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Workplace Standards By Monsta I awoke to the slight shaking of the bed. I groggily looked at the alarm clock through my blurry sleep crusted eyes and saw it was 3:12am. After waking up a bit more and getting my bearings about me I realized the bed's motion was the result of my wife Ellen masturbating. I lay in bed motionless, pretending to be asleep. If she knew I was awake she might try to involve me, and at 3:13am I just wanted to sleep. My wife's sex drive was way higher than my own and we both had an unspoken agreement that I'd do what I could for her, but sometimes she had to take care of those surplus urges on her own. I heard and felt her motion rhythm increase in speed, and then I heard a couple of faint moans from her. She must be close anyway, I thought. Indeed, after another minute or so I heard her gasp and felt her body contract a few times in orgasmic spasms. She breathed heavily for a bit, and then I felt her shuffle about as she put her clothing back in place. For a minute or so the room was still and quiet, but then I heard Ellen whisper, "Steve, are you awake?" I hesitated for a moment and then replied, "Yeah." With the pretense of sleep dropped, she spoke in her normal voice, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. I went to the bathroom a bit ago and when I got back to bed I started thinking about stuff and well, I got horny." "It's ok hun," I told her calmly, "I know how it is." She scooted up next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. She then draped her arm over me and we cuddled until we both fell asleep. At 6:00 am the alarm clock went off and I moved swiftly to slap it back into silence. Ellen stirred awake beside me and groaned in an all too sleepy voice, "Uuugh, how can it be 6 already?" I gave her a playful pat on her cute little butt and got up to go to the bathroom. I found that the toilet seat was up already, one of the few advantages of having a wife with a penis. Ellen was standardized to male about three years ago when she started working at Vincent Yungoza Inc. as a supervisor. We had both debated whether she should join a male standard company, but the job offer was amazing and well, couples can adapt to having the same parts. We have adapted, sure, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her vagina. Neither of us was into anal so our sex life became handjobs and blowjobs. It's ok I guess. It's enough to satisfy me, and other than Ellen's occasional masturbating she seems ok with things too. When she had first come home with her new penis she almost immediately dropped her pants to show it to me. It was almost like she was proud of it or something. I hate to admit it but it is fairly impressive, about 8 inches erect and thick. She was about two inches bigger than me, and as if that weren't bad enough her balls were larger as well. She was undoubtedly more, "man" than I was in the actual genital sense. She's still very much female in all other ways, fortunately. Standardization only affects the actual genitals, it doesn't cause any secondary sexual traits to change. It's one of the reasons I think that there hasn't been more resistance to standardization. As long as a male standard woman kept things "in place" and as long as a female standard man didn't wear anything that would show a camel toe, they looked like normal men and women. I should note the only obvious exception is female standard men who become pregnant. Now normally, their cycle and periods are simply regulated by small fluctuations in their testosterone levels, which doesn't affect their physical appearance. But, during a pregnancy other hormones obviously come into play, and pregnant men will grow boobs and get a, "pregnancy glow" about them. After delivery and finishing nursing their boobs will diminish back to normal most of the time. If they have anything left over it would probably just be dainty little A cups, so unless they have their shirt off to reveal their big feminine nipples, the lumps in their shirt would just look like normal man boobs to anyone looking. Speaking of pregnancy, with both of us approaching 30, if we want to have biological offspring one of us is going to have to get a job at a female standard company. Which is easier said than done In Medford Oregon, our area seems to be heavily tilted towards male companies. Standardization is leveraged at the state level, so even though Oregon as a whole has a 50 50 gender balance, some areas invariably had more of one than the other. For example, Roseburg, which is about two hours away has a widely known female tilted business standardization. I don't like standardization, and as far as I know most people don't like it either. But, if you want a job it's just the way things are. All of this started in the 80s when Aphea Medical Corporation announced they had found a way to induce rapid cell division in the genitals. It has something to do with how genitals are programmed to respond in the womb to certain stimuli, but the actual science of all of it is over my head. All I know is that by the 90s the process had advanced to the point where a person could get new naughty bits faster than they could get eye glasses. Apparently, piles of corporate money had poured into researching and rapidly advancing this new technology. And given the result we are stuck with today, it's easy to see why. In 1999 a large number of corporate lobbyists and lawyers rammed the Sexual Standardization Act through a government all too set up to cater to corporate interests. Companies wanted freedom from sexual related issues, and they got it. The act requires any employed person to conform their genitals to the standard of their workplace. The act also happens to make employers immune from sexual discrimination suits, sexual harassment suits and a number of other goodies. So, for almost 20 years now any person in the workforce had to have the genitals that were the standard where they worked. For example my employer, JRG Accounting, has a male standard. That means each and every one of my coworkers has a schlong in their pants, even the cute redheaded receptionist. It also means if the cute redheaded receptionist decided to force herself on me, I could still have her arrested and sue her, but I could never ever bring legal action against JRG Accounting. I signed the standardization waiver when I accepted the job. Like I said I don't like standardization, but I have to begrudgingly admit that it does make the workplace much more relaxed and efficient. There is zero sexual tension, and nobody is worried about saying something offensive because there's basically no such thing as non-physical sexual harassment. I could call all of my women coworkers into a conference room, put up a powerpoint of porn and then tell offensive jokes about women and totally get away with it. Hell, they'd probably laugh. After all we're all "guys" around there anyhow. From what Ellen says about her workplace it is pretty much the same way there. She's a supervisor, but even though she's the boss a lot of guys on her team crack jokes right in front of her that would have been considered "inappropriate" prior to standardization. Ellen sometimes passes the jokes on to me at dinner, and some of them are quite funny. In fact, she had told one just the night before, and I thought about it again which caused me to chuckle as I relieved myself. Just as I was finishing up Ellen came into the bathroom and asked me, "What's so funny?" I flushed the