Eva eine unendliche Geschichte
- 3 years ago
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Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...
Hallo Leute, ich möchte hier mal mit einer wahren Geschichte anfangen, die dann ja vielleicht weiter geführt wird. Ich bin ein 25jähriges, wie meine Bekannten und Freunde sagen, zwiespältiges Girl. Auf der einen Seite habe ich das Aussehen wie ein Engelchen, auf der anderen Seite ein Sexverhalten und Sexvorlieben wie ein Teufelchen. Dann will ich mich mal kurz beschreiben, ich bin 1,76, wiege 60 kg, habe gewellte, schulterlange, blonde Haare, leuchtend dunkelblaue Augen, einen nicht zu großen,...
Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...
InterracialIch stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...
InterracialDer Tag neigte sich dem Abend zu und in der mittelalterlichen Gasse herrschte nur noch weng betrieb. Schauriger dicker Nebel schluckte das letzte Licht des Tages. Die Fenster der Animiermädchen waren mit Kerzen hell erleuchtet, so das man durch die roten, fadenscheinigen Gardienen ins innere sehen konnte. Natascha die russische Puffmutter, lehnte an einer Mauer an der der Putz herunterbröckelte und inhalierte tief den Rauch ihrer Zigarette ein. "Was ist ihr geilen Böcke, hat keiner von euch...
*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...
TeenHans lebte vor vielen Jahren in Xstadt, einem Ort, der auch eine Universität hatte. Hans studierte zwar nicht, aber er trieb sich gerne in den entsprechenden Kreisen herum. Er fiel nicht sehr auf mit seinem Allerweltsgesicht und -körper, auch war er doch nicht so schlau wie die Studentinnen, die ihn hauptsächlich interessierten und konnte deshalb auch nicht mit genialen Sprüchen glänzen, das aber gereichte ihm durchaus auch zum Vorteil, erkannten ihn die Mädchen, sahen sie ihn ein zweites oder...
Gestern hat er mich plötzlich angerufen. Andreas. Der durchtrainierte Typ, den ich in der Diskothek kennengelernt hatte als mein Ehemann mit Grippekopfschmerzen im Bett lag und mich volljammerte, ich müsse mich um ihn kümmern. Aber von so etwas hatte ich mir noch nie den Abend nicht versauen lassen – im Gegenteil. Was für eine praktische Gelegenheit. Ist mein Mann doch selbst schuld. Wäre er nicht so langweilig, würde ich ihn zwar trotzdem betrügen, aber er käme vielleicht wenigstens mal bei...
Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf. Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden. Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls...
Hallo, mein Name ist Emily . Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und ihr kennt mich zwar noch nicht, aber dafür seit ihr ja hier. Aktuell gehe ich noch zur Schule und mache meinen Abschluss. Ich bin nicht die beste, aber auch nicht die schlechteste. Allerdings muss ich sagen, würde ich lernen oder Hausaufgaben machen, könnte ich besser sein. Ich würde das auch machen, wären die Themen nur nicht so langweilig. Viel lieber mache ich etwas mit Freunden oder gehe ins Gym. Früher habe ich viel geturnt, aber ich...
TeenHallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!
Alles beginnt bei dem Hauptcharakter. Ich erzähle ein wenig zu mir, da ich alle Geschichten aus meiner Sicht schreiben werde, falls das uninteressant ist könnt ihr sofort unten zu den Geschichten springen. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt. Erstmal Allgemeines: Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand. Ich habe eine Schwester, die aber selten Zuhause ist. Der Wald an dem ich wohne hat...
Sarah Baumann hatte es von Anfang an für keine gute Idee gehalten, aber sie wollte ihrem Freund Ralf, mit dem sie jetzt schon fast acht Jahre zusammen war, nicht die Freude verderben. Er hatte sich „Weihnachten wie früher“ gewünscht, wohlwissend, dass es sowas nicht geben konnte. Zwar konnte man versuchen alles so auszurichten wie vor 40 Jahren, was einem bei den Dingen wie Essen, Dekor etc. auch gelingen konnte, aber man selbst war einfach nicht mehr der, der man als Kind gewesen war. Sarah...
Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.
Das "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...
