Androgen Insensitivity free porn video

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Androgen Insensitivity A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome is a rare disorder, but not as rare as many may realize. In fact, 1 in every 100,000 genetically normal males are born with this condition. The consequence is that in many cases it is never known that they are in fact, male. The bodies of people with AIS are totally unable to respond to any male hormone. Even at birth the genitals will appear female, and upon puberty the body will only respond to estrogens that are present, without androgens taking over. In fact, AIS "women" are often more womanly than genetic women, precisely because no male hormone can affect them. In general, AIS women can function socially, but a vagina does not form and of course, AIS people are sterile. Acquired Androgen Insensitivity however, is extremely rare. Nobody seems to understand how it could happen. AIS is congenital - people are born with the condition. How the ability to respond to androgens could suddenly be lost, is a medical mystery. It is not as if the androgens are not being produced - the body simply does not recognize them. With AAI somehow the body spontaneously ceases to recognize them. At present it is estimated that there are less than 100 people in the whole world suffer from AAI. I am one of those people. I can clearly recall the very day that it happened. I awoke on morning to discover that the sheets on my bed were covered with body hair that had fallen out in the night. Not all the hair had fallen out, but it was clear that something was wrong. While I am no hypochondriac I confess that I immediately thought about cancer. My doctor had no idea and the tests carried out in hospital drew a blank as well. The simple answer is that there is no test for AAI - the hormone levels in the blood are unchanged. The only evidence was the changes taking place in my body. By the time I finally got to an endocrinologist who had some knowledge of the condition, the symptoms were already well advanced. Virtually all body hair had been lost, my skin had become soft, small swellings had appeared in my chest and my genitals appeared to be shrinking away almost completely. Even then this specialist had to reach for his reference books to learn more about AAI. As explained to me, the major problem facing anybody with AAI is treatment. It is not like an estrogen producing tumor that can be cut out. Estrogens are always present in the male body (where they serve important functions including promoting fertility) - with AAI they are simply not dominated by the androgens so their effect becomes obvious. Even massive doses of male hormones could do nothing for me, because my body cannot respond to them. Even if the swellings in my chest could be removed and my genitals surgically enhanced, I faced the future with a soft hairless body. The only facial hair I would ever have would need to be glued on. While I had always regarded myself as a masculine, I have never been tall and once my muscles had wasted away and the whiskers and hard edges of my face had been lost, I appeared increasingly feminine. AAI meant that I would always look like that - like a drag king - a woman in men's clothing. My endocrinologist was able to put the facts to me from known incidences of AAI in the western world. Curiously in other parts of the world social conditions were friendlier to those with AAI. But in the western we see only man or woman, masculine or feminine. It was going to be a problem for me. Remission or reversal of the condition was unknown - my predicament was permanent. Several with AAI had tried to live as men and all but one had been unable to cope - there had been depression and suicide. The most successful outcomes had been where the subject had elected to change sex. In each case this had been a complete role reversal - normal heterosexual men had chosen to live as women. As such they had merged unseen into society, perhaps more easily than transsexuals, as their bodies had already ceased to be men without artificial assistance. I immediately dismissed that possibility, but the alternative would appear to be to live in a netherworld where I was unable to function sexually, and where I would appear to be either a woman in male clothing or a feminized man. For me this was hardly an option. I had lived my life as a man in all respects, and I could not imagine trying to live that life in my present condition. If I did nothing I would need to leave town - leave my life and all my friends behind me - and start anew, perhaps as a sexless person. In truth, that would also be hard. I counted myself one of a very close group. I had established myself in a small business as a specialist automotive spray painter. Having an artistic flair I design and painted car-bodies, motorcycle fuel tanks, airplanes and boats, and after several years I had two guys working for me full time, including my late father's oldest Friend, Larry Grayson. I was close to Larry and a group of others my own age, all in the automotive industry, all keen on motor-racing, football, shooting, and getting together over a few beers as regularly as possible. I shared an apartment with two old friends from schooldays, Warren and Jake. They were single like me and we played the field. Before AAI I was no Don Juan, but I had sex with women regularly without having to become entangled. My friends had noticed changes in me perhaps even before I did. Whenever this thing started it was not clear to me - it was not an accident or event that I could pin down. My friends would ask me whether I was putting on weight, or losing weight, or coloring my hair - all sorts of stupid questions that made no sense to me at the time. They could see the subtle changes, which I missed before I was diagnosed. In my first week in hospital for tests, every one of them had called in to see me. Like good friends should be, they were worried about me. But when I learned what I was suffering from I was too embarrassed to tell them. I knew that the changes would continue, and I did not want them to see me. When I was told the options for treatment, I ruled out the sex change idea as not an option. I felt so much a man on the inside I could not imagine pretending to be a woman. But insensitivity to androgen does more than just effect your body, and other changes followed. Firstly, I found myself sobbing about my predicament - this from a man who had not cried since he was eight. And I found that I felt the need to be looked after, I wanted to depend on somebody. This was not the man who had made his own way in the world as I had done. When I asked my endocrinologist as to how I could drive out these feelings, he told me he could not help. I was no longer responding to the androgens that foster aggressive and dominating behavior. Even women respond to the small amounts of this male hormone even present in all women. But I could not. Estrogens were affecting me. So, I was not only physically feminized but increasingly mentally feminized as well, with no obvious