toilet and said, "Just thinking about that joke you heard from Harry at your work." Ellen smiled as she remembered it too. She then went up to the toilet, reached into her pink PJ bottoms and pulled out her dick so she could relieve herself as well. If there was any doubt that we were comfortably married, the sight of my wife standing in front of the toilet peeing right in front of me should be enough proof we were an old married couple. I got in the shower and started wetting my hair down. As I heard Ellen flush the toilet, I quickly got out of the water spray before it changed to scalding hot. After a few moments I cautiously stepped back in. I had just gotten my hair fully wet when Ellen opened the door and stepped in to join me. I stepped to the side and allowed her to get under the shower. As I watched her, I felt myself getting a little turned on. Aside from the huge cock and balls, my wife is a very beautiful woman after all, and I still found her very much attractive. Ellen must have noticed me appreciating her beauty, because she glanced down at my semi hard penis and gave a sly smile. She pulled me under the shower with her and gave me a deep kiss. As we made out beneath the cascading water I felt a hardness begin to press into me. I glanced down and saw that she too, was beginning to become aroused. Ellen's dick may only 2 inches bigger than mine, but as I looked down and saw our penises side by side I was once again reminded how much difference a couple inches made. Her cock looked massive compared to my penis. She continued to kiss me as she grasped my member in her hand and slowly stroked it until it reached full hardness. Ellen then broke the kiss and started to softly stroke my cock with a type of precision that could only come from having a cock herself. She knew exactly what needed to be done, and where. Her expert touch soon had me feeling very nice, and I felt myself building towards an inevitable outcome. After only a couple minutes of Ellen's stroking, I came. In several short spurts my jizz landed against her thigh where it was quickly washed away by the shower. Ellen giggled slightly, clearly amused by how her efforts had such a fast and profound effect on me. It had felt really nice but, nevertheless, I was a little embarrassed by how fast and easily I had cum. My penis had not entered a vagina in almost three years, and my stamina had gone to crap. My sex life was masturbating, hand jobs, and the occasional blowjob. None of those things really required me to work on lasting longer, so, over time I had gotten used to cumming quickly. With my needs obviously met, Ellen gestured downward at her own stiff cock. I thought about giving her a handjob in turn, but Ellen had a lot more stamina than I did, and if I tried to get her off with my hand we would both be late for work. So, I got on my knees and took her hard thick rod into my mouth. As I began bobbing my head around Ellen could be heard above me making soft feminine moans of sexual bliss. As I continued though, her moans slowly changed into more masculine grunts. At one point her hand pressed into the back of my head and she said, "That's it little man, suck my big dick." She said a few more things after that, but I was used to her masculine side at this point, and was focused mostly on trying to get her off so I could finish showering and getting ready for work. At last, she came. Her load landed against the back of my throat and even though I hated the taste of semen, I swallowed. I pulled back, allowing her dick to pop out of my mouth. I looked up at her and saw she was looking down at me. She smiled and said, "Thanks babe, that was nice." After finishing my shower and getting ready, I made my way to work. My commute was about 20 minutes if there wasn't heavy traffic, and thankfully there wasn't heavy traffic because I would have been late otherwise. Along the way I noticed a new billboard was up for Charlie Station, a male exotic dancer club about 10 miles outside of town. The billboard had three stereotypical, "hunky" guys who were shirtless and doing their best to pose like they were in Chippendale's or something. However, unlike Chippendale's guys, their tight shorts had obvious camel toes. Charlie Station switched their workplace standard to female about a year ago, and it had been the talk of the town at the time. With most of Medford's women having penises, having their male exotic dancer club feature guys with vaginas made good business sense. The place got a lot busier after that. Hell, I bet a lot of guys went there just to get drunk and see vaginas. When I got to work I went right to my desk and sat down. I was one minute away from being late. I logged into my computer and started finishing up some work I had left hanging when I overheard a few of the women in a nearby cubicle discussing the new Charlie Station billboard. Just about then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw my boss, Jennifer standing behind me with another woman I didn't recognize. My boss motioned towards the woman behind her and said, "Steve, this is Chrissy Iverson, she's a new hire who just got through orientation yesterday." I stood up and reached out to shake Chrissy's hand. Chrissy had a fairly slender build, and appeared to be in her late 20s just like me. She wasn't super-hot or anything, but she was decent looking. I still couldn't help but imagine how sweet it would be to bend her over and fuck her hot wet pussy from behind. Of course it was just a fantasy, if she was employed here she had a penis. I would ever cheat on Ellen anyway, but hey, I'm still a guy. And besides, fantasies were probably as close to an actual vagina I'd ever get again unless I went to Charlie Station. My boss continued, "She's going to be in the cubicle next to yours, so I'd like you to help her out and show her our systems while she's settling in." "Sure," I said with a smile. My boss excused herself and left while Chrissy sat down in the cube next to mine and started setting up her computer. It was going to be weird having someone in the cubicle next to mine again, it had been empty since Dave had left almost 2 years ago. Dave's wife was actually a fairly successful lawyer, so he had quit to stay home so they could have kids. She paid for him to get a gender reassignment I assume, because when I saw him about a year later he was waddling through the grocery store pregnant and ready to pop. He came up to me to say, "hi" and I made idle chitchat with him. It was super weird seeing a guy I had known for years pregnant and sporting breasts bigger than my wife's. When Chrissy got to the PRT program logon she came over to ask me a couple questions about it. As I pointed out a few things about the program I couldn't help but notice Chrissy's khakis were slightly tented. As I went on the tent only got bigger as Chrissy was starting to get a fairly obvious erection. Chrissy shifted a bit in her chair, obviously embarrassed and hoping I hadn't noticed her hard on. I tactfully broke off my little PRT demo and retreated back to my cubicle. Chrissy got up and headed for the bathroom. Clearly, my hovering over her had aroused her. Now, I knew better than to get too proud of myself because if she was standardized when she joined JRG Accounting, she had only been male for at most a couple of days. When women first transition to male they often have a hard time suppressing feelings of arousal because they never had to learn that skill when they had vaginas. Ellen had gotten random boners for the