Hier findet ihr kurze Geschichten, die nicht für sanfte Gemüter sind. Sexualisierte Gewalt, Mord, Snuff, sind nur einige Schlagwörter, die zutreffen. Wer das nicht mag, möchte bitte hier aufhören zu lesen. Meine Darsteller sind alle über 18, machen freiwillig in meinen Geschichten mit und niemand hat einen bleibenden Schaden behalten. Natürlich sind alle Geschichten frei erfunden. Eventuelle Ähnlichkeiten zu Gegebenheiten, Personen oder sonstigem sind weder beabsichtigt noch zutreffend. . Die...
Reminiscing was something that Roquan rarely did. He tended to be focused on the present and the future. Dwelling on the past, whether for good or for ill, was a waste of precious time. Yet he could not help but let himself be taken back to a point that, all things considered, was surprising recent despite how much had happened since. In Roquan's personal bath off from his bed chamber, Amanda sat quietly near one edge of the pool that surrounded the hot spring. She was being slowly and...
My Fantasy by Mstrmrd (PART TWO) Our trip started as usual. It was another plane flight to Sacramento. As we sat on the plane next to each other, Linda acted like a school girl in love. Sherested her head on my shoulder, held my hand, kissed me. I think everyone on theplane thought we were newlyweds. Boy, were they wrong. When we got to our motel I found that Linda had reserved only one...
We're a mid 50s MWC that has been swinging for over fifteen years. Most of our experiences have been with other couples and single men, plus we have attended private house parties and swing clubs. My wife found out early in our journey into swinging that she very much enjoyed the attention of two men and we have engaged in a number of MFM threesomes as a result, many times in which she enjoyed the pleasures of double penetration. Once this horny MILF gets going, there's not a whole lot stopping...
We both remained married yet we met, you know, continuing to discuss the past. We had a lot to talk about and so much experimental sex to try out. “Yes, my wife used to tease me saying I was trying to do anal with her. She would say I was going to try to stick me in the wrong hole. I was not, I swear, but she just kept up talking about it. Never would I do that.” “Well, Shy, my silly timid friend, she was asking for it.” “Nooooo ... can’t be.” “Oh really. Think about it. Why at all otherwise...
I sleep pretty heavy and damn her if she didn’t know that little fact. I knew she was up to something when she let he take her so many times and so many ways earlier, but waking this way was not what I had in mind. My ears were plugged, my mouth taped shut, I was blindfolded and tied naked to the bed. I was in the same place she was just a few months ago when I took her as she had asked me too. She was right it was scary and enticing all wrapped in one, but where was she. I didn’t smell her or...
Hi Tony, I'm Jenny's husband. She told me that you used to go out with her at school. Did you get your fingers into her cunt when you were on your own. I bet you liked to slide your hand up her leg, under her skirt and into her knickers. Then let your fingers rub her cunt lips until she started to get wet, so you could slip one then two fingers inside her. I bet she liked to stroke your hard cock and then kiss the end of it before letting it all go into her mouth so she could suck you off.Do...
The overnight VIP bus to Chiangmai is filling up fast as Matilda climbs up the stairs to her armchair seat towards the front of the bus.She is a little startled by the size and length of the dark man who is fully filling the neighbouring window seat. Must be a basketballer.“Hi, I’m Al,” says the man with a smile. “I am going to Chiangrai.”“Hello, I’m Matilda,” she says, smiling back.As the luxury bus slides into the Bangkok night to head north, Matilda places a flat red pillow that she always...
InterracialHi guys and gals, I’m Adhi from Bangalore. this is my first story that was happened in my school days. my cousin sister is Arthi and she was newly married girl that time. I went to her home in my summer vacation. my sister’s husband doing marketing and he use to stay out of station often. I was studying 10th std that time when Arthi got newly married. She was looking pretty good as she was newly married. we both are always be frank to each other. One fine day my sister’s husband got an urgent...
