Workplace Standards 2 free porn video

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Workplace Standards 2 By Monsta My wife Ellen and I were having a bit of an argument. Nothing serious, just one of those grocery store arguments long term couples tend to get into. Ellen wanted to get the "organic" milk, whereas I thought paying an extra $2 per gallon for milk was silly. Ellen seemed to get offended that I didn't "respect her opinion" and, well, bickering ensued. Unfortunately, we were right in the middle of that bickering when we rounded the corner and I ran into a familiar face. It was Chrissy, from my office. "Oh, hi Chrissy," I said while trying to hide my surprise and embarrassment at being caught arguing with my wife by someone I work with every day. "Hey Steve," she said with a smile before gesturing to the guy next to her and adding, "Uh, this is Brad, my husband." "Nice to finally meet you," I told him as I reached out to shake his hand. I then gestured to my own spouse and introduced her as well. Brad was rather tall, he seemed to be a few inches taller than me and I'm 6'1". He had a fairly muscular build and he had wavy medium length brown hair and a goatee. He was also noticeably pregnant. It had been almost a year since Chrissy had joined JRG accounting and became standardized to male. For the first few months the only times Chrissy mentioned her husband or her sex life it seemed like they were having a hard time getting used to the new arrangement. They had both been female for a long time before that, after all. But about 4 months ago Chrissy announced that she and Brad were expecting. Looking at him now he appeared to be further along than 4 months, although I imagine Chrissy had waited a while before announcing the pregnancy. I would guess he was 7 months along or so. His belly was too round and low to be a beer belly, and it definitely stood out against his otherwise lean and fit construction worker body. His breasts seemed to be threatening to surpass Chrissy's in size, and no doubt they would by the end of the pregnancy. I kinda felt bad for the guy even though he seemed happy enough as we couples chatted amongst each other in the middle of the grocery isle. It had to be emasculating to get knocked up by your wife and then grow boobs. I mean sure, the boobs would eventually go away more or less when he finished breastfeeding, but those nipples would never be the same again. Sure he could try to find a surgeon to try to put them back, but most reputable surgeons wouldn't do it because of potential lawsuits if the guy ever got pregnant again later. More likely than not he'd have big feminine nipples for the rest of his life, even if he ended up getting a penis again one day. An angry looking old lady pushed her way past our grocery store aisle meet n greet. When she got past us she shot us a look that caused Chrissy to chuckle and say, "Well, it's been nice chatting but we gotta get these groceries home. Ellen, nice to meet you." We went our separate ways and when we were a few aisles over Ellen whispered to me, "Holy crap did you see that guy, um what's his name, Brad?" "Yeah, of course I saw him. Why?" "Did you see his..." she said while making a cupping motion towards her own breasts. I rolled my eyes and told her, "Yeah I saw them. So what? He's pregnant." Ellen furled her brow at me and let out a loud, "tsk" sound, and then in a sarcastic tone added, "Uh, duh, I know that. I don't mean did you see his actual boobs, what I meant was did you see HE WASN'T WEARING A FRIGGIN BRA?" "Oh, I guess I hadn't noticed that. I was trying not to stare." "Well, that Chrissy needs to tell him he needs to start wearing a bra." I shrugged my shoulders and told her, "A lot of guys aren't comfortable wearing them, I imagine." "Well I'm not comfortable seeing some guy's boobs flopping about right in the middle of a grocery store." I was in no mood to argue, and besides, I kind of enjoyed the fact Ellen had forgotten our Organic Milk argument. As we went to resume grocery shopping though, I noticed Ellen kept herself really close to the cart. I couldn't verify for sure given her constant proximity to the nearly full cart of groceries, but with her sudden change in position and her oddly specific complaint about Brad, I deducted Ellen probably had an erection going on right about then. She used to get them all the time when she had first gotten her penis, so I remembered a lot of the tricks she had used before to conceal the unwanted side effects of her arousal. Her arousal that had just come from seeing a pregnant man's tits, no less. I had read a few articles about how a lot of women found pregnant men to be highly attractive, especially women who were standardized male of course. Some experts considered it a "fetish" while others just thought of it as the natural result of giving male sexual organs to half the women in the country. Some preferences were bound to change, and it made logical sense for women with penises to be attracted to men who were fertile females. Maybe Ellen had a pregnant guy fetish, or maybe she was just horny again. It was tough to say because her libido had been climbing steadily for some time. She seemed to have been ok with our sex life for a while, but lately it seemed she was wanting more. She was constantly jerking off and was often asking us to do more kinky sexual stuff together. She had even casually mentioned the possibility of bringing a third person into the bedroom, someone with a vagina. I felt like I had come a long way sexually since she had first gotten her dick, but she was always worried I didn't truly accept her male organ. It didn't help that for the first couple weeks she had it, I had just sort of ignored it. I mean, I had known at the time she kind of wanted to do stuff, but I didn't want to be the one to make the first move. Then one day I came into bedroom and saw her lying in bed naked, her cock as hard and stiff as iron. She just looked at me and said, "Touch me, please." I had never touched a penis that wasn't my own, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little put off by touching my wife's cock the first time. It was just so... masculine. I nervously touched it gently and began to stroke it in my best attempt at a handjob. I mean, I knew what felt good on mine after all, so I just tried to mimic that motion on hers. It must have been good enough because after a minute or so her cock erupted with a shot of cum that hit me right in the face. Our sex life slowly got back off the ground, but it has never been as good as it was back when she had been female. With both of us male there has always been this underlying sexual frustration within our relationship. Related to all her sexual frustration was the fact she was getting anxious for us to have kids. Without female parts she didn't have a, "biological clock," anymore, but that didn't mean she wasn't still a woman in her thirties getting nervous things might get to too late if we didn't act soon. Little did I know, things would just work themselves out. I went into work on Monday morning and noticed right away there was a commotion in the place that was out of place for a Monday morning. I sat down and opened my email, and it didn't take me long to figure out what all the commotion was about. There was a mandatory all staff meeting at 10. JRG Accounting didn't have unexpected mandatory meetings unless something big was about to happen. At 10am we all filed into the central conference room, and all of us were nervous we were going to get bad news. Jessica went up the podium and turned on the mic which let out a small screech as it came to life. "Ok. Thanks everyone for coming. Well, there will be an email going out after this meeting with more details, but I just wanted everyone to hear it from me in person that we just got word our branch is getting absorbed by the Roseville branch." There were loud gasps and groans from everyone, including me. But Jessica quickly waved her arms and shouted,, "Hey, HEY! Settle down. We are NOT shutting down or laying anybody off. This is a management consolidation only. Larry, Dave, and a few other of the more senior staff in the back office here are taking early retirement packages and from now on our high level operations will be managed by the managers at Roseville. I'm staying put as a supervisor, and I will still manage the day to day stuff as always. I'll just be reporting to Nancy Gensen in Roseville now instead of Dave. Trust me in the long run this is a GOOD thing. We'll save money on manager salaries and we'll be able