first month after she had gone male. Even now when we are watching a movie with a sex scene I will glance over and see her thick 8 inch monster straining against her pretty pink PJ bottoms. When Chrissy came back she was obviously a little rattled so I went back over and made idle chit chat without letting on I had seen her erection. After a few minutes she seemed to ease up a bit and I continued pointing out features of the PRT program. As the program loaded a new module, there was an awkward pause so I filled it with a personal question. I asked her, "So, are you new to Medford?" She nodded and said, "Yeah, my husband Brad and I had lived in Eugene. He's a project manager, and he got a job offer here and the pay was way better so we moved about a month ago." "I see," I said, then after a couple more seconds I asked, "Where did he get a job?" "Haysen Construction." My eyebrows went up a bit and I said, "oh." Haysen Construction was one of the few large employers in town with a female standard. The company had been started a long time ago by Walter Haysen, but when he retired about 6 years ago his daughter took over and switched the workplace standard to female. Over 500 construction workers, who were mostly men, suddenly found themselves with lady parts between their legs. Chrissy let out a little sigh, then said, "He likes his job, but I think he's upset with me for taking a job with a male standard. I've told him that besides Haysen and a couple fast food joints, getting a job in Medford means getting a dick." I chuckled and said, "Oh Medford's economy ain't as lopsided as our reputation and statistics imply. The Haysen guys can't carry ALL of our kids after all." Chrissy let out a little chuckle. I then asked, "So, did your husband have to switch when he got his job at Haysen?" She shook her head, "No, Brad's been female standard since his first job at McDonald's. When he left that job he just sort of kept the vagina I guess. He didn't switch back all through college even though he wasn't working at the time. He prefers it, even if he won't admit it. He's even had a few opportunities to work at a male standard, but he found excuses to turn those jobs down. Now that I have a, well, you know, I'm wondering if he regrets his choices." "Oh, is this is your first time with a..." "Yeah." I had kind of figured as much based on her story and her earlier behavior, but actually hearing it was wild. She and her husband had both been female their whole relationship, and now suddenly she has a penis. I imagine there's been a lot of awkwardness at their place lately. The PRT module finally finished installing and I let Chrissy get back to her work. Eventually a few of the women from the office gathered around Chrissy's cube to introduce themselves and chit chat. When they learned that Chrissy was a "male virgin" they goaded her into going with them to Charlie Station after work. Chrissy had to ask me later what Charlie Station was, and when I told her she rolled her eyes. Throughout the day Chrissy asked me a few more questions about some of our applications, but overall it was clear she knew what she was doing. I did notice that she went to the bathroom a lot, and I hoped she was only relieving all the tea she had been drinking. Women who switch sometimes find their suddenly "focused" sexuality is a lot to handle. There have been studies that show a woman with a penis is three times more likely to be a chronic masturbator or sex addict as a man with a penis. Of course, the odds that Chrissy was actually masturbating at work were fairly low. More likely than not it was just my overactive imagination. When it got close to closing time about 10 women from the office gathered around Chrissy's cube to get ready for their group outing to Charlie Station. I was planning to slide quietly out the door when suddenly one of the women, Amanda, turned to me and asked, "Hey Steve, you wanna come too?" "Uh, no thanks," I said with a grin, thinking it had been a joke. Amanda shot right back, "Aww c'mon Steve, you aren't afraid are ya? It's not gay to look at a guy if he's got a pussy." "No, I'm not homophobic or anything I just.." A few other women started chuckling at me and pleading with me to join the "fun." I was going to be insistent but I saw Chrissy had a look on her face that seemed to say "save me," so I gave in. I went out to my car and texted my wife. ME: So, a few people from work are going to Charlie Station, is it ok if I go? ELLEN: lol WOW, had no idea you were "into" that. ME: Haha, very funny. No, it's just a group thing to welcome a new hire. ELLEN: Of course it's ok, just don't fall in love, ok? ME: Ugh. Stop it! ELLEN: Oh, and don't get any of the guys pregnant. ME: Very funny. See you later, I'll probably just get fast food on the way home. Let me know if you've eaten dinner or not by 7. ELLEN: Ok, love you. ME: Love you hun. As I pulled into Charlie Station I saw right away the place was packed. I eventually found a parking spot near the back corner of the lot and started walking towards the door. I saw a couple familiar faces from the office near the line by the entrance, but there were a lot of unfamiliar faces too. Thankfully, a few of them were guys too, so at least I wouldn't be the only guy in the, um, audience. The bouncer checked my ID but didn't give me any weird looks, so I guess it was fairly common for guys to come here. Inside the place was packed and loud. Music was blasting, women were yelling and partying, and everyone was yelling over the noise at the bar trying to order drinks. I then noticed there were a lot of guys walking around with bow ties on, and NOTHING else. I knew Charlie Station was an exotic dancer club based on Chippendales dancers, obviously, but I had been unprepared to see naked guys with vaginas just strolling around. Up on stage a guy was doing a dance and spreading his legs suggestively. He even ran his hands over his mound a few times while thrusting provocatively. I seemed to be working, the women around the stage were throwing money like crazy. I hadn't seen a vagina in real life for years, and seeing them now was, well, more arousing than I would have liked. They were on guys, after all. As I made my way towards the table where my office group was, a few of the guys/dancers came up to me to ask about dances, etc. I guess I was taken aback by how "normal" they sounded. I guess I wasn't really expecting them to be stereotypical over-the-top gay guys from old movies who spoke in exaggerated lisps, but they were just normal guys. Well, normal guys who for $100 would take me in a back room and rub their pussy against my lap. I suppose it's kind of ironic that I routinely suck my wife's 8 inch cock and swallow her cum, but think it would be, "gay" to do a simple lap dance with a guy who has a vagina. It's really amazing how much we perceive gender based on how we see a person rather than what their actual parts are. I guess humans are creatures of habits that are hard to break. I finally got to the table where Chrissy and the other women were. Someone had ordered a bucket of beers and I gladly took one. A few of the women tried chatting with Chrissy over the loud music, while others looked around the room at the guys. Amanda seemed VERY into one of the guys, and even made a few comments about things she'd like to do to him. After a few beers I was having a pretty good time. I even went up with Amanda and Karen to the stage and watched a dance. At one point the guy squatted right in front of me, spread his legs, and