brings the cloth back and wipes the rest of Emma’s new wetness away.

She helps Emma stand and allows her to put her panties on herself.  Though she does do the clasp on Emma’s bra for her and zips her dress up.  Sasha so wants to kiss the back of Emma’s neck at this moment, but she doesn’t dare.

Emma thanks Sasha for her attention today, and leaves. 

As soon as the door closes behind Emma, Sasha hurries to the cloth and sucks Emma’s juices from it, loving every morsel.


In her car, Emma knows she must tell Donald what happened.  She knows he will be mad, she hopes not too mad.  But her letting Sasha have those final licks, what came over her?  Emma knows she just wanted to experience that feeling a little more but that will be the bases of her punishment really. 

Tears fill her eyes as she drives back to Donald’s house.

As soon as she arrives, still dressed, she hurries to her spot in the living room and stands as she did that very first Friday.  Donald hears her entrance and the sobs coming from her and hurries to the room.

“Emma, what is wrong?” he asks with concern.

“Sir, I have been bad, very bad.  I am so sorry,” Emma cries.

Between sobs and gasps, Emma confesses what happened when she was with Sasha.  She sees a look of anger developing on Donald’s face when she reaches the part about the invitation she extended to Sasha.

“Emma, you are right, you have been very bad.  I understand how it started, but you should not have given into temptation like that.  You do need to be punished.  And after how lovely this morning started,” Donald says. “Go to your room and stand in the corner.  I will come to discipline you in a while after I calm myself some, I am a little too angry with you right now to do so,” Donald tells her in an even voice.

Emma hangs her head, still crying goes to her room and her naughty corner and presses her nose against the wall.  She does not undress, as he had not told her to, and she is not sure what he will do to her.

It is almost an hour before Donald comes in the room.  He stands behind her and lifts the front of her dress and puts his hand on her crotch.  She is still somewhat wet. He shakes his head and sighs.

He takes her hand and leads her to the couch.  She sees the paddle is out waiting on the table.  He pulls her over his lap, lifts her dress to her waist, and lowers her panties to her knees.  He immediately begins to spank her cheeks and upper thighs with his hand.  Over and over in rapid motion.  She cries more and more, mostly for disappointing him so.

This spanking is almost more embarrassing for Emma than when he spanks her naked.  It makes her feel like a bad little girl who must be disciplined. Then the images of her being his bad girl and then remembering her mother beings spanked by her father this way, especially the first time she feels herself beginning that tingle all over her.   

Donald spanks her this way for more than fifteen minutes, never saying a word. Only when he slows and rubs her now red bottom some does he speak.

“Emma I am very disappointed in you.  I had such a wonderfully planned evening for us tonight, and now you have made that not possible.  You know you are not allowed to pleasure yourself without my permission, and to have someone else help you to that point only makes it worse.”

He picks up the paddle and rubs her bottom with it to let her grasps what is to come.

“I am sorry sir, I know I shouldn’t have, but something came over me, it was such a different feeling to experience.  But I should not have at all without your permission,” Emma sobs.

Donald begins to paddle her now; each spank only makes Emma feel worse about what she did.  She cries and cries as the paddle slaps against her cheeks and thighs.

Spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank, spank.

In sets of ten, Donald continues to spank her, then rub her bottom before the next set.  By the second set, Emma is kicking her legs in response to each and gasping as she feels each stinging spank.

Ten sets in all, one hundred spanks with the paddle.  Emma’s ass is burning from the punishment, but the redness of her face is the realization that she is dripping strings of cum on her dress and Donald’s pants.

After he is finished spanking her, he lays the paddle aside, unzips her dress, undoes her bra and rubs her bare back as she continues to sob, saying over and over how sorry she is for what she did. 

He sits her up on his lap and lifts her dress off her, and her panties down and off.  He continues to pat her back as she cries into his chest, clinging to his neck.

“Please, sir, don’t send me away, don’t be so mad at me that you do not want me here anymore,” Emma bawls into his neck. 

Now, Donald has no intention of banishing his Emma again.  That first week was so hard on them both.  He understands how the temptation got the better of her today, he has had his mons hair trimmed in the past and knows the feel of the warm breath of the clipper against your most personal area.

But perhaps Emma needs to worry about if there will be more to her punishment for a while.  He tells her, “Emma, we will not talk about that now, instead I am going to put you to bed without dinner.”

He goes to the dresser and brings out a baby doll nightie.  He has never made her wear anything to bed before. He puts it on her, along with the puffy frilly panties that go with it.  She does look like his bad little girl now. 

He tucks her into bed and tells her to go to sleep, she will be sleeping by herself tonight.  He closes the drape as it is only a little after five now and still light out.  He turns the lights in the room out and firmly shuts the door.

Emma is engulfed in darkness.  Alone.

As she lays crying in the bed, this is more of a punishment than the spanking or corner time.  She hates that he has removed himself so from her.  She begins to think back to how this all happened between Donald and her. 

It was March 13th, a Tuesday night, when she went to the lecture and first laid eyes on Professor Donald Ryan.  It took her to that Friday to build up the nerve to email him the first time. 