remedy. Worse than that, I was more feminine than the average woman. What hope did I have pretending to be a man? I remembered that my friends had noticed these mental changes in me also, even before my tests in hospital. There had been instances where I had not reacted to something as I would have previously, and they had seen it. They were too concerned to comment. But it now became clear to me, that I was changed already. I was starting to understand why those AAI who chose not to change sex had found themselves unable to continue long term. I began to ask about the sex change option, just to understand it better. Before I left the hospital after the tests, my endocrinologist introduced me to a patient of his - a transsexual called Sally. She offered to help me sample life as a woman. She suggested that I might like it. I was not ready to go back to the apartment, so she offered for me to stay at her place after I was discharged. When I called Warren to tell him that I would be out of town for further tests, he said "Man, its sounds like someone has you by the balls!" I had not noticed that my voice was changing too. I wondered if I would ever see my friends again. It seemed hard to imagine that I could face them as I was at that point. I called Larry too, but I took care to make my voice sound deeper. He said that I was not too worry as he would look after the shop and pay my share of the apartment rent and some spending money into my account. He was really nice, and told me just to concentrate on getting over whatever I had. I could not tell him that was impossible. Sally took the view that I should go the whole way for a few days just to try it. She said that I could simply put on a bra and some lipstick and call myself a girl, but that in order to do the job properly I should go from being a man's man to become a woman's woman. I could always drop the ultra-feminine trappings later, as she had done. She said that as a transsexual she had started by going over the top, but she had now tempered her style to blend in. She told me that she now never thought about her life as dressing up as a woman - she was a woman. But she felt that for me it was important to go through that phase. I had concluded that I would at least give this option a try. I had no faith that it would work, but there was nothing else. And I was prepared to follow her advice. She was to start from the top. My hair had softened and become a little thicker with changes in my body, but it was not so long. Sally immediately suggested extensions. According to her, this would allow me to experiment with feminine hairstyles. They could always be cut off, but for now they would give me an unmistakable woman's head of hair that I would need to style before going out. My face was to receive some attention. The loss of the influence of male hormones had led to a softening of my features, and I always had large and wide set eyes with good eyelashes, but the brows were to be thinned and skin moisturized. My chest had acquired what was known as "A cup" breasts - Sally was of the view that I should obtain implants, but as I was still trialing this thing she arranged for me some "breast forms" which could be attached if required and would fill a bra. This clothing item was entirely new to me, although had acquired some skill in removing them from girls I had taken to bed. I have to say that from the moment that I put a bra on for the first time I was overcome by what was happening. Again, I found myself in tears. Sally said something like "You hold it together now, girlfriend", and I found myself comforted, curiously more by the last word she had spoken. The panties went on next, and I found that whatever was left in my groin fitted easily within the flat lacy front. Looking at myself in the mirror confirmed that my body was not male. Sally inspected my hands and she was troubled. I explained that I was a tradesman and had used my hands. Her response was that there was one way to put a stop to that - long nails. She explained that these would also help with feminizing what were quite large hands. AAI would have no effect on them, or my feet. We discovered that my feet were the same size as hers and that I could borrow any one of the many pairs of fashion shoes that she had accumulated over the years. Naturally her extreme regime required practice in high heels, which curiously I mastered in quite short order. This included climbing and descending stairs, getting in and out of cars, bending over and other maneuvers. I also put on a dress for the first time and when through the same exercises plus sitting and standing from a variety of chairs and positions. The whole exercise was undertaken with great humor and with great patience and understanding from Sally. After a day with Sally and staying at her place overnight discussing things, the following day we to a salon operated by a friend of Sally's. Sally introduced me to Erika. I had an idea that Erika may have been a transsexual also, but of course I would not assume anything - not now anyway. Erika got to work on attaching extensions to give me a head of hair longer that shoulder length in a honey blond color, not too far from my own natural hair color. At the same time a manicurist worked on my hands, attaching fake nails and filing them. After the hair and nails were done I was given a full facial, an eyebrow wax and eyelash tinting. Erika was keen to do hairstyling and make up, but that was not Sally's strategy. I was to do my own work with what I had. The first thing that I noticed was my hair. It was long and thick, and it fell about my face. Sally introduced me to a variety of hair clips, bands and scrunchies. With extensions I used a brush, only using a comb to work a center parting. Sally said that hair was a woman's joy and that she had longed for hair as I now had, since she was a child. She was thrilled to share with me a joy for trying simple styles. It had initially seemed a hassle for me, but I could see how much fun it could be. We did high pony tails, French braids, buns, twists - admiring them in mirrors from all angles. I did the same styles on Sally, initially with hilarious results. We fell about giggling. I started to feel that that little things like this were a joy, and that being a girl could really be fun. Long nails were harder to cope with. I could not put my hands in my pockets - but as Sally explained, I would not need to. I also found that long nails made me use my hands differently. I had to pick things up daintily. I had to hold my hands to protect my nails. And of course, Sally was right, when it came to doing any significant manual chore I was pretty helpless. Make up was one thing that I took to easily. My background in artwork allowed me skill with the brush and pencil, and a good make up job seemed so much like a custom paint job with the blending of colors and the use of highlights. Initially I followed the simple rules that Sally had laid down, but then I started to experiment on my face and Sally's. She said that I had a real talent. My artistic flair also came to the fore on clothes. Sally