then with his fingers spread his labia apart to reveal his moist opening. I found it confusingly sexy, and blindly threw a few five dollar bills on the stage. Amanda and Karen found it hilariously entertaining, and slapped me on the back and gave me enthusiastic high fives. When we got back to the table we found several guys near the table chatting with our group. As we came back up we learned that the guys were offering something called the, "Pop" challenge. Apparently for $250 three of us would go in a back room and if we could last 5 minutes without, "popping" our table would win a magnum bottle of champagne. The ladies had already put up the money. Of course Chrissy was volunteered, she didn't have much choice. Amanda happily rose her hand and said she'd go. Then, much to my horror the women turned their attention to me and asked me to go. I said, "No." Karen whined from behind me, "aww, c'mon Steve please? You're a guy, you've had that thing since birth, this should be easy for you!" After a few more minutes of peer pressure, it was becoming awkward to keep saying no. So I gave in and followed Chrissy, Amanda and one of the dancers to a back room. The room was dimly lit, but it looked fairly clean and well kept. It wasn't the grimy gross hole I was expecting to be led into. There was a large sofa with a nearby table in the corner, there was a cabinet along the wall, and there were three chairs against the back wall. We were directed to sit three chairs situated against the back wall, and we did. Amanda was on the right, I was in the middle, and Chrissy was on the left. The guy introduced himself as Matt and explained the rules: "Ok. Here's the deal. You have to sit with your hands on your knees at all times. I can do anything I want, but if you say stop or take your hands off your knees you get disqualified. If you uh, pop, as in CUM, well, you also get disqualified. If any of you last longer than 5 minutes you win a bottle for your table. Sound fair?" We all nodded. Up first was Chrissy. Matt started a timer that was on the wall by the door that began to count up. He then sat on Chrissy's lap and asked her, "So, I hear you just got your happy stick a couple days ago, is that true?" Chrissy nodded. "Well, how are you liking it so far?" "Uh, it's ok I guess" "Have you cum with it yet?" Chrissy nodded sheepishly and blushed a little. Matt then began slowly gyrating his naked pussy against her leg, and running his hands around her neck and cheek. Chrissy visibly shivered a little. Matt then whispered something in her ear and Chrissy nodded. Matt slid off Chrissy's lap and unzipped her fly, pulling her pants and panties down a bit. He then reached in and pulled out Chrissy's cock, which seemed to already be semi erect. She seemed to have a fairly average penis, in fact the more erect it got the more it reminded me of my own. Matt kept gently running his hand along Chrissy's shaft and whispering things in her ear. It didn't take long before Chrissy looked to be fully hard. I looked at the timer, it read that only 45 seconds has passed. Matt smiled and told Chrissy, "Now, I haven't had one of these things in a while, so you tell me what feels better, ok?" Matt then grasped her shaft near the head with his thumb and forefinger, and began to softly stroke it., "Does this feel good?," he asked with a sly smile. Chrissy nodded. Matt then grasped the shaft with his whole hand, and began to more forcefully stroke her cock., "How about this, is this even better?" Chrissy bit her lower lip and nodded again. Only this time, Matt didn't let up, he kept stroking. After a bit Chrissy began to shift in her seat, and it was clear she was ready to pop. Matt softly asked her, "Do you want me to stop?" Chrissy shook her head no. But only seconds later she tensed up and her cock began to erupt. Matt artfully dodged her cum and as she calmed down he handed her a hot moist towel from the cabinet to clean up with. The timer read 2:27. Matt reset the timer and turned his attention to me. It was at that moment I realized I was already rock hard from watching Chrissy. Matt looked at my crotch and realized the same thing. Matt asked me while gesturing at my hard on, "So, original equipment, or a re-grow?" "Original." "Oh, so you've never had a pussy then? "No. Er, I mean, I haven't PERSONALLY had one." Matt chuckled at that, as did Amanda. Chrissy was still cleaning up her mess and coming down from her orgasm. "Wow," Matt said, "I haven't seen an original equipment one in a while, let's see what good old fashioned nature gave you." Matt then unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. He looked at it briefly then glanced back at Chrissy and said, "Oh wow! Chrissy, you got a twin! Steve's looks just like yours." Both Amanda and Chrissy looked at my exposed penis and seemed to agree it looked a lot like Chrissy's. I imagine I was bright red from embarrassment. After refocusing on his task, Matt asked me, "You married? Got a girlfriend or boyfriend?" I responded flatly, "I'm married. To a woman." "Ohhhhh" Matt said, "Does she have her original equipment too?" "No. She's got a job at a male standard company." Matt smiled. "So...It's been a while since you had a pussy then, huh?" I reluctantly nodded. Matt then went to the cabinet and got a black plastic bag and a small tube of what looked to be lotion or lube. Matt opened the plastic bag and pulled out a fleshlight. After squirting a bit of lube onto the rubber vagina he told me, "I think it's time you had some pussy again, don't you?" He then plopped the rubber sex toy over my hard cock and began thrusting. There was no build up, no teasing, he just went to town, furiously stroking my dick with the fake pussy. Before I knew it, I was close. Really close. I almost asked him to stop but thought really hard about baseball, the beach, ANYTHING but the sensation coming from my penis. But it didn't work. I was spurting into the fake pussy by the time the timer read 1:38. Amanda and Chrissy chuckled a bit at the fact I had cum faster than Chrissy had. Matt simply smiled and handed me a hot towel. Matt went over to Amanda after resetting the timer again and said, "Well, well, only one remains." Amanda just smiled calmly. Matt undid her pants and pulled out her member. Then he said, "Oh, wow." Chrissy and I leaned to get a better look, and we saw that yeah, Amanda was hung. When Matt finally got her hard it stood firm and proud, extending well past her navel. She was probably 9 at least, but who knows. All I knew it was way bigger than mine and even bigger than Ellen's. Matt did his very best for the full 5 minutes but Amanda held firm. We were sent back to our table with a Magnum bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice. We told everyone what had happened and everyone thought it was funny I had the lowest amount of time. I got over it though after I had a glass of champagne and a few more beers. Around 10:30pm we finally managed to get out of there. It had been a weird and embarrassing experience for sure, but it was fun nonetheless. When I got home Ellen was waiting for me, eager to hear what had happened. She had been to Charlie Station many times with her coworkers so she knew full well what had probably gone on. I told her everything and she seemed happy I had a good time. We started getting ready for bed. Once we were in the bedroom Ellen came over to me and whispered in my ear, "I want to take the 5 minute challenge." She then showed her phone was set on a timer, and I smiled back at her.