Then for a month, they exchanged messages, he had her do things to open her horizons more, begin to feel a little more confident.  It was another Tuesday, April 24h when she sent him her confession about her sexual experience, none, which was followed by that dreadful week when she did not hear back from him until the next Tuesday, May 1st when he invited her to come to him.

She suddenly realizes that the night of their first meeting here was May 4th, her parents’ wedding anniversary.  How fitting it all seems that it was then that he began to awaken this fire in her.

But then there was the week of banishment for her misbehaving.  Emma hopes he does not make her go through that again for what happened today, now three weeks later, the end of May.  Memorial Day weekend.  Oh, she so did not want to be alone over the holiday.

So much has happened in such a short time.  It is only twenty-two days since she first came and stood before him.  But after these last two weeks of being so together, she does not want to be sent away now.

Exhausted from her crying and worrying she falls to sleep.  Alone.


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Josie goes to a Spa

Josie goes to a Spa ? by: Josie girlyc I want to relate to you another embarrassing experience I had as a female. I had gotten dressed in the attire my wife had told me about to go out for dinner. I was wearing a skorts outfit. It was a one piece with the skorts part being a solid black, the upper part white with a floral print on the top part across the shoulders. It was belted at the waist to make it seem it was two separate pieces. I was wearing coffee colored pantihose and...

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Threesome Lesbian Sex In Spa

This experience happened in the beginning of 12th grade. A new student joined our class in the 11th grade and we were close friends till now and her name is Ashna and she had whitish skin and brown eyes. She was so slim and petite like me. We will share everything to each other except the lesbian experience. I haven’t told my lesbian sex experience to her. She is so pretty and gorgeous. She had light brown eyes and white skin and small breasts and huge curvy buttocks. We would be walking...

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Aphrodites Spa

I work pretty hard at my job in corporate finance and am rather successful despite my relatively young age. I can afford a pretty nice apartment in the upscale area of town. The area of the city that I live in is pretty nice with a lot of great shops and restaurants where me and some of my friends hang out. I do have a few girlfriends that I pal around with like anyone. I might work hard but I also like to play on my time off. Letting work consume your life just isn’t the right thing to...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 14 Leamington Spa

Next morning Captain Wilhelm Erzählenmann was waiting on the towpath alongside Britannia at five minutes before nine. We set off, crossing the canal at a nearby bridge and rode the three miles into Leamington Spa. During the journey we chatted, mainly on military matters, although I was dying to ask whether he had spent the night with the Duchess. He occasionally gave a yawn, and I noticed what could be a love bite on his neck, only partly covered by his stock. Taking account of his general...

3 years ago
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Copyright © 2004-06-23. All rights reserved It was a nasty business, and he was a nasty man. He was short, fat and sloppy and he sprayed spittle when he talked. I didn't like him, and I didn't like what he did for a living or what he stood for. If I controlled the law firm where I worked, I would not have him as a client, but the senior partners overruled me and there I was, in my first year as a practicing attorney, ready to defend this piece of trash in his latest brush with the law....

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The Love Spa

"Hi Kim, I'm glad you could make it for dinner. I love to see the energy flowing between you and Terri. The two of you make great best friends." "Thanks, Nate. I appreciate the invitation, and I also enjoy getting together with Terri. We never seem to run out of things to share." "Terri is just finishing up getting ready, but she should be down soon." "That's OK. Is there anything I can do to help?" "I'm just setting the table, so if you want to catch the plates as I toss them,...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 7 The Spa

I could barely sit for days after Mistress Keri thoroughly tanned my hide and I had to take almost a week off so that I could heal. My mom knew this to and said we should go on a “girls” weekend to a spa for cross dressers and women, she also said that since it was for others like me then I could spend the entire trip as Missy.I loved that idea and hurried upstairs to pack Missy’s bag. I packed the essentials including a mini dress, a few different pairs of bras and panties, a very sexy and...

3 years ago
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my first trip to the spa

This is my second story. Any story I post is 100% true. I want to share my erotic experiences with all of the horny people here. This story is about my first visit to a men’s spa/bath house. It was a relatively warm night. I have always heard of a men’s club/bath house/spa near the downtown area. I had never been to a place like that but have always thought about checking it out. I really like the thought of being around many naked guys at once, checking out the view and just maybe...

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Anita at the club spa

Anita at the club spaAfter a long working year, Anita and I decided to have at least one week escape to any lost beach in the Caribbean coast. The resort we hired was perfect, with a nice view of the ocean and places to relax. We noticed that we shared a patio with some neighbors; it certainly gave us a little less privacy but everything else was really fine. As we took our things into our room we could not help but notice some noises coming from their open window. The d****s were also open...

1 year ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We'd just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other's gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we'd have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

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Hot Encounter In Thai Spa

Hi. My name is Raju.I am working in a famous software company from Bangalore. The incident I am going to tell you is a real life sex story in my case which happened sometime back.I am a fair looking guy in my fag 20’s.I was asked to travel to Thailand as part of my project for a duration of 2 months. Now, you can imagine how Thailand is famous for the girls, massages, and beaches.I was equally happy and fascinated by this opportunity. I started living in the fantasy world where I am having a...