had a large array of fashion and women's magazines and we would go through clothes, hairstyles and make up trends together. I quickly developed a sense of what looked right. It seemed strange to me then (and now) that I had never noticed women's clothing at all. So much money and attention is paid to fashion yet for men (as I had been) it meant nothing at all. The only clothes that I had liked on women were those that I could see through or that hid nothing. Colors, cut, drape and detail meant nothing to me. The artist in me could now appreciate all of these. When we were not poring over magazines, Sally had a strict regimen of soap operas and chick flick movies. She would point out movements and behaviors' that were distinctly feminine and we would act them out later. Initially I hammed it up but I found that I was slipping in to these actions without deliberation. Of course, in the movies it always ended with the girl winning her man, something that we had always wanted to happen, and in which we shared her joy, often with tears. But it prompted me to ask Sally about men. She explained to me that before she had changed her sex she had regarded herself as a heterosexual man, albeit with gender confusion. She had never really considered sex with men until after her operation. Now she considered herself a heterosexual woman and had never felt sexually attracted to a woman since. The whole idea seemed very strange to me. In fact as I looked at myself in the mirror, I found the whole thing beyond belief. There will be people hearing my story who will say the same thing - a man does not become a woman. My only explanation is that after AAI took over my body I ceased to be a man. If you went through what I did you would understand that. That is not to say that I became a woman. But now the face looking back at me was a woman. I wondered about myself. Why had I asked Sally about men? It may seem stupid, but while all of this was going on I had not considered my sex life after AAI. I suppose I assumed that I would find a way to go on winning women to my charms, even without a body that could perform as a man, but that now seemed ridiculous. Dressed as a woman, the idea of chasing lesbians for sex seemed weird, but that is what I would be doing. I started to check out the men in the magazines and the movies. Did I find them attractive? Could I have a relationship with a man? The turning point was when I was watching one particular movie with Sally, for training purposes. It was a classic high school melodrama with the good-looking dweeb chasing (and ultimately winning) the cheerleader away from the jock. I suppose I looked at the dweeb and wondered whether I could ever have him make love to me as a woman, but when the jock took off his shirt and smiled at the cheerleader I felt something unmistakable. It was pure womanly lust - my first experience of it. I told Sally which of the two men I would prefer in my bed. She laughed ... and agreed. For me the remarkable thing was not that I had apparently switched sexual preference - the truth is I was still not sure that I had - it was that the man I preferred was so dominant. It made me feel even more feminine and even submissive. The sexual partner that my body seemed to respond to would be on top, fucking me. I realized that I would never fuck anybody again. Because in truth, I could not. With male hormones to animate it, my penis was just a piss nozzle. There was no decision to make. AAI had made it for me. I was to become a woman. I called my endocrinologist and told him to arrange the operation. Sally jumped for joy and insisted that we celebrate. I borrowed a floral dress, a pair of heels and a bag from Sally. We took a cab downtown. We went to visit Erika and had our hair put up in special but essentially casual styles. I had my ears pierced and CZ studs inserted. Sally coached me on how to tone down my appearance and behavior to appear more normal. Actually I never really took to the hyper-feminine thing anyway. I felt that I could get away with acting like a tomboy as long as I looked good - and that night, I did. We went to a high-class bar with a hefty cover charge for men, but women free. We ordered cheap champagne. We smiled at men and had them buy us more expensive girly drinks - camparis and stuff like that. Sally said that as women, we needed to be careful not to get drunk. My smaller body mass could not hold the liquor and as the weaker sex we could never let ourselves be taken advantage of. But as women we could use our sex to the max. Two guys took us for a late supper at Gerry's Grill. A guy called Mitch sat next to me and put his hand on my leg more than once. I lifted it off the first time but put my hand on his - I figured it meant "no sex but keep up the attention" - at least up until a few months ago that would have been how I read that signal if a girl had done it to me. So it is like having all her tools with a man's knowledge on how to use them. We parted company with the guys outside the restaurant. The cab had stopped, and we were explaining what a big day we had coming tomorrow. Mitch asked for my number and I explained that I was just in town a few days staying with Sally. Sally had already given a number to the guy she was with - a fake one as it turned out. Mitch said he would call her to reach me, and that as I was a visitor he could show me some sights. As we parted he moved to kiss me - I knew the move as I have done it before. The idea is to leave the girl with enough to make her want to take that call. I decided that I would do the classic response and turn my head to let him kiss my cheek, but as his hot breath neared my mouth I found my lips part a fraction to receive him. I could feel his lips were hot; I could feel his whiskers against my soft skin; I could taste his tongue - musky and sensual. I almost swooned. He could certainly feel my body yielding. When we parted I could see that if I was affected, he was doubly so. It was as if my impulsive docility made him need me. I could see it and could feed of it. I began to see that as a woman I could have power over men. I went into hospital the next day. There was none of the counselling associated with transsexuals. The operations were an established treatment for AAI. It was covered by my medical insurance. The actual procedure followed a few days later after my body had been poked and prodded, and my overall health assessed. The aftermath was painful - no escaping that fact. I had a small plaster on my nose (a little size reduction included), my chest was encased in a formed bandage and my groin was wrapped in cloth with a urine tube coming out. To say that I felt kicked in the balls would have been a gross understatement. Sally came to visit, and she had the advantage of knowing what I was going through. Within a few days and with her support, the pain subsided. I had stayed in touch with my friends and my business by email. I had dared not call as my voice had changed. Lying in a hospital bed I had access to email through my laptop and found myself clattering away. I had not only been able to send