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Workplace Lesbians

Well everyone im finally back! I havent written a story in a while because I havent had any out of the ordinary sexual experiences besides the usual sex with my fiancee. If you have been keeping up with my stories then you know my stories are 100% true and based off of personal expriences. so here it goes...My fiancee is bisexual and oh yeah it is great. I get to look at other women with her and talk about their tits etc. My fiancee got a job at this mall. While at the working there she found...

4 years ago
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Workplace Crush

You decide, as you watch her smile beatifically from across the canteen, that this is the last time you do so from afar. Lifting your tray you rise, making a beeline for the table where she laughs with her friend. Your resolve is stronger than it's ever been before, you're certain that yes, this time you'll ask her. Her conversation grows louder as you approach, but for once her lovely voice spurs you on instead of scaring you off. "So what did you get up to last night?" her friend asks, eyes...

1 year ago
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Workplace Violations

Scene: woman in early 20s with pretty face working in a small office. She’s sitting at her desk working on a spreadsheet on a laptop. She has on a long skirt ago down to her ankles and a bulky sweater. Her skirt has a belt, but it’s under the sweater. There’s no way to tell if she has a good body or not. There’s a larger desk at the other side of the room with a laptop on it but no one sitting there.A woman in her early-to-mid 30s comes in and closes the door behind her. “I’m glad you haven’t...

1 year ago
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Workplace Friendship Leads To Lustful Overtime

I was working late that night when I noticed Jennifer was also working late. Jennifer is a beautiful black woman in her late thirties. Her hair was cut short in a cute pageboy, which accented her facial features. She was wearing a light colored sweater and a long black skirt. Sometimes, just from looking at her pretty face I had to control myself from getting too hard. Her dark eyes were gorgeous; her soft lips had a pout on them that made me want to jam my white cock into her mouth! It had...

1 year ago
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New accounting standards

Nirmala was not a very good Accountant, but she was the best we could get. More than her accounting practices, we enjoyed watching her because she had wonderful assets – she always dressed in a sari – a low slung hipster, showing oodles of waist and tummy and occasionally a nice fleshy “bembi”. When she walked, her hips swayed from side-to-side and one could not help but stare at her shapely buttocks. She was well-endowed on top and one occasionally got a peek of well rounded boobs. I waylaid...

1 year ago
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Foreign Standards

Several years ago I was working on a large project with members of three other companies. Our team was one of many that were working on different aspects of a massive system design for worldwide communications. I can’t really say more about the effort and it’s not related to the story anyway. Tom and I had recently celebrated our one-year anniversary when I had to go to Bonn Germany for the project. It was supposed to be for only one week, but I was there for three months. When I arrived in...

3 years ago
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Attraction Towards New Standards

I use to visit iss 2-3 times a week; now I guess its time to share my experience. About me- I look fine, 5.10’ tall, wheatish complexion, boner big enough for any girl or women out there. I work in one of the reputed sector of Jaipur and I have just completed my MBA. I had many experience in my past i.e. with the girls of my age. I lost my virginity a year back that’s another story for some other day but the one which happened a month back is one experience to share with all of you guys. When I...

2 years ago
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Foreign Standards

Several years ago I was working on a large project with members of three other companies. Our team was one of many that were working on different aspects of a massive system design for worldwide communications. I can’t really say more about the effort and it’s not related to the story anyway. Tom and I had recently celebrated our one-year anniversary when I had to go to Bonn Germany for the project. It was supposed to be for only one week, but I was there for three months. When I arrived in...

4 years ago
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The Double Standard

I have seen a lot of things in my life and I question what morality really is. Wanted to post my thoughts somewhere on this, and since it covers adult subjects I figure it might belong here on Lit. My first thought is, the normal ethics and morals of today’s society has failed us. Plain and simple, they have become overly complicated, unrealistic to where no one would ever be able to actually achieve what is considered to be the modern moral standard. It kind of reminds me of this one sexual...

2 years ago
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A Double Standard

Chapter 1 Thanks goes to 'Techsan' for editing this story. I am one of those weird people who read erotic stories. Yes, I admit it. Once I start reading them it's hard to stop. Some stories are total trash; of course that is only my opinion. But then you come across a story, not paying any attention to the authors name, you never heard of him or her but the title of the story draws your interest. You decide to click on it and kind of give it a scan through, not really reading it. After you...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 16 Double Standard

September 27, 1994, Munich, Germany I shook my head and followed Elena into my room. She went straight to the phone and made a call. “«Eine Flasche Champagner für Zimmer 603 bitte, und einige Früchte ... Ja, das wird gut.»” She hung up the phone and walked over and sat on the couch. “Don’t stand there like a fool,” she laughed. “Sit down!” I went over to the couch and sat down, though not too close to Elena. “Elena...” I began to protest, but she interrupted me. “You asked me to...