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A Wild Encounter At A Spa

Hi once again!!! Thanks for your overwhelming appreciation on my stories. This is Ronit from Delhi, 26 years old and a average looking guy with 6.5 inch boner. In the last 10 years, I have had many experiences with guys and I really cherish them. I am here today to share one of such wild experiences; I had been to a spa in Delhi recently. It was a Friday evening and I was returning from work, tired and frustrated from usual office routine. Thought of getting relaxed but none of my friends were...

Gay Male
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

4 years ago
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first visit to the Spa

Well we had been talking about it for a while now and you had been getting very excited at the thought of going to the spa. You had never been but I had described it to you and the thought of naked fun in the confines of a club/Spa seemed to turn you on and I was looking forward to letting you enjoy all the sexy fun that it had on offer.We had two trips planned the first was on a quiet day just to ease you in to the place so to speak, and let you see it when it was not busy this would help you...

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The Spa

Copyright © 2007 The Thinking Horndog It was a Wednesday night, and the hotel pool was deserted -- no screaming, splashing kids, no hippos in one-pieces. Just me, lounging in the Jacuzzi, trying to read while keeping the water from splashing on my paperback. Yeah, stupid, I know, but I was bored... I'd negotiated the hallways and elevators in sweatpants over my swimsuit, and now, having determined that the place saw little or no traffic, I was trying to use the fancy facilities that the hotel...

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party night at the Spa

We had booked online for one of the fun party nights at the club after our first visit to the spa. We had had a great time but most importantly you had enjoyed yourself and your confidence had meant you wanted to explore more. We had both spent the day letting you try on all kinds of sexy outfits till we found the perfect one for the evening’s fun, we had decided on a Basque with half cup bra top and peep hole panties with stay up stockings. The stockings were an extra as you had sexy Fuck me...

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An adventure at the spa

After my divorce last year, I felt in need of a little pampering – some “me” time for a change. I'm only 30 after all, and I have plenty of time ahead of me once I can get that disastrous marriage out of my system. It had been a long time since my husband had shown much interest in me at all, and when I found out he'd been having an affair with his secretary – a 19-year-old bimbo – that just about clinched it. But I'm not bitter – we had grown apart anyway, and I don't think he realised that...

2 years ago
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A Quickie at the Spa

A few years ago, I had a very exciting quickie with my girlfriend at a spa. A few months later, I had a naughty email exchange with a girl, spicing up our boring office days. I told her about the great sex at the spa – she answered with a fantasy that built on my experience and introduced her into the real event. We wrote back and forth in the course of a few days, and I decided (with her permission) to share our co-created story on here. So please bear in mind that it wasn’t originally...

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Erotic CFNM Experience In A Spa

Hi readers, I am Vicky Kamble, a resident of Meerut. Even though I am involved in my family business, fitness is my true passion. I spend at least 4 hours at the gym each day and have a body that stuns most of the other lean boys at the gym. I am engaged to Neeti, who works with a fashion designer in Gurgaon. Last week she frantically gave me a call from her boss’ fashion show in Gurgaon and asked me to reach there ASAP. Apparently, her boss needed a muscled male to open and close the show for...

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Swinging Spa

This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...

Group Sex
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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My first affair in a Spa

It was a busy day in Delhi and i came to delhi just few months back. I am an average looking guy with lots of passion in sexual pleasures. I was looking for various spas in Delhi to have a hot massage session and I have been to various Spas. I felt quite bored with the girls who gives happy ending handjobs at end of each session. And one day, i went to a Spa in Haus khas, that was the turning point of my sexual fantasies. As usual i was asked to wait for few mins, then there came few girls. out...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Another face down ass up day at the Spa

I was surprised to see so many views I wrote of my recent adventure at the local bath house. I wrote it just to pass the time & I wasn't really expecting anything from it, so I decided to write about something that happened a few months ago.Last summer I went to one of my favorite bath houses on a Sunday when I knew it would be busy. Before I went, I took a lot of time that morning to dilate & loosen up my hole with dildos. My hole is still very tight because I don't slut myself out...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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A Wet Night at the Spa

"Do you think they have good sex?" My wife asked me."It's a tough one, they look pretty into each other now, but maybe its all a show. Maybe in the bedroom he can't be bothered, or maybe she's just someone he takes to swimming pools to play with and they've never had sex." I watched as the two kissed, their bodies wrapped together."She's got a beautiful body though, that dark skin. It looks so sexy in the water." My wife said, pointing out exactly what I was thinking,"I did notice her legs when...

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The Health Spa

THE HEALTH SPADAY 1 - JUICEI was exhausted. Flying from the USA to a tiny island in the Indian Ocean was a major trek. Still, two weeks of chilling-out, fasting, and sunbathing was something I had always wanted to do.I arrived late at night, and was directed to my room, which was basic, but included a toilet, shower, and the essential mosquito net. The temperature was still boiling, and I knew I would not need many clothes.At breakfast, I was introduced to the other clientele, which, as usual,...

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