IncestAn overheard conversation "You know what transgender is? Well I am in transition " "oh you must have just started then" "huh?" "Its almost a shame that a pretty girl like you would feel the need to be a guy, but I guess you have to go with your heart" "Actually ... I was a guy." "No! Really?" "Really." "I cant even picture you as a guy" "Neither could I" "Well, good luck" "Thanks" End
Jake was dreading the evening to come as he deflated the beach floats and stored them away in the shack. He gathered the surf boards and stacked them on their shelf like he did every evening at closing time. Once finished Jake locked the cash away in the money box, then closed up and locked up the beach shack. Jake strolled slowly up the beach, stopping to hose the sand off his feet before putting on his flip-flops. He carried the money box with him over to his Jeep and hopped in. Jake exhaled...
Waxing into a New Me part 1 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story and it may not be sold. It may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. It starts with a real statement; however, it becomes the life I wish I had after the first page. Comments or ideas may be sent to: [email protected]. Jane said, "What did you do? You look more like a woman than a man." James: however, most of the time he used Jimmy, had just taken his clothes off and he could clearly see his...
I surprised her by picking her up and carrying her back to the bedroom, almost like the proverbial picture of the groom carrying his new bride across the threshold. Upon entering the bedroom, I gently laid her on the king size bed and rested her head on a pillow. She laughed, as she kicked off her shoes and settled in."Let's take this slow," I told her, as I settled in next to her on the bed. "I mean, even with everything we've done already, I haven't even given you a proper kiss yet. Let's...
With a name like Filth Flix, I knew right away I wasn’t going to be tuning in to family-friendly cartoons or SFW viral videos of dances, challenges, and stale jokes. Filth is kind of a funny word, because it takes on different connotations depending on how it's used. If I tell a woman my bedroom is absolutely fucking filthy, she probably ain’t going to come back with me to spend the night. If I tell a babe I want to do filthy things to her in my bedroom, well, my chances go way the fuck up....
Top Premium Porn SitesSo i'm laying around the Trailer.just relaxing and playing with my always horny pussy.When the phone rings.I say Hello,He say Hi cousin.it's my cousin from up the road.he say i wanted to come by and visit the family, I look down at my pussy which was twitchin,and said my pussy says come on over,he made a big YE-HI,i will be right over. we used to fuck all the time,he was the one who took my Anal Cherry.He didn't want to get pregnant.(as you know from Pt 1 my dad or brother gave a c***d).He...
I woke up alone in bed and looked at the close. It was 8 in the morning. Could yesterday have been a dream? Did I really have sex with Amya Yoshido after not seeing her for a couple of years? Yeah I thought to myself it was a dream. That is until I got up and realized that I was naked and stiff. It wasn’t a dream at all, then where is she. I searched that house and she was gone, but she left a note. My heart was pounding hard and I’m scared to read the note. It probably tells me how...
I would begin by undressing you completely and securing your wrists and ankles so you were standing spreadeagled and totally exposed . I would also strip so that you could see the effect you were having on my cock as my hands explored your body, caressing your beautiful breasts, teasing your cute little anus and checking your sweet pussy to make sure you were wet with anticipation for was was to follow. Your pupils would dilate with fear and excitement as you watched me select the various...
The twins arranged for Kim to spend a week with them prior to school starting. Kim’s mother, Heather, dropped her off and Jane invited her in. The three girls immediately disappeared out of the house, leaving Jane, Heather and Faith together in the living room. It was a rare occasion for Faith to wear clothes and she wore a green sundress. “I hope it’s not an imposition on you,” said Heather. “No, not at all,” offered Jane. “They play well together. And besides, Faith is their governess for...
His wife, Vimala, a real beauty was in her early forties. They were a hard working couple, loved, feared and respected by one and all in the town. Being on the move every minute of the day, they had maintained an excellent physique and not even an iota of fat was in their bodies. They wore a look of a young couple. By nature, Raj was up early every day. After having a massage done by his servant, was out on his farm for a stroll. He used to cover up to 10 K.M everyday by foot before...
Note : This story is completely fictional! On the third thrust I pushed in as far as I could and rubbed my balls on her panty-ass and concentrated on the feel of her silken against me. I exploded; torrents of come seemed to explode out my cock. The pleasure was so intense that it was almost painful. I shuddered and groaned for what seemed like an eternity as I filled my mother with my hot seed. Eventually I came down from the plateaux of ecstasy and opened my eyes. I found myself looking at my...