messages but I was able to price some jobs and even send concept drawings down the line using a computer graphics that I used. Fortunately, I had Larry looking after the shop, so I could do concept, pricing and admin from a distance. But the truth is that the big work needed me on site. If my business was to survive I needed to get back to it. As I recovered I decided that I needed to prepare everybody for my re-entry into our group. I felt that it might not work. To say that I was the same guy who had left three months earlier was so obviously a lie. I was a very different person. Not just in the body of a woman, but a person who now loved dresses, spent hours at the mirror and had kissed a man and loved it. Perhaps it would be hello and goodbye to all my prior friends, and off to a new life with them forgotten. I knew that I would have to prepare for that possibility, but it saddened me. So, I wrote an email and copied it to Larry, Jake and Warren and a few other pals: "After numerous tests the doctors have discovered what is wrong with me. I have a very rare condition which has affected my endocrine system. My body no longer responds to male hormones and has become feminized over time. Some of you may have noticed these changes. The condition is untreatable but is not dangerous. The only question that it raises is whether I can continue to live as a man with the physical effects that it has. I have decided that I cannot. When I next see you, I will be a woman named Anna. Some of you may not want to meet her, and if that is the case then I understand, and I thank you for your past friendship. But I have made my decision because I feel that I have no choice." It was the last message I sent from my old email address. From my new address I set out an invitation to Anna's birthday party. I had arranged to have it at an Italian restaurant near to my workshop that Saturday. I invited Sally. I had said that I wanted it low key, but she said that I needed to dress well. She suggested a knit dress cut low in the front. I thought it was outrageous but as she put it, in that outfit nobody could mistake me for a man. We had our nails done and some curls put in our hair. I had not intended to make an entrance. I wanted to be there to greet everybody as they arrived. But believe it or not we had a flat tire on the way. Both Sally and I could not fix it. How embarrassing for all my years in the industry not to be able to fix a tire, but with the heels on and the nails just done and everything. Luckily when standing beside a flat tire wearing that dress, 3 cars stopped to help! It still took a while, mainly because of all the efforts to chat up me and Sally. So, when I arrived I walked in looking a little flustered but about as gorgeous as I could be. I was told afterwards that my friends had agreed that they would applaud when I entered, but in fact I just looked at maybe 30 faces with their mouths hanging open. I was so pleased that everybody had turned up, I could barely hold back the tears of happiness. I just stammered out: "Hi, I am Anna." Once it had been confirmed the applause started. Nobody could believe that it was me. Some said that when I walked in they thought the whole thing was a monumental practical joke - that the email was a lie and I had hired a stripper to pose as me. But there was enough of the old me there to dismiss that idea. Still, in another circumstance I wish I would have thought of a prank like that. It certainly helped that AAI had worked its wonders on me, as that it how I view it now. I could have had any other condition that could kill me or rob me of quality of life. Instead I my condition simply gave me a new life. A different life. I am lucky for that, and the fact that I have true friends. So how is it for me now, over a year after that day? I continue to work in my paint shop, but focusing on design. At the drawing board I can dress smart and keep clean, but I still like to mix with the boys on the shop floor, and I have the background to relate to them. But I work more with the clients. We still get the work from our reputation and wide network in the automotive industry, but Anna offers a new feature in some of our promotional spreads and I am picking up more work. I promise "personal attention" and some guys really appreciate that. So, I like my look to be either sexy or concealed sexy without being over sexy. By that I mean that I would never dress like a whore, except in my underwear. At work I like to appear professional but with something a little suggestive or quirky. I like my hair pulled back (not too tightly) clean and sleek but with a little curl off my forehead or in front of one ear. This is like my hood designs - smooth and sleek with a little something extra. I like to wear dresses (especially when it is hot - men should envy us), but I like jeans as well. I love to wear nice shoes - there is nothing like a good pair of shoes to make you look good, and so feel good. If I must wear sweats I wear a floral t-shirt or something in my hair to maintain my femininity. I moved out of the apartment and got my own place. Jake and Warren both have girlfriends and we go out together, five of us, or six if I have a date. I am more one of the girls and talk with the girlfriends about our stuff, but I still have a special bond with my buddies. I do not go shooting with them as before, but we get together to watch motor-racing and football, if the girls are included. I am more inclined to sit on the couch with them. Larry has become my dad in a way that he never could before. I call him "Pop" and I introduce him to any new boyfriend as my father. He looks after me. I think it is really important for a girl to have somebody like Larry. Lately I have met a guy who really is the first guy Larry properly approves of. His name is Dan and he is a management consultant, so nothing to do with my industry. He is tall and dark and pretty good looking, I think. We have great sex. The first time he came inside me, it almost blew my brains out. But he is a gentle and generous lover, and a nice guy. I have told him that I have XY chromosomes and that I am sterile, but 100% a woman. He has researched AIS but I have not told him about AAI. Is that wrong? It is almost the same thing, so I figure. Anyway, we went out with Jake and Warren and the girls last weekend and in a quiet moment he proposed. I said yes but I told him we should have had a special date for a question like that. And he said: "I thought you might like to check with them before you said yes." I am going to say that he was joking, I think. But if he was not, then it just shows that he understands that I am still close to my buddies. But when I said yes, it was with the understanding that the boys are still my boys, but this man is the only man I want in every sense of the word. I want him with me. I want him to care for me. I want him to share everything with me, as I will with him. I want him inside me. So here I am, just married. I had a wonderful day as the bride, and I am looking forward to a lifetime as a wife to my Dan. The End © Maryanne Peters 2018