to pull in some more bread and butter accounts from Roseville to stay busy during the off season." I breathed a sigh of relief. But Jessica wasn't finished. "There is one other thing," Jessica said as she let out a big sigh and pulled in her lips a bit. "Uh, since we are going to be part of Roseville, and managers from Roseville will be here regularly, that obviously means we will have to adopt the same gender standard as them." The loud gasps and commotion in the room returned. I just stood there in stunned silence as I processed what that meant. I was going to lose my manhood. I was going to get a pussy. I heard Amanda say rather loudly, "This is bullcrap!" Jessica just waited until the commotion died down and then said, "Look, I know this is a huge change that is going to drastically affect your personal lives. And believe me, I have NO desire to go back to periods and mood swings. But we'll all adapt, and after all the decision is out of our hands anyway. So, there's no use bellyaching and complaining. We just need to get back to work. Roseville runs a much tighter ship than Larry does, so we're going to have to step things up. Especially since I expect we'll lose a few people to Hammond-Berkley who want to avoid the standard change." "That's what this is really about," Amanda said. "The women running things at corporate want to snuff out the last few male standard branches, hoping more men will quit. They don't care that this decision affects the women who work here too." Jessica shook her head and said firmly, "No, this is not some anti-male conspiracy. It's business. Our branch has barely turned a profit these past few years. And paying Larry and Dave to keep running a barely profitable branch doesn't make sense when Roseville can do the same job at no additional cost. Frankly they could have just shut us down and moved a few of you to Roseville to cover the FTE gap, so be glad they didn't do that." There were a few more grumbles, but we all shuffled out of the conference room and headed back to our desks. About 15 minutes after the meeting Amanda came up to my cubicle and asked me, "So Steve, are you applying to Hammond-Berkley like I am?" "I..I don't know," I told her honestly. "C'mon, don't let those bitches at corporate take away your manhood." "But Jessica, Hammond-Berkley is constantly laying off and re-hiring. They're a madhouse. I even heard rumors they're going to close. I don't want a vagina but, I have to admit this place is probably going to be better run and offer more job security now. Larry has been in retirement mode for years, he barely ever shows up anymore." She just shrugged her shoulders and told me, "Whatever. I'm going if they'll have me. And even if I have to quit before the new standard kicks in I'm not giving up my penis. Michael and I have a good thing going. He's talking about having a third baby with me and I have to do what's best for my marriage and my family." "Well, good luck to you, Amanda." Shortly after Amanda stormed off Chrissy came around the cubicle wall and said, "Wow, I've never seen a woman fight so hard to keep a dick." I laughed and said, "Well, if I had a dick like Amanda has, I'd probably be a lot more concerned about losing it." Chrissy laughed at that. After a brief pause she sighed and told me, "Well, I'm sure Brad will be happy I'm getting my vagina back." "Yeah. And at least you got to be a father during your brief time being male." She nodded. "Yeah, that's something I suppose. The company is offering to cover sperm freezing for free if we go in before February 1. I might save some in case Brad and I ever want a 2nd kid." "There's no point saving any of mine," I said with sincerity. "I'm sure Ellen will have me knocked up by March." "Yeah, I hope Roseville knows most of the people here have male standardized spouses. If not they are going to be in for a surprise when the wave of maternity leaves hits in about 10 months." "Oh man, I feel sorry for you. All summer long you're going to have to deal with all of us in the office being pregnant and cranky." Chrissy laughed and said, "Well, at least it will get real quiet around the holidays when all of you are out on maternity leave. I'll have the place pretty much to myself." We chatted for a bit more before Chrissy got the long stare from Jessica as she passed by. Chrissy then retreated back to her cubicle to resume working. I went into my email and read all the memos Jessica had sent out about the changes. One of the emails was labeled, "Two Weeks Notice of Changes to Workplace Gender Standard." It basically said that the transition period started on February 5th, so after that we had to report either to the clinic of our choice or to any GR outlet to get our gender changed to female. There would also be on site changes available if you wanted to get the process done on work time. We had until February 19th to switch our bits or we would be terminated. I figured I'd better text Ellen, and let her know before she heard a rumor from one of her coworkers. ME: Hey, we just got news that they are consolidating our branch with Roseville. My job is safe but, our standard will be female starting Feb 5. ELLEN: Holy shit! Are you serious?!? ME: Yeah. We just found out. ELLEN: What are you planning on doing? Are you staying, or thinking of quitting? ME: I'm not sure. A few people are applying at HB, but I don't really want to work at that shithole. ELLEN: Well, just so you don't think otherwise: I'm ok with your choice. And I'll love you the same no matter what happens. ME: Thanks. I gotta get to work, we'll talk more at home. The rest of the work day sort of was a blur. When I got home I saw that Ellen's car was already there, she must have taken off early to be with me when I got home. As I went inside Ellen rushed up to give me a big hug and kiss. She then asked about the whole management shakeup and so I went over everything and told her about our meeting and everyone's reactions to the news. When I was done she looked at me and asked, "So, what are you going to do?" Without too much hesitation I replied, "I'm going to stay at JRG, it's still the best job I'm probably going to get in this area." "Are you sure?" I nodded. She then gave a sympathetic little smile and whispered to me,, "Well, I'm going to give you a BJ every day until your procedure. Might as well go out in style, right?" I nodded and gave her another hug. As we hugged I felt the hardness of her erection against my hip. The next few weeks flew by. Amanda did end up quitting to go to Hammond- Berkley, as did Bob. Everyone else decided to stay on and accept being standardized to female. As I pulled into work on February 5th I saw a large semi-truck parked off to the side of the office building. I couldn't read the side from the place where I ended up parking but I knew what the truck was. It was a mobile gender reassignment machine. Just as CT and MRI scanners are placed on trucks and moved between hospitals, GRMs fit on trucks now too. When I got to my desk Chrissy stopped by and told me she had already gotten standardized. "Wait, what? Already?" I asked. "Yeah, Friday night in fact, right after work. Brad took me to the GR center that's in the same strip mall as Olive Garden." "Well, did he at least take you to Olive Garden afterwards?" "He did. I got the Chicken Carbonara. It goes really well with having lady parts, you should try it after you get yours. "Very funny," I said with an exaggerated sigh. "But seriously Steve, when are you going to do it? I don't know if I can trust you with those naughty male parts around my delicate femininity." "Ugh, stop hassling me. You're starting to sound like Ellen." Chrissy raised an eyebrow and gave a little smirk. "Oh, is she excited for the change in scenery?" "Yeah, I get the feeling that she is. Whenever we talk about it she acts sympathetic but also gets a raging boner." "Don't worry about her boner, it won't hurt you...too much. Brad was really nervous the first time we did things after I became male, but, I think after he calmed down it felt rather nice. Having a vagina is a lot of work, but it can be a lot of fun during sex, you'll see." And then she touched me on the shoulder before smiling and heading back to her cubicle. I felt something then that I hadn't expected. I realized that for the first time since I had known her she was female and I was male. It was causing me to think things that, well, made me realize why we had standardization. I mean, yeah, I always had fantasies about women, even women who I knew full well were standardized male. But now, for the very first