IncestLake II By Connie W (aka ponygirlTS) Chapter Eight A Few Days Later I have to admit that I am uncomfortable with Lake sleeping around. I think that she has had sex with everyone except Jerry (who she says she won't) and Martin (who she says avoids her like the plague). Martin was doing all right at avoiding her too, until she caught him in the shower. She had picked the bathroom door lock and snuck in. She had made a show of it as she walked through the living room and...
Lucas Frost is surprised by his lover Tara Ashley, who beckons him back to bed with a guileless smile. Her slim figure is framed by an open shirt, showing off how stunning Tara is in a lingerie bra and thong. When Lucas captures her lips and then throws her down onto the couch, Tara is warm and willing and eager to be seduced. Wasting no time, Lucas kisses his way down his girlfriend’s body, trailing his lips down her tanned thigh and down to suck briefly on her toes. Tugging Tara’s...
xmoviesforyouDuring my senior year at college I met one of the cutest girls I’d ever seen. Lauren was a blond freshman, and stood barely five feet tall, with a cute bubble butt and perky breasts that were just right for her small frame. She was dating a friend of mine and he told me she was dating several others too. Since she wasn’t going steady with anyone, I asked her out. She accepted and we went to a movie a couple days later. During the movie, she took my hand and held it for the remainder of the...
At first glance, 21 year old Kenzi comes across as a sweet girl with a bubly personality and a gorgeous smile. But when you look closer at her tattoos and pierced nipples (if you’re lucky!), you’ll see that this petite vixen is actually a real sex dynamo! Yes, Kenzi loves sex and we love girls who love sex, so it’s a match made in heaven. She got an early start at 14 losing her virginity and it only took a few more years before she was on a pole at a strip club. Kenzi is a bit...
xmoviesforyouI suppose I should tell you a bit about me. CV’s, university application forms and so on, I spend so much time giving my details that I sometimes forget who I am. Well here goes my name is Tom, I am 17 and I am in the sixth form at an all boys School, I am very bright at least that what my teacher tell me. My mates think I am a nerd, they also think I am a virgin that hurts even though it was true up to about a week ago. I do like girls and in fact have a big crush on Emma Watson. I am really...
The bellman must have seen the look on my face, he reaches out a hand to steady me. I lift my gaze to look into his eyes. My emotions must show in my eyes as I see the pupils of his dilate. I break the glance and step away from the bellman, looking for the elevator as I cross the lobby. Finding the elevator, I press the button and wait for the elevator to arrive. Glancing at the key I realize I do not know the room number that I am to go to. I look inside the envelope again and discover the...
Roddy’s mother sat on the settee stroking a big black dog. The black butler brought in the boy. ‘Thank you, Charles.’ She uncrossed her legs but crossed them again as the dog tried to nose up her short skirt. ‘Naughty Fritz, don’t you think?’ She smiled at the boy. ‘Wouldn’t you be more comfortable taking off that jacket and sitting over here beside me?’ He did as she suggested, awkwardly, blushing. She was wearing a strong perfume. Her...
[For Robert once again! ; - }>]The older man sat back suddenly, letting go of the younger man's erection as he did. He saw the look of frustration on the younger man's face---from having be SO close to coming a moment earlier; but now it had been thwarted, frustrated, denied---yet again!The older man watched the younger one's face closely. He enjoyed teasing him, and frustrating his strong urge to ejaculate, not because he didn't like him (in fact, he liked this young man very much), but...
Responding to the large number of requests I wrote this ending to Clark Kent or Superman? It is one of several possible endings I envisioned, one of the more likely ones to me. I hope it satisfies the readers looking for an extension to the original. If not, imagine your own ending – it’s fun. There is no sex whatsoever in this story. Barry returned shortly with Linda. Damn! Each one was better looking than the last. How could somebody like Barry attract all these incredible women? Ouch....
One day my old friend and college room mate Swati was visiting me.Swati was my age but not married sicne her father was sick and there was noone to take care of her. She was an attractive woman with big breasts and a firm wide ass .Now she opened her heart in front of me and told me her problem. Swati not being married was not without her needs. She was maintaing physical relations with a neaighbour forn the last 2 years or so.This man was a married man who was living alone because of the job...