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My son and I the third chapter

We both slept all through the night, I guess really hot sex will do that to you. I woke up first, at I think around 10:00 or so. I got up completely naked and went to the bathroom. I thought he'd wake up by time I got back, but he was still sleeping. I was still horny though. I thought about waking him up so we could have sex again, but I decided not to. I however, saw his laptop, and I decided to get a better look at Scott fucking his mom. Even I would admit that she was a total MILF. I didn't...

1 year ago
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Sarahs First Time true story

I've always been a sexual person, very open and comfortable with my sexuality, a huge perv if you will. I'm well known for inappropriately touching friends, just for a laugh, and everyone is pretty much cool with it. But for one friend,we'll call her Sarah for sake of privacy, things were different.Now there is a wide range of what I generally do and get away with, usually slapping an ass, rubbing at a clit through pants, and caressing a tit, ect. One day I was at a friends house, it was about...

4 years ago
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Die Kostm Party

Am Wochenende hatten wir leider nicht die Gelegenheit uns auf neue Abenteuer einzulassen, meine Frau Susanne hatte einer Freundin versprochen mit auf eine Kostüm Party zu gehen. So eine halb private Veranstaltung mit rund 200 Gästen und Live Musik. Eigentlich hatte Susanne sich schon lange auf diese Party gefreut nur jetzt wo es vor der Tür stand hätte sie es eigentlich gerne abgesagt um noch irgendwas zu machen das mit ficken zu tun hat. Aber das wollte sie ihrer Freundin Anja auch nicht antun...

2 years ago
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Exciting first time as gay bottom

It was during that time i was bored of jacking off to porn magazines. I wanted to try something but i never could find some girl to have sex with. I was discussing this with a friend that he said there was a massage parlor with happy ending. He told me to go there, he said there i could have sex with the masseuse. He never been there he just heard stories. Now i asked where i could find it. He told me area where i could find it. Now i went there. It was not able to find the place, i didnt...

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Magic part 2 the magic continues

“Hello Kandie, Hi, I see you posted your story. I hope that it will be as enjoyed being everyone who reads it, as it was obviously fun for you in writing it. I loved having my share of fun in inspiring you in writing it. Hmmm, I wonder if the seed of desire to fulfill that stranger/stranger fantasy has set itself. Perhaps some more stimulation to captivate your imagination and desires will further fuel it. I know you’re looking for fun and excitement, so allow me to excite you...

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Feels Like 4 How it started

“It all started on Tegan’s birthday,” I began to explain. “We had had a few drinks, then came back to my dorm room because I had explained to her that her birthday present was there. It was actually Riva hiding in my closet. “When we got into the room, I saw the Red Sox cap on the desk, moved there from the chair: Riva’s signal that she indeed was there. Tegan instantly ringed my neck and laid a great kiss on me. Our foreplay was great and we got just about to the point where we usually...

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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 2

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 2 My Mum and Sister went downstairs and I had a moment to myself looking in the mirror.  I didn’t recognise me in the reflection I saw a teenage girl, a very attractive teenage girl! I joined my Mum and sister downstairs. I was becoming better on the heels “Mum I have to reiterate that this all ends in 6 weeks time right?”, “Of course sweet that’s what Dave said and I’m so sorry but very proud of how you’ve dealt with this.” She touched my hand.  “And we can...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Sixteen

A Working Man 1 Ann barely slept at all and every time he woke he felt a sinking thump in his belly at exactly what had become of him and his so-called holiday; exactly how sickeningly poor his situation was. At 5am, with nothing better to do and nowhere warm and comfortable to go, Ann eventually decided to walk to the farm where Jeb worked - where he would be working today. It gave him an awful sense of dread but still an essence of fervour. There was a still a tiny part...

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Preachers Daughters Part 5 The End

Martin settled into his chair with the paper and she fidgeted with a magazine. Her mind refused to focus on the world around her. Every time she tried, the photograph flashed into her mind. She refought the battle over and over whether to tell. Martin and show it to him. She knew what the picture could do to him and his career if it fell into the wrong hands or if it was already in the wrong hands. She shivered with the thought of what would happen to her world and her family. "I'm going to...