time Chrissy and I could have actual heterosexual sex. In real life, for real. And for a man who had not had actual heterosexual sex in almost 4 years, it was a lot to process. I decided to sign up to use the mobile. When the time for my appointment came later that morning I headed on out to the GRM truck and climbed the little stairs to get inside. There was a little seating and control area near the door, and the machine itself was in the back. The technologist introduced herself and verified my information. She then asked me a few questions about my general health and had me sign a few forms. When she was ready to get going, she stuck a little syringe into my upper arm and told me, "This little shot right here is Geneformix-F. This is the stuff that is the real key to the whole process. It basically tells the cells in your genitals that they are female, and kicks everything off. If we were going the other way, I would be giving you Geneformix-M." She withdrew the now empty syringe and continued, "Now that the Geneformix is in your system, you are pretty much female. Your genitals would fully switch on their own, it would just take a few months. But, thanks to the cellular acceleration process you don't have to wait that long." "Great," I said with mock enthusiasm. She gave a quick smile and hooked up the IV. "This IV has nutrients and other goodies to feed the cells in your body as they undergo rapid division. You'll feel a warm tingling as this goes into you. The machine itself doesn't do much besides direct energy into the groin area that stimulates rapid cell activity." Next she had me remove my pants and underwear and told me to lie down on the machine's table. She gave a quick glance at my penis and said, "Well, the good news is that you don't have excessive penile mass, so the process shouldn't take the full hour." I just shook my head a bit. My penis was about to disappear and she basically gave it one last insult before it went. "Try to lie still during this, it will make it go a lot smoother." She tapped a few things on the machine and then blurted out, "Oh, By the way, you can listen to some music while you wait. Do you have any preference?" "How about some Bob Marley?" She smiled and gave me a set of wireless headphones to put on. As the table advanced me into the machine's opening I heard some whirring and felt a tingling and burning sensation in my groin. I just focused on trying to lie still and listen to Bob Marley. Three Little Birds was on, and I did my best to believe "every little thing, gonna be alright." After a couple songs I picked my head up and looked down at my groin. My penis had shrunk a lot already. It seemed like such a sad little thing now, probably barely an inch long. "Well," I thought to myself, "I should probably start referring to it as my clitoris." Time kept going by, and at one point I thought I felt my testicles pull inside my pubic area. But then again, it could have just been my imagination. As "Could You Be Loved" was playing I looked down again and saw, well, nothing. Just a patch of pubic hair. I couldn't really see my genitals anymore and I imagine that I never really would again without the aid of a mirror. After a few more songs both the noise and the sensations stopped and I felt the table pull out of the machine. The technologist came up to help me sit up on the table and she told me I was all set. "Now, things are going to be "settling" down there for a few days, so refrain from excessive exercise and any extreme sexual activity. You can have regular sex right now but, go easy, ok? By this weekend you should be all set to do whatever you want." I nodded. I slid off the table and was about to put my pants on when she asked, "Did you want a mirror to check things out?" I thought about it for a bit and finally told her, "Yeah." She handed me a hand mirror and I stood with my legs awkwardly spread apart. I then held the mirror at an angle below my groin so I could see things. Sure enough, I had a pussy between my legs. I was functionally a woman. Although women got rather upset if female standardized men called themselves women. I noticed the tiny remains of my penis tucked between folds of flesh at the top of my vaginal cleft. It really was just my clitoris now. It looked so small and scared tucked away in there, hiding under that hood. I remembered all the times I had seen my penis next to my wife's penis and how I had thought hers made mine look small. It had been something sort of like a Labrador meeting a Great Dane. The next time my wife's genitals were near my clitoris it will be more like a poodle meeting a freight train. I handed the mirror back to the technologist and pulled my underwear back on. Right away the big empty pouch forming at the front of my groin served as a reminder of how empty that area actually was now. When I pulled my pants up they too seemed excessively loose in the crotch. I suppose I'd have to go shopping and get some new underwear and a few pairs of F sized pants. As I turned towards the door of the trailer the tech tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Here, don't forget this." She handed me a bag containing some feminine hygiene products and a pamphlet containing information about my new female genitals and how to care for them. I then left and headed back into the office building. As I went through the main door I noticed something I hadn't noticed when I first arrived this morning: the faded blue "M" sticker by the door had been replaced with a fresh pink "F" to denote our new female workplace standard. Workplaces were required to post their standards so that visitors knew what they were in for. The stickers were mostly a relic of the early days of the program. Technically, no one had to enter a workplace environment that didn't match their current genitals. For example, a delivery driver with a vagina could refuse to deliver inside a building that had a male standard. That delivery driver wouldn't be employed for long of course, but technically that was a right they could use. That's one of the reasons I think restaurants and retail outlets were mostly female, some customers with vaginas might feel uncomfortable being around male standardized employees, whereas no one seemed to mind being around people with vaginas. Yeah it's outdated and sexist, but then again some people are outdated and sexist. As I walked down the halls of my familiar office building, I couldn't help but feel things were "off," somehow. I guess I was struck by how different things felt in my groin, so much less motion down there. It's like when you are used to having something like a phone or a wallet in your pocket and you suddenly take it away. You are aware something feels "off," but at the same time still sort of feel the item that's missing. As soon as I sat back at my desk I got the sensation of needing to go to the bathroom. I had just laid on a table for an hour after drinking 3 cups of coffee beforehand, so it was hardly a surprise. I made my way into the bathroom and found an open stall. Haysen construction had been in here about a week ago and they had taken all the urinals out of the bathrooms and had put in a few more stalls. Out of pure habit I stood in front of the toilet and started to unbutton my fly before I corrected myself and turned around to sit down. It took a while to figure out the new muscle contractions to urinate, but I got it and urine started to flow in a soft, "Pfsssss." It was very weird having my urine pass out of a different area of my groin, and of course having it come out in such a chaotic way. The laser like stream I was used to was gone. When my bladder was emptied I got some toilet paper and wiped myself. I knew enough to wipe front to back, at least. On the way out I noticed the new tampon and pad dispenser near the hand dryer, and I realized I needed to keep a few quarters in my desk drawer, just in case. When I got back to my desk Chrissy was waiting for me, eager to know how things had gone. I just shrugged. "It went fine, I guess. It got the intended result anyway." She gave a quick smile. "That's good. Hey listen, I hope my joking around earlier wasn't the reason why you got it done today. I didn't mean anything by it." I chuckled a bit and told her, "No, you're fine. I had to get it done anyway, right? Might as well get it done." She smiled, apparently satisfied by my answer. She went back to work and I tried to as well. Throughout the rest of the workday I kept shifting in my seat as I was very un-used to the strange empty feeling of sitting without anything really