Hi everybody, this is Raj again with another story. To those who dont know me am raj kumar, 26 from neyveli living in chennai. I am an aunty lover I love women more than girls, am fond of armpits which are wet. So aunties do mail me if u wish to feel how armpit fuck looks like mail id. Coming to the story the heroine is my aunty Shree 38 she is a family friend of us and lives in a house near our area. She was married to a guy who is in his later 50s now. So obviously she must be starving for...
IncestHi there. My name's Mike and I'm twenty-three-years old. I'm happily married to Shelly whom at twenty-five is just a little older or at least I thought we were. We'd been married for just over a year when once night as we laid in bed after sex, Shelly said "she'd often wondered what it was like to make love with other men." Shelly had been a virgin when we married and although I'd read a number of stories in this newsgroup about men that get off watching their wives fuck other men, I'm not one...
Spotlights chased the sparkling blur of spandex and ponytails tumbling toward the flaming pit below. A split second more and surely the inferno would devour her. A muscular man swung past dangling from a trapeze, and snatched her by the wrists. Applause erupted from the hushed crowd with the ferocity of a raging volcano. The ovation passed through striped tent walls, rumbled over scarecrows guarding neighboring corn fields, and startled a woman up to no good. Alison struck her head against a...
HardcoreIntroduction: My name is Jesinta Jovanoski. I am a 16 year old school girl, who is thinly built at (32-25-34), my breasts havent developed like most girls my age and was a B-cup. I am a brunette, with past my shoulder straight hair. Currently I have a live in arrangement with the school Vice-Principle aka Mr. Anderson aka VP. Also I have started experiencing a new relationship with my boxing trainer, Jim Broadbent aka Jimmy. Going to the Gym I woke up some time after 1:00pm, naked and with a...
This was a long time coming. I had tried with previous SO's, mostly unsuccessfully, to communicate my desire for BDSM play (I'm a switch: enjoy being both dom and sub). Finally, after a little over a year with my ex-girlfriend, I was able to get what I desired. While I was away for a week, we were texting and talking, and I managed to get on the subject of bondage. We agreed to go "toy shopping." Upon my return, we booked a hotel room and went to work. We created scenarios, the first of...
Hello, everyone. I write this second part taking forward how my father in law made love to me on our overnight train journey from Mumbai to Bangalore. In the last part, I explained how he had turned me on and how he was hugging me with his hands moving all over my body. I shuddered when my father in law placed his hands on my bare waist. I was wearing a saree and I could feel his cold hands trying to feel every inch of my waist. At this moment I wanted to stop him as I knew it was wrong but I...
IncestThe next morning Maria pulled herself from bed. Kyle had raped her twice more during the night and she had hardly slept a wink. Rape was probably the best descriptor for although she offered no resistance she was now convinced that Kyle was simply doing what his father had done, taking what he wanted with no regard for her feelings at all. There was not a shred of what had passed between her and her son those seven years ago. No love, not even affection, Kyle was here to avenge what he felt...
I love it when his cock stretches me. Any part of me. My cunt, my arse, or, as it’s doing now, my throat.It’s that feeling of being full that turns me on so much. That delightfully submissive feeling that I get when I know my body is internally transforming just so it can accommodate his cock. Stretching and straining to fit his thick shaft, wherever it is he chooses to put it.And I love his cum. I adore it. I dare say, on some occasions, that I need it.I love that indescribable feeling of it...
Oral SexI settled into my seat, briefly glancing over my shoulder to check that my suitcase hadn't moved in the last minute or so – it hadn't. I took my iPad out of my bag so I could read on my journey, only I couldn't concentrate. The words faded from my focus, instead I could only see his face. I imagined him in front of me, his lips against mine, his hands on my skin gripping me tightly, holding me to him. I smiled as I thought of what was to come. I shook the thoughts from my head and tried to...
Straight SexEver since the month started, its been happening again. The dreams. They always start the same. Total blackness. The darkness is everywhere. So deep. It touches everything. And then the bumpiness. The shaking. The feeling of being thrown around. The feeling of pain. Of stretching. Of pounding. Pain…and pleasure. Its become so frequent, so intense that Lana’s started seeing a psychiatrist that her neighbor recommended. The psychiatrist, Dr. Richards stays close by. And he immediately...