4 years ago
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Meet me at the Standard

It's the night of my birthday, and you've told me to get dressed up like we were in Vegas and meet you at the bar at the Standard at 8pm. I show up at the bar. It's a warm night; place is busy. I see you across the room, drink in hand, sizing up the place. You look stunning, in an elegant dress that stops just above the knee. We have a couple of drinks while you continue to check the place out, looking at the girls, and the guys. You see a guy you like; taller than me, good looking, and...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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A Double Standard

There are no graphic sex scenes in this story. Sorry. You will have to read other stories for that. Comments and critiques are requested and appreciated. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy. My story is one about the dangers of temptation and how they can totally screw up your life. After what my wife and I had to go through, I felt that warning others of what can happen was the right thing to do. Let me give you a picture of the main players in my little slice of life. My name is Hennessy,...

4 years ago
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A Double Standard

My story is one about the dangers of temptation and how they can totally screw up your life. After what my wife and I had to go through, I felt that warning others of what can happen was the right thing to do. Let me give you a picture of the main players in my little slice of life. My name is Hennessy, John Fitzgerald. I was 30 on my last birthday. My wife is Alyssa is 24 and a fine looking lady she is. Alyssa is tall, for a woman, at 5 feet 10; she has a slender build and a body just right...

3 years ago
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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 04

If you haven’t read Chapters 1 through 3 yet, I suggest you read them first to pick up details not included in this chapter. * * * * The phone rang and Dad said, ‘Sue, its Tom.’ Suddenly I realized I was only dreaming—Christmas was still three weeks away! I answered and told Tom, ‘I just had the most horrible dream—I was pregnant and it was Christmas Day. Tom I’m really scared.’ Tom said, ‘Just relax—you’re not late! Look at the sports page—it’ll cheer you up!’ I asked, ‘What’s it...

2 years ago
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Roses Red Sapphires Blue

bruary 14. St. Valentine’s Day. Jonathan Ames laid the bouquet of red roses on the passenger seat of his car. He took off his suit jacket, checking (for the fourth time in the last ten minutes) the front pocket for the package he’d placed there, folded the jacket in half and hung it over the back of the seat. He spent a long moment convincing himself that the gift wouldn’t fall out before closing up and settling into the driver’s seat. He looked at himself for a minute in the rearview mirror:...

1 year ago
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Sandra and Graeme 2

I continued to kiss Sandra as Graeme lubed me up. Graeme always prepared me well with plenty of lube and an exquisite finger fuck before taking me and this afternoon was no different (save the post-coital make out session I was having with his wife). As Graeme withdrew his two fingers from my slickened hole he pulled me up by the hips so I was now on all fours. I no longer kissed Sandra but our eyes fixed in a lustful gaze. Graeme teased my hole with the head of his cock rubbing it up and down....

1 year ago
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More Situation

Mark rolled over on bed and looked at the clock… 8:30. Damn he slept in. Then the headache hit him. Oh yea, that tequila at midnight wasn’t such a good idea. Sarah and Trey insisted on one more shot before they called it an evening. It was probably his fourth in two hours. They had planned a private cookout the night before but just when things were heating up friends dropped by unexpectedly. Mark thought to himself, had they arrived ten minutes later there would have been some real...

1 year ago
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Humilatrons Anthology

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

3 years ago
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group outdoor

Michael was obviously drunk enough but as she felt his groin, he wasn't that drunk as she felt a stonker ready for her. she was overjoyed and when holland scored the winner everyone went berserk and sascha didnt' even notice someone had ripped off her bikini. Michael looked at her with joy, and lust. finally she was getting him to do the things she so wanted with her love. she grabbed his groin and rubbed the bulge, everyone around knew they were in for a repeat and some of the girls were also...

4 years ago
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Sexy MilkChapter 8

Rin kneels down, signaling Carina to bring her cock to her mouth. The dark skinned bull steps into position and slips her cock past the alien’s lips. The girl’s hand begins exploring the hairless texture of the bull’s balls, much to Carina’s delight. Sucking, Rin swivels her eyes to one side and reaches out to grasp the long haired beauty, Lyndon’s huge member. Pumping it with that hand, her other hand leaves Carina’s balls to catch hold of Denise’s cock. She starts pumping it,...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Scarlett A Pregnant SlutChapter 5

From: Scarlett To: Just Plain Bob Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 3:16 PM Subject: Hello Dear wanna be lover, I haven't heard from you in a while and I hope it is just because you are busy writing dirty stories. There has not been much happening here since the two sessions last week. Mike has been away on a business trip most of the week, so I am incredibly horny for a nice big cock. Many of the women I talk to say they aren't very interested in sex during their last few months of...

3 years ago
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Tasty morsels

Listening to the 80’s music, dancing around the room I think of my man who is right next door doing company business. Remembering of what we did last night. The pleasure, the moans that escaped both our mouths as ecstacy filled our bodies. Turning on the temperature, testing it with my hand before plunging myself under the warm water. Leaning against the wall placing my leg up on edge while my hand slowly slides down my body. Massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples, remembering what we...

3 years ago
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Great Sex and Nothing More

If you do not enjoy reading about successful, financially secure, accomplished and attractive people falling in love, fucking freely and living happily ever after, please do not read this story. In spite of the caveat, if you read it and feel compelled to leave a nonsensical, left wing, socialist rant about my lack of humanity or my lack of concern for the poor and the downtrodden or how I need to ‘grow’ past my obsession with material things, please fight the urge to comment. Oh, yes, I almost...