between my legs. At one point I even was sitting cross legged, finding it very odd how natural and effortless that was to do now. When I got home I once again saw Ellen's car waiting for me in the driveway, she had taken off early again to meet me when I got home. She wasted no time begging me to show her my new equipment. I dropped my pants and saw her jaw drop in shock at seeing the very real vulva between her husband's legs. "Oh, it's so cute!" she said with a slight high pitched tone. "Cute?" "Well I mean it's just so dainty and feminine looking." I rolled my eyes and groaned a little bit. Her comments were not helping matters any. She broke her gaze away from my lady part and looked up at me to say, "Oh please, don't get offended by me calling it feminine. It is feminine. In fact I can't imagine anything more feminine than an actual vagina. It doesn't mean YOU are feminine." "This isn't exactly helping my sense of masculinity, you know." "Oh don't start that genital identity crap. You're female now Steve, but it doesn't mean you're any less of a man. Do you think I'm a man because I have a dick? I was just saying how nice yours looked compared to the one I had. Mine always had those big labia hanging down, remember? I never liked the look of mine because of that, it was just too bunchy looking. But yours is just perfect. You're really lucky." "Uh, thanks, I guess." Ellen scowled at me and said, "Look, I know it's a big change but remember that you picked this. You chose to stay at JRG. But if you really don't like having a vagina you can always apply somewhere else or become a CPA and do your own thing." "This town doesn't need another CPA fighting over scraps, and I don't want to apply at HB just to get dumped at the end of tax season. I like what I do at JRG and I'm good at it. And I couldn't get standardized back to male for at least 90 days anyway, that's the minimum time between GRs." Ellen just shrugged and said, "Well, since you're stuck with that thing anyway, we might as well go shopping. You look ridiculous in those male pants and boxers." I scoffed and made a disapproving face at that. "C'mon, really? You want me to wear those ridiculous manties things?" "Well, you don't have to go to Prince Albert's Secret in Roseville to get lacey frilly ones or anything, but you'd be a lot more comfortable wearing underwear that fits you. We can just quickly hit TJ Maxx and then go to Sakura afterwards." I was going to argue but sushi sounded delicious and I did need new underwear. I agreed to go. Towards the back of the TJ Maxx was the men's section, and towards the back of that was the men's "F" section. There wasn't a lot to choose from, of course, as Medford didn't have a lot of guys with vaginas. I imagine we'd have to drive up to Roseville some weekend when it came time to replace more of my wardrobe. I mean, I could try ordering stuff online, but, I have no idea what my size in "F" clothes was. I eventually did find some "manties" that I could actually see myself wearing. They weren't overly feminine, but more like a masculine version of the plain panties Ellen used to wear when she had a vagina. These days she mostly wore, "her cut," style boxers. They gave her plenty of room for her male part, while also allowing room for her otherwise feminine curves. At the checkout I saw something I didn't see very often in Medford, an actual pregnant woman. She was running the register and she looked to be about 6 months along. While seeing a woman pregnant was weird enough, it was made even weirder by the fact I could have sworn I saw an, "M," on the door when we came in. I put up my 4 packages of manties and as she began scanning them the checkout lady asked, "So, I'm going to guess you recently got a new job?" "No, same job, they just switched our standard." She nodded knowingly and replied, "Ah, I see. Yeah, they did the same crap to us a few months ago here. We had been female since the beginning of standardization, and then one day the manager just up and switched us to male. I have heard a few rumors that his husband was after him to have kids, but, I can't say for sure that's why he switched us." She gave her belly a little pat and added, "luckily, this little fella snuck in under the wire, so I at least get to finish out my pregnancy before I switch." The checkout lady gave me the total, and I gave her my credit card. On the way out of the store Ellen put her arm around me and leaned in for a kiss. At Sakura she kept holding my hand and giving me loving stares. And while I appreciated the attention from her, the sudden change in her attention had me wondering if Ellen had ulterior motives. My suspicions were confirmed as soon as we got back through the front door of our house. Without warning Ellen quickly pressed me against the wall and kissed me deeply. She leaned in towards me and began to run her hands along my inner thigh. I felt a warmness and a tingle in my genitals I had not felt before, and it didn't take me long to realize I was experiencing female arousal. It was wildly different than I had expected. Male arousal had been more like an urge, an urge to fuck something and, "get off". Female arousal felt to me more like a desire, a thirst. Like wanting a cup of hot chocolate to warm up on a cold day. My male brain raced trying to understand the very female arousal, trying to make sense of it. I felt a dampness growing within my vagina, as I was growing moist with desire. It was at the same time very weird but also very wonderful. I pressed my hand against Ellen's thigh and I felt her hardness. For the first time I actually wanted it, in fact I needed it. The urge to feel her thick hard rod INSIDE of me was overwhelming. I wanted her on top of me. I wanted her to FUCK me. I wanted to be taken, to be dominated. I wanted...her. I breathlessly whispered to her, "Fuck me." We raced to the bedroom and practically ripped off our clothes. I laid on the bed and Ellen reached into the nightstand to grab some lubricant. As she rubbed the lube upon her stiff shaft she just looked at me with a longing I had not seen in her for some time. I just bit my lower lip and prepared myself to get fucked for the first time. With a quick motion she was on top of me, straddling me. My spread legs were around her hips and I felt so vulnerable. Then she just looked at me for a bit, letting the feelings we were experiencing sink in even further. Finally she asked, "Are you sure you want this?" I nodded. I felt the tip of her cock touch my delicate opening. She fumbled for a bit, but then she found just the right angle and she pressed into me. It was surreal feeling something inside of me, no less in an opening I had not woken up with this morning. A moan escaped my lips, and then a slight shriek as I felt some pain. Ellen slowed, and kissed me as she gave my vagina some time to adjust itself to accommodate her girth. She held me for a while, and then when she was sure that I was fully ready she began to pick up her pace. The feeling of sex as a female was something I was not prepared for. I mean I had gotten off thousands of time as a guy and I had liked it, yeah, but this was a whole other level. Sexual nerve endings I had never had before fired off and tickled my brain as her cock moved in and out of me. I just gave in and let it happen, I let myself get fucked. The feeling of bliss just built and built until finally it snapped in a crescendo so intense my whole body convulsed. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. I think I even felt it in my toes, if such a thing is possible. But then something even more remarkable happened, I didn't come back down. The sexual bliss was still there. It wasn't dropping off after orgasm like it had when I was a male. It just sort of settled into this plateau, and before long I felt it building back up again. I sort of lost it at that point, and just started moaning and babbling in feminine bliss. I clawed at her back and begged her to go faster and harder. Ellen picked up her pace even further as she got closer to climax, her breasts were slapping me in the face with each thrust. I had 2 more orgasms before she finally grunted and emptied her balls into me. I felt her sperm splash against my cervix, I felt her cock twitch inside of me. It was very surreal. She collapsed onto the bed next to me, and both of us just lay there for a while panting and spent. As the combined juices covering my vulva began to cool I was struck with a rather scary thought: I was a female who just had unprotected sex with my male wife, and we hadn't used any protection.