2 years ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 17 The Delivery of Christmas Cheer Part I

In 1963, we had the makings of a very different Christmas ... with 8 days to go before the 25th, students were sent home, not to return until Monday, January 6 ... a long break. Moms were in the stores buying Christmas gifts for family members, reacting to being lured in by the usual festive window displays: Christmas trees, Santa, Snow scenes, and mannequins decked in Red & Green. Yet at the baseline of seemingly any and every store were small-to-medium sized American flags, and the...

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My Beloved ChhotoMaa AuntyMom

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

2 years ago
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a day at the beach part 01

One summer day, we went to a beach Something about laying in the sun always makes me horny. We found ourselves a nice spot and laid our blanket down and sprawled out to catch some rays. I was laying on my back and you was laying on your stomach with your bikini top off. After a little while, you noticed me checking out the side view of your tits, and you could tell I getting wet . Just to tease me, you would occasionally lift yourself up just enough for me to see your nipples. you noticed me...

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A Country Girls Dream

Yesterday had marked the end of her second week and her motel room rent was now due or out she would go. She had a handful of bills in her purse and she needed these for food and other essentials. She was feeling depressed and lost. Two weeks, after leaving the fresh greenery and open mountain air of the small town, and she had seen endless amounts of model agencies all over the crowded, dirty and cold city. But it was the same story wherever she went. "We want girls who have appeared in other...

1 year ago
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1000Facials Alura Jenson Don8217t Tell Your Dad

Busty blonde milf Alura Jenson wants to fix things with her stepson. He’s a little upset with her since he used to have fun with her back at the strip club where she worked. And now he has to face the fact that she married his father and is now his new stepmom. But Alura wants to make things right and take really good care of her new stepson’s needs. Like busting his nut all over her face. She pulls out his cock and starts to swallow it down her throat before stroking it with her...

1 year ago
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MomShoot Spencer Scott More Than Keeping You Company

Ike is home alone when Spencer drops by to see his mom, a close friend of hers. Ike tells her she is off for vacation, but she is too bored anyway so she decides to keep him accompanied, as her husband is also busy working. As they sit on the couch, it’s clear that Spencer is trying to seduce Ike with her big boobs and enchanting eyes. Ike feels nervous about getting naughty with his mom’s best friend, but he starts to relax when Spencer starts sucking his cock viciously. The two take things to...

2 years ago
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The housewives private sex club Part 2

I had only been to the housewives secret sex club once and I already felt that I had become addicted to sex with young men. My friend had got me to go the first time and I really enjoyed myself especially knowing that my husband was at work and I was having wonderful sex with a gorgeous young man behind his back, I love cheating on him, it’s so exciting. I had arranged to go again and this time I was determined to have two young men at my disposal. I preferred them in their very early 20s so...

3 years ago
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Measuring My Cum pt3

I had barely been able to concentrate on my lessons at college that day. I'd spent much of it with a semi hard-on just thinking about mom wanking me off that evening, and the sight of her in her underwear. By late afternoon, the ache in my balls was more than normal. I needed to cum, big time.When I got back to our house, my heart was beating fast, not knowing quite how things would pan out this evening. Mom's car was parked in the driveway. She was home already she normally got in before me,...

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Cocksuckers Paradise

Florida, the land of AARP, is the home to lots of mature cock sucking, and I try to take advantage just about every time I’m in the state. I was here for a long weekend and made sure I stopped in on a few of my favorite arcades. It was a lot of fun.Today I stopped at the place on US 19 which is in the midst of updating all of its booths. It has finished half of them, and boy are they great. A big video screen for viewing, well-lit so you can make your selection more easily, and a long wide...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 28

I decided to wait until I was less emotional before deciding what to do about Osborn. So the next morning I was at the sports field at 6 AM. I ran my hour and did about seven miles. I had stopped counting the laps and just ran an hour. I hated to fucking run. I always had hated it. It was seven thirty when I pulled into the gym and hit the bag for an hour. Since it was Sunday, I didn't have a real plan for the day. Reggie didn't say a word, he seemed to have something on his mind. He sat...

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Power Failure

A big storm was headed our way. It was nothing new and I was prepared. However I gassed up the generator and ran it just to make sure that it worked properly. Over the years I had wired the house with special outlets so that all I had to do was throw a couple of switches and I would have my refrigerator, furnace, television, and a few lights still working. It wasn’t really necessary but I had also installed shutters that really worked. They weren’t just a decoration on my house. So I went...

2 years ago
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Transformations for Pokemon Mates

19 year old Ash Ketchem found himself in a white room filled with legendary pokemon. He knew something was up. He didn't know if he wanted to be a part of it. 'Ash, my chosen one.' Ash turned around to see Arceus, the creator of all Pokemon. "Arceus!" Ash quickly exclaimed, falling to the floor, bowing. 'There is no need, Ashura. Please, get up.' Ash quickly got up. "Ummm... why did you bring me here?" Ash inquired, suddenly noticing a blush from some of the Pokemon behind Arceus. 'You've saved...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Samantha Rone Ashley Adams Sarah Vandella Sister Act

Music journalist Sarah Vandella has major celebrity dirt on teen idol pop star sisters Ashley Adams and Samantha Rone. Sarah has a sex tape to prove the sisters are secretly lesbians. She’s trying to get an exclusive with a publisher who will put her story on the magazine cover. Ashley Adams and Samantha Rone head out of the recording studio to meet Sarah Vandella for an interview. The girls are also hoping to get an exclusive on the cover of the magazine. Sarah asks them routine...