2 years ago
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Double Feature

After my solo trip to the movies, I just had to share my experiences with my friends. The following weekend we were sitting around and talking about what to do when I suggested we take in a movie. A couple of the other guys were not interested since we had just gone a week or so ago. That is when I said that I had gone just the other night and had a very interesting time.One of my friends asked what film was showing and I could not give him the name of the movie, I was only able to describe a...

1 year ago
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Black Cock Warning Pt5

I get up and start to walk slowly to my room, having a difficult timebalancing on my high hells, my knees red and aching from being on the floorand weak from the pounding I just took, my ass throbbing and dipping cumall over my legs. Despite having swallowed as much as I could, I have somecum on my chin and on the sides of my lips, my hair all messed up frombeing grabbed, my nipples red from being played with, my thong wet from myown cum. I am thoroughly fucked and I look it. Everyone who sees...

2 years ago
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Savagely Sexed in School6

My butt hole was so sore and tender that with every little movement of Daniel's huge cock my thighs and legs trembled and shook violently and uncontrollably. Daniel's huge cock head, slowly and deliberately, inched painfully further into my anal cavity. I could not take full breaths due to the pain of my anal muscle being stretched wider than it ever had been. I found my self clawing at the air, since Bruce and Charlie firmly held my wrist, I could only claw at the air. Daniel painstakingly...

4 years ago
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Human Wheels

Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than...

4 years ago
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Muslim Cock Supada Effect

Name of the theory: Theory of “Muslim Cock Supada”While fucking the penis moves in and out of the vagina. There are two types of movements that are involved in this process. Forward jerk or pushing the penis into the vagina and backward jerk which means pulling the penis backwards. So there is backward and forward (to and fro) movements involved during a sexual intercourse.The ‘edge of muslim supada’ comes into play when the musalman man moves the penis backwards during fucking. When the Muslim...

1 year ago
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The Super

It hadn't been a good month for you. After flunking out of the third straight college in a row your parents had finally decided to kick you out of their house and stop supporting you. At first this hadn't been a major problem since you could always move in with you girlfriend. Unfortunately last week after a major fight, she'd kicked you out and after spending several days bouncing back and forth between friend's couches you decided that maybe you should find a job and a place of your...

2 years ago
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I was Now Truly Her Bitch Pegged

Monica and I lay in our bed, holding onto one another, our bodies slick with a sheen from the after-glow of our lovemaking. I was thankful to have a lover like her and even more thankful that she was my wife. Feeling especially close to her, I told her there was something I wanted to ask her. Seeing my hesitancy, when I didn't immediately follow-up with my question, she asked, "What is it? Is something wrong?""No, no nothing's wrong. I just don't know how to say this," I stammered and still...

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Clares First ShootChapter 4

The morning air felt refreshing for Clare, as she stood outside on the porch. She didn't bother with her robe, as it wasn't that cold, and the only people around were herself and Annie, who was still asleep. She stared out into the small, wooded area around the residence, and wondered about what she should do, before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her body, right under her breasts. "Morning beautiful." She heard Annie whisper in her ear, and smiled, before turning a slight shade of...

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Officemate Rashi Ki Chahat

Hello dosto I am raj here or mai gujarat se hu mai ek mnc company mai job karta hu mere land ki size 6.5’’ hai agar koi bhabhi or aunty sex karna chahti ho or chat karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar shakti hai mere mail id hai. Hamari saari baate secret rahegi yeh mara wada hai. Meri yeh kahani meri or mere office mai kaam karne wali bhabhi ki hai. Yeh kahani karib 1 pahle ki jab mai dusri company mai job karta tha, waha par sab normal chal raha tha ki tabhi waha par ek ladki ne job join kiya....

2 years ago
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The neighbor who had watched Part 2

Continued from "The neighbor who had watched. Part 1" ( Hood gets out from between my legs and tells me to turn over and put my butt up in the air. "Have you been fucked by another man?" Mr. Hood asked. "No, I have not" I replied. He moves between my legs and begins to lick my ass hole. Licking becomes licking and fingering. After Donald finished licking and fingering my ass hole he straightens up and moves toward me. I felt his cock...

3 years ago
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Moms Debt Repayment

My mom was working in her office one morning. She worked for some doctors, but unfortunately she would be alone today. As she worked at the desk, two black men walked in and right in my mom's office. "Yo son owe us sum money ho!" "Let me tell you somethin..." SLAAAAPPPP! "Shut the Fuck up ol white ho!" Mom almost fell out of her chair from the blow to her face. She caught herself and came up slowly holding the large red spot on her face. She just stared up at the two black men...

2 years ago
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Johanna 1

My name is Johanna von Eschenbach and I was born in Wisconsin. You’re probably wondering about my weird name, so I should probably begin with my parents. My mom was French, she graduated from a famous university in Paris, with a degree in medieval literature. She came to the US for graduate school to do her Ph.D. in Renaissance Art. In her program, she got an internship with the National Endowment for the Humanities which took her to Washington DC. That’s where she met my dad, then a young PFC...

1 year ago
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My Give Away WifeChapter 6

Back at the cabin we all hurried inside. There were not, as far as I knew, any plans beyond sating our lust. But apparently Ashley’s charmingly dirty mind had come up with a sexy idea on the ride back to the cabin. As soon as the door closed behind us she said, “You guys go in the living room and get comfortable. We’ll be down in ten minutes.” It was actually closer to twenty minutes but it gave us a chance to catch our breath and regain our strength. As soon as we were alone I got up and...

3 years ago
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Playing alone at home by night

I was home alone again that cold night; with my beloved husband flying out of town. We had just finished a long chat on video call, since Victor had arrived to his hotel room. He had been talking about him coming back home and the dirty things he would do with me in our bed…When I shut down my phone, I realized how horny I was and how frustrating it was to know it would be at least three more days before I could ride my husband’s hard thick cock. I tried to occupy my mind with other things but...