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Falling Below Standards

“I know” she beamed back. “Ladies, stop” came a firm direct order. They froze. Principal West stood before them, he was a tall man in his fifties with silver hair. There was a tense silence as he looked at them, inspecting them with his dark eyes. “Miss Greene, what’s this?” he said, stepping to the side of her and pulling at a loose strand of her dark hair which had fallen out of her neat bun. Madison’s heart sank and she remained silent for a moment. “Please-” “I think we better have a...

3 years ago
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Normal Standards

NORMAL STANDARDS Part I By all normal standards my marriage is good... in fact it is better than good, but to say that it is perfect would be an overstatement. After five years, things naturally settle, routines are formed. Lust and adventure evolve into love and respect. Sex has become infrequent and when it does occur it is quick and to the point. Inside of me there is still a need for adventure with desires that have only barely been scratched even during the honeymoon years of...

2 years ago
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Workplace Lesbians

Well everyone im finally back! I havent written a story in a while because I havent had any out of the ordinary sexual experiences besides the usual sex with my fiancee. If you have been keeping up with my stories then you know my stories are 100% true and based off of personal expriences. so here it goes… My fiancee is bisexual and oh yeah it is great. I get to look at other women with her and talk about their tits etc. My fiancee got a job at this mall. While at the working there she found...

3 years ago
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workplace fuck

She had an infectious grin, that was the first thing. Impish, it kind of reminded me of Jack Nicholson. But there the resemblance stopped. She was petite, about 5’3, damned if she was over 105 pounds. Dark hair cut to frame her face. Small, swimmer’s body. She had a six-pack (she showed me). Deep brown eyes. It was hard to see her as a girl because of the gender-neutral hats, t-shirts and khaki pants we had to wear at the restaurant I managed. It was also hard to see her as a girl because she...

3 years ago
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Workplace adventures

I had just been transferred to a new department at work. I'd come up with a new idea, and the big wigs liked it, so I'd been given the somewhat staggering task of actually leading the project. Along with the new responsibilities came a new office in another part of the building. I decided to get a head start and came in early to move my stuff over into my new office. As I carried my things, I looked around hoping to see who I would be working with, but all I saw was a lot of windowless offices,...

5 years ago
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Workplace Medical Examination

This story happened on leaving school and starting my first ever job back in 1980.It was a Friday and I was close to finish my first week as an employee at a small printing company, I was given a few duties between departments. On the Friday I was helping out in the accounts department, which consisted of two women in their late fifties Margaret and Muriel, also working there was Tracey who was in my year at School and to be honest I had a crush on her for as long as I could remember. I was...

3 years ago
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workplace fuck

She had an infectious grin; that was the first thing. Impish; it kind of reminded me of Jack Nicholson. But there the resemblance stopped. She was petite, about 5'3, damned if she was over 105 pounds. Dark hair cut to frame her face. Small, swimmer's body. She had a six-pack (she showed me). Deep brown eyes. It was hard to see her as a girl because of the gender-neutral hats, t-shirts and khaki pants we had to wear at the restaurant I managed. It was also hard to see her as a girl because she...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Workplace Lesbians

Well everyone im finally back! I havent written a story in a while because I havent had any out of the ordinary sexual experiences besides the usual sex with my fiancee. If you have been keeping up with my stories then you know my stories are 100% true and based off of personal expriences. so here it goes...My fiancee is bisexual and oh yeah it is great. I get to look at other women with her and talk about their tits etc. My fiancee got a job at this mall. While at the working there she found...

4 years ago
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Workplace Crush

You decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...

2 years ago
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Workplace Violations

Scene: woman in early 20s with pretty face working in a small office. She’s sitting at her desk working on a spreadsheet on a laptop. She has on a long skirt ago down to her ankles and a bulky sweater. Her skirt has a belt, but it’s under the sweater. There’s no way to tell if she has a good body or not. There’s a larger desk at the other side of the room with a laptop on it but no one sitting there.A woman in her early-to-mid 30s comes in and closes the door behind her. “I’m glad you haven’t...

1 year ago
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Workplace Friendship Leads To Lustful Overtime

I was working late that night when I noticed Jennifer was also working late. Jennifer is a beautiful black woman in her late thirties. Her hair was cut short in a cute pageboy, which accented her facial features. She was wearing a light colored sweater and a long black skirt. Sometimes, just from looking at her pretty face I had to control myself from getting too hard. Her dark eyes were gorgeous; her soft lips had a pout on them that made me want to jam my white cock into her mouth! It had...

2 years ago
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New accounting standards

Nirmala was not a very good Accountant, but she was the best we could get. More than her accounting practices, we enjoyed watching her because she had wonderful assets – she always dressed in a sari – a low slung hipster, showing oodles of waist and tummy and occasionally a nice fleshy “bembi”. When she walked, her hips swayed from side-to-side and one could not help but stare at her shapely buttocks. She was well-endowed on top and one occasionally got a peek of well rounded boobs. I waylaid...