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My Night at the West Lake Inn Part 3

I didn’t know what to do or say. I could only muster a meek “Sorry.” “Don’t be sorry. It’s what you asked for. It’s what I agreed to. Go for it!” “Going for it with your boyfriend in front of you is very embarrassing for me.” “No one here is judging you, you know. Not me, not Ken. And if you don’t talk about this with anyone, then no one will judge you for the good fucking you want Ken to give you. You are embarrassed because you are judging yourself, probably through someone else’s...

4 years ago
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Consequences Estelle

Edited as always by Angel Love, with my thanks. As I lay on the bed, the evening coming to a close, I reflected back on my recent life. My babies, Alicia and Beverley, were grown and on their own now. Both had graduated from college and had careers that they loved. Victor, their father would have been proud of them had he lived. I know I was. I am their mother, Estelle, and I made a promise to myself that I would see them safely on their way in life and I had kept my word. The rest of my...

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The cloud

The rain had been falling non stop for three days. Roads were flooded making it almost impossible to move about. Most businesses had stayed closed because of flooding, the school was still open but most of the kids wished it was closed, the local river was overflowing, the pumps at the chemical factory were coping with the flood waters, that was the official statement released by the management of the factory but many local people suspected the pumps were not coping and when the alert sirens...

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Shower Time With CoachmdashPart 2

Coach Kennedy had truly rocked my world by having me swallow his cock and hot load. I had no clue that he was interested in guys at all. I had always had a crush on him but never ever imagined it would be anything more than just a fantasy.After our shower encounter, I cleaned up and got dressed. As I was leaving the locker room, I saw Coach's girlfriend pull up. I overheard Coach Kennedy tell her he was going to rock her world tonight. I wondered if she would realize his load wasn't as big as...

2 years ago
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My First Time With Jackie The End

“Ok Jackie you don’t have to tell me, but trust me; you will leave here feeling very satisfied; because I’m going to tear that cootchie up girl.” I laughed, but kept my eyes on her. I needed her to know that I meant it. She just blushed and opened her legs wider…   I left her panties on and asked her to lie on her stomach. I began to gently massage her back, while giving her soft little pecks… I loved her reaction to my touch, her skin all goose bumpy and her soft moans...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 25 The Crown Princes Playground

The Emir decided to inspect the torture suite of the Ruby Palace in more detail. Accompanied only by the Golden Palace's Chief Eunuch, he let himself into the suite and proceeded to tour the rooms, of which there were six, placed three on either side of the corridor with the sloping floor and the drain. In the first room, containing the rack, he wasted no time, merely ascertaining that the equipment was all working satisfactorily. The mechanism moved easily and smoothly and the cuffs locked...

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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 3

That winter Buster died. He was curled up in his dog bed, and looked like he was still sleeping, but he was gone. He was old. They'd gotten him for Jill when she was four so he was old, but everybody kind of expected he had a couple more years left in him. I was the one who noticed, because he always lifted his head and wagged his tail when I walked into the mud room, where his bed was. When he didn't, I investigated. I admit I freaked out a little bit. I'd never had a pet, and I'd never...

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Christmas selection box

Christmas selection boxThe following options could have been available this year if you had been in the right place at the right time.After a hard final few days preparation for the Christmas family get together, she was drying herself after a quick shower and getting ready for an early night when the phone rang. Being divorced and middle aged she was not prepared for late calls on Christmas eve, particularly when she did not recognise the number. Something inside her said “its Christmas” so...

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Deputy PorterChapter 6

"Why on earth would I do that?" I asked. "Because, they tell me I'm good company for one thing. For another you have to eat anyway, and I would pay," he said. "Of course you would pay, that goes without saying, but I think I will pass. You can try again some other time. Right now I have too much on my mind." I said. "Come on, I did some checking. You don't have a boy friend and you live in a motel. You can surely make time for one dinner with a new friend," he demanded. "Maybe...

4 years ago
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my wife and I 4som

Me and my wife always had a very good relationship and we're always looking to explore some of our sexuality although at times we never really seen eye-to-eye on what she wanted or what I wanted but we always met in the middle. This particular day we were talking about exploring our sexual Horizons and I always said let's bring in another couple she was very much against it in the past but this time was different she says I thought about it many times and I would love to try to do something but...

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Saturday morning, a rainy day, i was getting ready to go out for work when suddenly i slipped and fell straight,banging my head to the ground and my weak backbone cracking to a “thud”noise.I thought i am dead as I cried for help.My sister in law came running screaming “jijaji….. what happened” and coming close to me tried to lift me. Drops of blood made her panic, as my wife was in the market and she alone in the house studying for her Medical enterance exams for US universities. Suman,22,...

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My sister Carol

She came in,walked slowly into the living room and plopped herself on my couch."What happened?",I asked softly,sitting next to her.She cried a bit more,then,sniffling,she began."Rich and I had a big fight.We called each other all kinds of names and I threw things at him.He told me to get out.I have been crying the whole 40 miles up to your apartment."She broke down again and I sat there with my arm around her,soothing her. A few minutes passed by as she cried some,blew her...