2 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 7

Ben lasted until the following spring before he found someone he didn't have to share, and to his credit, it wasn't because he'd been actively looking. Instead, it was one of those bolt-out-of-the-blue, glance-across-the-room kind of moments in human chemistry. I know, because I was standing next to him when it happened. When Kristina Winston happened. Even in a crowded room of teenagers, with my sensitivity damped down to minimize the mental buzz from thirty or forty kids all feeling...

4 years ago
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Buddies II

Buddies II By Teri Franken Jackie and Terry's relationship became more than friendly in the first Chapter. Terry had dressed as Teri and they had consummated a new type of relationship that they both loved! Jackie must now return the favor by becoming Jacqui for a date with Terry. Part 1 When I rolled over in the morning, I felt something strange and hairy in my bed, I jumped up thinking there was a mouse or something in my bed. When I looked down, I laughed at loud seeing my...

2 years ago
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My boys and me

First time writer. young, 18, dont be too harsh and this alllll fantasy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First off, let me give you a little description of myself. Im 54 with a 34D full bust, skinny with that V on my lower body. I have dark brown hair and eyes and they look almost black and Im brazilian with that deep tan. This is a story about me and my three best friends. Im the only girl in our crowd, it has always been that way....

3 years ago
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My Sugar Daddy

A tear formed in the corners of her eyes as she remembered what happened about a month after that. She had come home early from work and caught him in bed with another woman. She fought back her emotions and pondered, ‘Oh God, why didn’t the love she had for him hold onto him? Why did he have to cheat on me and ruin everything?’ Her mood was broken when the bartender placed a napkin on the counter in front of her and asked, “Hi Nat, what’s your poison tonight?” She composed herself,...

1 year ago
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Amanda adventures No1

Shy conservative middle class house wife to black cock slut. My wife is in her late thirties and extremely attractive. Our story started some while ago when an old friend of mine contacted me from prison, he had been serving a 5 year stretch and was up for parole. He had contacted me to see if I could help with his parole application. I am a middle class well educated business man with several companies operating very lucratively. My friends name is Toby, we were very good friends in my earlier...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 44

It did end, though, as Bruiser grew antsy at being held in the water. He pushed himself away from Emma and began paddling back towards the shoreline. Emma saw Bruiser was panting as he swam excitedly. “Alright, I think Bruiser’s had enough swim time,” she announced, standing up from the water. Brent watched as the water dripped from Emma’s breasts. Emma walked slowly away from him, making sure to sway her hips as she did; it had the desired effect of leading his eyes down to her ass. He...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Candace Dare G166

It’s FRIDAY, and we’ve had more than enough time to wait before watching this little lady get fucked silly! Candace is FINALLY on the pedestal she’s smiling, but she really hasn’t stopped. We already knew this wasn’t her first gangbang, but it’s gonna be her BEST. The guys make short work of that outfit.. Luckily Chris listened to the period of instruction on removal… and we make a unanimous decision to keep those bright white shoes on. Something about...

3 years ago
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Anime Convention Harem Ch 05

‘Hey, s’your foot actually on the gas, Rebecca? Or.. are we just idling forward?’ Emily grumbled, rhythmically tapping the armrest of her friend’s station wagon in irritation. ”Cause we’re movin’ a little slow.’ ‘Really?’ Rebecca asked sleepily, squinting through her unruly tangle of auburn curls. ‘No one’s going faster than us, though.’ ‘Maybe ’cause they’re all stuck behind us? Like, right behind us. That huge line of cars breathing down our exhaust pipe. See all the angry little faces in...

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Chapter 23 24

23 Domestic HarmonyAfter the hectic run-up to Christmas and the previous day’s sex it was nice to spend a couple of days just with our own company. We had a night out with Dan, Ally, Tom & Heather but it was just a night out – a meal and then drinks – as Lisa said when we got home it made a very nice change – and she was right it did, although it may just be a sign of us getting a bit older and slowing down. As we kind of suspected might happen Helen and Stu had become a couple, however...

4 years ago
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Mitch and lillth part one

Lillith took the last drag of her cigarette on sigfir's porch. It was funny how she continued smoking even though it killed her throat she considered quiting reminding herself she was only 16 years old. She stared into the balcony straining her eyes to see if sigs neighboor Mitch was home. Mitch was in his mid 30's had a wife and two kids and smoked quite a bit of very wonderful marijuana. Lillith was fascinated with him, she was infatuated with his smile and everything he said was really...

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Daughters Cum Fetish

It did not work out as Jack had hoped, as the three never really were a family, with Britney striping at nights and sleeping most of the days. They had their moments and there was real love at one point, but in the end Jack was glad it ended. Jack was not alone anymore, and focused himself on raising Taylor. He did miss Britney at times, she was real beauty, and loved to show it, not just in her field of work, but at home as well. She was a nudist, and would walk around the house bare or just...

2 years ago
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Secret Sins Part One The Meeting

Eli arose at the setting of the sun. The night seemed brilliant. The evening air felt amazing on his flesh. Tonight for some reason he felt more alive then he had in the last one hundred years. The summer wind whipped his hair about, something he normally hated, but tonight seemed to enjoy immensely. He could not put his finger on it, but something had changed. Why it was like he was human again! His skin got goosebumps. Life felt as though it was beating lusciously though his veins once...

4 years ago
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Life Story

As I write this, I am wearing panties, pantyhose, and a bra. All the other items that I currently wear are of men's styling. That is not by choice. I have known since I was very young that I had an unusual interest in women's clothing. I tried for the better part of my life to tell myself that something was wrong with me. I tried hiding from it, I tried succumbing to it. I tried lying about it. Nothing helped. At first, it was harmless. I would sneak something out of my...

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