2 years ago
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Foreign Standards

Several years ago I was working on a large project with members of three other companies. Our team was one of many that were working on different aspects of a massive system design for worldwide communications. I can’t really say more about the effort and it’s not related to the story anyway. Tom and I had recently celebrated our one-year anniversary when I had to go to Bonn Germany for the project. It was supposed to be for only one week, but I was there for three months. When I arrived in...

4 years ago
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Attraction Towards New Standards

I use to visit iss 2-3 times a week; now I guess its time to share my experience. About me- I look fine, 5.10’ tall, wheatish complexion, boner big enough for any girl or women out there. I work in one of the reputed sector of Jaipur and I have just completed my MBA. I had many experience in my past i.e. with the girls of my age. I lost my virginity a year back that’s another story for some other day but the one which happened a month back is one experience to share with all of you guys. When I...

3 years ago
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Foreign Standards

Several years ago I was working on a large project with members of three other companies. Our team was one of many that were working on different aspects of a massive system design for worldwide communications. I can’t really say more about the effort and it’s not related to the story anyway. Tom and I had recently celebrated our one-year anniversary when I had to go to Bonn Germany for the project. It was supposed to be for only one week, but I was there for three months. When I arrived in...

4 years ago
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The Double Standard

I have seen a lot of things in my life and I question what morality really is. Wanted to post my thoughts somewhere on this, and since it covers adult subjects I figure it might belong here on Lit. My first thought is, the normal ethics and morals of today’s society has failed us. Plain and simple, they have become overly complicated, unrealistic to where no one would ever be able to actually achieve what is considered to be the modern moral standard. It kind of reminds me of this one sexual...

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A Double Standard

Chapter 1 Thanks goes to 'Techsan' for editing this story. I am one of those weird people who read erotic stories. Yes, I admit it. Once I start reading them it's hard to stop. Some stories are total trash; of course that is only my opinion. But then you come across a story, not paying any attention to the authors name, you never heard of him or her but the title of the story draws your interest. You decide to click on it and kind of give it a scan through, not really reading it. After you...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 16 Double Standard

September 27, 1994, Munich, Germany I shook my head and followed Elena into my room. She went straight to the phone and made a call. “«Eine Flasche Champagner für Zimmer 603 bitte, und einige Früchte ... Ja, das wird gut.»” She hung up the phone and walked over and sat on the couch. “Don’t stand there like a fool,” she laughed. “Sit down!” I went over to the couch and sat down, though not too close to Elena. “Elena...” I began to protest, but she interrupted me. “You asked me to...

4 years ago
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Meet me at the Standard

It's the night of my birthday, and you've told me to get dressed up like we were in Vegas and meet you at the bar at the Standard at 8pm. I show up at the bar. It's a warm night; place is busy. I see you across the room, drink in hand, sizing up the place. You look stunning, in an elegant dress that stops just above the knee. We have a couple of drinks while you continue to check the place out, looking at the girls, and the guys. You see a guy you like; taller than me, good looking, and...

Wife Lovers
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A Double Standard

There are no graphic sex scenes in this story. Sorry. You will have to read other stories for that. Comments and critiques are requested and appreciated. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy. My story is one about the dangers of temptation and how they can totally screw up your life. After what my wife and I had to go through, I felt that warning others of what can happen was the right thing to do. Let me give you a picture of the main players in my little slice of life. My name is Hennessy,...

4 years ago
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A Double Standard

My story is one about the dangers of temptation and how they can totally screw up your life. After what my wife and I had to go through, I felt that warning others of what can happen was the right thing to do. Let me give you a picture of the main players in my little slice of life. My name is Hennessy, John Fitzgerald. I was 30 on my last birthday. My wife is Alyssa is 24 and a fine looking lady she is. Alyssa is tall, for a woman, at 5 feet 10; she has a slender build and a body just right...

2 years ago
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Me and My Step Daddy Jack Part 1

Introduction: Ashley, now 18 is left in the care of her ex step father. And so their story begins. Me and My Step Daddy – Jack: Part 1 I was my mothers only child. Jack was her latest ex husband after being married for 5year she divorced him. Jack was super hot but hell he was a pervy jerk.. Jack was about 6feet tall had light brown soft hair, grey eyes little wrinkled skin a very hot toned body as he worked out a lot.. Was around 36, Worked as a partner in some firm. He was rich and had no...

4 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 10E

We strolled down East 86th Street. It was getting late, yet I was amazed that the traffic and the people on Lexington Avenue were as frenzied as they were during the day. Martha led me to a newsstand so besieged with customers that we had to push our way through to get a copy of the Sunday Times. "This is not the way you get it in Memphis," she said, offering me the hefty newspaper with both hands as if it were a precious gift. She saw my eyes bulge: the complete New York Times, including...

4 years ago
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Im going to Hell

Coming of Age. My first marriage was as an 18-year-old girl. I was a Virgin, ready to become a woman. I was thankful to my husband, Joe, for allowing me to remain pure. I knew he had sex with other girls but he did not pressure me. I probably allowed him his freedom so I could remain pure. My older sister had to get married; Mother constantly stayed on me to be a good girl. On the first night of our honeymoon I was so excited, the only time I had been brought to a climax was riding my...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter

She ran her hand through her auburn curls, trying to straighten out what the wind had undone as she drove along the main street. Suzanne had decided to go out to lunch, her husband was home sleeping after his all night job and she had gotten tired of sitting around the house. She saw the bright red Mustang as she turned into the restaurant parking lot, and she noticed the empty parking spot next to it, so she drove in. She caught the man's form at the steering wheel out of the corner of her...

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Arrived home Too Early

I had only been working for a year or so & was still living at home with my mom & stepdad (Who I didn't get on with). I had told mom I wouldn't be home until after dinner. But ended up finishing work at lunch time. After I got off the bus & walked home, I got home to see my Stepdad's car wasn't there, I could actually talk to mom alone. When I walked in the house was quite, so I thought mom was having a nap. But no, she wasn't having a nap, she was lying on their bed legs spread...

4 years ago
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The thing he liked most about her feet was the faint passion fruit scent. He didn’t know where she got her special lotion but it was amazing, it made her skin so soft and the smell was intoxicating. He loved to sit and watch her paint her toes- the way she carefully applied the deep red nail polish to her little toes, the way she lifted her feet and spread her toes as far as she could when she was done in order to not get the polish ruined while it dried. Watching her do that made his cock...