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Sindhu And Rashmi

Thanks to those females who suggested what more i should have done to increase the pleasures of the two queens of my previous story.This is the story which happened over the weekend. I was travelling from Bangalore to Gulburga. This being a long weekend of Good Friday all buses were full and i had to opt for the Red bus which is least comfortable. It was 4 pm and i went and sat on a three seater window side cursing myself for not realising that it was a long weekend i had to plan my trip with...

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Star Wars

((OOC: I would like to mention as the author that I am also the writer of a few other SW stories on other accounts, so if any have similarities, that is why) Leia sighed. For the next several weeks, it would just be herself and her daughter, Jaina, at home. The rest of her family were obliged to go handle a situation on a planet on the other side of the planet leaving her to handle things at home along with Jaina who had decided to stay. As Leia stared up at her ceiling from her bed, she bit...

1 year ago
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Good Friends

Introduction: Young, hot teen sex. I waked up and i realisated i had a slight erection. In 30 minutes i had to leave home, but since my mother was on the computer in my room, i stood in the bed 10 minutes, but the erection wouldnt go away So i simply bent my torso so the erection is less visible and i dressed myself. I walked my way to school, not minding my erection after 10 minutes. i arrived too early, so there was not a lot of persons, when i did my walk towards the schools door i realised...

2 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 24

First thing the next morning, before he went down to breakfast, Matt called the attorney who was handling his folks’ estate and made an appointment to meet with him that afternoon. The lawyer was hesitant until Matt told him why he wanted the appointment. The attorney listened to Matt’s explanation and, after he heard what Ezra and Serena were up to, he said he thought the idea of Matt moving in with Mary and Rick was a good one. ‘I’m sure there won’t be any problems with what you’re...

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New Girl in Town Chapter 1

Baseball was in full swing now, no pun intended, and our team was looking up to be decent this year, I'm the starting pitcher for our varsity team and I have been since I was a freshman, I'm between 6'5" and 6'6" short dark brown hair, and I stay in shape so I guess you could say I'm "ripped" or however else other people say it. Our team was in the dugout packing up and todays practice was just about over when I look behind me because I hear a dog barking as loud as can be, like...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 29 More Stew

“No need to be afraid First Daughter!” the Old man said and the gun spun out of Freydis hand and floated in mid air. “I am Egill Skallagrímsson, the Eldest. I am sure some of you have heard of me. My friend here is Elkhart the First Keeper of Hasvik. We are not here to harm you, arrest you, kill you or stop you from what you are doing! We came because this world of ours is in grave danger, because we too believe it is high time all citizens of this world are heard and because together we are...

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And the New Year keeps bangin

More true story here. After my New Year's fun recounted in the last story, I returned home hoping for a "two-fer" with my wife. Alas, it didn't work out that we could fuck that 1/1 night, but we took care of business the next day. And the day after. Given that we'd had a number of weeks-long dry spells during the prior year I was pretty psyched at all the action I was getting to start the new year and hoping it would continue. So far, it has. The other couple we play with called a few...

1 year ago
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Night of Fun with my Master

I sigh as I finish up the last of my paperwork, my muscles tense and tired. After a long day at work, all I wanted to do was go home and relax, though I knew my Master wanted me to wait for him at home. Sighing again, I grabbed my keys and locked up the restaurant for the night, and started to head home. While driving, I reminisce about our quickie in the office earlier, and I feel excitement for tonight. Driving up to the house, I get out and head to the door, stopping for a moment before I...

4 years ago
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my lesbian roommate part 1

written for sexiitessHey everyone my name is Tess and let me tell you about my freshmen year in college. Im a petite 5'6 blonde with a sweet and innocent look and beautiful blue eyes im very athletic with a set of perky and firm 34b tits. So as I said I was just a freshmen and had arrived at my dorm everyone was moving in and the hall was a clutter of people and luggage, once I navigated the clutter i found my room i walked in and wow my roommate was drop dead gorgeous. She was so tall later...

4 years ago
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Peppermint AnticipationChapter 3

Slave walked to the door, those damnable weights on her nipple clamps swinging with every move. Choking down her growing arousal, she opened the door to reveal a squat, bald older man dressed in a hotel uniform with a name tag that proclaimed "Eric", pushing a room service cart. His eyes widened as he took in her naked form, then he openly leered at her. The cart held two trays with covered dishes, sets of silverware wrapped in fine linen napkins, two glasses and a pitcher of iced...

3 years ago
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During this time of lockdown my wife Sarah and I have reflected on many of our swinging experiences including one occasion where we had a threesome with a TGirl. Sarah was quite shocked that I arranged it but she wasn’t aware that over the years, before I met her, I have had a couple of experiences with TGirls. I thought I’d take this opportunity to share my very first one.I was in my early 30’s, living in London and actively bisexual. I used to visit a couple of gay saunas not far from where I...

2 years ago
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The Park Encounter

As you step out of the house, the wind blows up against your black skirtGoing out with no knickers again, you are such an awful but daring flirtWith the cold, your nipples stand hard and erect through your thin topYou knew it was chilly, but even so for this meeting you would not stopWith just a jacket and shoes the only other clothes you were wearingYou felt turned on by the naughtiness and knew it was daringAs you cross the street, you feel as if everyone knows where you are goingBut the...


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