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Axiom Chapter 4

She was greeted at the door by Alfred, who invited her in with a knowing smile. "How nice to see you again, Ms. Kenner." "Thank you, Alfred. Is he busy?" "Not that I know of, Ms. Kenner." He took her coat and gestured at the sofa nearby. "He's in the study, but I'll be sure to let him know that you're here. Please, have a seat." As he walked away, Gwyneth sauntered around the barely decorated living room. The place felt significantly less alien now that she'd been here more...

2 years ago
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True story 2

Answered an ad last week.'Female company wanted £££" on another site.He was 72 and we emailed a few times again before arranging for me to go and see him.He wanted he said some light massage/lunch/company.... but his emails were quite flirty and i thought why not.When i arrived i asked if i could take a quick shower as a baby had thrown up on the tube and the smell of sick had worked its way into my hair and clothes.Of course he said and showed me to the bathroom.I waited a couple of minutes...

3 years ago
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Ignoring the Signs Circa 1978

As soon as you walked through the door the unmistakable aroma of weed and the familiar smell of infidelity left you in no doubt that you had entered the Cavendish Club. As usual the place was full of desperate people, some searching for everlasting love, most of them just after a one night stand. The events over the last few days had left him depressed and emotionally drained. The day had started badly and progressively got worse. It started with an early morning telephone call from Stella...

3 years ago
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A Quiet Weekend

IT'S A QUIET WEEKEND AND I am home alone, bored with nothing better to do. I finished all the romance novels that irked my curiosity and there was nothing good on TV. I decided to surf online and look for something interesting. I was just busy minding my own business when a chat window from one of my open instant messenger programs popped up on my screen: player69: hey babe, whacha doin'? singlebabe2000: not much, just surfing. what r u doing? player69: grins sitting here buck naked, cock in my...

Group Sex
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Zoo In Future 8211 Dipti In Zoo

********************** stage 1************************************* This is 2055 and the world is different from the world we know today. Public transportation is a thing of past, everybody flies around all the times. Money is non-existent and has been replaced by plastic; people actually live on mars nowadays. My story starts in my country, with a girl call Dipti, a 19-year girl who had just landed herself in college for studies. She used to stay in college hostel away from the family. She was...

2 years ago
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FamilySwap Haley Spades Jamie Michelle We Arent The Millers

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Rico Hernandez is looking like hell. His swap sister Haley Spades asks him what the matter is, and Rico eventually admits he’s never kissed a girl before. They’re still working on their technique when their swap parents Jamie Michelle and Charles Dera walk in on them. Jamie is quick to get in on the action with her swap son while Charles watches and films the sweet...

4 years ago
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Im a Slave 4 U

The text pops up on my phone, apparently just a minor distraction in a sea of meetings and presentations and team-building exercises. But when she looks at it, it says, ‘Unit 4U is called into service.’ And then Haley Keene goes away for a while, and I emerge. I text back, ‘Unit 4U acknowledges service call,’ and sink into stillness to await further instructions. While I do, I access Haley’s memories of the time since I last emerged from the depths of her mind. I see that we are attending a...

2 years ago
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I was walking home from work one day when all of a sudden there was a hand over my mouth and I was being dragged. A blindfold was placed over my eye, tape on my mouth and cuffs on my wrists behind my back. I was placed inside a car. The ride seemed to last forever. I was so scared. When the car came to a stop I was pulled out of the car by my hair. I was kicking and trying to scream. I heard what sounded like a door being opened, I was pushed inside. I fell to the ground, the door was closed. I...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Roxy Lips Hardcore Office Romp

Sex craving secretary Roxy Lips can’t seem to concentrate on her work today. She has other things on her mind, namely a hardcore office romp with Raul Costa. He’s definitely down for the pussy licking occasion and dives his head down between the brunette babe’s tanned thighs to prime her for the pussy fucking to come. After a blowjob down on her knees, the Russian beauty gets her asshole turned out with deep anal penetration. Watch them fuck in 2D 4K or enjoy the immersive...

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My Wifes Fantasy LoverChapter 3

Then the day came that changed everything. Hunter phoned wanting to know if he could crash with me for a couple of days, at least until he could find a new place to live. They had decided to mutually 'call it quits'. I knew that it would be fine with Kari. I felt bad for Hunter but at the same time I had an excitement tingling in my groin about him staying in the same house with us, so I told him to pack up and come on over. "Ohhh, I think it could be fun." Kari said with a twinkle....

2 years ago
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Hanging Out with My Brothers FriendsPart 2The Lake

When we got to the lake, the party was in full swing. I would guess there were about fifteen to twenty guys there. Although there were a few girls, it was pretty much a sausage fest. When we walked up to the assembled group, I noticed several heads turn.Apparently, most guys were surprised at my appearance. Hell, they were surprised by my boobs. I grabbed a beer and started to nurse it.We hung around for a while. Guys started to come up to me to chat me up. Josh eventually became possessive...

4 years ago
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A Day With My Lusty Cousin

Hello ISS readers. This is Aman (name changed) again. I am back with a new fantasy. This story is about me and my cousin sister. This is my 3rd story. You can read the other two parts Sinful Sitha aunt – Part 1 and 2. Those who don’t know me, I am from Bangalore, but I am doing my degree in Mysore. Let me tell you about myself. I am 21 years old. To be honest, I am a very skinny guy with a fair color. Height of 5’10. My dick size is not like other guys, it’s just 6 inch and 2 and half inch...

4 years ago
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Looking Young

The sun shone brightly in the morning Florida sky as the blue convertible pulled into the driveway of the white stucco house. The garage door opened and the car pulled into the darkness of the garage. "We're home," Jeff announced. "Back to the real world," his wife Sally said with a sigh. "Go inside and I will bring in all the luggage." Jeff and Sally had just gotten back from a honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean. Both in their 50's and both on their second marriage, they had...

2 years ago
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Naughty Things With My Husband8217s Brother

Hi my name is chitra I am going to my sex experience with my husband’s brother rishi. He is hot but I dont know his intension towards me but I like him very much. My husband works in a private company with good package and we have our own house and ours is arrange marriage. We live in tamilnadu, rishi came to stay with us because my husband needed him to do some office work. He used to do work daily but he will finish in 2 hrs and always be with me. He was nice and I too didnt feel bore in he...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

3 years ago
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Me My Little Sister Virginity

Hi, guys n gals m Ravi Pamar 4m Mumbai direct to story which doesn’t has end-Ma Parents n we both siblings (me24yrs n ma sis Anju now 19yrs[32.26.30]) it was the 31.12.005 n next day was new year me as a friend ask ma sis do you’ve BF she said yes , is he loving truly she said yes. n next day early morning she was going to go with him to temple so she said m going to sleep. I said u go then when I came in bed room I saw she was in deep sleep n ma parents too at moment I thought y should I leave...

2 years ago
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Vixen Ariana Marie Passionate Raw Sex

Ariana has moved in with her boyfriend and things aren’t going well. When he suddenly announces that his cousin is coming to stay, she isn’t impressed – that is, until she sees him. She works from home, so they end up spending a lot of tie together. He is the opposite of her boyfriend and it doesn’t take long before she begins fantasising about what could be. With her relationship going from bad to worse, she decides to put out a little bait and see what she can reel...

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Abducted Ch 01

Chapter 1 – Max Max took a deep breath, puckered his lips and blew a draught of cool air into Emma’s glistening vagina. A muffled sigh, and a slight tightening of her thighs around his head, were testimony of her appreciation. She pressed her pussy against his face, and he extended his tongue to caress her soft musky cavern. He tried not to be aroused by the scent and feel of her damp recesses, but it was useless! He tried to force his thoughts to other matters – his mortgage – the children’s...

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Two Part 2

Two (Part 2) The question, of course, was ‘what next?’ It took a couple of weeks before the right idea hit me. I was sure Amy was interested in sleeping with Allison (at least when she was turned on, which is the vast majority of the time), but I wasn’t certain what Allison wanted, if anything. Also, she was an important part of my little business, and I didn’t want to lose both a talented, trusted secretary and a friend. But then the idea came, and all rationality evaporated. I had to take...

4 years ago
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Made Love With Srishlike Bhabhi

This is Pranay from Vizag. I am 5 7 in height and have average weight. This is the sex story explaining how I got laid with the wife of my distant cousin. Girls who are interested can contact me and give feedback at I will be waiting for that. Sorry for my narration as it is my first sex story. All the character names including mine are fictional. This happened when I was 20. I was studying my bachelor’s and having a lot of fun but didn’t have any encounter till then. I came to know that my...

3 years ago
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Ramesh Fucked My Mom In Front Of Me

Hi Guys, This is Kamesh from Coimbatore. I’m a regular reader of the Indian sex stories. After reading many stories I decided to post a real incident happened in my family a few years back.My dad, Bala who is working in Dubai. He comes to India once in two years. He stayed with us for a month only and go back. My mom Parvathi is a homemaker, age 35 (when this happened). My mom is fair complexion, 5ft height and has long hair. She looks like a little fatty but fats are in perfect places which...

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Emmas Misbehaviour

Emma was annoyed as she walked up the pathway to the house, opened the front door, closed it behind her, walked through the hallway and into the living room, and at least was satisfied to see three very naughty bare bottoms staring out at her. The owners of those very naughty bottoms had their noses pressed against the wall and their hands clasped on top of their heads.Emma was the youngest of the four women at just eighteen-years-old but had succeeded in imposing her disciplinary control over...

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A Trip to Remember 1Chapter 13

As they pulled up to the farm, they first went to the villa. It was a huge house that was mostly empty except for a cook and maid that stayed there in case someone came by. They were both excited to have guests and did everything to make them feel welcome. The girls were soon off to find Hans and start training. Tom went to his private room and locked himself in. He went through his inventory to see if he could find something to help move his projects along. Some of the inventory they had...

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Succubi World

beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep You stretch your arm out from under the almost uncomfortably hot, yet very familiar body lying against you on the bed. After a few seconds of blindly reaching, you manage to slap the snooze button on your Galaxy Note and let your arm dangle freely over the bedside. Blinking the sleep out of your eyes, the first thing you see is a large, round, dark blue ass and moist pussy, inches away from your face. A slender tail extends from the ass's tailbone and is lazily...

2 years ago
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You know, after scouring through endless regular porn, a dude like me sort of looks for new avenues that might be more exciting. I’m talking about fetishes and more personal connections with the videos that feature real people. The site tries to provide something like that in an attempt to intrigue our sexual desires after the age of endless professional porn sites. On this site, it’s not the algorithms that decide what you’ll watch. You decide what you’ll watch. You get to nurture...

Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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I watched my wife with an older man 6

Introduction: Foreword: My name is Cleo and youll see it on some of the stories posted here. I have also written a few fiction stories posted here, but most of mine are true. I am a Physical Relationships Therapist (sex counselor) and some of the issues I council people on are so-called deviant sexually related matters. In many cases, reading about themselves helps some folks cope with their arrant behavior. As a result, I have received many degrading comments about my work from the readers,...

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Catching someone else

So I've moved to another golf course community and finally found a player but he doesn't play golf. I noticed a man mid 60s looking around before walking into the mangroves on the golf course. He walked in empty handed and walked out empty handed. I quickly ran out and caught him walking away and I kept a far distance from afar. I watched him walk into a building and take the elevator. I was able to see him walking again on the 4th floor and walk in his from door. I headed in and thought I'd...

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The Thirteenth Virgin

********** “Igor, you worthless scum! Get up here!” the speaker in my cell ceiling squawked. I hurried up the long stone stairwell to his laboratory. “Yes, Master?” “This one isn't a virgin! She's been used! Weren't you suspicious when you saw she was shaved? Didn't you check? You've wasted my time!” “But Master, she's a neophyte nun. I thought she would be a virgin.” “You thought? Since when do you think? Look at this! Look there, you cretin!” He grabbed...

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Angelinas Seduction and Brads Naked Surrender

Angelina’s Seduction and Brad’s Naked Surrender (Prologue) The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. (Part One) Seductive Arrest Angelina Garrison was a woman on a mission...

4 years ago
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Afterparty fun

It all began when I agreed to go to the party.Even though I don't enjoy large gatherings with strangers, I agreed to go because of 1 factor: Ellie. Ellie was slightly older than I was. She was turning 19, while I was just 18, but I'd attracted her attention and frequent pleasure of her company after meeting her when out with a few mutual friends, both of whom were also attending the party (Anna and Jack). The party was to a time to celebrate putting on a successful production of the musical...

2 years ago
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Lost By Archibald Young Paul was lost, cold and wet. His phone was smashed after he had dropped it. The rain sheeted down in a grey wall, and he could barely see where he was going. How he wished he'd stayed in the car, and not asked to walk the last few miles across country to the holiday house where his step-mother and step-sisters were probably having tea, warm and snug! He came to a road, and began to walk along it, looking for a phone box. It was a deserted spot, the...

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